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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 6th July 2014, 4:50 pm

    Adelheid wasn't thrilled at her latest mission not so much for the contains of it as much as for the partner that had been "assigned" to her.
    After having encountering him in the library and initiating the most casual if conversations with him they had been "recruited" by a man of a village to get ride of a bunch of bandits that where sieging his village.
    As a member of Saber Tooth that upheld justice it was only natural for Adelheid to accept but she had the slightest suspicion that Silvaestus maybe just wanted to beat someone up "well since we are on this together I will explain you my magic and you will explain yours so we can come up with the best way possible to combine our strength " she said looking at "Silver"
    "My type is fire magic good for area of effect and continuously burn my enemies... is artillery type so I'm better of in the back also once I throw a spell I have 0 control over it... so it has a risk of friendly fire" she explained as they traveled to the village in a carriage.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 6th July 2014, 5:22 pm

    His first mission as part of Saber Tooth and he is assigned to a red-haired girl. For most of the conversation she lead with him Silvaetus simply nodded and gave a few short replies, not really interested in small talk –how could he have been? Silvaetus was too entranced by the literature and barely even noticed the man requesting their aid. Furthermore he could almost feel the girls discomfort to be on a mission with him.
    “My abilities lie in the power of technology. My magic allows me to create, modify and manipulate technology as I please. It allows me to create the most advanced of weapons” he held up his arms to show the two large guns attached to them whilst simultaneously calling the two cannons on his shoulders to life with a high buzzing sound “And like you I prefer to operate from the back lines. And like you I would like to give warning: heed my attacks for they will decimate all that is in their path.” The scientist glanced out the window – still nothing but trees and hills. “Also I would recommend keeping no less than 11 meters distance from me in combat. This here” Silvaetus pointed to his chest as the right part of his chest plate slid open, revealing a metal frame with a circular hatch built in “It is a nuclear reactor and when I get active radiation and heat will leak out. So unless you wish to either die by boiling in your own bodily fluids or radiation poisoning I would suggest you to heed my warning.” A faint click could be heard as his replaced eye took a picture of the girl. Now was as god a time as any to create profiles of Saber Tooth’s members. It may come in handy someday… “I would like to propose that we keep a formation: you standing behind me at all times at the appropriate distance. My radiation Leak will protect us both from melee units that way and so we can focus on the ranged targets.”
    The carriage shook as it reached an uneven patch of road. His drone hovered right behind the horse-powered cabin and Vine – his newest insectoid creation – burrowed underneath it. They were nearing their destination. The scientist glanced at his sedative-levels: 78%. “I do hope the master informed you of my…condition.”

    P.S.: Yes...I brought my pet centipede along ;)


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 6th July 2014, 9:01 pm

    "yes he had the grace to inform me" she said with a sigh however the radiation seemed like a dangerous asset it still seemed useful "alright now... while that seems like a good and reasonable idea it would still put you in the line of fire of my spells so... I propose a diagonal " she said looking outside "we would be certainly close enough to help one another and knowing if such help is needed but the possibility of hitting each other is reduced plus the probability of forking by two flanks any approaching enemies gets higher  while the probability of both of us getting hit by an area of effect attack gets reduced" she explained as the carriage stopped "I ordered him to stop not too close to the village so they couldn't see us coming plus we could get closer unperceived using the forest " she said opening the door and getting out.

    Last edited by Adelheid Faustus on 7th July 2014, 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 56.25

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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 7th July 2014, 3:23 am

    A cool breeze swept past as Silvaetus dismounted the carriage. He silently agreed to Adelheid’s plan with a nod. “I’ll send my drone to scout ahead. Even with this dense vegetation any potential traps should be detectable.” And as the drone sped off into the distance, the mage examined the immediate surroundings. The landscape was optimal for both them and the criminals that took over the village. The dense forest provided enough space to hide single units and the ruins offered cover from incoming attacks. “We must tread carefully. We may be the ones that wish to ambush, but this place…it may serve the enemy with the means to do the same” he warned the female mage whilst looking into the vegetation. His right eye was set to thermal imaging – no irregularities.


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 7th July 2014, 3:54 pm

    Adelheid took a deep breath mentally preparing for what was about to happen.
    This mission was going to be hard and she was going to fight against people using her magic something she usually avoided.
    She mentally checked her stored spells 3 spears would be her selection today in case of fighting an unusually strong enemy she would need strength rather that versatility.
    She then approached the vegetation as she stayed sharp to any sound or mark in the threes that would indicate of the bandits passing through there not long ago and waiting for Silver's pet to come back.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 7th July 2014, 4:15 pm

    Silvaetus remained on the open road, simply observing Adelheid as she carefully moved into the tree line. A message from his drone appeared in his eye: “10 enemies scattered throughout the village. 20 targets guarding main base of operations. Civilians in housing. Possibility of being a previous client. Awaiting further commands…” The message did more harm than it could have even remotely done any good. These were no longer just crooks that the two mage had to face…these were crooks he may have supplied weapons to. In his entire career as an illegal weapons merchant never once did it cross his mind that he would have to clean up his own mess. In addition there were civilians in the way. Were he not part of a legal guild, the collateral damage would never have kept him from bombarding the village. However now…

    And so the scientist snuck up beside his partner to inform her of the issue. “Listen…I am not sure if the master has told you about my past or why he recruited me. But part of that is what’s about to make things very unpleasant. You see” he scanned the area again “I may have given these bandits the means to pull this off. So just as fair warning: when I say stop, you stop. Whatever I sold them they have not given to their soldiers…and that worries me more than anything else. An unseen weapon is one that is most lethal.”


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 7th July 2014, 5:08 pm

    Adelheid sighed "look for one I'm not one to pray into the past of others so I didn't asked and and for two we are two professional mages from saber tooth doing our job so if you have any info spill it so we can come up with a contingency plan" she said looking at him with determination in her eyes "they having weapons was already a given when we accepted this mission and that they had a number advantage was a given so just tell me where they are and how many" the fact that he flipped so strongly at the fact that they had weapons reflect one of two or he was looking down or her (which she actually hoped) or that the stuff he had been selling was just that dangerous "in any way even with powerful tools they are just your run of the mile bandits so getting them out of the way should be simple"

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 7th July 2014, 5:30 pm

    "Stay calm, girl. No need to rush" he said with a hint of gentleness in his voice...as hard as it was to muster. "They aren't going anywhere, so we have time on our side. ten bandits are patrolling the village streets. The rest are guarding a larger building that I assume to be the town hall." The mage produced a small metal disk in his hand above which a holographic map of the village appeared. "The red dots indicate the bandits. The blue ones the villagers and the two green ones are us. Now as you can see it is nearly impossible for us to attack without harming civilians. I could try to take out the guard one by one, but that would allow the rest to find shelter. Thus I propose we attract their attention to one location. Set a trap if you will." One of the green dots moved to the the city hall. "I will attempt to draw them in. If they remember me they should welcome me with open arms." A cluster of red dots moved towards the central green one. "Once they gather you can strike from afar. Be sure to target only the outer cluster of units. Those that are close enough I will dispose of with the radiation and heat that my reactor emits. What ever few survivors are left we will have to find and pick off." A simple tactic for simple minds - the bandits weren't exactly the brightest after all. "The only hindrance may be the aforementioned weapons I created. If memory serves right, I sold them a set of Palladin Mines. 12 pieces I think. The tricky part is that they react to bio-electrixity and are burried 10 meters underground. If you trigger one it will fly up and release lasers into 47 different directions while rotating over a time span of 0.5 seconds." There was no way he would leave the planning to someone else - he hated that after all. But still he wanted to give the girl a chance to argue out of courtesy (a concept he did not believe in but had to adapt).


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 9th July 2014, 1:17 pm

    As every dot from the strange devise moved corresponding to the position of every individual in the village as silva explained his plan with detail however Adelheid was not 100% convinced the plan relied too much on the reaction of the bandits at an unexpected encounter plus Silver would be put in the line of fire "Alright I agree but remember that if anything happens the security of the civilians will be my first and utmost priority " she said looking a little concerned "also if you're going to get into range of my spells be prepared for the heat "

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 9th July 2014, 2:29 pm

    "Alright I agree but remember that if anything happens the security of the civilians will be my first and utmost priority ." A fury built up within Silvaetus as the girl said that very sentence. This concern for human life other than his own was slowly getting on his nerves and emphasizing on it was not helping. “Listen Adelheid” his voice now forceful rather than his usual friendly tone “It WILL work. And besides, if they are alerted to our intet while separated the chances of more civilians being harmed increases! That’s why we have to draw them in, away from the innocents!” Fate truly was cruel having him of all people giving a lecture on how to SAVE lives…

    The mage gathered his senses, returning his mind to its usual chaotic state of serenity - his emotions suppressed, leaving behind only the old cold, calculative husk. He stood up and headed straight towards the village. His lips formed a grin under his mask…the fun was to begin shortly.

    “Hey you there! Halt!” barked a bandit “State your name and business.” In the most self-assured ad professional voice he could muster the scientist replied “You do not recognize me? FOOL! Do you not know who gave you the means to conquer this city?!” The bandits eyes and mouth opened wide as he tried to get out words. “S-s-s-sir! Sorry, I didn’t recognize you. But with all due respect, what brings a man like you back to us?” Perfect, they remembered him. “I have come to…do some maintenance on the weapons I sold you. I found a way to improve them.”

    “Ah, ok mister Silver. I’ll have Fred here bring you to those mines.” A second crook appeared form behind a tree. But SIlvaetus could not afford to disarm the mines now. First he and his accomplice had to get rid of these lowlifes. “No! Before I do so I must debrief all your men on the changes, for I must leave immediately after completeion. So Fred here will take me to your main base and YOU” he pointed at the bandit “Will gather the other men.”


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 9th July 2014, 3:02 pm

    Adelheid hide in the bushes and started to chant silently and accumulating mana on her right hand creating fiery spear as the bandits where distracted by Silva.
    She hoped that everything would go as he said but there was always the possibility of a couple of bandits staying in to look after the hostages or at least some of them getting distrustful at the sudden apparition of the one who sold them their weapons.
    If any of it could happen she would do whatever necessary to put the civilians out of risk even if it meant risking her life.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 10th July 2014, 2:18 pm

    Everything was going smoothly. The two guards lead him to a large building in the center and had gathered about 22 men including themselves. According to his recent reconnaissance there were exactly 30 bandits not counting their leader. The mage ordered his drone to fly low, into the thick forest to seek out Adelheid. In only a few more moments the slaughter would begin…and it brought joy to the man. If he had an actual heart it might have even skipped a beat. Silvaetus prepared himself for the moment, making some idle chit-chat about “improving the weapon”. In reality he just strung together a few complicated words none of these apes could understand. The drone hovering beside the girl sounded in a robotic voice: “Commence attack in 3…2…1…fire at will.”


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 10th July 2014, 3:01 pm

    Adelheid let out a "tsk" as she thought too soon "obey the contract tyrant of flames and use my blood to manifest " she added to the enchanting as a series of wounds appeared in her arm and her blood flew to the spell as the lance fully manifested "alright " she said taking aim and throwing it at the group that Silvs had reunited and the fiery red lance flew through the air "no time to rest " she said as the lance was still in the air.
    She took position separating her arm and chanted "spell storage dual emission twin lances" she said as the spell manifest from her arms and became two lances identical to the one she had just throw "time for some fireworks " she said throwing each at the group.
    As the lance landed into either the earth or a bandit it would burst into powerful flames with a area of 3 meters.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 10th July 2014, 3:42 pm

    Nothing was as delightful as the agonized screams of an unsuspecting enemy. As the heat and radiation leaked the mage looked on as the bandits squirmed on the floor. Either sizzling in their own skin or withering away as their bodies internal functions gave away. The pleas and screams were like the voices of opera stars, the smell was like that of the finest cuisine and the scene was as beautiful as the most masterfully crafted piece of gruesome art. And then the strikes from afar by Adelheid…he did not expect this level of destruction from the seemingly harmless girl. Of course it was unavoidable that some of the attacks landed a but too close for comfort... but nothing a few steps to the side couldn't fix.  Explosions erupted around him as flaming lances descended onto the gathered group. Burningfigures ran around the field in panic, others lay on the ground clutching what was left of their bodies.

    Through his drone he told his partner, partly chuckling “We got most of them. Nice shots by the way. All that’s left now is to clean up this mess. Four of them managed to get away from the group and another eight didn’t show up.” As he said so three bandits stepped out…hostages at hand strapped to intricate metal disks – the Paladin Mines. “Now then mist dealer! Tell your little friend out there to come down here. We wouldn’t want any of these villages to get hurt now do we.”


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 10th July 2014, 4:47 pm

    Adelheid couldn't help but smile as she saw the fire engulf and slowly burn her enemies to cinders before regaining control of herself "well thank you for the praise I will proceed and try to check out the hostages while you scan for their leader... those that ran away probably ran towards him I will go to support you as soon as I release the hostages after all that was objective number one of the mission...oh and one last thing an attack like the last one has a long "cool down" so don't rely on my fire power too much for a while " she said to Silver as she started to move towards to city hall where the hostages where according to Silver "hail to the contract fire gremlin " she chanted as she advanced.
    Right as the ethereal fireball was released she said "stop " and the fireball stopped in the air "reduced" she said as it concentrate on the palm of her hand like a little ball no bigger than a golf ball "stored " she said as she carefully closed it and it entered her body "once you find the leader tell me I want a piece of him... not an actual piece... you know what I mean " she said trying not to get any close to Silver as he was emitting the radiation still.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 10th July 2014, 5:19 pm

    „You better be careful. The hostages have my mines strapped to them. As I’d prefer you to remain physically in one piece I recommend not hitting them…or stepping on any that may still be hidden.” Silvaetus told Adelheid through the drone. “I’ll leave a little present here for you. Just look under the boxes beside the cart.” Now what would on expect from a mad scientist as a present? In this case a bomb – one of five Highexplosive Shrapnel Bombs the formed in his hands. With only the press of a btton the man disappearead as his suit bent the light around him. His holographic equivalent stayed in his place, occupying the three bandits with some small talk.

    Silvaetus ran into the large city all as it would be the most logical place for the leader to be. With invisibility on his side he could sneak through the hallways unnoticed. Whilst searching he heard voices come from behind a door – two figures were to be seen through the dulled glass window in the door.

    OOC: the first dice roll is for the three bandits from my last post.


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp


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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by NPC 10th July 2014, 5:19 pm

    The member 'Silvaetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] NormalMonster Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] NormalMonster Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] WeakMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] StrongMonster Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] NormalMonster
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 10th July 2014, 6:17 pm

    Adelheid felt silent as she came out her hands up in the air as she talked "alright alright " she said looking at them "look let's try to negotiate here " she said making mental counts for her spells and cursing in her insides "all techno babble aside as you two might have figure out neither me or my partner care a little bit for human life in general...just look at the results of our attacks" she bluffed "so...the objective of coming here was to retrieve some disc that was subtracted from his lab" she said buying time "during a transaction with you guys...fact he went as far as contract me from the "Savage skull" guild" she said putting up her best sadistic smile "do you really think I will stop attacking for a couple of flesh bags that you using as shield? " she said pointing her hand fast at them and then releasing the gremlin spell fast hitting the one of the hostages as he started to emanate a little of a red aura "Now I put my own bomb in them... I wonder if you three can run fast enough so the combined explosions won't engulf you ~" she said starting to quickly walk backwards as she laugh maniacally.
    "oh and my employer is already out knowing how much I looove the pretty explosions " she said throwing a rock at the hologram to make her bluff look all that more real "10 9 8 " she started to happily count as the hostages cried in fear and resignation as the three bandits looked concerned among themselves and started to run away "0" "emit last lance" she exclaimed triumphant as they ran and ran a little before throwing it at the exposed backs of the thieves landing it in one of the bigger ones.
    "Alright you the ones with the bomb's on you that was a bluff the spell I put in you does nothing " she said as the bigger bandit was engulfed in flames but the last two where too fast to be reach and realized her bluff "get carefully the fuck away as quickly as you can buys I will distract them " said showing the finger at the not so bright quickly angered mooks.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 16th July 2014, 2:07 pm

    Silvaetus waited outside the door, patiently waiting for the two figures to emerge from the room. All the mage could hear was a muffled conversation. One of them was clearly panicking and the other one was trying to calm him down, but without success. Some incomprehensible yelling in a foreign language and the door flew wide open. “Don’t tell me about safe! I’m gettin’ outta ‘ere! You cang fight those mage and sign your death wish!” He swung around to storm away only to come to a stunned halt.

    In front of the marauder hovered an unnatural face – a face of plastic, glass and metal with menacing eyes glaring at it. A powerful swing from the side connected with Silvaetus’s face cracking the glass that covered the eye sockets of the mask – an instinctive swing by the criminal. In his light daze the mage aimed his right arm at his assailant. A loud boom and the marauder lay several meters down the hall, a trail of blood marking the path he had skidded on the floor and a gaping hole in his chest. Then all turned black for the scientist.

    He woke up shortly after, looking down the barrel of a gun (it was of rather primitive design but he could feel the magic imbued within). “Not so tough now, are ya’! As much as I’d love to blow off yer head that little girlfriend of yours is causing some trouble outside. How ‘bout we pay her a little visit?” The gunslinger pulled Silvaetus up with one arm whilst pressing the guns barrel against his face…his first and only mistake. “One thing you should know when threatening me…never get too close” The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the gunslinger boiled in his own fluids. Silvaetus put one hand against his face. There wasn't any bleeding but it still pounded with pain and his right lens was done for - he would have to replace the mask later. A bit unsteady he walked further down the hall, searching for the bandit leader.


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

    25/150 Exp


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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by NPC 16th July 2014, 2:07 pm

    The member 'Silvaetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] StrongMonster
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 17th July 2014, 11:07 am

    Adelheid ran for a while in a wide circle as the two bandits pursued her and the hostages used that time to flee and hide as she made a plan.
    She was out of stored spells but she had some mana and had managed to not use pixie arrows up until that point so it would take them by surprise...no too gleeful and optimistic.
    Better yet the hologram of Silver was still hiding the bombs if she could guide them to that place and the fire her pixies at them the bombs would go off given the pixies the necessary roughness for a finisher.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 10:58 pm

    Adelheid continued to run taking deep breaths as she zigzagged in order to dodge the incoming bullets being conscious of her own wounds and the fact that she was freaking tired beyond reason and that the fact that those backwards hill bandits had any semblance of tech was Silvers fault in fact this would have gone a lot more easy if they didn't had mines and bombs and all that bull.
    She stopped a moment catching her breathe as she ran pass Silva's hologram "ok guys I'm tired I'm hurt and I'm hungry let's just finish this k? "
    The two bandits followed her smiling with smug grins as they stood as proudly as they could trying to regain their breath as they looked down upon her
    "well make you suffer fire our friends" they said "well this is funny I will make you suffer with my friends " she responded quickly casting a spell "hail to the contract fire pixies " she chanted as she pointed towards the hologram and shot the arrows of fire towards the explosives causing a chain reaction as they exploded into a fury ball of flames that engulfed the two reminding brutes "well it was a blast " she said dusting her clothes and getting away towards the building in order to release the remaining hostages
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 11:27 pm

    After finishing the freeing and evacuation of all hostages Adelheid took a deep breath she had always been a fast healer but since her entry to the saber Tooth guild it had been heightened visibly.
    As of lately her wounds had healed considerably faster and not only that buddy she was lighter of feet meaning that taking her distance and dominating how far or close she was to an opponent was consistently easier.
    She took a deep breath and calmed down it was no time to think such thing so she decided to go out and give her support to Silva in order to get to the guy who orchestrated all.
    She started to walk cautiously and on alert in order to see if she could find text bandit leader.

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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by NPC 18th July 2014, 11:27 pm

    The member 'Adelheid Faustus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 56.25

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    First Skill: War's Descent
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    Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus] Empty Re: Cross fires [Adelheid and Silvaestus]

    Post by Silvaetus 19th July 2014, 1:37 am

    Silvaetus stumbled through the halls when another powerful blow came from around a corner. This time it came from the butt of a rifle straight into his face. The right glass lens of his mask shattered to pieces and once more everything turned dark. When the mage awoke, his face was pounding and he could feel some blood trickle down the inside of his mask. A groan came from him as he tried to stand – and that’s when he realized that he was tied up. Bound by iron chains the mage looked around, analyzing his surroundings. Apparently whoever knocked him out had the sense to isolate him and restrict his movement.

    “Well this is a rather unpleasant predicament” Silvaetus mumbled to himself as he thought of a few ways to escape, before deciding against it. If he was being held captive then there was a chance that the bandit leader would “visit” him. And so he waited patiently, with an icy stare towards the door that stood several meters before him. To occupy himself he did a few calculations in his head and worked on some of his theories…then it occurred to him. There was another way to disrupt the mines….


    Silvaetus Theme Song:

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