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    Destiny Fractured

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1413
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 13th October 2020, 8:29 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Truthfully, Serilda was absolutely shocked that she’d managed to pull the transfer off. Neither of them had been certain it would work, nor did they have any idea of how long it would last. Everything was up in the air and there was no telling how it would pan out, but the important part for now was that it had been successful.

    Hugo came at her hard, infuriated by the spell she had used to set his blood on fire. He swung his heavy weapon down through an overhead strike and Serilda leapt back out of its way, electing to evade it rather than tank it. While she was confident in her ability to avoid damage through the use of the Void, she refused to abuse that ability or take it for granted, especially when it did still have its limits -- even if those limits were fairly vast. His weapon sank into the ground, practically slicing the earth in two as a giant fissure opened up beneath her feet. She allowed herself to sink down into it, disappearing into the dirt as she merged her body with the Void and raced to find a better angle to catch him at.

    Serilda popped back up to his left, swinging Moonlight and then Malice in quick succession. Hugo brought his sword up and blocked both strikes with one stance, holding himself firm enough that the blows glanced off the larger blade without wavering it from his hold. She was going for a second round of strikes when a wave of darkness magic burst from him as he pushed the flat of his blade toward her. Her Voidwalking absorbed the damage as the brunt of the magic washed through her harmlessly, but she still stumbled back a few steps, giving him an opening to go back on the offensive.

    She must have pissed Faera off royally, because as they fought the memory around them flickered and was swallowed up in a dark black and green hue that cast an eerie shadow over the scene. In the corner of her eye she could see the memory had been warped, as Mythal took hold of Serilda to talk to her, only to have a knife shoved through his back. The ghost of Kayson Warheez used his blade to carve Mythal in half before coming down upon the memory of Serilda to do the same. While the image of Mythal in an eviscerated heap was heart wrenching, it only served to make Serilda angrier at the thought that the goddess thought this some kind of strategy to disarm her.

    “What a child your new beau is,” Serilda said, ignoring the corrupted memory and staying focused on her fight. “She really needs to grow up.” Hugo growled and hurled a bolt of darkness at her, followed by four more. Serilda knocked each one aside easily with her twin scimitars, only to realize the blasts hadn’t been destroyed. In fact they were careening back around and coming after her again from different sides. Opening up a few portals, she caught blasts within them and forced them to come out around Hugo instead, each one slamming into his body roughly. While they didn’t hurt him as much as they probably would have hurt her, they still did some damage.

    Can you still hear me?

    I can. Is everything okay?

    Yes, so far, so good. Gren was a little surprised and uneasy but he’s rolling with it.

    And Faera?

    Furious. Serilda couldn’t feel Victoria’s emotions at the moment but there was no mistaking the pleasure in her voice. Unfortunately, she’s decided to take it out on Gren. He’s holding his own surprisingly well, but you still need to make quick work of your ex and get here fast. She’s not playing around anymore.

    I’m trying. He’s proving to be more difficult than I prefer, and I have a feeling he’s still holding back on me.

    In fact, it was time to test that theory. While Hugo was displaying swordsmanship and magical capabilities far beyond anything he’d ever had in life, Serilda couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t putting up as much of a fight as he could. If Faera had drafted him for the soul purpose of targeting Serilda, then why did he not seem very prepared to actually combat her specific magic style? The darkness magic was a given, considering his status, but a part of her felt like there was a bigger shoe waiting to drop, like he was waiting for an opportune moment to catch her off guard.

    So, Serilda figured she’d take a stab at trying to force him to show his hand sooner. It was time to turn up the heat. Or rather, turn it down. Twisting her heel along the ground, a sheet of black ice shot along the ground, turning the entire lake and the forest surrounding it into a slippery winterscape. Hugo immediately lost his footing mid swipe, very nearly toppling face first into the icy ground before his wings shot him into the air. He had been so busy focusing on his footing that he didn’t notice the black rune appear in the sky above him as a fully realized blizzard instantly terrorized the area, his wings getting caught in the black snow and winds and sucking him into its violent vortex.

    As Hugo was whipped around the sky, being pelted and swarmed by unholy sleet and snow, Serilda was biding her time for him to find his way out, giving a gentle tug on her blood magic and waiting for the right moment to strike. Out he threw himself at her, rocketing from the twisting blizzard on a plume of darkness that practically consumed his entire body as he came charging toward her with his sword out. “Now,” Seri whispered.

    Out of nowhere, Hugo got body checked mid flight and knocked off his course and down into the ground where he skidded along the icy floor, his body digging a trench through the floor with such destructive force that his chest and shoulders picked up several sharp chunks of unholy ice that riddled him with cuts and gaping wounds. When they came to a stop, Hugo was lying on his stomach with a small woman standing on his back like he’d just been a surfboard to ride through the waves of ice. She had dark skin and a thick mass of curly black hair. She wore a plain, matching set of brown cotton pants and a midriff shirt with no sleeves, with a blue handkerchief tied around her neck. There was a cocky smirk on her face as she looked down at him.

    “Phew! Where’d you dig this guy up, boss? He’s a big one!” Mazikeen sized Hugo up like a fisherman measuring her catch. “Alright, how would you like your filet o’ Trumpet prepared? Broiled? Oven roasted? Cold, raw, and slapped over a roll of sushi?”

    “Get off of me you insufferable demon tramp!” Hugo roared and tried to smack the woman off him with one of his immense wings. Mazikeen tumbled out of the way before he could hit her, back flipping from him and vaulting gracefully onto the icy ground with all the talent of a master martial artist and landing in a low, ready crouch.

    “Seared it is,” she said with a dark, malicious grin. She closed one of her hands into a tight fist and the limb burst into flames. “My favorite.”

    Hugo was back on his feet, his sword charged with a sheath of darkness that was quickly swelling with pressure. He swung the weapon and unleashed the attack, the darkness unleashing itself as a thin horizontal arc through the air at the demoness before exploding into a cloud that swallowed Mazikeen whole. His free arm warped until flesh and bone was replaced with inky tendrils that shot into the cloud, looking to snatch Mazikeen and crush her within his grip.

    Before he could even get close enough to capture her, Hugo felt a sharp pain across his shoulders and gasped in shock. Whirling on his feet, he found Serilda armed with two long whips, her scimitars servings as the handles as thin funnels of black wind stretched and curled from their tips across the distance. She slapped him with another crack, and then another as he quickly turned and raised his sword up to block the attacks. Over and over she pelted him, keeping him on the defensive as he scrambled to get footing enough to do more than just stand there and deflect.

    Angling his weapon so that one of her whips wrapped tightly around it, Hugo quickly yanked backward. His physical strength was much superior to Serilda’s causing the Voidwalker to get ripped off her feet and pulled toward him. The fist of his freehand became black as night as he reared back and made to slug her in a single, earth shattering blow. Serilda adjusted at the last second, dropping onto a hip and letting the ice on the ground slide her right past him and throwing off his aim, his attack smashing at full force into the frozen floor and shattering it for several hundred meters in front of him.

    Serilda continued to slide and used the opportunity to yank him off balance while their weapons were still intertwined, pulling him back enough to spin him around where he stood. Waiting for him was Maze, grinning ear to ear, her fists and feet ablaze with her inferno magic as she engaged him in melee. Hugo was forced to drop his sword to put his hands up in order to trade blows back and forth with her on equal footing, his punches and kicks more powerful, but her footwork and movement more quick and nimble. As he fought to keep Maze back, he found himself being pelted from afar by more cracks of Serilda’s whips, the demoness somehow feinting and dodging at the exact right times to leave opening for the Voidwalker to land strike after strike on the man.

    “Is this how you fight your battles, Serilda?” Hugo yelled at her from across the distance between them while he fought back both women. “Letting someone else battle for you while you sit back and take the easy road? I seem to recall my wife having more pride and honor than that!”

    “I’m not your wife anymore,” she informed him tartly, “And I’m not here to humor you with a fair fight. You aren’t worth the time or the energy, and I have nothing to prove to you.”

    Summoning a rune beneath the large angel, he found himself getting tossed high up into the air as a cyclone of black wind opened up under his feet. Mazikeen used the fire under her heels to shoot herself above him, clasping both her hands together and slamming them down upon him hard enough that the air itself shook from the sonic boom that impacted his body. He dropped down so fast that Serilda almost couldn’t follow it with her eyes, only knowing he hit the ground when the ice over the lake gave way beneath him and he sank into the frigid depths, a pillar of ice and water spraying into the sky in his wake.

    Meanwhile, Victoria was along for the ride as Gren raced to outrun the tendrils of darkness that honed in on him. He had already nullified one such wave but had been immediately beset by another, one which almost took him when one of the dead bodies in the warped memory suddenly reached out and snagged him by the ankle, pulling him down into a solid face plant. The former Rune Knight found himself needing to resort to his lightning magic, shifting himself into a bolt of energy so he could streak out of reach of the darkness, through the sky until he came upon a cave on an island and sought refuge within. He gave Victoria the heads up before suddenly whipping himself back to face the attack and unleashing an immense wave of nullification magic at the tendrils that he’d managed to isolate in one direction behind him. The corridor lit up like a sun, overwhelming even his own vision and causing him to black out.

    Victoria recovered quicker. Wake up, Gren! she said, sending a jolt of painless but powerful energy through his veins to force him out of his temporary coma. At first she had thought that the eye blinding shift in light had been a temporary result of his blast, but the old Seal quickly realized that he had somehow simply purged the darkness out of the area, reversing the endless black world that they’d first seen upon entering Mythal’s head and making it white instead. As far as she could tell, he had not been injured yet though the expulsion of magic he’d released had been powerful enough to affect even him. Faera is not going to give you the chance to recover. You must get back on your feet.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 14th October 2020, 10:30 am

    The first thing that Gren felt -- or heard -- was a voice that wasn’t his. Nor was it as vile or malicious as Faera’s. The next thing he experienced was a surge of energy rushing through his body, jumpstarting his mind that had been stuck between consciousness and unconsciousness. His eyes flew open, staring at a completely white space but with his face smushed into the ground. He also had the most uncomfortable ringing in his ear. With a groan he brought his hands to the floor and pushed himself up slowly off the ground. Victoria was talking to him, urging him to get up as Faera wouldn’t let him simply lay down and recover his strength. He rubbed the side of his head. “Surprised she even gave me this bit of time,” he admitted as he looked around, now finally starting to comprehend his surroundings. Everything was… white. There was no memory playing through anything, no defined walls, ceiling or floor… there was just an endless white that stretched out in every direction. “This one of Mythal’s memories?” he asked his rhetorical question, not expecting an answer from anyone.

    He wondered about it all as he started walking, opting not to remain in one place for too long. He may have managed to buy himself some time when he used the massive nullification spell but apparently he had done so much more than that. “I wonder if I actually managed to nullify the memory that was playin’ as well…” he considered as he continued to scan what he thought was the horizon.

    “And what of Kingdom Darkness?”

    A voice spoke up and Gren spun around, Curse up and ready. What he found was a shadowy figure that seemed to be wavering between defined and hazy. In fact, there were several of them; 9 spectral figures that were there but also seemingly not. Pieces of their forms were shown through the haze for brief seconds at a time before fading away, except for their faces -- those were always clouded and undefined. They were all gathered together, seemingly in a conversation. Gren walked amongst the group, trying to get a good idea of what he was looking at. “Any idea, Victoria?” he asked quietly. They weren’t attacking him. In fact, they didn’t even seem to notice him.

    “Something must be done about it. If it is not managed, if it is not overseen…”

    “It will rip every other world apart. All of reality will be plunged into darkness.”

    ”So you’re saying one of us must act as a vanguard? One of us must sacrifice our place among the divines to hold the chaos back? It is an outrageous demand -- why not assault the Prime Sins and their kind and banish them there?”

    “Kingdom Darkness is a powder keg on the verge of exploding. If we add the volatile nature of the demons to it, there is no telling what could happen. They may not seek to contain it -- they may utilize it and release it. The devastation will be hastened rather than stopped.”

    “But there is no telling what exposure to that much dark matter can do to the body and mind. Even as Divines, we are not above the influence of such toxic materials. What if we were to fall victim and become as dangerous as the realm itself?”

    “We would use our combined forces to lock it tight with the vanguard inside. They would seal it from the other side and only special components could be used to allow passage from one realm to the other -- components that only activate to organic material. But that would only be in extreme cases and they could only be used temporarily.”

    “And whichever one of us goes over there wouldn’t be allowed to leave, no matter the cause. We must stay there to ensure that Kingdom Darkness does not bleed over into our world. They will be eternally trapped within the darkness, set aside from the rest of us for all eternity. They will be alone with their followers and the souls that find themselves trapped within the walls there as well. A lonely existence, one that can drive anyone, even a Divine, mad.”

    “Well then,” a familiar voice spoke up, causing Gren to spin around and find Faera there. His magic surged to the surface and he prepared to attack, his hand already thrusting out. But then he stopped, palm facing the goddess, eyes narrowed and slowly opening wider as he realized something. It was Faera standing in front of him but she was different. Her eyes were soft, gentle, caring even. Her skin was full of luster and life, the paleness of her prior self gone. There was even an aura about her very being that was calming, encouraging good will and good feeling.

    Gren’s hand slowly fell as the realization dawned on him. “This isn’t one of Mythal’s memories. It’s one of Faera’s,” he said softly. When his adopted son had ripped magic from Faera and made it his own, it seemed he had taken much more than just her power. A memory implanted in him, buried deep enough that he couldn’t access it.

    But Gren had. Faera walked forward and through Gren, placing herself in the center among the other figures. “If we must pick someone amongst ourselves, I’d rather us not put this to a popularity contest -- or rather, an unpopularity contest. I choose to bypass that matter and put forth myself as the one to go into Kingdom Darkness.”

    “What? That’s absurd. We can’t allow you, of all the Divines, to go.”

    “Why? She looks over the realm of beauty and love. Her role is minimal in the grand scheme of creation.”

    “That right there shows just how unaware you are of the world around you, Bilios. Your arrogance knows no bounds and--”

    “Brothers, sisters… there is no reason to fight over this matter. Whether my role is important or not, the undeniable fact is that one of us will have to go and keep that realm from overtaking our own. One of our dominions will be removed from this world and its influence weakened. Though I do not wish to do so to my followers and to weaken the power of love in the world, I truly believe that life will flourish with love even in my absence. My faith is strong in the world and in you, my family. I will go to Kingdom Darkness and I will hold back its power for however long it takes. I will protect you all.”

    A silence fell after her strong, vibrant words. Each of the figures didn’t shift but Gren got the feeling they were looking at one another. Then finally one spoke. “Very well, Faera. If this is your choice, then we will support it. But just know that we aren’t entirely certain what will happen to you while you’re there. You may be strong and willful at the moment and perhaps for centuries beyond this. But over time, that realm will take advantage of you. It will torment your mind and wear down your sanity until it is nothing but faded ash of your former self. I only pray that we are prepared when you finally snap.”

    The goddess smiled softly. “If that day comes to pass, I will do us all a favor and put myself out of my misery. Though it may require someone else taking up my stead, I will free you all from that cruel punishment and responsibility for as long as possible. Thank you… for letting me do this.” And as her last words left her, the phantom figures and Faera faded into nothingness, leaving Gren once again alone.

    “I’d heard legends that Faera offered herself to be put in charge of Kingdom Darkness but I always figured it was for more… selfish reasons,” Gren murmured, his eyes falling to the ground slowly. Witnessing the scene had left him with a strange taste in his mouth. Even Faera had become a victim of Kingdom Darkness, warped and strangled until she was a shell of her former self. And unfortunately, she hadn’t become aware of it enough to follow through on her promise and bring herself to an end. “And because that place was so strong, now we’re all in danger…”

    Suddenly the white backdrop melted away as darkness surged up from every direction, plotting out the light with the dark. Gren twisted to look around, finding himself surrounded, and was about to change into lightning to try and escape… when he found the ceiling had also become dark. Within seconds, he was trapped in a void, a realm of complete darkness. He looked around, once more on guard, Cursed held directly in front of him in a half-guard position.

    “You got pretty far, Gren Ragnos. I had almost thought you’d escaped. But here you are, stuck in the memory between memories. Back when my innocent, idiot self believed that I was above the darkness. It wasn’t until I brewed in, soaked in it, reveled in it, that I understood that darkness is the world’s true essence. How about I give you a taste? A reminder of what you abandoned to try and preserve the world of light?” Faera’s voice echoed over the realm, the menacing chill of her fury back in full force. And before Gren could even respond, hundreds upon thousands of stars appeared in the dark tapestry all around him, emerging from the shadows and growing in brightness.

    Gren had a bad feeling about this. “I think your about to get your work cut out for ya, Vic,” Gren managed to say as he quickly fueled electricity into his palm holding Curse. He created an electrical link and pulled his hand back, allowing the sword to hover in front of him, sparking bright against the backdrop of darkness. He funneled nullification magic into both hands and just as he had set himself up, the blasts came raining down. They came from everywhere; not all at once but consistently plummeting down with the intention of swallowing him up in explosions and darkstarlight. Curse started spinning wildly and swirled around Gren on an uneven angle, tracking the incoming blasts and tearing through the short beams of magic, causing them to explode early. An aura of purple and red fire surrounded the man, even as he moved to the gaps where his sword couldn’t catch and started nullifying blast after blast. The starfall came faster and Gren pushed himself harder, a single blast breaking through and slamming into him every so often, singing his skin and weakening him.

    But still he fought, still he defended. He refused to give up. She would have to kill him.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 14th October 2020, 12:58 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    A tired smile managed to claw its way to her face as relief flushed through her. It had taken him a moment, but Vandrad managed to speak up and respond to her in a coarse voice, joking about how she had yet one more thing to hold over his head. “Are you surprised? You give me so many of those I’ve probably started forgetting some of them already.” Mercury laughed lightly, her thumbs gently caressing his face. To wipe the dirt and blood off of him. He turned his head to try and get a look at the crater where he’d left Mythal, neither him nor Mercury sensing any movement at the moment, though Mercury could still sense that the man’s vitals were active. Vandrad spoke again, bringing up their conversation only a couple hours prior where they had almost opted to leave this quest to those whose duties it was to deal with it. “We can still do that,” Mercury told him, humorous despite the circumstances. “I’m just saying. It’s not too late. There’s still time.”

    He asked her to help him get up and Mercury carefully rolled off of him. She slowly helped him up into a sitting position where she could get his arm around her shoulder and one of her own arms around his waist before standing them both up. She didn’t even tease him about needing or asking for help, at least not right now. Maybe later once all this was said and done and they weren’t two breaths away from dying she would have the wherewithal to razz him about it. He asked where Chishan was and Mercury nodded in the direction she’d seen the Master last. “Mythal attacked him with his own shadow. He got hit pretty hard and tossed into the ground, but he’s still alive. Probably just in about as good of shape as you are.”

    Vandrad expressed that they should do something to keep Mythal contained just in case. “Good idea. I should be able to help with that. Not sure you noticed the gaping hole in his side or the char on his chest, but apparently he doesn’t take well to my magic. I can probably rig something up.” They started walking slowly toward the crater, Mercury still keeping an eye on the ritual tracker in her mind. It wasn’t looking good on her end, but she also had no idea how much more Zifu and the others had to do before the lacrima was finished. It had looked fairly well inserted but lacrimas weren’t exactly Mercury’s area of expertise.

    The prince started to say something else, only for him to suddenly crumble in her hold as though overcome with a great deal of pain and rage. Her heart sank as terror washed over her anew. She didn’t need him to tell her what was happening. They had long ago determined that this rage, whatever it was, only flared in the presence of strong godly or demonic presences, which could only mean one thing. Her sensors started screaming and she looked back to the crater where she could see that the form of Mythal was rising up out of it. Her eyes went wide where they stood stopped in their tracks. “Please, no…” she whispered, her voice saturated with the panic she felt. This could not be happening. This could not still be happening. Vandrad had put every last ounce of his energy into this fight, it had to have been enough.

    But it hadn’t. Mythal drifted out of the hole, the marrs on his body healing before their eyes and slowly mending itself back together. He regarded the two of them, gaze setting right on them even as his hand rose to deliver a blow. There was literally no way they cold dodge it, not when Vandrad could barely move, and while Mercury was certainly strong enough to carry him his body would slow her down. The only thing she’d be able to do was throw up a shield. Gripping Vandrad tight and gritting her teeth, she was about to do just that when two great slabs of earth rose from the ground and slapped Mythal between them like a fly between hands. From beneath the ground rose Chishan, flames and rock clung to his arms as he leapt up above the dirt coffin and punched it back down into the crater that Mythal had risen from.

    As he roiled the earth in flames, the master came rushing over to them, practically sliding to a halt in the mud at his feet. Chishan told the two of them to get back over toward Mercury’s shield, saying he could hold Mythal off for a bit. Vandrad started to protest as the Xocili expected, but Chishan was having none of it, cutting him off and telling him quite frankly that he was more hindrance than help in his current condition. Mercury felt awful about that. It had to be quite a blow to the prince’s pride, but unfortunately it was true and this was not the time to humor Vandrad otherwise. Chishan instructed her to get her partner to safety and then return to help him hold Mythal back -- a job she was greatly not looking forward to assisting with some more, but there was no helping it.

    “Got it,” she said, hefting Vandrad further up on her shoulder so she could start to get him back in the graveyard. Mercury would carry him if she had to. Instead, as she started to walk, she felt him push gently away from her and getting down on his hands and knees. “Hey, come on. What are you doing?” she asked, dropping down into a crouch next to him. “We need to go. I am not leaving you out here unprotected, so don’t--”

    He cut her off gently with her name, his tone somehow both alarming and comforting at the same time. She listened quietly as he asked her to promise that whatever happened to him, whatever he transformed into, that she would stay out of his way unless he started going after anyone but Mythal. Her jaw dropped softly as the realization of what he was getting at settled upon her, even as he also asked her to ensure that he didn’t kill his brother, either. Mercury was the only one the prince believed could stop him from going too far over the edge, a feat she’d done only once before. He asked her not to try and talk him out of it, saying his mind was made up. The only thing she could do was get as far from him as possible to make sure that Mythal was the only perceivable threat once his power took over.

    This was the kind of situation where, indeed, most partners and friends would jump down his throat very much like Mythal had done to Serilda earlier, vehemently telling him what a stupid idea it was and demanding that he not throw away his life or principles so rashly. However, Mercury was not most people. She knew what it meant to do whatever it took to survive, and so far none of the standard plans had worked. They needed a miracle, and as his partner she didn’t plan on doing anything but supporting him. “You have my word,” she told him without hesitance, her face grim and determined. “I will not let you lose yourself.”

    Maybe it was the seriousness of the situation, the existential dread of their impending deaths that washed over her and prodded her into uncharacteristic mannerisms. Or perhaps, she simply needed some sure, concrete way to affirm for him the unwavering faith she had in him. Either way, she took his face in her hands and leaned forward, planting a swift, solid kiss on his lips before pulling back and nodding to him. Then, she let him go and raced off into the woods toward the direction where Chishan was engaging Mythal, her hoverdisc swooping in from behind her as she leaped onto it mid stride and pulled herself back up into the air. She knew what was coming, and she knew it would be bad, but the only thing she could do was keep her promise.

    “CHISHAN, PULL BACK!” she roared across the field as she rushed toward him, her tone conferring the immediate and imperative need for him to get the hell out of the way. It was all she could get out before a large beast crafted from darkness exploded into existence before her, forcing her to reel back in the sky so sharply that she may as well have left tracks in the air. It reached out to her with a set of viciously sharp claws. Mercury threw herself from the disc to avoid them, twisting her body around as she stretched her hands toward the guardian. Miniature runes appeared at the tips of each of her fingers before thin beams of prismatic light blasted from them, racing and curving from the digits to come down on the thing from ten different directions, aiming to riddle it full of holes.

    As she completed her attack, her legs swung back down below the rest of her body and landed squarely on her disc that had rushed back around to meet her. Mercury didn’t even stop to check and see if it was dead or if she had even dealt it any significant damage, electing instead to continue rushing past it toward her destination to get to Chishan. Vandrad was already there, having found the power to slip past her without her even registering it, holding Mythal’s blade hostage with a single hand as he loomed over the possessed Rune Knight in his fully realized rage mode.

    Mercury pulled up to Chishan without bothering to stop and listen to the stand off between the two berserk brothers. “Change in plan,” she told the master, as if he hadn’t already come to that conclusion. “As you can see, Vandrad’s got one more trick up his sleeve and he’s decided to use it. There’s no stopping it now. In fact, the only one who has ever successfully stopped it before was me. I can’t explain what it is because neither of us really know, the only thing we do know is it’s triggered by the power and presence of exceptionally strong gods and demons, and when he is in this form he is indiscriminate about who he attacks. You get in his way, he will try to kill you too.”

    She fixed a very serious emerald gaze on him. “Right now, the only thing we can do is stay out of his way and make sure he doesn’t kill Mythal or anyone else. Specifically Ruzatz, because I guarantee that will be his next target. In fact you may want to get over to them and see about setting up some extra precautions. I’ll hang out here and make sure nobody dies. Tell Lux if the shield starts to fail, he should be able to feed it with his own light and keep it going for as long as possible.”

    Mercury waited only long enough to confirm what Chishan was going to do before zipping off toward the ongoing fight, whirling around the battling duo from a respectable distance, only keeping close enough to be able to jump in to try and save one or the other as needed.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 14th October 2020, 3:53 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    Well Vandrad hadn’t expected that.

    All he needed from her was a guarantee that she would keep him from going too far. She had been the one to knock him out of it last time, her interruptive kick saving Louie’s life and bringing the senses back to the lost prince. He was sure that she could pull it off again if push came to shove and a feeling in his stomach told him such a situation would arise. Ruzatz wasn’t very far from where he would be fighting and in his blinding rage, it didn’t seem to matter whether they were allies or not. If they had some kind of demonic or celestial power, Vandrad would target them. Mercury was the only guarantee against that. So despite making his decision, he needed her to be there, ready and waiting, to stop him when things went back. And he knew she would agree to it -- unlike his adoptive brother and his fiance, the two of them had been through war. They knew that plans rarely went as they were meant to and sometimes, one had to make sacrifices to guarantee survival.

    She promised him that she would make sure he wasn’t lost. He was just about to give her a nod of thanks when her hands went to his face and pulled him in for a surprising and passionate kiss. His eyes bugged out at first before he nearly melted into it… and then it was over. He stared at her as she nodded and then she was off, leaving him to wonder what the hell that was. In all of their interactions, in all the times they had kissed, it had always been him making the move. This was the first time she had made her move and it had left him stunned. But he shook it off, knowing that he couldn’t let his questions, concerns and wonders distract him. Counting that he came out of this madness, hoping that she was able to free him, he would think about it then. All he had to know, all he had to feel was the anger until the foreseeable future.

    Chishan, unfortunately, was not prepared for Mercury to come back so quickly and he certainly wasn’t expecting her to tell him to pull back. It was enough to draw his attention, his head lifting slightly despite the overwhelming pain in his torso. She raced across the battlefield and Dark Mythal sent a creature of shadow at her, ready to cut her to pieces. She managed to avoid the slash by leaping from her disc and unleashed a series of light beams from her fingers, each one piercing the creature and causing it to roar. Perfect holes bored through the dark body of the guardian and, unlike Mythal’s injuries, they did not close or heal. It swiped at her once more but she was already past it, flying away. The guardian collapsed in a heap and melted into the ground, becoming nothing more than a shadow until it was completely gone. By the time she was able to reach Chishan, he was standing in awe at the sight of Vandrad standing before him, holding the sword in place only inches from the Master’s face. The Dark Prince empowered himself and knocked Mythal back, while taking a few steps away from Chishan’s pinned position.

    He cocked his head slightly to listen to Mercury but he was completely focused on Vandrad. Something about him felt off, wrong, evil. It was a power that was intoxicating in the worst ways. His very presence made his neck tight, his breath having a hard time getting into his lungs fully. Mercury told him that they had changed plans and Vandrad had decided to use his last ditch technique. Apparently it was unstoppable, save for a single time that Mercury had managed to bring it to a halt. She didn’t have much of an explanation but what she did know was that it reacted violently against those with demonic and godly power. And there was no telling what would happen to anyone got in his way while he was changed -- it was entirely possible that he could kill them if they got between him and his quarry.

    Well that was horrifying. Vandrad launched himself at Mythal and swung his scythe forward furiously. The Darkness Slayer brought up his sword and blocked the attack, the steel squealing as the purely energy-made scythe scraped across the blade. Dark Mythal pushed back and swung his weapon in from the side, wanting to cut Vandrad in half in one swift motion. But the Dark Prince adjusted the scythe, jerking it to the same side to catch the blade, eliciting another otherworldly screech that could send chills down even the most stoic of people. Vandrad pressed down upon Mythal once more, beginning a volley of slashes and swipes from both men as they tested one another’s limits. Finally Chishan was able to pull his attention away from the dueling titans to look at Mercury. She said the best thing they could do was stay away from Vandrad, only intervening if he looked to be attempting a killing blow on Mythal. But Ruzatz was in danger as well and she advised him to go over and see if he could set up some additional defenses. She would remain behind to ensure that neither one of them killed the other. She also added that Lux should be able to further increase the shield’s durability. Well it was a better plan than anything he could come up with. “Alright, I’ll head over there,” he said, giving her an assured nod before pulling himself off of the tree trunk. Mercury took to the sky and Chishan ignited flames from beneath his feet, rocketing him in the opposite direction.

    He passed through the shield, landing hard on the cemetery ground. He went down to one knee, placing a hand down onto the soil to steady himself as he took a breath. “Chishan!” Zifu called out for him. “What is happening?”

    "Vandrad is keeping Mythal back for the moment. But apparently the power he is using makes him volatile -- he’ll attack anyone that has a strong demonic or celestial presence,” he explained as he pushed himself up to his feet and started over for the group.

    “Uh, what? You wanna run that by me again?” Lux asked, swooping in and floating by Chishan’s side as he walked.

    "Mercury didn’t have time to explain it. But we need to assure that Ruzatz doesn’t draw his attention,” the Master continued as he walked up to the group of mages. He started drawing runic symbols in the air, crafting them into glowing sigils.

    “Yeah, what about me? I have both of those things he apparently is frothing at the mouth over. And the last thing I need is that roided out midget who can actually grab me, getting his hands on me,” Lux shot back.

    "Luckily I said ‘strong’ presence then,” the Master retorted.

    “What happens if he does come after me? I’m pretty durable so I doubt it could put me in any real danger but it could endanger everyone else.” Ruzatz asked.

    “If we break the ritual, it’ll begin to fail. The lacrima would most likely be destroyed and we’ll have lost our chance to stop Faera. So no matter what, we cannot break this circle,” Zifu explained.

    "So no fuckin’ pressure then,” Monica muttered.

    "Lux, Mercury said you can power the shield with your magic. Do whatever you can to make it stronger,” Chishan said, glancing at the Seal.

    “Hey, I’m not one of your little secret society members, you can’t order me around,” Lux protested, snarling at the Master. But after a moment. “But I will because I want to.” And with that, he walked over to the shield, giving his hands a shake before he began to funnel some of his light into the barrier.

    The Dark Prince slammed his scythe into Dark Mythal’s sword, a lingering scream ripping out from the metal blade as it raked against the magical energy. But before Mythal could move to counter with another swipe, Vandrad lurched forward, releasing the pole of the scythe with his hand and slamming it into the Darkness Slayer’s chest. It knocked him back and Mythal suddenly hit his back against something solid. He glanced over his shoulder to find… Vandrad? Another form of the Dark Prince stood there, grinning back at the surprised Darkness King and a quick glance back showed the original Vandrad standing where he’d been, grinning just as wide. Mythal frowned and then spun around, the sharp edge of his sword leading the way and easily slicing through the clone, cutting the top half of his torso off of his bottom. Dark Mythal was about to grin in victory when he noticed the clone was still smiling… then he was glowing.

    The explosion rocked the entirety of the battlefield as Mythal was sent flying away from the detonation and right into Vandrad’s rising uppercut. He timed it perfectly to ping-pong the Darkness Slayer up into the air, where another magic clone was waiting. Its arms morphed into pure purple energy, sharp claws growing out from its fingers. Mythal saw the swing coming and released the nodachi, his hands coming up to grab at the wrists of the clone and stopping the talons from impaling him. The nodachi swung forward of its own accord, trying to lop the clone’s head straight off. And indeed, the blade ripped through the energy and popped the top of that Vandrad’s head off… but the original was behind, his own arms transformed as well. A swipe tore a long gash across Mythal’s chest, rending shadow smoke from the Darkness Slayer’s body. As Mythal turned about to face the original Dark Prince, his head was suddenly grabbed and the two suddenly surged downwards, at breakneck speed, until they slammed into the shield, with Vandrad pinning Mythal against the energy barrier.

    "I was expecting more from you, Faera. All this talk I’ve heard about how scary you are and you can’t even properly use your vessel. What a waste,” Vandrad mocked the possessed Rune Knight, grinning as he ground Mythal’s face into the shield.

    “What are you?” the dual voices asked, fury rife in their voice.

    "I am Vandrad with his shackles shaken off. The vengeance of humanity burns through me, calling out for your blood. But don’t worry, Divine… you won’t be dying alone,” the Dark Prince remarked, his eyes trailing up on the shield and looking through it.

    Right at Ruzatz. The Prime Sin could feel the gaze on him but worse, he felt a sinister air suddenly rushing towards him. A clone of Vandrad’s had teleported inside, the energy scythe in its hands, already swinging it in and towards not only Ruzatz but the entirety of the ritual group. With no other option, the Prime Sin of Lust leapt backwards and out of the circle, releasing hands and turning to tackle the clone out and through the shield. The sudden impact was enough to knock the clone out of his motion and the scythe was stopped before it hit anyone. But the ritual circle was broken. “No!” Zifu cried, the color in her face blanching.

    Yet another body entered the circle, taking the open hands and adding his magic to the group. Chishan had sensed the presence from before and looked up just in time to see the clone swooping in. With no other option, he had forgone erecting the rest of the defensive spells and sprinted around the group, managing to fix the circle with only a second passed. “Tell me I was quick enough,” he asked, looking at his wife’s face.

    “I-I don’t know,” she remarked, terror overwhelming her features. She swallowed hard, trying to take back her confidence and mental fortitude. “Just concentrate. We have to try.” An explosion rocked the ground beneath them, magical fire erupting out from where Ruzatz had just dove to.

    Vandrad grinned from his place on top of the shield but his split focus allowed Dark Mythal to fuel darkness into his body and release a pulse of magic, throwing the Dark Prince away. Vandrad flew away and bounced off the ground, rolling backwards onto his feet as Mythal came at him, his fists clenched in darkness. The Dark Prince caught them, his own corrupted energy coating his limbs as they matched strengths, pushing back against one another. The ground cracked and broke beneath their feet, upending the soil and mud that had only recently settled. Cracks of electricity ripped through the air as two enormous, malicious magic powers met and pushed against one another.

    Then, just as the confrontation seemed to be meeting a breaking point, a whip snapped out of nowhere and lashed Vandrad in the face, following immediately by snapping against Mythal’s neck. Both men released the other and fell back a step each, reaching up simultaneously to touch the wounds. Then together they looked towards the source; Ruzatz, standing several yards away, retracting the whip he had just unleashed at them. He spun it around himself before letting it fall over his shoulder, a cocky, amused smirk on his face as he looked between the two men. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a threesome with two other men. Especially hunky, naughty boys like yourselves,” the Prime Sin remarked, seemingly to delight in the possibility of getting involved. In his free hand he brought forth a knife, flipping it around so the blade was facing away from the two men and holding it backwards. “Now play nice with me; it’s been awhile since I stretched these particular muscles.”

    Then with a slight waggle of his eyebrows, Ruzatz dashed in, crossing the distance between himself and the two men in a flash. His whip was uncoiling, his knife was swinging and his amusement was boundless. Vandrad and Mythal were already rearming themselves, unenthused by the situation, each one still just as determined to kill the other two. And as the three bodies began to slash, dodge, block, stab, thrust, counter and volley at one another, it was clear that the battle had ramped up to an entirely different level.

    Words: 2387/ 3713 words carrying forward. | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th October 2020, 6:51 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Gren came back around immediately following Victoria’s jump start, opening his eyes and looking around to take in the stark white atmosphere around them. He expressed his surprise that Faera wasn’t yet upon him, getting up to his hands and knees and slowly standing to his feet. I’m not sure what this is, she said, a rhetorical answer to his rhetorical question, the Seal sounding just as confused and uncertain as he was. The mortal began to walk, figuring it was better to stay moving rather than to stay still, a sentiment that Victoria agreed with, voicing his thoughts as to whether he’d accidentally nullified the memory they were in when he countered Faera’s spell.

    Victoria didn’t have an answer for him there, but she wouldn’t have had time to give one anyway. A voice spoke up, one that she easily recognized. Kronelia… she said, her interest piquing greatly. Their figures were constantly shifting between blurred and sharp, with their faces never visible, but the Seal didn’t need to see their faces to know who each one was. At Gren’s prompting, she told him, These are the rest of the Divines. Or at least, all of them but Ataxia. Kronelia of Truth, Kihlene of Reticence, Amos of Repose, Xuhtia of Patience, Iahael of Selflessness, Bilios of Piety, Orena of Purity, Ramuh of Faith, and Zalona of Pacification. She listed each of them quietly in his mind, giving him the names of the faceless figures so he would know their identities and the types of people that were present, if nothing else.

    I have suspicions on what this meeting is, though I was dormant in the mortal realm when they met. I didn’t hear the rumors about what happened until much later. How much do you know about the origins of the universe, and of Kingdom Darkness itself? Presuming it was little to none, the Seal continued. Everything in the universe has an opposite; a reverse side of its coin that gives the other meaning and purpose. Ten of the original eleven gods that were born at the start of the universe were the embodiment of the virtues that life had to offer, even as the seven Prime Sins, the demons, were the embodiment of life’s vices.

    Ataxia, the Divine of Entropy, was… none of those things. She was the antithesis of reality and creation itself and everything it represented, her very nature meant to undo creation entirely, the good and the bad. She loved her brothers and sisters dearly, and they her, but none could deny that she was a threat to everything. Her power was so vast, so untamed, so destructive and pervasive, that the rest of the Divines and the Sins set aside their differences and worked together to lock her away forever. It took all seventeen of them to achieve this, and it left Ataxia’s realm, Kingdom Darkness, without an authority to keep it controlled.

    It was a harrowing tale, one that any mortal was sure to find more than a little discomforting. The idea that there was a god out there whose essence consisted on undoing the very fabric of reality and existence itself was scary enough, but the knowledge that her power was so great and terrifying that it had taken a fully unified force of the other gods and demon lords to banish her to a place where she could no longer threaten them was an entirely different scope of unfathomable power. It also would explain a great deal as to why Lux had been so upset about discovering the Order was in possession of a shard that bore Ataxia as its namesake.

    But as her story would suggest, there was no way that this memory could have belonged to Mythal. It would be millenia before Gren’s adoptive son would be born, so he would not have been present for this. No, the only logical conclusion, the one that he reached soon enough, was that this memory belonged to Faera herself. The two watched as the Goddess of Love offered herself as a lamb for the altar that was Kingdom Darkness, putting even Iahael to shame in terms of selflessness. Her offer was received with mixed reviewed by her brethren, many of whom thought she should be the last Divine to be placed within the realm, as without her the love in the world of mortals would lose its potency. However, Faera had faith that her domain would thrive on its own just fine without her, and she was set in her decision to put her own existence on the line to save those dearest to her.

    Gren spoke up, his voice somber as he reflected on the truth of how Faera had become the master of the chaotic kingdom, and how he had always figured it had been for nefarious purposes rather than something so altruistic. Victoria was less impressed, but she also wasn’t necessarily unsympathetic to the situation, either. If anything, it was a decision born at her grief in what she had done. Faera was the last of the Divines to agree to the plan they enacted against Ataxia, and it took the others a great deal of effort and time to bring her around. In fact, I believe she only joined them after they agreed to her stipulation that Ataxia be imprisoned, rather than slain.

    A few seconds more of the scene played out before everything suddenly became awash in darkness once more, Gren renewing his ready stance as he quickly came to realize there was no path out. They were surrounded by nothing at all, nothing but the purest and deepest of blacks. The mortal held his sword before him, on guard but not wholly committed to his position, his eyes searching for the goddess that was sure to be with them. Faera’s voice split the air once more, this time coming from the current iteration of the Divine rather than her memory. She praised him for getting as far as he had, having thought for a moment that the mortal had been successful in his attempt to escape.

    Instead, he had made it to what she referred to as the memory between memories, one from a time where she had been naive and full of hope. It had taken her some time to come and understand how darkness was the inevitability of existence, but once she had lingered in the kingdom long enough she had embraced it wholly. Then, with a final perilous offer to enlighten him, the sky around them filled with countless stars that burst into life and began to charge with divine energy.

    Hang on! she replied to Gren’s observation, flooding his blood with her best and most potent immunizations. He set his sword magically aside and charged up his nullification magic once more. Just as his energy reached its peak, the stars fell like rain and battered him from all angles, roiling the space on and around them with volatile starlight. His sword acted of its own accord to block and deflect as many of the blasts as possible, even as Gren sought to nullify the bolts that Curse missed. It wasn’t perfect, but it was still an impressive defense that kept all but the most pervasive of blasts from reaching him. But even those few blasts were enough, greatly weakening him and burning his flesh.

    Victoria did her best to keep him alive, though truthfully Gren had more help here than he realized. She was empowering his very life force, yes, but even on top of that the vast majority of his damage was being unknowingly directed to a different target. Still, Victoria knew she needed to do more. Now was the time to act, when Faera believed that she had Gren entirely overwhelmed, when she least expected to meet resistance. Unfortunately, she had no idea where the goddess was. She had yet to reveal herself, and Victoria could not give herself away for anything less than a reasonable opportunity for a shot at the Divine. So she continued to lie in wait, bolstering Gren where she could to keep him even more resilient than he was already proving himself to be.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th October 2020, 10:08 am

    Gren was sure what he was witnessing was the meeting of the deities that the Order of Souls had long sought after. The fact that their faces were blurred for the most part was quite the hindrance to, at least, putting a look to them, even if he didn’t have names. Then again, he happened to have a divine creation sitting in his head at the moment and, upon remembering that, he asked Victoria what was happening. She had muttered one of the names -- Kronelia -- but upon his query, she decided to reveal the rest of them. Kronelia, Kihlene, Amos, Xuhtia, Iahael, Bilios, Orena, Ramuh and Zalona -- and with each name came a trait that they stood vanguard over. Nine Divines with blessings for their focuses, just as the books had said and the rumors had hinted at. He made sure to dedicate his memory to the names, wanting to make sure he relayed them later to Chishan and Zifu. This was becoming quite the breakthrough.

    As he listened to the gods bicker with one another, Victoria turned a question onto him, wanting to know how much he knew about the beginning of the universe and of Kingdom Darkness. “Ain’t a whole lot out there. Rumors, legends -- tall tales mostly. Whatever truths were known weren’t shared with humanity in a well-founded and documented way.” The Order of Souls gathered whatever information they could find but they were whispers of dead civilizations and ages past. There was no verifying beyond comparing to other legends they happened upon. Even just the clarification of what these god’s names and placements were was going to be considered a huge breakthrough. Victoria decided to take the opportunity to give him a detailed rundown; For every action there was an equal opposite reaction and, operating off that principle, the universe was brought forth with avatars to balance one another out. There were eleven gods born at the start of the cosmos and seven demons, called Prime Sins. Both vices and virtues embodied by living, breathing beings.

    But there was an eleventh called Ataxia, who was the Divine of Entropy; a title and trait that was not generally considered a virtue by most people. Indeed, she was a glitch in reality and her existence meant that all of it, every universe and piece of matter that had been born, was meant to be undone by her. The rest of the family, while caring for her as a sister, knew she would rip apart everything with her destructive and terrifying power. In the end, the Divines and Sins called a peace and used their combined efforts to lock her away for good. But in her absence, her realm was left woefully and dangerously empty -- a realm called Kingdom Darkness. “Kingdom Darkness was Ataxia’s realm?” Gren asked, surprised. He knew so little about the place, despite having spent years there as a dead captive. For all he had understood, the realm had simply been left untouched before Faera finally occupied it. Even more troubling was the realization that Ataxia was not only real but her power was a terrible one to behold. It had taken enemies agreeing to work together to even make sure she didn’t erase all of existence. No wonder Lux had been so worked up over that Ataxian shard.

    Faera had offered herself as a sacrifice, willing to go and keep watch over Kingdom Darkness at the price of sacrificing her place within their fold. She would still be considered a Divine but reaching her, interacting with her, would be too dangerous for any of them to attempt. She would remain in the alternate realm for all of time, standing defensive against its destructive and greedy hunger. And in the end, she would seemingly need to end her life before madness overcame her, should that event come to pass. The sad truth was that it had and the goddess had missed her opportunity to stop it, cut the poisoned limb off before it infected everything. Now here they were, fighting against her madness as she sought to undo all the work that she and the other supernatural avatars had accomplished. Victoria commented on the seemingly compassionate act, remarking that it was most likely born out of guilt for her acts against Ataxia. She had withheld her commitment to the banishment until the end, unwilling to budge for what seemed like quite some time. And it seemed that locking Ataxia away had been a compromise -- the original plan had aimed to kill her. “It’s not easy to convince anyone to turn on their siblin’. Love like that don’t break easy,” Gren remarked softly, watching the memory version of Faera for a few moments longer. He seemed to speak from a place of understanding, words that hinted at a past filled with similar such trials.

    But the moment for nostalgic consideration soon came to an abrupt and terrifying end. Where there had once been light was quickly overcome by darkness, casting the former Knight in the shadow of an unseen threat. The real Faera returned, remarking about her innocence and naivety from her younger time and how being in Kingdom Darkness had made her privy to the real reason behind existence. And soon glowing stars had been born out of the dark, each one glowing with power and intent to devastate him. There was nowhere to escape to and with no other choice, Gren was forced to go completely on the defensive and burn through as much magic as he could to survive. With Curse soaring around him and his nullification magic covering the holes, the older man became a spinning, twisting and turning flurry of movement as the downfall of darkstarlight descended upon him. Blasts hit him hard but miraculously, they didn’t damage him as much as he anticipated. And with Victoria within him, his injuries were able to remain aloof for a time.

    Yet the assault didn’t come to an end. What felt like seconds of fighting had very quickly expanded to minutes and, terrifyingly enough, close to beyond. Gren was a trained man who had a stamina impressive by most standards but he was still mortal and human. Soon enough his movements started to slow, his ability to nullify started to flicker and his magic was beginning to run low. He pressed on, digging down deep and holding out for as feasibly long as he could. In an instant, everything fell apart; his focus on Curse wavered from a blast hitting his back and the weapon lost its motion. A beam of magic ripped right through its center and the sword burst into pieces, spraying metal shrapnel into the air and removing Gren’s solid means of defense. With no other choice, the former Knight tucked his body in on itself and he put whatever leftover magic he had into a thin barrier around his form, just as the full brunt of Faera’s attack descended upon him.

    After several minutes of the barrage, the stars faded from existence. The darkness melted away, revealing another memory that had been blocked out by the shadows. The smoke started to clear and there lay Gren, bloodied and bruised, lying on his back as he suffered from the immense pain throughout his body. His clothes were tattered, burned and torn, barely hanging onto his body as he lay there. He breathed in shakily as he tried to force himself up, only to slump back down. He turned his head to the side, looking out at the scenery beyond. A night sky, with real stars flickering in the cosmic blanket above the planet. And there was a heat pressing itself against his other side. He turned his head slowly to see what it was he was feeling, his eyes widening slightly at the sight. A house on fire, burning brightly against the dark evening. A house he recognized, even as flames engulfed it. And a boy, barely sixteen, on his knees, crying to the moon and dark in agony.

    It was a scene depicted all across Mythal’s psyche, even where Serilda and Hugo were. There was no alteration or change; Faera’s flames didn’t linger in the background. It was the night Gren had been murdered and the teenager there, his world rocked and upended on itself, was Mythal. “This is his last memory. The last sanctuary of what makes my vessel Mythal. Once it’s gone, so will he… and I will take everything he’s earned and cultivated and make it my own. Take one last look, Gren Ragnos… Serilda Sinclair. You’ll live just long enough to see him erased before I rip your souls from your forms.” Faera’s voice boomed throughout every realm, her voice cold, menacing and assured. She was at the door of victory and all she had to do was turn the knob and walk through.

    They had failed.

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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 15th October 2020, 3:49 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Chishan didn’t do a whole lot of arguing or questioning of the change, which was just as well because attempting either of those things wouldn’t have done much good. There was no getting Vandrad to pull back now, and no time for Mercury to get into any specifics -- not that she had much more than what she’d already given. Still, he sensed that it was a plan and having a plan was better than flying by the seat of their pants without one. She relayed the danger that Ruzatz was likely in, and the master wasted no further time in rushing toward the shield to give the ritual group a heads up and try to put more shielding up.

    Mercury flew around the brothers as they fought, Mercy in pistol mode so that she could engage more readily from a distance for now. Getting mixed up in that melee would not be fun, and she wanted to stay out of the way unless absolutely necessary, conserving her strength so she could be strategic about when and how she used it. The two men went toe to toe with their weapons, Mythal still wielding his extra long sword while Vandrad had summoned the energy scythe he’d attempted to use to kill Louie the last time he’d been in this form in front of Mercury. She watched the battle like a hawk, always hovering nearby but never getting too close or interfering. It was all pretty standard until Vandrad stepped up his game a little.

    “I’m sorry, the fuck?” Mercury asked out loud, though more to herself than to either of them. The prince had made a copy of himself and was presently using it to double team Mythal. “Okay, first of all, clones are my thing, you jackass. Second of all, I would appreciate it if you would not make my job here harder than it’s already gonna be!” Talk about some fucking nerve.

    Mythal quickly carved up the clone, only for it to burst into a violent explosion of energy. The force of the blast knocked the man clear across the battlefield but Vandrad was already there waiting for him. Mercury continued to stay as close as possible but didn’t trace their paths perfectly, knowing she would only waste more of her strength and time trying to keep pace with them wherever they went. In fact, she only made her way closer to them when Vandrad snatched Mythal out of the air and slammed him right onto her shield, which was a little too close to Ruzatz for her comfort. Mercury hovered over the shield with her weapon trained on Vandrad as she listened to him exchange words with whom the prince seemed to think was actually Faera, rather than Mythal -- and boy was that frightening. She was practically waiting at this point for him to do something stupid, and she wouldn’t have to wait too long.

    Unfortunately, Vandrad managed to on up her before she could even get the chance to do anything to stop him by manifesting a clone inside her shield, sending it straight for Ruzatz. “HEY!” she screamed, unable to do anything in time for the clone that she hadn’t been prepared for. For one horrifying moment, the clone bore down on Ruzatz with the intent to kill him and the Sin was forced to break his place in the circle, abandoning the ritual to save his own life. Within a second, Chishan had thrown himself in Ruzatz’s place -- but it had already been enough to shoot the completion of Faera’s spell up quite a bit. The situation was really bad and getting worse by the second, especially since the lacrima still protruded out enough from Mythal’s chest to not be of any comfort.

    “ALRIGHT, THAT’S IT YOU FUCKING CHEATER,” Mercury roared at Vandrad, unloading a couple rounds of charged plasma shots from Mercy right at him. At this point, she was more irate than anything else that he’d used such a cheap shot to try and worm his way past her defenses and to keep her from doing her job. She continued to yell at him as she pelted him with gunfire. “STAY FOCUSED ON THE BITCH INSIDE YOUR BROTHER, OR I SWEAR TO THE STARS ABOVE I WILL SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU’LL BE TASTING MY TOES IN YOUR MOUTH FOR A MONTH!”

    Their fight picked back up after that when Mythal used a pulse of dark energy to blow Vandrad back, the two of them beginning their shuffle anew. Mercury stopped firing then, temporarily shifting her attention over to where Ruzatz was more or less toying with the clone. He was clearly fine, so she swapped back to the brothers, still simmering with annoyance. In her head she could see the integrity of her shield pumping back up to full, which told her that Lux had probably elected to pitch in. Unfortunately, the percentage of Faera’s ritual was still quickly rising.

    Before she could get a chance to call out the number, the tip of a whip came out of nowhere and cracked both Vandrad and Mythal, catching the attention of both brothers and causing them to focus on the demon lord. Ruzatz seemed quite unruffled by the situation, standing there still clad in little more than the kimono, his whip hung over his shoulder and playing with a knife in his freehand. He teased them both about how it had been a while since he’d taken on two other men at once, flirting with them and asking them to play nice with him while he got back into the groove of exercising in a way that was completely different from his normal routine. Then, he leaped into the fray, the three men going at one another with extreme prejudice toward both of the others present, though Ruzatz seemed to be enjoying himself the most.

    Well, that sure wasn’t going to make her life any easier. At this point, Mercury had two choices: Either continue to sit back and watch and wait like a jackass, or hop in and do what she could to help make sure as much of the fighting as possible was aimed at Mythal over anyone else. With a growl that promised Vandrad all sorts of trouble later if they made it through this, she raised her freehand toward the air around the threeway battle and summoned a series of prismatic colored plates in a loose circle around them. The plates were smooth as glass, circular in shape, and angled slightly down toward the group below.

    Diving down toward them, she shot a blast of primordial lightning at one of the plates and it reflected the bolt down into the fight toward Mythal’s back from behind him. Then, she slid right up into the battle, shifting Mercy back into its blade form and getting in on the melee action. Her strategy was to be as much of a nuisance as possible to Vandrad when it came to attacking Ruzatz, doing what she could to get in the prince’s way and keep him from focusing too much on the demon. Likewise, she continued to shoot out blasts of electricity from either her weapon or her freehand, shooting the bolts at the reflective plates around them and always ensuring that the attacks came in at odd and unexpected angles to keep Mythal -- Faera? -- on her toes and hopefully as thrown off as possible. And she was so caught up in the fight that she didn’t even notice the ritual sensors until it started screeching at her in her head.


    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 15th October 2020, 9:36 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    If Vandrad could hear Mercury complaining about his imitation of her abilities, he didn’t show it. His entire world was revolving around Mythal, the wicked godly presence emanating off of him like the stench of shit on a hot summer’s day. It infuriated him, drove him wild with a desire to tear and rip the man to shreds. And then when Faera was open, when her defenses had been pulled down, he would tear her magic right from her, removing what made her so powerful and intimidating. She would lose her pedestal, knocked down to the level of the pitiful mortals she detested and abhorred. Yes, she would be brought low and then so would Ruzatz, the Prime Sin. He could smell that one even more; a foul air that could rot even the most durable of foundations. Both of them were here, acting as if they were the superior beings, standing above the insignificant humans. They would learn very quickly that underestimating humanity would be their downfall.

    It was that drive that gave Vandrad the edge, slipping a bit of his magic through the shield so that it could materialize behind Ruzatz, scythe in hand. The loss of the humans around him would normally have been a detriment but they were sympathizers; ones that had relations to the demon knowingly and willingly. And the Order; what a waste of space and effort. An organization that lacked the stones to do what needed to be done. False vanguards that would simply stand by and wait for trouble rather than hunting it down before it even had a chance to grow and thrive. Their loss was almost a benefit. Yet the Prime Sin had turned about, tackled the clone and moved them both outside the shield. His attention to Ruzatz cost him the advantage over Mythal and soon he was being knocked back, forcing him to return his focus on the Darkness Slayer in front of him. That wasn’t helped by Mercury loosing several blasts into him, causing him to wince and shoot a glare in her direction. One might have thought that he would have retaliated against such a rebellion to his power… but instead, he simply took the hits and focused back on Mythal.

    Meanwhile his clone was swiftly and painfully dealt with, exploding after Ruzatz had leashed it with his whip and ripped it in half. Then the Prime Sin bounced over to the other side of the shield to intervene in the battle, gleefully whipping the two men and taking them by surprise. A tense standoff occurred for a short moment before the three men charged in at each other, creating a mesh of body parts as they attacked one another. The close melee was chaotic, wild, outrageously quick and ridiculously dangerous. Each one of them switching targets before their other attack had even been dealt with, punches and kicks passing by to either hit empty air or crack hard against some physical guard. In a flash, the scythe and nodachi were back and the battle opened up a little so that the weapons could be mixed in. Ruzatz flipped over a sword swing and then slid under the scythe coming at him, twisting to unload his whip and crack it against Mythal’s knee. He then popped up just in time to catch the sharp edge of the scythe with his knife, somehow holding the weapon back from piercing him with the smaller blade. The whip snapped again, this time hitting Vandrad in the wrist and causing the Dark Prince to release the scythe’s handle with one of his hands. Now at half strength, Ruzatz pushed the blade of the scythe to the side and launched himself at Vandrad in a dropkick, planting both of his feet squarely on the man’s chest.

    Then he was kip-upping to his feet, just in time to duck under another swipe from Mythal’s blade. Vandrad slid several feet in the mud and dirt, his chest vibrating from the hit. Snarling, he rushed back in, rearming himself with the scythe. Suddenly plates appeared in the air all around them, only caught by the Dark Prince while he was out of combat. He had enough time to shift his vision to them before a blast of lightning bounced off the set of plates opposite him and slammed into Mythal’s back, causing his body to seize up and stiffen. Ruzatz took the opportunity to snap his whip out, grab the nodachi by the handle with it, and rip the weapon away, sending it flying from Mythal’s hand. Seeing his opening on both of the other men, Vandrad once more charged forward at breakneck speed. And then the woman arrived, Mercy out and ready. He attempted to move by her but she instinctively moved to block him, doing everything to get in his way. Mythal noticed this and dipped by Ruzatz’s whip, flipping over him and rushing in to attempt to land a cheap shot on Mercury while she was distracted.

    Growling, Vandrad quickly teleported behind Mercury before she could stop him and caught Mythal’s fist, putting himself between the Silver Wolf mage and danger. He pulled the limb in and headbutted Mythal back, their foreheads cracking loudly as the Darkness Slayer stumbled back. He went to bring up his scythe for a killing blow but there was Mercury, once more in his way. Ruzatz’ whip came out from behind Mythal, wrapped around his waist and yanked him back, furthering his stumble before the Prime Sin caught him with his arms and and suplexed him backwards, slamming him down into the mud and soil. He then rolled out of the move and gave Dark Mythal a firm slap on the ass, even as he changed his gaze to Vandrad and Mercury. The Silver Wolf mage was getting in Vandrad’s way, holding him back, interrupting his attempts to rush past and yet… the Dark Prince wasn’t attacking her. How very interesting. He heard movement from behind him and turned, bringing his knife up to catch the nodachi’s slash before it met his face. But Dark Mythal had put more strength behind the attack and sent Ruzatz flying.

    The Darkness King fixed his gaze on Mercury and Vandrad before another bolt of electricity hit his body from a different angle. The possessed Rune Knight growled as his hand snapped up towards the sky and from the darkness thirteen glowing lights appeared, sticking out brighter than the starlight. The Darkness King then brought his hand down, pointing it directly at the ground. Beams of darkstarlight came screeching down to the ground, slamming into the earth and burying themselves amongst the soil. If one were above the lights, they would see an odd undefinable symbol burning as the holes connected their energy beneath the surface. And then once they were all connected, they grew brighter and brighter, the air absolutely electric with magic energy. Vandrad picked up on it and grabbed Mercury by the wrist, twisted around and tossed her away from himself and the impact points of the blasts. A moment later the entirety of the area exploded in purple and black fire as the darkstarlight reached its peak. The ground shook violently from the impact, the intense wind blowing loose chunks of the ground in every direction.

    As the explosion settled into a dense smoke, the land fell silent for several moments. Something swung through the heart of the smoke and caused it to swirl and dissipate near the center, revealing Mythal standing there, nodachi once more in hand. He only had a moment to look about before Vandrad teleported in front of him, arm already cocked and ready. The punch came forward and slammed into Dark Mythal’s stomach, the impact blowing out the fog more before sending the Darkness Slayer soaring through the smoke. The Dark Prince grinned and launched himself in chase, ready to follow up. But instead, Ruzatz suddenly leaped out of the smoke, knife in hand. Vandrad came to a screeching halt but the Prime Sin anticipated that, spinning in the air and letting the blade go, sending it flying. The sharp edge whipped past Vandrad’s face, opening his flesh in a thin line along his cheek. “Mercury! Watch him while I take care of big, bad and grumpy,” the Prime Sin called out before leaping back into the smoke and setting off to take on Mythal.

    Vandrad tried to move after them, refusing to give up the fight. But just as his muscles flexed to send him flying… he felt something. Another emotion came rushing up out of the rage, overwhelming him and giving him pause. He gasped softly as he fell back a step, his heart beating a mile a minute. All at once he was no longer on the outside of his body but he was standing somewhere within, looking around in surprise and shock. It was only when his eyes fell upon a kind of mirror, hovering in the air just a few feet in front of him. Curiously he walked up to it and touched it with his hand, pressing his palm flat against it. It lit up and began to rifle through images; memories of people, places and things. It slowed down as it fell upon members of his family, faces he recognized and had grown up with. Each one of them was smiling as they looked at him, filling him with other such emotions he couldn’t quite describe. And then there was Mercury -- his partner, his friend, his confidante. Each of his memories with her played back, the prince watching as their connection grew stronger by the moment. It paused on a single image of her, back on Bellum, her looking out over the sunrise with a soft, playful smile on her face. His hand slid up to her, resting over the image’s cheek.

    And he knew. He understood what was happening. These were the faces of people he cared about, people who had kept him grounded despite how insufferable he could be. They looked out for him, sought to protect him and keep him safe. They tended to him and made fun of him, willing to poke and prod to watch him snap and get all annoyed. They loved him. And he loved them. His eyes closed softly as his rage morphed, turning inwards at himself. But a voice spoke up -- an oddly familiar but also unfamiliar voice. Rage is one hell of a motivator. It can grant us so much power. But we cannot let our anger rule us -- we must remember that we are the ones that rule. That fury works for us, not against us. We guide our own fate…

    How about you?

    The Dark Prince roared and his aura exploded out from him, the golden energy ripping the ground to shreds as his magic soared even higher than before. His hands went to his head, clawing at his temples and forehead, fingers pressing tight against his flesh. He was seething between his teeth, his rage attempting to once more knock him down. But Vandrad was taking control again -- he saw the means to grab the reins and make his anger work for him. These were not alien emotions coming from another source -- they were building off of the hatred and fury that he kept hidden away. The fury that had been etched into him from his childhood, from all the pain and suffering he had endured from his grandmother and put himself through. This force took those emotions and multiplied them. But they weren’t there to be played with; they were his. His scars, his agonies, his building blocks. He had made them into the steps he needed to get stronger. And nothing -- nothing -- was going to rob him of that. Vandrad’s hair flashed blue for a brief second then flashed again. And then in a showcase of overwhelming tenacity and willpower, he broke through the mold once more and ascended to the highest plane of his Empowerment, blue overtaking his follicles and his energy warping into a deep sapphire. His voice fell silent as his aura settled down, the prince’s head dropping back to an even level. The black ‘M’ was still on his forehead and his eyes were still darkened but his pupils… they were different. They had returned to normal. Vandrad was back.

    He reached up and ran his finger over his forehead, right over the ‘M’. Then he turned to face Mercury, meeting her gaze. He held the stare for a moment before he reached out and touched her shoulder, placing his hand on it gently and feeling it with his fingers. "I just had to make sure this was real,” he said softly, breathing a small sigh of relief. Then his features hardened back into battle mode. "I know you’re angry and you’ll get your moment to say what you want later. Right now, we have to help Ruzatz. I don’t care what the percentage is -- we’re not giving up on Mythal.” He gave her an assured nod and waited just long enough for her to verify it before his body coiled and sprang back into action, taking to the air. Ruzatz was dipping and dodging Mythal’s sword when the Dark Prince came surging in, slamming his fist into the Darkness Slayer’s face and knocking him away. Mythal bounced off the ground once before he slammed his feet down, dragging a long trench in the mud before he came to a stop.

    Vandrad landed next to Ruzatz, his aura burning bright. "I suppose I owe you my thanks,” he said, addressing the Prime Sin without looking at him. His gaze was fixated on Mythal.

    Ruzatz shrugged and grinned. “What can I say? I have a way with emotions.” The Prime Sin spun the knife in his hand before grabbing its handle once more. “Mercury said ninety-nine percent. And that lacrima isn’t quite in his chest yet. I think we’re about to lose.”

    "Not yet. She’s there but there’s still a small bit of Mythal. I can sense it. We may yet still have a chance. So we keep fighting.”

    Ruzatz chuckled. “Sir, yes sir. I can see why you let this man act so authoritative -- it’s quite the turn on,” he said, addressing the second part of his speech to Mercury.

    Ignoring the comment, Vandrad summoned up more magic and then rocketed forward towards Mythal, Ruzatz and hopefully Mercury right in tow. It wasn’t over yet -- if there was hope, it was worth grabbing onto tightly.

    Words: 2430/ 6143 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th October 2020, 10:21 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda and Mazikeen watched and waited as the lake rippled from Hugo’s impact upon its surface, lingering in anticipation for the Trumpet to reappear. He stayed under long enough for the waters to not be sloshing every which way, but they knew the fight was not over yet. A Trumpet was not going to be so easily put down, not even a fresh one that likely hadn’t gotten the chance to truly test his new powers yet. And sure enough, after a few long seconds, the lake began to churn, the tide drawing in on itself until a massive pillar of darkness burst forth from the surface, reaching up toward the sky before stretching out in all directions and blanketing everything in pitch black.

    Inky droplets of ichor dripped down from the dark ceiling, splashing onto the ground into small pools that shifted and morphed as black creatures with bright golden eyes began to claw their way out of the substance. There were hundreds of such pools, the two women looking around in calculation and consideration. “Hey, boss. So here’s the thing,” Maze said, “I’m good, but uh… I ain’t that good, if you catch my drift.”

    “Yeah, I don’t have the patience for this nonsense right now, anyway.”

    Reaching into her core, great bursts of starlight like comets birthed themselves out of nowhere, equal in number to the darkness army and raining from the sky until they impacted the ground. From each light appeared a nephilim, dressed in pristine white, gold, and black armor, their coats trimmed in black fur. Each was in possession of a golden spear that they brandished in unison with a thunderous kiai that shook the darkness and what remained of the memory around them. One army stood off against another even as Hugo took form from the spot where the pillar had blasted from the lake, a crazed and malicious look in his eyes.

    Serilda met the look defiantly. “Bloodletters!” she called, her voice carrying easily across the battlefield. “Attack!”

    Within seconds, the memory was roaring with the sounds of war, shadows battling against the demon and angel hybrids. A handful of the dark creatures attempted to swarm Serilda at once, but she snapped up a defensive wall of black wind that instantly evaporated the shadows. Hugo hurled himself at her, bearing down with his sword and looking to overwhelm her with his superior strength. The unholy aura of wind around her singed him heavily as he got close enough to attack her, but he fought through the pain, determined to take her down.

    She focused on evading where she could, utilizing her superior agility and speed to counter his brawn until all at once he was besieged with an overwhelming and invisible pain that dropped him gasping to a knee, his sword clattering to the ground. He gasped and growled, twisting his body in agony as burst after burst of seemingly endless attacks wounded him. Injuries appeared all over his body in the form of massive burns, and while it wasn’t enough to cripple him it was certainly enough to put him down a peg. “What the hell are you doing to me?!” he demanded to know, glaring up at her as it was almost all he could do to stay crouched where he was.

    “Technically, I’m not doing anything,” she informed him. “Faera, on the other hand, is laying quite the assault on Gren. At least, if your own injuries are any indicator -- and they are.”

    “What are you on about?”

    She squared off at him, not going to waste the opportunity to have the upper hand. “I put a spell on you when I took a bit of your blood earlier, and I don’t just mean the one that boiled you from the inside. Any damage that Gren takes from Faera or anything else in this realm, well over half of it is being transferred directly to you. Or did you really think I was going to waste my time on you and leave Gren alone with her without backing him up in some form?”

    Hugo was absolutely brimming with fury, even as his body twisted and twitched with each transmitted blast. His strength and health was quickly deteriorating before her eyes as she watched, and all Serilda could do was shake her head sadly. “I’m sorry, Hugo. I wish it had never come to this, but you made your choices… and I have no mercy or sympathy left to give to you.” Raising her scimitars up, she brought each across her chest and swung, each blade aiming to cleave the Trumpet’s head clear off his shoulders in one swift slice.

    Instead, before the weapons could reach their target, both swords shattered into pieces in her hands. Serilda’s eyes went wide in shock. “W-what..?” she managed to stammer out before suddenly Hugo was upon her, still being afflicted with pain but so angry that it was almost like he couldn’t even feel it as he roared and reached out to snatch her by the neck. At such close range she had no time to dodge it, and she quickly rearranged the Void within her to keep him from grabbing her.

    To her horror, the Void shifted again without her say so, Hugo’s fingers wrapping around her throat as he lifted her up and power slammed her hard into the ground. In the same movement, a nuclear explosion of darkness erupted from him so violently that it completely wiped out both his own forces and Serilda’s, with even Maze being tossed back into her own dimension, leaving the two formerly married individuals completely isolated together once more. Instinctively, she reached her hands up to his to try and pry him off, despite the fact that she could still breathe just fine. She attempted multiple times to shift the Void around them so she could slip out of his grip, the Trumpet being far superior in physical strength, only to find that with each nudge the empty spaces slipped back into their original positions before she could complete her spellwork.

    “Funny thing about the Void,” he told her, almost calm in the crazed smirk on his face. “The only thing that can truly counter a Voidwalker is another Voidwalker. While I certainly can’t use it to gain any power or forcible control over you, I can use it to completely cancel out your defenses and attacks.” He shifted his hold on her, sliding his fingers up until his palm was still firm on her neck while his fingers were practically wrapped around her jaw. He had her pinned beneath the bulk of his body, keeping her from being able to slip out of his hold or to stop him as his free hand began to roam uncomfortably.

    “Get off of me!” she told him, doing her best to maintain a strong and determined demeanor despite the very real panic that was starting to build up inside of her.

    His smirk deepened. “No, sweetheart… I don’t think I will.” Around them the scene shifted one final time, leaving them in the middle of a memory that Serilda didn’t need to guess what it was. Somehow, she gathered the wherewithal while Hugo pinned her to glance as much as she could, catching sight of the burning home. “You know what that means?” Hugo asked her quietly, his voice dripping with smug and malicious intent. “That right there is Mythal’s very last memory. Once she purges it, your pathetic excuse for a replacement husband will be gone for good, and my new beloved will have everything she needs to swallow the world of Light and make it her own. You’ve lost, Serilda.”

    “But if it’s any consolation, the pain you’re feeling now will seem like a dream by the time I’m done with you.”

    The barrage upon Gren lasted for quite some time, with both mortal and Seal putting every ounce of strength and power they had into withstanding the attack. Every time Gren took a blow, Victoria filled the depletion of his heath with rejuvenation from her magic, doing everything she could to at least keep him alive. Faera was capable of an immense amount of destruction, and while Victoria was certainly quite powerful herself as a Seal, there was a reason she and her siblings weren’t Divines. Victoria could and did easily make up the difference between the mortals and Faera, granting them a reasonable chance at victory, but not a guaranteed one. They would still need Serilda, and the Voidwalker had yet to make her way back to them.

    In the end, it was only barely enough to keep Gren alive. He was on the ground bruised and bleeding, a quivering lump of mortal flesh clinging defiantly to life even as the attack finally faded. Victoria was furious, especially since Faera still had yet to show herself and was not giving off anything at all that would help the Seal locate her enough to attack her in Gren’s stead. However, as things calmed down and she was given a chance to breathe without the chaos, she did sense… something.

    Idly, she worked on putting a bit of her heavily drained magic into healing enough of Gren’s wounds to at least ensure he wouldn’t bleed out on the ground, but the majority of her focus was elsewhere. There was something about this memory that felt different than all the others before. No, wait… it wasn’t the memory. It was something else entirely. Victoria tapped into Serilda’s Voidwalking abilities, feeling the air around her and finding substance where there should have been nothing at all. As Faera monologued away, Victoria threw herself into the Void, searching and pressing for an answer, her instinct telling her that what she was sensing was critical, and it took only a second or two to realize exactly what it was:

    Mythal’s consciousness.

    In essence, his spirit was here, trapped within this last memory and dormant, probably from the spell that had placed on him to insert the lacrima. But if he was here, surely he could locate Faera. Surely he could fight. He just needed a body… and luckily, he had one.

    Throwing herself from Gren’s body, Victoria took form in the blink of an eye, standing in the open ground. Mythal’s father and Faera both would see her in her true form, an old woman who was impressively fit for her age, clad in a crimson suit of studded leather armor that covered her from neck to hips before a flowing, open robe bottom draped toward the ground. A split ran up both sides of the robe to her hips, leaving her legs fully exposed, the limbs themselves protected by a seat of plated metal greaves that ran up to her thighs. Similar plate armor covered the length of her arms. She had long flowing white hair that curled up into horn like protrusion at the back of her skull, wrapped in crimson colored ties. A tall and sinister looking crown of steel was set upon her brow, her golden eyes set in determination. Within her hand was a long, thin polearm that was topped with a horizontal axe head on one end, and a sharp, deadly spike on the other.

    Commandeering Serilda’s control of the Void, Victoria swiftly spun her weapon within her hands, twirling it like a fan as the particles she sought swiftly gravitated toward her, centered on the weapon. It took her only a second or two to gather everything to her, the head of her staff pulsing with a dark purple energy. Then, she smirked. “You lose, Faera.”

    Victoria turned toward the teenaged Mythal and slammed the head of the axe on the ground in his direction. The violent energy shot from the weapon and into the boy, soaking into his body and finding its home. Even if it was only a memory of a time long since passed, even if it was a form from his younger years, it was still a version of Mythal’s body -- specifically, a version of his body that still possessed his magic.

    And she could only imagine how determined a broken hearted boy -- or man -- would be to get the chance to actually save his father again after failing to do so the first time.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Age : 36
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th October 2020, 4:47 pm

    Gren could only surmise that his survival was solely based on the fact that Victoria was in his body at the moment. He had been hit a fair number of times from Faera’s blasts and several of them should have caused significant damage. Yet somehow he had managed to keep going, to keep defending against the impossible barrage that came down from every direction. It had been a noble attempt at outdoing the goddess and Gren knew that, even if she didn’t tell anyone about it, he had certainly surprised her with his willpower. But all good things came to an end and the minute that his sword broke, his main means of defense was gone. He threw a shield around himself and bunkered up, tucking his limbs in and burying his face as starfall explosions rocked his form and the ground around him. He wasn’t even aware that Faera had been pushing through memories as he suffered, furthering her progress while he was distracted. And when the assault came to an end, he was on the ground, bleeding profusely but still somehow conscious.

    He coughed, spitting out a large wad of blood and saliva onto the ground next to him. You’ve done all you can. You need to get back to Serilda -- find a way to get back here before she gets to Mythal. You gotta leave me, the former Knight relayed what was likely his last request to the Seal in his head. There was no sense in her endangering herself to keep him alive when she could hopefully create a link to the Field Marshall and get her here. Protecting Mythal’s last memory was now the most important factor; if that fell, all would be lost. And he wasn’t going to give up until it was too late. The goddess spoke to him and seemingly Serilda, her voice echoing across all of Mythal’s psyche, as she gloated over her victory that was already at hand.

    Gren a wave of healing magic once more rushed over his body, at least guaranteeing that he wasn’t going to bleed out. He figured it was Victoria’s last gift to him before she parted and returned to her real body, leaving him to buy time for Serilda to get there. The goddess still hadn’t shown herself, immersed in the darkness of the memory’s night but her presence was felt all around, pressing in on him. “Ya ain’t won yet,” Gren said as he managed to lift his head, glaring up into the dark. “As long as I’m still breathin’, you ain’t takin’ my son from me.”

    “Mmm I do love a good rebellious nature,” the goddess purred amusingly, a raw chuckle echoing out from all around. All he had to do was get to his feet and hold her off and then--

    A woman appeared beside him, materializing out of the thin air. She was a much older woman, though she seemed to have taken care of herself. An avatar of victory and swift punishment, everything about her seemed to ebb with confidence and surety unknown to most mortals. She came armed with an axe-topped polearm, the weapon at the ready as she faced off against the darkness beyond. It wouldn’t take a whole lot of thought to realize that this was the true form of Victoria, when she opted to take on a physical body. “What?!” Faera cried from the dark, the first time she’d sounded so shrill and surprised. Victoria had been within Serilda, not Gren. How had she managed to make her way here without her host body? The Seal shot her a confident look before declaring that she had lost, her body twisting back towards Mythal’s body. Whatever the old woman was planning, she couldn’t allow it to pass. “No!” Suddenly pitch black vines came rushing out from the night, slithering through the air at breakneck speed. They were aimed at the teenage Mythal, aimed to pierce through his body and tear him to shreds. Even if Victoria was doing what Faera thought she was doing, she wouldn’t allow there to be any chance of Mythal awakening. She’d end him right then and there.

    Except she’d completely forgotten about Gren. The old Knight, compelled to move by some sense of duty and honor as a father, had pushed himself to his feet quickly and threw himself in front of the vines, placing his body between Faera’s attack and Mythal. The black, sharp extremities pierced through Gren’s shoulder, arm, thigh and hip, bursting out the other side of his body and coming to a stop. He grunted in absolute agony but willed his muscles to tense up, trapping the magical extensions from continuing on their path. “I won’t say it again. As long as I’m breathin’...” Gren hissed out, fixating his stare from the source of the vines. “You ain’t takin’ my son from me.”

    “Then you all die!” Faera roared as hundreds of vines came rushing out, blotting out the memory completely. They rushed in at all three of the figures standing and Gren lifted the one arm he could even fathom to move up, releasing a blast of nullification magic -- his last. It was enough to wipe away most of the incoming limbs but a single one streaked forward, aiming directly for Gren’s forehead.

    “Mythal… I’m sorry. I tried my best. Please Seri, Victoria… save him…” he muttered, a raw defeated smile crossing his face as he watched the vine come in upon him, its sharp edge ready to bring his life to an end once more.

    - - - - -

    Mythal had no idea where he was. In fact, he wasn’t even aware that he was somewhere or nowhere. He’d been floating in a mass of darkness, lost to everything but the feeling of simply existing. Everything from the outside world didn’t matter -- there was only the darkness and the comfort it gave. But something had nudged him, tapped upon his metaphorical forehead and drawn his attention away from his blissful trance. All at once, everything came rushing back in -- all of the knowledge of everything he had missed. He could see, through some invisible view, as Serilda and Gren appeared in his mind, occupying a space within his psyche. He watched as Faera revealed her to them, as well as her compatriot that Seri named as Hugo. The goddess gloated about her plans and the futility of resistance before separating the group into two, setting herself up with Gren and reuniting the separated husband and wife.

    Mythal watched unobserved as the two fights played out, stuck behind a wall that he couldn’t quite fathom. Each individual skirmish played somehow both in slow motion and extreme speed as the realizations rushed into his mind. Faera spoke of removing memories from him but the Darkness King could still recall everything. He was the last bastion of what made him, him and that meant every bit of his spirit, soul and memory was left within whatever form he was in. The same sensation returned, prodding him curiously as if trying to decipher what he was. A familiar feeling washed over him and he realized that it was Victoria, reaching into the void of his psyche to locate him. She was calling to him, asking him to go with her. He suddenly comprehended a new setting, his last memory. The night that Gren had been killed by his hands -- or rather, Faera’s influence. There he was, beaten and bloodied once more, as the goddess mocked him from the darkness. Once more Gren was about to perish at the hands of the Divine but this time, he was going to die because he was trying to save him. He’d returned back into his life just to be taken right here and on the same day that he’d met Vandrad, his son by blood. It was a cruel, cruel joke and the consciousness of Mythal shook in agony and anger. No… Victoria was offering him a chance; one single opportunity to stop the end before it overtook him. One shot to step up and protect the ones he loved, the people that had been fighting for him while all he could do was stay back and watch.

    He wouldn’t let them fight alone anymore. He reached out and took hold of the offered hand, his body melting into a stream of consciousness. He was gathered in one spot and then released, set free to find himself. It was a younger body but it would do for now. He would only need it for a couple of minutes.

    - - - - -

    Something rushed past Gren, bending down and then back up as it threw itself in front of the former Knight. A hand came up and the vine pierced through the flesh easily but the fingers closed tight around the limb, holding it in the bloodied palm. Gren’s eyes shot up to the back of a head he knew, a body shorter than he was outside of here but still recognizable as his son. The sixteen year old version of Mythal stood between his father and the darkness, his hand impaled but his determination never stronger. Tears still streamed down his face despite the look of quiet fury that had overwhelmed his pain, dripping down to the ground below. “You ain’t takin’ my father from me again, you worthless bitch!” the younger voice of the Darkness Slayer echoed over the land. His other hand came up, the handle of Curse gripped tightly in it though it lacked a blade.

    He didn’t care. He’d make his own blade. Before Faera could comment -- though truth be told, she seemed too shocked to say anything -- Mythal’s entire body began to glow. But unlike every other time he activated his magic, which resulted in a black and purple highlight over his form, this was light. He’d felt something new in his body as he took on a physical form, a strange kind of sensation that seemed to brim with power. It wasn’t Faera’s, he knew that much, and because of that he decided to use it then and there. Mythal grunted as the air around him began to spiral wildly, veins popping up over his flesh as he attempted to use the full force of the strange power. On the outside the lacrima would begin to glow brightly, as if it had been turned on all of a sudden.

    And it was Lux, over by the shield, who felt it. “Oh shit…” he said in wonder, realizing what he was feeling. Pulling his hands back from the shield, he shot through the barrier and zipped through the air -- right at Dark Mythal. “I’m comin’, buddy!” he cried as he dove into the Darkness Slayer’s chest, disappearing within. In Mythal’s psyche, the beam of light that represented Lux came falling out from the night sky, swerving down and hastily towards the teenager. Faera cried out something and more vines of darkness rushed out, trying to end them all in one go. But Lux was far too quick for her and slammed into the teenage Mythal. All at once the teenager’s body was completely overtaken with light, beams of the illumination streaking out in all directions. They broke through the darkness of the night and then even purged the memory’s backdrop from its setting. All at once the picture that had been left in Mythal’s mind, the memory reel that both Serilda and Gren had been trapped in, came crashing down violently. The broken shards exploded as they hit the ground, revealing everyone to each other. The last wall that came shattering down was the one protecting Faera, the goddess knocked back as the light pushed her further away from the group.

    The light came compressing back into its source and, as it faded away, the fully aged Mythal stood in place of the teenage one. A bright glowing sword had been built upon the handle of Curse, the thick and long blade emanating with a power that seemed to illuminate everything around it. But the reborn Darkness King wasn’t waiting around, his eyes snapping over to Serilda and Hugo. His free hand shot out at Hugo and above the two, the moon suddenly ripped through the dark ceiling. A straight beam of light came crashing down upon the archangel, burning his flesh as hotly as the surface of the sun. It would also actively negate his ability to activate his own void-magic, giving Serilda the opportunity she needed to get away. But before he could turn his attention to Faera, ready to launch a full counterassault on her, the world fractured. Thick lines broke in the wall behind the goddess and archangel and then an opening tore itself into existence, opening the way to a massive funnel. It pulled the goddess and archangel angrily, trying to rip them back to where they had come.

    Faera screamed once more but her voice was echoed against the roar of the wind. She glared at the group of them before finally she relented, allowing herself to be pulled back into the tunnel. One Hugo had been pulled through as well, the fractured pieces built themselves back in and sealed the connection for good, cutting off Mythal and Faera for all eternity. But there wasn’t any time to celebrate and before they could even take the chance to look at Mythal, both Serilda and Gren would awaken suddenly back in their bodies in the real world. There, standing above them, was Doctor Wanda, her neck still in the midst of stitching itself back on fully, as she pulled her hands off of their foreheads. “Lady Sinclair, Agent Ragnos. Do not be alarmed but you must get down and take cover immediately. We are in imminent danger.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 16th October 2020, 8:12 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    What had been practically a free-for-all had changed drastically in a short amount of time. With Ruzatz sleight of hand trick with his knife, he had managed to provide Vandrad with the means to grab control of his rage and steal the power for himself. And now that he was back in the driver’s seat, they could hold a united front against the opposing force that was Dark Mythal. The battle raged on as the three allies bobbed and weaved around one another, putting the Darkness Slayer completely on the defensive. So long as he kept fighting, so long as the Dark Prince didn’t feel a change in the presence within his adoptive brother, there was still a reason to hope. They were right in the middle of the chaos when suddenly a bright beam of light came soaring in from the shield. A quick glance verified that Lux had left his place and was joining the battle for one reason or another. Mythal snarled and swung at the Seal with his sword, finding no purchase as the Lightbringer dove inside of Mythal’s body.

    The lacrima had started to glow only a moment ago and now this. It was only after Lux disappeared inside that Mythal suddenly lurched backwards, the sword dropping from his hand. Vandrad quickly gestured for the other two to stop as the Darkness Slayer reached down and grabbed at his chest, fingers prying for the lacrima. But before their eyes, they watched it sink beneath the corrupted Rune Knight’s flesh and disappear. They had done it -- the lacrima had been installed. Mythal roared, an unearthly sound that shook the ground beneath his feet. For a brief moment, the green in his eyes faded and gave way to purple. Yet as the Darkness King started to blink, a surge of magic rushed through him and a single eye turned back to the emerald hue. Then in a rush of darkness, Mythal vanished and shot up into the air, an arm rising above his head. “You will all pay! YOU WILL ALL DIE!” the feminine voice screeched as a giant portal high in the air opened up, darkness and purple energy circling the hole.

    It was Kingdom Darkness; a tear ripped open between the two realms. And falling out from the wastes of the other dimension were two massive comets, working their way down to the portal’s entrance. They plummeted through, free-falling towards the surface. And judging by their quickly growing size, they would easily decimate the entire area. Dark Mythal managed to hold the portal open for a few more seconds before he suddenly lost consciousness, falling out of the sky. Chishan launched himself up into the air, soaring up and catching the knocked out Darkness Slayer before he could hit the ground. Saving Mythal was good but it wasn’t going to matter when the asteroids hit and flattened everything in a several mile radius.

    Those needed to be dealt with. Vandrad threw out his hand, his fingers opening up as he fueled magic into his palm. The destructive, volatile power of both his normal magic and the strange one mixed together, crackling and snapping at the air as the prince continued to power it up. "Add your power to mine. Together we can stop it,” he said to Mercury, looking at her. Despite the malevolent ‘M’ still etched on his skin, the veins bursting out through his skin and the dark undertone to his eyes, they were still the eyes of the man she knew. Her partner, hew friend and right now he needed her to help him make one last play to save them all.

    Counting that she fed her magic to him, Vandrad would wince but focus all of the mixing energies together, compressing them into a singular blast. The meteors were getting closer, their immense size making the already dark lands somehow even more shadowed. When his attack had reached its peak, he gave Mercury a quick nod and took up his position, cocking the glowing arm back. And then with all of his strength, he whipped the limb forward and sent the blast soaring up into the sky. The spell flew furiously, a bright light against the dark of the night and the imminent threat. Up it climbed, twisting back and forth until it descended upon the two imposing rocks. And once it was between them, Vandrad slammed his hand shut into a fist, activating the trigger within the spell.

    The light from the explosion was so bright that it may as well have been a second sun. The detonation grew to an immense size, swallowing up the two falling mountains in the chaotic mixture of energy and fire. Each part of the stones, every scrap of unnatural dust and pebble, was vaporized as the explosion ate away at the comets. Soon enough there was nothing but the bulbous orb of magical fire, illuminating all of the Cursed Lands for as far as the eye could see. And then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it snapped out of existence, leaving a massive ball of dark cloud in its wake, the only reminder of the detonation that had brought the day back into the night.

    Vandrad managed a soft, weak smile as his Empowerment left him. The ‘M’ on his forehead also slid back under his skin and disappeared, reverting him completely back to his normal form. Beaten, bruised and wearing clothes that barely covered him appropriately, the prince took a knee and let out a deep, exhausting breath. Somehow, despite the odds and everything turning against them, they had done it. Chishan had flown Mythal down over near the shield, settling the man on the ground. Even as he was laid flat, the form he had taken on melted off of him and into a puddle of darkness that quickly evaporated back into the Darkness Slayer’s body. The Master looked over at Mercury and Vandrad, giving them an assured nod. Past the shield, Vandrad could barely make out the others starting to move, their ritual complete and freeing them up.

    Ruzatz came over and clapped him on the shoulder. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re wicked hot when you’re angry?”

    Vandrad turned his head up to look at the Prime Sin, considering him. He breathed out heavily through his nostrils but a small, wry smirk tugged at his face. "In fact I have,” he said, chancing a quick glance over at Mercury. Then slowly he brought up a single hand and flashed a thumbs up, an almost ironic move considering everything.

    They’d succeeded.

    Words: 1103 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 16th October 2020, 9:37 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “DON’T YOU GIVE ME THAT LOOK, YOU CHEAPSKATE,” Mercury shot at Vandrad as he glared at her over the blaster fire. “YOU LITERALLY ASKED FOR THIS, SUNSHINE, SO BUCKLE UP!”

    Ruzatz came zipping back moments later to playfully taunt both men, looking more than a little excited over the prospect of a fight. The three moved so quickly against one another that Mercury honestly had no idea how she was going to make room for herself. Then again, she already did that earlier in a completely separate threesome, so if she could do it then surely she could do it now. She just wanted to make sure she wasn’t in Ruzatz’s way but the more she watched the battle the more Mercury was certain that the Sin was easily going to be able to work around her no matter what she did. He was clearly toying with them right now.

    She saw her opening when Ruzatz kicked Vandrad back a few feet, giving her the perfect gap to insert herself. Up went her plates that she utilized to zip lightning around in a circle before it would zap Mythal from behind, keeping him on his toes and semi distracted. The first successful strike allowed Ruzatz an opening to rid Mythal of his deadly longblade. Vandrad tried to use that as a means to get at both men, but Mercury was right there in his face, her sword in his way to keep him pushed back. Mercury had wholly been expecting him to try to simply knock her out of the way or try to kill her too, but instead he merely tried to slip past her. She wouldn’t allow him to, of course, but it was odd that he simply tried to avoid her rather than engage her in his mindless state.

    The prince suddenly teleported behind her and she whipped around with her gun ready only to find that he had stopped Mythal from striking her back. Apparently, this snapped version of Vandrad was more protective of her than anything else, which was odd to say the least, but she wasn’t going to argue with it. It certainly made her job a little easier. Now he was focused on his brother, gaining the upper hand and bashing his head in with his own, but there was a moment of Vandrad clearly going for a killing strike and that was a big no. Mercury once again put herself in the way of that, blasting the prince with a stunning shot that wouldn’t necessarily be all too painful but would certainly be annoying and distracting, especially at such a close distance.

    It gave Ruzatz enough time to yoink Mythal back, removing him from Vandrad’s direct fury and leaving Mercury there for a moment or two continuing to annoy and distract the prince, getting in his way at every turn. Ruzatz picked up the same oddity she had, but took it a step further to find a solution where Mercury was willing to overlook until a later time. It was enough to drop his guard though as Mythal swooped in, rearmed with his sword, and sent the Prime Sin flying across the yard. Suddenly, a number of lights were streaking down from the sky in a circle around them, down into the soil where they began to build a charge. Before the Silver Wolf mage could do anything about it, Vandrad grabbed her firmly by the wrist and tossed her outside the range of the spell.

    She skidded to a halt in the mud, grumbling to herself about his action to spare her from the attack having no bearing on him still being in trouble after all this was over. Once more the brothers squared off, with Vandrad managing to get a solid sucker punch in before Ruzatz reappeared, flicking a knife in Vandrad’s direction and cutting him lightly across the cheek. The demon lord told Mercury to watch Vandrad while he dealt with Mythal. It was an odd request, but one she didn’t question to oblige, throwing herself in front of the prince with the barrel of her pistol aimed right at the center of his chest.

    And despite the fact that Vandrad clearly wanted to continue fighting, and even moved to do so, causing her to squeeze the trigger just a hair in preparation to fire, he simply stopped and stood there for a moment. Mercury frowned as he gasped and stumbled back a little, as though some great and concerning revelation had overwhelmed him. “...Vandrad?” she asked him cautiously. He didn’t reply. Indeed, she wasn’t even sure that he heard her. She was starting to lower her guard a little when he suddenly roared, his magic erupting from his body and causing her to quickly snap right back into defensive mode as the force of it shoved her a couple steps away. Mercury growled, gritting her teeth and refusing to be so easily overpowered as she forced her way back forward, gun steady on her target despite the fact that he was clearly having some kind of internal battle. Was he trying to wrest control back to his true self?

    His empowered form shifted to blue, the same form that he’d pushed himself to the day she’d gotten hurt and he discovered the truth about who she was. Mercury hadn’t seen the form since then, and wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it now. In a snap, his rage was quelled and his aura relaxed. He still bore the strange mark on his forehead, and the odd shadows around his eyes, but the eyes themselves were… more focused. Still, she held her stance, unwilling to stand down or hesitate without some kind of concrete proof that he had managed to sort himself out. And luckily, he provided that for her fairly quickly, looking up at her and meeting her gaze for a brief moment that was somehow both tense and tender, until he slowly reached up and set a hand on her shoulder.

    He sighed in relief, expressing his desire for reassurance that he wasn’t in some kind of dream. Before she could even say anything, he sobered back up, knowing there was still work to be done. The prince admitted understanding she was angry and granting that she’d have time later to get her verbal shots in, but the more important thing was that they needed to help Ruzatz. No matter what, even with the ritual one percent away from failing, they weren’t going to stop. And oddly, it seemed to be hovering at ninety-nine percent. She considered Vandrad briefly before lowering her gun and giving him an impish smirk. “Please, don’t insult me. I am perfectly capable of multitasking. I can give you shit and help fight at the same time.”

    With that, they jumped back into the fray, this time a fully cohesive unit of three to Mythal’s one. Or well, two if you counted the goddess trying to take him over. They sided up by Ruzatz, Vandrad thanking him for his assistance in helping the prince overcome the rage and gain control, however he’d managed to do that. Still looking as cheeky as ever, the demon classily brushed it off before returning to the situation at hand, reiterating Mercury’s update on the ritual and remarking that they were about to lose. Vandrad insisted it wasn’t over yet, and he had no intentions on giving up.

    Ruzatz flirted with the prince over his commanding nature, turning to Mercury with a grin and voicing his understanding on why she let him be all bossy. Mercury grinned back. “Oh yeah, Vandaddy gets me all sorts of worked up when he’s like this. Why do you think I pick on him so much? Anyway, I think Gren and Serilda are still holding her back,” Mercury added. “The ritual may be at ninety nine but at the rate it was going it should have hit one hundred already. It’s stuck. Whatever they’re doing in there may be a final stand but it’s still buying us time and giving us a chance.”

    Conversation wrapped up, they launched forward once more to engage Mythal in battle. Mercury and Vandrad were already quite adept at working around one another wordlessly, and Ruzatz was impressively quick on the uptake, so it was almost scary how easily the two of them fell into a seamless pattern of working around one another without getting in each other’s ways, finding ways to get in shots and strikes without putting the others in danger or getting held up. Everything was going surprisingly decent, with the ritual percentages still hovering at the hair raising number, when suddenly a streak of light raced in toward their location and buried itself into the suddenly illuminated lacrima on Mythal’s chest. Mercury knew without a doubt it had been Lux. She could sense the Seal rather easily given her own propensity for light, and it seemed he felt as though he was needed for the internal battle. Whether that was a good sign or a bad one was anyone’s guess, all they could do was keep up until something changed.

    And it did change, almost immediately. Mythal lurched backward, dropping his weapon. It was the perfect opening and Mercury moved to open up a rain of blaster fire, but stopped when Vandrad silently called her off. They watched as Mythal attempted to pry the lacrima from his chest, only for it to fully sink below the surface even as they watched. Mercury could only watch dumbly, not entirely sure what to make of it. Had they won? Did they somehow manage to beat Faera, despite how close she had gotten? Even his eyes seemed to shift, no longer green but a violet hue that still wasn’t normal but not necessarily alarming.

    But after a brief roar, one eye returned to emerald, the goddess within throwing out a hail mary that was sure to be more dangerous than anything she’d tried so far -- as were all such actions on the parts of defeated foes. He disappeared and materialized up in the sky above their heads, the goddess screaming at the top of her lungs that they would all pay with their lives for interfering with her plans. The sky split in a way that never should have been possible, Mercury gulping at the sight as she quickly had to come to terms with trying to comprehend an alternate plane of existence that existed outside of the material world. From it, two large comets managed to squeeze through the space, hurling toward the surface with a speed and size that was sure to be catastrophic.

    Mythal lost consciousness shortly after and began to fall, with Chishan snatching him out of the air. Mercury was busy trying to calculate what, if anything, they could do to deal with meteors this size only to find Vandrad calling for her as he started to fuel a heavily charged attack in his hand. It was unlike anything she’d seen him use before, but would it be enough? Apparently, not without her help. He insisted that she fuel his power with her own, stating that together their strength would be enough. Not wasting any time to think about it, she slapped Mercy into its holster and took a braced stance, her hands stretched toward his as a prismatic rune hovered before them. The colorful beam of light burst from the rune in a steady stream as she funnelled every last drop of magic that she’d been reserving into his attack, knowing it was do or die. Thankfully, all things considered, she hadn’t used too much of her magic during the battle up until this point, and given how much damage she could deal out when she really wanted to, she knew that if anyone would be able to help him get the kind of destructive force that was needed for this, it would be herself.

    It was a great deal of energy, even for the energy monarch himself. He visibly winced in effort to keep the blast contained long enough to fire it, and when it loosed into the sky it was quite the brilliant display. It streaked up to the spot between both comets before detonating with all the force of a nuclear bomb, the blindingly bright blast swallowing up both comets, obliterating everything so completely that not even any dust remained to fall back down to the earth. All that remained by the time to chaotic force died down was a smoky cloud in the sky.

    And then, it was quiet.

    Vandrad took a knee with a soft smile, the empowerment and the enraged form disappearing. Mercury gulped and stumbled a little where she stood, more overcome by emotional weariness than anything else. Her body was shaking heavily, though she was still too much in shock to even put thought to the millions of emotions racing through her body and brain in that moment. Chishan returned with Mythal, who was still unconscious but finally looking like himself again. The master nodded at the pair of Titans, even as the rest of the ritual group stirred somewhere back behind the barrier.

    The demon lord approached Vandrad and clapped him friendly on the shoulder, complimenting how attractive the prince was when he was angry. Despite her shaken state, Mercury was already laughing tiredly before Vandrad even commented that he had received such commentary before, casting a poignant glance at herself. She merely grinned like the pest she was at the two men. The prince gave her a thumbs up, and she casually flipped him the bird in response. “Yeah yeah, revel in it while it lasts. You’re still in trouble, killer. Don’t think I’m gonna let you forget about it.” Smirking, she winked at him playfully, unable to find it in herself to be angry anymore, not when they’d just cheated death by incalculable odds.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 19th October 2020, 7:11 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Victoria had no intentions on leaving Gren behind to die. For one, Serilda would never have let her hear the end of it, and neither would Mythal. Considering that both mortals were now quite immortal, that was a length of bickering and conflict that the Seal simply didn’t feel like dealing with. But even then, she knew that she could not abandon the fight against Faera, especially now with the goddess so close to her goal. The fate of the entire world of light depended on this final stand, and Victoria had a reputation to keep. Fleeing for her life was not acceptable. The only defeat she would ever accept would be in death. But even then, in the short time she’d spent in Gren’s head, she rather liked the man, for all that he was mortal. He certainly had a warrior’s spirit. He had been preparing for this fight for years, and while Faera had mostly toyed with him the entire time, he had still taken more than any other average mortal could. He might have been a worthy vessel in another life.

    However, while the Seal did not plan on leaving Gren stranded, she did still know that beating Faera was more important than anything else, and Victoria was now the only one in the position to ensure their victory. She couldn’t protect the older man and yank Mythal out in the open at the same time, so she could do little to stop Gren from throwing himself in the way of Faera’s strike. The goddess had been shaken at Victoria’s appearance, practically shrieking in confusion and shock as Victoria collected the fragments of Mythal’s consciousness and shot it at the memory of his younger self. Faera tried to obliterate the body, but Gren got in her way, taking the full brunt of the strike. The goddess screamed her fury and unleashed hundreds more such strikes, all but one of which was completely nullified by Gren’s magic.

    The final vine streaked toward Mythal’s father with intent to kill, but it was too late. Victoria’s work had already been accomplished, and the younger version of the director rushed past them all to snatch it, the vine piercing his hand and dripping blood, though Mythal was so infuriated he probably didn’t even feel it. His body began to glow with a light that Victoria more than recognized. She grinned. Against just herself and Gren, Faera certainly still had an edge. Against the two of them as well as Mythal and Lux? The goddess was about to be in quite the pickle. She tried to stop Victoria’s brother before he could reach his host, but wasn’t nearly quick enough for the speed of light. Lux and Mythal merged and the result was an explosion of illumination that drowned out the darkness and broke down the walls that kept the whole group separated.

    Unfortunately, the site that lay before them was one that gave even Victoria chills. Hugo had shifted into his angelic form and had Serilda pinned beneath him. Her garment had been torn in several places, and he was clearly attempting to violate her. Serilda was strong, but her strength lied in her resilience and stamina, not brute physical power, and somehow Hugo had managed to overcome the woman’s Voidwalking to get his hands on her. Serilda was struggling to get free to no avail, and for the first time in a long time Victoria was stuck between the choices of the right thing to do. Did she help Serilda, or press the advantage against Faera?

    Thankfully, Mythal had things underhand. He took one look in the direction of his fiance and her former husband and ripped the moon out of the memory’s sky. It lit with an intense beam of light that seared the archangel’s back and stopped him in his tracks. Hugo roared in agony and shock, his concentration slipping enough to give Serilda a chance to get free. The Voidwalker dropped down into the ground and reappeared standing on the ground before where Hugo was writhing. She had tears running down her cheeks and wrath etched into her face. “SPEARS OF FIORE!” she bellowed, raising both hands to the sky. A golden rune materialized beneath her feet, the symbol of the Rune Knights in its center. In the air, a mass of golden colored spears appeared by the thousands, covering a range that would easily hit both Hugo and Faera, though her focus was more on the former at that time. There were so many spears it all but blotted out the sky.

    Serilda brought her hands down with a feral scream and the weapons rained down upon her targets. Hugo was still in so much pain from the moon beam that he didn’t have the concentration to try and protect himself very well, only getting enough defenses up to ensure he wasn’t fatally impaled, but he still was pierced over and over several times by the shining weapons.

    The second Mythal had unleashed his attack on Hugo and given Serilda a chance to free herself and take charge, Victoria breathed a quick sigh of relief and set her sights back on Faera. It was now or never. Rushing the goddess with her poleaxe pulled back and ready, Victoria charged Faera, ready to decapitate her shaken foe while she was distracted with the sudden turn of the tides and with a hail of righteous spears. She was almost upon the woman when cracks appeared within Mythal’s psyche, creating a violent suctioning effect that ripped Hugo and Faera toward itself, to pull them out. Victoria leaped to cover the last bit of distance, hoping to slide the goddess’ head off before it was too late…

    And then she found herself skidding to a halt in a graveyard, her axe cutting through the air without hitting anything, yet still unleashing a shock wave of power so great that it easily cut through several hundred meters of trees. Or at least, ones that hadn’t already been cut down. “NO!” she cried, fury filling her veins at the knowledge that she had been so close, but Faera had still managed to get away. Sensing other magic, the old hag spun on her heels to look up at the sky where two large meteors were descending down to Earth. Everyone they had left behind in the mortal realm was looking the same direction. However, it was Vandrad and Mercury that were working on a last minute defense together with a unison raid, Vandrad conjuring a violent sphere of energy into his hands which Mercury was feeding with her own magic. Apparently the cunning little vixen was more than just a holder mage after all.

    Victoria watched calmly as the comets descended, unhappy about the possibility of losing Serilda but knowing that, at least with herself and Lux, this would hardly be the end. For the two Seals, they would simply return to dormancy for a time until their next hosts were born. However, the curious pair had crafted quite the substantial attack. Even from so far away, Victoria could feel the brimming power within the prince’s hand, impressed that he could even wield it. Vandrad shot the blast skyward where it exploded between the two comets and completely evaporated them, leaving only harmless flakes of space dust in the form of a dark cloud to trickle back to Earth from the sky.

    The Seal breathed in a deep sigh, still visibly irritated from not getting to kill Faera in time but reminding herself that the mission had still been successful. They had gotten what they’d come to do, that much was clear, though it obviously had involved a bit more work on the outside front. She was sure they would get answers for that soon enough, just as she was sure that everyone was going to have quite a number of questions about who in the hell she was once everyone had a chance to take a breath and settle down. A wave of calm washed over her, the anger replaced by her normal stoic expression as she carefully stepped back up to the odd shield where Gren and Serilda were, as well as the others that had taken part in the ritual.

    Serilda herself had practically shot up where she had been laying with an enraged cry, her icy gaze searching to catch up to the sudden change in setting. Before she could sit up too far, Wanda was over her, calmly advising them to stay low and take cover as they were in immediate danger. The princess had watched in a mixture of awe and horror as the meteors dropped down from the sky, only for Vandrad and Mercury to obliterate them before it could kill them all. Her mind and blood were racing, still adrenalized from the fight and the trauma.

    Agatha was already rushing over to them, so hurried that she practically tripped as she fell to her knees in the dirt beside Gren and held her hands over him. Pure white light shot from her fingertips and soaked the entire length of the man’s body as his wounds began to heal themselves before their eyes. The white witch had been eyeing the bodies during the entire ritual, keeping an eye on them, and had seen Gren's body take on more and more life threatening damage. So, she had been ready the second their own ritual was over to throw herself at the man’s side and make sure his life was spared, pouring enough energy into him to at least make sure he would survive, even if it wouldn’t necessarily take away all the pain. She had spent a great deal of energy in the ritual itself, and while she had more to give she needed to make sure she conserved enough to help everyone who needed it.

    But it was Serilda that Agatha was watching even as she healed Gren. The noblewoman had taken a look around to see where everyone was and turned to register that Gren was being helped before breaking down into a deep sob in front of everyone. Serilda’s top had been torn open, leaving her mostly exposed though she did her best to shakily pull the garment around her chest self consciously. The Voidwalker didn’t appear to have taken much damage on the surface, as her body sported only a few cuts and bruises, but Agatha knew better. She could sense Serilda’s pain on an emotional level, the type of hurt and trauma that could only speak to a very specific type of assault. It was only evidenced more in the way that Serilda laid back down and practically curled up into a trembling ball, bringing her knees up slightly to her chest and trying to cover herself in her skirts and tattered cloak.

    “Ruzatz..!” Agatha called out to her husband, her tone rife with urgency as tears began to spill from her own eyes. The Hand wanted nothing more than to go comfort Serilda as she clearly needed, but she couldn’t leave Gren until she knew he had received enough healing to skirt death.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th October 2020, 8:20 pm

    Faera had left everyone a farewell present, one that almost guaranteed to wipe them all out. She had left Mythal and it had only been at the Prime Sin’s intervention that the unconscious Darkness Slayer hadn’t suffered any injuries. But that meant very little against the overwhelming comets that now swiftly fell out from the sky, treasures from Kingdom Darkness that brought only destruction. Even as the magic left their hands and left the ritual group standing there holding hands for no reason, it seemed no one had the tenacity to move as they started up at the looming objects. Well… no one but apparently Wanda. The decapitated woman had, somehow during the entirety of the battle, managed to crawl over to where her head had dropped and pulled it back on. She couldn’t get up immediately, as doing so would have dropped it right off her neck once more. She had to wait for the healing process to begin. And what timing -- as she realized she was healed enough to move, she sensed the full assimilation of the lacrima without Mythal’s body. Quickly getting to her feet, she moved over to Gren and Serilda and pulled them out from the man’s psyche.

    The former Knight looked beaten to all hell, gasping in a mixture of shock and pain as his eyes flew open. Serilda was practically off the table, tears freshly caking her cheeks as she looked around in traumatized fear. Their eyes were drawn upwards as well but their own realization of the end was shorter than the rest. The combination of Mercury and Vandrad sent forth a counter response to Faera’s anger and it’s declaration was far stronger, wiping away the comets in one massive explosion that swallowed up every last trace. And then just as quickly as it had come, it was gone -- vaporized and leaving only a looming plume of smoke hanging over head. They had survived, somehow. But that didn’t mean that it was the end. There was no pretty bow to easily wrap everything up. Damages had been received and it was time to heal those that had put their lives on the line.

    Gren was certainly the worst of the pair -- strike that, trio. All the eyes of the ritual group seemed to settle on the old woman who had materialized into existence and screamed at the top of her lungs, releasing an attack that had done nearly as much damage as the full scale battle that had come to an end. She had a regal sense about her, not unlike Serilda but perhaps with a bit more self-importance. Zifu and Chishan stared her down as Agatha rushed over to heal Gren, stitching his wounds back up as best she could. “Ah Agatha, yer a lifesaver,” he muttered softly, giving her a weak but warm smile as he lay there and let her magic work on him. Already he felt the wounds starting to heal and his aches to settle into dull, forgotten throbs. But even his gaze turned towards Serilda, who was weeping heavily and pulling at her clothes to try and cover as much of herself up as possible. The poor woman had been left at the mercy of Hugo and, while that seemed like a decent strategy, it was clear that they had missed something. Her former husband had nearly had his way with her.

    Ruzatz, still cradling Mythal, heard his wife’s cry, her voice rife with pained emotion. He glanced over at Vandrad and Mercury briefly before he picked up Mythal and practically leapt from his spot back into the cemetery, rushing to the three beds. His eyes only had to briefly look at Agatha to understand where her concern was. The Voidwalker was in shambles, her clothes a wreck and her emotional turmoil far worse than what he’d felt from her before. He looked over at Wanda, the closest of the Order, and gestured to her as he gently laid down Mythal on the table beside Serilda. “Your coat please,” he said, gesturing to her cloak.

    Doctor Wanda blinked, clearly trying to process what he was getting at. But it was only a moment before she nodded and pulled the jacket off, swinging it around over her head and passing it to Ruzatz. The Prime Sin took it knelt down beside Serilda, gently draping the cape over her. He wasn’t sure what had happened to elicit such a breakdown but the least he could do for now was help her cover herself up, giving her the decency she deserved. He reached out gently and put a hand on her shoulder, dropping his head softly as the Voidwalker’s emotions washed over him. She was devastated.

    “Who is this woman?” Zifu demanded, her voice sharp and shaky. The turmoil of the situation hadn’t quite settled in her and it was clear in her wavering voice that being so close to oblivion had shaken her. Her face was stoic to a point but small twitches in her lips and eyes betrayed just how truly scared she had been and, to a point, still was.

    “She is Victoria, the Seal of Conquest,” Doctor Wanda said softly, her eyes glued to Serilda. She was studying the woman softly, as if trying to understand the emotions that were overwhelming her and causing her to breakdown. She only briefly looked away to meet Victoria’s gaze, giving her a matter-of-factually look. “Correct?”

    It was quite clear that Zifu had a whole lot of thoughts and words to express about that, her agitation wiping over her fear from before. But before she could have her moment, it was the former Rune Knight that spoke up. “Your highness, I say this with no disrespect but… can we not right now? This isn’t the time or the place.” Gren had sensed the rise in anger in the queen and rather than sit back like he usually did, he opted to speak up, even though he knew Chishan was only a second behind him.

    A deep sigh rumbled out of the woman’s mouth but she apparently chose to be amenable, crossing her arms and closing her eyes. What had given her pause once more seemed to be lacking definition but there was a brief moment she had looked to Serilda and her sharper emotions stilled. “I shall prepare a teleportation spell to take us back,” she said softly, curling her hands around one another and starting to weave her magic together.

    There didn’t really seem much to say or do, at least until they got back into the Order’s base. The group remained quiet, as Monica walked over slowly to kneel by Agatha’s side and let her hand drop idly onto the woman’s back, gently brushing fingers over her wife. But what Serilda would feel is the slightest of movements from her side and then a hand reaching for her, finding her fingers and wrapping around them carefully. “Seri?” Mythal suddenly spoke up, his eyes fluttering open and his voice raw and hoarse. He managed to look over at his fiance, wrapped up and weeping openly. Summoning up whatever strength he had, he managed to roll himself over and wrap an arm around her, pulling her in close to him so that he could hold her body to his.

    Once Vandrad and Mercury returned to the cemetery, it was only a few moments after that that Zifu teleported them once more, only this time it wasn’t back to the base they had been at. Instead it was a manor of some sort, the group appearing within the bare living area. There was no furniture in the downstairs area that they occupied but the building itself seemed to be in peak condition. Lanterns on the wall sparked to life as they all came into existence, illuminating the living area and the rest of the home beyond. “This is another one of our bases, more meant for keeping heads down than anything else. There’s some beds upstairs if we want to move the injured and recovering onto something a bit more comfortable than stone beds. Kitchen is stocked with food and water too. Doctor Wanda is available for healing too if anyone else needs it…”

    "Okay but how is she alive? We all watched Mythal chop her head off like a chicken gettin’ prepped for dinner,” Monica finally spoke up, her voice soft but seeking.

    “Wanda has her ways of surviving. If she chooses to disclose anything beyond that, that’s up to her. But I won’t speak for her,” Chishan said softly, looking to the doctor.

    She looked around the room slowly before she cleared her throat. “I will set up a small medical area in the other room.” That was it; with that, she slowly turned and walked out of the room, her steps brisk and hurried. It seemed she wasn’t of the mind to share whatever secrets that had been hinted at. Or perhaps she figured that the time for those questions wasn’t now. There was enough pain in the room; they didn’t need to add confusion and anger on top of it.

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 1st November 2020, 10:40 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    The battle may have finally been over, but they still wouldn’t get the chance to celebrate for very long. Agatha’s voice pierced the sky, calling for her husband’s name with a great deal of urgency. Mercury frowned and glanced over in the direction of her shield where the redhead was bent over Gren, pouring white energy into his beaten body. A wash of panic rolled over Mercury for a second as she first thought that the Hand’s concern was over Gren, whose vitals weren’t promising. But before she could even get the chance to worry about Vandrad already losing the father he’d waited so long to meet, Mercury noticed that the older man’s body was responding quickly to Agatha’s magic and soon he was quickly making his way out of the red. Instead, Mercury followed Agatha’s gaze to Serilda where she saw the noble woman openly weeping, her tattered clothing not really doing enough to cover her body as she tried to curl in upon herself. Overall, Serilda seemed as though she hadn’t really sustained much physical damage. Her life signs were fairly high. But something had clearly happened to her, and it had hurt her in an emotional sense rather than a physical one.

    Mercury nodded to Ruzatz as he looked to them, her silent way of saying they’d be right behind him. As he took off, she holstered Mercy and offered a free hand to Vandrad to help him stand again. Despite the joviality they’d shared only a moment before, the Silver Wolf’s expression was more sober now. The battle was over and they had achieved at least their main goal, but there was still a fallout to deal with. They needed to rejoin the rest of the group. While Mercury didn’t really care about eighty percent of the people present with them, and wanted nothing more than to just focus on the prince and making sure he was okay, she knew he wouldn’t appreciate being mothered over in front of a group of mostly strangers. That, and aside from appearing to be a bit physically weak from the battle and the expenditure of energy, she could read that he wasn’t in any danger of dying. He just needed some healing and some rest.

    If he needed it, she would put his arm over her shoulder and help him walk as she’d done before, the two of them the last ones to rejoin the rest of the group, which had gotten slightly bigger than the last time they’d stood calmly together. There was an older woman standing with them now, hair as white as Serilda’s but with significantly more wrinkles. She wore studded leather armor of the finest make, adorned with thick, durable metal plating on her legs and arms. In her hand was a peculiar axe atop a long polearm, and her golden eyes watched the rest of the scene calmly. One had merely to look at this strange woman to know that she was the most dangerous person standing among them. She practically resonated with a regality and confidence that far outshone that of Zifu or even Serilda -- fitting, given the conspicuously crown shaped circlet upon her brow. But as much as Mercury wanted to study and analyze the woman, she was too busy staring at Wanda, who was somehow still alive with her head reattached to her body. The woman’s continued existence defied all logic and science, and thus the Xocili was left speechless as she fought for a way to comprehend the situation.

    Wanda gave Ruzatz her coat when asked, and the Prime Sin used it to better cover up Serilda. Agatha was crying softly as she tried to focus more on Gren than anything else, but it was obvious her heart was broken at the sight of the noblewoman. Despite this, she gave Vandrad and Mythal’s father a brave smile that shone gently through her sadness as he called her a life saver.

    Zifu drew everyone’s attention to herself and then to the new woman among them, demanding an answer to who the mysterious figure was. The armor clad woman merely raised a single, condescending brow at the queen as though unimpressed with her tone. While Serilda was bound by the confines of mortal decorum, Victoria was not. The Seal respected her host and treated her with relative deference because Serilda had proven herself worthy to her, but Zifu had not. Not entirely, at least. There was no anger in Victoria’s gaze as she locked eyes steadily with the dark skinned queen. In fact, there was little in her gaze at all aside from studious patience and cool indifference that betrayed she wasn’t simply going to answer Zifu’s question merely because the queen had demanded the information.

    Then, Victoria turned her gaze calmly to Wanda as the woman spoke her name and title. The doctor was still looking at Serilda as though trying to deduce what was wrong with her. Victoria looked mildly surprised. After all, no mortals had yet to recognize either herself or Lux since their most recent emergence. Then again, these mortals were far from ordinary when it came to their knowledge of the supernatural. The woman finally looked up at Victoria, seeking confirmation on her claim. “Yes. You are correct, child,” the Seal told her. Despite her choice in moniker, there was no condescension in her voice as she addressed Wanda. While her tone was as stoic as it ever was, she seemed to be speaking to the doctor with kindness. Or at least, respect. But her own eyes trailed down to the Voidwalker. When she spoke again her voice was still even and stern, but there was a slight softness to it. “She will be okay,” Victoria assured the doctor. “She merely needs time to collect herself.”

    It was the most compassionate Victoria had ever been, not that anyone present would be capable of recognizing it. The Seal had all but forgotten Zifu when Gren spoke up, pleading with the queen not to start some kind of altercation at that moment. Victoria looked back over to see the other woman fuming at her as though about to burst with anger and indignation at Victoria’s mere presence, and likely at the fact that the Conquoress had been there the entire time and not made herself known. Her anger was hardly worth Victoria’s time or interest. Her gaze barely lingered on Zifu for longer than a second or two before looking away and disregarding her entirely. With the simple wave of a hand, her poleaxe disappeared into the ether, and she glanced down at Serilda and Mythal. The darkness slayer had stirred, suddenly finding consciousness and speaking his lover’s name and holding her hand. Somehow, he found the strength to turn himself over and pull Serilda against him.

    Mercury had watched the entire exchange in silence, keeping track of everyone and making mental notes of things. She had been more than a little surprised to discover that Serilda was in possession of a Seal, same as Mythal. She was a bit unnerved at the knowledge of how many illogically powerful beings she was coming into contact with in a short period of time, but at this point she was too tired and overstimulated to freak out over it. Instead, she merely did what she did best: hung out in the background and observed quietly, letting everyone else make noise while she faded into an afterthought and soaked in all the information available to her. Not that she would get much time to do so. Once the two of them had joined up with the others and the conversations had more or less been settled, Zifu transported them all out of the graveyard.

    She had expected them to come back to the same base they’d left. Mercury’s droids were already finished with their work, so she wouldn’t have foreseen any issues with returning. The vast majority of them had been put to the task of collecting information rather than analysing it, having once more focused on the gathering of as much intelligence as possible for her to simply review later. However, their destination was a new place, one that was a bit more homey -- if still quite large. Chishan explained that this was another base that was meant to serve as more of a place to rest and relax than anything else. There were beds and a kitchen, and Wanda was available to tend to the wounded. The mention of the doctor brought up a question from Monica that Mercury herself was dying to know: how in the hell Wanda was even still alive.

    There was a moment of silence as the master explained that Wanda had abilities that protected her, but the details of their explanation weren’t his to reveal. Wanda herself seemed uninclined to answer the question, at least for the time being, advising everyone that she was going to set up a medical area in a different room. By this time, Agatha had finished her work on Gren, having healed him enough to ensure his stability and to mute at least the worst of his pain. The redhead watched the woman go, looking like she was thinking about following her, only to decide against it. At least for now. “I can help with healing as well,” she told everyone, turning to look back at them. “I may not be as potent as I usually am, but I do still have some power left so I can assist Doctor Wanda with making sure everyone has received proper treatment. I know we’re all exhausted, but please hang out for a few more minutes until I can figure out how Wanda wants to proceed.”

    The smaller woman stood then, after giving Gren a kind and gentle kiss on the forehead, and followed after Wanda to see what kind of help she could be. Mercury took the time to look internally, registering her own wounds. They weren’t great. She had a concerning amount of internal bleeding, though nothing that would kill her. Her body was already fast at work in stopping the leaks, as well as slowly repairing the broken bones in her ribs. While Mercury looked more or less find on the outside save for a few large, dark bruises, she had taken an immense beating from Mythal and Faera. Her body ached like it was on fire, and she winced as she slowly eased herself to sit on the floor, closing her eyes and finally taking a moment to just rest. The knowledge that she’d revealed herself as a mage loomed over her head like a dark cloud, but it was nothing in comparison to how she’d be feeling if she’d been cut open and exposed for what she was in front of everyone. That secret was safe for now. The rest she could deal with as it came. All she wanted was to be dismissed by the healers to go sleep for a bit.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 1st November 2020, 12:38 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    To say that they were exhausted was to be stating the obvious without quite meeting the depth that each one of them had sunk to. Every single person that had been present had been worn down in some way, their magical pools drained and their emotional stabilities challenged to the greatest of faults. And somehow, some way, they had come out of it in victory, surviving against multiple challenges that continued to come up against them. First it had been the task of beating Faera at her own game, then challenging a possessed and empowered Mythal, which resulted in Vandrad becoming a threat of his own right and finally a devastating series of meteors that would have wiped them all out had they been allowed to make an impact. They’d wagered against impossible odds and had come out victorious, though not without victims. The prince let out of a soft sigh as he let himself go down to a knee, his magic retreating inside once more. Giving in to the rage had given him a temporary restoration of power but now that he had wrestled control of it, it had lost a lot of its edge. He’d only just learned to control it so no doubt it would remain chaotic until he was able to properly wield it.

    Ruzatz came over to comment on his anger, complimenting Vandrad for his attractiveness while in the midst of his rage. It was an odd comment to receive but not alien; Mercury had said that very same thing several times and he even spoke up about it, even as he shot the woman a glance. At his half-hearted, mocking thumbs up, she shot him a middle finger back and told him to enjoy the peace while it was there, as he was still in trouble in her book. "It sounds like someone is just mad they weren’t able to properly control me,” he commented idly, giving her an exhausted smirk as he allowed himself to drop onto his ass and truly rest.

    But he wasn’t going to get much time to relax. Agatha’s cry echoed out down to the group and Ruzatz looked towards his wife, the other two following his gaze. The scene over by the ritual area looked tense, with Serilda curled up into a ball and Gren looking beat to all hell. The Prime Sin glanced at the pair and received soft nods as he took Mythal in hand and rushed over to see what the concern was. Vandrad’s gaze lingered on Gren, currently being tended to by Agatha and her healing abilities. Now more concerned for his father’s welfare, the prince took Mercury’s offered hand and pulled himself to his feet, managing to keep himself steady and walk without issue, now that his ethernano absorption was starting to return to normal. As they walked back over to join the group, Vandrad’s gaze took in the sight of a new addition -- an older woman with hair as white as snow and armored for battle. She was still holding a polearm and looked ready for war, despite the fact that she was holding herself quite passively at the moment amongst the worn group. She stood much like a queen would; a stance that Vandrad recognized from several meetings of other such royals and nobles. There was a detachment in her gaze, as if the makings of the world around her were simply there to be below her.

    But perhaps the strangest additiona -- or perhaps re-addition would be the proper word -- was Doctor Wanda, standing amongst the rest of the people. Vandrad paused mid-step as the scantily-clothed woman took her time analyzing the injured, seemingly unfazed from the beheading that had befallen her only a short time ago. In the realm of impossibilities that they had encountered in such a short amount of time, the fact that the woman was alive and well seemed to rank in the upper echelon. Now he was far more curious than he had been before, even as Ruzatz asked for the woman’s coat and was granted it, leaving the good doctor in basically just her underwear -- or swimwear, depending on one’s definition. Her concern for the people around her far exceeded the one for her own wellbeing, her execution clearly forgotten in lieu of tending to her patients.

    Gren was bad but not life-threateningly so. He may have been before they made it over there but Agatha’s magic had done wonders to stabilize him, his injuries stitching together and his bruises starting to fade. He commented idly about Agatha stepping in to save him, earning a small but saddened smile from the demon’s wife, as her own tears streamed hard and fresh. And Vandrad could understand why after a moment of consideration -- he felt Agatha’s emotions as strongly as he felt Serilda’s, practically on the same level if he was being honest. It only took a moment for the prince to guesstimate that Agatha must have been some kind of empath, who embodied the feelings of the people around her and made them her own. The Voidwalker was balling, shaking pile of torn clothes and ruined dignity upon the bed, even after Ruzatz had covered her with Wanda’s robe and saved some face. She didn’t seem to be that injured but whatever had happened must have hit her more emotionally than anything else. Faera had quite clearly played dirty against the pair that had journeyed inside of Mythal.

    Zifu spoke up, demanding to know who the strange older woman was. Victoria looked none too impressed with the queen, casting her a glance that showed just how beneath her Zifu ranked. She didn’t seem inclined to answer the question, unwilling to bend to demands that were not within reason to answer. It was Wanda that spoke up, explaining that she was Victoria, yet another Seal from the same pantheon that Lux was attached to. It was a bit surprising to see that the green-haired doctor had deduced that so readily and easily and when she looked up for confirmation, Victoria granted it. Two Seals had been present the entire time, with the older woman kept a secret from the rest of the group. Zifu looked outraged, ready to rip out a royal tongue-lashing upon those that had kept the secret. But Gren spoke up first, asking her to let it go for the moment, as there were far more important matters to consider. Indeed, the wellbeing of the injured far surpassed the need to chastise over any secrets that had been revealed in a short amount of time. Even if it was a mindblowing, deceptive secret and even Vandrad recognized that. Yet he didn’t damn Serilda for keeping it -- keeping one’s better weapons hidden until it was needed was a time-honored tradition and frankly, he would have done the same had he been in her shoes.

    Zifu relented for the moment and began to prepare teleportation spell to get them home. Mythal roused enough to speak his fiance’s name, feeling her agony and pulling her close to him so that he might comfort her. It was a relief to hear Mythal speak in his own voice, Vandrad letting out a small snort from his nostrils as he felt a lot of his concern settle. After a moment of preparation, the group found themselves once more whisking through the world and reappearing in… well, a new base apparently. It seemed to be the lower levels of an extraordinary house, a mansion of sorts that was far more homey than a cave-embedded base. Chishan explained that it was a place used to lay low, an escape area that members of the Order that needed a respite after issues. There were actual beds upstairs along with a fully stocked kitchen several rooms away. He began to explain that Wanda was available to heal any wounds when Monica spoke up, demanding to know how the doctor was even alive. Many of them had stood witness to Dark Mythal divorcing her head from her neck and now she was standing there, unbothered by the event. Chishan interjected that Wanda had her own means of survival that he was not inclined to share, as it was not his to provide. If Wanda chose to disclose it, then that was entirely up to her.

    And she didn’t seem very interested in answering questions, stating that she would set up a small medical area in one of the other rooms and leaving the group with their questions. It was annoying to be sure but understandable -- as far as Vandrad was concerned, no one was inclined to answer any questions or reveal any secrets. There had been a lot of demand for information that day and he was frankly getting sick of it. Agatha spoke up, explaining that she was available for healing as well. She was a bit taxed from taking care of Gren and performing the ritual but it would still be enough to heal most of the grievous injuries. She just needed a few moments to talk with Wanda and figure out what was the best way to proceed and after giving Gren a soft kiss on the head, she walked after Wanda. Vandrad took that moment to walk up to the former Knight, crossing his arms over his chest. "Looks like you caught hell in there. Was it too much to handle?”

    Gren smirked softly as he stretched his body, trying to alleviate some of the aches and pains. “I’m still here, ain’t I? Faera only escaped because the ritual finished. Otherwise, she was as good as toast.”

    Vandrad frowned. "So she escaped then.”

    The former Knight nodded solemnly. “She did. We weren’t able to put her down. We tried our damndest but she had a lot of tricks up her sleeve.”

    The prince’s gaze lifted to Mythal, who was still cradling his fiance. "That she did.”

    The patting of bare feet was barely noticeable over the conversations occurring in the room but the landing of someone in the hallway drew everyone’s attention. Standing in the hallway, clothed only in a tight, bright gold banana hammock that left nothing to the imagination was a dark man, hands up and ready to fight. He was an extremely handsome man, with an elegantly twirled mustache and triangle goatee and short, moussed hair. His skin was practically bronze and well shaped, with moderate muscle definition, save for his legs that were seemingly shaped by the gods. “Alright, you ne'er-do-wells, you’ve chosen the wrong home to break into! Now you face the wrath of Dorian Black, the--” Before the man could finish his words, his chocolate gaze fell upon Chishan and Zifu, his stance slouching immediately. “Oh! Master Chishan! Your highness! I’m so sorry, I heard noise and conversation and thought that some ruffian had come to plunder. My apologies to you and your… well, your extremely attractive group of friends,” he remarked, glancing around the room quickly to ascertain everyone.

    “Calm down, everyone. This is Dorian Black, an agent of mine,” the Master spoke, quickly disarming everyone that was still rightfully on edge. “Dorian, what are you doing here? I thought you were still on that other joint mission with the Lusty Titans.”

    “Oh, yes, well, you see we were on mission and managed to finish it. And then she and I went to celebrate with a few drinks and one thing led to another and well… the master bedroom has the most comfortable bed in all of Earthland so…” the man said with an impish grin.

    “Garnet is one of my more stoic members, doesn’t give it up so easily. I have to give you credit for getting her into bed, though I can say I hardly blame her,” Ruzatz remarked.

    Dorian blinked. “One of your mem- oh dear me, you must be Ruzatz then. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to come across so crass,” the man said suddenly, laughing. “Are the rest of these people Lusty Titans as well?”

    "Hardly,” Vandrad said with a scoff, the very idea causing his stomach to flip. A member of a sex guild -- what a prepostourous idea.

    Wanda had worked out with Agatha the best means to fully assist with the rest of the injured. Between the two of them, they would be able to fully replenish any and all of the group’s injuries in a small amount of time. They decided to use the bedrooms to set up individual stations, so that people could have privacy while they were being tended to. Wanda brought Agatha back into the main room and explained as such. “Agent Black, if you wouldn’t mind clearing out of the master bedroom, we would like to provide that as a place of rest for Director Ragnos and Field Marshall Sinclair. Agatha will be tending to you two as you are already compatriots. I will set up in the far bedroom with Agent Ragnos and his son, as well as Mercury. We’ve divided up the rest of the rooms for the rest of you all to take up residence in temporarily and Agatha and I will visit you accordingly.”

    “Yes well, Garnet and I will evacuate the room posthaste and then I will go and whip up some food for you all. I’ve never seen a more famished group of individuals and it sounds like you all earned a hearty meal,” Dorian replied excitedly, quickly making his way up the stairs to retrieve his bedmate.

    Vandrad helped Gren get up the stairs along with Mercury, with Wanda trailing behind them. The far bedroom apparently was not the master but it certainly had the size and bed of one. There wasn’t much in terms of interior design save for some cabinets and dressers but the bed was quite rich in taste and as Gren laid down onto it, he let out a small sigh of relief. “Like layin’ on a cloud,” the former Knight remarked with a chuckle.

    “Would you like a replacement set of clothing, Mr. Ragnos? Yours are quite in shambles.” Indeed, Gren was barely dressed after his grievous battle with Faera. His entire top half was out in the open for the group to see and portions of his legs, thighs and hips could be seen through the holes in his pants. It provided each one of them a view of just how hearty his workouts were, his physique similar to Vandrad’s.

    “Maybe in a bit. I just wanna lay down for a bit,” the man remarked as he kicked off his boots and shuffled further onto the bed, getting himself comfortable.

    “Your vitals are reading much better than before. Agatha seems to have healed the greatest of your injuries and the remnant of her magic is cleaning up the rest. You should be back to full ability in a manner of minutes,” Doctor Wanda observed before turning to Vandrad. “Your injuries are not grievous either but are certainly present. Shall I administer some rejuvenation magic to help speed up the process?”

    Vandrad shrugged. "You’re the doctor,” he replied simply. "The doctor who can heal from getting her head cut off.”

    There was a tense moment as Wanda processed the statement before she stepped forward and placed a hand on the prince’s chest. Her finger pressed against his flesh and oddly enough, Vandrad felt a strange fluttering sensation rush out from the woman’s emotional core. He disregarded it for the moment, uninterested in what he presumed was just simply physical attraction. Wanda looked away for several moments as her magic went to work within his core, the two of them awkwardly standing there. "You alright?” he asked Mercury, turning his attention away from the odd doctor to his partner. She looked fine on the outside but he still wanted to know if she was feeling well.

    “She looks better than you, pal. Though that’s true just in general,” Gren remarked, shooting Mercury a wink as he made it clear he was teasing his son.

    Vandrad snorted and shook his head but a small smirk tugged on his mouth. "You’re one to talk, old man. It looks like that goddess put you through the ringer.”

    “Ah, this is nothin’. She got a lucky shot or two in. Nothin’ more than that,” the former Knight replied with a laugh. “Did you say that Mythal had cut Doctor Wanda’s head off?”

    Vandrad nodded. "Faera attempted to possess him and transformed him into something else. Wanda attempted to rescue you and Serilda from his psyche and he paid her concern with the currency of beheading.” The prince turned his gaze towards the doctor but his stare softened. "Whatever it is you are, doctor, doesn’t matter to me. I simply wish to thank you for attempting to rescue my father and Lady Sinclair. Your bravery is commendable. I’m… sorry that I referred to you as an idiot woman,” the prince awkwardly apologized for his earlier words. Even if she insisted on keeping her secrets to herself, she had made a bold attempt to rescue Gren and Serilda. It was worthy of note as far as he was concerned.

    Wanda nodded softly. “I felt it was my duty to protect them, as I was the one that had put them in danger. I didn’t wish anyone to suffer for my mistake.” Her voice was soft and troubled, concern rife in her tone. She had truly felt a responsibility for rescuing the two that she had placed inside Mythal’s psyche and it showed in her mannerisms. Vandrad noticed it and nodded softly, understanding. If it had been Mercury inside and him in Wanda’s shoes, he knew he would have felt the same way.

    Words: 2956/4059 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 1st November 2020, 3:41 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda was aware when Ruzatz came to her side and of the feeling of some kind of garment being placed over her. It comforted her, but only to an extent. After all, there was only so much that a piece of cloth could do to deter the kind of violation she had suffered. The Demon Lord draped the coat over her before setting a hand on her shoulder, and somehow Serilda found the strength to reach up with one of her own and put it on top of his, gripping the limb tightly in a need for some kind of grounding. She could hear Zifu demanding to know who Victoria was. Normally, this would have been a cause for concern for the Voidwalker, and not just because it was really her duty to answer the question. It was also a concern because Victoria was far less interested in cordiality, and Serilda understood how likely it was that the Seal was going to probably make it a point to get under the other woman’s skin in some fashion. However, the Voidwalker was too caught up in dealing with her own turmoil at the moment to speak up, and she didn’t really care to try. She would simply have to trust Victoria to handle herself one way or another.

    The Seal’s identity was confirmed, but Serilda barely registered most of the conversation. She merely clung to the coat around her, still sobbing and shaking quietly, her hand tight around Ruzatz’s as she finally let go of her strength and poise and allowed herself a moment to feel and release all the tension and anguish inside of her. Her Voidsense was completely shut off for the moment. Because of that, she didn’t register Mythal stirring until he found her other hand, speaking her name. She broke out into a fresh state of sobs despite the relief that flushed through her. Or perhaps because of that relief. A lot had happened in a short amount of time, and while she hadn’t actively processed it, Serilda wasn’t sure if Mythal would remember her after everything Faera had done to her memories. Clearly, he did. And he was alive, and well enough at least to roll over and put an arm around her, drawing her close to him. Serilda tucked herself up against him, breathing in his scent through her stuffed nose and letting the warmth and security of his body soothe and reassure her.

    It was only a few moments after that when they were transported to safety, with Serilda continuing to be generally unaware of their surroundings for the time being. She took vague note of the fact that Wanda and Agatha were going to take charge in seeing to everyone medically. Everything after that was a blur. Vandrad came over to speak to Gren, and at some point a new voice spoke up to boldly confront them only to realize they weren’t invaders. Serilda never even lifted her head during any of this, too tired to care about anything other than laying there and holding Mythal. In fact, by the time things with Dorian had been sorted out, Serilda’s weeping had subsided and she had fallen asleep entirely. She was completely unconscious through Wanda’s return and the instructions to have the master bedroom cleared for Mythal and herself, which she likely would have politely declined, insisting that a regular room would have been fine. But, she was too far asleep to protest.

    Having already been instructed by Wanda on how the doctor wished to proceed, Agatha had already placed a quick enchantment on the pallet that Serilda and Mythal were using, allowing it to rise up and hover gently in the air before her. This made it simple for her to take them both upstairs with ease, following the path that Dorian had taken to where he’d apparently been spending some quality time with Garnet of all people. Once, they were in the room and alone, Agatha shut the door behind them and came to stand by the couple’s side. She placed a gentle hand on Mythal’s arm. “I’m sorry, but I have to check you. You took a heavy beating… though now that I think about it, I’m not entirely sure you are aware of that.” Agatha frowned a little, searching the Director’s gaze for some confirmation of if he recalled what had happened to his body or not.

    Presuming he confirmed her suspicions, she would nod sadly. “Then I’ll fill you both in while I work.” It was probably not going to be an easy story for either Rune Knight to hear, and while Agatha was sure they would be filled in eventually, she knew how private her friends were. They would prefer to be given some time to deal with the story in solitude, rather than having it put on them later in front of everyone else. Reaching over, she carefully shook Serilda awake and coaxed her into sitting up. Serilda managed to do so, if a bit wearily, and only at the promising suggestion of changing clothes and transferring into a larger, more comfortable bed.

    As the Voidwalker set about replacing her vestments with the outfit she’d been wearing at the start of the evening, Agatha set her hands upon Mythal’s chest and began to pour her white energy into his body, the magic searching out his wounds and aiming to fix them. “We’re not entirely sure what happened or how,” she explained softly to the couple as she worked. “We had barely begun the ritual to insert the lacrima when you were suddenly standing up. All we knew was that something was wrong. You didn’t look like yourself. We initially assumed that Faera had already won, and Wanda tried to get Gren and Serilda out to keep them from being trapped but…” She looked Mythal sadly in the eyes. “Clearly she is still alive, but I don’t know how. You cut her head clean off with a sword.”

    “Eventually, we realized that Faera had managed to gain possession of your body somehow, though not permanently. Through you, she tried to kill Serilda and Gren while they were submerged in your psyche. Vandrad intervened, as did Mercury and Chishan. The three of them fought you all at once. Or rather, fought Faera. She was clearly toying with them through most of it. That, or she didn’t have enough control to truly unleash her power.”

    By now, Serilda had finished changing and wearily sat herself at the edge of the bed, forcing herself to stay awake and listen as she watched Agatha tend to Mythal. The Voidwalker reached up and took his hand, holding it in her own, but not looking very surprised. “She mentioned to Gren and I that she was doing something along those lines,” the Voidwalker admitted. “I know it was meant to try and throw us off balance, and it was terrifying to hear but… we elected to stay focused. There wasn’t anything we could do but deal with our side of things.”

    Agatha nodded. “Of course. That was the right thing to do. You two had your task, and the rest of us had ours. I won’t say it wasn’t harrowing. For a while, the only one who seemed to be able to do any real damage to her was Mercury. And then Vandrad…” Her voice trailed off for a moment before she shook her head. “Truth be told, I don’t wholly know how to describe everything that happened. I only caught bits and pieces here and there and was far too focused on the lacrima to take in every detail. Even if I had, I don’t think it’s my information to give. You’ll have to get the rest from those directly involved. Needless to say, it was a miracle we all survived, even before Faera’s last ditch attempt at taking all of us out before the lacrima finally took hold.”

    The Hand sighed gently. “Anyway… I just thought both of you should know more or less what happened and given the chance to come to terms with it before it inevitably comes up in front of everyone else. We’ve all had enough surprises tonight, I think.” She pulled her hands back from Mythal, her power gently cutting itself off as she smiled down at the man. “That should be enough. You sustained a lot of damage, and are probably going to be sore for a while, but you’ll heal soon enough. And you won’t have to worry about Faera pulling another attack like this. I searched for any traces of her magic, and I can’t find anything. At least as far as your body is concerned, you are truly free of her.” Setting a hand on his shoulder, she looked him in the eyes and added, “And for what it’s worth… everyone involved knows that it was Faera attacking everyone, not you. While they may have questions later, do not worry about whether or not they blame you. We don’t.”

    Giving him a reassuring squeeze, she would help Mythal sit up and make his way over to the bed. While he would surely be tired, probably moreso after the healing, he would at least have a little more energy after absorbing so much of Agatha’s. Once he was situated, Agatha moved over to Serilda and sat beside her, taking both of the woman’s hands in her own and giving the Voidwalker the same healing treatment, though it was obvious that Serilda hadn’t sustained too much physical damage. Serilda could see the concerned and understanding look in Agatha’s eyes, but to the gypsy’s credit she didn’t ask about what had happened to her.

    Instead, she brought up a completely different subject. “Mercury,” Agatha said, giving both of them a curious look. “We got the chance to get to know her a little back at the other base. She’s friendly, but very guarded. Ruzatz and Monica and I were talking a bit after she left us… She’s not human, is she? I’m only asking because she never brought it up herself and was rather adept at dodging questions about herself. I just… want to make sure we don’t accidentally offend her or say something we shouldn’t.”

    Serilda looked to Mythal briefly, sharing a glance with him before looking back to the redhead. “No, she’s not… but she’s never told us that herself. I only figured it out because of my Voidsense. We think Vandrad knows, but I can’t really confirm that. She doesn’t talk about herself much, and we get the feeling that she has a lot of secrets. I don’t think she would react well to it being brought up, so… yes, whatever you guys observe of her, I wouldn’t ask her about it unless she starts the conversation herself.”

    Agatha nodded. “Then we’ll make sure to keep our knowledge to ourselves. Thank you.” She finished working with Serilda much faster than with Mythal. Standing to her feet. “Get some rest, both of you. Either myself or Wanda will come check on you in a few hours.” Giving Serilda a brief hug, she made her way out of the room with the pallet trailing behind her and shut the couple inside.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 1st November 2020, 5:03 pm

    Waking up was, perhaps, the strangest sensation Mythal had ever experienced. He’d been conscious enough to watch as the embodiments of Gren, Victoria and Serilda were unceremoniously ripped from his form and left him in the dark by himself, though it was a comfortable darkness now rather than an imposing one. He sighed softly as he pulled back on the magic within him, the strange force that he didn’t quite understand but somehow utilized. Though he doubted that would have happened were it not for the timely intervention of Lux.

    “Mythal,” an all-too-familiar voice echoed in his mind after a moment, the Darkness Slayer sighing softly. He turned to face the dark version of himself, the long-haired creature that he’d come to realize resided within him.

    “She’s gone,” the Director said, matter-of-factually.

    The dark image nodded. “Any connection we had to her is gone. Though she took an ample opportunity to try and punish everyone for her loss. At the confused look on Mythal’s face, the shadow’s own features grew grim. “She used her connection to get access to me… activate me. Soon enough she was in the driver’s seat and I was left in the back, out of control. She tried to hurt your friends.”

    Mythal closed his eyes and shook his head softly. “I shoulda known she woulda pulled somethin’ like that. Are any… did you…?”

    “As cruel as it is to say, I didn’t hurt anyone important. She managed to kill the doctor woman but that’s it. The rest of your allies survived… but not without some strange help along the way. That Mercury woman has weird magic; it was actually damaging us, damaging Faera. And your brother… somethin’ is seriously wrong with him. He reeked of evil.” Dark Mythal spoke candidly, keeping his mirror image’s gaze upon him.

    “Evil…” the Director remarked softly, plunging his hands into his pockets. “Looks like there’s more than meets the eye wit’ those two.”

    “I imagine they’ll think the same thing about you,” the dark version replied quickly before glancing off into the distance. “They managed to stop Faera, both in here and out there. You gotta wake up and get to Seri. I can feel her pain from here. And… say sorry to everyone for me. Were I in control, I wouldn’t’a attacked any of them. No reason to.”

    “Yeah but the problem is you still got an anger problem,” Mythal retorted before letting out a small sigh. “Guess we both do. Now, more than ever, I can’t have you tryin’ to take over. Not with what Faera did and not with this new lacrima magic we got. Yer too dangerous.”

    Dark Mythal shrugged. “Better dangerous than helpless.”

    Mythal woke at that exact moment and experienced several different sensations at once. There was the cold familiar feeling of the darkness all around him, connected to him on a deeper level than he could explain. But there was also another feeling from a lighter source and it only took him a moment to realize he was sensing the moon’s light. But perhaps the most off-putting feeling was the throbbing that was coming from all around him. Rhythmic pounding from every direction and as his eyes started to open, he focused on the one closest to him. There was Serilda, openly weeping and breaking down in front of him. He spoke her name and pulled her close to him, despite the thumping echoing louder in his head. It wasn’t until he had her in his arms that he could feel her heart, pounding against her chest, at the same rate as the sound in his head. He was sensing her heartbeat, as if it was within his own cavity. Not only that but he could feel her blood as it fueled through her veins, cycling through the natural streams of her body. It wasn’t just her… it was everyone. Darkness, moonlight and blood… were those the elements in which he had gained control over? They had mentioned that there were other aspects of the lacrima…

    He could barely follow the conversation occurring around him, as he struggled to drown out the heartbeats from everyone around him. He held Serilda close and did his best to concentrate, simply listening to her heart as it beat within her chest. Then the sensation of the moon felt father away and he opened his eyes to find himself within a home of some kind. More shocking was the fact that Wanda was standing there, unharmed, going against what his dark version had said. Somehow she had survived then. He felt Serilda’s heart slow and her breathing settle and within moments she had cried herself into sleep, nuzzling against his chest as she relaxed. Her heart formed a rhythm he could follow easily and focusing on that drowned out the others. He missed the sudden intrusion of yet another person as well as Wanda returning from wherever she had gone to lay out the plan. It was only when Agatha had enchanted the pallet they were on and started to move them that he opened his eye to look up at her. Blearily he managed to open both eyes, now having found a grounding place in Serilda’s heartbeat to be able to concentrate outwards.

    “I’ll hang out here, give you guys some privacy,” Ruzatz whispered to Agatha, giving her a soft kiss before stepping away from the door and going to stand by the balcony. Once they were in the room, Agatha placed a hand on his arm and he managed to rouse himself up into a sitting position, gently sliding out from Serilda to continue to let her rest. She apologized in advance, explaining that she needed to check him out as he had suffered quite the beating. Then she realized that he probably wasn’t quite aware of that. He nodded. “I am but I’d still like to hear it from your perspective,” he said softly, his voice worn and tired. He watched as Agatha gently woke Serilda, offering the opportunity to change clothes and get on a far more comfortable bed.

    Mythal glanced over at the Voidwalker as she started to change. He only looked back when Agatha’s hands pressed against his chest and began to funnel healing magic into him. His aches and sores, now rising to the forefront of his consciousness, took hold of the replenishing energy and began to spread it all around. As she healed him, Agatha explained what had happened, detailing how Mythal had suddenly gotten up and Wanda had rushed to save Serilda and Gren before having her head cut off by him. They were able to deduce that Faera had gained control of Mythal’s body and attempted to use him to kill Serilda and Gren while they were within his psyche. It was only at the intervention of Vandrad, Mercury and Chishan that they were able to stop her, though it seemed she wasn’t utilizing her full ability to actually kill them. “That or splitting her focuses both inward and outward reduced her power to a point…” Mythal guesstimated himself. Fighting battles on two fronts was hard in the physical world, he couldn’t imagine it was any easier within a mental plane and a physical one at the same time.

    She’d apparently used Mythal’s dark side as a point of mocking towards Gren and Serilda, having told them exactly what she was doing. But it hadn’t shaken them and they had stayed resolved to stop her no matter what. Agatha agreed with the venture, as they had all received their tasks and were meant to see them through. The battle against Dark Mythal had been treacherous and it seemed that Mercury was the only one that had any kind of edge, until Vandrad became something else. He helped turn the tide it seemed, enough so that Faera had attempted to take them all out in one final show of power. It had failed, obviously, but the finer details had been missed by Agatha, as she had been focused on the lacrima. She simply wanted them to know the other beats now, so that they could deal with them in private before it, inevitably, was going to be brought up by and in front of everyone else. She managed to finish healing him, explaining that he would be sore but his grievous injuries were gone. She even confirmed for him that any trace of Faera’s stolen magic was gone, marking him free of her. She then rested a hand on his shoulder, and assured him that everyone knew it hadn’t been him that had been attacking them all. There was no blame towards him. “Yeah, I know. I uh… had a chat with that version of Mythal before I came to. He’s… a complicated story but Faera did take control of him. He’s sorry for what happened, if that means anythin’.”

    After that, Agatha helped him over to the bed and he flopped down heavily, sighing as he melted into the mattress. Then she went over to Serilda and started healing whatever minor injuries she had. Deciding to focus on something else rather than whatever pain had overtaken Serilda, Agatha brought up Mercury. She liked the Silver Wolf mage well enough but she had already picked up on the fact that she was no human. Mercury’s attempts to dodge questions had only served to bring more attention to her and Agatha wanted to make sure they didn’t stumble onto a topic that she shouldn’t. It was a good thing that she brought it up, as Serilda confirmed that they knew that the Silver Wolf mage certainly wasn’t human but she’d never said as much. They had assumed it was some kind of secret that maybe Vandrad was in on but they weren’t even sure there. It was best to just leave the topic alone and Agatha understood. She then finished healing the Voidwalker and asked that they get some rest. “Thanks Agatha,” Mythal said to her before she departed.

    Sighing softly, he reached out for Serilda and pulled her to him, getting her underneath the covers along with him. Then he pulled her close to him, his arms wrapped tight about her body, as he just lay and held her. “You alright?” he asked softly, knowing the answer already but simply wanting to assure her that he was there to talk.

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 2nd November 2020, 1:05 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It was only the fact that she was surrounded by so many people she didn’t really know that kept her from falling asleep where she sat on the floor. That, and she wasn’t about to pass out before knowing that Vandrad had been seen to. He had arguably taken the biggest beating out of all who had fought Mythal. Mercury was right behind him in that regard, but unlike Vandrad her body would heal itself pretty quickly of its own accord. So, while she certainly took a moment to sit and rest, she was still quite alert and paying attention to everything going on around her. The prince wandered off to talk to his dad, who was quite jovial despite the damage he’d sustained. But through his banter, neither of them missed the reality he’d admitted: That they’d failed to kill Faera, if barely.

    A pit formed in Mercury’s stomach. The battle had been awful enough and they hadn’t even fought the fully realized version of the goddess. Not only that, but if Faera survived she would surely be looking into the rest of those who opposed her, and Mercury could only deduce that she and Vandrad would be toward the top of that list. The Xocili had only just come to understand the horrifying truth of what gods really were mere hours ago, and now she had already painted herself as a target. Once this was over, she was going to have to talk to Jadus to see what he suggested or if there was anything he could do to help her.

    Mercury was one of the few to respond a bit more viscerally when the newcomer arrived. She hadn’t been paying attention to the rest of the building after they’d arrived, stupidly letting her guard down and assuming they were safe merely because they had been brought here by the Order, who had acted as allies thus far. But she did sense him rushing down the hallway and was immediately back up on her feet, Mercy in hand and aimed steadily at the man the second he landed in view. And what a view it was. Either she was a bit more slow than she typically was due to how tired she was, or she was caught entirely off guard by his attire. Probably both. She didn’t pull the trigger, but rather stood there in bewilderment as he single handedly taunted the entire group, clad only in a thin golden strap that was barely enough to cover his genitals. He also continued the concerning trend of highly attractive people bursting into her life.

    “What is actually happening?” she asked herself as she stared at him, her voice low but not so low that anyone with good hearing wouldn’t pick up on it. And it was clear by the way she looked at him that her comment had nothing to do with his dramatic entrance nor his outfit, but rather how handsome he was. He started off quite strong but cut himself off the moment his eyes found Chishan and Zifu. Then, he relaxed and apologized rather profusely for mistaking the group for vagabonds. Mercury had already lowered Mercy by the time Chishan asked everyone to calmed down, introducing Dorian as another agent of the Order. One that was apparently supposed to be on a joint mission with another Lusty Titan member.

    Apparently, he had been. He and a woman that Ruzatz called Garnet had apparently already finished and had retreated to this bunker to rest.. In a manner of speaking. The Guildmaster was impressed since Garnet was apparently one of his more conservative members. That was how Dorian realized who he was in the presence of and he quickly apologized again for apparently speaking so boldly of the woman, though this time he did so with a bit more mirth. He asked if everyone else were members of the Titans as well. Vandrad immediately scorned the notion, clearly disgusted by the idea of being part of a sex guild. Mercury, on the other hand, was only a beat behind the prince with her own answer. “Not yet,” she told him, still not having stopped looking him over. Her trademark cheshire grin was back on her face and it was clear to everyone around that, unlike her companion, she was far more interested in what Lusty Titans had to offer.

    It was only a beat later that Wanda and Agatha returned with a plan of action on the medical front. Dorian was asked to vacate the master bedroom so Serilda and Mythal could occupy it during their recovery. Since Agatha knew them better than Wanda did, the guildmaster’s first wife would see to them. She then stated that another bedroom would be set aside for Gren, Vandrad, and Mercury, where Wanda would provide them medical attention. Everyone else could fill up the remaining rooms as they saw fit and the two healers would see them once the more injured individuals had been attended to. Dorian set out at once to do as he’d been asked, adding that he would get to preparing some food for everyone once he was done. Mercury tilted her head as she watched him go, taking in his shapely ass before shooting Monica an impish look.

    Back Mercy went into its holster, and soon she was set up at least temporarily in a room with the two Ragnos men and the doctor. Allowing Gren to have full use of the bed so as not to be in the way, Mercury wandered over to a low standing dresser and took a seat on top of it, leaning back against the wall lazily and trying to get as comfortable as possible. From there, she watched the other three interact with one another without interruption. Despite his wounds, Gren was as much of a sight to behold as she and Monica had expected. He was quite chiseled, perhaps more so even than Vandrad, and his ripped up clothing left very little to the imagination. Wanda offered him a new set of clothing but he declined for the moment, preferring the chance to rest over maintaining his modesty. Well, Mercury certainly wasn’t going to complain about that.

    It seemed Gren’s state was quite well after the healing he’d received from Agatha, though Mercury had deduced as much on her own. The doctor turned to Vandrad to offer him some assistance with speeding up his own recovery process, to which Vandrad merely shrugged and left it up to her own medical expertise as to what would be appropriate. Of course, he took the moment to remark upon Wanda’s own recovery. It was an awkward moment that Mercury watched with even curiosity, but once more Wanda elected not to offer any information. This was no surprise. There was a way to get information out of people, and passive aggressively commenting on it wasn’t going to work. At least, not with someone as guarded as Wanda. That would take a bit more coercion and gentle encouragement, Mercury imagined. And while the Xocili planned on trying to coax Wanda into giving up her secret, it would do no good to ask her now that Vandrad had set her on edge about the subject again so Mercury would have to wait.

    It was quite amusing to observe the prince and the doctor dance around having to acknowledge the physical touch between them as Wanda set to healing Vandrad. To avoid the awkwardness, the younger Ragnos man turned to Mercury and asked if she was okay. Gren spoke up before Mercury could with a flirty comment about how she looked better than Vandrad, giving her a playful wink. The Silver Wolf Ace grinned wide, clearly more than a little pleased. “Now, I wouldn’t quite go that far,” she countered. “He’s practically a carbon copy of you, and in case you haven’t looked in a mirror lately that’s nothing to scoff at. But yeah, don’t worry about me, killer.” Mercury turned her attention back to Vandrad with her cocky smirk, the confidence on her face a perfect mask to cover the amount of physical pain he would know she was actually feeling. “As much as I would love to take my turn at having the sexy doctor put her hands all over my chest, the only thing I need is a hot shower and a bed. Or even a couch. Stars, I’d take a spot on the floor at this point. I’m fuckin’ tired.”

    Vandrad would probably see through her smooth and confident lie -- he seemed to have a knack for doing so. However, he also knew that she had her own means of recovery, and she was not willing to let anyone treat her lest they learn things about her she didn’t wish to share. With any luck it would be enough to fool the doctor and Gren. Or at the very least, they wouldn’t try to force the issue. Vandrad used the opportunity to pester his old man a bit, more than used to his family members flirting with Mercury at this point. The banter ultimately fell back upon Wanda, whose death and resurrection were once again brought up. At this point, Mercury didn’t think she was going to get the chance to get an answer properly out of the woman. But, surprisingly, the gruff prince turned a more sincere look toward the quiet doctor and assured her that he didn’t care what she was, only that she had been there to at least try to rescue his father and his future sister-in-law. She had been brave in a terrifying situation, and he even took the time to apologize for having clearly misjudged her.

    Mercury looked visibly surprised, being the only one in the room that would know how hard apologies from Vandrad were to come by. At this point, the Xocili had figured she was the only person in his life to really ever be at the receiving end of similar words. The Silver Wolf Mage watched in careful observation and study briefly over the awkward growth on Vandrad’s end before Wanda quietly spoke up to admit that she felt Gren’s and Serilda’s lives had been her responsibility due to having been the reason they were defenseless in the first place. She hadn’t wanted anyone to be hurt or killed because of what she perceived to be her own mistake.

    “A noble gesture, one that I think everyone here appreciates,” Mercury said, her tone matter of fact but not unkind. “However, no offense, your mindset on it is wrong. If they had died, that wouldn’t have been on you. Seri and big daddy here both knew what they were getting into and the risk they were taking. From the things they said, it sounds like they knew what was ahead of them more than the rest of us did. You didn’t do anything that they didn’t agree to or ask for, and clearly none of us had any clue that Faera would come at us through Mythal the way she did. I think we all get where you’re coming from and would probably feel similar in your shoes, but if something had happened to them the accountability for it wouldn’t have been on you. So don’t beat yourself up over what could have happened. All you can do is what the rest of us are: Taking what you can learn from all this to be more prepared in the future, and being grateful that we all beat the odds and lived to fight another day.”

    It was a plain and sober view point, one that was more.... Realistic than necessarily optimistic, but no less poignant or meaningful. It had been an awful night for everyone, but considering what they’d been up against it could have been -- and almost was -- much, much worse. Mercury had been at war her entire life, and it showed in the pragmatic, almost emotionless way that she broached her opinion on the subject. But, her words weren’t without care, and there was wisdom and experience in what she had to say, despite the fact that she was by far the youngest of the entire group.

    Shortly after that, there was a small but firm knock on the door. Given that she was the only one not bed ridden or currently in the process of being healed, Mercury hopped down from the dresser and went to answer, expecting to find Agatha. Instead, when she opened the door it was Victoria standing there. Her hands rested casually at the small of her back, much in the same manner that Serilda often carried herself, and she gave Mercury a curious and considering glance that was difficult to read. Mercury raised a brow. “What’s up? Everything alright with Seri?” The only reason the Silver Wolf mage could think that this woman would be here was to relay information regarding her host or Mythal.

    Apparently, that wasn’t the case. “She is as good as can be expected. Serilda suffered more from emotional strife than physical, but I will leave it to her to decide what she deems appropriate to share with everyone else. I am giving her privacy with Mythal for the time being. Seeing as how my brother has elected to stay out of sight for the time being, I figured I’d come see how Gren is progressing. I’m sure he wishes to rest after the doctor is done, so I’ll only be a moment.” Victoria certainly seemed to hold herself with a great deal of confidence and dignity. She was clearly the type of individual that was used to having her way and going where she pleased, but it was worth noting that, at least for the moment, she wasn’t trying to be commanding or expecting to be catered to. Mercury turned back to glance at Gren and, presuming he said it was fine, she would shrug and move out of the doorway to let Victoria in and return to her perch on the dresser.

    Victoria shut the door behind her and took careful stock of the room, openly studying each individual where they stood or sat, before slowly working her way over to stand beside the bed where Gren laid. The nephilim peered down at him, her expression as even as it had been since she’d shown herself, though there was a pensiveness to her gaze. Finally, she cracked a tiny smirk. “I’ll admit, for a while there I thought you weren’t actually going to need my help after all. You defended yourself against Faera quite intelligently, mortal. I’m impressed.”

    She crossed her arms casually over her chest and her smirk widened a hair. It wasn’t often that mortals caught her attention, but clearly Gren had made a good impression on her. “You seem to be well on your way to recovery. I do hope my surprise appearance didn’t throw you too off your game back there.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 2nd November 2020, 8:04 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad could claim that, when he wanted to, he could use a sort of charm to coerce information out of people. It was rare and he much preferred the quicker method of torturing someone but certain situations required a softer, kinder touch. This was not one of those times as far as he was concerned but neither was it an instance to torture the good doctor and bully her secret out. He was making his observations passive-aggressively but that wasn’t out of the norm for him -- he’d witnessed something and now the truth of that sight was being held from him. But if Wanda didn’t want to share, that was fine by him. If she had the means to survive having her head lopped off, all the power to her -- he just felt pity that a woman that was meant to heal people had been gifted that ability. It would be far better suited for a warrior but life rarely worked out as he viewed it should.

    Still, he did his best to ignore the woman’s hands on his bare chest nor the slight tremor in her emotional scale, choosing instead to focus on Mercury and see how she was faring. His father took the opportunity to remark at her appearance against the two of theirs and she quite openly delighted at his playful comments. For a man that seemed rather stoic, he did seem to have a charming side to him that was severely lacking in the younger image. Mercury remarked over the fact that the two of them looked pretty much the same, save the aging, and Gren was a good looking man himself. But she assured the prince that she was fine, shooting him a look that she had practiced so well it was almost masterful. Unfortunately for her, at this point, Vandrad knew when she was putting up a bold front. No doubt she had suffered far more than she looked or let on, having managed to suffer injuries to her internal components. Unlike the rest of them, though, she was capable of healing at a higher rate thanks to her alien biology. He had no reason to call her out on the lie, as doing so would open up a can of worms not worth popping the top on. Instead he just gave her a soft nod, showing he understood far more than anyone else in the room did.

    Mercury then commented on how she would have enjoyed a sexy doctor feeling her up but much preferred the idea of showering and getting into a bed or some kind of flat surface to rest her head. It had been an emotional day after all. “Well I believe there’s a bathroom through that door there,” Gren said, pointing at a door on the other end of the room. “And there’s plenty o’ room on the bed here if ya want to rest your eyes for a bit.” And while most people would have took it as an insinuation, it was an earnest offer from the former Knight, giving the Silver Wolf mage a warm and genuine smile.

    "Don’t bait her, old man. You might get more than you’re expecting,” the prince remarked with a snort.

    “Come now, Vandrad, I’m just tryin’ to be accommodatin’, no harm in that,” Gren replied, giving a small shrug against the covers of the mattress.

    "Oh I’m sure she’d be happy to ‘accomodate’ you,” Vandrad said as he shot a glance at Mercury and managed a small, teasing smirk.

    “If you don’t mind me asking, who is the ‘sexy doctor’ she is referring to? Is she talking about Agatha? I do not believe she is a doctor,” Wanda spoke up, having stood there with a confused look for the better part of a minute as the other three spoke. Now with a small lull, she put forth her question to the statement that had befuddled her.

    Honestly, her confusion took Vandrad by surprise. "What? No, she is… talking about you.”

    Realization snapped into Wanda’s mind. “Oh! So I’m… sexy?”

    Whether she was asking the entirety of the room or directing the question directly at Vandrad didn’t seem to matter to the prince. A slight shade of pink rushed to his cheeks as he forced a frown out. "What an outrageous… Yes, as far as Mercury is concerned you are a ‘sexy doctor’ or whatever. She believes you are decently attractive and that… well that’s the end of that conversation, woman. Just get back to healing.” Vandrad quickly shut down the conversation and forced whatever attempt at a blush managed to get to his cheeks. Sure, Wanda was a good looking woman but there was no need to discuss such matters.

    Instead, he decided to pivot and properly give the woman gratitude for her actions before the fight. Against odds that were seemingly stacked against them, she had flung herself at the danger to try and save Serilda and Gren, willing to sacrifice herself for others. And they all thought she had paid the ultimate price for her actions and Vandrad had spoken… well, ill of her as she raced towards the pair. He wanted to clear the air and apologize for his words and commend her actions, as they were worthy of note and accolade. Many trained soldiers would be hard pressed to make such a sacrifice, the fear of death gripping their hearts and freezing them to their spots. Wanda nodded to him and then spoke of her duty, believing it was her responsibility to risk her life as she was the one that had put Serilda and Gren inside of Mythal’s psyche. It was a notion that Vandrad understood, though perhaps didn’t quite agree with. Luckily Mercury was there to speak up, stating that the gesture was noble and just but her way of thinking about it was wrong. Everyone knew that the mission was a risky one and there were bound to be problems and complications to overcome at every turn. There was no way any of them could have predicted Faera’s actions and if the worst had come to pass, she wasn’t to blame as they had agreed to take part. Instead, Mercury said, the best method was to look at what had gone wrong and learn from it, so that she would be better prepared for it in the future. They all needed to just be grateful that, somehow, everyone had come out of the event as unscathed as they had.

    Wanda listened to Mercury intently, her head cocked slightly as she watched the Silver Wolf mage. After a moment of consideration, she nodded softly. “Understood -- thank you, Mercury Arseneault. Your words mean a lot. I will do my best to learn from today’s events so that I might not… lose my head over such matters in the future.”

    It was Gren who reacted first, letting out a snort of laughter. “Why, Doctor Wanda, did you just make a joke?”

    The doctor looked over to the former Knight and nodded. “Indeed. I felt it appropriate to lighten the mood. Humor at one’s own peril is often quite uplifting, correct?”

    Gren chuckled. “It certainly is… somethin’,” he said, reaching up to scratch at his beard. “Also ‘Big Daddy’ huh? Never had such a delightful nickname before.”

    Vandrad sighed. "Yes, it seems the men in our family have earned the moniker of ‘daddy’ for some reason. Her own vulgar sense of humor,” the prince explained gruffly.

    “Well Mercury, yer more than welcome to keep callin’ me that if ya like. I ain’t one to rain on anyone’s parade,” he said, giving the Silver Wolf mage a slightly impish grin.

    "Please do not encourage her, father. The Duchess and the rest of my family are bad enough at stimulating her flamboyant nature.”

    “Stimulate huh…? Poor choice of words, my boy.” Gren’s grin only widened, now more amused at Vandrad’s use of vernacular. As the prince sighed, the former Knight burst into a chuckling fit, fairly amused at himself catching the younger man off guard.

    A few moments passed before there was a demanding knock on the door. Mercury hopped off the dresser and went over to the door, opening it up with a certain kind of expectation. But none of them were prepared for Victoria to be there, standing with the same tactful poise that came from royal upbringing. Mercury asked if the intrusion had something to do with Serilda, as what other reason would the Seal have for coming to visit. But Victoria explained that the Field Marshal went through a harrowing, emotional episode and felt it responsible to allow her time alone with Mythal. Instead, she wanted to come and check on Gren to see how he was faring, not wishing to spend much time but curious nonetheless. As Mercury stole a glance to ensure it was fine, the former Knight nodded. “It’s fine, Mercury. She’s a former roommate,” he remarked with a small chuckle as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

    It was safe to say that all eyes of the room were on her, as her sudden appearance was still something that hadn’t been discussed or considered beyond clarification of what she was. Vandrad watched as the nephilim took stock of the room, curious to the differences between her and her brother, Lux. Wanda mostly stood where she had been but took a small step towards Vandrad, to give the Seal more room to move past and to Gren. At the same time, the prince felt another flurry of emotion rumble up out of the doctor before dissipating just as quickly. A thread of fear had coursed itself through Wanda’s body before hiding itself once more, a concerning feeling that caused Vandrad to glance at her briefly. He only looked up when Victoria spoke again, having made her way over to the bed to stand above Gren. She commended the former Knight on his strategy, even going as far as to state that she almost assumed he wouldn’t need the Seal’s intervention. Gren smirked back. “Well I’ve had plenty a’ years to study up methods to fight her. Unfortunately time don’t wait for any man -- if I were ten years younger, I may have stood a better chance but what can ya do?” He opened and closed a single hand thoughtlessly as he spoke about the curse of aging, something he doubted the Seal truly understood.

    But Victoria continued, remarking on his healing and then on her sudden appearance both inside Mythal’s psyche and in his head. “I’ll admit it took me by surprise at first. I thought Faera was spoutin’ out bullshit to try and mess with us, right up until you started talkin’ in my head. But if it weren’t for you, me an’ Mythal pro’lly wouldn’t ‘a made it. So thanks, Victoria -- I don’t know how the rest of the Order is gonna treat ya but you earned my respect and thensome. Seri is lucky to have ya.” Gren had a good idea of how the Order was going to respond to Victoria having been kept a secret but that was their issue. They hadn’t fought beside her, worked with her against a goddess and somehow survived. As far as Gren was concerned, she had proven herself as earnest and reliable, even if her literal nature was meant to conclude in his destruction.

    “Your magical power is healing you extraordinarily quick. I believe I’ve done all I can,” Doctor Wanda said as she pulled her hands off of Vandrad. “The rate in which you absorb ethernano is astonishing. Without direct healing, you would have been back up to one hundred percent in an hour by my calculations. Is your magical pool replenished as well?”

    Vandrad nodded softly. And then, as if to show off his point, he quickly activated his Empowerment, his hair flashing to a bright gold and his eyes becoming as teal as sea water. Wanda studied the sight for the moment it was active before the prince shut it down. "It doesn’t take me very long to refill my magical power. Though it has been quite some time since I’ve used it up almost completely.”

    “Your control and use is fascinating. I’ve heard that those with the Energy Monarch magic can utilize every element within the spectrum of ethernano. They can mold it in any fashion they desire. Do you mind if I ask why you choose to use it as an alteration of your physical attributes?” Wanda asked curiously.

    Vandrad blinked. It was the first time in a long time that someone had asked about the finer details of his magic. Usually he would simply brush off the comment with a mild answer and move right along. But perhaps because his father was there and he was feeling celebratory after a hard-fought victory, he decided to expand upon his inspiration. "There was a book from my childhood that my uncle used to read me. It told of strong warriors that absorbed energy into their bodies and used it to make themselves stronger. Their hair would change color and length depending on how many victories they had won and how strong they had gotten. It was a unique way of exhibiting one’s power, one that… resonated with me. My mother believes I subconsciously chose that as my path for my magic, thus the changing of my eyes and hair. It’s also why I choose to use raw magical energy rather than certain elements when I attack.”

    Wanda nodded and, for the first time, showed a small smile. “Thank you, Vandrad Ragnos. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me. I’ve come to understand that opening up about your life isn’t something you are keen on so I am thankful you provided me with an elaborate explanation.” Then after a moment of consideration. “I should check on the others. You should all take some time to rest and gather your energies again. Gren pointed out where the bathroom is and it does have a shower. Other than that, the bed is there to provide comfort.”

    Vandrad nodded. "Thank you, doctor.”

    “Much appreciated, Wanda.” Gren spoke up right after.

    The doctor nodded and began to move around Vandrad. "One other thing. That other agent, Dorian was it? You might want to go and encourage him to actually put forth some effort in making food rather than getting distracted.”

    Wanda cocked her head. “How do you mean?”

    Vandrad sighed, not wanting to explain in any greater detail but understanding clarity was needed. "I can sense him and the other woman, Monica, down in the kitchen. Let’s just say that she is giving him an oral reason to lose focus on his task.”

    The doctor, quite clearly, didn’t understand what he meant. But she nodded to him. “I shall ask Master Chishan or Queen Zifu to attend to him. Thank you.”

    Vandrad didn’t reply, a small growth of pink on his cheeks on more. How atrocious that the act was even happening but he’d had to paint it out for everyone to hear. Utterly embarrassing.

    Words: 2527/6586 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 3rd November 2020, 2:39 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Agatha looked surprised to see that Mythal was aware of the events that had transpired in the real world while he’d been possessed. She had a great deal of questions, but chose to keep them to herself for now. It wasn’t the time. Instead, she focused on getting Serilda cleaned up and on healing Mythal as she regaled them both with what had transpired, giving Ruzatz a grateful smile and relishing in his kiss before he moved out to the balcony.

    Serilda used what little energy she had left to utilize the Void, dematerializing her vestments and replacing them with the outfit she’d been wearing before in the same breath. She listened carefully as the woman explained how their own ritual had only been going for mere moments before Mythal had changed and all hell had broken loose. Serilda had never gotten the chance to meet the dark version of Mythal before, but she had heard plenty of stories. She was certain that he was the one who had been brought out to fight. A look of horror crossed the Voidwalker’s face as Agatha revealed that Wanda had been beheaded by the darker form, and a pit of deep emotion formed itself in her stomach over the knowledge that the doctor had effectively given her life to try and save Serilda’s and Gren’s. How Wanda had managed to remain alive was a mystery, but the fact that she still somehow lived did little to lessen the impact of her actions to the noblewoman.

    Agatha went on to explain how it hadn’t taken them long to deduce that Faera had managed to get at least partial control over Mythal’s body, and that she was the one calling the shots. Her first action had been an attempt to slay Serilda and Gren, likely to prevent them from getting in her way within Mythal’s psyche. However, Vandrad, Mercury, and Chishan had risen to the challenge and prevented the goddess from doing so. It had been a three on one battle that had been much more rigorous for the mortals than the possessed form of Mythal, and Agatha could only assume it was because the goddess either wasn’t taking her enemies seriously or that she hadn’t quite gained proper control over the body yet. Mythal suggested a third potential reason, that there was only so much Faera could effectively do given that she had been fighting on two fronts and thus had her attention and power split.

    “That is true, too,” Agatha stated softly. “I hadn’t thought of that. Even a god has limits, and between so many adept and well equipped fighters, it is entirely possible that she was spread more thinly than she probably liked.”

    After Serilda spoke up to confirm that Faera had attempted to taunt her and Gren with the knowledge of a battle in the real world, Agatha continued. It seemed that, of all people, it was actually Mercury who was the one managing to deal any decent damage to Faera. That was… certainly surprising. Serilda couldn’t imagine how a tech guru like the Silver Wolf ace would have managed to prove herself a force to be reckoned with against a god. Surely Vandrad would have been more effective in that regard, given his use of Energy Monarch magic. Yet it seemed that Mercury had found a way to be quite the threat with her gadgets. She was certainly an enigma. Serilda could only assume it had something to do with the fact that she wasn’t human, and thus something about her gear was able to prove potent against even a goddess. She hadn’t really caught the fact that Mercury had used magic, having only had enough wherewithal upon returning to the graveyard to watch Vandrad blast the meteors before succumbing to her emotions and tuning out the rest of the world.

    But apparently the prince had also done something of note, something that Agatha didn’t even know how to explain to them. She merely shook her head and advised that they would have to get the details from the others, as she had been too focused on her task to be able to fully comprehend everything that had happened around her. Serilda wanted to put thought into the matter, but the numbness building within her was rather overwhelming and she couldn’t bring herself to care too much at that moment. Besides, as Agatha stated, this was all sure to come up in greater detail later. The redhead wrapped up her work on Mythal and assured him that he was probably going to be feeling a bit sore for a bit, but otherwise would recover just fine. She also confirmed that there was none of Faera’s magic lingering within him any longer. That was a relief at least, though not one without some bitterness. Faera had gotten away, and now the goddess would be stronger than ever.

    Serilda wouldn’t have long to follow that train of thought as Agatha helped Mythal get in the bed before turning to her, taking the Voidwalker’s hands and giving her at least some healing. The noblewoman wouldn’t need much, but she did have trouble meeting Agatha’s eyes. She knew the redhead was an empath, and thus that Agatha likely could sense the emotional state that she was in. Thankfully, she didn’t ask about it. Instead, she brought up Mercury and confirmed what she and Mythal had already figured out, promising to keep the secret until Mercury gave them a reason not to. Agatha thanked her for the clarity before wrapping up and expressing that they should both take some time to rest for a few hours. Mythal thanked her, and Serilda followed suit, giving Ruzatz a nod and a sad smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes but was no less a sign of her gratitude toward him.

    Then, the affianced couple was finally alone. Mythal reached out and pulled her down onto the bed where she would crawl beneath the covers and once more allow herself to be pulled tight against him. There was a brief moment of silence as they took comfort in the warmth of one another’s forms before he gently asked if she was okay. Serilda didn’t answer right away, doing her best to gather her thoughts between the exhaustion and the shock and the denial. “I don’t know…” she finally said, her voice barely a whisper. “Honestly, I don’t think I’m ready to think about it right now. All I want is to lay here with you.” She pressed herself closer to him, one arm wrapped tightly around his waist and the other pinned between their chests as she sought solace in his presence. The fight against Faera and Hugo had been awful.. But the only thing that truly mattered to her in that moment was that they had made it out alive, and that Faera had been cut off from the darkness slayer.

    Finding the energy to open her eyes, she looked up at him softly. “What about you? How are you feeling?” Serilda could only imagine the millions of things going through his head. He’d been through so much over the last few hours, from the onset of his sickness, to nearly dying without warning, waking up in a strange place with strange people, getting into a very public fight with Serilda, only to have had his memories absorbed by Faera… not to mention somehow breaking free at the last minute to help stop her, as well as having his body being abused in the real world and now having his magic being completely different. He had been through much more than she had, and for the moment she cared more about how he was holding up.

    She had strength enough to listen to whatever kind of answer he gave her, but with both of them being exhausted it wouldn’t be a terribly long conversation. By the time they were done talking, it took her little more than a minute or two to pass out again. They slept for a few hours, and Serilda was so tired that she barely moved the entire time. She woke up about three hours later. While she could have slept longer, her body was screaming at her for nourishment and the need to use the restroom. Wearily, the Voidwalker dragged herself out of the bed and to the adjacent bathroom to relieve herself. By the time she came back into the bedroom, Mythal was also awake. She gently sat down on the bed next to him and gave him a soft kiss. Then, she pulled back enough to look down at him with a small smile, running her fingers soothingly through his hair. “I think my stomach is winning out over my exhaustion at the moment,” Serilda told him quietly. “Are you feeling well enough to eat? I could see if Chishan and Zifu are comfortable with eating in the rooms, maybe bring something up for you…”

    Whatever his opinion on the matter, Serilda would nod softly in acknowledgement before leaning down to give him another kiss. Her lips lingered on his, knowing that they had to see to getting food but not wholly being ready to leave the comfort and privacy of being with Mythal. She pulled back after a moment only to lean back in again. With each kiss it became increasingly difficult to break apart, to remove her hand from cupping his face, to leave the proximity of the bed that had been granting them at least temporarily sanctuary from everything that had occurred that day. After only a minute or so, Serilda found herself closing the distance between their bodies and bringing them closer together, rather than apart, washed over with the need to be with her fiance, to heal and recover with him on an emotional and physical level that words could never sufficiently provide. Soon, their clothes were gone and there was nothing left but the two of them, together.

    It wasn’t a very long session, but there was no less passion in the act. By the time they finished, there was a light film of sweat on her skin and her hair was all over the place. They laid together for a moment longer, just holding each other, before Serilda’s stomach growled so audibly that she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I guess it’s time. Though I may take a quick shower first.” She wasn’t exactly keen on going down where everyone else was, smelling like sex and getting her clothes grungy. Presuming he was of the same mind, she led the way to the shower to rinse off and wash her hair. Once they were clean and dried, her long hair left down and loose around her shoulders rather than in the tight bun that she was known for keeping, they dressed and made their way downstairs in search of the kitchen and some food.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd November 2020, 4:43 pm

    If the day could just be over, that would have been a goddamn miracle. Mythal just wanted to close his eyes and be done with the past few hours, with everything that had transpired and start to move on with his life. Unluckily for him, such tumultuous events were not easily bounded without conversation and discussion afterward, especially when it involved such a large number of people. Perhaps he’d feel a bit better after he’d slept some and truly got the chance to rest but he highly doubted it. For now he was satisfied to simply lay down after a rigorous session of healing from Agatha and let his worries fade away, if only temporarily. Already he could feel exhaustion starting to pull on his limbs and his mind, wanting to pull him into the restful darkness he hoped awaited him. But he managed to force himself to stay awake long enough for Serilda to get in with him. It didn’t take her long to get healed from the Agatha and soon enough enough, the husband and wife leaders of the Lusty Titans were making their departure and leaving the couple alone.

    Finally they had some time to themselves, away from the eyes of everyone else in a far more private setting. He brought her to him and cuddled up close to her, his arms wrapping around her tightly as he simply relished in the feeling of her body against his. After a moment of enjoyment, he asked her if she was okay, knowing full well what he had seen within his psyche before the end had come. Hugo had her pinned and, by the looks of things, he had every intent of taking advantage of her while she was defenseless. Such a traumatic event was not easily brushed aside and while he knew she wouldn’t truly be fine, he wanted her to talk to him. She admitted she didn’t really know and took it a step further, affirming that she didn’t really want to think about everything for the moment. She wanted an escape, a departure from all the tragedy, pain and agony that they had endured and simply just be with one another. That was something he could get behind completely and held her a bit tighter to his form. After another brief moment, she spoke up, asking him how he was feeling. “Dead exhausted, more than anythin’,” he admitted with a small snort of a scoff. “But fine. I ain’t on the verge of dyin’ so that’s somethin’. This new magic is strange; I can feel more than darkness now and it’s gonna take some gettin’ used to. But we’re here and we’re alive so that’s… somethin’ miraculous and I ain’t gonna waste catchin’ some sleep with you.”

    He was already starting to fade and by the time he had finished speaking, it was clear he was done for the moment. He adjusted his head slightly more onto the pillow and then, like a light, he was out. She would follow soon after it seemed.

    Downstairs and outside, there lay a long wooden porch that wrapped around the entire front of the house. A few lanterns hung from the exterior walls, illuminating the empty space that lacked furniture but had intricately designed bannisters that ran along the edge of the wood planks. Chishan was leaning against the railing near the front door, staring up at the sky in thought as the door slowly opened and closed behind him.

    “Has Agatha or Wanda looked at your injuries yet?” Zifu asked her husband softly as she walked up beside him.

    The Master of the Order smiled softly, sadly and shook his head. “I’m the least concerned about my own health compared to the others.” He glanced down at the injury to his torso, where Mythal’s sword had skewered him. His own magic had gone about healing it fairly well but there was little doubt that it was going to leave a scar.

    The queen reached over and touched the still healing spot gently with her fingers, careful not to agitate it. “You gave me quite a fright. In fact, that whole ordeal was beyond terrifying. I don’t believe we’ve dealt with an issue quite that traumatic in a long time.”

    Chishan shook his head once more. “No, that was… something else.” He pulled his gaze away from the night sky and turned it back to Zifu. “You’re here to talk about Victoria.”

    “Serilda intentionally kept her hidden from us. A weapon that could very well be used against us and she opted to keep it private while giving up her fiance’s own Seal. I’d call it shrewd if it weren’t so cunning and strategic.” Zifu said, her jaw tightening enough to show her displeasure without it affecting her tone. “Nonetheless, we’ve been very forthcoming with her since she arrived and she still chose to keep an important piece of information from us. I don’t trust her, Chishan.”

    “I don’t think she very much cares about earning your trust, Zee,” the Master said with a small shrug. “Beyond that fact, there are several aspects we have kept secret from the entirety of the group, up to and including Gren’s revival. You can’t expect anyone to trust us simply because we say we’re trying to protect the world. Trust is earned.”

    “There is such a thing as faith, Chishan. We acted in good faith to save Mythal, going through records to seek out an answer and Wanda took a heavy hit to ensure the survival of several of their number. You as well. I’d say we’ve earned more than enough respect.”

    Chishan considered her for a moment. “Everyone took a chance here, Zee. All of our lives were put on the line and we all fought together to ensure we would all survive. And we both know that a slight beheading won’t slow Wanda down at all. If anything, she’s probably feeling guilty about being blindsided by the hit in the first place. We both know if she had been up and moving, there wouldn’t have been a battle at all.” The Master sighed. “I’m not going in there and demanding anything from anyone. They have a right to be wary of us, just as you are of them. But none of us have any rights to invade each other’s secrets like they’re our own.”

    Zifu snorted. “Then perhaps you have some interrogating to do,” and as she said that, she summoned a tablet into her hand. She held it out to the Master, who took it with a look of curiosity. Upon its screen was readings from one of their mainframes, explaining a major siphoning of data. “One of them planted a bug. They’ve stolen a large amount of data from our records. You say that we don’t have any rights to invade one another’s secrets but here is proof that they wish to take from us without giving back. They are stealing from the Order, Chishan. You know how we handle thieves.”

    Chishan looked over the screen for a moment before he let a small smirk come to his face. “Come now, Zee. Do you think I’m stupid enough to let people into any one of our bases without precautions? What kind of Master do you think I am?” He turned off the datapad and handed it back to her. “We both knew that when we gave them time to idle, there was the chance they would stumble upon information. Or even go digging for it. I expected as much and so Wanda prepared a sizable amount of data and info that was accessible. Then she removed any connections to the large databases. You can’t expect a secret organization to function if we don’t prepare for breaches every now and then. Though I didn’t think anyone would go searching through the vaults -- I underestimated the existence of Lux.”

    “It doesn’t matter if you prepared precautions, Chishan. Someone clearly went in there with the intent of taking information. They must be dealt with, whoever they are.” Zifu stated simply, turning her head up a tick as her more regal mannerisms came to the forefront.

    “Oh… I’m pretty sure I know who it is,” the Master remarked with a small chuckle. “But they didn’t take anything that we can’t afford to have out there. Our best strategy is to let them think they had accessed a gold mine of information. Who knows; it might be beneficial to have a new pair of eyes on it.”

    Zifu scoffed and shook her head, even as she dismissed the datapad from her hand. “You are far too trusting and calm, my love. I fear one day someone will use it against you.”

    “Maybe,” Chishan admitted with a small nod. “But that requires them being a step ahead of me. And we both know that I plan for every eventuality.” He shot her a confident smirk.

    Zifu looked at him for a long moment before sighing softly. “Get yourself checked out, love. A little bit of healing goes a long way. I’m going to teleport back to the Nexus and start a report on tonight’s events. I trust you can handle this… motley crew?”

    “I’ll be alright. You should probably take it easy as well. You haven’t used that much magic in a long time. Maybe get some rest before you start any work.”

    Zifu flashed him a proud smirk of her own. “Careful, Chishan. You know it’s dangerous to underestimate my capabilities.” She leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips before she turned and walked off the porch and into the night, her hips swaying from side to side intently.

    Chishan watched her leave and shook his head. Then with another sigh, he turned and headed towards the door. He couldn’t say that he wouldn’t mind getting his healing done from Agatha. It would be nice to talk to her more…

    Mythal roused as he felt the bed shift, the warmth of Serilda’s body gone from the mattress. He blinked himself awake as the Voidwalker returned from the bathroom, sitting down on the edge and leaning over to give him a kiss. She brushed his hair gently as he yawned, shaking the chains of sleep from his mind and body. “Food sounds incredible right now,” he admitted, his ears having perked up at the mention of nourishment. “But I gotta move around or I’m gonna sleep for the rest of the year so best I get up,” he said with a small, tired smile. She answered him in the form of another kiss, her lips resting upon his for a long moment before she pulled back. But before he could start moving she was back again, kissing him once more and for longer, her hand holding his face to hers. It became increasingly obvious that food was the last thing on Serilda’s mind and, frankly, after all they had gone through, he wasn’t going to say no to sharing a fit of passion with her. As her body pulled itself upon him, he pulled her to him, embracing her fully and melting into the emotional and physical need that he apparently also had. Clothes were tossed to the side, leaving nothing between them to halt any further progression.

    It was over quicker than either one of them may have wanted but frankly, it was just the release they both needed. He lay beside her, panting softly as he reached up and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. In spite of the heavy weight that surrounded the entire day, he was smiling softly. When Serilda’s stomach decided to openly and loudly complain about its emptiness, he joined her in laughing. “Pro’lly worked up more of an appetite,” he said jovially before he pulled himself up out of bed and followed her to the shower. After washing off all the grime from the entirety of the day, he put back on the minimal clothes he had and followed Serilda down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Even before they left the second level, they would be able to smell delicious food being cooked from downstairs and it would only get stronger as they approached the kitchen.

    There they would find Dorian in the middle of a mad cooking session, quite literally bouncing around the kitchen as he managed several different meals at once. Monica was sitting on a stool nearby, wearing a shit eating grin as she watched the man, still only sporting a gold thong, go to work. Chishan was in the dining area with Agatha and Ruzatz, with dozens of filled plates already sitting on the table, steaming and letting out all the fragrances that came with them. The trio was in conversation with one another but there was something different, a spark that had somehow bolstered. Each time Chishan and Agatha looked at one another, their grins got a little wider and there was something strange in their eyes.

    “Bienvenue mes amis,” Dorian spoke to the arriving couple as he splashed some wine into a skillet, causing flames to burst up in front of him. “I hope you are both hungry because I am cooking a feast. The belle enchanteresse Monica told me you all had quite the night and so, I have provided a culinary extravaganza so that you may eat and drink as much as you want.”

    "Yeah and he needs to hurry up and finish because we need to hurry up and finish,” Monica remarked as she popped what looked like a meatball into her mouth.

    Chishan noticed Serilda and Mythal and stood from his chair to greet them. “Hey, are you guys feeling alright?” he asked the two of them, looking between the pair.

    “Could do with a few more hours of sleep but I ain’t gonna complain about food either,” the Darkness King with a half-chuckle.

    “Well come and sit down with us then. There’s plenty of food to go around,” Ruzatz said as he got up and pulled out two of the seats for Mythal and Serilda. “And you two deserve a hot meal.”

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd November 2020, 10:01 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Thankfully, no one fought her on her insistence that she did not require medical attention, not even the doctor. Then again, Wanda seemed to be a bit… detached? They wouldn’t really know how accurate that was until a few moments later, but the scantily clad woman seemed not to have noticed Mercury’s rather open flirtation. However, Mercury was more than willing to let that slip given the next words out of Gren’s mouth. The older man pointed toward a door in the room that supposedly led toward a bathroom, followed by an open invitation to join him in the bed. Of course there was no insinuation in his words, but that didn’t stop her from grinning like the cheeky little devil she was, nor did it stop Vandrad from warning Gren to be careful what he asked for. Gren insisted that he was merely trying to be gentlemanly, to which Vandrad retorted that he was quite sure Mercury wouldn’t hesitate to capitalize on his father’s accommodating nature. He even managed to smirk at her.

    ““I’m nothing if not giving,” the Silver Wolf Mage replied merrily. ““Better watch out, your highness. Your dad is all sorts of charming. I might wind up leaving you for him. My ‘mommy’ shirt is gonna take on a whole new meaning.” She shot a wink at the prince, all too pleased with herself and the way this conversation was going.

    And then it got derailed by Wanda speaking up to inquire who Mercury had been talking about when she’d referred to a ‘sexy doctor’. The Xocili blinked at the woman even as Vandrad stammered to inform her that Mercury had been talking about Wanda herself. This came as a great surprise to the doctor, who was visibly overcome by clarity before asking for a rather academic confirmation that she was sexy. Mercury was already giggling like mad as a blush flooded Vandrad’s cheeks, the prince struggling to answer a question he very much did not want to answer. He barely found a way through the affirmation, putting all the accountability for it on Mercury, before demanding an end to the conversation and for Wanda to simply keep doing her thing. ““Aw, come on, Vandaddy. Don’t be such a stiff. You can admit you think she’s attractive, too.” She grinned at Gren, her emerald eyes bright with mischief from the sheer delight she took in teasing Vandrad.

    Wanda spoke up with her thoughts regarding her perceived responsibilities with Gren and Serilda’s lives, and Mercury voiced her own opinion on the matter. Whatever could have happened, it was never worth blaming one’s self for consequences that came as a result from other people’s choices. No one would have held her accountable if Gren and Serilda had died, so neither should she. Wanda listened with studious interest and gave Mercury’s words some thought before nodding and expressing her understanding and how thankful she was for Mercury to have given her perspective. She even let out a joke about losing her head, which earned her a short but enthusiastic laugh from Mercury, who was obviously very entertained by the rather dark quip.

    Once that moment had passed, Gren took a moment to reflect upon Mercury’s decided nickname for him. He was much more amiable to it than Vandrad had been to his own. The prince expressed his exasperation at Mercury’s humor, and how the men in his family all apparently earned some similar title. ““Okay first of all, that makes me sound much more unoriginal than I actually am. Give me some credit. Second of all, I’ll have you know that my pet names for Simon, Dudley, and Bartrand don’t have ‘daddy’ in them, or anything close to it. That one was reserved especially for you, and now for your hunky pops here.” She smirked through the entire retort, entirely unashamed to admit in front of everyone present that she did, in fact, have pet names for his other family members.

    Gren invited her to continue calling him the one she’d given him, giving her a grin that Mercury did not hesitate to mirror. Vandrad practically pleaded with his father not to encourage her, especially in light of how the rest of his family acted around her. Mercury was giggling all over again at his choice of wording, which Gren took a moment to teasingly point out as being poor. ““I mean… it’s not incorrect,” she stated, a shit eating grin wrapping it’s way around her face, thoroughly amused at the irony of how accurate the wording actually was. Maybe someday Vandrad would put it together that his mom and uncle had already gotten their hands on her, but he’d yet to express any suspicions and for the moment she was content to let him live in blissful ignorance.

    Shortly after that, Victoria made her unexpected appearance, requesting a short audience with Gren. The older man gave permission to let her in, referring to her as a former roommate. Mercury shrugged and let the Seal in, returning to her spot on the dresser. Everyone observed Victoria about as much as she did them, and Mercury’s sensors indicated a flux in Wanda’s pulse that indicated some type of nervousness, particularly as Victoria stepped passed her. Mercury eyed the older woman attentively as she spoke to Gren, complimenting how he’d handled himself in their fight. Ever the humble one, Gren chalked it up to years of attentive study, lamenting how he’d probably have done better if he were younger. It was true that Victoria didn’t understand aging from a first hand point of view, but there was a recognition in her eyes that betrayed she did understand what he was saying, and that its weight wasn’t lost on her.

    Gren admitted his surprise at her appearance in Mythal’s head, apparently having thought that Victoria had been some trick on Faera’s part. It was difficult to ascertain what they were referencing, but Mercury took as many mental notes as she could, particularly about how Victoria apparently had a way to communicate with Gren telepathically. Still, according to Vandrad’s father, he would have died without Victoria’s help. He thanked her and expressed his gratitude for her help, even if he knew the rest of the Order would have a rather strong opinion about her presence. “It was my sincere pleasure, Gren Ragnos. You are a commendable warrior, and you deserve a better death than the one she attempted to give you. When you are feeling well enough and have some time, I think I would rather enjoy a friendly spar, if you’d be interested. Maybe we can find some ways to make you an even bigger pain in Faera’s side for the next time she decides to show her face.”

    The thought was visibly amusing to the Seal, her smirk deepening at the thought of the goddess of love being put to her wits end over a group of mortals. If Lux had been there, he probably would have been a little impressed by her offer as Victoria had rarely expressed an interest in training with any mortal outside of the hosts she’d had over the eons -- that was more Mars’ schtick, after all. But she knew a worthy fighter when she saw one, and if she could do anything to boost him further, she would be happy to oblige in this case.

    Wanda finished healing Vandrad, pulling her hands away and expressing that there was little more she could do to help Vandrad that his own body wasn’t already taking care of. She calculated that he would have been back up to full speed within an hour, even without her help, due to the rate at which his body collected ethernano. Vandrad confirmed that his power was already replenished, taking a moment to activate his golden form by means of physical evidence. It truly never took Vandrad long to recover. In fact, he was faster at it than even Mercury was. The two carried a quick conversation from there, with Wanda voicing what she knew of his type of magic and inquiring as to what had prompted him to choose his empowerment forms as the way of manifesting the different level of his power.

    Now that was a curious question. Mercury frowned as though she’d never thought to ask that before, casting a quizzical look toward her partner as she awaited his answer. She knew very little of magic in general, and while she had learned much more upon joining Silver Wolf and being given access to their endless archives, Vandrad’s magic was rare enough that she still didn’t fully have a grounded approach to observe it at times. It took the prince a moment to answer, seemingly caught off guard, and the answer was far more innocent than Mercury would have expected. It seemed as a child there was a book either Simon or Dudley used to read to him that spoke of warriors who absorbed energy and used it to alter their appearance in accordance with their victories on the battlefield. The idea had struck the young prince, and so Themesycia believed the tales had ultimately gone on to influence how Vandrad used his own magic. “Now that’s just cute,” Mercury quipped, simultaneously teasing her partner over the purity of his magic’s origins as well as being genuinely intrigued by his answer.

    A smile appeared on the doctor’s face, a new expression that she’d yet to show. At least, as far as Mercury had observed. Wanda thanked Vandrad for being willing to explain his magic to her, particularly when it was obvious he wasn’t the type to open up. She paused briefly before stating that she needed to continue along to see to the others, suggesting they all get some rest and reiterating that there was, in fact, a shower in the next room that could be utilized. Mercury looked longingly in the bathroom’s direction with an expression that only Vandrad would properly be able to appreciate, given his intimate knowledge of how much she detested being dirty. It was a wonder she hadn’t already gotten started. “I think I’ll get on that right now. Thanks, doc.”

    Mercury was making to hop down from the dresser a second time when Vandrad weirdly stopped Wanda from leaving, suggesting that he speak with Dorian about staying focused on making food rather than other things. When prompted by the doctor for the meaning of his words, Vandrad awkwardly explained that he could sense the agent down the hall with Monica, and apparently she was giving Dorian a blow job. He hadn’t said so in so many words, but his wording was obvious. At least, to everyone but Wanda, who unsurprisingly wasn’t adept at innuendos. Mercury sputtered a laugh at the knowledge that Monica had wasted no time in trying to charm the handsome man out of his oversized thong. Even Victoria chuckled with a dignified but wicked sense of amusement. Wanda advised that she would ask Chishan or Zifu to talk to him and then finally made her exit.

    “Alright, hold up,” Mercury said once Wanda was gone, crossing her arms over her chest and fixing Vandrad with a bemused but suspicious look. “Since when can you just sense people having sex? You can’t just withhold that kind of information from me. That’s now how our relationship works. How dare you rob me of opportunities to be entertained at your expense. It’s like you don’t care about me at all.”

    Her humor was quite genuine, but she also couldn’t help but feel a little concerned over this apparent development. She was certain he had no idea that she’d slept with Simon and his mother, since Simon’s time manipulation magic would have robbed Vandrad of the chance to sense it. That, and given that a literal orgy had been going on around them at the time, he’d probably have been hard pressed to pin down individuals in that atmosphere. But had he sensed her earlier with the Lusty Titans leaders, she wondered? He hadn’t said anything to her yet or given her any looks, but how could he not have? She hadn’t been that far away. In fact, she had probably been closer to him than Monica and Dorian were to them now. Maybe he just hadn’t cared? Still, it was unlike Vandrad to not take the chance to chastise her over such things, and she was more than a little perplexed. Depending on his answer, she’d have to be more mindful in the future of what she did behind closed doors when he was around.

    Once he had given his answer, whatever it was, she’d keep her gaze narrowed on him for a moment longer before letting the matter drop. While she was perfectly fine teasing him in front of his father and strangers such as Victoria, she would only go so far. While she definitely planned on interrogating him further on the matter, she would do so in private where he wouldn’t feel so pressured to put his abilities on display for a crowd. Finally, she slipped off the dresser and wandered over to the bathroom. “Alright, that’s enough chit chat for me. Time to go make love to a steady flow of boiling water and some bottles of soap.”

    As she shut herself up in the bathroom, Victoria watched her go with an amused look before returning her attention to the men in the room with her. “I shall take my leave as well. I do not wish to keep you from your rest, and I am sure both of you desire further privacy with one another. Thank you for humoring my curiosity. We will have more time to chat once everyone has reconvened.” Turning, she gave Vandrad a nod in acknowledgement and farewell, and then made her way out of the room, leaving father and son alone for the time being.

    In the bathroom, Mercury shut the door behind her and stripped down, though her jovial demeanor had all but washed away the second she was out of eyesight. She turned the water on and let it heat up, but when she stepped inside rather than start washing she sat upon the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her head against them wearily as she gave herself a moment to let the events of the evening sink in now that no one was looking. Tonight had been an absolute nightmare, on nearly every level. She still hadn’t caught up to understanding everything that had happened, her mind stuck in a near stasis that refused to process a great deal of what had occurred. It didn’t help that she was in a great deal of physical pain. Several of her ribs had been broken, and her insides were twisting in agony despite the numbing agents her body had released some time ago in an effort to combat the pain. It had been a while since she’d been so thoroughly abused, and it was bringing back… rather unpleasant memories.

    She struggled for several long minutes to get herself settled emotionally, letting the water drown out everything but her own morose and confused thoughts. Eventually, she was able to spur herself into standing up and putting actual effort into washing, meticulously scrubbing the grime and dirt out of her hair and off her skin. Once she was done, Mercury dried off with an available towel and searched around the bathroom to see if there was anything she could cover up with that wasn’t the dirty clothes she’d just gotten out of. To her luck, there was a small closet in the bathroom that held an array of robes and pajamas, much like one might find at a hotel. She selected a pair of the latter in her size, the sweatpants and tank top more than adequate for the time being. Drying her hair with the heat from her light magic, she ultimately made her way back into the bedroom.

    Gren had already managed to crawl under the covers and fallen asleep. Vandrad was up against a wall, leaning against it with his eyes closed. At first Mercury thought he’d stayed awake to wait for her to come out, but her sensors quickly indicated that he had somehow managed to fall asleep standing up. As amusing and impressive as that was, she felt he’d earned the right to be at least a little more comfortable. Glancing around the room, she turned on her x-ray vision and looked through the dressers in the room. Most of them were empty, but one had some spare blankets in one of its drawers. She cast a quick glance at Gren to assure herself that he was fast asleep before carefully retrieving a blanket from the dresser and one of the pillows from the bed. Moving over to Vandrad, Mercury silently woke him by placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and giving him a light shake. She said nothing, but from the way she locked a somewhat soft gaze on him and held up the comforts in her hand, it was clear she was suggesting he at least lay down. There was plenty of floor space, something both of them were more than accustomed to having to utilize thanks to their histories with war.

    Presuming he took the items and got himself better situated, Mercury took the previously offered free space on the other side of the bed from Gren, crawling under the blankets and doing her best to get comfortable. Despite her exhaustion, it would take her a few minutes to embrace the sweet respite of sleep, her head still twisting with stray, worrisome thoughts and replaying some of the rather unsavory memories from the night. She was tired enough not to remember any of her dreams, but that didn’t stop her from having a few nightmares that occasionally caused her to twitch lightly in her sleep, her face scrunched from time to time with emotion. While she certainly had a bit more energy by the time Vandrad woke her, the Xocili didn’t feel entirely well rested. She allowed herself to be coaxed out of bed a little easier than usual, but only because Gren was there.

    As grumbly and irritable as she always was upon waking up, she shuffled her way after the men toward the kitchen, bypassing any and all people and food to go straight for the nearest coffee pot. Most everyone seemed to be present, and many of them -- particularly Dorian -- were far too cheery for her still groggy state. Even Serilda and Mythal were already up. Without a word, she poured herself a cup in the tallest mug she could find, stirring in a bit of creamer and slipping into the first open chair she could find, irregardless of who was already sitting next to the open space. A lot of her physical pain had subsided at least, though she was still intensely sore. Without looking at really anyone in the room, she sat in her chair slightly huddled with the coffee clutched possessively against her chest, letting its delicious scent waft into her nostrils until it had cooled enough to drink without burning her mouth.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 4th November 2020, 8:46 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad simply stared at Mercury as she remarked about Gren, insinuating that she may leave the prince for the former Knight. She even brought up the ‘mommy’ shirt she had worn upon visiting him in Bellum, a wink and shit-eating grin weighing heavily on her face. "Please, you speak as if I care what you do,” she shot back with a scoff, rolling his eyes and brushing off the comments without further attendance. Gren chanced a glance at both the Silver Wolf mage and the Fairy Tail mage and expertly hid a smile, having picked up on the connection there that they both seemed to play upon in different ways. But Vandrad didn’t get a lot of time to remain stoic, as Wanda inquired as to who was considered ‘sexy’. It was left up to the prince to awkwardly explain to her what Mercury’s comment meant and was directed towards. And when she pressed for clarification, he damn near stumbled over himself trying to remain neutral… which, of course, the Silver Wolf mage sternly told him to show a little compassion and admit that he found her attractive too. "Stifle it, woman. The doctor’s abilities are the only thing that matter to me and she has proven herself more than capable.”

    “Don’t worry, Wanda. There ain’t no denyin’ that yer sexy. Vandrad just has… stances against statin’ as much,” Gren spoke up, deciding to side with Mercury on the matter. His comments earned a gruff scoff from the prince but nothing more, Vandrad clearly done with the subject. He didn’t speak again until the former Knight opted to focus on the Silver Wolf mage’s nickname for him, corralling her creativity for such handles into simple, easy to remember terms. She spoke up, stating that she was far more original than he made her seem. Apparently Simon, Dudley and Bartrand didn’t have the same moniker or even related to the word ‘daddy’. It had been specifically saved for the prince and now his father. "Hence me saying ‘our’ family, as in the Ragnos family. Your argument could have brought up Mythal as a point but even then, he isn’t blood related to Gren, though I say that without meaning offense. So quick to chirp but doesn’t pause to think, does she?” Vandrad said, his trademark smirk flashing on his face as he stared at Mercury. He’d wormed a victory out of her speech through super focused analysis, something that he was bound to do often when he attempted to one-up her. Luckily no one had mentioned Vandrad’s uncle, Gren’s brother, yet else his argument would be null and void.

    And Gren was quick to point out in the following conversation over Vandrad’s own words working against him, with Mercury quick to interject that perhaps the prince wasn’t that far from the truth. Indeed, though Vandrad had no proof, he was ninety-nine percent sure that his mother or his uncle may have already found a way to get to Mercury in a more private setting. He couldn’t exactly base his assumptions off of the Silver Wolf mage’s own words because she was constantly finding ways to use deceptive banter. It was a gut feeling, which annoyed him if only because he’d made such an effort to keep the distance and been circumvented anyways. Then again, his family and Mercury were wily in their attempts to get around him.

    Victoria appeared not short after, apparently causing a bit of distress in Wanda but not enough for anyone but Vandrad to notice. She had come under the guise of wanting to speak with Gren and kept true to her word by practically bee-lining to him after a quick glance around the room. The two spoke in courteous words, which was surprising considering the Seal’s unexpected appearance and Gren’s alliance to the Order of Souls. But the former Knight was thankful for Victoria’s emergence while inside Mythal’s psyche and truly gave her gratitude for the effort she had put in to help. The Seal took his thanks and stated that it was her pleasure, going so far as to commend him for his ability as a fighter and believed that he deserved a better death than the one that Faera had attempted to deliver. She then, surprisingly, offered him the chance to have a spar with Victoria, under the pretense of perhaps enhancing Gren’s magical capabilities and make him an even greater asset in the war against Faera. It was a playful, jovial conversation that was strange for the rest of the room to observe. But the former Knight couldn’t help but chuckle and grin. “Well I’d be honored, Victoria and I think I’ll have to take you up on that. Who could say no to sparring with a Seal? It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Gren said, smiling back at Victoria as she smirked.

    Frankly, and it was a bit selfish but he felt it nonetheless, Vandrad was a little jealous. He’d heard a lot of talk about the Seals since he arrived and they had been portrayed as powerful instruments that could bring about the world’s end. To do so required a lot of strength and the opportunity to test his mettle against such forces was intriguing. Despite how he had manhandled Lux thus far, he also understood that the Seal of Light wasn’t exactly swinging with full power. Victoria, though, seemed as pert and full as ever and the chance to test his strength against hers was enticing. Alas, asking for such a challenge wasn’t going to cut it. If she was truly the Seal of Conquest, then she would only notice people that had proven themselves as viable placements within her realm. And she had been inside Mythal’s head while he had fought outside. A shame but perhaps another opportunity would come farther down the line.

    As Wanda wrapped up her healing on him, she inquired about his magic and the form he had chosen for its use. It took him a moment to settle on revealing the full details but he did so without pause, referencing back to his childhood and the story he’d heard from Simon of the long-forgotten race of warriors. The doctor understood it from a pragmatic sense, though her smile betrayed that she, too, thought the idea was adorable. Mercury outright stated that his inspiration and honoring of it was cute, earning her a glance from Vandrad that turned into an eyeroll. After that, Wanda prepared to leave and offered the opportunity to rest and clean up, pointing out the bathroom that only Mercury could have lusted after. But before the doctor could go, Vandrad spoke up about the strange interaction he had sensed downstairs. He’d hoped to get away with a simple statement but Wanda’s bewilderment and misunderstanding required him to go into greater detail, the prince fighting back a blush as much as possible. Though it was clear that the doctor still didn’t really understand, she decided to take his words and bring them to Chishan or Zifu and ask them to intervene. Though he didn’t wish that view on anyone, he would be far too embarrassed to step in himself.

    Wanda departed and Mercury was quick to bring up the fact that Vandrad had sensed such an illicit act. She demanded to know when he had suddenly come up with the ability to sense people in the midst of fornication, stating that holding that kind of information back was simply unfair. She deserved the right to know all his quirks so that she could tease him about them. "First off, I don’t owe you anything, woman. Secondly, it is nothing new and shouldn’t surprise you in the least. You know I am able to perceive the entire realm around me in a three hundred and sixty degree circle. As I grow stronger, that bubble grows and gives me greater perception of movement. It seems after I managed to gain control of that… other form, my senses have increased to a wider range, temporary or permanently notwithstanding. Besides, they are quite literally right below me -- I couldn’t ignore them even if I wanted to,” Vandrad said with a scoff at the end. It wasn’t like he was actively looking to sense such acts but the fact of the matter was, he couldn’t turn off his senses so easily. It was better to just have someone go and interrupt the act so that he could actually be at peace. "It has nothing to do with sex. Any motion within my realm of perception is picked up. It just so happens to be depravity I’m quite clearly sensing.”

    “I would say I’m surprised but… Monica and Dorian are two peas in a pod. It ain’t that big of a shocker to hear they decided to connect so quickly,” Gren said with a slight shrug.

    "It’s filthy. We just battled for our very lives and they turn to fornication immediately after?” The prince chastised the entire event.

    “Hey, sometimes bumpin’ uglies takes the stressful edge off,” the former Knight said, casting a quick, teasing glance to Mercury before continuing. “Best not to think about it too much, son.”

    A smart move, if only he could accomplish it simply. Rather than give him grief over the matter further, Mercury simply shot him a look before stating that she was going to rinse off. She hastily made her way through the door and closed it behind her, while Victoria announced that she would depart as well, so that they had some time to rest. Gren gave her a nod, shortly followed by Vandrad in response to the Seal’s own gesture. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving the father and son alone.

    “You alright?” Gren asked, shifting slightly so he could sit up.

    "Yes,” Vandrad said simply. "I am fine now. I still have plenty of questions that I have the feeling will come up lacking at the end of all of this.”

    The former Knight nodded. “Yeah, the Seals and all that shit. Can’t say you’ll get all the answers you want but hopefully we’ll be able to shine a little bit of light.”

    It was true, he wanted to know more about the Seals and the other form of Mythal’s. But truly, he was more concerned about the one he had accessed. It had been a harrowing power to take on prior to that night but through Ruzatz’ interference, he had managed to wrestle control of it. Even with his consciousness returned, Vandrad could sense just how evil the magic had felt as he emanated off of him. He turned his attention away from his introspection and towards the door leading to the bathroom. Even from there, he could feel Mercury’s defenses come down as her emotional state moved to the forefront. No doubt she was finally allowing herself to simply experience everything without having to put up a front. A part of him wanted to go and check on her… but he wasn’t sure he could do so without drawing attention from his father and he wanted to respect the Silver Wolf mage’s moment of privacy. Instead he planted himself against the wall, crossing his arms and getting himself comfortable. Gren moved to slide under the covers and within moments, the prince could sense his resting, laboured breathing. He closed his own eyes, allowing his mind to drift off even as he stood on his feet. Sleeping while standing wasn’t unknown for a soldier and Vandrad had pulled it off more times than he could count. He wasn’t even aware of how long he had dozed before he felt a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back and opening his eyes.

    Mercury was there, freshly washed from her shower. She didn’t say anything but held up a blanket and a pillow, a silent suggestion that he chose a better place of rest rather than standing. He gave her a nod and took the items, unfurling them down onto the floor just before him and using the blanket as a temporary bed. Once his head hit the pillow, he managed to fall asleep pretty quickly and went a short while without interruption. But a fluttering of emotions pulled him from his sleep and once he was conscious enough, he realized it was coming from Mercury. She was asleep but clearly in the midst of nightmares that caused her to shift and twitch. Sighing softly, the prince picked up his bed makings and brought them around to the other side of the bed, to Mercury’s side, and set them against the bed. Once there, he placed his back against the bed and reached up with a hand, finding hers and holding it gently as she suffered through her terrors. There wasn’t much else he could do and he wasn’t even sure that his actions would actually hit her. But at least he could say that he tried to help in some fashion.

    After a couple of hours, he could sense several bodies conjoining in the kitchen area. That and the sweet smell of food was starting to creep under the door and into the room. Once Gren started to rouse from sleep, Vandrad quickly got to his feet and went about putting away the blanket and pillow he had been offered. Then he went about waking Mercury up, a task that was never easy or welcome from the Silver Wolf mage. Miraculously, she managed to get up without complaint or issue, though she certainly looked like she had several things to say about being coaxed out of bed. Once she was on her feet, the two men led the way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where everyone was gathering.

    Mercury, unsurprisingly, made her way for the coffee pot in the corner of the kitchen area. “My own special brand, belle fille, I do hope you enjoy it,” Dorian said to the Silver Wolf mage as she passed by him, giving her a once over and a wicked grin.

    Gren walked over and grabbed several still sizzling pieces of meat and tossed them onto a plate.
    “Been lookin’ forward to your food again, Dorian,” the former Knight said with a grin.

    “Gren, you beau diable, you are too kind,” the thonged-man said with a laugh.

    Vandrad made his way over to Mythal and Serilda. "You look better rested,” he observed about the two of them. "Hopefully we all can go get a full night’s rest after we’re finished with this debacle.” After that, he went and took a seat across from Mercury, with Gren placing himself directly next to her.

    Dorian came in and put down the rest of the food he had been cooking, utterly filling up the table. “And there we are; food from every group, ranging from breakfast to dinner. I hope warm food helps your bodies feel better,” the man said with a bow of his head.

    Chishan smiled and nodded. “Thanks Dorian, we appreciate it.” With that said, he turned his gaze to the remainder of the gathered group. “I know we’ve been through a lot tonight -- I personally want to sleep for a week. But I imagine we all have some lingering questions after the events that took place that we’d like answered. Once everyone is satisfied with whatever they want to know, Dorian will be able to take everyone back to their homes. So I guess I’ll go ahead and start; I’m going to guess that we weren’t able to defeat Faera before the ritual was completed?”

    Gren nodded as he chewed his food. “She split Serilda and I up. She also had backup, a new Trumpet to replace Archimedes. A man named Hugo,” the former Knight explained. He opted not to divulge the connection between the man and Serilda, as it wasn’t his business to talk about. “We managed to hold our own until Victoria was able to secure Mythal’s consciousness and bring him into the fold. Then he activated the lacrima and drove her and Hugo out… but she’s still alive, unfortunately.”

    Chishan nodded in understanding. “Honestly, I’m just glad you two… well, three made it out alive. Unfortunately we had an issue with Faera taking control of Mythal on the outside and attempting to attack us there too. She beat us up pretty bad but if it weren’t for Mercury and Vandrad, I don’t think we would have pulled it out.”

    "Yeah if I knew there was gonna be a fight, I woulda tagged in instead,” Monica said. "Where’s your queen wife gone?”

    “Back to our homebase to start filling out a report. She gets antsy just standing around and she was already upset about a small leak from earlier,” he said casually, not going into any further details than that. “But please, I don’t want to be the only one talking. If anyone’s got questions, please feel free to ask.”

    Words: 2831 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Destiny Fractured - Page 4 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th November 2020, 1:17 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Well, that wasn’t exactly a sight that Serilda had expected to see.

    She had basically already been asleep by the time Dorian had introduced himself to the group earlier, and as such she had absolutely no idea who he was or why he was there. Even in her still tired state, Serilda was quite caught off guard by a man bustling around the kitchen in what basically amounted to a men’s thong. The noblewoman had become more accustomed to such immodesties after becoming better friends with Ruzatz and Agatha, but she almost always had time to prepare herself for it. Here in this place that was owned by the Order, rather than Lusty Titans, she was entirely caught off guard. She barely managed to stifle her gasp, having to struggle for a moment to get her face under control as she couldn’t stop herself from looking away, a light blush rising to her cheeks.

    Recovering quickly -- or at least, more quickly than she would have been able to before becoming acquainted with the Lusty Titan leaders -- she turned her gaze to observe the others in the room. Monica was eyeing the thonged man with an expression not unlike that she often saw upon Mercury’s face, and Chishan sat at a table with Agatha and Ruzatz. Victoria also sat among them, content to swap friendly chatter with the Prime Sin and his human companions. The blonde and redhead were making eyes at one another like twitterpated teenagers. Naturally, Ruzatz didn’t seem very disgruntled by this. If anything, he looked quite amused at the little glances the two threw one another. Zifu was nowhere to be seen for the moment and neither was Mercury or the other two Ragnos men.

    The kitchen smelled fantastic. Whatever the strange dark haired individual was cooking up, it was only making the Voidwalker’s stomach more rumbly. He greeted the pair cheerily as she and Mythal ambled into the kitchen. Apparently, Monica had informed him to some degree that they’d all had a pretty awful night, so he’d taken it upon himself to become master chef and provide them a comfort feast. Much to Monica’s impatience, it seemed. Serilda really hadn’t gotten the chance to interact with Monica at all, or even really be properly introduced to her yet, as the Titans member had more or less faded to the background amidst all the prior insanity.

    Dutifully dredging her better manners out from the depths of her grogginess, she gave the man a small, grateful smile. “That is very thoughtful of you, sir. Thank you so much. I’m sorry, I don’t think I have met you yet. I don’t really remember much from when we first got here. My name is Serilda Sinclair. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Presuming he found a second between his bouncing from pan to pan, she’d offer him a firm and professional handshake. Then, she’d turn her attention to the bald woman and offer her a similar shake. “I owe you an apology as well for not properly greeting you before. I was a bit… well, stressed. Please forgive me for my poor manners. It was Monica, right? I can’t describe how grateful I am for your help with all of this.”

    Chishan wandered over to her and Mythal, asking how they were feeling. The director admitted that he could do with more sleep, though food was currently more tempting. Serilda nodded her agreement, a small and tired smile on her face. “I figured I’d be asleep for much longer, but as I have learned tonight, sometimes the need for nourishment is more pressing than the need for sleep.” Ruzatz spoke up, inviting them to sit and partake in dining with them, stating that they deserved a hot meal. Serilda smirked at him a little. “I don’t know. From what I hear, it sounds like the rest of you were the ones doing all the work,” she teased. The noblewoman let Mythal sit and leaned over to kiss him gently on the temple from behind, her hands on his shoulders. “Can I get you something to drink, baby?” she asked him. If he expressed an interest in anything, she’d scrounge around to find some glasses to get it for him and a glass of water for herself.

    As she returned to the table and sat, she said, “So… I think I missed where exactly we are now. Everything immediately following the ritual is a bit of a blur for me at the moment.” Clearly it was a different base. More of a manor, really. She could sense that much with her Voidsense. But it was still a bit odd to look around after having been there for several hours and realizing she didn’t recognize the place at all. Presuming Chishan enlightened her, she’d take a sip of the water to cleanse her palate as she listened, giving an affirmative nod. Then, she followed up with another question. “How is Wanda doing? Agatha told us about what happened. I would very much like to thank her, if she is still around and feeling well enough for company…” She didn’t want to presume that Wanda was up for social interaction after what she had endured, but she wouldn’t know unless she inquired.

    The group chatted for a bit before most of the rest of the group wandered in. Gren and Vandrad were first into the kitchen, followed by an exceptionally grumpy looking Mercury. They’d heard comments from the duo in the past about how notoriously unsocial she was first thing after waking, but that did little to prepare her for seeing it in action. Mercury appeared downright miserable, walking with her shoulders hunched, eyes squinting in irritation at the light around her as though its very existence was an affront to nature. Despite the men preceding her into the room, the second she set eyes on the pot of coffee on the counter the Silver Wolf mage put up her blinders and made a beeline straight to it like it was the Holy Grail. Serilda couldn’t help but smirk a little with amusement at the sight, flashing the look toward Vandrad who had been the most vocal in the past on his partner’s morning behaviors.

    Mercury murmured a somewhat inattentive reply to Dorian before Gren took over greeting the man and grabbing some food. Vandrad, on the other hand, came right over to the table where everyone sat. He commented that the two of them appeared to have gotten at least some decent rest, though clearly everyone here still needed more. “I think I’m going to sleep for a week when we get home,” Serilda admitted with some mild humor. “At least, once we check on our daughters and make peace with the wolves for abandoning them so suddenly.” Before the ritual had started, she’d taken a quick moment to send a message out to Julian, explaining that they’d had to leave for a sudden emergency and asking him to return to the house to keep an eye on the wolves. He’d since reported that they were anxious, but otherwise okay for the time being. Still, they wouldn’t truly be soothed until their companions were home, and more than anything Serilda wanted to pick Grappa and Jellisha up from her parents’ place and hold them tightly until the end of time.

    Dorian brought his feast of food and set it down on the table for easier pickings, earning another rumble of anticipation from Serilda’s stomach -- a rather undignified noise that brought yet another mild blush to her cheeks, but she only smirked with sheepish amusement at herself before thanking Dorian again. Then, she took to patiently tending to the food, doing her best to offer assistance with serving Mythal and the others portions from the platters and bowls closest to her before serving any for herself. Even Victoria joined them to partake in the meal, despite the fact that she didn’t really suffer from pangs of hunger. As everyone set about gathering up what they wanted to eat, Chishan got the inevitable conversation started to discuss everything that had happened and opened the table for questions. Once all parties were satisfied, Dorian would have the means to take everyone home. Serilda glanced about with a slight frown, realizing that Zifu wasn’t with them. She had figured the queen would want to be present for this conversation, as she likely had a number of inquiries and opinions to voice. Yet, she was not present and it didn’t seem as though she would be joining them any time soon.

    The Master asked for confirmation on his suspicion that Faera was still alive, which Gren granted as he ate. He explained in vague terms that the goddess’ strategy had been to keep him and Serilda separated, and how she’d utilized a new Trumpet. He gave Hugo’s name but nothing further, presumably leaving it to Serilda as to what she wanted to share in that regard. For a moment her movements slowed as a somewhat numb feeling of deep sorrow washed through her, pale blue eyes set on her plate of food but unfocused, as though she weren’t really looking at it. The moment lasted only for a second or two before she forced herself to at least refocus, picking up her utensils and cutting off a bite sized piece of sausage and putting it in her mouth. Gren gave the short and skinny: They held Faera and Hugo off long enough for Victoria to unleash Mythal’s inner consciousness, which activated the lacrima and spat the divine duo out before they could be permanently dispatched.

    “And don’t think I’m not sore about that,” Victoria chimed in, though her tone was more resigned than necessarily bitter or upset. “If the lacrima had activated half a second later, I’d have managed to cut her in half, rather than a line of trees, and we all would have been better off. But, we all accomplished our primary task, and I can take solace in that. That, and the fact that Faera is going to be fuming for the rest of her life over the nasty scar she’s going to have on her face from here on out after Serilda got the jump on her.” The Seal chuckled lightly with rather dark humor, thoroughly entertained by the thought of the goddess having been marred by a mortal.

    Chishan nodded his acceptance of Faera’s continued existence before ultimately expressing his relief that at least the three of them had made it out alive and in one piece. Then, he reiterated the events that had taken place while Gren and Serilda were within Mythal’s head, a predicament that he claims they only made it out of due primarily to Mercury and Vandrad’s efforts. Serilda glanced at the two in question briefly to see their reactions, though the Silver Wolf Ace still seemed more focused on her coffee than anything else. She hadn’t even taken any food yet. Monica chimed in to admit that if she’d known there would have been a fight, she’d have opted for that instead. Then, she asked where Zifu was. Chishan explained that the woman had returned to their homebase to start some paperwork regarding the incident. Apparently, she was not the type that could sit still for long when there was work to be done, and apparently there had been a leak of some kind that had upset her.

    Serilda frowned again, visibly contemplative of how anyone could have managed to do such a thing to an organization like theirs, that clearly took pride in being so off the radar that nearly no one outside of their own members were even aware they existed. He said nothing more on the matter, instead pressing the conversation along to invite others to speak up or ask questions as they saw fit. Serilda was quiet for a moment, still a bit on the stoic side as she ate without truly seeming to spare emotional effort to enjoy the food. “There is something you should know about Faera’s new Trumpet,” she told Chishan, and thus the rest of the room, quietly. “Ozorith warned us some time ago that Faera would try to come at me, specifically, the next time she made a move. I know how devious she is, and suspected that she would get creative, but I never could have prepared for…”

    Her voice trailed off for a moment, her utensils pausing on either side of her plate. Finally, she sighed and continued. “Hugo is my former husband, the one I mentioned before that had died. That I didn’t learn about his true nature until many years after his death. She hand picked him from the grave in an attempt to torment me, and I guess they are rather attached to one another. It’s clear they have a rather… amorous relationship.” That didn’t really seem to bother her too much, all things considered. There was no jealousy in her tone. However, she did raise her gaze to look at Mythal, and then at Chishan, her eyes lingering on the Master with a sober and meaningful expression.

    “She is pregnant with his child.”

    The news was certainly something that no one in the room would be happy to hear, especially those from the Order. Agatha paused over her own food, looking at Serilda in confusion and concern. “You’re certain?” she asked gently, fighting back the instinctive feelings of denial and disbelief. “You don’t think she was just feeding you a lie to… throw you off or get under your skin?”

    “Unfortunately, truth can often be more cruel than lies,” Victoria said, gracefully slicing off a bite of meat and spearing it with a fork, her own appetite not paused by the weighty reality that she was already privy to. “While Serilda is still practicing to hone the strength and applications of the blood magic she inherited from me, I have eons of experience and can sense the blood of others rather acutely, even within their bodies. And there was a source of blood flowing within her that was separate from her own. She is most assuredly with child, I’m afraid.”

    Agatha glanced at Ruzatz even as Serilda looked toward Mythal, both women seeking an unspoken communication from their better halves before slowly returning to their food. Serilda continued to speak, putting herself to task of half heartedly cutting all of her foot into bite sized portions without eating any of it right away so she could talk without her mouth being full. “Anyway… it’s clear that Hugo is still learning how to use his power. I’m not sure he’s really gotten to test in full before now. He is weaker than Archimedes was when we fought him, and from what I understand Archimedes was the least of her Trumpets. But, he was a cunning and manipulative man in life, and I am sure that he will prove himself a more serious threat than Archimedes was.”

    Serilda leveled her gaze at Chishan again. “I am sorry that I withheld speaking up about Victoria ahead of time. I can’t imagine you or Zifu are pleased with me about that. I only hope you can believe me when I say that doing so was not done to spite either of you. Our… connection with Victoria and Lux is our most closely guarded secret, for a number of reasons, particularly with Faera and Ozorith. We’ve never told anyone about them, not even people we trusted before tonight, such as Ruzatz and Agatha.” She nodded briefly to the couple in acknowledgement before looking back to the Master. “In fact, the only other people who know are other individuals we know or have met that also share their souls with active Seals.”

    She paused there briefly, giving him time to weigh the implication of her words, the confirmation that more than just Lux and Victoria were currently running about Earthland. A discomforting omen to any and all that knew the lore behind the Seals and their purpose. “The only reason I even explained about Lux before was because he had already made himself known and no good would have come from lying about his presence. As you’ve already seen for yourself, he comes and goes as and where he pleases, whether we like it or not. However, aside from the fact that I was not ready to trust you with that knowledge, I also couldn’t be sure that Faera wasn’t observing us from inside Mythal, and it was more prudent to me to not tip my hand. Even if that wound up being useless, since she’d already learned about Victoria through her access to Mythal’s memories… Either way, it is not information that I am keen on getting out, particularly given that we are still figuring out how to deal with Ozorith eventually. At this point, I can only hope that Faera still hates him more than me and won’t spill the beans to him just to spite me.”

    Serilda shook her head. She very much disliked the idea of Faera holding this knowledge over her, of knowing that her attempts to keep Ozorith in the dark being at the mercy of the whims of the goddess that had made Mythal’s entire life a misery. “Anyway… I guess, what I’m trying to get at is: I know we haven’t been forthcoming, and I believe you understand and at least respect our reasons for being so. But, even if I don’t necessarily know or understand you or the Order well enough to trust you fully, nor do I agree with all actions I am aware of you to have taken in the past... I am reassured from tonight that you are at least trying to do the best you can by us. So, please feel free to ask any questions of me as well, even those I am sure Zifu has already voiced to you, be it about us, our Seals, Ozorith… I would rather do what we can to proceed further as allies, if that is something you are open to, so as long as the answers you seek are ours to provide and does not jeopardize our positions as Rune Knights or Gods of Ishgar, I shall provide them.”

    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:33 pm