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    Peace from the Storm

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    Posts : 498
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    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Peace from the Storm Empty Peace from the Storm

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 16th February 2019, 10:51 am

    link to topic description

    It was rare for Indra to risk returning to Midi-- partly due to the bounty on his head. But that kid sure new how to pick his missions. The annoying little turd, Imai, who happened to be one of the guild's ace members, had pitched Indra a mission to help promote him further in the guild. It was probably unintentional as the kid was just hyper active, but he had the bad habit of rubbing Indra the wrong way. He just couldn't handle the kid's overly eager personality and blind lack of tact.

    His mission sent him to one of the small fishing villages of Midi-- not too far from the mountains where Koryu lived. His mission was to help rid the town of a haunting Onryō, a malevolent spirit that had haunted much of Midi, but Imai told him to just deal with the one in this town. At least that was something of ease.

    Normally, the monks of Midi would be ones to handle such things. However, the fact they had reached out to the guilds of Fiore, it probably was a bit more than monks could handle alone. Still, he hoped he wouldn't run into them. He still was a wanted man in Midi and just hope no one would hit a gift horse in the mouth to try and deal with their problems. Journeying with them, as they reached the small village nestled between two rivers that ran through the valley, was Tailong and Kage. The Exceed and miniature dragon were focused as they made their way into the village. Indra was clad in his new Armor of the Ten storms-- though wore his old tattered cloak, to conceal his idenity in Midi all the same.

    "Why bother with that old raggedy thing? " Tailong said as he sniffed the musty cloak. "You're face is more intimidating than the cloak anyway."

    "A little thing called stealth, you jackass dragon," Kage growled, defending his sensei. "Raijin sensei knows what he is doing. "

    "Behave you two. Now is not the time to bicker here of all time." Indra said, his voice an unusual calm.

    As they entered the village, things were quiet, by either people having left or hidden in their homes. Few were out on the streets except a few people around. From what he gathered he could find some priests around that could help exorsize the ghoul but not few could be found.

    ""Jeez.... this may take some time, " Indra said to Kage and Tailong.

    "Perhaps I can be of help," a voice said calmly-- but to Indra, he felt a sickness hit his stomach. How the HELL could he not smell that bastard coming.

    Alarmed he turned around and soon found him walking down the street. On the path towards him was the same dark cloaked figure that he saw back at the Ace of Spades, marked by his short black hair and red eyes. The same monk who had persued Indra before.

    "Gah! Itachi!" Kage meowed in mild fright, but despite it jumped in front of Indra to his defense.

    Despite the air of hostility, Indra glared at him without a flinch as Tailong hid behind Indra from the fear of the last fight. The man stopped and gave Indra a neutral nod. "Indra. Fate certainly has a sense of irony. So you were ordered to come to the aid of the homeland you left behind. YOu must be feeling nostalgic. "

    "Yeah... karma is a bitch," he snapped back grumpily and drew an arm from his cloak. "What the hell are YOU doing here, Itachi."

    WC: 640


    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    Posts : 498
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    Peace from the Storm Empty Re: Peace from the Storm

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 18th February 2019, 2:40 pm

    The overcast sky grew darker as afternoon became evening, the daylight beginning to fade into night. Both warriors stared at one another unmovoing, Indra intend to hear the explanation as to why Itach, the man who had hunted him up till now, was in this village. "Believe it or not, Indra... the world doesn't revolve around you. I am here as part of exorcise the Onryo that has plagued this part of Midi. I did hear that this town did request outside aid, but to think it would be you.... Such is destiny."

    "Oh, shut it..." Indra growled, lightning magic cracking off his shoulders. Tailong hopped free, almost shocked by the violent impulse. "I don't have time for you're mind games..."

    "Now hold on," Itachi said as he raised a hand in a pleading gesture, but his tone calm all the same. "Before either of us do anything rash, I like to make you an offer... since we both have aligning interests at the moment. "

    Indra's gaze narrowed at Itachi. At a time, he would of been afraid to look him straight in the eye for his hypnotic eye power. However, since he learned the secrets of the Eyes of the Lightning Dragon, he had overcomes such powers of illusion. His eyes could counter the effects of his Sharigan. He kept quiet and let Itachi continue. Curious himself, Kage loosened his guard and looked up at the man clad in black and red.

    "Even with my skills, the Onryo is extremely dangerous and has terrified this land. " Itachi explained, "The source of its wrath remains unknown. Too much time has passed for me to properly exorcise it, even with my visual prowess. I wouldn't be able to subdue it alone... but with your help, it might be possible."

    "You expect me to team up with you? Please..." Indra snorted, crossing his arms against his chest in a stuck-up manner. "Why would I agree to do that? "

    "The purging of this spirit is both our missions. Despite your rebellious attitude, I doubt you would ignore a mission by your new guild. So if you are wise, you will consider this," Itachi said, which made Indra grumble in distaste. "If you agree to work with me, once this job is complete... I shall let you leave back to Fiore without any pursuit."

    Indra raised a brow at Itachi. "Really? you just are going to let me go? No illusions or tricks up your sleeves?" he asked. "How do I know you will honor your word after we fight this spirit."

    "This will take all our magic to combat this creature, and I rather not waste my energy on a foolish fight, " Itachi explained as calm as could be. "It simply is better for us to work together to accomplish this. After all, my mission was to see to this village's safety. Not to drag you back. All this considered, I am willing to overlook seeing you this time for a greater purpose."

    Indra rolled his eyes as he grumbled at how Itachi would make a compromise sound better for him.

    He felt a tug on his hakama as he looked. "Sensei, I know its none of my buisness. I know he is an enemy... but I think we should trust him. I doubt we could do it on our own if this needs someone who can exorcise the spirit. Having him would be easier than to not." The Exceed said.

    Itachi raised his chin from his cloak and smiled at the Exceed. "It's amazing how you have such smart company. He will make a fine shinobi one day," Itachi commented, having recalled from their last meeting how he used similar arts against them. Surprised, Kage smirked and his tail twitched, happy.

    Indra grumbled a bit more, his foot tapping impatiently as he thought as if to try and find an alternative way... but if Kage was in agreement, it usually meant it was the best way to go. "I rather bite off my tongue than say this... but fine, we have a deal Itachi-- you stupid teacher's pet. I suppose you need SOMEONE whose only strength is illusions. "

    Itachi closed his eyes calmly. "You really are insufferable-- and foolish if you think my only talent is mere genjutsu. Why do you think they sent ME here for this kind of job. Regardless, you are right. This job will require your... brawn to do some of the work."

    Indra growled and just lowered his arms in defeat. "Fine... lets just fine this thing. The sooner we get rid of it, the sooner I'll be rid of you."

    WC: 808


    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Peace from the Storm Empty Re: Peace from the Storm

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 18th February 2019, 4:29 pm

    The village was now dark with the promise of the unfriendly vampiric spirit seeking revenge. A soft fog had rolled over the village from the mountains and the rivers, which only added to the spooky setting. What villagers still remained were secure in their homes, as safe as expected to be with such a ghost on the prowl.

    With the aid of Kage and Tailong, they helped Itachi set up. The miniature dragon and tiger had gathered herbs from around the village, including the feather of a very confused goose that was in the river nearby. Meanwhile, Indra kept watch as he listened carefully for any signs of this Onryo, but things were quiet. He glanced at the work of Itachi, seeing him make a few Midian hand signs then pressed his palm to the ground. A magic circle soon appeared, and then faded-- to mark the ground in the same design as black ink.

    "Since when did you learn how to be a priest?" Indra asked Itachi in a cold, mocking tone.

    "If you had stuck around the monastery, you would of learned how to do this too," He replied in simple concert, which caused Indra to grumble again.

    While the tension between the two were palpable, Tailong tried to defuse it with some snacks as he was about to eat one of the rice balls... till Itachi took it from him faster than the dragon could anticipate. "No. This is for the ritual."

    "Come on, we all know the shrine keepers are the ones that eat it in the end-- or the friendly forest animals..." Tailong whined, looking sad to have not gotten even a bite.

    The fog began to grow thicker as Indra became more alert to changes. "So what is your brilliant plan?" Indra asked.

    Itachi soon lit some incense in the surrounding circle. "Ideally, we lure the spirit here. The scent of these incense sticks and the food offering is meant to sate the spirit's hunger. It will lure it towards us. After that, the ritual to pacify the spirit will require focus. I will be counting on you to keep it back. When i give the word, let it into the circle." he explained.

    Indra didn't take it completely at his word. "And what if the spirit is smart enough to avoid the circle? Do you have an alternative?" he asked.

    Itachi glanced at Indra, their eyes meeting. "I do. In the event it can't be lured. I can remake the circle depending on the circumstance. Just do your part to not let it get to me while I am trying to cast the jutsu." he explained.

    Indra turned his gaze outside of the shrine building, looking at the fog. "How long will you need? " he asked.

    "A minute-- without any major disruptions."

    It was then a loud, shrilling cry echoed through the air. Kage's fur stood on end and Tailong flew right to the ceiling in fright. Needless to say it was enough to give anyone chills. However, neither did Itachi or Indra flinch at the cry of the ghoulish creature.

    "Looks like you got its attention anyway... " Indra sighed as he stepped out of the shrine entrance and out into the courtyard ahead of it.

    WC: 565


    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Peace from the Storm Empty Re: Peace from the Storm

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 18th February 2019, 8:39 pm

    Indra now stood out in the fog, his ears on high alert and now his eyes. He could now enhanse his senses to almost a perfect state-- however, Indra found one flaw to the Rairyu Tengan. They couldn't see the things that ghosts were made of. Though his reflexes with them were faster, he couldn't see bioelectricity of the ghost-- cause they were already dead and no body to speak of. The shrieks would come and go in moments, fading and rising as if it was circling. Whatever itachi did with the shrine, it was drawing the vengeful spirit towards them.

    There was an odd silence... then he heard the howl of air coming from above him.

    SHRREEEAAAAA!!! A wail erupted from above Indra aimed to strike. At the very moment, he moved out of the way-- followed by a loud slicing sound. Indra looked to find a mist-like body of a long haired, long-nailed and thin spirit with red eyes. The spirit was frightful as Indra faced it-- but it was swift and quick to move after him, hungry for his blood-- or soul. He couldn't tell.

    Out of pure instinct-- he released a Lightning Dragon Roar, a blast of lightning erupting out of his mouth and shot right through the ghost. However, like any ghost, the blast merely disperced its body... only for it to form up again in a few seconds as like mist, it regrew into its shape with a loud snarl.

    "Okay... this isn't going to be as easy as i thought. Damn that Imai..." he grunted.

    "Sensei! Don't let it touch you" Kage called from the safety of the shrine as Itachi was preparing the ritual as fast as he could.

    Kage's words were wise as Indra was left only with range attacks or range-- as he quickly cloaked himself in lightning. With Raijuu active, Indra kicked off and took off like a rocket. However, the Onryu was fast on his tail as it flew just as fast as the wind. Among the old oriental buildings, he quickly hopped and jumped from the rooftop and to the ground, avoiding the spirit. It was relentless, and now seemed fixated on him.

    "Itachi, why is it after me and not after your bait?!" Indra shouted.

    Through his hearing, he heard as Itachi prepared the last of the sigils. But spoke-- Indra able to hear. "Perhaps it is mistaken you to a factor in its death. Just hold out a few more seconds..." he warned.

    "Damn red-eyed bastard," Indra grumbled as he jumped high, avoiding a claw swipe which slashed clear through the tile of a nearby building.

    He returned to the courtyard, hoping to stay ahead long enough. As he saw it fly its way after him--, he charged lightning into his hands together and quickly formed a blade. He rose it just as the spirit flew towards him to cleave it in two with a lightning enhanced slash.

    ... However, all it did was cause the Onryo dispurse into smoke. It hovered shortly in the air towards Indra, but quickly reformed and took another swipe after him.

    "Gah!!" Indra gasped but got away just in the nick of time. The pivot had dodged the majority, but the slash of its claws had left a fresh gash near Indra's bicep. Blood trickled down as he realized for a ghost, it could easily wound him. "Now this is just getting annoying..."

    "Indra! Now-- it's done. Get him into the circle!" By the time he heard those words, Indra saw the Onryu lunge with claws and teeth eager to tear out his throat. But it was then he did his best move-- the flying Raijin as he turned into a bolt of lightning-- and slipped right out of its reach. He shot back right into the shrine building, where Itachi was, and Kage and Tailong hidden among the room.

    Sensing Indra, the Onryo followed and flew for the open door into the shrine.

    The bolt of lightning reformed as Indra within the circle and he hopped back beside Itachi, wondering what the man's plan was. It would only last seconds.. as the Onryo flew through the door, shaking the insides with its ghostly wail and lunge for the two warriors.



    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Peace from the Storm Empty Re: Peace from the Storm

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 18th February 2019, 9:54 pm

    The Onryu was close and even Indra was eager to act. Lightning crackled in his hand as he was about to attack to keep the beast at bay-- but Itachi merely opened his closed eyes, revealing the 3 tonrei and red color of his eyes. His gaze met the eyes of the Onryu without fear or hesitation.

    It was then the creature stopped-- as if it was suddenly paralyzed by Itachi's gaze. It appeared, the gaze of his eyes not only hypnotized the living with his powerful illusions but even the dead as well. Whatever it saw within Itachi's eyes, it was enough to make it tremble and unable to move.

    "NOW!" Itachi soon slammed his hand on one of the sigils on the ground. Light erupted from the circle, encasing the Onryo within its glow. There was another cry from the spirit, but soon the light's intensity began to fade, along with the shout. The spirit began to change, its claws retracting and its long hair shortening. The white mist of its body becoming a dress-- and soon the monster became a young woman, a serene and sleep-like expression on her face. The circle was a tool among exorcists used to calm and help a spirit achieve peace through magic. It seemed that Itachi was skilled with its work and used his eyes to further aid the process.

    Slowly the Onryo looked more at peace, then faded away in specks of light, vanishing into the afterlife. Once she vanished, the magic circle on the ground also faded from view, its work done.

    Both Indra and Itachi let out a sigh of relief as the threat was soon dealt with. Coming out from their hiding places, Kage and Tailong rejoined them. "Is it over?" Kage meowed, having had a soft spot dealing with undead.

    Itachi nodded and rose up, dusting off his cloak. He glanced at Indra, and Indra stared back. Part of him still wondered if Itachi would keep his word. He remained tense, awaiting an answer.

    "So what now, Itachi?" he asked.

    "Now our buisness is over. I will leave you to your affairs for now..." Itachi said as he turned for the door, ready to leave as his mission was done.

    However, Kage quickly hurried to catch up with Itachi, the little Exceed showing some interest in him. "Wait, Mr. itachi. I know you and Indra Sensei are not the best of friends, but I hope you don't think too bad of him. He might have done bad things... but he does care about others..." he said.

    Itachi stopped as he looked at the mini ninja exceed, and glanced back to Indra briefly. "My goal has not change, nor my despire to make you pay for your betrayl of our clan," he said sternly, "However, if this budding shinobi can see such redeeming qualities in you, maybe your not as hopless as I think."

    Indra didn't justify that with a responce as he watched Itachi give a nod to him , and walk away into the fog.

    THE END.

    WC: 527
    TWC: 3281


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