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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 13th October 2021, 5:19 pm

    Felidae City
    It was a brisk, fall morning, the sun rising up into the sky as it began its work on warming the land below it. Many of Joya’s natives were already up and about, preparing for the day ahead with warm meals and rejuvenating, caffeinated beverages. There was an exciting thrill in the air but not just one of exuberance or delight. No, there was a tension that clung to the hearts and minds of all the Joyan and even to those beyond its borders. For today was the day that the Ishgar Symposium was set to occur, the long awaited meeting between Bellum and Pergrande to sign a peace treaty and move towards a brighter future.

    It was supposed to be a day of celebration but troublesome rumors had been going around, reaching even the ears of the wizards and mages that had signed up to be part of the representative’s personal guard. Word was that a large gathering of desert brigands, called the God-Kissed, were on the warpath to the outlier portions of Felidae City. There was even the troublesome gossip that Joyan revolutionaries, protesting their government’s willingness to cow in the face of larger countries, were planning a violent uprising. Whatever the case was, it was clear that the duties of anyone protecting the people and the Isghar representatives had a lot to contend with.

    The party would be instructed to meet at a particular building, halfway up the southern slope of Felidae. Above them loomed Felidae Market; a building constructed between the two opposing mountains that acted as a primary trading hub for the richer class. But today it had been cleared out for the purpose of the symposium, the designated place for the signing and the celebratory feast that would occur afterwards. As the party members gathered, they would be ushered into the relatively large, two-story house and told to sit and wait. Once everyone had gathered, only a few minutes would go by before a woman entered.

    She was sporting fiery red hair and armor made up of both metal and leather, adorned with furs from the wilds of Iceberg. Blue tattoos were drawn over her face and on her left leg and two sharp hand axes swung from her belt. She looked at the gathered group with disgust, a sneer scratched across her face as three more Iceberg warriors, dressed similar to her, followed after and placed themselves behind her.

    “I don’t understand why Little Man insists on having you soft hœnsa as part of the guard duty. But for the sake of this ‘peace’, we all have to make sacrifices,” she informed the company. “I know nothing but your names. Each of you tell me who you are and what you can do. And don’t waste my time.” The woman was demanding but not without reason. It was important to know what they were capable of, in case there was trouble.

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
    You have until 10/20/2021 to post
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 13th October 2021, 9:13 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933


    Odhran yawned as they waited for the last of the guard was coming along. The damn council was being involved, so he honestly had no idea what he was getting into, as long as it was against the Council.


    The guildmaster of Plumed Serpent had come alongside two members of his guild, the twins Yulianna and Yurielle. He still could not tell them apart. He honestly thought one of them was a man until she very rudely reminded him. He still had the scars from then... well, he did not, but he said he did to make her feel better. If nothing else, Odhran was the very epitome of chivalry.


    The door swung open, a gaggle of soldiers marching into the room with more people than it was likely supposed to have for an extended period of time. Yuli and Yuri were not the issue, it was Odhran and his Spirits that filled the room. He had created his own chair, a remnant of a time long past, as told by the tufts of stuffing bursting from the arm of what he could only call an "old man chair." Ah, the memories the musk elicited. His first ever murder. In truth, it was an accident, but it led him to where he was now, so he was not going to complain. Sweetie was in the chair likely meant for him, her feet up on the table, popping bubblegum absently. He still did not understand how she did not find it weird that she, a Candy Spirit often popped bubblegum, but oh well. It was not his problem, after all.

    The leader of the soldiers spoke up, demanding to know their names. "I'm sure you already know me, but I suppose it would be best to give you all a reminder." The future Warlord got up out of his seat, the maroon cushions fading into nothingness. Instead, as he stepped forward, a rock jutted forth from the air, Odhran taking a conquering pose upon it. "I am Odhran Aegisbane, the Guild Master of the greatest guild in Fiore's existence, Plumed Serpent! I am, in addition to the most feared man in the most feared establishment of Fioran villainy, one of the greatest Celestial Spirit Mages this plane of existence has ever seen! I was one of the core people in the invasion of Magnolia by the Sin guild Elysium, and I have even fought a Wizard Saint to a respectable draw!" He chuckled as the rock blipped out of existence, the short wizard dropping to the seat beside Sweetie's and resting an arm on the Spirit's shoulder. "Man, it would be awkward if I saw her again. Oh well. Everyone, you know me, and this is Sweetie. She really wanted to vacation out here in Joya, so she's along for the ride. Now, let's hope that the only violence taking place here is against the Council and that, no matter what, you guys give me all the credit for anything infamous that we might be doing. Part of the payment for me coming here, after all."

    Sweetie raised a pink eyebrow. "Didn't you like chomp at the bit to come here?"

    Odhran laughed aloud. "Of course not! A chomp is much larger than a bit! You bite a bit, silly!"

    Sweetie thought about it, and then shrugged and agreed. Odhran smiled and threw his hand out, a metallic folding chair spawning into his hand, which he set down and sat upon. "Now that we know who's leading this sorry band of losers and also Yulianna, I suppose it's for the best that we introduce everyone else! Of course, nothing can beat my introduction!"

    He gave an over the top dramatic evil laugh before it lamely petered out and he coughed, looking around at everyone else to see who they were, seeing who would be the brave soul to try to follow his glorious act!

    WC: 0656 | TWC: 0656

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) XBivwWT
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

    Lineage : Psionic Soul
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Knight Owl 17th October 2021, 5:56 pm

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Ishgard Symposium - Group 1 (Pergrande)

    A new day greeted Michael and his siblings. Along with him came his trusted magic engineer, Giselle, who had come with him to witness the symposium held in Joya. He and his siblings had already met a few days prior to the day of the symposium and he was reluctant to share an apartment with them, while Giselle was excited to finally meet his siblings and get to know them better. Some days ago, he was hired and briefed of his guard duty for the Ishgar Symposium just yesterday, and Giselle made some adjustments to his armor to prevent them from being heavily damaged just like from his previous battle in the snowy border between Pergrande and Bellum.. And then, finally came the day of the symposium. His siblings were dismayed that they couldn’t attend the symposium together. Well, technically, they are. Just not together. Francois had the opportunity to attend due to his job as a Rune Knight, with Ozwald tagging along with him. “I wish we could’ve attended the symposium together.” The emerald eyed Ozwald said, “It’s been so long since we last hung out! Couldn’t you have sent your brother dearest an email before?”

    “I’ll try.” The ruby eyed Michael replied halfheartedly, as if he remembered his twin brother’s email after losing his memory. “I’m quite busy with jobs, so I can’t guarantee I’ll send you a message soon.” The amethyst eyed Francois scoffs at his twin. “You couldn’t even make time to send us a letter? Even I, with my responsibilities to the Rune Knights, can make time for idle chatter with my kin.” “You’re literally a few walks away from home, Franz. Of course you have time to talk with everyone.” Ozwald retorted, then turning to face Michael, “Anyway, we’re only delaying your departure. I’m sure everyone would be pleased to see you on time.” “Right. Well, you have Giselle to join you for today, so if anything happens, she can just contact me.” He looked around and saw no sign of the woman. Perplexed, he asked, “Wait, where is she? No, don’t tell me. She’s sleeping all day, is she.”

    His twin siblings nodded in unison, after which a loud snore could be heard from one of the rooms. “She does look overworked. Well, we’ll wait for her to wake up. The symposium will be held in a few hours anyway.” said the time wizard. “Okay, then I’m off. I’ll meet with you guys here after the symposium is over.” After that, Michael turned to the door and left for guard duty.

    - ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ -

    The raven haired esper was called days prior to the symposium and was hired as a bodyguard for a representative of the Ishgar Symposium. He was briefed of the event and was tasked to guard the Pergrandian representative, much to his surprise. His employers were aware of his involvement in the Border Clashes, during which he dismantled various Pergrandian forward bases with his psionic power. He believed that they wanted him to guard the Pergrandian representative because of the enormous psionic power he wielded that they could trust him to keep them and the other Pergrandians in check, though this was not disclosed and more on speculation on his part.

    And now the day of the symposium is at hand. Michael was told to meet with the other bodyguards somewhere. It was time for him to get into his professional outfit. “Right. I better suit up.” He said as he donned his Hound Infantry armor, summoning his exosuit and connecting the armor pieces protruding from the red hexagons around him to it and making him look imposing. A high tech mask obscured his face, just as in the previous altercation he was involved in, to conceal his face.

    He was met with a colorful cast of wizards from Fiore who were tasked with the same duty as his. To say that he is wary of them is an understatement. He at least does not trust one of them, even more so after the ‘guild master’ introduced themselves as a ‘villain’. He’s only heard of him once, so he can’t be sure how dangerous he really is. With the way he introduced himself, Michael couldn’t exactly take him seriously. It was time to introduce himself, he thought. Out of respect as a soldier, he stood up and gave the woman a salute. “The name’s Michael Brooklyn Morgan.” He said, after which he put his hands at rest. “I was a soldier for a military group until it was disbanded. Now I’m a free roaming mercenary taking dangerous jobs solo. As for what I can do, let’s just say I’m an esper of some sorts, similar to your Paladins. I’m not sure how my talent as an esper will avail you, but, well, I’m a proficient telekinetic and a professional sniper. I can hunt down targets from far away and I have the ability to project a live 3d feed of anything within a certain radius around me through my clairvoyant ability and pseudo-magics.”

    POST WORD COUNT: +847 (847 Total)
    MEL @ WW


    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 19th October 2021, 11:29 am

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) YuriYuliHeaders

    So, this was it? The big event that these oh-so-smart politicians had thought up to secure their peace and prosperity or whatever it was?

    Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

    The city they had picked as the site for their senseless discussions, a stinking dump filled to the brim with shabby structures and run-down establishments, was swarming with vermin, weaklings who had come to see what they deemed the spectacle of the decade, no doubt. Disgusting.

    Thus were the thoughts of Yurielle deFleur and her twin sister, Yuliana deFleur, when they had traversed the city of Felidae, the shining jewel of Joya located between the frigid mountain tops. If they did not have a purpose here, then setting alight this place and watching it go up in smoke might have been an acceptable piece of morning entertainment for the two girls, but what was perhaps a combination of luck and fate would spare Felidae, and indeed, Joya on this day. For today, and only today, there was a much, so so much more interesting prize out for collection:

    The opportunity to plunge Bellum into a devastating conflict.

    The thought alone filled Yuliana with barely contained excitement which, despite the circumstances the two dark mages found themselves in, found expression on her face in a gleeful grin, and while Yurielle maintained her stoic, mask-like facade of emotionlessness, she, too, had to admit that she was looking forward to the events that would unfold with an almost childlike anticipation.

    It did not take long to find the small group gathered at the designated meeting place, one of the very few buildings that did not constitute a heap of trash serving as the assembly grounds for a peculiar crowd of mages. Indeed, mages in service of the Pergrandean Empire, or so it was said. A paradox in and of itself, but it seemed that even the largest nation in Earthland, normally holding an unshaken aversion to all things magical to a pathological degree, seemed to appreciate the value of arcane might at the negotiation table. A smart move, Yurielle pondered, Yuliana, in turn, hoping that, as a consequence of today's events, she would finally get to partake in a little bit of action. After all, this fact was what had gotten them hired as the Imperial Envoys' personal guard, allowing them to get within grasping distance of fulfilling the motive that had brought them here, to begin with.

    Much to their dismay, however, it seemed that, in what was a stroke of ill-fortune or simply unfortunate coincidence, the particularly talkative little rat, which still insisted on being their leader despite the fact that he was leaps and bounds weaker than Yuliana's little finger, had also found its way here. Yuliana visibly grimaced when she spotted the self-proclaimed god, Yurielle not even sparing him a glance before wordlessly taking a position beside the other mages present, none of whom either of the twins recognized.

    It did not take long, however, before the scene would change anew, the twins keeping to themselves until a woman, her appearance as brutish as her tone, entered the room. Her appearance was unremarkable at best, the three others she had in tow being barely worth the mention. Yuliana quietly scoffed under her breath.

    Until the woman started speaking, that was.

    The Flareblaze Witch's eyebrows inched closer together as they were furrowed in anger, an expression of fury overcoming the girl with the amber-hued oculi. Yuliana made motions to take a step forward, towards the woman that had provoked her with her unthinkable disrespect in the face of a god, but Yurielle stopped her twin sister with an elegant motion of her arm, the Icestorm Witch's piercing gaze of unblinking, cold eyes firmly affixed on the Warrior from Iceberg. "Now is not the time for that". The telepathic command was enough to make Yuliana stand down, the Flareblaze Witch taking a step back.

    In her stead, Yurielle took a step forward, her eyes not moving away from the Icebergian woman, though her expression, unmoving, unchanging like that of a porcelain doll, did not shift a bit.

    "My name is Yurielle deFleur-", she begun, pointing at her twin with an elegant motion of the hand, "-and this is my sister, Yuliana deFleur". She paused briefly, thinking about the best way to answer the second part of the woman's question, deciding that honestly would be the best course of action, her voice cold as ice when she spoke up anew, magical pressure of unrealistically tremendous proportions surrounding her briefly, her eyes, aglow with the light of sheer arcane might, seeming to stare right through the vermin that had so rudely addressed them before.

    "As for our capabilities, and let me assure you that this is no mere boast, we could obliterate this city and everyone in it with a single glance. Is that a sufficient level of strength for your cause?"

    Word Count: 815 / 4,000


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Aura 19th October 2021, 4:46 pm

    They’d called her a fool for siding with “the enemy”. And yes, perhaps she was just that, foolish. Foolish enough to add herself among the names of Pergrande’s security detail rather than Bellum’s; for the side she’d help massacre rather than the one she’d fought for. The demon queen had been all but kind to the Pergrandian soldiers in the bygone war many of them had participated in; not having taken many lives, but those she did… moreso torture than quick deaths. Unbefitting of one heading a legal guild, one could say, but she cared little for such matters on the field of battle. One could not tread upon it without having made their peace with the possibility of death-- no matter whom its herald would be. She’d been there before, had lived through that pain of flirting with death’s door. It made one a lot less soft when it came to matters as such. Perhaps that too had been one of the reasons she’d been bold enough to apply, and they’d been even bolder still to accept her. Or perhaps it had just been the fact Iceberg had been put in charge, and most-likely even none the wiser about her previous siding.

    To her allies she’d explained it as such; to keep an eye on the Pergrandian forces and their envoy, just in case. To the world however it would be different; an act of goodwill, to show that Fiore held no bias during these negotiations. And what better way to do so than to have one of the legal guilds’ guild masters apply herself, out of her own free will. One who had her own forces left to aid in case of emergencies. And yet she’d set out for Joya on her own, forsaking both her regal or usual casual attire for an old favorite. A red bodice, skin-tight tunic and ditto-coloured cloak, all buttoned up and adorned with one of her demonic regalia. Something she only wore when she was out on official business, as she was today. Not that she’d expect anyone to know what it meant; for all it was worth, it just looked like an extremely fancy ruby broach just begging to be stolen. Not that anyone would try, seeing the company she was currently keeping in the room they were assigned until further instructions were given. It wasn’t hard to notice she was clearly outmatched in terms of power compared to her fellow guards for this event; whereas she might be able to get on par with the two men present if she broke through her current bottlenecked power, the two women present were something else altogether.

    Even Astaroth, otherwise so unfazed by powerhouses, squirmed closer against her neck. Albeit an imposing dragon in truth, today he was only the size of a small lizard wrapped around Kenna’s neck, a spot of black contrasting against stark-white hair. It was easier to carry him around like this, and to veil his true form from whatever trouble could possibly come their way. After all, a surprise was far harder to counter.

    The demoness’ focus flurried back to the door when a red-haired woman entered the room, followed by a threesome of Iceberg warriors. They’d made it fairly hard not to notice, armed to the teeth and menacing in appearance… yet the way the woman, seemingly their leader, looked at the group gathered with disgust irked her. The expression on her face only hardened where it had just been relaxed moments prior, her back straightening ever so slightly. Weak or no, she’d not let herself be trampled upon by mere strangers. She’d even have to keep herself from clicking her tongue at the mention of “sacrifices”, but she managed perfectly. Yet her first request was a simple one; who were they, and what could they do.

    The young man with his pink-haired companion was mostly a surprise; slightly off-putting even that he was so, for lack of better words, ‘entertaining’ in his presentation. Even moreso when he declared to be none other than the guild master of Plumed Serpent, a dark guild that rose to power during the time she had been contained in her coma back in the Martyr’s Halls. Grateful for his explanations -be they true or not- Kenna made her mental notes, jotting down names, powers and more for later. As she did with each of the others in the room when their turn came to introduce themselves. A former soldier turned mercenary, with a curious powers, both martial and magical in nature by the sound of it. And lastly the two women, sisters so it seemed, and the confirmation that her hunch had been spot on when it came to their power. Ha. Even though the pressure was not at all intended for her, she still had to struggle to maintain her pokerface and at the very least seem unfazed by the cheer magical pressure. ‘T was best she did not get on this one’s bad side. Especially not if they were in cahoots with Plumed Serpent.

    Odhran Aegisbane. Michael Brooklyn Morgan. Yurielle and Yuliana deFleur.

    All names she’d have to remember.

    After the display of power however the Sabertooth guild master suddenly felt a lot more outmatched now her introduction was in order. Yet she’d stayed poised through it all, at least helping to come across that bit better than she actually was at this point. Although she lacked the magical pressure, her expression was just as unamused when she regarded the Iceberg warriors and their leader with a similar amount of disdain as they had. ”You may call me Kenna Terrynhain. I am one of Sabertooth’s guild masters, as well as reigning sovereign of the demonic South… at your service.” Although she bowed her head ever so slightly in greeting, there was a subtle undertone in the last few words. A warning. They were here to help them, not the other way around, and thus of value enough to at least warrant the effort to not be stepped on. Not that she’d be expecting any better the treatment if the precedent was what they could expect from all others of the Pergrandian delegates and their Iceberg allies.

    ”As for my capabilities. The better swordsmanship, the ability to command dragons and utilise their prowess for myself. I also hold the complete dominion over the essence of fire itself.” Kenna replied shortly, a simple flick of her finger allowing whatever source of fire present in the room to react to the gesture, suddenly brimming with more vigour and heat as they rapidly grew in size, only to shrink back to their original state within moments after the phenomenon.

    Wordcount: 1116 of 4000


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 20th October 2021, 5:16 pm

    Felidae City
    Odhran decided to lead the charge for the introductions, stating that he was absolutely certain they were fully aware of who he was. The other Iceberg tribesmen glanced at one another in confusion, even as the fiery-haired woman just continued to stare him down. Rather than obeying her commands and simply giving her a name and idea of his power scale, he decided to use the moment as a platform for his own ego and self-absorbed focus. It was as if he felt he stood upon a grand stage, before an audience of admirers that wanted to hear every intricate detail of his vainglorious achievements. To her credit, the woman did not speak up or interrupt Odhran, even as he conversed with the other woman called ‘Sweetie’. In fact, she seemingly paid attention to the entire dialogue, despite how lengthy it was.

    Soon enough it was time for the next man to speak, a very interesting fellow by the name of Michael Morgan. His history wasn’t that interesting but referencing himself as an esper marked him as curious. He even stated that his abilities were similar to that of Pergrande Paladins, the woman’s eyes narrowing ever so slightly at the confession. Adding into the fact that he was capable when it came to long range weaponry, he was proving to be the most useful of the bunch thus far. The introductions continue, the next coming from the two women that looked very much like sisters and indeed, confirmed they were as such. Yurielle and Yuliana deFleur had hard, frosted appearances that ebbed with contempt and dismissal. But after a moment, Yurielle decided to let loose her magical power, the pressure and weight of her strength weighing down on everyone in the room. Even the Iceberg tribesmen looked as if they were being forced down towards the ground, goosebumps rippling over their flesh.

    All except the fiery haired woman. She continued to stand, unflinching, against the weight of the magical power and the very sharp promise of what said strength was capable of. Yurielle demanded an answer, wanting to know if it was considered ‘enough’ for what was needed and no answer came, the wild woman flicking her gaze between the two silently before she finally moved her gaze over to the last member of the group. She called herself Kenna Terrynhain, the guild master of Sabertooth and apparently some kind of demonspawn. She classified herself as a moderate swordswoman, with the added abilities to command dragons as she saw fit and control fire in whatever manner she chose. Indeed, some of the magical lamps lining the walls flickered at her manipulation, bending to her will and granting viable proof of her claims without the same sharpness that the sister had showcased before.

    The woman held her gaze on Kenna for a moment then trailed her eyes back over the lot of them slowly. One of the tribesmen took a small step forward and muttered in her ear and she gave a soft nod. “Come,” she said, gesturing with her head towards the door they had arrived through and then led them through it. Through it, they would find a much nicer looking room; a study for all intents and purposes. Bookshelves lined the walls on either side, filled to the brim with tomes and grimoires from across the world. A fireplace, lit and crackling, made up most of the light in the cramped space, though a small, lit chandelier hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Standing near the fireplace, book in hand, was a man that could not be any older than sixteen. Brown hair brushed to the side and sharp, piercing blue eyes looked up from the pages to the group entering. He wore an elegant, furred cloak that bore the symbol of Pergrande over the breast and a regal, white and red shirt beneath.

    “It is always so interesting to hear how each individual perceives themselves, especially when asked such a blunt question from a blunt woman,” the teenager spoke as he clapped the book shut with his hand and turned to face the group. “Estrid is rarely impressed by people, which makes her a good person to first meet people under my employ.” His accent was thick and rich, proof of his higher standing within Pergrande’s hierarchy. “I am Imperial Envoy First Class Stefan Borisov, the man you’ll be protecting, despite my insistence otherwise. But her Majesty has the final word over these matters so alas, here we are.”

    He chuckled as he took a few steps forward. “I will not pretend that we’re here on friendly terms. I’ve read your dossiers and know a bit about all of you. It was curious that mages have taken it upon themselves to act as guard dogs but I suppose you all have your reasons,” he said with a smirk, looking over the faces of each of them. “Sabertooth’s guild master, a woman capable of controlling fire and dragons. I can’t say that we’ll have many dragons to contend with. Two sisters with extraordinary strength and personalities as cold as ice. I see that ‘show, not tell’ suits you better; something I’ll keep in mind. And better yet, you’re even more powerful than your very own guildmaster, the boasting man who was part of a guild that died then started up his own guild and scraped up the remains of the former. Tell me; what has Plumed Serpent accomplished since its inception?”

    Stefan settled his gaze on Michael. “You, however, are an interesting case. I, myself, am what you might call an ‘esper’. I was going to become a paladin myself, had not my interests piqued more at the prospect of joining the crown. It is refreshing to find someone who does not rely on the abhorrent phenomenon of magic.” Stefan sighed softly. “As I said, let’s not play at being friends; we’re all here to gain something. I’ll be helping Pergrande secure a peace with Bellum and you all get to make your country look sympathetic and caring. But I do not trust a single one of you; as far as I’m concerned, each and every one of you is here for the explicit reason of killing me or capturing me. Attempt to do so and Estrid will cut you down the middle and then I will personally make sure you stay alive as I transport you back to Pergrande and have your brain shoved in a canister, to be poked and prodded.” There was a sharp turn in his words, his tone cold and menacing as his face twisted into that of an amused maniac.

    After that brief moment of the mask slipping, he pulled it back on. “So big smiles. You’re all going to be a part of history and I’d hate for you to be remembered with scowls and frowns. Estrid, escort them out and give them the itinerary. I’ve some words I still need to memorize.” With a dismissive wave, he turned his back on the lot and opened his book once more, their existence gone from his attention.

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
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    Yuri and Yuli
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 26th October 2021, 7:39 am

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) YuriYuliHeaders

    The fact that the next person who introduced themselves, a woman, this time, would make clear that this meeting was attended not by one, but two Fiorean guild masters was something that made this gathering just that much more pathetic. Were all guild masters such unsightly weaklings these days? Was Fiore so soft that they would allow just anyone to become the leader of a guild? It was truly revolting, the deFleur twins both silently agreeing with each other on this point.

    Who knew? Maybe it would be best to rid themselves, and by extension, Fiore of the babbling buffoon who called himself a god and take the spot for themselves? No, there would be no joy in that. Leading a bunch of scuttling and scurrying rats would be no mark of accomplishment, no achievement whatsoever. Yurielle was quite content with her current position as an observer, and with those thoughts, the woman's name had already slipped her mind, deemed as not even worth the space it would take up in the girl's memory, Yuliana, naturally, following her sister's lead.

    The rude woman, who could undoubtedly pass as a man in any nation but Iceberg, seemed unimpressed, or rather, unmoved by the display of Yurielle's power, which was to be expected. Anyone impressed by what was merely the aura of a mage's true emotions was not even worth considering as anything that even approached powerful, which made all the more clear the level of strength these people dwelled on. The Icestorm Witch wouldn't demand an answer to her question. It didn't need one. She knew that her own and her sister's powers were an asset the group in allegiance to Pergrande could not pass on, and she would, with calculating frigidity, abuse that fact as much as possible, as much as she was sure the diplomats from Pergrande intended to make use of the mages who had volunteered to serve as their representation.

    It seemed, though, that the combined introductions from the mages would elicit at least a reaction from the Iceberg warrior woman, who beckoned the mages to follow her. Finally, things would progress from the endlessly boring chit-chat to something truly worth the twins' time. The two wordlessly followed the woman into the other room, sparing their surroundings very little attention. The first half of Yurielle's plan, the one pulling the strings for Pergrande, would be right before them, after all. Yurielle's characteristically cold gaze would pierce the young man, boy, really, though he wasn't much younger than the twins going by appearance alone, ice-blue eyes, unblinking and unfeeling, seeming to stare right through the Pergrandian envoy. Yuliana, with an observant calm uncharacteristic for the Flareblaze Witch, would share the sentiment, her oculi, alight with the hues of burning flame, peering at Stefan Borisov from between slightly furrowed brows.

    He was insufferable, that much was undeniable, but there was much information to be taken from his obnoxious and self-aggrandizing monologue, the boy being not much different to the talkative god of rats in that regard. The expression on his smug face gave Yuliana the impulse to wipe it away with her own fist, but she knew better than to follow that desire. Instead, she would shoot a glance to her sister as he talked and talked on, revealing that he, like one of the group's members, was an Esper, and while it was undoubtedly true that he did seem to enjoy the sound of his own voice, intelligence shone in his eyes and was reflected in his words. "Do you think that he will be a problem?", the telepathic question echoed within Yurielle's mind via the connection the twins shared through their shadows. "That is hard for me to say. I cannot find out more without being overt. He seems full of himself ... but who knows if it comes from a place of confidence ... or arrogance", the Icestorm Witch replied in much the same way.

    Yuliana agreed with her sister's assessment. "So we'll have to wait and see, huh?". Yurielle's reply was curt, but her tone conveyed her emotions about the situation the twins found themselves in perfectly. "So it would seem". Naturally, the girls cared very little for the envoy's threats. They would set their plans in motion, no matter who would get in their way, and if this so-called Esper, Stefan Borisov, would get in their way, he would soon find himself in more than he could handle. That much was a fact.

    Post Word Count: 749
    Word Count: 1,564 / 4,000


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.

    Odhran Aegisbane
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 26th October 2021, 5:35 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Odhran pouted, a discontented frown coming across his face as the man left the room. "Clearly you're just not paying attention. Elysium got assassinated by stupid people and Plumed Serpent's goals are just... way over your head! Don't worry, we have plans. Th-they're just top secret plans! That no one else is privy to!" This was in fact true to an extent. His many scouts and spies, most of which were demons bound by their souls to serve him, were on the prowl for high end targets to take down. He was not going to let Plumed Serpent die. He was not going to let his chance to shine brightly in the sunlight of dark guilds fizzle and die. He already went to blows with one Wizard Saint. Now who else could he take on? He looked around at the other people in the room. Yuli and Yuri were loyal guild members. Trustworthy, and certainly they loved him as their leader. After all, who couldn't? He was such a good leader! But what about the other two Fioran representatives that came in? The knight seemed like a fine sort. He was not someone to be particularly worried about, the future Warlord realized. Soldiers such as that were finnicky. He never knew which way they would lean, but if he was more interested in coin, Odhran could more than provide. At least, so long as some of his business ventures worked out. The bar made enough money, surely Maximon could spare a few of his hard earned coins.

    No, the interesting one was the woman who had a mild stench of fire and demon. She claimed to be a guild master of Sabertooth. When he read a travel brochure about Fiore when he was a mere lad of seventeen, he saw that Sabertooth was one of the more well beloved legal guilds. Maybe taking them down would be something that would get Plumed Serpent some notice... and him a place on the Council's Warlords. He quickly scribbled down her name on his hand. Yet another target to go after. Yet another one to beat.

    After a short period of settling down, Odhran leaned forwards in his chair, placing his hands beneath his chin. "I mean if we're being honest, I'm not looking for Fiore to look sympathetic and caring. I already know that it's pathetic, am I right?" He extended an arm to any of the people nearby for a hi five. It was not reciprocated. "Anyways, I'm in it for personal reasons." He got up and began monologuing, regardless of any protests telling him to stop. "What Envoy Borisov says is not untrue. Elysium fell to dust, the mirage fading nearly as soon as it appeared following our assault on Fairy Tail. Not long after, I found myself face to face with a new place, the one that my fellow guildmates know all too well. We are still a waking giant. Our power has not fully come into fruition quite yet, I will admit. But we of Plumed Serpent are not just about control, as Elysium was. We are not about establishing a new world order, like Errings Rising are. No, we have a more simple goal. Power. But power does not come just in strength. While Envoy Borisov wrongly stated that I am weaker than my two comrades in arms, they do have some inherent advantages over me. They have more powerful magic, this is true. But there is more to power than raw strength. And part of that power comes from promotion." He smiled, turning around. "It may be true that I have the weakest raw strength of anyone in this room. After all, I am a strategist, not a frontlines fighter. Miss Terrynhain has control of dragons and of flames. I cannot control any such magics. Mister Morgan is an esper. Again, such things are lost on me. But that is not to say that I am weak. No, I have plenty of ways that I am among the most powerful. And what better way to boost that power other than notoriety? So long as I am here, Envoy Borisov will not die. In fact, no harm will come to him. That would leave a bad name on Plumed Serpent. Being in such a high profile place, I have no doubt that something would be known of my actions here. Plus, with Bellum being associated with the Council, I am more than happy to oppose them."

    He sat back down, yawning. "Villain though I may be, I am a wise villain. I will not harm any of the people in this room except in self defense - when it comes to self defense, it's a no holds barred situation, you see. It's an unwise action for me to take and I would rather my brain not be poked an prodded. Too many dark secrets that are unfathomable by the common folk. Or anyone that's not me, to be honest. Did you know that you're not supposed to be able to live in the Celestial Spirit Realm for extended periods of time? Well, at least in the region that I go to. The King always says that he's shocked that I'm alive. Oh well, that's neither here nor there." He extended his arms out. "So long as we are together in this mission to safeguard the envoy, we will have a ceasefire. Friends is too much, as Envoy Borisov said."

    With that, he smiled and folded his hands on the table, looking around for who would be next to speak or to see if they were so engrossed in his captivating speech to attempt to follow it up.
    WC: 0950 | TWC: 1606

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) XBivwWT
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Knight Owl 26th October 2021, 6:30 pm

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Ishgard Symposium - Group 1 (Pergrande)

    Much to his disbelief, Michael couldn’t believe he’s working with some questionable individuals. True, this is much to be expected when you’re recruiting mercenaries, but to think they’d have the audacity to demonstrate their powers and entertain the thought of nuking the city just doesn’t seem right to him. Well, if they do have the ability to obliterate a city, he might as well keep a close eye on them. He wondered - why are they even here to begin with? The way he sees it now, they pose more of a threat than the Pergrandians, assuming they’re not in it for the money and are plotting something suspicious. Either way, he has to keep a close eye on them. Meanwhile, the other one who claimed to be a villain doesn’t exactly pose much of a threat to him, so he can’t say for sure if he is as much of a villain as he thought he is - nevermind the monologue that just passed as background noise to him. At least there is one person in this group he can trust - Kenna Terrynhain, the guildmaster of Sabertooth. He’s heard much of the guild from Giselle ever since he’s been pestered to join a guild. He refused to join one, much to her dismay. But regardless, he’s heard a lot of good things from them.

    Escorted out of the envoy’s room, he turned to them. “Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll tell you this. I trust Kenna because she’s a guildmaster of a respectable guild.” He then faced the deFleur twins with a serious look, obscured by the helmet worn over his head, “But with your display of power and audacity to even entertain the thought of obliterating this city, let’s just say I won’t be keeping my eyes off you all. I do not trust you.” He briefly released the psionic prison keeping both his eldritch and demonic auras from escaping. One would then perceive him as a very dangerous threat from the auras he gave off, due to containing the might of both the devil, Loki,  and the elder god, C’thulhu. It was just a brief glimpse of his otherworldly might, owed much to his unfortunate circumstances. His little stunt had an implied threat to the twins and the Plumed Serpent's guild master, and it was now clear that he isn’t just an ordinary soldier and esper to the rest of the group and the Pergrandian soldiers. He can clearly do much more than just move things with his mind, but he isn’t privy to tell the full extent of his psionic powers. After all, he is just as capable of obliterating the city by undoing reality. “So be on your best behavior, and don’t do anything to harm the treatise, the envoy, and the people in the city.” He said with a stern voice, haunted by the echoes of the eldritch gods, before concealing his auras with a psionic prison once more.

    He then turned to face the guildmaster of Sabertooth. He doesn’t have that much to say to her, but it’s best to make a good impression on her as a soldier. “I’ve heard lots of good things about Sabertooth. It would be a pleasure and an honor to work side by side with a respectable guildmaster.”

    POST WORD COUNT: +554 (1401 Total)
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Aura 27th October 2021, 2:04 pm

    She smiled softly as they were asked to follow, not much more than a friendly courtesy at best for she was all but amusing herself at this point. The study they were guided into was a lot more agreeable to comfort and reminded her much of certain rooms in Yggdrasil, be it that she felt a whole lot safer in those rooms than the one they were in now. But no matter. To find out that the youth they were introduced to was the Imperial Envoy they needed to protect however….It made the demoness question certain things, in silence, knowing better than to speak mindlessly here. Later perhaps, but now? No. Not now. Stefan Borisov, and moreso the undertone of arrogance riddled in his words seemed to irk her more than the Icebergian woman had earlier, and whereas she first thought to retort to the man ‘kindly’ mocking her, she only tilted her head ever so slightly to calm the small dragon silently growling against her neck. She whispered soft words to the beast in an archaic language long lost to the world, but it seemed to work in soothing the miniature beast, now huffing small puffs of smoke instead. There was no need in getting herself riled up because of a pertinent brat’s honeyed taunts; be they noble, royal or even imperial. He’d shown he felt superior to them, and they’d taken note, yet she doubted any of the group hired to protect this child felt any kinder for his disposition because of it.

    Borisov seemed ever so much kinder to the one that did not wield magic however, which made it all the more noticable where the discrimination hailed from. Yet the threats ushered after? The demoness would’ve laughed out loud had she any less restraint than what she had now. Truly. As if she didn’t hear those threats often enough already. Yes, ‘friends’ they were not, nor would they ever be. But the urge for this to be over sooner than later too stirred its head within her. It was a good thing Itori had tempered most of her stubborn fire already, because the guild master would’ve happily forfeit her title to teach the brat a thing or two right then and there… maybe she even envied the dark mages present for the freedom they had in that regard. A brief thought she quickly stored away again. Another time, perhaps.

    Leaving the envoy’s room behind her, her hand absent-mindedly toyed with the dragon on her shoulder, her focus on the young, masked soldier-- who too seemed to be hiding a whole lot more than he was keen on sharing. She could sense the demonic powers of a devil radiating from within him through her own blood, yet her magic reacted to something more godly. Curious. Utmost curious. He was stronger than her, that much she sensed, but how not as threateningly strong as the twins under. So when his focus fell on her, Kenna bowed her head in greeting. ”You’re a curious man, Mr. Morgan, but right you are. Allow me to repay the honor in kind-- surprisingly, to all of you.” The demoness looked at the others present, and gently ran her hands through her bangs. A pair of black and red horns grew from the small flames that licked her forehead, her pupils changing to become more demonic in nature, yet aside from her appearance she did not exert any additional magical presence. Not because she couldn’t, merely because she didn’t want to. ”Not many enjoy this form but tis tedious to keep it tucked away. Something I’d wish you would do a little bit more with regard to your speeches, Aegisbane.” She gave the man a short glance before looking at Yurielle and Yuliana, wanting to ask whether he did this often, but opting against it, seeing how they shared the hospitable nature of their collective employers at this moment. ”I don’t know how you manage, really.” After which the demoness turned quiet once more, her attention once more focusing on the Icebergian named Estrid.

    Wordcount: 681 || 1797 of 4000


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

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    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 28th October 2021, 7:31 pm

    Felidae City
    It seemed Odhran had a mind to stick up for his guild’s still budding existence, insisting that the guild he led was beyond the comprehension of the Pergrande representative. Stefan Borisov settled his gaze on the Plumed Serpent guild master’s face for a moment longer, an amused, if unbelieving, smile on his face before he simply continued onward. There was no reason to remark on the feeble attempt to save face; the truth was far more cutting than the whimpering of a single mage. The rest of the party seemed disinterested in adding to the conversation with the Imperial Envoy -- in fact, no one in particular went out of their way to address him directly. That was all the better for him; he preferred subjects that understood their positions and partook in them with complete silence. He dismissed them, sending them back into the room where they had originally gathered with Estrid as their handler.

    The Iceberg woman closed the door behind them and then the group decided to find their voices again. Odhran found himself a chair and took a moment to relax before going onto perhaps one of the longest monologues that anyone may have heard. Michael turned upon the group and confessed that he found no reason to trust the members of Plumed Serpent, instead finding hope in an ally within the guildmaster from Sabertooth. Estrid watched quietly as the multitude of conversations occurred one after the other, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed as her gaze flitted about the room. One of her brethren stepped up and whispered something to her quietly, earning an amused scoff and a shake of her head before she finally cleared her throat. “Enough talk. Especially you,” she said, pointing directly at Odhran. “You’ve wasted more words than a dāræ wastes time. The farce begins an hour after high noon, where Little Man and the kamphundr from Bellum will sign this insult of a treaty. Once it’s signed, there will be a feast that will last long into the evening. You two,” she said, pointing to Yurielle and Yuliana. “You will be with me in the front, as you two are the strongest. We’ll keep any danger that dares approach us from the front. You, the esper and the demon one; you will walk directly beside Little Man. Look high for dangers from above and around. And you, the þrótt-lauss, you will take up the rear with my orrostumaðr. Be wary of what lay behind us and keep your mouth shut. We leave in an hour. Do not leave the building during that time.”

    The group was given leave to relax and prepare themselves for their tasks for the next hour without interruption. Estrid returned to the room where Stefan was while her warriors remained in the room with the party, guarding the two doors leading outside and deeper within. Before long, the Envoy’s door opened and Estrid returned with the representative right behind her. “Take up your positions. We are heading up to the Market building to prepare,” Estrid barked at them. Once each one of them had moved into the correct positions -- and Estrid would have no problem going over and adjusting them physically and accordingly -- the Envoy would give a small nod and the doors would be opened.

    Felidae City was abuzz with activity at this point, with people lining the streets. Half the morning was already gone and the excitement of the afternoon’s event was at a fever pitch. As they moved along the streets, the members of the party would very easily spot Joya warriors bearing sashes. These black pieces of fabric had been presented to the warriors by the Rune Knights, who had been lent out to Felidae to help with the security of the city, and bore a small insignia of the military guild. The security would pay little to no attention to the moving group, their eyes focused on the crowds. Stefan chuckled as he took a quick glance around, looking over the shoulders of the members surrounding him. “Joya is fascinating, isn’t it? Anthropomorphic beings, playing the part of humans without truly being human. Savages, no doubt, but impressive ones nonetheless.” He spoke with very little disdain; in fact, it was almost baffling amusement. It was as if he were looking down at an ant that had caught his attention for a single, fleeting moment. Then his gaze turned to Kenna. “Miss Terrynhain, your abilities seem quite unique when weighed against the other magics of the world. It is a shame that such a lovely woman has reduced herself to the use of magic but nonetheless, I would be quite interested in seeing what limits your supposed ‘complete dominion’ over fire are.” He gave her a grin -- one that was not quite honest but betrayed his wicked curiosity over her power.

    From the side in which Michael had been set, he could sense something fast approaching. It was small but certainly headed in the direction of the party; in fact, it was safe to say it was directly aimed at the Envoy. With his psionic abilities, he had the opportunity to intercept the object before it made contact with Stefan Borisov. Should he do so, he'd suddenly be hit by a sticky, foul ichor. The rotten tomato would fall to the ground, even as a cry came from one of the alleyways. “Go home, Pergrande scum!” A female’s voice called out. Her cry of outrage was answered by a torrent of rotten fruit shadowing the sky, falling directly down on top of the group as it was hurled from the sudden appearance of an angry group of Joyans.

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
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    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 29th October 2021, 8:20 am

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) YuriYuliHeaders

    A ceasefire, huh? In principle, Yurielle agreed with Odhran, her opinion of him improving just the slightest bit. He was observant, at least, but the incessant babble was something he had to work on. Charismatic people knew how to get their point across with dramatically fewer words. In due time, she thought, he could better his standing over the course of this gathering, from an especially annoying rat to a useful little house cat, perhaps?

    As soon as the thought of ceasefire had come up, however, one of the little maggots would do its utmost to ruin the Icestorm Witch's inclination towards a peaceful resolution to today's events, her cold eyes turning towards the armored man slowly when he addressed the twins, Yuliana turning to face the man, as well. Yurielle's expression now, for the first time since showing herself before these people, would shift, her eyebrows inching closer together ever-so-slightly, though cold fury was raging like a blizzard within her unrelenting gaze. Yuliana, on the other hand, barely made a mystery of her outward hostility, some might even say aggression, a broad grin spreading across her furious features.

    "Won't be keeping your eyes off us? We shouldn't harm the poor, poor people of this city?", Yuliana veritably snorted in mocking as she took a step towards the little rodent who had so boldly provoked her, no doubt thinking that his piss-poor display of "power", something that he unmistakably saw as grand and imposing, would even approach credible intimidation. Normally, Yurielle would have, of course, held her back, but this one, this especially ballsy little insect, he deserved a lesson in what true power meant. "Who the fuck are you to try and strongman us, you revolting piece of shit?!", Yuliana continued, paying no attention whatsoever to the other presences in the room as she took another step towards the self-proclaimed Esper. Her voice grew in intensity, the grin across her face spreading wider, becoming toothier with every word spoken, giving rise to a truly demented expression of murderous glee. "If you're so confident, maybe we should try destroying this city right here, right now? And who would even be able to stop us? YOU? A filthy, weak little rat scurrying around without a single usable brain cell in its head? I should rip it off right where you stand and-".

    Her threat was interrupted by the woman from Iceberg, Yuliana turning her oculi, a pair aglow with the hues of a raging inferno, towards her, an audible "Tsk" escaping her lips. She'd almost lost her cool, realizing it just in time. They were here for a reason, she was once more reminded, Yuliana turning back to her sister, but not without shooting a rage-filled glance over her shoulder back at the self-identified Esper, her words laced with venom that, if given form, could certainly kill. "Keep your cretinous mouth shut if you know what's good for you". With that, the tension that had filled the chamber dissipated as quickly as it had risen.

    Yurielle's voice echoed through her sister's mind, a small giggle, unheard by the rest of the assembled group, following her words. "A disappointing conclusion. I think it would have been entertaining to see you use the maggot's head as a punching bag".

    Yuliana, however, wasn't in the mood to converse about this topic any longer, a pouty "Hmph" being the only reply the Flareblaze Witch's twin sister would receive. Needless to say, the twins would keep this in mind. There was no mistaking it. The little piece of shit had definitely released an aura that belonged to an eldritch being, something both Yurielle and Yuliana had no trouble discerning. Michael, after all, was not the only one here serving as a host to just such an entity. The twins, when asked about their power, of course, had also failed to mention that they both were something people commonly referred to as Slayers, their magic specifically crafted to hunt and destroy just such creatures, this fact only reinforcing Yuliana's knowledge that, had she not been rudely interrupted yet again, the Esper would be nothing more than a bloodied smear on one of the walls of this room by now, and if the opportunity arose, that would be the fate awaiting him.

    After this little escapade had come and passed, things had begun to happen rather quickly. Yurielle and Yuliana kept to themselves, conversing telepathically without any means of intrusion into their chat, paying no mind to the Sabertooth Guild Master and her own antics, as well as the warriors or the other mages. An hour passed swiftly. The twins were assigned their positions in the group, their duty, much like that of the other mages, being the protection of the Imperial Envoy. That much was crystal-clear. The moment to embark towards the market, where the peace talks would apparently be held, had come, the group finally proceeding towards their objective.

    Yurielle and Yuliana, beside the Iceberg warrior woman, would lead the group, the most intelligent choice, naturally. As the rude woman had said, the two were the strongest present. Being the vanguard was not only the most obvious, but also the most tactically sound option. Still, it would leave Yurielle, who strode forward with ever-graceful steps and bearing of almost regal nature, to take in the sights of Felidae City in full. The girl, unlike the Imperial Envoy, held no curiosity for these creatures, her feelings best described as contempt. Not only did they behave like animals, they also looked, smelled, and sounded the part, reinforcing her belief that these people were indeed nothing more than vermin. Yuliana, however, gave herself nonchalant, all while glancing about with keen interest. So this was the essence of Joya? It was primitive when compared to other nations of Earthland, Fiore or Minstrel, certainly, but it had its own niche, the Flareblaze Witch supposed. To both twins, however, this was not what was important. They were slowly approaching their objective, the Envoy being nothing but a matter of secondary importance. The real target was whatever puppet Bellum had sent to these negotiations, and the Pergrandian was merely a stepping stone on their way towards that individual, but as long as they did not know where this individual was and what they were capable of ... well, they would have to play along with this little farce. What the other mages in the group, or even what the Imperial envoy himself planned was of little consequence to the twin witches.

    That was, however, when the situation changed once again, one of the bystanders having the audacity to hurl rotten fruit at the group. It seemed like Pergrande had made a name for itself internationally, and this sentiment was certainly reflected within the populace of Felidae City. Yuliana scowled, but this time it would be Yurielle to act first, ignoring what the Esper in the group did as she stepped forward. "Filthy maggots. Know your place".

    At once, with a snap of her fingers, the air around the group was filled with might, raw, unrestricted power on a different level than that she had displayed back when the Iceberg warrior had demanded an introduction. No, this time, the air would, in a moment that passed like an instant, be filled with pressure that could easily crush a person, if its wielder so desired, the fruit flying towards the group smashing into the ground ineffectually if her ability would take shape unhindered. Yurielle had closed one of her eyes, the other one, alight with a burning flare of deeply radiant azure, peering at the crowd, her pupil twisted into the shape of a 4-pointed star as she spoke, her voice whipping across the streets of Felidae like a hurricane, backed by the immense pressure of her raw supernatural authority.

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) 0t7pWTe

    At once, every single person in the crowd of onlookers without sufficient resistance to her might would be forced to execute her command and obey as if an iron-grip had pushed their bodies to do so, freezing them in place. The mages, the warriors, and the envoy, of course, would be exempt from the authority of this command. Still, Yurielle would slowly turn to glance at the envoy, her single eye, lit up eerily with the devastating cold of winter's ice, staring through the Pergrandian as she directed a simple question at the envoy.

    "Should I eliminate them?"

    Post Word Count: 1,403
    Word Count: 2,967 / 4,000

    OOC Notes:


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 29th October 2021, 5:34 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    "Just as important as the front of the pack is he who controls the train!" Odhran laughed at hearing his assignment. He figured that this was meant as a slight to him, he could sense a feeling of contempt oozing from the woman of Iceberg as assignments were given out. He waited in his seat a few moments before getting up, rifling through his ring of keys. "I trust all of you have your particular ways of keeping the peace. Make Plumed Serpent proud, Yulianna and Yurielle."

    Soon enough, Odhran would huddle up in a corner, having decided his summons for the purposes of this mission. Sweetie was already out, and she would serve as the vanguard amongst vangaurds. He soon enough summoned Emperor, Atsuai, and Jin-Ho, with Jin-Ho taking the front spot of the tandem of five, Emperor on Odhran's left, and Atsuai on his right. Even if by themselves the Celestial Spirits could not hold as strong as someone properly tethered to this realm of existence, their numbers and their impressive strength would hold fast enough. He would soon move over to Kenna and Michael. "I trust that you two will be competent fighters, but if things get into a large enough scrap, bring yourselves and the envoy near my heavily armored lad over there. He has plenty of defenses in store, and my other Spirits should be capable of fending off any attacks, or at the very least we should be able to eliminate foes quickly enough. Should we get into a large enough battle, let Jin-Ho and Sweetie take the front lines. Should they fall in battle, they can return soon enough. Don't worry, it's not heartless, they know this too. Heck, it's even Sweetie's suggestion from time to time." His eyes darted back and forth between the two unfamiliar members of the Fioran party. "Change of plans. Jin-Ho, would you take whichever side Miss Terrynhain is on. Sweetie, you back up Morgan." The two Spirits nodded. He spoke up to Yuli and Yuri, hoping they were paying enough attention to hear him. "I doubt either of you will need it, but should you need assistance, call upon Emperor. Me and Atsuai will hang around the Envoy at all times."

    Atsuai smiled. "Oh, you shouldn't be so kind to me! I get to keep you all to myself!"

    "No, it's just a practicality thing. You're a ranged fighter, and Hallow's Phantom is particularly good with ranged fighting as well. You know, the whole 'eye laser' thing. It's a bit on the helpful side, gotta say." He once again spoke up. "Of course, we're hoping that this isn't a situation where we get to this point, but if it is, I hope you do not mind me taking a strategist role. After all, only someone with my unfettered brilliance can be as competent a commander as needed for this important task."

    He laughed and left them, going back to strategize other plans with his Spirits until the lady from Iceberg returned, hopefully not questioning the sudden appearance of three more people. Just as instructed, he would be behind the rest of the train, a miniature convoy of Spirits surrounding him, with Emperor at the front, Sweetie and Jin-Ho at his sides, and Atsuai as the very last member of the train, constantly on the lookout for any foes that would come near.

    "Nothing as of yet."

    Security was tight, even with the crowds shuffling about the street.

    "Remember, no diplomatic incidents," Odhran said in a hushed tone, quiet enough for only his Spirits to hear.

    "Still on our toes, however. It's likely that something will happen. I have a feeling that not everyone in Pergrande and Bellum is happy with this peace being made."

    "Likely not. We're hoping it's nothing major, don't want to risk failing in our mission and ruining the good name of Plumed Serpent."

    "Indeed. Such an incident would certainly sully our prestigious name." Emperor agreed.

    Sweetie was about to make her own comment when a familiar voice boomed out a command to kneel. Sure enough, the crowds had knelt down. "How kind of you to have them kneel. Definitely shows some reverence to Plumed Serpent. As for that whole 'elimination' thing, well I'm not one to tell you what you can and can't do. So I'll leave it up to mister envoy man to decide. Unless I'm in a tie breaker vote. In that case, I'll speak my mind. But not know. My reputation is on the line." He smiled, his hands still casually in his pockets as Atsuai aimed her bow, Jin-Ho and Emperor had their swords drawn, and Sweetie was in a fighting stance. "But I mean if anyone else is gonna try to attack us, don't hesitate. Make a decision, and probably whichever gets you back on the front lines quicker."

    Odhran shrugged, the translucent form of Hallow's Phantom emerging behind him, his sightlines like spotlights as he scanned the nearby area for more assailants. "Honestly, a part of me wants more people to show up. Phantom's eye lasers are freakin' cool, you know?" As he said this, Odhran held out Emperor's key, ready to summon defenses if need be. "Anyways, it's boring if we drag this out any longer, so if anyone else wants to try to attack us, do it now. Just get it over with and all that."
    WC: 0901| TWC: 2507

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) XBivwWT
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Knight Owl 5th November 2021, 2:27 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Ishgard Symposium - Group 1 (Pergrande)

    Michael had just listened to the brat’s prattle. He wasn’t amused, and thought it was just a little brat’s tantrum. He isn’t exactly fond of babysitting brats like them, so it was great that he’s cooperating with the Sabretooth guildmaster. However, this just means he won’t be able to keep an eye on the twins directly. Which is fine for him, he’ll just have to keep an eye on his psionic radar, keeping tabs on everyone’s actions and labelling the dots on the map. The Pergrandians’ dots were colored a crystal blue, while the envoy’s dot was golden and marked with a star, labelled appropriately with his name. Kenna was appropriately marked yellow, bearing the same yellow insignia of the sabretooth and was shaped as such. Meanwhile, those he can’t trust are colored a lighter red. He trusts that the soldier named Estrid would ‘put a leash over their heads’ and control them, considering their tech being able to suppress magic as evident from his previous fight with the Paladins.

    The door opened to the bustling city while he was accompanying the envoy towards where they were going. Nothing out of the ordinary, he thought, until later his danger senses kicked in as he felt something fast approaching. Reacting quickly, Michael used his telekinetic grip to intercept the attack. Though unfortunately, he grabbed it too hard and made a mess on himself as foul ichor stained his pristine armor. He squinted at the object, as he was trying to tell what this substance was. The color was muddied and, because of the helmet, he can’t exactly tell what it was from the smell due to his slight color blindness. Whatever it was, someone wasn’t pleased, as someone from the crowd yelled out an insult to the envoy. He’d heard it before, perhaps while he was in the port city of Lavanitir. ‘Pergrandian scum’ wasn’t a very new insult to him. And then it occurred to him that the objects thrown were, in fact, tomatoes. And it wasn’t just one who was displeased - it was a group of angry Joyans, as Michael looked up to see a rain of tomatoes going down their location, aimed towards the envoy. He’d considered turning them into butterflies through reality manipulation, or sending them elsewhere with a portal, but that’d expose his hand. They’re just tomatoes, afterall, so why go all out when you can exercise restraint?

    He raised his hand as if grabbing one of the tomatoes, using his telekinesis to manipulate them as an exercise of his psionic ability. Then, as if being controlled by an invisible supernatural force, some of the tomatoes stopped moving, this time with more restraint, so as not to repeat the mistake he did prior. Perfectly intact, the tomatoes would then drop to the side slowly, and away from the envoy’s path. He’d only taken care of the tomatoes that’d directly hit the envoy and missed several of them, whom he trusts the Sabretooth guildmaster to take care of. Michael then noticed the crowd after he’d heard one of the twin’s voices. Needless to say, he isn’t pleased at all. In fact, he’d have a lot of shit to say, but he couldn’t compose his thoughts clearly, as the only words that escaped his mouth was, “Those brats!” He could feel his anger rising, with his demon side responding in kind to his hostility against the twins. It quickly died down knowing that he shouldn’t make a scene, not in front of the crowd anyways, and not while his twins are around.

    POST WORD COUNT: +595 (1996 Total)
    MEL @ WW



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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Aura 5th November 2021, 4:09 pm

    So, her place would be beside the Envoy, it seemed. Both her and Michael stationed to a side each, Odhran closing the ranks with his summons, and the twins out front. Honestly, with the power they packed it seemed only normal for them to take the helm of this party, even if it were alongside the Icebergian warriors. In the time they were left to prepare Kenna sought to bring her sword into play as well, letting the flames take form in the palm of her hand until a giant sword appeared from it, inches from beating her in size. Yet for some reason the demoness handled the sword as easily as one would a simple potato cutter, the giant sword practically weightless in her grasp. Kenna interrupted her lazy practice swings when Odhran intervened with his summons, the demoness storing the sword away on her back, explaining that if they were to get in a pinch they could leave the defenses to him. It was good to know someone had their back, but highly unlikely that the Sabertooth guild master would willingly leave their shared charge out of her sight; after all, they were dark mages. She’d be a fool to leave them be, fully trusted.

    Soon enough they’d be called on to depart, everyone being put in position and meticulously checked. She’d taken up station on the envoy’s right, whispering soft commands to the small drake resting on her own right shoulder, in an ancient tongue so none other would know what exactly she was telling her bonded guardian. Crimson eyes followed the crowds meticulously, focused on the few things that could potentially seem off. The glimpse of a weapon, the sudden surge of mana-- anything to give away a potential threat. Her eyes only wavered to glance at Envoy Borisov when he actually addressed her, sounding rather interested about the magic she called her own. The way his eyes betrayed his curiosity would’ve been flattering; were it not she did not trust the man one bit. Whether her wariness would serve her well or whether it was unnecessary was something only the future would tell, but part of her wished to indulge the man. Teen? Either way. She’d only do so a little.

    A soft chuckle escaped the demoness as she glanced at Borisov in full before her gaze went back to observing the crowds. “Although I suppose I could see where you’re coming from, Lord Envoy, one cannot simply deny one’s blood, now can they?” A strong scent of rotting fruit filled her nostrils, the demoness now actively trying to pinpoint the increasingly foul smell’s position. ”The fire’s been a part of me, and pray tell I’ll never have to use its true limits,” Soon enough a multitude of rotting tomatoes was tossed their way, alongside the usual profanities certain Joyans seemed to enjoy using for the Pergrandian Delegation. Michael went on to catch a large batch of them with his own power, the rotting fruit harmlessly dropping to the ground, while those that passed by his defenses were left for the demoness to take care of. Kenna would raise her hand, a small magic circle in the palm of her hand, allowing a dense amount of flames to emerge from within. It would rapidly cover the entire group from above, looming like a dome above them, the fire taking form and condensing until those within could properly see through it again. Any of the tomatoes thrown that were to be intercepted by the shield would burn away by the cheer heat, burning away in a matter of moments until not even ashes remained.

    Only when Yurielle’s voice thundered across the crowds, commanding them to kneel, would the Sabertooth guildmaster lower the shield, curiously watching as the crowd would succumb to her might and bend the knee. It left the demoness to see how big the power gap was between her and the twins… intriguing, but not discouraging. Troublesome if they were to turn against her, yes, or against the group as a whole. She’d just have to make up through swift thinking rather than brute strength if that were to happen. The flames dissipated in full when she lowered her hand, flexing her fingers so the remainder of mana too would leave her palm. She’d then look at the Envoy and nodded at Yurielle’s display of power, but only after the Envoy had given his reply to the twins. ”When I reach her level of power… not even anti-magic barriers would be able to keep my flames at bay. Do not forget, Lord Borisov... fire has no limits, as long as there’s fuel to fan its flames. Be that fuel whatever it may.” she’d give the man a wicked grin in return, reverting her attention back to the crowds until she was needed again.

    Wordcount: 809 || 2606 of 4000


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 5th November 2021, 9:47 pm

    Felidae City
    It was not what one would consider a full blown incident, that much was sure. The possibility of having one’s clothes stained with rotten, foul smelling fruit was more a nuisance than anything else. Unfortunately for the anxious group of outspoken Joyans, Stefan Borisov was all about presentation. The garments he wore were perfectly crimped and straightened, lacking any kind of blemish that others may have accepted and ignored. The very idea that his uniform could be besmirched by anyone would be enough to drive him into a rage that many were unlucky to have seen. His eyes flipped up to see the tomatoes coming down and a flash of pure, unadulterated fury swept over his face in the briefest of moments. But the party acted quick enough to stop him from being stained; Michael used his own telepathic abilities to remove some, Kenna melted away a decent chunk and Yurielle pulled down the rest at an increased velocity away from the gathered group. The Iceberg warriors were at arms in an instant, their axes and blades brought up and ready as their eyes scanned the crowd. But their concern settled as the powerful aura from Yurielle’s magic took a tight grip of the very air around them and crushed it. With a single command, she forced the entirety of the street to their knees, stopping any further attempts to protest.

    Stefan’s brow rose several inches, earnestly surprised and impressed with the woman’s power. His gaze lifted to meet Yurielle’s as she looked to him, asking if they should be eliminated. He held that connection for several seconds, taking the option into serious consideration. Then slowly his mouth spread open into an easy, confident smirk. He pushed out from the core of the group, much to Estrid’s concern but he waved her off. “Do not concern yourself, Estrid. Yurielle seems to have this matter quite in hand,” he stated as he moved past the sisters and walked to the opposite side of the street. He came to a stop in front of the cowed crowd, his hands folding themselves behind his back as he gazed down upon them, a dark malice in his stare as he took in each individual.

    “No, I see no reason to kill them. After all, these people are more than welcome to express whatever viewpoints they have… as am I.” His eyes settled on the woman that had yelled before. “You called me scum? What would that make you? You, with your disgusting, animalistic features? You, who relies on technological advances so antiquated that you barely matter on a global scale. Why, you all must be the vilest, nauseating excrement that creation ever burped out.” Stefan reached down and took hold of the woman’s chin between his thumb and finger, holding her face in place. “Protest all you want. But know that someday soon, you may regret your words when you’re looking down the barrel of our weapons.”

    Unseen by the party, Stefan’s eyes flashed as his telepathic abilities engaged. His influence stretched to everyone in attendance, even including the guards that had been nominated by the Rune Knights. He invaded their minds, weaving a simple set of words with lethal intent. By day’s end, you will return home and take your own life. The Envoy acted so quickly and efficiently that even Michael, a fellow esper, would have no clue of the cunning move.

    And then, like that, he released the woman’s face. “You may release them. I have no intention of making this day more complicated than it already is,” he told Yurielle, his tone once more platonic and dignified. His twisted smirk flashed once more as he looked at the group, their eyes wide as his invasive influence began to sink in. Then he returned to the party, setting himself back in the center of his protectors. “Take care, Morgan. Yurielle was simply anticipating a plausible move against what could very well have been enemies. Just because they wear the faces of peasants does not mean they are any less capable of sticking a knife in your back when you’re not looking.”

    Taking a moment to adjust his collar, he glanced over at Kenna as she remarked that once she was as strong as Yurielle, her flames would be unstoppable. He chuckled. “Confidence in power is good but careful not to overstep, Miss Terrynhain. Many defeated rulers have believed their strength was without limit. Let’s move along.” The Envoy gave a casual wave to Estrid. They would begin their trek once the magics had settled, allowing the crowd to stand and rush away. For a good part of their trip up the hill, they would move unhindered. The crowds shifted to make room for the guarded group, eyes averting and paces picking up. The only hiccup would come as they approached the steepest part of the ascent. The road leading to the front of the Market was blocked off and several Joyan guards were posted along the blockage.

    “Move this now.” Estrid demanded.

    “We can’t do that. There are rioters moving about the streets, causing disruptions. It’s too unsafe for anyone to move through, especially your group,” one of the guards explained.

    “I do not care. We are capable of handling anyone that comes at us,” the Iceberg warrior hissed back.

    “We want to keep the violence to a minimum. There is an alternate route down this way,” the guard explained, gesturing toward a winding path. A quick glance would allow anyone in the party to see that the trail dipped down into the mountain, the cliffside carved out for a scenic stroll under the stone. “It will be safer and it will bring you right to a back entryway leading into the Market.”

    Estrid began to protest again when Stefan spoke up once more. “Let’s not squabble. Let us take this alternate path and be done with this journey. Carry on, Estrid.” The Iceberg woman glanced back and then, with a small sigh, nodded. With a new path decided, Estrid would guide them down the hill and into the stony route below.

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
    You have until 11/12/2021 to post
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 11th November 2021, 12:09 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    A cross look came across the guild master's face. "I was here, too!" he said, obvious distress in his voice. "I-I mean, I was the only one here that actually tried focusing on defending! Everyone else was trying to attack people!"

    "I suggest you drop this point, Master Aegisbane," Jin-Ho stated, the Spirits all arranging themselves in their own miniature formation around Odhran.

    "I suppose. Although, if you want, you could just leave things to me. I'm more than happy with slaughtering innoc- I-I mean, I'm fine with dealing with crowds that are in the... uh... way of progress? You know, no matter how I word it, it sounds awful."

    "I imagine that's because most people think it is awful. They just don't understand that sometimes there are sacrifices that need to be made in the name of peace."

    "I mean, we definitely have done some things that count as war cri-"

    Emperor held a hand up to stop Sweetie from continuing. "I suggest you cease trying to elaborate." Emperor gave a slight bow to Estrid and Stefan. "I apologize for my summoner and my fellow companions. He promotes perhaps too lax an air. Fear not, I will ensure that they are on the correct path and focused on assisting you."

    "I'd be mad if I knew what 'lax' meant." All four of Odhran's summons gave disappointed looks at him. "Well, either way, I would not precisely trust this winding mountain path. True, it's safer from the masses, but there's still plenty of issues with this particular path. For starters, it is treacherously thin. Yes, yes, our caravan can pass through, but with enough jostling around, it's easy to fall off the cliffside. And on that, I would hazard that it should not be difficult to destroy the cliffside itself with a powerful enough magic. While I obviously am capable of such things, I suspect that even a low ranking officer of the Rune Knights could be capable of such a feat. They don't need to destroy the entire cliffside, but if enough of the path is ruined, suddenly the envoy tumbles down the cliff to his death, never to reach the peace agreement. There's also one more thing, of course. How do we know this isn't a trap? It seems awfully secluded to go this alternate route. Yes, it's away from the riots, but it's ripe for an ambush. What I would personally like to do is be able to scout out the area and be able to make sure things are safe. But, at the same time, I realize that I have no proof of this." He shrugged. "Well, that doesn't really matter. I'm here to boost the prestige of Plumed Serpent, so I'll listen to whatever orders are given to me. I just want to exercise caution. If it's not too big of a deal, mind if I personally trail at a small pace back? Jin-Ho and Emperor will be at your side, but I would like to be able to search for potential dangers and be able to guard the rear or spot out any possible ambushes. Though if not, doesn't bother me. I'm only just guessing anyways."

    WC: 0533 | TWC: 3040

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) XBivwWT
    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Everwinter Abyss Slayer
    Third Skill: Supernova Abyss Slayer

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 12th November 2021, 11:35 am

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) YuriYuliHeaders

    Certainly enough, Yurielle deFleur's thundering voice, which had delivered the rather persuasive arcane command of complete domination, caused the mass of people to kneel at once, the distinctly impressive sound of hundreds bending the knee at the same time echoing through the crowded street before an eery silence filled the air. Time appeared frozen for just a passing moment until the envoy reacted to the display, making no mystery of his obvious glee. Yurielle, however, decidedly ignored Odhran, who seemed to have another fit of mania when he opened his mouth anew, the opinion the Icestorm Witch held about him, previously risen, lowering once again. It was amusing in its own way, the way he managed to both rise and fall in his standing in just the deFleur twins' eyes within the span of mere minutes, again and again. He, however, was not the one to call the shots here, or, well, in any other scenario. Not as far as Yurielle and Yuliana were concerned.

    Yurielle's wide-open left eye followed Borisov as he moved, not immediately receiving an answer to her question as he told his own guard to stand down, advancing past the older of the white-haired twins and towards the paralyzed mob, which was, of course, still firmly held in place via chains of supernatural force. Then, however, the Imperial Envoy signaled his rejection of Yurielle's implied proposal, the silent intent to commit an unspeakable atrocity that had filled the air about her vanishing as quickly as it had come with a simple "As you wish". The girl and her sister, which had crossed her arms and enjoyed the little show with a broad, genuine smile of evidently smug superiority, simply listened to the envoy with their respective attitudes.

    Honestly, the twins couldn't help but individually agree with the envoy, Yuliana nodding along with what the man said, maintaining her overt expression of perceived dominance, while Yurielle remained characteristically silent and stoic, though would agree without indication of that fact. These creatures, whatever they were in the end, they were filthy, weak animals, naught much more than dirt on the roadside, and as Stefan had so eloquently put it, excrement, indeed. Their lives, naturally, were hardly of any concern to either deFleur twin.

    When the command from the Pergrandian came, Yurielle did not hesitate. "Very well", came the soft, composed reply in stark contrast to the air of authority the girl had had about her only seconds prior. Within a moment, the glow from within the marble-like oculus of ice-hued azure would dim and the magic would disperse, allowing the people lined up on their knees to move freely once more, though Yurielle remained vigilant and maintained not only her left Mystic Eye. With a deep, inhaling breath, the Icestorm witch opened her right eye as well, the pupil shifting like a shadow steeped in frigid emptiness in the same manner the other had. Yuliana, of course, interpreted this signal without any words, the Flareblaze Witch closing her eyes for just a passing moment before opening them anew, a broad grin spreading across her lips once more, the distinct shape of a 4-pointed star shining from within the inferno that was her gaze. With the interference of bystanders, it had become apparent that anyone in this crowd could be a threat to the twins' plans, which, naturally, necessitated approaching their task of defending the Envoy with a little more seriousness.

    Thus, with their greatest weapon in the form of two sets of God-Killer Mystic Eyes being ready for anything that might befall the group, Yurielle and Yuliana proceeded at the head of the group as the envoy decided it was time to advance once more, without further incident ... for the time being, that was, and it did not long to change that fact.

    The road ahead appeared blocked off, awfully conveniently, however, a different route seemed to be available, a fact that Odhran, to sum up an entirely unnecessary speech that seemed to drag on and on, apparently objected to. The envoy, however, did not seem to mind much. It was clear who of the two the twins would follow, but the particularly talkative god of rats had a point when he mentioned that it would be an ideal spot for an ambush, and if even the braindead summoning mage could figure that much out then anyone whose aversion to Pergrande ran deeper than mere rotten fruit would express could, too. "Do you think we'll run into more trouble?", the telepathic question Yuliana raised echoed within Yurielle's mind, the girl giving a swift reply in kind to her twin sister. "It is likely. Remain vigilant. If we encounter resistance seeking to ruin our plans ... then you have my permission to slaughter anyone who gets in our way. Do not hesitate". The grin on Yuliana's face, an expression of relaxed anticipation, broadened ever-so-slightly. "Got it". With this matter settled, the twins followed the warrior woman from Iceberg, the trio forming the vanguard, Yurielle's and Yuliana's imposingly sharp senses scanning for any anomaly, the incident that was almost guaranteed to occur any moment now.

    Post Word Count: 856
    Word Count: 3,821 / 4,000

    OOC Notes:


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Aura 12th November 2021, 5:25 pm

    "I have confidence in what I can do at current, Lord Envoy, but a girl can dream." Dream of what it could become. What it will become, if fate was willing and her efforts worthwhile. But there was no use in saying that out loud. Rather to act naive than to lay all her cards on the table...  maybe she'd already said too much as is. Oh well, no use worrying about it now; what was worth her worry was the situation at hand, where their original path had been cut off and they were urged to take another, all for the sake of riots and wanting to keep the violence on the downlow. The fact they'd allowed such a thing to happen regardless of Joya's precautions and the Magic Council's help however bothered the demoness, who'd let her gaze wander across the barricades and into the distance of the blocked road. If anything she'd rather force her way through those idiots than become living targets on an even trickier path along the cliffside, and it seemed she was not the only one who wasn't keen on taking the alternate route suggested.

    But unlike those who worried, Borisov felt little to be disheartened about, instead wishing for things to be over with all the sooner. Even if that meant going down a different path, to which the entire delegation merely followed the man’s orders; if he wanted to go down the slope and up the cliffs, down the slope and up the cliffs they went. Yet that did not mean the demoness was any less keen on taking the winding path down the cliffside, where she doubted any reinforcements would be stationed, or reconnaissance had been done to warrant safe passage. If anything, this particular route screamed “trap” right in their faces, but that seemed to phase the soldier in front of them barely little, only intent on keeping his streets safe. Well, to each their own. And to her an extra helping of adrenaline to keep her senses on edge.

    As they followed their way down, Kenna resorted to speaking little with her companions, instead whispering a few more words to the small drake in their shared ancient language, urging the dragon to emerge from her collar and properly perch itself upon her shoulder. An extra pair of eyes never hurt, just in case things did decide to get awry. Honestly, she was anticipating it by now, because the tomato incident aside everything had been going surprisingly smoothly. Until now, that is. To keep the distraction to a minimum their conversation became a silent one, the draconic tongue resonating in her mind as the dragon muttered to her on its own terms.

    “I don’t like this one bit, sia Usjalil. Do these mortals not realise the absurdity of this road?” A deep voice resonated within her mind, the presence of the shadow dragon nestling further into her subconsciousness. A common occurrence whenever they linked this deeply into their mental state. Kenna actually had to suppress a soft chuckle at the dragon’s inability to cope with anything but casual roads. ”They do, my dear, outside this particular situation it’s a rather nifty idea. Right now however, it’s more of a hazard than anything else. Yet, we follow the Envoy’s orders as long as these peace talks haven’t been resolved. Her voice ran clear in its own mind, the dragon huffing as it crossed its paws on her shoulder. ”Tsk, having a mere mortal command a Riyenas is preposterous! If Daar Foros knew of this he’d call it an outrage!”

    Unlike you, Foros is aware and accepting of the fact I am but one of many among my kin, Astaroth. And not even the strongest by far; and even if I were to be, there’d always be someone above me. It’s the way human society works, little one. Respect -or fear- has to be earned through deeds… Either way, hush now, Astaroth. Thesek doegelvi.” Kenna’s own words, even though they weren’t even spoken, now held a strange vibration to them, letting her bonded guardian know this was an order it could not ignore. “Alevia.” The pocket-sized dragon nodded begrudgingly, its dark eyes shifting from the people before it to the areas above them, its gazed pinned and scanning for any strange movement to occur.

    Wordcount: 723 || 3329 of 4000


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

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    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 13th November 2021, 9:45 pm

    Felidae City
    An alternate path wasn’t ideal, that was certainly the agreement felt throughout the group. The Imperial Envoy was dismissive of the concerns but there was a slight tinge of something in his voice -- perhaps it was suspicion? Nonetheless, he kept Estrid from lashing out at the guards. Odhran, in his outspoken self, decided to monologue about his concerns over the cliffside, making some suitable and viable points about the strategic value it offered any kind of enemy. Stefan turned his head to glance at the Plumed Serpent guildmaster. “Then, perhaps, it’s safe to say that mages of your caliber should have preventative magic for such instances. I’d hate to think that my personal guard is made up of weaklings.” His nefarious smirk tugged on his face once more as he met Odhran’s gaze. Then, once more, he turned to the Iceberg woman. “As I said, carry on.”

    With the decision made, they were led down the cavernous path. The entryway was darker than the outside, with a wall of stone standing between them and a long plummet downwards. Circular lights hung down from the center of the stone ceiling, wires running along the natural crevices and disappearing into the walls. After walking through the tunnel for about fifty or so yards, the group would begin to see the light at the end. Another turn and they would find themselves standing in the daylight once more. The wall had been carved away and they were treated to the beautiful, natural scenery of Joya’s plains. If any one character would deign to take a few steps out and look down or up, they’d see the ground far, far below them. Above they’d just barely make out the wooden panels of the Market’s side, peeking out over the edge.

    Several pillars had been cut out of the stone to support the yawning hole, intricate designs etched into the grainy surface. Sconces had been placed on the pillars, though they remained unlit at the time, to light the passage during the evening. As the group progressed, there were guards stationed in several different points along the path, each one watching the number pass and then returning to attention. For all intents and purposes, it seemed that they had a clear direction without hindrance.

    After several minutes of walking, they would come to a gated area. Just beyond the group would be able to stop a lift system that had been developed into the rock. The door leading into the area was open, giving them easy access to the next step of their journey. But once the vanguard of the group had passed through the gate, the discernible creak of metal moving would echo out. Estrid had just enough time to whirl around and grab Stefan and Michael, yanking them towards her. The door slammed shut loudly with a vibrating clang, separating Odhran and Kenna from the rest of the party. The sound of the metal sealing itself was drowned out by the unmistakable sound of gas. It rushed in with such haste that no one would be able to  react in time before it filled the closed gated area and the path just outside. The effects were instant; each magic user would feel their connection to their magical cores strained, tightened like a neck in a noose. Even Michael and Stefan, with their pronounced non-magical talents, would feel a weakness in their strength. The most unfortunate side effect would hit Odhran the most, as the smoke would quickly send several of his spirits away, banishing them back to the realm they hailed from. All he would be left with was Sweetie, who would be struggling to remain corporeal but would still be able to fight. Worse yet, Odhran would be unable to bring out any more spirits while the smoke remained.

    All at once, shadowy figures flickered into existence, using a form of teleportation magic. The masked figures came in surprising numbers, a decent two dozen on the side with the greater portion of the party and a little more than a dozen in the caged area. Katanas, greatswords, firearms and magical creations were held in ready stances by all of the newly arrived enemies. Naught but a second passed before they were charging forward and Estrid was shouting in her native language as she drew her own weapons. Now surrounded, both parties would have to act quick to protect themselves and the Envoy they had been hired to protect!

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
    You have until 11/28/2021 to post.

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    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 19th November 2021, 2:24 pm

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))

    Hallow's Phantom


    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    As the ambush happened, Odhran merely laughed. "Look who the dumb one is now! I told you this would happen! But nooooooooo just because I'm someone who wants to make a show of my words and my knowledge, you can't acknowledge when I say something smart!" He shook his head and waved a hand, a gas mask forming on his face. Hm. Tasted like poison. Oh well, he had to look cool. After all, this would serve to put Plumed Serpent on the map if the two strongest members of this protection team were of the same guild, that being his own guild. He needed to look cool. "Sheesh, all you wannabe tough guy types. You're standing in the midst of a true god. But these folks are annoyed by my words, apparently, so as they say, time for my actions to speak for themselves."

    He casually took the first step, breaking the deadlock between him and the guild master of Sabertooth and the group in front of them. Odhran simply walked forwards, waiting for if some of them would come in to attack him. If they did, he would do his best to avoid their attacks, whether by dodging casually or letting Hallow's Phantom deflect blows with his spectral arms, though if they were too fast for his prediction, he took the blows easily and nonchalantly. After he had about halved the distance between the two groups, he would extend his arms out, the spectral projection of Hallow's Phantom materializing behind him. The first thing to happen was that the projection would light up, attempting to blind everyone that would lay eyes on it. He yawned, taking the advantage to mind and pointing at a group of them, a bright led light emanating from the Phantom's eyes and firing down at them, exploding in a big ball of explosion. Regardless of what happened, whether or not the Phantom's magic worked, Odhran would soon rush out and begin fighting with the different people, his fists flying alongside the Phantom's in order to take on as many foes as possible.

    "Ugh, this sucks!" Sweetie called out as all of her fellow Spirits dissipated and her skin flickered between transparency and opaqueness. "You guys are real dickbags, you know? Like, seriously! I was just here to have a chill day, a nice vacay in Joya, and you gotta screw that up, huh? WELL SCREW YOU TOO!"

    Sweetie charged forwards, engaging the closest one to her and the Sabertooth Guild Master in hand to hand combat. Regardless of what weapon they used, Sweetie was able to continually fight with her fists, as her cotton candy body was difficult to crush since she had no bones and any attempt to slice off her limbs would result in her quickly regrowing those limbs to continue the assault. When either she felt as if she took too many hits, the first person had been incapacitated, or she began taking on multiple opponents, she would quickly kick dust up into the air before beginning to break dance, a cloud of small, white sugar wafting out from her body as she spun, sending it flying into the air. The sugar would stick to everyone in the nearby vicinity, including the guild master of Sabertooth if she had come too close, draining their life away, and once she had finished with her dance, she kipped back up to her feet to begin engaging in physical combat once more with the nearby soldiers.

    "Really? Is this it?" Odhran called out, laughing. At this moment, he was too caught in his hubris to make any attempts to evade an attack, but that moment faded shortly after his call as he imagined a gun into reality and shot either the nearest person who it would kill or, if no one was at death's door, just at the nearest person in general. "I don't know if you can hear me, Yuli and Yuri, but you better be making me proud!" He called in a loud voice as the gun faded from reality and he would continue to engage in fighting with the others around him, taking any opportunity to kill those which he incapacitated, if he incapacitated any.

    WC: 0705 | TWC: 3745

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Spells / Abilities Used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) XBivwWT
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Knight Owl 27th November 2021, 12:59 pm

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Ishgard Symposium - Group 1 (Pergrande)

    He felt something odd as he was passing through the gates, though he was too late to react as he felt a hand grab him and was pulled by Estrid, just as the doors slammed shut. It has split him from the rest of his comrades, with only him protecting the Pergrandian diplomat. A hiss was heard, and as the gas entered their area, he found his telekinetic powers growing weaker. “An ambush.” He mumbled to himself, though in a very unsurprising tone. It was expected if you’re going to be a bodyguard, and cities have certain blind spots which would be ideal places for surprise attacks. As to who might be responsible for this, his curiosities were answered as masked men teleported in. No doubt, this gas doesn’t affect them the slightest.

    “It’s kill or be killed.”

    A voice echoed within him, the same maniacal voice he’d heard when he’d see red. Though this was different, as if this voice was trying to crawl into his psyche. “You do not want the same thing to happen back in the order, don’t you?” Whatever this voice was doing, it was working. He was seeing red. His heart was beating fast at the memory of his fallen comrades, reminding him of his failure as a soldier. “No. Never again.” He thought to himself as he resolved to deal with them. While this gas proved to be detrimental to his psionic abilities, this nevertheless failed to suppress his combat ability. The only question is, what can he use to his advantage? If the envoy really was an esper, then this gas would more or less affect them as well. Then there’s Estrid, who he has no idea how good she’d fight. The constant leak of this gas would prove to be a detriment so it wasn’t ideal to use aerokinesis against them. No, there must be another way. Before anything else, he waved his hands in his attempt to use his aerokinesis on him, Stefan, and Estrid, conjuring warding winds to try and prevent them from inhaling more of the gas, as well as protecting them from harm. This might prove to be beneficial to them, unless the effects of the gas would linger further.

    Their ambushers must be heavily reliant on their gas masks, allowing them to fight with their magic intact. Not exactly a fair tactic, but it’s most effective. It may also be their greatest weakness - without it, they’d be afflicted with the gas’s effects. In an attempt to tip the scales in his favor, he tries to manipulate the masks of 10 of them through his weakened Telekinetic Grip. The masks would be wreathed in crimson psionic power in his attempt to pull the masks off them. If successful, he should be able to pull these masks out, if perhaps completely, letting them succumb to the gas. If it all goes in his favor, these magic reliant enemies would be significantly weaker, turning his attention to the other two.

    Through mental commands, he’d brought out his Standard Pistol and Standard Dagger from his cyberspace. He would then fire 10 bullets from his pistol - 8 to the unmasked ones, and 2 to the masked ones to try and figure out if they have any defensive spells to protect them. Though if unprotected, the bullets aimed at their chests would surely leave them in a critical state. He’d then focus his attention on the masked ones, if they’re still up. He’d teleport close to them, with a dagger at the ready to try and attempt to strike one of them down with a lethal slash.

    By then he would have brought down most of the enemies if all goes according to plan, though that might be unlikely if he can’t bring their masks off them.

    Abilities Used:

    POST WORD COUNT: +637 (2633 Total)
    MEL @ WW


    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Everwinter Abyss Slayer
    Third Skill: Supernova Abyss Slayer

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 27th November 2021, 1:14 pm

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) YuriYuliHeaders

    The passage the small group reached swiftly already constituted a tactical bottleneck. It would be very easy to surround the gathering of mages, warriors, and, of course, espers in the confines of this tunnel carved into the rock of Felidae's cliffside and cut off any means of regular escape by blocking off both exits. Still, that wouldn't do anything to stop magical means of movement, something that, Yurielle assumed, most mages were more than easily capable of. Sadly enough, however, it did not seem as though any trouble would await them at this point in time, the small bodyguard unit and their VIP traversing the path forward unhindered. A bummer, really, or so thought the younger of the deFleur twins, the action Yuliana had expected remaining absent for just a little while longer. Like a kid on Christmas eve, however, the Flareblaze Witch could barely contain her anticipation, the girl quietly humming to herself as she walked with carefree steps, her stride taking her closer to the cliffside while her sister kept her ice-blue oculi focussed solely ahead, continuing in front of Stefan in a regal and unchanging pace.

    Yuliana whistled in astonishment, however, letting her gaze wander over the view that stretched out to one side of the group just past the mountainous terrain of Felidae, a blanket of emerald green hues and spots of jade-colored canopies spreading as far as the eye could see. Truly, it was a sight that would captivate anyone who for the first time would have the great fortune of beholding it, certainly enough so to be called one of those wonders of nature that people liked to get all sentimental about from time to time, Yuliana mused. It was too bad that their plans did not take this fact into consideration. "Ah, well, it can't be helped", the thought crossed the Flarerblaze Witch's mind before she, with light steps, found her way back to the forefront of the group, the gathering quickly approaching another spot that could spell a problem for them: The current path ended in a lift system, something that was evidently designed to take groups of people further up the cliffs.

    Still, they had come this far uninterrupted, and the Imperial Envoy appeared undeterred. The group continued onwards, past the gate, though when the twins and the warriors had passed the trap that had been set up would spring. Within a moment, one portion of the group was separated from the other by the snap of the fence gate which separated the lift from the rest of the path.

    This would be it. The moment the two had been waiting for.

    Odhran and Kenna had been separated, finding themselves on the other side of the gate. Good. The two could do without the annoying blabbermouth for a while. Michael, The warriors from Iceberg, and finally the Imperial Envoy found themselves locked in on this side of the gate. To make matters interesting, this was where the mysterious figures would appear by the dozens. As expected. Only an imbecile would discount the possibility of combat on an escort like this one. It was all as Yurielle had predicted. What was unexpected, however, would the sudden, albeit distinctive hiss that rang out around them, the air suddenly filled with fumes of an unknown nature. With their heightened senses, the twins could detect the noxious odor of whatever this was instantly, but that alone wasn't enough to hinder this substance from taking effect. Within moments, Yurielle felt her vision tremble for just an instant, Yuliana's senses almost fading completely before returning to normalcy. This ... whatever it was, it interfered with their eyes, and, as a conclusion of that fact, with their magic.

    "You'd dare? You'd actually dare interfere with the eyes of God?"

    The voice practically left Yuliana as a screech, her voice trembling with emotion, a raging hatred that was barely kept from exploding by a simple fact alone, born from the fact that these little cockroaches had tried to bring her down to their level by means best described as despicable.

    "Go", Yurielle gave her permission.

    A broad grin spread across Yuliana's lips, twisting her face into a warped expression of unadulterated murderous intent. From that point on, things would happen in rapid succession.

    First, Yurielle would move to the Imperial Envoy's side with uncharacteristic swiftness not expected from the girl that had thus far not made many hasty movements or otherwise displayed any behavior that would distort the regal image she presented. Still, time was of the essence, the Icestorm Witch moving to try to intercept anyone attempting to reach the VIP and protecting him with a spell at the same time.

    Yuliana, meanwhile, would follow the instructions her older sister had given her telepathically earlier. There was no way that this insult could stand. She would teach these filthy pieces of trash what true power was, power that superseded the imagination, power not afflicted by a few whiffs of an aerosol.

    The time for a soft approach was over right this instant, and both deFleur twins realized that at the same moment.

    This would be a massacre.

    With a tremble that ran through the air as a ripple of force, both the Icestorm Witch and the Flareblaze Witch would stop relying on external magic power in the same moment, utilizing the mana their shared benefactor provided them with in a display of what people referred to as Slayer Force. The space around Yurielle grew critically frigid, the moisture in the air beginning to crystallize and spread out as a dense fog, while the air around Yuliana shimmered with scorching heat before both of them were covered in a cloak of infinitely black, otherworldly darkness.

    Yurielle opened her mouth, her monotonous voice nothing more than a whisper, and still, the word she spoke ringing clear as a bell.


    The deep voice, more a rumble than consistent speech, echoed back through Yurielle's mind immediately, her shadow twitching.

    "Yes, child?".

    "It's time".

    "It certainly is".

    An invisible hand reached out, placing a crown upon the Icestorm Witch's head that materialized from thin air, seemingly growing from condensed crystals of ice. If the spell was successful, a nigh-indestructible shell of ice would wrap around herself and her immediate surroundings, something that would hopefully include the Envoy if he remained close.

    Yuliana, however, was out for blood. The action was already beginning. An ethereal grip of shadow wrapped itself around the girl's arm, projecting the image of its own distorted, clawed hand over the Flareblaze Witch's. Within her grasp, from emptiness between emptiness, a pitch-black scythe, a void in space, would take shape. With this crown and weapon now firmly in their possession, both items conjured by the mysterious patron called Azalith, the twins would make their move, Yurielle bursting through the air faster than a bullet at the nearest enemy in an attempt to bisect the lowly creature hiding behind that mask, moving on to the next one and the one after that in a display of unrestrained gruesomeness. And if this despicable gas somehow messed with her attempt ... then her fists and raw physical strength would simply have to do.

    Post Word Count: 1,195
    Word Count: 5,016 / 4,000

    OOC Notes:



    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by Aura 28th November 2021, 11:36 am

    This could have been the opportune moment to turn around and subtly mouth "I told you so". Not that she would however, since the current turn of events all but allowed the sassy reaction, nor would she have the time to make it. A trap, as ever obvious such a thing could be, with the metallic doors slamming shut right before them. Estrid had reacted faster than them in dragging the Envoy to her side before the door closed shut, locking the man in the confined room with Yurielle, Yuliana and Michael. In all honesty she was less worried knowing the man was stuck with the twin powerhouses the very moment they got jumped by almost two dozen of people, knowing his chances of survival were that much bigger--- that, or he'd be dead as a fly if they decided to turn on him there. Not much she could do about that if the twins decided on said course of action, yet, she had faith they would not. Not now, at least. Meanwhile she and Odhran were stuck on the outside with the remainder of the convoy, surrounded by quite a few masked individuals who seemed rather unharmed by the gas fluctuating between them. Like they had waited for the poisonous gas to have infiltrated their targets' system before having appeared. The lingering effects of a teleportation magic rang through the air, Kenna having adjusted to the sensations through Sabertooth's means of transport.

    The guildmaster hissed softly as the poisonous gas took its toll on her, feeling her magical connection seeping away, similar but not unlike the way it had once done years ago. Yet the strain it put on her magic relieved her of the other poison still lingering in her veins, which in turn was a welcome change to have its pressure lessened as such. The sword on her back came undone almost immediately, her collar pulled up higher to give herself at least some form of cover from the gasses. Although Zanbato was at the ready, Kenna would mutter unidentifiable words in an archaic language, trying to push forth her magic and her will to call forth a being from the ethereal realms to aid her. Her commands had been sent into the ether, the area bubbling around her as a winged beast took form from within her aura and tore itself from its magical tether. The demon queen was fast enough to gesture it to take flight and get out of the way herself before Sweetie's sugary clutter flung itself around the area. Although getting clad in sugar wasn't something she'd fancy as a whole, the way it stuck to their opponents didn't seem awfully healthy either, prompting the demoness to keep her distance anyways.

    "Odhran, watch it!" Kenna would shout, as another came up from behind him while Odhran was happily shooting about. Golden energy would manifest around her, and as she ejected it and sent it forth it would take the form of a massive golden dragon, intercepting one of the many masked men's attacks and if all went well, sent the attacker flying along with it into the rocky cliffs. She would try to join the Winged Serpent's guildmaster, hoping to make a front together with him and his remaining summon. "Everyone, brace yourselves!" Her voice rang out above the masses, mostly intending to reach the remaining people of the convoy on their side, before signaling the drake that had taken flight earlier to start flapping its wings in an attempt to whip up a gust strong enough to blow the gas away from their position. Added to the signal was a single word in ancient draconic, bellowed at the top of her lungs. "Suacoic!" The drake would take flight, then once having reached a safe height, let itself go in a free fall, only to halt its descent a handful of meters above Kenna, Odhran, Sweetie and the convoy, using the momentum of the winds it had gained in its fall for a far stronger burst of wind.

    Kenna would not openly engage any of the enemies unless they came close, juggling the thoughts on trying to command the convoy to get in formations even after all this time, but the uncertainty in whether they'd take orders from her being the only reason she hadn't attempted thusfar. For their ambushers however; every single one that dared to get close would find themselves at the other end of her sword, the white-haired woman's attacks being defensive in nature, but powerful whenever they struck true. She'd then extend her remaining hand, creating a shield for every single one of the convoy still near her, and if it turned out necessary, a shield for herself, Odhran and Sweetie if anyone attempted to attack them.

    Wordcount: 800  || 4129 of 4000

    Spells & Items:


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Pergrande)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 29th November 2021, 8:29 pm

    Felidae City
    Chaos had erupted in the thick of what had certainly been an unfortunate altered course. As the mysterious assassins rushed in, wasting no time on words or threats, the split parties were forced to act to the best of their abilities. Odhran and his Phantom would find success in their casual walk, managing to defend against attackers and managing to vaporize two of the assassins with the explosive blast. None of the enemies seemed affected by the blind attempt. Sweetie would find herself on the wrong side of a beating, though her ability to regenerate made damage limited. Her sudden breakdance, coupled with the deadly sugar, latched onto several of the assassins but only three fell to the ground lifeless while the others continued on fighting. And finally, the Plumed Serpent guildmaster would effectively manage to fell three attackers with his bullets, their bodies crashing to the ground riddled with holes. But others would be shot and even with fresh, smoking holes in their bodies, would continue the attack unfazed. In fact, several of the assassins would suddenly bring forth firearms of their own and begin to return fire at Odhran, aiming to deliver him the same punishment.

    Kenna’s usage of her energy brought forth her golden dragon and managed to send four of the attackers dive bombing off the edge of the cliff. The pumping of the summoned creature’s wings worked to kick up the hazardous gas, sending the smoke swirling in its own torrential twister. And when the dragon brought itself down with an even more forceful gust, the deadly spiral would be sent flying out into the open air… for a brief few seconds. Then it would come swirling back and should she chance a glance near the rear of the attacking assassins, she would spot one of them standing there, their hands moving to manipulate the smoke. The ball of deadly gas would swiftly overwhelm the summoned dragon and, due to the combined strength of the compressed gas, would dissolve it into nothingness. Then the cloud would begin to seep back towards the cliffside, its guide easing into position once more if it was not handled. Worse yet, the four ousted assassins would emerge from the edge of the cliff, having somehow managed to catch themselves mid fall and quickly climb back up to the battle. These returning assassins set their sights on Kenna and charged at her, rearming themselves for the assault.

    Michael’s ability to manipulate the air in front of him would find no quantifiable effect, the esper capable of swirling the gas but not much more. His grasps of the masks over the assassin’s faces would have mixed results; a few had the fronts ripped off, the material tearing and revealing neutral, unflinching faces underneath. Yet despite this, the gas didn’t seem to have an effect on them, or at least they gave no signs of it. Other masks remained in place and, in fact, Michael would most likely be surprised to ‘feel’ that the mask felt as if it was the entirety of the assassin’s face; no flesh beneath the anonymous cover. Bullets shredded through the air much like they had from Odhran’s weapon and four of the assassins would be laid out on the ground in the aftermath. His teleport would manage to bring him close to his targets and two of the masked assassins went down. But then others suddenly picked up speed, one teleporting directly behind Michael and slamming a warhammer into his side to send him flying into the metal gate. There others would go back on the attack, hoping to take advantage of his dire situation.

    Indeed, the Imperial Envoy wouldn’t move much and, as such, would find himself planted next to Yurielle as she brought forth the impressively dense shield. A single brow rose on Stefan’s face as he looked at it and then at her, a sound of amusement escaping through his slightly smirking lips. He crossed his arms over one another, seemingly intent on watching the bloody event before him unfold. Several assassins threw their weapons against the wall of ice, slamming the points and hard edges uselessly against its strength. Yuliana would easily cut three of the assassins to pieces, their bodies falling limp to the ground. Estrid’s weapons were swinging through the air, clattering loudly against opposing steel and metal loudly for all to hear. Her warriors fought alongside her, one such managing to bury his sword through the torso of an assassin and pin them to the wall. Snarling furiously, his hands would grab for the mask on the assassin’s face and rip it free, a trophy of his kill. But he was given pause, his face twisting in a mixture of confusion and horror as he stared at the assassin. “Hvat helrinn?!” he asked in his native tongue.

    A loud whine would screech through the air, though not sharp enough to cause any real damage. The warrior’s eyes would widen as the assassin before him began to twitch and groan with an unearthly tone. In an instant his sword was ripped out of the gut of the body and in a last ditch effort, he would grab the body by its shoulder and throw it out into the open air. His superhuman strength gave it plenty of distance and it was truly blessed that he did, for not a few seconds later did a massive explosion overwhelm the assassin's form. The strength and size of the explosion would be enough to knock everyone, even the bomber’s compatriots, to the ground, the shockwave piercing any and every defense. The cavern rumbled loudly and stone dust and pebbles would be shaken from their rest in the ceiling as the mountain gave a great and deep groan from the unexpected detonation.

    Estrid would sit up, her face woven in fear and shock. She and everyone else would have very little time to recuperate, as the assassins leapt to their feet and resumed their attacks all along the field, unfazed by their comrade’s sudden case of explosion. “They explode when they die!” she called out, having assumed the situation as best she could. “Get little man out of here! Get to the elevator!” Her call was to anyone capable of getting to Stefan, who was now looking mighty scared for the first time. And yet all the assassins were doubling their efforts and seemingly brushing off lethal damage that had slain their comrades. What could the party do?

    Tag: @Odhran Aegisbane, @Knight Owl, @Yuri and Yuli, @Aura
    You have until 12/6/2021 to post.

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