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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)


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    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

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    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 12:51 am

    Jozuma arrived in Oak Town on a brand new job. He wasn't sure of all the details yet, all he knew was that he had to be security for an event held at the town inn. This was Jozuma's first time in Oak Town and he wanted to look around a bit before he went made his way to the Inn as he had some time to spare before he had to meet up with the client. Oak Town was a place Jozuma really wanted to visit one day as it was known for it's bountiful knowledge and legendary library filled with history and ancient magics, if there wan't a better source of knowledge in the world. Jozuma could immediately see this walking the streets filled with students and scholars. The houses were well structured and made of brick and wood, shops seemed to were visited by mages from all over and sold all sorts of magical books and items. The town was a busy one with some sort of activity around every corner. "WOW, this is amazing! It's more than I hoped it would it be, I can't believe I finally get to see Oak Town!" "I'm not going to pretend that I share your excitement but this place is pretty impressive, they probably have a  book for everything." "I KNOW ISN'T IT GREAT!" "Still nerding out it seems." "I can't help myself, I honestly want to stay here a while and take it all in but we should take care of the job before that." Jozuma took a little more time looking around, stopping to look around in magic shops and armories, as he made his way to the town inn. Oak Inn was a very large building, being intended to house hundreds of visiting mages, and stood out from most of the other buildings. It was night and and a large group of students, townsfolk, and visiting mages stood outside the door. He saw a guard near the door and decided to walk past the crowd to speak to him. The guard notices the mark on his cheek as he approaches. "Your from Hydra right, here for the security job?" "Yep, what do you need me to do?" "Follow me, things will be explained inside." The guard waves for another guard to take his post as he escorts Jozuma inside from the back door; from there he Jozuma meets with a women in a rather extravagant outfit. "Our security detail is here mam." "Thank you, you can return to your post." The women turns to Jozuma. "My name is Lyla, it's good that you are here, while I don't think anything will go wrong it's nice to have some insurance better safe than sorry they say." "I agree, so what do you need me to do?" "In about 15 min. or so we will be holding a murder mystery in this inn, the people outside will come in and the doors will be locked for 24 hours or until they solve it. Your job is to is to be security for the duration of this event to make sure no real bad things actually happen." The women hands a document to Jozuma. "Here's the layout of the mystery, read it through so you will be familiar with what's supposed to happen and those involved so you will mistake the mystery scenarios for actual crimes. You will watch any events unfold from the sidelines so keep your eye out and please no spoilers for our guests we want them to have fun." "Simple enough, I'll take position on the balcony after I'm done reading it through." "Okay, now if you excuse me I must prepare to greet our guests." Lyla left and Jozuma started reading. It was a fairly interesting mystery and it almost made Jozuma want to participate but he guessed the amusement of watching the chaos ensue from the guests trying to solve it was good enough. Jozuma stood at the balcony the resided over the main room and watched the guests walk in. "It'd be really ironic if an actual murderer showed up here." "Don't jinx it."
    692 words

    Last edited by Jozuma on 23rd April 2017, 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 12:54 am

    Dice Roll


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by NPC 23rd April 2017, 12:54 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) StrongMonster An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) NormalMonster

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 2:28 am

    When the clock struck 10pm the guests were greeted by Lyla, the story was explained, and the murder mystery began. Around 30 min. later the guards locked the doors so everyone was now trapped, Jozuma read this in the document given to him by Lyla so it didn't alarm him. Things were going rather smoothly with no incidents for some time and Jozuma started enjoying watching the events unfold and the guests freak out, knowing every detail of the mystery mad their paranoia even better to watch. Jozuma kept a good distance following the main group around the inn and broke off every once in a while to patrol the end and watch stragglers, everyone picked up quickly that Jozuma was security and didn't pay mind to him for the most part. However, after about two hours or so things took a nasty turn. Jozuma was making another round when he heard a scream from the kitchen, nothing like that was mentioned in the document so Jozuma sprinted to the kitchen as fast as he could. When he arrived at the kitchen he saw a woman on the ground with a knife in her back. "You fucking jinxed it Calcifer." "Whoops." Jozuma kneeled next to the body and check for a pulse but there was none. "Dead." Jozuma could hear footsteps as the guests also made their way towards the scream. The guests panicked at the sight of the body and screams of terror echoed through the hallway. The chief of the guard pushed his way through the crowd. "What in gods name is going o-." The chief saw Jozuma standing over the body. "Dead body chief, looks like we have killer in the house." "Yes, and I think I have a good idea who." "Excuse me?" "Well let's see we have a body and you next to it plus you are conveniently the first one here to assess that she's dead. I have been watching these people all night and the only person I've seen wandering around and the only other person who can freely move around here as he pleases is you." "By that logic you could have been just as guilty but I'm not one to point fingers." "Don't try to talk your way out of this you are by far the most suspicious looking person here, the only people I've seen wearing clothes like yours are killers or people with something to hide. A place like this, people locked inside and posing as security, sounds like the perfect plan to me." "You are making a mistake, I haven't harmed anyone and I'm here for the same reason you are." One of the guests start to speak. "Uh chief I don't think-." "I've heard enough, I will protect these people with my life if I have to!" The chief picks up a cleaver from the kitchen table and throws it Jozuma. Jozuma dodges the cleaver and backs away as the chief tries to strike him with his sword. "This guy isn't going to listen to us, best if we get him out of our hair." "I've had enough of this." Jozuma dodges another strike, backs away more, and charges a pan near him. "Railgun." Jozuma fires the pan at the chief which hits him with enough force to knock him out without killing him. Jozuma turns to the guests. "Now that's over, anyone else want to throw around accusations." The crowd of guests shook their heads. "Good, now I need you all to stick with me there's a killer around here and we won't be let out till tomorrow so you'll be safest around me. Gather the actors and the other guards too they should know whats happened and grab the chief, we'll hole up in the main room till tomorrow it's an open space so the killer will think twice if he decides to make another move." Everyone followed Jozuma's instructions to the letter, the actors and guards were rounded up and everyone followed Jozuma to the main room in front of the entrance where Jozuma kept his eyes and ears open for the slightest sudden movement.
    691 words
    Jozuma HP: 200/200
    MP: 90%
    Paralysis Battery Charge: 0%
    Current Speed Buff: 25%
    Spells Used: Railgun 2.0= C-ranked dmg

    Chief HP: 80/120 (unconscious)

    Last edited by Jozuma on 23rd April 2017, 5:23 am; edited 1 time in total


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 2:47 am

    Dice Roll


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by NPC 23rd April 2017, 2:47 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Block

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 3:16 am

    Jozuma stood in the center of the room searching for anything that could be out of the ordinary. The killer could be roaming in the inn or standing amongst them in the room, biding his time. Fortunately, it seemed that the trouble decided to come to him. "You there, wizard." A man emerged from the crowd with a blade in hand, a scruffy looking mercenary. "You are making things tough for my boss so I was told to take care of you." "And who would that be?" "Not telling, confidentiality policy you know." The mercenary raised his blade and was ready to fight. Jozuma thought it was time to test a new spell and spoke to Calcifer. "You want to handle this guy?" "I get to try out the new body?!" "Yep." "ALRIGHT!" "Just don't kill him, Electron Machination: Striker!" A stream of electrons for a suit of lightning armor which Clacifer posses. "Okay buddy, you and me, how's about you help me break in this new body." The mercenary was a little puzzled of what he just witnessed but charged towards Striker anyways. The mercenary tries to swing at Striker but he proves to be too quick, he dodges the swing and retaliates with 3 stabs to the chest and runs around him to hit him with 2 swings at his legs pushing him to the ground. "I can get used to this."
    234 words
    Jozuma HP: 200/200
    MP: 80%
    Paralysis Battery Charge: 0%
    Current Speed Buff: 25%
    Spells Used: Electron Machination: Striker= C-ranked Normal Summon
    Passive: Striker attracts lightning like moths to a flame making him a walking generator. A field of high energy electrons stretches from him in a 30m radius increasing spell damage of all lightning based spells by 30%.
    Active: Lightning Mines-Duration:Instant-Cooldown: 2- Striker creates 5 mines that will slowly move around the field. Each mine explodes in a 5m radius dealing 30% C-rank damage. These mines will be ever present, even after Striker disappears, and enemies can be knocked into them causing damage. The mines will not trigger on an ally but they will be hurt if they are within the blast radius when it explodes.

    Striker HP: 100/100
    Duration: 5 (4 left)

    Henchman HP: 60/120

    Last edited by Jozuma on 23rd April 2017, 5:22 am; edited 1 time in total


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 3:32 am

    Dice roll


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Posts : 23956
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by NPC 23rd April 2017, 3:32 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Block

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 4:08 am

    The mercenary slowly started to stand up again raising his sword again for another bout. "I suggest stay down I may have been in the kids head for a long time but I've been fighting many years longer than you have." The mercenary looked at Striker, continuing to point his sword and stand up. "I could but then I won't get paid." "Whatever, still fun for me." The mercenary charged at Striker and started wildly swinging his sword but it still wasn't enough. Striker continued to dodge his swings sliding and sidestepping around him. After every dodge he retaliated with another stab and stabbed him 5 more times before he fell unconscious. "That's enough Cal, I'm pretty sure he can't fight anymore the guards can take care of the rest." "Fine." The guards were surrounding the guests to protect them during the fight but a few of them broke away to apprehend the mercenary. "We'll lock this guy in the cellar." "Good make your way back quick." A few guards leave with the man. The returned silence was short-lived as a mysterious voice is heard from upstairs followed by footsteps. "Well then..." 
    192 words
    Jozuma HP: 200/200
    MP: 80%
    Paralysis Battery Charge: 0%
    Current Speed Buff: 25%

    Sriker HP: 100/100
    Duration: 4 (3 left)

    Henchman HP: 0/120 (unconscious)


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 4:24 am

    Dice roll


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by NPC 23rd April 2017, 4:24 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) FailedBlock An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Block


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Miss An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Miss

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 5:21 am

    "It seems that I have to take care of you myself." A man walked down the stairs with a knife and a sinister smile, he had a very well groomed beard and wore a bellhop outfit. "I take it you're our mysterious killer?" "Indeed, my name is John Kantine. I have been waiting for this day to come so I could stain this beautiful knife again. But you have made things rather difficult after I kill you I will slau-." "Striker, lightning mines." "On it." Striker unleashed 5 lightning mines that started to slowly spread out in the direction of John. "Well that was rude I wasn't finished with my mono-." "Blitz Stance." Jozuma became enveloped in lightning as he gets ready to fight John the serial killer. "Raring to fight huh? Fine, let's cut to the chase then." "Hm, Electro." Jozuma then kicks off in an insane burst of speed, almost too fast for anyone's eyes to see, He circles around John and stops behind him "Strike!" Jozuma delivers an electrified pulse through John's body, John tries to swing his knife but feels only more of a shock as the knife phases through Jozuma's body. Jozuma takes this moment of surprise to continue his assault punching him 2 more times and kicking him towards one of the lightning mines. As he is flying through the air Striker charges toward him. "Here comes the double team!" "Don't be hasty now." John spins his body in the air avoiding the lightning mine and then he dodges Strikers as he delivers a painful stab in his chest. "Gah!" Striker staggers a little bit.
    271 words
    Jozuma HP: 200/200
    MP: 70%
    Paralysis Battery Charge: 15% (+ to strength)
    Current Speed Buff: 50%
    Spells Used: Blitz Stance (Duration: 3)= speed/reflex +25%, phase through physical attacks, 10% D-ranked contact dmg
    Electro-Strike= C-ranked dmg (+30% dmg from buff)

    Sriker HP: 40/100
    Duration: 3 (2 left)
    Active Used
    Active: Lightning Mines-Duration:Instant-Cooldown: 2- Striker creates 5 mines that will slowly move around the field. Each mine explodes in a 5m radius dealing 30% C-rank damage. These mines will be ever present, even after Striker disappears, and enemies can be knocked into them causing damage. The mines will not trigger on an ally but they will be hurt if they are within the blast radius when it explodes.

    5/5 Lightning Mines active

    John Kantine HP: 106/200

    Last edited by Jozuma on 23rd April 2017, 6:08 am; edited 2 times in total


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 6:05 am

    The killer proved to be pretty agile and Jozuma's original attack didn't go exactly as planned. But despite this, John was right where he wanted him, surrounded by lightning mines and Striker with nowhere to run. While John was still distracted with Striker, Jozuma blinked to his position and kicked him towards another mine this time making contact and the mine exploded. Jozuma's body sparked up even more than it did before as he prepared his finishing assault "Checkmate, Feral Blitz!" Jozuma warped to John again and barraged him with 15 highly electrified punches moving too quickly for John to even react. The floor cracked as the the final blow smashed John into it. John lied dead on the ground and the battle was over. Jozuma turned back to the people who were still scared but now a little more relieved that the killer was finally dead. Jozuma continued to watch them as they waited out the night.
    158 words
    Jozuma HP: 200/200
    MP: 60%
    Paralysis Battery Charge: 20% (+ to strength)
    Current Speed Buff: 50%
    Blitz Stance Duration: 2 (1 left)
    4/5 Lightning Mines active
    Spells Used: Feral Combination= 1.5 C-ranked dmg (+30% dmg from buff) - Combo - Feral Blitz: Since this is a melee based combination if Blitz Stance is active when this spell is used the opponent with take an additional 10% D-ranked damage with each punch (or an additional total of 1.5 D-ranked damage if all punches hit one enemy). The increased speed of Blitz Stance expands the range of warping between enemies to 15m and all enemies hit with this spell will be paralyzed for 1 post if they are C-Rank or lower.
    Blink= can instantly warp up to 20m away

    Sriker HP: 40/100
    Duration: 2 (1 left)

    John Kantine HP: 0/200


    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) Empty Re: An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd April 2017, 6:32 am

    The next day arrived and the doors were opened, the guests flooded out of the inn more relieved than ever. The guards explained to Lyla what happened and she and the chief walked up to Jozuma. "I heard what happened, I can't believe it, thank you so much for keeping our guests safe." "I too must thank you and apologize for wrongfully accusing you of murder, you have saved a lot of lives today." "No problem and water under the bridge." "Here's your reward it's the least I can give you and If you plan to stay in Oak Town for a while I would be more than happy to show you around." "I would like that." Jozuma spent of time seeing what Oak Town had to offer and Lyla showed him around some of the best locations, he even got to see the library, as well as gave him a place in the Oak Inn to stay. After a few days had past and Jozuma felt he fully enjoyed his time he made his way out of Oak Town to start the next job on his list.
    188 words
    WORD TOTAL: 2426



    An Extra Murderous Mystery (Job - Solo) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

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