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    A Real Demon Fightning


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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 6th December 2015, 1:28 pm


    Feitan sighed heavily as he shook his head and walked into Talonia. He was heading to their arena and that was holding a tournament for fighters. Of course it had the most obnoxious rules in the world, no weapons, no killing, things of that nature. Still he supposed that the weak would have to actually be weak and disgusting. Still he would have to do it after all he needed the money and he needed some kind of work out for his physical form at the very least. So he wasn’t really worried about it. As he walked through the town of Talonia he smiled and remembered that he and his newest guildmate Sasha had met here, and this is the spot where he had convinced her to go and check out Laughing Coffin. It was a fond memory and he decided that it was perfectly alright with him if this town was allowed to stay up and continue on in peace. This was his typical reaction to towns where he had only fond memories and not any bad ones. 

    Still he was supposed to be somewhere and he was heading there as fast as he could. It didn’t take him all that long to arrive at the arena which seemed more like a colloseum being that it had no roof and no sooner had he entered than one of the fight coordinators grabbed him and dragged him up to the ring “You’re so late! Your fight is about to start without you! I can’t believe you! Well whatever you’re fighting Hibiki first. He’s not the greatest of the fighters but he is going to be a challenge for a nobody like you.” 

    At this comment it took everything Feitan had not to kill this man right then and there after all he was just a regular human without any magical presence to speak of so his life was worth less than nothing to Feitan. Still he was pushed into the ring where a man wearing hands down the dumbest looking Gi was waiting. An announcer from somewhere spoke out “Ladies and gentlemen today’s first round is getting started! We have the new comer Feitan Kazeshini from the Laughing Coffin guild vs Hibiki the self-proclaimed true master of combat. Let the round begin.” At that point there was a bell and Hibiki smirked “Yeah you scared little pipsqueak you should be! I’m gonna mess you u…” it was at this point that Feitan had already moved and landed the first blow right in Hibiki’s jaw causing the cocky weakling to hit the floor of the arena hard.

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 23rd June 2016, 3:58 am; edited 1 time in total


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 29th January 2016, 3:50 am

    Hibiki groaned as he tried to look up at Feitan his view spinning slightly from the force that had struck his face. He was in no real position to actually do any hard combat right again, but still he was in a battle, and he had to at least try to do something. He slowly got to his feet taking some kind of a stance, but Feitan was not interested in it in the slightest. Instead he simply rolled his eyes and gestured for Hibiki to come at him with one hand. He was going to stand there and let the weakling have his fun. He didn’t need to kill him, he barely needed to fight him. After all there wasn’t much to really do or worry about from a foe that couldn’t actually deliver a damaging blow.

    Still the ridiculous moron rushed forward trying to strike him with a strange move from a martial art that Feitan hadn’t seen before. It wasn’t a concern however, as he was capable of handling even the most aggressive of fighting styles and he rolled his eyes as the man tried to smash his palm into Feitan’s face. The smaller wizard dodged the strike by simply moving his head the opposite way and instead he slammed his fist into the pink wearing idiot’s stomach. He followed it up with an uppercut to the guy’s jaw the sweet/sickening sound of crunches filling the air around them showing that Hibiki’s jaw was further broken, and most likely many of his teeth were as well. 

    He was dropped to the ground once more, and this was delicious to Feitan. He picked the man up by his Gi and then slammed it back down smashing Hibiki’s face on the floor of the arena licking his lips slowly nodding “Now why don’t you stay down like a sick little brat you are. You have no business fighting real men, or wizards, and no business breathing. Lucky for you this fight doesn’t allow fatalities, and I can’t stain the honor of Laughing Coffin. Still if I see you on the street I’ll feed you your own eyes and I’ll rip out your heart.” He said throwing the man out of the ring.

    The bell sounded signaling the end of the bout and Feitan moved to the edge not listening to what was being said, but there was indeed someone who was already on the move towards the ring who would be Feitan’s next opponent. His name Balrog and he was wearing a mask that Feitan was already starting to hate.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 9th May 2016, 4:59 am

    The announcer smiled as he made the announcement “Alright ladies and gentlemen the next round starts right now! Balrog the beautiful vs Feitan the unknown! Let this battle begin!” at the sound of the bell Balrog rose his clawed hand smirking “I shall make that ugly face of yours even uglier. You are worth less than nothing when compared to my beautiful form! Now then let us fight!” with that he charged Feitan slashing at him with his clawed hand as if he was trying to seriously injure Feitan.
    Really the Laughing Coffin mage couldn’t understand what was going on, and why they were allowing this obvious weapon to enter the fight when he couldn’t use his own to fight. Really, it was entirely unfair to him, but he wouldn’t allow himself to be beaten by such an obvious and truly pathetic weapon. Still it did take all of his considerable skills to avoid the nearly fatal blows that were being offered up. Really this Balrog was a capable fighter, and could move with skilled that were beyond what Feitan thought about a person who wore a ridiculous mask, as well as his annoying personality.
    Whatever the case may be Feitan couldn’t allow himself to be beaten. He had to prove to all that just because he wasn’t a mage in a so called legal guild that he was still powerful. As the man came in for another slash Feitan stepped into the blow avoiding the slash and slamming his shoulder into Balrog’s chest sending the wind from him, and also knocking him back a few steps. This is when Feitan backed away carefully in order to keep himself safe, but he also had to make something happen here.

    He began to pulse his magic energy into his arms in order to trigger the next transformation that he had. Soon enough he was using the arms of the Mujin and he was ready to actually get started fighting and he didn’t have to wait balrog rushed him getting his claws ready to slash at Feitan, but that was fine Feitan was ready and he slammed his fist into the claws the power of crash magic making it so they shattered like fine china and with his right fist he slammed into Balrog’s chest with his fist in order to deal some significant damage sending him skittering back in the ring several paces.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 16th May 2016, 8:44 pm

    Balrog looked very stunned by the fact that he had just been struck so soundly by a simple fist, but there was something very sinister about the aura that began to ripple and crack off of the Mercenary’s arms. He glanced to his claws and hissed in annoyance while he could see that they had indeed cut into Feitan, but nowhere near as deep as they normally would on someone else altogether. Instead, they had barely nicked him, and it was a very sad state of affairs for the beautiful Balrog. He tilted his head glancing at Feitan with a curious expression under his mask “What the hell kind of ugly monster are you?” He asked moving closer at a slow pace getting ready to spring in response to an attack.
    Feitan chuckled darkly as he cracked his knuckles and began to flex, and stretch his new arms and muscles before he finally took up a boxer’s stance punching a fist into his other palm “I am a Takeover Wizard, a Demon Soul wizard to be specific, I also use the power of my aura to fight. The moment you stepped into this ring you already lost, and there is really nothing you can do about that now. So you can either forfeit or get beaten up. I’m happy to let you do either.”
    This caused the narcissist to hiss in annoyance and he rushed forward using all his acrobatic skill to try and close the distance and land a blow against the mercenary mage. He wouldn’t allow someone so ugly to talk down to him, and this was more than he could stand. As he closed the distance between him and the smaller mage he slashed at him with the broken remains of his claws trying to slice into him the best he could.

    All it took was one wrong step which was more than what Balrog was able to do, stumbling ever so slightly a less skilled opponent wouldn’t be able to take any advantage of it, but Feitan was used to close quarters fighting, and he closed the distance grabbing Balrog’s claw arm squeezing as hard as he could shattering the bones in the man’s arm. As he screamed Feitan slammed his crash magic charged fist into Balrog’s stomach breaking several ribs in the process letting his arm go and letting the force of the blow blast the man out of the ring unconscious and if he was lucky he would live from the wounds, but his days were done.

    Feitan walked to his corner folding his new demonic arms over his chest with a smirk licking his lips slowly as he looked to the announcer “Send me the next fool, and let me wet my appetite for violence.”


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 31st May 2016, 1:51 pm

    As Feitan waited in the arena for his next opponent he flexed his muscles and finally, he heard the sound of the announcer calling out another fighter “Ladies and Gentleman the Coffin Beast has survived two rounds, but now he faces THE KING OF FISTS, MIKE BISON!”
    From the other side of the arena a giant dark human moved towards him wearing boxing gloves. This man looked very strong and Feitan was actually concerned about it. He looked like fighting was the only thing that he was worth doing at all, but if this man was a strict boxer like he appeared to be, then the odds were definitely in Feitan’s favor. He didn’t believe in wasting his time with such a sport like boxing, too many rules, not enough blood, and not enough deaths. Still, he had some strict rules to fight under and he would be forced to keep the man alive. He was at least grateful that he had chosen to use his fists of the Mujin transformation as it would give him the best defense for handling this boxing man.
    As he stood there he put his fists up in a boxer’s stance keeping himself light on his feet by hopping to and fro on the balls of his feet. As the man closed in on him Feitan made sure to close the distance on his end as well, and it wasn’t long before the pair were in striking distance of each other, and they were ready to attack each other.
    The first blow was by Mike Bison and he made a straight left jab at Feitan’s head. Of course Feitan’s head was no longer there and he countered it with a right punch to the man’s gut. He did take the hit, but only used it as a chance to land a right hook to Feitan’s ribcage in turn. The two stepped back and Feitan indeed felt that powerful hit rolling his eyes in annoyance. He hated this fighting fair bullshit and he was done with it.

    He stepped back letting his transformation drop off and end right then. As soon as it had finished leaving his form he placed his right hand over his heart “All is for my lord.” He smirked as he suddenly leaned back to howl becoming engulfed in moonlight before he stood as the Demon Wolf Fenrir. Now in his new form he licked his lips “Now time to show you how a real demon battles.”


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 15th June 2016, 5:08 am

    He stood there in his new form flicking his tail to and fro, and the boxer was a bit unnerved. This only caused Feitan to smirk in delight as he saw the hesitation that plagued the boxer’s face. He slowly flexed his claws and let his power focus into his legs forming the dark regulus. He would not allow himself to be beaten, and he was not about to fight fair with these insignificant peons in this damned and this completely pointless combat arena. He snarled as he charged the boxer suddenly out of the blue giving the boxer a fright, but he only tightened up his guard.

    Feitan didn’t let this bother him instead he began to lick his claws and soak them in his saliva making them his poison claws. They wouldn’t kill him, and they wouldn’t be discounted as weapons. As he neared the man he tried to throw a powerful left jab but Feitan ducked it and slashed his claws along the boxer’s stomach slicing into his skin enough to make him bleed and certainly enough to let his poison sink into the boxer’s system. It was enough to start and slow the boxer’s reaction time and fighting capabilities down, and now it was a one-sided slaughter.

    As soon as he had slashed into the boxer’s chest he dove away from another jab that was coming straight at him. With the speed he was moving at and the fact that the boxer was starting to slow down he was able to get around him using this as an excuse to land a powerful series of kicks, and slashes into the boxer’s back. He then swept the boxer’s legs out from under him dropping him to the floor and with a drop kick to the boxer’s chest and the audible crack of several ribs Feitan leapt away glaring at the fallen man.

    He had fought with honor and if this was a boxing match he would’ve won hands down. Feitan could feel his body aching and he knew he had a broken rib as well, but he wouldn’t let it slow him down. The announcer stepped into the ring and spoke “Mike Bison is down. The winner is Feitan Kazeshini the fighting Demon!” This was a much better title the mercenary thought as he smirked crossing his arms in front of himself licking his lips and looking ready to go to the next round.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 15th June 2016, 5:23 am

    There was a long moment of respite for Feitan and he welcomed it being that he had taken a serious beating and he would need all his strength for the coming battle ahead. He was not about to be upset with resting and it wasn’t all that long before he suddenly saw the next fighter. She was dressed in a very questionable fashion, and it was a good thing that Feitan took his job too seriously, and life more seriously still otherwise he might be distracted by so much flesh on display. He wasn’t bothered by it in the least and simply crossed his arms in annoyance.
    The announcer walked to the middle of the ring and spoke out once more “Ladies and Gentlemen, our next round is about to begin! We have the beautiful, but precise fighter Cam against the Demon from the Laughing Coffin, Feitan! Let the battle begin!” With that the bell sounded and the fight started. Feitan made sure to lick his claws carefully making sure they were coated in his saliva. It was to all who was witnessing it a disturbing sight, and to many including cam it would seem that he was tasting the blood from his previous fight and showing that he was going to taste her blood as well.
    She launched herself at him with as much speed as she could muster. Of course she thought it was going to be a straight forward fight much like the man before had, but it was not that way. Feitan clapped his hands together pulling it apart quickly holding his right hand out. He didn’t move beyond that and this confused cam, but she instead tried to run around to his back while he stayed perfectly still in what he was doing. Her speed was amazing and she landed her first kick to his spine.

    This caused Feitan to gasp as he stepped forward in agony and pain, but he was not down and out and the woman was about to do a backflip but as she tried to do so Feitan closed his right hand and suddenly the woman’s leg was caught and she screamed out in agony as she felt the power of lightning surging into her body. She looked to her leg and only now did she see the wires that were wrapped completely around the leg that had struck Feitan up to her inner thigh and hip. With a sudden jerk Feitan dragged her over his form and slammed her full force onto the ground face first.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 20th June 2016, 6:39 pm

    As she landed with a definite and sickening cracking sound it was clear that she had broken a couple of things in her face. Still at present there was only the sound of Feitan’s great amused laughter. He was enjoying this and he grabbed the aura wires with all his might and hauled her up and over his head slamming her down on the arena floor behind him. It was a wonderful sound and he loved it like no other. It was a beautiful sound and he looked at her with a great wicked smile on his face licking his lips “It is a shame that I stole this amazing magic, and you are just far too weak to actually pose any kind of threat to me. I must say that I am not amused by you in any sort of means. It is a pity that someone as pathetic as you was allowed to enter into this fight. All of your fancy moves mean nothing if you can’t land a hit.”

    She looked at him smirking and snapping her leg trying to pull him off balance, but it was useless as he held on without even budging “But, I did hit you! I felt that blow to your back you son of a!” Feitan snapped the cords back towards him dragging Cam towards him. As he did so he landed a knee to her stomach laughing softly “There is no reason a pretty thing like you should be talking like that! Of course dressed like a harlot, and a lady of the evening I don’t suppose that I can be surprised if you talk with such a filthy tongue. Oh well.” 

    He said hauling off and dragging her over himself again by her foot and slamming her down much harder this time into the arena floor. She was helpless in his grasp and this time she was knocked clean out making him drop the aura wires. He winced and fell to his knees holding his back panting slightly “Call the match, you buffoon! I am done here!” The referee nodded his head slowly as he made the call, and once it was made and the battle over Feitan sat there on his knees panting and wincing from the pain in his back. He was grateful for the respite and it was none too soon Feitan was sure that he couldn’t really have lasted any longer in this particular battle.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd June 2016, 4:07 pm

    Feitan panted heavily in pain as he tried to keep himself from letting his wound keep him from fighting. Right now he only watched from his spot on the ground as another woman entered the arena. This was a woman who wore a better outfit than the one he had just beaten up before, but he wasn’t sure how he should feel about her. So he simply watched her and the announcer enter the ring. The announcer didn’t disappoint as he inhaled and then spoke out “Ladies and Gentleman! The next round is about to begin!  The Demon of the Laughing Coffin is still going through our fighters. Next we have the lovely lady from Interpol! Detective Chun!” The woman in question straightened out her clothes and then suddenly began to kick and limber up as she glared down at Feitan with a deep look of hatred in her eyes. 

    He was not sure why this was until the bell rang out and she spoke to him “I can’t believe what you did to Cam. She was a dear friend of mine, and you treat her like that! You think you are so cool or something?! I shall break you for what you did to her then you won’t be able to do anything like that to anyone ever again!”

    Feitan smirked as he slowly rose to his feet licking his lips as he stretched his body, his spine cracking loudly from the blows that he had suffered earlier and setting itself back to rights, but he rose to his feet without letting himself seem broken, or seriously injured as he was. When he was on his feet once more he licked his lips and looked to the Detective “Ah, well your friend dressed like a whore, and I was happy to break her like that, but don’t worry you and her can share a recovery room.” He said as he inhaled deeply sucking in all the air that he could. Then he lifted his head back and let loose with the loudest howl he could muster. The sound echoed and reverberated through the whole of the arena and he started to change. The change was horrifying to watch and he swelled up in size snarling his jaws broke and grew in size, it continued to the point he was a giant slobbering nine meter tall wolf-man he looked down at her with a triumphant smirk as he could see she was indeed afraid.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 3:02 am

    This form was something that Feitan didn’t really want to use, but he didn’t care about any of that right now. Instead what he cared about was winning this tournament he wouldn’t allow himself to be beaten by these weaklings. Besides he hadn’t had a worthy excuse to use this ability yet, and he was always happy to play with his enemies. He surged forward and the Detective tried her best to dodge the attack, but she was unable to do so as Feitan could just close the distance far too quickly, and he slammed one of his massive paws against her sending her flying through the arena. It wasn’t a lethal blow as Feitan was very careful with his strikes, but what he hadn’t noticed was even while Chun was flying she had used an ability of some kind. It was huge and despite the slow speed it was traveling at it was perfectly capable of hitting him square in his chest. This caused Feitan to grunt and double over clutching where the attack had hit him.

    Chun was smart and took full advantage of the situation running up to him as fast as her legs would carry her. She leapt into the air and tried to use some kind of kicking maneuver that just never landed as Feitan wasn’t in the line of fire and with a powerful slap of his tail he slammed her down to the ground hearing a symphony of cracks and crunches. Upon closer inspection he saw that the detectives arms were broken, and certainly wouldn’t heal right for a long time, but she for the most part seemed to be fairly healthy considering, and she got up to her feet running at him. This determination was something that Feitan admired and even if one could believe respected. 

    He was so caught up in it however that he didn’t react to her attack until he felt her kick on his face. He bellowed out slapping her down to the floor again with his massive paw and she stopped moving. The Referee rushed over to her, and in a great surprise to both he and Feitan announced “She is still alive! She is unconscious and the winner is The Giant Wolfman Feitan Kazeshini!” Feitan didn’t drop the form and instead watched as his enemy was carted off of the field by two very big burly men. He bowed his head low in respect for this undaunted foe, but he had to win.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 3:53 am

    Feitan paced in the arena and waited for the next opponent. He needed this battle to come to its end soon. He only had so long before he would be forced to leave this form, and it would seriously drain him. He needed to get this battle done as fast as he could, and if he didn’t he would be in serious trouble. He knew that he was starting to get up there in terms of his opponent’s strengths. The others had managed to hurt him somewhat, but if they could hurt him, then he could only imagine what true brutes he would fight, but he had no time to worry about that right now. Instead he saw his next opponent and this one actually looked fairly tough. The announcer stepped into the ring “Alright everyone! We now have the Wolfman of the Laughing Coffin going against our great Masters!” The crowd erupted in applause and it was clear from the sounds of it they were fully expecting Masters to win despite the fact that Feitan dwarfed him by a substantial margin, but he didn’t let this get to him he hand to win this by any means aside from lethal ones.

    Masters acted first however he put his hands together and then shot forward a ball of magical energy. It was much faster than the other one that Chun had fired, but Feitan was sure it packed more of a punch. So he leapt up into the air at once not wanting to be caught up in it. The blast shot under him, and he dove down towards Masters. The man hadn’t expected something as big as Feitan to move just as fast as he could, so he was caught off guard, but managed to escaped the first monstrous blow with only a graze and while he did indeed slide along the arena floor he was still on his feet ready to fight. He launched himself at Feitan once more this time aiming an uppercut at the Demon Soul mage’s face. Feitan was going to allow this attack to happen however, and right when Masters’ struck with it Feitan’s hand came up in a slap sending him flying into one of the arena walls, while Feitan was lifted off of the ground due to the force of the blow. He felt his jaw was broken in several places, and he was once more grateful his serious injuries like that would leave with his transformations end.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 4:54 am

    Feitan huffed as he landed with a crash to his feet and he brought a giant clawed hand up to his jaw rubbing it slowly. He could feel his power draining and that was not a good thing. He was going to come to the end of his transformation long before he actually wanted. There was no time, he had to end this soon. Masters had tumbled and spun around across the floor of the Arena and he was clearly having a hard time of it, but he still got up to his feet and he seemed ready to fight back. Feitan was not going to allow this much longer and with a huff that thankfully didn’t hurt or move his jaw he rushed forward on all fours getting ready to attack. Masters wasn’t a slouch either and he was quick to land a blow against Feitan’s arm, but Feitan was just as quick and he slapped his hand down upon the smaller man sending him crumbling into the ground beneath both of their feet. It was a satisfying blow, but Masters got up once more jumping up to try and dive kick Feitan in the head. This was not going to be as simple as the man seemed to think it was because Feitan was expecting such an attack and he was quick to move.

    Masters came to the ground with a loud crack clearly having devoted far too much force to a blow that had a high chance of missing he injured himself rather seriously. Feitan huffed in pleasure as he slapped his hand back down on masters putting an end to his fighting days as even more cracking noises were heard. The Referee came rushing in and shortly behind him were several medics. The medics grabbed Masters and hauled him away, and no sooner had they done so than Feitan’s magic wore out and he reverted back to his normal form standing there looking beaten up and bruised. Where his jaw had been broken were now large ugly bruises. The announcer called out “Masters has gone down Feitan goes onto the next round!” The crowd didn’t know how to react at first, but a moment they cheered out loudly in support of him. He moved to his rest area looking to the assistant he had been given and nodded “I need Sardines. At least five of them go get them for me!” The assistant looked very confused but rushed to get him the food he requested.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 5:08 am

    The assistant returned with the food that Feitan had requested. The Ref made an approach looking very skeptical. Feitan took the fish glaring at the man “I am hungry…The least you can do is feed me.” He said a bit indignantly. The Ref said nothing at first, but then nodded “Of course, I just need to see you actually eat them.” Feitan rolled his eyes as he lay his head back opening his mouth he dropped one sardine after another into his hungry mouth swallowing them down whole shuddering from the terrible taste. He really hated these fish, but he had no choice right now. He needed the power they would surely give him. When he had finished the Ref walked into the ring again and the announcer’s voice boomed out “Ladies and Gentlemen this is the match you have been waiting for! We have our Champion of Last Year Welcome to the Ring. Wyvern!!” The whole arena burst out with applause and Feitan watched his new foe enter the ring. He was going to be impressive. The Announcer continued “And his challenger Feitan of the Laughing Coffin!” Feitan walked onto the arena and stood there a moment smirking.
    Wyvern looked at him “I am going to make you pay for what you did to everyone here today!”
    Feitan simply lifted his right hand laughing loudly “Oh that’s a very interesting threat. However, to show my respect for you, I shall show you the true power I wield. This ring is now and forever under the Rule of the Tyrant!!” He sank his teeth into his right hand and was sprayed with his own blood as he bit through veins. He was swarmed by blood and bats for a moment before emerging as the Vampire Demon Valvatorez. Once in this form it was easy to do the next thing, by reaching into his pocket he pulled out a can of Sardines. With a swipe of his hand he ripped open the can and swallowed down the contents without another word. When he gulped the last one down his body exploded with dark energy and blood growing and morphing in a violent sickly manner soon he stood 10 meters tall and he spread his great wings out to either side of him flapping them once creating a gust “I am the lord of this Arena now! I am The Tyrant!” he bellowed.

    To Wyvern’s credit he didn’t balk from the challenge instead he shot forth a ball of wind and lightning magic much more powerful than the last couple of times Feitan had seen this attack. In answer Feitan inhaled deeply and breathed out a cone of Fire and Dark magic that met the sphere causing an explosion in the center of the ring.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 5:17 am

    This great smokescreen served to hinder Feitan he didn’t dare fly for fear of being disqualified, but he still flapped his wings once and cleared away the smoke creating a gust of wind as he did so. Wyvern was closing the distance with him spinning in the air as if he were completely crazy and defying Gravity. He was fast indeed, but Feitan was much faster in this form, and far more powerful. Snapping his great tail forward he collided it with the fighter sending him slamming into the ground. Or at least that was the plan, but at the last moment Wyvern flipped in the air landing on his feet gracefully.
    He shot out another of those blasts and this one Feitan couldn’t stop. He hissed out in anger as he felt it strike him, but his tail shot out slamming into the man once more. Wyvern didn’t let this hold him down, and he slammed his fist into that tail as hard as he could, which surprising to Feitan was actually fairly hard and it indeed hurt. He hissed out flapping his wings to give himself some distance and the turbulence was enough to send Wyvern skidding across the ring to slam into the metal fence hard.
    This didn’t mean that the Tyrant was about to let him go so easily however and with a few quick strides he closed the distance slamming his fist down towards Wyvern with as much power as he could put behind it. Wyvern did just the same thing and the two fists met. Both fighters were sent backwards which continued to surprise Feitan, but he had to admit he was impressed and felt respect for this foe who could keep up with him blow for blow with such great skill. The two fighters met once more trading blows like this, but Feitan being so much bigger his blows were just that much stronger. After the third one Wyvern was sent flying backwards slamming into a new section of the fence and he fell to the ground panting heavily looking bloody and beaten. He tried to get to his feet again, but he just couldn’t manage it.

    The announcer was slow to say anything this time, but when he did it was shakingly “Ladies and Gentleman the Tyrant of the Laughing Coffin has defeated Wyvern in combat, he is the winner!” Feitan nodded his head once with a smirk of hard work done and moved back to his spot.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 5:31 am

    Feitan stood there in the ring wondering what was going to happen next. He had indeed beaten most of the foes, but he hadn’t been named the winner of the battle, or anything yet. So he simply waited flapping his wings in annoyance every now and then, but the act was so slow it barely made a breeze. On the other side of the ring another man started to emerge and the announcer’s voice boomed out “Ladies and Gentleman we have arrived to our final round of the day! Tagas the former champion has demanded that he be allowed to break us free of the Tyrant’s power and in that spirit he will fight Feitan! Give it up for our champion, and the King of the Ring!” Once more the crowd erupted with applause and cheer. This in turn made Feitan glare at the man in front of him who was clearly worthy of being called a champion, and he would have to be very careful of what he did. He was feeling the blows and brunts of his previous rounds, and if he was not careful this man would take away his victory, and Feitan couldn’t allow that to happen, not now.

    Tagas took a stance and then without warning shot a fireball towards Feitan. The young Tyrant huffed in annoyance flapping his wings with as much force as he could and this in turn sent enough of a wave of air to rip some people out of their seats and knock over stuff in the stands in front of Feitan, but the desired effect was that the Fireball had been forced to fall back on itself and evaporate entirely from the sudden and powerful gust of wind. This didn’t seem to bother Tagas as he instead charged Feitan much faster than the rest of the fighters that day had managed, most likely due to the fact he was much taller than most of them, and had much longer legs so he would be able to close distances much easier than the others. He leapt up towards Feitan aiming a fist at him, but Feitan flapped his great wings once lifting himself off of the ground and leaping over the man. His tail however, was not about to stop and it looked to slap the man into the ground, which it managed to do just fine, but not before Tagas sent his powerful fist into the appendage and broke a few of the bones making Feitan roar like a dragon in agony.

    2/6 C rank to Tagas (Feitan Deals B rank damage in this form.)


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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    A Real Demon Fightning Empty Re: A Real Demon Fightning

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2016, 5:42 am

    The agony was terrible and Feitan landed much harder than he had meant to barely landing on his feet. He panted heavily as he brought his tail up to inspect it. It had indeed been broken in several places and it was not likely to recover any time soon in this form. He hissed whipping around his limp tail slamming into Tagas as he had tried to close the distance once more, and it sent a fresh searing pain like no other through Feitan, but it served to send Targas into the metal fence on the arena and that was just what Feitan wanted to have happen. He held his tail aloft the best he could in order to keep it from bringing further injuries to himself. Instead he used the great claws on his wings and quickly dragged himself over towards Tagas aiming a fist at the smaller fighter. Much to his horror the Fighter was still ready to go and landed his own fist into Feitan’s as the two met Feitan felt his knuckles crack, and felt Tagas’ legs buckle. He bellowed out his anger as he slapped the smaller fighter with his free hand sending his sprawling across the ring into the fence once again.

    He panted and looked to Tagas who was on his feet, if only just. The man began to collect flames in his hand and he started to fire off one fireball after another towards the Tyrant. Feitan hissed as he rushed forward doing his best to dodge as many fireballs as he could, but it wasn’t going to go on scot free. Two of the fireballs managed to hit him before he finished closing the distance and they burned, but Feitan had finished getting close and slapped Tagas into the ground as hard as was allowed in order to ensure the man would live. No sooner had he done so than his spell wore off and Feitan stood there or rather kneeled there in front of the downed Tagas panting bleeding, his arm was broken, and so was one of his legs. He panted heavily hoping he had won, but he had to wait for the ref who took his sweet ass time to get closer. 

    It didn’t matter as Feitan was in no position to argue and he stood there waiting. The Ref got there checked that Tagas was alive which he was by some miracle. He gave the signal and the announcer spoke “Ladies and Gentleman today’s winner of the tournament is Feitan Kazeshini of Laughing Coffin!” The crowd was silent for a moment and then a great chorus of both cheers and boos rose up from the crowd. Feitan didn’t care anymore he had won and he was tired as hell, not to mention in serious need of medical attention. He summoned up his umbrella using it as a crutch he began to hobble out of the ring panting heavily in pain, and headed to a hospital with his winnings.


    A Real Demon Fightning TwlZpF6
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