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    Kariline Kaido


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 278
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Take Over Guardian Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kariline Kaido Empty Kariline Kaido

    Post by Kariline 3rd July 2016, 3:26 pm

    kariline lynn kaido

    Kariline Kaido Kariicon2 Kariline Kaido Kariicon3 Kariline Kaido Kariicon

    "like a phoenix up above, rising from the flames, i'll be back again"


    Gender: Female
    Age: 21 Years Old
    Birthday: April 9th
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Personality: Very notably, Kariline has, in the past, tended to turn toward extremes with regard to her personality, unable to reconcile it into a happy medium. When revenge controlled her, she was emotionally, unstable, and most obstinately unable to form lasting relationships and bonds. Once she had more alike with a rotting carcass than another human being, but when life presented challenges, that is when she truly came alive.

    With that part of her life shed, it was time for Karline to start anew and at first, through fresh eyes, she finally saw the world through an unfettered mindset. Like a giddy child rich with hope, what Kari thought was once impossible had now returned: anything was possible. But even that too was a markedly dangerous red flag, if only because it was how she fell into Vengeance in the first place.

    It became quickly and seemingly apparent that she hadn’t at all learned from past mistakes and this pushed her crash and burn headlong into a behavior much too similar to her past for comfort. Soon, she began lashing out, particularly toward those trying to help her move past the past. Emotional volatility seemed to take hold again and Kariline was, once more, treading on the path towards ultimate death. However, after all of the suffering and pain and a desperately needed revelation about herself now finds Kari matured into a personality that is finally a blend of two extremes.

    Though she may still be prone to reacting emotionally, she now possesses the tools to take a step back and observe when necessary. It makes her a much more levelheaded person and though still a bit impassive, is much more open to discussion and ideas, even those opposed to her own ideals. Subtle and quiet but not without a backbone to hold her own, it seems that Kariline has finally learned to hone her personality into moderation and one that is fitting enough to allow her to function in society.

    There's still a lot for Kari to learn out there. In spite of the many different worlds she has visited, her mostly one track mind has disallowed a thirst for knowledge and nutrient-rich experiences until very recently. She recognizes that being challenged is necessary and even to a certain extent that it is mindfully stimulating. Therefore, Kariline has taken to asking questions and actually listening to the answers she is given, analyzing and processing them to satisfy a prying desire to understand.

    Finding herself to now be a much more balanced person than before, Kari is able to become invested in a purpose or belief. Given the right set of reasons, she can become resolute in fighting for a cause she believes worth fighting for. That is not to say that she is unable to become dissuaded or persuaded otherwise but simply that Kariline can, on her own, faithfully come to terms with a resolution based on her own reasoning.

    Astute; this is a trait that Kari has been able to carry forward through multiple years, always shrewd and discerning not only in someone’s else words but the way they say it too. Perhaps due to having her guard always raised just a little, Kariline constantly searches for the true meaning behind actions and words not only limited to herself but everyone around her. This is honed by the fact that she is now much more analytical and observant than before.

    Unlike certain Wizards, possessing a quality that is pointblank deemed as ‘dangerous’ or ‘wrong’ is not cause enough for Kari to believe the same. This is most certainly due her poverty-like background in that she might caution herself to a said quality but provide a just and fair trial before deciding what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ Most notably, this pertains to the ongoing debate about Evil versus Good in Earthland and to date, Kari has yet to form an opinion on whether Dark Guilds are truly justified or not. Reasonable and levelheaded seem to be the popular palette for Kari nowadays.

    There is an aforementioned bit that Kariline always has her guard raised just slightly and this is due to the stoicism brought forward from years of living under suspicion and fear. There is a bit of mystery that will always surround her and to those unfamiliar, may find it a bit off-putting and even uncomfortable to be around. That is not to say that she is unapproachable but that the expected reaction from Kari may not be as warm or as inviting as one would like. It is the lasting impression of someone who was raised to be poised and calm.

    This may seem in direct contrast to her stoicism but reacting or behaving emotionally tends to the fact that Kariline’s personality has always been divided between two extremes. When she has been pushed to the brink or becomes too distressed to act applicably reasonable, Kari is still very much prone to heatedly reacting. She is most susceptible to behaving as such when being prodded about a topic sensitive in nature specifically to or about herself.

    You’d think for someone who has lived the type of life she has that she’d a profound understanding and perspective about the world in which we live. However, as much sense as that makes, in spite of her vast experiences, Kari had mostly kept to herself. To have an overarching vision on the future, on how to properly lead and inspire subordinates and equals alike, these are all things that she is currently lacking. This is what makes her parochial but luckily for Kariline, she has finally been given the right tool set to start expanding such narrow-mindedness.

    Due to this, she qualifies for the leadership role more than most; her level headed nature makes for complete and decisive actions that can benefit thoroughly compared to someone that is driven by unstable emotions. When finding herself in that particular role, Kariline becomes analytical and calm in the element; giving accurate responses depending on the environment she is in.

    Usually truthfulness is viewed as a positive trait but in Kari’s case, she may be just a little too forthright. After all, she is blunt to the point of having even questioned the highest order of command in Era for what to do if she is ever wrong. Under someone less tranquil will prove a dangerous combination for Kariline and in time, she will have to learn to either reap the consequences or simply hold back when absolutely necessary.

    ❈ Sparring
    ◇ Due to her teachings from Alexander, Kariline has excelled in hand to hand combat, and she will often use sparring as a tome of calm. The physical exertion feels good to her, so even if it is not boxing, she will constantly practice at her magic to keep in sync and grow stronger.

    ❈ Nature
    ◇ One of the most peaceful things Kariline can do for herself is to take a stroll through a forest path. She feels in sync with the nature around her, letting go of all of her worries for a even just a little while, listening to the sounds of the bugs and critters as the wind moves the branches of the trees.

    ❈ The Moon
    ◇ She has always been more of a night owl, finding more peace of mind during the hours of dusk. As such, she admires the sight of the full moon, seeing it as a sign of good fortune for the morrow. The sight of a clear sky and the moon overhead is that of beauty to her, being her favorite scenery.

    ❈ Dancing
    ◇ Kariline has a secret passion for dancing. When she was younger she had learned how to ballroom dance, and it is a guilty pleasure that she has not gotten to relive in quite some time. She admires watching others dance so gracefully, and as such, as incorporated a type of dance to her music, despite having no music


    ❈ Light/Dark Guilds
    ◇ Kari does not like the idea of "light" and "dark" guilds. When there is too much of one thing, it only encourages more of the other, creating wars. She has a partial grudge for the Light Guilds due to her family's history with them, but also has a distaste for Dark Guilds due to her shame of her ancestors.

    ❈ Optimists
    ◇ Kari cannot stand people who are overly happy at all times. If they are loud and proud, even when things turn sour, odds are she wants nothing more than to get away from them. She cannot stand people who are super happy all the time, because it's incredibly unrealistic to her. They must be hiding something.

    ❈ Heroic Wannabes
    ◇ There are tons of people who want nothing more than to be noticed as a hero. They want to climb above everything and everyone to be noticed for whatever great deeds. To Kariline, this is incredibly stupid and unreachable. With however many people are in this world, how would that one person be given the luck to rise above all and become noticed?

    ❈ Flirts
    ◇ Kari hates when people try flirting with her - especially those who are incredibly cocky and think they can win her over by persisting after she has denied them her company. Often times, her only real way of handling situations like this is to get a little bit violent with them so that they get the picture. There is nothing more ugly to her than a man who won't take no for an answer.


    ❈ Singing, Exercising, Studying
    ◇ She finds it hard to busy herself with real hobbies, so to say she does any of these things often is sort of an understatement. While she definitely passes the time by singing whatever song she has stuck in her head, to say she does it habitually wouldn't be correct. That being said, she does tend to stay fit by going on jogs whenever she feels like it, or a random trip to the gym. Even more sporadically, she'll decide to go on a learning binge and teach herself an entire subject in just a few weeks time.


    ❈ Power
    ◇ Kari wants nothing more than to gain enough power become even greater than the Wizard Saints combined. She wants to show that she is much more than a pretty face from a weakened family. If she is able to grasp such a power, she will be able to keep a balance between good and evil once and for all.

    ❈ Revenge
    ◇ Kariline, one way or another, will do whatever it takes to bring justice to the death of her brother. There was no reason to murder him, other than out of pure fear. She wants to bring this injustice to an end by giving the demon king what he deserves.

    ❈ Restoring Lamia Scale
    ◇ Kari is the a known member of Lamia Scale, and she wants nothing more than to keep it alive. She wants to pass on the knowledge of the magic and one day conceive children who will carry out the clan's will when they grow older. She wants to work beside her old friends that she once lost to bring back the guild in all that is.


    ❈ Failure to Protect Others
    ◇ She is absolutely afraid of losing anymore people that she cares for in her life. After losing nearly everyone as a small child, she has come to the realization that life can be taken away so easily, and she wants nothing more than to make sure that the people she loves stay safe.

    ❈ Solitude
    ◇ Kari still has a deep, unwarranted fear of being alone. She does not know how to process the idea of being abandoned or left behind, and does not want to die in solitude. Despite this fear, she comes off as cold and lethargic to push people away - to keep them safe. It is a double edged sword.

    ❈ Falling In Love
    ◇ She has seen what falling in love has done to powerful mages, and she is absolutely afraid of this. Not only will it distract her from her current goals, but she cannot process the idea of losing someone who you've let into your heart so deeply. The pain someone feels when they lose their other half is something she cannot imagine.


    Kariline Kaido Kari_appearance

    General Appearance: The average Wizard's body largely reflects their own self-image, and as such, Kariline's build is largely what one would expect of a girl with her genetics in her early twenties: small, light, and feminine. Her physique is an almost stereotypical reflection of a talented swimmer—lean, powerful muscles in a slim, and graceful package, yet graced with slightly larger than average breasts and is considered rather curvaceous.

    She typically wears her hair long and flowing with her bangs cut short in a style that is not entirely dissimilar to her mother’s, but it isn’t uncommon to see a ribbon in it or for Kariline to wear it up, usually in a French twist or ponytail. Due to her strong genetics on her mother's side, her hair has a unbelievably soft texture that runs through fingers smoothly.

    She sports two moles: one just below her left eye, and one on the right side of her neck. Her largely Midian features are complemented by minor Fiore characteristics inherited from her mother’s side: a narrow nose, large eyes, full lips and pale skin. In a word, Kariline is pretty, bordering on beautiful.

    However, her lack of sleep has left ever-present dark rings under her eyes and the near-constant look of disapproval on her countenance detracts from this beauty a great deal, as no amount of fair skin and delicate features can compensate for how unattractive a scowl can be. Her posture—regal as it may be—indicates a form of haughtiness, her back straightened and shoulders thrust back as if to remind everyone around her that despite her diminutive height she can still look down on them. All in all, Kariline gives the impression of being a prickly and unapproachable aristocrat—an impression which, all things considered, is largely accurate.

    Still, her movement is marked with a distinct fluidity: Kariline typically does not enter a room, she sweeps into it as if she owned it, and this is doubly true when she is in a rush, or happens to bust her way in—her style can be likened to a dance, flow and balance impeccable. In the same way, her step is light and graceful yet filled with intent, and it wouldn’t be amiss to confuse her for a legendary fighter by the way she moved, had it not been done with such flair. Under her ladylike exterior—inhospitable and unsympathetic as it may be—lies a core of steel, unyielding and filled with resolve, and it shines through clearly in her body language.

    Kariline wears her light garments with some pride, though they may be a bit skimpy in some aspects, they are more for performance than causal dress. Her white blouse and black pants are more than enough for this woman to feel comfortable. Functionality over aesthetics. In battle she prefers to keep her finger less gloves, black boots and black compression sleeves on, even though her transformations give her an entirely different look.

    When not in battle, Kariline adheres to the principle that fashion fades, but style remains eternal. As such, much of her wardrobe is what some would call timeless: tasteful, feminine, of high quality in both material and workmanship, and of equal parts western and traditionally eastern. Besides her normal garments, she may wear a rather girly dress at appropriate times, other than that she wears tight pants, tall boots and a long sleeve v neck shirt. You can find her wearing this style mostly in the guild or when out in town enjoying herself.

    Height & Weight: Kariline is surprisingly only 5'4" and weighs 120 lbs. This fluctuates somewhat depending on what she is wearing or if she partakes in her fun binge drinking.

    Hair & Eyes: Keeping up with her Fiorian heritage, Kari's hair is a bright silvery blonde , that appears almost translucent in some areas of light. It's soft texture causes it to curl at the ends and flair out in certain places. Her bangs are cut at an angle, mimicking her mother's, and cover her left eye partially. She typically leaves it long and flowing behind her, or being thrown up into a form of twist that peeks out.
    The tresses falling onto her face, only plays the role of a highlighter to her captivating viridescent irises and her delicately structured face. Her visage is actually an extremely surprising feature of her, as it vivifies the most subtle of expressions. It is a lively, intelligent face, on a woman with a full, sensuous mouth and sparkling eyes that shimmer in the light due to their sparkling color.


    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Kariline's Guild Tattoo has an interesting color pattern that mimics the galaxies and stars that you see at night. It is easily seen located on the inside of her Left Wrist.
    Rank: C Rank


    Last edited by Kariline on 11th January 2017, 12:12 pm; edited 15 times in total
    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : ASS EATER!
    Posts : 553
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Experience : 1425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash
    Second Skill: TBD
    Third Skill: TBD

    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 6th July 2016, 3:55 pm

    Kariline Kaido 5oLesFq


    Kariline Kaido ZUTE2e7l_o

    Character | Magic | Bank
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

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    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
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    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 20th July 2016, 6:38 pm

    Unlocked once more upon request!


    Kariline Kaido V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 278
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Take Over Guardian Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Kariline 23rd July 2016, 1:37 pm

    Bump. Only added new image.
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 31st July 2016, 12:39 am

    Kariline Kaido BTSjguv


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
    Wave your banner!  
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2017, 2:41 pm

    Thread moved at user's request.
    Kariline wrote:

    Kariline Kaido Kariline_image_by_novakhi-dab8170


    Name: Kariline Lynn Kaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21 Years Old
    Birthday: April 9th
    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Personality: Very notably, Kariline has, in the past, tended to turn toward extremes with regard to her personality, unable to reconcile it into a happy medium. When revenge controlled her, she was emotional, unstable, and most obstinately unable to form lasting relationships and bonds. Once she had more alike with a rotting carcass than another human being, but when life presented challenges, that is when she truly came alive.

    With that part of her life shed, it was time for Karline to start anew and at first, through fresh eyes, she finally saw the world through an unfettered mindset. Like a giddy child rich with hope, what Kari thought was once impossible had now returned: anything was possible. But even that too was a markedly dangerous red flag, if only because it was how she fell into Vengeance in the first place.

    It became quickly and seemingly apparent that she hadn’t at all learned from past mistakes and this pushed her crash and burn headlong into a behavior much too similar to her past for comfort. Soon, she began lashing out, particularly toward those trying to help her move past the past. Emotional volatility seemed to take hold again and Kariline was, once more, treading on the path towards ultimate death. However, after all of the suffering and pain and a desperately needed revelation about herself now finds Kari matured into a personality that is finally a blend of two extremes.

    Though she may still be prone to reacting emotionally, she now possesses the tools to take a step back and observe when necessary. It makes her a much more levelheaded person and though still a bit impassive, is much more open to discussion and ideas, even those opposed to her own ideals. Subtle and quiet but not without a backbone to hold her own, it seems that Kariline has finally learned to hone her personality into moderation and one that is fitting enough to allow her to function in society.

    There's still a lot for Kari to learn out there. In spite of the many different worlds she has visited, her mostly one track mind has disallowed a thirst for knowledge and nutrient-rich experiences until very recently. She recognizes that being challenged is necessary and even to a certain extent that it is mindfully stimulating. Therefore, Kariline has taken to asking questions and actually listening to the answers she is given, analyzing and processing them to satisfy a prying desire to understand.

    Finding herself to now be a much more balanced person than before, Kari is able to become invested in a purpose or belief. Given the right set of reasons, she can become resolute in fighting for a cause she believes worth fighting for. That is not to say that she is unable to become dissuaded or persuaded otherwise but simply that Kariline can, on her own, faithfully come to terms with a resolution based on her own reasoning.

    Astute; this is a trait that Kari has been able to carry forward through multiple years, always shrewd and discerning not only in someone’s else words but the way they say it too. Perhaps due to having her guard always raised just a little, Kariline constantly searches for the true meaning behind actions and words not only limited to herself but everyone around her. This is honed by the fact that she is now much more analytical and observant than before.

    Unlike certain Wizards, possessing a quality that is pointblank deemed as ‘dangerous’ or ‘wrong’ is not cause enough for Kari to believe the same. This is most certainly due her poverty-like background in that she might caution herself to a said quality but provide a just and fair trial before deciding what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ Most notably, this pertains to the ongoing debate about Evil versus Good in Earthland and to date, Kari has yet to form an opinion on whether Dark Guilds are truly justified or not. Reasonable and levelheaded seem to be the popular palette for Kari nowadays.

    There is an aforementioned bit that Kariline always has her guard raised just slightly and this is due to the stoicism brought forward from years of living under suspicion and fear. There is a bit of mystery that will always surround her and to those unfamiliar, may find it a bit off-putting and even uncomfortable to be around. That is not to say that she is unapproachable but that the expected reaction from Kari may not be as warm or as inviting as one would like. It is the lasting impression of someone who was raised to be poised and calm.

    This may seem in direct contrast to her stoicism but reacting or behaving emotionally tends to the fact that Kariline’s personality has always been divided between two extremes. When she has been pushed to the brink or becomes too distressed to act applicably reasonable, Kari is still very much prone to heatedly reacting. She is most susceptible to behaving as such when being prodded about a topic sensitive in nature specifically to or about herself.

    You’d think for someone who has lived the type of life she has that she’d a profound understanding and perspective about the world in which we live. However, as much sense as that makes, in spite of her vast experiences, Kari had mostly kept to herself. To have an overarching vision on the future, on how to properly lead and inspire subordinates and equals alike, these are all things that she is currently lacking. This is what makes her parochial but luckily for Kariline, she has finally been given the right tool set to start expanding such narrow-mindedness.

    Due to this, she qualifies for the leadership role more than most; her level headed nature makes for complete and decisive actions that can benefit thoroughly compared to someone that is driven by unstable emotions. When finding herself in that particular role, Kariline becomes analytical and calm in the element; giving accurate responses depending on the environment she is in.

    Usually truthfulness is viewed as a positive trait but in Kari’s case, she may be just a little too forthright. After all, she is blunt to the point of having even questioned the highest order of command in Era for what to do if she is ever wrong. Under someone less tranquil will prove a dangerous combination for Kariline and in time, she will have to learn to either reap the consequences or simply hold back when absolutely necessary.

    ❈ Sparring
    ◇ Due to her teachings from Alexander, Kariline has excelled in hand to hand combat, and she will often use sparring as a tome of calm. The physical exertion feels good to her, so even if it is not boxing, she will constantly practice at her magic to keep in sync and grow stronger.

    ❈ Nature
    ◇ One of the most peaceful things Kariline can do for herself is to take a stroll through a forest path. She feels in sync with the nature around her, letting go of all of her worries for a even just a little while, listening to the sounds of the bugs and critters as the wind moves the branches of the trees.

    ❈ The Moon
    ◇ She has always been more of a night owl, finding more peace of mind during the hours of dusk. As such, she admires the sight of the full moon, seeing it as a sign of good fortune for the morrow. The sight of a clear sky and the moon overhead is that of beauty to her, being her favorite scenery.

    ❈ Dancing
    ◇ Kariline has a secret passion for dancing. When she was younger she had learned how to ballroom dance, and it is a guilty pleasure that she has not gotten to relive in quite some time. She admires watching others dance so gracefully, and as such, as incorporated a type of dance to her music, despite having no music


    ❈ Light/Dark Guilds
    ◇ Kari does not like the idea of "light" and "dark" guilds. When there is too much of one thing, it only encourages more of the other, creating wars. She has a partial grudge for the Light Guilds due to her family's history with them, but also has a distaste for Dark Guilds due to her shame of her ancestors.

    ❈ Optimists
    ◇ Kari cannot stand people who are overly happy at all times. If they are loud and proud, even when things turn sour, odds are she wants nothing more than to get away from them. She cannot stand people who are super happy all the time, because it's incredibly unrealistic to her. They must be hiding something.

    ❈ Heroic Wannabes
    ◇ There are tons of people who want nothing more than to be noticed as a hero. They want to climb above everything and everyone to be noticed for whatever great deeds. To Kariline, this is incredibly stupid and unreachable. With however many people are in this world, how would that one person be given the luck to rise above all and become noticed?

    ❈ Flirts
    ◇ Kari hates when people try flirting with her - especially those who are incredibly cocky and think they can win her over by persisting after she has denied them her company. Often times, her only real way of handling situations like this is to get a little bit violent with them so that they get the picture. There is nothing more ugly to her than a man who won't take no for an answer.


    ❈ Singing, Exercising, Studying
    ◇ She finds it hard to busy herself with real hobbies, so to say she does any of these things often is sort of an understatement. While she definitely passes the time by singing whatever song she has stuck in her head, to say she does it habitually wouldn't be correct. That being said, she does tend to stay fit by going on jogs whenever she feels like it, or a random trip to the gym. Even more sporadically, she'll decide to go on a learning binge and teach herself an entire subject in just a few weeks time.


    ❈ Power
    ◇ Kari wants nothing more than to gain enough power become even greater than the Wizard Saints combined. She wants to show that she is much more than a pretty face from a weakened family. If she is able to grasp such a power, she will be able to keep a balance between good and evil once and for all.

    ❈ Revenge
    ◇ Kariline, one way or another, will do whatever it takes to bring justice to the death of her brother. There was no reason to murder him, other than out of pure fear. She wants to bring this injustice to an end by giving the demon king what he deserves.

    ❈ Restoring Lamia Scale
    ◇ Kari is the a known member of Lamia Scale, and she wants nothing more than to keep it alive. She wants to pass on the knowledge of the magic and one day conceive children who will carry out the clan's will when they grow older. She wants to work beside her old friends that she once lost to bring back the guild in all that is.


    ❈ Failure to Protect Others
    ◇ She is absolutely afraid of losing anymore people that she cares for in her life. After losing nearly everyone as a small child, she has come to the realization that life can be taken away so easily, and she wants nothing more than to make sure that the people she loves stay safe.

    ❈ Solitude
    ◇ Kari still has a deep, unwarranted fear of being alone. She does not know how to process the idea of being abandoned or left behind, and does not want to die in solitude. Despite this fear, she comes off as cold and lethargic to push people away - to keep them safe. It is a double edged sword.

    ❈ Falling In Love
    ◇ She has seen what falling in love has done to powerful mages, and she is absolutely afraid of this. Not only will it distract her from her current goals, but she cannot process the idea of losing someone who you've let into your heart so deeply. The pain someone feels when they lose their other half is something she cannot imagine.


    General Appearance:The average Wizard's body largely reflects their own self-image, and as such, Kariline's build is largely what one would expect of a girl with her genetics in her early twenties: small, light, and feminine. Her physique is an almost stereotypical reflection of a talented swimmer—lean, powerful muscles in a slim, and graceful package, yet graced with slightly larger than average breasts and is considered rather curvaceous.

    She typically wears her hair long and flowing with her bangs cut short in a style that is not entirely dissimilar to her mother’s, but it isn’t uncommon to see a ribbon in it or for Kariline to wear it up, usually in a French twist or ponytail. Due to her strong genetics on her mother's side, her hair has a unbelievably soft texture that runs through fingers smoothly.

    She sports two moles: one just below her left eye, and one on the right side of her neck. Her largely Midian features are complemented by minor Fiore characteristics inherited from her mother’s side: a narrow nose, large eyes, full lips and pale skin. In a word, Kariline is pretty, bordering on beautiful.

    However, her lack of sleep has left ever-present dark rings under her eyes and the near-constant look of disapproval on her countenance detracts from this beauty a great deal, as no amount of fair skin and delicate features can compensate for how unattractive a scowl can be. Her posture—regal as it may be—indicates a form of haughtiness, her back straightened and shoulders thrust back as if to remind everyone around her that despite her diminutive height she can still look down on them. All in all, Kariline gives the impression of being a prickly and unapproachable aristocrat—an impression which, all things considered, is largely accurate.

    Still, her movement is marked with a distinct fluidity: Kariline typically does not enter a room, she sweeps into it as if she owned it, and this is doubly true when she is in a rush, or happens to bust her way in—her style can be likened to a dance, flow and balance impeccable. In the same way, her step is light and graceful yet filled with intent, and it wouldn’t be amiss to confuse her for a legendary fighter by the way she moved, had it not been done with such flair. Under her ladylike exterior—inhospitable and unsympathetic as it may be—lies a core of steel, unyielding and filled with resolve, and it shines through clearly in her body language.

    Kariline wears her light garments with some pride, though they may be a bit skimpy in some aspects, they are more for performance than causal dress. Her white Tank top and Black covered shorts are more than enough for this woman to feel comfortable. Functionality over aesthetics. In battle she prefers to keep her finger less gloves, black boots and black compression sleeves on, even though her transformations give her an entirely different look.

    When not in battle, Kariline adheres to the principle that fashion fades, but style remains eternal. As such, much of her wardrobe is what some would call timeless: tasteful, feminine, of high quality in both material and workmanship, and of equal parts western and traditionally eastern. Besides her normal garments, she may wear a rather girly dress at appropriate times, other than that she wears tight pants, tall boots and a long sleeve v neck shirt. You can find her wearing this style mostly in the guild or when out in town enjoying herself.

    Height & Weight: Kariline is surprisingly only 5'4" and weighs 120 lbs. This fluctuates somewhat depending on what she is wearing or if she partakes in her fun binge drinking.

    Hair & Eyes: Keeping up with her Midian heritage, Kari's hair is a dull dark brown, that appears almost black in some areas of light. It's soft texture causes it to curl at the ends and flair out in certain places. Her bangs are cut at an angle, mimicking her mothers, and cover her left eye partially.
    She typically leaves it long and flowing behind her, but in her Take Over Forms, she will find that her hair changes drastically. Being thrown up into a form of twist that peeks out.


    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Kariline's Guild Tattoo has an interesting color pattern that mimics the galaxies and stars that you see at night. It is easily seen located on the inside of her Left Wrist.
    Rank: D Rank


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    Kariline Kaido Empty Re: Kariline Kaido

    Post by Guest 12th January 2017, 1:44 pm

    So pretty... <3 <3
    Kariline Kaido VkztGmZ

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