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    Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 29th July 2024, 7:26 pm

    1245/???? WORDS
    Skylar Silverwind
    There are some things you can only learn in a storm.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    Far above the exhaust-choked streets of Motor City, a thunderstorm of prodigious size growled and grumbled, dropping sheets of rain and flickering with lightning of various colors. By and large, the residents of Motor City stayed in their homes, only venturing out into the unnatural storm under the cover of umbrellas or heavy raincoats when absolutely necessary. The storm was deemed unnatural for one simple reason - it never moved, and hadn't for almost three days, ever since it had rolled into the skies above the engineering city and settled there like a ponderous stone rolling into place. The storm was, of course, due to the presence of one Skylar Silverwind, the Last Stormcaller, called the Lord of Storms by some who knew of him and his unprecedented control of tempests.

    Skylar had blown in with the storm, flying upon its winds as he usually did to cross great distances in short amounts of time. He hadn't intended to stay, only to eat and rest as he continued upon his nomadic journey. But on that first night, he'd seen something that had persuaded him to stay, at least a while longer. As the winds had borne him down to the city, sweeping him along the streets that had emptied of pedestrians as the storm blew in and sent them scuttling indoors to keep themselves dry, he'd caught a glimpse of a small knot of men in hooded black cloaks huddled around the figure of a young woman, her face white and drawn with fear. By the time he'd slowed himself, expending the prodigious momentum afforded him by the stormwinds, and turned back around, the figures were gone, vanished into one of the massive warehouses or garages that formed the bulk of Motor City's outskirts.

    Now, two nights later, after careful investigation, Skylar perched atop one of said garages that had been abandoned for several months - up until a small group of dark wizards calling themselves 'the Circle' had moved in, co-opting it as a temporary hideout. The investigation hadn't been terribly difficult, as the so-called Circle were not terribly careful. They moved in small groups of four or five, always in those same black hooded cloaks, terrifying local shopkeepers and business owners but never stealing anything of real value. Several more times, they had accosted citizens of the city, cornering them in dark alleys cluttered with garbage and detritus, but seemed reticent to do anything more than intimidate them. Their whispers amongst themselves, carried to Skylar's ears by the winds, had at last revealed their master plan: They were going to steal some cars. But not just any cars - the famous magic cars of Motor City.

    Skylar sighed to himself as the Circle emerged from their hideout in their strength - all twelve of them - and set about with their plan to bust into one of the many car factories of the city and make off with at least six cars. The Stormcaller had barely understood their motivation when he'd first heard it. He had little use for cars when the storms he could call could convey him far faster than any land-based vehicle. He never had to adhere to roads, which invariably curved around obstacles such as mountains and lakes. He could simply fly over them. Even better, once the storm had been formed, only a minor amount of magic was required to keep it moving in the proper direction, even less if he maneuvered it through the complex network of trade winds in the upper sky rather than simply bulled through them. Weather phenomena had their own momentum, and once a storm was set in motion it generally needed only small nudges here and there to keep it on its path. Magic vehicles were getting more and more efficient, but they could not move without draining a constant amount of magic power from the driver, and that amount was almost always higher than what Skylar's method of travel required. Still, he could - after several minutes of rumination - understand that such vehicles were desirable to people who couldn't simply call a storm into being and ride it as he could. Which is to say everyone but him.

    The black-cloaked members of the Circle hurried through the streets, hoods up to protect themselves from the rain and the prying eyes of whatever citizens happened to be about, while Skylar trailed them from above and behind, winds conveying him from rooftop to rooftop. It was child's play to keep up with them when he could cut corners that they had to walk around. Finally, after a few minutes, the group stopped in front of one of the large factories, just in front of a massive rolling metal door that closed it off from the outside. The dark wizards conferred for a moment, and then one of them stepped forward and pitched a burst of fire at the door, clearly intending to blast through it. A minor effort of will and a flick of his wrist was enough for Skylar to call forth a swelling of wind and rain that simply swallowed the fire, extinguishing it like a candle. The mage that had tossed the fire looked at their hand in confusion for a moment before throwing an even larger fireball, to similar results. They stepped back and conferred with their peers for a few more moments before another wizard stepped forward and summoned a bolt of lightning to strike the door. Feeling the crackling hum of electricity building as the wizard performed their spell, Skylar grinned and chuckled to himself. It was too easy. The moment the lightning left the wizard's hands, Skylar simply redirected it up into the clouds, which swallowed it with barely a mutter of thunder.

    The group huddled together for another conference, clearly at a loss from the abject failure of their magic, while Skylar breezed over to the roof of the factory, anticipating what was going to happen next. And just as he'd predicted, a different mage stepped out of the huddle and marched towards the door, rolling the sleeves of his cloak up as he went. Skylar had seen him in action the day before, and just as happened then, silver light began to grow around his fists, a moderate effort of kinetomancy that would, theoretically, be sufficient to open a hole in the door. The Stormcaller lifted a hand towards the sky, and the clouds responded with a bolt of silver-white lightning that crashed to the ground just in front of the striding wizard, the explosive shockwave of superheated air sending him flying backwards, landing in a skid that carried him across the rain-slick concrete to halt at the feet of his mystified compatriots. Skylar stood on the roof and lifted his arms to the clouds, his head tipping back to feel the wind and the rain on his face as he closed his eyes and reached out to the storm. Lightning began to fall like rain around the group of dark wizards, keeping them pinned in. The lightning mage tried their best to halt the electrical assault, but the power of the Stormcaller simply overrode theirs, leaving them batting at the smoldering cuffs of their cloak. Even before Skylar had obtained the Lacrima that was his father's legacy, storms had been his domain. Only one wizard he'd ever met had been able to contain his power, and she was long, long gone. The so-called Circle were helpless to stop him.




    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Altarias 30th July 2024, 7:37 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Brit sat in one of the cold bars of Motor City. It was certainly a different vibe from that of the normal restaurants or taverns she happened to often visit on jobs such as this. Rather than the homey, wooden, relaxed aesthetic, this bar, the Wild Snake, was bright and neon, yet somehow feeling somewhat slimy and oppressive. Massive, burly, tattooed men roared and drank, and already four scuffles had broken out in the short time she was here just today. She sighed and took a sip of apple juice. She'd been assigned to look for a guild known as RAGE, the Radical Anarchists of Geometric Exhibition. A silly group, at least from the sounds of it, but Tony had noted that they were a surprisingly formidable group of foes at times. Of course, the group here in Motor City were the Circle, which Tony's Archive noted was possibly their weakest group. Brit always sighed at the thought of having to deal with a group so weak. Their Guild Master, The DarkStar, was allegedly a wizard the likes to rival H-Ranks, while the Circle were a group of ten to twenty relative weaklings. What their plans were in Motor City, Britany could only guess. The city made her think they were after some of the cars, but there had also recently been a large shipment of expensive mechanical parts that arrived in town. Of course, there was also the possibility of them just going after some of the rather unsecured banks, or just looking to cause some distraction... it was a tough thing for her to exactly pin down.

    Especially with the storm coming through. She never was a large fan of such weather, cold and irritating to deal with. But this storm just never seemed to cease. It made her investigation and interrogation rather difficult, even if the rather tattered and flimsy umbrella her mother always made sure she had with her helped stave off the rain some. The cold and wind still bit at her, even with the conservative covering her uniform afforded her.

    "Oi! O-oi! Chameleon!" one of the local Knights called to her. "Show 'em what ya magic can do!"

    Brit sighed and shook her head. "I'd rather be careful and not waste it. It takes a while to reset to normal, so if I need to use it for something else..." Seeing the state of her fellow member of the force, she made a decision. "Plus, I think it could help to do some searching for RAGE at night. You never know what you'll find."

    Saying this, she got up and into the streets of Motor City, pressing open the umbrella. It still bore a rather cheesy photo of the two siblings their mother took of them after Brit's middle school graduation, a sizable hole forming across her face on one of the quarters of the photo. I swear, Mom... she thought to herself, a flash of embarrassment painting her face. She took a few steps out into the storm, ensuring that the hole was not going to drip water onto her, looking around. She had not really thought of what she would look for as the paved concrete and asphalt of the city lightly glistened with rain beneath the streetlights , but she just had to get out of such an alien location to her. After a few moments of thinking, she simply decided to make her way out one direction and walk, and if anything caught her interest, she would look further. Unsurprisingly, nothing had caught her interest for the first half hour that she went out to look. But as soon as she was ready to turn around, before a bolt of lightning struck, right in the city. As far as she could tell, to keep the safety of the factories in tact the city invested in keeping away the natural elements from having such effects, which meant this had to have been an unnatural, magical bolt. She rushed her way over, folding her umbrella up to help her run faster. She sprinted as fast as she could, trying to make sure that she made it to this location before whoever was responsible left.

    She arrived at the outskirts of a factory, steeling herself for battle as she neared where she thought the bolt struck. Her suspicions were confirmed, though not in the way she expected, when she saw a dozen cloaked people dancing within a cage of lightning. Brit sighed. "I'm not really sure what you decided to do, but..." she began casually walking forwards, her enhanced senses feeling a presence nearby. She was cautious of it, unsure of it capabilities. If it was hostile, she was ready to eat their magic if she had no chance. "But for a group like this to be so thoroughly defeated? I would have thought that there would have been a bit of a fight from a chapter of a Dark Guild." She stepped up to the cage, the lightning crackling close enough to nearly singe her eyebrows. "I can't imagine that RAGE left you work alone. There's another chapter here, isn't there?"

    One of the hooded figures, a short woman no taller than five foot, stepped forwards.

    "As if we'd tell you anything, Knight scum!" she spat out, proceeding to actually spit in Brit's face.

    Brit sighed. Faster than the short woman could proceed, Brit had landed a punch square into the nose of the woman, who now regretted her mistake to meet the Knight at the bars. "I have time, and if you don't talk now I can have the Knights get that information out of you by other means," she said, waggling the lacrima that called an arrest to her location.

    A hulking man, someone who had to have been at least eight feet tall in comparison, meekly raised a hand. "P-please forgive my mama, she's a bit-"

    "Hush, Ryan!"

    Brit shook her head. "I'll put in a good word to give you a lesser sentence if you talk, Ryan."

    The man weighed his options before nodding. "The Square are here too b-but they never told us WHERE here..."

    Brit nodded. "Thank you. Now, just to make sure you don't scamper off..." She took a few steps back to hide from the rain. She was, in reality, more concerned about the energy she sensed nearby, her eyes scanning around the whole area to look, unsure if it would be friend or foe.

    WC: 1081 | TWC: 1081

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias] GMALSW8
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 31st July 2024, 2:07 pm

    1581/???? WORDS
    Skylar Silverwind
    There are some things you can only learn in a storm.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    Skylar kept the dark wizards of the Circle penned in their cage of lightning, each bolt shattering the concrete beneath their feet, for several minutes, until the winds whispered of another person approaching at a run. The Stormcaller lowered his face from the heavens, watching as a female clad in some kind of black uniform raced towards the cage, getting right up next to it and speaking to the members of the Circle. He tilted his head curiously, preparing to expand the cage to pen her in as well if it looked like she was about to free the dark wizards. Instead, she punched one of them in the face, causing him to blink in surprise before he finally recognized the uniform as belonging to the Rune Knights. Smirking a little, he called to the storm above and ceased its fury, the lightning vanishing with a rumble. Before the dark wizards could move, however, the rain that pounded the earth around them shifted, forming into sinuous tendrils that slid around each member of the Circle like vast tentacles before suddenly freezing in place, transmuting into ice that held them as surely as chains, wrapping them from head to toe.

    Skylar himself stepped off of the rooftop he'd been perching on, the winds wrapping around him and carrying him silently down to the ground halfway between the factory door and the imprisoned wizards. He covered the last few meters by foot and in total silence, the sounds of the storm covering his approach. He walked up behind the Rune Knight woman and stood for a moment to observe her, then reached up and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, miss. You're a Rune Knight, yes? Are you arresting these people?" he said. His normal speaking voice shouldn't have been audible over the drumming of the rain, the howling of the wind, and the growling of thunder, but somehow it came through with perfect clarity, as if the winds themselves were carrying it directly to her ear.




    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Altarias 31st July 2024, 5:38 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Brit raised an eyebrow as the man tapped her on the shoulder and talked. "Yes. I've been looking into RAGE for a while, so I suppose I should thank you." She turned around, seeing the man who was a few inches shorter than her brother and giving him a quick scan. "I suppose you were watching in case I happened to be someone trying to free the Circle? Oh, don't worry about how I knew you were there. I couldn't fully tell who you were but... well, Slayer senses sometimes just kick in a bit." She stepped away from him for a few moments as the reinforcements came to fully arrest the dozen dark wizards, with Brit still staying by. "Seems to me like you have some dog in this fight, huh? Well, the tall lad there-" she paused to inform her fellow members of the Force of his cooperation, "-he told me that there's another group of RAGE still in the city. Presumably, a stronger group than this. Though I suppose the Circle probably wasn't to be trusted with the location..." Her voice trailed off, beginning to speak to herself. "The Circle could have been pinned down to a few different locations... an old car repair shop, but I suspect that's where they themselves were hiding... there were a few traces to other factories and warehouses and-" She came to a realization. "Of course!" she shouted out, sprinting off, not caring if he followed.

    Her shoes clicked against the hard concrete and asphalt of Motor City, audible even in the tempestuous rains, making her way towards where she had her hunch towards the next location. Cursing herself for not being able to run quicker, she reached the location much later than she would have liked, though still in time for what she wanted. She caught her breath for a moment as she stared out of an alleyway towards a large warehouse, one that just shuttered its large doors with the hint of a car's tires visible beneath the doors. Yeah... definitely fishy. She stretched her gloves over her hands a little bit more, anticipating a fight with the small squadron of goons chattering amongst themselves beside their sea-side storage, a boat beginning to peek its way out of the stormy sea as it made way to rendezvous with its likely cargo.

    WC: 393 | TWC: 1474

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias] GMALSW8
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 31st July 2024, 6:13 pm

    1983/???? WORDS
    Skylar Silverwind
    There are some things you can only learn in a storm.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    Skylar tilted his head as the girl replied to him. So, she was a Slayer as well? That was interesting. She didn't have the bearing of a Slayer, and certainly hadn't displayed any such magic in her apprehension and assault of the Circle members. That suggested there was more to her Slayer magic than most he'd seen. Still, he found it unlikely that it could match the power granted him by the thing lurking in his chest, stirring restlessly as it always did when a storm was overhead.

    The Stormcaller raised an eyebrow as the girl started muttering to herself, then suddenly turned on her heel and took off into the city. He shook his head and sighed a little, then leapt into the air and let the wind carry him after her, disdaining even the pretense of jumping from roof to roof. Since he had no idea where she was going, he had to restrain himself to following her, flying just a few feet behind her and off her left shoulder, until she came to a sudden halt in front of a large warehouse. He hovered up above the level of the roofs for a moment, surveying the location and the situation. He saw a few people, likely wizards, standing around chatting while a medium-sized boat powered through the storm-tossed waters towards the nearby dock.

    Lowering himself back down to the girl's level, he spoke softly, his voice once again carrying unnaturally to her ear. "If you can handle these goons, I'll deal with their ship. Should be a breeze in this storm." he said. Once again, he had to keep himself from simply flying off and making good on his word. He had no idea what this girl was capable of, and he didn't want to leave her behind to fight alone against these wizards if she couldn't handle herself in a fight. He had a feeling she could, however, if only because of the uniform she wore. The Rune Knights tended not to accept wizards into the ranks of their Combat Corps if they couldn't handle a fight. And besides, she claimed to be a Slayer, a claim that was backed up by the buzzing of power that he could sense within her. Less than his own, of course, but likely still enough to deal with the mages of... What did she call them? RAGE, or something else stupid.

    This is the space for any notes you might have. If you end up writing too much, it should scroll nicely ^w^



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Altarias 31st July 2024, 6:55 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Just as she thought, he was eager to come along. "So you were the one responsible for all their initial capture?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Well, if that's the case, I'll trust you." She cracked her knuckles and walked out. "Excuse me!" she called out, unafraid of the small group outside. "By orders of the Rune Knights of Fiore, you are all under arrest for the crimes of membership within a Dark Guild! Come quietly or face justice at the hands of the law!"

    Clearly, the group did not take her seriously. Rather than speaking back, one of the seven grunts walked forwards to meet her. Brit was on her toes, ready for whatever sort of spell that he would throw out, but she would be met with no spell being thrown, but rather his body being thrown, his arm darting out in a long, elastic punch that Brit dodged. She stepped to the side, grabbing the arm. Just as she thought, it tried to wrap back around her hand and the fist of the wizard hooked around in an attempt to strike Brit. She smiled at things going according to plan, ducking beneath the punch and twirling around the extended arm to attempt to mount it, her weight enough to break past the thinned out strength of this wizard's arm, which quickly attempted to retract. Brit utilized the wrapping around her hand to her advantage, letting him drag her to them, delivering a kick to his face in the process. His stagger freed her hand, allowing her to deliver a swift backfist to his head, sending him to the hard ground below before he could react.

    All of this happened too quickly for the clearly unprepared six others, but by this point they realized what was happening and all made their ways towards striking at her. One of them launched out a small flurry of snow at her. No, this should be easily managed, she mused as she held out an arm to block some of it as two more attacked from her sides, one of them warping her arm into a fleshy battleaxe while the other lunged with a requipped clown's mallet. She rolled backwards out of the way, right into the waiting range of a man with a large electronic sheen to his body. He quickly attempted a bear hug on her, but Brit, staying low,  rolled once more to her side, delivering a glancing kick to his shin in the process. Her reactions were tested once more as a glyph appeared beneath her feet and small orange tendrils grabbed her arms and legs. The smug-looking mouse-eared girl who presumably sent the spell chuckled as a tall, lanky hooded figure extended an arm, a wave of earth rushing at her. Two earth users. Snow, a pair of TakeOvers, and a ReQuip, she analyzed. The tendrils are mud, which means... she grinned, realizing the intent was for her to be unable to escape, meaning that she could bend the knee inwards, ensuring the stony ripple struck her. Opening her mind and her mouth, she began absorbing the power of the earth, still cringing at the pain inflicted.

    "Mad little bitch," the mallet-wielding girl chuckled.

    Brit smiled. "Maybe just a bit," she agreed, tugging hard at the restraints, eventually pulling them out of the ground. She leaned her head back and roared out, chunks of stone and dirt bursting forth as they engulfed the two earthen mages for a moment. The snow wizard outstretched his arm, attempting to catch her up, but she was too quick on the jump, outpacing the attempt to snow her in as she caught up with the two. The lanky stone user held a hand out again, a massive spike of stone rushing at her, which she took in the face and ate, absorbing its power even as a trickle of blood spilled out of the side of her mouth. Wrapping her arm in cragged stone, she walloped the hooded figure with a right hook, sending them tumbling down as well, before digging her feet into the concrete in a quick stop, slapping her left hand down onto the ground as jaws erupted from the stone, biting down the still-reeling mud mage, slamming her into the lot and restraining her.

    The mallet-wielder unequipped her mallet, a collection of brightly colored balls now appearing. She began throwing them at Brit, who was cautious to their purpose and it seemed rightfully so, as they began exploding in puffs of smoke, shades and substances of which she could tell were poisons of different types. Maybe this would have been better, but... she mused, reaching her arms in front of her face, encrusting both in stone as she charged in, trying to use the advantage of the smoke to ambush them. Unfortunately, it seemed this lot were rather competent, as she was met in the middle by the electronic TakeOver, who dashed in and delivered a hearty shoulder block, sending her tumbling out of the smoke, bouncing across the ground before catching her feet just in time for the more fleshy TakeOver to come in, his arms combined into one sizable chainsaw that darted at Brit's head. She was barely able to get her own arms up, her wrists crossing her face as she clashed against the whirring flesh that slowly cut into the stony exterior. She quickly darted her eyes around, seeing that the snow mage was prepping a large snowball, with Brit getting an idea. She rolled inwards, the back of the heel clipping against an area that made the chainsaw man rather uncomfortable. She quickly swept her left leg out, sending him tumbling to the ground as she morphed her own arm into a large stony mallet, clashing against his side to crash him into the snowball, pushing him through and knocking out the snow mage in the process. She had a moment to catch her breath before the electric man came in, the two of them trading barely dodged punches before the mallet girl returned once more into a melee combat, leaving Brit outnumbered and she could quickly tell she would be outmatched in mere moments if she kept in long enough. Figuring a hail mary would be in order, as the electric man dipped back to allow a large hit from the mallet girl come in, Brit morphed the left side of her body into stone and fully took the strike from the mallet as she darted forwards in order to grab a hand onto the electric man, a quick burst of grey stone erupting from her palm into his face, sending him to the ground in pain. Brit quickly turned around, taking another mallet strike to the side that caused a spray of blood to erupt from her mouth as she delivered a hook to the mallet girl's face, allowing the stagger from that bring her victory as she delivered once more stone-clad punch to the gut, sending the mallet girl reeling into and through the garage door and against a rather sizable truck behind it, sending it slowly rolling into the sea as a few more people looked on in disbelief. Brit wiped the side of her mouth with her hand, looking out to see what her compatriot was up to in his own part of the mission.

    WC: 1229 | TWC: 2703

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias] GMALSW8
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 31st July 2024, 7:56 pm

    2948/???? WORDS
    Skylar Silverwind
    There are some things you can only learn in a storm.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    "Yes ma'am, I had been tracking them for a couple of days. They intended to steal the cars in that factory, but I was able to stop them." he replied with a nod, then looked back out towards the ship. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." Without waiting for a response, Skylar launched himself into the sky, heading out over the bay. He stopped some two hundred feet in the air, bobbing in place a bit as he folded his arms and observed the ship. It appeared to be a fishing trawler of some sort, likely stolen or bought used, with all sorts of cranes and derricks, including one large crane arm that was likely intended to be used to lift the stolen car off of the dock. The ship appeared to have a decently-sized cargo hold accessed by the rolling doors set horizontally in the deck amidships.

    All in all, he mused, it would be exceptionally easy for him to capsize the wallowing trawler. His storm spread far out into the bay, turning what was normally a calm, placid sea into a raging beast, the winds kicking up waves the size of houses with white caps that burst into spray. The trawler was already beleaguered by the wind and waves, barely able to keep moving forward. A careful nudge could send a rogue wave in from just the right angle to tip the boat over. A well-placed lightning bolt could cave in the hull, leaving it to slowly take on water until it sank. The same could be said for a particularly large chunk of ice placed in just the right spot. Traversing the sea during a storm was always dangerous business, but when the storm responded to the will of a wizard, it was tantamount to suicide. But... He had a feeling the lady Knight would be displeased with outright murder. She probably wanted to question the crew, or something.

    Sighing softly to himself and shaking his head, Skylar stretched his arms forward and reached out, not to the storm above but to the sea below. Stormcaller Magic was not designed for this, but it should be workable. The ancient magic granted the user control over the elements that formed a storm, not specifically storms themselves. It worked best when calling forth or controlling a storm, but it could still be used in... Unconventional ways. Skylar closed his eyes and poured himself into his magic, focusing to a greater degree than he usually did. To the Lord of Storms, manipulating the wind and rain was so simple, he could do it without even thinking. This would require more of an effort. Much more.

    At his urging, the sea stirred into a greater frenzy, tossing the ship about like a leaf in the wind, before suddenly stilling to an almost peaceful surface. Far out into the bay, some few miles away from the ship, a wave rose and gave the lie to the sudden placid conditions, rushing towards the shore with the speed of a racing horse. As it approached it continued to grow until it beggared the imagination, towering over the ship and even the tallest smokestacks of the city behind him. Far below, cries arose from the boat as one of the crew caught sight of the massive wave, and after a few moments of frantic activity on the deck the boat began to turn, as if to get out of the way. But it was far too late. The wave caught the ship up in its grip and hurtled towards the marina like a giant's hand sweeping towards the city. The surge continued to pick up speed as it approached the shore, carrying the ship up to the peak as it went.

    Once it reached a few hundred feet out, Skylar swept his arms upwards with a grunt of effort, and the wind responded. A titanic gale hurtled across the city, just barely clipping the tops of the highest smokestacks and towers, then dipping down as it rushed out over the bay. The hurricane-force wind smashed into the wave and reduced it to mist and spray, save for the very peak which continued to carry the ship towards the docks. The Lord of Storms rolled his wrists out in a circular motion and the gale twisted around itself, forming into a waterspout that bore the ship at its very crown, racing into the marina.

    Howling with the effort, Skylar grabbed the waterspout with his will and guided it past the moored ships so that it barely rocked them, stopping it just in front of the wharf. His magic whipped the winds to a greater frenzy, causing the miniature cyclone to grow even further and bow towards the warehouses that lined the edge of the city. The waterspout curled in on itself unnaturally, slowly and carefully placing the beleaguered ship gently down on top of the warehouse that the Circle - or RAGE, or whatever they were called - had appropriated. It started to tip over as its curved keel began to bear its weight, but walls of ice formed from the rain all around the boat and propped it up. As an afterthought, Skylar increased the size of the walls, forcing the boat further into the air to prevent the crew from jumping off. Without sustaining injury, at least.

    His task accomplished for the moment, Skylar opened his eyes and flew down to where he'd left the Rune Knight girl, hovering a few feet off the ground as he surveyed the results of the combat. As he'd expected, the girl had dealt with the dark wizards handily, though as he turned to face her he spotted blood all down her chin and throat. "Hmm... Perhaps I should have stayed and given you some assistance."

    This is the space for any notes you might have. If you end up writing too much, it should scroll nicely ^w^



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

    Character Sheet
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    Private Re: Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias]

    Post by Altarias 31st July 2024, 9:49 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Brit watched as the ship nestled tightly on the top of the warehouse, its landing having knocked the few workers inside down. She took a few steps forwards before the storm wizard approached her again. "You did more than I could with the ship, at least," she mused, giving another tap to her lacrima. "Plus it wasn't too bad. Banged up a little bit, but that's just one of the quirks of my lacrima. Er, the slayer lacrima. Second generation. Bit of a long story, this." She looked into the lacrima that was used for the reinforcements, struggling to use the wavering street lights to get a reflection. Seeing a sizable cut, she reached once more into the small pack she had with her and grabbed a bandage, lightly placing it on the cut on her cheek, seemingly unashamed of the children's show character decal it bore. "You a part of any guild? You seem pretty strong." She raised a hand. "Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to join the Knights. Tony does that enough. He's a bit of an idealist." She waited a moment. "Oh, right. Tony is my brother. He's working on some stuff in the capital. Another part of RAGE. And I'm now realizing I don't really know who you are." She shrugged as a few cars drove up, their lights blaring. By the time all the members of the Square present were tossed into the police vehicles, Brit had gotten her umbrella back out, keeping it above her head. "And, if you don't mind, do you think I - we - whatever - could get your help? As far as I can tell, this group of baddies is pretty tough. At least, at their full strength. Probably planning something bigger than some petty theft and car supplies." Her voice trailed off again. "They're not a big enough group to try to attack a town or city, maybe a few border villages but even then I doubt that... I suppose it isn't impossible that they're going after something big? But what? They're definitely not brave enough to try to make their way towards offing a member of the Council, and surely a city council would be too little, right?" Her brow furrowed as a droplet of rain patted her head. "Oh, right. I suppose we should probably get out of the rain. Um...have you eaten anything yet? Some of the other members of the force say there's a pretty good restaurant in town, so for your help in lawbringing or whatever I don't mind treating you to some food. It's coming off of the Knight's bill anyways since I'm technically-" her voice trailed a moment. "...technically a requisitioned officer from Era."

    WC: 0457 | TWC: 3160

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    Grand Theft Motor [Private Job | Skylar/Altarias] GMALSW8

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