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    A Murder On Oak Street


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    A Murder On Oak Street Empty A Murder On Oak Street

    Post by Epidemius 8th January 2017, 2:27 am

    Job Title: Murder Mystery

    Rank: C, because you're dealing with a murderer/serial killer.

    Player Requirements: C rank or above. There can be as many people in this job as you want. There will still be a crowd of many other npcs no matter how many real characters are in the job.

    Job Requirements: 150 words per post, and 10 posts per person. Must roll the monster dice two times, if neither times roll Boss, you must fight the boss along with the two dice rolls.

    Job Location: Oak Inn

    Job Description: Oak Inn has invited all and any people to participate in a murder mystery game! It will start at 10:00 pm at night, and at 10:30 pm all doors will be locked, and you along with everyone else will be trapped inside for 24 hours whilst the game is happening. They need you, and anyone else you can find as security. It's a lock in, and they need some powerful people to make sure nothing bad actually happens during this friendly game.

    After around two hours the game becomes real, and a real murderer has begun their game. You're the security guard, so it's your time to shine, and find the murderer. The doors must stay locked so the murderer isn't released onto the street. It's up to you to find, and stop the murderer. All while making sure that the people don't find you to suspicious, and turn on you.

    The Innocent People
    The people have turned on you, and suspect you as the murderer. They're not taking any action yet, but if you can't convince them they will detain you. Try to convince them, or work in the shadows if you fail at convincing them, but whatever you do don't hurt them! They deal D rank damage, and it takes 1 C rank hit to take any one person down.

    The Chief
    The chief thinks it's you, but no one else does! He will throw clevers at you, and try to stop you, but don't worry he's not the murderer. He wears a traditional chief outfit, and a nice chief hat. Feel free to knock him unconscious, but try your best not to permentantly damage him, or kill him! To knock him unconscious you must deliver 1 C rankdamages on him. To kill him you must deliver 3 C rank damages on him. Please be careful with him! He deals D rank damage.

    One of the murderers hench men-
    It turns out this was someones plan all along, and he sent his henchmen to stop you from finding him! These are grungy lowlife mercenary looking men. They're not all that strong, because they don't have magic, but they sure can hit hard.Along with everyone else try not to kill these guys. Once you've knocked them unconscious you can lock them in the cellar. To render them unconscious you must deliver 3 C rank damages, any more will result in death. They deal C rank damage.

    The Murderer
    This man had planned this for a while. It turns out he was none other than one of the hotel staff, and he knew this would happen for a while. He wanted nothing more than senseless death! He wears a bell hop boy outfit, and has a well groomed beard. His name is John Kantine, and he is responsible for multiple deaths before this. Please stop this man at any costs! It doesn't matter if he shows up dead or alive just stop him! It takes 5 C rank damage to take this man down, so go get 'em! He deals B rank damage.

    Reward: If you successfully take care of the murder without killing anyone, with the exception o the murder himself, you get 5k jewel.
    If you kill any one that's not the murderer you get 3k jewel.

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    A Murder On Oak Street Empty Re: A Murder On Oak Street

    Post by Epidemius 8th January 2017, 2:28 am

    In an attempt to relieve himself of the stress and worry that had plagued his mind in the recent days, mostly due to the traumatic events that brought him to the country of Fiore in the first place, the young man had found himself a job as a security guard. The Oak Inn, obviously located on Oak Street in Oak Town, was to hold a murder mystery game and was inviting anyone that wished to participate to come in on that night. With large amounts of people came risks and dangers, and thus the need for protection came in. All he had to do was make sure no one actually got hurt, and that it all remained just a small game for the visitors to enjoy. With a large amount of weapon-based combat experience, the Prince of Caelum was sure he would be able to deal with whatever may happen that night. It was not like a real murder was going to happen, right? With no real weapons to carry around, all of them being requip weapons kept in the holder space he had access to, the man simply made his way to the place before it was locked down.

    10 pm came quickly, and the doors were locked so that the show could begin. It began as any normal show would, though it was not like the ones he had been accustomed to where he was from. He was used to the best and brightest trying to entertain him and any other royal family member that was there with them, this was different from it completely. The bored prince would lean against a wall, nearly falling asleep at one point, until a loud shriek filled the place and caused him to sprint to the original location of it. What he found was not a fake dead body, it was quite real. The woman laying on the ground had been gutted, and before he could do anything the panic began to set in among the crowd; an actual murder was in their midst.

    Using the active of my lineage (King's Tribute) to receive a strong armor from the job.

    Last edited by Brad Clad on 9th January 2017, 1:59 am; edited 2 times in total

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    A Murder On Oak Street Empty Re: A Murder On Oak Street

    Post by NPC 8th January 2017, 2:28 am

    The member 'Brad Clad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Murder On Oak Street StrongMonster A Murder On Oak Street WeakMonster

    Posts : 107
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    A Murder On Oak Street Empty Re: A Murder On Oak Street

    Post by Epidemius 9th January 2017, 1:54 am

    A mumbling would go throughout the crowd as they tried to figure out was going on as well as try to push open the doors. The doors, however, were locked from the outside and seemed to be blocked from the outside as well. Some of the women would begin crying as some more began to take random guesses as to who had done this foul deed. Was it her ex-boyfriend here to cause confusion and kill her in the chaos? Was it that man's long lost step-brother that he had scammed out of the will years ago? Brad was about to speak in an attempt to calm the people and reassure them he was going to figure this out when another man spoke up loudly.

    "IT WAS HIM! THE GUARD! HE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH A WEAPON SO HOW ELSE WOULD THIS LADY BE STABBED?" The grungy looking man spoke past a long, crooked, nose at him while raising his other hand in a kind of call to help him.

    "That's absurd. How could I kill her if I was on the other side of the building the entire time? I was by the main door when it was locked, and remained there the entire time nearly asleep with how dull this whole thing was."

    "Lies! I saw you moving around earlier and KNOW it was you!" The man would say it with less noise, but more sincerity, as he began to run at him as if to detain him.

    Accessing his holder space for his weapons, Brad Clad would summon forth his standard sword from the large batch of weapons at his disposal. "Stay back! I did not kill this lady, and I will not have you soiling my name with random accusations when I am trying to figure out who the actual killer is!" The man seemed to ignore him at this point and began a screaming charge. The ugly man would reach for the weapon, only to find the hilt of it bashing into his shoulder blade even as he was punched in the stomach at the same time. Before he could react he would also find himself being pushed to the ground to land face first with a dull thud on the carpeted floor. It was not enough to kill the guy, but it was definitely enough to leave him on the ground unconscious. Immediately after he would flip him over even as people began to yell and scream. "Quiet people! He's alive, I simply knocked him out so we could get to business here! He was obviously too scared to think properly!" He would yell it loud enough to be heard, though it was clear some were also not thinking properly in the group now.

    Knowing they were not going to be dissuaded from their insane ideas and thoughts on him being the actual murderer here, Brad decided it was time to make an exit so he could try and figure out what was going on around here. "All right, those of you that still have some common sense left, follow me and we can figure out who did this devious deed and get out of here as soon as possible." Many would argue with him, others claimed he was the killer and that the moment they looked away he would kill again. It was so stupid, how ignorant were these people? He understood being scared, but there was absolutely no evidence that he had been the one doing the killing. Hell, he could simply go to the door and ask a few there if they had noticed him nearly dozing off only fifteen minutes ago. That would be a complete waste of time, and once a small posse began to come to him to go along he would swiftly come up with a plan with them to sweep the place and find the staff members to gather them up to help as well.

    A half hour they would search, Brad going off on his own with sword in hand, until he finally found a belhop that seemed to be out of place. "Sir? Surely you've heard everythung going on in this mad house. Come back with me and we can figure out who is doing all th~" The words would stop as he realized why the staff member was standing in such a weird way; he had been dragging a body mere moments ago. How had the prince notice? The blood on the floor, of course! Just as he was about to bring up his sword he would find a small object flying at him that forced him to hit the ground to dodge. The knife would fly just over his head as he felt the air leave his lungs as his chest hit the ground hard.

    Laughter would leave the lips of the man as he began to run down the hall, the Caelum royal quickly getting to his feet and giving chase at the same time. "Stop! There's no way out of this for you now! If you keep running you'll just show you're guilty to everyone else here!" What Brad did not count on was the staff member turning into a side room that, when he followed suit, turned out to be a kitchen. It was in here that he would see a chef with no head, blood all over the place, and the belhop coming at him with a butcher knife in one hand. Having enough practice to deal with better weapons against him, the man deftly swung his sword and sliced open the murderer's forearm to make him scream in pain and drop the large kitchen knife. Not waiting for another chance for the man to run, Brad took another swing with the sword and struck the man on the side of the leg with the flat of the blade. A loud pop could be heard as the leg popped out of socket with the sudden change of movement that the action caused. Having lost the use of a leg, though not actually losing the leg at all, the man would scream before falling suddenly. The fall would bang his head against a table and then the floor.

    Writhing in agony, the man would begin to laugh maniacally before giving away all of his secrets. He was caught, and he was admitting to having killed in here and killing before as well. Hell, what better way to get away with murder than a murder mystery in a place you worked at? "Well, I would have loved to stop this before you killed at all. But it's too late for that now, isn't it? The Rune Knights will be taking you, and once you wake I'm sure they will have plenty of questions for a man such as your sad self." The words would be spoken as he knocked the man out with the flat of the blade before tying him up so he could be held until the doors were actually unlocked so the authorities could come in a take him. Once that was done he would get the pay he had done for the job, and a set of armor for the troubles that the job had ended up having. It wasn't something he needed, so he would just sell it off at a shop so he could have some spending money for the future.

    [1580/1500, wc met]

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:07 pm