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    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

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    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 10th January 2018, 8:34 pm

    Job info:



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 10th January 2018, 10:59 pm

    Outfit: Here
    Notes: xXx


    It started off as normal as any other day; A little polishing of the porcelain and a standard washing of the hair of the body, it all felt so alien in the way she could feel and see things being tended to, but unable to honestly feel anything while it all happened was still an odd concept for her to grasp. While most of the time she was able to just shrug it off and accept the things, there were just rather simple things like being cleaned that had made it just feel a little more awkward of some kind. With a small sigh, the blonde doll watched as her mother had finished up wiping the porcelain clean and a mermaid whom always volunteered her time to help, Elise, finished with the hair. A mother and a motherly figure of the triangle had loved to take turns and seemed to get along really well, so when she was over, there were often times that the doll would summon the mermaid to have some quality time. In a way, she felt like her mother deserved to have a friend, and it was nice for her to be happy having one, even if the mermaid was only around when Sakura was. With having Crystal around her now, she wasn't very worried about having to be around them for any reason. She was able to just sit around and relax with her companion without a worry or troubling feeling at all. The feeling in it of itself was different,
    since technically Crystal was the first ever pet that Sakura ever had. As a child, she could remember not wanting one. Even with the number of offers, the saddening feeling of one day becoming unable to hold and play with a pet she'd raised and loved with all her might... It just seemed to be something she couldn't think she could handle mentally. Now with her gaining one thing and losing another, the sentiment of loving a pet is much different than she could have ever hoped for... but it was nice to have both a friend and a pet in one go.

    Having every inch of her body and hair dried up and then dressed properly. "Are you sure you don't need any company, Ms. Sakura?" The mermaid asked as she sat up inside of the bathtub that remained filled with water, slowly being drained. As Sakura fixed in the last couple small accessories of her outfit, she nodded lightly and fixed in her hair band before she finally got to looking up to the other blonde in the room, not so much as a smile included.
    "No, there's no need. Crystal and I are all that's needed." She replied,
    brushing out her dress and then flicking back hair that laid over the front of her shoulders to the best of her physical ability. It was always a tricky thing to try and do, but she had finally gotten the hang of it after a number of tries over and over. Working her ball joints to her advantage,
    she managed to practice it until it was starting to become a good habit of hers to be able to get into a habit to do it on her own will. The doll leaned over and turned the knobs of the bathtub, beginning to fill the tub full of fresher water so Elise could relax more comfortably and proceeded to lean on the edge of the tub, porcelain on porcelain. The mermaid smiled and with one mostly dry arm, reached over and poked right between where her collarbone would be if she had one. "Well remember, I'll be right here if I'm needed, alright?~" As she gave her reminder, the necklace that passively remained around her neck had appeared and the hand soon reached up to caress the girls cheek. "Just be safe out there, alright? You do have us, but you also are still a fragile girl." Of course, Elise knew Sakura meant mentally speaking than she did physically. They both knew that one was obvious, but the state of mind and the attitude towards her own life and its choices were slowly enveloping a wrathful storm again.

    708/4500 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: None
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 11th January 2018, 1:07 am

    Notes: xXx

    While making her way towards Vintermyr, Sakura had noticed the way they were headed was one of a familiar way. For some reason or another, the name of the location had slipped her mind, but once it clicked where they were headed, the blonde began to realize that they were headed towards the same place that she had met many guild members from which she didn't meet before, and others whom she knew well. Honestly, she still felt grateful that Desiree was able to be there for her and support her. It was a mystery if the girl had even known truly how much it meant to Sakura that she was such a supportive friend and someone she could go to with anything. It was for that reason she bothered to even go outside of the guild masters own request. Besides, she'd felt the importance to go to the meeting because she felt as though there was something out of it from which she could use at some point, or even to become a very big use for her guild. Even if it was a minor role, Sakura would do her hardest work to try and succeed in being of use for those she felt as though she were lucky enough to live to tell about. In all honesty, to be making this trip back into Vintermyr was very nostalgic to her despite the meeting they had here being not that long ago. The need to go back, even under guild business was a little more far fetched to the doll, however she went because she thought if they wanted her to go, it had to be for something beneficial. After the time she had in this guild, she doubted now of all times would they turn a blind eye to her in a mission and leave her. Then again, it would be very hard to rid themselves of something that couldn't die, either.  

    Finally entering the land of snow and bitter temperatures, the doll and her companion took a pause in their steps as they took in the air. Crystal took the initiative to lay down and roll around in the snow, squealing happily like a child as she did so. "Ohhh my gosh!~ It's so cooooold here!~ It's like home, but the humans version of a Spring! Or uh.. was it Summer. The really hot one, but like not so hot that it's unbearable." She spoke out, seeing that the tiny one was watching her lathering herself in snow with a small smile on her face. "I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. I'll be sure to come back here with you more often if you love it here so much." She offered, squatting down with her arms wrapping around her legs and dress. "No cold or heat bothers me anymore, so I wouldn't mind coming out here, maybe bring Desiree and her wolf and we can all hang out together. How's that sound?" Her head tilted to the side as she waited for the snow fox to reply, but a sudden ringing in her ears made her shoot up to her feet, looking around in a slight panic. She remained quiet until the next ringing echoed. The blonde doll began to walk along in the snow until she came in view of a cave. "Crystal... Wait here. I'll return soon." Her calm tone of voice leaving the fox to roll around, burying herself in the snow with a faint purring and a nod. "Aye aye, cap'n! Good luck!" She yelled as the small figure was quickly swallowed up by the darkness of the cave. From the moment she entered, a strange feeling overtook her. She couldn't put her finger on it, but the sensation of being watched was overwhelming, but nothing was around her that she could see, and she would pause every so often and take quick swing abouts, but soon realizing she had seen nothing.

    Enter the Yokai:

    The further into the cave the doll seemed to have gotten, the stranger the sense of being followed had made her. Sakura had a very very patient temper, but this was quickly dissolving her high resolve. "Cowardly letting someone else do your work for you isn't going to get you what you want!" She yelled, getting deep into the opening of the cave,
    the light reflecting from shards of ice enough to illuminate the room brightly. "Is the little loli getting mad?" A voice called out, it's spirited voice echoing in the room.
    Instantly behind her, a figure appeared and picked the doll up with absolute ease, laughing as she turned around to look the girl in the face. A shaper canine poked out from her partial grin as she lifted the girl up further and chukling. "Put me dow-" She paused as her eyes gazed upon a set of ears connected to her head. She had't noticed the strangers tail yet, but looking down to her face, the stranger laughed. "How'd someone trap the soul of a human into a doll? Cute, yes. But no little toy should be in here alone."
    She paused and set Sakura down, petting her head lightly and then turning to the side, brushing her tail hard against Sakura to make her fall over. Getting up and brushing the snow from her dress, she glared at the woman and then noticed her tail, looking to each animal part and then chuckling lightly. "This coming from some flea bitten mutt who followed a stranger around like a lost doggy with no home." She mocked, interjected by a loud,
    angry growling from the gritting and grinding teeth from her comment. Grabbing her up, the wolf girl slammed the doll into a wall in between several icy vines. "Call me flea bitten or a mutt again, and I'll- W-Wait a minute..." She stopped, looking down and behind her before looking back to the face of the porcelain doll in her grasp. "What's wrong?" She sincerely asked. The tight grip instantly let go and dropped Sakura onto her dress shoes and brushed the outfit out. "Oh... No, I can't feel anything. Softness, pain, hugs. Nothing." She replied, starting to walk past her for a moment before her dress was nabbed, stopping her dead in her tracks. The doll looked over her shoulder for a moment before several vines had risen above her. "LOOK OUT!" Sakura cried out, watching the wolf girl vanish, the vines came down just before her and flinching from it. "Good call kiddo. I'll just hide in here for now. We can talk in between the trials, so get moving!" The voice spoke from inside of her own mind, wondering how she'd even gotten there, but somehow not caring too much. Another mind only could help at this point.

    1165 + 708 = 1873/4500 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: None
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 11th January 2018, 9:45 am

    Notes: xXx

    The crystals of ice hanging on the vines around the length of the living plants had began to rattle like the tail of a rattlesnake. Vines began to spread around where Sakura stood, preparing themselves for an ambush. Watching all five of them carefully, she debated the options of what she should do for a moment. Switching between so many targets was getting to be troublesome, and with more rattling to get her attention, she jumped at the sound of the glass like ice shattering as it fell from the vines and hit the ground near her. "You just gonna stand there looking cute, lolita? Or are you just trying to die?" The voice of the wolf girl spoke out in the mind of the doll. If she had nerves, obviously the comment she made would cause one to bulge and pulse in her head. "Stop calling me a lolita, you darn mutt!" Her voice filled the room they were in. Once the echo of the voice settled, the vines all swung in at the girl at a speed she thought wasn't very possible. Her mind began to panic over the last second idea she had a moment, fumbling to remember how it worked entirely trying to sit the name of the mermaid who's spell she was using so she didn't accidentally use them. With a clap of porcelain together, a loud boom of sound blasted out from around her, bouncing the vines back. A small sigh of relief left the small ones mouth as she looked about and tried to collect herself and plan her next move. "Oh jeez... I'm really not used to this..."

    The yokai watched from the eyes of the doll through even the most basic of combat moves,
    she seemed to just laugh a little at how she did things. "Sheesh girl, you'd think you would know more. You're a mage for crying out loud, how are you not used to it?"
    The wolf spirit asked, watching as Sakura seemed to stumble on her next move. "I don't tend to fight first hand... I've only had magic for several months... cut me a little slack, please..." She replied aloud, her voice carrying through the cave. Looking around, the doll quickly noticed the next entrance to go through, and she started to make her way there. The vines lashed out towards her almost as quick as she could run. The shocker of the speed she managed to get in the body she possessed. Just getting through the threshold, Sakura took a dive to get out of the reach of the vines. As she managed to get to the end, a vine latched onto her foot, only to phase through the body as her entire form turned into water and quickly solidified as she had crashed into the ground, sliding on the icy cave ground.
    Looking back as she turned over to sit up, Sakura watched the vines recede back into the last cave without any quams to come after her. letting a sigh of relief out. "It's a good thing some things are more instinctual than others.. haha." She said, standing up and patting the dress and shaking out her hair. "Ugh... They just finished this all... man..." The sound of the Yokai sighing in annoyance made her want to leave the doll's body. While Sakura slowly made her way through, the sound of mental groans and angered growling sounds started to get to her, until she finally paused. "What are you doing?" She asked, her words still vocalized. "I can't leave your stupid body! I DON'T WANNA BE A LOLI! I WANNA SCRATCH MY EARS AND LICK MY OWN-" "HEY! Save that for another time, will you? That's freaking disgusting..." A quick cut off made the doll rub her own temples in annoyance.

    After a moment, the Yokai finally managed to push her way free from the doll's body, animating herself back to normal. With a stretching and yawn, the wolf girl had looked down to the sound of a thud and discovered that Sakura had collapsed right there where she'd stood. "Poor kid. Oh well, she was a fucking brat anyway..." The Yokai chuckled and squatted down, poking the doll. "I heard that.... Now where am I? A-And... why is my body over there!? Oh gosh, gosh... Uh.. I-I'm freaking out... Oh my gosh...-"All the Yokai could picture was a tiny blonde loli pacing back and forth, sighing and scratching her ears at the thought, she sat down and pulled the doll over to the wall and set it against it. "So why a doll? You're inexperienced with magic as you even said, you're enamored by the sight of any living person with ears and a tail, and you sound like some home schooled sheltered child who used to be left alone with mommy and dad-" The doll cleared her throat enough to cut off the spirit continuing. "You want to know? I'll give you the full story, but don't you ever mention that person to me again." The spiteful tone was enough to exorcise even the Yokai if it were to take a magical form of an attack. With a very surprised look on her face, she nodded and patted the unconscious doll's head. "Yeah.. My bad. Go uh.. Go ahead, kiddo... In the meantime, enjoy my body. I am going to research something."

    With that, it only seemed like a twitch in the body as Sakura's consciousness had taken control of the body. She shivered for a moment and hugged herself looking around. "Oh my gosh! It's so cold! I haven't felt anything in so long, I forgot what it was like... Anyway... I was born with this disease that-" "Made you a prude little lolita?" The Yokai interrupted, suddenly making Sakura growl without even realizing it at first. When she finally noticed, she yelped and covered her mouth with her hands. "I.. Anyway, this disease over time slowly began to eat away at my muscular system. After some time, walking, blinking, eating, breathing, swallowing would all become things I couldn't willingly do on my own. Doctors said I'd end up dying a slow, painful death. I remember asking my mom why she didn't do anything to not make her suffer, but she never answered. I never asked for it because I thought she deserved to have someone with her... I hope you don't mind a summarized version. The long one would bore you to tears." The doll let out a long breath and looked around, seeing her own breath and giggling. "I forgot what it felt like to be winded... I don't know if I could get used to it." A sudden chuckle left the conscious of the Yokai's body, one that leaned on the side of a bad joke... "Might need to get used to it... Seems that uh.. we're kinda bound together. Don't know how... but maybe the Yokai that runs that guild would know. I see them come around here every so often, all for some ice... I wanted to see what was so special... But all I get is some dress wearing Lolita. Now backseat, child. This is my body~" With the Yokai's loud groan, she stood up off of the ground and picked up Sakura's body, holding onto it like a girl holding her doll. "We'll need my body to use my magic. It's the only way to do it, so until then, you're free to continue along... umm.. Darn it, we never introduced ourselves. I'm Sakura Kisagami, also a mage with the guild you're referring to." The wolf girl looked down to the doll and then up as though she were looking into her own mind. "Akita's the name!~ Proud wolf Yokai! But.. you know the Bakedanuki who runs it? She's dangerous, so be careful around her." The spirit warned, looking around as they walked into the next zone,
    ready to see more things to harm them, but only a few cute fauna grazing.

    1361 + 1873 = 3134/4500 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: None
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 13th January 2018, 6:39 pm

    Notes: xXx

    As the pair stared curiously at the Fauna that were quietly keeping to themselves, they took a single step into the cavernous room and they instantly picked their heads up. They looked on at the wolf girl holding the blonde, unconscious doll in her arms and they began to walk towards them. The fauna had seemed to be all passive and rather adorable looking, but truthfully, for something to be alive in this weather, there would have to be something about them. While Sakura was unable to sense what a magical presence was, The Yokai standing before them started to slide one sandal foot backward towards the cave hall. "Can we pet them, Akita!? I wanna feel their fur!" The voice of the doll spoke out, much more childish than she could have hoped for, she sounded much more along the idea of wanting to feel as normal as possible, but soon being pushed away in thought by the spirit. "Only if you wanna die, sure. Can't you sense the magic aura on them?" A moment of silence ensued after the question, as if she attempted the idea of it. "Umm.. How do I do that?" The doll replied, tilting her head as though she were a clueless child. "Oh mah lord... You're freaking hopeless.... I'll have to whip you into shape... maybe literally~" The wolf girl replied, shrugging and chuckling. "Nah, don't you worry. I got the brains and brawn, and you just look cute~" A heavy, long drawn out sigh left the consciousness of the Yokai as Sakura found her comment to be rather... aggravating.

    "You said they pretty much weren't ordinary animals? Then back to the doll body. Neither of us can use my magic right now unless we are." She continued to push to go back into the small body slung over the arms of Akita. With a reluctant growl, a hand reached into the back of the doll body and the spirit began to turn a bright white. It quickly appeared as though it was being sucked inside until the physical form of the wolf girl was no more. The blonde body collapsed onto the ground and with a small shaking of her head, Sakura grunted and stood up onto her feet, looking around and down to her porcelain hands. "I.. I honestly don't know how to feel about it... You know.. being able to.. feel and stuff again. What if-" A fauna interrupted her as she had one ram its head into her, sending her flying into a wall and crashing hard into it and falling down onto her knees. "Are you ok!?" Akita shouted, worried that the pain would be too much. The small one giggled as she got back up to her feet, smirking and brushing herself off. "I told you, I can't feel anything. It's one of the only perks about it, really. It's kinda nice." With another chuckle, the doll raised her hand up and two puddles would form in front of her. Up raised from them were two mermaids; one mermaid had long, pink hair while the other had short, near shoulder length brunette hair. "Oh dear god... You're a summoner of mermaids. I don't know if you're a perverted dominatrix using mermaids to get you a harem of mindless horny men or just an innocent living lolita who has overly cutesy mermaids who sound like posh socialites." Akita had inquired a little more of her suspicions, though as wrong as she was in both aspects, Sakura just shook her head of the idea on going off on her for her commentary. "Well... Rosie, the pink haired mermaid is rather like the latter. Natasha is very hyper and cheerful. I think you'll love them all when we get to introduce you. We have to if we wanna be able to use your body for my magic- no.. our magic. If we're going to work together, I suspect it would be easier to just share. Agreed?"

    Before she could respond, the doll was snatched up and cuddled by the pair of mermaids she'd called upon for combat. Of all things for them to in the moment of combat, they giggled as they nuzzled against her. "We missed you, Sakura!~" Rosie cried out. "Yeah, you don't visit anymore! It's hard to spend some time with you if you don't come around!" Natasha added in, picking up the doll from their grasp and holding her up but facing the pair. "Sorry, but I didn't think it was fair if I just sat around all day with everyone and try to be myself. Don't get me wrong! I love being around, but... I don't wanna make the gift you all gave me turn into some big issue of a dictatorship because I got it in my head that I was 'chosen' to fill what it was you needed." Her eyes averted from the mermaids. Though as the two began to smile and seem to be a little bubbly over the way she explained her recent adventures, Rosie fired a light of sound waves out quickly and hit the incoming Fauna, sending it back a distance away. "Holy shit! Was that light she shot out!? Who the hell do you work for!?" The sound of the loudmouthed wolf girl echoed in the doll's mind. Being set down by Natasha, Sakura quickly ran behind them and faced the fauna while she watched the mermaids battling it out with them. Throwing the fauna left and right as they charged at them like angered bulls. "Huh... Not what we expected..." With a small nod, Akita sighed lightly. "Agreed..."

    An immense sounding howl suddenly filled the room. The fauna dispersed into small holes and the sound of the roar caused the doll to drop to her knees holding her hands to her ears as tight as possible while the pair of mermaids seemed to be unphased as their magic muffled the volume of the roar to a point they hadn't been affected at all by it.

    1027 + 3134 = 4161/4500 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: None
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Yokai, Wolves, and Dolls- Oh my! (Solo/Job)

    Post by Aoi 13th January 2018, 8:08 pm

    Outfit: Here
    Notes: xXx

    Seeing the large wolf slowly stalk its way into the cave where the mermaids and doll stood.. or floated, they stared in awe of the large beast. With a gulp, Sakura slowly began to step away as she feared until suddenly her body refused to move. "Stop! You gotta make it to the next room! Fenrir won't see you as a worthy person if you don't get past him." The Yokai tried to guide her, pushing the doll past her fears of the large creature. "Time for the chorus, ladies!~" Natasha cried out, giggling and taking in a deep breath. "Dooo-Reeee-Miiiii!~" The song of the mermaid began to fill the room.
    "Dooo-Reeee-Miiiii!~" Rosie chimed in after, adding to the sound building in the room. With a smile, Sakura took in a deep breath herself. "Dooo-Reeee-Miiiiii!~" With her addition, the sounds of the triplet lines rippled through the air and hit the wolf. He flinched and with his eyes closed, The mermaids grabbed up their vessel and began to make their way through the door. "Where are we going!?" She yelled out, feeling her being yanked along was a little excessive from how hard she could see they were pulling on her. "Our spell didn't do a lick of anything. So we're going to dump you on the other side and we'll fend off the wolf!" Natasha had gone through with the plan, to which it seemed Rosie wasn't opposed to at all. "And when you come visit, Sakura~ I'm putting you in the frilliest dress to repay me for getting dirty!" The pink haired mermaid giggled before they all came to a stop.

    The wolf slowly turned around and narrowed its eyes onto the doll and pounced. Sakura froze up from the ambush of an attack and watched it bite down hard onto her body, shredding the outfit and throwing her body around into a wall just barely away from the entrance to the next area. Her arm and leg refused to move, crushed from its bite and the outfit worn becoming much more like a mess of tattered cloth. "SAKURA!" The pair cried out in tandem. Guarding the injured doll like a parent, Fenrir began to growl as it glared at the pair. "Come on, get up and run! It's your best chance!" Akita shouted, trying to get her to move, she looked around and then to her arm and leg, unable to move them at all. "I can't... They won't move... They'll get fixed on their own... but I can't get anywhere right-" Stopping in her speech, the mermaids looked over confused at her speaking aloud to herself. The blonde looked up to the pair and then began to laugh. "Don't worry! We have a plan!" She yelled over. As she tried to move herself over a little, the wolf took a step back and landed on her damaged arm, shattering it. "NOW AKITA!" With that, the Yokai popped out of the doll's body. She grabbed up the leftover of the doll's body and darted towards the end of the hall. As the wolf girl reached the cavern, a light at the other end showed a way out, but the room they were in captivated her. "Please, Akita. Give me control. I have to do it and i know how without switching bodies again." With just a nod, Sakura grabbed onto the doll hand and pulled it out, reaching out and grabbing the icicle, pulling it out with ease.

    "Well, as long as we have that, lets go." Standing up, Akita sat back and let the doll do its thing, walking out of the cave and there sat a small wolf. The wolf seemed to be around Sakura's doll size, and she held out the icicle the same way she'd picked it up. "Hi there. I hope this doesn't frighten you. I'm gonna get this body fixed up, but I hope we can still be friends." Her calm tone and smile, she brought the icicle closer.
    The wolf leaned in and booped it with its nose and the icicle began to glow, forming a saddle of some form that could fit the doll body. "Aye aye aye... Saaakuuurrraaa!" The sound of Natasha's voice caught the girls attention, looking around at the mermaid as she exited the cave, holding one arm and dirtied up quite a bit. "Rosie said she's doing your hair too. She's gonna take a long bath. As for me, you owe me an explanation. But.. after we get to fixing up your body." With a small pat on her head between her ears, Sakura stood up and the mermaid picked up the small wolf and began to walk out of thewinter forest together.

    812 + 4161 = 4973/4500 words
    Made by Riley at THQ!



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