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    A woman scorned

    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty A woman scorned

    Post by Jennifer Ford 20th November 2021, 3:10 pm

    One year, and six months. That was how long ago Jen had ventured out on a job by herself. On her way back, a week later, she had been blindsided and captured. She was forced to watch as her friends and loved ones slowly but surely gave up on her, even the two she trusted the most. It took time, but it did eventually happen. In the remaining days, she allowed her anger to overtake her.

    Recently, there had been reports of a crazed blonde demon setting forests ablaze, and razing villages. Could this have been her? Who's to say? One thing was for certain, though, word would certainly reach her guild. The woman sat upon a pile of bones, watching as what remained of one such village burned down, and laughing all the while. It felt good to cut loose after being trapped for so long. Her clothes were in tatters, and shackle clamps remained around her neck, right wrist, and left ankle. Scars that only one of her comrades might recognize adorned her form.


    A woman scorned Webp_n10

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Guest 25th November 2021, 10:06 am

    It had been complete and utter desolation and as Medeia led her guildmates through the remains of what had once been a thriving village, she could not help but admire the devastation. The killer obviously had no care for the lives they took and the black haired angel could see the appeal of that. It was not her usual way of handling things, preferring to toy and bewitch but Medeia had come to appreciate the fact that not all mages shared the same style as she did. Funnily enough, her style was not that of those who flanked her either, despite the fact that she was mentoring both Amber and Kyra in the magical arts. They both fought in a similar manner to the maniac who had killed all these people, judging from the remains.

    From the moment that she heard the stories of the crazed fire mage, Medeia had been intrigued by them and after a while, they had become rooted in her subconscious. She found herself dwelling upon them for an increasing amount of time, as though they were almost an invitation, a calling card that she simply had to respond to. It was a strange feeling but the holy being had learned a long time ago to follow where her heart was leading her and so that more than anything was what had led her and her companions here.

    The further she walked, the more that Medeia began to recognise the hallmarks of the attacker, hallmarks that caused the ancient woman’s mind to almost travel back in time. Eighteen months back in fact, to a time where she had honestly tried to forget more than once in the months since. A period of her life that she both adored and despised, which had left her with scars that ran deeper than any normal weapon could reach. She had been abandoned, betrayed by the one who she had honestly believed was her soulmate. Despite all of the years that she had lived, she had still been foolish enough to fall in love, opening herself up to the inevitable heartbreak that was always going to be the obvious result. What a fool she had been and what was worse? It was happening again with the beautiful blonde beside her, the lovely Amber and she did not care at all. She knew all this and still opened her heart again, on the slim chance that perhaps she could find that long lasting happiness, which she had never been able to find.

    A familiar scent would eventually reach her slayer enhanced senses and the angel’s head would suddenly snap to the side, recognising it immediately. There was no mistaking it. The maniac who had burnt this place to the ground was the woman who had broken her heart all those months ago. It was all coming back to her. The memories and the heartbreak. That short period of pure bliss and the months of pain that followed it.

    She only uttered two words, before heading off quickly in the direction of the magical presence.

    “This way.”

    (515 Words)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 29th November 2021, 6:11 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 451 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber's fingers twitched as she looked 'round at the devastation that had been visited to the innocent village that had once stood around her. Once it had been a prosperous and thriving farming village. To her eyes, shadows of the past stood like ghosts, telling the history of the place. Buildings rose and fell, were inhabited by generations, had seen family after family grow and love within their walls. Hundreds, thousands, of people had lived here, working the fields and raising beasts. Their ghosts shone like trails of faint light, snapping into color and clarity as she focused on them. Once, this had been a place of life and love. Now, only ruins stood where there had once been houses and barns and silos. The fields lay fallow, scorched to the earth. Nothing would grow here for a long time. Her fingers twitched again, itching to undo the destruction that had been wrought here. With her Time Arc, it was possible. It was even possible to bring back those who had died, though the effort would leave her exhausted for just a single soul. An entire village would kill her. With a regretful sigh, she turned her thoughts away from what had been and back to what was. Some of the burns marks were still smoldering. The perpetrator was likely to still be within the area. Amber burned to capture them and bring them to justice. Unlike most of her guildmates, she could not rejoice in death and destruction. Not when it was done to innocent people such as those that lived here, in this place. Only when it was against those who truly deserved it could she revel or glory in killing.

    Lost in her thoughts as she was, the lioness was startled when Medeia's head snapped around. Amber was here with the angel, her lover and mentor, as well as their mutual 'friend', Kyra. The angel had said little about the why of being here, only that she was chasing rumors of a demoness who had destroyed a handful of villages like this, among other acts of ruination. As her lover suddenly started off in a different direction, the lioness followed her, tilting her head back to sniff the air herself. On the light breeze she caught a scent that was tantalizingly familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. It was an annoying sensation, like an itch in the back of her mind. It seemed, however, that it was more familiar to Medeia, judging by the expression on the lovely wizard's face. Amber opened her mouth to ask, but took another look at her lover's face and closed it again, deciding to keep her thoughts to herself. For now.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Jennifer Ford 29th November 2021, 9:48 pm

    Jen felt the magical signatures drawing closer, and they were ones she most certainly recognized. With that recognition came a mix of conflicting emotions. The two most prominent were love and betrayal. In the time she had been missing, not a single one had come looking for her, at least, not to her knowledge. She had initially hoped that at least Medeia would try to rescue her. But, as time dragged on, in that solitary cell, she eventually came to realize the same thing she had realized all those years ago.

    The only one who was going to save her was herself. Rather than waiting for them to reach her, Jen decided to go and greet those she once, and somewhere deep inside still, held so dear. "Well, well. I knew I would draw someone's attention. But, imagine my surprise to find that the ones drawn to me would not only be familiar to me, but that they would be very people who abandoned me." There was a distinct level of venom in her voice as she spoke, approaching them.

    "Let me guess, finally remembered that I was missing? Well, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a simple apology to make me forget..." She turned away from them, revealing her new scars. "...like you all forgot." There was a brief pause before she spoke up again, this time directly toward Medeia. "Honestly, you were the last person I could have expected it from....I suppose that's my fault though.... for trusting you....for trusting any of you."

    She had been hurt. Not just by her captor, but by each of them, as well. At least, from what she'd seen, she had. "You really think I would have chosen not to come back, if I'd had a choice? I had everything I could ever want. And now...now I just want to watch the world burn."


    A woman scorned Webp_n10

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Guest 30th November 2021, 6:30 am

    There was little in the way of an outward reaction to Jennifer’s words but the anger was starting to churn inside the raven haired angel. She had played this scenario in her mind so many times and yet now that the time was upon her, Medeia found herself rather slow in coming up with a response. The blonde’s words had cut her deeply and there was a part of the witch that wanted to respond in kind, to use her wicked tongue to shred the woman before her to pieces, before doing so magically but she was not in that place anymore. Long gone were the days that she had pined for Jennifer’s return, sitting by her bedroom window and watching the stars, hoping beyond hope that the blonde would return to her. She no longer wished for revenge against the one who had stuck a knife in her heart and had finally moved on, thanks in no small part to Amber, who had managed to help her regain the confidence to love again. There was still a beautiful blonde that occupied her thoughts but it was no longer the woman in front of her but the woman beside her.

    “Do you honestly believe what you are saying?” She finally uttered, her tone filled with disappointment more than anything. “Do you truly believe that if there had been any sign at all that you had been taken that I would not have gone after you immediately? You know me better than that Jennifer. I travelled through Hell to get you back once and would have done it a thousand times more if I had to. You speak about betrayal but what about the months of misery that I have suffered since you left? You come into my life, stir up feelings that I never knew I could feel and then disappear. How did you expect me to react to that? You were the first woman that I ever let my shields down for and for what? To have my heart ripped to shreds.”

    (344 Words)
    (859 Med WC)
    (1804 Thread WC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 30th November 2021, 9:43 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 351 || TWC: 792 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber's initial reaction at the sudden and unexpected reappearance of her long-lost sister was one of pure elation. She had just took a step forward, ready to spring onto Jen in a full-body hug, when her finely-tuned senses tingled, warning her of something. She took one look at Medeia and understood. To an outsider, it would seem as if the angel was perfectly calm and collected, but Amber knew better. She had been with the angel for long enough that she could see the truth, outlined in every line of the angel's face, in every curve of the body the lioness knew better than her own. Her soul and Medeia's were intertwined now, allowing her to see past the surface. Her lover was furious.

    As Medeia began speaking, Amber took a step back and to the left, just behind the angel. Her broad arms, strong but gentle, made their way around her lover's waist, pulling her against her body and offering the comfort of her warm body and embrace. She pressed a gentle kiss against the angel's hair, waiting for her to finish speaking before adding her own piece in a quiet tone. "Jen... I thought you were dead. You vanished without a trace... I would know. I looked for you, just after you disappeared... And I found nothing. If I had had a single hint that you were alive, that you were out there... I would have rent the earth asunder to find you." The earth rumbled and shifted beneath their feet as a counterpoint to her soft speech, echoing the turmoil inside her. "I'm a lot stronger than I was before. If I had known... Nothing on this earth would have stopped me from getting you back. Especially with Med by my side. It's not fair to blame us. We never forgot. I never forgot you. We had just started to be sisters, after so long apart, when you disappeared. I was heartbroken. You can't even begin to know how happy I am to see you alive right now."
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 30th November 2021, 2:26 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra had lingered behind her senpais a short while back as they moved ahead to meet up with whoever it was that Kyra could smell. There was a familiarity to the scent, one that simultaneously brought up a time of a better life and one of untold internal agony. But that was not what occupied Kyra's mind. Rather, she had recognized this town. A few months before her encounter with the damned lacrima that had sent her life spiraling out of control, she had gone to this village alongside Tegan and Kairi to help with a job. A fire had ravaged the nearby countryscape and the three sisters were there to help the town out. Everyone had been so friendly to Kyra, who still hid behind Tegan as the strangers approached. Now, it was all destroyed. She looked down at the corpse beneath her feet. She could tell who it was in an instant. Clutching tightly to a child, she knew that this was the baker. She was such a lovely woman to Kyra, and the child was no different. Beneath their barely recognizable bodies sat a banner of Goldheart. They still remembered the charity that Kyra's sisters' guild had provided for them.

    "I-I'm weak..." she muttered, kneeling besides the bodies. "I'm sorry. Tegan wasn't here to save you..."

    She got up, still looking around, the memories of this town flooding into her mind. How it was so bustling before, how the nearby river provided so much life for it, how the kids would try building treehouses in the nearly desiccated remains of the burned trees which now bloomed with life once more. How many lives were lost here? How many could Kyra have saved? The thoughts raced through her mind as she followed the familiar scents of Medeia and Amber. Her magic was one only meant to destroy. She wanted to help these people, these strangers who even in their own time of need looked out for a small, insignificant, magicless girl like Kyra. Now they laid all around, battered, bloodied, bruised, and dead. Faces melted into a grey nothingness as she looked at the corpses. Each step she took saw her clench her fists tighter and tighter, her fingers powering through her skin if not for the Lacrima's inherent desire to keep Kyra safe from harm or injury. The bony, shielded hands creaked and screamed as the pressure from her own fingers threatened to shatter them. Why? Why could Kyra not do anything about this? If only she had gotten some other lacrima, if only she had joined Goldheart...

    "S-sorry about the wait, L-Lady Medeia, L-Lady Amber..." she mumbled, still looking down as she neared the scent of her senpais. She then looked up, and the brief drop of her heart shattered the spell on her palms, her fingertips bursting through her skin. As her blood dripped onto the soft, leaf coated soil, she saw a face from her past. Not one of her sisters, but of the first face to see her in Errings Rising.


    WC: 0509 | TWC: 0509

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A woman scorned ULxbPj2
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Jennifer Ford 2nd December 2021, 3:13 am

    Jen had already vented most of what she had wanted to say. When the rebuttal from Medeia came back, she was still raw from that, so it cut her quite deeply. Still, she and Amber had both made good points. But, were they really willing to cast her aside so easily when they had just found one another again? Jen found that hard to believe. But, as she stood there, pondering the right words to say, a thought struck her quite rapidly. She hadn't exactly explained things properly. More than that, while they all had every right to be angry, that anger was better served focused on the one who had truly hurt them.

    She let out a sigh before speaking up again. "I shouldn't have said most of that. There's probably a lot that I didn't get to see, and that I haven't said, about what happened." There was another pause, allowing herself to revert back to her normal state, with her scars and bindings more clearly visible. "Medeia, you should know, that you will always come first and foremost in my heart."

    "I can see that my being here bothers you. So, if you want, I'll leave you to your life. But, first, do you remember that first job we pulled together? The one where we relished in not only each other's company for the first time, but also in striking a major blow against the council. I remember it as if it were only yesterday. Truth be told, since that day, the day I lost my arm..." This was punctuated by the absence of Jen's mechanical arm.

    "...but also the day I found love for the first time, I had been working towards a goal. A goal other than my usual chaotic rebellion. That goal was one that involved both of us, and still could. Unfortunately, we made a mistake that day. Well, we made a couple of mistakes, but one of those came back to bite us in the ass pretty hard."

    "Remember that girl we captured, and then released? Well, in the time since then, she got stronger, stronger than I could handle alone. When I went out on that last job, she took me by surprise, strange as that is to hear. When I came to, I was locked in an underground cell, where the only light available came from a lacrima, on which live video was being streamed from the castle, somehow. I don't know how they got their bugs in there, but they did."

    "For an entire year, I was forced to watch what they fed me through that lacrima, and thinking back, it was likely some attempt to brainwash me. Unfortunately, it kinda worked. But, there was one thing they didn't count on. They didn't realize that I too had gotten stronger since the last time I faced their forces. I was able to escape, but just barely."

    "Over the last six months, two of them were spent recovering from what I went through. The other four have been a mix of raw emotions which unfortunately reached their boiling point at the worst possible moment." Jen stopped again, allowing herself to breathe as she wrapped up her explanation. "I won't ask your forgiveness. I know better than that, after the way I just treated you."

    "I only ask for your understanding."
    She then turned to her sister. "Honestly, I'm certain you did look for me. I'm just sorry that my captor didn't see fit to let me know. But, that would have been a mistake on her part, but not as big as the mistake of holding me in the first place. Much as I regret having not been able to be here for the three of you, I'm glad that you've grown closer."

    "Much as I would love to allow that hug, Amber, judging from how poorly I acted not so long ago, that's probably not a great idea, especially considering the person I angered the most with that outburst. That being said, I did miss all of you. Yes, even you, Kyra. You are all still just as beautiful as you were when last we all saw one another."


    A woman scorned Webp_n10

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Guest 2nd December 2021, 5:49 am

    To feel Amber’s arms around her was a massive source of comfort for the angel and she naturally leaned back slightly against the muscular blonde in response. It helped soothe the anger that was rushing through her mind and soul like a mighty tide, aiding her in regaining control of herself. Medeia did not truly wish to be angry with Jennifer and frankly did not want her old wounds to be reopened at all. They had finally healed and to go through all of this again was a step backwards, something that the raven haired woman simply refused to consider anymore. That chapter of her life was complete and she had spent the past year and a half writing the next. Immortality had its downsides and dwelling on the past was one of the cardinal sins that one such as her could possibly commit. You either lived in the past forever or moved on to pastures new. The relationship between not only Jennfer and herself but perhaps Amber and Kyra too would not be the same again. Too much time had passed and there were bonds of trust that needed to be remade. The blonde before her had been so quick to pass judgement that even the ancient being had been surprised, a rare feat these days. It caused her to question everything that had come before.

    “I remember that angel.” She eventually said, preferring to speak about more practical matters for the moment. “She was a pink haired beauty that spent most of that job wrapped up in my ropes. I suppose that I should not be surprised that she would desire revenge. We did eliminate so many of her friends and allies, after all. My kind are malicious, despite the reputation that we have and there is truly very little holiness within the hearts of most of us. We are as fallible as everyone else and I certainly hope that one day you will be able to have your vengeance upon her, if that is what you seek.” She fell silent for a moment, pondering whether to add what first came to mind but as her body and mind melted into Amber’s loving grasp further, Medeia found herself saying it. “When that time comes, you know that I will be here to help you, as I am sure Amber and Kyra will be too.”

    The anger was fading away and as her face and posture softened, she opened up properly. “I am not going to stand here and lie to you. There was a time where I did hate you. The mention of your name or the sight of your belongings was enough to send me into a fury and you know what happens when the desire for revenge finds me. I do not just hate the person, I hate their family, their friends, everything they stand for. This is how I felt for quite some time and unfortunately…” She sighed and raised one of her arms, before scratching one of Amber’s lovely ears with it. “It meant that I was rather cold and unkind to Amber at first, something that I deeply regret now. I am simply happy that it did not cause any permanent damage between us. I do not want there to be any hatred between us now, Jennifer. I am tired of being angry with those closest to me. As mages who walk on the darker side, we have enough enemies to deal with, without us being at each other's throats too. I am not certain as to how things will be between the four of us now but I still want you in my life, a sentiment that I am sure is shared between all of us. Come back with us, my dear.”

    (631 Words)
    (1490 Med WC)
    (3996 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 2nd December 2021, 5:05 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 277 || TWC: 1069 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber held Medeia in a loving and supportive embrace, listening to her and Jen talk. Her ear twitched as the angel stroked it, but she managed to keep her composure through sheer willpower. It wouldn't do to melt into a puddle in front of her sister, not to mention Kyra. Not in a moment like this. She kept her silence until her sister had finished her story, then carefully let go of her angel and strode forward, closing the distance between herself and her sister. She stood there for a moment, then leaned down and touched the metal shackle around Jennifer's ankle. A moment of focus and the shackle shattered with a loud crack and spray of sparks. Her sister's other bindings suffered the same fate, and then the Lioness threw her arms around her sister and pulled her into a tight hug.

    "I don't care what you say." She said after a moment. "You're still my sister, and I still love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens, no matter where you go. For the majority of my life I didn't know you even existed, but now I couldn't bear to lose you. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that." She held the hug throughout her speech, holding it for a moment after she finished speaking, then pulled back and looked Jen in the eyes, holding her at arm's length by the shoulders. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to wreak retribution on those who hurt you. Nothing but having you come back to the guild. Come back to us. Come back to your family. Come back to me."
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 2nd December 2021, 5:55 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra took a few steps backwards. Forgiveness? Just like that? How? How could all this hatred be forgiven just with the snap of a finger?

    "S-sorry..." she mumbled. What was going on? Her mouth moved without her mind thinking. "I...I can't." Her fists clenched tighter. Blood changed from a slow drip to a steady stream, pouring down her arm and onto the ground below. "I-I can't forgive you. A-any of you..." Tears began pouring down her face. "Why..? Why is this something that you can just forgive?" She stared at the ground, her vision blurring as her own blood seeped into view. "When...when I was cursed, I was on the run from my family. Demi and Kairi had found me two days later. When Father saw me once again, he...he was so disappointed in me. He said that I was useless, that I was a coward. They never said it, but I could feel it. All of my siblings were disappointed in me. They were tired of me, they were upset that I just vanished without proper closure for two days." She stormed up to Jen, giving her a hearty slap in the face. "You were gone for months! You left me! You made all of us suffer because you were a coward! You did something stupid and you didn't even care about what others think!" She turned towards Medeia. "And you? You told me time and time again that you wanted me to be better, that you said I would be better without Jen as a mentor! Now you just take her back? I...I meant nothing! I was just a tool for your stupid desire to be in control!" Then towards Amber. "And you? You want to wreak retribution? You want to make more suffer because of your selfish goals? You want to drag me into yet another thing because you couldn't get your way yourself?" She looked up, trying to read the faces of her close companions.

    They were nothing more than grey masses. Just like everyone. Their words rang hollow. They could say all they want that they were not selfish with Kyra. She had just been used as a pawn. It was the same as with her family. She was just a plaything for these people more powerful, more influential than herself. No matter what she did, she would always be used for the benefits of others. Her tears shifted from water to blood as she ran off, her magic carrying her away as quickly as it possibly could. She did not want to be used as a puppet again. She just wanted someone to actually care for her. But... why now? Why did she only feel this way now? She should have been happy to see the first person to care for her once again, yet all she felt was emptiness and hatred.

    She slumped down in the ruined, shattered remains of the town center, sobbing quietly. Why? Why was she like this? Why did she not run further? Thoughts crossed her mind as she waited for the three to leave, abandoning her as her family should have done long ago.

    WC: 0526 | TWC: 1035

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    A woman scorned ULxbPj2
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Jennifer Ford 4th December 2021, 5:04 pm

    Jen hugged her sister with her one good arm, while trying to wave Medeia over with her stump. "This....this isn't exactly fair, you know." She chuckled after saying as much... until Kyra slapped her. Normally, Jen would be upset by someone, anyone, making unprovoked or unwanted contact with her. However, Jen also knew what her disappearance had put Kyra through, and some part of her was actually proud of Kyra, for exactly two reasons.

    The first reason was because, while ill timed and misguided, Kyra was finally speaking her mind. The second, Ironically, was because that slap actually hurt. What hurt more, however, was that before the incident, Jen hadn't had the time to actually get to know Kyra like she had wanted to. She never got to know her, or her family. If he had, perhaps things wouldn't be unfolding in such a tragic manner for the girl, or so Jen thought.

    "Perhaps I should go have a talk with her." Jen said with a sigh, before wriggling out of her sister's arms, much as she regretted doing so, and going after the younger woman. Upon finding her, sitting there crying, part of Jen wanted to scold her for showing weakness. But, there was another part of her that won out, the part that somehow knew exactly what Kyra was going through. Sure, some of the circumstances were different, but she knew that pain all too well.

    So, rather than berating Kyra, or attacking her, or even treating her like a child, Jen did something she should have done a long time ago, and treated her like family. Without uttering another word, she sat next to Kyra, and leaned against her, in as comforting a manner as she could, with her stump caught between them. After a few moments, the words she needed came to her. "You're right, you know. I was weak. I've always been weak."

    "It was my weakness that caused this pain, for all of you. But, I'm trying to get stronger, strong enough to properly protect the ones I love, even those that are currently stronger than I am. I can't get there by myself, though. I'm going to need help, from Medeia, from Amber, and...I'm going to need your help most of all. I'm scared, Kyra, but when you, all of you, are by my side, I have nothing to fear, save for being forcibly separated from you again."

    "I know that you're having a tough time with all of this. And admittedly, it's a lot to process. So, I'll not pressure you into the decision I'd like you to make. Instead, I'll allow you to come to your own decision, in time. And that's all I'll ask of you at this point, only some time to show you how much I've changed, how much I've grown, and can still grow. Just know that I'm proud of you. I always have been, and I always will be. Besides, I actually felt that slap. You've come a long way."


    A woman scorned Webp_n10

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Guest 5th December 2021, 4:54 am

    Unlike Amber, Medeia did not simply rush over and embrace Jennifer, even when the blonde tried to encourage her to do so. It was simply too soon and the angel was not willing to just pretend that the previous eighteen months had not happened. The conversation was opening old wounds, against her wishes and a sigh left the raven haired woman’s lips. A cynical part of her mind was telling her that she was too old for this and perhaps it would be best if she washed her hands of the whole ordeal. The aggressive part of her was saying that she was being too soft with Jennifer and that the blonde should pay for the heartache that she had caused her and the third barrage of thoughts were the ones that she had been speaking out loud until now, the forgiving ones. It was going to take time for her to figure it all out and she was determined not to rush anything. She was not going to be hurt a second time nor was she going to find herself in a situation that she did not wish to be in. Medeia did not utter another word at all and merely pondered to herself.

    However, to her slight surprise, Kyra was the one to take the aggressive line by slapping Jennifer powerfully across the face. It was most unlike her mentee to do such a thing but Medeia could not help but agree with the girl’s action. The young woman had suffered as much as anyone and it was one of the first signs of growth that the holy being had seen from her. That was the aggression which Medeia had been trying to stir up within the girl all this time. It was a relief to see it appear in truth although that swiftly changed when Kyra began to attack her with her verbal barrage. The ancient creature’s expression darkened and she had to put some effort into preventing her magical powers of anger from manifesting themselves. She had gone out of her way to take Kyra under her wing, trained her, comforted her, protected her from those who wished her harm and for what? This? To be the recipient of a childish outburst? It was not good enough.

    Once Kyra had run off with Jennifer following her, Medeia would simply watch them leave for a moment, before turning to Amber. “I think it would be wise if I did not follow them for the moment but by all means do so if you like, my dear Amber.” She said quietly, the undercurrent of anger that had previously been churning returning in full force. “I need to blow off a little steam after all of this and I would hate to do something that I would regret later.”

    (471 Words)
    (1961 Med Count)
    (5775 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
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    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 18th December 2021, 6:29 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 802 || TWC: 1871 || Job Info || Job Approval
    The golden-haired lioness blinked in shock as the normally quiet, mild-mannered Kyra exploded, slapping her sister in the face so hard Amber felt the shock through her hug with Jen, then went off on all three of them before storming off, leaving behind a trail of blood and tears. Then suddenly, Jen was running after her and Med was going off in the other direction, leaving the lioness alone and at a loss for what to do. She'd been with Medeia long enough to know that going after the angel was a bad idea. As much as she wanted to hug her lover again and calm her down, at this point it would likely only lead to another outburst and perhaps more hard feelings. She definitely didn't want that, not when their relationship was going so well. She could go after Jen and Kyra, but she felt that that would only cause Kyra to get overwhelmed again, possibly even leading her to lose control of her darker half, which would only make things bloody. That was even worse than bad feelings between herself and her lover. Besides... Kyra's vitriolic accusation had actually touched a nerve with the earth mage. She didn't want to shed even more blood, certainly not that of innocents. But the thought of her sister being trapped in a dungeon and tortured set her own blood afire with rage. She would have no qualms about visiting some justice upon those who had done that to Jen.

    Instead of going off in one direction or another, Amber kicked the ground, raising a rock shaped like a chair out of the earth, and sat down on it. She then began to trail her fingers through the dirt between her feet, feeling what lay below. Veins of basalt and granite rippled far below, flowing in waves that lead back to a nearby mountain. It must be a dormant volcano that erupted long, long ago. She could feel no tectonic activity anywhere nearby, though she could just barely sense the fault line that had spawned the volcano, miles away. Growing bored of what lay below, she turned her gaze back up to the ruined village. The itch returned, and this time she gave in to it. With a sigh she rose from the stone seat and walked back to the village. Trying to bring the people back would certainly kill her, but she could at least restore the buildings and land to what they once were. Green magic circles sprang into existence an inch above her palms, others twining around her forearms. Emerald light washed over the ruins as she walked through them, the houses and shops and other sundry buildings restoring themselves under the influence of her magic, the land beneath returning to it's fertile and life-supporting state. She even reached into the bones of the earth and shifted the rock beneath, diverting a nearby river to flow closer to the village, widening and deepening the channel until it could support barges to facilitate trading by water. Getting carried away now, she reached for the veins of granite and drew them up, shaping the stone into walls that surrounded the village, all of one piece and theoretically impenetrable to all but heavy siege engines or destructive magic. She formed a gate of the same obdurate stone, the doors twenty feet tall and five wide, and one foot thick, but perfectly balanced so that one person could push them open with ease. She added a thick bar to lock them, pivoting on one side and slotting into latches formed out of the gates themselves.

    The mage sat down in the center of the village square, her magic flowing out across and into the land, turning what had once been a village into a fortress that even her sister would find a tough nut to crack and should support a thriving populace for centuries. They could mine the nearby mountains, which were filled with precious minerals, and trade them via the river she had redirected. The walls would defend them from bandits and monsters alike, anyone trying to destroy their way of life. When finally her magic was exhausted, she left the fortified village and went back to her stone seat to await her guildmates, her feet dragging tiredly through the dirt. She wondered if any of them had heard or felt the rumblings her tampering with the earth had caused. It was all she could do for the people. She would come back in a century or so, assuming she hadn't been killed yet, and check on the inhabitants. Hopefully they would be nothing more than prosperous miners and farmers, living in the safe place she had created. If not... She could bring down those walls as easily as she had raised them.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

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    A woman scorned Empty Re: A woman scorned

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 19th December 2021, 10:05 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A twinge rumbled through her mind. She should have known that at least one of the three would come to check on her. It was their duty, after all. They must have felt guilty if they just abandoned her. It was nothing about Kyra. It never was. They merely did this to feel better about themselves. Jen, after all this time away, had come back, and now they were all supposed to act like everything was fine. It did not sit right with the prodigal daughter of one of the wealthiest families in all of Fiore.

    She waited a few moments in silence after Jen had finished her self righteous sermon. She was no longer going to fall victim to all of this using her. She was just a toy to Jen, a guinea pig to Medeia, and an afterthought to Amber. She knew this. They did not care about Kyra as Kyra. Jen wanted to make herself feel better about her own life by taking in this little, vulnerable child and raising it in a way she found best. Medeia just wanted to coax a demon out of the youngest of twelve. Amber? She did not even think about Kyra. Amber did not care about Kyra, save for when she would tag along with Jen and Medeia.

    Kyra stood up slowly. "Don't lie to me," she said, clenching her fist once more as the earth rumbled beneath her feet. "I'm tired of hearing empty platitudes. You want to just feel better about yourself. You want to redeem yourself in some way. None of you care about me. You only use me." She calmly walked back towards the center of the town, her face stony and stoic. She was not going to let these people lie to her even more. Once she reached the town square, she simply sat down on the earth, waiting for Medeia to arrive once more. She was... calm. She had never felt such relief in her life before now, and she felt free. Now all she could do was to wait and see if this would last.

    WC: 0352 | TWC: 1387

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


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