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    The Toxic stalker

    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 1421
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 587

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunstorm Magic
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    The Toxic stalker Empty The Toxic stalker

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 11th November 2019, 12:12 pm

    Previous Job: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t36070-weed-eaters-job-sybil

    A few weeks after being captured by the spirits of the forest and becoming reborn as a spirit himself, he found himself accustoming to this new life of his as he had zero memories of who he was before. He found himself leading a normal life after everything settled down however and not once did, he questions who he was because, in his mind, there was no past life to him. His days would consist of him waking up, eating, and mingling with the people in nearby towns to whatever forest he was currently staying in.  

    His normal days ended however when a great brown and white falcon with a letter in its mouth landed on a tree branch in front of him while he was resting. The spirit sat up and cocked his head at the bird, the bird copying him. He would cock his head the other way, the bird doing the same. Lance grabbed the letter from the bird and rested his hand on top of its head “Thank you for your services.” He calmly stated with a reassuring smile, dismissing the bird as it flew away.

    The letter had a red magic seal in the middle of it that would shine and disappear when Lance ran his finger over it, the phrase “To Mr. Knighthunter.”. Lance scratched his head at the letter. He had no recollection of his previous last name; the spirits had told him his name was just simply Lance. Nonetheless however, he decided to open the letter and read the contents within. The letter itself was from an herbalist in the Beanstalk Village. He did research on a mysterious plant that was causing trouble in their town and he wanted an extra opinion on his findings.

    The mage put the letter in his lap and sat back in the tree again, leaning his back on the trunk. He stayed like this for a second before smiling widely, popping up and jumping down from his resting place. The call of nature would be too great for him to just ignore. As far as he was concerned, there was a disturbance that threatened nature itself and he had to put a stop to it. Plus, it would give him a good chance to test out his newly obtained magic.

    On the way to the village he would spot purple plants on the side of the road, the same type that were described in the letter the herbalist had addressed to the Mr. Knighthunter. He leaned down and observed the plants carefully, these were unlike anything he had seen, and it put a rather bad feeling in his stomach as he pressed onward.

    When he got to the village, he noticed that the outbreak was worse than he had expected and there were more of plants growing on the ground, varying in sizes. He decided it was best to ignore them for now and get to the bottom of what these plants were.

    The herbalist first regarded him with caution as he did not look like the same man as he was when he previously dealt with the plants. “Oh dear… this letter was supposed to go to a Lance Knighthunter but you don’t look anything like him. Maybe my magic seal messed up. He muttered revealing that the letter had been sent to track down Lance. The spirit would scratch his head in confusion “Well, I mean the letter came to me. That must mean something.”. The herbalist nodded “Are you sure your willing to help me sir?” the man seemed desperate for help, so Lance sighed and reared his head backwards in a groan.

    He didn’t see any need to help humans if it did not benefit him, but these plants seemed like they were threatening to the balance of nature, so he took on this mission anyway. Once he was caught up on what the plants were and how they reproduce and grow. Lance decided he would stay in the beanstalk village while they did their research.

    Exiting the house, he turned to see a clocked figure stalking around the outside of the walls. The figure glanced at him, eyes growing wide before running off. Lance got excited at this and grinned evilly, and he launched off the ground and started to chase the figure until they were cornered in an alleyway. Back against the wall, the figure looked terrified. “P- Please sir! You don’t know what your doing!” he mustered up the courage to speak as his life was on the line. Lance would sigh and run his hands through his hair “Look, you’re a pretty sketchy character and as far as I’m concerned, I can’t let you get away with hearing that information.” He wagged his finger from side to side and clicked his tongue.

    When he saw Lance let his guard down, the opponent showed himself and charged at the wizard. He had no weapons and seemed to be trying to go for a take down. Lance regarded him with a laugh “Yes! That’s what I like to see!” he exclaimed as a large yellow melon appeared in his hand with a puff of smoke “Try my Sticky Melon!” he exclaimed before tossing the melon at the man, exploding on impact. The enemy was now covered in a sticky sap that slowed him down considerably. The surprise caused the man to fall back but Lance wasted no time before calling his spell “Harvest Vines” and trapping the man with thorny vines that come out from under the wizard’s feet. He would let the figure writhe in pain for a second before applying the final touches and tossing a Pumpkin bomb at them, knocking them completely unconscious.

    He approached the man and bent down “You were no fun. Disappointing.” He cried and cracked his knuckles. “I’m sorry, your soul must return to nature.” He closed his eyes and offered a prayer to the forest before tightening a grip on the figures throat, choking him to death. Once he was finished, he examined the body and found nothing but a used match and a coin with a skull on one side, and a hand on the other.

    He returned to the herbalist and explained what had happened. The death of the figure weighed heavily on the herbalist mind “Whatever needed to be done.” He said with his eyes closed. He handed Lance the money for the job and said he would contact Lance at the earliest convenience.

    This was the start of an adventure that was currently bigger than Lance. This was the start of the Pumpkin King's journey to find the mystery of these plants.  


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:45 pm