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    thread name what's that [event/solo]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
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    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    thread name what's that [event/solo] Empty thread name what's that [event/solo]

    Post by Eireen 16th August 2020, 3:32 pm

    Eireen couldn’t help but let out a sigh as she strode confidently down the streets of Crocus.  Once again, she found herself wandering around the city, but not for her typical purposes.  Usually, it would be due to some kind of assignment, otherwise, she’d just stay locked up in the small apartment she rented.  Well, actually she didn’t really rent it, she just kind of moved in without anyone paying much mind.  The former resident was a rather pitiful person.  A special kind of person was needed for that level of negligence.  Sure, she was the one who killed them, but it wasn’t like living would’ve been that enjoyable either.  When Eireen arrived, she found the windows drawn, messes littering the floor, and other such signs of less than optimal living conditions.

    Previously, she had only looked into the apartment building for the sake of the assignment, but once she learned of the unorthodox landlord she decided to claim it as her own.  The building was perfect if you never wanted to come into contact with anyone at all.  Heck, you never even needed to meet the landlord face to face, as long as they receive the money they won’t complain.  And from the brief background check she went through of the target, it was clear no visitors would be dropping by.  Honestly, Eireen found it kind of pathetic that no one in the whole world noticed or cared about that guy.  But hey, now she doesn’t have to hack into other people’s wifi when she wanted to get on Lacbook.

    Anyways, the reaper wasn’t actually walking around to kill someone.  No, this was one of her few leisure hours, so she was planning to take advantage of it to its fullest.  For some reason, the government decided that rather than building roads or developing small communities, it’d be a great time to hold a nationwide block party.  And from the intense neon decorations, that fact was clear enough.  Hell, they even made the drinks free, that alone was enough to draw the pink-haired woman in.  Speaking of, to reflect her more casual intentions, her appearance was that of her original one.  Well, it was how she imagined her original one would look if it… either way, her long, silver hair was replaced by a loose pink braid.  Meanwhile, the hardened silver gaze was replaced by a harsh crimson one.  Perhaps her white shirt, black jacket, and black jeans gave her a more refined impression than there was in reality, but Eireen couldn’t care less about other’s impressions of her.  When you’re hot, you’re hot, it doesn’t matter what you wear.

    “Hey, Chance, I’m hot no matter what, right?”  Eireen asked internally as she silently made her way deeper and deeper into the party.

    “Yeah yeah, sure.”  The ethereal presence said half-heartedly.  “I’m pretty busy right now, so try not to bother me.  Just have fun or whatever.”

    “Awww, don’t be like that, Chance!  Surely, you love to speak to your beloved little contractor!”

    “We talk enough when you’re doing work.  Don’t you want to interact with, I don’t know, actual people?”

    “My darling Chance, the sun of my sky and brightest light in the entire Capital: how could you speak like so?  You are actual people!”

    “Eireen,”  Chance’s voice was cold, a hint of tiredness present in his tone.  However, the reaper had no idea how a ghostlike being could ever suffer from overwork.  There was nobody, right?  Actually, no, there was such thing as mental strain.  What in the world was Fate having him work on again?  “I don’t have a body.  At all.  Period.  You can’t count me as an actual person when I’m practically the same as your inner voice.”

    “Whatever you say, buddy.  Oh, wait, that would actually be problematic for me.  You see, if you’re not a person, that means I really don’t have any friends!”

    “You say that so cheerfully.”  The ethereal presence sighed as Eireen struggled to restrain her grin.  “The more I talk, the more I motivate you to keep going.  Just go get drunk or something.”

    “Fine, you don’t even need to tell me that.  I was on my way to doing it in the first place.”  The reaper replied curtly the moment she laid her eyes on the destination she’d been moving towards, the bar.  It was at a size incomparable to any of the food stands sprinkled about.  In fact, about a dozen people were already sitting down with miscellaneous drinks and chatting it up.  However, Eireen’s intentions were as far divorced from that as possible.  She simply wished to get blackout drunk, eat some food, and go crawling back to her apartment.  And thus, she easily slid into a barstool that had empty spaces on each side, waiting for the bartender to approach her.

    “Hey, what do you guys have in stock here?  I’ll have anything as long as there’s a lot of it.”  The reaper said, not even bothering to make eye contact with the mixologist.  But it seemed as if they got the idea, fluidly assembling a drink while Eireen was free to watch all of the passing party goers.  It didn’t take long for a large mug to be placed on the table, the size rivaling the reaper’s head.

    “An Exploding Maverick Tincture.  Enjoy.”  The bartender droned monotonously before walking off to tend to another customer.

    “Maverick, huh?”  Eireen murmured to herself as she intently inspected the bubbling green drink.  The bubbles were making quite the mess, but it didn’t matter since she wouldn’t be the one cleaning it, right?  But as the reaper moved to take a swig of the alcoholic beverage… it exploded.  The green liquid hit her right in the face, leaving her eyes stinging and clothes damp.  It took a few moments for Eireen to fully process exactly what had happened to her.  The explosion was fitting for the drink name, but why would it actually explode??  People loved to give all sorts of weird names to drinks.  When you order a slippery nipple, you don’t actually expect to get a wet nipple, that was just in bad taste.  However, the reaper was far to sober to actually complain about it.  After all, this was the drink they had in stock the most for a reason.  It was the worst.  Well, after drinking the rest, it wasn’t that bad.  The apple smell was pleasant, the alcohol concentration was just right, you just had to get over the initial hurdle.

    “I guess this is really a hardcore drink… I’ll get another.”  The reaper said as she finally finished her oversized mug of alcohol.

    “Wait, Eireen, you aren't serious, are you?!  This time only your clothes were turned green, but what if your skin does too??”

    “If I turn green, I can just sue the Magic Council.  Anyways, you’re worried about this when you can easily take care of me afterward.  I change my appearance all the time.”

    “You-”  The ethereal presence seemed like he had a lot to say, but simply sighed.  “Alright, just do it in moderation.”

    “Yeah, you know me.  When was the last time I ever got drunk?”

    “When was the last time you’ve had a drink?  Recently, the only parties you’ve been attending were ones that offered drugs and stuff.”

    “You should understand by now that I’m only doing that to experiment.  I don’t really have fun drinking now anyways.”

    “You and me both know you came here with the full intention of drinking way too much.  But if you don’t like it, why would you mess yourself so much I have to fix you later?”

    As her new mug of volcanic green evil alcohol was placed in front of her, Eireen simply sighed as she took a sip.  Of course, the liquid once again covered her entire face, but it was a lot better when you were anticipating it.  Actually, getting drenched was a bit refreshing…  “I dunno Chance, I just don’t feel like thinking right now.  But getting drunk sure is taking a lot of effort… lower my alcohol tolerance a bit.”

    “Sure, yeah, whatever, don’t blame me for whatever happens later.”


    “Ch-Chane…!”  Eireen sniffled, her head resting on the bar while surrounded by several large mugs.  “Did you hear what the bartender said?  I… I’ve only had eight, but… he says that they need more for other people!  I mean, I get it, but…”

    “Hey, Eireen, are you alright…?”  The ethereal asked tentatively.

    “What?!  Of course I am!”  The reaper exclaimed aloud, her words slightly slurred.  But despite her outburst, other closeby were far too drunk to give her any heed.

    “Eireen, are you aware you didn’t say that in your head?”


    “See?  You did it again.  You said that with your mouth.  Try to be more careful.”

    But contrary to Chance’s expectations, tears began to streak down the reaper’s flushed face.  “Oh… I messed up again, huh?  Fuck I’m stupid.”  The pink-haired woman placed her forehead on the bar table, her voice disheartened.

    The ethereal sighed, “I guess you really are drunk now… don’t say stuff like that about yourself.“

    “Just fucking abandon me, Chance.  I don’t even deserve…  deserve…”  It seemed as if she forgot what word she was going to use seeing as Eireen's words simply trailed off.

    “No one deserves anything, Eireen.  Life is just like that, so don’t waste time being drunkenly depressed.”

    “Ah, sorry, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.”  The reaper sobbed, her voice cracking slightly despite how steady she was attempting to make her voice.  “Fuck, I’m so pathetic.”

    “Hey, I’m always here to listen.  After all: I’m not an actual person.  Just think of me as your inner voice…  Hey, Eireen?”  The ethereal droned into the mind of his contractor to no response.  But he more than anyone else knew from the sound of her deep, rhythmic breathing what had happened.  “Seriously, I know I lowered your alcohol tolerance, but you’re already asleep?  And here of all places?  Dammit, at least you probably won’t remember all that embarrassing stuff I said.”  Chance grumbled.  However, Eireen’s current state wasn’t the best one.  Falling asleep drunk in the middle of a late-night party was never good, but Chance would like for Eireen to get a bit of sleep.  To add insult to injury, the ethereal had trouble keeping an eye on his contractor when they were so intensely asleep and intoxicated.  Usually in situations such as these, Chance could just use magic to prevent people from approaching the sleeping Eireen, but the bodily balance was a bit off.  But fixing it meant that Eireen would probably wake up.

    It was then that the reaper’s head raised from where it was laid down on the bar.  Her eyes were still a bit puffy from crying, but any trace of being intoxicated had disappeared.  “Man, you really are a handful, Eireen…”  Eireen said… well, technically speaking it was Chance who said that.  Usurping body control was rather simple, and this way his contractor could be safely asleep.  Wiping away the tears still left on Eireen’s face, he smoothly slid out of the bar seat.  “I guess it’s time to go back.”  He murmured to himself before promptly walking off.  However, despite Chance’s full intentions of headed directly back to Eireen’s apartment, navigating the crowd soon led him to a jumping and raving group.  Pausing to take in the sensations of being sandwiched between people, watching the spinning neon lights with his own eyes, Chance simply sighed.  Seeing as it was fairly late into the night, many people seemed as if they were doing more shambling than actual dance moves.  In stark contrast, Chance’s head was completely clear after expunging all traces of the exploding green drink and converting it into magic power.  But the moment he was about to re-correct his course away from the intense party, a voice rang through the crowd.

    “Hey, if anyone’s up to it, try out some DJing!”

    Curiosity filled Chance’s currently crimson eyes, and before he knew it Eireen’s legs had already moved him to the stage.  Well… just a bit of fun wouldn’t hurt, right?  Chance had plenty of musical knowledge, and being a great DJ was child’s play compared to other things he needed to do.  In no time, the crowd was bopping to his sicko tunes, and he also tried his hand at a bit of dancing.  Disappointedly, his opponent wasn’t very good, but that didn’t make it move any worse.

    word count: 2093
    total word count: 2093 [wc met]

    Last edited by Eireen on 16th August 2020, 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : previously unedited? what's that nani)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    thread name what's that [event/solo] Empty Re: thread name what's that [event/solo]

    Post by Eireen 16th August 2020, 3:34 pm

    rolling for drinks



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    thread name what's that [event/solo] Empty Re: thread name what's that [event/solo]

    Post by NPC 16th August 2020, 3:34 pm

    The member 'Eireen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    thread name what's that [event/solo] Die_03_42160_sm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Empyrean Reaper
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 19,499

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Melancholy
    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    thread name what's that [event/solo] Empty Re: thread name what's that [event/solo]

    Post by Eireen 16th August 2020, 4:03 pm

    rolling for dance off
    i almost forgot it reeeee



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    thread name what's that [event/solo] Empty Re: thread name what's that [event/solo]

    Post by NPC 16th August 2020, 4:03 pm

    The member 'Eireen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    thread name what's that [event/solo] R2fEWNz

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