So. That was the big kinda thing he heard about. Sounded like fun, but he would not be able to know unless he tried first hand. Besides, doing the guild thingy got you some nice perks to spice up your life with. From the whole sphiel, it did not seem that whoever was in there was going to bother him for his recreational choices.
In the end, Kien was in search of something to entertain him, perhaps getting in a guild scuffle here and there could prove to be fun. You could sum up his whole view on the matter as "Eh, why the fuck not?"
So there he was, right where he supposed this "Erring Rising" bunch were all held up. The whole area was kinda nice looking, but he wasn not there to sightsee.
Part of him wanted to bust down the door with a nice kick. He had grabbed a new set of plated boots and a new outfit he was eager to test, but perhaps he should try to make a good impression or something? Meh.
Kien knocked twice and then waited to see what would happen next. Part of him was curios to see just who was going to answer.
In the end, Kien was in search of something to entertain him, perhaps getting in a guild scuffle here and there could prove to be fun. You could sum up his whole view on the matter as "Eh, why the fuck not?"
So there he was, right where he supposed this "Erring Rising" bunch were all held up. The whole area was kinda nice looking, but he wasn not there to sightsee.
Part of him wanted to bust down the door with a nice kick. He had grabbed a new set of plated boots and a new outfit he was eager to test, but perhaps he should try to make a good impression or something? Meh.
Kien knocked twice and then waited to see what would happen next. Part of him was curios to see just who was going to answer.