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    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 461
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    Experience : 3,073,407

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    Public Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Mythica 4th April 2020, 5:40 pm

    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] Hells-Key-Header3

    On this particular night the many streets of the Kingdom's capital were completely abuzz. At least, more so than usual. Everywhere one would look it was completely overrun with people crowding the roadways and cobblestone paths as brilliant displays of light shot up high into the starry sky! People were walking around and chatting, feasting, singing, dancing, and everything in between! Basically the kind of thing you'd expect from a festival of this magnitude. Massive rows of lanterns hung between the buildings in a rainbow of color, all showcasing their celestial spirit as the city residents mingled underneath them. The night sky was rather clear tonight, and only the bright glow of the moon shone on them from above, in between the scattered display of stars that veiled the heavens above.  All around the evening seemed rather pleasant! Countless tents and booths were set up around the parks and streets as well, all of which offering their own take on the celestial festival. Some were selling trinkets, some were party games for star themed prizes, and some were food tents! There was something for almost everyone, and as a result it was flooding with attention!

    Hidden within all this commotion and wandering the streets alone was a black haired girl. Of average height and appearance, nothing really stood out about her. Mythica anxiously looked around, being stuck in the middle of the busy street... For something. But what? She wasn't dressed in a very festive fashion, rather just the usual white buttoned shirt and her black skirt and tights, with boots to match. She turned periodically, looking through the bustling crowds and squinted, trying to make sense of all the many faces that blended together as flashes of light constantly appeared in the sky above from the many fireworks going off at once. The woman then took out a small silver pocket watch from her sleeve and flipped it open... It was nearly time. So where was Mura?!

    Mythica reserved herself to one of the tents, leaning on one of the supports until her husband arrived. She wasn't sure what he was doing but hopefully he wouldn't be much longer... After all, they had the entire night to explore this festival!

    And Mythica knew the fun had yet to begin...
    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] Crocus


    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
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    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 4th April 2020, 6:47 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7

    Hearing of a celebration regarding celestial matters was, of course, intriguing to the Celestial Spirit God that was Odhran Aegisbane. Atsuai surprisingly looked right at home with this festival, and the rest of the Spirits seemed to have their own fun. He had made a bargain with the Celestial Spirit King that, since this was a Celestial Festival, Odhran could summon all of his Spirits forth so long as they did not overexert themselves much. Of course, Odhran saw no reason why they would be exerted. The only once he had summoned with his own power were Atsuai, Arnaluuk, Scorpio, Amittai, and Sweetie, all of which were enjoying their own machinations within the festival. Of course, Lupa, Sir Pudley, and Noel were enjoying sights of their own.

    The rose-haired woman Odhran had been acquainted to in recent day placed a hand on his shoulder. "I suggest you don't forget why we're here, Odhran," she said, a tang of playfulness in her tenor.

    "I don't really see why we can't just enjoy this, Serenity," Odhran explained, leaning back slightly to take sight of the fireworks. "I mean, I know it's-"

    Serenity shushed him. "Don't say anything about the...'festivities.' You won't get your prize otherwise."

    Odhran gave a quizzical look at the woman, whose face was now quite twisted in anger. He shrugged, unsure as to why she was so against the fireworks, lanterns, and other overall festivities. This was a festival, right? Odhran had not come to the wrong face, right?

    "Heya! Od!" Sweetie's cheerful voice called. "So there's, like, sooo many candies out here that I'd love to see you buy or at least have someone buy! They look soooooo gooooooood!"

    "I still think it's a bit weird why you're so into candies, Sweetie," Arnaluuk sighed. "Isn't that a sort of cannibalism?"

    "You're worryin' too much about this, cat. Sweetie-Pie over here just wants ta enjoy the festival herself, and I think you should too, Arnaluuk."

    Atsuai laughed slightly, coming nearer. It was only then that Odhran noticed Serenity left. "Indeed, Arnaluuk. You're looking a little bit...irate. This is a festival of fun, after all!"

    "I would have to agree with Lady Atsuai, Lady Arnaluuk!"

    "It just seems a bit-"

    "Look, baby," Scorpio said, laying an arm across Arnaluuk's shoulders. "I think you're just worrying your pretty li'l face over nothing. C'mon! This is a festival devoted to people like us! The stars are shinin' bright...see? Look, just to your left, Arnaluuk. Scorpio. Shining as bright in the sky as I am in all of your hearts, I'm sure!"

    Arnaluuk jabbed an elbow into Scorpio's gut, causing him to double over. "I would just suggest not having too much fun, heheh." Noel slowly approached the group, his towering size dwarfing the rest of Odhran and his crew. Lupa barked. "The pup's right. We have other things here to do than just sit back and look for the stars. Though I certainly can see my own constellation this time of year, heheh."

    "Come on, all of you! This is a momentous occasion! Let us take a picture to remember this moment!" Odhran grabbed a nearby person, not even paying attention to if they had a camera. "You! You should take a picture of me and my Spirits! We're here to enjoy this festival devoted to our glorious existence!"

    WC: 0557 | TWC: 0557

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] XBivwWT

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Fraag 5th April 2020, 12:06 pm

    The Celestial Festival. Its origins were relatively sketchy, as far as Beira was concerned, but what mattered was that it was there, and it was apparently a big deal in Fiore. Like many established traditional celebrations, the festival had its roots in myths, probably appropriated from some event that had happened so long ago. All Beira's attempts to get to the root of this festival proved a relatively enjoyable wild goose chase, as she had found herself being regaled with tall tales that were quite difficult to believe, even for someone such as herself, of whom it could be said came from an age and time quite akin to the ages during which legends were formed. In any case, the young (at least as far as appearances and behavior went) Utgardian found herself quite entertained by the stories, despite her suspicion that most of the story tellers had added a whole deal of fabrications, probably to impress and amaze the God Slayer. At least the stories were enjoyable.

    That had been stage one of Beira's data collection procedure. She had recently imbibed the habit of investigating aspects of Fiorean culture, for the sole purpose of information gathering and education about the matter at hand. Fiore's culture was incredibly different from Utgardr's, and though she wasn't particularly interested in integrating herself into Fiorean customs, she was quite interested in learning what she could about the whole culture, traditions, cuisine, festivals and all, which had brought her to the streets of Crocus. She had been quite a naughty girl the last time she was here, though she had been not at all careless about showing her identity while she infiltrated that ball. Well enough, the security knew a blonde had been the culprit, but she'd done the crime a while ago, and she was sure the Crocus police wouldn't be arresting every blonde they came in contact with since then till the present moment.

    Allowing herself an amused smile, the Winter Goddess left the inn in which she had spent the last thirty minutes, listening to the wild tales of a group of sailors who'd plied the seas to the west of Fiore to some reasonable extent. Despite the reputation of sailors to be extremely bad mannered and cantankerous, these fellows had made for relatively good company, though they seemed to be unable to dispense with swearing, even if to save their lives. It was they who had educated Beira on the origins of the Celestial Festival, and even if the Utgardian hadn't been minded to believe their stories, she hadn't felt the last half hour wasted. Probably, when she had returned to Hostia, she would document the tales she had heard, as well as all the sights she would see, and her experiences this night. Just for the sake of... book keeping, in the literal sense of the word.

    So, she just walked idly among the thronging people, her frame wrapped securely in her grey traveling cloak, as she observed the people and their doings. She had decided she would do little aside watch people and maybe sample some food and drinks, before turning in for the night, and getting out of Crocus by sunrise. She was in the process of studying some brightly colored lamps, as she walked past their stand slowly, when she felt a hand on her shoulder, which spun her round to face its owner. For a moment, adrenaline surged, and she was ready to engage in combat, believing that somehow, someone had noticed her and recognized her from her misdemeanors when last she was in Crocus. It was not the case. The owner of the hand, which was still on her shoulder, was asking her to take a picture of himself and his spirits. She stared at him blankly, as she quickly sought to figure out what he meant by taking pictures. Then she remembered. Technology of the present age could capture images. Unfortunately, she did not possess any such of the prerequisite materials for the capturing of pictures.

    "Unhand me, kind sir," she said politely, though she made no effort to pull away from the man's grip. "I am afraid I don't have the wherewithal to satisfy your present desire. But I'm sure you'll not have to search long before you find someone with a... satisfactory contraption." As she spoke, she took stock of him. While of her age, he looked, in her opinion, strange, with his platinum, red-tipped hair, dark clothes and stark white shoes. The many rings on his fingers were not an issue to her. Utgardians were fond of jewelry, after all.

    WC: 770
    @Odhran Aegisbane


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Age : 25
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    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Mura Kensho 7th April 2020, 1:17 pm

    Man, what a stacked festival! Mura had just walked through the entrance to the Capital Crocus, donning his usual Toad Sage Gi with Gaitō over his shoulders as a small cloak - despite today being a celebratory occasion, he did find himself in Capital Crocus of all cities, after all. This place would be filled to the brim with civilians from all over Fiore for such an event, all wanting to celebrate, have fun, eat, drink, dance, play, watch the stars and the fireworks. People of all ages, too… even small kids who looked up to Wizard Saints like him.

    That was how, a minute after having entered Crocus, he was recognized by a group of kids running about. They were playing some kind of ‘wizard brawl’ like game with wands and tall hats, pointing at each other and shouting out words like ‘firebolt’ and ‘ice spike’. They had braked in their track, each kid - boys and girls alike - gazed upon the familiar face that they had seen in the Sorceror’s Magazine as well.

    “H-Hey, that’s Mura Kensho!”
    “Mura Kensho?! Hi! Hi Hi!”
    “You’re here too! Yayyyyy!”
    “Come and play Wizards with us! Use real spells!”
    “What, no! He’s not a child!”

    While bickering with each other over what to do with the celebrity in front of them, they slowly realized that Mura’s surprised face had changed into one with a cheeky grin. The shaman had lifted his right index finger up and spoke to them in a mild but mysterious manner: “Ohhhhh, you’ve picked the wrong wizard to play with. You see, I possess one of the most powerful, most taboo spells in all of Earthland…”

    “… H-Huuh?”
    “A taboo spell! Do you mean, like, a forbidden spell?”
    “What spell is forbidden? What does that mean?”
    “S-Shut up, he’s about to show us…!”

    “… SPRINKLEEEEEEEEEER!” Mura shouted as his finger released a spray of purified water, raining it all over the kids who cried in joy.

    “That’s not- that’s not a forbidden spell!”

    And thus, it turned into a chase. The shaman hunted down the kids who ran across the roads, each laughing as they would try to get away from his sprinkling water magic. This would continue for a while before Mura came across none other than his own, in-the-flesh wife. He almost sprinkled her down too, but he was quick enough to put a stop to his little spell before it wet her clothes. She had probably been waiting for a little long, huh… oof.

    A little awkward.

    “O-Oh, there you are, Mythica…” Mura spoke up, laughing a little nervously with a voice and posture to pretend that he was looking for her. This could, perhaps, have stood up if the kids didn’t call for him right after: “Aww, Mr. Kensho! You’re too slow, now! The others can get away, now!”

    “S-Sorry, kids… I gotta bail out. You all have fun, okay?”

    “Whaaaat? Aww… okay, but if you get on the Sorceror’s Magazine again, shout me out!”


    The kid with ginger hair then ran towards the group of kids and disappeared behind the crowds. That left Mura with his wife in the middle of the street as the shaman gave a solid moment of silence before breaking the silence again - not really, the buzz from the crowds were almost deafening them all: “S-Sorry, I was… y’know… this is such a huge fest. Let’s go get some snacks or something…!” He kept a goofy smile on his face, hoping to not have angered Mythica too much, and he also offered his shoulder, so they could link arms like a really cute couple.

    In the background, further away from the two of them, Kyuken and Zirconis floated about as the ghosts they were, commenting:

    “Damn, what a cocky brat, running off and playing monster with kids that aren’t even his…”
    “You could’ve warned him or something…”
    “… YOU could’ve warned him or something!”
    “I- well, we BOTH could’ve warned him!”
    “B-But why didn’t we?!”
    “… Hmpf. It was just to keep the kids happy and all. He has quite a reputation, and he just wanted to live up to it.”

    WC: 697



    Lineage : Graceful Siren
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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Altarias 7th April 2020, 4:40 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    When the letter came in for Illya, all the way at Amber Island, Illya could hardly believe it. She would be one of the headlining musical acts for the Celestial Festival. Her, of all people! To think that in the span of three years, Illya Pegasus would go from just some girl barely making ends meet in the outer portions of Magnolia to a headlining act for the Celestial Festival! True, she was not the main event, but the penultimate show on one of the grandest stages in Fiore? How could she not get excited? This was a dream come true for her. Perhaps this was the way to go in life? Perhaps she could ignore all of the magic business and go back to her career as an idol. She had mulled it over for a time, only truly leaving it due to a lack of funds, but should this end up as successful as it seemed to be, then Illya could ignore everything else in the world. If a Dark Guild mage showed up, she would crush them, but she no longer would have to see that as a priority.

    A smile beamed on her face. Even though the sun had set, there was still another few hours until Illya's performance, so she thought this could be the time to set aside some of her day for the purposes of exploration and a fun day. To that end, she opted to simply make herself as comfortable as possible, deciding on wearing a simple sweater dress. Of course, the folks organizing the festival had already announced that they had decided what she would truly wear for her performance, but the current time was spent in rest, relaxation, and taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of this grand festival. She had rarely ever been to Crocus, and she was giddy about the times she had been there, but there was now a magical scene in front of her that was so different from the usual life.

    Of course, the greatest way for Illya to relax was through the medium of music, and even despite her performance later on in the night on the grand stage, she thought that it would be a wonderful idea to do some on-the-ground performances for people who would not be able to make it, as well as a more laid-back performance on her part, barring the idol work of dancing and being able to show her true abilities with both voice and instrument. Even if she were to retire to enter the world of music once more, the biggest benefit to her training in magic was that of her musical requips, which she used extensively to aid her own traveling assistance. She used this to summon forth an acoustic guitar before grabbing a stool and setting herself up in the middle of a nearby intersection, where shops and people alike bustled about. At this, she began her first song, ignoring any precedent and hoping to at least provide some white noise, if nothing else. She bounce from one song to another, letting her voice and guitar's musical melodies float into the sky, regardless if they would be eaten by the others that were minding their own business.

    WC: 0543 | TWC: 0543


    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] GMALSW8

    Lineage : None
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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by MoRueran 8th April 2020, 12:42 pm

    After finding out how much jewels he earned from trading those Goddess Medals in, Martian Moonie paid for his rent and then some, with his boss Billi even suggesting he take a day off and recommended the Celestial Festival that was taking place in Crocus. "Don't party too hard and don't get lost going there and coming back". with a pat on the boy's shoulder, Billiam Feyson then waved his apprentice goodbye as he left Magnolia and made his way to the festival. It's probably been at least five months now that Martian has gotten accustomed to living within urban dwellings and alongside people. There was still a lot he needed to do, a great many things in this world that he has yet to see. The concept of Holidays was a fairly new idea to Mars, especially considering as he continuously lived his life grounded in the present time, pretty much the same as any animal would when it came to survival. Those were simpler times and, while it was harsh, it was a great deal easier to focus on just getting enough food in his belly to live another day than to wrap his head around the complexities that come with living in a heavily populated settlement among individuals who greatly differ from himself.

    While the domesticated barbarian didn't know what a Celestial was, he certainly knew what was coming when a celebration like this was happening: lots and lots of food. It was true that, because of his current living situation, he need not fear the possibility of starving anytime soon, but it still blew his simple little brain that such delicious morsels could be found so easily and in such great quantity. Vanilla Ale flowed and gushed like a river, nearly endless and quick to fill and refill empty mugs. Stalls and hawker stands could be seen filling the main streets as far as the eye could see, selling various trinkets and goods or holding little carnival games. Lanterns and street lights illuminated the whole place and kept things bright and cheerful even through the night, the various buildings of the capital were awash in brilliance as though a little piece of the sun decided to stay in this part of Fiore.

    The once feral non-mage waddled contently through these busy, crowded streets with a mug of Vanilla Ale in one hand and a veritable cache of snacks cradled in his arms. As far as Mars knew, life was good, he has a home to return to, and there wasn't any sign of some underlying calamity brewing on the horizon. Finding a nearby bench, the boy in red plopped down to take a seat and watched what was around him. A few people were taking group photos with their iLacs, one young lady was in the process of tuning her instruments, perhaps doing a small-time performance or probably taking advantage of the festival's saturation of visitors to busk up some quick and easy jewels for her next meal. While gorging upon his foodstuffs, Martian would extend his senses out around him, creating a sphere of awareness that allowed him to keep track of any and everything that exerted a living presence within his vicinity. This was a habitual thing for the weirdo, as he didn't want to be caught off guard while he was eating, and he would be ready to either fight or make a break for it at a moment's notice. More importantly, he didn't want to be jolted by an overly friendly stranger and accidentally drop all of his food on the ground.

    Word Count: 600
    Total Word Count: ?

    Last edited by Martian on 3rd June 2020, 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess

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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Gaia 29th April 2020, 1:14 pm

    The Divine Mage
    Crocus was a rather big city. The lights, the sounds, the people, the buildings. It was a lot for those not used to things like this. It was a sight the tarot mage saw nearly every day she worked, though. Working at Dagger Corps library had that perk. She got to enjoy both the scenery of Crocus, and Ace of Spades near daily. The ever changing faces of visitors and friends alike. She also got wind of the upcoming festival for celestials as posters were being put up around, and on her designated cork board for posters like that. She figured she'd swing by it after work with her celestial spirits she had recently acquired, it was along the way for her to return home. Her husband wouldn't mind her being home a little later. She just needed to let him know a bit beforehand though.

    With the flick of her fingers, Gaia texted her husband and let him know of the festival and treating her spirits to a night out. She believed they deserved it with all their hard work lately. She also wanted to get something for her twins there as well. She was dressed in an off the shoulder dress with a yellow bodice, light blue puffy sleeves that went to her elbows then split off and flowed the rest of the way, and had a blue skirt from the waist down and flowed around her mid-calfs. There were little yellow stars at the top of the skirt. The outfit was completed with a pair of light blue, low heel, pumps. Olga had designed the dress and sent it over immediately after she found out that Gaia was wanting to attend the festival. The woman's brand was top notch, and as the official model of the brand, Gaia was obligated to wear it and show off the outfits.

    The diviner waved to the security guard before she packed up her key to the building in her bag and donned on a nice, light, starry themed cloak over her shoulders. She looked around at all the star shaped lanterns and smiled a bit at the sights before her. The booths were already crowded and she takes a deep breath. “Time to come out.” She says as she holds up a whole keyring of keys and summoned forth her summons from the keys with her small wish. Majority of her Zodiac collection were out and were observing the scenery. Her other, smaller, spirits were quietly following behind. Despite being lesser celestial spirits, they were feeling honored to see a festival in their honor.

    A smile was on the diviners face as she held up her astrology cards. "Let's go see what all is around here." She murmurs. In total, she had a group of seven with her, four females, and three males, and they all didn't seem human or normal at least. Aries was out and holding her staff while Aquarius was fluttering close by the tall woman's shoulder. Gaia walked with her head up as she herself observed the festival. People talking to one another, friends laughing away, people chowing down on food, musicians, entertainers… Maybe she could dance while here for some fun?
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
    Notes and enemies:
    536 words
    Job Link/Job Approval



    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 115
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,250

    Character Sheet
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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by MoRueran 3rd June 2020, 4:35 pm

    Brawling at the Celestial Festival
    (D Rank Freeform / One-Post Solo)
    The Celestial Festival in Crocus held a plethora of games and attractions that would garner almost any bystander's or merrymaker's attention from far and wide. Puzzles, challenges of dexterity or strategy, or even plain tests of strength or endurance. Martian Moonie had just finished stuffing himself with the various snacks he managed to get his hands on when he found that he made a mess of his clothes. Heading back to the place he was residing in, for the time being, a small inn that was situated neatly between two sizeable business offices, the boy changed into yet another simple robe that was of a darker red and a fancy white top hat that he placed squarely on his head. With his new attire, the young barbarian once again went outside to explore where he scurried about while holding a paintbrush in one hand and a small bottle of red paint in the other. Wonders upon wonders would abound for the childlike fellow as he went around marking new territories as his claims to add to his domain of stupid. He would enter into one nook and come out several meters away from a cranny over yonder, he would come out of places so unexpected that it would wake quite a while to figure out how he came to be there.

    Off he went, familiarizing himself with the environment around him, doing funny jigs on random rooftops for eccentric rituals, and even finding himself inside of a strange and large room. The room's interior was dome-shaped, with the entirety of the walls being covered in hexagonal tiles, the center of the room having what appeared to be some sort of control panel that had various switches and levers. Instinctively, Mars refrained from touching anything on the panel, his wariness being the result of some past experiences with technology that he found unfamiliar. Off to the side was a door that happened to lead somewhere, hopefully to a place that had fewer buttons for the simple-minded hobo to worry about. Stepping outside, he found that he was still in Crocus, and close to one of the first places he visited to get his foodstuffs. Turning around, Martian hopped up in surprise, as what he came out of was a small blue box with the word "POLICE" painted in large white letters.

    Suddenly, the box was gone in a flash of white light and strange blaring noises that gradually grew fainter and fainter. Confusion gave way to curiosity, that curiosity would then devolve into frustration as could find an answer for what he just experienced, and his frustration then escalated into a pure hate-filled rage, as he came to believe that he was made the victim of some magically wrought shenanigans by some filthy wizard. His conclusion was that the perpetrator was hiding in a nearby building, which led him to set his sights on the tavern that was just a few steps away. The establishment quite literally exploded as a large fight ensued, men and women and any other form of sentient life were punching, kicking, breaking bottles, and shanking. The chaos died down, either because a lot the people from the bar fled while most of the ones were either knocked out or too injured to move. Martian Moonie, the most unimposing childlike manlet that couldn't intimidate a fly to save his life, was on top of a large burly man, still beating his face black and blue.

    Then, some tall pale woman with blonde hair wearing a brown trenchcoat over an all-black suit walked in almost whimsically. "Does someone need a Doctor", the newcomer chimed her inquiry in good cheer, "I'll fix you all as right as rain in no time". Then the mysterious lady pulled out what appeared to be a small metal rod with a few buttons and buzzing lights on it. All the cues that have gone through Mars's brain all scream that the object was a wand, which immediately caused him to leap up and deck the unsuspecting woman in the face with such force, she was sent crashing into the wall of an adjacent building. Believing that he has fixed his problem, Mars waddled off and went on his merry way, his dopey grin restored.

    Word Count: 711
    Total Word Count: 711


    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess

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    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 461
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,073,407

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Public Re: Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL]

    Post by Mythica 17th August 2020, 10:07 pm

    After what felt like an ETERNITY Mura finally showed himself! While normally she would be ecstatic to see her husband, the expression on Mythica's face told him otherwise. She stared with irritation at his tardiness. "Oh, the Wizard Saint finally decides to grace me with his presence!" She exclaimed in a somewhat sarcastic tone, bowing with just as much attitude. "I am thrilled you had time in your very busy schedule to meet with your wife!"" She continued, her voice unchanging. When he offered her his arm she sighed and took it. No matter what Mura did, Mythica could never stay mad it him for long.

    "So run into anybody you know here yet? Seems like a big festival." Mythica asked Mura as they continued walking down the streets. Her eyes looking around at the sites in amusement as the endless steam of fireworks seemed to be ablaze all around them. "I must admit I'm not very familiar with the festival as a whole. I wonder what it's celebrating exactly." Mythica said truthfully, hoping Mura might have more info but seeing as he wasn't a native to Fiore she figured he might be in just as much of the dark as she was. "Well whatever the reason, it seems to be quite beautiful! Should we try some of the party games, I think I noticed a few..."


    Story Arc Rapture: A Shadow Behind the Stars [CELESTIAL FESTIVAL] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:51 pm