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    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them!


    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
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    Experience : 15,619

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    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! Empty This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them!

    Post by Altarias 24th January 2020, 1:17 pm

    After joining Dies Irae, Illya thought that her career as a musician would come to a complete halt. Amber island was well far away from any land, and Dies Irae never truly gave off an air of being welcoming off the bat. It was a surprise, then, when she found out there was a letter addressed to her.

    "Dear Miss Illya Pegasus,
    Hello! It has been some time that I've spent in search of you once more. I am Morin Huur, and I have been looking for the greatest musicians that the world has to offer for a one-weekend event within Lavanitir Port City! After having some of my cohorts hear your performances, whether it be in the context of your previous idol work or some of the instrumental concerts you have performed, I am pleased to inform you that you have been invited to perform! On Friday, we shall open the doors for any small ensembles, while Saturday is open for solos and Sunday is for a mass group performance. The orchestral group is fully optional, though I highly recommend you join us for the small ensembles and solos! Alas, by the time you receive this, it will be a very short notice, but I would be so enthused if you would join!"

    As soon as she had read the letter, she had begun to pack her things in preparation for traveling to Lavanitir. And so, mounting Yemaya, she set off from Amber Island, ready in preparation for a re-introduction into the musical world. The journey itself did not take too long, but upon entering the performance hall, Illya was met with a beautiful array of sounds. The taste of the different tones, the each one richer than the last without a single sour note out of place swirled into a harmony of colors, melting in Illya's mouth and painting a beautiful picture in her ears.

    She took a deep breath in, letting the atmosphere of the hall fill her with satisfaction at the bubbling sounds playing from so many talented people. It became too much to bear for the girl, she realized. So, in a moment of pride and self-confidence, she closed her eyes, focusing all her energy on summoning forth a piano to begin playing on. She knew that she was probably better than all of these people that were here, and she wanted to prove it. It was a sense of pride for the Sound Slayer that she was so naturally gifted at music, perhaps due to how integrated the lacrima was into her body.

    She sighed, a bit weakened from her already lackluster skill in magic being used on something as big as a piano to be summoned. Clenching her eyes tight as she took a seat at her piano, she steeled her resolve for a performance. It was not for anything. It was not a performance that would be seen by the masses. It was not a performance that meant anything at all. It was just a stubborn show of pride, which Yemaya warned of as she leaped to the top of the piano. Illya burst her eyes forth, letting her fingers dance across the keys of the piano as she proved her prowess with something to keep the spirits of the hall bright.

    WC: 550
    Illya's Performance:


    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! GMALSW8

    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 346
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 332,183

    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! Empty Re: This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them!

    Post by Faulkner 24th February 2020, 12:00 am

    The Music Man Comes To Play

    The cherry blossom trees in Sakuramori were in full bloom yet again. The ground was covered in the light pink of the flowers as a tune was being played against the wind. All one could hear was the sad, sharp tune of a shamisen. The player was dressed in a pastel blue kimono as his green hair was pulled back behind his head in a low ponytail and his green eyes glared heavily at his instrument. Playing was the fuel for him now. He was mad. Sad. And every negative emotion one could probably think of. He ended the song on a light and sad note as he crouched slowly to the ground. "I miss you, Yuii…" He mumbled to himself, fiddling with a ring on his middle finger with his thumb.

    He stayed there, quietly crying to himself for a decent while before he stood up and started playing a slower, but happier song on the shamisen now. He walked as he played, closing his eyes and humming a tune happily to himself. The song was about the cherry blossoms and how they would come back again another day regardless of what happened. As he walked, someone approached him and he glared a bit.

    "Hello, I couldn't help but hear your music. You are very talented." The woman said with a sparkle to her eye. The green haired man smirked as he held his hand out, and the instrument disappeared.

    "Why yes, I am able to use all instruments and have been playing since I was young." A flute was now in his hands and he put it to his lips, tooting a tune as eerie as the wind could be before he removed it from his lips briefly. "I can't help but notice that you look quite gorgeous." He purred as he reached forward to grab a small lock of her blonde hair to kiss the end. The woman blushed deeply, stammering about something about an event in Lavanitir Port City for musicians. The musician raised an eyebrow.

    He had been laying rather low lately, and changed his appearance lately when causing havoc, his once status as a Coming Storm was seeming nothing more than a faded memory. Even now, he was a bit different. His hair was a deeper shade of green, same with his eyes. His face was a bit more angular with the help of the special ring he had. He enjoyed his facial features and didn't want to cause too much trouble for a party. "I'll go to your 'event', but I have a condition…" The man murmured as he got close to the woman. "You come to the nearby hotel with me." His voice was low as he got close to her ear.

    The woman was easy to sway and the musician had a night of distraction for once since he didn't have anyone else to woo so easily at current. The woman, Winifred, had led the man to the event. As a precaution, he used the ring once more to make his hair to his ears with a small strand still long and going down his back, his eyes blue so he wouldn't be too recognized right off the bat, and his Errings Rising guild mark hidden off his face. He was dressed in a nice, white dress shirt, a pair of blue tight slacks, and had on a pair of nice black dress shoes. His charming smile came on his face as Winifred looked back to see how he was doing.

    The performance hall was large and ringing with noise. He frowned at it though. He noticed the ever so minor mistakes in the current songs being played. The sound pitched too high, the notes just a tick off, too much of a rest delay. The genius in him was dying. But he could admit that it was a decent set going on regardless. His ears heard a piano starting to play and his eyes wandered over to where it came from. He put a finger to his chin and snickered softly. Of course. Someone who thought they were tough shit and was the absolute bomb. Pride is what ate people away when they had too much of it and let it fuel them. Especially if they got too big of a head from it. Or was that ego? Regardless. Pride wasn't too great sometimes.

    He walked up casually next to the piano player, watching her fingers dance across the keys as she played. She wasn’t bad to him. Of course there were some ‘wrongs’ with her song as well, but he could still enjoy her song regardless. He lightly applauded her as she finished her tune and walked up closer. “That was rather great.” He tells her calmly. He held his hands behind his back as he admired the piano a little more now. “Would you mind letting me play this magnificent piece of instrument?” He questions as he holds up his hands and wiggled his slender fingers. He hadn’t yet come across a piano of his own. But that was to be soon on his list of instruments to receive, or thieve. Whatever seemed to happen first. He was going to get a piano or keyboard regardless.

    Words: 878 (‭1,428‬ total)
    Tags:@Illya Pegasus
    HP: 400/400 MP: 400/400
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    Lineage : Graceful Siren
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 205
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 15,619

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    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! Empty Re: This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them!

    Post by Altarias 30th April 2020, 12:29 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Illya had finished her song, a smile on her face. It was a cold performance, with no preparation beforehand, but she was still confidant that she was the most talented musician there. She examined the faces of the crowd of musicians, showing their array of emotions. Excitement, impressed head nods, even a few looks of scorn from some of the more elderly folks. There was one, however, that looked different from the rest. Just from a glance, Illya could tell he was no amateur. The green-haired man was close to Illya, and she had not even noticed when he got there. There was a calm, soft look about his face as he complimented her playing and asked for his own turn on the piano.

    "O-of course! I'd be glad to!" she said, a cheery smile plastered on her face as she removed herself from the summoned piano. She tasted the taste of his voice, which Illya had recently realized was something she always did, whether she meant to or not, but she often filtered it out much as one would do air. Not unless it was potent did she realize it. This strange man was one such case. The melodic air of his voice had a taste of...mint, was it? There was a foreign taste, yet one that was undeniably delicious and, strangely enough, felt as if it were imbued with a surge of power. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name? I mean, you seem like you're really good at music, and you're probably like the same age as me while the rest of the people here are waaaay older, so...I'm just a bit curious. Oh! Should probably introduce myself, too. I'm Illya Pegasus! I...uh...haven't been playing music all too long, but I guess my magic makes me really good at it." She leaned in close. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm a...what was it called again? It was something like 'Slayer' or something like that and they said I could eat sound?" She popped back up. "Well, I don't really get it, but apparently it's super rare, so...yay! I love doing music, and if it makes me good at it, awesome!"

    She smiled, tilting her head in a cutesy way. She stepped back to let him play, after his introduction if he did so, and admired as the man went to work. As the tune carried on, Illya felt a strange feeling as she looked at the man and his form. Was he always so attractive? The pretty face that he had, was it always so appealing? The flowing green hair, the way he played the tune...everything was so...perfect? Each ear-popping thump of her heartbeat seemed to go in time with the song, beating like a metronome, yet the music still coursed through her body. The taste of his wonderful playing, the beautiful sounds, all of it enraptured the young girl.

    He finished, and Illya was deaf to the rest of the world. Slowly, the sound returned to her as she spoke to him. "Th-that sounded really good!" She was nervous? Why? "I-if you don't mind, do you think we could d-do a duet? J-just you and me?" She fidgeted around. Why did she say it like that? Everything in her head was buzzing. No, not just her head. Her entire body was buzzing with this strange feeling. She waited for his response in eager anticipation and a deep blush across her face.

    WC: 0577 | TWC: 1127


    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! GMALSW8

    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 346
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them! Empty Re: This is Getting Out of Hand! Now There Are Two of Them!

    Post by Faulkner 3rd March 2021, 9:50 am

    music and sound goes hand in hand,
    They're loud and beautiful, just like me.
    beware, beware, the music man likes to play

    As the woman allowed him to play on her piano, the green haired musician smiled ever so sweetly. "Thank you~!" He mused to her. As she asked his name, he looked down to his hands while he considered it. Before he could introduce himself, she mentioned she was a sound slayer like himself, making him blink in shock from that. Then he grinned as he bowed slightly to the woman. "My name is Baird. I am nineteen. And I've been playing music since I was six to eight, though I don't exactly remember anymore. And sound slayer magic is indeed rare. No wonder you tasted sweet like sugar to me. I'm also a sound slayer, but I don't need to use it for my music to make it better. I just rely on my musical genius for that." He mused.

    After that introduction, he turned his attention to the piano, popping his knuckles before he did so. He had thought hard about the song he'd play. He had a fellow sound slayer here, and he smirked. "I bet you're hungry. Let's feed your mouth." He mused as his fingers started to fly across the piano keys easily. Mistakes would not be made by his fingers. Not for a genius like him. He imbued his magic in with the keys as he played, sending as exciting and smooth energy throughout the hall as he played. His music almost seemed to demand attention on him, and that's what happened as he furiously played the piano before him. He kept his eyes down on the keys, but a decent bit of the time, his eyes were closed. He continued to play as if he was seeing the keys with his hands alone.

    As his almost eight minute long song came to an end, Baird had his eyes closed again, but his head was tilted up. He waited till she spoke, and as she did so, those within the performance hall were clapping for him. Those who didn't really like him seemed to as well. It only stroked his ego more. He looked to Illya, and raised an eyebrow. "A duet? My… it's been a while since I've done one…" He frowns sadly. He noticed her expression after her question though, and smirked to himself. He lifted himself up from the bench and was next to her in no time, holding onto her hands as he leaned in close to her ear. "A duet with just you and me? I wouldn't mind either kind of duet with you. Which would you like to do first? Hmm?" He let his voice drop low to get huskier in her ear. He backed off slightly to look into her eyes, showing her that his eyes seemed a bit hungry now after that proposal to him. For the actual duet, or something more? That would be determined in due time.

    Baird #00ff00
    tagged @Illya Pegasus
    482 words || 2487 thread total || job || job approval
    next baird play the Death Waltz for show off dickery
    Boom Boom Pow! His Music goes real LOUD!
    template by punki


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