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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Kyran 1st December 2021, 9:34 pm

    As Kyran fought, he noticed something odd about his opponents. They didn't bleed. Not only that but they seemed to be increasingly resistant to his magical attacks. His eyes widened, his pupils retracted. His heart raced as his mind screamed. Not again. This couldn't be his work. Not again. Lightning and mist were hurled while the injuries were ignored. The Angel unleashed her streams of light once more to dissolve the spells. The redhead screamed, utter agony in his voice. Images of his daughter lying lifeless interposed with her zombified body growing crystals. Images of his cruel ex Claudia laughing at his pain, laughing at their daughter's mistreatment. Rage consumed him.

    Kyran didn't consciously casting the spells. All he wanted was to destroy, to rip and tear. His hands clutched weapons but they weren't necessary. He'd tear apart Gruen's creations with his teeth if he hand to. Fury fueled his blows as he rained them down on the first mage he laid hands on. Metal twisted and screeched under his assault. Metal? The sound slowly brought him back to reality. Gruen didn't work with metal. His creations were made of crystal. Kyran blinked as his senses returned. He was on his knees. The opponent he'd grabbed didn't entirely appear human anymore. His hands were covered in his own blood. It was unclear if his fingers could safely uncurl without incurring more damage. Idiot. There were two weapons still clutched in those hands. He glanced over his shoulder. The other mage thing appeared to still be functional. He doubted these things had any emotions whatsoever.

    The redheaded slayer got to his feet. How long had he been wailing on this metallic creature? Time had vanished in his berserker state. Best to move forward. He had one more opponent to deal with. This one could fire off an orange mist. Kyran didn't know what it did, but he didn't want it to touch him either. The blood red vines rose around him, writhing. All nine shot into the mage before him. Kyran could have sworn it smiled. "Alright." He said with a slow smile. The redhead's body blurred as he moved with the wind. Appearing behind the mage, he swung his sword. Blocked. The creature knew how to fight. Kyran swung again, low to high diagonal. One hand was sacrificed. Orange mist spread outward from the creature. The redhead grit his teeth, feeling weaker as the mist touched him. The swirling lance struck out next in a feint. The creature stood still. It didn't fear magic. Why should it when it became resistant?

    Kyran threw his sword under the shadow of his strike. A red spider and a green crescent followed. The creature fell. The slayer frowned, retrieving the sword as best he could. His mangled knuckles could barely bend. He had a feeling the sword strike had defeated this one more than his magical onslaught. The redhead remembered something as he looked around. Peering up, he saw his lance projectile still spinning against the dome. It appeared to be making the dome stronger, similar to the creatures. A thought dismissed the missile. Unfortunate and concerning it didn't work. It was one of his most powerful spells.

    A ticking noise irritated him. Not one but many, heard faintly over the battles of his companions. Kyran swore when he realized these creatures had a surprise in store for them. "Lehenna! Leona! These things are bombs! Disable them or contain them!" He shouted. It didn't cross his mind to run. Who could account for how powerful the explosion might be? The dome might hold the explosions or funnel them into the surrounding buildings. Kyran ground his teeth together. The dome needed to go. He tried hitting it with the sword. The piece of metal flew from his weakened grasp. "Damn it!" His magic gathered, teleporting him toward the outside. The dome caught him like a bird into a window pane. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Each expletive was accompanied by a weak strike of his injured hand. Kyran felt like a failure. Even his strongest magic couldn't bring this demonic purple window pain down. He hoped Leona or Lehenna would have a clue. In the meantime, he could try to disable the bombs.

    The redhead turned around, raising his lance. Projectiles streamed from the tip. Each projectile aimed itself for the head of a fallen opponent. Kyran also directed a handful toward one of Lehenna's opponents which was still standing. Better to bring her out of combat so she might help. With his magic spent, Kyran slumped against the dome. He felt physically, mentally and emotionally drained. A minute to rest. That was all he needed.

    WC: 780



    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3685
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 2nd December 2021, 11:27 pm

    Leona had thought that she had messed up yet again by being too passive and hurling distance spells instead of using her anti-armor spells to end the fight sooner, but after using more spells that she would have liked her two adversaries lay defeated and motionless on the ground. By the time they had finally fallen Leona had started to notice something strange about them. The were really tough... almost supernaturally tough.

    "Leona, all the enemies in the windows are taken care of, but I noticed something strange about them!" Tempest Avian reported telepathically and disrupted her thoughts.

    "What? What do you mean?" Leona asked her summon. Tempest Avian was usually calm and not prone to losing his cool. If he was worked up about something she had better listen to him.

    "When I was attacking the gunmen my flechettes were harming them, but it seemed like the projectiles were losing effectiveness every time I fired them!" Tempest Avian informed the Wizard Saint what that "something strange" was.

    "You're trying to say that your flechettes lost their punch as time went on." Leona replied, trying to make sure she was understanding him. Her mind was swirling with a mix of adrenaline from the ambush, shame over feeling like Kyran and the others were doing most of the work while she coasted by, and anger at herself for not preparing for this mission more thoroughly by bringing a ranged weapon with her and summoning Sky Champion Rafale to support Tempest Avian. She was not in the best mental state right now.

    "Exactly!" Tempest Avian exclaimed. Leona frowned when she heard that because his words made sense. She had attributed the uncanny resilience of her attackers to them being both exceptionally tough and fighting under the effects of an adrenaline rush, but now it was becoming clear that there was something more to their toughness. There was no time to dwell on it, though. Leona's eyes and attention were soon drawn to the more pressing matter of the purple dome trapping them.

    Leona was wondering how to bring it down when she heard Kyran shouting a warning to her and Lehanna.

    "Damn it!" Leona shouted when she learned that the fallen enemies had explosives in their bodies. Kyran's warning galvanized her to act decisively in the face of this new threat. All her negative emotions were sidelined as the Wizard Saint began to try and think of a way out of this predicament.

    It was obvious that whatever had created the dome was not inside it because otherwise the three mages would have taken it out by now. The source had to be outside but also possibly somewhere nearby. She was not seeing anything right away, so she turned to Tempest Avian.

    "Tempest Avian, do you see anything unusual in the area?" Leona telepathically asked her summon. She heard nothing but silence.

    "Tempest Avian, do you see anything unusual?" Leona repeated her question with urgency. A few tense seconds later she finally got a response.

    "Yes, Leona! I see a strange man hanging back a good distance away from the dome and holding a book!" Tempest Avian finally informed her. Leona looked around the immediate area and spotted the person in question. Leona quickly hypothesized that he was the source of the purple dome.

    "Attack him the moment you have a good angle on him! Try to bring him down as quickly as you can!" Leona telepathically instructed Tempest Avian. He swiftly repositioned himself, then hovered in place.

    "Lead off with a Hurricane Shot and then alternate between Hurricane Shot and Steel Flechettes! Try and hit him with everything you have!" Leona ordered him.

    "Understood. Firing now!" Tempest Avian said to her. He aimed and fired a Hurricane Shot towards the man in an effort to hit him with that attack, then aiming and firing a spread of Steel Flechettes in his direction in an effort to hit him with a follow-up attack. After the opening volley of a green ball of wind followed by a rain of flechettes he alternated between his attacks to try and hammer the book-carrying enemy until he fell.

    All of Leona's hopes were riding on Tempest Avian. She hoped that her hypothesis that the death of the book-carrying enemy would remove the dome was correct. If she was wrong more people than just her stood to die.

    Leona had become so preoccupied watching Tempest Avian that she failed to notice or dodge another cloud of orange mist until she felt something on her legs. As she hurriedly backed out of the mist and circled around right she felt momentarily weak and her inner critic blasted her for making yet another stupid mistake. Leona was not sure if the cloud would have any long-lasting health effects, but she did not have time to worry about that.

    That book-carrying enemy needed to die and die quickly.

    [Post Word Count: 818]
    [Leona's Word Count: 5,172]

    Summon Abilities Used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 353
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Experience : 1,161,457

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 3rd December 2021, 1:37 pm

    The moment her attack struck each and every target she swung at, there was sense of pride and self confidence that began to fester in her. Knowing she could hit this hard to her targets made her realize she wasn’t as feeble as she once thought.. or rather how much Prada made her feel. She’d still find him one day and make him pay for what he’d done, however that was something she purely used as motivation. That purpose to press on, so to speak. Then, the settling of the momentum struck to her before she could even examine the bodies. Did she just potentially kill someone? Suddenly that bolstered confidence shattered into pieces in a panicked moment of a mental tear of confliction. Was she capable of even handling the stress of taking the life of another person or was she simply lying to herself to justify the teens attitude of the situation? Though even that seemed to fade as the sound hit her ears.

    Tick. Tick. Tick.

    Her eyes widened as the light reflected off the metallic being laid out among the floor. They weren’t people, but some form of advanced technological beings? If this was truly Pergrande’s doing, it made entire mounds of sense why it would be something that looked to be an adaptable AI. Though to her, to think it could spread as quickly between all the targets once her eyes flickered to the lone surviving member and saw it only suffered burns to its clothing but still stood and chanted. ”Is.. this a hivemind AI system?” The slayer muttered to herself while she surveyed the ticking corpses. When Kyran called out that they were all bombs, it snapped the mage from her mind and gave a slight shake of the head. Could any of them even TRY to defuse an AI bomb? What kind of failsafes could they have added to it to keep them from ring able to do just that?

    In a millisecond after a thought hit her brain, Lehanna ran off towards one of the ticking heaps. Melted down enough that the shell had exposed its insides, the fire mage pulled out her iLac and began to take several pictures around this lacrima core. Seeing whatever else she might be able to salvage of its insides could prove valuable if the client possibly knew of any signatures with this autonomous being and sending all the information to another location (think like iCloud). With that done, she slid her phone back into her pocket and ducked away as some kind of attack from Kyran struck each of the nearby enemies. ”Could you possibly warn me next time!?” She yelled over, watching Kyran slump over against the barrier in a bit of a weakened state. Whatever the orange mist had been, he seemed to have been hit much harder than either of the other two. ”Forget it…”

    Turning her attention to the mumbling nearby, ah assault of attacks from Leona and her summon tore into the area where the last enemy stood. A pure bombardment of projectiles led her to need to follow up. If this one were to do just the same as the others, then maybe there was a different catalyst for the barrier aside from the chanting. If it didn’t stop from Leona’s attacks, the younger mage would grab her sword and charge forward at the changing AI. Thrusting the sword forward, she would attempt to hit the tome it held first before driving it as far through and into the robotic being. If nothing stopped it from functioning yet, she’d then ignite the sword and swing, unleashing a horizontal wave of fire directly from the inside of the body in hopes to cut it off and burn the tome into nothing.

    632 words
    3469/4000 personal word count

    Ability used:



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 457
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,073,407

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Mythica 6th December 2021, 6:36 am

    "Now how could you possibly survive a wretch like me?!" Maven said with some genuine meaning. It had been quite some time since the time witch had faced any enemy in combat that didn't instantly crumble under her first spell or two, so to see that this individual could shrug off her magic so easily made Maven quite curious. Of course, if these assassins were under the employ of Pergrande it would make sense... However if that were true than Maven likely wouldn't even be at this event in the first place. The longer the day continued the more research the witch knew she'd need to conduct afterwards. Of course she didn't exactly have much time to worry about that now though, as it was clear her opponent was ready to continue scrapping!

    With her magic seemingly weakening against this particular opponent, Maven's first instinct was to duck and roll out of the way just as the long vine like fingers whipped past her and struck the wall behind! As soon as she got to her feet again the time wizard released a flurry of wide shots towards the masked foe as she ran behind a stack of old empty crates for temporary cover. Maven had noticed how her adversary lacked human like features. The noticeable lack of blood was the first to tip her off. Normally by this point in the battle Maven would be covered in splotches of red, though it seemed like whatever these things were they didn't seem to be of the living. Impressive to say the least, Maven was almost sad she hadn't come up with the idea first in her own factories of nightmares. Nonetheless, whoever was responsible was getting their money's worth. Annoying Mythica took some elbow grease to be sure.

    "Sendin it home! AHA!" Maven laughed, placing a magic seal onto one of the crates she stood behind. The seal was golden and in the shape of a clock, with the number 6 clearly displayed in the center. Though soon that number began to count down with every second, and with a swift kick Maven sent the crate skidding across the street straight towards her vine fingered opponent. Once the countdown reached zero the seal detonated, filling the air with a yellow magical explosion! Maven was smart enough to know that attack was likely going to be shrugged off by the construct's magical defenses, though it would provide her with a good distraction! With another flash of yellow magic Maven disappeared from site yet again but this time reappeared directly above the assassin! Planting her boot into the construct's masked face as she came falling down, Maven quickly aimed both barrels at point blank range and prepared to fire... But someone beat her to it.

    Her senses only had enough time to force her head to turn and stare at the rushing fire as it came billowing down the alley straight towards her! The shockwave took her by surprise, blowing Maven off of her feet and straight into the building behind her! The explosion rocked the city, sending chunks of shrapnel and stone everywhere as the firestorm engulfed half of the population center! Though the raven haired witch was completely dazed by the impact, her back smashing hard into a concrete wall, causing her to grunt in pain as her body fell to the ground! "Nnghh... Not usually on the receiving end of those..." She grumbled to herself as the building she was thrown inside shook violently.

    The dust and smoke would fill the streets for much time to come. The same could be said for the scars on the city, as an explosion like that was bound to ruin more than a few people's days. Maven coughed several times before forcing herself back up, shoving fallen debris and dust off of her as her face and skin were covered with several smaller cuts and bruises. She had not been prepared for a force like that, and much to her own displeasure she had suffered some minor injury from the magical explosion. Of course, a little pain was worth the risk. Maven honestly wasn't sure what could have caused something so destructive, but she figured it likely had something to do with the assassins. In that moment Maven's eye widened slightly as she remembered the job she was supposed to do. Turning on her display, it seemed as if the other three members of the guard detail were still dealing with their own problems... And Norwood seemed to no longer be part of the picture. "AAuhhhaa! H-ack!" Maven groaned in pain, looking down at her own body. Some burns to be sure, as well as bruising... A few deep cuts from shrapnel and other debris. She grinned widely. She couldn't have done a better job herself. Coughing a few more times from the dust in the air, Maven would lean against the wall before making her way to the shattered entrance of the building. Bleeding and in pain, Maven never felt more alive.

    It wouldn't be very long until she heard the Cardinal's cries for assistance. Through the dust and smoke the girl wandered until she made out the man's silhouette in the distance. As she moved closer she noticed the charred corpse of the chairmen upon the ground. Staring down at Norwood for a few moments, Maven's thoughts snapped back to reality and she walked closer to Leonida from behind. Without saying a word, Maven would reach towards her head and undo the eyepatch that had covered the left side of her face for the entire day. Letting the black piece of cloth fall to the ground, Maven slowly opened her shut eye to reveal the golden clock within. Taking a deep breath, she would finally make her presence known to the Cardinal of Whispers. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss... Though his death was necessary. And so is yours."

    Without almost no warning, an aura of magical energy would explode outwards from Mythica's body, spreading in all directions! The wave of magic would seem to an eerie red outline, and everything it touched seemed to define the laws of reality by freezing it in place! The smoke and dust, the fires burning all around them, the rain of embers falling from the sky like red snow all seemed to stop completely! This effect would of course extend to anything living as well, save Mythica of course. Intending to take Leonidas completely by surprise while he was staring at his dead friend, the soul merchant had created a temporary bubble where time had all but screeched to a halt. A very powerful, taxing spell, Mythica had only ever used it on the rarest occasions. Taking a moment to collect her breath, Mythica straightened her back and took a look around at their frozen surroundings. Nothing was nearly so picture perfect as the frozen chaos she could capture with her magic. "I'll be honest.." Mythica chuckled as she walked around the Cardinal's frozen body. The spell was capable of freezing the living, though those with strong magical pools were capable of remaining conscious, yet unable to move as time has willed it not to be. "I'm just as shocked as you are!" She continued with a laugh, walking over to Norwood's corpse and standing opposite of Leonidas. She looked down at the chairmen's body with a sinister grin. Well, maybe not about this part." She said, rolling her eyes a bit and shrugging. "Eheheh, I already knew it was going to end like this, in some way. Though I was not expecting... Help." Mythica continued, turning to face one of the fallen masked assassins, her tone getting noticeably sour on that last word. Her eyes narrowed for a second before she sighed and turned her attention back to the Cardinal. "Course we all gotta just go with the flow of things, don't we? Ride the wave? HA! SUCH CONCIET! To believe you exist a violet among the tulips in this ever growing world of MEDIOCRITY! Oh lord hubris take me now, I had too much faith in MYSELF! HA!"  She'd spout nonsense with as much confidence as her laugh, though it was cut short by the pain in her body. "Nggghhh! If it is ANY consolation, my lord." She started again, this time slowly walking over to the Cardinal. "I'd much rather be doin this to the Empress, but alas that wasn't part of the letter!" She said truthfully. "Though I haven't forgotten about her imperial highness quite yet. Gotta thank her for this beautiful gift!" Mythica said with a dark snicker, reaching into a pocket of her kimono to pull out a long object.

    A dagger of oblivium. The same type of steel Mythica had the unfortunate pleasure of coming to odds with during the border skirmishes. She remembered the effects it had against magic, and how her curiosity told her to remove this souvenir from a fallen Pergrande imperial guard. She observed the sleek blade for a moment, her eye twitching slightly with annoyance as she remembered the pain of oblivium's bite. Turning around once more to make sure their bubble of frozen time was still secure, Mythica sighed before smiling at Leonidas. "It's funny just how similar the concepts of time and chaos really are..." She began to say, looking down at the dagger again. "A hurricane of the unknown, a wave of unrestrained consequence... They are all these things." Mythica gripped the blade's handle firmly and her eyes narrowed while she continued to stare at it. "And whether you choose to believe it or not both are shaped by our choices..." Looking back up at Leonidas. "I made mine a long time ago." Her grin never failed, not even as she raised the blade and slowly plunged it deep into her own waist...

    The blood leaked out of Mythica's own body and onto the stone street below. Just like her, the red liquid seemed to be unaffected by the spell that froze time all around them. Mythica's face streamed with a few tears of pain as she still continued to smile, breathing heavily while her hands worked to pull the blade out of her torso. "And to think..." Mythica continued, though this time through tired, ragged breaths as she felt her body weakening. "So much death and chaos... Could be inspired..." She went on to say as the girl brought the bloodied dagger up to Leonidas' neck. "By a single action... All it takes is a little push in the right direction." That may had been the last things the Cardinal heard before Mythica pushed the blade into his throat.

    The day had certainly not gone the way the blood wolf had expected, but her job was more or less completed. She had yet to meet the senders of the mysterious letter she received the night beforehand, though she suspected that wouldn't be the case for very long after today. Not that it would have mattered much to Mythica in the end anyways if she never got to meet these people. She couldn't care any less about the money they offered her, as the resulting domino effect would be its own reward. However, she'd be lying to herself if she said she had no interest in the other form of payment they offered, and she was fairly curious to see if they would honor their words. For now though, all Mythica could do was rest. The resulting chaos and mayhem provided her with a near perfect distraction to conduct her objective without anyone else seeing, so with any luck there was nothing tying her to the crime. Mythica would slowly lean herself against the wall on the other side of the street, her hand gripping the knife wound in her waste as she put pressure on it. She coughed several times before slumping to the ground, her vision fading in and out periodically. It would be at this time her spell would start to wear off, the time bubble slowly breaking as reality began to move in motion once more. Mythica was sure to leave Pergrande's signature weapon in the Cardinal for all to see, and Mythica was about to make sure they did. Weakly pulling up her wristband, Mythica would speak to the rest of the security team.

    "Explosion in the c- city... Cardinal's... please send help." Mythica said with genuine struggle as the wound in her waist caused the real pain in her voice. All she could do now was wait until help arrived. Unfortunately by the time it did the Cardinal would likely have no longer any need for it.

    5188/4000 Words.

    Spell(s) Used:


    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    The Lorekeeper
    The Lorekeeper

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Observer
    Position : Keeper of Knowledge
    Posts : 24
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    Experience : 0

    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by The Lorekeeper 6th December 2021, 8:46 pm

    Felidae City
    Within the dome, Kyran, Leona, and Lehanna were lead by a blur of panic and desperation through the grueling task of taking down their enemies, only to discover the lacrima bombs embedded within the machine’s chests that promised ill fortune to any unlucky enough to be trapped inside the dome when the timers ran out. And like a foreboding preview of what was to come, the trio -- and Mythica -- would have a brief glimpse of an explosion taking place high up on the mountain where the meeting house, their original intended destination, stood. The only sight that marred the view was the smoke in the nearer distance where the bomb near Maven had gone off. Given their own imminent peril, however, they would likely have little time to dwell on it for now.

    Instead, they banded together to bring the last of their assailants down, with Leona and Lehanna focusing on the mage with the tome in the hopes that it was the key to freeing them from their bubbled trap. Like before the remaining target had built up quite a bit of resistance to the party’s magics and as a result the damage dealt by Tempest Avian’s wind and flechette spells wasn’t as potent as normal. However, it was enough to keep the target pinned, particularly the flechettes as they continued to batter against him over and over. It provided just enough distraction that Lehanna was able to swoop in to focus on the tome itself, striking it with her sword before lighting it on fire. The book was immediately consumed by flames, the pages curling up into blackened charcoal as flakes of paper thin ash got tossed about in the green winds from Tempest Avian’s spellwork.

    And as the tome crumbled to ash, the dome flickered and disappeared.

    By the time the dome disintegrated, enough time would have passed for the trio to assume they wouldn’t have much longer than a second or two before the lacrimas exploded -- just enough time to either teleport out of the immediate area or throw up some defensive spells and hope for the best. Only a moment later, the explosions would detonate, wiping out another large section of the city around them, leveling buildings and lighting much of the natural forests around them on fire.

    Meanwhile, several streets down and out of view of the rest of the party, Maven descended upon the Cardinal as the shock of Norwoods sudden and violent death overtook him. Between that, the injuries he’d sustained in the explosion, and his earnest trust of his assigned protector, he was not ready in any capacity as Mythica approached and spoke so calmly of his death alongside Norwood’s. “W-wha-” was all he would have time to stammer out, his eyes wide as he started to turn toward Mythica. And then, everything froze. A very real panic washed through the Cardinal’s body as he realized he was completely paralyzed. Not only him, but the entire world around him, held in place through whatever time magic that Mythica commanded. He could only listen in horror as the dark mage gave quite the villain speech, and though he tried with all his considerable might to break free, he found even his magic was frozen in place, unable to be reached.

    Leonida could do nothing as Maven approached, procuring a dagger of oblivium, the metal which Pergrande was known for, and plunged it into her own midsection. Somehow amidst the chaos of overwhelming alarm and trauma, clarity set in. This woman, this mage, was going to kill him… and blame it on Pergrande. She and whoever else they worked for, not only were they trying to stop the peace talks, but they were trying to guarantee a war. And the only thought Leonida could muster as the woman brought the dagger to his neck was to somehow, almost comically, appreciate the irony of the situation.

    Only a moment later, time was back to normal and he found himself choking on his own blood as it poured out of the gaping wound in his neck like a pig left to bleed after a slaughter. He had access to his magic again, but he was bleeding out so quickly that he didn’t have the energy to try and summon any healing spells. Even as Mythica dropped to the ground and, with very real agony from her own wound, spoke into her wristband to alert the rest of the party as to what happened, Leonida slumped over himself, losing life and consciousness by the millisecond.

    Before the party could even have a chance to respond to Maven’s distress call, however, one last catastrophe befell the city. From atop the mountain, in what remained of the meetinghouse since the first explosion had rocked it only a few second before, another wave of destruction was unleashed with the mountain top as its epicenter. Before their eyes, the entire mountain was swallowed by a wave of darkness that was quickly spreading down and toward the rest of the city, disintegrating everything in its wake with near instantaneousness. The power of the spell was so vast that it made even the lacrima bombs look like a teenager’s haphazard foray into crude garage chemistry. As the party looked on, there would be no doubt in their minds that they, and the rest of the people of Felidae, were about to die.

    However, by the time the darkness reached the base of the mountain, where the Bellum protection squad lingered, there was a noticeable enough change in the speed of the blast as a failsafe that had been set throughout the city prior to the meeting took effect, slowing the wave down more and more until it came to a full and complete stop before hitting the ground level of the city. When the smoke cleared, the crew would be horrified to see that the entire mountain and much of the countryside beyond it was simply…. Gone. No one would know the exact numbers until much later after there had been time enough for an official survey, but from a glance the party members could quickly surmise that more than half of the city had been completely wiped out in one blast, leaving less than forty percent of Felidae still relatively intact, if still in shambles from the riots and the party’s own battle.

    By the time the party was able to locate Maven, the Cardinal would be dead. Since the events that had transpired between Mythica, Norwood, and Leonida had happened out of eyesight of the rest of the party, Kyran, Leona, and Lehanna would be unaware of the truth as to how the Cardinal had met his demise. Instead, all they would find was Mythica, dangerously wounded and suffering major injuries, the only survivor amidst the wreckage of the lacrima bombs. Leonida was dead, his body still on the ground and an expression of shock and horror stuck on his face where he lay beside what remained of Norwood’s charred body.

    And as the thick smoke of destruction filled the air, a gentle rain of ash fell upon what remained of Joya’s largest city… as did a deafening silence.

    Tag: @Mythica @Kyran @Leona Jarnefeldt @Lehanna Seraph
    The Bellum event thread is now COMPLETE. Thank you everyone!

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    Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ishgar Symposium (Group 1, Bellum)

    Post by Admin 15th December 2021, 12:55 pm

    This guided Event Thread is now closed. Please note that all events that have transpired in this thread are classed as official site canon and will dictate the development of future site lore.

    A big thank you to @Serilda Sinclair for overseeing this thread as Loremaster. For this, she will receive 1x additional Joya Souvenir, which is granted to the tagged account. Thank you all for participating.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:18 pm