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    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)


    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Guest 12th December 2021, 3:06 pm

    The weather was getting worse and there were a few moments where the white haired kitsune struggled against the powerful winds, her ice created wings having to beat with immense strength to keep herself moving forwards. It was just as bad as the rumours had said, a relentless storm that never seemed to end but despite the warnings, she couldn’t help but come anyway. There was more to this storm than met the eye and the nine tailed being had always gone with her gut about such things. There was an opportunity here, within the menacing red clouds and lightning, she just had to sniff it out. What made her journey more difficult was the rather familiarly shaped sack that was cradled close to her, a continuous chorus of muffled curses and cries coming from it. A lovely creature that the ice cold mage hoped to sell in due course but for the time being, she’d have to find somewhere to store her captive and that was another reason why she was so intrigued by the rumours. Tales of money, adventure and pleasure to those who were blessed by the storm. It was a tall tale but one that she was willing to at least look into.

    Eventually, a massive ship came into view, easy enough to see even with the dreadful weather. It gave off a scent of death and menace that could probably overpower those who were weak willed but the kitsune was anything but. She’d seen a great deal in the long years of her life and it would take more than a frightening aura to scare her off. A pirate ship by the looks of her and it was the sight of it that started to confirm the rumours. Who were better at sniffing out a profit than pirates and the life that they led was one that she could certainly admire. Her line or work wasn’t all that different from pirating anyway and she pondered if the crew just might have a place for a woman skilled in abduction. It was worth a try, she mused and without another word, she’d descend on to the deck, landing softly and without barely a sound.

    The aura of the ship might not have scared her but the woman in the sack started to quiver far more strongly, seemingly petrified by it. In response, the kitsune uttered in a cold tone of voice to her captive. “Stop your shaking. There’s nothing you can do so do us both a favour and keep your mouth shut or I’ll add a few more layers. Understood?”

    It seemed that she was as the sack suddenly became still in the woman’s arms. A slight smile crossing her features, the blue eyed woman would add. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell your family that you almost soiled yourself out of fear.”

    Not knowing whether she should actively seek someone out or merely wait for someone to notice her, she decided to take the latter option after a few moments of thought. A part of her was expecting an attack but she was prepared for that if combat was required.

    (525 Words)

    Last edited by Shirayuki on 15th December 2021, 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total
    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
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    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty Re: The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 14th December 2021, 10:13 pm

    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Lady-maria-by-wlop-dcl2sb4-pre

    "It seems that the Andromeda led us to anther potential recruit...Please welcome them aboard Captain Avantika." The voice of the Admiral echoed in Avantika's mind. She set down her quill into the ink well on her desk, she got up from her desk and holster her pistol. She attached her sabers in their sheaths onto her her belt before leaving her quarters to greet the stranger that had come aboard. The andromeda often made herself very difficult to find, but there have been a few occasions where she would allow herself to be found by special individuals. More often than not, these individuals would end up joining the the Abyssal Fleet. Slowly but surely wether it by word of mouth or Andromeda's choice herself, the fleet grew in number and in strength. Avantika found it impressive, but she was far more concerned about the quality and talent of the individuals joining the fleet. She was the type to value quality over quantity.

    Avantika put on her signature featured tricorne hat before making her way on to the deck to greet the new recruit. A few curious crew members were making their way to the deck to get a look of the stranger. With one cold look from Captain Avantika motivated them to get back to their stations and get back to work. It didn't take long, for Avantika to get to the deck of the ship. After all, the Andromeda shifted and moved her halls to create a straight path for the cursed captain. Eventually the doors swung open revealing the stranger to Avantika, and Avantika to the stranger.

    "Welcome aboard the Andromeda...." Avantika smiled as she took of her hat and gave a graceful bow in a princely manner. "I am captain Avantika, representative vice admiral of the Abyssal Fleet...." Avantika placed her hat back on her head before taking a good look at the potential new recruit. The woman before her was indeed beautiful, almost out of place for the type of work they did. Avantika decided to indulge her curiosity and asked a question to the beautiful stranger.

    "What brings you to this cursed ship?" Avantika inquired curiously as a storm began to brew overhead, as if reflecting her crimson gaze. Black clouds began to form around the massive airship, and an unnatural storm began to coalesce around the ghost ship. Lightning began to crack and crackle, and rain began to sprinkle. "It seems the Andromeda welcomes you.... if I it is not too much to ask, what pray tell is your name love?" Avantika smiled as her the dark clouds churned and rumbled excitedly.

    438 Words

    Last edited by Noctis Rose on 15th December 2021, 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Tenor

    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty Re: The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Guest 15th December 2021, 6:27 am

    Shirayuki bowed her head politely in response to the beautiful Captain’s introduction, deciding to be civil rather than take a more aggressive stance. The kitsune had most definitely come to the right place, given not only the woman’s words but her garb too. The Captain looked precisely how the god slayer had always visualised pirates to be and she took some satisfaction from her predictions being right. It seemed that the rumours regarding the storm were at least partly true as well and Shirayuki was intrigued already by the name of the organisation. An entire fleet of pirates? That sounded like perfection to the white haired kitsune and she couldn’t help but ponder if one day she may have her own vessel, a perfect place to store her captives. She was thinking incredibly far ahead but ambition was something that she had in spades and it had always benefited her in the past.

    “A pleasure to meet you, Captain.” She replied curtly. “My name is Shirayuki and I’d heard rumours of a wickedly red storm that blessed those who could survive it with adventure and wealth. I admit that I have a great fondness for both and I’d most like to share in the bounties that your fleet acquires. I’ve worked as a mercenary for a long time, mostly taking on jobs that involve abduction and I’m more than willing to use my skills and experience to help the guild complete its goals. I’m by no means a weak mage and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.”

    She fell silent for a few moments, her gazing turning upwards to watch as the storm seemed to react to the whims of the Captain. It was all so strange and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of curiosity about the unique red lightning. Was the storm just a byproduct of the ship or a spell of some kind? She had to admit that it was a great defense and cover, which could no doubt take out any attacking vessels or opponents. Even now, it didn’t bother her an awful lot but she could imagine just how intimidating it could be.

    Eventually, her interest got the best of her and she simply had to ask a question of her own. “It’s going to drive me mad if I don’t ask. Are you summoning that storm or is it the ship itself? I’ve never seen one quite like it before and it’s got me stumped.”

    The sack started to quiver again at this point and with a hint of annoyance, Shirayuki briefly tapped into her own magic, resulting in rope wrapping around the sack tightly, stopping any movement.

    (447 Words)
    (972 My WC)
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    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 238
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    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty Re: The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 15th December 2021, 6:01 pm

    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Lady-maria-by-wlop-dcl2sb4-pre

    Avantika listened intently to the strangers introduction. She chuckled ash the reason presented to her, she did not do so in a mocking manner, but as a feeling of amusement and camaraderie. "Ahhh yes, adventure and coin... always a good reason to turn to pirating... I'm sure your talents will be useful... although before one could have their share in the bounty, one must prove their worth to the Admiral and to the Andromeda... only then can one truly call themselves part of this fleet..." Avantika explained. The black skies rumbled in agreement as flashes of crimson lightning flickered in the heart of the storm.

    "Strength is a valuable asset in our line of work but, there are plenty of our crew who's talents lie other specialties. However, I myself appreciate strength and power." Avantika watched Shirayuki's eyes gaze at the storm. The black clouds churned as the winds howl, the sprinkle of rain began to pour. The black hurricane fully manifested, all manners of navigational devices that were not affiliated by the Andromeda would fail. No matter how a ship would try, if the ship was not under the grace of the Andromeda it would be doomed to be lost in the storm or even worse devoured by it. A blood red lightning crashed down a on the deck of the Andromeda, the ashen black metal absorbed the blast of crimson electricity. The hull remain unscratched, undamaged, as if the strike of lightning never happened.

    "A good question... to keep it simple, the storm is summoned at the whim of the Admiral and Andromeda... You can say I have a deep connection to both the ship and her captain... thus I too have some influence on the storm." Avantika explained as she snapped her fingers, the pouring rain instantly stopped for a few seconds, before resuming its downpour. "The more you prove your loyalty to the Admiral and to the Andromeda.... the more secrets they will reveal to you..." Avantika said mysteriously as she turned around and began walking back into the depths of the Andromeda. "Why don't we continue our conversation inside... you might catch cold if you stand in the rain for too long." Avantika chuckled as she lead the way.  Her hands found their way in her coat pockets, the sound of her boots on the deck, and the set clattering of her blades in their scabbards made a rhythmic beat as she walked with confidence and elegance.

    "If I may ask... what is in that magical bag of yours... it seems a bit too feisty to be a bag of treasure..." Avantika inquired as she approached the door leading to the lower decks of the Andromeda. The heavy locks of the door unlatched as the heavy steel door swung itself open revealing the path way into halls of the phantom ship. "Would you like a drink Shirayuki? We have quite a selection of fine wine, brandy, or rum if its more your taste. We also have wonderful cook aboard if you're feeling a a bit peckish." Avantika spoke aloud as she walked down the stairs leading into the depths of the Andromeda.
    (527 Words)
    (965 MWC)
    (1,937 TWC)


    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Tenor

    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty Re: The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Guest 18th December 2021, 1:20 pm

    “Understandable.” Shirayuki replied as the captain commented on her reasons for wishing to join the fleet, as well as what was necessary in order to share in its bounty. “I shall do whatever is needed to prove myself to both the Admiral and the Andromeda.” She knew that she’d have to start from the bottom and work up, which she frankly had no real issues with nor a large enough ego to be bruised. The thought of becoming a Captain herself was a rather lofty goal and although not one that she’d considered before making her journey but it was an inspiring one and would push her onwards.

    The explanation regarding the storm above was rather fascinating and the information regarding the ships sentience even more so. The Captain had a mysterious way about her when it came to explaining things but the kitsune was hardly frustrated by it. No, if anything, it only aroused her interest further and the white haired woman made a mental note to investigate it further after some time had passed, hopefully when she’d already started climbing the ranks. “I hope that one day I will be able to learn these secrets too.” There was no scorn or snideness in her voice, just pure and simple eagerness and interest. Knowledge was power, after all and just as useful as any spell or weapon.

    A soft smile crossed her features and she nodded her head as Avantika offered to lead her inside, appreciating the gesture. With her magic, the cold didn’t bother her all that much but that didn’t apply to her captive in the bag, who was still trying to fight against the additional restraints although they were not quite as energetic as before. Shirayuki had to give her victim credit for that but with another twitch of her hand, the bonds both inside and outside of the bag tightened further, resulting in a muffled squeak from inside. The kitsune had been rather inventive when it came to the tying of the girl and one brief moment of tension would be enough to get a reaction, she had seen to that.

    As her gaze left the bag and focused back onto Avantika’s retreating form, she found it rather difficult to keep her icy blue orbs off of the beautiful woman’s lovely rear. In another place and time, she’d probably have already made a comment or two but given the circumstances, she managed to hold herself back. Being thrown off of the ship for saying something stupid wouldn’t get her anywhere and she did truly wish to become a member of the fleet.

    So focused was she on watching the woman that the question posed to her almost missed her completely, forcing the kitsune to shake her head briefly and recover her wits. “Oh, I’d say that she’s a treasure of a sort. I picked up this lovely noblewoman when I was recently in Minstrel and will soon be sending a ransom note to her family. I’ll gladly give a cut to the fleet as a gesture of good will once I receive it. She couldn’t stop herself from gushing about how wealthy her family is and I hope for her sake that she’s right. If not, I’ll have to find another home for her somewhere although I’m sure there are plenty of people who’d wish to buy her.”

    Following the Captain inside the ghostly vessel, Shirayuki could feel the same ominous aura that she’d felt when she’d approached the Andromeda. A menacing and powerful presence that was rather inspiring to be honest. She hoped that one day she’d be able to cause such a reaction in others.

    “I wouldn’t say no to a glass of wine.” Shirayuki answered with a slight chuckle. “It’s been a long trip and the Andromeda almost knocked me out of the sky once or twice with the powerful winds it summoned. An incredible vessel indeed.”

    (655 Words)
    (1627 MWC)
    (2592 TWC)
    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 238
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    Mentor : Shiva
    Experience : 106,180

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    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Empty Re: The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro)

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 7th February 2022, 10:39 pm

    Avantika listened to Shirayuki's words, appreciating the woman's eagerness to join the fleet. The ship creaked and groan, the sound of metal bending and warping echoed through the hall as they walked down the stairs. The bottom of the stairs shifted bits of metal and and wood began to piece together until a large metallic door was assembled. The door swung itself open with a life of its own welcoming the two to a large dining room. Avantika walked inside and took a seat to the most center chair, she gestured for Shirayuki to seat herself and make herself more comfortable.

    "As you can see, it is wise to have guide when navigating through the depth of the Andromeda... the ship is a living entity everything inside her is alive, she can can rearrange her halls and rooms however she pleases.... it can get quite confusing for new new crew members..." Avantika explained as one of the crew members entered in the room carrying some fine wine and glasses. Avantika graciously took the bottle of wine from her subordinate and dismissed him. She turned the bottle around and read the words scrawled on the bottle.

    "This is a good year..." Avantika mused to herself as she opened the bottle and poured some into an empty glass for Shirayuki. She then slide the glass to the new recruit before pouring herself some. "Come, sit, make yourself comfortable... set your bag down.... you can even let her out if you please... it's not like the Andromeda will allow her to escape..." Avantika chuckled before she took a long drink from her glass. She let out a satisfied sigh before setting her glass of wine down.

    "I must inform you in one thing... the Admiral.... he dislikes the idea of slavery... granted we take hostages, hold people for ransom, sometimes we keep prisoners... but the Admiral does not deal with slaves, we do not keep slaves, barter nor trade slaves.... most people on our ship are free people.... with the exception of.... well hostages... and the occasional prisoners" Avantika continued to speak as she swirled the wine in her glass absentmindedly.

    "It's confusing.... trust me I get it.... but we treat our prisoners here with a modicum of respect. They are kept in their own room, comfortable living quarters until their ransom is paid or a trade has been made... if not... well we give the prisoner a choice... join the fleet or find freedom through death...." Avantika sighed, a slight tone of disagreement in her tone.

    "Personally, I find it inefficient... but it's the Admiral's orders... in the end of the day money is to be made... as long as the results show I can't complain." Avantika shrugged as she took another drink from her glass of wine.

    "We don't have many rules here... do your job and you will reap the rewards... the punishment for mutiny is death...and.... that's about it... we may seem to be blood thirsty pirates, but I assure you... most of us are quite civilized...." Avantika smiled as she finished the rest of her wine. She leaned back to her chair, and crossed her legs, settling in a more comfortable manner.

    "Do you have any questions? Any concerns?" Avantika inquired as she waited for Shirayuki's response.

    (549 words)
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    3,141 twc)


    The Quest For Jewels Begins (Intro) Tenor

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