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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Kiru 2nd November 2017, 5:48 pm


    With the loud bang of wood, followed closely by a thunderous sound of laughter, Kiru jolted back to her senses once again. Her cyan gaze looked around the filled room to see dozens of patrons all drinking away the busy tavern, while she sat at a corner table with the rest of her guild members. The demon slayer watched for a moment before breathing in and leaning downwards again. It seemed even though they struggled, everything went on as if nothing else had happened. She could wonder if these people were even aware of the events that transpired only a day prior to now. Maybe not. That should've been a good thing though, right? At leasst the mayhem and destruction caused by the beasts of the attack weren't too widespread. Who knows though. If they hadn't intervened, these people may not have been enjoying their loud meals like they are now. Kiru had ordered only a small cup of tea, but it still remained untouched on her plate.

    The stench of this place wafted through the air. While many of the people would've liked it, and probably gotten used to it, Kiru was indeed not a fan. The smell of raw, or even cooked meat put the demon slayer's stomach on edge. And with her advanced senses, the stench was all the more powerful. Combined that with the exhaustion she had because of the previous battle, the girl could barely stay focused on anything else except the pain of her stomach as she leaned against the table. While she was sure Irina and Jiyu had been reveling in the smell of grilled meat.

    The rain continued to pour outside as the music in the tavern played. Hopefully the others could get the food they wanted and they'd be on their way soon...

    302/3000 Words.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] 2f730cc21c

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 25th November 2017, 7:51 pm

    420..... words....

    Jiyu normally did not fall asleep within the restaurant portion of the inn, matter of fact it was something people would have never seen before now, at least not in length where she was likely actually slumbering. Not too long ago, the wind mage had begun feeling slightly ill and felt like she had to sit down for a few minutes instead of floating, before she got sick. However, hours later she was woken by likely the same bolt of lightning that had woken Kiru, only her reaction to it should have more violent than the way she actually responded. Normally startling Jiyu resulted in her wind erupting in her defense or even the wind mage vanishing for a few moments before returning. Instead, nothing happened besides her jolting up and jumping to the floor. Nothing was wrestled from its normal place by her element, her body wasn't even cradled, she legit had her feet against the floor, it still whispered against her neck but otherwise it was like nothing was there and she barely even noticed it, drowsy and groggy. Jiyu glanced around but was not aware enough to realize what had woken her, just that she fell asleep in the wrong place and should likely move.

    "Kiru?" within the few days between the first fight and now, the wind user had managed to get her grown form back, now appearing once more near her adult form, at the moment she was just missing the tips she normally dyed into her hair, using shape-shifting to keep them back. "How long have you been there? You weren't there when I laid down. I musta passed out." the female mentioned this idly, sitting back down in the seat, but finding herself half laying down a few second later, using her own thick tail as a blanket from the rainy cold within the building. Someone must have forgotten to turn the heat on. "Thinking about it? You really shouldn't, things like that, they're horrible, but you'll see many more of them. I can't tell you how many times I've seen places consumed and crushed like that just because someone got a whim." the woman pressed against the wall and the seat booth, sandwhiched within her own tail, tiny hands gripping the top side of it and she seemed to be starting to drift off again. "Did you order anything to eat? Is there a waiter coming, I'm hungry." and she was incapable of going into the kitchen herself while the stoves were on.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM

    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Irina Naginata 30th November 2017, 8:57 pm

    There were several loud bangs from the kitchen of the inn as well as tons of shouting as the red haired Black Rose mage emerged with about 7 dishes of food balanced perfectly. Skipping over to the table with Kiru and Jiyu she grinned looking rather crazy. "ALL RIGHT TIME TO TOP UP YOU TWO!" She shouted getting a unanimous SHHH from the rest of the restaurant. Plates clattered onto the table each with a very delectable choice of food for the girls Salad for Jiyu a steak for Kiru a burger for herself of course as well as a sweet pudding for desert and a plat of garlic toast for the three of them to share. Staring at what she had placed down for a moment she scratched her head before rearranging the plates so that Kiru had the salad and Jiyu had the steak knowing full well that Kiru hated meat. "Woops, my bad." She said as she chuckled off her small mistake. Taking her seat she began explaining what she was up to while a deadly spider lowered itself from the ceiling and landed on Irina's plate. "We need to energize, cause we've been requested to head out and deal with out monster incursion problem." It wasn't explained how she got the order to deal with the monsters before anyone else in the guild had a chance to get it, but she had her ways of getting much needed information when they needed it. It was also not explained why she knew without actually being at the guild given that they were all the way out in seemingly the middle of nowhere.

    An angry innkeeper stormed over to the table looking very pissed at Irina. "What I already paid to use your kitchen." Irina stated plainly as she reached down to grab her burger only to miss and burn a poor spider with her own body heat leaving nothing more than a very tiny pile of charcoal, but of course she missed her burger cause she had already eaten it almost instantly after sitting down. Irina of course didn't get much of an answer as the innkeeper grabbed her by the collar of her coat dragging her to the door and throwing her out. The answer as to why soon became clear as customers started complaining that they had no food and that the only food left in the in ended up on Kiru and Jiyu's plates. A knock came on the window next to the Black Rose mages. "If you guys can hurry up and eat, it would be nice to get going before this town gets too steamy from me being out here." She said as the window fogged up from the water turning into steam from contacting her boiling hot skin.

    Word Count: 467


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Kiru 7th December 2017, 8:26 pm

    Kiru's stomach continued to turn as the minutes dragged on. The demon slayer could barely contain herself as the smells around their table only got stronger and stronger. So much so that the girl barely noticed when her fellow guild member called her name. Kiru only responded with a painful groan, resting her head on her arm which lied on the table. To be perfectly honest with herself, the demon slayer had no idea why they needed to stop here. Or why SHE suggested it in the first place! Any plan she had beforehand was now washing away from her memory as her stomach ached and the sounds around her just faded from her knowledge. That was until Irina stepped in.

    With the loud clunk of a heavy sounding plate in front of her, Kiru's nose took one sniff, and then it was over. The demonslayer groaned again and almost fainted from being so close to such a large and smelly steak. All Kiru could usher in response was a hard mix between a gag and a cough as she tried her hardest to do it out of site. But the table's edge wasn't providing the best of hiding places. Thankfully Irina noticed that the orders had been switched and quickly corrected herself by shifting the plates around. Not that it mattered much by this point, though. The damage had already been done and Kiru could still smell Jiyu's steak from few centimeters it lied from her salad. And of course, as per the usual Irina had done something to piss someone off. And it wasn't long until Kiru's red headed friend was outside in the pouring rain which had only gotten worse because of Kiru's current state. She tapped on the glass waiting for the two to finish their meals.

    Despite the demon slayer's current state, however, she did manage to pick up on one thing Irina had said. Apparently the trio of wizards had been requested to deal with another monster problem. Odd, she didn't think after that last battle there'd be many left. Apparently they were wrong. Wasn't hard the believe though that Kiru had missed this little bit of information. That didn't matter now, however, as Kiru just got the perfect excuse she needed to leave. With that thought in mind she forced herself to get up from the table and head towards the door. Hoping Jiyu would follow, Even though she had such a large steak to eat, and Kiru was sure she probably was intent on finishing it based on her previous statement about being hungry. However they were guild wizards, and Kiru was more than happy to put food above the need of others. Hopefully Irina would be able to elaborate a bit on the more recent job request she had just recently informed the two about.

    776/3000 Words.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] 2f730cc21c

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 8th December 2017, 2:07 am

    864 of 3,000
    She was rather quick to wake completely in spite of the fact when she had been 'napping' within the food booth, she seemed rather dead. At the moment Kazehime seemed no worse for wear, in fact she actually had more color to her skin at the present time than she normally did. Hearing Irina shout about how it was time to top up made the canines tail wag subtly. Jiyu was quiet delighted at the concept of having that large steak she could smell being brought closer to her. Favorite food may be sweets which she could not have much of, and cherry flavored things, no one could define the canine was a carnivore. The second that steak was set down in front of her? She had no idea what else was going on, the wind user picked it up in her jaws, threw her head back and started eating the whole thing down quickly as she could tear it, much to the chagrin of onlookers.

    Of course when Kiru got up the canine girl noticed something was going on and followed the water slayer to the door on all fours. Recently? The wind user had seemed more off than she normally did, as if she forgot she was human, forgot she was canine or just randomly had it set in her head things were different from how they really were or seemed to sneak up on people like she had not been there to begin with. Anyway's, she finally stood up at the door when she grabbed an umbrella she brought in with her, opening it back up before she exited, adjusting night-hunt as it stayed settled against her arm. "It's a lot rainier than normal today, hey Kiru, why is Santa so jolly?" the wind user had a horrible idea in mind, her humor sense seeming to forget for a second she was more refined than she had once been. However, they wouldn't realize what was going on until one of them took the bait, which would be more likely to be Irina then Kiru, either way. "Because he knows where all the naughty girls live~" she had gotten in front of them so this comment was accompanied by a suggestive movement of her hips and a finger over her pale lips, mischievous giggle making the inappropriateness of the joke all the clearer.

    Hopefully that stopped the rain from being so hard, right now she was going to get soaked even under an umbrella and be unable to use her magic. "Anyways lead the way you two." she added on, glancing into the window of a random shop off to the side.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM

    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Irina Naginata 14th December 2017, 3:17 pm

    Irina looked up at Kiru and Jiyu as they came out of the inn with steam coming off her from the rain and her own body heat. "Hrm judging by how Kiru was out significantly earlier she didn't eat but Jiyu did, though she ate quite quickly." Irina tilted her head at Jiyu's comment about a Santa which was accompanied by strange movements from Jiyu's body. "Who's Santa? And why is he visiting you?" Irina asked clearly understanding the movements but not understanding who Santa was. Irina stood up somewhat unimpressed by Jiyu's behavior suddenly. "Now listen we have a job to do coming directly from the magic council in regards to our monster problem, apparently that village was only one of many tips of a very large iceberg, and so we are going directly into the heart of the monsters territory to take out the masterminds directly." Looking at Jiyu directly she crossed her arms and put on a serious face. "And you best be in combat behavior when we get there, we are also a man short cause Lidwig decided to bail out." Irina berated her still not understanding the joke at all. Turning she began to walk off in a seemingly random direction before stopping a few steps later. "Also which way is it to fat monster land?" Irina asked frowning in shame suddenly at her own ineptitude.

    Meanwhile deep in fat monster land creatures amassed around a rather large rock, around the rock several mages lay defeated on the ground decimated by the enemy forces. A giant griffon flew from the sky to land on the big rock as it lets out a call seemingly commanding the other monsters to prepare for an attack.

    On the road after getting instructions as to where the go the three girls walked pushing forward towards their destination. "Yo Kiru, I'm preparing a plan for when we get there,
    you're a demon slayer right."
    Irina already knew a bit about Kiru's magic but she almost never saw it directly in action, only the end results of battle. "I have a plan if things get too rough, I want you to eat my magic." She declared knowing that she was capable of utilizing water on a moments notice which would do wonders for the Demon Slayer's power level should things get rough.

    Word Count: 858/3000


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:


    Posts : 23956
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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by NPC 14th December 2017, 3:17 pm

    The member 'Irina Naginata' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] TV6mrb1 Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] UtKyMUJ Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] TV6mrb1 Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] TV6mrb1 Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] UtKyMUJ

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Kiru 16th December 2017, 4:11 pm

    The rain continued to pour from the dark clouds above, but as soon as Kiru stepped away from that smelly tavern, the drops would let up a bit. It took the demon slayer a moment to register Irina's presence waiting for them, but the steam was a sure enough sign. She knew only Irina had effect like that on the rain. That's also when Jiyu decided to crack a joke. One that ran passed Kiru for a moment, before she finally got it. However her expression remained unchanged. The woman was known for being emotionless, so she wasn't exactly sure why Jiyu even tried. However, her attention was shifted back towards their red headed friend when she began to explain the reason that she had requested their presence in the first place. And it seemed as Kiru's suspicions were correct. Those monsters the group had face before were far from the only ones around, and there were apparently multiple attacks, all stemming from one spot. Fat Monsterland.

    After the three had hit the road, it wasn't long until Irina piped up again, this time voicing a question directed towards the demon slayer. Kiru's eyebrow raised at her query, only for the fact that Kiru had thought Irina was well aware of the magic she had possessed. "That is true, I am a demon slayer." She spoke with confidence, not exactly knowing where Irina was going with this. But Kiru had soon caught on when she finished speaking. According to Irina she wanted Kiru to eat her magic if things got too tough for them. While Kiru hoped it wouldn't come to that, she had to be prepared for anything. She nodded at Irina. "If you're willing to sacrifice some of your magic power for my sake, I will try my best." She put simply before turning her attention back to the road. She wasn't exactly sure if Irina had a plan beyond that, or she was simply relying on Kiru to use her power to finish the fight. However, she was confident the three wizards could handle this without resorting to such means. She wasn't quick to forget about Jiyu either, that girl was a powerhouse.

    The three made it to their destination finally... Only to find it in utter ruins... The remains of a town reduced to nothing but fire and smoke as the shadows of large monsters loomed in the black cloud. Kiru clenched her fist. "We're too late." She said, her eyes scanning the old town. She could spot several monsters prowling the area, some of which she had never seen before. "We need to stop them." Kiru said simply, walking forward as the rain took a nasty turn and poured from the sky like it had done during their first battle.

    It didn't take long for the creatures to notice Kiru walking towards them with confidence. One monster who prowled on four legs released a terrifying roar towards the girl. The beast was instantly thrown backwards by a long water tendril that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It crashed through a burning building as its pack watched in caution. After a few moments they turned back towards the girls. They howled with anger and charged! And with that, the battle was on! Several creatures rushed towards Kiru, and she raised her arm. "Ocean Demon White Geyser!" She slammed her fist into the ground in front of her, and instantly it cracked erupting with an explosion of white water! It created several more rushing towards the charging enemies, sending many of them flying in the air before they even knew what hit them! Kiru wasted no time after that, sprinting forwards with her fists covered in torrents of rushing white water. Three monsters performed a unison raid breath attack spell, creating a massive arch of white magic meant to cut whatever it touched! Kiru would slide underneath the spell as it flew overhead and leap just as she got to her feet, raising her fist before bringing it down in between the three! Another white explosion of water rose from the ground, dispatching them easily. As the mist faded, heavy thumping could be heard. Kiru stood straight again and looked ahead to see a massive monster! It had the arms, legs, and head of a dragon! But its body was human? Something odd to be sure, but Kiru wasn't going to let this beat her. Hoping the other two could handle themselves, an aura of water rushed around the girl as she prepared to give it her all...

    1572/3000 Words.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] 2f730cc21c

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th January 2018, 3:36 pm

    2 weak combined into 1 normal, 4 normal combined into 2 strong, 2 strong combined into 1 boss.
    Boss 25/25 personal hits.
    2,254 of 3,000 words

    Jiyu seemed more distracted than she normally did while around her guild-mates as if something was on her mind compared to the normal what some may call carelessness she displayed. Many people chose to describe the wind user as a reckless fool, but she performed remarkably well, to the point she often proved those people wrong shortly after, then proved them right by acting rashly in the end. It seemed this constant tug of behaving herself and being calculating, going up against this other side that just wanted to rush into things and see what whatever happened. Of course, the times where she could make those sides meet, the times she could think so quickly her rash behavior was actually planned, that was when she became terrifying in a way. Today did not seem to be one of the days she could suddenly become frightening, she just seemed aloof today, except for her attempt to cheer Kiru up in her own interests.

    "I always eat quickly, dog anatomy and all." she didn't need to chew like humans did, just tear off pieces large enough she could swallow, with the occasional grinding of harder objects by her very back teeth. At least she didn't always throw her head back and 'chug' something down like she used to, though the method was still much the same, just not always as disturbing as watching someone fling a piece of meat back so gravity could help them swallow it easier. "Oh geez, someone has to teach you to read a holiday mythology book." and she thought that she grew up under a rock, of course she could actually be at an advantage, considering she traveled the world for years, she had experienced many holidays, traditions and cultures other's may not have gotten the chance to. "I'll explain the legend of Santa Clause after we're done whatever we're doing today." the wind user chimed the comment out as she rubbed the back of her neck with another yawn. Lately, she had not been sleeping well as if something was missing or something was supposed to be different when she fell asleep.

    "Hey, don't knock me until you actually see me in combat, the last time you charged in while I was making sure the villagers all got out alright, by the time I had done that, you guys were done. This time there aren't villagers to worry about, and I don't have to worry about collateral damage to much either."  Indeed the last time she had not done much, but it had been a village, there was not much she could do. The very nature of her magic? Was heavily destructive, she needed to make sure no innocents were around to be hurt, and then she had also needed to plan what to do in order not to destroy the whole place, but by the time all that was done, it was over. "My magic isn't exactly one I can freely use around other's, by its very nature it just wants to destroy everything and everyone who isn't me. If I'm not careful I could even hurt you two with it. So I couldn't make excessive use of it when there were so many people I could hurt." even Astrid and Lu-Lu who had grown up with her, would never be immune to the fact her magic wanted to do nothing but cause destruction to anyone who was not her.  Some days she caught herself wondering why her own mother had practiced this magic to pass it onto her, something so dangerous and out of control, something that felt like the moment you breathed it would consume you and the rest of the world.

    Kiru and Irina rushed in again, charging straight forward towards whatever monster's happened to be present. Why did they always have to go for the frontal close combat option? They were putting themselves in her line of fire, making her somewhat angry. In an instant the wind responded to her, exploding around her, spreading like wildfire outwards and slicing at the monsters, luckily knowing they were the real threat here due to the last mission. As she had explained before, her wind instantly targeted not only the monsters but also the environment, slicing brutally into the stone and anything else around them leaving deep gashes. "Come on wind, to me, you had your hissy fit." the mage rumbled the comment out, holding one of her hands out, the wind moved blowing back towards her and taking a visible swirling form making a ten-meter long elemental whip in her hand. "While your head forward close combat charge is all good." she teleported as she spoke, ending up in the skies above them, lashing out the whip to wrap around the body of a griffon clamping its wing's to stop its flight, blood rising from the beast's skin as the whip cut into it. "Pretty sure this is their commander." she made that final comment as she landed on top of the griffon after it fell to the ground, trying to struggle out of her whip. Carefully she backed up, keeping it bond until the very last second, when she released the bondage she lashed the whip at the griffon nearly instantly to keep it from jumping on her, shortly following the lash a dark-colored explosion of wind around the griffon gave her the moment she needed to get back further from it. Now, she had to do whatever she could to keep it grounded for her allies, drawing an arrow from her quiver and slipped Night Hunt from her shoulder, pulling the bow back, the griffon was suddenly struck by a blast of cold air and when it turned away from this she chose to fire the arrow, the wings lifted but the shock of the pain of an arrow going through it caused the griffon to lower them again, this was the chance she was waiting for. Without missing another beat she grabbed and fired another arrow, pinning one of the griffon's wing's to its body striking both wing and body with the same arrow binding them unless someone pulled the arrow out.

    Clearly what Jiyu had just done to the griffon was very painful for it, but then she lashed out with the whip again, grabbing its leg and yanking that towards her, causing the griffon to fall. Kazehime wanted to be sure the beast could not pull the arrow out so she made it fall onto the weapon, driving the head deeper. However the next lash was dodged by the beast, the griffon ducking beneath the whip and leaping right at Jiyu, digging it's beak into her shoulder, clearly a painful wound. While she did not like close combat, the griffon had actually made a mistake not going for a kill shot, from this range she couldn't miss him, tapping the air between them she sent all seven of her possible wind bullets right through him, causing him to roar and release her. Now? She just had to drive him back from her again, so she chose to have the ground beneath him collapse to give herself a second, five twisters generated, and when he emerged from the hole the griffon ran right into the first one, backing up he ended up walking into the second one as well. Clearly, she was pissing him off, the griffon now seeing three tornadoes remained. Jiyu lashed with the whip again, causing the griffon to hit another tornado while dodging, next she used herself as bait to get him to run into one of the remaining two, grabbing him with the whip and shooting an arrow at him to result in the now very pissed and injured griffon hitting the final tornado.

    However, the amount of collateral damage she was causing to the already decimated area, well she proved the area could get worse than it was when they arrived. "Oops, maybe we should swap enemies for a moment, I think I may have gone overboard." numerous gashes, destroyed objects, and now causing five tornadoes to wreak havoc, yeah she may have gone a bit far. With that comment, Jiyu backed up slightly ready to switch the moment Irina or Kiru, maybe even both of them started going at the griffon.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM


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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by NPC 10th January 2018, 3:36 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Irina Naginata 14th January 2018, 1:06 pm

    Irina stared blankly at the scene of the old town taken over by monsters, but the term too late was an understatement, the place might as well have been abandoned for several years given the state it was in and how many monsters moved in freely. And of course as soon as Kiru had made her comment was the instant she had taken off to go deal with the monsters and Irina seemed to have been swept off her feet somewhere, which was quite odd she didn't recall these creatures legitimately having magic let alone magic that could alter space. She found herself in an old building probably the town hall given its size which of course looked ready to collapse at a moments notice. Looking out a window she observed what was going on outside... only to find that the window had removed itself or rather the entire wall from existence. Standing puzzled the goddess watched as the wind cut everything in the area up into an even worse condition, and Irina still wasn't sure how the hell she had gotten here only that she was missing the fun. Reaching down for Massa Phantasma she was about ready to interfere with the battle only to find that the moment she took hold of the blade she ended up in yet another location. "WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed in frustration enough that Kiru could probably hear it from underneath her feet.

    Irina was starting to unleash copious amounts of pressure just from her sheer frustration as she once again ended up at another location this time straight above one of Jiyu's tornado's. "YOU DAMN BLADE IF I COULD KILL YOU I WOULD!" She screamed at her sword as she started to get pingponged around the place between Jiyu's tornado's which she eventually resolved to simply sit there being disappointed as she flew around in a cross legged position with debris flying around her. It was amazing that she wasn't actually getting hurt, as if everything that could harm her missed by sheer luck and chance.

    However it eventually became clear to her what was actually going on as she caught the view of three strange occurrences which of course she could only see after she was once again warped to the rooftop of one of the few remaining buildings. Before her she saw herself or rather the alternate realities of herself which she would have taken had her weapon not ported her anywhere, her initial path she saw herself impaled by the debris of a falling building, her second location had been completely eviscerated by Jiyu's rampage and a crater remained where she was once underground and of course something particularly large had almost skewered her it its flight path just moment ago. Of course she was the only one capable of seeing what the hell was going on her teammates were probably just confused from her seemingly being everywhere. "Ok I see what you're doing now, but I can't just teleport randomly around the place, surely you could actually do good things in a useful way right." She muttered to her sword as she took up the unnatural blade and began devising what the hell she was about to do. "Starting now." She ordered as the massive griffon was thrown right at her but of course she was no longer there and instead was now plunging directly down towards the beast. "You pup, my turn." She said with a grin looking towards Jiyu who had backed off a bit.

    Her first strike was easy, completely remove the creatures ability to fly even if Jiyu had maimed it already. A loud flop could be heard as one of the creatures wings was completely removed leaving an odd violent cut where it used to be and oddly enough no blood spewed from this wound. The creature attempted a strike the instant it had recovered yet Irina had already closed to gap leaving a large wound on the creatures should disabling its left front leg. "Looks like you don't want to quit, and with your wounds you should probably already be dead." The goddess took a step forward sheathing her sword in front of the beast. "Kiru, Jiyu, you should duck!" She alerted the other two as she took up a quick draw stance, she wasn't even sure how far she could cut with this attack, but she had a feeling that it was going to be pretty far. The beast managed to begin a limping charge towards the blade wielding goddess but for it, it would already be too late as stared her right in the eyes. "May you be removed from every reality." She spoke softly as she unsheathed her sword passing through time and space appearing behind the beast as several attacks seemingly hit it at once. In truth not many could comprehend what Massa Phantasma could actually do, the blade itself when not under control caused a immense amount of strange phenomena causing people to be warmed into phantasms, beings trapped between all realities, the blade when under control however could be utilized for extreme destructive power though it oddly couldn't cut people properly. Behind her the beast had received four separate attacks, the first to remove its wing the second to disable its leg and the third and fourth a two hit spin from Irina unsheathing her blade in a blinding fast speed, but in several other realities the beast had also be struck, resulting in a total twenty eight strikes from Irina alone. The last swing however had cut much more than just the beast, creaking and crumbling could be heard around her as all the remaining objects fell over, cut perfectly around Irina's shoulder height, in fact it had extended to a range much more extreme that simply her surroundings, the entire town was now leveled. "Now then, is it..." Irina was cut short as a gust of wind blasted her across the entire town into one of the buildings that she had just cut leaving a trail and a crater at her final location. "What the?" She mumbled looking at what had just happened, the beast was still alive and kicking and had used its remaining wing to blast her an extreme distance. "Damn you're tough." She mumbled trying to move her arm only to find it mangled and crushed. "Well shoot." She gritted her teeth in pain, she was going to have to take a moment to regain her bearings and of course find a solution to her mangled arm problem.

    Word Count: 1956/3000


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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Kiru 14th January 2018, 1:57 pm

    Through fire, water, and shadow... Kiru's vision was blurred. She found herself in the air, her fist raised and enveloped by water.. Nothing but smoke below her... And that's when the cloud parted. The roar of the beast piercing the sky and beyond as its large draconic maw opened, its eyes flashing red with rage. And in an instant, it was down. Explosions of water against its snout as Kiru used the full force of her punch to bring the creature down. With a furious roar, it fell. Dust and flames spewing from the impact as the monster tumbled straight into already destroyed buildings. And when it cleared, Kiru was nearly out of breath. Her clothes tattered and her skin bruised. However, the fight wasn't over. Not yet. Judging be the amount of noise she could hear coming from Irina and Jiyu, she could tell that much. She needed to get back into the fight. From the sounds of it they had recently met a much bigger baddie than the on Kiru had just taken down. They'd probably need all the help they could get. And Kiru wasn't going to hold back.

    Through the ruins, Kiru could feel the sheer power of wind rushing around the area. Like she had predicted, Jiyu had entered the fray this time, and much to Kiru's surprise, they were met face to face with an enemy she could've sworn they had already defeated. The massive destructive Griffon the trio had defeated prior to this engagement. No. It couldn't have been the same one. But that didn't really matter right now anyways, because it was causing destruction and mayhem, so someone had to stop it. Luckily, Jiyu and Irina did quite a number on beast. However, it seemed it was still alive, and it just landed a sucessful hit on Irina. Kiru realized this when the girl's body came flying right past the demon slayer as it crashed into a building nearby. Kiru could only stare at her for a moment before turning to the Griffon. It was wounded, that much was clear... But not dead, and most certainly not any less dangerous as before. It may have lost its ability to fly, but that didn't stop it from doing any damage. Now it appeared to be Kiru's turn... As the creature locked eyes with her.

    Her aura exploded as a ring of white water began to rush around the girl. Her face filled with determination as her fists clenched. The creature sensed this, and began to get ready for an attack. The rain poured more around Kiru now than anywhere else, and soon her entire body was glowing! The beast was already damaged. Jiyu had done her part with both wind and bow, and Irina casued the creature many grevious wounds all across its body by using the sheer might of her weapon, something Kiru could sense from all the way across the town! Now it was up to her to finish this! And she intended to do just that! She had no idea where this monster came from, but right now she didn't care! She only cared about putting it 6 feet under! The Griffon opened its mouth, and began charging a beam of magic! Kiru's eyes widened and she sprinted forwards! Just as the beast released its full force, Kiru slid on the stone behind the cover of a ruined building! The wind it caused completely obliterated everything in its path, if Kiru hadn't found cover she may have been shredded by the sheer wind force alone. Luckily she wasn't planning on dying today! As the dust cleared, Kiru was in the air above the Griffon. It noticed her too late to do anything against her furious punch! She smacked its head straight into the concrete with the power of the water pressure surrounding her fist! More dust and rock spewed up from the impact. It roared in anger, and swung its body around, trying to smack Kiru with its long tail, however the demon slayer had predicted this. She managed to flip over the creature's tail and leaped upwards once again. This time she held her hands outwards as extremely long water tendrils appeared from the air and rushed straight towards the monster! The tendrils each wrapped around a different limb of the beast, and pulled! The creature roared in fury and tripped just as Kiru landed on top of it with a powerful kick! Bones could be heard snapping from the impact as the beast roared, now not in anger, but in pain! With that, the demon slayer rolled onto its back and leaped off of the beast.. But just like it did to Irina, it had caught Kiru off guard as well. Even though it was no longer capable of flight, the creature's massive wings were still able to cause quite an uprift of force! And with them came a wind powerful enough to knock Kiru backwards! The demon slayer flew backwards suddenly, grunting in pain as her back hit the wall of a building..

    Her fist slammed into the ground as Kiru looked back at the creature, a look of rage on her face. The monster seemed to have used the last of its energy int hat attack, and was now slowly clambering its feet. She'd make sure it never stood again. Soon Kiru took a deep breath and sprinted forwards again! For those that watched, they'd see the very moisture in the air around Kiru had begun to get absorbed by the Demon slayer. And just as Kiru was running up a half fallen building, a large magic seal appeared in front of her! With one mighty leap, she got the perfect distance between her and the Griffon.. And at the perfect angle. "OCEAN DEMON'S HOWL!!!" And with that, a white tidal wave of water exploded from the seal straight towards the Griffon! The impact alone caused the creature to roll backwards! The heat and pressure was so much that it seared flesh upon contact! It had no hope of surviving that blow...

    When the mist faded from view. Kiru was standing in the ruined city, staring straight at the now dead griffon. Her body steaming, her clothes tattered, and what appeared to be a large demonic marking on both her arm and face... She fell to one knee, breathing heavily. The rain beginning to cease...

    2642/3000 Words.


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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 18th January 2018, 2:21 pm

    3109, wc complete

    Sometimes she wished that there was some method of making things more focused, to be able to not cause so much extra damage by using her magic. In the end though? She did adore her magic, especially because of the connection it gave her to the woman who had left her life too soon, mother, sometimes she could just see her mother wrecking the same destruction before she settled down with her father and stopped using magic. If her mother had remained a mage, would she had been out at work instead of in the house when that man and burned her to death? Could her mother have survived if she never gave up magic? It was something she thought about from time to time, she never really got to know how good or not good of a mage her mother was, just that the book she had learned her own magic from originally was written down by her mother.

    It was when the rain ceased heavily that Jiyu 'came back' to them from inside of her own head watching them fight the griffon from the top of one of the few tattered but still standing buildings. Of course, she wasn't actually watching considering her vision only extended a few feet, but listening to the whisper of the wind was good at seeing for her since she never had better vision, didn't know what she was 'missing' according to others. "If you could stay with us for a little bit Kiru, we have one more beast to take care of." considering the rain was slowly drawing to completely cease? The wind user didn't rely so heavily on her umbrella, letting it drop to give herself more freedom to move, her spells should keep the water from encasing her for now.

    After she spoke, the woman extended her finger's out in front of her again, taking a breath as the skeleton monster suddenly trashed as if something had irritated it, another one of her tricks the wind rattling around in the monster's skull, attacking it unseen. Moving forward, preparing for her next burst of attacks, a tornado exploded around the skeletal creature, battering against it. With a light step she danced forward slightly, large arc's of slicing wind rushing towards the beast, smirk spreading across her lips. "Come on now, let's do this, show yourself!" as the wind user rushed forward, suddenly a shape appeared in the wind right in front of her, the element swiftly too the shape of a dark grey owl made of swirling wind. While the owl sunk it's talons into the snout of the skeleton, Jiyu too the opportunity to duck to the side and lash down the beasts side with her whip, quickly moving to wrap the end of the whip around one leg so she could yank the beast to the ground, trip it and make attacking easier for her allies. With a dark colored burst of wind around another leg, even as the owl was thrown, one could see the fifteen hits needed on this thing, would be beyond easy as numerous blades of wind poured out at the monster and she drew another arrow, whip on the ready for use as well, continuing to fight the monster as she waited for her allies to make the finishing blows. Apparently even if the damage she caused the area they fought in was insane, she was best at biding time, at least this trip, if what she was doing could be called that.


    After the fighting was over, Jiyu would lift her hand, dropping the whip causing it to dissipate with the flick of her wrist, slinging night hunt back over her shoulder. The fight was short and the enemies few, but it had been impressive none the less. "If you two don't mind waiting around for a few minutes, I'd like to retrive whatever arrows I can." the wind user made the comment as she walked over to the corpse of the griffon, holding her hand open above the creature, which caused the wind to pull out the arrows she had sunk into it, returning the blood soaked weapons to her hand where she promptly put them back into the quiver, walking further out to find any that had not lodged in an opponent but struck than bounced off somewhere. "Cleaning them and resharpening the points is much less expensive than buying more, they aren't cheap." especially since she had her preferences, she had to have ones both strong and light, so it took more jewel to get them made. Perhaps she could start forming the wind itself into arrows, would she be able to make that fine control work? "Either of you up for another restaurant on the way back to the guild? I'm starving." even though she had finished a large steak before they did this fighting. Of course, considering how mobile she was during the fighting, how desperately she tried to keep from being struck or even being in range, it was expected she would end up hungry again by the end of the fight.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] H6NcPbM

    Irina Naginata
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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Irina Naginata 20th January 2018, 11:09 pm

    Irina was still laying the rubble, her major injury was mostly just her right arm being metaphorically turned inside out. Her mind was in an odd spot however, either the trauma off being slammed into a pile of hard stone had caused a concussion, or something else was happening. Everything was shrouded in a purple hue, it looked almost as if reality had caved in on itself around her or perhaps this wasn't her mind playing tricks on her at all and this was actually reality itself. What she saw around her was odd but the odder part was how she couldn't make out if it was her mind or real, that was until she attempted to move and subsequently blacked out as a result.

    "Well aren't you in a sorry state." Her vision returned but she wasn't where she was before, the area around her looked more like some sort of strange void of violets, blacks, and reds. There was no object or source of the voice speaking only the endless void around her, or was there some of the gaseous looking objects appeared to move and some of the brighter spots looked like eyes that appeared quite sinister. "I've in in worse states." Irina announced to the voice speaking, she felt more curious than afraid of what was going on, clearly this wasn't her actual body and this wasn't reality around her, else there would be lots of pain and her right arm would feel a bit soaked from the blood of the wound. "HAH! You're funny I guess that's why I like you." The voice joked as the eyes finally moved and the world around it actually took on the form of a face much like that of a rather large lizard. "Right, I think it's time I went now, I'm getting a little hungry." Irina announced as she sort of floated about for a moment before realizing that she wasn't actually moving. "Awe but you just arrived, stay and chat a while." The giant lizard like being spoke get closer soon proving that large was an understatement, one of the beasts teeth could easily match the size of the Silver Moon Inn in comparison. "I can't hide in some alternate reality forever you know, and besides aren't there better times to have a chat than when I'm almost dying." The goddess quipped only to get a roar in return. "IF THAT WERE REALLY THE CASE THEN YOU WOULD NEVER MEET ME FACE TO FACE!" Irina's stare remained blank as the beast had his tantrum. "I was considering letting you have a little more of my power, but you're being very uncooperative and I'm not entirely sure you want it anyway." Irina grinned and began to chuckle. "I find it odd that you willingly give power to someone who handed you your ass the last time we actually met." The creature backed away and narrowed its eyes. "One being sealed within a measly little blade is one of thing, the want for proper company is another, Phantasms aren't the most social of creatures." The voice seemed rather solemn and lonely compared to its earlier angrier state. "I'm going to guess that if you did grant me power you would be able to talk with me more, I never would have thought a giant reality warping dragon would be that sociable." She held her hand up to her chin, she knew loneliness once upon a time long before she had returned to being herself. "My other guess is that allowing me such power might be a bit rough on the area around us, but I'm sure this place is as good a place as any other given that it's already a barren wasteland. I guess we shall make a deal, you will give me power and I will make sure it isn't completely volatile, that way you don't have to be left with nothing but Phantasms again." The was a moment of brief silence between the two beings before the large one burst out in laughter followed by the smaller one in response.

    In reality the fight had concluded and all the monsters eradicated and Jiyu was determining that it should be time to go but she didn't seem aware of Irina's situation, yet the question was if Irina truly required assistance. The rain had almost completely halted when a bolt of violet colored lightning struck one of the nearby buildings that had been reduced to rubble piles. Logically it should have just blown a small chunk off of the rubble but instead had created a rather large explosion yet the more curious effect was that instead of the rock chunks flying everywhere they instead seemed to halt in mid air as if defying gravity yet if one touched them at all they would cause resistance as if they were fixed in place. The rubble had also gained a more violet colored crystal appearance altering its shape. Yet this was the only one that struck anywhere near Kiru and Jiyu while around Irina the entire building she was in had started to float like the rubble as well as take on the crystalline appearance and it was only getting worse. In the center of the storm of violet lightning stood Irina seemingly recovered from her wounds but she was significantly different, her entire right arm had been encased in crystalline armor or rather her entire arm seemed to have been turned into the crystal as violent markings stretched across her body stretching up to her right eye, the eye itself looked inhuman and more beast like while a shock of violet streaked through her hair. "Difficult to manage would probably be an understatement right now." Irina noted holding up her arm to examine it, clearly she was in no state to return with the other two mages as she squeezed it with her left hand. "I think I'm going to have to retire to a different location,
    I wouldn't want to hurt anyone in this state."
    She explained retain attempting to maintain control of herself, she knew exactly what needed to be done and as such started searching the rubble for her sword. "Make sure Iza knows that I am well and will probably need some time alone alright." She said finally making note that her voice was sounding different at odd moments. Finding Massa Phantasma she slotted it into its sheath looking over her shoulder at the other two girls one last time before turning to go on an unexpected journey. "Also Kiru, you shouldn't exert yourself too much, that black mark is a bit... I don't like it." With her final words she started to walk away to take a journey to learn what she could of this new power.

    Word Count: 3090/3000


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    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] Empty Re: Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu]

    Post by Kiru 22nd January 2018, 4:07 pm

    With the Griffon defeated, that left only one creature still standing. And Kiru wasn't leaving until the job was done. Even though the rain almost ceased entirely, Kiru wasn't done the fight just yet. Unknown to most, Kiru's slayer type was somewhat unique from the others. The demonic markings now appearing on her skin only aimed to fuel her fight. ANd for the sake of the people who lost their lives in the monster's onslaught, she'd have to let it guide her. For now anyways.

    Kiru's head turned slightly towards the final beast. She watched as Jiyu had already engaged the creature, throwing everything she could at the beast. Her magic was impressive, Kiru wondered why the girl chose to limit her power by channeling it through a bow. In Kiru's opinion, magic was always stronger when the body was used as its conduit, not a weapon or object. Not that it seemed to matter now that much, anyways. She appeared to be doing fine either way. Kiru's eyes had grown considerably darker from their usual cyan hue, as the black mark encircled it from its climb past her shoulder from her arm and onto her neck. Her hair was let loose and flowing as it sideswept over her right eye. Waiting for the opportunity to strike.

    And so it came.

    Jiyu just finished her attack, the monster was now vulnerable for a finishing blow. Saying nothing, Kiru would shut her eyes and breathe. Soon her magic reacted as four long water tendrils burst from the ground right beside the skeleton. They quickly wrapped themselves around the creature's legs and neck. And with one slight motion, the limbs and head snapped right off.. Leaving it no more than an empty shell. When it was all over, Kiru finally allowed herself to rest. That's when she noticed something, however... Where was Irina?

    As if something was reading her thoughts, her head was deafened by the sudden sound of ripping lightning! Not of her doing... Seeing as it was a purple colour... Kiru's attention turned towards a building that now glowed with a pulsing light... And now had crystal formations around it..? That's when it hit her! That was the building Irina had crashed into only moments ago... How could Kiru forget the scene of the goddess flying past her. And then she saw Irina walking out. Kiru couldn't help but widen her eyes a bit, the feeling of surging magic within her body... What exactly was Irina? What had changed? She spoke to them... Telling the two girls that she'd be away for a while... ANd just like that she turned and left. After remarking about Kiru's mark. It wasn't until now that Kiru even realized it was on her. She cursed herself, knowing that if she let it spread it would begin to influence her mind, and potentially endanger those around her. Similar to how Irina put her own new power. But what was it? How did she obtain it so suddenly? Kiru could only question silently as she saw her guildmember walk into the ruins.

    "Aye Jiyu... I could go for a salad right now..."

    3169/3000 Words. WC Complete.


    Eradicators [Job | Irina, Itazura, Jiyu] 2f730cc21c

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