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    Toxic birth


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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Toxic birth Empty Toxic birth

    Post by Noheme 17th December 2016, 11:39 am

    Many days, or maybe even weeks have passed since Leila activated her sacrificial magic. At that moment, her body was completely eaten away by the spell that she had used, seemingly to be never recovered again. But only minutes later, something strange had happened in the Forest that many people steer away from. A spot that is undisturbed by man or the wild, a pristine piece of nature that was left completely untouched by the living. In this spot, a small egg formed seemingly out of nothing. It's surface glossy and of pure white color which was only slightly disturbed by a barely visible blue pattern that didn't seem to have any order to it whatsoever. And over the time that passed, strange flowers slowly formed around, eating away on the piece of paradise. Something that was probably not very often seen even in the world of magic, flora that was completely new to this world with the ability to suck magic out of the Earth and air, feeding it into the egg that was connected to the foliage via vines and roots. In a certain view, it was probably as if the Earth itself laid this egg and was now growing it at the price of it'S own magical energy. And indeed, the mere presence of this thing was slowly corroding the area. Strange venom and toxins were forming all over the nearby trees, eating away at them like some parasitic bug. And they coated the egg too, perhaps as some manner of defensive mechanism against predators that might find their way into this place and decide to use the egg as their dinner. But given it's location, it's rest was completely undisturbed by anything at all. The only forms of life that were in the area were indeed insects that could never pose any form of danger to the forming life.

    And recently, the egg finally entered the final stage of growth. After all, it was large enough that you could argue a whole human could be fit inside of it without too much of a problem. Having absorbed enough magical energy, the object started generating rather large amount of magical energy itself, perhaps even enough to attract some unwanted attention. Especially with the unfamiliar nature all around, it would be no surprise if some researchers or other oddities found their way to this place sooner or later. Could something like that happen before the egg hatches. It certainly was possible, and if it were to happen, then the survival of life inside of the egg would depend solely on the one that finds is. After all, the toxin that was protecting it wasn't strong enough to kill or drive away the common human, especially if they would wield magic. It's design would probably tell anyone that it's purpose was to drive only smaller predators away, the sort that you could commonly find in this forest. Maybe it was all planned, it's location and focus on growth instead of defense. And even the fact that there was very little that could be actually damaged in the area, as the slime slowly spread to anything that was nearby, eventually forming a sight that could remind anyone a scene of horror where the heroes are about to encounter the vile beast that will then start hunting them down. But yes, the toxin was indeed just about the only defense this object had. Thankfully, the way it was shaking from time to time, there was no doubt that it would soon be cracked and it's contents revealed to the whole wide word. Something probably very unexpected and unusual, new and refreshed. The birth is nigh.



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    Toxic birth Empty Re: Toxic birth

    Post by Sayrn 2nd January 2017, 9:56 am

    Rumors spread around her network once more peoples whispers of a strange toxin eating away the forests nearby her guild. These were enough to garner her attention beakers boiling in her lab while her assistant was out for one reason or another. Her pale skin white as snow would glisten in the flickering lights of her lab as she would rise from her chair the creaking noise of the metal joints and the sound of bare skin touching the metal floor echoing around her chamber. With a flick of her wrist she would have her venom form her clothing like it was always there a skin tight bodysuit and a specialized headdress that styled her hair and straightened it. Walking through the halls of Savage Skull it was easy to tell that those around her had no clue the intentions she held and yet a new venom could be beyond the horizon and she was on the forefront of finding it herself.

    Stepping out of the crypt which the guild hall hid she would whistle out as from the nearby forest a beast standing at twenty five feet tall covered in yellow and red lacrima a low hiss coming from it would stop it’s claws covered in blood. Shaking her head she would sigh, “I let you hunt for even a moment and you find yourself a kill Azazel… I swear your draconic nature makes it too easy.” Jumping on her dragon she would pull out the coordinates to where her rumor mill had told her the possible toxin was. With a quick smack to the side Azazel would begin to sprint towards the location as Sayrn herself sat on the back curious to see the new form she might have found.

    Reaching the location at last she could already feel anomalies aplenty, from the aura of magical pressure in the place to a toxic slime coating things around the area slowly killing them and withering them with ease. Jumping from Azazel she would click her tongue a signal to the dragon to go off and do their own thing like hunt. Eyes searched the area for signs of life and yet nothing existed but black trees and barren dirt at this point but all coated in the toxin, “Most certainly not a natural thing, no plant or beast does this, at least none currently known.” Turning her attention to the middle of the area she could see something in the distance causing her to tilt her head, “Is that an… Egg?” Walking towards it she would finally reach it close enough to see the strange markings all over and the toxin leaking from it. Putting a finger on the shell she would wipe some of the toxin off and taste it, “Nothing big, enough to keep away small predators and bring some pain to humans at worst…” Looking over the egg she had no clue what to think of it, the size was immense and the design unlike anything seen in nature, the toxin leaking means it is more for defense than anything so nothing new or interesting to it. With a sigh she would quickly observe it shaking causing her to go on guard, “So it is hatching soon…” Using her venom she would form a solid seat and would sit down, “Then let us observe what comes from this egg…”


    Toxic birth V7lUCnJz_o

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 872,660

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    Toxic birth Empty Re: Toxic birth

    Post by Noheme 2nd January 2017, 12:20 pm

    The toxin around right now was weak indeed. But as soon as first cracks appeared on the surface of the hard egg, another fluid started leaking out. This one was gray in color, along with almost black vein-like shapes forming on it's surface, almost as if there was another toxin trying to mix into it. Yet, it was only one, rather strange poison that quickly started leaking down the egg's surface and onto the ground. And upon the very first contact, the earth and rocks themselves started melting, evaporating even. The whole imminent area around the object started transforming, creating something that could be taken as a circular area of poison, making sure that nothing would interrupt the process of birth.

    Cracks quickly spread across the entirety of the egg, only seconds before a single piece would be broken off. And from it, a pitch black hand that had the image of universe on it. Probably a rather strange sight for anyone, a human shaped body crawling it's way out of the shell that was filled with the now seemingly deadly toxin, completely pitch black in color. And yet, when looked at, it was almost as if the body itself was a beautiful night's sky, something indescribable. it was a body made out of pure magical energy, taking on a humanoid shape, it's elementless nature quickly filling the air with pressure. And it seemed that the poison had no effect on the being either. But that was probably only natural, as it grew up bathing in it.

    It took few moments before the being would crawl out of the shell and into the pool of poison, but it eventually happened. But the process was not yet complete, as the nature itself around this place started resonating with the newborn. The seemingly dead trees started growing, the trunks bending and breaking only so that they could combine above the black creature. And then, forming a single strong brach that pierced the magical being through it's back. But it was not lethal at all. Instead, the creature itself started sucking the trees into itself, the bark forming it's skin that would soon look just like human's would, soft and warm. The toxin too, would enter the being's body, contributing to the process.

    And in few seconds, woman was laying in front of Sayrn, bare of any clothes or senses, only covered in the slime and toxin. On all four she tried to keep her balance as her breathing grew heavy, a dragon's tail coming out of the body, ended with fur that could remind one of a fox's tail. A long, white hair that was slightly tinted to the blue, adorned with a pair of blue horns and fox ears. Whoever this freshly born girl was, it was clear that she had very little strength as of right now, not even aware that there was someone to observe the odd birth.


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:45 pm