Fairy Tail RP

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    Open Door


    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    Open Door Empty Open Door

    Post by Rela 16th January 2021, 8:53 pm

    Don't yuck someone's yum
    284words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Rela walked a slow pace. Deliberate, unhurried, and unconcerned. She saw the tracks. They were unnecessary to look at; she knew where he was going – further in the thicket towards the East, leading to the outer walls of Lavanitir. It was such a satisfying view, though, to see how the fool was scrambling to get out of her sight. To hide from the unpleasant fate that was approaching. They could run, they could hide, but they could never be safe. She always found them. Some were clever, some…not so much. This one was the latter. He had not bothered to cover his tracks or stamp out his campfires. He was playing right in her plan. Send him in the direction where he would come to a dead end with nowhere else to go. It had been almost too easy for Rela to find him that she gave him an extra day just for the entertainment, because one she found him, once she had him cornered, her sword end the three-day hunt.

    And she liked having her fun.

    As Rela passed through the last trees of the thicket, she took note of the discarded belongings on the ground. Satchels, wrapped bundles of food, and other non-essential items. They led a straight line in the very direction Rela had intended for her target to go. Clearly, he shed his belongings to unburden the weight he was carrying, and not done wisely. She shook her head, disappointed. Too easy.

    The city’s walls was just ahead. He would be trapped between walls and water now with the entrance too far to reach in time. Rela unsheathed her sword and started walking again.

    At least the job paid well.

      HP: x/y
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      Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Last edited by Rela on 21st January 2021, 10:52 am; edited 3 times in total
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 569,852

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necrothurgy
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Open Door Empty Re: Open Door

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 18th January 2021, 6:09 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      766 WORDS
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Cillian always enjoyed trips to Lavanitir. It was a city full of vagabonds, ruffians, ne’er-do-wells, and all sorts of people that just did what they wanted and got into all sorts of hijinks. There were few things he enjoyed more than the rousing company of trouble makers that always kept things interesting, and Lavanitir was just the perfect place to fill that need.

    Sadly, his current trip wasn’t as chalk full of adventure as he would have preferred, but that was the tradeoff for being a guild mage. A Hidden Blades member had taken a job there to perform an assassination, and as usual Cillian had been on standby to clean the crime scene, making it untraceable by the very few Rune Knights in the area that weren’t too corrupt to care about murder. The ghost of the man who had been killed was, unfortunately, not worth forming a contract worth, but that didn’t really matter. For a man who had never had a real job in his astoundingly long life, Cillian actually greatly enjoyed his work and was happy to perform it even without finding new spirits to contract with.

    With his duties completed, he was making his way out of the city to return home, ready to file his paperwork -- easily the worst part of his job -- and get back to his life as usual. He had yet to find a proper place to remove his disguise without anyone noticing, and as such still bore a most unique appearance. His flesh was a dark blue color, which was generally what most people would notice while he was under the guise of his alias. While skin colors on Earthland weren’t limited to any particular set of “natural” colors, blue wasn’t exactly common, so it tended to draw attention from time to time. His normally silver colored hair was currently a bright, pure white, and his nose was a little more prominent and pointed than it typically was without the disguise on. He wore an elegant black and white tuxedo with a black necktie and a white handkerchief tucked in a pocket, giving him the look of an exceptionally professional and successful businessman. Truthfully, he abhorred the entire outfit. It was way too stuffy for a man that rarely wore shirts at all, and the necktie just felt like an ever present noose around his neck.

    Thankfully, he would be in the woods soon and that would be a perfectly isolated place to swap back to his normal physique outside the eyes of onlookers. But before he could even get too far outside of the city he ran into a rather frantic looking man that nearly barrelled right into him. “Woah, careful there, bud,” he said, catching the guy by his shoulders reflexively before the man could fall over.

    “You’ve gotta help me!” he said, looking frantically behind him where there was a dark haired woman with a sword in hand walking in their general direction. “She’s gonna kill me!”

    “Oh, that’s uh… that’s rough, man.” Cillian wasn’t exactly good at things like urgency. More to the point, while this sort of task did technically fall in his line of work, Cillian wasn’t usually the type to get directly involved in confrontations unless he had no other choice. Or unless it sounded like fun. But right now, he wasn’t exactly in a position to just have fun. If he was taking something as a member of his guild, it was expected he receive a profit for it to bring back, and this guy didn’t exactly have the time to get into the numbers for that kind of payment. “Listen, I don’t think I’m--”

    The guy cut him off, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and practically shoving it against Cillian’s chest. “You can have everything in my wallet. Please?

    Cillian blinked down at the guy a bit comically in surprise, but his crimson gaze drifted to the wallet where he could see quite a bit of jewel poking out from its folds. That would work. He took the wallet in his gloved hand and tucked it into the interior pocket of his jacket. “Alright, scram. I’ll hold her off.” The guy wasted no time rushing past him, even as Cillian continued his gait away from the city and in the general direction of the on coming woman. Once their paths were close enough to cross, he would put himself in her way with a friendly, easy going smile.

    “Hi there! Do you have time today to learn about our lord and savior: Cthulhu?”  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    Open Door Empty Re: Open Door

    Post by Rela 21st January 2021, 11:33 am

    Don't yuck someone's yum
    514 514/798 words || @Cillian duCrosse || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    There were many thoughts running through Rela's head. Most were amusing – in her disturbed dictionary, that is – and she entertained several ways how she would slay her target. Torment was among them. She never killed without having a little bit of fun. The blood and screams of agony, coupled with desperate pleas to be spared, was her absolute favorite. Her target would be quite easy to break. His previous hints of his presence and unwise dumping of personal effects told her that much. He was frightened and desperate and would not last long under the sharp sting of her blade. A lot of fun would be had.

    Unfortunately for Rela, she did not know the suffering she was about to endure.

    Her target had stopped. It was no riddle to someone with a brain that is what happened, but it did take her a moment to understand why as she drew nearer. Pleading with a stranger to be a good Samaritan. How cute. Were Rela less equipped for the job, and if the stranger wore anything but the overly obvious extravagant attire he donned, she might have wondered if he would be a challenge. In fact, she fully expected him to flee when he saw her. Someone approaching with a sword did not exactly promise good tidings.

    He turned in her direction. Rela did not bother to suppress a laugh. His face was by the far the ugliest she has ever laid eyes on, and she has seen a lot of hideous things. His blue face and white hair were a very loud contrast. His attire, however…Now that would be worth something. But Rela did not have time for that. Her job would likely pay more; anything else was merely a bonus. Spending money, as she called it, which she would gladly spend tonight at the nearest tavern to revel in her accomplishment.

    There were many things Rela had seen in her life. Witnessed, be a part of. Many terrible things. Never in all her life had she witnessed something so foolish as what was unfolding. The stranger was approaching her.

    He could not possibly be that stupid.

    And then he spoke.

    She stood corrected. Yes, he was that stupid.

    Rela stared at him. Whether she felt annoyed that her presence wasn’t intimidating and making him piss himself at the very least, or dumbfounded by his unnatural fearless and cheerful greeting, she wasn’t sure. Over his shoulder she saw her target, disappearing beyond the entrance to the port. He was likely going to find a place to hide or catch the next ship to flee. An inconvenience, but she would find him before he got too far. Certainly well before he could board a ship.

    Ignoring the imbecilic in front of her, Rela moved around him and started towards Lavanitir. Until he tried to step in her way.

    Before he could even blink, Rela had the tip of her sword pressed in his chest, right over his heart. “Try that again and I will leave you here in a pool of your own blood.”

      HP: x/y
      MP: x/y
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      Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
      Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
      Monsters Killed: list here
      Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:14 pm