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    Journey through a strange world [Job]


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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Age : 27
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 10th October 2016, 5:05 am

    Job details:



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Age : 27
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 10th October 2016, 5:34 am

    Once again, the world was slowly descending into the chaos and confusion. People were magically disappearing from various villages and towns with no witnesses or suspects at all. The news were spreading through out Fiore rather quickly and panic was slowly starting to set in, everyone afraid for their life and well-being in general. With something happening on a scale this large, even the magical council could no longer remain silent. An official request was sent to all guilds in the nation, begging the mages to try and investigate this phenomenon and prevent it from happening ever again. Few already tried, but they all disappeared all the same, never to be seen or heard from again. When normal humans became victims, it was obvious that something was happening. But when even mages could no longer consider themselves safe, you knew that there was something much bigger and more dangerous than you could imagine. On her way through the land, Leila was currently resting by a campfire she crafted, her mildly lifeless eyes staring into the dancing flames with no thought or expression. On the other side, Yuki was sitting and reading yet another book, not interested in anything that would be happening outside of it. Why was the silver-haired mage in a place like this? She was sick of staying in hotels all the time, and true, she now had a home in the gardens... but she still wanted to experience the joy of traveling and everything that came with that. Which meant sleeping underneath the starts with no roof over her head and no proper bed to lay down onto. A simple blanked or sleeping bag had to be enough for a hardened traveler.

    "You hear the news as well, right? It seems that people all over the kingdom are disappearing one after another and no one knows what is rightly happening. What do you think is causing it?"

    Her words were of course directed at the only other person who was awake right now. There was still Ori who made his way into the warm sleeping bag, as the night's air was colder than the one you could feel during day. But he was already sound asleep by now, not bothered by the conversation these two girl would have. Yuki managed to tear her gaze away from the interesting story that her book was telling and instead started staring at her owner and companion for many journeys.

    "Sounds like a power of a powerful magical device or being that is capable of casting magical spells that would traverse the space between two dimensions. If the humans were kidnapped and held somewhere in Earthland, they would probably be found by now, given how much commotion is happening because of it."

    It was unusual to hear Yuki talk this much, but it was also very pleasing. After all, this little dragon girl was Leila's most loyal companion without a question. Her whole existence kinda revolved around the Eden's mage in the end. But it was still strange, this whole situation. Somehow, the Gardens of Eden came into the girl's mind. But she now had absolute control over that place and knew that nothing inside was changing, no humans were being transported there. Which was good, actually. Humans... they would only corrupt the place, just like they did in the past. Having a large quantity of them transported into that place, it would only bring trouble and possible destruction of the Gardens. And that was the last thing Leila wanted to happen, when she finally managed to transform the place into a proper home for herself and all of her spirits that she could now call family without having to feel betrayed in any way. It was... nice.

    But nothing nice could last forever, as it stood. Even a simple thought of her home was crudely interrupted by a strange light that suddenly remade the night's sky filled with starts into something much more bright and obnoxious to look at. It was something magical without a doubt, there was no way that there would be a natural occurrence such as this one. And then, without any warning and in a literal instant, the two girls entered a multi-dimensional rift. A powerful magic that allowed for transport between two entirely different world. Leila knew perfectly well what it was and how it worked, after all, she was using the same thing to return to her Gardens at any time she wanted. But this was far from her own doing, someone else was trying to take her into a place she had no intention of entering. But the process was fast and the magic used powerful, the silver-haired wizard could not get out of it in time. And in no time at all, both of them were standing on a dried out plain which would remind one of a very rocky desert. It was still night, even in this place, but everything was strangely illuminated even without actual light sources. And not only that, gravity seemed to work... rather odd here as well, judging by a distant island that was simply floating several kilometers in the sky some way away from the girl's current position. There was not a single doubt in her mind, they were transported somewhere. But where? Neither of them knew, but one thing they managed to connect instantly. They became victims of this stupid incident where people would be simply spirited away. As it stood, the universe just wanted Leila to get involved and such, she had no option but to comply.

    "I hope you were not getting ready for bed Yuki. While we're here, we might as well take a look around and maybe find the one who teleported us and kick his arse while we're at it!"

    Clenching her fist while smiling, she checked that her loyal companion was in the same state of mind and getting ready for anything that could try to stop them. This combo was pretty damn strong after all, and it would be nice to finally find some new challenge to conquer. Though just simply exploring this unknown world could bring quite a bit of joy to the curious young woman.

    HP: 400
    MP: 150%
    Word Count: 1039
    Total WC: 1039
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    Noheme carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Journey through a strange world [Job] OdAaNwh , Journey through a strange world [Job] OdAaNwh



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Age : 27
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 10th October 2016, 6:20 am

    The two girls were completely ready to head out into the unknown and search for someone or at least a possible way out of here after they checked that they had everything. It seemed that only they and the clothes they had on were transported, nothing else. Which was both good and bad. Their camp was completely fine back in the Earthland, left untouched. But that also meant that if the two of them would get stuck in this palce for a longer period of time, they could easily start starving. After all, they had no idea if any edible food could even be found in this place. Well, in the worst possible scenario, Leila could try to force open her own gate into the Gardens, escaping there. But there was no guarantee that doing something like that would actually work or that it would end well overall. With how it looked right now, rules of this world were different from the one they knew, and they had to remember that. But at least Ori was seemingly left alone in the normal world, which was very nice. He was not a creature that could engage anyone or anything in combat and would only get in the way here. Having to protect someone, it always complicated things. But at least the furball had his ability to transform and become a little, nearly indestructible ball of crystals. That made it so she could take him on adventures with her in the past without problems. But as of late, she was just leaving him in the hotels and completing contracts without him. Perhaps it was just because of her inner fear, the knowledge that she was doing things that were much more dangerous that those she was doing in the past.

    But at least something like that was a good sign of her progress, a physical evidence that she was steadily getting stronger in some way Even if she didn't feel that way most of the time, especially after events that transpired no that long ago. The whole reason she was trying to travel through the land again, it was to get away from everything and everyone she knew. Because the jealous beast had swallowed her heart and mind whole, there was no telling what would happen if she remained where she was. And since she had a stable home that she could always return to, there was surely no problem with this either. She just had to clear her head properly and forget. Because the world was cruel and she had missed her chance. In her head, it was all quite funny... she just kinda met a girl one day when she was hunting a dangerous murder and allowed her to tag along. Back then, she would have never imagined that that very girl would become the center of her life, of her feelings. One's life could truly never be predicted, as unexpected things like that happened all the time it seemed. But nothing she could do about it now. The only thing that she could do was to accept the truth and move on, forgetting the love that started burning inside of her. But... would she be able to just continue living like that? There was a very scary feeling that was eating away at her, a feeling as if she could no longer love anymore if she did this. But she had to, else she could make even greater mistakes. Mistakes that would most likely lead to Jiyu being scared, angry and hateful. Leila wanted nothing of that to happen, she had to protect her dear friend. Well... that friend was now stronger than Leila herself. Even though she was a whole rank below her when they met, she caught up and even surpassed the Eden's mage.

    And now they were both aces, they both went through the ranks of rising starts. But only her friend's name remained. Heh, in the end... Leila could simply not break out of her protective shell. She didn't quite belong to the Earthland and she definitely wasn't meant to be a mage like that. But she chose to become one, despite her father's warnings. And now, she knew fully well where that decision had led her. To both unforgettable joy and unimaginable pain, just as any other decision. That was how life worked these days, it seemed. Suddenly, she remembered her letter to Elyx when he decided to test her for the ace position. If she got the chance to redo her life, she would choose every option that she did not the first time around. Her life would be completely different, filled with different people and different feelings. Would that be better or worse than right now? Who knew, that was all in the starts, unknown until it would become possible. It forced Leila to sigh as she realized that she was still in the odd world, accompanied by Yuki. Truly, her mind was capable of wondering greatly sometimes. But that was certainly not a bad thing per say, as it allowed her to recall her humble beginnings and her journey that got her where she is right now. Yes, without all of that, she would be still a nobody. And right now, she was at least someone. Even if that someone was a failure, it was better than simply not existing at all. The greatest fear of all that nearly all mortal and immortal creatures shared. Death... the biggest unknown of them all that no one could prepare for. The greatest fear that ruled over one's heart and toyed with it without mercy.

    And then suddenly, a voice sounded from the distance. Voice of a young woman, as a silhouette suddenly appeared behind the two girls. A young and rather pretty lady with beautiful voice that was running towards them and waving her hand as a gesture to get their visual attention. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But they remembered that they were in fact in the middle of enemy's territory and that anything at all could happen in this world. Because of that, both Leila and Yuki took a defensive stance instead, ready to start their battle at any time. It clearly startled the incoming female, but it didn't stop her completely.

    "Y..you two are humans, right? Or at least the one with silver hair, I suppose. Please help! We were suddenly transported to this place and them demons appeared, catching us and taking us somewhere! I managed to escape, but I can't do anything to help my family and friends... please, help them!"

    Her voice sounded convincing. But that was not something that the two fo them would drop their stance for. However, they nodded and started walking forward. The girl stood still for a moment and then started following Leila, pointing to a direction they had to go to in order to help the other humans. But it didn't take even few seconds before the girl's hand tried to reach Leila's back. And in that very moment, a wooden spear shot out of the ground, knocking the young strange girl back several meters. And as she stood up, a grin appeared on her face along with four fox tails swaying behind her body in menacing manner.

    "I see that you're not as stupid as you look. Oh well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. Come out you three! We'll have to make them submit if we want to carry them back with us!"

    As she shouted, several other creatures came from behind the nearby rocks. And they all looked like humans that suddenly transformed into dogs but retained their humanoid figure. Something like a werewolf, but less scary and more cuddly. Still plenty dangerous though, as they were her to help that darn fox fight. So this was a world that belonged to these types of demons. Trouble would arise for sure! And right now, they had to start this battle, as it seemed that these guys were pretty determined to fight as long as the fox was around, ordering them. Yuki got ready to fight as well, since it was four on two now.

    HP: 400
    MP: 150%
    Word Count: 1373
    Total WC: 2412
    Comments: Kitsune 890/1050 HP
    Spells Used: Rewriter's gear, Free-form




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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th October 2016, 6:51 am

    It was probably best if they would split the load of enemies among them somehow. The fox looked way stronger than the demons themselves, meaning Leila should probably take on that one. Meanwhile there were three dog demons as well, which was pretty high number of enemies for only Yuki... thankfully she had her ability that allowed for flight and should keep her away from harm's way at least somewhat. Looked at the little dragon girl, it appeared that the two of them were able to understand one another without uttering a single word, ability that was rather useful and could only be developed between those that were very close to one another. Activating her wings, the white haired girl flew into the air and towards the first group of enemies, circling then in attempt to distract them as much as possible. And it surprisingly worked, as all three of them started running in circles, trying to catch her as if she was some manner of squeaky toy that they really wanted. It looked like dogs were still nothing more than dogs... which was very handy right now. Turning towards the fox, Leila knew fully well that this level of enemy was nothing she could just mess around with. In other words, she should not hold back at all! Snapping her fingers, she felt as a certain magical energy left her body and entered the air. That meant the tattoo of eight wings on her back completely disappeared and now formed as eight different black balls that were floating in a circular formation behind the Eden's mage, giving off an intimidating purple glow filled with power. She really liked this ability, it was unbelievably flexible and handy in every single fight! Even the fox seemed to suddenly pay more attention to her enemy as she spotted the rotating orbs just kinda floating there.

    "Hmph, don't think you can just scare me away like that, darling... it will take more than just that! Fox fire!"

    As she uttered those words, Leila sighed internally. Why did it have to be fire? There is always fire, her greatest enemy of all. Already shaking slightly, she saw as the kitsune mimicked her ability and created eight balls of flame behind her. It was time to clash! The demoness could no longer wait and started sprinting towards the Eden's mage, who stood there calmly. If she wanted to do this efficiently, she had to increase her damage input by quite a bit. For that, she activated both the rewriter's gear and the wind blades of her regalia. All of that should help quite a bit. There was still her bow... but she wanted to keep that hidden for a little while longer, as she had no idea what else she could face in this strange world. When the kitsune got close enough, she sent out all the flame orbs at the same time, trying to basically explode Leila. Thankfully, she had her tricks still active. The moment that flame was close enough for her to feel in through her clothing, she teleported away and left only few leaves and wind behind. And as the fire balls caused a small explosion, the fox didn't even notice until the dust cloud settled down. At that point, the girl was right behind the youkai, placing her palm on her back just above the tails. And in that instant, her arm transformed into a long branch that was rather sharp and powerful, sending the poor fox flying into the air. All eight of the balls were already rotating around her, changing their shape. Now they looked like needles and worked like them as well, quickly shooting themselves into the creatures and sending her into the ground where they pinned her quite nicely. That certainly had to hurt. But it clearly wasn't enough to defeat her, as she started to pick herself back up. The balls started slowly floating back as Leila executed another spell. A big spike made out of roots unearthed right beneath her, sending her flying once more.

    HP: 600
    MP: 140%
    Word Count: 681
    Total WC: 3093
    Comments: Kitsune 490/1050
    Spells Used:




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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th October 2016, 8:30 am

    Demons from this realm really were tough ones. Even after all that, the four tailed kitsune still managed to stand up, looking rather angry and still very much kicking. While on the other side of the battlefield, Yuki was fighting the three dog demons with her pretty safe hit and run tactic. Whenever she got the chance, she swooped in and let the doggos feel a little bit of her cold that was damaging on it’s own. Something like that was of course pretty sub-optimal and it would take quite some time to defeat her enemies with it alone. But it was better than nothing, as it seemed that her enemies managed to burn through half of their power already. And yet, they were still running after the flying dragon girl, trying to catch her like some insect that was being annoying with it’s constant buzzing sound. From the occasional glances that Leila gave to the scenes, it was pretty funny to be completely honest. She didn’t want to insult any demons from this dimension, but those guys certainly were not the brightest of the bunch. Even as the kitsune looked over to check on them, her sole response to their situation was her palm slapped on her face. The regret of taking those guys as her team was written all over the poor creature’s expression as she tried to focus on her fight instead. Thankfully Leila did not yet have the pleasure of working with someone so dull, and she hoped that the time would never actually come. Though as she knew the universe, it probably would happen one day, she just had to wait. The world was literally filled with idiots from time to time and she was bound to bump into one at some point, being forced into working with them and possibly even having to listen to them. Suddenly she got strange flashbacks to the time when she worked at a cosplay café, one of her very first contracts. Not exactly a job for a mage… but somehow it did help her career, so it was all good. At that time, she had to do nothing but listen to orders of other people. Even the creepy ones… and well, as long as it didn’t go into extremes, she didn’t mind that much. She actually quite enjoyed it… oh yes, here was that masochistic and submissive side of her again! It didn’t surface for quite a while, but this train of thought somehow managed to reach those depths and wake whatever was laying there, nearly forgotten. The last time this had happened was when she was on a job to liberate some slaves with Teri, her old friend. During that one particular contract, they had to sneak into the base of slavers. And the idea of playing a slave seemed dangerously appealing to her at that time… Leila will probably have a difficult love life in the future, if she ever does have one that is. It actually seemed pretty unlikely, especially after the last heartbreak she had with Jiyu. And somehow… just thinking about that gave her more strength to fight with! Yes, all of that thinking lead to conclusion like this in the end. How in the world did her mind work, no one knew. Even she did not.

    But it was about time she return from the clouds and back onto the Earth, as he fox got even more angry after getting damaged like that and decided she would fry the poor Eden’s mage. Kitsunes were pretty smart creatures and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what weakness would Leila have, since she was conjuring wood out of the ground. Those black orbs she was able to control, those were a bit different. But everything else of hers was very flammable, even she herself! Placing both hands on the ground, the enemy started gathering every ounce of her power to seemingly launch one last big attack. And it sure looked big… a wall of flames started forming and at dangerously high speed started approaching Leila who was franky terrified from that sight alone! But there was another ace up her sleeve she did not have to pull many times yet. In fact, it mostly seemed completely useless, as she was able to get out of situations pretty easily. But this time, the wall of flames was just too big for her to dodge. In other words, she absolutely had to block it somehow! And there was a perfect spell she had for that, one that wasn’t made out of wood.

    „Protect me, shadows of the Gardens! Veil of Shadows!“

    Uttering those words, darkness suddenly swallowed Leila and formed a black, slightly transparent bubble around her. It was a defensive spell of her armor that was quite capable for how fragile it looked. And it even shielded all the balls of dark magical energy that returned to Leila’s back by now, making sure they would not break apart in the fox’s attack. It was a strong hit, but the barrier managed to remain standing! In fact, it didn’t even break apart on the contact, it was still fully functional and ready to tank few more attacks! Not that she could expect any from her current opponent, as it was clearly visible that the kitsune was barely standing. She used every single bit of her energy for that one attack in hopes it would completely defeat Leila. It probably wouldn’t, even if it managed to hit… but it was still one scary spell. Victory was basically obtained at this point, but there was something more the silver haired maiden wanted. Not that the fox was pretty much completely defenseless, she could answer at least few questions about this world and how to get out of here. And maybe how to free all the other humans that were kidnapped in the process, that was also a thing she could maybe do… the magical council would probably appreciate that greatly. But as Leila walked towards the four tailed humanoid beast, it seemed as if a portion of her power was restored. The fox suddenly took out a rather sharp looking knife from her clothing and tried to charge the poor girl. Of course, something like that would never work and all eight balls slammed into the creatures, sending her back into the ground. But she managed to get up again… she was not giving up at all.

    „You damn humans… I’ll make sure to kill you… even it it kills me in the proces!“

    With those words, her body suddenly started glowing with a magical blue light. That was not good at all… Leila recognized what it was as her skin started suddenly bloating. She was trying to detonate herself to take the Eden’s mage out! Something like that, it could absolutely not be allowed! Jumping into the air, Leila formed a wooden lance with her free-forming and aimed it down. And once she landed on top of the fox… the weapon went right through her chest. There was a short scream of pain, and then nothing. Absolutely silence as her fox fire slowly faded, leaving nothing more than a lifeless body that lied in a small crater with a stick through it. She didn’t want to do it like this… but she had to. It was question of preserving her own life…

    HP: 600
    MP: 144%
    Word Count: 1237
    Total WC: 4330
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th October 2016, 11:59 am

    Stumbling back from the rather unpleasant looking scene, Leila covered her mouth for a moment as her eyes scanned the dead body one more time. There was nothing she could do about it anymore… she just had to keep moving forward. It was her own fault for trying to kill the Eden’s mage so badly, she would have ended up dead anyway. Turning towards the other side of the battlefield, she spotted Yuki who was still dancing with the dogs, trying to slowly freeze them into submission. It was working, but it was very slow indeed. Gathering her thoughts, Leila shook her head one more time and started running towards the scene, jumping into the middle of it. Her presence obvious attracted the attention of all the dog demons that were not looking at her with hungry eyes. They did not yet know what happened to their leather, which was probably good… she didn’t want to deal with youkai that were in rage mode and ready to kill. Though they still wanted to capture the silver haired maiden. If she wasn’t still shaken from what happened only few seconds ago, she would probably fantasize about being captured and used in indecent ways… but right now, she just wanted to grab Yuki and run away as fast as possible. When claws of one of the weredogs drew near, the girl’s body transformed into air and leaves, reappearing in the middle of the enemy triangle, placing her hands on ground. And shortly after, several giant roots, almost as thick as trees unearthed in rather aggressive manner, sending all of the dogs flying as a spiral made out of three different roots formed around Leila, shattering slowly after. Along with the damage that Yuki inflicted with her cold aura until now, it was more than enough for them to stay laying down on the ground, defeated. Nodding to her companion, the two girls quickly started running from this scene until they ended up near a small mountain not that far away. Sitting down, Leila buried her face into her hands in rather depressing manner. Yuki would normally ask what is wrong at this point, but she was fortunate enough to actually see it all play out from the sky. So she already knew perfectly well what happened. A simple gesture of comfort, she placed her tiny hand on Leila’s shoulder. They both had to take a little moment before they could continue on forward, probably facing more demons that would be just as eager to end the girls as these ones. They managed to find themselves in a really unpleasant situation today, while the only thing they wanted was to get a good rest near their camp, preparing for their long journey tomorrow as they planned. Universe had a cruel way of showing disapproval as always… and Yuki too was rather unhappy with this, as she hated to watch Leila sad like this, unable to help her in any way. So she could only stay by her side until the Eden’s mage calmed down and gathered more positive thoughts in few minutes.
    HP: 600
    MP: 148%
    Word Count: 519
    Total WC: 4849
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by NPC 17th October 2016, 11:59 am

    The member 'Leila Vergious' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 24th October 2016, 3:57 am

    Time always had a way of fixing things and people. In a way, time was the perfect friend of those that were broken but still were capable of being mended in some manner. It took a bit, but Leila soon recovered as well, with Yuki still by her side. This was good, because it was only matter of time before more demons would appear, finding the two girls in this place and trying to capture them as well. They had to keep moving in order to get out of this place and find out what exactly was happening, why were these creatures kidnapping humans from all over Fiore. There had to be a reason! Of course this was not an official contract, so Leila was under no obligation to actually do all this. But why not try to help when you have the option. She had no way of escaping this realm anyway. Perhaps she could find a portal where all the humans are held or something, that was a possibility too. Getting up from the hard rock to stand on her own two feet once more, she sighed and looked around. There was really no indication as to where she should go, and that was not great. They could probably spend hours upon hours wandering around this realm without actually finding anything at all with how large it seemed. For all she knew, it could have been even larger in it’s size than Earthland or Gardens of Eden, both pretty damn big worlds. But with no concrete info or directions, they just had to keep going until they would find something interesting. Or at least that was what she thought before a huge shadow appeared before them. And only few seconds after it’s appearance, the source showed itself as well! A giant spider-like thing fell from the sky, breaking apart the ground where it’s several feet landed. Of course this was no ordinary insect, it was massive! It’s body actually reminded Leila more of a flower than anything else with it’s head being rather similar to a head of a human female with extremely long black hair that was covering the whole face. A youkai, or some other amalgamation of weirdness, not a bug. It’s stick legs were huge with actual human hands on the end bend strangely inwards to induce even more creepiness. This was not a pleasant meeting at all, that was for sure. The thing was disturbing, perhaps unintentionally, but it still was. At least Leila wasn’t afraid of spiders, that would make this situation much, much more horrible. Taking a defensive stance, the girls quickly noticed that this was not their only enemy however! Another band of dogs, larger than the one before showed itself from one side while another group made out of cats that looked similar to the dogs showed from the last side. This was… a bit problematic for sure. Not to mention that more shadows appeared underneath the two girls, indicating that there were more demons in the sky. This was a large encounter that could easily end up with Leila and her companion defeated if not careful it seemed. Thankfully it seemed that none of them were attacking just yet. Having to deal with so many enemies at once would be… a problem to say the least.

    "There you are, tasty looking humans! Hehe, I was starting to think that the rumors about you running around free were completely made up! But here we are… now, why don’t you just give up and come with us like a good little obedient sheep. Hehe, I can assure you that I won’t eat you… just yet, anyway."

    It seemed that the huge spider was the leader this time, as she was the only one to say anything at all. Her voice was… oddly alluring for a spider demon. But at least there was that huge body of hers that made it impossible for Leila to become enchanted by it at all. In fact, this was another chance to get some information. And hopefully it would go better than the last time… that kitsune was probably still lying there, a sharp stick through her chest. Gulping audibly, Leila moved her eyes to watch the bobbing head of the demon as she tried to respond as loudly as possible, making sure the giant would actually hear her words.

    ”Why are you hunting humans? For what purpose is all this… if you answer me my questions, I promise that I will come with you! I just want to know the truth, that is all I’m asking for here!”

    Perhaps she didn’t formulate her words the best, but it was enough to actually continue the conversation. Somehow, it appeared that this spider lady was much less aggressive than the fox despite her threatening appearance. That was good, as it meant that they could possibly avoid any combat at all. Which would definitely be the best situation of all the other possibilities that were here. It took a moment before the spider lady decided how to respond, but she did.

    "That information is highly classified, so I cannot provide it! However, there is a big plan that we want to set in motion! And for that, we need all the humans we can get out hands on. Since, you know… Earthland is the closest dimension to ours and it’s super easy to access with our magic. Could you imagine if we had to travel or take creatures from some other place? It would take so long, and so much effort! Most youkai are too lazy for that anyway… I try to motivate them every single day, but they just lay around doing nothing at all. Could you believe that human? They are even worse than the animals they represent, geez. I have been trying to come up with new motivation, but no luck so far. It’s so hard to get creative these days with everything already existing to some extent, I’m actually kinda afraid that they will just say I’m copying someone no matter what I try to create! It’s horrible and it makes it hard to sleep at night… you see, I don’t like nightmares at all. I don’t think anyone likes them, but I especially don’t like them! They are the worst! But lately, I have been having so many of them… it’s actually really nice to be out and hunting humans instead of sleeping right now. Even though I’ll be probably tired later because of my lack of sleep. Do you ever have a lack of sleep human? Hehe, I’m sure you do. It’s not great, is it… but it happens so often, especially when you have to attend the youkai school early in the morning. And would you believe this? My body is too big to fit into the classroom, it’s just horrible! Other demons pick on me because of it and it makes me really sad… but I just can’t help it, I’m the type of demon that is really big even when young! Ah, why can’t I be as pretty as the kitsunes… they are the worst! Always teasing me about everything, thinking they can get away with it because they’re so pretty… I hate them! Oh, I’m sorry human… I started rambling again, didn’t I?”

    Well, apparently this demon was a talker. Or just lonely and had no one that would listen to her. It created a really strange mix of emotions inside of Leila, listening to all that. In the meantime, all the other demons grew pretty bored and even sat down to wait it out. Yuki too had her unamused expression all of a sudden, clearly showing that she did not care one bit. But this was good… a chance to get out of this situation perhaps. She just had to make sure to appeal to the youkai and maybe she would let her go free, not wanting to capture her anymore. And apparently this demon was in school? Well… she had no idea how aging for these guys actually worked, but that was still a bit hard to believe. Even the biggest of things were born relatively small, this girl was just way too big to be so young! Anyway, time to formulate an answer she will like...

    ”Ah, I see. It’s a shame that you can’t tell me, maybe I could try to help somehow. But it’s fine, I’m sure you guys will managed even without my awesome skills. And I get exactly what you mean by that! You see, I’m a member of a guild called Golden Phoenix and all of it’s members are such a lazy butts, I can’t get them to do anything at all. Especially the guild master, he wanted to get a mirror but instead of getting it himself, he asked me to get it! So I had to risk my life and even fight a terrible nightmarish demon that took my form and used it against me! Would you believe that? Just because he is lazy, I had to risk my own life to get his mirror! And of course the motivation, it’s never enough. They all just want more and more and more, there’s no end to it! They are so greedy, those treasure hunters, I can’t believe it even when I see it every single day. But hey, maybe it could work here! Just offer everyone something nice and lovely, or perhaps some extra money if they get their work done fast and more often! I’m sure that will work with most of them. For nightmares, you should visit the human world and gather some herbs there! If you make an incense from them, you will sleep like a log and there won’t be any nightmares at all. The smell is not exactly the most pleasant one, but I’m sure it will be worth it. So you should definitely try it, you have my word on it! And hey, I think I know why they are all teasing you. It’s not because they dislike you or anything… but because they are actually envious of you! That must be it, they love you but they don’t know how to convey their feelings properly. So instead, they just try to annoy you and tease you so that you pay attention to them. That’s just how it works in the school these days, you know? Instead of being discouraged by it all, you should feel good because you’re adored by everyone. They just don’t know how to say it to you. So next time they start doing it… just give them a hug… or something… if you can.”

    It was a bit questionable if a being with so many leg-hands could give anyone a hug, but it was probably worth a try, right? Trying to create an answer like that on the spot sure was something, but it was actually fun too. Shame only the Eden’s mage felt that way, as the other demons were slowly falling asleep by now, and so was Yuki who sat back down and produced a book out of god knows where. So disrespectful… but understandable at the same time. This was a rather strange conversation that she was having with a spider youkai that somehow wanted to share her problems with a human that she was supposed to capture. No one would expect things to turn this way, at least not Leila. But somehow, it actually seemed to work, at least a little bit. A sobbing could be heard coming from the spider lady as she started bobbing her head even more.

    "Oh, you are so wise human! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly! You opened my eyes and showed me the light. I don’t know how to repay you… but I will one day, I swear it on my good grades in the school! Now if you would excuse me, I have to go and motivate my friends back in the classroom. Have a pleasant night.”

    And with that, the youkai started turning around, causing a mild quake with each step she took. It was still weird how her legs had hands on them and all that, but at least they didn’t have to fight. Because Leila had no desire to be slaughtering all these demons and the spider lady actually looked like a really powerful individual. Probably one of the more rare and powerful demons or something like that. Which made the fact that she was getting bullied even weirder, but oh well. Leila was glad that she could… help? Them and could leave now. All the other demons were actually peacefully sleeping right now and in order to not wake them up, the Eden’s mage decided to use her wings. Nodding towards Yuki to activate hers as well, they prepared to leave. But as soon as Leila’s feet lifted from the ground, her leg was grabbed by one of them cats that actually managed to wake up and tried to capture her prey. This was a bit problematic, as the wings made out of leaves and branches were actually not strong enough to lift up two people at once. But… there was an idea that suddenly shot through the silver haired girl’s head! Controlling one of her black orbs, she swiftly moved it right in front of the cat’s face, wiggling it in mid air a little bit to get the youkai’s attention. And oh boy, did she get it… the poor creature let go of the flying girl and tried to grab the ball that could easily be used as a cat’s toy. It was a shame Leila actually still needed that, so she just formed it into a very thin needle that the demon could not grab and moved it back into the formation of orbs that were floating behind her back, using her wings to get as high as possible so that nothing else could get her. This… sure was an interesting encounter.

    HP: 600
    MP: 135%
    Word Count: 2363
    Total WC: 7212
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    Spells Used: Wings of Nature




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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 24th October 2016, 5:25 am

    But what Leila did not know was the fact that this battle was not yet over. Tengu, a demon that had wings similar to those of a crow. Three of these beings suddenly started circling the Eden’s mage as she was suddenly reminded of the shadows that he saw on the ground before. There were four different types of enemies, not only three. And these guys were the last ones, not wanting to give up even when their later just kinda walked away from the scene. This was not definitely not great, as they all stopped with the flying for a moment, staring at one another.

    ”Your leader left me alone. Shouldn’t you follow her actions and retreat as well? I’m not here to fight with you, trust me.”

    It took a moment for the winged demons with masks to form in a triangle formation in front of the two girls, the middle one answering those words with a gravelly voice.

    ”It is true that you managed to convince the Tsuchigumo. But we are different! If you wish to proceed, you will have to showcase your power to us first. We cannot allow a weakling to roam this realm no matter what. Showcase us your true power, and we might let you go.”

    It seemed that she just had to fight this time, no way around it. But at least they just wanted to see her power, which meant that this would not be a battle to death like before. Honestly, she wished that she could just point them to the place where she decimated the kitsune, but then they would know that she killed one of them and the whole situation would surely become even more unpleasant with even these guys trying to kill her for sure. And that was just about the last thing she needed right now, as these guys actually looked rather powerful to be completely honest. But even then, the Eden’s mage was sure that she could win! Especially with her companion by her side! They both got ready as the Tengu spread apart too in order to not collide with one another during the battle. But then something unexpected happened. Two of them simply… flew away. Or at least to much greater distance as only one remained. This confused Leila a bit, because it made no sense unless the two of them had very long distance powers.

    ”What is with that face, human? I said that you have to showcase your true power. Something like that would not be possible in battle of teams. So I ask you too, make sure your friend doesn’t join our battle. This is a duel between the two of us and no one else! Now, show me what you are made of, for I am waiting!”

    So that was where things stood. Apparently these guys were actually bound by a code of honor which didn’t quite allow them to attack all at once. This was good, as it would be much harder in the situation where it was three against two. Looking over at Yuki, even she knew. With a nod of acknowledgment, she flew away as well in order to watch the whole fight unfold from a greater distance where she would not get in the way of any attacks and such. Still, Leila was a tad bit nervous as this would be her very first aerial battle. She only recently acquired her wings and was not yet quite sure how to properly use them to be honest. So that was a little bit of a problem in this situation. But there was also some good to that. Kinda like when you need to learn a foreign language, the best method is to simply go into the country. Then you are forced to learn it in order to communicate your desires to other people. In order to properly learn how to fly, Leila now had to face someone who was probably flying their whole life. It was a bit extreme, but it should work. Unless she gets perfect hang of her abilities, she will lose. And she definitely didn’t want that to happen, not after she decided that she would move forward and get out of this world! But this would definitely be a challenge as the thing the Tengu did was conjure a fairly big fire ball that suddenly started closing distance. With suddenly scared expression, Leila did her best to move up as fast as possible in order to avoid the attack. After all, her wings were made out of leaves and it was extremely easy to destroy them with fire. Even if that attack didn’t hit, the heat from it alone could be alone to evaporate the wings if she got too close. And that was one scary thought, falling down from this height. Without even any time to properly think things through, another attack was already launched at her. The Tengu was flying straight at her, lightning zapping in his arm as he tried to punch her with it. Only barely she managed to maneuver and get above him and basically behind him as well. She had to put him down as quickly as possible! All eight orbs that were usually behind her back suddenly appeared in front of her and crashed into the bird demon’s back, sending him down and crashing into the mountain.

    ”You want to see my power? Alright… just make sure you can actually take it without your soul leaving your body permanently!”

    Focusing her magical energy, she made a wooden lance suddenly unearth from the mountain that the Tengu crashed into, sending him back into the air. At first, it only seemed like he could be grateful for that, as he could recover much faster in the air with his powerful wings. But there was more to it, apart from the fact that the impact of the wooden lance did quite a bit of damage after it was boosted both by Leila’s regalia and the rewriter’s gear just like all other attacks of hers. And before he could face the girl again, there was a golden light coming from her hand. A key that was shining in a bright magical light, opening the gate between worlds.

    ”Golden gate of the heavenly scales, I open thee… Libra! It’s time to finish this all for good, Youkai. Prepare yourself!”

    The demon clearly took her words seriously, as he prepared his hands and even legs into a defensive position. But he didn’t quite expect for Leila to summon a zodiac. Dark skinned woman with raven hair that held golden scales in both of her arms. And with a simple movement of those, she carried out her attacks. The demon was expecting a direct attack from one of the two girls, but what he got was attack from completely different direction that he did not expect. Rubble and loose rock from his previous collision with the mountain suddenly flew into his back, dealing some damage and knocking him out of his balance. Leila just hoped that this wasn’t against the rules of this duel, since Libra was technically part of the girl’s powers. And before the Tengu could properly react, Leila was right in front of him, kicking him right in the stomach, an attack that would send him flying back again. But this time, it was not without a price, as a lightning suddenly enveloped the demon’s body and struck the Eden’s mage at full power. Just that wasn’t enough to defeat the girl of course, but it was unpleasant nonetheless. Tengu landed on the ground again as he stumbled a bit and laughed, looking up into the skies as a small crack appeared on that mask he was wearing.

    ”Magnificent! I’ve not seen a warrior such as yourself for ages! Driving me into a corner like this… you indeed are worthy of setting your feet upon this land. I apologize for this, but it had to be done. We shall leave you be for now, but be wary… if you wish to remain here, you will surely encounter many more demons that will require you to prove your worth, possibly in more than one way too. Just an advice of fellow warrior.”

    With those words, the other Tengu demons appeared in the formation with this one again and flew off into the distance. Even Yuki returned to Leila’s side with a smile. It was a good victory indeed, although the silver haired maiden was hurting a little bit now. But that was nothing too serious, hopefully. For now, they had to continue searching for any other humans in this place.

    HP: 480
    MP: 119%
    Word Count: 1470
    Total WC: 8682
    Comments: ///
    Spells Used: Free forming, Libra




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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 24th October 2016, 5:52 am

    It seemed that the skies of this realm were actually reasonably calm, despite the whole place kinda defying logic itself. That was nice, at least until the girl would encounter more flying demons that would have her prove that she’s worthy of being in this place. How stupid was that even? She didn’t want to be here, she had no choice. These demons actually summoned her and then they asked her to prove herself to them. But it probably wasn’t their fault that she ended up here, so it was not really something she could blame them for. There had to be a stronger demon somewhere, or perhaps a magical engine that was casting the multi-dimensional spell that was actually taking humans away from Earthland and plopping them out here. In order to get out of here and stop this whole nonsense and the unknown plan, she had to find that one individual and stop them with her own hands. Given how strong some of the normal demons in this place were, that would probably be nothing easy. So for now, she had to rest and gather her powers back. She was in the skies where nothing other than other flying creatures should get her, so it was at least somewhat relaxing. Looking down, she actually saw few more creatures walking about. Something that looked like a giant dog that was following a pack of smaller wolves. It was… kinda cute in a way. Like an oversized pup following his tiny family or something of that kind. And yet, that big canine somehow seemed really familiar to the Eden’s mage. She had no idea why, but she felt as if she had seen it somewhere, knew it even! But surely that was just another enchanting ability or something, perhaps an illusion spell. After all, she was in this world for the very first time. There was just no way that she would actually know anything or anyone from here, perhaps aside from the humans that were trapped here somewhere. With those, there was always a chance that she could see someone she had met in the past, even if chance of that happening was actually really small. But a dog demon? The only dog demon she knew was Jiyu, and she was still very much a human, not an actual animal. Even though she was sometimes seemingly able to act like one from what she had gathered over the time. It was weird just how much did that demonic blood change her from the person she once was. But hey, she would probably like this place with how it was inhabited by youkai alone. Perhaps Leila could take her to this world at some point in the future if she gets out of here alive and in one piece. And if she figures out how to actually move between this world and Earthland, that was also a pretty important thing that she had to learn if she wanted to get out of her or maybe visit this place in the future. But for now, it seemed like there was nothing at all that could give her the answers.

    ”How are you, Yuki? Still doing fine?”

    For now, she just tried to strike a friendly conversation with her only companion in this place. It felt really lonely to be just flying through the clouds, no matter how awesome that sounded. And she wanted to make sure that this company was just fine as well. Yuki was a spirit in the end, just like many of other residents of Gardens. And Leila had no idea if this place’s atmosphere could have any effect on them.

    ”Everything is fine, you don’t have to worry. This place is surprisingly similar to Earthland in it’s structure, despite the illogical things around us. And the air here is basically the same as well, so there’s nothing at all we would have to worry about. It’s fine.”


    A third voice that sounded from behind the two girls managed to startle Leila quite a bit. It was Libra that followed them the whole way, flying using her gravitational magic instead of any visible wings that could actually be destroyed if hit. The reason she managed to scare her owner was actually because Leila thought the girl returned into the realm of starts. But apparently she did not… well, it was correct that Leila herself didn’t close the gate. But Libra usually did that herself when the fighting was over, why not this time? She was probably just bored in her own world and wanted to see this realm of demons anyway. Which was fine. She could be really helpful on the way too, so that was nice.

    ”Oh, that’s right. Libra… I never asked how your world works and looks like. I only heard that it’s filled with stars, that must be quite beautiful!”

    It was painfully clear that the wizard was trying to fill in the silence that would be all around them otherwise. But she did not receive any answers from the silent spirit. Instead, Yuki started talking and answering Leila’s question on her own.

    ”It is supposed to be world of 88 starts, or perhaps even more. All spirits reside in there and inhabit the place. Apparently time flows differently in that place, unlike the three dimensions you know and where time is all the same. Though the stars themselves are apparently pretty small, so it can get boring there if you don’t have any ideas for fun things.”


    Yeah, Libra was not the one that would talk a whole lot, so perhaps the fact that Yuki explained it for her was for the best. Well, it still sounded like fun! But then again, when you lived somewhere your whole life, you would probably take it as a pretty boring place while someone completely different from far away would see it as very exciting and interesting. That was just how it worked, and why Leila loved traveling all over the continent. There was always something new and exciting to see, something that the locals saw as old and boring. But for her, it was new and nice! Kinda like this world right now. She was attacked twice now, but she was still enjoying exploring it, seeing what it had to offer. Not everyday you would get a chance to experience something like this, a whole new dimension that you’ve never seen or even heard about before! It was… nice.

    HP: 600
    MP: 123%
    Word Count: 1104
    Total WC: 9786
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by NPC 24th October 2016, 5:52 am

    The member 'Leila Vergious' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 8:19 am

    If only she could keep on flying like this forever. But that was a wishful thinking now, wasn’t it? There was simply no way that things could continue going on that smoothly, as the girls learned not too long ago with all the demons. And in only few more seconds, Leila’s wings slowly started falling apart, and so did Yuki’s. Libra had no wings to speak of, so she could not go through a change like that, but her whole body started glowing gold, just the same as when her gate was about to be closed. The silver haired girl along with her companion started quickly falling to the ground that suddenly started changing right in front of their eyes. In the meantime, Libra used what powers she still had to elevate even further up, which seemingly saved her from the same fate, as her body gradually stopped glowing and restored to it’s normal state when she was summoned like this, meaning she could follow flying. This was kinda the last Leila saw of her spirit when she suddenly fell into a whirlpool of strange magical energy, getting confused and turned around rather quickly. And then, just like that, she found herself lying on an asphalt street in middle of a futuristic looking city. That was… odd, to say the least. She already noticed before that this world was capable of defying just about anything that existed in certain instances, but this was just ridiculous. A whole city appearing in front of her out of thin air? Perhaps this was another trap laid out for her, prepared by another mischievous youkai. After all, the creatures had it in their nature, nearly every single one of them. If they could not be pranking others, then they could almost not exist, it seemed. Which was quite something when taken into consideration. When Leila got up onto her two feet again, she realized the reason why she fell into this mess in the first place. No matter how hard she tried, she could not conjure a single bit of her magical powers. It was almost as if her magic was suddenly taken away by force, not leaving her with anything at all. It quickly reminded her of the Neutral Grounds where a natural phenomenon was occurring, disabling any and all magic that would appear in that place. If this was something like that, well… it honestly didn’t really matter. Leila was more than capable enough to work without magic. But right now, she was still in the enemy’s territory, a place where she was most vulnerable. Losing her powers here, it was almost like a death sentence. Looking over to her side, she spotted Yuki who seemed to be in the exact same position, her magical energy not working either. This was problematic to say the least… and they had to escape this strange futuristic prison as fast as possible!

    No use in dwindling around here too long. We have to move, quickly… the faster we escape this place, the better. I definitely don’t feel safe without my magic working, so...

    Yuki simply nodded to show her agreement with that status. Not one of them wanted to stay in this dreadful place, especially without their power. Thankfully it looked like the strange city was not that large in it’s scale, though it was rather difficult to judge something like that from where they were standing. In any case, they both started running through the middle of the street, stopping only moment later when a strange noise started approaching them from both all sides. A noise that could only be described as eerie and unnatural, or perhaps like a large amount of tiny feet stepping all over the place.

    D..damn, if we have to fight in a place like this, I don’t know if…

    Leila stopped herself as a certain figures started emerging out of nowhere. A rather large and round figures… once close enough, the demons were finally revealed. It seemed that they could be invisible for as long as they were far enough from someone, and it would probably be best if it stayed that way. For what was now right in front of the two girls were three giants balls of hair, taking up the entire street. And from this weird, overgrown body, several red legs extended and were moving the rest of the creature along. It was hard to see, but it appeared that eyes and mouth of the demon were atop of it’s body, both convulsing rapidly as if phasing somehow. Rather horrific sight, even compared to the more grotesque youkai that this duo already met today. Letting out a high-pitched shriek of terror, Leila quickly started running to the side, diving behind a shrubbery that was adoring the side of the road. Yuki on the other hand was completely silent and went to the other side of the road, quickly hiding behind a large, metallic sign that advertised a nearby convenience store which apparently opened rather recently. It took a moment, but soon, the beasts were right next to them, as the three bodies covered the whole street. But they did not stop, despite clearly knowing and seeing the two girls. They just kinda… continued on their path past the two females, not stopping for a single moment. And once far enough, their bodies disappeared again, leaving only the uncomfortable sound that slowly faded away alongside the demons as well. For whatever reason, they weren’t exactly interested in the intruders of this world, which was only a good thing. As both of them realized a while ago, it would be rather problematic to run into a ruthless killer in these streets for as long as they cannot properly defend themselves. For now the girls left their hidings spots and started moving again, only this time, they were sneaking around and trying not to make too much noise like they did just a second ago. Since they now knew that enemies were definitely present inside of this space, whatever it really was.

    HP: 600
    MP: 127%
    Word Count: 1013
    Total WC: 10799
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 12:18 pm

    While it was nice to be moving quietly, they had to escape this place as soon as possible. Se they also had to be fast, which would lower the chance of them meeting another youkai. And it all seemed to be working quite well for a while. They even managed to finally arrive at the end of the town, seeing something like a gate of light that was a clear indication of the exit, a place that would most likely warp them back to the Youkai dimension where they were. Thinking about it, this was actually rather strange to say the least. They were kidnapped into another dimension from the Earthland, and when they proved to be trouble even inside of the strange world, somehow they were kidnapped once again into yet another place that seemed to be it’s own dimensional rift. Things were getting confusing for sure, and all that Leila wanted was to be back at her camp, sleeping in her sleeping bag! None of this nonsense that was getting on her nerves by the minute. So for the last moments they were supposed to be in this cursed place, the two girls started sprinting again in order to get through the exit. Of course it would not be that simple, it never is. Just as they were about to make it, something big fall right in front of them from the skies, effectively blocking the path forward and out. Without their magical powers, the girls were not any stronger than your regular human either, so they couldn’t simply jump over. Backing away, Leila’s eyes widened in mild terror as she saw in full picture what was actually blocking their way out of this city. It was… a massive centipede yokai that was surrounding the entire city. Even outside of this world, the Eden’s mage had never seen anything of this size, it was simply massive! Words alone could not very well describe it, but it would probably not be too much of a stretch to say that this thing could surround an entire mountain with how long and big it actually was. It’s body covered in strong looking plates that they could never hope to penetrate with their current attacks and so many legs that you could probably never counted them all. Thankfully it didn’t seem to actually notice the two. That, or it wasn’t actually interested in eating them. Didn’t quite matter which, Leila was just glad that they didn’t have to fight that thing right now. But it was still a big problem, as it was seemingly blocking every single exit that existed out of this magical city. Still, they could not simply give up.

    ”We can’t give up just yet! We need to keep looking for a way out, there’s nothing else we can do right now. I don’t intend on dying in a dump like this… not now! You’re still with me, right?”

    A single drop of sweat slid down on the side of Yuki’s face as she looked at her owner, her worried expression changing to a slight smirk. Yeah, she was still with her. They were not separable by any means, they were companions for life! And even in a desperate situation like this, they would not back down from the challenge, or give up completely. They had to press on no matter what, surely there is something they can do. Even without their powers, they still had the experience and wit to outsmart the demons and get out of here alive. It was either that or dying in here, probably to be forgotten by everyone in the Earthland. And that was something Leila was afraid of, something she simply could not let happen. Even with the darkness that was slowly spreading throughout her body and mind, she still wanted… she still had many things to do in that place. She could not possibly abandon it because something like this happened. Grabbing the dragon girl’s hand, they started running in another direction, not truly caring what could happen to them in a moment’s notice. But when several sounds echoed through the streets, they quickly dove into a shrubbery that was by the road, rather similar to the one Leila hid in before. But she was sure that this was a different place than then, so they were making some progress in actually exploring this town. But even though there were sounds, the two girls could not see a single thing out there. Was this nothing more than a bluff, mere trick that was meant to confuse them? Or perhaps that was because of what happened before… it seemed that demons here were able to become completely invisible when far enough. But the centipede one was still fully on display, despite parts of it’s body being rather far away from the two. The rule clearly did not apply to all of them the same, which was a problem. After several more seconds, Leila deduced that it was probably nothing too threatening and peaked out of the foliage, trying to scout out the street they were on just a mere moments ago. What she was suddenly staring into, however, was a giant eyeball. A big black body, seemingly of similar properties as of the yokai from before, covered with raven black hair and with a single giant eyeball that was covering a good half of that body… it was staring right back, no more that few millimeters away from the silver haired maiden’s face. For a moment, they both remained completely and perfectly still because of the shock. But when Leila instinctively moved her body back, the eyeball suddenly opened up only to reveal several giant teeth and abyss of a mouth, clapping down right in front of her, nearly biting off a good portion of her face. With a rather girly scream, she jumped out of her hiding spot along with Yuki, spotting two more of these strange creatures around. There was not much more they could do, but run. And so they did! Thankfully the creatures had no actual limbs, so they moved by rolling around which was not exactly the fastest method of traversing any distance. Especially when your mouth/eye is in a specific place and you need it somewhere else in order to bite your victim. Thanks to that, it proved rather simple to escape these attackers unharmed. Though it did probably leave a mental scar with how horrid they looked...

    HP: 600
    MP: 131%
    Word Count: 1082
    Total WC: 11881
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 1:39 pm

    But even though they managed to run away from one single thread, it certainly didn’t mean they could be resting just yet. Not that they had much of an option, as their bodies were without any magic at all, their stamina lowered drastically. Right now, they were like normal humans that were not even remotely fit for some reason. And so they managed to find themselves breathing heavily while leaning against a wall of another house as they tried to regain their postures, hoping that the rolling eye mouths of doom would not catch up before then. Thankfully it looked like they managed to evade them completely by now, so that was one one thing less they had to worry about right now. At least for a moment, they had peace again. At least until something started changing once more. At first, neither of them could really say what, they just felt… odd… watched. It wasn’t until few more moment later that they noticed what was going on. The house they were right next to and using it’s wall as a resting place… all of it’s windows were seemingly reflecting one clear image. Or perhaps it was something behind the windows in the first place? They had no time to figure that out, as all they saw was a giant baby face staring at them from that place, instantly scaring them into oblivious. Leila didn’t really ever like babies in the first place, and when there was a giant one peering at you in a different dimension, it’s skin all rotten and silver, it wasn’t exactly helping to cure that fear. At least it wasn’t anything more than a harmless reflection of the windows, not exactly something that could hurt them. It’s sole purpose was to actually scare them, which it fulfilled. Butt Leila and Yuki did not know that in the slightest, they thought it was another demonic being that wanted to hunt them down and use their bodies for whatever twisted fantasies these things had. So they started bolding it once more, creating as much distance between them and that house as they possibly could. This world was just filled with surprises wasn’t it. And it wasn’t getting better at all. As they were running, multitude of pure white hands started appearing from the streets and walls all around them, none of them reaching but still trying to. When she first appeared in this world, Leila certainly didn’t think that she would be in for a free horror show, despite the appearance of several yokai that tried to capture her earlier. This was just bizarre and strange, not exactly something that she wished to continue. But she had to, as they managed to run into more of those giant road blocking monsters that they were greeted by when they entered this weird city. But this time, they were just kinda… standing there? They were certainly not moving, save for the twitching eyes and mouth that were still atop their bodies in a rather inconvenient location. With how they reacted before and now, these things apparently weren’t much different from being just simple road blockers, not exactly paying any mind to whatever was going around them. But as Leila stared at the creature in rather confused manner, another shadow striked from it’s hiding place. A pale woman’s head with a long black hair, and that was it. But even with only this many body parts, it was still bigger than Leila and with it’s mouth open, it almost managed to eat her whole as well. Thankfully Yuki was paying a bit more attention to their surroundings than her owner and managed to shove her away. The creature continued in a straight path until it hit a whole, phasing straight through it and disappearing. Didn’t take long before two more of these appeared from different sides, trying to make the duo into their late night snack. They were fast, but not impossibly so. Dodging them didn’t prove to be that much of a challenge, though there was a good chance that they would come back, forcing the two girls to move through the city again without even giving them a moment to rest. Eventually they managed to find themselves in a parking lot, resting against one of many futuristic cars that were parked there. As Leila inspected it, she realized they had no slot for magic transfer machine. And all of their doors were locked as well, meaning she could not get inside of any of them. Even after all that, this place was just getting stranger with it’s futuristic setting and yokais all over the place. And still not a single clue to what this place actually is. Sliding down against the car, Leila sighed and looked over at her companion who was resting in the same position.

    ”This place… do you really think it has some kind of exit? With that centipede blocking seemingly every single road leading out of here and all the demons roaming around, I’m kinda starting to lose my hopes...”

    ”That’s not how you felt earlier. You said that there is nothing other that we could do, so we just have to keep on going. You should stick to what you said…”

    Upon hearing that, Leila couldn’t help it but chuckle a little. Her companion was correct, after all. There was no way she could just give up in this place, there was still too much unfinished work waiting for her in the Earthland. So they had to get out of here no matter how difficult it was. Even if the odds were against them… the Eden’s mage was always glad that this little dragon girl was by her side, to set her straight in these situations. Whatever would she do without her, she had no idea at all. At this point, Yuki was her family… her sister, guardian and parent all at once, showing different sides in different situations. She truly was the greatest guardian of Eden.

    HP: 600
    MP: 135%
    Word Count: 1004
    Total WC: 12885
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 2:15 pm

    At least they finally had a moment for themselves to rest up. All that running around was rather tiring at this point, leaving Leila in a state where she started questioning the state of her body. Was all her stamina and physical power truly coming just from her magic, or was this place restricting more than just a flow of her powers? It was entirely possible with the stuff she had seen here so far. And hopefully that was actually the correct thing to say too, otherwise she would have to start training even harder after she returns. Or perhaps right now, as a shadow started looming over the car they were resting against. And in a split of second, a blade went right through it, appearing right between the two girls. Something was behind the car, splitting the machine apart. Quickly leaping back, the duo looked at their enemy this time. And once again, the sight was rather shocking, as the saw a tall mannequin with blades for hands. And it wasn’t alone, there was another one alongside it. Not exactly something you want to meet at night in an empty parking lot, no matter if you have or do not have your magic. That thing was just bloody terrifying on all accounts! And it started charging right at them, each one of the plastic monsters taking one of the girls. Inconveniently, the exit was also located behind the demons, or whatever these things actually were. So they did have to kinda get past them if they wanted to leave. Thankfully they seemed somewhat sloppy and slow, allowing Leila to skilfully slide beneath the blade as the mannequin swung at her. Yuki on the other hand was used to a more martial approach to things given her fighting style. This time, the enemy was not as though as before! So when her enemy prepared to take a swing at her in order to cleave her in half, she managed to stop it’s hand by kicking into it and sending it back with her force.

    ”Scaring my master like this… it is my solemn duty to protect her! No more running, this is your end, right here, right now! Perish, demon of this world!”

    For some reason, the dragon girl got… rather angry with the possibly inanimate enemy. But… it was good to a degree. They actually faced enemy they could defeat for once in this city. So why not let out all the frustration and anger? It also pleased Leila rather greatly, hearing those words coming from Yuki. It was true that the dragon girl was technically her guardian, but she had never seen it that way. So right now, she could enjoy being treated like the goddess she kinda was for once, having people that would fight for her in her stead. She herself decided to beat the crap out of the mannequin as well though! Yuki shouldn’t have all the fun for herself. As the enemy was turning around to face the Eden’s magician once more, she prepared a kick of her own that landed on one of the knees, breaking the joints and letting the creature stumble around. Dancing around it, it was rather easy to land another blow from behind with her fist, sending the poor inanimate enemy to the ground. And there… it was as simple as placing her boot onto it’s head and pressing down as hard as she could. Hopefully these things weren’t actually alive… because that would be rather brutal and mean death, having your skull crushed like that. But as she did the act, some strange form of ghastly figure left the mannequin, floating off to the distance. So these things really were not alive, but merely possessed by some other yokai.That was good, as Leila kinda already finished one of the creatures today, and it was  still pretty fresh in her memory, haunting her thoughts every now and then. But she could not get rightly distracted by all this, as they had to escape with their lives intact! And that required concentration… looking over to the other half of the parking lot, it appeared that Yuki managed to finish off her half of the enemy encounter as well, breaking it into multiple pieces as well. Nodding to one another, they decided to start running again. They have been to most of the city by now, so there was little they still had to fully explore.  It was now that another giant shadow started approaching, making the two girls rather worried. And as Leila looked over her shoulder, she quickly saw what was after them this time. The centipede had finally found them, as it’s head loomed over the city in rather threatening manner. And here she thought that Hero was tall and threatening with his appearance sometimes, but this bugger on a whole new titanic lever! And it started quickly close in on them, forcing Leila to grab Yuki and pull her out of the road to a side alley as the centipede’s head crushed the street along with few buildings that were around. Leaving the space between two homes, the girls managed to get back onto another street, and good thing too, as another exit suddenly became visible from that spot as the giant creature started moving about. A new glimmer of hope sparked in the silver haired girl’s eyes as she tightened her grip on her companion, resuming her sprint towards the white light. All they had to was cross it, then they would surely leave this place for good, regaining their powers and the ability to fight back. And just as that thought crossed her mind, the buildings behind her collapsed as the creature started following them and destroying anything and everything in it’s path. Definitely a bad time if they were to be caught in that. And it was close for sure, as the thing was quite faster than them. But they managed to get into the light, feeling it’s strange warmth and warp in the space around them. They were leaving the place for sure, and everything around quickly started taking shape of the world they were kidnapped into instead of a weird futuristic city engulfed in the night of horrors.

    HP: 600
    MP: 139%
    Word Count: 1047
    Total WC: 13932
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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 3:06 pm




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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by NPC 17th November 2016, 3:06 pm

    The member 'Leila Vergious' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Journey through a strange world [Job] Empty Re: Journey through a strange world [Job]

    Post by Noheme 17th November 2016, 3:11 pm

    They were finally out. And just as Leila made it out of that accursed city or whatever it was, she started feeling her powers once more. They all returned just as if they have never left in the first place! How exactly was something like this possible? She had absolutely no idea right now, though that was about to change. Take in several deep breaths, the silver haired girl looked back at the scene of the entire city collapsing behind her. And it wasn’t in the sense of something destroying the building or anything either. It’s very reality was falling apart right as they watched. This whole dimension truly was capable of not making sense at all, defying even the laws of existence themselves. So that was why she was unable to use her powers at all when inside of that space. Perhaps she was just unfortunate to wander into some sort of trap or natural occurring phenomenon within this world. But just as she found out, that really was not the case. A rather strong magical energy appeared not too far away from her, it’s power echoing through the air. As much as the Eden’s mage wished that all of this would be over now, there was still more to go around. Her head slowly turned towards the source of newly appeared power and was not really all that surprised to find another demon, seemingly floating in the sky. And this time, it was another fox. A beautiful woman that boasted figure that any other female would envy her, accompanied by an expensive looking kimono, a set of fox ears and nine tails that was swaying in the wind behind her, all clad in astonishing golden color. This captivating sight, it was just as terrifying as it was pleasant for the young girl that was standing on the ground. Somehow, she knew that this will not end well for her at all. And honestly, she was right to think so. After all, the enemy in front of her was kitsune that had nine tails. And as far as she knew, the more tails these demons had, the more powerful they were with nine being the maximal number. The yokai in front of her was surely well over a millennium old, experienced and powerful. And just her presence was beaming with power. At that moment Leila also noticed that she was not alone. Few more yokai were along with her, probably as her bodyguards. Though they did not look very strong... which meant that Yuki could probably take them on by herself. And so she did, as she started moving towards them, leaving the Eden's mage free to deal with the fox.

    ”My, my… you actually managed to escape from my illusionary world. But I suppose that had to be expected with someone who made it this far, through so many residents and guardians of this world. So just as I thought, the task of eliminating you falls onto me directly. And here I thought that I wouldn’t have to use much of my power today...”

    There was a certain tone to her words, the way she was speaking… it was almost as if she was annoyed by this whole situation. Annoyed and not really willing to go through it all. But not in a sense of her having mercy on Leila. Rather, it was almost as if she was thinking of the semi-human girl as a bug that was too gross to step on. Of course something like that was rather insulting in the first place. But after all that the silver haired girl went through in this world… she did no longer care. All she wanted to was to return to Earthland this instant and resume her small journey. She grew sick of this world and no longer wished to be part of it. And for that… she had to force someone of great power to teleport her back. And the one floating in front of her surely had enough power to do so.

    ”I don’t care. Just send me back where I came from… that’s all I want. I don’t care about this world or anyone within it, I don’t care about the captured humans either… just send me back and be done with it already.”

    Those words seemingly sparked some interested in the golden haired yokai. Interest that was very quickly replaced by darkness, one that you do not see often. She was mad, very mad! Just from that look alone, it was beyond obvious that words would never be enough to convince her to open the portal back to Earthland.

    ”You know… you cause so much trouble for us that I would normally open the gate without any hesitation. But you… you’ve killed one of my darlings. You took life of an innocent kitsune. And as the one who stands above them all, I simply cannot let you get away with something like that. It will be eye for an eye… life for life. You will die here today, human.”

    And with that threat, several large fireballs appeared behind the kitsune, quickly finding their way to the Eden’s wizard. But she was prepared to fight, so something like this was nothing at all. Her body dissipated into air and azure blue petals the moment those attacks got a bit too close for comfort, reappearing just roughly 15 meters away from the newly created black crater in the ground. Still, the enemy using fire is going to definitely be a problem right now. It was still the girl’s greatest weakness and by this point, even fear. Though she would rarely give into that these days… the darkness inside of her, that was fear itself. And as it was taking control more and more, it was actually rather hard for the Eden’s mage to even feel afraid of anything that could be threatening to her. Probably the very reason for her not covering and shaking right now. It was both good and bad. Obviously it would be pretty hard to fight something that you were afraid of so much, but without fear came danger as well. No restraint against something that could easily destroy you… it was dangerous to say the least. Self-destructive even. Thankfully Leila wasn’t too far gone yet, so she still had at least a little bit of common sense inside of that skull of hers. So she also knew that this fight should be ended as soon as possible, no delays! The longer they would fight, the lower her chances to grasp victory, as she would slowly burn away.

    ”I see. That resolve in your eyes… I guess I’ll have to use everything I have in my arsenal. In order to destroy you quickly before you do anything too dangerous… so you should prepare for your demise and accept it with no regrets. Now…”

    Those words made the silver haired girl rather wary. But that wasn’t quite enough, as the kitsune’s tails were already ablaze. A bright, crimson flame that burned brighter than anything she has ever seen. That was definitely bad! The enemy was preparing something something rather big, especially since she actually said that she wanted to finish the poor girl fast too. They were clearly both experienced and could determine what the other one would do based only on that alone. Quite scary, actually. Only, the kitsune was just a tad bit faster than Leila. The flame grew more intense as the enemy activated her spell, aiming to burn the poor girl in one go.

    ”Disappear now, human. Nine tailed burial pyre!”

    And with those words, nine trails of flames went from her tails and created a circle around Leila. And in the next moment… a giant pillar of flame appeared, reaching to the skies. Even the environment all around started melting from the heat as well. Then what about poor silver haired girl that was standing right in the center of that flaming pillar? Surely her body evaporated completely, or at least that was what the kitsune expected for sure. A giant cloud of steam rose from the ground as the fire slowly faded away. And from that obscure place, an arrow swiftly flew out and hit the fox, who did not expect this at all, in the shoulder. She was sure that the single attack would finish her opponent off, that she would not survive. But she did, a bubble made out of transparent shadows swirling around her, cracked all around. The ability of her armor, she rarely had to use it… but when she did, it saved her skin every single time. One of them being right now as well. And in her hands, the silver bow that shot arrows which did not to direct damage. Instead, a seal now rested on the kitsune’s body, shattering most of her defenses. And a smirk spread across Leila’s face, of course.

    ”D..damn you… I only saved enough power to finish off that second girl after this, but you…?”

    A clear miscalculation. And Yuki was now on her way as well, finally having enough of all this nonsense. She was nearby this whole time after managing to defeat the rest of the demons, but laid low for the time being. Now was the time to strike back as her feet landed in the fox’s stomach, sending her down from the air and placing a solid amount of ice in that place. Finally, it was time to finish all this! Activating her greater creation, Leila sent multiple roots through the ground, uprooting them underneath her and sending her flying while damaging her. And at that point, she already had another wooden spear in her hand, throwing it as fast as a bullet and hitting the fox directly. Why exactly did she position her enemy like that? Well, there was another being quickly approaching, one that was separated from the duo of the other world before. Libra was here and she was ready for the devastating combo! As the spirit was getting ready, Leila moved about her orbs and transformed their shape into one of drills, breaking apart the terrain all around them.

    ”Planetary devastation.”

    Activating the spell, kitsune was transformed into a gravitational core that quickly started attracting all loose pieces of the ground that were around. And soon, a giant new planet with diameter of 75 meters was formed, floating above the battlefield. Now that the setup was ready, it was team to break this ball along with the enemy inside of it. Her skull cannon was already formed above her, gathering energy. And in few seconds, it fired! As the laser went through the newly farmed object of earth and roots, the whole structure exploded in a glorious spectacle. With that, the battle was most likely over, as no one before managed to survive that combo before, especially with all of the buffs and debuffs that were being used right now. The trio of girls stood strong, one next to the other. Looking closely, Leila spotted the golden kitsune falling alongside the ruble as well. What she did not expect was the fact that the fox would recover and land on one of the falling blocks of earth. Her hands connected in a strange gesture as she looked over at the girls, her face filled with hatred and many more negative expressions that one could not even begin to try and describe.

    ”You humans never change. You come and you destroy everything that is around you, including all that is alive. If even I was not able to stop you… there is no point in trying to capture you. Go back, human… and break apart your own world! You already hurt us enough, be gone!”

    And just like that, another portal opened up, sucking Leila and Yuki in. Libra on the other hand seemingly closed her gate on her own, as there was no need for her help anymore. With the galaxy and reality warping around them, swirling in chaos, they quickly found themselves right next to their camp again. They really were back! They managed to return from another world that they were kidnapped into! Only… they did not manage to free a single another human that was trapped somewhere in that world. In a sense, they failed. Well… they never were on a job in the first place, but still. There was more they could have done to help improve this whole mess of humans disappearing. Sighing, Leila got up and stretched a little bit, yawning at the same time. Yuki only curiously looked up at her owner, wondering how is she all taking this. Well… it wasn’t all too bad, actually!

    ”We’re alive, aren’t we? I call that a success if you ask me. Really, it is not our problem that some people are disappearing all over the place. I’m positive that the council already hired someone way stronger than me to take care of it… they will travel into that world as well and perform better than we did. Who knows, maybe they are even already in there, which is why there were so many demons running around in the first place, looking for humans. So… we don’t have to worry about it at all. Yeah…”

    Perhaps she sounded a bit too sad to be trusted, but Yuki didn’t question it in the slightest. She was happy that her owner wasn’t falling into depression every two steps. So she just smiled and followed the silver haired girl to the tents. After all that, they surely deserve some good night’s sleep, right?

    HP: 600 maybe?
    MP: Somewhere below 100 I guess, I don't even know anymore
    Word Count: 2276
    Total WC: 16208
    Comments: Was doing this job for far too long man...
    Spells Used: I made this post before I made the posts that come before this one, too lazy to read it again



      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:12 pm