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    A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 11,500

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    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    In Progress A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 9th November 2020, 11:56 am

    It was a lovely dawn when Francois woke up, finding himself in the familiar, cozy bed he slept in. No doubt it, the materials made in the fabrication of this mattress made it possible for him to slip into dreamland easily and leave behind his stress and worry for his responsibilities as a Rune Knight, and woke up feeling reinvigorated. Though it might be a tad too early for most people, Francois usually woke up at this time to prepare for the day. A reinvigorating shower, plus the grooming of self which entails styling his own hair, and a little makeup here and there, which should all take around an hour and a half or so. He isn’t used to doing this himself as he had his hair styled by his step-brother, whose skills as a hairdresser far surpasses those of the best Era, and it would only cut his prep time to half. Though around this time, his twins were still asleep. Too early for the event, he thought to himself.

    Then the sound of yawning followed by the ruffling of sheets could be heard in the next room. Oswald must have woken up, he thought to himself, lucky he doesn’t have to exert as much effort to look good. From his stoic build to his gentlemanly demeanor, women would find him the perfect bachelor. While he, the most elegant and effeminate of the four, must exert effort to keep his image and reputation as the most stylish yet powerful wizard.

    Now comes the most difficult part - choosing the best outfit for the occasion. Naturally he wants to look good, but not exactly stand out. Perhaps something simple, yet something that evokes a feeling of authority and power, while being casual in his get up. A complicated request for himself, just as he is indecisive on what to wear for events like this. Or he could just wear his Rune Knight uniform, but clearly that won’t work for him. He’d immediately be recognized as one of them, which would jeopardize his mission and he feared the worst that could happen. Forget wearing something giving authority and power. A casual getup would blend him in with the crowd as easily - a black buttoned shirt with its sleeves rolled up worn under a purple vest with intricate designs of darker color and golden decors, a pair of black pants and a pair of black leather boots that makes running easy. A purple beret would complete this look, which would ruin his hair a little since he hadn’t taken head accessories into account. Completely casual, yet it doesn’t make him stick out like a sore thumb.

    And then he’d heard the ruffling of sheets from another room, which could only be his other twin, Michael. He was happy that he agreed to go with them to Joya, though he was hoping he agreed to spend time catching up and know what was going on in his life after he lost his memories. He can’t blame him for getting his hopes up, but it was nice that they did get a little talk a few nights prior, and last night. He could only imagine what he was going through, and that he’s resilient still is a good omen for him. He always perceived him as an immovable mountain, as much pressure he is under, he wouldn’t budge and give up. No, he knew him to be resilient ever since they were kids. Even after their parents’ passing. Yet somehow, he thought that it’d only be a matter of time before he cracks, a fear he harbored ever since they learned of an ancient evil being sealed inside him. He should be in good hands with his employers, and that the event would proceed without an incident.

    He hoped.

    It was time for them to leave, yet Michael’s ‘operator’, as he would put it, is still sleeping. Doubtless tired, considering she had to adjust some things on his armors. Better to leave her sleeping, he thought, confident that she can catch up with the both of them. As soon as they left the suites, Michael left off to his guarding duty, leaving only him and Ozwald behind. They exchanged farewells as he’d probably won’t be returning to the suites for a little chatter, but Ozwald would be leaving him for awhile as he saw his emerald eyed twin procure his phone. He said an apology, stating that he’d be out to fetch someone who wanted to come with him. A girlfriend, perhaps? Probably. “Hm, okay, just don’t take too long. Wouldn’t want to miss the main event.” Francois said. It was highly unlikely for them to be late as they were early. A little too early. A little assurance wouldn’t hurt.

    Though he was afforded the joy of partaking in this celebration, he still had a mission to accomplish as a Rune Knight. No, he didn’t just wake up this early to try and not be late for the main event, but because he was specifically tasked to patrol in a covert operation because of the troubling rumors that a magical bomb would be detonated in Felidae, a feat that would be done by what he knows to be an extremist group. The thick crowd would afford them the chance to do so, but if they think they can just do whatever they pleased, they’d be wrong. He’s not in this alone, as he is to be accompanied not only by his twin, but with members of other guilds - one would be his twin who hailed from Silver Wolf, who should no doubt be apprised of the disturbing rumors beforehand. Then there’s one from Fairy Tail and Meliora Vitae, who will be assisting in this endeavor. He knew where the rendezvous point should be, though their identities elude him. He was trying to pick out who he thought would look like guild wizards, one with high concentrations of ethernanos and fighting capacity and relying on his arcane sight. Though finding his comrades this way would only give some wrong assumptions. It was troublesome that he doesn't know who his comrades were, but conveniently, he just happened to overhear the name ‘Meliora Vitae’ in a conversation.

    Looks like he found them.

    He turned and spotted a woman wearing a kimono, accompanied by a pirate and what appeared to be several on duty Rune Knights. He can only assume as much, but the pirate must come from Fairy Tail, while the woman would be from Meliora Vitae as the voice he heard could only belong to hers. Without skipping a beat, he’d approach them. “I’m not late, am I?” He said, casually though it did evoke another feeling among the knights - one of authority or one demanding respect. He noticed as much, but before they could begin calling him ‘Lord’ or other honorifics just as they should due to his noble lineage, he raised his index finger and placed them vertically on his lips, telling them to shush before his prestige would blow his cover. At least, they should know that some are on a covert mission. “At ease. I’ll take it from here.” He then turned to the wizards, looking at them briefly before introducing himself. “You must be my comrades for this mission. The name’s Francois. As you might have guessed, I’m a Rune Knight. We’re a member short, if I recall, but my twin should be coming here soon.”

    ⚜ Post Word Count - 1244 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Personal Word Count -  1244 / 4000 ⚜

    Last edited by Francois Prideheart on 11th January 2022, 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    In Progress Re: A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 31st December 2020, 2:51 pm

    Both the Lightning and Fire elements are active elements for obvious reasons, with most spells having an Astral polarity. Though Francois can whip up spells of those elements with the Umbral polarity, he felt it to be unproductive to use them during fights. Afterall, he did not want to play and underestimate his enemy. Including these elements is the Air element, which is also a very active element with spells mostly possessing an Astral polarity due to their movement. Between lightning and fire, while both being equally strong, his Lightning elemental magic is most lethal due to their faster spell speed. This would have been fine and dandy if not for its wild nature, and if he didn’t use the Kirin as his reference to the spell. And yet he kept going at using Kirin's lightning prowess for his lightning spells.

    He kept persisting on his training to master spell imaging. He felt it to be very unproductive during the battle to be chanting spells all the time. He made it his goal of casting spells without the help of chanting which would give him the upper hand in combating hostile forces, especially dark guilds that he despised a lot. Uttering words while the enemy makes their move on him would lead him to his defeat. He’s not one to lag, for a swashbuckler MUST be attentive to their surroundings at all times according to his mentor.

    And persevere he did. One day, he was using his free time to master spell imaging once again. This time, he started attacking the dummy with an elemental magic he was weak with - Water Magic. Water Magic is a wildcard that is versatile, its ebb and flow shifting as the currents change, the currents being its user’s circumstances. Be it for attacking, defending, healing, and other purposes, the magic is as versatile as it gets. The still silence helped him focus his energy on picturing his spell output. Envisioning the kraken’s fierce attack by shooting a high pressure jet of water from its mouth, he slashed the air in front of him with his rapier once and conjured a blue magic circle as wide and tall as himself. An enormous jet of water emerged from it and shot straight at the dummy. As usual, the dummy didn’t take any damage due to its indestructibility enchantment. The same cannot be said for the ground around it however, as the jet of water, when it hit the dummy, exploded and caused the ground around it to rapture slightly. He succeeded, but he thought to himself that he should be faster than that.

    Next was Earth Magic. It was an interesting element as the spells associated with Earth Magic either used earth found within the vicinity, or conjure already shaped earth. It’s also the elemental magic where most spells are of a passive Umbral polarity. The effects of spells with the Astral polarity will always shift towards the Umbral polarity due to its lingering effects. With its properties, Earth Magic is most ideal for utility and defense. He wanted to see how solid his Earth Magic’s defenses are. Picturing a giant golem’s might, he used its aspect in picturing his spell as he flicked Chevalier de Fleur, conjuring an amber colored magic circle beneath the dummy. Several earthen shields rose from the magic circle, revolving around the dummy, and smaller shields rose and coalesced to the top. These shields looked like ornate puzzle pieces or mosaic pieces. After a brief second, all shields locked and connected themselves to each other, forming an earthen dome of protective earthen magic.

    Next was Wind Magic. He has mixed feelings about it as it is just as versatile as Water Magic, although it had more destructive power due to most of the spells aligned at the active Astral polarity. Picturing a gryphon’s flight and sharp talons, he conjured several green magic circles for every flick he did with his weapon. As he finished, a wind elemental the shape of a bird was conjured, one on each circle. The elementals didn’t lag and darted themselves towards the dummy, hitting the earthen shield from all sides. As the dust settled, he saw the shields to be somewhat dented, with some sides being partially broken, leaving the dummy vulnerable in those angles. With the results presented to him, he thought of himself to be stronger than he was before.

    The Water, Earth, and Wind elements were associated with White Magic. A fertile soil is needed for seeds to be buried within it. Water is needed for these seeds to bloom, and an internal exchange of air composition through the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen helps give breathable air to the living things roaming around Earthland, which in turn they breath oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. A cycle of nourishment, as the scholar would put it. Depending on the wizard, they could defend with these elements or lay ruin and level villages and cities. These elements, however, are not as raw and destructive as their Black Magic counterparts - the Fire, Lightning, and Ice Magics.

    “Let’s see… how can I destroy this shield without making a mess of things?” He mumbled to himself. It was more of a rhetorical question as he already knew what he had to do. He just didn’t want to make a mess out of the Rune Knight’s training grounds. His comrades are watching, and most probably, his superiors as well. He wanted to make a spectacle out of this endeavor, and make a spectacle he shall do.

    Firstly, make the earthen magic a little more brittler. Through Ice Magic, by picturing the cold prowess of a yeti and bitter cold of winter, he conjured a cyan colored magic circle beneath the dummy. Three shards of ice emerged and revolved around the dome. In a snap, these shards exploded to a mist of cold energy, causing the dome to be cold. A sudden change in temperature is needed, and thus, through imagining a phoenix’s hot fire, he conjured a red magic circle beneath the dummy with Fire Magic. Extreme heat followed afterwards, thawing the ice that formed around the dome and melting it into ice. He continued to change its temperature by casting Ice Magic once more with the same spell as before, and then using Fire Magic to heat it up once more. He repeated this cycle until he found the dome brittle enough to be disintegrated with lightning. This time, when using Lightning Magic, he didn’t imagine a mythical beast and their elemental prowess to enhance the spell. He didn’t want it to go awry just like last time. Just a simple bolt will do, he thought to himself as he flicked his rapier and conjured a small purple magic circle. A small bolt of lightning darted towards the earthen dome and, as it hit, the dome exploded into dust. He did this using minimal magic power.

    As usual, the dummy was still there.

    ⚜ Magic Training Word Count -  1967 / 2000 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Thread Word Count -  1967 ⚜


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 11,500

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    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    In Progress Re: A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 7th February 2021, 10:56 am

    His persistent training and diligence in carrying out his duties granted him the opportunity to work with his seniors in dispatching a… minor dark guild. At last, his days of catching criminals and doing mundane tasks are over, he thought, for it will be through this mission that he will prove how valuable he is to the Rune Knights. His success in this endeavor would surely raise his reputation. As he learned from his bladecrafts mentor, never underestimate your opponent. Sure, his power rivals that of an ordinary rune knight, what with him being a prodigy and all, but being severely outnumbered when taking them on solo would surely backfire. Safe to say, it is a must that he listens to his seniors. After all, they have more experience in this field than he is.

    The guild named themselves ‘Silent Prose’, a sneaky cadre of eccentric assassins who would execute persons of interest without leaving a mark through silent traps and magic… or some various other devices. They’ve gone under the Rune Knights’ radar until one, miraculously to them, slipped up and targeted the wrong person to assassinate. What their motives are is unknown to even the top brass of the guild. With the guild in the limelight, it is time for the Rune Knights to act and apprehend them.

    As much as he would like to go gung ho on them because of his hatred for dark guilds, Silent Prose is not the guild responsible for his parents’ death.

    “So,” Francois said to his comrades, “Silent Prose.” It could be him, but the guild name sounded silly to him. It was cringeworthy, and the guild’s name doesn’t even make one ounce of sense. Whoever came up with it is, without a doubt, one of the worst people to name their guild it doesn’t strike as much fear to him as ‘Savage Skull’ or ‘Pandemonium’, but perhaps the name would imply them to be a weak faction of dark wizards, and that in truth, they are formidable opponents. Either they’re the most stupid and cowardly, or wise and cunning. One thing’s for sure - the dark guild is going down. “Yeah, they’ve been a real pain in the ass for the past few days.” One of them said, “It was hard to track down the assassin.” “True. I heard they didn’t leave any traces of magic. Nor were there any wounds to begin with.” “So would it be safe to assume that the victims were killed from a poison then. How quaint.” He remarked at the thought. They are definitely a sneaky bunch, causing a stir within the Rune Knights.

    Roles were given to select privates for the duration of the mission. Others were tasked with focusing on the offensive, while the others were tasked with supporting their teammates. Francois? He was a wild card, as his superior put it. His proficiency in most elemental and other types of magics is second to none among his peers, and he is a very valuable asset to the team. Should the enemy guild rely on deception and subterfuge, trickery and illusions, Francois’ sensitive magic sensory could snuff out the problem. Hence, his role as the wild card. And given his limitations with Earth, Air, and Water magic, it would be perfect for him to pretend to be a support.

    Minutes before they began their mission on the assault against Silent Prose, Francois was approached by some of his close work companions. By close, he meant the small minority who had interacted with him the most. “Will you be using Lightning Magic, ser Francois?” One of them said, “I bet you could take them out with one spell!” Flattering, he thought. “This is a team effort. I’m not one to hog all the glory. At least, not that I plan to anyway.” He replied to their inquiry, “And it is unwise for me to assume myself to be the strongest all the time. There is always someone who is one step ahead of you. Someone who is stronger than you. It is unwise to underestimate our enemy.” Such are the words of wisdom that spewed out from his mouth. Ironically, he does think of himself as the strongest among all, but his deepest fear of failing because of his hubris allowed him to become this wise even at a young age.

    “Besides, I’d like to support the team for once.” He said with a humble smile that betrayed his big ego and pride. His close workplace accomplices applauded his humility. Great, he thought, as he gained more reputation just from his words alone. “Oh, I see! You’re very clever, ser Francois!”I’d love to work under you!” “I bet you’re going to be promoted sooner than us.” Their sweet words and compliments fueled his ego, and it’s nice that there are people vouching for him, that he is worth more than them. After all, a prodigy wizard such as Francois is a rarity the Rune Knights cannot hope to lose among their ranks.

    ⚜ Post Word Count -  840 ⚜

    ⚜ Magic Training Word Count -  2000 / 2000 *Training Complete*⚜

    ⚜ B Rank Job Word Count -  807 / 2500 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Thread Word Count -  2807 ⚜


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    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,500

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    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    In Progress Re: A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 9th February 2021, 3:25 pm

    The sun fell and darkness swept across Fiore. The starlit night sky and the lone moon barely afforded anyone ample lightning, yet within this vast sea of darkness and stellar heavens afforded a beauty everyone would appreciate. Those who enjoyed the luxury of living within the streets of a town or a village would find respite among the lit houses and lamp posts, repelling the cold darkness that would threaten to rob them of their heat. It was drafty - cold air swept across Era and the forest beyond its outskirts, but not that cold to warrant wearing hot clothes. Alone, one would find only the company of the moon. The night was silent. There wasn’t much activity within the city, and while Francois would be out for a leisurely walk, he was nowhere to be found within the city. No, he was needed somewhere else.

    Beyond the outskirts of Era, hushed footsteps broke the still silence within the forest, but not too audible to elicit an immediate response. It was a squad of Rune Knights, walking towards their destination, and among them was the prodigy, Francois. As the wild card of the mission, everyone within the squadron thought highly of him, having witnessed his arcane prowess first hand. Incredibly diverse and humble, they were glad to have him on board the team, and his magic sensory was top notch. Though from what he is at the moment, his prowess doesn’t match that of the Wizard Saints’ yet. The strategy was for him to use his weakest magic, Wind Magic, to support his comrades while making sure his trump card remained a secret, using only his powerful Fire magic or even the volatile Lightning magic when the enemy guild puts up strong resistance to a fight. Just as they expected a lot from him, he also expected them to be battle hardened. Insubordination is unacceptable, all must fall according to plan, just as his peers would put it. They put their faith in his discretion in dealing with the enemy threat after all, and he must put his faith in them as well to ensure that the mission went smoothly.

    The walking went on, and the team was already halfway through their intended destination. At this point, a combination of light and sound magics was used discreetly to hide their presence, bending light around them to make themselves seem invisible and preventing sound from escaping. Just as planned, to ensure that they still have the element of surprise. Francois was pleased that everything was going smoothly. No problems had occurred so far. While everything was going according to plan, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Just because everything is falling in your favor doesn’t mean that you’re meaning, and it was a quote that Francois has deeply engraved in his mind and heart. This particularly holds true for this mission, as he could think of a hundred things that would go wrong, factoring in the enemy guild’s penchant for relying on non-magical tools and creating… traps.

    Considering their strengths, his squadron would most likely emerge victorious. Afterall, magic is diverse and triumphs over non-magical matter, bending the laws of nature to the caster’s will. No one would dare cross the Rune Knights, yet here they are bringing their ire to them, and they slipped. It’s been long enough for this dark guild to elude the attention of their scouts, and this was a chance for them to put an end to this. Little did Francois know this would be the night he would meet his soon to be husband.

    “How close is the Silent Prose’s hideout?” Francois inquired to his commanding officer as they walked closer and closer to their destination, “Very close. Do we have visual on the darkies?”

    “Affirmative. They look like they’re beating up a poor lad, but he’s hanging on to dear life.”

    “Any traps?” The commanding officer said as he looked at Francois, expecting his answer. Non. I don’t feel any gaps on the earth or hidden strings connecting two trees. Yet the air reeks of danger.” He said. However, his expression shifted to that of a disappointed man as if things went terribly wrong in their life, rubbing his temple in frustration. “What’s wrong?” said the commanding officer, to which he responded, “I believe we have already lost the element of surprise.” He had already suspected as much as he just recently detected a not-so-sneaky trail of magic coming from around the woods. The rustling of leaves could be heard from the outside as tall figures with long, sharp swords emerged from the camouflage of their surroundings. Their numbers were more than double, and yet even without the help of magic, they looked dangerous.

    “The wonders of magic technology, mes amies.” He said in a sarcastic tone as he brandished his Chevalier de Fleur, preparing to fight with his fellow comrades. The rest brought out their staves, their shields, wands, and weapons to combat the enemy threat. It looked like they wouldn’t stand a chance against enemies of this number, but the Rune Knights didn’t just let any coward join their ranks. No, they were prepared to die in servitude for the motherland and of its citizens.

    ⚜ Post Word Count -  876 ⚜

    ⚜ Magic Training Word Count -  2000 / 2000 *Training Complete*⚜

    ⚜ B Rank Job Word Count -  1683 / 2500 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Thread Word Count -  3683 ⚜


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    In Progress Re: A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 1st July 2021, 7:51 am

    “Didn’t you detect any traces of magic?” His commanding officer said, questioning his skill in the manipulation of ethernanos to detect signs of magical enchantments. Francois was just as flabbergasted at the sudden detection of magic, and not just with a few magical items, but many - armors, trinkets, and weapons. While dismayed from his skills being questioned, he did understand the frustration of his seniors. “I didn’t detect any magic until now. Frankly, we underestimated our enemy and had only relied on the assurance that they don’t operate with magical trinkets.”

    “I’m not mad at you, Private.” His superior said as they brandished their sword in preparation for combat, “This, however, changes nothing.” “Because we are organized.” Francois said in confidence as he set his sights on his fellow Rune Knights, believing them to overpower the enemy force. After all, his commanding officer took his suggestion to heart and brought the best among his ranks to deal with the dark guild. That, and their magical diversity far outweighs the enemy’s power. Some of his comrades were capable of offense, others defending, and others enchanting their team. Francois’ role as the wild card was just a failsafe, but now, his involvement with the team would make this a one sided fight. “Privates! Plan C! Hold the line while Francois does his thing!” The commanding officer yelled to the privates and rallied them to hold their ground. “Roger that!!!” they said in unison.

    Plan C was reserved for when the privates are dealing more enemies than they could handle. And seeing as low ranked but competent mages were part of the squadron, they couldn’t exactly amass powerful attacks to knock them down. Well, he could just as well see the battlefield as his experimental grounds with his newfound knowledge in the arcane. As a wizard proficient in most types of magic, he will never stop uncovering the secrets of the ethernanos, the arcane, and use it as part of his repertoire on his quest to be the best wizard in Earthland. One such secret involved the eikons of magical beasts and channeling their elemental aspects to borrow their power. In turn, one element becomes stronger. Using Take Over magic as the basis of the creation of new magic, he pictured the rending gales of the Gryphon and its powerful talons, its every flap of its wings summoning forth treacherous tornadoes and wicked breezes surrounding the battlefield. Green, the color of air. Stagnation. Grief. Such traits are what Francois was looking for to solidify his picture of a Gryphon. With his rapier held in front of his chest, he channeled his magic in his efforts to borrow the powers of the Gryphon.

    The fighting had already begun while he was in solemn focus. While the Silent Prose posed even greater threat than they seemed, none could sway and make the Rune Knights falter against their opposition. Steel clashed with earth, and fire clashed with barriers as the dark guild continued their onslaught against the Rune Knights while slowly having their numbers reduced by the wizards at the back. You’d think that a dark guild specializing in assassination and trickery would be this subtle and few in numbers. Yet they elicited the help of hapless individuals for good coin in exchange for their services. The Rune Knights had thus held their ground against them, but without Francois’ help, things would take a turn for the worse because of their greater numbers.

    Green and red lines formed beneath his feet as his preparations came to a close, designed in the likeness of the Art Deco style - blocky with emphasis for patterns, something Francois fancied on using instead of the regular magic circles. “Ley lines established.” Francois mumbled to himself as the lines finished forming, emitting a harmless breeze from itself while it radiated wickedness and stagnation, felt by both his comrades and his enemies. He was enveloped in green light. A pair of wings sprouted from his back, stretching to a longer length, before enveloping his entire being. “Rejoice, for the coming of the wicked tempest!” he bellowed. With one strong wave of his wings, the light shattered to reveal Francois’ new form. Gryphon Soul! Ballad of the Elemental Winds!

    Everyone was graced to see him in a new light, his wings a resplendent green and red that stunned the witnesses in awe. His hair changed from a curly auburn to a wicked teal combed up and behind him, and his irises were altered to an elegant gold. His clothes have been altered as well, now wearing several golden ornate accessories with emerald inlaid gems. Resplendent silk cloth provided him cover around his waist and torso, decorated with a golden buckle to secure it in place. Instead of the Chevalier Defleur, Francois was carrying a splendid looking harp of gold and green, with each string resonating with magic.

    “Take cover.” He said to his fellow Rune Knights as he plucked the strings of his harp. Green lines formed on the sky similar to the one beneath him before his transformation, with a circle to designate his spell’s effective radius. Another note was played, and a green gust of elemental air encapsulated the area within the spell, subjecting anyone to its effects. “Wicked Hurricane.” he named it, an epithet worthy of the spell’s power. While the knights were covered under an earthen bastion, the enemies weren’t so fortunate as the strong winds pushed the enemies away, some of which fell unconscious after hitting their head on a rock or tree hard, while others stood steadfast and maintained their foothold before eventually being pushed back. Scathing breeze followed, as the enemies were inflicted with wounds dealt by the razor-like gales. He wasn’t one to forget, however, as he protected their victim with warding winds to avoid them being subjected to his tempest.

    His onslaught stopped after he was satisfied with the carnage that was inflicted on the dark guild. He flew down and wore off his transformation, feeling rather tired as if his spells took out most of his magic power. Understandable, as he was just experimenting with this type of magic. “You can come out now.” He said to the knights while he walked towards the person he protected. He could only describe him as a handsome old man probably in his 40’s, and rich to boot. He obviously looked beaten, but wasn’t unconscious. “Are you alright, mon sieur?” he said to the man while observing his wounds. “Thank the gods you’ve arrived. I was afraid they were going to kill me before you showed up.”

    “Then we’re glad you’re safe. Come, let me help you up.” He said, and the man shook his head. “No need. I can still walk.” A strong, handsome, independent man? That sounded just like Francois’ type.

    “What could they possibly want from you? Didn’t think the Silent Prose was much of a guild that puts out a ransom.”

    “Oh, they weren’t the Silent Prose.”

    “They what.” Francois was bewildered. Did they mistake them somehow? Did they get the wrong address? Did their interrogated captive lie in a zone of truth? Questions plagued his mind that he wasn’t able to react in time for the trap. “Francois!” His superior yelled out to him, his hands stretched to reach him. Before long, the ground beneath him and the injured man was glowing a malefic magenta. A brief flash of light blinded those that faced his direction, and as the light faded, they were gone.

    “He’s gone!” Yelled one of the knights, “He’s dead!”

    “No he’s not dead.” The superior said, as he walked toward where the couple was. After a close examination, he discovered runes on the stone floor. They couldn’t just disintegrate without leaving behind what’s left of their being, so there was only one other kind of magic that makes one disappear. “They teleported.”

    “Should we help him?”

    “He’s fine. We’ll have to focus on apprehending these criminals for trying to pick a fight with the Rune Knights.”

    ⚜ Post Word Count -  1340 ⚜

    ⚜ Magic Training Word Count -  2000 / 2000 *Training Complete*⚜

    ⚜ B Rank Job Word Count -  2500 / 2500 *Job Complete*⚜

    ⚜ B Rank Job Word Count -  523 / 2500 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Thread Word Count -  5023 ⚜


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
    Second Skill:
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    In Progress Re: A Prodigy's Guide to Magic Theory

    Post by Francois Prideheart 1st July 2021, 8:07 am

    What was once an empty room filled with dust, debris, and underground critters was now enveloped in a crimson light, after which two figures appeared in the middle of a runic circle. The inside was stagnant and reeked of decay after years of overdue maintenance and housekeeping. No window was in sight to reveal the resplendent starry skies of the night, and the brief flash of light was then replaced with darkness. The both of them were now blind, unable to see in this sea of darkness. “Ugh… where do you think we are?” the handsome man said while he tried to find his way around the room in hopes of lifting a switch, if there even was one. “A dungeon, most likely, and it’s been too long since this one was used.” Francois responded to the man’s queries, conjuring several lines like before, except this time they were in the color of the fiery red. This magic line briefly lit the floor before flames started to appear all around them, repelling the dark and shedding light to their surroundings. “As for the specific location, I do not know. All I know is that we need to get out of here.”


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:04 pm