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    Destiny Fractured

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Destiny Fractured - Page 5 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 5th November 2020, 10:22 pm

    In defense of Serilda’s surprise at seeing a man with a thong, Mythal was just as surprised. Sure, they had been around Ruzatz and Agatha long enough to have grown more comfortable around the more… liberal members of their guild, they both certainly weren’t expecting such a spectacle from members of the secret Order of Souls. Then again, Wanda had proven that limited clothing wasn’t necessarily a requirement and thus, so did the man called Dorian. He greeted them as friends, despite the two of them not knowing him in the least, and showcased his cooking skills for them as he moved about the kitchen while talking. Serilda gave him a small smile and greeted him formally, apologizing for her lack of manners from before and properly introducing herself to him. “The pleasure is all mine, ma dame Sinclair, Dorian Black at your service” Dorian said, somehow finding a moment to take the offered hand, shaking it and then turning it over to deliver a soft and respectful kiss on the top of it, like one might to a royal. It seemed the man was more in the know-how than he appeared. “As well as you, Réalisateur Ragnos. I’ve heard good things.”

    “Thanks… can’t say I’ve heard anythin’ about you, sorry,” Mythal said, taking the offered hand that came his way and shaking it.

    “Oh ho! Then I am doing my job right!” the man shot a charming grin at them both before getting back to cooking, as Monica openly complained that he was taking so much time.

    But it was her turn to be properly addressed by the Field Marshall, who came over and offered a hand and apology for the lack of manners from before. "Ah, don’t sweat it, Lady Sinclair. You guys had a shitton of bull comin’ at you and I just happened to burst in with Gren so kinda can’t blame you for focusin’ elsewhere. Great to finally meet ya though; old man’s said a lotta great things about you two,” Monica said, her laidback mannerisms on point even in front of the two leaders of the Rune Knights.

    Chishan came over and checked up on the couple, with both of them admitting that while sleeping was still a high priority, food somehow had managed to wiggle itself above rest. The Prime Sin insisted they have a seat, as they had worked hard for food and Serilda managed to tease him back, stating that the rest of them had been carrying most of the weight. Mythal sat down next to his fiance, smiling softly as she kissed his forehead. “Water’ll be fine, thanks,” he said, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze before she went over to fetch them drinks.

    As she returned, she asked about their whereabouts, having missed the entire transfer to the new place and pretty much everything right after they popped out of Mythal’s psyche. “This is another base of ours. Kind of a getaway place, where we can lay low for a while so that we can lose tails or cool off after especially heinous missions. I guess you could kind of call it a vacation house,” Chishan admitted with a small chuckle. It was a strange way to put it but frankly, it fit rather well considering. While there were plenty of places they used as a means of escape, this one had always been the favorite among the Order. As he finished explaining that, Serilda inquired about Wanda, wondering how she was doing and if she could thank her if she was still around. “She is but she’s taking some time to rest. Healing herself and everyone else wore her out a little so she’s just recharging. She’ll be back down shortly, I imagine. I know she’d like to know how you both are doing.”

    The group conversed for a short time after that before the other group wandered, led by Gren and Vandrad. Mercury was following them like the raincloud to their cloudy days, looking as downtrodden and depressed as someone who had just felt failure. Mythal glanced up at her as she walked right on by and headed towards the coffee machine, chancing a look at Vandrad. The prince simply shook his head and shrugged. The Silver Wolf and Fairy Tail mages had said time and time again that Mercury was not a happy person upon waking up and while Mythal and Serilda hadn’t doubted the fact, it was another thing entirely to see it with their own eyes. In fact, it was kind of humorous as she grumbled something to Dorian as he attempted to regale her about the hot drink she was making and then walked on autopilot over to them with barely a sound or glance. Vandrad remarked about the fact that they looked well rested and Serilda stated that she still planned on sleeping forever once they got home, though they would have to check on their daughters and the wolves. Indeed, Gren had been antsy even before everything had happened, most likely sensing something was wrong with the Darkness King before he understood it. Simply leaving them left a sour pit in his stomach and he imagined the mutant Star Wolf was losing his mind in concern. “Yeah there’s gonna be steak dinners for Gren and Xiuhco for a long time to make up for tonight…” Mythal said with a weak, amused smile. And frankly, being able to see Grappa and Jellisha would probably be what broke him worse. Holding his daughters would definitely hit him on how close he came to losing them.

    Dorian supplied the rest of the food that he had finished cooking, making a grand display of setting it down and showcasing the brilliantly plated meals. And much like a family gathered around a big dinner, the group of gathered people started taking from every plate, passing around and serving to one another to ensure that everyone got some of everything. It was a bonafide potluck and the grin on Dorian’s face was as bright as the moon outside, beaming with pride as everyone went to work at filling their plates. Chishan spoke up during the mass movement, addressing the entirety of the night and seeking to clear the air for anyone that had questions, comments or concerns. Once they had concluded what they wanted to talk about, Dorian apparently had a means of getting them home, in probably a similar manner as Zifu. The Master of the Order decided to begin, asking if his assumption that Faera had survived was correct. Gren explained as such, a solemn realization that hadn’t really set in for Mythal yet. While he was glad to be alive and well, the fact still remained that Faera had taken her power back, with all the strength that the Darkness King had cultivated over the past few years. If she had been strong before, she was beyond their comprehension now.

    Gren continued, explaining that Faera had planned for an intrusion and had brought her new Trumpet with her, a man called Hugo. While the name would seem familiar to most of them, Mythal’s jaw tightened slightly at the mention. They had known that Faera would most likely find some way to get to Serilda directly, some means to mess with her and throw her off balance. Resurrecting her asshole ex-husband hadn’t seemed to be a possibility. He had looked different, changed somehow -- much like Archimedes had taken on a bulkier, scarier form when he started using his full abilities. And the sight of him pinning Serilda down nearly set Mythal’s blood to boil. His adoptive father summarized the fight as briefly as possible, with Victoria speaking up and voicing her own dissatisfaction that Faera had managed to escape. She’d been within inches of rending her from existence, only for the ritual to finish and yank her out. Yet she wasn’t truly upset, as they had completed their task and she knew for a fact that the Dark Goddess would be brimming with anger eternally over the fact that Serilda had managed to mar her face. The rest of the group seemed to chuckle slightly with the Seal, though not as wickedly as she did.

    Chishan was relieved, more than anything. Though Faera’s continued existence wasn’t great, he was happy everyone had made it out alive and without major injury. He then told them of what had happened on the outside, with Mythal having had Faera take control of him and use his body to attack the group. He stated that their survival came from the efforts of Vandrad and Mercury and upon looking at them, it seemed neither was willing to stand up and accept the honor. Vandrad simply sat with his arms crossed, believing he had done his duty and nothing more while the Silver Wolf mage looked about ready to melt into her coffee. Mercury mused over the fact that she had missed out on a fight before asking Chishan where his wife had disappeared to. The Master was quick to explain that the queen wished to start compiling the information from the night’s event, as well as handle her emotions about some kind of ‘leak’. Mythal doubted that was some kind of physical pipe that was leaking but was rather a breach of information. Had someone attempted to rob data from them while they were at the other base? His first suspicion was Mercury; Silver Wolf was famous for its drive to gather magical information and hoard it for its own pursuits. It would make sense that an ace of their guild would go above and beyond to record some of the data that was at the base.

    Serilda spoke up after that revelation, providing one of her own as she brought up Hugo. She explained to the rest of the group that Ozorith had explained that Faera would attempt to come at them by means they’d never suspect but she hadn’t been prepared for the result of her plots. After a moment of careful, quiet consideration, she revealed that the Hugo that was the new Trumpet was also her former husband, the one she had brought up hours ago. The Dark Goddess had picked him in an attempt to knock Serilda off guard and apparently that resulted in the two joining together in some kind of amorous pact. It was more strange than anything else, unsettling that such depravity had gone through the Divine’s mind. But Serilda wasn’t done and after a moment of looking at Mythal, she turned her gaze to Chishan once more and told them that Faera was, in fact, pregnant with Hugo’s child.

    Well that was just disturbing. “Eeck, talk about committin’’ too hard to an alliance,” Mythal said with a scoff. The rest of the table was equally perturbed, with Agatha speaking up to clarify what she had said. The wife of Ruzatz wanted to know if it was perhaps some kind of trick, meant to get under Serilda’s skin or anger her to the point of acting out of turn. But it was Victoria who confirmed that it was true; apparently her ability to use blood magic allowed her the opportunity to read one’s streaming veins, even within bodies. She had sensed a secondary flow of blood within Faera, thus confirming that a child was growing inside of her.

    Ruzatz sighed as he knit his fingers together in front of him. “Divines and humans aren’t capable of reproducing, so she must have waited until she turned him into an archangel. Even then… such a mix is unheard of. Only demons have actively reproduced with humans and other species but Divines kind of always… thought they were too good for it.” But even as he said that, he leveled his gaze on Agatha with some unknown thought that only she would understand. It was clear, despite his words, that there was a history of contradictions that the two knew rather well. In fact, Ruzatz even glanced over at Monica, whose own face had soured at the thought. “Any child born out of that connection could be very dangerous.”

    “Indeed,” Chishan agreed, nodding solemnly. Serilda spoke up a moment later to continue her thought, explaining that it was evident that Hugo had only recently acquired his powers. He was testing them against Serilda, seeing what he was capable of and learning as he did. She said he wasn’t nearly as strong as Archimedes but his nature was far more atrocious and, in time, she believed he would be an even greater threat that Archimedes had been. “The last thing we need is another archangel on level with Izrael, Ruman or, even worse, Shepard. We don’t even know a lot about the last one but we know he is considered the strongest of them all.”

    Many of the group had finished their meals or were slowly picking away at what remained. As Chishan settled into his seat, relaxing after filling himself, Serilda turned her attention back to him. She apologized for keeping Victoria a secret, realizing that both Zifu and himself were probably not pleased about the withheld information. She stated that she only hoped that it was understood that it wasn’t out of malicious intent towards him or the group. The truth about Lux and Victoria were closely guarded secrets, especially when it came to Faera and Ozorith. Even their closest friends, Ruzatz and Agatha, hadn’t known about their existence, which was incredible when one considered Lux. The only other people that truly knew about the Seals existences were the other ones in the world that also had active Seals. A harrowing and weighted statement and Mythal watched Chishan as he met the Field Marshal’s gaze evenly. The knowledge that not only were two Seals active but substantially more was probably not an easy one to swallow, though the Master made it look easy. Serilda continued, revealing that the only reason she had explained about Lux was that… well, it would be impossible to explain him away without the Seal himself giving up the goose. Victoria was still a secret and the Voidwalker couldn’t be sure that Faera wasn’t observing or listening in to the conversation, despite the fact that Serilda felt no need to show any trust to the Order without effort or substance. Unfortunately, Faera had already learned of Victoria from Mythal’s memories so the secret had already been let out. But she still wished to keep it close to the chest and away from Ozorith, counting that Faera didn’t decide to run and mock him with the knowledge herself. A high risk but what else could they do?

    The entire dialogue was a long-winded way of Serilda showing her appreciation for the Order’s understanding. They hadn’t shown all of the cards in their hand nor did they simply stand back and let the Order of Souls run rampant over them. But she had gotten the feeling that there was a respect there for Serilda and Mythal’s reasons for being guarded, which was true. She didn’t fully support the ideals of the Order or rather, their actions and didn’t quite trust them fully, she did honestly believe that they were doing everything they could to do right by the couple. With their actions, they had earned a bit of good will and so, Serilda was willing to answer questions concerning the Seals, Ozorith or whatever, so that they could continue to work and grow as allies. But she would not betray their positions within the Rune Knights or the Wizard Saints, leaving most other topics open for questions. Chishan considered this for a long moment before he sat forward. “Let me start by saying that, while it is concerning to see two active Seals at once and hearing that there are more, you have nothing to apologize for. The truth of the matter is a lot of our assumptions about the Seals are based on legends and lore that we’ve dug up or recovered over the years. Maybe their ultimate goal is true but unless they are actively hostile towards us, we have no reason to pursue them. That’s the entire point of the Order; we observe from afar and only act when other forces fail or are defeated. We prefer to be a final line of defense rather than the bullying vanguard that demands information and secrets without returning any kindness. I’ll admit that the Order used to border on that, so determined to be at the forefront of defense that a lot of lines were crossed. I’m aiming to get back to where we were before and frankly, you helped me a lot in that decision making process. The Order of Souls worked with governing bodies to help strengthen protections against hostile forces rather than undermining them. I want to get back to that. And as such, I would never demand any secrets from you, Mythal or anyone. Besides, it seems Victoria helped when it really mattered. I can’t fault her just because she’s a Seal, nor Lux for that matter.”

    “Well, let’s not get crazy,” Mythal spoke up, earning a smile from the Master.

    “I get why you kept Victoria a secret. In your shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. I’m just sorry that your advantage was robbed from you before you got a chance to shock Faera with it. Now all we can do is hope that Faera’s pride is bigger than Ozorith’s and she decides to keep your secret as her own personal weapon, as terrible as that is to say.” Chishan shook his head, almost unwilling to believe that he was putting faith in the Divine at all. “Mythal’s actions set me down this path to wanting to help the world and I’ve seen enough from you two, all of you really, to know that you all are doing the best you can to protect the world around you. Trust is built on actions, on responsibilities. I would rather earn your trust through mine and the Order’s actions moving forward rather than assume we deserve it. Zifu has… she’s scarred by her past dealing with gods and demons and it has made her, unfortunately, bitter and angry. But believe me, she wants to protect this world as well -- she just has a hard time letting herself go with the flow. She’s a bit set in the old ways,” he said with a small smile. “I would like to continue on as allies. And while I appreciate the opportunity to ask questions that we both know I have, I don’t believe tonight is the right time. We’ve all been through an ordeal; each one of our lives was put to the test tonight. I care far more about us just… getting a chance to ask about the event and then letting it sit. This isn’t going to be quick or easy to process, for any of us. And frankly, I think we’ve all earned a respite from queries and revelations. We’ll take time to talk, especially now that Gren doesn’t need to be working so undercover as before.”

    Gren’s brows furrowed. “What do ya mean?”

    Chishan smiled. “Well the whole reason you needed to operate in secret was so that Faera didn’t find out you had escaped Kingdom Darkness. It’s safe to say that cat is out of the bag. And honestly, if she made a move on any of your loved ones to try and hurt them, it’s safe to say they’ll send her packing,” the Master said, looking over to Serilda, Mythal and Vandrad. “You’re welcome to stay and work with the Order if you’d like but we don’t need to keep you under wraps anymore. And thank the Gods too; I’ve hated having to keep you away from your family as much as I have.”

    Gren looked truly touched, his face a painting of surprise and genuine happiness. “Thanks, Chishan. You have no idea how much that means.”

    “I’m glad to do it, old friend. Truly.” The Master’s face brightened a bit more, though still as weary as the rest of them. “As much as I would love to talk more, and I’m sure we’ll make time to do so in the future, eating that food has put me on the verge of a coma. So I think I’m about ready to go and sleep forever, unless any of you have any last minute questions you’d like to throw my way.”

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 5 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th November 2020, 8:55 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Surprisingly, Mercury did not wake when Vandrad came over to her side of the bed and set himself up beside her, reaching up and taking her hand to try and comfort her through the nightmares. For a woman that had slept light as a feather her entire life, always on the edge and on the lookout for conflict, she was so exhausted that she barely even stirred, despite being touched. It was worth noting, however, that she did eventually calm down and manage to drift into a less distressed state. Still, the little sleep she had gotten wasn’t entirely as sound as she would have preferred, and that showed in her irritated state once she’d been woken up.

    But, as always, the delicious smell of coffee bean extract was more than enough to perk her up to a slightly more wakeful, if completely tunnel visioned, state. Dorian spoke up to greet her far too jovially, expressing his wish that she enjoy what was apparently his own special way of brewing coffee. Mercury didn’t even really turn to look at him, but she wouldn’t need to in order to know that he was eying her over. Logic was more than enough to deduce that he was checking her out given the activities he’d been up to prior to their arrival and Gren’s assessment that Dorian was much like Monica. Hell, Monica had probably talked about her already at some point. “Coffee first, flirting later,” she told him in a humorously fatigued tone, acknowledging his interest but tabling it until she was more awake.

    While everyone else set to greeting one another, Mercury poured her tall cup and sat down, gripping the mug against her and letting the delicious scent percolate in her nostrils. She wasn’t paying any attention at all to the conversations around her as she waited a couple minutes for the liquid to cool down enough to drink. By then, Gren had already grabbed some food and sat down next to her even as Vandrad seated himself across. Dorian had already set out all the platters and dishes by the time she was able to take her first sip, blowing the steam away and letting the dark liquid drip gently down her throat. Her eyes went wide as she stared down at the cup in wonder for a moment. “Lights of Aitheria,” Mercury breathed softly, her voice quiet but still louder than she realized. Whatever concoction Dorian had managed to brew was unlike anything she’d ever tasted before. It was robust and rich, with tones of flavor she didn’t entirely know how to describe. “That’s better than sex.”

    Mercury put the cup back up to her face and continued to drink slowly while everyone else passed food to each other around her. The rest of the group was well into their food when she finished the glass, finally looking a bit more alert and ready to interact with the rest of the world. Without going for any of the meal yet herself, she stood quietly back up and went to get a refill. The conversation had progressed a bit over things she already knew, such as the confirmation that Faera was still alive. Though, according to Victoria, it sounded as though that would not have been the case if she’d gotten even half a second more to finish her attack.

    Chishan went on to bring everyone up to speed on what had been happening in the outside world, or at least for those that hadn’t been a part of the encounter. Mercury had already sat back down with her second cup by then, and was staring almost lustfully at it as the master of the Order praised Vandrad and Mercury’s skill in being able to keep Faera at bay long enough to finish the ritual and keep everyone alive. The Xocili was slightly discomforted by the callout, though it wasn’t evident on her face. Rather than say anything or acknowledge the statement, she passed herself off as though still far too invested in her coffee and overcoming the pangs of grogginess to really be paying much attention. Thankfully, no one seemed keen on bringing up the details of the battle, nor of her magic.

    Of course, instead a more awkward topic came up. Monica asked where Zifu had run off to, and Chishan explained that the queen wanted to get a head start on whatever paperwork they had to put together about tonight’s incident. That, and she was agitated by a leak. Mercury managed to continue a straight face as she finally started piling food onto her plate, but the empaths in the room wouldn’t miss the small hiccup of surprise and wariness that washed through her. Agatha somehow managed to keep herself from turning to look curiously at the lavender haired woman, though her eyes flicked in her general direction briefly. Seeing as how Chishan didn’t seem interested in broaching the topic further or accusing anyone, however, she left it alone and went back to her food.

    Serilda spoke up then, but not with a question at Chishan’s invitation. Rather, she had more information to relay to the group about what had taken place inside Mythal’s head. The new Trumpet that Faera had employed was, apparently, Serilda’s exhusband that she’d mentioned earlier. It seemed that the goddess had hand picked him specifically to terrorize Serilda, and by the state the noblewoman had been in upon returning to the real world, it seemed Faera had been successful to some degree. More disturbing, however, was that apparently Faera had elected to mate with the man-turned-angel, and now she was bearing his offspring. The knowledge had quite the effect on the room, with nearly everyone -- including Mercury herself -- looking more than a bit disgusted and trepidatious about the news.

    Ruzatz spoke up with a sigh, leaning over the table a bit to speak his thoughts out loud in pensive posture. He told everyone that Divines weren’t able to breed with mortals, which meant that Faera had likely waited until Hugo had been ascended to an archangel. But even then, it wasn’t a normal or even common act. Demons, apparently, spread their seed with humans all the time, but the gods thought themselves above such base actions. He shot Agatha curious glance that was impossible for her to interpret, though she got the feeling that perhaps Agatha had some personal exposure to the subject at hand. Regardless, he admitted that the child would likely be a danger.

    Obviously, that wasn’t favorable. Faera and her current Trumpets were bad enough, and no one really wanted to envision that line up getting worse with some amalgamation of god and angel that no one really had ever heard of before. Thankfully, Serilda moved the conversation along and changed the subject, choosing instead to apologize for not bringing Victoria up and giving her reasons for not doing so. They were valid reasons as far as Mercury was concerned, and the Xocili didn’t particularly feel that an apology was necessary. The Voidwalker had only been protecting herself, Mythal, and their assets. Mercury did the same thing all the time. It was just the smart thing to do. But, Serilda was more tied up with propriety and politics, so it seemed she felt it right to apologize to the man. More than that, she opened up the table to allow him questions in return, at least about anything that the noblewoman was at leisure to answer.

    Chishan admitted it wasn’t exactly comforting to meet two Seals and to learn about the existence of more, but he was of the mindset that she had not done anything wrong in omitting Victoria’s existence before. The Order really didn’t know that much about the Seals beyond legend and rumor, and while their ultimate goal was something the Order saw as worrisome, there was no active reason to pursue them if they weren’t living with hostility. The Order was meant to be a final means of defense against forces that the world couldn’t face on its own, not a frontline in picking fights with the supernatural -- despite the Order’s missteps in the past. Additionally, there was no denying that Victoria had played a pivotal role in their success today, so he couldn’t hold a grudge against her for simply being who she was, nor for Lux.

    Mythal spoke up a bit teasingly to tell Chishan not to get too far ahead of himself when it came to the Lightbringer, which brought quite the chuckle from Victoria. “Even as far as my brothers and sisters and I go, Lux is quite the… special case,” she admitted, agreeing with Mythal and knowing more than anyone else in the room exactly the kind of being Lux was. “But if you wish to know more about us, I am not against holding a discussion on the matter. We have nothing to hide. Our destiny is inevitable, and nothing about our purpose or existences is what I would consider secret. Our history and notoriety has simply been lost to time through the repeated falls and evolution of humanity. In fact, I probably know more about your own Order’s history than you may have current records of. This is not the first time I have been in contact with the Order of Souls, nor will it be the last, I am sure.”

    The Master admitted, much like Mercury, that he would have done the same in Serilda’s shoes, even as he expressed his hope that Faera wouldn’t tip the Voidwalker’s hand to Ozorith. It was because of Mythal that Chishan had been driven to do what he could to protect the world, and given everything he’d seen from everyone tonight he knew that all of them were on the same page. Or at least assumed so. Once again, Mercury’s face remained passive as she quietly listened and ate the food in front of her, but there was a somewhat sharp churn in her stomach at the words. A numb but deep seeded sensation of guilt and sorrow coursed through her. If everyone here knew who she truly was, knew her mission and the reason she’d been sent, knew what future she had been charged with befalling Earthland, they would kill her on the spot. At most they would torture her for information first, in order to try to figure out what they were up against. But the truth of the matter was that she didn’t have Earthland’s best interests at heart. She wasn’t trying to protect it. Mercury was only altruistic and benevolent enough to fit in and not be suspicious, but the actions she took in the dark were quite the opposite of what Chishan was expressing.

    He went on to explain that trust was something earned, and it worked both ways. He was under no illusions that he and the Order were owed anyone’s respect. Zifu was more opinionated and less forgiving simply because she had a deep scar directly due to the actions of gods and demons in the past that made her angry, but her heart was supposedly in the right place. That didn’t soften Mercury’s opinion of the queen any less. As far as she was concerned, Zifu was still clearly the type of woman who thought she knew best and thought she could look down her nose at anyone with a different opinion. Frankly, the knowledge that Zifu had been upset by Mercury’s breach only brought the Xocili a sense of bitter satisfaction. Nonetheless, Chishan wanted to do what they could to be allies with everyone present, though it seemed he felt that now was not the time to get into the specifics on how to make that happen Everyone had dealt with a great deal tonight, had put their lives on the line, and the only thing he sought for the moment was making sure everyone was on the same page. More detailed meetings and discussions could happen at a later time.

    More importantly, after tonight it seemed some things were going to change, specifically with Gren. The older man looked to Chishan and voiced his confusion, only for the master to explain that there was no reason for Gren to remain in hiding anymore since Faera now knew he had escaped Kingdom Darkness. Additionally, it was rather obvious after tonight that anyone who was dear to Gren wasn’t exactly going to be an easy target for the goddess, so he highly doubted she was going to come after anyone. Gren was still more than welcome as a member of the Order, but he simply no longer needed to hide his return to Earthland, which had been difficult for Chishan to force on the elder Ragnos.

    There was a smile on Serilda’s face, the first that had truly met her eyes since before everything had gone to shit that evening. “We can finally introduce you to your granddaughters,” she said, looking very much relieved and moved with emotion. Gren thanked Chishan, and that was about all he had left in him. With his belly full, the master was ready to sleep for the rest of his life, barring if anyone had any pressing concerns or inquiries that couldn’t wait for a later date. Mercury looked around with a number of others but, like them, stayed silent. She didn’t have any questions for the moment, and likely wouldn’t until she could get the chance to go over everything she’d stolen from the Order. Not that she expected to find too much of substance. After all, that had been a secondary base, not a main one. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t valuable information in what she’d gotten her hands on, and she wouldn’t really know how to move forward with this group until she’d had enough time to process everything. So, Mercury merely stayed silent, sipping on what was left of her coffee and letting everyone else in the room take the initiative to either continue the conversation or end it as they saw fit.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Destiny Fractured - Page 5 Empty Re: Destiny Fractured

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th November 2020, 12:10 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Destiny Fractured - Page 5 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad couldn’t imagine that coffee actually tasted better than sex. Then again, he wasn’t as attached to the caffeine supplier as Mercury was. The Silver Wolf mage practically required at least one cup before she was able to function at all. Usually her reaction to getting coffee was always excitable on a very low level of energy but this was complete and utter praising, as if her entire world had been uprooted into a new realm of exquisite taste. The prince glanced at his partner and rolled his eyes, a trait that he had showcased more times that night than most other times they spent together. But criticizing her now would be pointless; it would be like throwing a dagger against a stone wall and hoping it stuck. Nothing would faze her until she was dutifully energized from her drink.

    While she drank, the rest of the group gathered food and started to eat. Vandrad took a healthy helping of every food group and scarfed it down quickly, disinterested in asking questions as, he presumed, most of the others would be inquiring along the same train of thought. Chishan confirmed with Gren that Faera was still alive, learning that another ‘Trumpet’ had been with her. Whatever the title meant, it held some significance in the court of the Divine, perhaps held by the archangels that had been discussed. It was Vandrad who first wondered, once the Trumpet had been named as Hugo, if it was the same man that Serilda had once been married to. The Field Marshal confirmed as much not long after, the prince sneering slightly into his meal. It was a cruel trick but effective as well -- taking the enemy’s weak spot and turning it into a strength. It seemed Faera was far craftier than she seemed on the face of things. Vandrad didn’t even seem to notice as Chishan praised him and Mercury, stating that they were the reason they had managed to put up a fight. While the respect was appreciated, it was hardly needed. "We all had our responsibilities. Ours was protecting the ritual area. We were simply doing our duty,” the prince explained with deeper context, wiping his mouth with a napkin as he put down his utensils.

    The loss of Zifu hadn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of the group, with Monica being the one to ask where she had gone to. Chishan explained that she intended to go and start compiling the report on the night’s events and, apparently, she had been shaken by a leak of information. The slight rise of concerned emotions in Mercury drew Vandrad’s attention to his partner, his eyes narrowing slightly even as she kept her face poised and unbroken. So his suspicion about her snooping around beyond her means had been correct. He shouldn’t have been surprised but even the prince wasn’t looking to get on the bad side of the secret organization so soon after learning of their existence. But Mercury simply couldn’t help herself, could she? He chose not to expose her, deciding he would give her grief on it later while also inquiring into what she had learned. If the leak was already sprung, no sense in not looking through what came spilling out.

    As stated before, Serilda confirmed that the Trumpet Hugo was the self-same man that she had once been married to. But beyond that, it seemed that he had also opened an amorous relationship with the Divine and in doing so, had managed to impregnate the woman. Was that simply an attempt to mock Serilda about her being barren or had it been an accidental result that worked in their benefit? It seemed they lacked an answer there but it was agreed from all parties that it bore a bad omen. The Divine was a goddess and thus had immeasurable power; mixing that with that of an archangel could result in a child with destructive, incalculable strength. Perhaps that was another plan of hers -- to create a progeny that could truly bring about the end of their world if she was unable to achieve the task herself. Ruzatz commented on the incident with concern, explaining that gods and goddesses normally couldn’t actually breed with those from the mortal realm. They required some kind of divine touch, whereas demons were perfectly capable of having children with humans. It seemed an odd difference for each race to have but who was he to assume what did or didn’t make sense for gods and demons?

    Serilda sought to bury the axe with Chishan in terms of Victoria, apologizing for keeping the Seal a secret. While it had been quite the shock to see that the Field Marshal possessed one of the tools of the Apocalypse as well, Vandrad was hardly surprised she had played the fact close to her chest. Such a useful tool was best kept unknown, especially when going up against a foe that seemed beyond their capabilities. The prince was like many in the room and agreed with Serilda’s choice to keep Victoria a secret in hopes of getting an edge, even if it ultimately amassed nothing in terms of victory. But Chishan wasn’t upset and frankly, given how Victoria and Lux had helped, he saw no reason to hold anything against them simply because of their nature. Mythal mused teasingly about not cutting Lux any slack and Victoria agreed, stating that the Lightbringer was certainly unique among the mass of brothers and sister Seals. She was also amenable to the prospect of opening a dialogue with the Order members, willing to exchange information with them so that they could better understand her and the Seals as a whole. She had dealt with the Order of Souls before and even remarked that she may know their history better than they knew it themselves.

    There was an odd moment after that, when Chishan mentioned that he believed everyone present would do anything to protect the world as well. While Vandrad didn’t personally see himself as some kind of hero, he would do anything to make sure his family and loved ones were kept safe. But Mercury’s own emotions sparked in a different direction; one that was sour and foul tasting to his senses. She felt guilty, even saddened, as she heard the words and processed them against herself. Why should she feel guilt over the ideology of protecting the world from harm? Did this have something to do with why she was here? Was this one of the secrets she had kept from him, one of the tasks that she couldn’t reveal for the sake of her own and his safety? What was her real goal on Earthland? He could only wonder, casting a temporary glance at her before he returned it to Chishan. He was talking about how trust was earned rather than expected and that he sought to move forward as allies, even in spite of his wife’s more… conservative views. But he didn’t want to spend all night talking, if only because they’d all been put in such dangerous places that Chishan felt they had earned some true and deep rest.

    But perhaps the best news thus far was when the Master turned to Gren and stated that the former Knight could finally return to a semi-normal existence. The entire purpose of him being kept in the dark was to pull the wool over Faera’s eyes and that surprise had been ripped off completely and fully at that point. With no reason to hide Gren any longer, and no concern for his loved ones being incapable of protecting themselves, the former Knight could return to the world and work with the Order moving forward only if he wanted to. Gren was quite moved by the Master’s words, as was Serilda who stated that he could finally meet his granddaughters. It was truly an exceptional and loving moment and even Vandrad couldn’t help the small, genuine smile that came to his face. Then Chishan stated that he had run out of energy to continue the discussion, the food in his stomach acting as an anchor and drawing him down into slumber. He looked to see if there were any last questions and when everyone looked around and seemed to silently agree on nothing, it was time to part. The Master bid them farewell, stating that he would reach out soon to check up on the group before he headed up the stairs.

    “Alright everyone, I want you to focus really hard on the place you wish to return to. Imagine it in your mind’s eye, remember the feel of the floor, the aroma in the air. Picture it fully. Except for you, mon chere, you and I are going somewhere else to finish what we started,” Dorian said, reaching over and giving Monica a squeeze on her rump. Vandrad scoffed but closed his eyes, picturing his room back in Magnolia, his clear memory painting the setting perfectly. And with a release of magical energy, everyone was gone, returned to their places of origin, their night together finally and truly at an end.

    Words: 1524/4355 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:39 pm