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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 13th October 2021, 5:26 pm

    Felidae City
    A light knock echoed from the door of his guest chambers. “Come in,” Norwood called lightly, his tired eyes lingering on the beautiful Joya landscape beyond the windows. The chairman of the council had a lot on his mind lately, and while he did well to carry himself with an air of patience and grace it was evident that he was weary and exhausted. Pulling his gaze away, he turned to the white robed messenger that stood within the door frame.

    “Good morning, Master Pendleton. The mages have arrived. The Cardinal has already been summoned, as well.”

    “Thank you. I’ll be down in a moment.”

    The boy disappeared, and after a short moment to collect himself, Norwood exited his temporary chambers and made his way to the small conference room where the mages hired by the rest of the Council had been instructed to meet them. Along the way he met up with the Cardinal, the two of them chatting idly with one another as they walked the halls until they made it to their destination.

    As they entered, the four mages would be greeted to the sight of two regal looking gentlemen. Norwood was a stately man garbed in a rich black uniform with silver trim and embellishments. He had short, dark brown hair and a thick beard and moustache that framed a slender face. Gentle grey eyes scanned the room’s occupants briefly before he gave them a small but warm smile. “Good morning, everyone. I am Norwood Pendleton, head Chairman of the Magic Council. With me is Bellum’s Cardinal of Whispers, Leonida Ferreolius.”

    He gestured to the man that hand entered beside him. Leonida was a tall and stocky man that was dressed in all the splendor that befitted his position within the Bellum hierarchy, garbed in a priestly looking set of plated armor with a sleeveless black robe trimmed in gold. He had bright blonde hair that was slicked back across his head and thick sideburns that ran down to his jaw. He greeted the gathered company with a much easier smile that wasn’t burned with as much weariness as the Chairman’s. “Good morning! It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Please allow me to thank you in advance for volunteering your time and energy to help make sure this treaty goes through as smoothly as possible. Each of you has my sincerest gratitude.”

    After Leonida turned toward the chairman to silent indicate that he was passing things back to him, Norwood nodded and continued. “Let’s go ahead and get started. As all of you know, we have all gathered here today in the hopes of brokering a peace between Bellum and Pergrande after the recent skirmishes along their border. Given the history between both these nations, it goes without saying that today will go down in history as a rather miraculous moment of reconciliation, but as with any political exchange their are plenty of people that are not in favor of what we aim to do. While I sincerely hope that we are able to get through today with little to no excitement, we thought it best to be as prepared as possible, which is why Fiore was asked to gather a few individuals to serve as a protective escort for the Cardinal as we travel to the Symposium.”

    “I have already received reports that there are some active protests taking place in a couple places in the city. We are keeping an eye on these areas and are going to do our best to select a route with as little of this activity as possible, but please expect that we may have to make our way through some… spirited crowds. There are squads of Rune Knights that have joined up with a few of Joya’s hunters to patrol Felidae and keep the crowd passive, so with any luck they will be able to handle anything before we have to get involved, but it is imperative that we all be as vigilant as possible, just to be safe.”

    “That being said, before we get started, I would like to take the opportunity to let each of you introduce yourselves. I have your names, but it was the other members of the Council in Fiore that selected you while I was focused on preparing things here. I would appreciate being able to put names to faces, and to get an idea of who you are and what you are capable of so we can ensure that we are able to play to each of your strengths in this endeavor. Now is also the time to ask any questions if you have them.” With that, he looked at each of them and waited patiently for them to take turns with a more formal introduction.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    You have until 10/20/2021 to post
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 13th October 2021, 11:12 pm

    -Joya, the conference room-

    Standing up in the conference room because she was too nervous to sit still for very long, Leona was doing her best to present a calm and confident front to the world. Wearing her green, gold, and white outfit with Adaptable Armor configured to match the green of her outfit and black bike shorts on underneath her skirt, Leona also wore her Argent Gloves on her hands and carried her Silver Longsword in its scabbard on her left hip. In her right boot was concealed Ses Revanche. On the outside Leona looked ready for anything.

    On the inside she was barely holding it together.

    Leona took a few quiet breaths to try and relax a little. Try as she might to hide it, it was obvious to everyone in the room that Leona was more than a little nervous. This was not how the Wizard Saint of Courage was supposed to look and act. She was supposed to be brave and calm at all times.

    The blonde took a few more quiet breaths and began to calm down.

    She could do this.

    She could do this.

    Once she was as calm as she was going to get, Leona managed to shove aside her nervousness and look somewhat dignified like a Wizard Saint should. That was good because moments after she gained her composure two gentlemen entered the room. Judging from their attire and their demeanor, the gentlemen were people of some importance.

    One of them was a stately man garbed in a rich black uniform with silver trim and embellishments. He had short, dark brown hair and a thick beard and moustache that framed a slender face. Gentle grey eyes scanned the room’s occupants briefly before he gave them a small but warm smile. He introduced himself as "Norwood Pendleton, head Chairman of the Magic Council."

    He was quite important.

    The other man standing beside Norwood Pendleton was the "Cardinal of Whispers, Leonida Ferreolius." Leonida was a tall and stocky man that was dressed in all the splendor that befitted his position within the Bellum hierarchy, garbed in a priestly looking set of plated armor with a sleeveless black robe trimmed in gold. He had bright blonde hair that was slicked back across his head and thick sideburns that ran down to his jaw. Leonida greeted the gathered mages and stated that it was a pleasure to meet them and also expressed his gratitude for them volunteering to help make sure that the treaty went through as smoothly as possible.

    He was also quite important.

    Leona kept her mouth shut and focused her attention on Norwood Pendleton as he began to address the mages gathered in the room. He told them that a lot of people had gathered in Joya in the hopes of brokering a peace between Bellum and Pergrande after the recent border skirmishes. If the treaty was signed it would be a moment that went down in history, but there were people out there who did not want peace between the two nations.

    The possibility that those people would try something to make sure the peace treaty did not come to pass was why the mages in the room had been chosen to serve as a protective escort for the Cardinal as they traveled to the Symposium.

    Norwood Pendleton added that there were already active protests taking place in a few parts of the city. Leona listened as he told the group that the areas in question were being monitored and that they were going to do their best to select a route with as little protest activity as possible. However, the mages were cautioned that the group would have to go through some "spirited crowds", but a few of the Hunters of Joya and some squads of Rune Knights were patrolling Felidae to try and keep the crowds under control. Leona did not like the idea of going through crowds because there was too much that could go wrong, but depending on how things went there might not be much choice in the matter.

    Leona listened to Norwood Pendleton open the floor for introductions. He wanted to know who they were and what they were capable of so that each mage could be put in a place that played to their strengths. He also let the mages know that now was the time to ask questions if they had them. Leona indeed had a question, but first she would introduce herself.

    Stepping forward with as much confidence as she could muster, Leona introduced herself to the group and to the two VIPs.

    "I'm Leona Jarnefeldt, the Wizard Saint of Courage and the Guild Mistress of Silver Wolf. I use Wind Strike Magic and Wind Summon Magic. Wind Strike Magic lets me attack from both up close and at a distance, but it doesn't have many spells that can attack multiple targets at once and two of the spells that can attack multiple targets at once hit everything around me, so I'm gonna need to be far away from everyone if I have to use them. Wind Summon Magic lets me summon creatures to help me both on land and in the air. A few of my summons have abilities that can attack multiple targets at once, but half of them move best by flying, so they'll have trouble following us if we go under any low-hanging obstacles." Leona told the group and the VIPs who she was, what kinds of magic she could use, and what each kind could do. After the introduction she moved on to her question, but she hesitated for a moment before asking it because she had to get the wording just right. Once she was sure that she had gotten the wording right, she asked her question.

    "If we encounter any threats, how do we deal with them? Do we use non-lethal measures and subdue them or are we authorized to use lethal force if we have to?" Leona asked the VIPs, using a tone that indicated that she was not asking the question lightly. She was aware that she might look stupid for asking it. She was also aware that she might look like she was spoiling for a fight. Leona was willing to risk any hits to her image and reputation in exchange for knowing exactly what to do if trouble came calling.

    [Post Word Count: 1,068]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,068/4,000]


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 14th October 2021, 6:32 pm

    Kyran stood in a conference room, once again. Luck seemed to have turned against him. The fickle magic of Hell had once more abandoned him. He couldn't even conjure up a flickering flame. He'd somehow managed to volunteer himself to protect one of the Cardinals of Bellum. The cruelty Gaia had suffered there simmered a deep seated rage within his stomach. His search for his daughter went poorly. So far, he'd only recovered a few fragments of her soul.

    The redhead took a deep breath. A trembling white gloved hand covered his eyes briefly. Kyran wasn't here to moan or complain. He was here to do a job: To uphold the stability of Ishgar. After callously taking advantage of the border conflict, he felt this to be his solemn duty. Personal feelings aside, Bellum might not survive the loss of its Cardinal. Kyran had a sneaking suspicion that the loss of the Cardinal would ignite the war they'd barely averted so far.

    Kyran straightened the sleeves of his red suit jacket. Professionalism seemed paramount. If he was allowed to be selfish, doing well here might open the door for new contracts for Dyer Industries. The board would be shown that Kyran desired the position, relished the opportunity and didn't see the company as a passing hobby. His overall focus on other pursuits had caused their faith to waver. They needed to see investment from him. Not only in resources but also time and attempts to expand the company. Their rivals ever sought to destroy them without while inner turmoil threatened within.

    His blue eyes rested on a blonde on the other side of the room. Leona Jarnefeldt, guild master of Silver Wolf. He struggled to remember if they'd done a job together previously. More importantly, spies had whispered rumors in his ear. Masha, after disappearing for a long time, had reappeared entering into Silver Wolf. The news set a flutter wings of hope. Could he finally find his sister after all this time? The excitement had his lips parting to ask. Professionalism be damned when family was on the line.

    The door opened. Kyran's lips snapped shut. The moment had passed. Two men entered the room. One wore a uniform with embellishments. The other had on a black robe paired to plate armor. It seemed an oddity, these two. One was blonde, the other dark. Hair covered the face of the man in uniform while the blonde had but sideburns. The one in uniform stepped forth to begin introductions.

    Chairman Pendleton and Ferreolius, Cardinal of Whispers. Even if Kyran had known roughly what he'd volunteered for, he tried not to gawk at the two of them. Here were two men that combined wielded enough political power to crush some of the countries of Ishgar. There was no telling what lay at their fingertips. The redhead worried only that they might abuse their power the way his brother had. Kyran was still trying to clean up that mess and Dyer Industries was relatively small in scope of power. If one of these men were like that... he wasn't sure he wanted to be guarding them.

    Leona stepped forward to introduce herself. Her introduction was precise and filled with information that would be enormously helpful in the defense of the Cardinal. Kyran expected her to step back once she finished. When she did not, his eyebrows raised in surprise. Her question, however, was well warranted. Something he should have considered given the potential lethality of most of his own spells. The slayer had been prepared to kill without a second thought. A flaw he'd examine later.

    The redhead stepped forth in support of the question. "I second the question of the Silver Wolf guild master." His tongue stumbled over the fancy professional speech. He'd never been able to quite master that. "In addition, I'd like to request a map of the intended route and backup routes, presuming those are in place. Knowing the topography will help us better protect the Cardinal." Kyran bowed slightly to the Chairman. Try as he might, no amount of professionalism provided his spine the means to bend before Cardinal Ferreolius. A curt nod was all the man would get.

    "I am Kyran Dyer, CEO of Dyer Industries and Sky Demon Slayer. I wield the magic of Mystic Blood in addition to those powers of a Demon Slayer. A majority of my Mystic Blood spells are meant to bleed the enemy but I have some healing and defensive abilities there as well. I can also summon two beasts for the Cardinal's protection. My Slayer magic primarily focuses on increasing speed - mine as well as my allies'. As a last resort, with some help from those with wind magic, I can activate Force to unleash destruction upon our attackers." Kyran paused. That brought up another question that needed an answer.

    "That being said, should we refrain from damaging the city in our defense of the Cardinal? Or, gods forbid we reach it, is there a point where the Cardinal's protection trumps the damage of private property?" Kyran could already perceive issues if they couldn't damage Joya, especially depending on routes. It limited options for protection. In addition, it could be used against them should any attackers discover the limitation. He severely hoped that they're protection of the Cardinal wouldn't have any such hinderance.

    PWC: 805


    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 16th October 2021, 11:18 am

    It seemed a little bizarre that she of all people of those currently in the room had been the calmest of the three. What seemed to surprising to her was that Leona of all people had been nervous. For what reason, she couldn't imagine? Perhaps the stress of her title and an important task such as the one they were partaking on? The red headed male nearby couldn't stop his hand trembling from but a subtle tremor and though she couldn't recognize him either, the shared feeling of uncertainty of some need to impress some foreign dignitary of some form? Then again, Lehanna surely couldn't say she was entirely relaxed about the situation either. There were a few butterflies in her stomach, but there wasn't anything publicly on the line like it seemed to be for her fellow two companions seemed to be. But that was quite evident in the bubblegum in her mouth being blown into a bubble before it would pop.

    Despite her lax attitude seemed to be, she was dressed to be much more formal than she normally had been. A white button down covered by a blue suit vest and once more by a suit jacket in a black color. Pulling the bottom of her white gloves, the teen tightened her grip into a fist several times with either hand to refit them into place and make sure they were still comfortable for her. The brunette sat up in her seat, trying to make herself feel comfortable despite the boredom of waiting for the meeting to take place. Going with Leona's advice not to carry extra luggage with her, she had to leave her books at home back in Fiore for the time they would be here, which had left her in the state of boredom that she'd been in.

    As the doors opened up, her head had turned to face the arrival of two men in hooded garb of sorts. Their choice of clothing seemed a little off to the slayer, but she had brushed it off as a cultural manner. Nothing to fret herself with bothering with or being disrespectful over. Along with the others, Lehanna stood up and faced them before they were introduced to the group. When the first of the two had introduced himself as the chairman of the Magic Council, she had raised a brow in a bit of confusion. Was he of the Council that oversaw Fiore or did Bellum also have a Council of their own? Whatever the case may have been, she didn't put much thought in it as the man presented to the group as Leonidas had greeted and thanked the mages for their time in doing this job. A courteous smile formed on her face, aimed towards him until the councilman had regained her attention about the details of the escort as well as giving introductions of their own.

    First of the group was Leona to give her introduction. Her title as Saint, layout of multiple magics had been something that seemed very interesting. Until now, she had no idea what her own guildmaster had for a magic, so her long sated curiosity had been met. The next up was the red headed male who first bumped the question over how to deal with the enemies that may or may not even appear. Choosing to not jump on the bandwagon, two people bringing point of the same question was enough for her to be able to leave it be to be answered when the introductions were out of the way. As Kyran began his introduction, the title of CEO of a company easily clicked why he was nervous. He was most likely worried over the company reputation he carried being in ruins should this turn awry, however she did have questions the more he spoke. "Force?" She thought to herself. That was a new term, but if it applied to his slayer abilities, she would really need to learn more about it.

    Coming around to her turn, Lehanna greeted the pair with a quick bow before looking up to the two across from her. "My name is Lehanna Seraph, a mage from Silver Wolf." She had paused for a moment, feeling the few butterflies catching up to her a bit as she cleared her throat trying to refocus her thoughts fully straight. "I use Fire God Slayer magic and the sword leaned against my seat also uses some fire based properties... but other than that I'm not as diverse magically than my teammates are." As her eyes flickered between Kyran and Leona for a moment, she shot them back to the two men. She wasn't really put down by how much more valuable of people the two were in comparison, however she was still standing straight and ready to use whatever she had to get the job done. Age and experience could eventually give her the same expertise they had and that thought only meant to motivate her despite how it seemed to come out.

    844 words



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 16th October 2021, 7:03 pm

    Want an interesting twist of fate...

    While her husband led the Fairy Tail guild on patrol for this treaty Mythica sat within a dimly lit meeting room. Surely she was no better a diplomat than him, at least when it came to the benefit of everyone. And that seemed to be everyone's goal today. After all, quite an impressive force was mustered for this occasion so that only went on to prove how seriously the powers of Earthland wanted the fighting to stop... Or at least that is what most perceived to be the case. Mythica on the other hand wasn't quite as sure. She just hoped her souvenir from Pergrande would do its job.

    It didn't take long until the doors to the room opened and a pair of men walked inside. Mythica knew who they were, she had known for years. With his golden hair and platinum white armor the Cardinal Leonida was nearly unmistakable. As for the magic chairmen, Mythica had done her homework before today so that Norwood served no mystery to her. Here was the source of all this commotion standing in the room... She thought it ironic.

    Mythica didn't even need to wait for the introductions to start before she had felt the familiar presence of a few people. Poor Lehanna was dragged here by none other than the Wizard Saint Leona herself? Such a shame really, though Mythica figured the results would be entertaining nonetheless. An unexpected surprise to see her little experiment trying to protect others when Mythica had proved to Lehanna in the past that she wasn't even capable of protecting herself. Still she admired her drive, and the soul merchant had more important things to focus on this day than ruining hers. Of course that always seemed to happen regardless.

    The red-head who introduced himself as Kyran on the other hand piqued Mythica's interest slightly, especially when he revealed the nature of his Demon Slayer magic. Something the Blood Wolf had the unfortunate pleasure of experiencing in the past. Still, that was not enough to deter the girl's curious mind and as she listened to him speak intently. Soon Mythica began to put the pieces together and realized this man may be linked to another curious figure she had encountered at one point in time, though Mythica would need to do a lot more research on this matter to determine the truth of it. Even still, a sinister plan began to form as she listened to Kyran talk.

    As for Leona, Mythica never had the pleasure of meeting the Wizard Saint in person, though she had heard quite a lot. She seemed every bit as stoic and noble as Mythica suspected when she asked about protection protocol, and from her list of magic Mythica knew she was certainly capable enough to back up her status. Important to note.

    "Well I'm sure you give yourself too little credit young one." A woman's voice finally sounded from the shaded corner of the conference room. A dark haired figure sat in one of the conference chairs with a friendly smile. Her appearance consisted of a black and white midi styled kimono adorned with elegant red ribbon lacing that also braided her hair in a similar fashion. What stood out about her the most however was the large black eyepatch securely fashioned over her left eye, while the other glinted with a dark red hue. "After all, why were any of us chosen for this role if not for our strengths?" The women spoke up again with a reassuring tone towards Lehanna, standing from her seat and walking into the light before politely bowing her head to the others. "There are many who call me Maven. You may do the same." She said with a cheerful smile towards the Cardinal and Chairmen. "I hail from the kingdom of Fiore, as for the arcane, I practice a variety of useful elemental enchantments that can be both defensive and offensive in nature. I am also a skilled magical marksmen." Maven finished with her usual relaxed demeanor.


    681 Words.


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Observer
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    Posts : 24
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 20th October 2021, 5:25 pm

    Felidae City
    The two men listened politely as the party took turns introducing themselves. The first was Leona, who’s name did bring a small but genuine smile to Chairman Pendleton’s face. “Ah yes, Miss Jarnefeldt! I apologize, I should have recognized you, but we have never met in person. It’s a pleasure.” Norwood, of course, was well aware of who all the wizard saints and gods of Ishgar were, as he was part of the committee that assigned them. After that was Kyran Dyer, the CEO of a business that Norwood at least recognized, though he was not familiar with the details of their services. Following him was a young woman -- more of a little girl, really -- named Lehanna, who was one of Leona’s Silver Wolf members. He could only assume she wouldn’t have been chosen for this task if she wasn’t up for it, despite her apparent age. And the last was a woman who went by the name Maven, whom Norwood didn’t recognize but he did note that she was being quite encouraging toward Lehanna who had expressed some embarrassment over her self-perceived limitations.

    There were questions to be had, of course. That was to be expected. Leona asked about how they were expected to deal with threats. Kyran backed up her question, along with putting in a request to have a map of the intended route and back up routes for reference. He also wanted ot know how much they should prioritize protecting the Cardinal over damaging the local property. Norwood nodded. “Excellent questions. As far as dealing with threats, obviously I do not condone lethal force, but in this case I would hold everyone to the same standards as we do the Rune Knights: Try to avoid lethal solutions if at all possible, but if someone is coming at you or anyone in our party with the intention to kill, then it is only right that you defend yourselves appropriately. As long as the force is justifiable in a court of law, then that is all I can ask -- though my hope is that we won’t have to worry about things getting that far. As to property damage, we have already worked out with the Joya officials that we will commit mages to restoration efforts after the treaty has passed, should it be necessary. Do your best to be as respectful toward property as possible, but the Cardinal’s life takes priority.”

    “As far as maps go…” He nodded to one of the assistants in the room, who came forward and offered each mage a wristband made of a light, silver colored metal. Norwood lifted his arm, revealing that he already wore a similar band, and tapped lightly on its surface. A hologram of light appeared in the air above the bracelet in the shape of a three dimensional rendering of the city. There were various green colored route lines running through the map, one of which was noticeably brighter than the other branches. There were also an assortment of blinking blue dots on the map, along with one yellow one, clustered in one area where they all currently stood. “These are for us to refer to along the way. They will be updated remotely by my administrative staff as they receive news from around the city, in which case you’ll feel a vibration from the band if they are suggesting a route change. The bracelets also help each of us know where they others are, so if we get separated we will be able to find one another. The yellow dot is the Cardinal, and the rest of us are all blue.”

    Presuming the questions had all been answered and the information would suffice, Norwood would turn to the Cardinal to strategize their approach. In the end, they suggested that Maven and Kyran keep closest to the Cardinal and Chairman, feeling that both of their abilities would be best suited for being close to their charge. Meanwhile, Leona and Lehanna would take up positions ahead and behind the others to watch their fronts and backs, where they would be free to use their magics and abilities without worrying too much about catching everyone else in the crosshairs. Since the two were from the same guild and had presumably worked together before in some capacity, Norwood would leave it up to them to decide who wanted to take which position between the front and rear.

    Once all that was settled, they were off. The city streets of Felidae were bustling with daily work, many of Joya’s citizens unable -- or unwilling -- to pause their daily tasks to be a part of the history that was being made that day. Nearly all of them stopped to stare as the group walked by, however, with the party being met with a wide variety of expressions ranging between curious and excited, to wary or annoyed. However, the first leg of the trip did not result in any excitement as nearly everyone in the area was ultimately more concerned about their own personal affairs. Still, as the mages and their two charges grew closer and closer to the heart of the city and the base of the large hill where the marketplace sat atop -- the large building having been cleared of vendors and their properties for the day in order to serve as a meeting place for the treaty committees -- the streets became more and more crowded. It would be up to each mage to utilize their own skills and abilities to keep an alert eye on the crowds and their surroundings to determine if there were any present dangers nearby.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    You have until 10/27/2021 to post
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 20th October 2021, 11:34 pm

    While Leona listened for the answer to her question she was spoken to by Norwood Pendleton. He apologized for not recognizing her and said that it was a pleasure to meet her. She gave a short and polite response to the Chairman's unexpected remarks.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Chairman Pendleton." Leona replied. Once she had replied she went silent.

    "As far as dealing with threats, obviously I do not condone lethal force, but in this case I would hold everyone to the same standards as we do the Rune Knights: Try to avoid lethal solutions if at all possible, but if someone is coming at you or anyone in our party with the intention to kill, then it is only right that you defend yourselves appropriately. As long as the force is justifiable in a court of law, then that is all I can ask -- though my hope is that we won’t have to worry about things getting that far." Chairman Pendleton told everyone.

    Leona's usual answer to violence directed against her or anyone she was supposed to protect was to attack the offender with the intent to kill. That willingness to use swift and overwhelming violence against attackers was how she had survived to adolescence living in a desert village located in the dangerous deserts of Desierto. However, today Leona would need to follow the guidelines set down by the Chairman.

    With her questions answered, Leona listened to Chairman Pendleton answer Kyran Dyer's questions about maps of the routes and backup routes, whether the mages should refrain from damaging property in defense of the Cardinal's life, and what degree of property damage was permitted if it became necessary.

    "As to property damage, we have already worked out with the Joya officials that we will commit mages to restoration efforts after the treaty has passed, should it be necessary. Do your best to be as respectful toward property as possible, but the Cardinal’s life takes priority." Chairman Pendleton answered the question concerning property damage. He then shifted gears to the question about maps.

    Leona was offered a special bracelet made out of a light, silver-looking metal. She took it and put it on her left arm just below where her left Argent Glove ended. She then watched the Chairman demonstrate the bracelet in action by tapping it and bringing up a three-dimensional rendering of the city with blue dots, a single yellow dot, and various green-colored lines.

    The maps would be updated on the fly by the Chairman's administrative staff as they received news from around the city... when the band vibrated that meant that a change of route was being proposed.

    The bracelets would help everyone keep track of one another.

    The yellow dot was the Cardinal. Everyone else was blue.

    After that explanation the Chairman and the Cardinal spoke amongst themselves and afterwards made suggestions to each mage. It was suggested that Kyran and Maven stay close to the two VIPS. Leona and Lehanna were to decide amongst themselves who took the lead and who brought up the rear of the group. Leona immediately began to think the matter over.

    Being in one place meant that she could not be in the other, so where Leona put herself before the group set out was important. This was going to be a tough choice to make, but she had to make one. After thinking it through Leona faced Lehanna and spoke to her.

    "I'll take the lead, Lehanna." Leona announced her decision.

    -In Felidae City-

    Having taken the lead position, Leona had brought out three of her Summons to help the group. She had brought out Ramses the Pharaoh Eagle-Owl, the Black-Backed Jackal, and Tempest Avian. Ramses would be her eye in the sky and the Jackal would walk beside Leona to sniff out threats along the path. Tempest Avian was flying a good distance overhead as air support on demand.

    "Hey Leona, there are so many scents here that it's hard to separate them!" The Jackal telepathically told her as they walked past crowds of people in Felidae City. Some of the people looked curious and/or excited to see them. Others were wary of or even annoyed by the presence of the VIPs and their mage escorts.

    "OK. I know that it's gonna be difficult, but let me know if you come across anything that really stands out." Leona telepathically replied. Even though the trip so far had been uneventful Leona was on edge as the group got closer to the heart of the city and the base of the large hill on top of which a marketplace sat. The marketplace in question had been cleared for the day to serve as a meeting place for the treaty committee. Leona was more than a little concerned about the crowds of people that grew thicker and thicker as the group got closer to the heart of the city.

    The Wizard Saint needed to remain vigilant. With so many people around anything could happen at any time.

    [Post Word Count: 842]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,910/4,000]


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 23rd October 2021, 2:42 pm

    The guidelines to the possibility of fighting had been laid out to the group in such a fashion that made no real impression of worry or irritation to Lehanna. Frankly, her hopes of this job turning out to be something short of just a boring escort were much higher than she had originally hoped for, however if it involved Pergrande, then all bets were most likely off. No matter the situation, she would do her best to help ensure this mans safety above all else. After all, that's what she signed up for and she was going to make sure to put her all into the job or all she was doing was for naught. As the watches were distributed to the group individually, Lehanna had begun to look over hers before she even put it on. She had been fascinated by the technological capabilities that were mentioned and she was curious if it had any other features by which weren't mentioned to them due to just a squeeze for time or a simple slip of the mind. "I do have one small question pertaining to these... but is there any other features of this aside from the GPS tracker and map interfaces? Microphones for longer ranged communications perhaps or something to that extent?"

    The entire time she had asked, she was setting the watch up and then fixing it around her wrist comfortably before tinkering delicately with it just to get used to it. Wearing anything around her wrists was a new experience for her. Never the one to be able to indulge in the luxury of things like this growing up. Perhaps that was part of her childish curiosity outside of the initial scanning for a more professional purpose. As far as it was when it came down to the others, the last of the four, Maven... there was something about it that had irked her. She felt familiar somehow, but from what she couldn't tell. Perhaps one of the upperclassman at school? Past graduate? There were many different things she could think of, but she brushed it aside for the time being and let things run its course.

    Leona had taken the time to decide the best course of action between the choice of where she and the fire slayer would stand among this route. She had no issue with either of the two options from which they had to pick, however in the pit of her stomach she felt some relief being seated in the back of the escort group. The front, while seeming to be a very important spot in her mind of the forefront of the action and vigilance, the brunette knew she was too inexperienced to be able to do the kind of job that Leona could do. In due time, perhaps she'd be more inclined to take the position, but for now, she simply nodded in agreement. "Yes, ma'am." She accepted.

    Once the group would have begun to move, she had little time to be able to get a clear answer before the job would truly begin in the streets. If she wanted to learn from this now and then research more after the job, then every little bit she could gain from it would have to suffice. "Hey, Kyran? I have something to ask you pertaining to slayer magic." She had begun to ask, wanting to gain his attention at the risk of having to waste time repeating the question. "What's this 'force' thing you mentioned before? Is that something special to the type of magic?" Hesitant to admit her own complete understanding of her own magic, it had only been a couple of years of time she'd spent overall in the world of magic to begin with. With everything else that had happened during that time period, she never really had the time to explore much of the history or the fullest extent of her abilities. Everything had been a learning curve of her own since she first learned them in the first place.

    Once the group moved into the streets, a twisted feeling in her gut creeped in. Perhaps that was just the jitters of her first international form of a trip, or maybe she was second guessing herself. But she had to put herself in the mindset that so long as she was relaxed, she could do her best work. The busier the streets got, the less nervous she got as the annoyance of the crowds themselves worked in her favor and she simply stepped in tow of the group with pace. Her eyes scanning the crowd as she would pass, trying to keep her eye to as many faces as possible or shaking to any suspicious activity from the passerby's. Every once in a while, she would peek over her shoulder, trying to gauge if they were being trailed at all, however it felt much too early to tell.

    826 words
    1670 personal count



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 25th October 2021, 5:47 pm

    Kyran wasn't sure what to make of the two other mages on protection duty. Lehanna deliberately cut her feet out from under herself with her introduction. If Kyran could use his own Flame God Slayer magic, they could have made a formidable pair. Her sword skills would make her ideal to place nearest to the Cardinal in his mind. Maven, on the other hand, was a mystery. Kyran felt that her vague answer had been made specifically to obscure her magic. It felt suspicious to him. He'd keep a close eye on her, if only to keep a knife from being planted in his own back.

    Norwood's answers had Kyran cursing silently. His style of fighting usually left some damage behind, bodies or otherwise. The restrictions would force him to change things up. Inconvenient given some of his most powerful spells couldn't be used unless absolutely necessary. He accepted the wristband and started to study the map. The overwhelming amount of potential kill zones concerned him. Those were only those that were most obvious too. Kyran was sure there were more areas an assassin or professional killer would spot. The redhead got absorbed into the map so much the positions of the protection team went over his head.

    -In Felidae City-

    Kyran frowned as he took in the protection team's assigned positions. Maven had said she was a magical markswoman. Lehanna was a swordswoman. In his opinion, it would have been better to post Maven at the rear, Lehanna at the Cardinal's side, Leona ahead and Kyran in a nebulous position able to support. It would have kept anyone targeting the Cardinal from knowing their full strength.

    A soft question pulled the redhead from his brooding. "Hmm? Force? Oh, uh, its a state of apex magic that slayers are capable of if they absorb enough magic of their slayer type. Wind for a wind slayer such as myself, fire for one such as you." He furrowed his brow. "Have you never eaten magic? First time I did, I felt like I'd started filling a cup. When the cup overflowed during one particular job, I went into Force. Magic became really easy even as I felt my mana rapidly draining away." Kyran looked around the crowded street. His eyes narrowed. The Cardinal and Norwood had gotten further away from him than he felt comfortable with. "If you have any more questions, Lehanna, I'll answer them or discover the answer with you. Discovering new things is a pass time of mine but we should focus on protecting the Cardinal."

    The redhead hurried to catch up to the VIPs. When the crowds became too much for Kyran, he reached for his magic. Playful wolves, galloping horses and sly foxes blossomed above his head. Kyran sent them in all directions hoping they would draw away the crowd. In a pinch, they could serve to divebomb any potential attackers. His thumb lightly worked against a ring on his index finger. A tiny spike adorned the band. If he jammed his thumb onto it, he'd be able to provide the blood needed for some of his spells. Best to be prepared.

    PWC: 526



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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 26th October 2021, 5:15 pm

    And just like that, they were off! Mythica had made sure to pay close attention to whatever it was the Cardinal and Chairmen had to say, as knowing every single detail about the plan was crucial. After all, she had a job to do, and she didn't intend to disappoint. Of course in the end lady twilight cared little for the opinions of others, though that was not what she was after when she took the request. A deal was struck, and Mythica was quite interested in what her employers could offer.

    The wristbands were a good idea, allowing each of the mages to keep track of one another as well as the Cardinal and Norwood. Luckily the Cardinal was highlighted in yellow and the rest of them seemed to be blue. This would work for her, and Mythica didn't mind getting paired with the demon slayer either. Perhaps it would give the raven haired woman more time to learn about him before the day was done. After all, she had many burning questions.

    The streets were quite busy for the most part, as was expected from a place like this. Mythica kept her one exposed eye open for trouble as she scanned the crowds periodically while walking next to the Cardinal. "In the moment history gets made, nobody looks." She said somewhat cryptically while watching the crowds go about their days. Not that Mythica minded much either way. In fact, she normally preferred the crowds ignore her in most circumstances anyways, so this proved beneficial. Of course she didn't let that fool her into lowering her guard. Mythica knew better than anyone that assassins loved to hide in plain site...  Noticing Kyran summon some of his own magical constructs to help clear a path from the droves of people that continued to get in their way the closer they got to the center of the city, Mythica was reminded of why she was here.

    "Say, have we met? You seem fairly familiar." Maven's voice chirped directly behind Kyran. In the moment he wasn't looking she seemed to have appeared, her hands clasped behind her back as they continued to march. Her black eyepatch obscured half of her face, though it was clear there was some genuine curiosity in Maven's red eye. "I sensed something familiar, but couldn't quite place from where. Does the demon slayer keep his saga locked away?" She said rather strangely, though it was clear that Maven wasn't the most normal person in their group. "To drop the chase to protect others from harm, what stake does this one have in the peace?" She questioned, still scanning their surroundings with a cautious glance.


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 28th October 2021, 7:34 pm

    Felidae City
    “Ah yes, thank you for reminding me Miss Seraph. My exhaustion is getting the better of me. These wristbands will also allow us to communicate long range, if necessary.” Norwood smiled tiredly at the young woman. Then, once everyone was ready, they would set off on their journey.

    The path before them continued to become more crowded as they moved along. Those who had sent out summons above and around them to help keep an eye on the growing numbers of people would be able to receive feedback on where the major pockets of crowds were, but for the moment nothing suspicious was spotted. Kyran’s own summons served as minorly successful distractions to the citizens at the start of their journey that weren’t as invested in the historical event, but as they got closer to the bottom of the hill that would lead them up toward their destination the people that had gathered for the event were far more invested in the proceedings than on watching magical creatures.

    And while the throngs of people around them grew larger, so too did the presence of conjoined squads of Rune Knights and Joya warriors. The Knights were rather obvious in their crisp black uniforms, each one sporting the various colors and insignias of their various branches and stations. The native warriors that were with them didn’t have any uniforms to speak of, but they were sporting black sashes across their chests that bore the insignia of the Rune Knights, provided to them by the Fioren military, so that the Joya warrior were easily distinguishable from the civilians as a source of peace enforcement for the day. These small squads casually wandered the streets with a watchful eye, mostly just being a presence, though as the party got deeper into the city the squads were having to take more initiative to keep things civil and calm.

    They also did their best to help try and keep a clear path for the party, though that was becoming increasingly difficult. Norwood had a worrisome frown on his face as he looked around, constantly checking the map on his wristband to see what the other areas were like. The crowds here were far too focused on them for his liking, though it came as little surprise. The streets were filled with the dull roar of hundreds of people talking and cheering and chanting. Many of them were holding up various signs that were mostly in favor of the intended treaty, though there were a surprising number of people that were not in support of the peace efforts. Most of these seemed to be shouting anti Pergrande propaganda and voicing their thoughts that Pergrande was full of terrorists that were not worth trying to work things out with.

    Leonida continued to seem less worried than the Chairman, the Cardinal smiling and waving at the citizens that called out and cheered to him and ignoring those that jeered over his role in the upcoming meeting. It wasn’t until the crowds became a bit more physically active that he took on a more concerned countenance. Tension filled the air as a large group of people in support of the peace treaty started having more heated exchanges with those who were against it, and soon enough the squads of Knights were having to physically insert themselves between people to try and keep things from breaking out into a more physical altercation. They were doing their best, but things escalated quickly and soon there was a lot of shoving and shouting. With the crowd starting to get out of control, the party would find themselves becoming more and more cramped for travel space until soon there was moderate chaos around them.

    “We need to get out of this area,” Norwood told the party, bringing up the map again. Presently, the crowds were more interested in confronting one another, but it would not take long, nor would it be difficult, for that attention to quickly turn to their own party. It was already bad enough that people were starting to press in on all sides. Touching a spot on the map, he selected a new route that would light up on everyone’s wristbands so they would know where to go. Then, he used his magic to procure a sword to arm himself with, putting himself slightly ahead of the Cardinal. “Everyone, do what you can to keep some space between us and these crowds. Try to form a path for us out of here if you can. Keep an eye out for opportunists. If you have any protective measures you aren’t utilizing yet, now is the time.”

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    You have until 11/5/2021 to post
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 29th October 2021, 11:02 pm

    Being careful not to get too far ahead as she walked ahead of the party, Leona slowed down a little and reviewed everything her three summons had told her so far.

    From their elevated viewpoints Ramses and Tempest Avian had reported the presence of large crowds in various areas but did not see anything that was a cause for immediate concern. On the ground the Jackal had not smelled anything dangerous, but earlier he had stated that the variety of scents made it difficult to single a particular scent out. Since Leona could not rely on his nose to help her detect danger, she would have to stay alert and look for threats before they could strike.

    When the group drew closer to the bottom of the hill Leona noted that the crowds were steadily growing larger. The Wizard Saint also noted the squads of Rune Knights and Joyan warriors wearing black sashes emblazoned with the Rune Knights emblem patrolling the area. She greatly appreciated their presence because help was close by if things got dicey.

    Leona ignored the crowd looking intently at the party and looked around for danger. She did not see any overt threats right away, but she noticed that the crowds were divided into two large and passionate groups. One of them was firmly in support of the peace treaty and the other was firmly against it. Leona stopped and looked back to see how the party was doing.

    Leona saw that the Cardinal seemed to be taking members of the crowd telling him exactly how they felt in stride, but that calm attitude did not last for very long. The pro-treaty crowd soon started getting more aggressive with the anti-treaty crowd and squads of Rune Knights moved in to try and keep some semblance of peace. However, there were not nearly enough of them to do the job. Shoving and shouting matches eventually broke out and the unruly crowds began to spill onto the path the party was taking. Leona's apprehension began to grow by the moment.

    She had dreaded this very situation.

    Before her apprehension could cloud her judgment Leona's attention was drawn to her bracelet; she looked down at it and saw the new route that the party was going to take. The timing of the new route being sent to her was impeccable. Before she began moving Leona glanced back again to make sure that both the VIPs and her fellow mages were still with her.

    Seeing that the Chairman had armed himself, the Wizard Saint followed his example and drew her Silver Longsword. Her intent was to send a very clear "stay back!" signal to any members of the crowd who might be tempted to make aggressive moves towards the VIPs or try to bar the path. However, she was not sure that that gesture alone would be enough to ward off trouble.

    Leona had wanted to summon Guardian Lion for a little extra support on the ground, but she was concerned that summoning such an intimidating and aggressive beast might not be a good idea right now, so she refrained from doing so. Instead she telepathically warned her airborne summons to be on the lookout for anything really suspicious. However, with the crowd as agitated as it was and all the activity that was currently going on, being able to pick out anything "really suspicious" might be a great challenge for them. Since her eyes in the sky might not be able to clearly pick out anything, she and the Jackal would have to do their part on the ground.

    Feeling like she had started walking on a tightrope, Leona began slowly and carefully moving forward along the new route while being careful not to move faster than the party. Keeping the guidelines on the use of force in mind, she began making eye contact with the closest crowd members and gently but firmly requesting that they make room for the party and keep their distance. The party had better get moving because there was no telling when things could get uglier.

    [Post Word Count: 682]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,592/4,000]


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 2nd November 2021, 7:55 pm

    Kyran was unsettled by the sudden appearance of Maven. Where had she come from? Her question made his skin crawl as well. When would he have met someone like Maven? Still he forced a smile in her direction. "Nope, sorry." The redhead tried to turn back to his job, keeping an eye on the crowd. Yet it seemed Maven wasn't quite done. Her next few comments didn't make any sense. He turned to her with a confused expression. "I'm not sure what you mean by saga, nor the chase to protect others from harm. I protect my family and friends only. Others long ago proved strangers weren't worth the trouble. I'm here to hopefully network contacts for my business by protecting a powerful leader of a country." Kyran firmly turned his back to Maven to signal he was finished with this conversation.

    Kyran noticed his constructs loosing effectiveness as they descended the hill. He gathered them back in a tight flying circle above their heads. The crowd didn't press in too badly yet. Best to keep the playful wind creatures nearby in case they were needed. It didn't take long. The crowd was primed for a good brawl, needing only a small excuse. When two sides of an argument clashed, the Rune Knights rapidly responded. The entire crowd seemed to ripple as the fighting spread.

    Norwood took control rapidly. Kyran noted the new route, grimacing. They would have been better off taking a long route. Better yet, if they'd been allowed to secure the route first, they would be better off. The wind creatures dropped around Lehanna, Norwood, Kyran and the Cardinal. Each creature shoved mightily in an attempt to clear more of a space around the group. Kyran didn't check to see how effective it was. Jamming his finger on his spiked ring, he called upon his blood magic. A floating red shield emerged from a swirling ball of blood. It started flying around Leonida.

    Another spell dropped as soon as the redhead was able. Wind swirled about him, pulsing outward. His allies, Maven, Leona, Lehanna, Norwood and the Cardinal plus any Rune Knights or Joya warriors that possibly caught the spell, might feel the wind uplifting them or perhaps feel lighter as the spell took hold. The crowd within a good distance felt their MP drop suddenly. Many of them paused, their anger briefly interrupted.

    Kyran moved to the Cardinal's side. He gestured to Lehanna. "Ahead of us please, Ms. Seraph. Chairman Pendleton, if you wouldn't mind taking the Cardinal's right, I'll take his left. Let's take advantage of their confusion, rapidly if you please." Without meaning to, Kyran had slipped from his casual speech into something a mite more business like. He thought nothing of ordering Norwood about. His hand touched the back of Cardinal Ferreolius' shoulder hoping to kickstart some movement. The longer they lingered, the more likely the crowd would regain their senses. Too likely, that anger might easily be turned on their group. Kyran hoped to avoid hurting innocents today.

    PWC: 507

    Stats and Spells:



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 4th November 2021, 11:48 am

    The girl's only exposed eye watched Kyran blankly as he warded off her attempts at conversation, and internally Mythica was starting to wonder more and more. Not that it would end up mattering much in the end, if everything went according to plan, though Mythica was still quite interested in learning more about the red head in the future. If she ever got the chance anyways, the demon slayer would be put on her mental list of possible future candidates to converse with. If her suspicions were at all right, it could prove to be a fairly interesting encounter. After today though, Mythica wasn't quite sure how realistic that idea would be.

    When he ended their interaction she made no move to continue, instead deciding to focus on the much less endearing crowds that were now starting to get quite uppity about the whole situation. The Cardinal would always be in danger, though right now it looked like it would be more so than usual. This didn't align with her goals, so she'd just have to do her best to keep the savages back.

    "If you would be so kind to back up a few spaces!" Mythica cried, a yellow flash appearing in her hands to reveal a long musket rifle. With one arm she pointed it straight at a closer group of protesters who seemed a little too aggressive. Though that aggression soon faded when they saw the barrel of her gun pointing at them. Unbeknownst to the crowds and her fellow protectors, golden magical chains would begin to appear and snake along the cobblestone between the large groups of people. They did nothing now, except slowly slither their way alongside the feet of the protesters and awaiting their master's command. Should things prove to turn exciting, her well positioned spell was prepared to do horrible things. She almost wished someone would test them.

    Mythica's eye turned to look at Norwood as he brought up the map again and urged them to find a new route. Noticing Kyran step in to take action, Mythica would do the same, standing next to the chairmen with her rifle ready at a moment's notice. "Move quickly, through the back alleys if we must, these events prove to fill the main thoroughfares with animals." Mythica responded curtly, keeping the barrel of her rifle pointed and ready to deter anyone who tried to get too close to the pair. She couldn't have the cardinal die in the streets, not to a band of savages like this. It wouldn't make a for a very good story, and the clock eyed witch loved stories more than anything...

    1570/4000 Words 


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Observer
    Position : Keeper of Knowledge
    Posts : 24
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 5th November 2021, 9:53 pm

    Felidae City
    As the crowd began to get more out of control, the group pressed forward to try and get toward a less chaotic route. Leona took the lead, withdrawing her sword and attempting to use it as a silent warning toward anyone that dared approach, while wordlessly relying on her glare to keep the masses at bay. She would quickly realize that this tactic was not going to be as efficient as she would hope as most people were paying more attention to the growing hostility of the other people around them. As the crowd began to get physical with each other, she would start to deal with people getting forcibly shoved toward her, more concerned with one another than with the Saint of Courage, until it was apparent that it would take more than firm silence to spear the party through the crowd.

    Kyran, on the flip side, was proving himself to be much more take charge over the situation. He used his wind creatures to form a protective barrier around the group, the magical animals keeping close to a few select members of the party and acting as a rather effective buffer between them and the crowds. Leonida’s brows rose briefly in surprise over the red shield that appeared before him, but he swiftly connected the spell to Kyran’s prior mention of blood magic. Giving the redhead a single nod of acknowledgement and appreciation, the Cardinal moved forward without too much concern over Kyran’s hand upon his shoulder.

    On par with Kyran, Mythica too took a more assertive stance, arming herself with a rifle and loudly insisting that the crowds give them some space. While her words were pleasant and considerate enough, there was no mistaking the unspoken “or else” that came along with her sentiments, and a fair number of nearby people erred on the side of wisdom and elected to give the group the space she demanded. She adjusted her own position within the group, taking up a spot on the other side of the Chairman and ushering them toward the nearest exit.

    Between all their efforts, the group managed to move somewhat smoothly out of the area with one exception. In the chaos and commotion, they would find one of their party members had gotten separated from them. As the crowds pushed and shoved from every angle, Lehanna would quickly find herself being stopped by the crowd and finding her path forward blocked by a mass of bodies that grew larger the more the rest of the party kept on pace. The space around her was so packed that she barely had space enough to even wield her sword, and she would find herself solidly in the middle of a full blown riot as the people around her finally began grappling with one another and throwing punches at both citizens and guards alike.

    It wasn’t until the rest of the party managed to get to the other side of the square that they would even realize that Lehanna was missing. By then the riot had become such that they would not easily be able to find the small young woman with their naked eyes, though Leona’s air born summons likely had a chance to spot her. That, and they would be able to see where she was on their wristbands. The difficult part would be actually getting to her, however, as doing so would involve going back into the now fully hostile crowd. There was a subtle look of concern on Norwood’s face as he scanned the crowd briefly, his desire obviously wanting to go and fetch their young comrade from the chaos behind them, but his duty demanding that they stay focused on the task at hand. After all, the longer the Cardinal was out in the open, the longer he was in danger.

    “I’m afraid she will have to rely on her wristband to find us and catch up to us. I hate to leave her behind, but our duty is to get the Cardinal to the meeting place. We have to press forward.”

    “Have faith in her, my friend. She is young, but I doubt that she would have been assigned to this group if she could not handle herself, and there are enough Knights about that she is not truly on her own. I trust that she will catch up to us soon enough.”

    Norwood sighed softly. “I suppose you are right. Let’s not waste any more time.”

    With that, the group would usher themselves forward down the far less crowded -- and far less exciting -- side streets. The streets were not fully abandoned, but most of the people they came across seemed far more interested in either rushing toward the riot or hurrying themselves indoors out of self preservation. In short, they would find very little resistance on their chosen path, though there were a number of times where their course was seemingly chosen for them by fate as they had to avoid other outbreaks in different areas of the city.

    In fact, after a time it would certainly seem like the path was perhaps just a bit too smooth.

    A sharp warning from one of her summons would be the quickest warning that Leona would get as she was notified of a number of masked individuals rushing their direction from rooftops. The Silver Wolf guildmaster would barely get enough time to voice the incoming trouble before bullet fire would begin to rain down upon them as several other people leaned outside of the windows of the buildings around them and began to shoot at the party from many directions at once.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    You have until 11/12/2021 to post.

    **BE ADVISED that if anyone's character would feel strongly about going back to assist Lehanna in rejoining the group, Norwood will allow only ONE individual to do so. The main duty of this party is to protect the Cardinal, and he would not allow the majority of the group to abandon that post and put the Cardinal in danger.**
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 6th November 2021, 12:26 am

    The crowd began to get rowdier the more the group moved along. Trying to keep her vigilance around the rear end of the caravan, she hadn’t noticed that Kyran tried to get her attention. Looking ahead, the group had gotten further away from her, but not so much that she had thought she could still catch up. It didn’t seem so bad at first, however things seemed to unravel in a rather sudden manner. The crowds started to get heated and what began as simple protesting and arguments turned into pushing and shoving. Yelling and name calling, even the occasional slur thrown about. It seemed to be extremely chaotic the more she tried to move through. However, the crowd began to swallow her inside. More and more people rushed into the middle of the streets. Fighting, yelling, throwing things more than just their fists about. Even a few empty bottles were thrown towards the ever distancing caravan.

    Trying to push and shove her way past them, more people only squeezed themselves against her. At one point, she could barely breathe, though she continued to do what she could to escape the rioting crowd. ”H-Hey! Let me through, damn it!” She tried to yell out as the anger started to build. The frustration of being able to get free of this crowd made her think she should try and make some large fuss in it to push them away to catch up. Instead of shoving herself through, she kept feeling the crowd moving her along in between punching and kicking one another, several collateral swings did connect to the young slayer. Lastly, she felt herself pushed against a set of trash cans and an idea hit her. Lehanna grabbed the lid off of one and lifted it up before lighting a small black flame on her finger tip. Holding it over the can, she watched it quickly set on fire and then did the same to a second one.

    It took but a moment for the crowd to realize a fire was brewing before some scattered from it. Most still paid it no mind, but the confusion and break of the madness was the slip she needed to slither through the gawkers and began to make her way towards the group. Still some onlookers had tried to keep a safe distance from the spells actively guarding the caravan. The sound of shots being fired began to make some more innocent civilians fleeing from the group. The shield and other animal like summons surrounding the caravan had begun taking fire. Watching it had begun to make her mind flutter about in hurry and panic over what to do.

    Raising one hand towards one side of the rooftops, a ball of black flame formed in her hand and shortly after, the fire screamed through the air and collided with the open window where some of the shots were coming from and a reaction of a cry of pain or just shock had been let out. Still, the fire slayer was a small distance behind, but she had that in her favor as much as it could be a detriment. With the other side, the area would begin to heat up. Those around the points being fired from would begin to swelter with heat and air would feel drier. With a snap of her fingers, the heated area of rooftops would explode in a burst of heat and black flames. Immediately after, Lehanna tried to rush towards the group to rejoin them, hopefully having put on some kind of effort to quell the ambush. Surely she didn’t finish them off, but an attempt to do her part was something she wanted to do from the beginning.

    Spells used:


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 7th November 2021, 10:37 pm

    Leona had hoped that drawing her sword and issuing polite but firm warnings would be enough to convince unruly crowd members to back off, but she had been wrong. Not presenting a convincing threat to troublemakers meant that she had not been much of a deterrent. By the time she had realized that the group had passed safely through the crowd thanks to the other mages picking up Leona's slack.

    She should have been more forceful when dealing with the crowd. When the others were counting on her to be a lion she had been a lamb.

    Leona silently accepted that unpleasant truth, then turned around and did a quick count of the group to make sure that everyone was present. As she counted everyone it took a few moments before a dreadful realization hit her.

    Lehanna was missing!

    "Leona, I think I see your missing mage! She's hard to see in the crowd because she's so short, but I think I see her! I see a small human girl with long brown hair!" Ramses telepathically reported in and described Lehanna. Leona quickly looked at her bracelet and saw her guildmate as a dot on the map.

    "Just keep an eye on her, Ramses! There's nothing I can do right now!" Leona telepathically ordered him. As much as she wanted to go back and help her guildmate, she could not abandon the VIPs.

    Leona heard the Chairman and the Cardinal briefly discussing the matter, but in the end the group had no choice but to proceed without Lehanna. Quickly taking the lead again, Leona did not dare glance back as she led the group into a side street that offered safety from the mayhem that was unfolding in the square they had left behind. If she looked back now her regrets would overwhelm her.

    -In the side streets-

    Leona led the group into the side street and quickly spotted a few people a short distance ahead of them. She was ready for a fight, but it soon became apparent that the people had little interest in the group; they were obviously preoccupied with other matters. Once she determined that they were not a threat Leona ignored them and kept just ahead of the group as they continued towards their goal.

    As they progressed further down the route without running into any trouble worth noting the Wizard Saint could not help but to feel that something was odd.

    Why were they not encountering any serious opposition?

    "Leona, I see masked men on the rooftops!" Tempest Avian telepathically warned Leona. The Wizard Saint stopped to look for the men but could not see anyone from the ground. Not wanting to take any chances, Leona warned the group anyway.

    "MASKED MEN ON THE ROOFTOPS!" Leona shouted to the group a split-second before gunfire broke out.

    "TAKE COVER!" Leona shouted another warning and pressed herself against the nearest wall to try and make herself a smaller target. Her body armor might protect her from a shot or two to the torso as long as she was not hit with Armor-Piercing Rounds, but shots to the head were another matter. She would have to be careful.

    Putting away her sword, Leona carefully looked around and tried to get an idea of what was going on.

    She was still confused by the sudden ambush and was not sure if those masked men were still on the rooftops or not. She spied gunmen in the windows firing at the group from multiple angles and decided that since they posed the most obvious threat they were to be dealt with first. It was time to call in Tempest Avian.

    "Tempest Avian, do you see any gunmen in the windows?" Leona telepathically asked her summon.

    "Yes." He answered concisely.

    "I need you to fire Steel Flechettes at the ones you can see and try to take them out!" Leona telepathically ordered Tempest Avian to fire showers of Steel Flechettes at any gunmen he could see in an attempt to clear them out.

    "Understood. I will begin firing shortly." Tempest Avian said. Having given that order, Leona began trying to fight back. Charging a Wind Bullet spell on her right index finger, Leona briefly leaned out from cover and aimed the Wind Bullet at one of the enemies she had spotted firing from a window a bit above her and to her right, then fired it in an attempt to hit him. After firing she ducked back into cover as quickly as possible. Her adrenaline was flowing and the group was taking fire from multiple angles, so she might have taken a hit or two without realizing it.

    Needing help from the other mages, Leona raised her bracelet to her lips and spoke into it.

    "Kyran, Maven, can you help me take out the gunmen in the windows without leaving the VIPs defenseless?" Leona asked them. Moments later Leona saw showers of Steel Flechettes begin raining down towards some of the windows concealing gunmen. Tempest Avian could not fire on all of them, but he was making an effort to suppress the threats he could see. Whether the flechettes would hit the targets or not was uncertain because some of the projectiles were fired from a rather steep angle.

    Maybe her fellow mages could help Leona take on the gunmen.

    [Post Word Count: 890]
    [Leona's Word Count: 3,482]

    Spells Used:

    Summon Abilities Used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) KjmbioC

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    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 11th November 2021, 8:43 pm

    Kyran felt a warm pleased emotion settle in his chest as they moved somewhat smoothly through the crowd without issue. Lehanna got stopped before they broke free. He didn't notice until much too late to do anything about it. Kyran allowed himself a glance backward to check on her. The mage couldn't be weak or she wouldn't have been chosen for this mission. He'd trust in her ability to take care of herself. Her flame slayer capabilities should keep any number of people away. The redhead turned forward, putting the other mage from his mind. Best to keep his mental acumen on the situation beforehand.

    The sense of accomplishment vanished the further onto the side streets they advanced. Their course changed too many times to be a coincidence, even if he believed in those. Kyran kept a wary eye on the sparse crowds and the buildings. The explosive anger didn't seem to reach these bystanders. It only reinforced his opinion they should have taken a different primary route originally. One that avoided all crowds and these easy to set an ambush buildings. His uneasy feeling grew as their path grew ever easier. Especially after the difficulty moving through the marketplace, Kyran had expected more resistance.

    His feeling became vindicated with Leona's shout. His blood swirled through the air, forming a hooded angel holding a shield. His mana funneled into the angel as bullets whizzed through the air at them. A fortress of light dropped from the sky to protect the Cardinal and Norwood. Kyran, unfortunately, didn't benefit from the protection. Several bullets slammed into his body. His knees hit the cobblestones. Pain held a place of friendship for the redheaded mage however. He grinned ferally.

    "Maven, I hand the left side off to you. I'll take the right." Kyran said raising his arms. Leona called in a moment later. He could see one of Leona's summons firing into the windows. Change of plans was in order then. Kyran rolled toward the wall. The wristband was raised to his lips. "I've dropped two defensive spells around the VIPs. I'm not sure how long they'll hold but we have a short window. Eliminate everything you can" Black flames shot into some of the windows above. Moments later the roofs exploded. It seemed Lehenna had finally caught up as well.

    Rolling away from the wall, Kyran launched twin spells at the windows above. One looked like a large red spider that fired a strand of webbing through a window. The other had the appearance of a green crescent turning unnaturally to disappear into another window. "VIPs, move!" Kyran shouted. They couldn't stand still simply absorbing the damage. It only took one stray bullet to eliminate the Cardinal. "I'll cover the VIPs retreat!" Kyran said into his band. "Catch up as quickly as you can." He moved into the center of the street. Thick red vines gathered around his arms. Nine strands shot out, hitting their targets unerringly. The redhead didn't wait to urge his charges along the street. He hoped there wasn't a secondary ambush in place.

    WC: 515

    Stats and stuff:



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 12th November 2021, 2:22 am

    The day had proven to be more entertaining than Mythica had originally pegged it to be. While she had been expecting some resistance, the scene that had followed was surely something a little more aggressive than the time witch had anticipated. Her attention was divided momentarily before, as she carefully watched their surroundings for any inkling of trouble. Because of this she didn't even notice Lehanna had fallen behind at first, though not that Mythica would have done much in the way to help her. After all, her history with the fire slayer had pretty much proven that Mythica put little thought into the girl's well being. That and the fact that Lehanna was a fully fleshed out wizard as well, so whatever trouble came her way Mythica figured she would be able to take care of herself.

    Something was certainly off, and Maven was the first to get the feeling. While not voicing her opinions at first, the mismatched gaze of the clock eyed wizard scanned their surroundings methodically as the excitement from the main streets slowly faded away as their changed route led the group through several smaller less populated side streets. Still, simply dodging the crowds by taking the alleys shouldn't have been enough to deter any serious assassins, so the magical marksmen kept her trigger finger ready just in case, and it didn't seem to take long before she was going to be given a chance to finally use it.

    What came first was the elevated shout of the Silver Wolf guildmaster, a brief warning of danger before their entire position was quickly compromised by masked individuals in the buildings! Before long the familiar sounds of raining bullets and gunshots became all too loud to ignore, and Maven instinctively summoned her pistol in her other hand, duel wielding both guns and aiming them upwards! Luckily Kyran's magic came in handy, shielding the Cardinal from the initial surprise attack and giving her just enough time to counter! Maven instantly fired shots back towards the roof, positioning herself between the Cardinal and Chairmen and the fire. "If you don't mind, gentlemen!" Maven yelled with a smile above the chaos, just as she grabbed hold of the Cardinal's arm and quickly pulled him towards the walls inside a closed doorway that provided some cover from the main street. She got into cover for a moment just across from him, checking over her weapons as the walls around them sputtered with bullet shots, though Maven didn't seem phased. She noticed Kyran take a few hits and sighed internally.

    "Alrighty then, mind your heads for falling debris and or human remains!" She called out before bright magical seals around the center of the street appeared! Without warning viciously fast golden chains exploded from the seals and dove straight towards the buildings on the left side of the street! What followed was complete chaos as the magical constructs tore indiscriminately through the floors and walls of each building, wrapping and whipping every masked assaulter they came into contact with! The pure impact of the chains caused huge amounts of dust and smoke to fill the narrow alley, giving Maven the go ahead for the second part of her plan. "Right this way!" She said with a confident smirk, holding up both her guns and stepping out of cover before signaling the Cardinal and Norwood to follow her through the completely dust covered alley. She hurried through, seemingly ignoring the cries of pain and distress as her magical chains continued to relentlessly attack the attackers. Some dragged straight out of the windows they had been shooting from, thrown across the street or slammed into the adjacent walls.

    With her smokescreen in place and Kyran covering their retreat, Maven saw it fit to move now. "Stay close behind me. There could be more ambushes ahead!" Maven said just as a man fell onto their path from the buildings above. Just as he tried getting to his feet he was met with a quick shot to the head as Maven realized he was still armed. "I'm sorry if blood gets on your armor before the signing, but alas, some things can't be ignored." She said somewhat unhinged, stepping over the body and carefully looking both ways of the next street. Mythica had seen the unmistakable black flames before and knew Lehanna must not have been far behind, though she couldn't quite get a read Leona's situation. Maven couldn't do much for the guildmaster now though, as she was left with the Cardinal and Chairmen in the middle of a warzone.

    "Clearly the streets are being watched, so we're gonna cut through some buildings." Maven told the others through their shared communication's network just as she lifted up her gun and shot in the wooden door of what looked like a large warehouse. "A shortcut if you will, we can't risk your safety when the roads have been compromised. We'll cover more ground if we cut through these residences."

    2404/4000 Words
    Spell(s) used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Observer
    Position : Keeper of Knowledge
    Posts : 24
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 13th November 2021, 9:41 pm

    Felidae City
    As the initial onslaught of bullet fire rained down upon their heads, Leona had provided just enough warning to give herself, Kyran, and Mythica time to react. Kyran erected a shield of light around both of their charges, while Mythica nabbed the Cardinal by the arm and ushered both him and Norwood inside the nearest building where they were not in the direct line of fire. Norwood took up a flanking position around Leonida on the opposite side of Mythica, keeping his attention to their backs so he could make sure no one was sneaking up on them from inside. Both men had to keep themselves hunkered away from windows while glass and debris exploded around them from bullets.

    Leona instructed her summon to prepare an attack while she, herself, stepped briefly into the open to fire off a spell at one of the attackers she could see from the window. There wasn’t a whole lot she could see to identify them, but one thing was easily visible: Their entire face was covered by a black mask with a single red stripe that ran vertically down the middle. In fact, it would only take a few moments of battle before the entire party would notice that all of their present enemies sported the same facial covering. Her Wind Bullet screeched through the air and struck her target in the shoulder, sending them stumbling backward inside the building. Likewise, Tempest Avian’s fletchettes riddled a number of small but painful wounds into a couple of the masked warriors that the avian was able to target at once, causing them to cry out in pain and pause in an attempt to brush the dozens of darts from their body.

    While Kyran was busy putting himself in position, a blast of black fire shot into one of the building from the outside to indicate that Lehanna was at least close enough to throw some cover fire, literally. A pained scream confirmed that her target had indeed caught fire, along with a portion of the building. On the flip side, Kyran unleashed a number of spells in quick succession, each one doing its part to seek out a different target. In this manner, he was able to preoccupy several assailants at once as they each fought back the immediate threat, some with more efficiency than others. While each of his vines reached their intended victims, a few of them were protected by magical shields that caused the vines to glance off the energized barriers harmlessly.

    That was when the second wave arrived. As the party focused on the enemies firing down upon them from the windows, the original group that Leona’s summoned spirit spotted running along the rooftops leaped down into the fray to support their comrades. From inside the building, the Cardinal growled in fury and rose from his spot, seemingly with every intent of stepping back outside to join the fight. Instead, he found himself pulled back down by Norwood. “You need to stay.”

    “No, I need to go out there and help. I will not stand by while these honorable mages risk their lives to protect me! I am the Cardinal of Whispers, blessed by Arcanos himself, and--”

    “I am sorry my friend, I truly am,” the chairman interrupted as politely, but firmly, as possible. “But the most important person in this group is you. Without you here to represent Bellum’s Holy Council, this treaty -- this peace -- will fail, and that is exactly what these people want. These mages are doing the job they volunteered for, but their efforts will mean nothing if you don’t swallow your pride and press forward while we have the chance. The rest of us aren’t as vital, not even me.” The two men stared at one another briefly, Norwood patient against Leonida’s passion and frustration at being told to stay out of the fight.

    Finally, the Cardinal relented with a grumble. “Fine. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

    Norwood nodded his thanks, and his relief, before turning to look at Mythica, who seemed to be enjoying herself all things considered. It was slightly concerning, but he couldn’t deny that some people simply got a thrill out of battle. Besides, she had been hand picked by members of his own council, so he felt no need to worry. She opted to take the lead, stepping out into an alley with her guns locked and loaded as the the sound of pained cries echoed lightly between the buildings from those who had gotten caught in her chains. With the smoke screen to provide at least some visual cover, she hurried to lead the two VIPs out of the immediate danger zone and closer toward the meeting house.

    Shortly after she drew the two men out of the area, Lehanna would find herself finally caught up to the group in full, showing up just in time to see a handful of masked individuals descending upon Leona and Kyran on foot. Two such assailants rushed Leona, one wielding a double headed axe and the other’s body covered head to toe in a suit of rock that magically appeared upon them, each attacking her in tandem with swings of their weapon or earth-coated fists respectively. Kyran would find himself being targeted by four individuals that had dropped from the rooftops and singled him out. One kept back a bit and loosed a number of lightning bolts his way, while another unleashed a wave of orange mist that would sap not just Kyran, but also Leona and Lehanna of a bit of their magical energy should it come in contact with them. The other two sprinted toward him with swords in an attempt to distract him from being able to easily defend himself from the lightning mage. Lastly, as Lehanna thrust herself into the fray, she would find three masked individuals bursting from what was left of Mythica’s smoke screen. Between them, one summoned a demonic looking boar that squealed loudly before rushing her tusks first. Of the other two, one slung rays of ice magic at her while the other stood back with an ominous looking tome in their hand from which they were chanting some kind of incantation.

    Above them, the number of attackers that had been shooting from the windows had been significantly reduced, but not eliminated entirely. Those who remained continued to lay a small amount of suppressive fire from above, with some of them paying special attention to Tempest Avian, doing their best to kill the creature so they could go back to focusing on the people below. As the two groups fought one another, however, the masked man with the book finished his first incantation, and with a small flourish a large dome of purple energy surrounded the entire group, assailants and party alike, trapping them inside with one another. Flipping a page in the book, he began to read off the start of another spell.

    Outside the dome, Mythica had already managed to get both the chairman and the Cardinal away in time to prevent them from being caught inside the trap, though they would be able to see the dome with ease should they stop to look back. Additionally, they would also see a concerning amount of black smoke coming from the square where the riot had broken out, where Lehanna’s previous dumpster fire had unintentionally caused an escalation as the incensed crowd had turned to the fire and spread it. Considering that the Joyan city was practically built into a forest, there was quite a bit to burn, and the flames had spread quickly. Still, the trio pressed forward, if unhappily. Norwood hated leaving them behind, but he knew what had to be done. The best he could do was vow to return or send more aid once Leonida was at the meeting house.

    But of course, it would not be so smooth of a course. Their course had clearly been orchestrated by this unknown group of anti-peace insurgents, so it would be no surprise when several more attackers garbed in black and red masks slipped out of the alleys to block the group’s progress. The vast majority of them immediately descended upon Norwood and Leonida. Three of them, however, broke away to focus on Mythica. The first used their magic to summon a number of thick green vines in her general direction, the foliage looking more to entangle her than harm her. Of the remaining two, the first was wielding a oversized, two handed hammer that glowed with an eerie red light while the other let out a primar roar whose sonic power shook the area so hard that the nearby buildings trembled under the pressure, the sound waves releasing at decibels so high that it would be both agonizing and debilitating should the trio not find a way to protect themselves from it.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 20th November 2021, 11:53 pm

    Kyran had been about to follow Norwood and the Cardinal when more assassins descended upon the group. He cursed under his breath. Two swords, some kind of lightning mage and some guy with eerie orange mist attacked him directly. The slayer lost sight of Leona in the fray. The Angel of Peace dropped down behind Kyran. Her hand extended, shooting brilliant beams of light toward the mist, lightning bolts and the four opponents. Kyran felt his mana drop as the beams obliterated the spells.

    The first sword strike got slapped away. The second came inches from Kyran's left arm. Kyran traded rapid blows with each of them. A myriad of shallow cuts opened across his body. The two mages, while sluggish from the Angel of Peace's spell, were looking to cast more spells. Kyran flicked his hands out. A large red spider formed in front of one, jumping toward the swordsman on his right. A blade of wind slammed into the one on his left.

    Kyran sped toward the mist mage. Without knowing the properties of the mist, Kyran didn't wish to see it reappear. Lightning may hurt but he understood it. The unknown factor in battle could easily get you killed. The flat of his palm flew out toward the mage's neck. He followed the attack with a sweeping kick. A lightning bolt hit him in the shoulder. Only then did Kyran notice something odd. A large purple dome had fallen over the fighting area. They were effectively cut off from their VIPs.

    "Oh, hell no" Kyran growled through gritted teeth. He held out his hand, gathering the wind. Their plans needed to be shattered. The redhead felt certain there were other surprises ahead. This was too well planned. They'd been predictable and been funneled where the assassins wanted. As a swirling green and black lance formed in his palm, Kyran smiled at the lightning mage. Then the lance erupted. At the same time, the redhead unleashed his vines.

    The lance's projectiles were aimed to clean up. He sent multiple into each window where a flashing muzzle could be seen. One projectile went into the dome itself. Kyran exerted his will to try and dissolve the obstruction. Even opening a small hole would do. That would allow either Leona or Lehanna to go give Maven backup. The vines slammed into his own attackers. Three for each of the ranged mages, one for each of his melee opponents and the final one Kyran sent whizzing through another window.

    The redhead wished he'd thought to bring a weapon. It would have been extremely useful. Ever practical, Kyran grabbed a sword from one of his opponents. Each enemy mage had a hole poked into their necks. Turning toward Leona and Lehanna, the redhead prepared to wage war for his fellow bodyguards.

    WC: 469

    Stats and Stuff:


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 21st November 2021, 1:39 pm

    Having been momentarily surprised by the sudden ambush and lacking a ranged weapon to use against the gunmen thanks to her shortsightedness when packing her gear for the trip to Joya, Leona had called for help from Kyran and Maven to try and thin out the attackers. Leona soon received word from Kyran over the wristband that he had had used his magic to give shields to both the VIPs, but that was not all he did. He went into action and took out some of the attackers in the windows to the right with several spells cast in succession. Maven had unleashed an impressive display of magic that took out a good deal of attackers in the windows on the left, did a lot of property damage, and kicked up a lot of smoke. Those two mages had done their part and then some.

    Lehanna's return was announced by a blast of black fire that flew into one of the windows and hit one of the attackers with fiery results. Leona was relieved that her guildmate had managed to rejoin the group, but there was no time to celebrate. Judging from the gunfire sounding around her, there were still several gunmen active in the area.

    "Tempest Avian, what are you seeing?" Leona telepathically asked Tempest Avian.

    "Quite a few of those gunmen are out of action, but there's still a few of them left and I'm getting shot at! I've already taken a few hits!" Tempest Avian reported from his perspective. Leona felt the weight of inadequate planning drop squarely on her shoulders. She should have summoned Sky Champion Rafale to support Tempest Avian before the party got moving, but she did not do so because she had naively assumed that three summons would be enough to protect the group from whatever trouble they encountered.

    She was such an idiot.

    "Keep using Steel Flechettes on those gunmen! Attack any of them you can see!" Leona telepathically ordered Tempest Avian. He was in the best position to try and take out the surviving gunmen. He was also serving as a good distraction by occupying the attention of some of them. As much as she hated to leave him in place, he would have to stay where he was.

    Leona spared a moment to glance up at Tempest Avian and saw him aiming and firing volleys of Steel Flechettes at any gunmen he could see in an effort to get rid of them before he went down. He had already taken quite a few hits, so she did not know how much longer he would last.

    Leona turned her attention back to the ground, where some of the masked men Tempest Avian had warned her about earlier descended from their perches to join the battle. Two of them made a beeline for the Wizard Saint and soon engaged her in close-quarters combat. An ax-wielding assailant worked together with a pugilist coated in rock to keep the Wizard Saint constantly on the back foot so that she could not attack one of them without running the risk of being hit by the other.

    Leona did the best she could to dodge both the forceful swings of the ax and the swift punches of the rock-covered man. However, defense alone would not win this fight. She had to counterattack.

    Leona's first priority was to deal with the ax-wielding attacker. She aimed the palm of her right hand at him, prepared an Air Pressure spell, and fired the horizontal column of compressed air at his chest in an effort to take him out of the fight. Once she fired the spell she took a step back and focused on the rock-covered assailant.

    The Wizard Saint took another step back to create a little more space. She then prepared, aimed, and fired a Wind Bullet spell at his chest in an effort to knock him back and buy her some time to think through a high-risk, high-reward idea. She was tempted to close in and use her anti-armor Silver Blade spell against him to finish him quickly, but she would not do that while his ax-wielding partner was still a threat. However, the prospect was tempting.

    After firing the Wind Bullet Leona jumped backwards one full jump to put some distance between her and the assailants, then glanced around her and noticed that a large purple dome was covering the battlefield. The dome also cut them off from Maven and the VIPs, who had thankfully managed to avoid getting trapped along with the mages already caught under it. Leona had no idea where it had come from and did not have time to ponder that mystery because a strange orange mist was floating towards her. Leona could not just blow the mist away with a wind spell since the dome trapped it in here, so she would just have to avoid it.

    Leona stepped back a few more steps to get some room to judge where the mist was going and glanced right to see that Kyran had disposed of his opponents.

    Maybe he could help her finish off the masked assailants and get out of the dome so that they could rejoin Maven and the VIPs.

    [Post Word Count: 872]
    [Leona's Word Count: 4,354]

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) KjmbioC

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 28th November 2021, 4:19 am

    "Such potential, such loss. Such is life however! And we must press on!" Maven said, her tone shifting from somber to determined almost instantly as the trio witnessed the magical shield that had cut them off from the rest of the guard detail. Not that it mattered much in the end to the raven haired wizard though, as she was quite confident in her own abilities. These glory thieves would need to try a lot harder to get in her way. And it seemed that would soon be the case, as Maven's senses soon picked up the sounds of rushing opponents all around them! "I do apologize if I am about to seem unladylike..." Was the only thing Maven had time to say before the first spells were cast! Everything was happening so quickly, but Maven could do the math. The trio had managed to avoid the initial trap, but whoever these attackers were had backup plans in place. Maven would have loved to inspect their masks more closely, though unfortunately the circumstances did not permit such actions. While there was no shortage of groups across Earthland that would want to commit such acts of terrorism, Maven could not think of one that matched the profile of these individuals. At least not one to her knowledge. Perhaps a new player had entered the arena... That made things all the more fun.

    With the two VIPs in one place, it was only natural that the majority of attackers were on their flank. A stroke of bad luck, as three individuals ignored Norwood and the Cardinal and decided to instead focus on Maven directly. How irritating. Maven heard the sounds of rushing vines, snaking their way along the floor and quick speeds straight towards the time wizard! Narrowing her eye with contempt, Maven reacted instantly by vanishing from sight just before the vines reached her position with a yellow flash of magic! She was gone for what only seemed like a moment, but reappeared just as quickly directly behind the hammer wielding thug! Using all her strength, Maven would attempt to kick in the back of the man's leg before he even had a chance to react to her presence, forcing him to one knee before the street echoed with the bang of a firearm as her pistol aligned with his head! Turning to face his friend with a maniacal smile, Maven barely had enough time to register the sonic wave's presence before she saw it rushing towards her! With the two VIP's behind her she had to make a split second decision! Throwing up an arm, a yellow seal manifested in the air which quickly extended into a large clock shaped barrier! The stone streets ripped apart at the force of the wave but if successful Maven's barrier would freeze the magic in its place upon impact, before sending it directly back towards its caster at the full power, as if the spell was completely reversed!

    "I didn't forget about you. Have a taste of your own medicine!" Maven laughed, looking onward to the last assailant who had previously tried to ensnare the time witch in vines. Without any more warning, more yellow magic seals appeared along the ground and the golden chains that had helped Maven before had returned for another easy kill. They would rush towards the attacker, attempting to snare them as well. "Who knew politics could be so fun!" She laughed.

    Assuming her opponents were dealt with, the eyepatch wearing wizard instantly turned her attention back towards the VIPs. They were still in danger, and she wasn't quite ready to abandon her charge just yet. By now Maven had hoped the others were in a position to intercept, or she'd need to get a lot more blood on her robes today than already planned. Using her inhuman speed, Maven dashed forwards back in the Cardinal's direction! Magical blades materializing at the end of her guns as she prepared to get messy.

    3069/4000 Words

    Spell(s) used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 28th November 2021, 3:07 pm

    It seemed that just catching up to the group was not the only obstacle coming her way right now. As even her own spell had taken out a few of the ambushing attackers to the caravan, Lehanna saw that she had only arrived in time to face a rather unwelcoming surprise. First came from the barrier that had ultimately trapped her inside of it along with Kyran and Leona if she managed to have seen correctly. Trying to gauge the current situation brought her little time to notice or react to the orange colored haze that had tried to strike the trio. Passing by the fire slayer, it took one breath of air to albeit choke on whatever it had been for only a moments time. But in that time, it seemed that she had felt slightly weaker than when she had gotten to meet back up with the group. Perhaps it was her fault for not paying attention. Whatever the case, she would need to put her focus into not letting it happen again moving forward.

    Making sure to correct her mistakes, Lehanna tried to keep herself grounded to her surroundings and know what she was surrounded by and move from there. Given that the smokescreen in front of her and the pair of bodyguards in the bubble were currently engaging in fights of their own, it was safe to say this ambush had been a part of their plan in separating the group. As a loud squealing kicked up into the air, something began to plow through the smoke and towards the mage. Her only reaction felt more instinctual and bodily as she simply jumped as far away and hard as her legs could let her to avoid the charging creature. As she hit the ground, she rolled until her front would be facing the ground before pushing herself up onto her feet.

    A few instances of ice spells seemed to have been casted her way and without seeing anything else but the three masked men and this demonic looking Wilbur, she took notice more to the very rear of the group attacking her. They didn't move, but they had been saying something muffled beneath their mask as though they might be reading something from their book. She had no other choice, but had to remember not to act so reckless as to potentially hurt Kyran or her own guildmaster. Four targets wasn't a bad number and she had the surprise on her side for the most part. Gripping the hilt of her sword tightly, the magic she poured into it would cause the blade to become engulfed in flames. In one swing, a large snake-like shaped flame would erupt from the swinging sword. Her main target had been the mystery party taking no immediate threat to the party, but the size of the snake like flame would no doubt have the potential to hit all of her targets should they not be able to defend themselves quick enough. What more was this was aimed away from the separated party on the outside of the barrier in case this would break the barrier, she would not have to worry about any friendly fire incidents.

    536 words
    2828/4000 total words (added in uncounted wc from previous post)

    Ability used:


    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Posts : 24
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 29th November 2021, 8:27 pm

    Felidae City
    Within the dome, Leona, Lehanna and Kyran were locked in a chaotic battle against the various enemies that had squared off against them. At first, the attack methods of the party would seem rather effective as the first few masked assailants went down pretty quickly. Kyran worked on dodging the incoming blows from the two sword wielding enemies who found themselves slowed by the Angel of Peace, giving him enough space and time to launch his spells. Both swordsmen dropped relatively easily, all things considered. However, when he went to press his attack upon the remaining two assailants, he would find that his magic seemed less effective than it should have been. His lance attack and his vines hit true to their targets, but seemed not to do as much damage as he had intended.

    Furthermore, the rebels seemed to be almost indifferent about trying to protect themselves. The spells hit square, yet they continue to stay on the offensive, hurling further spells of lightning and mist upon him. That wasn’t the only odd thing that Kyran would notice, however. Though his lance spell had spread out and pierced quite a number of enemies, none of the wounded targets were bleeding. There were injuries to be certain, and his lances and vines had certainly caused damage to their attackers, but there were no drips of crimson plasma pouring from the wounds, nor did their clothes appear to become saturated with any kind of bodily life fluid.

    In fact, Lehanna, Leona, and Mythica alike would notice similar things in their own individual battles. Their first attacks would be effective enough to down their first opponents, but with each subsequent spell their magic seemed less and less effective, almost as though their attackers were adapting to the magic damage being inflicted upon them and building up resistances to it. As such, the more enemies they managed to fell, the more difficult it became to deal effective damage to those who remained and were seemingly able to endure much more punishment than those who had fallen before them. Additionally, they would likely notice after landing a few damaging spells that none of their targets were bleeding.

    By the end of their current round of spellcasting, Leona would have slain both of her enemies, though the pugilist had been far more difficult to take down as her wind magic seemed to become less and less effective with each strike. Similarly, her summon’s flechettes were still dealing damage to the assailants in the windows, but it was taking increasingly more of them each time to deal enough damage to take them out. Still, between the flechettes and Key’s own multitargeted attacks, the enemies inside the buildings were finally dealt with one by one, leaving the remaining assailants outside on the ground to engage the group.

    For Lehanna, her inferno attack would hit nearly all of her intended targets at once simultaneously, causing all of them to light on fire, burning away their clothes and then some. In fact, their very flesh began to burn away, revealing a subsurface layer or what appeared to be some sort of metal that melted and popped, leaving the enemies so disfigured that they couldn’t even move any longer, their malformed bodies crumbling to a semi-melted heap onto the ground.

    The only one who remained was the assailant toward the back carrying the tome. They had been further away, causing the flames to take slightly longer to reach them, and by the time the snake-like whip of fire had connected they seemed to have developed a magical resistance to the flames. Its clothing and skin layer melted away, but the metallic frame beneath held true. As far as the dome, while Kyran’s lance would hit the barrier, it did not penetrate it. In fact, much like the masked assailants themselves, the longer his spell remained in contact with the barrier the stronger it seemed to get. Whatever it was going to take to remove the structure, he would get the distinct feeling that attacking the dome directly was not going to work as the source of its energy was coming from elsewhere.

    Meanwhile, Lehanna’s heightened sense of hearing picked up a rather odd sound above the chaos of the battle. It was faint, but she would still manage to pick it out: a strange sort of ticking sound. Should she elect to follow the noise and try to pinpoint it, she would find that it grew louder as she approached the fallen bodies of the enemies before her. It was a meticulous metronome that seemed to click about once per second, almost like the ticking of a clock…. Or more accurately, some kind of bomb. Either way, she could be reasonably certain that if the three of them did not find the right way to bring down the barrier or protect themselves from the incoming explosions, things were sure to get very dicey very quickly.

    Outside the dome, much further away and out of sight from the rest of the party, Mythica was engaged in a battle alongside the two VIPs in her charge. Much like the others, she would notice that her time magic seemed to become less and less effective with each strike. The man wielding the hammer was caught completely off guard by her teleportation behind him, finding himself on his knees with a bullet in his brains before he really got the chance to react. Her barrier to deflect the wave of sonic energy was successful, forcing the sound mage to be tossed right off their feet and blown back a number of meters by the effects of their own spell. However, by the time she returned to the mage controlling the vines, her spells were significantly less effective. Her own chains rushed toward this attacker much like their vines had done to her. The chains snagged her prey temporarily, but after only a moment they were able to shake them off. Retaliating quickly, and seemingly ignoring the damage they had received from the attack, the assailant stretched their hands out toward Mythica, their fingers stretching out into ten long, sturdy vines that raised themselves up and began to whip themselves at her one at a time.

    As for the VIPs, Norwood and Leonida were busy with their own battles. Leonida was living up to his title of Cardinal, unleashing a number of light based spells, his body glowing with a bright golden aura of holy energy. “Light of Arcanos!” he cried, raising his hands toward the sky and summoning an intense ray of glittering light into the air that rained down upon the area, causing the masked fighters to recoil and shrink away in pain. Bit of their clothing disintegrated, exposing the pseudo-flesh beneath to the sunlight until it too burned away, revealing the metal plating beneath.

    “What the hell are these things?!” he asked, frustration in his voice.

    Norwood grunted as he used his sword to carve his way out of a water spell that had been sent his way. It was evident that he was more politician than fighter, strong enough to hold his own but nowhere near as powerful or well trained as the Cardinal was. “Some sort of machines? Whatever they are, they seem to be adapting to our magic and building a hive resistance the more damage they take!” The Chairman needed answers, and while some could come from inspecting the bodies of the fallen he wanted to capture some of them alive to answer to the Rune Knights later.

    Moving with careful precision, he did his best to take down the handful of enemies that were focused on him with his sword, swatting away spells and maneuvering himself to keep the buildings of the alley behind his back so it would not be as easy to flank him. One by one he whittled his targets down, patient through the grueling process of bearing through the increasing resistances they seemed to have until he had slain all but one. With sweat pouring down his brow, he roared with renewed vigor and tapped into some of his back up magic, pointing the tip of his sword at the final assailant before him and launching a blast of near point blank energy at them, causing the target to stumble and lose their balance momentarily as they recoiled from the damage. Norwood rushed the target while they were at the disadvantage, body slamming them into the exterior wall of one of the nearby buildings and pinning them there, the edge of his sword pressed against their neck.

    “Yield!” he demanded. “Yield and your life will be spared to face fair trial.” The assailant, dazed and quickly losing consciousness from how hard they had been slammed into the structure behind them, said nothing. At first, the only thing Norwood heard was the ringing of battle in his ears, but after a moment of being right up against the target there was no mistaking the sound. Tick, tick, tick, tick…


    An explosion the size of a miniature nuke rocked the entire city. The Cardinal’s eyes went wide as he just barely managed to throw up a barrier before him just in time to block the worst of the blast, though he was still sent rocketing through a number of walls in buildings of the alley. If Mythica was unable to defend herself properly, she would be treated to much similar treatment as she, the Cardinal, and the remaining masked rebels alike were all caught up in the violent eruption that leveled the immediate area, putting a temporary halt on even the riots several blocks over as the people shrieked and dropped to the ground out of sheer instinct.

    As the dust and smoke began to clear, the Cardinal limped out into the alley from the rubble, covered in blood and dirt. “Norwood!” he called out through a cough. “Norwood!! Maven!” Rushing toward where he had last seen the Chairman, Leonida’s gait practically screeched to a halt as his eyes fell to the ground in horror. “Oh no…” There before him was the charred remains of the Chairman, barely recognizable through the blackened marks along his flesh and clothing where he laid in a lifeless heap.

    Norwood was dead.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    You have until 12/6/2021 to post.

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:39 pm