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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing


    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
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    Posts : 105
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by ネクロの汚名 12th July 2014, 4:22 pm

    How many years was it? Five? Yes.... Five years since Necro awoke from his cursed slumber. Necro was once a powerful monster that even the dragons learned to fear, millions of years a go Necro was considered as death himself..... but now he was nothing more than a scary bed time stories told to little children in order to scare them into obedience. This was degrading, but Necro knew all too well his slumber has weakened him, even after five years of ravenous feed, the thousands of pounds of human flesh only restored a fraction of his strength. Five years of feeding and his strength was only equal to a lowly D rank mage. There was two options, feed like a monster and risk being hunted down by this new world.... or join the humans, befriend them, learn how this world came to be, and once he gains their trust... once he has had his fill of knowledge then it would be time to feast on the flesh of the fools who dared trusted him. Necro chuckled, the second option sounded more appealing.

    Necro approached the ruins dressed as a scavenger, and of course he wore his signature leather mask.... This place was a place he once knew.... He gazed at the fallen structure and the foundation of the ruins..... Necro closed his eyes picturing the walls and it's former glory.... the blood shed behind these walls..... this was nothing more than a symbol of humanities hypocrisy. The truth was Necro wasn't here to reminisce about the past.... he was here to find clues or anything related to the dark mages.... Necro recently joined the ranks of the rune knights, he was able to pass himself off as a poor country bumpkin, who wears a creepy mask in order to hide his scars. Funny enough he was accepted among the ranks of the knights. What better place to hide and feast? That's right, Necro joined the ranks to hide right under their nose, after all it was the Rune knights who stood as the authority and defenders of the people. Necro smiled from underneath his mask a brilliant plan indeed, but for now he had to gain their trust by "helping" out.

    Necro slowly drew to a stop, he noticed a scavenger, the poor fellow must of scurried here to look for treasure. Necro grinned, it was feeding time. Necro called out to scavenger "You there! Stop... have you seen any odd things lately.... perhaps dark sorcery of some kind?"

    "Mind your own business kid!" shouted the raggedy man, Necro simply pushed up his sleeve to show the man the Rune Knights insignia. The man laughed "You don't scare me! Government DOG!" spat the man. Dog?..... Necro's eyes narrowed. In a blinding speed he dashed up to the man and hit him with the back of his hand. The man stumbled back, the force of Necro's strike caused him to lose his two front teeth.

    "Now.... look what you made me do...." sighed Necro as he walked over to the cowering man. The man cursed saying that he was going to tell Necro's superiors about his abusive behavior. But Necro merely kicked him in the gut to shut the man up.

    "Y-you're supposed to be a Rune Knight.... you can't do this! You'll get arrested!" The man gasped in pain as Necro kicked him once more.

    "No... to get arrested evidence is needed.... there are no witnesses here. " Necro looked around innocently as if a child looking for his friends in a game of hide and seek.

    "T-then I'll show them my injuries! That's enough proof!" the man laughed triumphantly as he slowly got up.

    "How will you show my commanding officer if you're dead? " Necro cocked his head in amusement. He then unzipped his masks mouth piece revealing a set of pearly white teeth.

    "Kill me?! T-then what if someone finds my body!" The man tried to back away. Necro simply laughed.

    "That would be a problem.....Then I guess I'll have to EAT until there is nothing left." Suddenly Necro was in front of the man, whispering to him of how he would devour is intestines and organs, the man looked down at his chest and saw Necro's right hand pierce his flesh pulling out the bloody ambrosia out of his pudgy body. The man was dead.... Necro pulled his hand out of the dead mans chest and licked the blood that was trickling down his wrist.

    "Tch.... tastes like crap...."

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Tuna 14th July 2014, 11:51 am

    It had been a quiet day of simple wandering about the once great city of mages whilst searching for some old scripture that would aid Lyserg in his search for what exactly had happened here after he had fallen into his millennium's sleep. It was odd, he had missed so many important events, it was as if the historic gear that caused society to move had picked up the pace of evolution. Whilst taking a break in the shade of the central tower that once served the very first Wizard Saints as a community center, he spotted a group of people approaching from one side, whilst a single person approaching from the other. The singular person was an oddball whilst the others gave off a fairly natural vibe. Lyserg sighed, the quiet time was likely over now. Chance that exactly on this day a group of hunters decided to investigate. Quickly becoming invisible, not sensible to those oncoming, Lyserg decided to spectate further and see what happens.

    Only one of the hunters was left of the group, the rest had gone underground already, likely not to be seen for the next 24 hours. The singular scavenger took a few more steps until he had reached the stray of the group. Lyserg was a good distance away of the whole scene, about 40 meters. What he saw was not something he liked. Adding intangibility to his invisibility to be completely gone from perception of any form, he moved up to the two watching the murder out in the open. He sighed inwardly. He now stood right behind the homicidal and his victim. Materializing out of an instant, Lyserg was now only about 3 meters away from him with his arms crossed and a resounding voice. "You disturb the quiescence with your uncivilized behavior, creature." Lyserg was almost sure that this was no human. He had seen many creatures come and go, and he could tell human apart from disguise.



    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by ネクロの汚名 14th July 2014, 12:10 pm

    Necro sighed, Necro's mask hid his unemotional face but the truth was Necro was quite irritated that he let someone sneak up from behind, the cursed slumber really did a number on him, Necro's senses was not as sharp as they once where. Without turning to address the man, Necro spoke out "Uncivilized? Hmph....You humans are so irritating. Always ranting about being 'civilized'..... Tch... to hell with all of you! You humans are hypocrites.... you find that when a monster kills a human it is uncivilized, beastly, inhumane..... Yet the truth is you humans love to to cause havoc, you humans love to destroy, you humans also kill your own kind.... you human's are no different from we so called 'monsters' " Necro tore the corpses right arm off as if it was a chicken wing, he then began to chew on it.

    Necro finally faced the man, wiping his face with a napkin. Necro recognized the man.... he knew this guy was not a person to be trifled with. "What is it you want human? I know you are not a legal mage..... murder like this should be a normal sight for you...." Necro sighed and tossed the arm, he had his fill.... the man he just killed reeked of alcohol.


    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Experience : 4000

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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Lucille Grove 14th July 2014, 12:24 pm

    Lucille once again silently kept herself to the shadows while her guild master moved around these ruins. It was starting to be a habit for her to follow him out of the Tartarus guild hall wherever he went, being his silent and hidden bodyguard. She still didn't know if Lyserg knew that she was doing this, but she had continued to as she did not trust anyone else in the guild to have his back when she wasn't around. It seemed slightly like it was borderline stalking, which it was in a sense but the blue haired mage wasn't going to say anything if her master didn't seem uncomfortable with it.

    The blood mage tensed when Lyserg confronted the killer, and put herself on alert immediately. She placed herself in a stance where she could cut down the thing trying to confront her master if it tried anything without letting herself out of the shadows. All Lyserg had to do was give her an opening, and the creature would go down without even a whimper. Of course her master could defend himself, and she wasn't doubting that he could take this thing on without even breaking a sweat. But she was taking no chances at all, and thus readied herself for anything.

    Lucille was a cautious and careful individual. Nothing was going to get the jump on her or her guild master, she would make sure of that.


    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  FRU1Cmr
    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Tuna 14th July 2014, 3:19 pm

    Lyserg didn't like the tone or the words of this being. His eyebrows wrinkled as he watched the gruesome scene go on. Talking, whilst eating and brutally tearing the man to shreds, he pondered if this was simply a creature doomed to lunacy or if there was any reason stacked beneath its words. Letting his arms grow loose, he suddenly picked something up from the surroundings. He couldn't exactly explain it. It was a feeble motion, a sense of haste, eagerness and anticipation. But it wasn't coming from him, or from the being before him. His eyes darted around a bit. But disregarding the fickle sensation for now as there was no viable conclusion as to what exactly the feeling he was feeling was. Shrugging it off, he simply stayed on guard and started to focus the creature again who was now facing him and seemed to have finished eating.

    And then there was that question. A gloomy face, full of avarice stared him down. Lyserg squinted. The eyes were trying to express something, but failed to do so. However, there was a sense of envy, a light glow of hatred. Entertaining, as it were, it also annoyed Lyserg. For a moment he was indecisive about even responding to the lunacy he was presented with. But perhaps, directing a little sheep to somewhere he was able to fully comfort himself wasn't the worst idea. "You draw quite the assumptions based on my word choice. I simply addressed you as creature, because I do not know how to define you. I will likely know what you are once I look up my encyclopedia, but I feel that eating a human in front of me is invasive of my private space. Nothing more, nothing less." Lyserg said calmly tracing the being's visage. Quite weird, blood everywhere. It looked unclean and messy. There was no clear structure to his body.

    "I want to advise you that I enjoy the quiet during my research and if you wish to brutalize your victims, do it elsewhere or I will force you to." Lyserg continued in a feeble pace. Looking past the murderer, he started to lose himself in the vision of the setting sun. "What is it that you seek at this ancient place? There is no reason for you to be here. Other areas of Fiore are much more populated, what you do can be done there much easier." He spoke, now with an slightly annoyed undertone. It was exasperating just thinking about explaining himself to the creature. There was no purpose in attempting to make sense in front of that which does not accept logic.



    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by ネクロの汚名 14th July 2014, 3:51 pm

    Necro paused, the silence at first seemed hostile but it was quickly broken by Necro's light chuckle. "You're quite interesting human..... quite interesting indeed.... I'm no fool.... I can sense that your power ranks much.... much higher than mine.... it would be foolish of me to 'invade' your so called space any further... so as a token of respect allow me to clean up this little mess that I made....." Necro then bowed to man in front of him, this was something Necro was accustomed too, despite his seemingly prideful behavior Necro hated arrogance... for arrogance is a deadly poison that can kill even the strongest of creatures. Necro would simply let the man have his way, even though Necro desperately wanted to kill the man in front of him, Necro knew it would be an impossible feat in his current condition.

    "Allow me to call my assistant..... she'll have this place spotless. Nemu? Child come out and clean this mess." Necro called out his assistant at first there was silence, then a soft voice made it's way through the quite area. "Yes master...."

    A little girl quietly stepped out of her hiding place that was right next to the mans so called body guard. The little girl stopped in front of Lucille, with out any emotion she spoke "It's not nice to listen into peoples conversation....." the little girl then walked away as if nothing happened. She then walked to Necro's side.

    "Nemu, will you please be a dear and clean up the garbage?" Necro gave the little girl on the pat on the head.

    "Yes, master right away..." Nemu then pulled out a black suit case out of no where and opened it up, Nemu then took out two butcher knives and began to cutting the dead man into pieces. After she cut apart the corpse the then placed the body parts in the suit case, in a matter of minutes the place was spotless, not a single drop of blood could be found. Nemu then looked at her master and said as she pointed at Lyserg."Will you be eating this later master? Or will you be eating that man?"

    "No, no my dear Nemu, I will not be eating any of them, dispose of the body later..... and mind your manners Nemu, this man in front of us is...... a friend, or I do certainly hope he will be." Necro chuckled and gave the little girl another pat on the head. He then turned to Lyserg. "Is this better? We cleaned up the place I certainly do hope that there will not be any more trouble between the two of us, I mean no harm, sir, you can call off your little lady friend over there."
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
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    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Lucille Grove 14th July 2014, 5:44 pm

    Lucille nearly let her hat loose when the little girl came out in front of her. Not only ruining her hiding spot and giving her away, the girl had the audacity to try and reprimand the blue haired woman for hiding and watching her guild master from a careful distance. Lucille had the urge to just kill both of the two in front of her, but that would possibly anger Lyserg. If there was one thing she disliked doing, it was making her guild master angry. Thus, she stepped out of the shadows and walked over to Lyserg's side. She bowed to him gracefully, hoping he would feel no anger at her actions for his own safety.

    "I apologize master." Her voice was cold yet soft and held a bit of fear at what her master's retaliation would be. Lucille couldn't hold a candle to Lyserg when it came to any type of fight, and thus if he wanted to harm her he could. It wasn't as if she would fight him though. Lucille was a weapon for him to use as he saw fit, so she would never raise a hand to him. He was her guild master, and she was the tool to ensure their goals got accomplished. If that meant she was going to be his punching bag for a bit, so be it. "I accept any form of punishment you see fit for me."


    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  FRU1Cmr
    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Tuna 14th July 2014, 6:37 pm

    Lyserg's eyes flinched slightly at the answer of the being. He snapped back immediately. "I can tell that I am stronger than you without needing to look at your power. I am not here to cause pain to anyone... or anything. But why not choose to answer my question? I asked you what your purpose for trailing this desolate piece of land is. As a response I received a retraction of your passion. Are you perhaps frightened? Or repressed because you know you can't oppose me?" Lyserg spoke fast, and precise. Clear and determined. He disliked insane repressive behavior. It was troubling to watch because it countered common sense out so swiftly and innocently, that there was almost no possible way to cope with it. Yet he decided to try. Albeit knowing what kind of devilish circle of communication he was getting himself into.

    When the creature dictated whatever his servant would turn out to be, it hit Lyserg. Even though it was vague, a memory about a specific set of creatures from Sin hit his mind. He had read about them just last year. What was specific about them, was the fact that the were able to disguise as humans, yet were overtly opposing the idea of being human. It was ghouls. Very social creatures that liked to self-indulge in feasting. Usually not very smart, but it seemed that he had hit an exception. To his own surprise, it was then a familiar face that appeared beside a little girl slandering out of the shadows. Lucille. Lyserg instantly and audibly sighed when he saw her. Going through his hair, he inwardly asked himself what he had done to deserve this freakshow. But she was a member, a seemingly compulsive member.

    Focusing on her, he blended out what was going on behind him. Turning around as well, Lyserg had his back to the obscure sounds and faced the quietly and calmly approaching Lucille. She seemed at peace with herself. A weird girl. Her offering was herself, and sadism. She was standing next to him making quite the mindless remarks. Thinking to himself that he would deal with this later, he firmly placed his arms at his side and gazed Lucille in the eyes. "You are Lucille... I will have to deal with you later, for now, if you truly want to help me, stay put." Lyserg could already tell that research was over with for today. Turning back around he faced the all packed up and blabbering creature before him.

    "You cleaned up nicely. But that would have not been necessary." He remarked dryly. "In case you can't tell, something I need to take care of has come up." He added, before looking off into the distance. A breeze carried dust over the arid plane. "Tell me why you are here. If you need a motivation to do so, I will hand out equivalent information to show you my sincerity." Stating that with an absolute stern and serious tone in his voice, Lyserg didn't give the presumed ghoul another glance. He was done with all of this, and if the person before him wouldn't want to talk, he would pack up and leave with Lucille. Because finding out why on earth she would have followed him was something he prioritized as of now. There was something inherently wrong with invasion of his privacy when it had the premise of secrecy before him.



    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by ネクロの汚名 14th July 2014, 9:44 pm

    "Well there is no use to hide it now good sir, I'm a Rune Knight, my name is Necro Stigma Rank-D officer.... I'm currently in search for any clues or hints about the dark guilds, but if I may my say, my position in the Rune Knights is..... uh what one would call temporary...... I carry the badge and the perks that come along as a Rune Knight, but I do not carry their ideals and beliefs.... I'm no fool, you probably think my kind are mindless gluttonous creatures that feed on your kind, but that is not entirely so.... I've read the text book information about us.... all those documents and things that you think you might about my kind is only a fraction. The ghouls recorded down in history were the stupid fools of my kind who was foolish enough to get caught..... You sir have much to learn from my kind, like humans the most dastardly and great of my kind are unknown in history...." Necro chuckled putting his hands up as if he was surrendering.

    Necr paced back and fourth walking about trying to calculate an escape route just in case if things took a turn for the worse, "I'd like to say, I mean no harm, I only regarded your power in respect, and yes you are right. I am in fact frightened, scared shit less to be exact, with the current gap between our powers I am no threat to you..... So to resolve any further conflict and misunderstandings, I'll give you some information. Nemu! Give our friend the file." Nemu nodded and produced a file which was labeled classified Rune Knights only. Nemu then walked up and offered the file to Lyserg.

    "Recently The Magic Council and the commanding officers of the Rune Knights have been on their toes due to the recent attack in Rose Garden....... and I'm willing to bet an arm and a leg you ,sir, had something to do with it.... anyway, the higher ups have recently been sending over undercover agents and other legal mages from multiple legal guilds to scout any information here in the ruins, the higher ups believe that something is going on here..... they believe that the dark guilds are planning something else..... I unfortunately have limited access to that classified information, but.... I'm sure I'll be able to get closer to the goods when I rank up and gain the trust of my superiors..... but for now this is the only information I can give you, in fact this is the only information I was given. I do hope you sir have found this information useful....." Necro explained the file and it's contents, he explained everything thoroughly. It was obvious that Necro cared little for the Rune Knights and the Magic Council, all Necro wanted was a simple cover up while he regained his strength.

    "Is there anything else you'd like to know?....." Necro's left eye gleamed, during this whole time he was trying to figure out Lyserg's  identity, Necro came up with a hypothesis that this man was not from here and was only here for no less than two or three years, this was probably why this mysterious mage managed to stay under the radar..... this man was dangerous, Necro noted it would be best not to anger this man.....The information given merely a demonstration that he could be an ally to this mysterious mage, after all Necro believed in the saying if you can't beat them join them....

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing  Empty Re: A cannibalistic sheep in wolfs clothing

    Post by Tuna 25th July 2014, 6:08 am

    Lyserg smacked his lips. Not out of enjoyment, he usually did this out of impatience. Something that was not typical for him. But this right here was wasting his time and his effort. The person before him seemed more interested in getting out of this situation unscathed. Sighing out of his nose, he looked up into the sky trying to lose himself in the radiant blue, cloudless color that seemed like a canvas for him to paint on. Looking back down, he scanned the human looking creature once more. "Learn from your kind? What is there to learn from me? How to commit gruesome acts of murder and inflict pain? I believe that humanity has committed such acts since the dawn of time. In all honesty, I have never heard that there was a ghoul that carried significance. The kind of significance that would have them written down in the textbooks of history for all eternity. You seem to think that you know much, likely because your soul has already lived many human lives. But age is meaningless. You shouldn't get ahead of yourself because you are old. Experiences mean nothing if they have simply repeated themselves for millenniums."

    Lyserg retaliated calmly, watching the quiet slander and tracing eyes of the being. "I wonder, why are so positive that I plan to harm you? There is no conflict here from my side. I simply do not condone such gruesome and uncivilized acts. I asked you somewhat forcefully, that is no reason to back down. But if you wish to do so..." He said, getting cut off by a monologue that followed the creature's sucking up to him. With, who would have guessed, more sucking up. Lyserg massaged a temple with his left hand. But the attack of Rose Garden seemed interesting enough to endure this. Lucille was still here and had to be dealt with. Something that was sitting in the back of his mind as the follow up to all of this.

    "Alright, ghoul. I thank you for your pleasing manners, but I believe that this is too time consuming. I still have matters to attend to. There is nothing you could tell me I need to know right now, and this is turning into an ordeal. I will leave now, you can continue with whatever actions you were doing. Additionally, I have some advice for you. The Rune Knights and the Magic Council are not a place for arbitrary violence and irrational behavior like yours. You will be noticed sooner or later. Once that happens, you will need something backing you up." Moving his right hand into his cloak, Lyserg pulled out a rolled up parchment and handed it to the ghoul. "Don't tell me your name, as I will not tell you mine either. But follow this map and you will land in a place where you will likely be accepted as... what you are and even as what you do. You don't need to drop names or faces, as you will forget mine anyway once I turn my back on you. These people take anyone they can get, and I deem that a Rune Knight will be a welcome addition for them." Lyserg said, quite rigorously and with a sense of urgency.

    "If we ever meet again, I do hope that matters will be a bit more practical. Now, I have said all I need to say. I am done." With that, he turned to Lucille and waved into the direction they would be walking towards in a bit. The parchment that he had given the ghoul contained directions towards the guild Savage Skull he had found in the archive of the current guild halls. "Lucille, walk ahead, I will be right behind you." He said in a warming tone. Looking back at the ghoul, he sighed quietly one last time. "Farewell." With that, Lyserg would activate the spells that would rid his existence out of reality for just enough to break the memories in the ghoul's, as well as the little girl's mind. After that, he would proceed to leave.


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:15 pm