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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]


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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 6th May 2017, 3:39 pm


    Poom was at the guild looking for new jobs when he saw, what he thought was a great job.
    The Oak Inn was looking for bodyguards for their murder mystery game. Someone to keep the peace while the game is in play and to protect the players from harm if such need ever arises.

    It took Poom several days as there was no train to Oak Town, and he could not find any good transport so he mostly walked. Oak Town was a wonderful town, it was very mysterious and as his friend Jozuma once said "it's a dream come true for every scholar and student".

    The Oak Inn was not hard to find. The two-story building, with white brick walls and black roof, was one of the oldest building in town, so everyone knew of it. Poom was very surprised by its look and its cleanness. On his way here he had slept in hotels that looked worse and, in Poom's eyes, Oak Inn looked more like a hotel than an inn.

    Entering the inn Poom was greeted by a young yellow-haired girl with a big smile.
    Are you here for the murder mystery game?
    I am from the Infinity Hydra, I am here for the bodyguard job. Poom answered, trying to return a smile with a smile.
    Oh sorry, just go upstairs. Last door in the right hallway. Knock and tell them why you came. the girl continued.
    Poom followed the instructions, and in a very short time, he was briefed and in a suit. People were coming for the game, and his job was about to start.




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 7th May 2017, 10:57 am

    The clock struck 10 pm and all guests were already in. The Oak Inn main room was filled with people as the yellow-haired girl explained the rules of the game.
    ... so you will be locked in this building for the next 24 hours, or until the mystery is solved. And finally, there are people around here in suits, if you have any problem just ask them, they are here for that. So good luck and have fun.
    She then left the building, the hunt began and Poom and other guard had a great look on thing from upstairs.

    Everyone started searching, from the kids to old people, everyone was being a detective and having fun. At first, most people searched frantically, but after an hour groups started to form, and people worked together.

    At the midnight mark, things started to go bad.
    First, there was a loud crash in the kitchen, and then several women's screams.

    Poom and the rest of the guards went to investigate.




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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by NPC 7th May 2017, 10:57 am

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Boss Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] NormalMonster

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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 12:04 pm

    Poom and the other guards entered the big kitchen, with walls all covered in white tiles, and the floor in red. There stood many hooks with pots and pans hanging.
    In the center of the room stood a long brown table. The table looked like it was one piece, like it was made whole from the same tree. It looked very old and had marks of heavy use, like knife scratches, water rings and burn marks. Around the table stood almost 20 men, women and children, and as time passed more and more were coming.  Poom pushed his way to the center of the happening, and in the center of the table was yellow-haired girl band over the table with a large knife in her back. The rest of the guards joined Poom and they all stood, looking at each other not knowing what to say. There was a dead girl, that was not a part of the game.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 1:07 pm

    One of the guards pushed his way through the crowd, but this time exiting, and there could be heard a loud barfing noise. All the guards were looking at each other, this was their job, this is why they were hired, but no one expected it. Without even speaking a word most of the guards, including Poom, just nodded their heads in understanding. It was like they all spoke some kind of a secret language.

    Poom and a guard with a white topknot approached the body, the rest started forming a circle around them, pushing the crowd.
    Please move. There is nothing to see. spoke one of the guards trying to push the people away from the corpse.
    Move?! Why did you let this happen? screamed one of the women they were trying to push back successfully.

    Poom started looking at the body and recognized it, it was the girl that greeted him. Poom tried not to show it but he felt grief.




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 1:57 pm

    The blood leaked from the body, making the old wood table red, soaked with blood. Poom was looking at the body still not sure what to do to.
    We need to find the killer, who did this. Poom said looking at the knife what looked familiar. Poom turned around and realized that the knife was one of the kitchen knives and that anyone could have access to it.
    The knife can't help us. It is like any other knife here, we need to find more. Poom continued.
    All the guests had left the kitchen at is quiet enough for Poom to think.

    Poom looked at the body again and saw a piece of cloth in it's clenched fist. Taking it out,  Poom looked at it, and realized that it was from the suit they got for the job.
    It is from our suits. Find the others. One of us is the killer. just as Poom said that the rest of the guards returned, some of them had torn suits.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 2:39 pm

    After the guards came more people. There were chefs, waiters, and other staff.
    All the guests are secured. Did you get any leads? said one of the returned guards.
    Poom looked at them all, everyone else except chefs wore suits, and that had just expanded his list of suspects.
    We have found this. Poom said trying to be blunt while raising the piece of cloth they found. All of them looked at each other and for some unknown reason, one of the chefs started shouting.
    What are you trying to say? Are you saying it was one of us? Who put you in charge. the chef was getting louder and louder. Maybe it was you! Get him! chef continued raising his clever.
    No one else moved, but the chef was getting more and more angry.
    The anger got better of him and the chef threw the clever at Poom, missing him by a hair.




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 3:41 pm

    Everyone looked stunned by what they have just seen. They all wanted to react, but with the body that was just a few feet from them and now the crazy cheif, it could be too much for one human to handle. The chef continued his attack on Poom.

    After the third clever had passed next to his face, Poom was sure that there was no other why to continue than to knock out the chef.
    Polygon make: Guns This is the only way. polygons started forming around Poom's hands and two guns formed.
    He pointed his blue hued guns and fired at the chef, causing him to get knocked out.
    Everyone looked at Poom, but he continued.
    Do not worry, he is only unconscious.

    After the little show the chef had made, everyone split up looking for more clues.
    The only two people left were Poom and one man from the staff, wearing bell hop boy outfit.


    POLYGON GUN: 2 post cooldown



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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 5:06 pm

    Poom looked at the man It is really said she was so young. Did you know her?
    I did not. I am new here. replied the man, nervously cracking his fingers.
    Poom was looking at the man, his hands were twitching and his eyes were moving in weird directions. He was clearly lying.

    Why are you lying? said Poom, not sure what to think about the bell boy outfit wearing man.
    The man's behavior suddenly changed, he looked more confident and he straightened his back.
    So you can detect when someone is lying. That is no good for me. You need to die.
    The air around the room thickened and darkened, he lifted his hand pointing at Poom as the darkness gathered around his fingers. A dark beam shot from the man's fingers and Poom teleported behind him at the last moment, but still getting hit by the beam.
    Poom momentarily continued his action, producing a polygon sword in his hand and attacking the man.
    That is when he noticed that the man's sleeve was ripped and that the rip was similar shape as the cloth that was in woman's hand. The man was the killer and Poom needed to stop him.


    POLYGON GUNS: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 2 post cooldown




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 5:32 pm

    Poom was badly hurt by the dark beam, and the man looked almost unscathed.
    Ahahaha. This small beam to hurt you so much, you are really a weakling. the man again proceeded to produce the dark beam, but this time Poom was ready.

    Polygon make: Gauntlets Poom's forearms transformed, first into a bunch of polygons, and then restructured into polygon hands.
    Poom jumped at the man, surprising him. Poom's giant fists hit the man launching him at the other edge of the room. Poom continued his attack and teleported right next to the man punching him again.
    Justice must prevail. Poom screamed. I will defend you.
    Polygon make: Hydra head

    The giant serpent like creature formed and rushed twisting around the man.
    Poom continued casting. Polygon make: Minefield
    A bunch of tetrahedrons formed around the man.
    The serpent and tetrahedrons started glowing bright red light and in the next moment, they all exploded.

    The man was now lying on the floor, almost in the state as Poom.


    POLYGON GUNS: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 3 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 2 post cooldown
    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 2 post cooldown




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 5:53 pm

    The rest of the guards returned after hearing the commotion. Most prepared to fight.
    In the room, they found Poom and the man that both stood almost beaten.

    He is... he is the killer said Poom barely uttering words.
    No... no, I... I am not the killer said trying to use the confusion in the newly briefed guards.

    The white topknot guard looked at both of them like he was trying to see something more, something new. Poom could see white light forming at his hands and when he lifted them, beams wrapped around him and the killer. Poom did not know how he could prove his inocence and was sure that the beams were not helping.
    The beams started shrinking, and as the killer screamed from more pain, Poom felt like it was helping him not hurting him.

    The white topknot guard looked at the rest and nodded his head He is lying. This guy has solved the case all by himself. he said while pointing at the killer.

    Many hours passed and the killer was held tide with light magic, until the knights came and arrested him, giving Poom his reward for catching him.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Murder Mystery [Job|Solo] Empty Re: Murder Mystery [Job|Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 8th May 2017, 5:55 pm


    • 50 XP
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