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    Exile [Invite Only]

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by King Elyx 5th January 2017, 3:45 pm

    "Spare Astrid, she has nothing to do with it. But the other one, he turned out to be a Storm. Can't have that, so have him under arrest and bring him to me, I'll speak to him and get that mark revoked from him."

    These were the words of the Guild Master that commander Ignite Rosella was able to comprehend, and it was an arrest bounty within the borders of the guild. With a magic sniping rifle in her hand, she would aim from the roof of Astrid's house in case the target got away from the house without willing to surrender. There were Golden Phoenix troops all around, wielding all sorts of ranking in magics and they pressed further to the house, but made sure to leave space so that he had enough room to exit the house. "Lucius! Come outside and surrender! You are under arrest at the order of Elyx Reiaki and the Magic Council! There is still a chance for you to make it out alive and with no harm if you come out your house and surrender! Full permission has been given to kill if any signs of threat show from you, so I suggest you make the smart move and get your ass out here without trying to pull something funny!" It was a commanding tone, her right knee on the ground as she would then move back to her sniping position. This was not something that they could mess with, a Coming Storm was strictly forbidden in a legal guild. And Elyx did not dare risk getting his guild striked for keeping one member he should not be. Had it been Ignite herself, she would have killed him then and there. But this was Elyx's call, so such a thing does not have to happen if it was not provoked. Part of her wished he would provoke it, but that was not a reality to her. Fighting the whole guild in it's own home where the only escape is the portal... That's highly unlikely.
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 5th January 2017, 9:35 pm

    Kaya Bryndís ♥ Golden Phoenix ♥ C Rank

    Team Ichor was a strong one, with a rather powerful darkness user and a celestial mage with a decent amount of potential, and even a golden key in her collection. The word 'Ichor' had a meaning that referred to the life force or blood of immortals, and the term had a unique ring to it that both the young vampire and the blind man had both been able to agree on. Though Lucius was cold and reserved at first, Kaya somehow still managed to overlook his rather violent behavior and accept him as a friend. Even though their first meeting had not gone well, with her trying, and failing, to drink his blood, and him stabbing her in the arm and then blaming 'reflexes', the two had eventually met each other on jobs, and during those times, had gotten to know one another.

    The same went for Astrid. Kaya had first met the Ace of Topaz while volunteering to help out with a blood drive. Later on, the vampire had found the silver-haired violinist drunk and in the alleyways one night, and had to use Sagittarius to drag her fainted body home. Despite that, Astrid eventually sobered up, and in her sleep had mumbled some confusing things. Though awkward, the moment at least helped the two get to know one another quite well, and right now, in the underwater town of Oahu, the three were hanging out at Astrid and Lucius's house.

    It was nice to have some friends to hang out with. Just as Sagittarius had promised her long ago, she indeed did have the ability to find close companions, and it was nice to know two humans who did not judge her too much for what she was. Being a vampire was not easy, but despite the midday hours, when she typically felt drained of energy and sleepy, she made time for her comrades. Like now- chilling out with the two siblings, laughing, and telling jokes and stories, as if nothing could possibly go wrong.

    That atmosphere was pleasant and peaceful, and for once in her life, the youthful vampire truly felt at ease and comfortable. She never would have expected what was to come- the sudden scent and presence of nearby troops in full battle regalia, and the harsh voice of Ignite, a phoenix and 'pet', or helper of their guildmaster. Bright red eyes suddenly widened as she was startled by the brisk and threatening warning. She knew of Lucius's true identity as an undercover criminal, but it was not like he was hurting anybody in the guild, was he? They had no right to try to arrest him for any reason if so, unless... was it that annoying invisible and almost nonexistent council enforcing such stupid 'rules'? Elyx surely would not order a guildmate to be arrested, but it seemed like something the Magic Council would do.

    Kaya stood up from the chair she had been relaxing in and clenched her teeth and fists, feeling a flash of anger at the thought. "The hell do they want? Lucius hasn't done anything, has he?" she murmured, referring to the present, not the past. She was the first to speak, but like hell was she going to sit by and let them take her teammate. "Just stay put... they won't touch an Ace's house, surely. Maybe they'll go away..."


    Rain Slayer Magic
    Exile [Invite Only] F0b5270017e6cda0c412740e9cc4e39bc9361a38_hq

    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 4:47 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    They had found out...
    It was something the ace was almost refusing to accept despite hearing the commanding tone of Ignite from outside her window.
    The small cup she had been drinking tea from dropped onto the floor upside down, spilling the milky liquid on her perfectly clean rug. Crimson orbs were frozen wide and staring, though stared at nothing other than the space in front of her, stuck in a combination of fear and shock.
    They had found out. But, how? She had done so well keeping the disabled man hidden. He wasn't allowed to go outside unless he was cloaked by the cover of night. He had been bound to her home for quite some time now, and even though doing such a thing seemed to be reducing his mental state, it was the slayer's only option. Only Kaya knew of his status, no one else. In fact, she doubted anyone else in the guild besides Elyx and Kaya even knew she had a brother. She didn't talk about him a lot for this very reason.
    So, how? How did they find out? Why now? It was a question continuously running inside Astrid's head as she just stared at nothing, trying to get her bearings together.
    "H-How..." Her small frame began to shake, as if on the edge of tears. Though no tears sprung forth from the silvernette.
    "H-How do they know...?"
    It had always been a possibility they would always get found out, Astrid knew it full well. From the moment she placed that guild mark upon the assassin's skin she knew she was risking both her life and reputation. But she took it still. After all her brother was the most important being in her life, and when he was in such damaged conditions? She would do anything to help him. Even if that meant flushing everything she had built up to now away.
    But now that the worst possible outcome was in front of her, she had no idea what to do.

    Guild... Or family.
    Why did such a decision even exist.
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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by kittykool75 6th January 2017, 3:45 pm

    Exile [Invite Only] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Lucius originally thought this day was one of the better ones, though lately everyday has been feeling like hell, sometimes it was a little less torturous. He actually felt like getting out of bed, and feeding his self-starved stomach with food and tea. Kaya even came over for a visit, his teammate in Ichor, which was just the two of them. Though he probably would never admit it, and probably doesn't even know himself, she is one of his only friends. Or I suppose you could say only friend if you didn't include his sister. They all were having fun, the two girls were laughing and talking, the assassin occasionally chiming in to make a snarky comment. Most likely to make fun of one or both of the two of them. Though he didn't really laugh himself, a smile occasionally spread on his usually grim and pale expression. This time was nice, though he figured he would probably go back to not want to do anything and wanting to be alone with his self-deprecating and dangerous thoughts. He tried to live in the moment, which was hard for someone like himself, who was always over analyzing and trying to figure out what would come next before it came close to happening.
    But I suppose he jinxed himself, it wouldn't be the first time he's done that. He was hoping this day wouldn't come, thought he expected it and tried to prepare himself for it. The assassin cursed to himself silently after hearing the pet of the guildmaster command him to come out of the house. He scolded himself for having naive thoughts, thinking that anything good could ever happen to him. He was basically cursed from birth, to ward away anything that could possibly make him a little bit happy. For a while he had this time with Astrid, and even Kaya, that of which he took for granted. Fate was forcing his only bit of light out of his life, like it was it was trying to torture him on purpose, give him no hope in life and living. Taking the last bit that he had left and crushing it, as if he wasn't already contemplating ending himself already. This didn't really help. But besides gripping the handle of his tea cup harder, he didn't show any emotion on his expression. His crimson eyes moved towards to noise of his sister's cup falling to the floor. Though he couldn't see it, his hearing and other senses improved in his sight's absence, so he was able to pin-point where it fell.
    He listened to the other girls talk, mostly to themselves out of shock for this sudden change of events. It went from the most joyful time Lucius has had in a while, to a more grim occasion that he was dreading the arrival for in the matter of seconds. The boy took a deep breath and placed his cup on the table, though taking a second to find the coffee table. "It doesn't matter if I've done anything, I'm a wanted criminal. Even if I haven't done anything here, it doesn't change that I've committed injustices in other places. I'd be surprised if they did let me off the hook" he said in his now natural gravelly voice, replying to Kaya, who wasn't really talking to him, but muttering to herself. Dropping his proper posture and slouching up against the back of the couch, he acted like this situation didn't bother him. Which of course wasn't true, it was quite the opposite actually, but he wasn't to keen on showing his weak emotions. Even though that's all he has been doing lately whilst being depressed and totally miserable. He was just acting as he always did in situations such as these, the only calm one within the storm.

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Exile [Invite Only] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by King Elyx 8th January 2017, 3:39 pm

    "Oh? so he's a Coming Storm? Seems like the council is pretty pissed in this letter. Good ol security scans, just another way to rise the tensions of the guild masters. Bring Ignite to me, I have a task for her. The severity, extreme." And just like that, the uninformed Guild Master put the letter down and began the hunt.

    "Commander! No one is responding! This belongs to an Ace as well, take this down and we end up dealing with Elyx!" The fear of taking down the door of his student was not something that they would like, for he would probably have their heads if that were the case. Astrid meant much to him, so to destroy her property was something that he would not tolerate. Ignite full-well knew this was the case. So she abandoned her former hiding spot for sniping and got off of the roof in order to make her way to the front of the door. Then let me deal with him. She would order before then pounding on the door as a warning. All right then ya bastard! I'm breaking this down! And down it would go as he raised her left leg up before smashing it through the door that would be the house of Astrid. Some serious repairs were going to be done. New orders, as chief commander of Golden Phoenix you're under arrest! Storm the house and get Lucius! Any source of resistance, mow them down! So with this, the army began to storm into the house through the front door since they were not going to break through anywhere else. Some soldiers still remained outside in a circular formation outside of the house to make sure no escape was left. Ignite herself would then locate two of the three people in the house, Astrid and Kaya, but not yet Lucius as he was at the coffee table (Assuming that is out of eyesight). "Get the hell away from here, there is a Coming Storm here!"
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 8th January 2017, 5:12 pm

    Kaya Bryndís ♥ Golden Phoenix ♥ C Rank

    Kaya's expression of anger changed to one of worry as Astrid spoke, and then Lucius himself replied to her. The despair and fear in Astrid must have been painful, as the vampire judged by the ace's tears and the cup that fell to the floor. The Coming Storm seemed quite passive about the entire situation, responding calmly and then leaning back in his chair without anymore words.

    Instinctively, Kaya reached for her celestial keys, gripping a specific silver one. They did not have much time, but she would not be treated as if she was resisting, surely. She had other plans, for one. "Open, Gate of the Gryphon! Come forth, Ascalaphus!" she announced, swiping the shiny silver key down as a bright light formed in front of them. Eventually the light took the shape of a feline with wings, and by the time the light broke away, like glass, a small-sized griffin remained. He had the head and wings of a tan and white barn owl, with various black speckles on his feathers, while the rest of his body, ears, and tail were shaped like some domestic cat with white fur. "Lucius, take Ascalaphus outside with you. He'll grow and you can ride him to the portal and get out of here," the vampire instructed quickly. The small barn owl cat could grow to the size of a lion, and could carry at least one or two people and fly. There surely was a back door to the house, or at least a window would do.

    Things had quieted outside, though not for very long, as finally there was a banging on the door that startled the young celestial mage, followed by a crash. Instantly, the scent of the phoenix, Elyx's pet Ignite, and the human soldiers washed over the area. Jumping to the doorway, the vampire narrowed her red eyes and gazed at the troops surrounding Ignite. "Hey!"
    By nature, the human soldiers would look at her, and more specifically, at her unique vampiric gaze. Her bright crimson eyes seemed to glow for a moment, and the various soldiers who made eye contact would be frozen in place, unable to move or take orders, at least for the time being. "Lucius isn't here! What's the big idea, destroying the door and invading the home of an ace?" the young mage demanded, attempting to stall for time. "And what's this talk about a Coming Storm? Why the hell would there be one here? You're not... trying to accuse Lucius of being one, are you?"

    Kaya was a decent actor, and every word she said was uttered sincerely and with a mix of surprise, irritation, and worry, in both her expression and her face. Hopefully, Ignite would give her answers and not try to push forward. For now, the soldiers were not something to worry about. Nevertheless, she had to stall for more time, or else Lucius would not escape. If arrested, what would they do to him? Imprison him, banish him, or torture him? Or worse, they could kill him.... it was a life or death situation in Kaya's mind, and not one she planned to play around with.


    Rain Slayer Magic
    Exile [Invite Only] F0b5270017e6cda0c412740e9cc4e39bc9361a38_hq

    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 8th January 2017, 6:12 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    The ace was only snapped back into reality when a flash of light caught the corner of her eye. She turned her head to look, laying her crimson gaze upon the griffin spirit. Normally, such an adorable creature would have been enough to enrapture her completely, causing her to lose herself and go into her strange cute state. But in this saddening situation, not even an extremely cute half-bird half-cat animal fazed her. She stared at the creature, but instead, it was more like she was staring through it. Nothing was really processing within her mind, being too caught up in her overflowing thoughts to really act like she was there. That was, until the crash of her door caused her to jump.
    The loud and sudden noise was what the slayer needed to start moving. It interrupted her busy mind and jump started her system. She was now wide awake.
    She jumped from her seat, body turned to the side to face the bangs and crashes from the entrance. But before she could do anything, it seemed Kaya was many steps in front of her, as the vampire quickly jumped from her own seat to the doorway. Astrid soon followed a little behind, turning the corner to the entrance way. Stopping just behind Kaya, she looked from behind the slightly taller girl, eyes widening as she saw the many guards. Why so many? She never expected the they would be this keen on capturing coming storms, at least, not to the point where they would send in a wave of guards like this. Surely you didn't need this many. She had expected... Actually she didn't know what she had expected... But it wasn't this.
    But what made this even worse, was when the young slayer spotted Ignite. Elyx's companion.
    So not only did they send in this many guards, but they also sent in a powerful phoenix as well. They were acting like Lucius was some kind of psychopa- oh, yeah... She forgot who they were dealing with here. But still, psychopath or not, he was still her brother. And she needed to protect him.
    But she could not do that with lies. Kaya began to put on a sort of act, pretending as if Lucius was never here in the first place. But the ace could not stand to see her friend force herself so much like that and put herself in danger, for something she did. It wasn't right for her to take the blame if this went wrong. This was all her own fault. This was her responsibility.
    Lowering her gaze to the floor Astrid frowned "Kaya... That's enough..."
    Placing a hand on the celestial wizard's shoulder she would move her behind her gently, facing Ignite herself. Taking in a deep breath the silvernette forced on an expression of intimidation, straitening her posture to try and seem taller than she actually was. Her eyes narrowed, lips placed in a small frown.
    "It's true. There is a Coming Storm here. But i cannot allow you to take him. " She stated, eyes scanning from left to right upon the currently paralyzed guards before looking back to Ignite. Was she scared? Of course she was. Honestly, she had never been more terrified in her life. One wrong move and any of these guys could do her in. But it was worth it was long as Lucius got away in time. She just hoped that little celestial spirit had it in him to get out in time. But she was not one to lie. She had too much pride to do so.
    word count ● @tag ● notes


    Neyvahn Keyvolo
    Neyvahn Keyvolo

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Neyvahn Keyvolo 8th January 2017, 9:01 pm

    Neyvahn Keyvolo ╪ Black Rose ╪ C Rank

    Exile [Invite Only] Neyvah10

    "Something is going on out there" would be an understatement. Neyvahn could hear it all from the bed in Astrid's room, and it wouldn't take supernatural hearing to know what was happening. What could have been an army was here to collect a fugitive, a Coming Storm. Was there really- Oh wait...

    Neyvahn almost completely forgot that there was a psychopathic killer living with Astrid. Her brother, Lucius. The bakeneko had his fair share of moments with Lulu, none of them necessarily good. Even as a cat, Lulu wasn't really the best of people to Neyvahn... although he has seen the way Lucius treated Astrid.

    The sibling-ship the two had, anyone who saw it would probably never guess that Lucius was a killer. All they'd see would be a loving brother, one who cares deeply for Astrid. They'd see playful banter and a gentle smile... one that didn't belong to that of a psychopath, one that belonged to a man that felt. Neyvahn had lied to himself that Lucius was no more than a hollow, murderous mage that felt no remorse. What he saw during his time in Astrid's house illustrated a completely different person. Lucius smiled... but he also cried. Well, not so much on the outside. Lucius had depression, he knew what pain felt like, pain that hit deeper than any blade could touch.

    Lucius caused Neyvahn unbearable pain... but it was something that Neyvahn would possibly have to look past. He could probably go into a thought invoking conversation with himself that explored the philosophical wonders of the human mind... but now wasn't the time for that. Neyvahn was inside Astrid's house with a Coming Storm completely surrounded by armed forces holding malicious intent.

    Did he want to get himself involved? He could... but what good would it do? Neyvahn would get pummeled to the ground, not to mention he would suffer a ton of backlash. They were dealing with a legal guild's forces, packed with too much power for one mage to handle... but there were four of them...

    No, it wasn't enough. Neyvahn could sense the amount of energy surrounding the house. They were indefinitely outnumbered... Perhaps they really should just hand over Lucius? Neyvahn didn't want to get on the world's wrong side. He already had enough enemies.

    "That's weak talk," Kei interrupted. "All it takes is uneven odds to get you to step down?"

    Neyvahn snarled a little bit as the ruckus continued. "This is Lucius we're talking about, Kei. Do we really want to side with him?"

    "That's not what you should be focusing on. Do you really want to side against Astrid? And what about what you were just thinking earlier?" Kei played back the voice in Ney's head. "Lucius caused me unbearable pain... but it was something that I would have to look past."

    The silver cat reluctantly hopped off the bed and made his way out towards the living room."Dammit, Kei," the silver cat thought.

    "I know you love me, brother."

    Neyvahn crept through the rooms and watched as the two girls desperately did what they could. It was a tricky battle, that was for sure, but they might be able to pull through. All they needed to do was delay the horde long enough for Lucius to get away. If that was the case, then they'd need a distraction... Perhaps thinning out some of the troops would cause a ruckus. Neyvahn was pretty sure that the guild troops didn't know he was there. The most they would assume was Astrid, her vampire friend, and Lucius. That and they may not expect a physical retaliation.

    That's when the door got bashed in... literally. A huge presence made itself known and Lucius was running out of time. Neyvahn cursed to himself before carrying his small feline body towards the front door. By now, several armed soldiers were through the door. Maybe Neyvahn could sneak around their legs and through the front doors. If he could cause a ruckus outside of the house, near the front door, then he might give Lucius enough of an opening to escape out the back... it was risky, but then again, everything was when it came to these people.

    Neyvahn did what he could to move out of sight, weaving around the soldier's feet towards the front door. Once he got there, he muttered "Minimi Birihani" under his breath. A guard heard the mutter and jerked his head downwards... but there was nothing there.

    Meanwhile, Neyvahn was holding his breath while the soldier stared right where his body was. He would have seen him had the light not been bent around his body. Ever so quietly, Neyvahn continued his way out the front door and behind the outer line of fighters. He could barely see Astrid through the front door... standing in front of their commander... Would she see him when he shifts? Possibly. Nevermind that though. Neyvahn was going to give Lucius as much time as he could.

    All Neyvahn needed was to make himself known.

    Location;; Calm Sea
    Muse;;Finally regained... hopefully sustained xP
    Word Count;; 842
    OOC;;I'm surprised I could write this considering how muse-less I thought I was


    l "Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you." l
    Character l Neyvahn Keyvolo l Character
    Primary Magic l First Generation White DS Magic l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Vault l Bank
    Exile [Invite Only] YISjaXZ

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by kittykool75 13th January 2017, 10:15 am

    Exile [Invite Only] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Lucius was tempted to just continue to sit there, finish his good cup of tea and let Ignite capture him. What would they do? This is a legal guild but it doesn't always stop them from doing the same things he does in the name of 'justice'. Would they put him in jail, or simply end his life of endless torture to those around him, through beheading or hanging, or however executions happen these days. Some of his inner selves told him to just sit and relax, just wait for them to come and end him. Better than having it to do it himself, did I say he was considering that? But the other parts of him wanted to do as instructed (for once) and get out of here. Not that any of him wanted to live, just because they didn't want to see what Astrid would look like if he just sat there, waiting. Seeing his sister in anguish was even worse than being in it himself. For always having quite the ego, though not as much now, he has always cared for his beloved sister more. Probably explains a little bit why he is always so protective of her, so used to doing what she has been doing for him for what? The past month? Maybe more, he doesn't keep track of time anymore, it's not that important to him.
    Releasing a silent sigh from his lungs as his sister and friend jumped into action to save him from this situation. He stood up and he looked where the summon of the celestial mage was, well, summoned. A gryphon as Kaya said, he knew what it was just because it was a popularly known creature. He wasn't ever one for liking any type of animal, mythical or not. Though it has always been rather mutual, animals weren't really fond of him either. Unlike humans, they didn't often fall for the silly masks he put on, and could often sense his actual soul. The darkness that encased it is was they disliked. So Lucius usually left animals alone, and they did the same. Though the same doesn't really go for that stray cat that he heard pitter-patter out of Astrid's room.
    Staying quiet he walked over to where he heard the creature was, and upon kneeling down he gently grabbed the feathered beast. Standing back up, though not all the way so he could sneak out of there without smacking his forehead on a door frame like the agile assassin tended to do. He walked around slowly as to not run into anything, he went back to where he was sitting to grab his cane. Which in this situation you think he'd leave, but considering it also is a sword and gun that could possibly save his life, he was going to take that little bit of time to grab it. Though it was hard to hold his cane and Ascalaphus at the same time, he managed. Walking with no sound as he always does, he walked towards the back entrance or exit in this case. Opposite of the commotion. Which he was feeling guilt because of leaving, not for anybody else then Astrid. Usually he is with her fighting, but now he is running away like a coward. Though, that's all he has been doing lately. And he absolutely hated it.
    But he couldn’t let his emotions get a hold of him, not now. He didn’t have time to curl up in a ball and eat away at his own pride. Right now he had to concentrate on getting out of there without getting into a fight with any of the guards and especially not the phoenix that was demanding him to do the opposite of what he was doing. Which he was now determined to not do, though he was considering it earlier, and some parts of him still shouting at him to stop and give up. Saying there is no hope for existence and that he should just let the guildmaster’s pet to kill him. Not that it would be to hard for Ignite, considering her rank. Ignoring the shouting of his inner voices, he continued on.
    Making it to the back exit, he quietly knelt back down and set the cat bird on the wooden flooring. He felt around the door for a little bit, trying to find the door knob. Upon finding it, he turned it and pushed open the door. He walked out, the creature leading him along. Closing the door behind him, he sensed that nobody was around, and Kaya’s summon must have also, because he grew up to the size of a lion. Taking a deep breath he got onto the back of the large beast, and he pulled his long muscular legs up so they didn't drag. This was a rather new experience for the eighteen year old, like I said, animals don't like him. So he's never ridden one before. Though he wished his first time doing so wasn't in a situation like this, he tried not to think anything of it. He flicked his long black hair out of his face before gripping on tightly to the feathers of the gryphon. Speaking silently to the creature, though feeling rather stupid in doing so, he leaned towards where it's ears are "Well Ascalaphus, let's get out of here"

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Exile [Invite Only] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by King Elyx 13th January 2017, 3:42 pm

    "I know you have the urge to kill, but bring him. I don't want to cause any war, but I can't let a Coming Storm in here. So please, bring him back alive... Though there will be resistance. Which is why I will empower you with a summon as well... Think... Frostfire. And the command of the Guild Pet would be forced to just Ignite, as he disabled any other guild members from being able to summon it, mainly to prevent Lucius from using it.

    "Likely story. Magic sensory is not that hard, love. You're stalling. She then turned over to Astrid who demanded a fight. "Ace, I'm not Elyx. I actually can hurt you. Stay out of my WAY!" Upon the emphasis give for the word "Way", she released flames from her body through the floors of the ground, heating up everything as the wildfire she created from her magic would ripple through the house. Even her own men bbacked away quickly to avoid the fire, forcing them outside. "Commander Ignite! The target is making an escape! Orders!" The guards on the outside were watching, none with the levitation magic it seemed. The She-Phoenix would walk through the flames as she hung her head down, thinking of what to do. "Damn it! All right, arrest is the first goal! But if that's not possible, kill him!" That was the order of Ignite, and the men would follow as Ignite would make her way to where the front door would usually be located, though usually in a hard to see manner as the flames were growing hotter and redder by the second. Once she got out, all sorts of D-A rank magic spells would be fired from the members of the army towards the owl and the passenger. Ignite herself prompted her palm forward and released an H rank worth of Phoenix Fire in the shape of a ball towards the direction.
    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 31st January 2017, 9:37 pm

    Kaya Bryndís ♥ Golden Phoenix ♥ C Rank

    Ascalaphus twittered softly and happily as he grew and as Lucius climbed onto him. Once the lion-sized Gryphon was certain that the man he was ordered to protect was safely on his back and secure, the Celestial Spirit flapped its giant wings and began to quickly take off into the sky. Before long, they were soaring above the streets of Oahu, and would be at the portal in seconds. They were already well out of range of the spells from the army below, and though Ascalaphus could feel the heat from the flames of the bird-shaped fire thrown, he was determined to outfly it, already having a headstart. H-Rank range was roughly less than 300 meters or so, right? Even at D rank speeds, in the time it took for Ignite to launch the fireball, he had already moved beyond that range of fire. Once he reached the portal, the barn owl feline would gently land on soft paws, and lower himself to allow Lucius an easier time of getting off. The portal was right there- he could make it!

    Kaya took a step back as Astrid told her to stop. What was the Ace of Topaz doing? They had enough time to stall the phoenix, who was in no way as calm or gentle as their guildmaster. Astrid did not have the power to take on Ignite, did she? The vampire highly doubted it, and clenched her teeth as she listened to her silver-haired friend confront the redhead with little to no fear in her eyes. So bold... but to what ends? Hopefully, Lucius was already making his way towards the portal with Ascalaphus.

    The flames quickly came, and Kaya flinched backwards and blocked with both of her arms to avoid any massive burns. She was not directly confronting Ignite... so surely her 'guildmate' would not harm her along with Astrid? Only time would tell.


    Rain Slayer Magic
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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 1st February 2017, 8:20 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    When the she-phoenix released her flames the young slayer flinched back along with Kaya, trying to protect her body from any burns the heat may cause. So these were the flames of an H-rank, unbearably hot and stagnating... The only other fire mage Astrid had ever met was the Sabertooth guild master, and yet, though he was powerful his flames did not feel like this. Ignite's were surely on a whole separate level.
    Yet, it would seem that despite how impressive her power was, it would not mean the ace would back down so easily. Quite the opposite, actually.
    Though the flames crackled and popped, eating away at the woodwork of her poor house, the woman's words still managed to reach the ace's ears.
    "But if that's not possible, kill him."
    "Kill him."
    The silvernette's eyes, which had been closed up until this point to protect them from the burning flames, jolted open.
    Kill him. If they couldn't arrest him... They had the right to kill him.
    Something about hearing those words caused the dragon slayer to snap.
    Kill him? Kill her baby brother? The one she has almost lost more than twice now? They weren't allowed to. They couldn't. She wouldn't let them. She had gone through so much to keep him alive, and though bruised, battered, and now blind, he was still with her. She would not allow anyone, not even her teacher's companion, to snuff out what little light he had left.

    Her small hand clenched tightly, a bright silver glow quickly consuming the girl whole. As it grew, anyone within the area would feel their stomach turn and a sense of fear and intimidation. This was not her usual white dragon slayer aura. No. This one was much, much darker in feeling. As her slayer aura would normally feel pure and healthy, this one was... Sickly and unholy, anger seeping out with every second it grew.
    Crimson eyes narrowed, bright and menacing as she stared at the floor in front of her. The guards left behind by the phoenix would begin shaking, backing away slowly, their skin turning white, as though they had just seen a ghost. The flames seemed to be no longer bothering the girl, like she was fighting through the intense heat by sheer will power alone.
    "You... If you lay one finger on him..."
    With great speeds Astrid would attempt to catch up to Ignite and throw herself at the redhead. Either way, if the tackle was successful or not the silvernette would try and throw a powerful punch or two towards her face.
    "I'LL KILL YOU!" The scream tore through her throat, almost like a beastly roar.
    It was suicide, taking on an H-rank. But the musician was no longer her usual self to even know that. Any reasoning was thrown out the window, and replaced with pure rage and a will to defend her sibling, no matter the cost.
    word count ● @tag ● notes



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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by kittykool75 2nd February 2017, 8:56 pm

    Exile [Invite Only] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The dark wizard tightly gripped the smooth feathers of the feline avian beast, he closed his blind crimson eyes to protect them from the wind. His silky black hair whipped behind him, he hugged the sides of the gryphon with his long and muscular legs. He couldn't see a thing, so all he could do was trust Ascalaphus to take him where he needed to go. The mage felt the fierce heat of the phoenix's flames hit him, but nothing much to really bother him, and the slight heat was quickly covered up by the cold wind that blew over him. While being flown away, he could feel a strong aura flood out, even from how far away he was. Though it was quickly going away to more he moved the opposite direction, but he recognized it. The silver aura of his sister, though unlike her usual kindness, it was filled with anger. He wasn't sure what pushed her, but he was slightly glad he wasn't there anymore. Only slightly, he still hated himself for having to run away. And even though his sister was in such an enraged state, he worried for her. She was fighting against someone who was H-Rank, that was quite a gap. Though he did have a lot of faith behind his sister's ability, could she really face somebody that strong, even at full strength? He pushed away the thoughts, he couldn't worry about that, not now.
    But to be honest, what else could he think about? All he was doing now was fleeing, leaving his only friend and sibling to fend for themselves for his sake. They could've just turned him in, like the first Coming Storm deserved. But no, they weren't know for their disloyalty. Though weren't they being disloyal in doing this? Choosing him over their own guild? Why would they do that? It could very well get them banished for association with him, and helping him escape. He grinding his teeth and clutched the creatures feathers harder. Why would they do this, he doesn't even matter. He couldn't even protect himself anymore, he wasn't used to being blind, even with all his training. Something he was taught though, the weak fall, and don't even deserve to be around. Cause their so pathetic. He was that now. So why? So many questions flooded his confused brain.
    Lost in his thoughts, and being forcefully pulled out when he lost all his breath do to the bird diving. He guessed he found the portal then, hopefully they could leave safely without and interruptions. Though knowing his luck, it wouldn't work out in some fashion. He lowered his head so it practically rested against the bird's head. Figuring sitting up would either make him fly off, ripping off some feathers with him, or slow down his ride. Neither sounded that good at the moment, so he went with the better option.

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Exile [Invite Only] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    King Elyx

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    Exile [Invite Only] Empty Re: Exile [Invite Only]

    Post by King Elyx 17th March 2017, 1:55 pm

    "Whatever you do though, make sure to keep your cool. Don't do more than what you need to. These were the words of Elyx as he himself stood up from his chair and proceeded to move out of the guild hall.

    Astrid tried so hard to get her say of it, aiming for a punch to the face. Ignite sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head as she caught the incoming fists. "You wish to kill a phoenix. That's stupid." The She-Phoenix replied before quickly turning around with the fist in hand, trying to launch Astrid through the wall. No more than what Ignite needed to do, so she wasn't going to capitalize on that. It seemed fair enough to get her out of the way though. Turning her head to Kaya with her violet eyes, noticing that she wasn't really resisting too much. Ignite would send her palm towards that direction, lifting the fire from that area so Kaya's space wasn't invaded so much by the flames. Magic presence still active, she would aim to follow it, only to notice that it was rather distant. Lucius you clever son of a bitch. Ignite commended, snapping her fingers to trigger the summon.

    And the Frostfire Phoenix was formed outside, launched towards the magic presence of the target, who appeared to be riding on a bird. Ignite would jump out through a window before then giving her command. "Follow the bird and the Frostfire Phoenix! For those with ranged weaponry, launch down the bird!" Within a few seconds, metallic bullets would fire at the bird holding their target. The Frostfire Phoenix added onto the barrage by firing spheres of frostfire while behind the bird.

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