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    Destiny Fractured

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 8th October 2020, 5:37 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was not used to such acts of empathy and caring, especially from himself. He’d shown several instances of it in recent months but had only been saved for Mercury, in their most private and intimate moments away from prying eyes. Going out of his way to hug Serilda was a step that even he recognized and yet that didn’t give him pause. Mythal was his adopted brother and that made her, by extension, his future adopted sister. Her pain and fear was as strong as a beacon over the sea, unable to be ignored and seen for miles. He had never seen the woman so shaken but he could feel it, practically infecting his own sense of self. What right did he have to ignore her when he could go out of his way and show her that he understood? Words could have been enough but he didn’t even have the right ones. So rather than stumble over some kind of monologue, he opted for the easiest path… and it seemed to have the effect he meant. She hugged him back tightly and thanked him, her ravaged emotions seeming to calm by a bit. But he couldn’t hold it for long -- it felt too strange. He retreated but the impact remained, which he assumed was a good thing. After a remark to Gren to keep his mouth shut, he led them back to the main room to meet up with Mythal.

    Gren quickly explained that Vandrad had ultimately uncovered the truth of Zifu’s royal title, referencing Simon's journey through the poor nation. Despite not being named, Mercury was quick to pick up on exactly who it could have been, which was to be expected -- not like he had any other uncles on his mother’s side. He nodded to her. "Mercury has already witnessed how… aggressive he is in utilizing his charm,” he explained briefly. At least he’d managed to keep his obsessive family away from the Silver Wolf mage for the most part. He attempted to shut down any attempt to give him further nicknames, even as he delivered the water to the Darkness Slayer. Mythal himself made a quip at his expense, which Mercury leapfrogged onto by calling him yet another one of her favorites: Princy-Poo. Vandrad released a noise that was a perfect mixture of a growl and a groan as he glared at Mercury, whose response was to take up her practically reserved position of leaning on his shoulder like some kind of lounge model.

    Apparently any kind of serious conversation was going to be saved until the members of the Order returned. Instead, Mercury decided to draw attention to Gren… or rather, more specifically, Gren’s beard. She inquired as to when he was going to grow such elegant facial hair, unabashedly giving him grief while also flirting with Gren. "Tsk, I’ll have you know that I am perfectly capable of growing a beard. I just choose not to -- I shave every day to ensure that my face remains clean,” Vandrad explained irritably, crossing his arms over his chest.

    The former Knight chuckled and reached up to stroke his beard. “Truthfully, I used’ta shave all the time too. But afta bein’ dead for so long, I said screw it and just let it grow. I just make sure it doesn’t get anymore ‘mountain man’ than it already is. I’m glad you like it,” Gren thanked Mercury and, surprisingly, did not flirt back with her at all over her comment. Indeed, he simply seemed bemused at the focus put on him in comparison to his son. “Couldn’t hurt to have a little facial hair, Vandrad. I find it makes one look more… distinguished.”

    "I tried keeping a mustache for a short time when I was in my twenties for the sake of trying. That satiated my interest enough for the rest of my life,” Vandrad shot down the suggestion.

    Serilda was commenting on the water and the whole of the base being rather generic when the man made of light suddenly appeared again, this time simply materializing without all the pomp and circumstance. He simply started talking and drew the attention of the entire room to himself, looking quite smug to have gotten the jump on everyone. Vandrad glanced at the Seal and narrowed his eyes as he took him in. Now that he wasn’t on edge and pinning the Lightbringer to the wall, he could actually consider him fully. He was an odd looking spirit, that much was for sure. The-mask like flesh on his face was curious and even the prince had to admit that he was intrigued to the origin. He and Mythal talked, seemingly burying their feud for the moment in exchange for neutral conversation. The Darkness Slayer figured that Lux would have gone away once more but the Seal insisted that it was in his best interest to be out and at the ready. After all, it was his life on the line too if anything happened to Mythal. And he certainly didn’t seem the least bit interested in fusing together with Faera.

    Mythal thanked the Lightbringer for alerting them of the approaching danger and the spirit, in turn, apologized that he wasn’t able to both keep the infection at bay and for waiting almost too long to let them know. Even Vandrad could sense that this was a strange conversation between the two; all that built up hostility that had been hinted at seemed to be missing. But frankly, it made sense considering the situation. Everyone was on edge, feeling anxious and worried and causing spats between a host and his spiritual symbiote wouldn’t make anything better. Yet if Lux hadn’t returned to his hiding place, where had he been? He was quick to answer that he’d never heard of the Order of Souls and, as such, his curiosity was quite piqued. He decided to go and look around their base personally, remarking that he couldn’t rely on technology like Mercury. For some strange reason he addressed her as ‘fourth wheel’, flashing a knowing grin. The Silver Wolf replied in kind, inquiring innocently if he meant her. That was strange -- the entire exchange was odd and Vandrad’s eyes remained narrowed and suspicious. What the hell was he alluding to? Why was Mercury some kind of ‘fourth wheel’?

    Whatever that moment was -- and Vandrad would linger on it mentally for quite some time -- Lux moved on, stating that he had gone wandering through the lower levels and found mostly storage. He theorized that this was some kind of temporary base used for agents to come and record findings, or at least that’s what Vandrad assumed he meant. Lux’s lexicon was about as strange as his very existence. Before he could get much further into his theory, the Lusty Titans members returned, with Monica remarking about Lux’s being there. Ruzatz, now quite intrigued, walked up to the Lightbringer and analyzed him. He concluded that it didn’t quite live up to what he had expected, the Prime Sin remarking that he seemed less impressive than the hype gave him credit for. The Seal took offense to this and opened his mouth to retort but found nothing. After several attempts to find something to comment on, he gave up, stating that Ruzatz was too attractive to properly prod. He also stated that they were half-brothers in a sense.

    Now that was interesting. They’d already learned today that the Seals were Nephilim, meaning they were equal parts celestial and demonic. By stating that they shared some kind of relation, it meant that Ruzatz had to be one half or the other. So the guildmaster was hiding things about himself as well… It seemed they had joined quite the mixed bag of people. After what was almost a playful exchange, Lux continued his explanation by saying that while others were busy, he had been doing work. Even more interesting was the fact that he seemed to correctly state all the actions of everyone involved. Vandrad probably should have been surprised to hear that some kind of coitus had occurred but considering how the three Lusty Titans members were with one another and everyone else, he seemed unfazed by the news. If anything, he kind of just sneered in derision -- a tense situation like this and those three went and had sex? Somehow, at the thought, his eyes trailed over to Agatha and for the briefest of moments, his imagination tried to spark a devious and severely unwanted image. He shook it away and burned it, refusing to let it put down any roots.

    Whatever the case, Lux had discovered some things that had sparked some questions of his own for the Order. "Questions can wait until later. We need to let them focus on finding a counterspell to help with Mythal.”

    Lux cocked his head over to Vandrad, as if he was seeing him for the first time. “Listen, Arnold Liftsalot, maybe you missed the memo. I’m the Seal of Light -- I’m a big deal. And I am far more invested in Mythal’s livelihood than you are. So how about you continue to stand there and brood while the adults talk? If I remember correctly, there’s a height requirement for this conversation.”

    Vandrad raised a single brow and smirked, an amused look passing over his face. "Sounds like someone is still upset that I manhandled them like they were nothing. What’s the matter -- the big, scary key to Armageddon get his ego bruised?”

    Lux’s eyes widened in anger and he stomped over to Vandrad, thrusting a finger up into the prince’s face. “Alright mortal, consider yourself added to the list. Once I -- ack!” In one swift and simple motion, Vandrad had grabbed the Seal’s arm and spun around him, twisting the limb up and behind his back. The prince kicked Lux’s leg out from under him and brought him to a single knee, while wrenching the held arm up at a very painful angle.

    Vandrad twisted the arm a bit more, earning a pained yelp from Lux. "People have been surprised that I was able to grab you -- a seemingly impossible task it seems. For the briefest of times, I figured it had something to do with how strong you are. But that isn’t it, is it? No, I think I know your secret…” The prince said with a truly malicious grin, even as he continued to twist the arm. "Maybe a broken arm will humble you and teach you some proper manners.”

    And the prince considered following through with his threat. But another voice cut in. “Prince Vandrad, if I may ask you to please release Lux?” Chishan, Zifu and Wanda were there standing in the doorway, having returned from their search. “The situation is stressful enough as it is -- I’d rather not have anyone squaring off with one another.”

    Vandrad glanced up at Chishan for a moment before he settled his gaze back on Lux. Then with a disgusted scoff, he released the Lightbringer’s arm. Folding his arms once more over his chest, he watched as the Seal rolled his shoulder and winced. "Next time I won’t be so gentle,” he informed Lux coldly, earning a glare in his direction but no verbal retort.

    Instead, the Seal got back to his feet and walked towards Chishan. “So you’re Lux, the Seal of Light.”

    “And you’re tall, brawny and mysterious,” Lux retorted, looking over the Master before flicking his eyes Zifu. “Mrs. Tall, Brawny and Mysterious. And…” Lux’s attention stopped on Wanda, his brow furrowing. “Who are you…?”

    Wanda opened her mouth to answer but Chishan gave her a small wave, asking her not to answer him. “So long as you’re here to offer assistance with what is happening to Mythal, we have no quarrel with you. I imagine you’d rather not have Faera as a bunkmate.”

    “You bet your ass I don’t. So you better have come up with something,” the Lightbringer stated simply.

    “We have something. But it’s risky… risky in a way that I don’t like,” Chishan said, his voice lowering near the end of his sentence. His gaze seemed to peel away as well, concern written over his face.

    "Any tactic is better than standing around waiting for the worst,” Vandrad said. "So let’s hear it.”

    Chishan glanced back at Zifu, who gave him a reassuring nod, before he turned and faced the group. “As we suspected, Faera is invoking a spell to merge her soul with Mythal’s. Essentially it is weakening his body and spirit and soon enough it will start to drain his memory until there’s almost nothing left. Then she will absorb it and gain access to his magic, his abilities and, by extension, you,” Chishan said, nodding to Lux. “The first problem we’re facing is simple to diagnose but not easy to correct. She is using the power that Mythal stole from her as an access point into him, recreating the connection that she had with it back almost twenty years ago. Through that portal, she is using her own magic to complete the ritual from inside him. It’s… almost like a telepathic link but arguably more potent. So what we know is that we have to cut off that connection… that means we need to purge Mythal of that magic he stole from Faera all those years ago.”

    “Purge… you want to make him magicless?” Gren asked, openly concerned.

    Zifu shook her head. “Not at all. We would just be removing his God Slaying abilities from him, cutting him off from the infected magic. Based on our readings, he would still have access to the other magic he has managed to assimilate, as it is wholly based on a different darkness.”

    “But you will be substantially weakened. There’s also the fact that your body has grown accustomed to a certain level of magic and has grown with your abilities. Suddenly removing that will cause physical malfunctions in ways that we… can’t properly guesstimate. It could be as simple as you have flu-like symptoms for some weeks before your body adjusts or it could completely incapacitate you, removing your abilities to ever walk again. There’s also the chance that it could just kill you -- with your genetics being half celestial, your bodily makeup is going to react to this kind of operation more drastically than a regular human’s would. But there is a way around this -- one that won’t endanger you after the fact. Truthfully, it may even make you stronger.”

    Zifu waved her hand in front of her and brought forth a… large, glowing tear, by the look of it. It was carved out of some kind of gem and carved intricately to look like a droplet. It emanated with a strange power, multitudes of colors swirling within the container. “This is the Nocturn’s Embrace lacrima, one of our rarest relics. It has been with our order for generations, a magical construct with a tragic history. We’ve held onto it because it is a true symbol of our goal -- protecting the innocent from the strong and savage monsters of the world. It has the capability to make one the ultimate hunter of the supernatural. Before now, no one has contained the strength to carry it and so it has stayed in our vaults.”

    “But with your magical power level, Mythal… you could wield it. Adding into the fact that it, too, contains the essence of darkness, making the merging of it within your body a much simpler and safer task. The only downside is that, legend has it, it will bestow upon the user great power to slay the wicked creatures of the world for all time. If our research is to be believed, it’ll make you immortal. From the moment it connects to your body and is accepted, you’ll stop aging completely.”

    “Some might consider that a blessing but it comes with the heavy burden of possibly outliving your loved ones. But mind you, it doesn’t make you invulnerable; you can still be killed. You’ll just never die of old age.” Zifu followed up as she continued to hold the lacrima just above her open palm.

    Chishan scratched the back of his head carefully. “Counting that you agree to that, unfortunately matters only get more complicated from there. To safely install this lacrima, there are requirements. We have to be in one of the darkest places in all of Earthland which, luckily, we have a spot in the Cursed Lands -- the Silent Cemetery. But we also can’t have any of our defensive sigils up or it could affect the bonding of the lacrima. Which means--”

    “Which means that Faera’s ritual will go back to its normal speed…” Gren said softly.

    Chishan nodded. “Chances are she’s increased her efforts so we’d be dealing with an even more compounded spell upon Mythal. We’d have maybe minutes at most before he was gone and the ritual to instill this lacrima is going to take at least half an hour if we use the bare minimum of magical power. At face value, we would have no chance. But apparently Doctor Wanda took some of Serilda’s words to heart...” As his words petered out, he looked over at Wanda.

    The doctor stepped forward and raised a single finger. “Indeed. I came up with a solution that can both save Director Ragnos as well as give us an opportunity to catch Faera unawares and bring about her end. You see, one of my magics allows me to create psychic bonds, allowing me, or others, to enter a person’s psyche. This is greatly advantageous when I am helping patients that have suffered certain mental trauma. But it’ll also allow me passage to Director Ragnos’ spirit, the one that is being targeted by Faera. The spell that she is using requires her to manifest within the body as a psychic link so, in essence, her own spirit is now within the body of Director Ragnos.”

    "Gross…” Monica remarked softly.

    “Yes but if we send a team into that same psyche, we have the chance to surprise her and destroy her. If her spirit is defeated there, then there will be nothing left in Kingdom Darkness but an empty husk, thereby bringing her reign of terror to an end. Even just sending someone inside to interrupt her will slow the progress of her ritual, granting us more time to complete the infusion of the lacrima.” The good doctor gave a nod at the end, showing her commitment to her plan.

    “But that isn’t without its risks either. Doctor Wanda would only be able to send two people into Mythal’s psyche. And likewise, if Faera kills you there, your soul will never return to your body. There’s also the fact that if we fail to kill her while she’s inside Mythal’s psyche, once the lacrima is installed, that connection will be gone. But all that magic that Mythal has cultivated over the years, the magic he stole from her and empowered himself, will go back to her. She maybe won’t be able to take Mythal’s body and soul but she’ll get all that power, increasing her power to limits I don’t think we can even measure. But at least if we manage to save Mythal, we can worry about killing Faera later.”

    “The good news is that we can increase the speed in which the infusion works by adding more magical power to the ritual. So if we were to go with this plan, two people would be sent into Mythal’s psyche, three of us would stand guard at our ritual site and the rest could use their magic to help hasten the installation. The guards would simply be there in case any prowling creatures happened by and decided to investigate.”

    “We’re not worried about Faera’s forces tracking us down and trying to interrupt us -- by the time they got there, we’d already completed our ritual. We just need to ensure that none of the other grisly beasts of the Cursed Lands get too curious or hungry.” Chishan took a deep breath as he looked at the faces of the group, considering each one as much as he was sure they were considering his. “We know it’s not a perfect plan. It’s a lot of risk but there usually is with big payoffs. I’m not happy with it, I don’t like it and if we had time to spare, I would suggest we keep looking. But we don’t have the benefit of time on our hands. And truthfully, whatever other method we came up with could be more complicated and require more materials. Plus this has the added benefit of giving us a shot at stopping Faera once and for all.” The Master settled his gaze on Serilda. “It’s not the same as storming Kingdom Darkness but… if you still want to go and kick her teeth in, here’s your chance.”

    “But ultimately it is Mythal’s decision. Because the only other quick solution we could come up with was… well… keeping Mythal’s soul from falling into Faera’s hands. Not a choice we can make either nor would we suggest it. We’re just presenting facts, be they nice or not.”

    Words: 3543/3543 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 8th October 2020, 8:25 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It seemed that Lux had finally elected to resurface, the cocky Seal lounged on a nearby computer and taking pleasure in the idea of catching everyone off guard. Serilda’s gaze narrowed at him slightly, though it was more out of instinct given the nephilim’s knack for being a pain in the ass. However, he came with some answers: according to him, this base was not the official one. Serilda nodded in gentle thought, accepting that in this Lux was probably telling the truth. This situation involved him as closely as Mythal at this point, so she wasn’t in the least surprised to figure out that he’d probably gone snooping around.

    What did draw her attention was how interested he was in being cordial with Mythal. Not that Lux was without his sense of snark and general ego, but it was still the friendliest conversation the two had ever had. Blue eyes narrowed further as Lux commented that Mythal’s health was of great concern to him, as the darkness slayer kicking the bucket ultimately meant that Lux either went back into dormancy until his next host was available, or until he got stuck with Faera. The latter was not something that Lux was keen on, and frankly even Serilda couldn’t blame him for that.

    She stayed relatively silent through the conversation that followed as Lux appeared to make nice with her fiance. Mythal thanked him for trying, something Serilda herself admitted was probably due, even if the act likely hadn’t been born of any altruistic interest in maintaining Mythal’s life. But according to Lux, the Seal had been trying to fight back Faera’s influence and encroaching darkness, and given the urgency in Lux’s voice back at the house, she believed him. The incident flashed through her mind again and she looked down at her lap, her expression softening as she was briefly revisited by the trauma of that moment. Lux advised he had done all he could, and weirdest of all apologized for almost not making it in time.

    While Serilda didn’t necessarily buy the apology itself, her honor wouldn’t allow her to ignore his actions. “It’s alright, Lux. You did what you could, and… honestly did more than we would have expected from you,” she told him gently, unafraid to address the ill history between the Seal and the two Rune Knight leaders, if not in any specific detail. Serilda looked up at him, and this time there was genuine gratitude in her expression. “Thank you. It does mean something to us.” Serilda didn’t always make it a point to speak for Mythal, but there were moments when both of them knew they were on the same page and could safely do so. She felt this was one such time, particularly since Mythal seemed caught enough off guard from the apology that he didn’t even know how to reply to it. There was even a flux of confusion and suspicion from Victoria that Serilda could only interpret to mean that the Conquoress also believed her brother’s behavior was odd.

    Moving the conversation along, Mythal asked the Lightbringer where he’d been, to which Lux admitted to sticking his nose where it probably didn’t belong. It was a fact that Serilda would typically chastise, but she wanted information as much as anyone else did and if Lux was in the best position to get it, well… she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. Though apparently, he hadn’t been the only one. Lux cast a devilish glance at Mercury at the comment of snooping with the use of technology, referring to the Silver Wolf Ace as a fourth wheel. It was a comment that likely drew a bit of confusion and curiosity from all present to varying degrees, though Vandrad seemed the most suspicious of the odd exchange. Mercury feigned ignorance to whatever it was Lux implied, which Serilda was starting to suspect might have involved the rather flirtatious trio from Lusty Titans… surely Mercury hadn’t elected to spend some time with them in that fashion, right? Then again, the disguised cyborg was rather flirtatious herself. Serilda supposed it was possible, but given that Mercury hadn’t been with the group when she’d passed them a bit ago she had nothing other than speculation as to the truth.

    Though, she did make a mental note that apparently Mercury had kept herself busy with a little investigating as well.

    Lux informed them that he’d managed to get into some of the lower levels, and while there was enough there to fool a less intelligent person, most of it struck him as more for show than anything else, making this a temporary place to operate more than anything else. It was smart, admittedly. A group as dependent on secrecy as this one couldn’t risk unproven individuals being brought to their true hideout, so a decoy wasn’t a half bad idea.

    Before she could inquire for further details, however, they were rejoined by Ruzatz and his wives. The Prime Sin was very interested in Lux, though commented that what he got in relation to what he’d pictured in his head was a little disappointing. Serilda ducked her head to hide her amused smirk, taking a moment to wrest control of it as Lux glared at the Sin of Lust. He tried, and failed, to come up with something to insult him, claiming Ruzatz was too attractive to berate, especially since doing so would mean insulting half of himself. Clearly, that wasn’t acceptable. Lux was too amazing for that.

    Serilda shook her head a little, barely suppressing the need to roll her eyes. The two supernatural beings swapped words back and forth in a bit of a playful manner that ended with Ruzatz giving a light tug on the Seal’s nose. Lux didn’t seem to know what to do with that and chose to ignore it, stating that he had a number of questions for the Order based on the stuff he’d found while everyone out was doing their own things. The latter comment about breaking down had clearly been directed at her, and Serilda’s shoulders dropped a little at the reminder of her outburst, the same sense of shame and embarrassment rising in her again as she once more looked down to her lap.

    Vandrad elected to speak up then, advising Lux that questions were less important at that moment than working out the counterspell for the ritual affecting Mythal. It was a comment that Lux took about as well as she could have expected, patronizing the prince and throwing his ego around in typical Lux fashion, even throwing in a comment about Vandrad’s height like he was a child. Serilda opened her mouth to berate the Seal for being so rude, but before she could say anything Vandrad beat her to it with a confident smirk that betrayed his lack of offense over the comment. He smugly observed how Lux was clearly just sore over being tossed around by the prince with ease before, poking the Seal about having a bruised ego.

    And boy, was Vandrad apparently right on the money. Lux came at the prince, hot with anger and getting in his face to inform him that Vandrad had just made himself a target. “Lux!” Serilda snapped, but before any more words could form out of her lips, Vandrad had the Seal on his knees with a swift twist, bringing him into an arm hold painful enough that even Lux felt it. The noblewoman was clearly surprised by this, as well as by how smoothly Vandrad boasted about being able to manhandle the Seal, threatening to break a limb in a tone that betrayed he’d get a bit of pleasure out of the act. While Serilda didn’t think that was going to help much of anything, she couldn’t deny that Lux had been the instigator and that Vandrad had the right to defend himself, though she wasn’t exactly keen on him actually injuring the Seal just now. It was possible they would need him for the tasks ahead. Meanwhile, Victoria was chuckling heartily at the scene inside the Voidwalker’s head.

    Chishan returned with Zifu and Wanda then, drawing attention to himself by asking Vandrad to release Lux, if only for the sake of helping to keep tensions down. Vandrad did so after a moment of consideration, not relenting immediately, but ultimately agreeing and informing the Seal that he would be more aggressive if provoked again. For once, Lux had nothing to say. He simply walked away from Vandrad and toward Chishan, who greeted him in friendly fashion despite the fact that the Seal was arguably one of their top threats of interest. They worked themselves out rather quickly, with Chishan stating that as long as Lux was there to help they had no intentions on treating him like a person of suspect.

    Lux asked the big question then, the one everyone wanted to know: Had they come up with anything? Serilda turned her focus onto the tall, younger man, waiting patiently for the answer though her face betrayed her hope that they’d found something. Chishan confessed that they did, but it was risky, even by their standards. That stood to reason. Anything involving Faera was going to come with some sacrifices. But, as Vandrad stated, something was better than nothing.

    Chishan went over the confirmed details of Faera’s ritual, stating that she was essentially looking to merge her soul back with Mythal’s to absorb the power she’d lost to him years ago during the incident that had killed Gren. The ritual itself would drain everything, including his memories, which brought a small gulp of anxiety from the Voidwalker. But more weighty was their proposed solution to the problem, which was essentially to remove the magic from Mythal entirely, which would in turn sever his direct connection with the goddess. Gren expressed his concern about removing Mythal’s ability to be a mage, but Zifu was quick to assure him that it would only affect his son’s darkness slaying, specifically. Any other magic he had outside of that would still be there.

    But of course, Mythal would still be pretty weak from the loss of his primary magic, and there was no telling how his body would react. He could just be sick for a bit, or he could be permanently incapacitated or even killed. Since Mythal wasn’t fully human, his divine genes would potentially invoke more visceral responses… but apparently, they had a solution for that, too. Serilda’s gaze flicked over to Zifu, who conjured a lacrima in the shape of a teardrop. It was known as Nocturn’s Embrace, which apparently had been created from a tragic situation. Nonetheless, it would give Mythal back the strength that he had lost and probably more, giving him the ability to become a master hunter of all supernatural creatures.

    It was a lacrima that the queen admitted they’d held onto for so long because they had never found someone they believed was strong enough to hold the magic. Mythal was apparently the exception, particularly as one of the elements it controlled was Darkness like he was already used to. The only caveat they saw was that there was a high probability it would make Mythal immortal, thus meaning he would likely outlive his loved ones.

    Serilda turned to her fiance there with an expression that others would probably take for concern or sorrow, but Mythal would know differently. She herself was already immortal thanks to Ozorith. It was a point of reality that she had yet to really come to terms with yet, at a loss for peace over the knowledge that she had already stopped aging and was probably going to far outlive her beloved. But if this was successful… Mythal would be facing the same future. If this was successful, if they won this battle and overcame Faera’s scheme… would they be able to face an indefinitely long future together? Would she no longer have to be anxious over the knowledge that she would have to watch him grow old and die without her?

    She took his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Chishan and Zifu may have seen the chance of immortality as a potential curse, but could never understand how much of a blessing it had the potential to be for the couple.

    Of course, there was more. Keeping silent to let the blonde man get his research out without interruption, he brought up the downside to everything so far. In order to even install the lacrima, should Mythal agree to it, they would have to go to a location of immense darkness… which meant leaving the safe confines of the base that was keeping Faera’s power at bay. Gren interrupted Chishan to confirm the conclusion they had all come to: this would mean that Mythal would return to having mere minutes left to try and battle the invasion, which was all the more difficult considering it could take up to half an hour for Mythal’s body to properly absorb the lacrima. Considering that Faera had already doubled down on her methods as soon as she sensed the resistance from the wards, there was no telling how much time they would truly have.

    It was at this point that Chishan, surprisingly, brought up Serilda’s original idea. The Voidwalker frowned in confusion, her gaze flicking over to Wanda as the doctor explained that she had the ability to create psychic bonds between people that would allow her to grant passes for people into Mythal’s mind. This was important because Faera’s own essence was currently inside Mythal as a result of her ritual, meaning that Wanda could, essentially, send someone to go confront the goddess in spirit without needing to actually trespass into Kingdom Darkness itself. The hope was that a team could distract Faera long enough to give them time to install the lacrima safely before the goddess spell was completed, potentially even destroying her completely as the death of a spirit would leave an empty body that would remain devoid of life.

    Serilda could have kissed the woman, even despite Chishan’s verbal acknowledgement that this method was also quite risky as the death of the spirit would work both ways. Whoever went inside would need to be cautious about their own life or they could very well lose it themselves. Furthermore, Wanda could only send a maximum of two people. It was also imperative that the pair actually manage to kill Faera, because if the lacrima was installed before that point, Mythal’s stolen magic would return to the goddess and make her more powerful than ever, with or without Mythal’s body. While this certainly wasn’t ideal, it would at the very least be something they could deal with later should that scenario come to pass.

    Zifu advised that they could increase the speed of installing the lacrima by utilizing some of the mages that would remain behind in feeding magic to the spell, while the rest would stand guard just in case. Chishan confessed he didn’t have much worry over a counter attack in the real world by Faera’s forces, as there was no way they could get to the Silent Graveyard in time to stop them, but there was still a matter of the Graveyard itself not being the most safe of places. They would need to be cautious of the area’s natural predators.

    All things told, Chishan expressed that he wasn’t happy with the plan. It had some big payoffs if successful, but at potentially catastrophic costs. Unfortunately, he finally seemed to have come around to Serilda’s stance that they couldn’t afford to waste too much time, particularly when anything else they came up with was likely to be far more complicated and tedious than this one. He looked meaningfully at Serilda then, telling her that this was her chance to do what she’d originally fought to do, a shot that was still a great risk but did not come with the need to get into Kingdom Darkness directly. She looked at him for a moment, letting the weight of his words settle on her before casting a glance at Ruzatz, curious to see how he was taking all of this.

    Of course, the decision was ultimately Mythal’s. It was the only thing they could come up with that didn’t involve what Serilda could only assume was simply killing Mythal outright, a plan that they certainly weren’t suggesting but had to at least acknowledge as an utterly last resort. Serilda looked to her fiance then, her expression surprisingly more calm than everyone likely expected it to be over the ulterior suggestion. She squeezed her lover’s hand a little tighter as they exchanged a wordless understanding. “That suggestion is… admittedly, one that we discussed ourselves some time ago,” she told everyone gently. She turned her gaze across the room, lingering the most on Gren and Vandrad before ultimately settling on Chishan and Zifu. “Neither of us want Mythal to die, but we are in agreement that death is better than being shelled out for Faera to control. We still intent on fighting tooth and nail for any alternative that leaves him alive and in control of himself… but if push comes to shove, and we are faced with that decision… he and I are already agreed that I will kill him myself rather than allow Faera to take him over. And I believe that Lux can testify to my willingness to follow through on that promise.”

    When the Seal had first shown himself, Serilda had very nearly killed them both. Lux had made it perfectly clear in a rather aggressive first impression that he was meant to take control of Mythal’s body much like Faera wanted to do, and it had only been a last second moment of clarity that had allowed Serilda to regain control over her own body that Victoria had usurped that had changed Serilda’s mind on following through… though not without giving the Seal a bit of a scare in thinking she had acted to kill the Lightbringer rather than simply eject him from her psyche. Either way, she was sure that she had left no doubt in Lux’s mind that she would have done it if there had been no alternative. She left out the details of the incident of course, and hoped that Lux would do the same. He had yet to try bringing up his sister and revealing Serilda’s hidden hand, and with any luck he understood and respected that keeping Victoria a secret was the wisest current course, but Lux had always been a wild card and there was no telling what he would ultimately say.

    Still holding Mythal’s hand tightly, she looked back to the Prime Sin again. “Ruzatz, you are arguably the best person here to give some realistic insight on this plan. You know Faera and her nature better than anyone here. I’d like to hear your thoughts.” Mythal was the ultimate decision maker, but Serilda felt it was important to hear what Ruzatz had to say in case he thought of anything that had yet to be considered, anything that might sway Mythal’s opinion one way or another. If this decision was going to be made, it should be done with as many facts as possible. She hated to put the demon on the spot in front of so many strangers, not all of whom knew his true nature, but they were all here now for better or for worse, and she valued his opinion.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th October 2020, 8:13 am

    4395/4395 words || @Serilda Sinclair @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Frankly, considering the situation, Mythal was more than happy to just have a normal, non-life threatening talk among the group of people in the room. The night was supposed to just be the five of them anyways, with Gren and Vandrad getting a chance to learn more about one another. But based on how they were already interacting with one another, it seemed the time that had passed while they were there had done leaps and bounds for their connection. Honestly it made the Darkness King happy -- the entire night could have been utterly ruined by all the shit happening to him but it seemed that some kind of hope had managed to spark back to life. That was better than nothing and he was pleased by that fact.

    Mercury took it upon herself to remark that Vandrad needed to grow a beard, stating that it looked good on Gren and, as such, would look good on the prince. It was, admittedly, a bit strange to see anyone hitting on his adoptive father, let alone someone who was so obviously involved with his adoptive brother. Then again, Mercury had always been a bit of a strange case, especially flirtatiously. He hadn’t seen a whole lot of it but based on what Vandrad said and the mannerisms he did witness, he could draw his own conclusion. He actually kind of figured that she would get along well with the group from the Lusty Titans, though that could very well be asking for trouble. But the conversation was nice to experience and be a part of, something casual against the backdrop of destruction.

    When Lux came back, it had surprised Mythal deeply. Based on the last time they had talked, he had been shocked that the Lightbringer had even bothered to return at all. Then again, the Darkness Slayer’s life had been hanging in the balance and, as such, so was Lux’s. Still, he’d done his one good deed and it would have been understandable if he washed his hand of the whole affair afterwards. Instead he shocked Mythal by remaining active, even going as far as to do some investigating for himself on the Order’s lower bunker. While he still wasn’t actively supporting anyone getting in their business, he couldn’t help but smirk just a bit, knowing that so many people were going out of their way to get as much info as possible.

    When Ruzatz, Agatha and Monica returned, the Prime Sin and the Seal had a momentary stand off to consider one another. The guildmaster of Lusty Titans wasn’t too impressed with Lux and while that offended the Seal, he simply couldn’t find it in himself to insult a man as handsome as Ruzatz. Plus, apparently the fact that they both had demon genes in them made them half-brothers, though that sounded like Lux’s ego talking more than anything else. The Lightbringer admitted that he had found some things that he felt deeply about, going so far as to say he planned on questioning the Order of Souls members when they returned. It was Vandrad who spoke up first, stating that figuring out how to stop Faera trumped any questions at the moment. And Lux did not like that comment - not one bit. Once more the Seal boost himself up while attempting to put the prince down, apparently thinking that he suddenly had some kind of power and sway.

    But Vandrad wasn’t buying it, not even a little bit. He called out the Lightbringer for being overly defensive, perhaps because Vandrad had tossed him around when he had so surprisingly appeared in Seri and Mythal’s home. That seemed to hit a sharp nerve in the spirit and he whirled on the prince, marching up to him and jabbing a finger in his face. It would prove to be his downfall as Vandrad swiftly and efficiently got Lux in an armbar, pressing the Lightbringer down into the ground while wrenching the limb uncomfortably. Even Mythal made a face like he could feel the pain from where he was sitting. Vandrad continued to mock the pinned spirit, taking a sick kind of satisfaction in feeling the Seal squirm. While the Darkness King normally would be fine with people picking on Lux -- he deserved it most of the time -- he felt this was a bit cruel considering the circumstances. But before Vandrad could make good on breaking the Seal’s arm, Chishan returned and asked that he deescalate the situation there and then. There was enough anxiety in the air -- getting into a rumble would only make things worse.

    Vandrad considered it for a long moment, seeming to weigh just how much trouble he could possibly get into. In the end, he released the Seal, with a vague threat of making things much worse the next time around. Lux, to his credit, decided to leave that matter dead in the water and, instead, went and approached the Order of Souls. The meeting was awkward to… say the least. Not only an hour ago Chishan was remarking that the Seals were a primary target of the Order, as they were meant to bring on the Apocalypse. Mythal honestly wasn’t sure if Zifu or Chishan were going to make any kind of follow up threat or promise of later violence. But instead, the Master simply stated that if Lux was there to help, there was no reason to cause an issue. Though Mythal seriously assumed that disarmament agreement would only last as long as it would take to stop Faera.

    They had managed to find something but it made Chishan uneasy; his stance and his features betrayed just how much he disliked what they had discovered. Vandrad stated that anything was better than nothing and frankly, Mythal agreed. If they had found anything of substance, it was worth hearing out. At least then they could turn it down while knowing all of the details. With that settled, Chishan broke into his spiel. He explained that they had found the spell that was being used by Faera and, just like they figured, she was attempting to merge her soul with Mythal’s. She would weaken his body, memory and spirit and then when he was defenseless, she would swoop in and forcibly absorb him into her essence. The result would grant her all of his strength with the additional bonus of Lux to abuse as she saw fit. He decided to take their actions step by step, explaining that the first issue was easy to identify but lacked an easy answer. Apparently she was connecting to him through her stolen power, the one he had ripped from her back on the night Gren had died. She’d discovered some means to reconnect to it and, as such, had created an entryway into his spirit. Once connected, she started using her magic to corrupt his mortal body, breaking it down from the inside. So the answer was simple; cut off the connection. But that meant that they had to separate the man from the magic and take the power Mythal had stolen from him.

    Gren was concerned, wondering if that would leave Mythal magicless. While the idea of living a life without magic wasn’t the worst one, he imagined that just because he lacked magic didn’t mean Faera would just stop trying to get to him. And without any power to back himself up, there was a good chance other people would get hurt trying to protect him. Yet Zifu was quick to say that it wouldn’t rob him of magic completely, just the part that he had taken originally. She referenced the other one he had adopted and adapted, stating that it would remain as such. That meant the magic he had activated in Kingdom Hearts, the one that gave him access to the realm and draw from it. Well that was a relief. But what followed wasn’t -- losing a whole part of his magic would severely weaken him, both magically and physically. As his magic grew, so had his body to adapt to the change. Suddenly ripping out that strength was going to leave the body in flux and, as such, it would be knocked out of whack. They didn’t honestly know what could happen if it came to that but it ranged from a minor cold to dying outright, especially since he was half angel, his genetic makeup would have a harder effect. They’d come to a solution for that though and Zifu brought forth a lacrima, oddly shaped like a tear.

    Yet even from where he sat, Mythal could feel the power of darkness within it. It was an odd sensation -- it certainly wasn’t like the darkness he knew. But there were other elements within it, mixed in with the darkness so substantially that he couldn’t quite distinguish them apart. Zifu introduced it as the Nocturn’s Embrace lacrima, a relic they had hung onto for some time. Apparently it epitomized their overall goal of protecting people and slaying monsters or something like that. It would make him a far better hunter, especially of supernatural creatures, which wasn’t saying a whole lot considering most of the world was supernatural. Apparently no one had the strength to use it before but they believed, thanks to his magical power level and his affinity for darkness, that it would work within him. The only downside it seemed was that it would possibly make him immortal, pausing his age right there and then.

    Before, in another lifetime, that might have been a problem. He certainly didn’t have a problem with aging and wouldn’t have care either way. But Serilda had stopped aging several years prior, when she had become Ozorith’s Sword. And the truth of the matter was that they’d had to accept that he was going to grow older and she wouldn’t and eventually, he would die. It had been a hard fact and they rarely, if ever, brought it up because it was a tender point for the Voidwalker. But they couldn’t help what was going to come to pass… until now. In the darkness of the moment, there was a bright clarity that could come from everything. If he accepted the lacrima, he would become immortal with her and then there would never be a concern of leaving her alone in the world. Serilda took his hand and looked at him, the gaze of a woman that finally saw an answer for the question they had been avoiding. It was a hope but one that didn’t come without a price.

    There were requirements to install the lacrima, because of course there were -- why would it be easy? The first one was that they had to be in a spot that was considered one of the darkest spots in Earthland. Luckily they already knew of a spot in the Cursed Lands called the Silent Cemetery. The bigger hit was when Chishan revealed that she couldn’t have any warding up or else the installation could run into issues. And even before the Master could say it, Gren spoke up what they all now knew -- Faera’s ritual would get right back on track. Chishan even believed that she would be working even harder to make it go quickly, causing Mythal to very quickly deteriorate. Worse yet, the time to properly put in the lacrima was going to take at least half an hour, meaning that they wouldn’t have nearly enough time to finish their ritual before Mythal was overwhelmed. Yet even then, the Order had come up with another alternative.

    It was Doctor Wanda’s turn to talk, revealing that she had formulated a plan that would save the Darkness King and even put Faera in danger of being destroyed. Now that was a knowledge bomb within the scope of the already informative chatter. She explained that one of her magics involved creating psychic bonds, allowing herself and people of her choice to enter a person’s psyche. This was important because at the moment, Faera’s own spirit was inside of him, personally corrupting him from the interior. Wanda hypothesized that they could send a team into Mythal’s psyche, allowing them to confront her when she least expects it. Anyone going in would buy them valuable minutes to complete their ritual and, better yet, it could result in her being destroyed once and for all. With her spirit slain, her body would simply exist as an empty vessel. Likewise, Chishan pointed out that the same worked in reverse for the two people that could feasibly go in. The more troubling aspect was the fact that if they didn’t manage to kill Faera and they completed the ritual to put in the lacrima, Faera would be ousted but not without all of the power that Mythal had worked on making stronger. In the end, she would still wind up with an incredible power boost. Not ideal but arguably better than the Director being absorbed and giving Faera access to Lux.

    Zifu also believed that by adding additional magic power to the ritual, they could increase the speed and buy even more critical time. She came up with a rudimentary battle plan for people’s assignments; two people going in, three people acting as guards for the ritual members and the rest took part in the spell. As the Cursed Lands was home to many wicked and hungry creatures, the guards would be responsible for keeping them at bay, should they come snooping. They had no reason to believe that any of Faera’s top-world followers could get to them in time. The Master understood that the plan wasn’t perfect and it had a lot of potential for things to go wrong. But they simply didn’t have the time to go and find a better solution, if one even existed. This one had the benefit that they could end Faera’s threat once and for all as well and frankly, that carried a lot of weight. The decision came down to Mythal but as Zifu saw it, it was either this or a far more permanent stop to Faera’s advances.

    Yet that wasn’t beyond the scope of possibility. As Serilda gave his hand a squeeze, she spoke up, explaining that they had already discussed that option a long time ago. They were in agreement that Faera getting control of him was unacceptable and if their backs were against the walls, with no other options, she would be the one to make sure he was freed from that fate. And to punctuate that point, she turned to Lux and stated that he would understand just how serious she was in keeping that promise. “Oh yeah, trust me -- don’t test her on that. She’s a lot of things but unwilling to do what’s right ain’t one of them. She’s put a blade right through his heart if it comes to that.”

    The profound expression of sacrifice, both self and adjacent, seemed to have a visceral reaction from a lot of people present. Ruzatz held his wives a little closer and Gren could barely stand to lift his vision, his eyes flicking back and forth on the ground as he accepted the possibility that failure meant his adopted son’s death. It was the Voidwalker that broke the silence once more, turning her attention to Ruzatz and seeking his insight to Faera’s nature. He was the tails to her heads, the opposing force against her divinity so there was no one else that could truly understand her motives better. The Prime Sins started with a soft sigh. “If only I wasn’t,” he lamented softly, a weak and apologetic smile on his face. “If all of this is true, then what they’ve said is true. Faera will be doubling -- tripling -- her efforts to break through their defensive magic and honestly, it won’t take her long. A couple hours at absolute max. But we have two major benefits on our side -- she doesn’t know that the Order of Souls is still in operation… and she severely underestimates Serilda. Taking down Archimedes may have been impressive but he was the weakest of the Archangels by a wide margin. Defeating him would only be an insult to her and nothing more; she wouldn’t feel intimidated by that. If anything, she might try and find a way to attack you on a personal level. But she isn’t going to consider you a threat to her, not really. She’ll also be expecting you to do something rash to try and save Mythal and has probably planned for it. I imagine Ruman and Izrael are somewhere nearby your home, releasing their magic so you can find them. She will want to lure you into a trap and put you down for good, just for the sake of doing it.”

    Ruzatz glanced at Chishan briefly. “This plan is foolhardy but then again, most ones are. Nothing is ever as simple as one, two, three and done. But she will not expect an overwhelming defense turning back on her. She’ll think this a minor hiccup and seek to break through without a second thought. That is something we cannot allow. If this is our opportunity to get a shot at her, then I say we take it. Besides, you have three of the best from Lusty Titans here to aid you. Monica is a Hell Demon Slayer, my own little prodigy, and Agatha is my Hand and I assume most of you know what that means. Plus me and we all know I’m willing to kick a little dirt in Faera’s eye,” he said, flashing a bright grin. Then he settled his gaze on Mythal. “But it’s all on you, partner. It isn’t our body, mind or spirit.”

    It was truly a lot to take in and frankly, he needed time to adjust and weigh his options. Mythal had adopted a stance on trying to step back and analyze a situation to come up with the best solution. A side effect from operating as the Rune Knight’s Director. But he didn’t have the precious moments to truly consider all the sides of things, at least not on a greater scale. Faera was coming and she was gnawing through all the defenses that had been put in place. Even Mythal could feel the fogginess starting to permeate in his mind once more, though it was only barely on the edges of his thoughts. “Well I certainly ain’t a fan of everyone gettin’ themselves put in the crosshairs. Seems awfully unfair to ask the lot o’ ya to do that. But if this gives us a shot at Faera… then I’m for it. Nothin’ would make me happier than to take that bitch out of my life for good.” All of his instincts were telling him to go forward, to take this shot. He knew in his heart that there was little other option and frankly, surprising the goddess in the midst of her own scheme sounded like the perfect kind of justice.

    “If that’s your decision then I’m goin’ with Serilda inside your spirit,” Gren spoke up.

    Mythal turned to look at him. “Gren, I don’t--” While he had faith in his father, there was the undeniable fact that his strength wasn’t on par with Serilda’s, let alone Faera.

    But the former Knight was having none of it. “I’m the one that took you in and raised you. And it was Faera that robbed years from me, keepin’ me from continuin’ to raise you and watch you grow into a great man. And worse yet, she used your body to kill me and then trapped me in her hellhole of a home. I have been workin’ towards this day since the moment I reopened my eyes. I am goin’, Mythal, and there ain’t a damn thing anyone can say about it.”

    Well, who could argue with that? After a small sigh, Mythal nodded and gave the old man a small smile. “This all sounds well and good and frankly, I’m all forit. Rah, rah, kick Faera in the cooter -- sounds great, love it babe. But there is one, teensy, weensy matter that I was hoping you guys wouldn’t mind answering, you know, if you had the time.” Lux had interrupted the moment and even as he started in, it was evident he was building to something. He didn’t even give the rest of the group, nor the Order, the chance to ask what his question was concerning. His features darkened in a seriousness he didn’t usually take on, a look that spelled a different kind of anger. “Why in the hell do you people have an Ataxian shard?”

    One could feel the air in the room stop and freeze solid. The tension rose up so quickly, one could have drowned were it made of water in an instant. The open shock on Zifu and Wanda’s faces was so palpable that it was almost comical. “What have you been doing, you decrepit thing?” the Queen demanded, hissing with such disdain that it was almost infectious.

    “Apparently uncovering deep dark secrets. Answer the question!” Lux snapped back with the same vigor.

    “You have no right to go snooping in our home when we offered help without cost or question!” Zifu gave it right back to the Seal.

    “Enough!” Chishan’s voice boomed, a thunderous sound that nearly shook the entire room with its strength and vigor. Zifu’s mouth snapped shut, though it remained in an agitated sneer. Wanda… had seemingly retreated inwards, her arms wrapped around themselves and shifting uncomfortably where she stood. The Master of the Order slowly worked his attention back to Lux, his face stoic as their gazes met. “You found a manifest,” he stated simply.

    “Bingo, get the boy a prize!” Lux hollered, gesturing to the rest of the group in a show of dramatic flair.

    “What in the hell is an Ataxian shard?” Mythal asked, interrupting the tension with his own curiosity. He was slightly on edge, as he had never seen Lux get so serious like this. Usually everything was a kind of game to him, made to entertain him to no end. Seeing how angry and almost insulted he was had been an eye opener and it was honestly a bit concerning.

    Chishan sighed once more. “Ataxian shards are… powerful relics. I can’t properly explain just how powerful they are as we don’t honestly know. We understand they are capable of reorganizing reality as we know it if they are used incorrectly. They’re believed to be remnants of the beginning, crystallized fragments of the power that created… well, everything. Others believe they are a goddess’ former power trapped in gems. We don’t honestly know what they are but we know each one has a different purpose assigned to it. They are impossible to track or find as they have no viable wavelength or scannable magical properties. They just exist.”

    “And this organization has the Ataxian shard of Canse. Might. What does Might do you ask? Oh well let me tell you -- it makes you the strongest being in reality. You could punch a planet and break it apart. You can tear down the walls between universes…”

    Chishan interrupted. “Lux, if you read the manifest, then you know that the shard is inert. It hasn’t been active since the Order of Souls boxed it up and threw it down into the deepest vault we had. No one should ever have access to that kind of power and once we got our hands on it, we knew we had to protect it from everyone -- even ourselves.”

    “What other ones do you have? What other Ataxian shards did you decide to throw into a hole out of the decency of your heart?!” Lux demanded, stepping up to Chishan until they were only inches apart. “Tell me what other Ataxian shards you have.”

    Chishan calmly met Lux’s gaze for a brief few seconds before speaking. “None,” he said simply.

    The Lightbringer turned to Mythal, searching for an answer. Even Lux knew that the Darkness King could sense lies and was hoping that his vessel would verify if the Master was deceiving them. “He ain’t lyin’, Lux.” Mythal said.

    The Seal growled before he turned his attention back to Chishan. “That kind of power doesn’t belong in the hands of mere humans.”

    “Nor does it belong in the hands of self righteous Seals, gods or demons. They should be free to simply exist without manipulation from the world around them. But unfortunately, that’s not how things work.”

    Frankly, Mythal agreed with Chishan on this point. While he knew nothing about these Ataxian shards, based on the description of even one of them, he didn’t want anyone getting hands on them -- human, gods otherwise. That kind of power wasn’t right for any one person or group of people. The Order had done the right thing in hiding one away. But it was clear that Lux was shaken by the realization, a far away look in his eye as he peeled away from Chishan.

    Somehow in all the turmoil, Zifu had managed to calm herself down. Wanda still looked a bit upset, her hands fumbling over themselves impatiently. But her face had returned to its usual demeanor. “If that is all settled, then it seems we are in agreement. The Nocturn’s Embrace lacrima will be placed with Mythal in replacement of his former magic. I do believe this is the right choice for you, Mythal. Immortality aside, you’ll finally be able to copulate and produce children.”

    Another wave hit the room, this one far less tense. The Darkness King blinked. “Uh… what?”

    Zifu’s brow knit together in confusion. “Were you not aware of the curse that Faera attached to the stolen magic?”

    “What curse?”

    Zifu looked suddenly flustered. “Oh my, I am… so sorry. I was under the impress that you knew about the curse and understood that--”

    “What curse?!” Mythal demanded.

    “When Mythal tore the magic from Faera, she seemingly took one last precaution before she was forcibly separated. She bestowed a curse on it, so that you would never be able to pass on the magical properties of her power to any children. In short, she made it impossible for you to procreate. After this, that curse will be gone. You’ll be perfectly capable of having children.”

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th October 2020, 4:23 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Oh, the prince was so annoyed with her. He especially hated her use of anything that was clearly a reference to the insufferable Sabine, which was precisely why Mercury was sure to throw one of the princess’ nicknames in from time to time. He growled at her even as she draped herself onto his shoulder, shooting her an icy look as he almost always did, yet still allowed her to do as she pleased, even if it meant touching him -- something that would surely be an oddity to those who didn’t know the pair very well. Mercury inquired as to when Vandrad was going to grow a beard like his father, and while she wasn’t outright undressing the older man with her eyes she was certainly not hiding her pleasure at the ripe eye candy before her.

    And true to Monica’s claims, Gren further proved himself to be quite the challenge indeed, brushing the charm and compliments off politely, acknowledging the commentary and finding pleasure from it, but not reciprocating with even a modicum of interest. Vandrad grumbled about her commentary, stating that if he wished to grow facial hair he would, but he didn’t wish to, therefore he kept himself shaved. His father seemed amused by the topic, brushing at his beard and admitted he used to keep himself shaved as well until he died, and ever since he’d decided to just let it be, only taking enough time to make sure it didn’t get too wild. “I like it very much,” she informed him, her tone still with some obvious hints of flirtation though not overly so. “Please, let it get more mountain man.”

    She had not missed his comment about actually being dead, a fact that had yet to be brought up in front of her until this moment. Despite her existence as a literal, sentient, biological computer capable of processing information at light speed, Mercury was sure she’d heard him wrong. Gren had to have just been joking about his faked death, because there was nothing that could bring a person back to life… right? That was impossible. World of magic or not, there was no force stronger or more permanent than death. The very idea of being able to reverse it was so illogical that her brain essentially just chose to ignore it and instead keep on the conversation at hand as Gren suggested growing some facial hair might not be a bad idea, to make Vandrad a little more distinguished. According to Vandrad, he’d already tried once a couple decades back and had decided it wasn’t for him. “Well, you’re no fun,” she informed him teasingly.

    The conversation moved along quickly from there after Lux returned and revealed a bit of what he’d been up to since he disappeared. Whatever he’d found had clearly been juicy, but no one would get the chance to really ask. Vandrad remarked that the time for questions could come later as right now they needed to focus on getting Mythal all set, and boy did the Seal not like that particular answer. Lux attempted to brush Vandrad off like he wasn’t worth the Seal’s time of day, throwing in a comment about his height like it was some kind of insult. Mercury smirked alongside Vandrad, her look equally as amused by Lux’s attempt to insult the prince. The Silver Wolf mage was more than well aware by now that Vandrad had no insecurities about his height and that it would take more than that to get under his skin.

    And true to form, Vandrad clapped back in a confident manner that brought Lux right down to size, leaving Mercury chuckling merrily where she still lounged on the prince’s arm. His words had the effect Vandrad was going for, as Lux rounded on the prince and came barrelling down on him. For her part, Mercury easily slipped away to give Vandrad some space to work, knowing there was about to be a show -- though her hand did rest over the hilt of her gun where it sat holstered, ready to whip it out at a moment’s notice if Vandrad needed her. She had full confidence in his abilities, but she was also still trying to comprehend exactly where Seals fell into the recently expanded scope of deific beings that she had just gathered some insight on. Mercury wasn’t entirely sure if Mercy would be of any use to her in a fight like that, but if Lux was made of light there was potential that she could get at him somehow.

    It seemed Vandrad had things pretty well in hand, though. The Seal was at his mercy quicker than most people could blink, and that allowed Mercury to ease up and stand there with her arms over her chest, smirking with delight at the display. Sadly, before Vandrad could make good on his threat to break one of Lux’s limbs, the Order of Souls members had returned and Chishan asked Vandrad to let Lux go. There was a moment where Mercury wasn’t sure if the prince was going to listen, but ultimately he relented with a final word of warning to Lux about what would happen if they found themselves in that situation again.

    The Seal had nothing to say to that, instead moving to greet Chishan while rubbing his sore arm. The two exchanged enough words to reach a quick understanding of one another before the blonde man admitted that they had a plan for moving forward, but not one he was happy about. Faera was apparently trying to merge her soul with Mythal’s, an act that Mercury didn’t exactly have the easiest time understanding. She had a bit of an idea what Earthlanders believed a soul to be, but frankly she’d had about as difficult a time fully comprehending the concept as she had with the power scale of gods and demons. And unfortunately, her recent revelations in the world of spirituality didn’t exactly cover a concrete explanation of a soul. The most she could work with was the understanding that he and the goddess had a remote connection of some kind, and that was how Faera was able to essentially hack into Mythal’s body because of the magic that Mythal had apparently stolen from her some time ago.

    Fixing that part was simple in theory, but not so much in practice. All they had to do was sever Mythal’s connection to the magic, which would in turn cut off Faera’s access to him. He would lose a portion of his magical abilities, but not to the point of leaving him completely defenseless. Any other magics he had the ability to control that weren’t related to Faera would remain in place, though he would be weakened for a bit. The problem from there, however, seemed to lie in the fact that the magic they proposed on removing was rather substantial, and given the fact that Mythal wasn’t fully human, there was no telling how volatilely his body would react to what was essentially an amputation. Yet, even this they had a solution for, one that had the potential to make him stronger than he already was.

    Zifu produced a sparkling looking gem from thin air, the piece delicately carved into the shape of a teardrop. She scanned it with her eyes, analyzing it wirelessly and attempting to get a readout of its material make up. By the queen’s admission, it was a lacrima of some kind that would grant its bearer a number of beneficial hunting abilities that they believed Mythal was strong enough to control. It contained traces of darkness that was similar to what Mythal already possessed, but the flip side was the possibility that there was a high probability that it would grant him immortality.

    Humans didn’t exactly have the longest of lifespans, as Mercury was well aware. They lived for only a fraction of the time that her people did. To her, anyone under one hundred years was still quite young, but that wasn’t the case for them. Because of this, Mythal was faced with deciding if he wanted to vastly outlive Serilda and the rest of his loved ones. The comment produced an… odd feeling within Mercury, a moment of somberness washing over her at the situation and drawing a bit of self reflection from her. She’d never really stopped to think about the fact that she was in a similar situation with Vandrad. The prince was the only person she’d ever really had, and while he wasn’t her partner in a romantic sense, that didn’t make him any less important to her. Chances were high that the Nazru wouldn’t let anyone in this room live long enough for her to have to worry much about anything anyway, but had the heavens aligned and she were granted the opportunity to live her life how she wanted, that would entail having to watch Vandrad grow old and perish without her.

    It was a sobering thought, one that Mercury didn’t altogether care for too much. Thankfully, the conversation carried on and gave her little room to linger on it because apparently the plan continued to get more complicated. The lacrima had to be inserted into Mythal’s body under very specific circumstances, ones that would leave Mythal vulnerable enough to let Feara have the chance to get what she wanted. They would have minutes before she overwhelmed him, and they would need more than that to handle the lacrima appropriately. Those were not great odds, and Mercury frowned heavily as she worked on computing a number of outcomes from the scenario that just got more and more compounded by the minute.

    Yet even here there was a possible solution. The scantily clad doctor relayed to everyone that her magic would allow her to transpose the soul of another inside Mythal and allow them to confront Faera directly, as the goddess was currently traipsing around within the Rune Knight’s head or something. Better yet, there had been truth to Serilda’s earlier assessment that Faera’s attack was leaving her just as vulnerable, so if Faera was killed in the counter attack she would die for real and Mythal would finally be rid of her tyranny. In the meantime, she would be distracted long enough by an assault team to buy others the time they needed to get the lacrima situation handled.

    Unfortunately, Wanda could only send two people in, and if something happened to them inside they could meet the same fate they hoped to put on the goddess. Additionally, if the team only managed to delay but not defeat her outright, then once the lacrima is installed and her magic severed from him, she would get back everything Mythal stole from her and become all the more powerful. A terrifying thought for one who had just learned to appreciate such indecipherable levels of strength, but there it was. Mercury and Vandrad had already agreed they would stay out of that fight, so she wasn’t worried about having to be involved in that directly, but it was still a weighty prospect to consider.

    Thankfully, there was some stuff others could do to help out besides either standing around or hopping in Mythal’s head. They would need some people to fuel magic into the lacrima itself to help Mythal absorb it faster, as well as others to stand by outside to protect everyone from the native beasts that roamed the Silent Graveyard. Mercury shot Vandrad a look there, her brows raised in interest and silently gauging his thoughts. She wasn’t keen on the idea of helping with the lacrima itself either, as she worked very hard to ensure that no one discovered she used magic, but fighting monsters was a regular Tuesday for them. Right up their alley, particularly since there was no concern of Faera sending forces in their direction.

    All eyes turned to Serilda along with Chishan’s as he informed the noblewoman that this was her shot to get what she’d originally wanted: the chance to face Faera and beat the shit out of her. It wasn’t the most simple plan, but it had a chance to work… and the only other alternative that they could come up with was simply killing Mythal outright. It wasn’t an option anyone wanted to entertain, but it would have been foolish not to confirm it was a viable solution. Given how Serilda had acted before, Mercury half expected her to shoot the comment down, but weirdly enough all the Voidwalker did was look to Mythal before confirming for everyone present that the couple had already visited that possibility in the past and come to the agreement that if they had no other choice, Serilda would end Mythal’s life himself rather than allow him to be taken by Faera.

    Surprising words, but no more than the affirmation from Lux himself that no one in the room should doubt Serilda’s willingness to hold herself to the traumatizing promise. The Seal spoke up without hesitation, confirming the notion with such certainty that it was clear to everyone in the room that the situation had almost presented itself once before, and that Lux had been present to witness it -- possibly having been the target of it. If the Seal shared a soul with Mythal much like Faera did, it stood to reason that there may have been some similarities between the situations. While it was certainly an emotional admission, one that everyone else in the room reacted to in varying degrees, Mercury herself didn’t exactly know what to think about it. Her emotional health wasn’t exactly what one would call stellar, as she really didn’t care about anyone except Vandrad strongly enough to care about their ultimate fate. But at the same time, if she had anyone that loved her or anyone that she loved and was faced with that kind of choice… well, she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to do the same.

    It was here that Serilda sought input from Ruzatz, who apparently seemed to be the leading expert on Faera, which was odd. A number of puzzle pieces fit together in her head as it slowly started to dawn on her that Ruzatz wasn’t human. Serilda had called him there to get him to Faera’s kingdom, which he had apparently done before; Lux referred to him as a half brother; and now he apparently had a long standing history of some kind with Faera. So was he a demon? A god? The thought alone didn’t bother her too much -- after all, she knew Jadus and worked with him pretty regularly, so it wasn’t that large of a revelation for her despite her recent awakening -- and despite having recently had sex with him and both of his wives. But it was still worth noting, particularly since she was getting the feeling that Ruzatz might be on a slightly higher level than Jadus was.

    The red headed man confirmed that Faera was likely battening down the hatches to redouble her efforts at full strength, especially since they had managed to push her back for a time. However, there were two things he believed Faera wasn’t properly prepared for: The Order of Souls and Serilda herself. He confirmed that the goddess would absolutely underestimate Serilda, which would only be an advantage to the Voidwalker. Apparently Serilda’s past deeds weren’t ones that Faera would have taken too seriously, being more insulted than threatened, and that pride and ego could very well be her downfall. Ruzatz, it seemed, fully believed that Serilda had a good enough shot that she could catch Faera off guard. But, that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t be prepared for the Rune Knight to come at her. He even suggested it was possible that Faera was already sending a couple others to try and distract Serilda elsewhere and try to bring her into a trap.

    It wasn’t a perfect plan, but those were few and far between to begin with. Ruzatz believed it was the best shot they were going to get, and it was strong enough that he seemed to think it would be worth the risk, particularly with the three of them there. Monica was apparently a demon slayer, a skill that Ruzatz had taught her, while Agatha was his… Hand? Why did that sound familiar? Mercury mentally did a search through some of the books she’d recently uploaded, using demon and hand as keywords, and what she found caused her eyes to briefly open wide in shock as she realized Ruzatz was much more than a mere demon: he was a Prime Sin, one of the seven strongest demons that ruled the demon realm to the point that they were basically gods themselves. And Ruzatz, specifically, was the Sin that reigned over the tribute of Lust.

    It explained a lot, and was also more than a little sobering given the acts she had just participated in.

    Still a little shook by the revelation, she could only continue to watch as the mic was turned to Mythal, who voiced his dislike of having so many people involved in such risky ways. But, he couldn’t deny that it was as good of a plan as they were going to get, and he would be a fool to turn it down, particularly when the only other option at the moment was him being put down like a dog. Gren spoke up then, stating that if they were going to do this that the older man was going to be the other person joining Serilda in the fight inside Mythal’s head. There was some resistance from Mythal at first, but Gren explained that this was both of their fights, particularly after how Faera had robbed Gren of his life and trapped him in her realm for some time. Therefore, he was going and there wasn’t going to be any argument over the fact.

    It seemed the matter was settled, but that barely had time to settle before Lux was speaking up again, faux complimenting them on coming up with a solution before finally getting to the question he had been itching to ask which was inquiring as to why the Order of Souls was in possession of something called an Ataxian Shard. The atmosphere immediately became thick as molasses, with Zifu staring at Lux like he’d just bitten the head off a puppy in front of her. This only caused Lux to grow more angry, demanding an answer to his question with the queen, impressively, not backing down. It was Chishan that once again brought the confrontation to stop, raising his voice loud enough that it shook the room.

    There was a moment of silence that followed while Mercury once again set to trying to search her databases. Something about that term had sounded familiar to her, though she couldn’t figure out what or why. After some prompting on Mythal’s part, Chishan explained that the shards were powerful relics that weren’t easily described because they didn’t wholly know what they were, just that they were capable of rearranging reality to unfathomable degrees. The general consensus was that they were left over bits of matter from the dawn of creation, while a smaller portion of people thought they were portions of power from a goddess that had been removed from her. It was the goddess comment that caught her attention, causing Mercury to adjust the specific keywords in her search until she found what she was looking for.

    This time, she gulped. Waiting until the men were done going back and forth, with Chishan confirming that the shard in their possession was the only one and that they weren’t going to let anyone use it, not even themselves, Mercury spoke up. “Ataxian Shards, as in… Ataxia? The eleventh Divine?” she asked, unable to help herself. She looked a bit nervous, and even Vandrad would be able to sense that she wasn’t thrilled by whatever it was she had just put together. “She’s not just a myth..?” The thought made her blood run cold. If the legends about the secret goddess were true, she was a being so chaotic and powerful that the rest of the gods and demons had formed a temporary truce to seal her away to keep her from being a threat to them all. The idea of Faera was already scary enough to the alien -- so what did that make Ataxia that someone like Faera might be scared of her?

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 9th October 2020, 10:16 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    There was a lot of information going through the room, passed mostly by Chishan and Zifu. The Master of the Order and his wife had discovered the spell being used and, in doing so, had figured out some kind of a game plan. But their strategy was not without their issues nor was it going to be safe for any or all involved. Chishan broke down each step that needed to be taken, the first being that they needed to remove the infected magic from Mythal’s body. The prince wore a grim look on his face at the mention of that, his eyes narrowing very slightly. He, of all people, knew very well that removing magic was a dangerous method -- in fact, it was treated as a punishment in Bellum. Criminals of the highest degree were exhibited to a procedure that either cut off their access to their magic or simply removed it completely and stored it into a lacrima, depending on the severity of their crime. It was a punishment that often resulted in the swift death of those put through it, if not by the resulting side effects then by the other Bellum people who saw the magicless as subhuman. It wasn’t an easy task and not a result that Vandrad would wish on the worst of his enemies -- though frankly, he did imagine how far it would knock Louie down.

    Luckily -- or perhaps unluckily -- it wasn’t going to rob Mythal completely of magic, it was just removing one certain type. Yet even that carried danger; considering how strong the Darkness Slayer had made his magic, removing it suddenly would cause his body to suffer a multitude of side effects. Something Vandrad already knew very well, still pertaining to the prisoners. Though none of them had the strength that Mythal seemed to, the human body still suffered magical withdrawal and often resulted in several side effects, including death. But Zifu and Chishan didn’t intend to leave Mythal with such a dangerous chance; they had come up with a solution that would not only save him but bolster his power as well. The queen presented a tear-shaped lacrima, brimming with ancient power, and explained what it was. Apparently it was some kind of idolized relic from the Order’s vaults, demanding strength from any that would seek to have it placed in their bodies. A high demand but it seemed that Mythal’s strength level matched the requirements, according to Chishan. The only downside to him taking it on was that it would apparently make him immortal, which was an odd thing to consider a bad side effect. Though even Vandrad supposed that not being able to age would get tiresome over time.

    But it didn’t seem to bother Mythal. In fact, he and Serilda shared a moment between one another, a look that seemed to come with a sense of relief or that’s what it felt like to his senses. Did that mean that she… was immortal as well? Had this been something that had been weighing them down for some time? He could imagine that if that were the case, hearing that Mythal would join her in immortality was quite the load off their shoulders. They intended to marry and, by deduction, start a family but if one was meant to live forever and the other wasn’t, there was the weight of losing that someone later down the line. Somehow his eyes turned slowly to Mercury, though only viewing her out of the corner of his eyes. The truth of the matter was that he was in the same boat -- or rather had been, when Mythal wasn’t about to reach immortality. He would eventually age and die of natural causes. During his very many questions he’d put forth to Mercury about her race, the subject of how long they usually lived for had come up. And it far exceeded the lifespan of a normal human such as him. There would come a time when he would die out and she would continue on for several hundred more years. In the grand scheme of things, he was truly just a momentary figure in the vast length of her survivability. He wasn’t sure why but that twisted his stomach into odd knots. The worst part was that he was entirely certain of the ‘why’.

    All of Chishan’s explanation and planning was only for step one; therein followed the next step, which was significantly more complicated. Apparently they couldn’t just do the ritual in here, within the safety area of the defensive sigils. It required that they travel to the Silent Cemetery in the Cursed Lands and they couldn’t put up any magic to slow Faera’s ritual down. With the goddess no doubt increasing her efforts, Mythal had only moments before he was overwhelmed and overtaken. Yet even that had its solution, one that offered an interesting opportunity. Doctor Wanda stepped forward and informed everyone that another part of her magic allowed her to form direct lines to people’s psyches. Utilizing this, she believed she could send people’s spirits into Mythal and, since Faera’s own spirit was the driving force behind the infection, they could confront her. Not only would they be able to either slow or stop the ritual from inside, they would have a shot at taking down Faera for good. Vandrad had to admit that the plan was more than a solution -- it seemed to be exactly what was needed to handle the goddess’ threat for good. It came with risks; only two people could go inside at once and if Faera managed to kill any of the two inside, their bodies would simply continue to exist as empty husks. Worse yet was that not succeeding in killing her would result in her reabsorbing her stolen magic at its current strength, making her an even larger threat down the line. That wasn’t ideal but frankly, if they simply managed to save Mythal and get everyone out alive, solving the problem of an empowered Faera could come later.

    Zifu also believed that with all the present party, they could knock down a couple minutes on the lengthy ritual, thereby increasing their chances of coming out successful. She came up with a rudimentary plan for stations; two people would be put into Mythal through Wanda’s magic, three people would act as protectors of the ritual site and the rest would be actively taking part in the ritual. It seemed the act of playing bodyguard was simply against the wild creatures that roamed the Cursed Lands rather than against Faera’s forces. He glanced at Mercury as she turned to look at him, silently looking for his input on where they would be set up. Considering she had no desire to face Faera directly -- and who could blame her -- as well as the fact that she actively sought to keep people from knowing she used magic, playing the part of guards seemed the most viable option. Beating up monsters was something they were self-proclaimed masters of. He gave her a soft nod to her before focusing back up, willing to wait until the end to announce where he and the Silver Wolf mage stood.

    Chishan knew that it was a high risk, high reward plan and admitted he didn’t like it. But they were out of options and any attempt to search further could potentially put Mythal in a more compromising position. It was what they had and it was up to the Darkness Slayer to agree to it, as the only other option was self sacrifice. Though the Order insisted they would never ask such a thing from him, Serilda informed the rest of the room that it was a discussion they’d already had before. They both understood the consequences of Faera trying to take him over and were in agreement to stop it if all options were exhausted. Lux verified just how serious the Field Marshall was in her stance that she would be the one to put Mythal down should things sour. It was quite the noble dedication, one that Vandrad wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. Would he willingly take the life of someone he cared about so that the rest of the world, possibly even reality, could survive? He honestly didn’t know.

    Serilda sought input from Ruzatz, stating that he was the one that understood Faera better than anyone present. Yet another clue about the odd clown to his real nature, with the prince now more than certain that he was either god or demon. He believed that their options were limited to none, certain that Faera had increased her efforts to break through their defenses. But he also theorized that they could truly take her by surprise, as they had two things on their side she didn’t expect. The Order of Souls and Serilda. She didn’t take the Field Marshall seriously, seeing her more as an insulting mortal worthy of disposal and then forgotten about. She most likely laid some kind of trap for Serilda by using two people called Ruman and Izrael, posting them in places where they could be found. But he didn’t think that Faera would expect a hard defensive line suddenly flipping on her and putting her on her heels. He believed they should take their options and offered the services of his wives as well. The tattooed woman was a Hell Demon Slayer, which was interesting to note. But perhaps more interesting was the reveal that Agatha was ‘his Hand’, whatever that was. It was a lofty title, one that carried an unknown weight as Vandrad didn’t truly understand what it entailed. Either way, he was sure that the three of them would be huge benefits to the cause.

    Finally the attention fell on Mythal, the man who would ultimately decide their plan of action. Unsurprisingly, the man wasn’t pleased with the idea of people having to put their lives on the line for him. But he understood the logic and reason behind the scheme and rationalized that wasting a shot at Faera was an utter waste. So he was in agreement, which was to be expected. Vandrad didn’t claim to know Mythal better than anyone else but he seemed the kind that was unwilling to back down from a fight, especially one as big as this. Gren spoke up, insisting that if they were following through, then he would be Serilda’s second in going into his psyche. Mythal tried to protest but the former Knight shot it down, insisting that this was far more personal than simply acting as a partner for the Field Marshall. Faera had targeted him and killed him and now that he was back, he had been biding his time until he got a chance to get to Faera.

    That should have been the end of the discussion but then again, Vandrad hadn’t forgotten that Lux had insisted he had questions for the Order. And now that the plan was laid out, he took his opportunity to proclaim his excitement for the plan -- though a bit mockingly -- before he returned back to his intent to put forth some inquiries. And then his mood darkened as he asked about something called an Ataxian shard and the entire room seemed to skid to a halt. Zifu, who had been stoic and calm the entire time they’d been there, snapped at the Seal, her anger obvious as she realized that their vaults had been broken into. Lux didn’t back down, demanding to know about the relic he’d found and it seemed the two were about to scream back and forth at one another. It was Chishan who cut off the argument, yelling with enough strength that the room shook. An impressive amount of magic power came off of him right then, his own agitation evident and sure enough to bring the arguing to a full stop.

    Mythal asked the question on probably everyone’s mind; what was an Ataxian shard. Chishan sighed and revealed that they were relics that they lacked a proper explanation for. They couldn’t be measured in the conventional sense so there was no telling how strong they were. But he listed off two legends about them, one involving them being remnants of reality’s beginning and the other making them out to be pieces of a goddess’ power that had been ripped from her. They were dangerous weapons in the wrong hands and Lux informed them all that they possessed the shard of Might, which apparently granted the holder omnipotent strength. They could easily reshape reality through force if they so desired. But Chishan explained that the shard was inert and had been since they discovered it. Their solution to handling it was to lock it away deep, so that no one could get their hands on it.

    Lux didn’t like that and demanded to know what others they had. The Master stated they didn’t have anymore and Mythal confirmed that he was telling the truth. Still ruffled, the Seal seethingly told Chishan that the shard didn’t belong in his hands and the Master countered by saying they didn’t belong in gods and demons hands either. In fact, Chishan believed they should be left to their own devices without anyone ever finding them or using them. If their power was as great as they made it sound, Vandrad was of the mind to agree. Strangely, it was Mercury who spoke up then, asking if the shards were related to Ataxia, another Divine. How she knew about any of that was beyond him currently and he turned to look at her as the fear once more welled up inside of her, her asking quietly if the goddess was real.

    The Seal scoffed dismissively. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch there, skinsuit. Ataxia was locked away a long time ago and I mean locked away. She’s so down deep between realities that she may as well be a myth. The shards are merely named after her because of their strength. A gross homage, if you will.” The Lightbringer didn’t seem all that worried, practically pushing the idea of Ataxia to the side completely. But something told Vandrad that Mercury knew more than she was letting on, surprisingly having more knowledge about the situation than he figured.

    Zifu, who had collected herself, rounded up everyone’s attention to the task at hand. They had their plan and she revealed that not only was Mythal benefitting from immortality but he would finally be able to produce children. Mythal was the one who questioned the statement but it seemed everyone in the room was just as struck by confusion as he was. The queen seemed surprised that he hadn’t known about the curse and when he revealed he hadn’t, she got flustered and apologized that she had spoken about the matter so publicly. Chishan revealed the source of said curse, explaining that Faera had implanted it in her stolen magic before she was ousted from Mythal many years ago. She apparently didn’t want him siring children with her stolen goods so she made sure he could never procreate. But once they exchanged magics, he would be fertile once more. That was a pretty big benefit as far as Vandrad was concerned but one that didn’t directly interest him at the moment. Plus it seemed like a more personal matter for Mythal and Serilda so the prince decided to turn the attention back onto the plan.

    "Mercury and I will act as the guards for the ritual. We’re better at killing monsters than we are at rituals,” Vandrad stated.

    Chishan nodded. “I’ll act as your third. I’ll be able to use my contracted spirits to add to our numbers just in case. Zifu will act as the main beacon of the ritual and Wanda will monitor vitals.” He turned his attention to the Lusty Titans members. “It would be beneficial if you three helped Zifu with the ritual. Considering your magical strengths, I think you’ll make the difference in the timing we need.”

    "Glad to help, handsome,” Monica said with a smirk.

    “Ruzatz… Thank you, for helping us. All three of you.” He offered a grateful, genuine smile before he chuckled. “I’ll admit, I’m glad to have found out which of your members is your Hand. Though I’m hardly surprised -- legend says that the Hand is the most beautiful and stunning person entrusted to your inner circle. Hit that nail right on the head. Honestly just figuring out one of those roles helps a lot -- the only knowledge we’d managed to discover was that Arthas, one of Wrath’s lackeys, has been active recently. We think he’s trying to locate someone suitable to be his new Sword. How about that?”

    “Yeah…” Ruzatz said, chuckling softly before clearing his throat. “How about that…”

    Words: 2807/6350 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th October 2020, 11:50 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Leave it to Lux to find a way to make her willingness to save Mythal sound cold hearted. At least they would get the picture, she supposed. In general, the room seemed to take the couple’s agreement to heart, with no one arguing it one way or another. Serilda turned the attention briefly to Ruzatz, prying for the demon’s thoughts on the plan in order to see if he had anything to say that would lend credence or reservation to the plan that was being proposed. It was surely an awkward place for the prince of lust to be, but given that he had quite literally signed up for his current position within the demon realm it seemed he understood.

    He confirmed that Faera would be piling on her efforts, likely lying in wait for a single slip up that would allow her the opportunity to overwhelm Mythal again without giving him the chance to further defend himself. This wouldn’t take the goddess long to do, a couple hours at most, of which the group had already eaten through an hour and a half. But, Ruzatz seemed to believe that they had two strong advantages against her that were enough to win this fight: the assistance of the Order, and Serilda, whom the demon believed Faera severely underestimated. He wasn’t the only one. Ozorith also agreed, based on their most recent conversations. Serilda was already well aware that Faera was going to attempt an attack on her in some form and had taken precautions when it came to her family. She had long ago utilized artifacts of Ozorith’s offerings, if begrudgingly, to place protections around her family’s homes and on their persons. Serilda greatly disliked receiving any help from her demonic patron, but she also believed that he would earnestly help her with certain things if only because it would help himself in the long run.

    Defeating Mythal’s birth father was impressive by mortal standards, but an inconvenience at most for Faera, Ruzatz claimed. Archimedes had been the weakest of the Trumpets, and thus killing him had been more of an insult than anything else. Not enough for Faera to truly consider Serilda a threat. Even Ruman had stated that Faera wasn’t fully prepared for the Voidwalker, though that surely was solved now as there was no doubt her mind that he and Izrael had run back to their goddess right away with the warning. But no matter what, she still had at least one ace in the hole that none of them would be prepared for, and she intended on using that to her full advantage today, whether or not Faera believed that she was ready for the Sword.

    Either way, Ruzatz did believe that Faera would not be prepared for this kind of resistance, so there was a great chance that it was just foolhardy enough to work. He was prepared enough to do everything he could to help, offering the aid of both himself, Monica as his slayer prodigy, and Agatha as his Hand. He was always interested in sticking it to the crazed goddess, a sentiment he expressed with a grin. Serilda smiled softly in gratitude and gentle amusement, appreciating his gusto. But, as the demon lord advised, it was all up to Mythal.

    Squeezing her lover’s hand a little tighter, she turned her head and glanced over at him, waiting for him to speak up on what he was thinking. Mythal would have her support no matter what he decided, though she couldn’t deny that she was antsy to get at the goddess and throw a wrench in her plans. Luckily, Mythal seemed to be interested in giving it a shot. He didn’t like that it put so many people at risk for his sake, which was the one thing Serilda figured might hold him back. But, he knew what was at stake and knew how important it was to take care of the goddess for good, and if this was their shot he wanted to take it.

    Gren drew their attention for a moment, speaking without hesitation that if this was going to happen he would be the one to assist Serilda inside Mythal’s head. While the Voidwalker held similar reservations as Mythal about whether or not Gren was strong enough to combat the goddess, she remained silent and only gave the man an attentive look as he brushed aside his adoptive son’s attempt to talk him out of it. Gren explained in no vague detail that Faera had been the cause of just as much suffering in his own life as Mythal’s: she had been the cause of his death, robbed him of years of life and memories, had held him captive in Kingdom Darkness, and ever since being brought back to life he had been working toward getting repayment for her deeds. He deserved this chance as much as either of them did, and frankly… Serilda agreed. She nodded her soft understanding to the man, giving him her silent support.

    It was then that Lux spoke up, having waited patiently for the mortals at hand to get their shit in order so he could get to what he clearly felt was the most important topic. Serilda glared at him slightly as he made a show of mocking their success in formulating a plan, but the expression was swapped for confusion as he suddenly became angry on a level that neither of them had ever seen before, demanding to know why the Order held something called an Ataxian Shard. The question brought the entire room to a standstill, with the celestial beings and the Order members being the only ones to know what he was referencing while the others looked on in uncertainty.

    Zifu, in particular, was shaken and enraged to her core, very much looking like she wanted to pop the Seal’s head off. She demanded to know what Lux had been up to, which Serilda thought was a fairly obvious answer. Clearly he’d been getting into place they didn’t want him to, and while she would normally frown on that, this seemed like it was a pretty big deal. Lux called her on the secret and commanded her to answer his question, to which Zifu impressively stood her ground and informed him he had no right to go searching through their home when their help had been offered freely.

    Chishan finally showed some kind of temper there, his voice booming as he demanded silence. It was a bit surprising given how friendly and almost passive he’d been so far, but then again this was the third or fourth confrontation he’d had to stop since the group had gathered together. Serilda imagined his patience was starting to wear thin, and she didn’t blame him. The outburst was enough to shut down both Zifu and Lux, and left Wanda a quivering ball of nerves. He finally turned his attention to study Lux in neutrality, confirming that the Seal had discovered some documentation that proved their possession of the item, to which Lux dramatically advised was correct.

    His flair went unremarked upon by the room, though that hardly seemed to matter to him at the moment. The Seal was pretty riled up, and even Victoria was building a strong presence in her head. Is this that big of a deal? she asked.

    It’s a huge deal, the Seal confirmed, keeping oddly silent on her further thoughts, though Serilda could sense it was because the old woman was deep in calculative thought and paying close attention to the conversation to see what else Lux would reveal.

    Mythal asked for an explanation and Chishan gave it with a sigh, stating that Ataxian Shards were artifacts that possessed inexplicably great power. They existed without rhyme or reason, completely undetectable and unable to be analyzed by any modern means of measurement. Their origins were a mystery that was largely up for debate, but the summary of them was that they were insanely powerful and existed whether or not it made sense. Lux added on more information, confirming the name of the shard the Order possessed as Canse, the shard of Might. Serilda felt a sharp reaction from Victoria there, even before Lux went on to explain what the properties of that particular shard would enable its bearer to do.

    Serilda, we must--

    No, absolutely not, the Voidwalker told her, interrupting the older woman before she could even get started.

    Do you understand what that Shard truly is? How we could use it?

    I do, and it is for that very reason that I will not allow you or I to obtain it.

    That sparked some irate emotions from the older Seal, though she managed to continue the conversation without snapping at her host. Think of the fight ahead, Serilda. Yes you have me to aid you, and out of all my brethren myself or Mars would be the ones you’d want to bring with you in this fight, but you cannot ignore the benefit this would give us. If we got that Shard, our victory would be guaranteed. It would put to rest any of the risks at hand in this plan.

    Serilda was starting to get the feeling that this relic was something that Victoria had been searching for for some time, or at the very least hoping to come across someday. In a sense, the Voidwalker did feel bad about denying her. Victoria was only acting according to her nature and what she was created to be and to do, and from the sounds of the Shard’s description, it was right up the Seal’s alley in fulfilling her life’s purpose. And Serilda couldn’t deny that it would be… beneficial… to have such a relic at her command when it came to performing her civic duties and leading the Rune Knights in protecting the country and its citizens.

    But her answer was still no. I am sorry, Victoria, I truly am. I know how much having that Shard would mean to you, but if it is truly capable of feats as immense as Lux is claiming, then it should stay wherever it is hidden. There is too much risk of it being abused, even by myself. Or do you really want to give Ozorith that kind of asset as well? That point was enough to at least give the Seal pause. While they were in agreement that Ozorith would eventually have to go, he was still a part of Serilda’s life in the meantime, and if he caught wind of the relic or of Serilda having it, there was no telling what he would do to make use of it.

    “I agree,” Serilda stated firmly after Chishan surmised her thoughts about it being best placed in a hole rather than in the hands of anyone at all, especially beings of supernatural origins. Lux and Mythal both surely knew, or at least assumed, that Victoria had already been clawing within the Voidwalker’s head in trying to convince the woman to find it for her, but Serilda’s conviction stood fast against the arguments.

    It was then that Mercury spoke up, drawing the eyes of everyone to the woman that had been rather quiet for most of the day so far. She looked… well, nervous actually, which was strange, asking for some clarification on the name itself and whether or not it had any relevance to another goddess named Ataxia, whom she referred to as an eleventh Divine, someone she seemed to be under the impression was a myth, and a terrifying one if her expression was to be believed. Serilda’s brows snapped together in confusion and curiosity, her attention swiveling toward Lux, Chishan, and Ruzatz for some kind of answer. She had never even heard of Ataxia or of any Divine outside of the ten that they already knew about from the Prime Sins and Seals they knew. How in the world Mercury had such knowledge at her fingers tips was beyond Serilda, but for now it didn’t matter. She just wanted to know what the truth was.

    Lux dismissed the lavender haired woman’s fears, stating that Ataxia had been removed from the equation a long time ago, having essentially been tossed into a hole where she might as well have been just a legend. She was not a threat to the world of light any longer, and had not been for quite some time. The Shards were merely named after her as a weird homage to the power the goddess once held, which was an admittedly terrifying thought, particularly since the one Shard they had discussed today was only one of who knew how many others out in the world. Victoria?

    The Seal sighed in her head. There is certainly more detail to Ataxia than that, and if you really want more information I can provide what I know. But it is not pressing nor relevant to the situation at hand.[/color]

    Very well, then. Serilda would not press for more on the matter, at least not right now. It seemed everyone else was of the same mindset, the group of them collectively setting the matter aside and pressing forward to what was imminent at hand. Zifu summarized their agreement on the steps forward and how they would be taken. She also advised that aside from immortality, Mythal would finally be able to have kids.

    The Voidwalker frowned heavily as Mythal blinked and sought an explanation from the queen, who suddenly became extremely flustered over the knowledge that neither of them had been aware Mythal had a fertility issue, nor of any curse at all. She apologized profusely, even as Mythal demanded an answer. It was Chishan that spoke up and explained that Faera’s final act in the face of losing a large portion of her power was to infect it so that Mythal would be unable to pass her essence along into any children of his own, making it impossible for him to procreate. But, the magic was removed so would be the curse, thus giving him that opportunity.

    It was… a lot to take in, and surely for any other couple it would be quite the revelation. To a point, it still was. The knowledge that Mythal had been enduring a curse this whole time of Faera’s making was certainly startling, but… “That is… an astonishing discovery,” she admitted softly, her cheeks turning a soft pink as she worked up the gumption to speak on what was clearly an extremely sensitive topic for her. “Unfortunately, it won’t matter in the long run. I was diagnosed as being barren long before my first husband passed away. Even if Mythal will be able to have children after this, I still will not.”

    There was a deep vein of shame on her face, though this one was entirely different from that she’d expressed over her outburst before. Of all the expectations that were held of nobles and royalty, the ability to procreate was of the utmost importance, especially for the firstborn that would inherit titles such as herself. Even though it was something she had no control over, it was embarrassing and sorrowful, something that less empathic nobles could -- and had -- attempted to mock her over. Doing what she could to stay dignified, she glanced up at Chishan and the flummoxed Zifu and gave them a small nod. “Nonetheless, I am still glad to have been informed about this curse. So… thank you.”

    Likely sensing that it was best to move the conversation past this extremely heavy one, Vandrad spoke up and offered himself and Mercury as a protective force, as their strengths lied more in battling monsters than performing spells. That made sense, given that as far as Serilda could tell Mercury wasn’t actually a mage in the sense that she could procure magic from within herself. She could utilize magic items, and did so rather often if the packs she typically had on her hips were any indication -- they often seemed to hold much more within them that similar mundane products would. But in general she seemed to be one who simply relied on the power of her own muscles and the use of the gadgets and trinkets at her disposal.

    Chishan was amenable to the proposal, offering himself and the spirits he could summon to assist them on that front. Zifu would be the catalyst for the ritual itself, putting her focus and attention on the lacrima’s installation, while the leaders of Lusty Titans would use their immense power to fuel the ritual and speed it along. The blonde man thanked Ruzatz, Monica and Agatha for helping them before chuckling a bit to himself. Apparently, he hadn’t been aware of who exactly Ruzatz’ Hand was until just now, though by his own admission he should have known if only based off Agatha’s beauty. The redheaded wife of Ruzatz smiled sweetly, if a bit shyly, at the tall man, truly touched and humbled by his compliment despite the fact that she’d probably received similar such comments for most of her adult life. “Thank you,” she told him kindly, classily electing to neither brush it off nor make a deal out of his words.

    The master of the Order expressed that knowing the Sin’s vassal was greatly insightful, as he had little to no similar information on the rest of the Sins. In fact, it seemed the only knowledge they did have was that Arthas has been on the move recently, which they believed meant he was attempting to find Ozorith’s next Sword. Serilda’s breath caught in her throat, even as Ruzatz nervously chuckled and agreed with Chishan’s sentiment without comment, clearly trying to cover for Serilda.

    “You…” she started to say to Chishan, her surprised gaze searching both him and Zifu. There was a questioning look in her eyes but slowly the reality sank in. They didn’t know. She’d figured they had. Sure, Serilda had never mentioned it to Gren specifically, and by his own admission Chishan stated that they had made it a point not to pry into their personal lives, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t been seeking every avenue to keep tabs on the Divines and Sins. She had figured surely, between everything that had happened with Faera and the knowledge of what Serilda had done to Archimedes, that they would have figured it out.

    It seemed they had not. Serilda sighed deeply. This was not going to go well, she could already sense it. But there was no running from what she had done. Serilda had made her choice and would not try to cover it up like a coward, nor would she allow Ruzatz to lie and deceive on her behalf. “Arthas is not a lackey,” she told them plainly, clearly not thrilled about the information she had to offer. “He is Wrath. It is the identity Ozorith assumes when he journeys to the mortal world… and he did claim a new Sword.”

    Reaching slowly to her side, she gently withdrew the scimitar Malice from its scabbard and set it on the gurney beside Mythal’s legs. It immediately resonated with a deep and malicious unholy aura, its impossibly black metal seeming to suck in the light of the room around it and casting no reflection. “He cased me for several months under the guise of Arthas, starting when I was still a member of Sabertooth. Mythal and I had only just started to become real friends at that point, and I had only learned about Faera and Mythal’s history not long before Ozorith first approached me, so I didn’t understand who he was or what he was trying to do. All I knew was that he was vile, and I wanted nothing to do with him, so I rejected every attempt he made at trying to win me over.”

    “But a lot of stuff happened in a very quick amount of time. I learned that my former husband had been cheating on me and stealing from my family through the entirety of our marriage, and had only cared for me as a willing bed partner. When I discovered this, Mythal and I were… not in a good place.” She glanced at her lover, her face red hot with embarrassment and shame over the very personal and painful details of the things that had led them to where they were currently. “Mythal had been avoiding me for a couple months, and… well, between that, a truly awful confrontation with Hugo’s spirit, and a number of other things, I went home and drank myself into a stupor.”

    “Mythal found me and cleaned me up, but when I woke in the morning he was gone. All I had was a note where he finally told me how he felt about me, and a cryptic enough message that I knew he had gone to Kingdom Darkness to confront Faera. I searched for him everywhere, but he was already gone and I had no idea where he was, how to get to him, or how I could even help if I managed to get there. I was just a Voidwalker, and while controlling the Void is… substantially powerful… it wasn’t the type of power needed to confront a god.”

    She hung her head here, visibly unhappy with what she had to tell them next. “It was in the midst of this that I remembered Ozorith. I realized that the power he had been trying to give me was god slaying magic. We had a… discussion.” Clearly, she hadn’t jumped right at the offer of power from the demon lord, despite Mythal’s situation. Serilda had taken enough time to get more information from him before moving forward. “But I knew I had little choice in the end, and not just for Mythal’s sake. I knew what would happen if Faera managed to get to him, and Ozorith was my only means of getting the strength I needed to actually do anything about it.”

    “So I took it. He brought me to his kingdom, Frostbane, and gave me everything that I would need… including the lacrima that made me a god slayer and granted me immortality.” A haunted and traumatized look flashed through her eyes over the brief and vague summary of what had transpired in Wrath’s kingdom. Whatever Ozorith had done to her, there would be no uncertainty that it had been invasive and crude. She gathered herself and pressed on. “Once he was done, he deposited me outside of Lusty Titans, which was where I found Ruzatz and convinced him to send me to Kingdom Darkness.” Serilda looked over toward Ruzatz and Agatha, who had both been a part in making that happen. Agatha offered the woman a sad but encouraging smile. “There are other details stemming from that which you may or may not be aware of, but… for the most part, I imagine you already know the rest.”

    “I assumed you already knew. I’m sorry.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 10th October 2020, 2:06 pm

    900 words to finish 100y. 1725 words moving forward || @Serilda Sinclair @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    So Faera had laid on another layer of pain to his life, one that he hadn’t even known about until this moment. Zifu had revealed his sudden fertility almost as an afterthought, like it would bring them a minimal joy to a problem they already knew. Mythal couldn’t imagine what his face looked like but absolute shock that rocked her entire form told enough of a story. She asked him if he truly didn’t know what she was talking about and when he asked for further clarification, clearly unaware, she got completely flustered. It was remarkable to see a woman who had held her poise so well throughout the situation lose herself twice in the manner of minutes, though on entirely different scales. Lux had stoked her anger and Mythal had apparently embarrassed her. Sensing that his wife was having an issue, Chishan stepped in and explained the curse in its entirety. Frankly, he shouldn’t have been surprised -- Faera was an uncaring bitch and no doubt she didn’t want the Darkness King siring heirs that could stand against her in the long run of their war. But perhaps the most sobering part was the fact that truly, it probably wouldn’t matter.

    His hand curled tightly around Serilda’s as she listened, the news uplifting but also further hammering in the grand issue. Even if he could viable have children, Serilda could not. She’d discovered that she was barren during her first marriage. And the Director certainly didn’t intend on knocking anyone else up. He was a bit surprised that Serilda decided to voice that long-buried discovery, letting everyone present play audience to it. Then again, Seri probably didn’t see any reason to not talk about it, since it was already out there and in the open. The Voidwalker’s shame was obvious on her face and Mythal slid an arm around her and pulled her a bit closer to him. He understood that being able to have children was extremely important to nobles. She had suffered several attempts to mock her lacking of over the years and no doubt it had instilled a deep amount of shame in her

    Zifu looked utterly devastated, as if she had discovered that she couldn’t produce children. “My deepest condolences, Lady Sinclair. I am terribly sorry that I… that I so brazenly talked about it. I had no right.” It seemed, at least in this, that the queen understood etiquette and how she had breached it. And she sought to apologize for it, profusely even. Yet another side to the stoic woman that had come out in such a short manner of time. Luckily Vandrad swooped in to move the room’s discussion along, not wanting Serilda and Mythal to be the focus of a very uncomfortable topic. He proclaimed that Mercury and himself would be handling the monsters, as was their proficiency. It made the most sense; Mercury didn’t seem to have any kind of magic and Vandrad was far better suited for punching things than focusing magic for a period of time. Chishan opted to join them, stating that he could use his summons to help them. Odd thing to learn the man had spiritual contract magic but then again, who was he to judge?

    That left the Lusty Titans to help Zifu with the ritual, a task that they seemed more than capable of handling. Chishan went out of his way to thank them for their help, even taking a moment to compliment Agatha based on her position as the Hand. There was an odd moment there as he met her gaze and it was like lightning had struck the two of them at once. Mythal only hoped Zifu wasn’t the jealous type because he knew for certain that Ruzatz wasn’t. In fact, the Prime Sin seemed to notice it too and was grinning a bit too brightly for his own good. Nonetheless, the Master conveyed his appreciation for knowing who Ruzatz’ Hand was, as they had limited information on many of the other gods and demons. He remarked about Arthas and the name sent a chill down Mythal’s spine. Arthas was Ozorith’s cover, the guise he operated under so that he could move unnoticed. He’d used it to spy on Serilda, as he had started to consider her a suitable candidate for the position of his Sword. Ruzatz played it off easily enough, more than willing to keep the Voidwalker’s secret just that. It wasn’t his information to spill and he respected the God Slaying couple enough to not out any more startling surprises than had already been broached.

    But it was Serilda who spoke up, seemingly shocked that they hadn’t figured out who the Sword was. Her single world interruption drew the attention of the room, with both Chishan and Zifu looking confused as they met her gaze. Yet now that she had said something, hinted at something, she had opened the door and Mythal knew that now was going to come a revelation that surely would not end well. They had handled Lux fairly well and, to a point, even his snooping through their records. But the knowledge that Serilda was Ozorith’s Sword? Well, that was everything they were trying to determine, destroy and prevent. His body stiffened slightly but he held his lover’s hand as she revealed that Arthas was not actually a lackey but was, in fact, Wrath himself. And the Prime Sin had already claimed a new Sword, reaching to her scabbard and withdrawing Malice from its home. She laid it down on the bed before him, the blade practically dripping with malevolent and dark power. The color drained from Zifu’s face as she looked at it and then to Serilda, any concern for the woman’s emotional state and private affairs all but gone.

    Serilda would continue uninterrupted though, as she detailed her history with the Prime Sin. He had cased her for several months, acting as Arthas, while she was still with Sabertooth. She’d made him fairly quickly as a reprehensible fellow and had kept distance between them, refusing his offers at each and every interaction. Unfortunately, a person’s willingness to hold firm could waver and it seemed life had opted to throw several curves at the Voidwalker at once. She discovered some dark truths about her former husband that had shaken her faith in him and Mythal had put some distance between them for reasons that weren’t explicitly stated. Everything had boiled over after an interaction with Hugo’s spirit and she had fled home and found comfort in alcohol. That was where Mythal found her and took care of her, only to disappear by the next morning. He’d left her a note that she’d managed to decipher as his intent to go and fight Faera in Kingdom Darkness. She’d tried to get to him before it was too late but he was gone and she was helpless. So with nowhere else to turn to and no other methods to rely on, she had recalled Ozorith’s offer. He had offered her the ability to slay gods, the exact power she would need if she was going to help Mythal. They had talked the matter over, with the Voidwalker seemingly wanting more information before simply agreeing. But in the end, she had -- knowing that it was not only the means to save Mythal but to stop Faera if she were already too late.

    She accepted the deal and Ozorith implanted within her the lacrima that had given her immortality and the power to stop the divine. Whatever he had done to give her that power had quite the impact on her, a glazed look of silent trauma flashing over her features as she recalled it. She let herself live in the moment for a bit longer before she continued, recalling that she had wound up in front of Lusty Titans and from there, Ruzatz had provided her the means to get to Kingdom Darkness. There was no reason to divulge many of the more intricate details, as she imagined they already knew about them. But she had figured they’d already sussed out her role within Ozorith’s regime and apologized for it.

    Zifu inhaled deeply through her nostrils, her nose lifting up as she looked down it at Serilda. It was an all too familiar look of someone noble, preparing to address someone that was not on their good side. Mythal knew it quite well from the few times Serilda had worn the exact same look. But then Zifu released it, breathing out through her mouth and that air about her seemed to settle into normalcy, or as much as she had in the first place. “Then we must hasten to enact our plan sooner rather than later. The longer you spend in this place, the more information Ozorith can possibly glean from your position. We’ve already been put -- and will momentarily be put back -- into enough danger this day; I would rather not have to come face to face with the Prime Sin of Wrath as well.”

    She was upset, that much was certain. But she had managed to rein herself in for the moment. Chishan gave her a nod before looking back to Serilda. “Thank you… for telling us. I won’t lie to you and say that hearing that Ozorith has found a Sword gives me pleasure -- it doesn’t. But frankly, if I were to choose anyone to become it, it would be you. I imagine ordering you around is about as easy as telling the planet to stop spinning and the idea of Ozorith getting fed up with that is actually pretty amusing.”

    It was about the closest they were going to get to some kind of neutral ground on the subject. The vassals under the gods and demons were dangerous positions for the human world and, as such, were as ruthlessly hunted as the deities themselves. There wasn’t going to be an easy answer, explanation or agreement between the Order and Serilda over it but it seemed that, for the most part, they understood why she had agreed. In an act of desperation, a lot of people would have made the same choice. “If we’re all good with this plan, then we need to be ready to go from the moment we get there. Zifu will be able to teleport us all there and the moment we arrive, we’ll put Mythal under and transport Gren and Serilda inside. Then our ritual group will begin the process of activating the lacrima and installing it into Mythal’s body. Lux, are you planning on helping at all or going back inside of Mythal?”

    “Oh no, I gotta make sure you guys screw all the nuts and bolts back in my ride. I will be outside watching all of you,” he said, giving a two-fingered point to everyone other than Gren and Serilda.

    “Works for me, now then,” Chishan said softly before he brought up his right hand, squeezing his fingers into his palm. Three glowing spots appeared on the back of his hand; red, brown and blue. From those glowing spots, beams of magic erupted outwards and surged forward to the ground in front of Chishan, slamming into the smooth granite and erupting upwards. Three figures appeared out of the light, each one taking on a humanoid form after a moment of glowing in their representative color.

    The one on the far left, emerging from the red glow, was a man that looked very much like some kind of monk. Wild red hair erupted from his skull, black tips singed and smoking from the mass of follicles. Three earrings hung from each ear and black tattoos with glowing red lining splashed over his left temple and on either side of his cheekbones. A heavy chain necklace hung about his neck, draping down and holding a golden cross emblem over his bare chest. The tattoo on the left side of his face ran down over his neck and coalesced with a sun-shaped tattoo over his left breast, each arm stretching out and away. He had formed musculature but was more on the thinner side, structured a bit like Mythal himself was. Several curving and banner tattoos ran down the length of his left arm and a bandage covered his right forearm. He was wearing the black bottoms of a gi, with an orange sashed tied tight around his waist.

    The spirit in the middle, colored brown, appeared as a curvy, busty woman. Her thick brown hair hung down over her shoulders and curled upwards all around. A red top hat, with a black strap and feather ploom, sat perfectly at a forty five degree angle on her head. Her face was painted white with pink circles over her cheeks and bright red lipstick, making her look a bit like a mime or a clown. A tight red corset hugged her abdomen, thrusting her massive cleavage up and out for most to see, with a tattooed heart on the top curve of her left breast. She had a jacket on over the corset that draped down over her rear and curved up around her neck, revealing the pinstripe inner liner. The corset draped down between her legs as well, like a hanging frock that was the only means to hide her private areas and revealing a great deal of her thigh, right up to her hips. She had a pair of fishnets on her right leg and a striped thigh-high sock on her left, a pair of patching white and purple boots on her feet.

    The last spirit emerging from the blue light was a black man of simple garb. His long hair was wrapped in dreads all over, hanging down onto his shoulders and framing his stoic face. A single nose stud hung onto his left nostril and a small bit of facial hair adorned his chin. A simple necklace, similar to a large chain link, wrapped around his thick neck. He was also topless, revealing his heavily muscled chest as well but rather than glowing black tattoos, his seemed to be made of inlaid silver. They were sharp, curving designed symbols, tracing his chest, over his biceps and down onto his forearms. He wore a pair of black shorts that had once been pants but were torn just above the knees. He also came brandishing a silver spear, planting its buttend onto the ground as he materialized fully.

    “This is Mamet, the Demi-God of the Flames, Ursula, the Demi-God of the Earth and Banner, the Demi-God of the Sea,” Chishan introduced them from left to right.

    Mamet blinked and looked around the room at the strangers. “Whole lotta new faces, huh? We at some kind of convention?” His gaze stopped on Monica and a sly grin came across his face as he openly checked her out.

    “If we are, we are either too overdressed or underdressed for the occasion,” Ursula replied, her attention focusing between Vandrad and Mercury, a subtle smirk on her painted lips.

    Banner bowed his head respectfully. “It is an honor to make all of your acquaintances.” Then he turned to Chishan. “Do we have a mission, Chishan?”

    The Master nodded. “Fighting off monsters while a ritual is happening.”

    “And our reward?”
    “And our reward?” Both Mamet and Ursula asked with intent, their eyes never leaving the people they had eyed up.

    Chishan snorted. “I’m sure we can work something out.” Then he set his gaze on the rest of the group. “If you have any last minute preparations to make, then I suggest you make them soon. How about we take ten minutes to prepare ourselves and then we get things underway?”

    And with that, the timer started ticking.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 10th October 2020, 5:15 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Lux insisted rather quickly that Mercury had nothing to be worried about, brushing the woman’s worry aside as he informed her that while Ataxia was quite real, she had been dealt with thoroughly enough a long, long time ago that she might as well have just been a myth. While it was good to hear that a goddess like that would never be something she’d have to deal with, it was still a bit concerning to know that Ataxia still existed. The Shards, explained, were only connected to the woman in name, pieces of inexplicable power much like that of their namesake.

    Things moved along, with Zifu and Chishan attempting to wrap up the plan at hand in order to enact upon it, but in the meantime she’d accidentally stumbled upon something that apparently had not been as widely known as she’d assumed it had. She mentioned that another result of this would be that Mythal could finally procreate, which drew a confused look from both the darkness slayer and his fiance. After a quick back and forth that resulted in Zifu becoming flush with profuse embarrassment, it was revealed that one of Mythal’s current afflictions was infertility due to a curse that Faera had placed on the magic he stole from her.

    Well, that was a hammer. Or at least, it should have been. In a way it was, because clearly the couple had no idea. But while it should have potentially been a joyous discovering, there was a solemness from them that spelled something deeper. With shame on her face, Serilda admitted that it was a curse worth noting, but one that was ultimately useless as the noblewoman herself was barren to begin with. Even if Mythal would be able to copulate, she couldn’t. Given that the Voidwalker had never mentioned her previous marriage to them until now, it was rather surprising to the Xocili, and the notion struck a chord in Mercury, if only a slight one. She had already decided long ago that she would never have kids, and had even stated as much around Vandrad before, but at least she still had the ability to do so if she ever changed her mind. Serilda did not, and while Mercury had only been on Earthland a short while to understand their customs, she did know that not being able to have children was a pretty big deal for someone of her station.

    Zifu apologized vehemently, and there was no doubting her sincerity in the act. Serilda made a quick reply to assure the woman it was okay, and that she hadn’t taken it personally. Zifu hadn’t known, and the other noblewoman wasn’t going to fault her for crossing a line when Serilda herself had done so not much longer than an hour ago. In fact, the Voidwalker took a moment there to apologize to her, and to everyone else, for losing her temper before.

    For the most part, things were starting to look well and good, and everyone was on their way toward rounding up for the next phase in helping Mythal. Vandrad offered himself and Mercury for protective detail, stating that they would be of far more use in that task than in performing rituals. “It’s kind of our thing,” she added, her own way of vocalizing her agreement in volunteering for the work ahead, shooting a devious smirk at Chishan that showed she wasn’t intimidated by the idea of a few beasts. The tall blonde man stated he would join them with his spirits, which greatly piqued Mercury’s interest. She knew about summoning magic, but had yet to meet anyone that utilized it. Getting the chance to see it first hand would be a rather educational experience, one she was already looking forward to.

    The Prime Sin and his wives were set to the task of helping Zifu with the lacrima, while Gren had already made it known that he intended on being with Serilda inside Mythal’s head. Monica gave the man a quick flirt, and with a chuckle Chishan voiced his amusement and gratitude over having the mystery solved for him on who it was that served as Ruzatz’ vassal. He said it shouldn’t have been a surprise to him since the Hand of Lust was, by legend, said to be the most beautiful person within Lust’s domain, and there was no doubt that Agatha was just that. The primary wife smiled, touched by the compliment, and thanked him gently for it. There was no doubt that sparks were flying between the two of them, but who could blame them for that? Even Ruzatz looked more than a little excited at the prospect of the two ridiculously beautiful people shacking up together. Then again, as the reigning demon over a thing like Lust, he likely couldn’t afford to be jealous.

    But he did sound a little odd when the topic of another Prime Sin came up. Chishan admitted that they had very little intelligence on the inner circles of most of the demon lords, and that aside from what they had just discovered regarding Agatha, the only information they had on any others was that a man named Arthas had been confirmed as roaming Earthland, likely looking for a new Sword for the Sin of Wrath. The keywords brought up quick enough answers to confirm that the Sword was an equivalent position as Agatha being Ruzatz’s hand, just for a demon with a different focus. In fact, it was the demon that was arguably proclaimed to be the most dangerous of the seven. If that was the case, and Ruzatz was a Sin… did that mean he already knew something about what Chishan had mentioned? If he did, it didn’t seem like he was keen on telling.

    But, as she would quickly come to find out, that had nothing to do with any sense of loyalty to his brethren’s schemes. He was attempting to brush the matter aside, but weirdly enough only for the sake of… Serilda? The noblewoman’s face became awash with shock as she looked to Chishan and Zifu, moving to speak and finding herself at a loss of words at the surprise that they clearly didn’t know something that she thought they did. Resolution settled upon her and she informed them that Arthas was not a mere subordinate of the demon lord of Wrath like the legends claimed, but rather that he was the man himself. Ozorith apparently was the type of demon to visit the mortal world directly, cloaking himself with a pseudo identity and enacting his will without anyone knowing who he truly was.

    Their guess that he had been looking for a new vassal had been correct, because Serilda was that vassal. Mercury’s eyes went wide, despite herself. Of all the people in the room that she could have guess allying themselves to a demon, Serilda had to be one of the last ones she’d have gone for. The woman seemed to have a distaste for most such creatures, be they gods or demons -- Ruzatz aside. So the fact that she had pledged herself to the worst of them was quite the shocker. The Voidwalker withdrew one of her swords and set it on the gurney for everyone to see. Even Mercury could feel its sinister aura, her own magic tickling at her in a way it usually didn’t do. She quickly set to scanning the weapon and found its genetic makeup completely unlike anything she’d ever found on Earthland or in the flotilla. It was a strange, black metal as durable as steel, if not moreso, and Mercury was itching to get a sample of it to play with.

    Instead, she simply retained her patience and listened as Serilda wove the tale of how she’d become the right hand of a malicious anti-god. Ozorith had apparently tailed her for some time trying to convince her to work with him, only to meet rejection at every turn. Even though Serilda didn’t have the knowledge back then that she carried now to know what she was dealing with, she still had figured out enough to know he was bad news and to keep him as far away as possible. Unfortunately, her resistance had only lasted until she had been backed into a corner. In her previous marriage, she had learned after her former husband passed that he had been unfaithful to her through the entirety of it, using her to get at her family’s fortune and to get laid. Even for Mercury, that was cold. Maybe she didn’t view sex with the sanctity that many others did, but at least she had never manipulated anyone into thinking she was in love with them to take advantage of them like that.

    But apparently this revelation had come at a time when she and Mythal’s relationship had been rocky, with the adoptive son of Gren putting some distance between them. She’d sought solace in drink, yet another unexpected twist that was not at all like the woman Mercury and Vandrad had come to know. While Serilda drank, she never drank so much that it impaired her, and one only had to hold a conversation with the woman for five minutes to know that getting drunk just was not something that she did. Yet, the compiling of so much heartbreak had driven her exactly to that.

    Mythal had found out somehow and managed to get to her in time to help nurse her back to health, but by the time morning came around he was gone with nothing but a note to profess his love for her and enough clues for her to realize he had gone on a suicide mission into Kingdom Darkness. The pieces fell into place in Mercury’s mind, recalling the couple’s argument before and how ruthlessly Mythal had berated her for trying to make the same mistake he had. This must have been what they were referencing. Unfortunately, at the time Serilda didn’t have the knowledge or the tools necessary to help him.

    And that had been the perfect catalyst for Ozorith to succeed in securing her as his Sword. It was a beautiful scheme, really. Mercury did have to admire it to a point. Serilda didn’t seem like an easy woman to manipulate, but this Sin had managed to do so. She described being taken to his realm, Frostbane, and being given everything she would need to save Mythal, including a lacrima that bestowed the gifts of a slayer upon her. The harrowing look on her face told the story of the details she elected not to describe. Whatever had happened to her in Frostbane, she had not emerged the same woman, and not just because of the magic itself. And apparently, it had made her immortal -- which explained the oddly relieved look the couple had given one another at the knowledge that Mythal was to receive the same treatment with this cure. It wouldn’t be a curse, but a blessing for them, one they probably never thought they’d get.

    When all was said and done, it was Ruzatz that had been able to get her into the Kingdom to use her new abilities to save Mythal and stop Faera from assuming his body and invading their world. That was the general gist of the story. Not all the details were there, but it was enough that they would more or less understand what happened and how she had reached the station. Serilda apologized, stating that she assumed the Order had already had that knowledge given that it was their job to keep tabs on what happened with demons and gods.

    A sharp inhale drew itself through Zifu’s nostrils, and as Mercury flicked her gaze toward the woman she could read her vitals rising in rage much like Serilda had done before. The woman was pissed, and while Mercury got why on an academic level, she didn’t think it was fair for the woman to give her such an indignant look of judgement after a tale like that, one that had been entirely true. The look of superiority set something off in the Xocili, her own gaze narrowing on the woman unseen from the sidelines, fixed on her almost in hope that the queen would snap and give Mercury an excuse to wipe the pretentious and holier-than-thou expression right off her stuck up face.

    But, the dark woman managed to maintain her composure, if only barely. She released the breath tightly in an attempt to calm herself down, though Mercury continued to watch her until she was sure the woman was going to hold her tongue. All the woman wound up saying was that the news simply meant that they were in that much more of a hurry as she did not wish to expose their secrets to a possible rat any longer than they already had, a comment which set a decision for Mercury that she’d only been teetering on this entire time. Letting the calm wash over herself, the emotion laced with a dangerous determination, she started calculating her plans in earnest in her head.

    In the meantime, Chishan thanked Serilda for her honesty, continuing to prove himself the more rational and level headed one of the marriage. Honestly, she felt sorry for the guy having to be married to a bitch like Zifu. He wasn’t happy to hear Ozorith had been successful in his plans, but Chishan was at least glad that it was Serilda, if anyone, as he surmised that the demon lord’s ability to push the noblewoman around was about as easy as defying the rotation of the earth. In fact, he found the notion of Ozorith getting frustrated by not getting his way all the time to be an amusing one.

    But the time to act was finally upon them, and there was no reason to tarry. He was to give them enough time to get themselves ready before they would be on the move. Lux confirmed that he was going to stay with the exterior group to keep a possessive eye on his host and make sure not a single one of them screwed things up. That was good enough for Chishan, and everyone else, and without further ado the master of the Order summoned his spirits. They were three obnoxiously good looking individuals that he claimed were demi-gods, a term that Mercury mostly understood. There were two men and one female, and the three of them looked more than a little interested in the new group of people surrounding them. The first gave Monica a sly, meaningful look, one that Mercury was sure would be reciprocated. The woman, oddly enough, seemed to be flicking her gaze back and forth between Mercury and Vandrad with a subtle expression of interest that Mercury wasn’t sure if the prince would catch or not, but she sure did. An impish smirk tugged on the Xocili’s lips as she eyed the woman, sensing some fun and flirty banter in their future.

    The last spirit seemed less playful and more formal, bowing to Chishan before asking if there was a mission ahead. He affirmed the objective, only to be met with a simultaneous question from the first pair on what was in it for them, doing little to hide what would interest them most. Boy, what was with the people around here? It was exciting and mind boggling all at once.

    Chishan gave everyone ten minutes to get their affairs in order, and that was all the time Mercury needed. “Just enough time to use the ladies’ room. Don’t leave without me, killer. Can’t have you hogging all the fun,” she said, slapping the prince soundly on the ass with a devilish grin and strolling out of the room. True to her word, the Xocili headed straight for the restroom and locked the door behind her. There, she looked around the place, inspecting it with her eyes and her scanners for anything of import: magic detection devices, scrying relics, two way mirrors, the whole shebang.

    Once she was sure it was safe, Mercury reached into her pouch, using the enchanted item to mask her magical signature as she crafted a device in her hand. What she withdrew was a small plate of metal just slightly larger than the circumference of her fist, and roughly a fourth of an inch thick. Opening the cabinet under the sink, she fixed the item to the underside of the counter, where the only way anyone would see it was if they were crouched down and shoving their head inside for the sole purpose of looking in that specific spot. It latched to the surface without issue, allowing Mercury to shut the door once more.

    Sensing that someone else had made their way over and was lingering near the door, Mercury took the time to actually sit down and go through the routine of using the restroom, complete with washing her hands and drying off afterward. When she emerged, she discovered Gren waiting patiently for her to come out. “All yours, sexy,” Mercury told the man playfully, presuming he had simply been waiting for his turn.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 10th October 2020, 8:02 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was ready to get things moving. Many times it had been said that time was of the essence and they were running out of it with every passing second. And yet somehow, they kept focusing on other conversations coming up and getting distracted from the entire purpose of being there. Frankly he wasn’t sure why he cared anymore than the rest of them -- if Mythal wasn’t chomping at the bit to get people moving, why should he? Probably because Gren was right there and looked about as antsy as he was. Then again, he also understood that the sudden reveal of Mythal’s virility was a bit of a shock. Even more shocking was when Serilda admitted it was incredible to hear the curse was being removed but that it didn’t matter anyways. All of them had to bear witness to her truth as she admitted that she was barren so the chances of the couple having children in the first place were slim to none.

    It was a bit heartbreaking, even for the prince. He understood, on the same level as Zifu and Serilda, what it meant to be able to bear an heir. Noble lines were always strict upon the sons and daughters carrying on the family name and to lack the ability was such a black mark. Though he doubted that the Sinclairs had shamed Serilda about it, there was no doubt some nobles that had taken a few cheapshots at her -- there always were. He was a bit in the same boat; he was almost forty and hadn’t sired an heir yet and hadn’t honestly put that much thought into it. Though his mother was understanding to a point, he knew she wanted a grandchild to celebrate and care for. Perhaps someday but not anytime soon.

    To her credit, Zifu apologized for revealing the information without a second thought. The Field Marshall conveyed some words of comfort, understanding that the queen certainly hadn’t known and her intentions were of sound mind. Though she seemed to have a larger stick up her ass than Vandrad did, she was repetenent for this remark, at the very least. And sensing it was time to move on, it was the prince who brought up where he and Mercury would set up. Chishan decided to join with them, rounding out their group and then some -- apparently he had access to spirits that could join the fray as well. The members of the Lusty Titans would work with Zifu on the ritual and with that, they had their battle plan. Chishan thanked Ruzatz, Agatha and Monica for their help, taking time to idly and uselessly remark about Agatha’s beauty once more. A truly inconsequential comment, especially because anyone with eyes could see how breathtaking she was. That inner comment caused Vandrad to pause and shake his head, ridding himself of such a silly notion. After that, Chishan remarked about the knowledge of Agatha being Ruzatz’ hand, that odd title coming up yet again. The Master mused about the lack of knowledge about other gods and demons, save for some lackey named Arthas who worked for Wrath. He was apparently looking for someone to be his Sword.

    And like that, all the pieces clicked into place for Vandrad. Wrath as a high level demon it seemed and his vassal, the person he relied on to do his work, was called his Sword. That meant that Ruzatz, with Agatha as his Hand, was some kind of high level demon as well. Based on one being called Wrath, he deduced that the red-headed clown must have been Lust, solely concluded by his antics and mannerisms. Tying that in together with Lux calling him a half-brother and it made perfect sense. So Mythal and Serilda were close with a demon lord and his entourage of sex-obsessed women. Honestly, the notion that the Rune Knights might be swingers crept back up again, even if Mythal had vehemently denied it. Vandrad was a bit satisfied that he had put two and two together finally when Serilda spoke up, looking shocked and awed as she stared at Chishan and Zifu. The way she stared, it was as if she had expected something else to be said and found nothing coming from it. Of course her reaction was so obvious and palpable that she couldn’t easily dismiss it and move on. If she truly wanted to, he had no doubt that she would but it seemed she opted to open up about her confusion rather than shut it down.

    And it was quite the weighty explanation. She revealed that Arthas was a pseudonym that Ozorith, Wrath, operated under. It allowed him to travel without drawing attention while he sought out someone to become his Sword -- a task he had already completed. She pulled out one of her swords, the blade blade resonating with an evil magic that infected the very room they stood in. Vandrad looked it over quietly, feeling its strange power bouncing off of his senses like an odor he couldn’t quite shake. Ozorith had noticed Serilda and targeted her, trying to win her to his side. Yet she had turned him down time and time again… until she finally reached a breaking point. She’d learned that her former husband had simply been using her for physical satisfaction, having no love in him for her and had even gone ahead and stole from her family for his own gain. A truly despicable person if there ever was one and there was nothing Vandrad despised more than people that sought power by stealing it and lying to achieve it. It was cowardice in its barest form and he had very little pity over the fact that the man was dead.

    But she’d learned that right in the midst of a rift with Mythal -- that was an interesting development. In all honesty, Vandrad had expected that the argument they all had seen that evening was their first spat. The reactions from both of them had seemingly gone about that way, if his previous history with arguments was any testament to that. Yet that seemed false, as the Darkness Slayer had been avoiding Serilda for some time for reasons that were left unsaid. Out of all the discoveries he’d had all day, that was the one he was most curious about. Mythal certainly didn’t seem to be the social butterfly but outright ignoring the Field Marshall seemed tactless, downright rude, things that he didn’t really embody. Then again, the Darkness Slayer had said several times that the person he was before meeting Serilda hadn’t exactly been the most upstanding of people. Perhaps this was a minor regression, a setback that dropped him into his old ways until something shook him out of it. And Serilda provided just that answer when, after interacting with Hugo’s ghost, she went on a bender.

    Vandrad never understood why people turned to alcohol when life got rough. He enjoyed drinking every so often but he never did it extensively or to the point that he lost control of himself. But he knew that several people, especially former members of the Bellum army, relied on the drink to bury the nightmares and haunted memories that plagued them. To him, it always seemed like a stopgap -- a temporary reprieve that never stopped the bleeding but merely hid it. He was of the mind that, should one experience trauma, they should strive to overcome it and prove that trauma beyond who they once were. But even the prince understood that tragedy and trauma never truly went away -- they remained in the  back of the mind, just waiting for a low moment to pounce and bring back the pain. His grandmother resurfaced for him during those times but even then, he never thought to grab a bottle and drink his cares away. Yet, even he understood that he was a bit of an oddity when it came to emotional baggage.

    Mythal had come to help Serilda during her bender, tending to her until she was able to sleep it off. But when the morning came, the Darkness Slayer was gone, leaving only a note that provided a goodbye along with an admission of his feelings for her. Serilda had surmised based on the context clues that he was going to Kingdom Darkness, most likely to take on Faera. And though she sought to stop him before he got there, she found herself too late and the man was gone. Once more she was left without answers or direction, the weight of her strength not being enough pressing down on her. And in that terrifying moment, she remembered Ozorith’s offer. So it seemed that when things hit a wall and Serilda couldn’t find a way out, she resorted to drastic, often dangerous measures. Vandrad could see the pattern, linking her choice with Wrath to the one she had almost made that very night. It was dangerous for a leader to resort to such foolhardy notions when things got rough… but then again, these were extreme circumstances.

    She hadn’t agreed to taking the position right away -- she wanted to learn as much about it as possible before she signed. But it seemed they both understood what choice she was going to make, even after hearing whatever sacrifices and obligations she would have to attend to. She needed the power to save Mythal but even more than that, she needed the God Slaying abilities to fight Faera, when and if she showed an opening to be struck. Vandrad supposed that it was around this time that Serilda and Mythal had had their discussion about him being taken over and what she would have to do. It made sense, considering her words, and he couldn’t help but respect the two of them more for it. It was a hard road to consider and they had not only talked about it but decided on what they would do when push came to shove.

    After Serilda agreed, Ozorith took her to Frostbane, his kingdom, and gave her the powers that came from becoming his Sword. Power and immortality were the perks but there was a glazing over of the eyes that hinted at something more… painful. Vandrad watched as Serilda relived the memory, an anxiousness rising in her chest as she remembered how the demon lord had taken advantage of her. He couldn’t quite tell the depth of the trauma but it was enough that Vandrad sensed it was something physically violating. For a stoic woman like Serilda to take any kind of physical abuse without lashing out and raining pain down was… well, a miracle in the worst kind of way. She understood, even then, that she had to be willing to take any punishment for her sacrifice, so that she could get to Mythal. And once she had been transformed, he had dropped her off at Lusty Titans and from there, Ruzatz had been the one to send her to Kingdom Darkness.

    Serilda had revealed all of her story because she thought that the Order of Souls had already known. Given the looks on their face, they very clearly did not. Zifu’s nostrils flared and her head tilted slightly, the look of a regal about to dress down a person right in front of them. It was a look he knew quite well, given his upbringing, and prepared himself for the verbal lashing that would surely be heading the Field Marshal’s way. Yet he was sure that it wouldn’t pass without comment or retribution; Serilda had no reason to tell them anything and yet, she had taken a big step and revealed to them a part of her recent past that clearly she had no pride in. Trying to denounce her pain and trauma and chiding her would go about as well as flicking a bull on the nose and expecting it to stay cowed.

    But perhaps the shock of the night -- and that was saying something -- was that Zifu simply let the air blow out through her mouth and she settled herself, choosing to take the higher road rather than resort to what came naturally. Rather than chastise Serilda, she simply stated that it was in their best interest to hurry along with their plan, so that Ozorith didn’t discover the location of their base or recover any information from them through Serilda. She desperately wanted nothing to do with the Prime Sin of Wrath, a lofty title that spoke of where Ozorith stood in the demon hierarchy. Chishan’s approach was much softer and earnest, thanking her for entrusting them with the information. He wasn’t pleased by the notion that Ozorith had named his Sword but if he had to pick anyone to take on the task, Serilda would be it. He was amused at the idea of the demon trying to give Serilda orders and expected her to oblige him without question, frankly a humor that Vandrad shared himself.

    So it seemed Serilda’s big reveal didn’t have the massive effect that one might have expected but that simply may have been that the situation they were already in was far more paramount and dangerous. Chishan gave them another brief rundown of what to expect when they teleported to the Silent Cemetery, with Gren and Serilda being instantly put inside Mythal to stop the progression of Faera’s ritual. The rest would take up their chosen positions. When asked where he would be, Lux stated that he would remain outside, wanting to ensure that their side of the ritual went off without a hitch. There was a good chance he wanted to remain on this plane because he didn’t trust the Order, especially after learning that they had an Ataxian shard in their possession. Chishan dismissed the criticism and brought up his hand, creating a series of different lights on his flesh. Magic rushed from him and the lights moved away from his body and to the ground before him, crafting three equal circles of color. From the shapes emerged humanoid-looking beings, the spirits that he had referenced before.

    They each had their own quirks about them. The one on the far left looked like a tribal warrior or monk of some kind, with elegant tribal tattoos on his chest and face. He wore a simple skirt that seemed more fitting for a full gi than to be paired with a bare chest. The woman next to him was dressed like an actual circus entertainer, with a large tophat and clown-like makeup. She sported a corset that clung to her so tightly it was probably one wrong move from breaking. And the last man wore a ragged, worn pair of shorts and held a silver spear in his hand. Shirtless as well, it seemed his tattoos had been inked with actual silver, glowing and refracting the light with every move he made. It seemed their group of misfits continued to grow and each addition was just as strange, if not stranger, than the last. Chishan introduced them as Mamet, Ursula and Banner -- demi-gods that held positions over different elements.

    "You just have hotties on call whenever you want? That is ridiculous and I’m a little jealous,” Monica said, eyeing each spirit individually. Her gaze met Mamet’s, a playful naughtiness twinkling in her eye as she shared an unspoken conversation with him.

    For some odd reason, the woman was eyeing him heavily. He noticed some slight movement in her gaze and glanced over to realize that she was also checking out Mercury. Yet another person who couldn’t control their mojo for five minutes and had to make googly eyes at other pretty people in the room. At the very least, Banner took the time to bow his head and properly greet the group before asking if they had a mission. Upon confirmation, the other two spirits asked what they would be paid for their duties and their implied stares seemed to hint at something deviant. Vandrad scoffed softly and scowled, unwilling to even ponder the possibility of sex being a form of payment for duties they should naturally follow. They had contracts after all.

    Chishan decided they each should take ten minutes to get themselves prepared for the coming battle. Mercury used this as an opportunity to use the bathroom, telling him not to leave without her. After a firm smack on his ass, which earned her a growl and a scowl all at once, she was  gone. That was an odd decision -- considering she usually saved those kinds of things for later. But then again, he wasn’t all that surprised. During when Zifu had been considering ridiculing Serilda in front of everyone, he had sensed a sharp emotional rise in the Silver Wolf mage. It was a similar feeling from the one he’d felt from her in Bellum, when she had been introduced and generally around Sabine. It was a desire to throw dirt in the eye, to spite someone and make them look foolish. Worse, it was a need to punish the accused, placing them on a list that didn’t mean sunshine and rainbows for the targeted person. Zifu had annoyed Mercury and though she hadn’t completely put herself above everyone else, the intent had been there originally. That meant in her natural state, she most likely looked down upon other people and treated that as such. Mercury didn’t abide that and generally sought to kick down the pedestal and watch the people fall.

    So no doubt she was going to do something foolhardy and stupid. But then again, he could hardly blame her. Zifu needed to be knocked down a peg and the Silver Wolf mage was just the right person to gather the pieces to do that without being noticed. “I’m gonna hit the head too, just in case,” he explained as he exited as well. Vandrad’s gaze followed after his father when suddenly another head popped into his vision -- that of Monica.

    "Any chance I could slap your ass for luck as well?” she asked with a grin.

    "What? Absolutely not. What an outrageous question,” Vandrad hissed at her, scoffing and turning his attention away.

    "Aw c’mon, muscles. We’re about to go on a life or death mission and there’s no tellin’ if we’ll make it back. The least you could do is let me get a small feel. Mercury says it is just as tight as it looks.”

    "Tsk, of course she did…” the prince grumbled. Why wasn’t he surprised? This woman seemed to lack all of the delicate and proper natures that a person should normally have -- meaning she was almost exactly like the Silver Wolf mage in every regard.

    Monica stepped in and lowered her voice, her smile worming into something more impish. "She also said you know how to give a real hard poundin’. And let’s just say that this party is very interested in learnin’ about that first hand.”

    Vandrad glanced back at her, taking a moment to slowly look her down and then back up. "Wouldn’t you like to know?” And with that, he walked away from her and over to Serilda and Mythal, taking the walk to let himself calm down and take a breath. "Don’t worry -- Mercury and I will ensure nothing gets near the site. You have my word,” he told the couple, looking between them. "Are you prepared?”

    Meanwhile, down the hall, Gren was leaning up against the wall outside the door to the bathroom. He had posted himself there and waited until the person inside came out, revealing herself to be Mercury. She offered him the open door to the bathroom, remarking about his looks, and he gave her a wry grin. “Actually I came out here to talk to you, Mercury,” he said, pushing himself off the wall and falling into step beside her. “I wanted to thank you for givin’ Vandrad and I some time to talk. Considerin’ everythin’ goin’ on, I was afraid he’d think I’d forgotten about him. I just hope you weren’t too bored.” And as he said that, a playful, almost raunchy glimmer passed in his eye and showed on his smirk. It was clear that he suspected where she had gone during the time he and Vandrad had been connecting and he was amused by it.

    “But really, Van spoke a lot about you -- how much you helped him after he got to Fiore. He may not say it outright but he thinks rather highly of ya. I was hopin’, if we manage to get through this, if you would mind havin’ coffee with me. I’d like to get to know ya a little better. You seem like quite the interestin’ woman and if my son likes ya so much, I imagine I will too.” He made it quite clear that he simply wanted to learn more about Mercury on a personal level. His mannerisms, his tone, everything was earnest in the genuine curiosity of a father in a woman that his son had been spending time with. He had absolutely no other reason to be suspicious of her and he made that quite obvious. As he flashed her an innocent but charming smile, something that the former Knight was very well known for, he continued. “Plus I’m sure if you’ve been helpin’ Vandrad for so long, you gotta lot of questions for me too. Seems only fair I give some to you as well.”

    Words: 3583/3583 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th October 2020, 8:45 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Thankfully, despite the friction that had occurred between the two royals thus far, Zifu did not attempt to belittle Serilda for her condition. Though in the queen’s defense, Serilda did not think she was the type to do that. There was certainly an arrogance about the other woman, but it wasn’t one born out of a desire to put others down just for the sake of making herself feel better. Zifu apologized emphatically to her, and Serilda looked up at the woman, shaking her head softly. “It’s alright, your majesty,” she said, taking the time to refer to the woman’s title respectfully and in kind to reassure the darker woman on the matter. “You didn’t know, and there’s no question that you meant well. Besides, I can hardly hold a grudge when have erred enough tonight for the whole lot of us. I’m the one who should be apologizing… and for what it’s worth, I am sorry. My behavior was rash and detrimental to what we are all attempting to accomplish here. I make no excuses for it, and I can’t take it back. All I can do is promise to do better moving forward.”

    It was an apology that was long overdue, one that she directed to the entire room, knowing that her outburst had affected everyone. Whether or not it meant anything to Zifu or the others in the long run would remain to be seen, but Serilda was not above admitting when she had made mistakes and doing what she could to correct and acknowledge them with humble sincerity. She had actually meant to apologize to the group sooner than this, but things had been heated between Lux and Vandrad by the time Chishan, Zifu, and Wanda had returned, and then they had jumped straight into the solution that had been found.

    Course, all of that effort was about to be undone by the conversation that followed, or perhaps the apology was the only reason the queen didn’t try to explode on her when her story was done. Enough words had transpired that Serilda realized the Order wasn’t aware of realities that she had very much thought they already knew, and had taken it upon herself to inform them of the truth, however unpleasant it was. She gave them the context of the events that led into it so they would understand that, while she was the Sword of Wrath, she was no true ally to Ozorith, nor his designs. She had been backed into a desperate corner, one with enough on the line that it had forced even a woman as stoic as she was, a woman hailed by the Magic Council specifically for her strength of conviction, to turn her back briefly on her principles in order to save the man she loved and to protect the rest of the world from being swallowed by by Faera’s campaign.

    It was a story she was not proud of, on several accounts, but the choice had been made and she would do her duty to live with it, just like all the other difficult choices she’d ever had to make as a noble. But of course, that meant very little to the people who had made it their life’s purpose to hunt nasty gods and demons, particularly Zifu. The woman drew herself up with a sharp inhale, very much looking like she was about to try and throw judgement down on Serilda -- and action that would not have gone well. Serilda was not happy about her status with Ozorith, and if she had had any other options available to her at the time, she would have taken it, but she truly had not. He was the only chance she had and she had elected to take it and deal with the consequences later, not unlike what they were about to do. So Zifu could dislike it all she wanted, but Serilda was firm in her decision that she had made the right call, and that everything she’d gone through had been worth it in the end.

    Whether their earlier moment of respect and mutual empathy had tempered her, or whether she saw the stubborn look in Serilda’s cool and collected expression that betrayed she would not tolerate being talked to like a child or some kind of criminal, the queen elected to stamp down her instinct to berate Serilda. Instead, she released her breath and simply put further emphasis on getting to what they had all decided to do, both to help Mythal and to ensure that they got Serilda as far from their base as possible. It was quite the insult to insinuate that the noblewoman would do Ozorith any favors after the rather personal story Serilda had just finished telling, but she elected not to comment on it. For one, the woman would believe what she wanted to believe, and they did not have enough rapport or trust with one another to sway either of them into one way of thinking. Plus, speaking up in a matter where words would mean nothing would only appear childish on her part. Serilda could only show her intent through her actions, and that was exactly what she intended on doing.

    It also meant that she was definitely going to keep the knowledge of Victoria to herself a bit longer. So far, Lux had been suspiciously absent on inquiring about his sister, so she could only assume that he had picked up Serilda’s intent to keep that hand hidden and had taken it upon himself to play along. Like her, he probably saw the wisdom in keeping some things to themselves, particularly when there was still so much more to learn about what kind of things the Order was hiding -- which was arguably much more than what Serilda was hiding.

    Chishan thanked her for being open with them. He was honest with her about not being very excited over the fact that Ozorith had gotten what he wanted, but he did see a silver lining in who the Sin had selected. The master of the Order seemed resolute in his opinion that Serilda would not be easily pushed around or brought to heel by the lord of wrath, and apparently envisioning brought him some amusement. Even Serilda finally managed a light smirk, if a bit of a dark one. “For now he is very confident and pleased with his choice, but I do not believe that will last for very long. He knows I will betray him sooner or later… in fact, I think he is counting on it. But at the moment he is content to be a benign cancer while we focus on Faera. That being said, he is a problem that we are dedicated to… rectifying.”

    She was sure she didn’t need to spell that out for the man. Ozorith was bad news, arguably just as bad as Faera. Unlike the goddess of love, however, Ozorith’s threat was a slow burn that was ripe with patience. They had time to deal with him, much more than they had to deal with Faera.

    With that all concluded, Chishan took it upon himself to conjure three spirits, each of whom was introduced as some kind of demi-god. One had red hair and a shaggy appearance that left him looking very much like a wild man. One was a woman with theatrical levels of makeup and an extremely tight fitting outfit that did not leave much to the imagination. The final was a dark skinned man with dreadlocks and tattoos the color of silver. While the first two appeared rather animated on the levels of Mercury and Monica, two women which Serilda noticed were almost instantly sighted by the demi-gods, the final one seemed more stoic and business-like, seeking confirmation on if there was a job ahead for them. Chishan affirmed that there was, which apparently caused the wild man and the odd woman to inquire what kind of payment they would get, which Serilda found… strange. She didn’t think spirits were contracted in such terms -- she certainly wasn’t with her own. But, then again the nature of her summons were vastly different than that of many others, due to their origins and connection to Victoria.

    Everyone was given ten minutes to get their affairs in order. Apparently, that was the cue for Mercury to hit the restroom, leaving the Bellum prince with a request not to leave her behind and a solid smack on his backside. Despite everything, Serilda couldn’t help but shake her head slowly and give a soft chuckle. While Mercury had clearly had some issues regarding the Ataxia thing, the Silver Wolf mage appeared to remain unruffled by much, taking even all of this in stride, maintaining her cheery disposition and rolling with the punches in a way that was… well, oddly comforting. And Vandrad continued to put up with it, despite his clear dislike of the treatment. Or at least, the front of it. Their relationship was beyond odd, which was why Serilda and Mythal assumed they were sleeping together in the first place, cause why else would Vandrad let such behaviors slide when they clearly aggravated him?

    Serilda put Malice back in its sheath and looked down at Mythal from where she sat next to him. “You’re certain this is what you want to do? You know I’m all for it, and I’m ready to give her the fight of her life, but I can’t guarantee what will happen, even with…” She didn’t finish the statement, not yet willing to voice Victoria’s existence out loud, but Mythal would know what she meant. Serilda gently cupped his cheek, the pad of her thumb gently caressing his face.

    A moment later, Vandrad stepped over to join them. He assured the couple that he and Mercury would take their duties as guards to heart and ensure that nothing got close enough to harm any of them. Serilda smiled warmly at him, the gratitude written on her tired face even as he asked if they were prepared. “As prepared as we could ever hope to be, I think,” she told the prince simply. “This kind of thing isn’t something we could ever fully be ready for, not even if we had an entire lifetime to plan. But I have faith that we have enough advantages to get this done. I only hope that it’s enough to actually kill the woman, because if it’s not… she will take me much more seriously after this.”

    Now was the time, and there was a lot of pressure on Serilda for it. She was certainly willing, and would not hesitate or back down from the challenge. “I am truly sorry that you and Mercury got dragged into this. We never intended on burdening you with any of it… but it means everything that you are both still here and willing to help. Thank you.”

    After a moment, she spoke up again, her voice softer than before. “I know it’s… not ideal that Gren is going with me. He deserves to be a part of this battle as much as, if not more, than I do, but I don’t know what kind of strength he has. Hopefully it’s more than we’re aware of but…” her voice trailed off for a moment before she looked up once more, taking the time to look each brother squarely in the eye. “You have my word that I will do everything I can to make sure he comes back to you. Both of you were robbed of the time with him that you should have gotten for far too long. I will not let you lose anymore of it, not if there is something I can do about it.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 10th October 2020, 10:25 pm

    Was there some kind of mojo that Mythal was missing? Because it seemed to him that every person that entered the room, whether right from the beginning or soon after, was ramped up on some invisible sexual charge. Excluding himself, Serilda, Vandrad and the Order of Souls, everyone else was running off this high that seemed to burn bright and hot in a particular direction. Then again, that could just be that they were flirtatious and actually mingled with one another that way. The Darkness King was not what anyone would describe as flirty, though he’d show a moment or two with Serilda every so often. Mercury was always a bit playful and it seemed that finding other people that were just as energetic and excitable as her had awakened a lot of her more… contained traits. Mythal already knew how Ruzatz and Agatha were, the guildmaster living up to his position and his wife happily going along with an easy, friendly smile. Monica… well, she seemed a bit like Mercury but far more crass and forward, quite open about where she stood and what she wanted. And with the appearance of Chishan’s three spirits, two of them were already making googly eyes at some of the others.

    Though as much as he didn’t take part in it, he was relieved to see it. He was happy to know that not everyone was letting the weight of what was to come bring them down and sober them to the point of not even being ready. A bad mood going in would make for bad results or so he’d heard somewhere. As long as the spirits remained high, then they at least had a chance. The Darkness Slayer breathed in deeply as he glanced over at Zifu, who was still struggling with her own opinions and feelings but tryin to hide it behind a facade of neutrality. She had been just about ready to tear into Serilda about her position as Ozorith’s Sword but something had given her pause. Perhaps Seri’s apology about her actions from before had humbled her and she decided to fall back on regal respect rather than personal opinion. Or perhaps she was just exhausted from getting angry and wanting to get the entire situation over with. There was no telling without asking and frankly, the Darkness King didn’t have the mind to inquire. He liked Chishan well enough but Zifu… she was a bit too aggressive but in the wrong way. It was almost like looking at a mirror of him and Serilda but with a lot less love and perhaps more jadedness. He supposed if he had to fight godly and demonic terrors across the years, he would be bitter as well.

    But the situation had been drawn out long enough. They’d spoken several times about needing to get things rolling and had several interruptions to moving in said direction. That period was over it seemed, as everyone had finally decided where they were going. Vandrad, Mercury, Chishan and his spirits would be protecting the grounds from any wild animals, Serilda and Gren were going inside to combat Faera and the rest would be working on putting a lacrima inside of him. A lot of decisions, life changing decisions, had been made in a short amount of time and he was fairly sure the weight of those choices really wouldn’t hit him until after it was all done. That was counting on the fact that they succeeded and while he wanted to earnestly believe they would, there were a lot of risks. He truly hoped everyone would make it out alive because if they didn’t, he would carry the guilt of that for the rest of his life.

    Chishan decided they should all take ten minutes to prepare themselves for the mission. Though they had certainly spared enough time already, even Mythal understood what the intent behind this choice was. In a very quick amount of time, they would all be plunged into the depths of danger, the fear of destruction and death lingering just out of reach but staring at each of them from the darkness. Their choices to participate had all been made swiftly but the Master wanted to give them a chance to come to grips with those decisions. It could very well alter the course of their very lives and that was something none of them should take for granted. Chishan glanced over to Mythal, meeting his gaze and gave the Darkness Slayer a firm nod. He returned it to his old friend, watching as the Master turned to his wife and talked to her in a low, gentle voice. She nodded and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close.

    In fact, Mythal looked at everyone that remained in the room. Mercury and Gren had left to use the bathroom but the rest of the space was still filled. Wanda looked focused on the goal at hand, arming herself with a datapad and already making notes. Ruzatz and Agatha were chatting quietly, holding one another’s hands as they discussed one thing or another. Monica had made her way over to Vandrad and, by the looks of things, was saying things that were agitating him and making him uncomfortable. And then there was Serilda, sitting beside him, reaching for her blade and sheathing it once more. She looked down at him and asked if he was sure he wanted to go through with the plan. She was eager to face Faera, ready to surprise her with all the tricks she had up her sleeve but she couldn’t guarantee that she would succeed, even with the addition of Victoria. She didn’t outwardly speak the woman’s name, now realizing it was far more imperative that the Order not realize she also had a Seal on top of everything else. Zifu’s head may have very well popped right off. She reached over to hold his face in her hand and he leaned into it, sighing softly.

    “Even if I wasn’t certain, we don’t have a choice. She’s comin’ whether we want her to or not and she ain’t lookin’ to play nice. But I know that you’ll give her the ass kickin’ of a lifetime. And I know these guys will give their best to make sure that this… lacrima thing is installed correctly.” He paused for a moment and reached down to touch his chest, his fingers splaying out. “Ya know, for the longest time, I took this magic for granted. I had taken it from her in one final act of desperation but it still reeked of her for the longest time. I hated usin’ it when I had to, feelin’ dirty and wrong. I didn’t want any part of her to be in my life, especially after she took Gren’s life through my hands. I wandered for a long time, only usin’ the magic when I absolutely had to. It wasn’t until I met the Midian monks that I started to make progress. They hated the magic as much as I did and several of them wanted to turn me away but… they took me in. A group of them believed they could help me make it my own, forge it into my own power. They wanted me to make it a trophy against her, a spoil from a war I didn’t want to fight but was forced to. They figured if I made it somethin’ that was basically spittin’ in her face, I’d appreciate it more… and it kinda did. I’m gonna be a little sad to see it go. But hey, if it means beatin’ that bitch’s face in, then they could take my limbs even.”

    Vandrad joined them a moment later, expressing his assurance that he and Mercury would do everything in their power to keep the cemetery safe. He also asked if they were ready, to which Serilda tiredly lamented that they were as much as one could be. She revealed that something of this nature wasn’t anything they could plan for, even if given the time and energy. But she believed with all of their united strengths, they could get the job done. She just hoped that they were able to kill Faera because, if not, she would be far more prepared the next time. “Can’t say I’d look forward to that. But if we can spit in her eye too, that’s somethin’. A win is a win,” Mythal said with a small smile, shrugging softly.

    Serilda apologized for Vandrad for bringing Mercury and himself into the mess, having never meant to get them all wrapped up in it. But they appreciated that they were staying and wanted to help out. Mythal nodded in agreement. “Frankly, I didn’t want to expose you guys to this side of things. It seemed… I dunno, unfair? We have all this tragic bullshit goin’ on in the background and it doesn’t even involve you guys. You just came over to meet your dad for the first time and everythin’ blew to shit. But you coulda left -- hell, I wouldn’t have blamed ya -- and you stayed instead. It means… well, I don’t think I could ever really put it into words. But thanks, Vandrad. To you and Mercury. I’ll find some way to pay you guys back for all of this.”

    After a moment of silence, Serilda spoke up again, this time focusing on the fact that Gren was coming along. She understood it wasn’t the best choice, knowing that he deserved as much of a chance at Faera as Serilda did but she worried about his strength. But she honestly wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep up with the goddess and all she could do was hope that he was up to the task. But after a moment of consideration, she looked at both Mythal and Vandrad and gave them her oath that she would do everything in her power to bring him home. She knew about the time that had been robbed from them and they both deserved more of it so she would not let them lose that chance. Mythal nodded softly. “Thanks Seri.”

    But the truth of the matter was that Mythal was worried about Gren going in. He couldn’t rightfully tell the man ‘no’ but this was Faera they were talking about. Serilda had been cultivating her magical strength, building upon it ever since she had broken into Kingdom Darkness and beat Archimedes to a pulp. She’d been preparing for this day and she possessed the actual magic to get the job done. Gren had always just had his lightning magic and while it was strong and useful at times, Mythal wasn’t sure how it was going to measure up against Faera. All he could do was have faith that Gren had grown stronger over the years, equally preparing himself for this showdown as Serilda had been. But beyond that, all there was was hope.

    He didn’t like it but… what else could he do? He sighed and looked up to Vandrad. “Take care of yerselves. And if things go sideways, just get the hell out. I don’t want you and Mercury gettin’ hurt if it ain’t necessary.” Mythal had a pit in his stomach and he couldn’t quite shake what it was. He honestly told himself that it was just a side effect of the ritual; some darkness that was still bubbling in his guts, reminding him that Faera was still there. No matter what he heard or told himself otherwise, it didn’t seem to shake it off or fade away. But he couldn’t focus on it or worry about it. If he did, he would probably drive himself insane before they even got started. So he opted to ignore it, cursing it internally and mocking it for its temporary housing within him. They’d be removing it with great prejudice in a short amount of time anyways.

    Once Mercury and Gren came back, it seemed that the ten minutes had finally come up. Chishan took another look around, slowly taking in each person’s features and addressing them with his gaze studiously and consideringly. “My wife will tell you that I’m a sucker for a good old fashioned hype speech. I don’t believe in just heading out onto a mission without any words, without any kind of remark on the moment, because each individual moment is important. We don’t know when our last one will be and if we simply just let it pass by us, then we’ve lost the opportunity to truly embrace what it is to be alive. And being alive means that we are not governed by beings that believed themselves better than us. We are not playthings meant to be toyed, abused and thrown away without thought. We are living, breathing human beings that have fought and clawed our way out of the muck to establish ourselves as a thriving society. When roadblocks came in our way, we smashed right through them and we will continue to do so against every aggressor that comes at us.”

    “Faera is one of the most powerful beings that’s ever existed. That also makes her one of the most proud, the most arrogant. She believes she can abuse Mythal in any way, sharp or form she desires. She believes that all of you are mere insects that don’t even matter in her grand scheme. This world is hers for the taking and she will do so with great prejudice and without a second thought for all of the creatures that live here. But she is underestimating each and every one of you. Right here, right now, we have the chance to stop her in her tracks. We have been given an opportunity to push her back and save the life of one who deserves to live and thrive. I believe we have the strength to put an end to her today but if we can’t, if we have to accept that she’s going to escape, then we must. We are here to save Mythal’s life, nothing more, nothing less. We do not trade lives, we save everyone in front of us and avenge the ones we can’t. I know some of you may not trust me very much… but I trust you all. And I know, in the end, we’ll come out of this victorious.”

    “Damn, he is really good at that,” Ruzatz said, commenting on the speech while looking around in awe.

    "Yeah, I call dibs on him for the celebratory sex afterwards. My loins are burnin’ now,” Monica replied, pounding her fists together eagerly.

    Chishan appreciated the praise but like the humble man he was, he took it in stride and without comment. Instead he turned to Mythal and Serilda, waving for Gren to come on over. Zifu waved her hands and two identical beds rose up from the ground on either side of Mythal, matching both height and simple design. “Each of you take your place on a bed please,” he asked of Serilda and Gren. Once the both of them had moved into place and laid back, he gestured for Doctor Wanda and took a step back over to Zifu.

    “Director Ragnos, we’re going to be putting you under first. I am not quite sure what you will feel or see once you’re out. It may be similar to sleeping and you’ll rest undeterred by what’s going on inside of you. Or there’s a possibility that you could see the battle with Faera -- I cannot calculate which is more likely. But once the procedure is over, I will awaken you. Do you understand?”

    “I do,” the Darkness Slayer said simply, nodding. He reached out to take Serilda’s hand, squeezing it tightly as he glanced over at her one last time. He did his best to smile, to show that he wasn’t scared or worried but it never quite met his eyes. Wanda allowed the moment before she reached down and pressed a finger against his forehead. Slowly his eyes fluttered shut and his body went limp, completely comatose.

    “We know what’s at stake here, people. Zifu is going to begin the teleportation spell. Prepare yourselves as best you can,” Chishan remarked one last time. The queen brought her hands forward, one hovering above the other. Strings of light magic emerged from her palms, trailing down and up to meet one another and form bonded connections.

    Doctor Wanda walked over to Serilda and gently pressed a finger onto her forehead, leading a small white mark on her flesh. She did the same thing to Gren before she walked back to center, standing directly behind Mythal’s head. “I have formed the neural link between your minds and Mythal’s. The moment that we are in the Silent Cemetery, you both will also go under and be transported within Mythal’s psyche. I wish I had better information for what awaits you in there but there is none. All I can tell you is that Faera will know you are there the minute you step foot in. Fight well and good luck. I… believe in you.” She gave each of them an affirmative nod before walking around Mythal and standing at his feet.

    “We have a solid connection. Teleportation in three...two...one…” Zifu counted them down and once she had passed one, she clapped her hands together and the entire room was filled with light. But all at once, the light was gone and darkness swept up to replace it. This wasn’t a pitch black darkness but rather the shadows that came from being out in nature at night without any lights on. Crickets chirped off in the distance and other wild noises from roaming animals stirred in the forests beyond the unseeable metal fence that surrounded them. Everyone but Serilda and Gren would be able to look around and, as their eyes adjusted, make out the headstones and mausoleums that made up the Silent Cemetery.

    A match was struck and Zifu’s face appeared in the darkness, illuminated by the flame. She waved her hand over it and then gestured outward, lighting several candles that had been set upon gravestones all over the graveyard. That brought the broken down, dilapidated plot of land into a dim light, flames flickering against graves and broken down structures of stone. The woods made it impossible to see beyond their thick, black trunks and heavy canopies, casting the realm beyond in shadow.

    “Wanda?” Chishan asked, looking to the doctor.

    “Lady Sinclair and Agent Ragnos have successfully been transported into Mythal’s psyche. The progress of Faera’s ritual progressed three point six percent before halting.”

    “That much in a fraction of a second. She would have had control of Mythal before we even had time to consider an alternate plan,” the Master muttered softly. But there was no point in being concerned about it at the moment. “Alright Vandrad, Mercury -- we’ll set ourselves up in triangle formation around the ritual group and Mythal, Serilda and Gren. Zee?”

    “Of course,” the queen said as she strode over to Mythal. She waved her hand and brought forth the Nocturnal Embrace lacrima once more, this time taking hold of it in her hands. Gently she laid it down upon Mythal’s chest, pressing her palm flat against it and the Darkness King’s body. She muttered a few words of enchantment and several symbols appeared on Mythal’s flesh, crafting a magic circle encompassing the lacrima. Then she took several steps back, offering her hands out. “If you would, members of Lusty Titans,” she called for them.

    "So we’re… gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya?” Monica asked as she walked over and took the woman’s left hand.

    “We’re going to focus our magical energies together and funnel them into the magic circle on Mythal’s body. It will do the work of merging itself with his form -- we just need to provide the power,” Zifu explained as she took the approaching Ruzatz’ hand. He, in turn, took Agatha’s and Monica took her other, creating a circle. “Now focus. I’ll erect a mild barrier around us to help in case any creatures attack. But that is all the defense we’ll have outside of our guards.”

    “We’ll get it done. Demi-gods, to me,” he said as he took his place on the left side of the group. The summoned spirits nodded and turned into balls of light, swirling around each other before they shot towards the Master and embedded themselves in his flesh. Chishan took a step forward to brace himself before he shook off the sensation and resettled his stance. “So far so good…”

    Of course, Serilda and Gren couldn’t see or hear anything that the rest of the group was doing. The moment the light had swallowed them up, they had been instantly dropped into a different kind of darkness. This one was not natural, not wild, not waiting for flames to light it up and showcase any kind of structures. It was a darkness so deep that it would cool the blood and set the imagination on fire with concern and fear. And perhaps strangest of all, they would be able to see one another as clear as day, standing beside each other on an invisible platform of darkness.

    Gren glanced around briefly before looking to Serilda. “Well, I can’t say I was expectin’ a welcomin’ party but I thought there’d be more… I dunno, substance?”

    A low, malicious chuckle echoed out from all around them, a feminine laugh mired in dark amusement. “Well, well… isn’t this a surprise?” The voice asked rhetorically. “The bride to be and the father. Though truly, I wish this was more of a surprise than it actually is. It seems you were correct, love. She did come running.”

    Whoever she was addressing, it didn’t seem to be them. But out of the darkness, far ahead of them, a figure appeared, striding forward confidently. An oddly beautiful woman, lithe and elegant, stepped on pointed heels upon the invisible surface of the floor. The suit that covered her was skintight, all in one piece that ran from her legs to her shoulders, down her arms and wrapped around her neck. Green outlines were sewn into the suit at different places. Her long, black hair fell down behind her back, hanging gently over her rear. Dark circles surrounded her eyes, highlighting the green gems that stared out mischievously. She came to a soft stop, her arms sliding up and out from her sides. “Welcome to my vessel’s mind. As you can see, I’ve done a bit of remodeling. Pesky memories were causing so many emotions; I felt it better if I just started with a blank slate. It’s a lot roomier, wouldn’t you agree?”

    “Faera…” Gren growled, already sliding into a battle stance.

    “Gren… so good to see you again. I must admit I was so sad to hear you decided to leave my special room for you. After all the effort I put into getting to know you, you simply ran away. Quite rude.”

    “So ya know I escaped then?”

    “Oh my, yes. Rumors of your resurrection were not hard to come by. Don’t worry -- I went ahead and dealt with your replacement so that room is open again for vacancy. Perhaps you and your partner here can occupy it together.” Faera smiled before chuckling. “But where are my manners? You two have been here all of a couple of minutes and I haven’t even introduced you to my new Trumpet. Come, love…”

    “Introduce yourself to our guests.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 10th October 2020, 11:26 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was a shameless woman at the worst of times, if today’s events were any indication. For the most part she was quite adept at keeping a pep in her step even when everything was going wrong around her, if only because that pep often covered the true emotions and thoughts of the woman within. It was also a defense mechanism, one that kept her focused rather than overwhelmed, and one that often made her unassuming in the eyes of those less intelligent. It would be no surprise to anyone who knew her, least of all Vandrad, to find her without the slightest bit of hesitance as hitting on his father once again the minute she had a second alone with him in passing. The lavender haired woman granted him access to the bathroom she was vacating, giving him a flirty compliment that earned her a very tickled grin in response. No matter what was said, it was clear that Gren certainly appreciated receiving verbal passes from a pretty young woman that was a third his age.

    She had presumed that he was interested in getting his bowels removed before the thick of things -- after all, there was no telling how much control he would have over his bodily functions while trapped inside Mythal’s head. However, Mercury was pleasantly surprised to hear that he actually hadn’t come to use the restroom at all, but rather to catch a moment with her. She raised an interested brow. “That so? Well, if I had known you wanted some alone time with me, too, I’d have made some time to bother you myself.” The Xocili grinned up at him cheekily, continuing to prove herself both provocative and playful as she always was, even as he approached her. She even cast a flirty wink his way, crossing her arms comfortably over her chest and standing with attentive, casual patience to see what it was that the older man wanted.

    Apparently, it was to thank her for giving him and Vandrad some privacy to introduce themselves to one another one on one. He had been anxious about the notion that Vandrad might think himself forgotten in the midst of the emergency going on around them. Gren expressed his hope that she hadn’t been bored left all by her lonesome, but the naughty, knowing grin he gave her was more than enough to spell that he either knew or heavily expected where she’d wound up running off to.

    And oh, she loved it. A delightful shiver went right down her spine over the look. Her smile split into an ear to ear grin, emerald eyes twinkling and ripe with mischief. “Oh, you know. I found some ways to pass the time. Got my coffee fix, made some new friends, shoved my nose where it probably doesn’t belong…” The expression on her face was quite wicked now as she dealt out double entendres right and left, the teasing commentary as quick and easy upon her lips as breathing. “Besides, I could never take it upon myself to get in the way of what you two needed. It ain’t my business. Only reason I’m even here is cause he asked me to be, but it’s not like I’m family or anything. I’m just here to stand around, look pretty, and occasionally get Vandaddy all flustered so he remembers to keep the stick out of his ass.”

    It would be no secret to Gren by this point that Vandrad wasn’t the most animated or emotional of individuals. Humor was a trait the prince was still learning to have in earnest, though he had come quite a long way since meeting Mercury, and the Silver Wolf mage would take full credit for it if asked who was responsible.

    Gren admitted that Vandrad had, apparently, spoken at length about her and how much she had assisted him in tracking his father down after coming to Fiore. No surprise there. Vandrad was sparse when compliments, especially to her face because stars forbid he admit their friendship to anyone, least of all her. But when it came to giving credit where it was due, he had never shirked before, and clearly had continued to do so even when she wasn’t around to hear. It was sweet. He knew that this was one instance where she would be fine not being given verbal due diligence, but he had done so all the same. The prince’s father expressed his thoughts that Vandrad thought more highly of Mercury than he was willing to say out loud, a sentiment that the lavender haired woman was already fairly aware of, though it did earn the man another smile.

    He took the time then to invite her to get some coffee with him at some point, assuming they all got through this in one piece. The older man was interested in getting to know her better, stating that she gave him the impression of being an interesting woman whose company he’d probably enjoy if Vandrad’s own interaction with her was any indication. Plus, he was sure she probably had questions of her own given how involved she was with the search, and he thought it only fair to give her some of his time. “I’m always full of questions, never doubt that… but get me a nice tall cup of coffee and you can get to know me as much as you’d like,” she told the man. There was no mistaking the insinuation in her words and the interested look she gave him, though her approach and tone was several degrees more subtle than he was probably used to from Monica. Mercury could certainly be a forward woman, but she was very much interested in the game that often paved the way to such things, and he seemed like the type that was willing to play, even if not necessarily through to the end. That was something she could work with, and very much encompassed the challenge that her new female bestie had informed her that Gren would be.

    Then, she flapped a hand in dismissive humility. “In any case, it’s far more accurate to state that your son tolerates me more than anything else. I’m sure he informed you that I’m a right thorn in his side most days. I like to keep him on his toes. He huffs and puffs and grumbles, but he hadn’t kicked me to the curb yet. At least, not successfully. He has tried, but I’m not easy to get rid of.” Shooting him another playful grin, she finally brought the moment back down a notch. “But really, it was my pleasure to give him a hand, and I’m glad everything came together, even if not in the picture perfect way I’m sure everyone was hoping for. He’s been hoping for this for much longer than I’ve even known him. Hell, probably for longer than I’ve even been alive. As surly and grumpy as he is, he’s a good guy and a good friend. I’m just honored to be a fly on the wall. And to get the chance to see how good he’d look with facial hair. That asshole’s holding out on me again, and I’m not gonna stand for it.”

    Back when the grin on her face, the expression a perfect mixture between impishness and flirtatious as she continued to show no hesitancy in hitting on men two and three times her age. Continuing in that vein, with the knowledge that their time was running short to be back in the other room, she boldly slipped herself onto his arm, the supposed lady to the gentlemanly energy that he exuded, as they made their way back to the main room together. “If you want that coffee, though, you gotta actually make it back here. Don’t go dying on me before I get the chance to pester you for an evening. I’m not sure I could handle the heartbreak of being stood up like that,” she teased, smirking up at him like the devilish minx she was.

    It did not take them longer than a few seconds to rejoin the others back in the room. Mercury caught Monica’s eye and gave her a crafty wink as the pair made their way over to where Vandrad was standing with Mythal and Serilda. The noblewoman had changed into a shockingly risque outfit, one that left her stomach, legs, and arms quite bare. Thick purple leather armor trimmed in gold covered her chest and hips, the bottom portion fashion as a battle skirt rather than pants. Weathered, white cloth draped from between the folds of the skirt in the front from a demonic looking pendant that held the lower garment together, from which several lines of chains were linked together and draped toward the ground. A robust mantle of violet was draped upon her shoulders, trimmed in thick white fur with sturdy pauldrons of leather and something akin to steel on either shoulder. Once more, Mercury set her vision to scan the new object that had to be some kind of magical armor, taking in any information she could find on it only to find it as alien as the woman’s dark sword had been.

    The Silver Wolf mage relinquished her gentle hold on Gren’s arm upon arrival, approaching the bedside to stand beside Vandrad where they had only a minute or two to chat before Chishan spoke up and drew attention to himself one final time. He gave quite the speech about keeping focused on what was important, and not to squander the opportunity that had fallen into their laps. They were here to preserve life, and to ensure that everyone got a fair chance to live it to the fullest without being ruled over by tyrannous creatures that thought themselves to be everyone else’s betters. In truth, Mercury was only half paying attention to the speech up until that part, which struck a deep, tender chord within her.

    Shoving the emotion down to keep herself focused on the plight ahead, she continued to listen as Chishan reminded them all of exactly what kind of a threat Faera posed. She was arrogant, egotistical, convinced she could do what she wanted no matter the cost to anyone else, but today they were going to teach her differently. Whether the end result was goddess’ death, or merely a stopgap in her plans, as long as they got what they were aiming for -- saving Mythal’s life -- it would be a success. He trusted everyone present, regardless of how they felt about him. It was a sentiment he likely wouldn’t share toward Mercury herself if he knew what she’d set up to do back at the base, but with any luck by the time all that was settled she would be long gone. Chances were they would have no way to trace it back to her anyway, not given the advanced nature of her tech and its alien materials.

    Ruzatz spoke right up to compliment Chishan on the speech, followed by a comment from Monica stating that she was calling dibs on celebratory sex with the man once everything was done. Even Agatha grinned and shot a flirty smirk the blonde man’s way. “You’re gonna have to get in line behind me, first, love,” she told the other woman, showing her first overt sense of desire since arriving. Chishan had already been complimenting her several times in front of his wife, so clearly that meant she could return the favor.

    Once the final lightheartedness was settled, Serilda and Gren were instructed to take their places on the new pallets that were conjured for them. After Serilda took a moment hug Mythal tightly, giving him a lingering kiss and whispering something that only he could hear, she obeyed the instructions and laid herself down on the pallet beside him, still close enough to hold his hand. Never once did the Voidwalker take her eyes off of him as Wanda explained the procedure she was going to use and received confirmation from him that he understood. Then, with a weak smile and a gentle touch from the doctor, he was out. It took Serilda a moment to let the man’s hand go, letting it fall gently onto the gurney as Chishan prepared them for the teleportation.

    Serilda spoke up only once at that point, calling to Lux and fixing her gaze on the Seal as she sought confirmation from him that she could trust him. While it wasn’t explicitly stated what she meant by that, it was easy to assume that she meant watching over Mythal’s body while he was out. Once he’d given his reply, she finally set herself in the bed and allowed Wander to mark her for the psychic link that would enact itself the moment everyone was in the Silent Graveyard. “Good luck, guys. Kick her ass.” Mercury truly didn’t know what to say, but she figured some kind of encouragement was better than nothing. Even if she wasn’t going into the fight herself, nerves were high all around and there was no telling what kind of chaos would ensue the second they got where they were going.

    Zifu gave the countdown, and in a brilliant flash of light that swarmed Mercury’s veins they were suddenly and swiftly drowned in a thick, black night. The Xocili’s eyes adjusted quickly as she threw up her night vision, scanning the cemetery around them for any immediate signs of trouble. Mercy was already in her hand, the oversized pistol primed and ready to go. The queen struck a match and brought in the barest of light, spreading the flame amongst other candles that were set out around them, and while it provided enough illumination for the humans -- and demon -- present to see one another by, everything else was largely thick blackness around them.

    Wanda confirmed that Serilda and Gren had been successfully shifted into Mythal’s head, stating that Faera’s ritual had progress almost four percent before stopping again in the split second it had taken to get the group moved over. For a woman that excellent at numbers and mathematics, Mercury knew that rate was far more terrifying than it sounded. Clearly Chishan did as well as he voiced quietly about how quickly they would have lost the battle just then if they had been any less prepared than they currently were.

    From there, Chishan instructed her and Vandrad to fan out with him around the group, each of them taking a point and forming a triangle to cover as much ground as possible. Mercury put a silent hand on Vandrad’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze and lingering only long enough to ensure he could see her looking at him through the darkness. While her normal confidence was still in full regard, there was a softness to her expression that betrayed, no matter what, she was taking this seriously. No matter what, they were in this together as partners, and they would do their part side by side. He had to be nervous, no matter what facade he did or didn’t have on the exterior, but if he knew she was there.. Well, maybe it would be enough to reassure him that things would be fine. Or at the very least, that they would face it as a single unit.

    Then, she took the initiative to move over to the point furthest from where they’d landed, making her way around the spellworking group and the protective bubble that had been erected around them to start her watch.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 11th October 2020, 8:50 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad had no idea how long Mercury was going to take… doing whatever it was she was doing. He had little doubt that, if she didn’t really need to use the bathroom, she would make a show of it. But no doubt she was up to something nefarious as a means of getting more information and knocking Zifu down a peg. Honestly, Vandrad didn’t feel that Chishan quite deserved that -- besides the secrets, he had been a welcoming, honest individual who seemingly was in this place for the right reasons. His wife, well, the jury was still out on that. The prince wouldn’t automatically assume that she was going to be doing anything to cause further problems but it seemed her ego got the best of her more often than she cared to admit. He could only wonder if these instances had been the few times she’d actually tried to reel herself back without Chishan’s interruption.

    But Mercury would do her thing and Vandrad kind of figured that she would wait around to chat with Gren as well. She had been just as curious about finding him by the end of things and there was little doubt that she had questions for him. That and she had already expressed her flirtatious mannerisms to him to no avail. Such lack of progress would probably call for a second try on her part. So rather than wait around, Vandrad went over to Mythal and Serilda, wanting to check in on them. He’d been so focused on meeting his father that he hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk to his adoptive brother since they arrived. He ventured to ask how prepared they felt, to which Serilda replied about as much as they could be, considering. The situation wasn’t something one could feasibly predict and plan for but she was certain that all of the benefits they had going for them would result in success. Whether or not it would result in Faera’s death was something else entirely and if she did manage to escape, she would take them far more seriously the next time around. Mythal didn’t really enjoy that thought but he accepted that as long as they came out with some kind of victory, it counted. Vandrad nodded. "Agreed. It’s a two-pronged victory. One has to be assured -- your survival. The other is attainable but if we miss, we regroup and plan for next time.”

    Serilda spoke up once more, apologizing to himself and Mercury in spirit for pulling them into the situation. They had never planned on putting any of the burden on either of them but they were grateful that they were so willing to help. Mythal voiced a similar sentiment, appreciating the fact that they could have left without issue but chose to stay. He claimed he would find a way to repay them for their actions. The prince waved his hand simply. "Not necessary. The two of you arranged it so that I finally got to meet my father and get to know him. That carries a price I could ever hope to repay. Besides, you are family -- and the one thing that was drilled into my head from birth was that family sticks together. Mercury may not consider you family but you are friends and trustworthy allies. Though I won’t lie and say we didn’t consider leaving but then where would you be without us?” Yet another moment where Vandrad decided to make a joke, smirking.

    Serilda followed him up, explaining that she understood that Gren coming along with her was less than ideal. She believed his heart and spirit was in the right place but she was concerned with his magic power level. She didn’t know if he had any secret strength prepared for this exact scenario but nonetheless, she took a moment to address them each and reaffirmed her goal to do everything she could to keep him safe. She would strive to bring him home, so that they could all make up the lost time they had lost with one another. Vandrad nodded once more. "I appreciate it, Serilda. With you there, I have little doubt you both will pull off the impossible.” If he hadn’t figured that before, he did now after feeling just how strong Serilda was. Faera truly had no idea what was coming her way.

    Meanwhile, down the hall, Gren had decided to give Mercury some focus. Truthfully, he already knew that Vandrad had been spending time with her based on his own research and the Sorcerer Magazine that had done an exclusive on them. And he’d gone through actually introducing himself to her earlier but that wasn’t really proper enough. His focus had been so heavily on Vandrad and finally getting to meet him that he merely had been polite rather than earnest. After hearing about how much she had helped the prince -- and drawing his own conclusions about their relationship -- he decided to go straight to the source and learn more about her. So he waited outside the bathroom for her and surprised her when she came out, though the surprise was more over the fact that he had come there exclusively to talk to her. She raised a brow at him and admitted that if she’d known about his intentions, she would have gone out of her way to pay him the same treatment. Her mannerisms and tones were all heavily flirtatious, grinning and even giving him a wink. She reminded him of a much more contained Monica, which was amusing to see in action. “Well, with everything going as it has, it’s been a bit of a challenge to talk to anyone really. But don’t worry, I was happy to take up the charge and initiate a deeper conversation.”

    And to start that line of conversation, he wanted to first thank her for giving him and Vandrad time to actually meet and talk. Considering she only really knew Mythal and Serilda and they had been focusing on their own stuff, she’d allowed the prince to leave her alone so that he could go spend the better half of an hour or so talking with the former Knight. Though, ‘alone’, wasn’t exactly what he figured she had been for the front half of that and gave her a knowing and cheeky grin of his own. It wasn’t his place to judge what Mercury liked to do in her spare time and considering that Vandrad was adamant that they were only partners, then the Silver Wolf mage probably felt the same way on the surface. She grinned back at him and simply gave him a rundown of her time spent, which were filled with double entendres like crazy. Besides, she said, she understood that the conversation was meant for father and son alone. She had no intention of getting in the way of anyone and simply remained because Vandrad had asked her to, seeing as she wasn’t family to anyone present. She also insisted she was simply there to look good and get ‘Vandaddy’ out of whack, ensuring that he didn’t get all rigid and stoic. “Well, you’ve certainly managed to succeed in that,” he remarked but didn’t clarify. Was he talking about standing around and looking pretty, paying her a flirty compliment? Was he talking about her job of stick-remover for Vandrad? He simply shook his head. “Vandaddy. Now I see what he was talkin’ about with nicknames.”

    But his second reason for seeking her out was to invite her out for some coffee for a little ‘getting to know you’ meet up. Vandrad had spoken highly of her -- in his own kind of way -- and the former Knight was quite interested in learning more about the mysterious mage from Silver Wolf. She admitted that she was always full of questions and that getting her a cup of coffee gave him free access to get to know her as much as he desired. There was literally no mistaking her insinuation there, a forward comment that even Monica would, and had, put forth to him. He chuckled softly. “I’ll have to keep that in mind,” he said simply, once more daringly dodging the flirt while also managing to draw attention to it without a response. He was always awfully good at that, amused by the flirtations that came his way every so often but never truly responding back in kind. Though he never really thought about it, it must have driven people like Mercury and Monica insane -- though maybe that just made them that much more determined.

    Mercury continued, explaining that Vandrad had simply learned to tolerate Mercury rather than outright enjoy her presence. She called herself a thorn in his side and that she enjoyed keeping him off balance, taking great joy in how he grunted and steamed at her, claiming that he must have enjoyed it to a point because he hadn’t booted her out yet -- despite trying. She insisted she wasn’t that hard to get rid of, flashing another grin before she sobered up and admitted she was happy to help, even if the meeting hadn’t happened as perfectly as they hoped. She’d seen how eager Vandrad was to have this meeting, theorizing that he’d been looking forward to it even longer than she had been alive. She noted his rigid personality but also said he was a good man and friend. She was just simply there to observe and , as she put it, see what the prince would look like if he grew facial hair, lamenting the fact that he refused to grow it. Vandrad chuckled once more. “You may see yerself as a fly on the wall but you helped get ‘im here. So family or not, I’m in your debt for helping this come together. Perhaps I can repay you by tryin’ to convince him to sport a little facial hair, give him a distinguished look. I can’t imagine you could think of anythin’ else to cash in on.” There it was again, another semi-flirtatious comment that bordered right on the line of playful and serious. His eyes twinkled with the same tone, making the words even more playful. It was as if he knew that he was teasing her.

    They were just about back to the room when Mercury slid her arm onto his, boldly placing herself at his side. She insisted that the only way he was going to have coffee with her was if he survived. So she practically demanded he don’t die before she got a chance to give him the Vandrad treatment. She was sure that the heartbreak of being stood up would absolutely devastate her. “Well, it would be rude to hurt the lady in such a way then. I guess I’ll have to do my hardest to survive.” As they rounded the corner, they came strolling in as if he was escorting her to a formal function, which was probably quite the entertaining sight. Vandrad glanced back and rolled his eyes, unimpressed and unsurprised before focusing back forward. Monica gawked and gave Mercury a teasing, damning look while mouthing obscenities, quite jealous of her being even that close to the former Knight. “Good luck,” and then, once he was sure Vandrad wasn’t looking at them anymore, he reached down and gave her just the slightest pat on the ass, like one teammate encouraging the other. He truly couldn’t help himself and flashed a devilish smirk not unlike Vandrad’s as he peeled away from her.

    With everything said and done, it was finally time to move forward with the plan. Chishan spoke up, delivering a speech that was somehow simple, direct and moving all at the same time. He addressed them honestly and earnestly, wanting each of them to understand what was at stake there. And in the end, while he spoke eloquently about stopping gods and demons from making toys out of humanity, he said there was only one true goal that night -- keeping Mythal alive. He, as a person, didn’t care if Faera got away and they missed their shot to bring her down. The only victory that mattered was cutting the goddess off from Mythal and saving his life. If they succeeded in that, then they could call the mission a success. He wanted everyone to bring their A game, to put forth all of their effort to that one goal. He admitted he knew that several of them didn’t trust him personally but he did return that trust to them fully. He had faith in all of them and that faith knew they would come out victorious.

    Ruzatz was clearly quite impressed with the speech and Monica followed up with her own adoration, stating that she had a first crack at the Master for the celebration afterward. Surprisingly, it was Agatha who spoke up and remarked about her wife needing to get in line and the tattooed woman grinned. "My place is always behind you, babe,” she remarked, leaning over to give the woman a soft kiss. Vandrad rolled his eyes once more, trying not to groan too loudly. Already they were making plans for celebration before they’d even begun. He understood the importance of having faith in a mission and keeping the spirit positive but outlining a celebration was asinine and assumptive. It was that kind of attitude that caused people to make arrogant mistakes. And seriously, a ‘sex’ celebration? These Lusty Titans members were a breed all their own.

    Chishan summoned Serilda and Gren together as Zifu made two new beds beside Mythal, asking them to lie down. The engaged couple shared a moment with one another, holding each other and whispering their emotions as a means of good luck. Even the prince couldn’t help but feel slightly moved by the scene, understanding the absolute heaviness of the plan finally moving forward. Then, once the two had taken their places, Wanda came forward and gave Mythal a rundown of what was about to happen and asked if Mythal was prepared for what was to come. He was as ready as he could be and with one last look to Serilda, the doctor put him under. Serilda sought out Lux one final time, seeking to know if he could be trusted. A right earned question and Vandrad’s gaze turned over to the Seal, as did everyone else’s. The Lightbringer lamented having to trust the strangers to keep Mythal -- and himself -- alive but after a moment, he rather solidly stated that he would make sure the Darkness Slayer survived. In this, she could trust him fully. Then all at once, they were preparing to teleport. Zifu prepped the spell while Wanda went around and created the links for Gren and Serilda to transport them into Mythal’s psyche. The tension in the air rose as the reality of what was happening came down upon everyone, given only a simple countdown to clench their guts and make peace with themselves or whatever creators they believed in.

    Then all at once, they were swallowed up by light, the sensation bright but soft upon the flesh. Darkness followed the flash but the kind of darkness that came with nighttime. Vandrad’s senses spread out, feeling out the immediate area for any kind of danger that might have been lurking. As Zifu produced flames from her hand and lit several candles around the graveyard, the prince’s gaze turned in each direction to try and spy any kind of prowling menace that may have nested or was hunting nearby. Luckily there were none and the ritual spot was clear of interruption. Chishan spoke up and Wanda confirmed that Serilda and Gren had been successfully transmitted into Mythal’s mind, leaving their bodies as limp and defenseless as his was. A quick cursory glance over at them revealed this truth, with the Field Marshall and former Knight looking like they were sleeping. Then all at once, Vandrad turned his attention away, putting his focus on his part of the mission. Zifu gathered the Lusty Titans members after laying the lacrima on Mythal’s chest, preparing to start their side of the ritual. Chishan summoned his spirits to him, using their powers to empower his own form as he took up his place that he’d strategized for the three of them.

    Before he could even start moving, he found Mercury’s hand on his shoulder. He glanced back at it and her, finding her expression serious and genuinely soft. She was armed and ready but she clearly wanted him to know how serious she was taking the situation. She was there to stand by his side, as she always had, and wouldn’t back down from their roles. Whatever nerves had been boiling beneath the surface for the prince slowly started to settle, having found substance in her small action to cling to. Deciding to show he was just as sure, he flashed her a shadowed but still confident smirk and reached down with his other hand to give her ass a firm but substantially hard smack, ironically on the opposite cheek that Gren had touched. It was his way of thanking her in a way that she may have done so in a less serious situation, wanting to alleviate some of the tension in both of them. It was just like any other monster hunting mission and there was no reason to fret over that.

    Standing around, waiting for danger, wasn’t in Vandrad’s normal routine. But frankly, for the moment, it was something he could easily subscribe to. The less interruptions this ritual had, the  better. Slowly his gaze looked over the treeline, seconds seeming to tick by like minutes. Despite the sounds of the crickets and animals far off in the distance, it was eerily quiet. His hands flexed slowly, magic gently coursing through his veins in preparation. His mind was empty, the prince forcibly disallowing any strange or unnecessary thoughts to distract him. He glanced over at Chishan, who was slowly pacing in his spot, his gaze outward as well. A quick glance to Mercury found her in her position as well, the prince’s eyes lingering on her for a moment longer than he expected.

    Then he was moving his attention forward, ready to act as the stalwart and silent guard. But something occurred to him as his focus went ahead and away from his other two guards. The crickets had all fallen silent. The sounds of branches and brush being broken, stepped on, moved through, had all come to a deadstop. It was as if all sounds had come to a stop, in view of something demanding their attention and silence. That was concerning. “Chishan!”

    Vandrad spun around, as did the rest of the group, to see why Wanda was suddenly calling out. Her voice was laced with shock and fear, two emotions that had seemingly been lacking from the woman up until that moment. But the moment that they all turned their collective attention to her, it was quite easy to see what had caused her such distress. There stood Mythal, upon his bed, eyes still closed but fully upright. His head hung low over his chest, masking his features but it was obvious he was still out.

    “M-Mythal?” the Master stammered out, confused.

    His head lifted slightly to the sound of his name. Vandrad watched as the Director released all the breath from his lungs, his chest expanding outwards. Then as he inhaled, his head started to lift slowly. From all around them the air began to peel inwards towards the Darkness Slayer, magical power of such intensity filling the area that bolts of dark lightning crackled. Vandrad felt something pulling on him, as would everyone else and a cursory glance downwards would see what the source of that was. Their shadows, the unliving markers of their existence against the light, were being ripped from their very forms. In fact, darkness from all around them was surging inwards towards Mythal, spiraling around him wildly and creating a tornado of pitch as it funneled into him. His magical presence grew higher, the full release of his strength coming out for all to see and feel. And it was terrifying -- it was on par with Serilda’s outburst from earlier but carrying such a menacing feeling to it that goosebumps would pop up on everyone’s flesh. The darkness started to overwhelm Mythal, covering his entire body in shadow. But already they’d be able to see his skin cracking, breaking apart and revealing something beneath. The black magic surged down over his head and expanded out to craft long, bushy hair that hung down to his knees. The Darkness Slayer’s skin on his face broke apart and another face came through, one that was far more terrifying than that of the original owner.

    For a brief moment, the entirety of Mythal’s body was clouded in shadow before the funneling of magic finished. Then the cocoon, the film of darkness that had covered his body to aid in his transformation, was gone. Every shadow within the graveyard and beyond, even the very darkness of the night, was gone. The candles somehow burned a bit brighter as the pressure of the night’s shadows had been wiped away, ripped mercilessly from existence by the Darkness Slayer. And there he stood, a dark shadow of the Mythal they all knew. His features had hardened and cracks still remained on his flesh, as if the features were some kind of mask. Long, shaggy hair hung behind him and framed his frowning, frightening face. The rest of his body had somehow gotten leaner; a lot of Mythal’s former muscle mass lightened for a slimmer form.

    But the worst part was the dread. The air was filled with an evil weight that pressed down on all of them, demanding their attention and their fear. Even with his eyes still closed, there was something piercing about his very existence that bore through a person’s flesh and squeezed on the spirit that made them whole. Even Vandrad felt it but, what Mercury would notice, was this wasn’t just fear. Something else was hurting him and as he reached up, his hand shaking visibly, to touch his head, she would know that the prince was fighting against the madness. The same overwhelming rage that had taken him over and nearly forced him to kill Louie.

    It had all gone wrong. The plan had been fully flipped on its head. Doctor Wanda knew this and, pushing through her own fear, shook herself out of her trance and dashed for Serilda and Gren. “Wanda, no!” Chishan yelled, already trying to move to stop her.

    “I have to get them out! They could be in danger!” she cried, reaching out for Serilda first, the closest of the two.

    "Idiot woman! You need--” But that was all Vandrad would get out, somehow able to push through the rage to try and stop her verbally. But before the doctor could even get her hand on Serilda, a flash of steel and darkness ripped through the air, passing right through Wanda’s neck. In an instant her head popped up and flew away from its former home, as her body crumpled to the ground. Mythal’s arm had moved faster than any of them could have seen and it now hung out and away from him, a nodachi of enormous size held tight in his fingers.

    Vandrad watched as the transformed Mythal’s head cocked slightly, looking down at both Gren and Serilda. He knew exactly what was coming in his bones and magical energy surged through him in panic, teleporting him from his spot to directly in front of the swinging blade as it came down upon the two unconscious bodies. His arms flew up to block the attack, defensive magic piling onto his forearms to protect him from the sharp edge. And to his credit, he did manage to keep the sword from slicing his hands right off of his arms. But Mythal turned with his swing and powered through the prince’s defenses, sending Vandrad flying away at such an intense speed, it was almost like he had teleported again. But it would be evident he hadn’t as the trees that lived just outside the boundaries of the cemetery suddenly exploded, the top halves of the trunks popping off and crumbling to the ground below. Not only had Mythal sent Vandrad flying through the woods but he had mowed down an entire fourth of the trees with one simple swing of his blade.

    Mythal seemed to look in the direction of where Vandrad had teleported to, though his eyes were still closed. Then slowly his head started to look downward towards Gren and Serilda once more. This time it was Chishan who charged forward, an aura of flame and rock about him as he slammed a fist into Mythal’s side. “It’s too late! Faera has control of him!” he cried before falling silent, realizing that his punch had done any damage to the Darkness King. In fact, it had barely moved the man’s head. But the hit was registered, as Mythal decided to counter attack and ran his blade through Chishan’s abdomen, piercing his flesh easily. The Master gasped in agony, pain and shock registering on his face before he released a pulse of fire, sending himself flying back and removing himself from being impaled. He slid on the ground, a hand going to his wound as he looked up at Mythal.

    The awakened Dark Mythal seemed to stare back at the Master before its brow furrowed slightly. Its attention turned back in the direction of the decimated forest, where a bright golden aura was quickly building up. There stood Vandrad, blood gushing down his head and over his face. He growled as he enabled his Empowerment, pushing it to its absolute limits. His hair flashed gold and then began to expand, rolling down over his neck and towards his back. It grew in length and width, the large spikes brimming with magical power as they came to formation just behind his ass. The now long-haired Vandrad roared as he completed his transformation and shot forward, instantly vaporizing the tree remnants that had been gathered around him. He came rocketing in and fully tackled Mythal, lifting the Darkness Slayer from his spot and carrying him out and past the graveyard. Together they slammed into the trees, once more devastating the terrain as Vandrad pushed back off of Mythal and kicked him down into the torn stumps, causing the earth to explode in a cloud of dirt and mud.

    It was Zifu who spoke up then. “This is something else, Chishan. This isn’t Faera -- not completely. We haven’t lost our window. Everyone, we need to keep up the ritual. Mercury, grab the tablet from Wanda’s… from Wanda. We need to make sure that Mythal hasn’t been overtaken.” the queen barked orders, despite the fear that was rife in her voice and body. “We just need to hold this Mythal back until we’ve completed the ritual!”

    Chishan nodded softly, standing to his feet. A stone slab slid over his wound on both sides, sealing it shut for the moment. He leapt over the fence of the graveyard and ran over to where Vandrad had landed on the ground, the prince breathing haphazardly. “You good?”

    "Not at all. But I don’t have the luxury of worrying about myself right now,” Vandrad hissed, wiping stray blood that had tried to get into his eye.

    The smoke cleared and revealed Dark Mythal, standing on the impacted ground as if nothing had happened. Curiously he turned his head down towards the lacrima, still pinned to his body. He reached up with a hand and grabbed it, trying to remove it from him. But he found it unmoving, partially absorbed into his flesh, the ritual still in place. "What the hell are we looking at?” Vandrad asked.

    “I’m not sure. But we can’t let it get to either the ritual group or Serilda and Gren. The three of us are going to have to keep him back.”

    "What a joy,” the prince said, wincing as another sensation of rage ripped through his mind. He looked to Chishan and Mercury. "I can play defense. You two keep your distance and peg him with ranged spells. Maybe we can wear him down enough to knock him out.”

    Dark Mythal’s attention turned back up to look at the trio, now squaring off against him. He twisted the massive sword in his hand and brought it forward, pointing it directly at the group. It was a callout, a challenge…

    "Cocky bastard,” Vandrad growled as his aura ignited once more. He shot forward at the dark shadow of Mythal, yelling the entire way as he sought to keep the man’s attention on him. The hit he had suffered had been tremendous and the prince believed that it was only a fraction of Mythal’s power. He could play defense but he wasn’t sure for how long.

    Or frankly, if he would even survive it.

    Words: 4853/8436 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 11th October 2020, 9:01 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Despite how badly Serilda wanted this fight, she couldn’t help the fact that her nerves were going crazy. No matter what, she knew this was going to be a terrible battle. She may have manhandled Archimedes, but by Ruzatz’s own words, Mythal’s blood father had been the weakest of the Trumpets. She may have fought Ruman into retreat, but neither of them had gotten the chance to go all out in that fight so she wasn’t entirely certain how powerful he really was, just that the two of them were, most likely, on par with one another. She hadn’t fought Izrael, but Mythal had and he had successfully slapped her around a bit, if not easily, so it stood to reason that Serilda could do the same. But Faera was on a whole different level, and Serilda did understand that, despite her prior outburst. She never once thought it was going to be an easy win, just that she had a chance, just that there was a possibility that she would be successful, and while she still had full faith in herself there was no denying that the road ahead was a terrifying one.

    She took Mythal’s face in her hand and caressed it, seeking from him confirmation that this was truly what he wanted, not just something he was feeling pressured to do. The Darkness King told her that it simply didn’t matter, one way or another. Faera had already made her move and forced them into a corner, and the goddess wasn’t going to play fair. He knew Serilda was going to give her a solid what for, and he had just as much faith that everyone else in the room was going to step up to the plate and do their part when it came to helping him absorb the lacrima.

    After a moment, he put his hand to his chest in retrospective thought and admitted that he had taken his magic for granted for a long time. Mythal had only taken it from Faera because he couldn’t do anything else to save himself, but it had been a constant and pervasive daily reminder of the woman for a very long time. Using it made him feel vile, and he loathed it, particularly since that magic had made him responsible for killing Gren in the first place. During his roaming years, he had only ever used it when necessary until the monks in Midi convinced him to do more with it, despite how many of them hated magic and wanted to cast him out. But the ones who took him in did their best to convince him to make the power his own, if only to spite the woman. And after everything was said and done, he couldn’t help but be a little disheartened at the knowledge that he was going to be losing it after so much work… but it would all be worth it to get the chance to knock Faera down a peg, or even to kick her off her pedestal completely. He’d even pay a greater cost than just losing his magic.

    “Let’s not get too crazy,” Serilda told him with a brave, if small, smile. “I still need those limbs of yours to help me with the mountain of paperwork we have back at work.”

    Vandrad joined them a moment later to reassure them that he and Mercury were up to the task of keeping everyone safe while the ritual went down and asking if they were ready. Serilda remarked that they were about as ready as they could ever be, before launching into an apology about the prince and his companion being pulled into something insurmountably dangerous without warning or intent. Mythal spoke up his agreement alongside of her, admitting how unfair it was to his brother and the woman he worked with. All he’d wanted to do was spare them his tragic backstory that still plagued him to this day, yet here they all were on the day that Vandrad should have gotten quality time with his father for the first time in his life. But, he knew that the two of them could have elected to leave, and admitted that he wouldn’t have thought less of them for it. Serilda nodded, silently confirming that she felt the same.

    Yet, they had elected to stay, and it meant everything to them. Mythal thanked his brother and promised to find some way to repay him. After Serilda spoke up again with her own promise regarding their father, they thanked her as well. There was no denying that either man was nervous about Gren’s participation in the battle, though Vandrad hid it better. With a sigh, Mythal looked up to his brother and asked that he and Mercury take care of themselves, specifically that if things got too hot and it was turning toward imminent death, that they just get the hell out and protect themselves. Serilda tightened her grip on the Darkness King’s hand, recognizing that the reality of the situation was starting to hit him again and wanting to be there to assure him.

    After a moment, she sighed. “I should probably get changed. I don’t know if I’ll have the ability to do so once the link is active, nor if I’ll even have the time. Give me a moment, please.” Slipping off the bedside, she stepped back enough to give herself some space, turning to face the wall behind them where everyone would be to her back. Thanks to her Void control, Serilda no longer needed to don her armor traditionally, and she could change into it in an instant without it being a revealing affair, but that didn’t do anything to change her upbringing and the modesty and decorum that had come along with it.

    With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tapped into the Void. Her clothing blurred and shifted particle by particle until each shred of fabric was replaced by the ridiculous armor that Ozorith had bequeathed to her. The large, heavy mantle draped almost all the way to the floor, covering the rest of the clothing until she turned and faced them once more. It wasn’t the most risque piece in the world, certainly not to a large chunk of the company currently present, but she still had only ever worn it around Mythal, Ozorith, and the denizens of Kingdom Darkness that she had assisted in bringing to heel. And, it was still more scandalous than she was really used to being outside of moments when it was more widely acceptable, such as at the ball in Minstrel that seemed to have happened such a long time ago, now.

    Her swords still in place on either hip, she returned to stand by Mythal’s side, taking her hand in his once more. By that time, Mercury was walking back inside, arm in arm with Gren and looking exceptionally pleased about it.

    Finally, Chishan drew everyone’s attention, giving each of them a lingering and studious look before admitting that, as his wife would expose, he was a sucker for a rousing battle speech. It was disrespectful to the lives being put on the line to not give them some words of encouragement and support before heading into battle, and there was no guarantee that any or all of them would get the chance to do so again. Life was important, the most important thing there was, and they were not willing to simply roll over and let someone else take it from them just because that person was a god that thought herself more important and stronger than everyone else. Humans were a number of things, but most important of all they were survivors. Faera was strong, but they had enough advantages to give her a run for her money, particularly since she was arrogant and uncaring about the individuals that she viewed as little more than flies. She would do what she wanted simply because she wanted to, because she felt she was owed something that did not belong to her.

    But today, one way or another, it was going to stop. Every here had gathered under the same goal, despite their differences and misgivings, and they were not going to waste the chance to bring her to task once and for all. No matter what, however, they only had one true goal: Keeping Mythal alive. Killing Faera and putting her out of everyone’s misery for good would be fantastic, but as long as they could separate her from Mythal and free the darkness mage from her immediate grasp… it would be enough. Free Mythal, and live to fight another day. He trusted them, even if he recognized that the feeling wasn’t wholly reciprocated, and he had faith that they were going to win this fight.

    It was a speech as rousing as he’d promised, with all three of the Lusty Titans members openly complimenting it and expressing their enjoyment of the show. Even Serilda had to chuckle a bit at the commentary, shaking her head in tired amusement as Monica and Agatha bantered on who would get the chance to try and talk Chishan out of his pants first once all this was over. Bold flirtations, but then again everyone here knew what the leaders of the demon’s guild were about. That, and come to think of it, Chishan himself had been very friendly with Agatha a number of times earlier, even with Zifu standing right there. Perhaps their marriage truly wasn’t as exclusive as one would assume after spending five minutes with the queen.

    Chishan asked her and Gren to take their places, nodding to the pallets that had been crafted for them. Taking in a deep breath, the adrenaline already coursing through her veins like a wildfire at the thought of the fight ahead, Serilda leaned down and took Mythal in her arms, giving him a tight hug and a kiss that was still respectful but far more intimate than either of them typically showed in front of others. She rested her forehead against his when their lips parted, looking him in the eyes. “We’re going to do this,” she told him quietly, her voice only loud enough for his ears. “No matter what, today you are going to be free of that bitch one way or another, and we are going to go home and live our lives and see our little girls again.” On top of all the reasons they had to live another day, Grappa and Jellisha were near the top of that list, the two young girls off away from home for a couple days and not even aware that their adopted parents were in any danger. Serilda could not bear the thought of leaving them stranded like that, even if she knew her family would continue to raise them in her and Mythal’s stead should the worse come to pass.

    “Fight. I will see you on the other side.” Giving him one more firm kiss, she added, “I love you,” before finally laying down on her gurney. Wanda came over and informed Mythal of what she was going to do to put him under, ensuring that he understood. When he did, the man reached over and took Serilda’s hand, both of them squeezing one another tightly. The Voidwalker was doing her best not to let her trepidation pull tears from her eyes, knowing that she needed to be brave for him, but it was a struggle, especially as Wanda put a finger to his forehead and put him into an instant coma.

    Serilda drew in a deep, ragged breath then, a tear or two falling stubbornly as she kissed his hand and set it down on his bedside. Even as Wanda came over to set up the links on her and Gren’s own foreheads, the Voidwalker’s mind was scrambling to stay in the right headspace. “Lux,” she finally said, calling the Lightbringer over to her. Serilda looked him in the eyes, her expression filled with a number of emotions that she didn’t expect the Seal to understand, to feel any empathy for, or to do anything but probably mock her over. She didn’t care. “I can trust you with this, right? Even if it’s just from a sense of self preservation, you’re going to make sure nothing happens to him?” He was arguably the one other person here with as much at stake as Mythal himself, given that her fiance’s fate would determine his own. Presuming he reassured her in some way, whether mockingly or not, Serilda would merely nod and take a deep breath, letting the calm settle on her. “I will not let Faera get to him, or to you. Not while I’m alive to be a pain in her ass. You have my word.”

    How much her word meant to him was up for debate, but at the moment it was all she could give him. Zifu made the countdown and all she remembered was a flash of bright white light before darkness consumed her.

    In a blink, she was standing in an endless field of black. It was unlike any darkness that Serilda had ever experienced, even that of Kingdom Darkness itself. It threatened to seep inside of her, pouring around her flesh and tickling her with sensations of fear so palpable that it might have otherwise been crippling if it weren’t for the protective armor that Ozorith had bestowed upon her against such measures. Even with it, the aura was still there like a creepy, dirty interloper watching and waving to her through a window. Serilda stubbornly fought it back, withdrawing both of her swords and latching onto her disciplined training to keep her focused and calm. How Gren wasn’t a ball of fear was beyond her -- either he had protections of his own that he’d elected not to discuss, or the atmosphere simply wasn’t affecting him the same way for one reason or another. Either way, despite the dark around them, they could see one another clearly.

    Serilda was already reaching out with her senses in an attempt to locate their target, certain that she was there somewhere amidst the shadows and taking in the knowledge of her new company. Gren spoke up to admit he had thought things would be a little more dramatic when they got there, and while Serilda agreed she had a feeling it was too soon to say that wouldn’t be the case. And sure enough, a deep laughter rippled through the emptiness around them, rife with pleasure and amusement over their presence. The voice sent a shiver down her spine, but once more Serilda stamped it down, refusing to be cowed or frightened by the woman she had come to kill.

    Faera expressed her surprise over the small invasion, welcoming Mythal’s father and future wife even as she expressed that her shock only went so far. It was standard villain fare, at least up until Faera spoke to someone else, a fourth person who had apparently guessed that Serilda would charge in like this. Someone the goddess referred to as her lover. The Voidwalker could only assume that either Ruman or Izrael were there, a thought which truthfully allowed her to settle her nerves a bit more. It wasn’t ideal to have to face a Trumpet and Faera at the same time, and Serilda was certainly already reaching out trying to confirm the location of both individuals, but at the same time the Voidwalker knew something the rest of them did not, not even Gren: that the two of them weren’t alone, either.

    I’m going to hold out as long as I can, but be ready, she informed the Seal. Chances are I am going to need you in this fight, but I’d like to wait until I’ve seen what all of her surprises are before delivering one of my own.

    I’ll be ready, as will everyone else under our command.

    Thank you, Victoria.

    Finally, Serilda could feel a figure coalescing in the darkness and moving toward them. Faera appeared, clad in a black suit that covered her from neck to toe, clinging tightly to her form. Confidently she strode toward them, her heels clacking lightly with each step despite the lack of ground below. She had long, straight black hair and a face that was admittedly quite beautiful, in a terrifying kind of way. There was green laced into her garment to accentuate the dark piece in places, as well as dark circles around her green eyes. Stopping in full view before them, she lifted her arms in greeting, welcoming them to what she’d claimed as her vessel’s mind where she’d supposedly done a bit of remodeling by removing some of the memories that she had deemed were getting in the way of what she wanted. She was looking for a fresh slate to start with, complementing its roominess.

    The Voidwalker’s grip on her scimitars tightened, but there was no doubt in her mind that Faera was simply trying to get under both of their skins and she refused to play along. Instead, she merely kept her collected demeanor as she stared the woman down with cool determination and took in the moment she was being granted to ready herself for the fight ahead. She greeted Gren specifically, expressing how sad she was that he had managed to make it out of the prison cell she’d left him in and how rude it was to simply leave her like that. Apparently, it had not been difficult for her to learn that he’d escaped thanks to the few rumors that had managed to get out about him.

    Whether or not she was purposefully trying to make Serilda feel ignore was irrelevant, as Serilda didn’t care a single wit whether the goddess thought her important or not. In fact, she was quite happy to let the woman parade her feathers around like a peacock and think of her as inconsequential to the grand scheme of things. It would only be one more step toward her own doom. The goddess admitted that whoever’s soul had replaced Gren’s had already been dealt with, yet another comment that Serilda was sure was meant to get a rise of some kind of anger out of them, even as she insinuated that perhaps Gren and Serilda might reoccupy it together after this.

    Recovering from her supposed slip of decorum, she lamented on how rude it was for her to simple sit here and talk when she hadn’t introduced them to her new Trumpet yet. As Serilda’s mind latched onto the keyword in that sentence -- new -- she frowned and looked toward the spot where another form was materializing at the back and call of its lover to come introduce themselves. If it was someone new, that meant it was not Ruman or Izrael, nor was it the final Trumpet who’s name she hadn’t even learned yet. Had she already replaced Archimedes?

    Setting her feet in square confidence and eyeing the shifting darkness, her cool demeanor was cracked in an instant at the figure that approached. Serilda drew in a sharp breath, her blue eyes going wide with horror at the man that smiled calmly back at her. “Hugo..?” she asked, speaking for the first time since the confrontation had begun, her voice small, her expression well and truly shook. He stood there looking as healthy as he ever had in life, his form brawny and firm enough to give Gren, Vandrad, and Chishan each a run for their money when it came to muscular structure. He had shaggy brown hair that swept loosely around his forehead and a thick beard to match. He stood there with a calm, cruel smirk as he looked down at Serilda, taking no effort to hide the pleasure he was getting out of her stress.

    “Hello, wife. I hear you’ve been spending quite a great deal of time with other men… and I don’t think I care for that.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th October 2020, 7:45 pm

    This was bad. This was very, very bad.

    Not only did Faera seem more than ready for them but she also wasn’t surprised, in the least, to see Gren. That was not something he expected -- he was sure that his resurrection had been kept secret enough. The sightings of him had been stray pieces of information, barely viable and conclusive in the public eye. And the only people that truly knew he was back were a simple handful outside the Order. So either the goddess had heard the circulating rumors among the public or…

    Or there was a traitor somewhere. The very thought sent an icy chill down his spine. They’d worked so hard to make sure that their agents, their trusted friends and family, had been properly looked at and analyzed. They’d gone through rigorous vetting to ensure they didn’t have any connections one way or the other. But it was the only thing that made sense. Unfortunately, Gren didn’t really have time to stand and ponder about it. They were inside Mythal with Faera now and apparently, that wasn’t it. She smugly had been talking to someone else from the moment they’d appeared and now that she’d proudly put herself before them, she invited her new Trumpet to join them. “That’s the last thing we need,” Gren growled low enough for Serilda to hear him. They’d figured it was a two on one situation -- an advantage they could surely utilize well. But an even fight was hardly a fair fight. They were in trouble and even the former Knight didn’t understand how much until he heard Serilda speak.

    She recognized the bulky man that emerged from the darkness almost immediately, calling him by name. Gren had no idea who he was but he looked more human than angel. He was a well built man, his musculature as taut as some of the more carved men that had been around lately. He set his gaze on the Voidwalker, a wicked and vile smirk on his lips as he openly enjoyed the shock that was written in the woman’s face. When he spoke, he addressed Serilda as wife and lamented the fact that she was spending time with other men, a fact that he admitted he didn’t enjoy. All at once it clicked for the former Knight -- this was her previous husband, the one that had abused her. Somehow Faera had gotten her hands on him and raised him up to that of an archangel. It was a cruel, cruel trick that sunk to the absolute lowest realm of manipulation.

    “Shit…” he hissed between clenched teeth.

    Faera chuckled, walking over to Serilda’s former husband and running her hand over his chest. “You see, mortal, you delivered upon me quite the insult. Though Archimedes was not one of my dearest treasured ones, he was still a Trumpet of mine -- one that had earned his keep. And yet you brought him low, defeated him and robbed him of that which made him divine. You shoved your nose where it didn’t belong and worse yet, you treated my realm as some place you could stand your ground and bark orders at me. It’s cute, truly adorable. So I started looking into you. Who was this brave, mortal soul that had won the favor of a Prime Sin in order to gain passage to my realm? My and you had quite the interesting history. My dear Hugo told me all about your life; about your rigid, professional mannerisms that bore him to death. About your naive outlook on the world, a pretty rich woman with fanciful dreams in her head. A magicless girl who couldn’t even properly provide an heir to continue her family line.”

    “And yet, look how far we’ve come. Now the leader of a protective force in Earthland. A woman bearing not only her own brand of magic but the power gifted from Ozorith and the awakened Seal of Conquest.” A wry, amused smirk played upon her face as she continued to stroke Hugo’s chest lovingly.

    Gren’s eyes opened a bit wider and he looked over to Serilda. “What is she talkin’ about?”

    “Oh… you didn’t tell them? Mythal’s not the only one who had a Seal awaken. In fact, it was our dear, sweet Serilda who was overcome by hers and slaughtered several mortals while Victoria was in the driver’s seat. My vessel was forced to engage her and unlocked a new form of power he hadn’t used before -- that of Kingdom Darkness. The true form of his destiny, the form of the Darkness King. Oh it was a splendid sight to behold.”

    The former Knight twisted his vision away from Serilda and back to Faera. “How the hell do you know all that?”

    “Why, Mythal’s memories, of course. I don’t just swallow them up and out of existence; I view them, study them, absorb them into my person. I’ve learned quite a bit in my short time wiping him clean. Oh and speaking of the Darkness King, I’ve gone ahead and released him from his constraints. I can only imagine the faces on your friend’s faces as the one they’re trying to save suddenly turns on them, slaughtering them all.”

    Well that explained how Faera knew he was alive… partly. If she’d only learned of his survival while in the midst of the ritual, he was unlikely she stopped it to go and check his prison. No, something still didn’t add up right there… but he couldn’t afford to think about it. Not now. “Enough talk, Faera. You know damn well what we’re here to do to ya.” Gren threw his hand out to the side, his hand opening and reaching out to the darkness beyond. He focused hard, even as he kept his gaze on Faera’s. And then, in a flurry of movement, Curse came swirling out from the darkness, breaking through the shadow miasma beyond all comprehension. It flew to his hand, unfolding immediately into its sword form as Gren took his stance.

    “Now that is interesting. Did you summon that weapon here from your world? That’s quite the impressive feat, especially for an old timer like you,” Faera observed, amused.

    “Curse is my grandfather’s weapon. It earned its namesake by attachin’ itself to family lines and remainin’ within that family. Anyone with Ragnos blood in their veins can call it to them -- they just gotta know how. And it’ll answer the call no matter where you are, so long as yer breathin’.”

    “How unfortunate. It’s been summoned for the last time. Hugo, I believe it’s time you shared some words with your wife. She looks mightily angry and I wouldn’t want her foul mood to cause any issues to our baby,” the goddess said with a smirk, reaching down to gently run her fingers over her stomach.

    Before either Gren or Serilda could move, Faera waved her hand and the entirety of the dark realm changed. Scenic views rushed in from all sides like the transcript of a movie, frozen still images on a reel. Faera delivered the Voidwalker one last smile before she disappeared behind a scene and Gren was immediately cut from the view of Serilda as well. Then the dark world was gone and Serilda was left standing in what appeared to be Fairy Tail’s main hall. Mages and members walked through normally and a few would walk towards her. If she remained in place, she would simply phase through them as they continued on. A frigid cold followed the scene and if she were to glance in the corner of the room, she would find a familiar sight. Mythal, Serilda, Markus and Nessa, all cramped into a corner booth, emotions heavy on their features. A memory of when Mythal had come to see Nessa and Markus and apologize for his letter.

    Meanwhile, Gren found himself in a different scene, what looked to be Hargeon Port late at night. As he glanced around, he saw a group of Rune Knights standing by the pier, looking up at a mightily tall tower. Mythal entered from one of the taverns, looking exhausted and annoyed that his sleep had gotten interrupted. He approached one of the Knights and started talking to him, his words silent against the backdrop.

    “Now my dear Gren,” Faera spoke once more, drawing his attention to her. She was standing beside the Darkness Slayer, her arm draped over his shoulder as she watched the former Knight with glee. “Would you care to try your luck against your captor? I imagine you’ve been waiting a long time for this.” But before he could answer, he flickered her hand at him and released a torrent of darkness, the goddess officially beginning her attack.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 11th October 2020, 8:40 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    The deepest moments between Vandrad and Mercury were almost always silent, the two of them reassuring one another through touches and glances in a wordless language that only they understood. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a solemn look. Even at the touch, she could feel the tension ease from his body, his vitals fluctuating just enough to show her gesture had at least had an effect. In return, he gave her his smirk that was oh so like his father’s and slapped her soundly on the ass, specifically the opposite cheek from the one his father had done only minutes ago. He was rewarded with a wide, devilish grin before she finally moved off to take over her watchful corner.

    If anything, Mercury expected the next twenty to thirty minutes to be quite boring. She couldn’t sense anything at all roaming the Graveyard, or at least not near where they currently stood. Not that it kept her from having anything to do, of course. Mercury was already pulling up the programs and commands in her head that she was going to need to work her magic, so to speak, from where they were. Whatever the Order had in that base, she wanted it. All of it. As much as she could get her hands on. And while she was fairly certain that it wouldn’t take them long to know they had been compromised, she was also certain it would never be traced back to her. Spying was literally her entire life, the only true purpose she had, the skill that she had been bred and trained for. Even if they found anything of her tech later, they would never be able to analyze it, at least not successfully. It was too alien, too advanced. At most they could learn from it for the future, but by then she’d have already gotten what she wanted.

    Truthfully, she was only paying half attention to the world around her, knowing that her scanners would alert her if anything approached. Unfortunately, it wasn’t creatures from the outside she needed to be worried about. Wanda’s voice pierced the deafening silence, calling out to Chishan and causing all three guards to spin in place toward the panicked sound. Mercury’s heart sank at the sight waiting there for her, her blood running cold. Mythal was standing on his pallet, his head still slumped forward like he was asleep despite the fact that he was very much standing like he was awake. Her scanners were ticking red, indicating that a great number of things weren’t adding up the way science demanded.

    Chishan called his name and there was a slight reaction, Mythal’s head twitching gently without truly lifting. Then, he breathed in deep and.. All the shadows in the area started sucking toward him like a black hole, including her own. Mercury’s eyes were wide fucking open in fright as she took a shaken step backward. “What the fuck..?” she exclaimed, her voice quiet and tight as a very real panic washed over her. Shadows coalesced around him like a whirlwind, and Mercury’s sensors were absolutely screaming. She didn’t even realize she was shaking from head to toe as the weight of palpable magic settled on her once more, burrowing into her core and taking firm root. His skin started to crack and crumble upon his body, and there was something beneath the surface that was trying to claw its way out. His hair shot out to reach down his back to his knees, as a very different, much more terrorizing face broke through Mythal’s to expose itself to the world beyond.

    By the time the shadows disappeared -- quite literally, despite the night and the candlelight -- whatever stood in Mythal’s place was little more than a ghostly remnant of the true man. The air was ripe with dread that all but had Mercury paralyzed in her spot. All her life she’d been surrounded by her enemies, living in constant and pervasive exposure to the worst that life had to offer, but never had she felt something so vile and.. evil. She didn’t know what to do. The whole reason they had signed up for this job was because it was supposed to involve not fighting something horrifyingly out of her league. Several times she opened her mouth to scream or to call out for Vandrad, but never did her voice find her lips, so stricken with fright as she was.

    If it weren’t for her scanners still being able to operate on their own, she would have missed the anomaly that was the prince. Somehow, she managed to wrench her gaze away from Mythal to see Vandrad standing there, looking like he was in a great deal of pain, his hand shaking as he touched his head. A whole new wave of panic washed over her. This was the worst time for this to be happening. Out of all the situations they could have found themselves in, this was the one that Vandrad could not lose control in. Vandrad in his enraged funk she could probably handle, but not while also trying to deal with whatever the hell was going on with the Director.

    She was so focused on Vandrad and trying to figure out what to do to stop him from losing his sanity that she wasn’t even paying attention to the doctor. Chishan cried out for Wanda to stop, pulling Mercury’s gaze once again toward the central scene where the doctor was rushing for the forms of Serilda and Gren, wholly believing they were in danger and that she needed to get them out. Vandrad also told her to stop, but it was far too late. In a single flick, Mythal snapped an arm to his side in a sweeping motion. In his hand was an exceptionally long sword, one that he had just used to cut Wanda’s head clean off faster than any of them could blink. Mercury gasped in horror, taking another step back, her mind scrambling to cope with the unfathomable events happening around her.

    And then, even as everyone watched, Mythal turned his gaze slowly onto the sleeping forms of Serilda and Gren. It was Vandrad that found the gumption to move first, teleporting from his spot to put himself between the unconscious pair and the crazed Director, stopping the swing of the sword with his bare arms. Mercury shrieked at the top of her lungs, certain that she was about to watch Vandrad get murdered before her eyes. Instead, the prince was knocked back so hard and so fast that Mercury couldn’t even trace where he’d gone until he landed, the single blow not only hurling Vandrad far out of sight but cutting down a solid fourth of the foliage in the area.

    Mythal once more attempted to get to the pair inside his head only for Chishan to appear, his body engulfed in a mixture of flame and rock as he threw a punch with all his might at the shadowy man. According to him, it was too late, Faera had already taken Mythal over. What was worse, his attack had done next to nothing to the possessed Rune Knight. If anything it had only annoyed him, and he responded by shoving his sword right through Chishan’s body on his abdomen. The Order’s Master gasped in agony and found a way to launch himself backward and away, leaving only Mercury left to try and stop Vandrad’s brother from killing everyone present.

    The problem was, she was still struck with terror. Mercury gulped, struggling with her fight or flight reflex, her brain erroring out to the point where she merely froze in indecision. It was the light in the distance that caught her attention, a familiar glow that sent a wave of relief through her. Vandrad was still alive, and his empowerment was in full force, more than enough to draw the Director’s attention. The prince came quite literally rocketing in at his brother, his physical appearance changed to match the top level power he was putting out. So far, he did not seem to be taken over by blind rage yet but he had to still be struggling with it. He tackled Mythal so hard that they both shot through another large range of trees and out of the graveyard, causing Mercury to jump.

    Despite everything, she heard Zifu’s voice as she explained to Chishan that, whatever this was, it was not Faera. Or at least, not completely. There was still a chance to win this, but everyone needed to stay focused. She called for Mercury to grab the tablet still in Wanda’s hand, asking her to check it to verify Mythal’s status. Somewhere, she found the strength to move, the sight of Vandrad at least still being alive throwing her into gear. He needed her, now more than ever, and she wasn’t about to let him down. Racing over to where Wanda’s body had fallen, Mercury snatched the device she’d been using and looked at it, scanning the numbers to find a frightening result. “Her ritual isn’t complete,” she called to the queen, “But she is still pressing forward. We have approximately twenty eight minutes until he’s gone for good.”

    Hands still trembling, she pulled a flash drive out of her pouch and jammed it into the machine before shoving them both away back into the pack on her thigh. The flash drive automatically began to feed the information into her head where she could process it faster without needing to hold the device in her hands, essentially turning herself into the tablet. By this time Chishan had already patched himself up and rushed off to help Vandrad, leaving Mercury with the group. This was bad. Chishan had no idea what might happen to Vandrad if he couldn’t keep himself controlled, but she couldn’t leave anyone here defenseless. With a flick of her wrist, Mercury tossed her hoverdisc in front of her and jumped onto it, using the craft to launch her up into the air above the group. With a grunt, she withdrew a metal orb from her pouch and hurled it at the ground in the center of everyone below, where it latched itself into the ground. As soon as it was fixed, a large dome of rippling green plasma popped up around them, wide enough to cover both those focused on the lacrima and the bodies of Serilda and Gren. It was a shield of her own making with her own tech, one that would hopefully be able to withstand a great deal of damage before breaking.

    With that settled, she shot over toward where Chishan and Vandrad were trying to come up with a plan of action. Vandrad caught sight of her, and immediately instructed her and Chishan both to rain fire on Mythal from afar while he kept the attention on himself. “On it,” she said, hurling through the sky overhead to flank Mythal from behind and above, even as the possessed Director pointed his sword at the prince as if beckoning him to fight. Vandrad answered the call, throwing himself at the man loudly to hold his attention as they fought.

    She lifted Mercy and aimed the barrel straight at Mythal, her radars locking onto him. “Sorry, buddy,” she said to herself more than anyone else before unloading round after round of electrically charged hollow point rounds at her target. She did her best to aim them for spots that would hinder or cripple him rather than kill him, though frankly she had a feeling it was going to take more than a bullet to the head to put him down, even one made out of material and energy that wasn’t native to Earthland.

    Meanwhile, back in the base, the timer on her device had reached zero. A circular plate snapped open, revealing a cluster of nano drones hidden within the flatten device. They easily poured out of the cabinet doors and up into the ventilation fan in the ceiling before spreading out to search the entirety of the base, each one with its own preprogrammed commands. Many of them were focused on obtaining a blueprint of the base, while many more were focused on scanning anything and everything in sight, be it tools or paperwork. They were tiny enough that they likely wouldn’t trigger any alarm, the size of a fruitfly with no magical aura worth detection and a technological wavelength that would be difficult, if not impossible, to locate.

    A great number of the bots specifically sought out anything resembling a computer, a tablet, a phone, any device meant to store or relay information digitally. There, the bots worked their way into the devices and inserted themselves into the wiring where they began processes to hack their way into the waiting systems. Still others found strategic points to bury themselves to act as security, taking in live footage that would record video and audio and feed it remotely back to Mercury’s databases. Though the Xocili wouldn’t be able to pay attention to any of it any time soon, anything she managed to download would be waiting for her later, the devices moving of their own accord to absorb as much information as possible with whatever time they had.

    All Mercury had to do was survive in the meantime.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 11th October 2020, 10:40 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    “Oh no.”

    Lux hadn’t honestly been expecting much while waiting on the outside of Mythal’s mind. While he talked a big game about wanting to make sure the Order of Souls did their part right, he highly doubted they were going to screw anything up. If anything, they seemed to understand the mechanics of the ritual and were quite prepared to counter it. He just didn’t like the idea of going back inside where all the darkness was. And if Faera already had a primary control over Mythal, there was the chance she could have gained control of him too if he appeared. That would complicate things. So he’d opted to remain on the exterior, a position that had earned him a direct and heartfelt question from Serilda.. She had wanted to know if she could trust him to protect Mythal’s body, no matter what came. And though it left her wide open to manipulation or mockery, the Lightbringer had dropped his guard momentarily and spoke to her on the level.

    He had his moments, after all. And she was right -- protecting Mythal came out of a place of self preservation. If nothing happened to the Darkness King, then nothing happened to him. It was really as simple as that. And there was no reason to think that Serilda wasn’t going to keep up her end of the bargain and keep Faera back. The love of her life literally depended on that. With that drama and serious considerations all set, a few of them had talked a bunch of nonsense and then they had all teleported out into the night, into some creepy cemetery. Lux had automatically been transported with the Darkness Slayer’s body, though he seemed to shift a bit more seamlessly than most of them. Except the woman with the purple hair -- she did it without that much of an issue. Maybe a light magic user? That was fun.

    They started their incantations and Lux tried not to yawn as he floated up into the air and set himself into a comfortable position. He idly glanced around at everyone taking their places, taking note of where they went but not really caring. It wasn’t until he noticed Mythal standing that his concern actually rose. Everyone else noticed it too and when one of them -- Chishan was his name? -- said his name, the Rune Knight inhaled sharply. As he did, he summoned all the darkness cast by shadows and the night to him, empowering his form into a state that Lux had seen only once before. The same terrifying persona that had come out when Victoria had pushed Mythal to his limits.

    All at once things started to happen quickly. One of the women tried to move in to cancel the ritual but her head was instantly lopped off as Mythal swung his sword into existence. He took aim at Serilda -- an act very surprising to Lux -- before the beefy man appeared and took the brunt of the attack, soaring out into the distance and leveling the eastern tree line with both his body and the aftereffects of the slash. Then the Chishan guy rushed in and got himself a sword through his abdomen for his troubles, managing to push himself off before Mythal cut him clean in half.

    Then the beefy one came back in, now glowing gold for some reason, and tackled Mythal, dragging him past the cemetery and into the woods, clearing another set of foliage. All at once the dark woman stated that this wasn’t Faera, it had to be something else. They just had to focus on the ritual and they would be fine. “Yeah, no shit it’s not Faera. This is some kind of other Mythal that lives inside of him. I’ve seen it before. He gets real destructive, real angry. He’s like a… Dark… Mythal.. thing,” Lux explained haphazardly. What an absolutely terrible time for Mythal’s darker, more grumpy half to come out and run loose. How could things get any worse?

    Well they weren’t yet but Vandrad’s brain was practically sizzling on a frying pain of anger. Not only was his own natural rage burning through his veins from the plan taking a complete three-sixty but the unnatural power was attempting to pull him down and overtake him, once more brought on by an enormous amount of power. The prince was more than well away that Mythal had God Slaying abilities, meaning that a portion of his magic was based within the realm of the gods. He’d never experienced a full dose of it and, as such, it had never affected him before. But now the Darkness Slayer was fuming at full power, bristling with strength unfathomable to the normal mind. And the strange force was invigorated by it, clawing at his mind to give up control. He could feel it behind his eyes, like claws raking against the inside of his skull. Yet he pushed on, focusing in on Mythal, refusing to let his instincts be deafened or beaten by an alien force he didn’t ask for.

    Twenty eight minutes. Mercury had grabbed the datapad in Wanda’s hand and checked to see the details of the ritual and Mythal’s vitals. Apparently Faera’s ritual was still going, slowed by the intrusion by Serilda and Gren but not stopped. That meant that she was most likely pushing them back, putting them on the defensive while she unloaded her celestial rage upon them. This was the absolute worst outcome and they hadn’t even considered it in the first place! He glanced back to see Mercury drop an orb on the ground near the rest of the group and, from it, a shield of green light covered the cemetery. She’d put up a shield -- he couldn’t help the small smirk that came to his face, in spite of everything. Smart woman, as always. Once she joined Chishan and himself, he barked orders to them to hang back and pepper the Lux-titled ‘Dark Mythal’ with magic from afar. And then he rushed in, fist cocked back, keeping the man’s attention on him. Vandrad managed to dodge the first swipe at his head, bending backwards before he wrenched his entire body forward, slamming his forehead against Mythal’s. The Darkness Slayer was unmoved by it but he did flinch in annoyance. Another sword swing came at the prince and he managed to get his arms and magical defenses up to keep himself from being split but he was, once more, sent flying.

    The Dark Mythal started to take a step but stopped as bullets impacted his limbs, finding purchase in his flesh. He winced in annoyance as a dull pain ran through his veins. A strange magic, unknown to him, unknown to any on the planes beyond humanity, had impacted him and even managed to wound him. Darkness poured out from the wounds almost instantly after they were made, quickly healing the holes but still catching Dark Mythal’s attention. Eyes still closed, he turned to face where Mercury was, now intent on wiping out the source of the annoyance. The heels of his feet lifted and suddenly he was rocketing upwards, sword coming into position. But from the side came a flaming rock, slamming into Dark Mythal and carrying him away from Mercury. The flaming rock, hurled by Chishan, carried a couple of yards through the air before a flash of steel ripped through it and tore it into two even pieces, the remnants falling past and under Dark Mythal’s form.

    Once more his lidded gaze faced towards Mercury but before he could move, Vandrad was soaring up to him. The prince kneed him in the back, using his physical strength and the inertia from his flight to bend the Darkness Slayer a bit backwards. Vandrad wrapped a single arm around Mythal’s neck and twisted his whole body backwards, spiraling both of them through the air before Vandrad released his captive and sent him into the ground with a thunderous crash. Magic energy fueled into his palms and soon he was pumping his limbs forward, unleashing a barrage of explosive magic blasts into the ground where Mythal had landed. "Hit him with everything!” he cried over his attacks, calling Chishan and Mercury to attack at the same time. The Master of the Order summoned a plume of fire from his fists and shot it into the exploding area, adding his flames the devastation. Smoke and energy swirled into multiple explosions as the surface was glassed to ash and char from the detonations continually igniting. Vandrad pulled back an arm, piling a substantial amount of energy into his hand before throwing it down into the fire, adding a larger explosion to the group and compounding upon the damage.

    As the explosion died down, a massive plume of smoke billowed out from the sizable crater. Vandrad panted softly, taking deep breaths to refill his lungs and absorb more of the ethernano in the air. He was about to start descending when something thing and black burst out from the smoke and came right at him. His magical shields were still up but Vandrad was horrified when the ebony arrow passed right by his defensives and stabbed through the prince’s left shoulder. He exclaimed in pain as the arrow remained embedded in his body, the magic burning into his flesh and fueling the rage deep inside even further. As the smoke cleared below, he caught sight of Dark Mythal standing in the center of the crater, seemingly undamaged from the volley of attacks that had fallen upon him.

    “So little strength,” Mythal said but his voice was loud, booming across the land with a volume that seemed impossible. There was also the fact that a woman’s voice was mixed in with a man’s. Slowly Dark Mythal’s eyes opened and revealed green spirals in place of pupils and sclera. A wicked grin tugged across his face. “So little time.” With a wave of his hand, Mythal brought in more of the darkness that surrounded the lands but rather than sucking it into himself, he compiled massive areas of the dark miasma underneath Mercury, Vandrad and Chishan. With a snap of his fingers, glowing starlight appeared directly beneath each person and erupted in a blast of concentrated magic power. Should any of them move to dodge, another opening would appear where they had gone to, a follow up attack of the same kind. This would continue for a total of thirteen times, should they manage to dodge that many times in quick succession.

    Vandrad managed to dodge most of the attacks before he simply put up his barriers and tanked the damage, the prince being knocked around like a ball on a court. Chishan formed a complete ball of rock around him and was also kicked around by the blasts before landing outside the darkness, the Master rolling out of the stone and hopping to his feet. His hands moved in front of his body, water and flame held in each palm, before he thrust them forward, unleashing a combined torrent of liquid and fire. Dark Mythal waved his hand and a wall of darkness shot up from the ground to take the brunt of the attack, the thick shadows swallowing up the combined stream easily. Vandrad came rushing in from above and Mythal stepped back to avoid the falling punch, watching as the prince planted his fist into the ground and destroyed even more of the soil beneath them. Mythal once more swung his sword at Vandrad, this time putting both hands on the handle and swinging like it was a club. The extra strength was enough to send Vandrad flying as fast as the first time, mowing down another set of trees like a blade to grass.

    Swirling eyes focused on Mercury, the grin returning. Mythal waved his hand in another fashion and from the ground erupted a twister of darkness. Yellow eyes perforated the twister, revealing that it was made up of combined souls from Kingdom Darkness. Mythal gently waved it at Mercury, directing it to follow after her and swallow her up. She’d find it hard to escape and would most likely have to face it head on. With that keeping their attention for the moment, Mythal started marching back towards the ritual site.

    Words: 2056/2056 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 11th October 2020, 11:12 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Ozorith had warned her, warned both of them, that Faera would find a way to strike her directly in a way that she wouldn’t expect. And Serilda had not expected this.

    Her body was shaking with a great deal of emotions, each of them flying so fast through her head that she couldn’t even process them enough to know what all she was feeling. Despite the danger that Faera certainly posed, the noblewoman’s eyes were locked onto her former husband as he spoke to her for the first time since Agatha’s shop, expressing his displeasure over her spending time with other men. And frankly, she was speechless, only able to look on in shock as Faera slinked her way over to Hugo and ran her hand lovingly over his chest.

    The Divine addressed Serilda then, detailing the insult that the Voidwalker had dealt when storming her domain and humiliating Archimedes. Not only that, but having the gall to deliver the decrepit man back to her with commands like it was Serilda who owned the place. It had been enough to start looking into Serilda at the very least, wondering who the rare mortal was that had won over a Prime Sin enough to get them to help her. And apparently, Hugo had been rather forthcoming with the details… from his perspective. That Serilda had been a dull, uninspiring wife living in the bubble of her wealth, idealistic and idiotic, without a scrap of magic to her name or the proper ability to provide an heir for her family line.

    Serilda drew in a sharp, pained breath there, one that was ripe with fury at the audacity of this bitch, though her eyes spelled the shame for everyone to see. Hugo’s grin widened and he chuckled merrily to himself as if pleased over something that Serilda clearly didn’t know. Faera continued on, remarking over Serilda’s accolades since her foray into Kingdom Darkness, how she’d become the leader of an entire country’s first and last line of defense, how she’d added the second magic of being a god slayer into her repertoire of skills, and even…


    That surprise was right out the window, but how could Serilda even truly be surprised? Wasn’t Faera just saying a minute ago how she’d been going through Mythal’s memories? That meant that she likely knew a great deal of what Mythal did, including Victoria’s existence. In fact, the only one who was surprised was Gren himself, who shot a shocked look toward Serilda and asked what Faera was talking about. Even if Faera had given her a chance to answer for herself, Serilda wouldn’t have been able to. She was far too focused on the goddess and her former husband before her, listening to each and every word as Faera put Serilda on full blast, describing the events of Vintermyr for her future father-in-law.

    Serilda’t jaw was set tight, her hands clasping the hilts of her scimitar so hard that her knuckles were white as her hair as Faera explained to Gren how Victoria had awakened and overwhelmed Serilda, taking control of her body much like Faera sought to do with Mythal and using her to slaughter nearly an entire city of innocent people. It was through that battle that Mythal had unlocked his own power and ability to control Kingdom Darkness, taking on his form of the Darkness King.

    At this point, the Voidwalker was done listening to the goddess, who seemed more interested in talking than fighting. However, it gave her time to work with Victoria, Serilda all but tuning out the goddess’ words to conspire with her own Seal. What now? Victoria asked, her tone on edge but not necessarily stricken with panic. She knows I am here, and we have lost that element of surprise.

    We have lost the surprise, but nothing else, Serilda replied coolly. Her bluster is a front. The only reason she knows about you is because she’s been soaking in Mythal’s memories, which means she only just figured it out recently. Knowing about you doesn’t make you less of a threat to her. She still had an hour at most to try and prepare for your arrival, and there’s only so much she could have done in that regard from in here.

    We still need a plan. You know what she is going to do. Your former husband was brought here specifically to taunt you, which means she is going to leave you to him and try to focus on Gren.

    Victoria was right. The only reason Hugo would be here would be out of an attempt to toy with the Voidwalker. Focusing her power, she drifted her senses onto Gren, allowing them to bury themselves deep within his body, past the flesh and into the muscles beneath where the veins that held his blood pumped the plasma furiously through him. At the moment, he probably wouldn’t feel anything as it was a passive action, one that disturbed nothing or even emitted a trace of magic. She focused on the blood itself as Gren demanded that the talks end. Faera knew what they were here for and they would not be swayed or distracted.

    From out of nowhere, Mythal’s sword came hurling through the darkness and into Gren’s extended hand, a feat that caught even Serilda by surprise though not enough to pull her attention away from the enemies before them. She could only assume that Gren had some tricks up his sleeve that she didn’t know about, else he would never have made the foolhardy choice to join her in this fight. He had what it took to at least put up a fight and maintain his own for a bit, Serilda just had to have faith in him. Faera inquired as how how Gren had managed to pull that little trick, and the man obliged her with a quick response explaining how the sword was connected to the Ragnos bloodline, allowing it to be summoned by any person with the family’s blood.

    Yet more information that Serilda took in, but did not speak on. In fact, she was oddly quiet, her focus entirely on the spectacle of Faera and Hugo as the goddess clearly was trying to play at Serilda’s heart by practically lounging on her former husband, digging the knife further and further in the hopes of sending Serilda over the edge with anger. And indeed, it was working. There was no doubt that the Voidwalker was exceptionally furious, though unlike earlier it was a simmering rage that did not result in any exterior show of power. Serilda was lying in wait for Faera to strike, her plan of action ready to go and merely awaiting the command. She had to accept the fact that some way or another, Faera was about to keep Serilda from engaging her directly, which also meant that her immediate fight was going to be separate from Gren’s. Thankfully, there was still something Serilda could do to help him.

    As Faera turned to Hugo and advised it was time for him to see to his wife, Serilda knew it was time. It was then and only then that Gren would feel a slight tingling sensation in his body, not entirely unlike that he’d experienced during Serilda’s outburst before. If anything, it was lucky that she had lost her temper. Now, he knew what it felt like to be touched by the Void and would likely understand that the magic affecting him was coming from Serilda, not Faera or Hugo. She latched on to just a faint trace of his blood, altering the molecules so that they would pass through his body like the flesh that confined his organs and plasma in place was little more than an illusion. It wasn’t much, only a droplet that probably wouldn’t even be detectable to anyone else, even if they felt that she was using her magic in some capacity. She pulled the droplet toward herself where it repeated the same efforts it had taken to leave Gren’s body, only to enter Serilda’s instead.

    Then, Faera dropped the final bomb: she was pregnant… with Hugo’s child. Serilda couldn’t help the disgusted look that fell on her face, and it was enough of a distraction that she couldn’t do anything as Faera waved a hand. Memories rushed past them like film on a reel before the goddess and Gren were gone, leaving Serilda in an all too familiar scene. She stood in the entry hall of Fairy Tail, its members milling about her as they went along their days. In a corner sat herself with Mythal, Nessa, and Markus, the four mages having quite the emotional heart to heart after everything that had happened in Kingdom Darkness. Understanding that this was merely a memory, Serilda stood her ground, continuing to tremble with ire as she fixed an icy glare at the man before her, ghostly memories of the Fairy Tail members passing through both of them without notice.

    Hugo crossed his arms, a smug expression on his face as he looked her over. “What’s the matter, honey? Finally run out of words to yammer at me?” He smirked at her, giving her the chance to speak up. When she didn’t take it, he continued on. “Got to say, that’s quite the outfit you’ve got on, there. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything quite that risque. Except maybe that little number you wore on our wedding night. ‘Bout the only time you were ever worthwhile in bed, all sorts of willing and inexperienced, getting to watch that innocence leave your eyes.”

    With each word he spoke, Serilda became more and more angry, more indignant, more insulted and terrorized. Moisture built up in her eyes, leaking gently down her cheeks even after she was sure she had used them all up with Mythal. Yet she merely continued to stand there, still as the grave, watching him without a word while he carried on with trying to bring her down and make her crumble. “I’m going to be honest, I’m a bit impressed that you managed to trick another guy into marrying you. At least I knew what I was getting into and had still had my fun on the side. This guy’s actually in love with you, the poor sap. He must be desperate, or poor… or maybe he just don’t like kids all that much and just wanted some lower standards.”

    Hugo was trying mightily to get under her skin, and yet she said nothing. Finally, he shook his head and chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the peace and quiet. But if you’re just going to stand there like a kicked puppy trying to get your bearings, I’m going to be real disappointed when--”

    “You disgust me,” she told him simply, her voice soft and mixed with both ire and anguish. “Why? What was the point of treating me the way you did? I gave you everything you could have ever wanted. We gave you work and paid you well. We treated you with respect and never took you for granted. We welcomed you into our family, despite your common blood, and called you our equal. You had titles, lands, stocks, influence… you had me. And yet still you stole. You lied. You cheated. And for what? What more did any of that possibly give you that I hadn’t?”

    “And now here you are, a Trumpet to a psychotic goddess, still dedicating your life to ruining mine even after death, taking pleasure in twisting the knife in my back, standing there like you mean anything to me, anymore.” Hugo’s expression had slowly slipped from smug to pensive in the time she was talking, his brown eyes narrowed on her in contemplation. Tears still rolling gently down her face, Serilda shook her head. “It’s not cruel, Hugo. It’s sad. I can’t be mad at you for all this. Not because it doesn’t hurt, because it does… not because I still care for you, because I’ve had plenty of time to make my peace and accept who you truly are. I can’t be mad at you because honestly it’s just so… pathetic. Pitiful, even. And you can’t even see it. You’re so wrapped up in your obsession with torturing me for no damn good reason that you can’t even look at yourself to see how miserable and desperate you really are.”

    Hugo didn’t like that, not one bit. “Shut your whore mouth,” he told her, his tone dark. “You don’t know the first thing about me. You never did. All you ever knew was the lies I fed you, the meaningless things you wanted to hear to feel like I cared about you, like anyone cared about you. You were so delusional that you ate up whatever I fed you and never stopped to..”

    His voice trailed off, his words coming to a stop at the sound of Serilda laughing sadly, the mirthless sound spilling from her lips with a gentle shake of her head. “Do you see what I mean? It’s all right there, and you can’t even face it.” This confrontation was clearly not going to plan the way he had expected, Hugo’s face curling in anger and indignation. Serilda wiped the tears from her face. “It doesn’t matter. I understand what Faera is trying to do here, and maybe there was a time it might have worked. But you can’t get under my skin like that, Hugo. Not when the only thing I feel for you anymore is sorry. Sorry that you’re so willing to be used and manipulated like I once was by you.”

    “But the truth is, I am not here for you. You make up a great deal of my past, both good and bad, but as far as my future is concerned… you are inconsequential, and I owe you nothing. Least of all my time. You are a distraction, nothing more; a tool that Faera wants to use to piss me off… and make no mistake that I am angry. But my anger is for her, not you.” The rage finally resurfaced then, having gotten what she needed to off her chest and settling into the determination of what was before her. “I truly didn’t think Faera was this much of a fool. It seems I gave her far more credit than she was due, especially if she thinks the smartest way to come at me is by making me angry. If you want to stand in my way, then so be it, but I will not be stopped, certainly not by a worthless piece of trash like you. So why don’t you shut up, fight me, and for once in your life do something other than stand around and be insignificant.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 12th October 2020, 9:37 am

    Sharp bolts of darkness flew through Mythal’s face, passing through the ghost of a memory without hindrance or blockage. The attacks, having warped into sharp feather-like objects, pierced the walls behind the pier, following after the man that was running along it. Gren had been put on the defensive almost immediately, with the goddess wasting very little time in unleashing a barrage of attacks his way. He’d managed to jettison himself out of the way with his lightning magic, only to come out of the bolt nearby and immediately find himself under assault once more. The former Knight burst into a sprint, charging ahead of the approaching pins of darkness. He managed to make it to the end of the wall and then leapt up, planting a single foot on the stone structure before activating his magic, thrusting him towards the source of the onslaught -- Faera.

    Her attacks caught up to him but Gren was ready, Curse already in front and spinning to block the feathers. As he came within striking distance, he twisted his body and swung the blade down upon her, forcing the goddess to throw up both of her hands in front of her, crossing them over and catching the sharp end of Curse at her wrists. She grinned as she pushed back on the sword, sending Gren flipping backwards. He landed on his feet with a heavy thud, swinging his sword around as he forced it to transition into its firearm mode. He leveled it quickly and loosed several shots into Faera, watching as the electric pellets slammed into her invisible shield and melted away.

    The goddess chuckled. “I must say that I admire the persistence, Gren Ragnos. You stopped me from merging into your world all those years ago then even when I used my vessel’s body to destroy you and send you to my realm, you continued to hold out against me. I knew given time you would break -- everyone does. But instead, you found a way out. You must tell me about the people that threw their lives away to break you out from death.”

    “Where’s the fun in that? Don’t want to ruin your little investigation party,” the former Knight shot back as he snapped Curse back into sword form and rushed at Faera once more. The goddess backed away as he swung the weapon at her, easily sliding away from the swipes and slashes to avoid his attacks.

    “I suppose it doesn’t matter really, does it? They’ll all perish once my ritual is complete and I’ve finally entered your world,” the woman casually thought out loud, staring beyond Gren as she mused. “I was just curious if you were their champion -- the one they intended on placing all of their bets to defeat me. If so, I do hope that you have a lot more to show me.” She easily walked off the dock in the memory and continued to backpedal through the air slowly, with Gren following suit.

    Gren opened his mouth to speak but the space around him shifted once more, the memory melting away and being replaced with another. They were suddenly standing in a thinner alleyway, with a group of men standing near them. Opposing them was Mythal and… Serilda, in a different uniform. Despite the fact that they still looked the same as their present day selves, there was a youngness to them. They also seemed a bit standoffish as Mythal looked between the group of thuggish men and the Voidwalker. Gren was so surprised to see the Field Marshal there that he lost his attention, an opening that Faera was quick to jump upon. She pushed forward, slamming her hand into Gren’s chest and knocking him back. With him off balance, she unleashed a torrent of dark blasts against him, sending the former Knight flying back, into the memory’s walls on the far side. She continued to unleash a torrent of darkness, laughing as the stream became stronger and heavier.

    A flash of bright light interrupted the barrage of shadow, breaking the consistent wave. There stood Gren, his clothes tattered and several cuts over his large, rugged body. But his free hand was forward, palm facing out and a glowing white rune was hovering just over his palm. Where the darkness attacks had been once before were only fragments, perfectly dissected pieces of Faera’s magic. Even the goddess looked surprised. “Crash magic,” Gren answered, shooting her a grin. “To break through your Blessing.”

    The goddess cocked a brow before she waved her hand, a fresh volley of darkness shards materialized around her and with a jerk of her wrist, she sent the storm towards Gren. The former Knight swung Cursed back as the blackout attack came and then, just as it was about to hit, he swung the sword forward. A thick, glowing line of magic broke through the darkness and separated the fragments. The array of shards pierced the walls all around Gren but, where he stood, was completely clear. Another glowing rune hovered over the back of his sword-wielding hand, this one gray in color. “Nullification magic. To cancel out your bullshit.”

    The goddess smirked. “Two high level magics for one human to control. Are you certain your body won’t give way under the stress?”

    Gren swung Curse forward confidently, ripping what remained of his shirt off and leaving him bare chested. “I’ll be just fine once I’ve cut off all your limbs. Then I’ll let Seri put ya down for good. You think you can shake her by showin’ her that asswipe of a former husband? Ya don’t know her as well as ya think ya do, Faera. You may shake her foundation but she ain’t gonna break down, not here. She knows what’s at stake and she ain’t gonna give up on her goal. So I hope ya got some more tricks up your sleeve because if that’s it, I ain’t impressed.”

    The goddess arched a brow and her lips curled back into another confident, assured smile. “How boldly the mortal speaks. Come then, Gren Ragnos, let’s see if  your bravado is as strong as your strength.” Faera extended both her arms outwards, hands reaching. Darkness coalesced into her palms and extended out into long, black blades. Now armed, she set her gaze on the former Knight and leapt at him, ready to give him a bit more attention than before.

    Over where Serilda and Hugo were confronting one another, the scene seemed to shift as Serilda found her voice and confidence. The backdrop of Fairy Tail faded away and was replaced with that of Clover Lake. Serilda would recognize it as a job that Mythal and her had gone on while on vacation at Clover Town, around Christmas. And indeed, there stood Serilda, staring out at the lake, looking utterly devastated and hopeless. Mythal came up to her and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her attention to him and mouthing words at her that they couldn’t hear.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 12th October 2020, 12:38 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury wasn’t sure what was worse: The idea that there was nothing she could do to injure Dark Mythal, or the knowledge that she actually did managed to hurt him, thus drawing his attention to herself. The Xocili paled as he slowly turned to face her, the wounds swiftly healing themselves as he set his curtained gaze onto her. “Uh oh,” she managed to say before he came rocketing toward her in the sky with his sword drawn. She raced backward on her hovercraft to try and keep distance between them, continuing to launch round after round of the hollow point bullets at his body. Right when she was getting ready to make the switch to melee, a boulder covered in flames smacked Mythal off course. Together rock and man flew several yards before the stone was cut in half, falling to the ground below where Mythal hovered.

    Vandrad still had not returned from getting smacked across the way, and Chishan’s attack had barely done anything to Mythal. In fact, it had hardly even distracted him. He turned once more to look at Mercury, clearly deciding that she was the true threat for the moment. Maybe it was something about the alien materials she was using on him? Perhaps they were more difficult for him to protect himself again. Getting the sinking sensation that this was going to be her life until either this was over or she was dead, she stubbornly grit her teeth and waited for him to come at her. “Come on, then!” she yelled at him, not intending on going down without a fight.

    That was when the Bellum prince threw himself back into the picture, sticking his knee right in Mythal’s spine and practically bending the man backward in half. He snatched his brother by the neck and twisted, spinning in a swift cyclone to build up momentum before hurling Mythal at the ground. Building up explosive energy into his palms, Vandrad told his two allies to hit Mythal and hit him hard. Mercury pulled a few golf ball sized drones out of her pocket, tossing them into the air in front of her where they formed a loose circle and charged together with yellow electricity. A ball of bright, crackling light formed between them before it unleashed a phenomenal, electrified laser beam that continuously slammed into the spot where Mythal had fallen, evaporating a large space of the dirt and rock around him even as Vandrad and Chishan hurled their own attacks toward their shared foe.

    It was an absolute onslaught of attacks, one after the other with all three of them desperately looking to keep Dark Mythal down and incapacitated. Once it was over, she was frantically scanning the area, trying to scan through the thick smoke and heat to find him still there, and still moving. “Look out!!” she called, trying to warn them that the fight wasn’t over. A dark arrow shot through the smoke, went right through Vandrad’s defenses and pierced the prince through the shoulder. Mercury could only watch and listen in horror as Vandrad cried out in pain in a way she’d never heard from him before. She was so spooked by the sight that she couldn’t even call to him, her mouth agape in shock.

    The smoke cleared to reveal Mythal again to the naked eye, where he barely looked as though he had taken any damage at all. Terror flooded through her veins as he spoke, his voice paired with that of a woman’s and loud enough that almost felt more like it was rattling directly in her ears than anything else, the voices carrying across the land with ease. They bespoke about how little their strength was, about how little time they had left. The wicked smirk on his face was an image that would be burned into her memories for quite some time, assuming she even made it out of this.

    He waved his hand and her sensors screamed, alerting her to the danger directly beneath her. Instinct took over and she kicked her hoverdisc away, sending it soaring through the air as she jumped off of it, aiming Mercy below her feet and launching a shield blast that simultaneously blocked the attack from hitting her and sent her soaring higher into the sky. Yet again her radars went haywire as another portal opened behind her, and Mercury twisted in the air and shot another shield blast that sent her flying away in another direction. Yet again, the attacks kept coming. They seemed endless as she desperately tried to keep blocking them with shield after shield, the green plasma absorbing the dark energy and tossing her back and forth in a somewhat controlled volley until the speed of Mythal’s attacks overwhelmed her ability to outrun them. Hardening the subsurface of her body until it was solid as a thick plate of steel, the last few blasts hit her true, drawing a scream of agony out of her as darkness exploded against her form and attempted to rip her apart.

    Luckily, her body held together, despite the pain, though her outfit had all but been torn to shreds, leaving large cuts and holes through her shirt and cape. She plummeted toward the ground but before Mercury could come anywhere near colliding with the surface her hoverdisc swooped below her and scooped her back up, keeping her in the air. At this point, between Vandrad getting hurt and her getting assaulted, her fear was quickly started to get replaced with rage as she growled and whirled through the air to reassess the battleground and come up with her next plan of attack. Chishan had thrown a blast of mixed water and fire at Mythal, while Vandrad continued to come in with a melee assault, one that Mythal stepped back and seamlessly dodged before trying to slug him in a two handed swing with his sword and sending Vandrad flying across the graveyard grounds a third time.

    Once more Mythal turned to look up at her with a malicious grin, even after all this time marking her as the one to keep an eye on. A tornado of darkness formed from his fingertips, the substance littered with countless pairs of golden eyes. Even from up where she was, Mercury could feel the insurmountable power, but for once she didn’t blanche, far too angry to worry about being scared. He tossed the twister at her and she took off on her disc, trying to keep distance between her and it, but it was closing in fast and soon it swallowed her up, forcing her to put her focus on keeping her defenses up so the magic wouldn’t tear through her skin and spill her out for everyone to see.

    Mercury was in a pickle, and was quickly having to make peace with the fact that she needed to make a choice. If she was going to survive this battle, she needed to utilize her magic in full, which meant revealing that she wasn’t just a holder mage. If she didn’t, it would only be a matter of time before Mythal was able to cut her open and reveal her alien heritage to everyone present. She had to reveal one of her two closely guarded secrets, and between the choice of her magic and her genes, she knew the former would be the least alarming to the rest of their current company.

    She made no effort to fight the twister for the moment outside of keeping her defenses up. The rest of her focus turned inward to her radars, allowing her brain to calculate her twisting motions inside the cyclone so she could keep track of where she was at every given split second and how it related to the world around her. She could pinpoint Mythal moving toward the ritual site, looking to try slaughtering everyone present once again. Mercury could not allow that. If Mythal seemed to think she was the troublesome opponent, then it was time to make some stars damned fucking trouble.

    Her targeting sensors calculated at lightning speed until it let her lock on to her target. Snapping Mercy into blade mode, she used the momentum of the twister itself to add speed on the level of Mythal himself as she twisted the sword and shot the blade from the handle, hurling it at a breakneck speed where it shot out of the tornado and audibly screeched through the air before embedding itself into a tree right in front of where Mythal was walking. Before it had even hit its target, she activated the magnets that connected the two pieces together and held her grip tight to the hilt. It violently ripped her from out of the tornado and pulled her toward Mythal where he stood between the hilt and blade. If he didn’t recover fast enough to move, he would find himself pinned between the two halves of the weapon until it impaled itself through his side with the blunted backside of the blade, in the same spot where he had run Chishan through, causing the two halves to rejoin together through his body.

    If the hit was successful, she would waste no time at all ripping the weapon out, shredding his innards further along the curved edge of the blade until she was crouched in a reverse high guard, the blade pointed at him up across the level of her face with the arm that held it crossed back over her chest. Her free hand was stretched outward toward Mythal with her fingers splayed a mere foot away from his body. A rune appeared at her fingertips, swirling with prismatic energy that seemed to contain every color of the rainbow as well as black and white. No sooner had she ripped Mercy back into her grip than she unleashed a point blank blast of blinding white hot light that matched the colorful makeup of the rune and exploded on him at full, violent strength, the magic itself containing traces of both god and demon slaying magic, yet proving itself to be something entirely different, something that not even Mercury yet understood she had: Primordial magic.

    With any luck, it would be enough to knock Mythal off his feet and deal some real damage, something he wouldn’t be able to plug up as easily as her bullets. “YOU WANNA FUCKING FIGHT ME, THEN LET’S GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!” she screamed at him, holding herself ready for the retaliation that was surely coming her way.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th October 2020, 2:40 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Dark Mythal had swiftly dealt with the buzzing flies that had been annoying him time and time again and yet, they kept coming back. His twisted gaze, only newly opened, took time to memorize their features, watching the shock, pain and horror as it rose up in them at the sight of their hopeless situation. The woman had been the one with the strange magic, the one that had hit with a bit more force, a bit more pain than expected. It didn’t feel altogether natural, at least not to Earthland. Perhaps she was some kind of interdimensional traveler? The Darkness King’s interest was not overwhelmed by his need to rid himself of her, casting curiosity aside for simple destruction. She had managed to survive the onslaught along with the other two for a good amount of time but she had taken some damage. It seemed the golden one was going out of his way to keep Mythal’s attention, taking the brunt of the damage while the other two attacked.

    But the Dark Spiral would tear her apart. He waited but a moment to ensure that the woman was pulled into the depths of the cyclone. Soon enough she would be nothing but bloodied pieces scattered across the ground. He cast a glance downwards and noticed that the lacrima had sunk deeper into his chest, almost halfway merged into his flesh. His eyes flicked to the shielded area at the cemetery, to the magic users attempting to perform a counter ritual. Well that just wouldn’t do. Grinning, he began his trek back, his focus on his goal. Chishan had managed to leap over the wall of darkness after Mythal, fire covering his arms as he came in for some kind of attack. Unfortunately for the Master, his flames had recast the man’s shadow and Dark Mythal felt the connection. At once the shadow popped up, wrapping its arms around Chishan and slamming him into the ground, back first. The Master exclaimed in shock, even as his own shadow began to vibrate and glow. A moment later the duo exploded in a puff of darklight and darkness, shaking the ground.

    Dark Mythal didn’t bother to look back at the devastation or the smoke, far too focused on the interesting green shield that covered the cemetery. And the figure behind it was Lux, staring wide-eyed at the approaching Darkness King. Dark Mythal began to muster magic in himself, preparing for a large assault upon the shield with intent of not only decimating it but the people beyond it in one go. But the sound of something impacting wood caught his attention and he stopped, his eyes looking around curiously. Something had hit the tree directly next to him and as he followed the only path it could have followed, he was met with an interesting sight. Mercury, practically upon him. Her weapon’s hilt slammed into the front of his abdomen, followed quickly by the actual blade piercing his torso from behind, ripping through his flesh painfully with its dulled end. The dark image of Mythal let out a small gasp of hurt that was quickly followed by another similar noise as the Silver Wolf mage ripped the sword out from him, the sharp curve tearing meat and matter. He stumbled forward a step as darkness oozed out from the injury on both sides, running free down his stomach and legs and pooling beneath him.

    Mercury was not done it seemed. She fell into a heavily guarded position, with her hand up and pointed right at his body. A foreign, foul-smelling magic clung to the air as she activated a rune and detonated it at point blank range. Dark Mythal was completely swallowed up in the explosion, his body flung backwards with tremendous force before disappearing in the haze of light and fire. It was a magnificent combination, one that the only audience member who could see appreciated with some clapping. “Yeah! Kick his ass, purple slut lady!” Lux hollered from behind the shield. All they had to do was hurt Mythal enough that his magic would wane and then this dark form would disappear. That’s what happened last time, right? Surely it was the answer again. Lux was certain.

    The smoke started to clear as Mercury roared at Dark Mythal, daring him to fight her with the spontaneous courage only fear could create. As the billowing haze cleared, Mythal emerged through it, crouched several feet away. He was down on one knee and his chest was scorched badly from Mercury’s last attack. The impaled injured had started to close but slowly, showing that the damage done had been significant. And the blast mark on his chest wasn’t even being tended to at the moment. The spirals in Mythal’s eyes turned a bit more in consideration of the woman, rising up to a standing position as he faced off with her. Slowly his grin returned. “Very well,” he replied, conceding to her request. The massive nodachi lifted itself from Mythal’s hand and floated up above and behind him, pointing towards the sky. With a wave of his hand, a dozen long, black swords appeared, forged out of darkness and pulled from the deepest vaults of Kingdom Darkness’ armory. They appeared in a pattern with the nodachi, creating a half-circle behind the Darkness King. Then all at once, the swords swung in aggressively, each one taking a swipe at her from a different angle. They would follow after her, taking violent slashes at her body from all sides, surrounding her so that she was completely trapped in a storm of blades. Dark Mythal chuckled as he summoned another dozen and sent them into the fray, putting the Silver Wolf mage completely on the defensive. Then he extended his arm outwards, away from her or anyone in particular. A wall of darkness rose up from the forest and stretched inwards, towering over the shield that Mercury had put down. Growths extended out from the flat surface, more than a dozen cannons forged within a second’s time. With another snap, darkstarlight quickly pooled into the turrets of the growths and then exploded outwards, raining down cataclysmic explosions all across the shield. It was a barrage unending, meant to weaken the shield with every follow up hit until it gave way and was no more.

    In the distance, buried within the destroyed trunk of a tree, was Vandrad. He grunted as he pushed himself out from the wooden structure, flecks and pieces of lumber falling out from around him as he got to his feet and wobbled. His Empowerment was gone and dispersed but he was alive, despite the fact that his body felt like he’d been hit by a planet. He’d never imagined that Mythal could hit with such force but it had only taken a few decent hits from that sword to beat him up. He supposed he should count his stars that he hadn’t been simply cut in half. Blood was caked all across his face, painting a morose crimson line directly down the center of his features. There were bruises and cuts along the rest of his body and his clothes were tattered and torn. Yet somehow, for some reason, he was getting back to his feet. His gaze lifted and focused on the battlefield, wanting to catch up on what was happening. And to his horror, he saw that Dark Mythal had Mercury completely surrounded by dark swords, each one slashing at her over and over again, trying to cut her to ribbons.

    His rage swelled again, an unhealthy mixture of the foreign body and his own. "You’re going to work for me,” he hissed furiously, demanding that whatever angry force was inside of him would be under his control. Of course it didn’t answer but his own stubborn nature believed it to be true. His aura ignited again, this time brighter than usual and he managed to pull up enough magic to temporarily activate his Empowerment, though it kept flickering off and on. His fury launched him forward, decimating the graveyard of trees further as he soared back to battle, his teeth bared as he put every last ounce of his remaining magic into this one final push.

    Dark Mythal had amusingly been watching Mercury as she handled her situation when he spotted a golden light, once more rushing in. The stubborn tank had returned and with almost an afterthought, he brought forth another group of swords, awaiting the prince’s return so that they could cut him into pieces. “Useless,” he scoffed without enthusiasm. And when Vandrad came surging in, the swords did swing… but their blades burst into pieces, some of them breaking off after biting into the prince’s shoulders and arms. Mythal didn’t even have time to realize his half-caring defense had failed before Vandrad had slammed into him, driving the Darkness King’s body into the ground and tearing the surface up with such hatred and violence that it was carving a permanent scar into Earthland’s face.

    "Don’t you DARE underestimate me!” Vandrad roared as his momentum carried them a bit further. When they came to a stop, he grabbed Mythal by the shirt and threw him into the air. The prince followed immediately after, exploding up with his hands reaching ahead of him. He grabbed Mythal by the head and the leg and then pulled him down as his knee came up, practically wrapping the man over the prince’s knee. "I don’t care what kind of goddess you are!” Then his knee dropped and his arms hooked together, swinging down in a hammer blow to the presented stomach of Mythal, sending him screeching down towards the ground. Mythal’s body slammed into the earth, cracking the soil while his body bounced upwards once more, his limp form hovering for only a second before Vandrad came surging down with his fists, driving them both deeper into the soil. "You come here and take over Mythal’s body, try to rob what isn’t yours. All you are is a cheater, a schemer and a coward! I will beat your body until you run back to your Kingdom Darkness and cry about the pain you’ve endured!” Punch upon punch fell into Mythal’s stomach, swinging forward with such strength and speed that his arms were only a blur.

    Vandrad finished with two equal punches to the gut, with his hands opening up at the same time. Magic exploded out from his palms, swallowing Mythal up in the fire and rocketing Vandrad back out of the hole he’d created, the prince riding the magic wave into the sky before he cut it off. From there his aura sucked itself into Vandrad’s body, outlining him in a bright gold. "I am Vandrad, son of Gren Ragnos and Themescyia duWolff, prince of Bellum!” His hands thrust up towards the sky, right above the hole where Mythal was buried. "And wrecker…” Magic ripped out of his palms and pooled into the sky, forming a ring of bright gold that quickly expanded into a wide disk. "OF YOUR SHIT!” Vandrad closed his hands tight as the disc in the sky grew brighter and brighter. "LIGHT OF LUCORA, FIRE!” And then both his arms swung down, directing the attack towards the open wound in the soil, towards the Darkness Slayer he’d just planted deep into the earth. The disk ignited and released a massive, powerful beam of bright golden magic, decimating the earth as it vaporized everything in its path. The ground rumbled as the attack impacted the planet, vibrating everything for miles upon miles beyond the battlefield.

    The beam lasted perhaps ten seconds, drilling into the ground, before it lost all of its energy and dissipated, leaving behind a flurry of glittering gold flakes of light. The hole, that had been man-sized, quadrupled the circumference it had been before. And there, lying at the bottom of it, was Mythal, his body intact, burned all over his flesh and his eyes shut as he lay there limp. Though it would be hard to tell from a distance, his chest was rising and falling gently, the man somehow still breathing. Vandrad’s magic ran out and finally his Empowerment left him for good, the prince managing a snide smirk before his eyes fluttered shut and he fell towards the ground.

    Words: 2058/4114 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 12th October 2020, 5:45 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The two of them only stood there for a few seconds staring at one another, but it may as well have been hours the way time dragged on. Former wife and husband bore one another down with looks of stone, hers determined and steadfast, his calculating and heated. His words had done nothing to bring her low. In fact, it seemed that it was the reverse that had happened, with Serilda rising above his cutting jabs and insults and piercing him through with the kind of calm superiority that drove him to resentment.

    Yet, neither one came at the other, not right away. And it was Hugo who broke the silence first, his indignation drifting away as he suddenly relaxed, laughing merrily to himself. There was a new look of excitement in his eyes, one that bespoke his amusement and interest at the turn of events and how she had responded to him. “Amazing!” he said, fixing his gaze on her in a way that she thoroughly did not care for. “Where was this spirit when I was alive? If I had known you were capable of this kind of fire, Seri, maybe I would have gone out of my way to make more use of you.”

    He chuckled darkly, rubbing his hands together. “But why lament about the past when you and I have an eternity to work out our differences? After all, you’re about to be buried deep in a hole in Kingdom Darkness very soon, and I’ll give you two guesses as to who your personal parole officer is going to be.” Hugo grinned at her maliciously, a look that sent a shiver down her spine but wasn’t enough to cow her or even break her stoic facade. “Sorry to say, Faera’s rules are a bit more loose then I’m sure you allow with the Rune Knights, and she’s not the jealous type. At least, not when it comes to me.”

    A dark mist began to seep out of him, coalescing over his body, which began to morph from the corruption. Seri set herself in a braced and ready position, her prior fight with Archimedes having already prepared her for the possibility that Hugo would have an angelic form to accompany his new title as Trumpet. She watched patiently as his skin turned an ashen black color and his hair bleached of all color until it was long and white as her own. Somehow, he grew even more bulky even as another two feet were added to his height. Six wings shot out of his back, consisting of pristine white feathers, and an immense halo appeared over his head, the gold circlet containing spikes along its rim that made it look more like a crown than anything else. The black mist seeped against his body, hugging it tightly and compacting closer and closer together until it formed a set of black armor around him that left the center of his chest exposed the full length down, otherwise covering him in a thick plate like armor. A pauldron with wing shaped protrusions ran down one arm, with a cowl of black fur wrapped around his collar. In his hand was an overly large broadsword. While the hilt left enough room for two hands, he currently only held it within one, brandishing the weapon at her with a smug glint in his pupil-less eyes.

    “So maybe you and I will give those vows of ours a revisit after I put you down and drag you home.”

    Serilda considered the new form briefly, her eyes taking him in even as she used the time of his transformation to speak with Victoria in her mind, the two of them concocting a plan that Serilda wasn’t entirely sure would work, but the only way to know was to try. She knew she needed to get back to Faera and not waste any time on Hugo. But, they both reasonably assumed that the goddess was going to do everything in her power to isolate Gren away from her and to keep the pair separated so they couldn’t mount a joint force. The Voidwalker had an idea, one that Victoria had never done before with any of her previous hostsand thus could not give any insight on but, if Serilda could pull it off, it could prove to be quite the troublesome twist for the goddess. But first, she needed to get her plan for Hugo in motion.

    “No thanks,” Serilda told her former husband, her tone borderlining on boredom and disinterest. “Faera is more than welcome to my sloppy seconds. I’m happier having standards.”

    Hugo roared and charged at her, cloaking his giant sword in a thick coat of darkness as he raised it overhead and swung in down in a heavily sweeping arc that aimed to cleave her in half from the get go. Serilda met him headlong, raising both her swords up in a cross above her head and catching his weapon between them. Rather than hold him there in a stalemate, she used his downward momentum, twisting and guiding his strike to the side where she knocked the blade away with Moonlight. Up came Malice with the follow up, the thinner, lighter weapon snaking out toward him in an attempt to knick a slice out of his exposed chest.

    Instead, he grabbed the blade with his gauntleted hand and yanked it back, trying to wrestle it from her grip to throw it backward. Serilda tapped into the void, solidifying both her hand and the sword so that he couldn’t pry it from her, which resulted in her getting tossed across the Fairy Tail guild hall. Tumbling through the air to right herself as she flew, her body phased through the tables and chairs until her feet landed squarely on the wall on the other side of the room. Sinking down briefly, she launched herself off the wall like a platform and came at him a second time, cloaked in the frigid black wind and frost of her god slaying magic that was sure to have an effect on the man. Hugo flexed his wings and, with a single great flap, thrust himself aloft just above her as she dove through the area he’d just been standing. As he leaped into the air just a couple feet above her head, he twisted and curved the great blade around to rake it up along her spine from ass to neck.

    The blade met its trajectory but not its mark, passing through her like she was as much a ghost as any of the other people walking around in the memory surrounding them. Opening a portal beneath her, Serilda dropped into the ground only to reappear above him, leading with the tips of both swords and burying them into his back where she landed. Hugo growled in annoyance, the blades barely damaging him through the thick points on his back where the wings merged with his flesh and granted him some additional levels of natural defense. He flexed the powerful limbs and tossed her, sending her careening across the room which quickly melted away to reveal Clover Lake, the day she and Mythal had solved the haunting of Kayson.

    Serilda landed on her feet, her boots digging a trench through the grass as she skidded to a halt several meters away from him. She looked up to see him shaking his wings out a bit, a few stray feathers drifting to the ground but otherwise unharmed. He laughed at her. “If you’re looking to run me through, you’re doing to have to do a lot better than that, sweetheart,” Hugo told her, coiling a ball of darkness in his palm and preparing a charged attack.

    The noblewoman smirked. “Now, darling… who ever said anything about trying to run you through?” Lifting Malice to her face, there was a small dribble of his blood leaking down from the tip. He frowned at her, until she carefully ran the point of the weapon along her tongue, taking the plasma in her mouth and consuming it.

    Hugo’s eye went wide with shock at the extremely vile gesture that one would expect more from a dark mage than a noble leader of a protective military force. He laughed outright, further excitement brimming through his eyes. “Well I'll be damned, you really have changed. I must say, I’m a fan, Seri. This new you is much more--” His voice cut off to make room for a strangled groan of unexpected agony, as all at once the blood in his veins seemed to have caught fire. It boiled deep inside of him, driving him to his knees in blinding pain while he fought to combat the spell that was twisting him from the inside out.

    I’ve found them.

    Do it.

    Granting some mild control over her body to the Seal, Victoria used the Void to open up a portal and threw them both into it, shutting the gate behind her as Hugo roared in defiance and unleashed a blast of darkness at them, missing by inches as the pathway disappeared. The older woman raced them along the route through the Void that would lead to Gren, tracing the path from the blood sample Serilda had taken and following it like a scent hound to its source. The journey took merely a breath, but by the time Serilda came hurling out the other side the Seal had relinquished full command of the body back to its owner.

    She popped into existence just as Faera was bearing down on Gren with two swords of her own, the Voidwalker jumping into the scene seemingly out of nowhere right next to them at full speed. Flipping Malice backward in her grip, Serilda calculated for the possibility that Faera would have reflexes enough to at least bring her own weapons up in defense, bearing down on them with a single powerful sweep with Moonlight to push them out of the way as Serilda dove between goddess and Gren, knocking the older man back a few steps with her shoulder. In her pass, she brought Malice around with a reversed swipe, aiming to carve the woman’s face in half, and taking great pleasure in being nominally successful. While Faera reacted quickly enough to try and pull back, it wasn’t enough to avoid the attack completely.

    “Got you, bitch,” Serilda growled, managing to get the words in before she found herself being tossed back through Mythal’s mind, banished once more to the Clover Lake memory where she’d left Hugo. The Voidwalker rolled across the grass and onto her feet. “You’re not going to get away from me that easily, Faera, you fucking coward!” the noblewoman roared to the open air, knowing the bitch would hear her. It was all the time Serilda had, as Hugo had recovered from her blood spell and was charging at her, rippling with fury with his sword gripped in both hands, pulled back and aiming to cleave her in twain.

    Meanwhile, Victoria was beside herself in shock and pleasure. It had actually worked. Why none of her previous vessels over the last countless millennia had never thought to try it was beyond her, but then again, how could she blame them? Even she had never thought of it. She, the one who had practically created and perfected the art of blood magic! And all it had taken was a single drop of blood, just enough to give control, or establish a connection, between herself and the donor.

    Do not be alarmed, she said, her voice sounding gently within Gren’s mind. I am Victoria, the Seal of Conquest. Serilda has temporarily transferred me to you through the use of your blood. We agreed this is the more important fight, so I am here to aid you until she can rid herself of that pathetic excuse of a Trumpet and rejoin you. In the meantime, I will keep your health up and lay in wait for an opportune moment to strike.

    Now, let's teach this overconfident tramp some humility, shall we?

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 12th October 2020, 8:11 pm

    Gren had been preparing for this day for a long time -- he had said as much to the group before they had left and it was an absolute truth. He wasn’t going to waste his shot, especially when he was sure he had learned the right kinds of magic to protect himself and bring Faera down. From the moment that he had awakened, emerging from the shadows of Kingdom Darkness and stepping back into the world of the light, he understood one truth. He had been too weak to protect himself and, as such, he had been too weak to protect Mythal. Sure, he’d been prepared for someone to make a move on his adopted son but he’d never expected the goddess herself. He’d always been wary about officially stating that the Sons were dealt with, that their entire order had been wiped out. It was too clean, too politically satisfying for his tastes. Though he never spoke about it to anyone other than Branwen, he was sure that Faera’s followers would try to track Mythal down and take him once more.

    And he’d been right, to a point. Someone had come to try and take Mythal -- it had just been Faera. And in her raging control, she had burned his home down and taken his life as well. Many years he had spent within her grasp, the goddess leaving him to rot in failure and pain. Upon returning, he knew he had to have cards up his sleeves in preparation for when he met her again. So he agreed to work for the Order of Souls, joining their ranks to follow their goals of protecting the living world from the mad celestials like Faera. And in gaining their trust and proving himself to them, he was given access to some of their records and magical tomes. He scoured them for answers, seeking abilities that he could learn to help him in his eventual battle. Eventually he came upon two high level magics -- Crash and Nullification magic. They were classed as powerful, stressful magics that required great strength and will to control, let alone master. It would take time for him to truly learn their principles and make them a part of his repertoire.

    Lucky for him, time was something he had. As he watched Mythal over the years, he studied and practiced. Gren’s magic grew stronger as he did, his body building and growing with his unlocked potential. By the time that Faera had returned and he was able to finally see his son, the two high level magics were as known to him as his lightning magic. He was ready, perhaps even more so than Serilda. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t the chance that Faera could overwhelm him. He was facing her fully, the whole of her spirit before him and ready to unleash all of her abilities. He had prepared but that didn’t also mean she hadn’t prepared as well.

    He took his fighting stance as Faera brought forth her blades, seeming to be interested in meeting him on equal footing combat-wise. She mocked him, still toying with him and not taking him seriously. She launched herself at him and the former Knight prepared for the coming battle. But then suddenly the air between them rippled and out came Serilda, thrusting herself between the two of them abruptly. Both of their eyes went wide as the goddess brought her weapons up,  aiming to defend herself from the sword that was lashing out for her. Gren was knocked back a few steps. Faera wrenched her head backwards as Serilda’s other blade came around to slash at her face and she had almost completely moved out of the way… but not quite. The very tip of the blade ripped into her face, opening a wound that brought forth a line of dark ichor. It wasn’t blood, it wasn’t deep but it was a cut -- a wound upon a goddess. Growling, Faera thrust her hand out and sent Serilda back from where she came, back to Hugo and scrambled them within Mythal’s psyche, separating them further.

    Gren couldn’t help but smirk as they were once more left alone. And yet the damage was done; Faera reached up and touched her face, feeling the liquid darkness cold against her fingers. As he pulled her hand back and looked at it, the oily substance clung to her flesh, darkening her pristine, pale form. Gren was only a moment away from remarking on what would surely be quite the scar when… a voice spoke up, telling him to remain calm. He cocked his head slightly but only for a moment as he realized that the voice had come from inside his head, not from Mythal’s. The woman introduced herself as Victoria, the Seal of Conquest -- the one that Faera had revealed was inside Serilda. Apparently the Voidwalker had taken the opportunity to transfer her into the former Knight’s body through his blood, which was both oddly humbling and wildly invasive. They had figured that the fight with Faera was paramount in comparison to the one with Hugo and, as such, Serilda had lent out Victoria to aid Gren in fighting, providing him with healing while she awaited a moment to strike.

    Not quite sure how I feel about havin’ someone else bouncin’ around the ol’ noggin,” Gren remarked internally before he chuckled within. But I ain’t gonna turn down help where I can get it. Alright, Victoria -- let’s see what we can cook up.

    “That contemptuous whore has marred my face,” Faera said in awe, still staring at the ichor on her hand. Her fingers curled into her fist as she turned her gaze towards Gren, a newly lit hatred and anger burning in her gaze. “So she thinks this a game? Very well -- it’s time for the game to end.” Faera’s swords dropped from her hands and melted into nothingness. She reached up towards her head and slid her hands over her skull smoothly and from her head grew massive horns, erupting from a black skullcap that materialized on her head. A black mask went over her face, covering her eyes with glowing green light. The horns wrenched down and then up, stretching out wider than her very body went. “It is time to stop playing with maggots,” she concluded as magic exploded out from her in the form of billowing darkness and green-black flames. They swallowed up everything, ripping into the memory in the background and seeming to burn the picture. The screens flickered, interrupted before readjusting. Now Mythal was standing there and, rather than turn on the brigands as he had originally, he swiftly stepped forward and clocked Serilda in the head, catching her off guard. Down she went and the Darkness Slayer already had Curse out and ready, burying the blade through her chest before she had even hit the ground.

    Back where Serilda and Hugo were, the memory flickered and darkened as well, with a black-green hue appearing over the horizon of the lake. In the newly changed memory, Mythal turned Serilda around to talk to her -- only to have a large knife thrust through his chest. He gasped and sputtered out blood as Kayson ripped the blade upwards, opening the Darkness Slayer up and splitting him nearly in two. Then he approached the stunned Serilda, bloody knife in hand, ready to slash her to pieces.

    Faera was nothing but an aura of black and green flames that were both both and cold all at the same time. Her glowing green eyes were the only thing present behind the fiery pillar as she stared out at Gren. Then in an instant, clawed tendrils of darkness came rushing in from everywhere, points aiming to pierce through his body. The former Knight leapt back and raced away from the approaching spears, switching Curse into his other hand quickly as he took off running. The tendrils chased him from all sides, jet black stems almost merging as one as they zipped through the air. They gained on him quickly and when they got close enough, Gren threw his hand back and activated a burst of Nullification. The tendrils froze and melted into dust but were quickly replaced by more.

    Gren raced through the memory town, down the street and apparently into another moment in Mythal’s past. He was on a cruise ship deck, standing above the body of a white-haired woman with softest features. Her eyes were wide with shock from the attack that had taken her life almost in an instant. Mythal reached down and pulled a bag of jewel from her pocket, claiming it as his own and walking away from the scene of the heinous act. Gren raced past the moving Darkness Slayer and leapt over the dead body of the Fairy Tail mage… only for her to reach up and grab his leg, stopping him midair and slamming him into the ground. His eyes went wide as he glanced back, seeing glowing green eyes replacing the soft dead ones that had been there before, the body’s face starting to crack into thick black veins. And the tendrils were nearly upon him.

    Gren melted into a bolt of lightning and shot into the air, just barely escaping the darkness in time. He zipped wildly through the memory’s sky, as the blue backdrop was overwhelmed with black and green flames. He dove down towards the island the boat was apparently parked at, surging towards a cave filled with lit candles. Down he went into the rocky corridor, racing along the rock wall as the memory melted into shadow behind him, pointed spears in the hundreds right behind him. They were gaining on him quickly, a roar building up behind the pointed wall made up of fury and hatred. “Hold on, this is gonna get rough!” Gren said out loud as he burst back into existence, twisting in the air. He sent out a massive wave of Nullification, his palm glowing as bright as a star. The wall of dark spears froze and started to melt, as did the cave around them. Soon the entirety of his vision was overwhelmed with light and he lost track of everything.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 12th October 2020, 9:01 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well, Mercury had certainly managed to damage Dark Mythal, and not just a little bit. He was caught completely off guard by the odd attack, her sword ripping through him from back to front in order to reattach itself to the hilt and become whole once more. He gasped in pain and shock, then did so a second time as she yanked the blade all the way through like his body was merely a sheath to house the weapon. Knowing well enough to deliver attacks in pairs, she followed it up with a quick and primal, but powerful blast of light the likes of which she’d never used before. The multicolored beam lit the darkness mage up in more than one sense, scorching him and knocking him back quite a ways.

    She could hear Lux cheering her on from behind the shield she’d placed over the group, though she didn’t give too much focus to pay attention to what exactly he’d said. The Silver Wolf ace was too busy scanning the distance and trying to ascertain what had become of her target, knowing that she hadn’t done enough to actually incapacitate him. When the dust settled, he was kneeling on the ground, still heavily bleeding through the wound in his side that was starting to close, but nowhere near as quickly as her previous attacks. Furthermore, his chest was covered in heavy burns that had to ache quite a bit, though clearly he was putting more effort into healing the punctured hole in his side than anything else.

    Mercury yelled her challenge across the clearing, knowing it was going to be a bad idea but not sure what else to do. She could sense Chishan and Vandrad’s vitals from afar and knew they were still alive, but they were either heavily beaten or distracted, which was keeping them from moving in to aid her in what was quickly about to become a one on one battle. Mythal looked up at her, rising to his feet as the smirk on his face returned. He spoke again, granting her the challenge she sought before his extra long sword rose up into the air over him. Then, the item multiplied, the wave of his hand enough to generate a dozen such weapons that were all about to rain upon her.

    She braced herself, tapping into her magic and adding layer after layer of hardening to her metallic flesh to ensure she wouldn’t be pierced through like she had just done to him. Her mind locked onto each blade, knowing that the strategy here was to overwhelm her from all sides. And even Mercury had to admit that it wasn’t going to be the easiest fight to get through, but she had one advantage that no one else did: Her mind was a literal super computer that could calculate the movement and patterns of objects twenty times faster than a normal person could think, allowing her to react and counter much faster than the average fully organic being. So if he wanted to play a numbers game, well, the mathematician in her was more than happy to oblige.

    Mercy’s blade lit up with molten heat that burned as bright as any sunlight, a base property of the weapon that she’d had long before acquiring magic. In her freehand, she used her prismatic energy to conjure a second sword crafted entirely from light, the item rippling and dancing as various hues and colors winked in and out of existence within. The dark blades came at her hard and fast, swooping in from a dozen directions at once. However, like all things that ascribed to the laws of matter, only so many of them could occupy the space around her at one time, especially when his move was to try to come at her at different times from different angles in an effort to make her work harder and stay off balance. All she had to do was keep track of each one at a time, letting her sensor keep track of which ones were the immediate dangers.

    At first, she was actually keeping up with it quite well. The first sword swung in and she parried it to the side with Mercy, only to already be bringing her prismatic sword up to deflect another. Even before that swipe had finished its course Mercury was stepping to the side to dodge a third swipe entirely, Mercy rising once again to block a forth. This went on for an impressive couple moments, the lavender haired woman blocking, redirecting, or outright evading the blades as they hurled themselves at her over and over. It wasn’t necessarily easy, but it was effective. She could keep this up, at least long enough for Chishan or Vandrad to hopefully collect their bearings and rejoin the battle to take some of the heat off of her.

    But then, Mythal stepped it up, conjuring a second batch of dark weapons and hurling them into the mix, creating a veritable tornado of swords around her. Mercury swore in a language that anyone listening wouldn’t have been able to understand, the stress enough to revert her back to her native tongue briefly as she tried to compensate for the added barrage. After the first weapon managed to slip past her defense and hit her, she cursed a second time from the agony of pain that shot through her as the sword glanced off of her without breaking her skin, but clearly damaging her nonetheless.

    With a growl, she redoubled her strategy. Lightning crackled to life around her body, the bolts rippling with violent light and energy as it cloaked her from head to toe, each spark a different color than the last. The energy roamed along her form as she danced methodically along the grass and dirt, coalescing in clusters together each time another darkness sword tried to slip past her own weapons and blocking the attack, shooting it back with explosive energy that sparked like fireworks with each strike. More than a few of Mythal’s swords got through, slapping Mercury’s body around this way and that and forcing her to compensate for the involuntary adjustments in her position. And while it didn’t necessarily look it on the outside, she was taking a heavy pounding. Mercury could feel the internal injuries piling up, her body’s natural properties scrambling to heal itself but not able to do so quick enough to entirely nullify the damage.

    She was only barely aware of him summoning a wall of darkness in the distance, the plane arching over the barrier she had erected and producing a number of cannons that began to assault the emerald shield. Having never tested her shield technology on this type of magic before, Mercury had no idea how long it would or wouldn’t hold out. Her peoples’ advanced technology placed the device far and above anything that Earthland would have to offer in comparison, but that didn’t mean it would be enough to do more than buy time. Her sensors screamed as the integrity of the shielding quicking began to plummet toward zero. She had to do something.

    Taking a calculated risk, Mercury left herself open to shoot another powerful orb of light from her fingertips, the sphere easily passing through the shielding as the barrier recognized her magic and soaking into the device on the ground. The green barrier surged from the boost, recharging some of its integrity from the energy and buying more time before it started to drain again. The consequence of her split attention resulted successful blow from no less than three of Mythal’s swords, each landing one after the other in the split second she’d taken to loose her blast. Mercury bit off a shriek, forcing herself to stay focused and to fight through the pain on what she knew was a losing battle. Mythal was not a force she could fight on her own, but she could hold out and be as much of a pain in her ass as possible.

    This continued for another few seconds with Mercury accepting a great number more successful blows in order to feed more energy into her device, trying to find the perfect balance between keeping it operable and protecting everyone inside without letting her guard down so much that it left a wide enough opening to kill her outright. But she wouldn’t be able to keep it up for much longer. Being on the full defense was never a good position to be in, and it was becoming harder and harder by the second to keep up as she simultaneously worked to keep herself alive and keep her barrier from failing too soon.

    Her processors were so overloaded with her current task that she hadn’t even registered Vandrad’s return until he streaked through the sky, blasting past a wall of Mythal’s blades to practically bury the Darkness mage into the earth. Either the surprise of the prince’s return was so great that it fully distracted Dark Mythal, or Vandrad’s presence was enough to merit needing his foes full attention, as it was only a second later that the barrage of weapons around her disappeared, leaving her free to catch her breath.

    Mercury collapsed to her hands and knees, her body shaking violently from the impossible exertion she’d just kept up. She gasped heavily for breath, her entire form burning from an alarming number of injuries that lay beneath the surface of her skin. She could barely feel her arms and legs, her head swimming in a fog from the insurmountable pain that was coursing through her veins. Mercury wanted nothing more than to rush to Vandrad’s side to back him up, but when she tried to stand, her arms gave out from under her, causing her to almost fully collapse onto the ground. The panic was starting to sweep back in as the emotional shock wore off at what she had just done, and the fact that she had been crazy enough to invite a man possessed by the very goddess she wanted to avoid to fight her one on one. How the hell had she even survived? How the hell was she going to continue surviving.

    Knowing she couldn’t just do nothing, she frantically pulled up the programming from the tablet to check its reading on Faera’s ritual. The number she saw would have shaken her to her core if she had the emotional capacity left to be anymore frightened than she already was. “Six-” she started to call out, only for her hoarse voice to catch in her throat. “SIXTY-SEVEN PERCENT,” she managed to scream from where she laid, raising her voice loud enough to ensure that Zifu and the Lusty Titans members heard the update on Faera’s progress.

    With the flick of her hand, she conjured a syringe into her palm that was filled with a red, oil like substance. Jamming the needle tip into her left thigh, Mercury shot herself full of an adrenal boost that instantly healed a reasonable chunk of the damage she had taken, numbing the sharpest of the pain and giving her the strength to force herself back onto her hands and knees and then onto her feet. Emerald eyes frantically scanned the area, trying to find Vandrad, finding him up in the sky and unleashing a violent and large beam of energy straight down to the ground where Dark Mythal had been cratered. The earth shook beneath her feet, causing her to need to grab hold of her hoverdisc as it swooped back down beside her to keep from toppling over again. The effects of her adrenal shot would take a few more seconds to hit full potency, but she could feel some reasonable strength coming back bit by bit as she watched and waited in hope until the beam disappeared and his attack ended.

    When the prince’s empowered form faded and he began to plummet, Mercury knew he had used up every last bit of his energy. She scrambled onto her disc and streaked toward him, calculating the quickest route to get to him before he could collide with the ground. It was going to be close, and at the last second she hurled herself off of the disc and caught the man in her arms, holding his head and shoulders firmly to her chest to protect him and twisting so that she hit the ground first and took the brunt of the impact. Together, they rolled for several meters until the inertia ran out, leaving Mercury straddled protectively over the man. She snapped her gaze toward the spot he’d been attacking, utilizing her various vision settings to locate Mythal’s body and picking up his vitals. He was still alive, if barely breathing, but for the moment seemed to be still.

    Looking down at her partner, she quickly checked his own status. “Vandrad?” Mercury said, her voice quiet but frantic as she shakily cupped either side of his face and tried to coax him into some kind of response. He was alive, that much was sure, but she had no idea as to the state of his consciousness. “Hey, come on, killer. Give me something here…”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th October 2020, 12:27 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Sixty seven percent.

    Zifu’s concentration was broken for only a moment, enough so to listen to the number called out by Mercury. A chill ran down her spine and through her veins as she quickly calculated the percentile against the earlier readings. They’d been somewhere in the twenties when Mythal arrived and then a small increase when they teleported. They should have been around the quarter mark, not more than half. The truly terrible truth of the matter was that Faera’s ritual was not only continuing but it was pushing through their defenses. Serilda and Gren were inside but they must have been put on the run, escaping for their lives against the goddess’ overwhelming power. They couldn’t be dead yet -- if they were, Faera would already have control and as Lux said, this wasn’t some version that the goddess had come up with. But even the queen could hear the female tone in Dark Mythal’s words, hinting that she was still there and was gaining more influence. If something didn’t happen, if something drastic didn’t occur through Serilda and Gren’s actions, they would still fail.

    “If anyone is holding any power back, now is the time to use it to its maximum ability,” she informed the group coolly, doing everything in her power to remain calm.

    "Why the fuck would we be holdin’ out now?” Monica asked, doing everything in her power not to be offended at the remark.

    Over on the battlefield, somehow Vandrad had managed to bury Dark Mythal in the ground and put him down. His magic ran out and, with nothing left to keep him airborne, began to fall straight towards the ground. He could only imagine how hard that was going to hurt but at the very least he had kept Mythal from hurting Mercury anymore. He could only wonder to what state she was in, given all the swords she had been doing her best to defend against. He only even knew that she was moving around when, suddenly and out of nowhere, he heard the swift sound of body movement, followed by arms grabbing him and pulling him into her chest. There was little doubt in his mind whose body he had been pulled against and as they tumbled across the land wildly, all he felt was relief. Relief that she had avoided major injury. Relief that he had gotten to Mythal in time before Mercury had suffered a grievous wound that exposed her to the group present.

    He lay there for a moment as he cupped his face, speaking his name and asking for some kind of sign. A moment later she groaned, wincing heavily, before he managed to open his eyes and look up at her. "Great…” he said softly, his voice ragged and tired. "Another thing for you to hold over my head.” It was a wildly inappropriate time to be making jokes but to be honest, he kind of couldn’t help himself. The situation was so fucked that given the fact that they had not only survived but won was a damn miracle. He adjusted his head to look over in Mythal’s direction, still seeing no movement from anywhere near the hole. He sighed. "Remember when you wanted to leave? You remember that?” he asked softly, huffing out through his nostrils.

    "Help me up.” It was one of the rare times that Vandrad actually went out of his way to ask for assistance. But even if he wanted to be stubborn and insist he could do it himself, they both knew he was lying. He didn’t fall out of the air just for the sake of having her catch him and straddle him -- he was utterly tapped out. Vandrad used what little physical strength he had left to help her get him to his feet, though he needed to hang his arm over her shoulder for support. Being on his feet certainly didn’t make him feel any better but he’d be damned if he was going to lie on the ground uselessly. He slowly scanned the battlefield, taking in the significant damage that they had wrought upon the hapless forest and swampy areas that littered the wood floor. "Where’s Chishan?” he wondered aloud, not seeing the man anywhere.

    "We should probably use something… to tie Mythal down,” he said between breathes, his absorption of ethernano starting to aid in his weariness. He would recover in a short while due to his abilities but it would still be some time before he was able to use any magic and heal himself. That was fine -- he was less concerned about fixing his injuries at the moment and more concerned about checking on the process of the ritual. He was sure that he’d heard Mercury say a number at some point and figured it had something to do with the progress, though he wasn’t sure if it was about Faera’s or their own. "What was--”

    Before he could finish his sentence, a sharp pain shot through his skull and his knees buckled as his rage suddenly shot into the stratosphere. He hissed between clenched teeth as he just barely managed to keep himself from losing control. He lifted his gaze up towards the hole in the ground, towards where Mythal had supposedly been out cold. Even without his senses working properly, he knew that the anger swelling up wasn’t a coincidence. It couldn’t be. His answer came a moment later as the form of Dark Mythal lifted itself out of the hole, floating up smoothly into the air and hovering above his resting place. His major injuries had mostly healed at that point, the burns and blasts slowly shrinking as his flesh knit itself back together.

    The corrupted Darkness King set his gaze upon the pair, those colorful and vibrants eyes narrowing as he considered the two of them. His hand came up, beginning to gesture in their direction, when the ground suddenly cracked and slammed up upon him, two halves of solid soil breaking off from the earth and clapping together on Mythal. A moment later Chishan burst out from the ground, flaming rock wrapped around his hands, as he leapt into the air right where the dirt coffin was and kicked it back down into the cave. He thrust his hands forward and unleashed a torrent of fire down into the pit, engulfing the interior in flames.

    The Master released a burst of fire magic and sailed over to Vandrad and Mercury, sliding on the slick and wet mud until he came to a stop. He looked at Vandrad and Mercury quickly before he set his gaze back on the hole. “We don’t have much time. You two need to get back in the shield and away from here. I should be able to hold him off for a bit.”


    “Do not fight me on this, Vandrad. We both know you’re tapped out of magic and, in your state, you’re a liability rather than a benefit. I won’t let you uselessly put your life in danger when you can’t properly defend yourself. Mercury, take him. Come back when you can -- I’ll need more help keeping him off base.” He wasn’t offering advice or suggesting anything; these were orders. And as much as Vandrad hated to admit it, he was right. Without his magic, he couldn’t form defensive barriers and that meant one spell in his direction, one swing of that sword and he was dead. Sullenly, he glanced up at Mercury and gave her a nod, confirming that he agreed with Chishan, as much as it hurt his pride.

    Once the Master of the Order was sure they were heading in the direction of the shield, he engulfed his body in flames and launched himself into the sky, gaining air over the hole before dropping inside, ready to continue the fight. Vandrad watched as the Master disappeared over the ridge of the hole before he looked away. Chishan wouldn’t be able to hold him for very long -- there was little doubt that he had said that just to give them peace of mind. No one believed him but what else was there to do? They didn’t have options and it was obvious the Master refused to let other people die when he could sacrifice himself to buy them time. It didn’t sit well in Vandrad’s stomach, even as they passed beyond the green shield and set themselves in the cemetery. They were out of choices, out of plans. There was nothing no one could do to turn the tides…

    Unless. His eyes widened slightly in realization. It was a truly risky move, one that he wasn’t even sure would succeed in any capacity any of them wanted. But it was clear that this Dark Mythal intended on killing them all, including the transferred Serilda and Gren. To have come this far and only gotten to talk with his father for the span of two hours was unacceptable. For Mythal’s own fiance to be slain at her lover’s hand when she wasn’t even aware of it was out of the question. He refused to let these people die when he still had one card up his sleeve, even if it was the most dangerous play anyone could come up with.

    "Mercury,” he said softly as he gently pushed  himself away from her, setting himself down on his hands and knees. "I need you to promise me something. Whatever happens, whatever I’m about to… become, do not try and stop me unless I go after anyone other than Mythal. And make sure I do not kill him. I think… I think you’re the only one that will be able to stop me,” he hissed between the pulses of rage, tearing at his inner walls with claws as sharp as talons. "Don’t try and talk me out of this. I’ve made my decision. Now get out of here quickly. I can’t promise you’ll be safe until I’m sure it’s focused on Mythal.” He spoke with an exhausted but solid determination, willing to make a deal with whatever terrifying force lay within him. He wasn’t going to like it and he wasn’t sure what was going to happen. But he had felt the kind of power that came from it; the dark, extreme, violent, evil power. It was what they needed to turn this around.

    He made sure she understood how serious he was, keeping his gaze locked on hers. And he would wait until she finally started to head back into the battle. Once she was sure she was gone, he forced himself to his feets, groaning softly as his body ached and cried out. He turned and started limping away from the group doing the ritual, putting space between himself and Ruzatz. If he was truly demon, there was no guarantee that this force wouldn’t go after him first. No, he needed to have Dark Mythal be the only force strong enough to attract his attention. He walked through the opposing side of the shield, stumbling over the uneven terrain. His feet gave out and he fell face first into the mud, the dark mush splashing over his face and body. "Alright, you son of a bitch…” he mumbled, even as the veins in his forehead started to pop on his flesh. "You want out? Then you better enjoy it while you can. Because I’m going to wrest control of this power for myself right out of your hands when we’re done. Do you hear me? This is the last time you get to control me!” Vandrad slammed his fists into the ground and finally, finally let the rage overwhelm him, releasing the restraints and simply giving in.

    Over on the battlefield, Chishan was sent flying by a flurry of dark blasts, each one hitting him one after the other to keep him airborne. He slammed into the trunk of a tree, the massive wooden structure cracking and falling back into the dense forest behind it. Dark Mythal stood several yards away, darkness still pooling around his hands. His attention snapped behind him as Mercury came back and with almost no effort, he realized his Dark Guardian into existence. With an unspoken command, he sent it after her, the clawed beast rushing in and slashing at her. With her momentarily distracted, Dark Mythal swung his blade up and rushed in at Chishan, the tip of his blade set to pierce through the Master’s skull and end his misery once and for all.

    But it never connected. A hand, out of nowhere, came rushing in and caught the blade right before it pierced Chishan’s forehead. It held the blade in its place, despite all the strength behind it. Dark Mythal turned his gaze over to the source of the hand and found a newly transformed Vandrad. The dark black ‘M’ etched into his forehead, the shadowing under his eyes and a wicked smirk showed the major changed in him. The Dark Prince chuckled as he tightened his fingers on the sword. "My, my… what a poor excuse for a man pretending to be a god. Then again, Faera is a poor excuse for a deity in the first place, isn’t she?”

    Dark Mythal’s gaze narrowed. “What is this?” the amalgamation asked, curious.

    "Your reckoning.” In one swift move, Vandrad ascended to his golden Empowerment and pushed back on the sword, causing Mythal to slide backwards through the mud several yards. The Dark Prince threw out his hand and vibrant pink magical energy surged out of his palm, stretching out quickly to become a scythe. But the energy reading off of it was all wrong; it was made of some kind of matter that shouldn’t have existed and anyone nearby would feel it right in their guts. "Let’s see what all that power really amounts to!” Vandrad said with a laugh before charging forward, scythe at the ready.

    Words: 1000 words to finish 10y. 1326 words carrying forward. | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 5:54 pm