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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)


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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Melissa
    Experience : 1,000

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 5th May 2014, 11:17 am

    Talen looked around the cool dark forest that he was exploring for his latest mission. Recently a group of Vulcans had been causing all sorts of trouble, including stealing food from a local village. The villagers had sent out a request to the guilds to stop the Vulcans by whatever means necessary.

    Talen looked at the two other members of Serpent Soul that had come along on this mission, Quincy and Naraca. Talen had gone on a mission with Quincy in the past, but that had been a simple shopping job. Talen was interested to see how her thunder brawler magic worked. He had never really even talked to Naraca before, which was surprising to Talen since they were on the same team. From what Talen had heard, Naraca used something called body magic.

    Talen always liked to test the members of his team to ensure that they could hold there own when things got bad during a mission. Not that he minded helping his team mates, but he liked to ensure that he could count on them.

    As the walked through the forest, he came up with an idea. Looking at the others, he said, "I have an idea. Instead of us just wondering around the forest, I have a spirit that could track down the Vulcans."


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 5th May 2014, 11:27 am

    Dirty monkeys terrorizing a small village? No problem Ace monkey fighter, self titled, Quincy Zephyr is on the case. With two of her team members of course. Cause fighting them alone sucks. She liked doing jobs with Talen, He got her pretty Jewelry and that was completely awesome. Naraca was still a strange member of the team that no one really knew almost nothing about.

    When they got to the forest Quincy dropped everything and let out a whine of sadness "We have to go in there?!" Another spooky place with mud and gunk all over and who knows what kind of creepy crawlies are in there. She gulped and caught up with the rest of the team, in fear she would be left behind. "Hey big bro Tal? Think we can go and get more Jewelry again, that was really cool. I mean it would be completely awesome if you did and all, but you don't have to. Just a small simple request." She kept running her mouth at Talen throughout the walk until he said something about a spirit which she really didn't catch cause of her motor mouth. She just looked at him in confusion in what he said.
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 5th May 2014, 11:05 pm

    Despite the recent activity that was said to be taking place here, the forest still somehow was able to maintain it's beauty and calm underneath it's overall spooky presence. The sun was slowly setting into afternoon against these woods. The reason why the Vulcans chose to come here of all places was obvious, no one else would. The forest had tall, wide grey tree's with a sun and shone through it's dark blue like leaves giving the forest a rather ominous, ice blue glow. The ground was surrounded by a white mist that slowly flowed along the dry lead and twig ridden surface.
    There was no tracking these gorillas in a place like this. The forest showed signs of Vulcans no doubt but the tracks were still faint and were hard to pick up a clear trail. It was as if the forest was trying to hide these things from the team that was looking for them.

    Standing within the forest along with the other two, Naraca examined the area with scrutinizing eye's. He could tell the Vulcans were here, however it was unclear where they could have gone. Wherever they were they didn't want to be found.
    Standing 7 feet in height, Naraca turned to look down at his comrades as this spoke. Quincy didn't seem to register what Talen said. It was understandable however, this place wasn't exactly warming. The sounds weren't natural, the wood of the tree's creaked and moaned like it was in pain. The air was thick and smelled rotten, the air had a natural chill that didn't come from any wind. Most of all however the forest was thick, anything could be behind the tree's foliage, watching them. It was like being in a graveyard, and the tombstones were watching you. The whole place was unsettling. Naraca was in control of his fear, but he couldn't help but feel tense around here. The sooner they'd find these Vulcans the better.

    "A tracker would make things easier" Naraca replied to Talen's earlier suggestion.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Moderator- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Melissa
    Experience : 1,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Summon
    Second Skill: none yet
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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 6th May 2014, 2:04 pm

    Naraca liked Talen's plan to summon a tracker, saying that it would make the mission easier. Quincy did not even hear Talen ask the question. She was talking the entire time they were walking and simply was not paying attention.

    Talen took out one of his, saying "Gate of the Huntress, I open thee, Artemis." A women with shoulder length brown hair stepped out of the door way to the spirit world. She embraced Talen in a tight hug and lifted him slightly off the ground. "I wish you would not wait so long between summoning me." "I'm sorry Artemis, but I have been really busy at the guild and..." "I swear all you talk about now is your guild, some times I wish you had never joined it." Talen shook his head and smiled at Artimes. She always got like this whenever he did not summon her for a bit. "You wanted me to join Lamia Scale in the first place." "So." Artemis said with a frown, "I never get to see you anymore." "Artemis could we talk about this later, we have a mission right now." Talen motioned to Quincy and Naraca as he said this. "Fine," Artemis said with a huff. "What do you need?" "There is a group of Vulcans causing trouble and we need to stop them." Artemis looked around at the ground for a moment before saying, "Then went that way." Artemis pointed to her right. "Looks like a decent sized group of them."

    Artemis started to follow a trail that Talen could not see until, after some time they came to a clearing with 4 Vulcans huddled around a small pile of food. Talen and Artemis waited to see how the other two reacted, planing to follow there lead.

    Last edited by Talen on 6th May 2014, 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by NPC 6th May 2014, 2:04 pm

    The member 'Talen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 8th May 2014, 10:38 am

    "Well I think it would be a great idea to get more stuff and maybe we can make a potato salad when we get back.... OR A POTATO FORT OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. A fort made of Po....ta...to?" She let out a loud shriek as as four Vulcans come storming out of a nearby brush. Well less of storm than her not looking at them heading towards them. There were what looked like three adults and a baby one. The baby one looked kinda cute if you looked at it from a certain angle but the other three. Ew they were all green and had creepy grins with such punchable faces.

    Well these were some of the vulcans from their job they were supposed to get rid of. Regaining composure she held her hands to the side and yelled "CLOSED CIRCUIT!" She then clapped her hands together and the three foot long fist extensions made of lighting came out and she set herself in a boxing pose. Dancing on both feet ready for whatever was about to come out and fight them. Lightning arced from the arm and her gaze shifted into one that most would find frightening. "Engage, yes or no?" Which was new for her instead of running face first into the situation.
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 9th May 2014, 8:09 am

    Haunting the place was really, Naraca remained vigilant, even more so as Talen began to summon up his tracker spirit. It came with a bright blue and yellow light as it entered through the portal and into our world. He didn't let the display distract him from the worlds around them but he did turn to face Talen and his spirit, Artemis, for a moment. Talen and Artemis were close no doubt, in his mind, too close for this kinda line of work. Naraca learned far too much about the cost of love on the battlefield for him to agree with it being placed within the hearts of soldiers.

    Upon Artemis pointing the way Naraca followed behind Talen and Quincy as he saw he was in the best place he could be, protecting their backs.

    In all of Naraca's life, both as a child and now he never thought of what Quincy was somehow able to picture in her mind.

    A Potato Fort...The thought came with slight sneer as he couldn't help but picture such a thing. Would it be made of just raw potatoes all stacked up in some igloo shape? Or maybe the potatoes would be cut and shaped to perfectly fit like bricks.
    It would certainly be an interesting sight, although brief as the fort would last long against the stomachs of it's patrons.

    As soon as Talen stopped, the black haired giant stopped for a moment and looked ahead as he could hear loud crunching and chewing of food.
    Quickly but quietly he placed his right hand on his the hilt of his great sword on his back before he crouched down, moving past Quincy he let out a simple
    "Shhhh..." Before walking beside Talen to get a better look.

    Four Vulcans, 3 big ones, one little one. Judging from the cooked food they had in front of them these were no doubt there targets.
    There mission was to get rid of them all, however his eye's turned again to the little one, and just what they were doing.

    This was a family...

    His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword before he relaxed and released.
    He couldn't kill them, not a family like this. In the end, although brash and violent, they were just trying to survive as well as anyone else. They didn't deserve to die for trying to feed there families.

    "Alright, here's what were gonna do, first we-"

    "CLOSED CIRCUIT!" Quincy yelled out followed by the loud strikes and crackles of lightning.

    A large frown plastered itself on Naraca's face as all the Vulcans were shocked by the sudden actions and they all threw their food up in the air, an apple hitting Naraca on his head just to make his expression even darker. All the Vulcans turned to see three wizards staring at them, to which Naraca let out a long sigh.
    There was no hiding anymore.

    He took advantage of his crouching position and performed a great leap up in the air.

    "Attack! But don't kill them!!" He barked in a growly and powerful voice like the roar of a lion.
    He knew they had to get rid of these things, and that's exactly what they were gonna do. By showing them if they ever came to this town again, they'd have Lamia Scale to deal with, and that meant lots of pain for them.

    As he descended he mumbled to himself.

    "Bio-Organic Hardening..."

    As he fell, he kept his greatsword in it's sheathe and instead made a fist with his right hand as he plunged straight down towards one of the normal Vulcans that was just about to run away before it felt a powerful fist slam straight into it's chin.
    Naraca's fist turned black with his veins underneath the black skin silver. The impact of his fist to the bone of the vulcan made the sound of a metallic ping. This was not a regular fist hitting the Vulcan, but a fist that was as hard as bronze inside and out.

    The sudden and surprising impact staggered the big greet ape significantly and with a hard push with his fist still on it's jaw he forced it to the ground with a mighty heave of his arm.

    "Don't let the others get away!!" He called out to Talen and Quincy, knowing that the chances these Vulcans might just run were high.
    "But leave the weak one alone!" He added, knowing that if they just beat them all to a pulp, they would have clue where to go next. His idea was simple, take out the normal ones, let the weak one run back to it's master, and Talen, Quincy and Naraca follow it right to there home to take out the rest.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Moderator- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Melissa
    Experience : 1,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Summon
    Second Skill: none yet
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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 9th May 2014, 7:04 pm

    Artemis gave Naraca an annoyed look. She did not like taking orders from wizards other then Talen. She nocked an arrow and prepared to fire it at the nearest Vulcan. Before she could fire however, Talen said, "Wait Artemis, lets listen to Naraca for now, he may have a plan." Artemis let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "Fine."

    Artemis started to mumble to herself as her arrow started faintly glowing green. Artemis fired the arrow, and it went sailing forward and landed in the ground right in front of one of the adult Vulcans. A split second after the arrow hit the ground, large roots came up and entangled themselves around the creature, trapping it in place. It yelled angerly, trying  to break free. Artemis shot the struggling Vulcan twice more, once in the chest and once in the arm, and the creature stopped struggling. Another one of the Vulcans ran at Talen and Artemis, bellowing loudly. Artemis fired an arrow into the beast's right leg, causing it to fall to the ground with a thud. Talen took Titans hammer from his belt and slammed it on the Vulcan's head, knocking it out.

    As Talen stood up, he was knocked backwards by the remaining Vulcan. While he and Artemis were distracted by the others it had run up and was now on top of Talen, shouting in his face and trying to punch him. As it struck at him wildly, Talen managed to barely roll out of the way just before each blow hit. "TALEN!!" Artemis yelled, panic in her voice. She was to stunned to react fast enough. Talen hoped one of his team mates would help him soon.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 14th May 2014, 12:22 pm

    Quincy held her ground as the monkeys came rushing at them. It was kind of her fault that they were alarmed though. She really did jump the gun when seeing the them loafing around like they were. She was lucky enough to get the small one running at her so that she was okay with that. But suddenly she hear Artemis yelling Talens name. Quincy quickly turned her head to see one of the vulcans were wailing on him. Most of the hits looked like they missed but they needed to be taken care of anyways. She quickly grabbed the small one and picked it up with her static arms not hearing what Naraca said. She then threw it at the one attacking Talen trapping it under the weight of the baby one.

    It struggled a bit but it quickly just got itself stuck more. She ran up to it and picked up the little one saying "Alright I think we got these ones under control." She then looked at it making sure it wasn't too hurt and whispering to it "Sorry little guy, I didn't want to hurt you I just didn't want my friend to get hurt." Her voice was so soft and sincere that it the vulcan stopped its screaming and calmed down. She placed it on the ground and it just sat there just doing what seemed like talking to itself.
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 18th May 2014, 3:07 pm

    The others thankfully were quick to act just as Naraca was, however he frowned as Artemis's cooperation. Yet the frown would soon turn into a more serious look of disgust as she trapped a Vulcan with large roots and shot it in the chest as well as the arm. The arm shot he was fine with, however the chest shot was dangerous.
    He also caught a glimpse of Quincy tossing the smaller Vulcan at the larger one that attempted to pound Talen into the ground. He didn't have a problem with the move as Talen's life mattered more and the throw would just cause superficial damage.

    He looked down at the Vulcan he punched and saw it was knocked out cold. With that the exchange was over and there was only the adolescent one that Quincy comforted. That was something he'd deal with later, for now he turned his head to Talen's spirit Artemis.

    He took big long steps towards her, his shadow looming over her and showing off his massive height and size. Being 7 feet tall and tower of muscle worked wonders for getting peoples attention.
    "Watch where you aim your arrows!" Naraca bellowed in a powerful voice to Artemis.
    "We're peacekeeper's, not murders" He added before walking back to the vulcan that was shot in the chest and out cold. It wasn't dead, thankfully, yet an inch to the right and it wouldn't have ever seen it's family again. Something he had far too much experience with over the countless time he had to witness the result of such heartless actions.

    He teared off the roots that surrounded it with his bear hands with the help of his own great strength and the strength his spell gave him.
    Once the roots were gone he laid it down gently on the ground.
    The smaller Vulcan turned it's head away from Quincy and hobbled over to it's bigger relative. Not once did it look at Naraca and appear intimidated by him.

    As a nomad once upon a time, Naraca spent most of his life wondering the wilderness, he had to learn how to hunt, how to catch, and tame animals. He co-worked when he was a soldier used to call him the Black Haired Beast for how in touch he was with his primal, animal side. So when he saw the smaller Vulcan's look of concern, he suddenly lightly smacked it's shoulder to get it's attention before placing both his hands on it's shoulders.

    "Hm!" He grunted, placing his hand on the injured Vulcan, showing the little one he was not responded, and therefore injured.
    He then pointed in a general direction to where he saw the Vulcan tracks come from, to where they might have been making there home.
    "Go! Get the grown-ups, they can help" He said in his equivalent of a soft voice, yet it's gruffness still made it sound somewhat aggressive.
    He knew vulcans could grasp language just slightly, enough to know some basics like 'go get help' So with that, the tiny Vulcan nodded it's head and quickly raced on all fours back to it's home.

    Naraca stood up on his feet as he watched go on ahead.

    "Come on, lets follow it, he'll lead us to the rest" He told his teammates in a somewhat cold expression. He didn't feel good about betraying the vulcans trust as once they arrived they would have to beat up the rest of the family. However this was a sound strategy, and they'd make it in no time now.
    So with that, he swallowed his guilt and proceeded to follow the vulcan, hoping the others would follow.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Moderator- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Melissa
    Experience : 1,000

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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Summon
    Second Skill: none yet
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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 19th May 2014, 2:34 pm

    Artemis looked into Naraca's eyes, not backing down as the taller man tried to intimidate her. She did not like to have her actions judged by humans. "You are lucky that I did not simply kill the beast." Artemis said, furious. "If I wanted it dead it would be, I do not miss!" Talen put a hand on Artemis's shoulder, trying too calm her down a little. Artemis had never really liked humans and having one yell at her was a almost more then she could handle. "Come on Artemis, calm down a little." "How can I," Artemis snapped back, "You tell me to listen to this human, I do, and he lectures me?!" "I know, but just calm down, for me.” "Fine.” Artemis said, still fuming as she turned from Naraca. Talen sighed, she was still mad, but at least Artemis was not going to try to kill Naraca.

    Talen stood there silently as Naraca inspected the Vulcan that Artemis had put two arrows in. The summoner shook his head when Naraca used the little one to find the rest of the Vulcans. He thought it seemed a little manipulative, but effective.

    As the team of mages was about to leave the clearing and follow the young Vulcan to the rest of its group, Talen saw Artemis kneel over the Vulcan she had injured. She closed her eyes and placed a hand over each of the arrow holes. As she started to mumble to herself, a warm, green light enveloped her hands. Talen watched as the wounds stopped bleeding, then closed themselves. As Artemis finished, Talen felt some of his energy siphoned to finish the spell.

    Artemis gave Talen a slight smile as she disappeared, returning to the spirit world. Talen sighed and followed Quincy and Naraca down the path towards the Vulcans. “Naraca,” Talen said in a slighty aggravated, “Please do not talk to Artemis and the others like that. She does not like humans in the first place, and you yelling at her did not help.” Talen did not like when people gave his spirits a hard time, regardless of the reason.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 24th May 2014, 8:00 pm

    She just kinda cowered when Naraca started yelling at the spirit. It was kind of her fault that she hurt the little one but the spirit did shoot one of them in the chest. That in itself is kinda dangerous even if the arrow missed anything vital. And she still felt bad for throwing the little one. "Hey Nara im sorry I hurt the baby I had to do what I did to protect Big brother Talen. I just felt that since it was closer I had to protect him by throwing it." She knew she didn't have to explain but she did anyways because how her her motor mouth worked. She was growing fond of the baby Vulcan because of her hurting it and wanting to apologize.

    After a while of saying sorry to the little guy over and over in her head and wanting it to forgive her for hurting it she stopped after hearing a snapping noise. She heard the baby vulcan screaming as four more Vulcans came running out of the forest attacking them. It was all to quick for her to actually get a glimps at first to see the age of the Vulcans but she was ready because as she saw with Talen that they can get pretty brutal at fighting.


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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by NPC 24th May 2014, 8:00 pm

    The member 'Potato' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 25th May 2014, 2:00 pm

    Staying on the path of the smaller Vulcan yet still far away enough that they wouldn't be heard so long as they kept quiet. The path brought them to a couple turns that Naraca made mental notes of. This trip was surprisingly far, he never thought the Vulcans would make such a hike back and forth for food. These things must have had a smart leader, they were hard to track, and who knows how long it would have taken them if they didn't not have this baby or a spirit to guide them.

    He kept it well stuffed in his mind, but he really wasn't looking forward to the look on the baby's face when it would see them attacking it's family. A job like this really wasn't enjoyable. Yet Vulcans were pests, and greedy, while he didn't feel good about using that baby, he had no qualms about beating up and scaring the older ones to get them to leave. He had an understanding of what it was like to be an animal in the wild, he himself learned how to be one. So he did this with an empathic heart. Yet knew it would take some heavy bruises to assert dominance over these Vulcans.

    He heard foot steps approaching him and he say Talen with a less then appreciative face. Right away he knew this boy would be on the side of his spirit.

    "Talen, you seem like a good man who care's for his spirits" He commented, pausing for a moment to make a quick dodge around an incoming tree he was running towards before moving back beside the summoner.
    "So you'll understand my belief that all spirits and humans should be treated equally. That means they don't deserve special treatment when they do something wrong, just like any other human being" He explained with a more sympathetic tone, removing the gruffness and growl in his voice as much as he could.
    Had he known the spirit healed that Vulcan from earlier it wouldn't have made much difference. It was still an unnecessary wound to inflict, healing or not, the pain that caused was undeserved and he wouldn't be quiet about something he saw that was wrong. Spirits deserved to be treated equally, meaning that they also deserved the same level of respect, which therefore comes with talking to them as equals, and if any human being shot a Vulcan like that, he wouldn't have hesitated for a second to speak his mind on it. He had a deep respect for spirits, he had seen abuse of them before, so he knew he'd never treat like anything else but an equal.

    Quincy then approached him and offered an apology for her actions done to the baby as well. He turned his head to her, checking in front of him for a moment to make sure he wouldn't run into anything, he gave Quincy a smile and patted her back once. He'd have done it more were they not in a run.
    "Don't worry about it, Vulcans push each other around harder then that" he explained to her, referencing how her toss of the baby was little more then a form of play to them.
    "Vulcans can handle getting smacked around, it's when your using a bladed weapon or magic that ya gotta be careful" He said in an informative voice, much like a narrator would.

    The snap of the tree's instantly got Naraca attention followed by a loud scream of a baby vulcan. He turned and saw directly in front of them were 2 big adults, and two teenagers. Not baby's like the one they were following. So in other words, they could take these one's out accordingly.
    In the back of his mind he thought Talen would likely have to use a spirit. He knew that if he did he hoped his spirits would stick to blunt attacks, either that or leg or arm shots. Vulcans are tough but it doesn't take much to scare them. All this was, was just asserting dominance over them, showing you are stronger then them. The act didn't require lasting damage, just rather to imply it.

    Knowing his spell was still active, he rushed ahead to give Quincy and Talen a little time to prepare any spells they might have in mind.
    One of the teenagers found themselves braver then the others and rushed straight towards Naraca. Even as a teenager it was still big, a bit bigger then he was in fact. The teenager chose to attacking low, attempting to sweep the legs of the black haired beast. He jumped up and over the Vulcans muscular arm, extended his knee, and rammed it into the Vulcans chin. Naraca's knee turning black with silver veins as a result from the physical impact. Causing a metallic clang noise before the teenager dropped to the ground.

    Now approaching the rest of the group. He saw it was three on one, he wouldn't be able to take them all out in one move, he'd need his team, but he could hold these Vulcans back for just another second.
    Seeing the two adults formed a wall by charging in shoulder to shoulder, Naraca jumped up again, this time dipping his chest back and letting his body go horizontal in the air. Between the speed of the approach of the two Vulcans and Naraca's lunge. His two feet both slammed into the ugly gorilla faces with great pressure, causing the momentum they had to continue forward in there lower bodies, making both of them slide forward on the ground and go right underneath Naraca.
    Still going forward, he let his butt hit the ground before his tucked and rolled his landing, yet there was still one teenager left that in just a moment would have his back unless something could be done about it.

    However the adults would be getting up shortly as well, it would take more then a single kick on the both of them to take them out.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 26th May 2014, 9:33 pm

    After listening to what Naraca had to say, Talen had to admit it made sense. If spirits were to be treated as equals, they needed to do so in all aspect, the good and the bad. To Talen, Naraca had still been a little harsh, but then again he did not know her like the summoner did. Artemis felt that humans had destroyed the natural world with their buildings and towns. To her humans destroyed all that she stood for, and Talen had heard her rant about it enough to be able to sympathize with her.

    After a few more minuets of walking through the gloomy forest, the group of mages heard the young Vulcan start making a commotion. Talen looked ahead to see two adolescent and two full grown Vulcans coming towards them. Naraca was the first to react, he first jumped toward the closest adolescent and kneed him in the chin, making a loud metallic clang as he did so. He then knocked the two adults down with a flying kick that impressed Talen, however now Naraca was standing alone with a single adolescent Vulcan ready to fight and two  adults that were getting ready to. Thinking fast, Talen pulled out one of his silver keys and said, "Gate of the harpy, I open thee, Aello!" A doorway to the spirit world opened and a dark feathered Harpy came out of the portal. She looked around at the fighting going on and asked, "So, who is tall dark and muscular over there?" Talen sighed and rolled his eyes, "Now is really not the time Aello, just take down the Vulcans." "Alright then," She said, extending her wings and taking off a few feet into the air. Aello took her wings and flapped them together, shouting "Gale Blast!" as she did so. A concussive blast of air shoot out and hit the teen Vulcan standing in front of Naraca, sending it flying into a tree. The Vulcan slid limply to the ground, unconscious. "See Talen," the harpy said with a hit of satisfaction, "These guys are easy to beat." Talen just shook his head and waited for Quincy to maker her move.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 27th May 2014, 5:17 pm

    Quincy ran towards the two adult Vulcans with both of her fists raised. Hopping into the air before getting close to them she tapped her legs activating Tesla Hunter. Landing she delivered an axe kick straight to the closest one and using that momentum to punch the other one in the face with closed circuit. She laughed at the mayhem she was causing yelling "That was awesome am I right? Hold on for a second victory dance!" She started to dance like an idiot for a couple of minutes letting her better side show. It wasn't every day that she got to kick things with such style.

    She was still dancing when one of the vulcans grabbed her by shoulders and held her above ground where she could not touch or move her arms. The other one came running at her and slammed its fist hard against her stomach. The other Vulcan dropped her leaving her to wheeze on the floor out of breath. These guys were persistant and really hurt. Now she knows why Talen was dodging the slams it was sending out. Just like before the adult Vulcan was about to slam her into the ground like they were going to do to Talen. Except this time she is unable to dodge like he was. She closed her eyes tight readying for an impact that never came through. She looked up lightly to see a figure standing over her.
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 28th May 2014, 3:33 am

    (Since Potato introduced two new Vulcans I'm gonna roll for two then post accordingly)


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by NPC 28th May 2014, 3:33 am

    The member 'Naraca Breaker' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) NormalMonster
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 28th May 2014, 4:01 am

    It was all a blaze of action, Talen summoned some lady with wings and had her release a powerful wind blast that sent the adolescent that was behind him flying off into a tree where it's head nestled uncomfortably within the trunk of a tree.
    Quincy finished off the two adults almost effortlessly. However the victory was short lived as out of no where came two more adults that took Quincy by surprise. The Vulcans seemed to take advantage of her small size and picked her up right out of the air while the second one had buried it's knuckles within her stomach.

    Naraca felt his stomach rise up into his body as his heart raced with shock and fright. Yet he had better control of himself, so he acted right away.

    "Quincy!!" He cried out as out of instinct he rushed straight for Quincy, yet his feet only propelled him into a lunging jump. Afterwards his used his 'gift' and raced straight for her by flying right towards the two Vulcans.
    It took a mere second before he was right in beside the Vulcan that was holding her. Still flying in the air, Naraca lifted his hand up, straight it out, then rammed down a powerful karate chop on one of the Vulcans wrists that was holding Quincy.
    The Vulcan hands opened free as it dropped the girl on the ground and held it's wrist in pain.
    The second Vulcan saw the flying man and couldn't help but hesitate at the sight of him in the air. It couldn't grasp his feet not touching the ground. That moment of it's hesitation was all that was needed.
    Naraca with fire in his eye's turned to the second Vulcan, he zipped towards it and grabbed it by it's throat, gripping tightly as he flew higher into the air just below the tree line. He then spun around in the air twice, the Vulcans body fully going horizontal before it was released from the grip with a mighty swing and going head first it's body slammed onto the ground and rolled several times, rolling into exposed tree roots and bushes before it came to a stop.

    The Vulcan that was holding it's wrist had only a moment to register what happened to it's friend before Naraca's feet were suddenly in front of it. His feet both rammed into it's chest and forced the Vulcan right down on the ground, it's back slamming into the dirt with enough force to wind it and knock it out cold.

    Standing on top of the Vulcan he looked down at it for a moment. Beneath Naraca's weight it was breathing.
    As Quincy opened her eye's she likely saw him as he was standing ontop of the downed gorilla. Yet he quickly stepped off it as he realized breathing must have been hard for it with a good 300 pounds on it's chest.
    Stepping off Naraca knelt down in front of Quincy.

    "You alright?" He asked her in a concerned tone, Vulcans were heavy hitters and could no doubt break bone if they so chosen to. He had hoped that wasn't the case with her though.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Talen 29th May 2014, 2:04 pm

    Talen smiled when he saw how quickly Quincy had taken the two remaining Vulcans down. Talen had been sure that his faith in her was not misplaced. Talen laughed a little when he saw Quincy start to dance, until he saw the two Vulcans jump out of the forest and grab the young mage. "QUINCY!!" Talen shouted in unison with Naraca. Talen was about to pull out another one of his spirit keys, but before he could open a gate however, Naraca came from behind him and took the two vulcans out in a matter of moments.

    Talen let out the breath that he had been holding in a sigh of relief and walked to the others. "Nice job Naraca," Talen said as he walked up to the others. "I hope that was the last of them." Talen looked around for a moment before asking, "So do you guys want to stay and look for more Vulcans, or start heading back to the guild hall." Talen did not really care either way, so he left it up to the others.


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Guest 1st June 2014, 12:01 am

    Quincy moaned in pain as she used Naraca as a support to get her up off the ground. "Note to self: Never celebrate until you are out of the forest. I mean seriously that got me quite well in the stomach. Sure I have been hit harder than that but that was still pretty painful." She brushed the dirt off of her light ebony skin. Her bright red eyes glistened with the light from the sky. She thought to herself 'I really need to stop doing that. Or else Im going to end up killing something or somebody.'

    "Ok should we keep going or what? We still need to take care of these things before we go back to town or its game over. And I really don't think we are going to accept defeat that easily" She marched off deeper into the forest like she owned the damned place and that of which she was never hit. But in reality she had several cracked ribs and an extremely bruised stomach. She did walk with a slight limp but that was from kicking one of the vulcans earlier. All things considered she was pretty well set from the fight, even though one of the damned monkeys got her pretty good.
    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker)

    Post by Naraca Breaker 1st June 2014, 3:11 pm

    (OOC: Since we reached the requirements I'm gonna say we cut it here. If we want we can continue this particular story in Strange Vulcans Part Two if we wish)

    Quincy seemed alright, her spirits weren't at all damped by the attack. Yet an attack like that couldn't just be shrugged off without wounds. Her determination was stronger then body, he'd have to keep an eye on her.
    "Take it easy Quincy. The mission details said their were ten of these guys, we just finished the last of em." He told her as he placed his hand on her shoulder to hint to her to stop walking.
    "We can head back to town, take a look at Quincy" He informed Talen, figuring that the ribs of a young teenager wouldn't be able to perfectly hold up against the concrete shattering fists of a Vulcan.
    There was no doubt though that the Vulcans would be back. A group like this was too small for the amount of food that was stolen in the town. There had to be more, however there was no need to rush this. They could come back and finish the job, but later. The girl wouldn't do the team any good being a burden.  
    With that he turned and began walk back in the direction of the town.
    "We'll be back soon, don't worry" He remarked in the direction of Quincy.

    (Mission Accomplished)


    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    Strange Vulcans(Talen, Kyoniking, Naraca Breaker) Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

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