Fairy Tail RP

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    The Saving Goddess


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    The Saving Goddess Empty The Saving Goddess

    Post by Eris 18th November 2013, 10:36 pm

    The Saving Goddess 1NtoADz


    The Saving Goddess A1Ohb28

    The Saving Goddess 33gJugw


    The Saving Goddess I1D9huk

    The Saving Goddess is a very large ship apparently made out of blackened wood with red dyed sails,  with copper and red trimming about it.   The ship was built by a team of ship builders under the employ of a large empire composed of eighteen kingdoms.   Their purpose was to build a war vessel that could break through to a mythical realm of magic where they believed their gods lay captive at the hands of shadow entities.    They couldn't have been more wrong,   and in their angry god's rage the ship was blackened and it's sails stained red with the blood of all it's crew.   
    The souls of the slain writhed in agony and reached out,  and caught the flames around them,  holding onto it a to avoid being consumed by the god.  And the fire,  bound to them,  pushed the ship faster less the flames be consumed along with the souls.
    The ship was hurled down from heavens with it's great engines still running,  the souls of the crew clamored at the wind,  latching onto it in their torment and fear.   The winds remained trapped,  and with it pushed the ship faster still.
    And with the flames and the wind,  the ship escaped the god's realm in tact,  with it's red sails and it's blackened hull to be discovered by the emperor and his men,  the ship's walls telling a dreadful tale.

    That,  is the story anyway.

    In truth it was made much more humbly by the empire's most elite magical and alchemical masterminds to be a weapon of war against their enemies,  the most elaborate ship of it's time capable of commanding wind and fire to propel itself through the skies.

    Siren first encountered the ship when it appeared out of nowhere and bombarded her vessel with cannonfire,  reducing her own ship into rubble before they could get off more than one or two cannons of their own.   Their own cannons did nothing to it,  as they veered off sharply away from their target.
    She had heard tale of this,  the empire's treasured ship,  but they didn't prepare her for that.

    Similar run ins occurred twice more before Siren had a plan that managed to work.   Using her magic,  combined with three ships lying in wait,   Siren and her crew were able to lure the ship into chasing her into a cove.  A feat that only barely succeeded and her ship was riddled with holes by the time they entered far enough that the enemy ship was in enough for the two hidden ships to open their own cannonfire while boarders climbed,  swung, and fell from their locations about it in an attempt to capture the ship.  

    The success was not celebrated,  as there were only six survivors when all was through.  Six survivors out of the enemy ship's two hundred,   and Siren's own eight hundred.  But it was done.   The Empire's "Invincible Ship" had been captured by Siren,  who was known as the Bloody Red Pirate among the empire,  and with it she managed to sail back to the small kingdom from which a large rebellion against the empire was being staged.    She easily acquired necessary crew,  and spent the next ten years in a comparatively slow warpath to leading the rebellion to victory.

    She kept the ship after that,  and met with the demon Calico for the last time to part ways while she used the ship's Realmshreaders to traverse the cosmos making many more stories to tell and making connections throughout them all unto the present day.


    The Saving Goddess LOkiBik

    The size of the ship is such that it would take one three to ten minutes to walk directly from one side of the deck to the other depending on their walking pace.   The ship's wood is a very rich charcoal like color,  but is very strong and doesn't suffer wear or have to deal with nicks, scrapes or dents.  Neither does the wood splinter,  stain,  suffer water damage,  or burn.  This makes it a very long lasting ship that doesn't really age. 

    The red and black theme is dominate throughout the ship both on the inside an outside,  with many whites in it's decorum.  The ship is very comfortably decorated,  even lavish or luxurious in areas.  A heavy "steampunk" or "Magitech" feel fills the halls,  especially in areas such as the showers,  the kitchens,  Storage/Cargo,  and engine rooms.   This theme is mostly present in the many thin pipes made of an alloy of copper, gold,  and a metal unique to the world it was created in called Trinin which gives it incredible resistance to wear and promotes the transfer of energy both thermal, electrical, and magical.

    The Saving Goddess PUsXvMW

    Many light fixtures dot the ship,  connecting with these piles and they appear as a mixture between a lightbulb and a candle shuttered behind a crystalline lens.  These fixtures fill the ship with an easy white light,  while they can shift between blue, red, and yellow lights. All with varying levels of illumination.   
    Red lights as you might imagine warn against high threat levels,  usually when under attack or initiating a serious battle.  When red lights flash,  it means all must evacuate.  Blue warns caution,  that high speed and warping may occur.   
    When the blue light flashes it warns that all must anchor themselves to prepare for major turbulence   even as far as to go upside down.  This is usually done when trying to go somewhere fast or attempting some maneuver not related to battle.   
    Yellow lights mean that all noise must immediately be silenced.   This isn't a dull yellow either,  but a rich golden color that is a sharp shift that demands attention by overpowering all other colors.   When the yellow blinks,  it means that everyone needs to evacuate as carefully as possible,  usually done when a very lethal threat has appeared on board and demands that the crew be careful,  and leave the ship as soon as possible but in a careful,  quiet manner as to avoid contact with the threat.

    Life on the ship is really quite relaxed.  The ship takes care of itself fairly well,  it just needs a sweeping every now and then,   with the majority of maintenance being in cooking,  laundry,  and keeping the network of pipes in top top shape.   Inspections on storage supplies and the armory are key and done regularly,  but in general there is a lot of free time on the ship.
    So to keep the crew in line,  there are many spaces where the crew entertains themselves with a variety of activities.   The most popular activity,  and required by the Captain,  is training exercises both in personal defense,  first aid,  and gunnery.    Occasionally,  the Captain hosts events on board,   and every now and then she holds a drill to keep alertness up.   She regularly awards those who perform the best and encourages friendly competition.  Not just in a select few things,  but she rewards the building of skill and knowledge.  Generally,  whenever she's impressed with something she's sure to give them a perk of some sort.

    The captain is very hands on with her crew,  and often explores the ship to associate herself with them more closely.  Whether it be attending an activity here or there,  or participating in someone's training,  or even showering with the crew when she feels like it.  The captain does her best to keep closer ties with those on the ship,  going as far as to sometimes seek out those who are feeling depressed or struggling if she feels it appropriate.  

    The kitchens are always busy cooking something new,  cooking being one of the pastimes some of the crew enjoys making for a random meal plan that isn't really a plan at all but with food served all day every day,  even at night among the smaller nightcrew.  

    With near limitless water,  there are no restrictions on water usage and the showers are almost always running with people enjoying the hot water.   The only restrictions are in the schedule in which the showers are off limits for men except for the hours of 6AM to 8AM when women are restricted,  with 9 to 10 AM being coed,  along with 9 to 10 PM with 11 to 12 at night being open to men, women being restricted.

    The showers are a single large room lined with showers along the edges and an actual bath area in the center.   Two rooms on either side of the showers serve as lockers and rooms wherein people can dry off.  

    As far as personal space goes,  there really isn't much.  Sleeping arrangements are in the form of bunks that are packed together in four large-ish rooms with each bunk having three lockers.   Most beds are shared by two people,  with few having only one.   Sleeping is of course usually done in shifts.   But if others are accommodating   you could always nap in someone elses bed while they're away with their permission,  or share the bunk at the same time occasionally.   
    Sometimes this just isn't enough,  usually in the case when the ship takes on excess crew in order to rush off to take on a major mission,   in such cases each bed will have up to six people at most.  Rising from two people,  to three people,   to one, two or all three shifts having two people bunking at once together.  
    In cases of such high population,  many of her original crew are allowed to bunk with the Captain in her own quarters.

    Life aboard the Saving Goddess is,  in general,  a very free life.   Crew are under very few rules,  and the rules that exist are only really rules of common decency.   Problems among the crew are usually resolved by the crew unless the captain feels the need to step in,  or they take the matter to her.  She isn't disinterested,  she just gives them their space and is happy to step in when needed.  The captain is even open to shifting schedules around if someone feels a need for it,  either to be given space from another or to be placed closer to another.    All in all,  the captain minds her own business- though the lives of her crew IS her business, she feels,  in as much as a mother feels for her children in many cases.    
    If two or more crewmembers decide to couple together and rock the bed,  it's their business;  but they better wash the sheets after.


    The Saving Goddess AjcDAiF

    The workings of the crew aboard the Saving Goddess is not as the average 'pirate' crew in many many ways.  The first and foremost being that it is not a democracy and there is no question of authority.   Under Siren's own command over a century and a half of commanding the Saving Goddess,  the ship and it's crew view her as the absolute authority.   Whats more,  they do so out of both love and respect.   She associates with her crew and ties to understand them even as they try to understand her,   her crew knows she cares for them but most if not all have witnessed her carve enemy ships to ribbons on her own.  They all respect her skill,  intelligence,  and power and with it only the uninformed or ignorant in her crew ever question her authority and that never lasts long.   

    BUT the workings of her ship would not function on her shoulders alone,  and there is indeed a list of positions and even a branching chain of command that leads back to her.    Regrettably it does involve paperwork as her "hands" are required to keep a detailed log of the duties they carry out which the captain checks every now and then,  though she'd usually opt to taking time to discuss it with them for an oral report.   This is an important part of the Hand's duties,  as it keeps the captain informed of all actions made under her authority and allows her to veto certain actions against her wishes as well as understand what is happening throughout her crew when she isn't around.

    Governing Division:
    The main division that regulates the way the ship works,  and keeps working.   They're the primary authority on the ship.

    Each mate also has Halfhands who manage smaller affairs within and help manage orders.  All halfhands unless otherwise specified are the equivalent of B-rank mages,  even if they don't have magic,  they use swords and firearms and train daily.
    NPCs that are not halfhands are considered C-rank mages,  using the same.

    Captain: You're looking at her.   Captain Redlocke is a centuries old pirate who's true origins are unknown and even to the oldest members of the crew you'd find they'll all tell the same tale;  about how Captain Redlocke has simply always been the captain and it was that way before they joined,  and still is.  Very few members of the crew have any ill notions about her,  and somehow manages to keep something of a mystery despite being regularly seen.   The Captain on occasion even showers with the rest of them.   But there are many questions about her that pick at the mind about this timeless captain of theirs that is in general reinforced by a "Shh,  don't ask" attitude by the crew that Siren is humored by.

    First Mate (The Manymaster): The first mate is the highest position in the crew and is chosen for their ability to lead,  the amount of trust they have with her and the other crewmembers,  and their dependability.  The first mate's main purpose is the distribution of things. She distributed rations, arms, work, and when need be minor punishment for minor offenses.   She is in general seen as the micromanager that influences many things across the whole ship.
    Enya Celis.  Intelligent, stoic,  calm.  A-rank equivalent.  Uses archive magic (Used for gathering information, security, remote manipulation of attuned equipment and computing) and carries a sword of Strong+ effectiveness.

    Second Mate(The Cogwatcher):  The second mate is next after the first.  They are chosen under similar circumstance and may even be just as qualified beyond title to take over in the place of the captain,  or slightly less so.  If neither the Captain or First Mate are on ship,  the Second mate and so on take charge.   The second mate's main purpose is overseeing maintenance throughout the whole ship.  The Second Mate has to be knowledgeable about all the technicalities on the ship.  How the engines run,  what they're made of,  all the pieces to the engines,   how the sails work,  the rope and pipe network throughout the ship,  what the ship is made of and how to repair it's special wood,  how to access the Storage,   how to repair and maintain the network of cogs and lacrima that make the ship's lacrima-net function.
    It's a big task,  and the Second Mate is only second instead of first because their task is less directly involving with the other crew and is more behind the scenes.   But if anyone knows almost as much about the ship as the Captain,  it's the Second Mate.
    Sicilly Lemall.   Cunning, educated, curious.  A-rank equivalent.  Uses high speed magic (Used for performing tasks with uncanny speed, and being practically anywhere on the ship at the drop of a hat.) and carries a pistol of Strong+ effectiveness with an accuracy range of 40-60 meters.

    Third Mate (The Moodkeeper): The Third Mage is next in line.  Often regarded as the favorite.  The Moodkeeper is in charge of feeling the emotions of the crew and understanding the moods in order to keep the ship lively.  They keep spirits high by orchestrating small events,  localized parties,  changing decorum,  managing services,  and so on.  They do what they will to keep the crew happy whatever it takes.   They are able to assign roles and jobs that aren't for the functionality of the ship but for the upkeep of morale.  Their halfhands are often the ones heading groups and go about with a smile, doing small services wherever they may to pick up other's day. 
    Petricia Mournweather.  Perceptive.  Charitable.  Selfless.  A-rank equivalent.   Uses musical magic (Used for providing buffs or debuffs over a wide audience)focused through a bladed ax-double-lute of legendary effectiveness.

    Hospitality Division:
    The other side of ship's rankings.  The Hospitality Division is independent from the Governing Division in terms of rank (Not authority),  meaning that the First mate could be low ranked in the Hospitality Division while the high ranks of Hospitality could be low ranked in the Governing Division.

    The Hospitality division doesn't influence the Governing Division during general manners,  but authority is shifted to Hospitality when in combat situations and vice versa when out of combat.

    In full though,  the Hospitality Division is less about authority but is instead a ranked stage and an organization of combat teams.  The "Hospitality" division is responsible for taking good care of any "Guests" when hosting a "party" for any would be intruders,  and for sharing their generosity to their enemies by showing the love on board their own ships.

    Each Greeter is the head of a sphere of influence and has an Entourage to help them work about the ship and manage orders.  All members of the Entourages unless otherwise specified are the equivalent of B-rank mages,  even if they don't have magic,  they use swords and firearms and train daily.
    NPCs that are not in the Entourage are considered C-rank mages,  using the same.

    Captain:   The captain is always the head,  and it's no different for the Hospitality division.  Especially for the Hospitality division.  The captain strictly regulates the combat exposure among her crew and more often then not is the first one into engagements and the last one out.   In many instances,  she is in fact the only one to handle engagements.    Siren likes to play cool,  but the major reason she does this is she's actually very sentimental and would sooner take a hit with a cannonball then let a crewmember fall in battle.

    First Greeter (The Party Planner):  The First Greeter.   The second in command in combat affairs.   The First Greeter is someone who almost all crew would unquestionably trust with their lives and when the captain is not present should be sought out when threats are present.
    The first Greeter during combat is the leader of boarding affairs.  Whenever the crew is needed to board an enemy,  assault a structure or complex,  or lead any sort of strike team (Of which the Captain is not a part of),  the First Greeter and her team are the ones who manage the ordeal and make sure their host is properly entertained. 
    Rosaline Jacks.  Bold.  Adventurous.  Scheming.  A-rank effectiveness.  Uses requip magic: Grenadier (Used for equipping power armor with lots of in-built explosive mechanisms).  Wields a cutlass and rapier both of Strong+ effectiveness.

    Second Greeter (The Acting Host): The Second Greeter.   The Second Greeter has to meet all the requirements the First Greeter has,  which is to say someone that is trusted by almost all the crew.   When neither Captain or First Greeter is here they're the ones in charge.  
    The Second Greeter primarily focuses on the opposite interactions of the First Greeter.  While the Party Planner focuses on planning and engaging in Raids and boarding parties,  the Second Greeter,  The Acting Host,   focuses on planning, reinforcing and staging defenses and orchestrating resistances.   They are the defense to the First's offense.   They are also the one who helps keep things smoothly during emergency situations on the ship,  seeing to it that threatened areas are evacuated,  or disasters are contained.
    Anny Singrice.  Paranoid,  Careful, Reserved.  A-rank effectiveness.  Uses Barrier magic (Used for defense as you'd expect, but also in reinforcing things).  Wields a golden cutlass of Legendary+ effectiveness capable of projecting bursts of force. 

    Third Greeter (The Game Maker): The Third Greeter.  Meeting all the normal requirements,  the Third Greeter- The Game Maker- is the one who oversees and looks out for the crew on a closer level to form good relations as they have one of the most important jobs:  Understanding crew members strengths and weaknesses and training them to be the best that they can be.  
    It's the Game Maker and the third entourage who all members of the crew visit regularly in order to train daily to better themselves and cultivate a skill in both disabling -even killing- their opponents and in recognizing and defending against danger.
    Marisia Skuld.  Perceptive.  Empathetic.  Bold.  A-rank effectiveness.  Uses psyche magic (Used for scanning emotions and intentions, as well as mending mental trauma or inducing it).  Wields a pistol and a cutlass both of strong effectiveness.

    Fourth Greeter (The Comfort Saver): The Fourth Greeter.   Meeting all the requirements if not a little more so the Fourth Greeter is is fourth because she doesn't directly deal in combat so much.   The Fourth Greeter is in charge of the health and quality of life of those on the crew.   She has a vast general knowledge of medicine and care,  but has specialists in her Entourage.    It is her job to provide medical care as quickly as possible to those in need even-especially- in the middle of emergencies or conflicts.  They see to it that lives are rarely lost by providing some of the best care in all of Fiore do to the diverse knowledge collected not only in Earthland,  but throughout the different dimensions the ship has traveled through.  Combined with their ability to have almost any medicine needed,  safe sanitary working conditions,  the Saving Goddess is truly a miracle for many who would be in need capable of bringing people back from the brink of death or informing the Captain on what needs to be done to save a life;  to search for the answer when they don't have it.
    Alice Charleson.  Bipolar.  Sensitive.  Compassionate.  B-rank effectiveness.  Uses life magic (Used for healing).  Wields the standard issue cutlass,  a weak-rank effectiveness item.

      Current date/time is 7th July 2024, 6:38 pm