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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Cirven 25th June 2017, 10:57 am

    Job Info:

    The Calm Sea wasn't known for much hostility at all and was usually a great hot spot for people to go and relax on or in the ocean water. This peacefulness only lasted so long until bandits or pirates burst onto the scene and started to take things from those they thought of as easy prey. It was not as common of a thing now with the Magic Council having Rune Knights patrol the area over and over again. The safety of the civilians was always the priority for the Magic Council and their members or so it seemed that way.

    The Rune Knight patrol airship passed through the skies of the Calm Sea looking for any sign of trouble but it was the usual boring patrol for them. No one showed up to cause much trouble with Rune Knights so close by but the issue would not be the trouble being caused on the civilians in the air in the area, it would be for the trouble with themselves as the Vakyrie moved through the skies near their target using their cloaking technology to not be seen or found by their soon to be enemies.

    Cirven sat in his seat in the center of the bridge and looked through the many screens projected in front of him and the rest of the crew that came from cameras set up on the ship to allow those inside the bridge to see what was going on outside of it. He stood up and moved towards his crew mate who was on piloting duty. "Good job getting us here, Orin.
    I will be needing you to keep this up while we assault their ship. The Valkyrie is a vital part of Black Sails and because of that we cannot let it go down. We have to get this ship to where it puts fear into the hearts of those who see it. You know, typical pirate stuff.
    " He gave the man flying the ship a grin. "Yes sir, Captain! I will do my best to make sure she rips through the skies with the greatest ferocity!" Cirven chuckled a bit from the man's comment. "Thanks but just make sure she stays in the air while we are ripping their ship apart. We will be back." Orin gave a nod and Cirven turned around and went back to his seat where he stood next to it and placed his finger on his ear. "Testing, testing. One, two, three and some other numbers I don't feel like saying." He said in his own head as he used his finger to press on his ear. To the surprise of those who would be a part of the operation that would be started soon, Cirven's voice would be heard in their heads. "This is your Captain speaking and you probably are wondering why you hear me in your head. Easy explanation. Magic! I had a spell used on us so that we can communicate to each other telepathically by pressing on your ear during this operation. Gives it sort of a spy feel, right?" Cirven gave a wink to his secretary and the voluptuous barmaid, Alisha who had set up the spell for them and could also hear them. "I will be needing each of you in the bridge so that we can talk about the operation again. Remember to bring your masks." With that being said Cirven waited for the others.

    The others that showed up were made of new and old members to the guild. Some were so new that Cirven barely knew their names while others were known by their deeds they had done in the guild prior to this moment. A chunk of the guild started to stand in front of Cirven in the bridge which impressed him because it wasn't something seen so much, especially with the group being quiet. Once the others showed up, the demon would take center stage and speak out for them and everyone else in the bridge to hear. "This operation has us attacking Rune Knights on their own ship in these skies. We are to deal with them as we see fit and because of that we have the right to kill them when needed. I don't have any doubts that they will try to do the same with us and the contract for this job said to dispose of all of them and destroy their ship. As you know, this job came from the Magic Council themselves and they paid pretty handsomely for this to happen meaning that we will be cleared of what we are doing here. These men are traitors to the MC and because of that we are to take them down and show the MC that they are not on their side. Inside of the ship should be evidence of this that we will need and once on the ship we will split into groups. One group will focus on dealing with what enemies are around, while another focuses on that and finding the evidence in the specified area and another group will be tasked with finding the rest of our pay on the ship. Julius will lead the attack group against on the ship and also deal with disabling the guns it has while I will lead the group going after the evidence and Remus will lead the group looking for the rest of our pay. Remus and Julius both know what to do with their parts of the operation." Cirven grabbed his mask and placed it over his face to take up the look of his alias, the Blank Jester. "With that understood, masks on boys and girls." The members working on the bridge all quickly put their masked on while the others around Cirven did the same. It was their time to do one of their biggest jobs ever and to actually make an impact on the world with it.

    Cirven then made his way out of the bridge and to the deck where their ship would be hovering over the Rune Knights ship with enough space for them to jump on and not be too hurt from the fall. "Let the operation commence." Cirven spoke out and then fell off the ship back first while looking towards the others behind him. As he fell, the Valkyrie would drop its camouflage and start to fire its cannons onto the ship of the Rune Knights. The Jester landed onto the ship and was quickly thrown into chaos where he felt somewhat at home. Multiple Rune Knights had already been assembled and charged towards him and any of the other Black Sails members around him who jumped on board. "Yo! We are here for a bit of a clean up of this ship. We have to start with taking all the trash out on board which if you would be so kind as to jump off that would be greatly appreciated." Cirven's voice was muffled under the mask to the point where he sounded different but the person behind the mask was still the wise cracking demon that he was.

    Word Count:



    Last edited by Cirven on 25th June 2017, 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Daniel Ross
    Daniel Ross

    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Daniel Ross 25th June 2017, 11:40 am

    Daniel was ready, but he looked suspiciously like a samurai. He had jean on, with a long black cloak over that, and over that, a white long vest. On his face was a white mask, with almond shaped eye cutouts where the eyes are, and teeth where the mouth is. Across the mask a long red lightning bolt stood out, which may or may not have been painted in blood.

    Daniel laughed at Cirven's "mic" check, and checked his gear. Medbag, check, magic, still works, puns, locked and loaded. He got ready to board the other ship, and said, "Static is ready to charge." Daniel waited on the deck for the rest of the boarding party to jump onto the Rune Knight's vessel, and when Cirven backdropped off of the ship, Daniel dived off and landed foot first on the deck.

    As Chaos ensued and the Rune Knights charged, Daniel electrified his hands, and made it enough voltage to K.O. someone and leave them down for hours, possibly fry a few nerves, but not brain damage or kill anyone. He always tried to avoid that, being a medic and all. He took up a fighting stance and said, "Any of you gent's like to fly? Because I'll have to ground you out."

    Word Count - 1402/5000

    Last edited by Daniel Ross on 26th June 2017, 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Index211

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Posts : 181
    Guild : Onyx Moon
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 287.5

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Shazam! 25th June 2017, 8:17 pm

    The girl in the scarlet dress had appeared yet again before an unsuspecting Remus. She tapped his shoulder twice with her index and middle fingers causing him to turn around, such beauty fell over the girl with her black hair held up in two ponytails on either side of her head as well as a slender figure to compliment her yellow eyes. Remus' heart began to pick up it's pace as she drew him closer with a curling finger, the environment the two were in was also the same as last time. A casino. With slot machines generously dotted around the area as well as hundreds of people each with differing clothing, aside from obvious security guards and roulette workers. Remus followed the girl in scarlet through the masses to a slot machine that was in line with the others but painted a metallic blue and gold, as per usual he would sit on the swiveling chair and lock eyes with the girl through her fantastic locks of hair. Then his hand would reach the lever slowly as if cautious of the machine and it's contents, Remus pulled down and watched the slots roll away revealing numerous signs and the common triple sevens. Behind him sounded the shouts from many of the craps tables and roulette ones, and as if on cue the man with the blue floral shirt called a 'six' and won the craps game causing a loud uproar from everyone who was playing. Then boom back to Remus and his awestruck face, the rolls had stopped and the screen showed three sevens. A klaxon went off above the boy and hundreds of bills fluttered out the small opening at the bottom, the girl by his shoulder smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead before turning and walking away. Before he could get up and follow the large amount of casino-goers flooded him with an array of questions and crowding around causing him to catch but a glimpse of her unique scarlet dress before she turned the corner. Then he awoke.

    This dream had been a recurrence for the last week now and to no end. It had always started the same with everything happening just as Remus would expect it to right down to the finale where the missing girl would disappear, he had thought about going to the guild with this interesting problem but had decided against it as he didn't want to be seen as crazy or paranoid. His thought process was put on hold but the numerical chiming of Cirven in his head, he was at first confused as to how the captain had gotten into his head and shortly enough his question was answered. Remus hopped off on of the hammocks below deck and walked along the flooring of the airborne ship with his hands behind his head. The steps up into the light were what was most enlightening, because of how tired he was before they boarded he never went to experience the skies and puny islands below simply opting for a well deserved rest, after the "hard work" of rounding up some of the guild's members. The boy turned his head around to take in everything from the cloudy sapphire skies to the intricate design of the ships and then some, he noticed one of the pirates from his earlier endeavors with Haia standing around the starboard side of the ship. This particular member was big and burly when the two had first met but overtime he seemed to have lost his giant features and seemed much smaller, or maybe it was because Remus was getting older. Nonetheless the boy sauntered over to him and placing his hand on the mage's shoulder, he whipped around and saw Remus with an awkward smile plastered across his face.

    "Remus! Well my oh my...you've sure as hell grown!" The man chuckled heartily embracing the younger magus. "It seems like it's been years since we last met. I was having a cider in the Siren's Song when your mangy self popped up, chose to sit next to me of all places and I could've sworn you ordered a woman's drink...what was it now I may have forgotten!...Ohhh wait a minute that Honeyscutter Milk right! Yeah that was the one, then you got brave and decided to challenge me" Both his hand gestures and shouts could be seen / heard from miles away, last time they did see each other Remus hadn't noticed he was such an animated guy. "Yeah, that's pretty much how it went then I floored you after you tried to hit me...you're pretty lame for a B-ranked wizard Mema" Remus himself smirked as they spoke for some time before hearing the captain speak yet again into the minds of his pirates.

    The two came to the center of the ship alongside the many others of Black Sails, Remus surveyed the area and noted that there were in fact a number of newer members which added to their arsenal immensely. A couple of the older members squinted at them with folded shoulders probably thinking the worst, after hearing Cirven go on about the mission at hand and what it pertained to his ears pricked up even more once his name was set in stone to lead one of the teams in the breach. It had been a while before Remus had the leadership position in the task force and for good reason too, more time he was lazy and lax leaving the others to do as they pleased, but this time it was different he sensed something different in Cirven's voice and today would be the day Remus would prove himself to be much more than a lazy individual. Well maybe just a tad.

    The boy sighed and pushed his mask onto his face from it's previous position of it resting on the right side of it's head, the ghastly mask clipped on and instantaneously swapped his current clothing with the garments that it was attuned to, gaining a few gasps and applause from the crowd around him. Adjusting the tattered red flailing hood of his outfit Remus assumed the alias of Azreal, he strode over to the side of the ship and looked below spotting the Rune Knight ship. A sense of elegance washed over the enemy vessel and it looked pretty high tech well to Remus anyway, clicking his fingers he done a two finger salute to the others behind him without looking and jumped off of the Valkyrie and down some feet below into the fray, coming down directly after Static with his broken cape fluttering behind him.

    His darkened holes for the eye sockets swayed over to the group of Rune Knights wary of their new enemies, a fiendish laugh rolled from the cracked mouth of the mask and in the ears of the group rattling a few. Due to the complexity of the mask and it's qualities Remus' normal voice had a deepness to it as well as an echo to add for that extra bit of fear factor. He had thought about conjuring the Talons for this to incapacitate those before them but decided against it as his eyes darted from Jester to Static, he noticed that Static's hand's surged with electrical energy and Jester seemed as calm as calm can be. Another chuckle came from his mask he slowly walked to the side of the Rune Knight's ship and hopped onto it in a squat position and eyed the knights smiling behind his mask waiting for something to pop. As soon as the slightest move was made Azreal was sure the knights would be metal scraps.


    Word Count :


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIzZnkZyZOCHxWXJ-xy77XDKJjmLtcS8Vz31R6l25hhTFkGAAW
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Julius Seas 26th June 2017, 4:50 pm

    Julius Seas

    The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild ~ Hyrule castle:

    Julius had traveled many times over the Calm sea, whether it was back when he was young and sailed the Seas of Earthland with Captain Daphnes or sailed the seas for job related stuff. But he had never thought in his wildest dreams he would travel over the calm sea in the air, sure Julius had to travel over the calm sea in the air with their former captain, Anastasia Isayev who was also the first captain of Black Sails, but also Julius' former mentor, she taught Julius not by making an example but to make Julius show what he has in store. He could still remember the job the two of them did together in the Mystic tower, in which they had to save a girl from Magnolia who was dump enough to join a cult without knowing any of their intentions, luckily Julius and Anastasia were able to save the girl from being a sacrifice in a weird ritual. So many memories are in these waters... Julius said a bit sad. Squable had a worried expression. Oi Julius-kun! You alright mate? It's not like you to be this way... Julius looked at Squable who flew onto the table. Julius was sitting on a chair with his feet on a table in front of him he had his arms crossed. You're right Squable... Julius said with a deep sigh, as he lowered his feet onto the ground and leaned in closer to Squable to pet him. Jul- Juli- I mean I don't know who that Debby downer was just now! Julius said with a confident smile, he had also been practicing to stop talking in the third person since Cirven, the new captain of Black Sails has made a requirement for the members of Black Sails to have wear masks to keep the identities hidden of the members. They would also require the members to have an alias to use, and an alias would be pointless for Julius if he kept blurting out his own name all the time, because of his habit of talking in the third person. You're improving, Julius-kun! Squable said proudly towards Julius. Everything for the guild Juli- I mean,
    I suppose!

    Julius suddenly heard the voice of Cirven going through his head, he told them not to be alarmed of the sudden voice going through their head. Julius remembered Cirven telling him that Alisha was going to prepare a spell that allowed the Black Sails members to communicate to each other telepathic, it surely would come in handy during the job they were about to do, for the Magic council of all the people. Cirven also ordered to have all the members of Black Sails to meet at the bridge. Guess it's time... Let's go Squable! And remember, this mission is far to dangerous for you to join! Alisha will be taking care of you during this job, and remember...
    When the place is going to blow into high heaven fly away and return to Divide island and wait for Juli- Damn it... I mean wait for me there, got it?
    Julius asked Squable, Squable saluted. Understood Julius-kun! Just promise me you'll be careful alright? Squable asked Julius. I promise I will Squable! Julius said for the first time having no trouble to speak without referring himself in the third person.

    Arriving at the bridge, most of the members had already gathered in the bridge. When the final members had arrived Cirven started to speak, he informed the members on what their goal was. The goal was to infiltrate a ship of the Rune knights, the magic council has heard that this group of Rune Knights are actually traitors and they ordered Black Sails to go onto their ship and retrieve any evidence they could find, of course Black Sails also has the authority to make their ship to meet the same fate as the Titanic and they also had the authority to kill any of the crew members if it was necessary, Julius hoped it wouldn't have to come that far since Julius believes that criminals should atone to their deeds and death would just be a way for them to dodge their punishments. As final topic Cirven addressed the guild that there will be three teams with each of them having their own role in this job. One group will basically attack anything that moves on the ship, Julius believes it's to act as a distraction to let the other two teams to do their job, one team is tasked to find evidence against the traitorous Rune knights, while the last group is going to turn the ship upside down to look for extra pay. Each group will also have their own leader. Remus, Julius' teammate will lead the looting group while Cirven will lead the group that will search for evidence, and Julius will lead the group that will attack the ship. Cirven equipped his mask along with the other Black Sails members. Julius grabbed his own mask and just looked at it. I will show you how much Julius has grown as a leader captain Anastasia... Julius thought to himself. Julius equipped his mask this mask will not only conceal Julius' face but also changes his whole appearance Julius' has given himself the alias Phantom.

    Alright! For those who are going to help me to give these guys the spanking they deserve, follow me to the Valkyrie's deck, I will go into detail what our plan is going to be! Julius looked towards Squable. Good luck Julius-kun! Show them that they shouldn't mess with a pirate like you! Julius gave Squable a thumbs up and walked towards the deck.

    Julius waited for some of the members to gather that wanted to help him. Listen closely as I am only going to say this once! Our prime objective is to beat up any of the Rune knights we see! One of our other objectives is to disarm all of the Rune Knights' guns they have!
    This will be a long fight, so I hope you have done all your stretches before entering the battlefield cause your life might be at stake if you slip up! I hope you all got that? We will start with taking out the enemies, when most of them have been taken care of we will move on to the guns! With that said, show them that we aren't pirates to be messed with!

    Bayonetta 2 ~ Moon River:

    Julius said as he jumped of the deck and aimed towards the deck of the ship from the Rune Knights and Julius had threw himself straight into the lion's den. Multiple Rune Knights had surrounded him and the other Black Sails members. Oh my! So many naughty boys to give a good spanking and there is so very little time... Guess I have to spank as many as I can! Now... Let's dance boys!


    Words: 1,152
    Word count: 1,152/5,000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) X9tEBuc
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Morning Star 26th June 2017, 7:35 pm

    Morning Star was laying in bed, resting after nearly being killed in an elevator shaft during a job with someone who really didn't need his help to begin with. He had started to wonder if his magic was even worth having? Why was he in a guild when there weren't any other rangers here? It was because it was a neutral area where he could come and go without worry, he hadn't even gotten to know his other guild members more than he needed to in order to move around the area. He was starting to drift off when a voice haunted his mind. The Rangers brownish green eyes shot wide open while he realized that Cirven was talking to him mentally. Alright, that is weird... I guess I'm off to the what is it called? The bridge? Spent five months on a boat and never left the deck... He thought to himself and threw his legs over the bed, heading out to meet up with the others. Still dressed in his grey suit, the blonde haired pirate stood in the back of the group with his hands in his pockets while listening to the task the darker members of the guild were going on. It wasn't something he normally did but a good pirate raid was always fun. He let his gaze fall to the leader of the boarding party who were heading out to attack the Rune Knight's ship to cause a scene, allowing the others to sneak in and do what they needed to. As helpful as his teleport ability was he didn't have any special talents that made him particularly stealthy. It was time to go punch some Rune Knights it seemed. He ran his hand over his face, causing his mask to appear over his face and his grey suit to morph into a his black robed suit, the Black Sails logo plastered to his back. He had never decided on a name to use up until this point and that fact made him stop to think. Morning Star wasn't his real name but that was what he gave others. A frown creased his masked lips as he walked up to the man known as Phantom and waved. If they could talk mentally it really didn't matter but a name was needed. "Ummm I guess you can call me Demon." He muttered, unsure of himself. He hadn't considered it before but all of this seemed a little silly, then again he was hiding who he was and that was something he wanted to do on most jobs. "I'm coming with you to attack the enemy deck. Once we are on to those guns leave it to me. I can punch a hole straight through them." he said, once again making sure to not mention anything about his morphing power. He watched as Phantom jumped off the ship in the sky and landed far below on the deck of the enemy vessel. "Yeah I could, or I could just teleport to his side. Lets go with that." The Wizard transformed into pure energy of various colors and appeared again back to back with Phantom. There were so many around them that Morning Star didn't want to risk taking a death dealing hit before the fight even began. "Bah! I wish I had a sword!" He shouted and activated a power of his mask. "Phantom Shield!" Demon announced. Around both himself and Phantom a wall of black and red energy shot up like a defensive wall. "It will move to allow you to strike until I move away from you, then it will follow me. Until then it will help knock aside attacks to keep you safe. Ready partner?"

    WC: 630


    Jobs Completed: 3
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    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Age : 23
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Triple_Hell 27th June 2017, 6:53 am

    Haia stood in the back of the shadows, in the bridge along with Cirven, clipping her fingernails into a bin as she slouched against the interior walls of the bridge, eyeing the many screens that surveyed the ship and its outsides. Haia remembered when they first got this hunk of junk, a total scrubdown was needed and many repairs and manpower was required to get the ship up and running in tip top condition. And now here it is, the pride and joy of the Black Sails. Her eyes laid on Alisha before her eyes shifted to Cirven moving to speak. The mage could not help but let out a small chuckle. The girl listened in, taking notes. Then when it was masks on for the crew, Haia came into the light.

    Wearing a white uniform, prim and proper, with a small white cap on top of her head, her attire resembles similar to a flight attendant. A mask in a hand, unlike the many males in the crew, it was a masquerade mask. Her long brown hair is usually a rare sight, only catchable if she is ever home. Tucking the nail clipper away, she looks at Cirven before looking forward with a smug look. She was to follow him, simple as that. If there was anything to go by she specializes in their espionage thanks to her many varying appearances and attire, the only notable feature is the heart tattoo on her left cheek, which will be hidden under her mask. The girl has to thank their previous leader for allowing her such a chance. The time between her first day and today makes her feel old. Haia snickkers before following the good old Jester down. Her mask went on and whatever attire she had on moments ago disappeared and was replaced with her signature slick black and red leather, her midrift visible. Lucky Seven makes her debut today.

    The girl skydives after her boss, doing aerial spins as her hair flaps in the wind before touching down along with several of her guild mates. She let the dog do the talking, she got the plan into motion. Simple, find the evidence required. But by the looks of it, Haia would gladly greet the welcoming party. Cracking her knuckles, she conjured a whip of black and blue fire before giving a sensational crack and sparks flew. Without a word of taunt or anything to mock, she raises the whip before flailing it at the Rune Knights, not to hit them but to make them jumpy and scared with the side effect of leaving a nice burning trail of fire right beneath their boots. Wonderful.

    Word Count: 446


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) 21

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Cirven 4th July 2017, 7:37 pm

    More of the masked pirates that made up Black Sails all dropped in as more of the enemy grew closer to those that had made it down first. Their numbers were comparable to the number of Rune Knights that rushed towards them but that did not mean much in battle and the captain of Black Sails, the Blank Jester knew this. That was why he came up with the idea of splitting them up on top of the objective reasons. This would separate the Rune Knight forces and get them to be more in a disarrayed shape with their defensive on their airship. The only issue with the plan was that they needed to split off into smaller groups with the assaulting group taking up most of the members for their objective to be completed. They couldn't have the Valkyrie be destroyed for multiple reasons and because of that the enemy's cannon's were a top priority in the operation. A priority that Phantom would lead himself. Jester did not worry much about the attacking side of things because he knew he had a reliable ally leading it which helped him to focus on his own part of the operation; finding the proof they needed. He felt unsettled about the intel they were given but he did receive some pay up front so he had to only assume that they were going to be able to do the job or at least that was what he kept trying to force himself to think in his own mind.

    Multiple cadet-like Rune Knights rushed towards him after Static's electrical attack downed some of the others. "We don't know why you are attacking us but we will gladly use your bodies as a way to climb in rank!" one of the cadet-like Rune Knights yelled out with  two others like him trailing behind him. Cirven let out a sigh under his mask as he watched them rush towards him. It looked like they were pretty relentless in their approach. So much so that they left multiple holes in their movement. Just as the first cadet came within range of Jester, black electricity danced out around his arms. "Die!" the cadet yelled out and swung his sword down but only made contact with the air as Jester stepped to the side quickly and then brought his hand across the body of the cadet causing a black electrical sparks to fly off with the contact. The cadet stumbled to the ground and his allies attempted to attack also in an attempt to overwhelm Jester with a combined attack with both swords coming at him from both sides. Jester quickly swung out his electrified hands into the path of the blades heading towards him and with the contact between them the blades were cut off. The cadet's were only given a short few seconds to stare at their destroyed weapons before being cut down just like the first one.

    "Is it bad that I kind of hope there are stronger Rune Knights on this ship?" Jester spoke out to anyone around him that could hear. He wasn't expecting an answer but like his regular self he still had a tendency to speak a lot. "Either way,
    we need to move out! Everyone, lets do our parts! Remember, only kill if necessary!
    " With that Jester ran off with some other members of Black Sails close behind him. They made their way into one of the doors leading deeper into the ship which Jester knew about thanks to a schematic he and the others had looked over. They didn't need to be getting lost on an unfamiliar ship so it only made sense that they attempted to memorize the ship's layout as best they could. Some of the members had the schematic on them just in case within each group though so it might not have been too much of an issue.

    After Cirven had dealt with getting his group inside of the ship they started to try and sneak around due to their lower numbers compared to the other teams in the operation. His team was only made up of six members which was because they were meant to be find the evidence and not to fight much at all. If things got too hairy for them they would have to retreat but Jester did not have any intention of retreating before his crew. They were to move out before he did if things got to such a point even if it seemed too much for him to handle. He was used to situations like that and handled them better alone anyways. It was a captain's order so they could not go against it as much as they wanted to.

    The group were able to get into what looked like the barracks on the ship and were able to find some Rune Knights who were still readying themselves for combat which allowed them to quickly deal with them. The group searched barrack area after barrack area in hopes of finding the quarters of the man leading this group of Rune Knights. It took them most of the rooms to find it but they managed to quickly rush through them with little trouble. Upon finding the room, Jester had the rest of his group keep an eye out just outside the room while he checked it. From what he got from the intel there should have been something hidden in the walls of the room so Jester moved his hands around the walls until he found something that felt different like the wall sank in more for some reason. He pushed his hand into that part of the wall and it moved in suddenly then opened up a hidden door that held a locked safe. Jester used his power over electromagnetism to pull at the door with all of his strength and was able to force it open but as he did that he could hear his men fighting just outside the room. Fighting and losing...

    Back with those on the deck of the ship, the Rune Knights attacks had become more and more relentless to the point where they had started to bring stronger weaponry in the form of mini-ethernano cannons that they aimed at the members of the assaulting force while the cannons on the ship itself had finally become ready to fire back on the Valkyrie. The cannons fired at the Valkyrie and hit it shaking the ship from the impact but due to the ship's hull being made of strong adamantium, the damage was not grave at all. The ship could only take so many blows before being destroyed though and because of that they needed the cannons dealt with quickly.

    Azreal's group was tasked with finding the rest of the pay Black Sails was meant to receive which would be hidden on the bridge of the ship. This made his group take on more members than Jester's group due to the possibility of the defensive being much stronger in the area. The group was made up of around twenty members which was a good amount more than Jester's. The bridge was thought to be highly guarded so Azreal was made sure to be told to be at his best. Jester's team were to meet up with Azreal's after getting the evidence needed.



    Last edited by Cirven on 4th July 2017, 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) LxcTBIi
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by NPC 4th July 2017, 7:37 pm

    The member 'Cirven' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) UtKyMUJ  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) UtKyMUJ  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) UtKyMUJ  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) X6fB6gw  Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) TV6mrb1
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Julius Seas 14th July 2017, 3:08 pm

    Julius Seas

    Bayonetta 2 ~ Moon River:

    The Rune Knights looked rather unfazed by Julius. Hm, big words for someone who likes to play dress up, what's with that outfit anyway? And a lot of black as well you look ridiculous! One of the Rune knights spoke up towards Julius but he just simply  shrugged it off. I have to say that black generally isn't my colour, no... I prefer the colour blue more above all else after all, blue is the colour of the sea and you could say that I am the man of the sea! Julius said as he casually sat down on one of the nearby crates while  most of the Rune Knights had their guns pointed towards Julius. My my, I really feels like a celebrity on this ship! I mean you guys look like you can rush out towards me like crazed fans but I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't give out autographs... Julius said as he grabbed a piece of bubble gum from his pocket, he tried to direct the attention towards him and his team as much as possible to buy the other teams enough time to do their part. Cut it boy! Just tell us what you are doing here and I promise we will make your death smooth and painless. Julius was yawning. Santa Claus had sent me a letter telling me you all have been very naughty and since he won't be able to make it in time, because he has to give all the good boys a present on Christmas eve he has asked me to give you your punishment earlier! The Rune Knight was close on snapping. I must admit that you're startign to get on my nerves... Stop toying with me and tell me what your real motive is for godsake! Julius could see the anger level rise in the Rune Knight. Sorry, but I don't like talking while having fun but I promise you there will be plenty of time for pillow talk afterwards! Julius said as he grabbed a rope with a small sand bag attached to it, he waved the rope around and threw it against the Rune knight he was toying with.

    It was a direct hit and the man recovered pretty fast. Alright... That. Is. IT!!! OPEN FIRE!!! The man said as he pointed towards Julius. Julius quickly snapped his fingers and a faint blue light covered Julius. The Rune Knights opened fire, but the bullets went right through Julius since he had activated water body, which turned his body into water and would cause to have pierce, slash and bash attacks to go right through him. Julius sat down on the crate again with a bored expression on his face. Is that really all you got?
    Come now, if you want to touch me you'd have to put a bit more effort into it!
    The angered Rune Knight unsheathe his sword and charged towards Julius while he was still sitting on the crate with a smirk on his face. The Rune Knight slashed his sword towards Julius but he dodge just in the nick of time to activate one of his pocket watches' abilities: Raid Time. His pocket watch started to glow a golden light and soon followed by an magical aura that slowed down time. Can't touch me!  Julius said as he quickly pushed the Rune Knight, Julius sat down once again on the crate with the Rune knight now bend over on his leg. You've been naughty! Julius said as he started to spank the Rune Knight. Ow! Someone please help me! It hurts so much! The Rune Knight was now almost bursting into tears. When Julius was done he stood up and made the Rune Knight rest on the hard wooden deck of the ship. Now... Whose next?

    notes: Dealt with one of the normal enemies, there should still be 4 more of them and 10 weaklings.

    Words: 641
    Word count: 1.793/5.000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) X9tEBuc

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Ruvel 10th August 2017, 5:24 pm

    It had been only a short time since his summons had agreed a contract with the one he had met on that forsaken island and where he wasn't overly thrilled about the situation he would deal with the cards he had been dealt and adapt like he had many times before, at least this time he didn't have to worry that if he didn't adapt quick enough that he would end up hurt or close to death for defiance not that death wasn't exactly unwelcome at the moment. He had been told to rest by Cirven as he had been told by the summons that he was still suffering from sickness that wouldn't leave without the right medicine but he was to stubborn to listen to that after all Cirven had said it himself his magic could come in useful in situations; he knew he wasn't the kind that should be in battle but he had plenty that were.

    The ship had left before he had woken so he at the beginning had no idea how he was going to catch up to an airship given that he himself couldn't fly to the best of his knowledge, but then it came to him that where he couldn't fly Barthenz could so called him requesting he change to his full dragon form but thought it may be best to have him do it outside as not to destroy the guild hall. He'd have a hard time explaining that one away and then most likely have to work every job he could find to try pay for the repairs and he was unsure if he would even manage that in his lifetime. "You sure you're up to this? You're still sick the glow in your eyes hasn't gone" Barthenz asked him as he walked out of the guild "Yes, I'm fine Barthenz... rules when I'm like this is no double summoning I remember" he said with a quick micro expression of a smile, Barthenz nodded hearing what Ruvel had said though sighed wishing he would listen for a change "Got your dagger?" he asked tapping his foot, he wasn't going anywhere until certain things where checked because he wasn't about to about turn half way there "Yes, I have it in my top like always, it does as much as I need to do summoning" he nodded in acknowledgement "Mask?" he asked watching as Ruvel was placing the white fox mask with red markings on the face to the side of his head turning his hair white the instant it touched "Yes, I remembered that rule... first one everyone drilled into me" he said crossing his arms as if he was being given a lecture "As soon as we get close enough the mask goes on fully kid and make sure it and the knife stay on you, it will take a long while before another can be made" he cautioned the blade was made by ancient lost methods of Barthenz race with a metal they never normally let out of the realm he called home but a special allowance had been made in this case.

    He watched as the seven foot four inch brick wall with legs changed to be a large 25 foot long dragon with a 30 foot wing span, his deep carmine scales were hardened and showed signs of the battles he had been in while in this form. It had been the first time Ruvel had seen this and if he had to be honest the sight scared him as he thought his own summon was going to eat him in a single bite. Seeing the wing lowering he ran up quickly forgetting his fears for the moment finding the safest place to sit and held on allowing Barthenz to take flight and set towards where everyone else was. He knew a lecture was bound to follow when Cirven caught him but this place was to be his home, these people his family and he would never forgive himself if they got hurt while he was back where it was safe so hell, high water, lectures or punishment he was going to fight along side them. He kept his eyes closed the whole time now realising what he had just done 'I'm not bound, I am free, I am not stuck in a fake freedom' he continued to tell himself in the hope of believing it but he was failing horribly at it as he started to shake feeling the wind dancing over him. Barthenz's crimson eye went back to his young summoner 'Suck it up buttercup, you want to help them... it means giving up certain freedoms' he said into Ruvel's mind making him go stiff and hold his breath almost as if he expected the dragon to do a barrel roll to spite him but was glad to feel the other was staying on course but he didn't even try to relax he would be happier when it was done and he was back on the ground.

    'Kid, we're nearing get your mask on and open your damn eyes or you're going to end up hurting yourself when you jump' he let the other know, Ruvel nodded changing to fix his mask on his face his face his glowing golden amber eyes seen through making them almost seem like a he was indeed a human kitsune. His clothing changing from his normal strange tastes to something more simple pure white hakama and male kimono with a black hakama underneath with how pale his skin was it made him almost seem dead. He placed his finger to his ear remembering what he had been told "Moon reporting, where would you like me? Oh yeah... don't shoot the dragon, I think he'd have issue being shot at" he said looking at Bathenz "I tried to stop him Sparky but like pretty much like you and doesn't listen to reason" he added on knowing that he would be able to be heard it was then he realised that he had a link to his summons and that while the link was up everyone within the link would likely be able to hear them if he spoke. It also meant that if Shindara was called they would all hear the conversation between the two since the void dweller only used telepathy "This is going to be complicated, I can already tell" he said standing able to keep his balance perfectly as he looked for a decent place. "I'll need a rest kid for around fifteen minutes, so you can't rely on me until then try not burn the place down" he said knowing that could end badly for everyone on board. "I know, take it easy Barthenz" he said before jumping it was a clear drop down his hand going to his ear "If you hear voices you're not crazy." he sent to every one 'No saying mine or Cirven's name while on this task, Moon and Jester okay, please show you understand' he instructed his summons 'Got it kid' Barthenz affirmed 'Of course sweet one, don't let him get hurt Cirven the wind doesn't forget' she added knowing for now everyone in the link could hear them, her voice was in no way menacing it was still sweet. 'I get it' Ordhabbi said huffing 'Request confirmed my summoner' Shindara stated in his normal stoic way 'Call when I'm needed then Moon and Jester' Aelona giggled 'I like moons, they make me sleepy' a small musical voice rang out, it made him smile hearing Laurea he hoped she wouldn't be needed he didn't want to give the little dream fae nightmares. 'Yes sir' he heard a stern tone from Gazaer 'Stop calling me sir, I am not a lord' he huffed continuing to fall 'You are a pr-' he stopped almost as if he could feel Ruvel's glare 'Don't you dare finish that sentence Gazaer' his tone showed it was more than a warning to his summon 'My apologies' he finished before going silent 'The Jester prances on the shimmering ice under the moon' Seyuki coo'd showing she understood the order. Ruvel didn't know anyone elses names but would add them to the order as he found them out.

    He was glad that was settled as he reached the final destination, he knew that Barthenz hadn't dropped him from a high enough position that he would go through the ship, sails or anything else so managed with a little difficulty but landed on the mast crouching his eyes looking around, for now he would remain there as he had turned up late he wasn't to sure who was doing what so had no idea were he should be that would have been until he tilted his head observing an expecting rune knight before noticing one of his guild mates spanking one "wow..." he whispered to himself he had just no idea how to take what he had just seen as he crouched he continued watching his eyes going to what he could use for his advantage. After a moment he grabbed some rope and started tampering with it whistling quietly as he lowered it behind the knight he had been watching and now played the waiting game until the rune knight stepped into it and used the rope to get onto the deck using the unsuspecting man as a counter weight when he touched down he looked at the man for a moment "Three options, one, you remain quiet and I tie you like that leaving you alone, two, you make a noise and I let my summons use you as a pinata or three, you make a fuss and I let you drop... you never know how your going to land in your current position" he said calmly he waited "number one, number one" the young rune knight panicked "Pity I don't believe you will remain quiet" he said letting go of the rope watching as the man landed on his head. Walking forward he checked to see if he was still breathing "Good fall, when you wake you're going to have one hell of a headache" he said with a smirk under his mask wondering what his next move should be.

    Word Count: 1'714
    ((Dealt with a weak enemy. One down nine to go))


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Shazam! 23rd August 2017, 5:02 pm

    Once the lasting of the Black Sails offense team hopped down onto the Rune Knights ship that was when the air was still as everyone on board eyed one another waiting for the other to make a move. Azreal being perched on one of the railings had a clear view of the situation that lay before him, the pirate was not surprised at all by his Captain's versatility with his slayer type magic quickly dispatching the lesser knights without so much so as breaking a sweat. With those knights dealt with the Jester had reminded everyone to do what they came to do and sped off down some entrance with the group assigned to him. It was now time for Azreal to take charge.

    The boy looked at his group which were comprised of about roughly twenty members, mixed with new  blood and old. A smile lit up behind his mask as he realised that on his team stood his old friend Mema. Mitsumaki appeared next Azreal on the rail as well and even she was fitted with new attire and an alias. "Dazzle reporting for duty Azreal" She said the last word nudging the pirate in a playful manner causing him to sigh, she still retained her childish behavior. But he couldn't help but notice how much detail had gone into her suit, without the forever joyfulness practically seeping off of Mitsumaki he would never have known it was her.

    Azreal hopped off the railing and spoke to his team "Alright listen up screwballs we've got about about forty minutes to get what we came for. This will involve some killing here and there and you might see some things you never thought you'd see, but before we go any further do any of you have a problem with being led by me?" He asked cocking his head to the side waiting for someone to speak up but alas everyone had their eyes locked onto the masked man, hellbent on serving with him until the end. He nodded slowly and smirked signalling the large group to follow him. It was thanks to the efforts of both Jester and Phantom that most of the Rune Knights that were above deck were either taken care of or in the process of, Azreal and co. ran through the amazingly sized ship and came down to a crossroads of sorts, two sets of metallic stairs one on either side of a high structure. Turning back to face his legion he instructed ten of them to go to the left flank and the rest to remain with him, on a three count they would storm the build presumed to be the bridge of the ship. Leading the other squad was Mema and as both leaders came to their respective doors something felt off, it was as if this was coming to easy to the collection team. And so it was. One...two...three!

    Just as the doors were about to be kicked in by the powerhousers of each squad, both sides of the metal doors blew clean off their hinges and took some of the members of the black sails down over the rails and crashing onto each other with them. Azreal had assumed something would happen which was the reason why he wasn't hit by either the door or his allies bodies and was floating mid air held up by Dazzle. He scanned the carnage looking for Mema who was currently engaging in a fight with a Rune knight who possessed two shields particular on his defense. "Just great..." He muttered tapping the hands of Dazzle who instinctively threw him in the direction of another Rune Knight.

    The boy's feet landed onto the large shield the rune knight he was directed to and the knight attempted to force him off with a push but Azreal was quick in his assault as he flipped over the shield and yanked the enemy's head downwards onto the hard steel steps, a loud [i]twang[/] sounded through the area. Azreal clicked his fingers and Dazzle appeared with her fire wheels already ignited then she simple nodded throwing the onslaught into the floored knight cooking him from the inside, at first there was loud screams of anguish and pain but soon it died down as his armor had flecks of melting. "Let's move, that's one down" Azreal muttered moving into the bridge bent on completing his mission. He had just hoped everything was going according to plan on Jester and Phantom's side.




    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIzZnkZyZOCHxWXJ-xy77XDKJjmLtcS8Vz31R6l25hhTFkGAAW

    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

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    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Lilim 25th August 2017, 4:43 am

    It had been a strange day, on the initiation day into the West Fiore Trading Company, and its underbelly, Black Sails. I witnessed the event unfurl slowly, and yet, I still understood what happened, somehow. However, they had a job to do for the council, and they took the Valkyrie, a ship that I could not board due to my Dragonslayer motion sickness, but I kept pace with the ship, by floating above the floors as it passed further and further towards its destination. Cirven called us in, and told us to take code names to remain incognito, which I took the guise of "Lust", and wore my Colombina masquerade mask. I then immediately went after the cannons, when Cirven's command went through. their fore-cannons barraged the Valkyrie with shot after shot, and my leggings floated me off to the side, giving me perfect vantage on either cannon. I activated the Bird of Hermes Mode, and allowed Mz. Hyde free reign to destroy, and she accepted with pleasure. My mouth moved and spoke two words with deadly meaning: "Alas, Babylon." Then Mz. Hyde and I floated up to the prow of the ship, and a pillar of pure darkness descended on the prow of the ship, and me. A couple of the traitors got caught in the pillar, and were knocked back a bit, outside the range of the pillar. The prow of the ship fell apart, piece by piece, until a hole in the floating ship was centered right in the front of the spell. The cannons were abandoned by those who saw the darkness tear open the wood from which the front was made. The shots slowed to a crawl, and to make sure no one manned them again, Mz. Hyde raised Massacre Anne behind the cannons, to chase and disable any crewmen who decided to return to post. I then floated up to the deck of the ship, and saw a couple of guild mates fighting off assailants with ease, so I floated after a couple of terrified recruit, saying to any guild mates. "Lust arrives, and taketh unto the task at hand. Be wary, as blood makes things slick, and we tend to leave blood on the floor, be it an enemy's or one of our spells."

    I floated in the air over the recruits's head in my shadow form, as Mz Hyde took up that mantle as we passed through a door frame leading down into the body of the ship. After they finished the steps, Mz. Hyde popped up in front of them, scaring them senseless, and grabbed each recruit as they tried to flee, and punched them in the nose, before dropping their unconscious body on the floor, and continuing the cycle until all three were unconscious. Mz. Hyde shrunk back onto the floor, returning to shadow form as more... veteran soldiers passed over the recruits to the deck above. Mz. Hyde grabbed one as they passed, halting and confusing them, before rising again from the floor, and uppercutting the soldier in the jaw. They reeled for a moment, before attempting to retaliate, but Mz. Hyde and I turned our blood form to our advantage, and terrified the poor soul after ducking under his assault, causing him to pass out from fear. We, being Mz. Hyde and I, returned to shadow, and tracked through the ship other soldiers, relaying that back to our allies above so they knew what and who was coming up to them. We then cornered a group of veteran soldiers, between us, and Massacre Anne, clinging to their butcher knives with fetid flesh rank upon the air. (OOC, Rank=Stench) These veterans were quaking in their boots as we closed upon them, Massacre anne putting their enhanced strength to work, hitting them against walls, bashing them in their heads, et cetera. While Mz. Hyde and I watched our little zombie go to work, before stopping them as the men were unconscious on the floor, though Anne was a little worse for wear, i.e, they'd soon expire again.
    I soon rushed through the open hole in the ship, floating in the air again, and walking through the air gracefully. I then used a blood tendril that hovered in the air beside me to rip down a board underneath each cannon, forcing them to capsize, and fall into the ocean beneath the sky.

    Red Gothic-Lolita style dress, black masquerade mask.

    HP: 150
    MP: 50%

    Activated Spells and UAs:
    Shadow form: 2/2 Posts Duration
    "Alas, Babylon" 3/3 Posts Cooldown
    Massacre Anne: 5/5 Post Duration
    Bird of Hermes TO: 5/5 Post Duration


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Z8lAzQC

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
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    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Cirven 27th August 2017, 4:39 pm

    The masked devil had to think quick on either getting the intel on the betrayers or saving his men. His head turned back to the small vault and then back to the door leading outside where he heard the fighting. The Captain of Black Sails always had one thing in his mind that he valued more than anything else during their jobs out together; the lives of his crew. He knew that all the job needed was them to quickly receive the intel so that they could get off the ship, jewels or not. They could always use the intel as a sort of ransom to get their pay from the Magic Council if needed later but they could not get the lives back of their members if lost. Black lightning erupted over his limbs as he put his complete focus onto the door blocking his way from the outside.

    Seconds later, the door leading into the hallway flew open with a burst of magical energy where the Blank Jester made his appearance known to his enemies. "I heard some fun going on outside and couldn't help myself from joining in..." He spoke out with the false eyes of his mask facing the battle raging. His sudden entrance and comment stopped the fighting for a few seconds. "Don't stop because of the Captain, boys. I'm only here to make things more funny." Jest used his speed to quickly move towards the closest enemy who was attacking one of his masked members before his entrance. A purple flash of energy slammed into the face of the man and sent him, head first into the wall near him from a kick delivered by the Jester. Both sides took the sudden attack as if it was a signal to continue their fighting but the Rune Knights could quickly feel their footing in the battle had completely shifted away from them. The fighting continued and with thew help of Jester now with them the masked Black Sails members managed to clean up the enemy near them. The masked Captain nodded to his crew before turning to the room where the intel was suddenly upon hearing the sound of something there.

    A large man clad in blue and white Rune Knight armor stood in front of the door of the room pushing buttons on a control pad next to the doorway. "Don't mind me. Just doing a bit of cleaning up here." The man spoke out while not making eye contact with any of his enemies. Cirven moved quickly to attack the man and swung out a electrified clawed hand at him but the man quickly ducked under the attack and threw his leg out under Jester, tripped him and sending him into the cold metal floor. The man quickly threw his foot out and kicked the downed masked Jester sending him skidding across the ground and into his men who prevented him from moving any further. Jester had managed to block the attack but he could feel something was different about this new armor clad Rune Knight in front of them. "I can't have anyone finding out any secrets now, can I?" The man spoke out and quickly hit one last button on the control panel in front of him. The sound of metal and air clanking echoed through the hallway as a metal barrier took place over the doorway to the room and then suddenly the entire room disengaged from the ship and fell off into the sea below. Cirven could tell it fell off by the noise it gave off to him. "That feels so much better to have that weight off my back..." The man stretched out his arms and spoke out. "Now to deal with the trash on my ship." His eyes locked onto the masked man who had now stood back up, Jester and his crew.

    Jester looked around the members of his group seeing all those who were injured and those who were helping them. He knew that it was not a great situation for them to fight against someone who could keep up with him and decided to make an order. "Everyone, go and report back to Phantom's group. I will stay here and keep our new friend entertained." Members of the group looked on and were about to protest the decision but Jester continued. "I will meet you there and we will figure out what to do next." The members of the group reluctantly gave in and started to make their way to Phantom and the assaulting team. Jester put his finger up to his ear and continued speaking. "Phantom, I am sending my men back to you. Make sure they get to you safely.
    I have someone to entertain while they make their way there. I will meet up with you on the deck shortly.
    " Jester stopped speaking and put his attention on the man in front of him. The large man's lips split into a smirk. "So I only get to make one of your masks a trophy for now? I will have to get the other masks later it looks like." Jester listened to the man and then chuckled. "I wonder how you would do that when you are left convulsing on the floor?" Jester spoke through his chuckling. The larger man laughed out loud too before stopping and pulling out a large multi-toothed sword from out of a dimensional pocket. "I changed my mind. I will split your mask and head in half with my blade. There are a lot more masks for me to make into trophies and I don't like the ominous feel yours gives." Jester turned his head slightly sideways like an curious animal towards the man. "How would you do that when you are unconscious?"

    Without speaking anymore, Jester quickly rushed forward and swung one of his electrified limbs towards the man in front of him but the attack was parried by the giant blade just as quickly as it was thrown throwing the demon off his own footing. The giant man slammed a fist into Jester's stomach then used that fist to lift him up and slam him into the ground. "So those electric limbs of yours can be used like bladed weapons, hm? Interesting." The man lifted the giant blade up with incredible speed and swung it down onto the ground where he just barely missed Jester who rolled out of the way just in time. The ground caved in from the attack and was cut through like a knife through butter. Jester managed to get to his feet but was quickly confronted by the armor clad man again and by a horizontal swing of the blade. He managed to dodge the attack by jumping up and off the wall leaving the wall of the hallway to be completely ripped through by the blade. "Have some reaction time, hm? That just makes me want to split your head even more."

    Jester rushed forward at his opponent but before he could reach him the giant blade was thrust forward towards him. He managed to ducked under it and rip his claws across the armor of his enemy. Without thinking the giant man flung his head forward and headbutted Jester before anymore attacks could hit him. The headbutt sent Jester away from his opponent. Both took a moment to check the damage they had just inquired from each other. The armor clad man touched his armor that had been ripped threw and touched where there was now cuts across his flesh. Jester's mask was cracked and then had the piece around his left eye fall off revealing his red eye to his opponent. "That felt like my armor is pretty useless against you." The giant man smirked. "And it looks like you are ruining the possible trophy you could have." The man's smirk grew bigger. "I told you already." Jester's body felt a sudden rush of pain and anguish that caused him to fall to the ground almost immobilized. "I don't want your mask. I want to split your head." Jester could barely move from the pain wracking his body. "The first time is always the worst from what I heard." Jester couldn't focus from the pain or react as the giant man lifted him up into the air. "I will find another way of making you a trophy for me." The giant man was about to attack again but a voice called out to him. "Lieutenant Officer Berktly. We are not to kill the enemy. We are to capture them and interrogate them." Another armor clad man made his appearance into the hallway from behind Berktly. He was older with a face and head full of gray hair. "Also, I want to know why you disengaged your own room from the ship. What are you hiding?" Berktly dropped Jester and turned to the older man. "Sorry Commander Seripin. I was simply trying to stop the enemy from getting what ever they were after." Jester could see in his immobilized state that Commander Seripin was holding his composure against his subordinate. His face showed that he was not fully believing him at all. "Get the body of that man and bring him with us. We will-" The Commander turned to start walking while he spoke and as his eyes left Berktly his sentence was cut off as a long multi-toothed blade protruded through his body. "I'm sorry but things will be changing around here, sir. There will be some new blood in charge with your sudden death happening during this assault." The blade was pulled from out of the body of the Commander and his body fell to the ground. "General... Valen.. Will.." The Commander tried to muster out some words. "Trying to say Valen will get me for this? I doubt he will. It was hit order to do this, which reminds me." Berktly turned around and stood over Jester where he slammed his his large blade through his back and through the floor. "Thank you for being the trophy who will die here and after killing our commanding officer."

    Some time after the battle between Jester and Berktly, the giant armored man made his appearance on the deck of the ship with a group of Rune Knights. He held the body of Jester and then held him up for everyone to see. "Stop fighting!" He called out to everyone fighting which stopped the battling on both sides as they saw who it was and who he was holding. "This man killed our commanding officer and will be killed here and now for what he has done unless those attacking this ship stop in their assault!" Jester was held up showing the wounds of the fight he had had with Berktly with the large wound in his chest from being stabbed through earlier. "To make things more interesting we will unmask this man and then kill him showing the world who he is and destroying your organization with it possibly! I vet you have regular lives outside of this so that would destroy much more than just your low life organization of Black Sails!" Jester didn't move while all this was happening and his left eye was closed showing that he was unconscious in some way.



    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Julius Seas 31st August 2017, 6:11 am

    Julius Seas

    Bayonetta 2 ~ Moon River (climax mix):

    Are you boys getting shy? Don't worry there is enough of me for all of you! Julius noticed that most of the Rune knights were getting a bit frightened with the way Julius took care of the commander. Ar you guys playing hard to get? I only love it when they are playing that, it makes the fun even better then just opening up to each other! *chuckle* Now... With who shall I start? Julius looked around the deck and noticed that one of them was shaking on their knees. Oh you look really cute! Water whip!  Julius created a whip made of water and whipped the wooden floor for an intimidating effect. Come now little one, I don't bite! Julius used the water whip and made sure it wrapped around the Rune Knight, the knights who were standing besides him grabbed the whip and pulled Julius in. Gotcha! Julius said with a smirk, he turned around as he was pulled in by incredible force and kicked the rune knight who was wrapped in Julius' whip overboard. The whip got loose and Julius took out the Knights that pulled him in. Is that really all you guys got? Julius said with a disappointing tone. Are these really the Rune Knights that are supposed to protect the people of Fiore? You all might as well surround yourself to the Dark Guild in the land since this is just pathetic! Julius said with a smirk on his face. We won't be beaten by the likes of you! Everyone prepare your attack! Julius stretched a bit. I might need to prepare as well cause this could be getting fun! Julius snapped his fingers and dark clouds began to gather above the sea, rain started to pour down which would increase Julius' water spells' attack power. Attack! The Rune Knight gave the command for his comrades to attack. One Knight slashed their sword towards Julius, but he simply dodged it and activated Raid time. Nice try! Julius taunted. Time was lowed down and the ten Knights that were trying to attack Julius were perfectly lined up.  Julius quickly whipped every one of them and ended Raid time when the final Knight was done for Julius ended Raid time. Ohhh Did I wiiiiiin? Julius said ending with a chuckle.

    Julius felt small explosions coming from underneath the ship, it seemed someone took care of the cannons. Julius pressed his finger against his ear to make use of the telepathically spell Alisha had casted onto the group. Good job to whoever took care of the cannons! Julius complimented, at the same time Julius received a message from Cirven, he told Julius that his group was on their way back to Julius. Understood Jester! Please be careful with whoever you're dealing with! With the whip still in his hand and the rain continuously falling Julius made his way towards the door that lead further into the ship, but on his way he got stopped by some more veteran Rune Knights, it were five of them. Where do you think you're going? One of the Rune Knights said with a condescending tone. I'm on my way to the soup store to buy some clothes! Julius said with a bored expression on his face. The Rune Knights looked at each other. Why would he go buy clothes at a soup store? While the Rune Knights were distracted, Julius started to whip them when all five of the knights were down Julius looked at them. Always keep your eyes on the enemies boys! Oh and that expression was just sarcastic. Julius said as he continued to the door. As he opened the door the group of Cirven came through the door. You! Explain to me what Jester's situation is! Julius asked one of the group members. Jester got into a fight with a very elite Rune Knight, the room he is in got disengaged from the ship and was launched into the sea. Damn it... So we are unable to help him huh...
    Alright! All we can do is beat these Rune Knights up!
    The member nodded and they continued to fight Rune Knights.

    -No BGM-

    Not long after a loud and heavy voice asked the two groups to stop fighting, Julius turned around and noticed a Rune Knight clad in blue armor walk onto the deck, with in one of his hands he was holding Cirven who was unconscious and covered in wounds, meanwhile the Rune Knight had only a wound on his chest. He was planning on unmasking Cirven and killing him on the spot. Julius had to do something, he still had his whip and noticed the wound on his chest. I have an idea... But it's going to be risky... Julius thought to himself. Oi! Big words from someone who leads a group of traitors to the Magic Council! Julius said hoping one of the Rune Knights would react. Hey!
    Keep it down you! Or else you might be the first one to die!
    One of the Rune Knights said. I'd like to see you try! Come one then, you want to touch me? Julius taunted. Altight that's it! The Rune Knight grabbed his sword and tried to attack Julius, but he dodged in time to activate the only way to safe Cirven, Raid time. Normally Julius would taunt but this time he had to hurry since he couldn't control when raid time would end. Julius grabbed the whip and whipped the wound on the Rune Knight's chest a couple of times, the man flinched from pain and dropped Cirven. Raid Time ended and while the Rune Knight was still writhing in pain, Julius grabbed Cirven over his shoulder. Everyone! Give me cover while I bring Jester to safety!

    notes: Took out 1 weak roll and 1 normal roll

    Words: 961
    Word count: 2.754/5.000

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) X9tEBuc

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
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    Posts : 1376
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    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Ruvel 4th September 2017, 6:10 pm

    Ruvel had been watching the goings for a brief moment before moving like some sort of monkey jumping from one thing to the next until he was in the crows nest deciding what he should do next, that was until he heard a loud crash and bang coming from one of the other ships. Placing his hand to his ear 'What the hell just happened?' he asked the others in the hopes that he might get some sort of answer so he knew wither or not it was their lot or the enemy that was dealing or causing issues, either way this could cause issues 'Try not destroy to much it can cause unneeded casualties' he added to the end, he had seen enough pain being caused because of one thing or another and he didn't want anymore to be added to it regardless of task if it could be helped though he knew that many within the current group may not see things the same way as the currently white haired youth.

    He was about to move once more when he seen what seemed to be the commander of the enemy come out with the limp body of Cirven his finger going to his ear 'Jester is down it seems... orders?' he sent out in the hopes that this was just him playing possum like he had many times before but something told him that this wasn't any part of any grand plan, more so as he heard what the man said. "C..." he paused himself making sure not to say the name "Jester killed?" to the youth that seemed strange given they both thought along the same lines due to their joint paths "Liar!" he called out standing up "He doesn't kill without reason... even if you are enemies, he wouldn't kill! Our orders were clear! We are not to use extreme force unless needed!" he didn't care if he just made himself a target to the enemy he knew he would be fast enough even in his current state to dodge most of what would be sent his way and those he couldn't he would figure something out, it was then he started making his way down his eyes glowing brighter out of sheer anger at the goings on, right now he wanted to take his mask off and be done with the charade but knew that doing so would put more than just himself in danger, it would paint a target on every person who was in the guild's back and that would cause unneeded issues.

    Landing on the deck he placed his hand into his top bringing out a dagger his eyes dead set on the enemy he stabbed the dagger right though the centre of his hand not even flinching though the enemy near him stopped in their tracks seeing the light that came tricking from the wound. Behind him a portal of fire appeared and a sun kissed beauty wearing Arabian styled clothing came forward "What do you want?!" she said poking at the back of Ruvel's head "Take them down Ordhabbi" he said coldly, it was clear he was giving no quarter it was obvious the rules had changed and not by their doing, his hand going to his ear 'You might want to move ship I doubt this one will be up for to much longer' he let the others know "Oh I thought you would never ask little cursed moon" she chuckled "Try not cause to much damage to the ship, I've yet to get a contract with someone of water and we have allies on this one" he said with a sigh watching as Ordhabbi walked towards the enemy her hips swaying making the traitorous rune knights stop in their tracks watching "You threatened the cursed moon, which was a bad move on your part because he decided to bothered me...  I'm sorry boys but today isn't your lucky day" she said expelling flames out of her body but keeping the range to a mere five meters as she didn't want to cause everyone to get hurt, it was enough however to hit the ten rookies near her making them scream in agony as it felt like they where baking in their armour making them jump overboard "I'll go keep looking little cursed moon" she said watching as Ruvel nodded before doing so, he would normally feel bad that people had just jamp to their deaths but right now he didn't care one of his amber eyes flickering silver now and then as he made his way to Julius awaiting what would come next but he had a bad feeling regardless. "This isn't good is it" his amber eye turning to Julius as he covered the one that seemed to be acting strange the only reason he knew something was wrong with it was because there was a painful light flaring within it but had no idea what was going on and this definitely wasn't the place to deal with such things.

    Word Count: 843
    Total Word Count: 2'557
    Ruvel HP: 190/200
    Ruvel MP: 96/100

    Ordhabbi HP: 200/200
    Ordhabbi Duration: 1/3

    Enemies taken out: 10 weak


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Shazam! 6th September 2017, 6:53 am

    Due to the large solid metal doors now blown off down to the deck, entry could never have been any easier. The mage slowed his breathing and stepped carefully eyeing the flooring to spot any loose tiles and to the walls suspicious of any sensors that may be tripped, behind him crept Dazzle who was also on the defensive keeping her gaze fixed behind the boy in case of a surprise attack or something of the sort. With both sets of eyes occupying the field the two had a complete three-hundred and sixty degree visionary advantage, Azreal quickly tapped the shoulder of his companion and signaled her to stop which put her on the edge.

    Azreal threw his two fingers salute in the direction of the door adjacent to where they had come in from and his hands had small purple pentagrams that covered the palms spinning wildly. Through the blackened holes in his mask he saw a shadow creeping up the steps and smelt something oddly familiar which caused his heart to skip a beat, up the steel steps a large messy tangle of red hair bobbed up and down until the figure stopped and a smile formed.

    "HAHA! REM--" The voice that belonged to beaten yet upbeat individual known as Mema ran on to embrace the smaller mage but unfortunately because his emotions got the better of him he disregarded the possibility of the bridge's room being prepped for intruders, with that Mema stepped onto what the other two were looking out for and a humming sound began ever so slightly but the higher ranking wizard was slapped back to reality and his normal grin subsided to a face of defeat and upset, Azreal was still in shock of seeing his long time friend and as his pentagrams dissipated into the air Mema closed his eyes and smiled. "NOO! SHOGUN!!" Azreal reached out with his gloved hand to grab the burly wizard but was stopped from a dive of Dazzle who threw them out of the way. Azreal could only watch as Mema was shredded in two by a highly focused beam of light magic that swiped his upper half from his lower half.

    Blood slowly seeped from his waist and shortly Mema's knees folded and the top half of him fell to the cold metallic floor. Tears welled up in both the eyes of Azreal and Dazzle, Remus and Mitsumaki. To the boy it felt like the masked identities were a pointless endeavor now, but this was just out of the pure rage and sadness that was enveloping him at that moment in time Azreal was frozen by the flush of memories he had with his would be mentor and the tears crept out his eyelids as he dropped his head. Dazzle's body began to shake and sparks of fire popped near her head and shoulders slowly illuminating her form, underneath her Azreal shook his head from side to side and placed his hand around Dazzle's head and touched foreheads with her for a moment. A beeping sound could be heard to the right of the duo as a digital screen was shown and all sorts of designs and numbers were dotted across it, on the other side of the screen stood a horde of rune knights who were finishing their set-ups some clad in the normal rune knight attire whilst nine others wore more defined and rugged battle suits, in the hands of the enemies were spears, swords, shields and maces. Some even were brave enough to go without the use of a weapon, presumably due to their mastery over their magic.

    Another beep. Then the whoosh of an automatic door raising up to let the large group of about nineteen or so knights into the area of Azreal and Dazzle who were currently in a heap on the floor.

    "Oi! You lot betta' be ready to meet your maker!" A voice grumbled, deep and gravelly. Hair as black as can be and on his armor the name 'Havoc' was scrawled.

    "There's no time like the present. Let's just end these dirty criminals now" Another pure and innocent, a weaker rune knight who had just come onto the force in search of dishing out justice. Over on his arm lay the initials 'AJ'.

    "Hey...hooded one...if you and the girl run now you might have a chance to survive...well better than your half and half friend over there. Perhaps he was having second thoughts?" Bald headed this one, and on his collar was written 'Iaraon'.

    A mashup of laughter and weapons clanging together put Azreal over the edge who was now holding hands with his partner as they came standing up gradually, how sick of a person could someone be to say such things? Mema...Shogun had served Black Sails immensely through his many years and Azreal would be sure to speak of his name to ensure he had a proper send off, hopefully a statue of him on the island would suffice.

    "You. Dare. Speak. Ill. Of. Our. Comrade?"

    Both Dazzle and Azreal said these words in complete unison and raised their heads up at the same time, fixated on the small battalion ahead. The voice came out daunting and unnerving to the knights who were spooked by their collective head movement also, a few of the seasoned warriors moved through the group until they were about two meters away from the couple. The air was still as the dark swirling aura encompassed Azreal and the fiery light surrounded Dazzle making her armor glisten in the big room, all four warriors tried to shake off their doubts and ready up each brandishing a broadsword with different engravings along the handle and hilt.

    In an instant the bald-headed knight lurched forwards to bring down the massive weapon at their locked hands but was stopped short as the two released each other in essence pushing one another away a short distance tactically, in front the mage saw his girl go to work body ablaze as she headed deep into the knightly group using an array of punches, kicks and grabs coupled with her fiery abilities.

    Azreal clapped his hands together and formed his own version of the man's broadsword which was amethyst/onyx in color and had a crystalline appearance with the hilt being several crystals jutting outwards, the base had four distinct hooks and the edge was pointed to a perfect end. Wisps of his black energy came unto eerily. Without so much so as a word Azreal darted left and right confusing the knight a great deal until he was met with a warmth from his stomach and then something wet trickled down his mouth. The rune knight's eyes were opened wide as he realised just what had happened, Azreal's sword had penetrated right through the armor and out the back leaving blood dropping from the blade. The red hooded boy hoisted the struggling enemy above him through tremendous strength given forth by his connection to the void, a cry for help was screamed but behind him the seasoned knight would see the charred bodies of his former comrades each one looked burnt more than the other with the scent of burning and death in the air Azreal stared deep into the knights eyes and noticed the name 'Aragon' etched into his armor collar.

    Dazzle's hands were burning bright with her full rage as she was bent on reducing the pile of metal and blazed skin to nothingness, her gaze turned to the hanging knight who whimpered through blood from the mouth then she watched as her ally dropped him to the floor and mercilessly swiped his shocked head clean off, Azreal and Dazzle sniffled slightly as they came to their close touching foreheads once more. Both pirate's eyes looking to the body of Shogun and the pile of mesh of Rune Knights.

    "For Shogun..."

    The two whispered going hand in hand to the still opened door of the bridge's main compartments, they searched frantically for any key openings or lockers but could find nothing. A few minutes passed and an unknown voice came from his ear, as it spoke fear struck the magus as it had appeared Jester...was dead.

    A look from Dazzle and back to the bridge. Such an array of emotions occurred on this singular mission. Should he abandon the mission set by Jester and go to help? On that thought Azreal stood up from crouching and went to leave, Dazzle lay a hand on his shoulder and smirked through her mask. "Stay. Find what we need." Her voice strong yet petite as she herself felt pain she ran off down the steel steps and into the light leaving Azreal behind. Now to his own devices he fought off the urge to check on the situation outside and deduced that something was hiding in plain sight. Seconds passed then a thought zooming into his head, the boy went over to the computer and tapped in a few keys and phrases and got nothing that asked for a six letter keying.

    "..." He moved from the computer and headed back into the main room and walked over to the decapitated body of Aragon and looked at his name once more to notice that it didn't say 'Aragon' instead it read 'Iaraon' rushing back to the computer and pinned in the newly found name and got a blinking green beep which whooshed open a cabinet to the left with a note and two crates. Without thinking the boy grabbed the crates and note in his mouth and poured outside before taking a look at his friend behind, his expression the same as always. Even in death.

    Touching his ear he spoke quickly but again he wasn't his normal self as his voice had a tinge of sadness and defeat within it. "Someone go to the bridge...Shogun is waiting for evac...bring him back on board" Azreal held both crates as he came down the stairs watching as both sides had stopped fighting one another and were frozen, faces looking to the main deck of which Azreal could see that their leader was now over the shoulder of Phantom and on the floor besides them lay a vicious looking individual. That's when all hell broke loose.

    The fighting ensued quickly with both sides clashing, magic and the sounds of metal blew through the air, a few soldiers attempted to claim Azreal's life but in his current state his reaction time had long since increased, instead of battling with the fodder he managed to dodge some close calls all the while blowing through the deck hopping over obstacles to get to where he needed to be. Behind him ran a masked person carrying two large and curved daggers who was reminiscent of a snake whom he instructed to take the crates back up the Valkryie, without an argument the snake donned man nodded and began his ascendance.

    In the midst of the battle Azreal could see Phantom flailing off blows with Jester in hand, a way away from that was an interestingly dressed woman whom he guessed was on their side and the aura he got from her confirmed his thinking she was a summon. Her summoner was running to the side of Phantom and in that the mage acted moving through the crowd himself bounding closer to the trio until he landed on the deck besides the three, his eyes moved to the figure on the floor who seemed to be unconscious. "Phantom...we should get Jester out of here, I hope the Gods allow us to make it home" Azreal's voice yet again filled with anger and sadness, a deadly mix as through the mask if one looked close enough they would see his tears. "This is going to get worse...I acquired the package...but we can't leave yet. Phantom what're my orders?" His question came quickly as the same darkened aura surrounded him, above the wizard flames licked the air as an injured Dazzle came at a slow descent falling to her knees clearly punished beyond before watching as her mask had significant cracks in it and a full arm was destroyed showing heavy bruising and what appeared to be a bone jutting outwards slightly. Who...no. What was capable of doing such thing?





    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIzZnkZyZOCHxWXJ-xy77XDKJjmLtcS8Vz31R6l25hhTFkGAAW

    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Lilim 10th September 2017, 1:46 am

    "Wait." Wait was the only thing I could say, at hearing the words spill from the traitor's mouth, obvious lies, but... What if it was true... In my haze, I forgot to keep Mz. Hyde in check. As my mind turned back in a few moments, I watched in full gear how Mz. Hyde just undid all of our work, by slaughtering the unconscious individuals we previously worked through, and any newcomers, old and knowing, or young and new, as we finished them off, a large group of them were prepared for a group of people to have come through, finding my swirling, barely human form to be a sustainable source of entertainment now, rushed forward, many slashes, swings and thrusts from a menagerie of weapons ranging from rapier to broadsword, expected to deal damage, but finding no purchase through the crimson blood, only to have their heads no longer attached to their shoulders, as Mz. Hyde tore through them like a scythe to wheat. A much larger group came before us, trying the same thing, to real end, before death befell them like their friends, and as this pattern continued, the more and more Mz. Hyde fell into her old depravity, as I could no longer find purchase in our body to remind them of control, their mind seeping into the bloodhaze that usually encompasses them. My only hope for control once more would be the Captain, but I have no hope to reach the room the ejected itself from the room, at least not in time. I'd have to trust another to bring a hole in Mz. Hyde's control before we could do too much damage to anyone else. More men threw their bodies in hopes of stopping Mz. Hyde and I, but she tore through them until I made it to the surface deck of the ship, blood dripping from our hands, a blood pool magically following at our feet, and a Cheshire grin upon our face as bodies fell to the deck below us.

    2 Normal squads taken out. (1 of which was knocked out already, and then killed. Making 4 left.)

    Mz. Hyde, a terrifying force force at the moment we stepped out onto the deck, dripping glowing blood that then absorbed itself from where it dropped, to the body once more. More then once did this process occur, before the parties aboard the top deck noticed our presence. Allies looked bemused, and concerned, while enemies laughed at pointed at me before taking in the situation, and then growling. Several, at least over ten men, surrounded me with weapons drawn and immediately angered and on edge against our form. Mz. Hyde laughed, before extending three blood tendrils, and forcing them into the spines of three of them, falling their number to the floor, paralyzed, and bleeding out against the wood of the ship, before each tendril tore out their hearts and left them on the boards of the ship, leaving each man dead. Their friends, angered and shocked at the sudden and brutal deaths, three of their friends ran forward, only to be hewn in two, from head to foot. Mz. Hyde then killed each of the other men, thrusting the tendrils into their minds, and shredding any hope of life there was from them.

    1 Normal Squad Taken Down.

    Mz. Hyde then turned, a blood-crazed Joker-esque grin on their face, to our companions, with a moment of recognition, and lunged forward, crashing through the floor before them, and dropping onto a group of them, knocking prone a set of them, and rushing away from the dazed men behind us, to lunge after a group of people with their backs turned, sinking our fangs into the neck of the hindmost, draining them entirely of blood in a go. The dazed knights stood up, and watched a battle ensue between Mz. Hyde and three of their comrades. From the rune knights flew fists and weapons, and were all dodged or parried instantly, hands gripping two of the Rune Knight fists, kneeling down beneath their struggling limbs. Then she vaulted over each of the men, bringing them all together, and easily targetable. They rushed her, and pushing aside any nearby fists, jumped and performed a magnificent leaping roundhouse kick, before leaping off of the lead of the three, and dropping into an ax kick onto the head of one, splitting it in two, dropping him to the floor. At this point, 3 or so remaining that are not fighting, and the 4 or so dazed men, all joined into the fray, letting Mz. Hyde let loose, and jump around kicking enemies as they could, and landing blows raining upon the enemy's upper torso and head, before landing behind one of the combatants, and tearing out their heart. That man dropped face first to the wooden before their friends could react, and Mz. Hyde laughed silently, before jumping forward, into the midst of the group, and with one of the blood tendrils, slashed the necks of each man or woman left standing, watching as though in slowed motion of time, all of the lifeless bdoies fell. I then waited there as Mz. Hyde slowly started laughing, a cackling, inhuman laugh, until it was like a screech that threatened to deafen out any other noise.
    WC: 773 words


    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Z8lAzQC

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) Empty Re: Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale)

    Post by Cirven 25th September 2017, 8:24 pm

    The Rune Knights stood reluctantly with their superior as he held the body of one of the members of the attacking force of the ship. They did not understand what was going on but were forced to go with the plan put into motion by the higher ranked Berktly. Berktly's yell about unmasking and killing the man seemed to come out of left field and was not how they handled things at all which caused members to question him silently through their stares and gestures to their other comrades. They were further confused upon hearing one of the attackers calling Berktly a 'traitor' before finding a way to save their fallen ally and get away. "Ack! How did he...!? Stop them squads six through nine! We need him!" Some of the Rune Knights rushed forward in an attempt to retrieve the unconscious Cirven by chasing Phantom while releasing a volley of ranged magical attacks towards the Ace of Black Sails while others stayed back to protect themselves and others.

    "I know we have no choice right now but I don't know if we should trust Berktly. Something has always been fishy about him..." One of the Rune Knights spoke to his squad mates around him in a whisper. The others around him nodded. They knew they couldn't do much with Berktly being their superior but they could only voice their dislike of what was going on. One of the younger members of the squad grinned and started to move forward. The man had messy black hair and wore the lower rank uniform of the Rune Knights. He was not known for speaking up or showing much of a personality so it was peculiar that he reacted to the situation at all, especially given his rank. "Don't stress it. I have a way to get us through this. Just give me a minute to do something. Can't have anyone getting in my way." The Rune Knight raised his hand to his ear and started to speak as his squad leader called out to him to stop. "Private Lerry! Stay in formation!" Lerry didn't listen and continued to move. "Good job on the distraction, Phantom." Cirven's voice spoke into the minds of his men as a bubble of black electricity was released from the Rune Knight Lerry's shadow while he had his hand up to his ear. The surging electricity moved out in a sphere like form and hit everyone around the man, including Berktly who growled out in pain as his men did the same. Berktly managed to keep his footing while the men around him fell to the ground.

    Berktly turned around to see the lone Rune Knight standing with all the unconscious men around him. "I will deal with things over here and you can drop that doppelganger. It served its purpose well enough." As he finished speaking to his men the body that Phantom was carrying dissolved into purple dark magical energy. The Rune Knight was forced to quickly duck down as Berktly's multi-toothed large blade cut through the air towards his body. "Straight into round two, huh?" The Rune Knight spoke out as he jumped back avoiding another attack from the blade. "How? You were down completely and could not move your body because of me touching you!" Private Lerry grinned wider. "Glad you are sharper than some but you know even though my body is pretty much out of commission right now doesn't mean I can't use some well timed magic to jump around from shadow to shadow while placing a fake of myself for you to be tricked by while I possessed the body of one of the unconscious members on the ground near you." Berktly grit his teeth. "While I dealt with the commander..." Lerry nodded. "Yup. I didn't know this guy's voice so I just stayed quiet which luckily fit the persona he had already. I got kind of lucky there but now I have questions for you that I'd like answered." Berktly smiled. "You think you can do that with someone like that? You must be joking." Berktly laughed but as he did so Lerry rushed forward quickly giving up on the conversation.

    Berktly was quickly ready for the approach and swung out his large blade in a counter attack but Lerry was able to get above the attack and jumped towards the larger man with his hands stretched out to grab him but before he could get his hands on his opponent he was quickly grabbed by the neck by the larger man's free hand and slammed into the ground. "And now you won't be able to move your body at all and we are back to how we were earlier, Jester." Lerry's eyes only stared up at his enemy as Berktly lifted up his large blade with the tip of the blade above Lerry's body and started to bring it down. Jester quickly jumped out of the shadow of Lerry where he managed to quickly direct the larger blade away from Lerry's now unconscious body with the his knives in his hands. Berktly reached his hand out towards Jester but his hand missed making contact on the partially masked man which left an opening for a knife to find its way across an opening in Berktly's armor before Jester moved away. "Nice way of keeping up the morale of your men, Lieutenant." Jester spoke out which made Berktly look around himself wide-eyed seeing multiple Rune Knights looking at him in awe from him attacking one of their own and almost killing them only to be stopped by Jester. "Yo-YOU! YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING!
    " Berktly rushed forward with his large blade leaving the charge but through his anger he left multiple openings for Jester to attack. Six knives came out from Jester's waist and flew out towards Berktly where they dug into the openings in the man's armor for each of his knee, elbow and shoulder joints. Berktly fell to the the ground as the knives dug in deeper. "Yeah, I know a bit or what I'm doing. I mean I took you down without you touching me again and got my evidence from you. I just might need a bit more and if my hunch is right..." Using the knives that were stabbed into Berktly's body, Jester picked the man up telepathically. He then found the weak parts of the armor the large man wore and cut through them causing the armor to fall off. "Don't get skittish on me with showing some skin." Jester joked as he continued to remove the man's undershirt through cutting it off with his knives. "Found it." On Berktly's chest was the guild tattoo of a dark guild, of Savage Skull.

    "You.. Don't know... Anything! We will all die here! The assassins will be brought in now to finish the job I couldn't do! Sh-she waited for this moment to make her attack!" Berktly spoke out through the pain of the knives in his arms. "We will all die here? What do-" Before Jester could finish his sentence a spear of pure flame came flying across the deck of the ship with a whizzing sound that the devil barely heard. He quickly dodged out of the way of the fire attack but Berktly was not as lucky as the fire spear gouged through him and then exploded into flame, quickly killing him.

    Jester could feel it on the ship suddenly. Multiple new strong magical presences appeared all over suddenly and with that he could see the Rune Knights that they were fighting but were to not kill were suddenly being killed by the new group that started to attack. "Just more and more complications..." Jester raised his hand to his ear as he took cover dodging the new attacks thrown his way. "Everyone, there is a new group of enemies on the ship killing the Rune Knights and us alike. We need to get off this ship and leave."

    Each part of the ship now had new enemies that were completely dressed in black and had used a camouflage type magic to keep themselves hidden until the right time to attack and with Berktly being defenseless they reacted quickly and swiftly killing all in their way. Jester reacted quickly and made one command to his members. "We are retreating from this job. This operation has not been what we have thought from the beginning. I repeat retreat back to the Valkyrie now!" He commanded his members to do so as the assassins started to ran rampant over the ship.

    After the BS members helping their allies and get themselves off the ship with little to no casualties miraculously, they were able to watch as the ship was quickly destroyed by the new enemy that had shown themselves. As the Valkyrie gained enough distance for the group to feel at ease, the Rune Knight ship exploded in the distance showing that the assassin's had completed their task and possibly left no one standing with Black Sails feeling as though they had been tricked into doing the job in the first place because of how things went.

    Days after the failed operation, the masked faces of each Black Sails member as well as the guild itself were placed all over Fiore with multiple numbers of jewels for each poster put up. This put Black Sails on the Magic Council's wanted list for what they had done and further incriminated those who had given Cirven the job in the first place for tricking him. The entire thing looked like it was a set up to have a slaughter and others to put the blame on other than themselves. All Cirven could do was grit his teeth and make sure they were more cautious as their Black Sails personas to avoid being captured.



    Pirate's Vendetta(Black Sails Guild Scale) LxcTBIi
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