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    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 15th June 2021, 9:00 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "T-two bit..?" Tony mumbled, defeatedly. Britney, meanwhile, began preparing to fight off this woman. "A quandary floated across Tony's mind at this point. On one hand, he was a sworn officer of the Rune Knights, and this woman was a hardened criminal. However, he had also spent thousands of jewels on this building. He had worked here for years, and he even handmade the table that was now laying in pieces in front of him. The trembling of the walls confirmed his suspicions. No, they were no longer suspicions. She was a strong earth mage. Stronger than Tony and Britney for sure."

    Britney raised an eyebrow at Tony's assessment, getting up from her chair. "Fine. I'll answer whatever questions you have to the best of my ability. If I can't answer, Tony will and I'll try to translate since sometimes he can be a bit... roundabout in his answers. If neither can answer, I'm sorry. However, you promise to let the building stand and to not harm us, and we will let you go with the excuse of questioning you for a theft that you were a witness to. That sound good?"

    WC: 0192 | TWC: 4494

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 ULxbPj2
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 15th June 2021, 9:19 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 346 || TWC: 3475 || Job Info || Job Approval
    Taking a deep breath, Amber quelled her seething fury and with it the trembling in the earth. Snapping her fingers, she summoned a set of green magic circles - a thick one comprised of intricate traceries and symbols wrapping around the middle of her forearm like a bracer, a thinner one resembling a chain looped around her wrist like a bracelet, and a third containing a many-pointed star hovering in front of her palm. With a wave of her hand, time seemed to reverse, cracks in the walls repairing themselves and the table flying back together, whole once more. In fact, it seemed almost like the lioness let the spell go on for too long, and some of the weathering the table had accumulated over time, dents and scratches and general wear and tear, disappeared as well. When she ended the spell, the table looked a good two or three years newer.

    With that taken care of, Amber took her seat again, folding her hands on the table as if she was the one giving the interrogation, not the siblings. Which, she supposed, was true now. "How many Rune Knights are stationed in Era currently? How many are A-rank and above? What do the typical troop formations comprise of? Where do the Rune Knights get the bulk of their supplies, and when is the next shipment? When is the next troop rotation scheduled? Who are the current leaders of the Knights, and what are their current locations? Where are the Knights' other main strongholds and how well are they maintained? How many troops are garrisoned at those strongholds, and how well are they equipped?" She fired off a series of questions rapid-fire, aiming to get a general view of the Rune Knights' current status and an in-depth look at some of their operations. From the nature of her questions, it would be easy to tell that she, or someone higher than her, was planning a strike against the Knights. Whether it was to further her solo vendetta or a guild-scale action would be almost impossible to discern.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 15th June 2021, 9:51 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Tony pulled up a chair next to Britney, sitting at his table. "Tony listened to all of these questions. He did not know how much he had authority to say. He could maybe-"

    Britney cut him off. "A lot of this is stuff we're not privy to. Despite our pride, we're still only privates in the Knights. I'll answer what we can. We don't know an exact number for current Knights in Era, and that at least thirty five percent of officer positions are above the official A Ranking. Enlisted ranks are unknown to us, since we're enlisted ourselves. Officers lead squads of the enlisted, depending on their rank. The exact formation is unknown to us. Supply lines we do not have the information on either. However, we can attest that our current acting Field Marshal is Serilda Sinclair and our Director is Mythal Ragnos. We do not know their current whereabouts. Both are Gods of Ishgar. Each major town has an outpost set up, with varying degrees of preparation for each one depending on the city. Crocus's outpost would, if I had to guess, be akin to that of a small army. Reinford and Hargeon's are large as well. Outposts in Guild Towns, primarily Ace of Spades and Magnolia, are much lesser due to the guild's presence."

    Britney placed her hands against the table, glaring the woman in the eye and trying to show no emotion. "Are these answers adequate?"

    WC: 0242 | TWC: 4736

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 ULxbPj2
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 17th June 2021, 8:58 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 472 || TWC: 3943 || Job Info || Job Approval
    Amber listened to the woman speak, nodding absently. Once she was done, she gave a derisive huff. "Of all the Knights I could have ambushed, I had to pick the two that don't know anything useful. Just my luck." she said, then rose. "That being said, you have given me some information I needed. This Field Marshal and Director you speak of... I've never heard of them. Which must mean there was a recent regime change... Which means the true perpetrators of the crimes against me are either at large or dead already, robbing me of my revenge." At that thought, she slammed her fist into the table again, cracking it lightly. "I'll have to track them down. After that, I'll have to go after these so-called 'Gods of Ishgar'. Such a pretentious title." With that, she headed for the door, waving her hand dismissively. "Thanks for the help, such as it was. When I return to Era, I probably won't kill you, unless you get in my way. Don't ever think the Queen of Stone doesn't repay her debts."

    Exiting the building, she resumed her disguise, walking as if she hadn't a care in the world. On the inside, however, her thoughts were awhirl. Learning about the changes in the Rune Knight command structure had shaken her. She'd already taken out the lesser officers who'd been directly in charge of her, but she'd had her sights set on dismantling the entire power structure of the Knights. She'd known that those previously in charge of the police force had been corrupt - they'd done nothing when she'd anonymously brought evidence of her betrayal to their attention. But these new commanders... She knew nothing about them, except that to earn the title 'God of Ishgar', they must be enormously powerful. For all she knew, they could be the nicest people on the continent. And yet, that didn't change her plans. Whether or not this 'Serilda' and 'Mythal' were individually corrupt, the whole system was rotten to the core. It was time for the Magic Council and their pet mages to fall, one way or another. But... For now... It may be time for Amber to go back into hiding. If word of her attack filtered up the ranks, she could find herself on the top of the Most Wanted list again, and the powerful officers the siblings had spoken of on her tail. Hell, maybe even the Field Marshal or Director would come after her personally. She decided she would hang out in Era a few days more, assuming a fresh disguise every day, keeping her ear to the ground for rumors of her activities. If she heard anything going up the chain, she would disappear underground again and wait for it to blow over. That, at least, was something she was used to.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 21st June 2021, 9:33 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "You didn't even know that we were Rune Knights until we straight up told you..." Britney said with a confused look after her complaint at them not knowing anything. "Most of us in the force would not be able to say much more than that, so I guess I apologize that we're not good enough traitors?"

    Tony nodded. "Indeed. The woman was asking a lot of the two recruits, the handsome detective and his wily sidekick. She was asking them to completely give away all the secrets of their job, something that could not only get them discharged, but could easily be labeled as a felonious offense. Of course, Tony was worried about this. If he and his sister were arrested, that would break their mother's heart and make their father more than a little upset. To that end, Tony had to ask an important question." He turned to the woman. "You did not hear that from us. As far as you are concerned, this is information you found by yourself in independent investigation. If you fail to keep up that end of the examination, we will fully charge you with assault of an officer."

    Britney sighed. "She could just kill us though."

    Tony shook his head. "No. The woman seemed too honor bound. Perhaps as a result of her time with the Rune Knights, as contentious as her exit from the force had been. She seemed like the type to honor promises. Tony was always good at being able to tell the small facts and features about people like this. As much as people called him eccentric, weird, socially inept, a mistake upon humankind, a poor detective, a two bit detective, a friendless fraud, a failure of an adult, and someone who is just overall bad at functioning in normal society, Tony knew in his heart of hearts that he could tell that. Reading people was his specialty. Perhaps it was the Psychology 101 class he took in college, but he knew deep down that he was an expert at this sort of thing. The woman had an aura about her that said that she would not bring harm to the siblings unless they were an active threat to her mission. If anything, she would show extra mercy due to their cooperation."

    Britney raised an eyebrow. "Sure, I'll take your word for it. As for your plans on the Gods of Ishgar, they're the most powerful wizards in all of Fiore. Serilda Sinclair and Mythal Ragnos of the Rune Knights, Samira Nassar of Sabertooth, and Johann von Weiss of Dies Irae. At the very least, they are the strongest recognized Saints, and the Saints are the strongest recognized wizards in all of Fiore. Maybe there are stronger mages, but they're far beyond the scale of your 'Queen.'" Britney leaned back and shrugged. "But who am I to stop you? I'm just recognized as a B-Rank mage under the Council's rankings. You seem on par with an A-Rank, if I had to guess, but that's not nearly enough to stand a chance against a God of Ishgar unless you're lucky."

    The woman casually walked out of the room, Tony trying to stop her. "W-wait, my table! And my firm!" He watched as they were calmly restored to their previous states. He coughed absently. "They had no choice but to let this go. That woman was more powerful than the two of them combined, and she had advantages that the siblings could not overcome. No, there was something about that woman that the siblings could not reasonably take. Tony gathered stock of everything he knew about this situation. This 'Amber Stone' was a smart woman, but more than a little headstrong. After seeing Britney, she decided to go into action for a quest of personal gain. To that end, she needed to eliminate the biggest threat. Possibly she saw him as a boyfriend-"

    "Gross. I wouldn't date you because you're my brother."

    "...maybe as a bodyguard, or perhaps she figured correctly that it was family, it did not matter. Stone decided she needed to eliminate the biggest visible threat. So, with Britney distracted, Stone made her move. It was a good move, admittedly. Earth magic to toss him into a well followed by taking steps to keep him alive. Likely she figured that the death of this man of presently unknown relation would cause distress to Britney. Of course, she could not afford Tony to figure out the truth. Luckily, Britney was a smart woman. She led Stone away from the scene of the crime, knowing that if magic were involved, the proximity away would weaken the effected, allowing Tony to escape. That was precisely what happened, but Stone was quick to adapt. Once Tony had managed to escape, she was prepared to kill Britney. Britney had shown no signs of being magically gifted, though it was entirely possible that Stone could sense some sort of magic within her. The Mimic Slayer Lacrima their parents had given them was not exactly a subtle power: pure, unfiltered magic processed into a lacrima as best as possible. That little lapse in information - no, not a lapse. It was a lack. Stone had no way of being able to tell, so it was not an oversight - allowed Britney to stun Stone for just long enough to temporarily knock her out. It would not be much time, only to allow travel to Tony's detective firm, where they would begin an interrogation. At the time, there were many unknowns. The thin markings of a Rune Knights insignia, the changing appearance, the mysterious story of the woman that, as far as Tony's searches through Archive were concerned, did not exist... too many questions, not enough answers."

    Britney nodded. "I suppose that makes sense for how you'd see everything up to that. She didn't really seem malicious, even for a member of a Dark Guild as notorious as Errings Rising. Just really one track minded on attraction." Britney thought for a moment, looking around the dimly lit room. Tony really needed to light the room up more. "Check if there's any other reports of her appearing around Fiore. Amber Stone, not Kenna Brown. Aside from just the Rune Knights, she must have been doing something else while away from the Knights."

    Tony nodded, quickly scrolling through Archive. "Most I can see is that she attended a festival in Reinford."

    Britney thought a moment. "Reinford, huh? Rumor has it one of the heiresses is in the guild."

    Tony nodded. "Seems to be the case. The youngest of the lot, Valkyria. It would make sense if Errings Rising had some leeway in the city, Tony thought. The leader of the outpost there was a Velkhomme as well. If Valkyria were a member of this guild of Amber Stone's, then it would make sense that their family would allow the guild to roam more freely."

    Britney nodded. "I don't think we have enough evidence to prove that, though. Plus, if we brought it up with Sinclair and Ragnos, they might ask why we were curious and that could lead to all of this coming out."

    Tony harrumphed. "It certainly was unfortunate, Tony thought. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. They only gave basic information on the Rune Knights, as that was all they really knew. But at the same time, they gave away more information than a normal civilian should have. Yet they also potentially had a thought towards corruption in the ranks of the Knights..."
    Britney brushed it off. "If they're corrupt for helping Errings Rising, then so are we. They might be on a higher scale, but corruption is corruption. We broke protocol by not immediately turning Stone in, so I say that we don't mention this to any of the higher ups. This incident didn't happen, and if there's questions about anything that happened, we just say it was bringing her in for interrogation on a theft and the rumblings were her being upset at being accused of the crime. She was let free on all charges because we could prove nothing. This wasn't part of the Rune Knights, this was part of that independent case you're working on. You ARE still working on that, right?"

    Tony nodded. "Indeed. The burglarization of a small townhouse on the outer edges of Era. Suspect was said to be a female of similar height, so it is not unreasonable."

    Britney sighed. "So basically all we know is that Errings Rising might be planning something, but we can't say how we got that information?" She shook her head. "We'll keep it in mind, but we can't do anything about it."

    Tony nodded, beginning the process of cleaning up his building that he went even further into debt for, the two siblings musing to this strange day.

    WC: 1484 | TWC: 6220

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Reconnoitering with a Side of Fraternizing (Private/Amber + Altarias) - Page 2 ULxbPj2

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