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    Immaculate Summon Thread

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th October 2016, 2:17 am

    Words:  545 / 6250
    The Call

    Anastasia was awakened from her sleep to a haunting, yet beautiful song flowing into her ears.  The sound of sadness and tranquility both assaulting her emotions.  A glazed over look covered her eyes as she stood up from bed, as if possessed and slowly walked her way to the aircraft hangar of the Isayev Heavy Industries.  On her way, she encountered a few of the guards.  A look of inquisition crept across their faces.

    "Lady Anastasia!  Are you, alright?" one of the guards said to Anastasia, only being given a blank expression for a moment before she continued her way towards the airship hangar.  

    "Madam Anastasia!  Wake up!  You're sleep-walking again," said the other guard before the first guard nudged him with his shoulder.

    "Idiot, you're not supposed to wake up people that are sleep-walking.  We just need to direct her back to bed," the guard said before nodding his head.  The other guard agreed and placed their hands upon Anastasia's shoulder to redirect her.  Anastasia stopped for a moment and turned to look towards the second guard.  

    "It is calling for me.  Do not stop me," she said in a flat, monotonous voice.  

    "Calling you?  What are you-- oomph!" shouted the first guard as Anastasia backhanded the guard, instantly knocking him out.  The other guard raised his rifle up towards Anastasia.  His hands shook as he tried to take proper aim at Anastasia.  

    "What's wrong with you, Lady Anastasia?!  You aren't yourself," the remaining guard said with a shaky voice.  

    "I told you.  It is calling me.  Do not hinder me any further," she said before the guard lowered his weapon down to his side and sighed.  "Be careful," he simply stated before Anastasia turned her head away from the guard and continued forward towards the airship hangar.  Upon entering the hangar, she walked upon the SS Myrmidon.  

    The ship instantly powered up and the doors to the outside opened up as well.  It was as if something was controlling the hangar.  No orders were given to George to do any of this and the hangar doors were unmanned.  

    Rubbing his eyes, her father Ivan stood as the jetwash from the airship's engine blasted at him.  "Damnit!  What's doing this!?" Ivan shouted out, trying to hear himself over the roar of the engines.  His eyes lit up in acknowledgement.  He cleared his throat and pulled the radio he had to his side up to his lips.  "What's the status on 'The Hymn'?" he spoke into the radio, only to hear nothing but silence.  

    "Shit, shit, shit!" he said before hearing a crackling noise over the radio.  

    "It's gone!  It's fucking gone!" spoke the other voice over the radio.

    "What!?" he said shouting at the radio before turning his eyes to the already floating SS Myrmidon.  In a flash, the airship took off out of the hangar and into the skies.  As soon as this happened, the jetwash within the hangar died down.  Ivan ran into the middle of the hangar to watch the doors begin to close on their own and slammed his radio down onto the floor, shattering it into a bunch of tiny pieces.  

    "Shit!  The Hymn took control of her.  Shit!" he said before the door of the hangar closed shut.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th October 2016, 2:27 am

    Words:  1360 / 6250
    The Throne
    of Thorns

    Anastasia awakened herself to see a bunch of dusty-looking and primitive people gawking at her.  It was as if she was some kind of exotic animal.  Anastasia looked around and sat up for a moment, putting herself in a defensive posture.  She looked around and pulled the animal pelt that she was using as a blanket up to her chest.  The primitives continued to get closer, as if to inspect Anastasia, before a person walked into what appeared to be the massive tent made of animal hide.  The gawkers turned back to notice the person who come in and quickly moved to the side.  The elderly man was accompanied by another person; a woman of the same skin complexion as she.  

    Anastasia opened her eyes and pointed at the woman.  "I know you!" she said as the look of shock was still plastered upon her face.  She saw this woman in the bar just before her mission with Ashe and Ai.  This woman put an entire tavern filled with perverted men straight to sleep.  "What are you doing here?  And who are you?" she asked before the woman just gave Anastasia a little smirk and flipped her hair over her shoulder.  Without a response from the woman, the elderly man walked up to Anastasia, leaving very little room between their two faces.  

    The man's nostrils flared up as he smelled Anastasia for a moment and nodded his head.  After taking a whiff of Anastasia, he returned to a more reasonable distance from her.  Anastasia's face turned to one of pure disgust.  Before she was about to say something, the elderly man spoke in an unknown language.  He nodded his head and the crowd that was looking at her started to murmur amongst themselves.  

    "You are here because the Gods have called you here," the woman translated for the old man; who is most likely the chief of this primitive village.  

    "The Gods?  What are you talking about?" Anastasia asked in complete confusion.  

    The chief spoke once again and nodded his head, before the tent erupted into fanfare.  People started to pour out of the tent and cheer on, screaming at the top of their lungs.  The eruption of noise and elation caused more and more confusion with Anastasia.  The chief then stomped his foot upon the ground, causing the members of the tribe inside of the tent to come to a hush.  

    "You were the one prophesied to call forth their god and to end the drought and 'The Great Dying' with these people," the woman translated again.  The information being fed to Anastasia caused her to laugh a bit.  The laugh was quite off-putting to those in attendance.  

    "So you're saying that I'm 'The Chosen One'?" Anastasia asked before standing up to her feet and began to walk out of the tent.  "Don't feed me this bull-" she said before feeling a hand upon her shoulder.  This was the hand of the woman she recognized.  

    "I wish it was a joke, but to these people, it isn't," she stated.  Now that Anastasia had a good look at these people, she noticed their dried and cracked lips and their emaciated bodies being writhed with hunger and dehydration.  

    Anastasia's expression changed from a skeptical one to one of worry.  "Can I have a moment alone with you?" she asked before the translator turned to the elder and translated it into his language.  A nod was given and the man stomped his foot twice causing everyone to pour out of the tent, including himself.  

    As soon as everyone cleared out, Anastasia turned to look at the woman.  "Please, tell me who you are and why I'm here," Anastasia asked.  The woman cleared her throat and sighed outward.  "If you want to call me something, call me Jade," she said.  It was obviously not her actual name, but it was finally something to call her.  Anastasia would have easily have just used her Eye of Odin, but she wasn't exactly the person to use that voodoo on.  

    "So, Jade.  Why am I here?  Why does that elder think I'm 'The Chosen One'?" she asked desperately.  "I'm just--" Anastasia said before she was cut off.  "You integrated with 'The Hymn'."

    "What does that have to do with why I'm here?"  Ana asked.

    "It was 'The Hymn' that brought you here.  It wanted you to see something," Jade said before turning her back to Anastasia.  "Come and see," she said before leaving the tent.  Anastasia followed behind only to open up the tent to see the outside world.  Her jaw dropped in amazement.  Everything away from the tribe seemed so lush and amazing.  Gravity wasn't obeyed by giant floating stones and the laws of physics were completely disobeyed in this world.  

    "Where am I?"  Anastasia asked.

    "You are on the Planet of Kazo.  A region called 'The Throne of Thorns'."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd October 2016, 9:18 pm

    Words:  1794 / 6250
    Crouching Tiger
    Mechanical Dragon

    Anastasia looked over the mystical landscape of the planet of Kazo with awe upon her face.  She cleared her throat and turned to look towards the red haired woman that seemed to know about her; the woman who named herself Jade.  Anastasia tilted her head a bit.  "Where is my ship?" Anastasia asked.  While it was a strange question to ask, it was something she felt was extremely important to her.  Jade waved her hand dismissively for a moment and pointed downward, upon one of the smaller floating rock formations.  They, themselves were on a floating rock; a massive one.  A river ran through the skies above, pouring water down just below the river in the sky.  Nothing on this planet made any sense.

    Anastasia turned and looked to where Jade pointed to to see a large white lion creature looking directly back at Anastasia.  Anastasia felt uneasy, the eyes peering straight into her.  With a loud roar, the lion-like creature jumped from one floating island to the next before jumping into what looked like the abyss.  After a moment of waiting, the creature appeared further out, higher than it should have been.  The physics of this planet are certainly strange; enough to give scientifically-minded individuals like Anastasia a headache.  In confusion, Ana looked between the lion then to Jade and then back to the lion creature.  It turned to run in the direction opposite of her.

    "It knows who you are Anastasia.  Pursue it," Jade said.  Anastasia turned her head to look towards Jade, finding her quickly vanishing from sight.  This caused even more questions to rise up within Anastasia.  A low chanting could be heard from behind her as she saw all of the locals begin their prayers.  It was as if, the roar of that lion creature was the sound of their god.  

    After observing the natives for a moment, Anastasia looked back towards where the lion-like creature went off to and took a deep breath.  "This is crazy, this is crazy, this is--" she said before jumping off of the floating rock and found herself on a waterfall flowing upwards.  The water pushed her up into the sky before a blinding white light could be seen, attracting the attention of natives.  

    "The dragon!  It rises up once again!"
    "The prophesy!  It is true!"
    "The dragon and the tiger shall fight again!"

    Anastasia completely transformed into her Fafnir set and ignited the engines, propelling herself towards the direction of the lion-like creature.  Anastasia narrowed her eyes as she thrust the mobile suit forward.  "You have some explaining to do, Mr. Lion."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd October 2016, 10:11 pm

    Words:  2,582 / 6250
    This is what happens
    When you rely on A.I.
    "Oh, I'm Sorry Dave.  I'm Afraid I Can't Do That"

    Anastasia continued to fly in her armor.  None of the telemetry information or guidance systems seemed to be working.  "What the hell is going on?" she said as she slapped the instrument panel to try to jilt some of the instruments to get a proper reading, however, none of the instruments seemed to work.  The compass upon her suit began to spin around wildly and rapidly.  It would spin clockwise for a moment then swing anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise before stopping entirely.  Her instruments turned into blank screens for a moment before an image of 'The Hymn's' eye came up upon the screen.

    Anastasia pulled back a bit as all of the screens turned into this.  "What the hell?  The Hymn?!" she asked rhetorically before her suit automatically landed on it's own.  This suit was, however, integrated with The Hymn and if The Hymn was in full control, there wasn't anything she could do about it.  Anastasia removed her hands from the controls, only to see the sticks controlling themselves.  

    "So Jade was right.  It was The Hymn that brought me here," she said, now coming to the realization that she wasn't here of her own will, but of it's will.  The Hymn guided the Dragon Armor down to the ground and deactivated everything, leaving Anastasia unarmed.  Due to The Hymn taking control of the movements, Anastasia didn't expect the removal of the armor and fell flat on her stomach.  The pain of falling down 30 feet caused Anastasia to scream out in pain.  "Ugh!  Come on!" she said as she rubbed her breasts; most of the impact falling upon her breasts.  That's going to leave quite the nasty bruise.  

    Once Ana regained her composure, she stood up to see the large lion-like creature staring at Anastasia, standing at the mouth of a cave.  It looked her over for a moment before turning around and heading into the cave.  Coughing a bit, Anastasia walked towards where the Lion-like creature was, only to come to a stop.  A large monolith could be seen with writing upon it.  

    "Why is Draconic written here?" she asked.  Anastasia remembered Jade mentioning the reason she is hear is because she was capable of reading the language of the dragons.  Now questions are starting to pile up.  How did Jade know she knew how to read Draconic and how did Jade know about the existence of 'The Hymn'?  More and more questions started to pile up with no answers in sight.

    Anastasia looked over the slab written in draconic and tilted her head.  The slab was a story about music?  The thought of it being about music and legends was kind of weird.  Anastasia cleared her throat and looked over the slab once more.  "What the hell?  I don't get it," she said for a moment.  Upon reading it over and over again, she noticed a small detail that appeared to be damaged.  She skipped over this part, being unable to read it.  A series of 3 words she wasn't able to make out.  What could those mean?  

    Ana sat in front of the stone for several hours, trying to decipher the words.  "Song of Death?" she asked herself.  "The Song you'd sing to the dead?" she thought to herself.  Then something clicked inside her head.  "The Song of Sacrifice?" she asked in utter disbelief.  That was a song that her family passed down for many generations.  A song as old as the Valkyrian blood, itself.  

    Anastasia laughed a bit upon deciphering that portion, still bewildered at how old and how far-out this song is known.  "There's no way this song is known in this strange planet.  Really?" she asked before shaking her head and clearing her throat.  She stood in front of the stone slab and closed her eyes.  She took a deep breath and began to sing the slow and haunting melody.

    As Anastasia sang the song, words upon the slab began to glow and peel off, floating around Anastasia as if Anastasia was using Script Magic.  However, this was the reaction the slab was having to her song.  The words continued to peel off of the slab and spin around her.  Once the slab ran out of words, words began to glow throughout the entirety of the cave entrance, illuminating everything within.  As the song came to a close, the words returned to whence they came from and a heavy stone acting as the door opened on it's own.  The smell of stale air filled Anastasia's nostrils before a dark corridor could be seen within.  

    It seemed that 'The Hymn' wants Anastasia to follow.  Taking another deep breath in, Anastasia walked into the cave's entrance and into the unknown.

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 23rd October 2016, 3:08 pm

    Words:  3,456 / 6250
    No Matter Where I Go
    No Matter When it is

    Standing inside of the cave is a very familiar face.  Upon entering, Anastasia plainly grumbled and her eyes closed half-way out of annoyance.  "How, exactly, did you get here, Smirnoff?" She had encountered this guy on multiple occasions in the past.  He acted as a comic relief boss for her in several jobs, starting off with the first job she did with Team:  'Chaotic Dance Party'.  In retrospect, that team name was absolutely moronic.  The fact that, of all people to stand in her way, Smirnoff was the one to do so, is just appalling.  Not in a way that is to shock and awe, but in a way where it's bewildering how someone as moronic as Smirnoff is hidden in a place like this.

    "Oh!?  Little Blonde Singer Girl!" the man said in a thick russian accent.  "What you do here?  Either way.  I take revenge on you!" the man said before flexing his muscles that are on top of his muscles.  With a quick sweep of her leg, Anastasia quickly knocked him to the ground and with a wind up on her left leg, she kicked him straight out of the cave.  

    "I will continue revenge, next tiiiiiiiiiiime!" Smirnoff said before becoming nothing more than a spec of light in the distance.   A look of disgust came across Anastasia's lips as she watched him vanish into the distance.  "Idiot," she said before sucking air in between her teeth, making a 'tch' sound.  Anastasia turned back towards the cave and continued to walk forward.  The corridor had torch-like objects on either side, each pair igniting as she progressed forward.  She continued forward until the pair of lights continued to move even without her, moving into a round bulbous shape before meeting in the middle.  

    The torches illuminated the lion-like creature from before.  The creature let out a loud roar which caused Anastasia to take a step back.  She narrowed her eyes, considering equipping her requip, however, due to the Integration with 'The Hymn' it wouldn't allow her to use it from earlier.  Instead, Anastasia stood up straight and walked up to the Lion-like creature, close enough to feel the creature's breath upon her.  

    Once again, the lion-like creature roared, this time pummeling Anastasia with the full-force of it's voice.  Anastasia closed her eyes because of the pressure of the roar and her hair kicked back due to the percussion of the sound.  "What is it that you summoned me for?  You are what we call 'The Hymn' right?" Anastasia inquired.

    "Yes, that is what you humans have come to call me.  Utilizing my avatar for your own ends," the creature said, speaking directly into her mind.

    "We had no idea what that slab was.  We knew it had immense power so we used it.  We didn't know it was the avatar of a sentient being," Anastasia took a step back and began to explain.  

    "Yes, that is true.  Human understanding is only the result of observation from their 5 main senses," spoke the creature.  It's voice is multi-toned and smooth in nature.  It sounded cool and calculating while having a voice of absolute comfort.  

    "For that, I can forgive you."

    "But why did you call me here?" Ana asked before the creature let out yet another roar.  The cavern began to fill with lit scripts like the entrance of the cave and the black slab at the mouth of the cavern.  Anastasia looked up towards the script, being able to easily read all of it.  "Why is there Draconic written on the wall?" she asked.  There were so many questions that she needed answered; but knowing how this is to go, she will go without a reply.

    As quickly as the glowing scripts appeared, they vanished before the lion-like creature looked down upon Anastasia.  "I have called you here to make a pact," the creature stated causing Anastasia to put her hands upon her breasts, instinctively hiding her breasts from view.  The last time she made a pact, the reward was to make her breasts bigger.  Hopefully, this pact doesn't involve that.

    "Do not worry.  I have no interest in changing your physical shape," the creature said, causing a bit more comfort within Anastasia, allowing her to drop her guard.  "I will lend you my strength if you do something for me."

    Anastasia tilted her head in an inquisitive manner.  "What can someone like me do for a majestic creature like you?" Anastasia asked.  While, she certainly wouldn't mind having the strength of 'The Hymn' directly.  

    "Show me true power.  Show me the true strength of humanity.  Show me this and your strength is mine," the creature said.  A big grinned crossed Anastasia's face and she pumped her fist.  "That shouldn't be too hard!"

    "Do not become cocky, Anastasia.  Now be gone and show me the true strength of humanity.  I will be watching," the creature said as it vanished from view.  The torches still remain lit, leaving Anastasia by herself once again.  An annoyed look crossed Anastasia's face.  "Could have told me this without the long trial," she said before turning towards the trail of light leading out of the cave.  "Well, I suppose it's time to go back to the village."

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th October 2016, 8:45 pm

    Words:  4101  / 6250
    I thought I was
    Rid of YOU!

    Anastasia found her way back out of that cave and took a few steps away from the door she spent hours finding her way into only to stop, hearing the sound of stone scraping upon itself.  She turned around to see the door slowly close shut behind her.  "Well, I hope I didn't forget anything in there," she said before taking a few steps forward to notice where she was at.  The place she was at had a beautiful view.  Rivers of water flew through the sky, a waterfall flowing upwards sparkled in the evening twilight.  She was on one of many floating islands in this strange chain of floating islands.  

    The faint sound of screaming could be heard from somewhere, grabbing her attention.  The village was under attack!?  From who?  Anastasia took a deep breath and attempted to summon her dragon armor once again and her Dragon Fangs.  With luck, the weapon and armor set returned with Anastasia now back in the pilot seat.  Looking down at the control panel, she noticed that it had returned to it's usual look.  None of the Hymn's face staring back at her.  "Well, seems like you have given me control over it huh?" Ana stated before pressing her feet down on the pedal and ignited her engines to help propel herself upwards.

    At the camp...
    The locals begin screaming in fear as a large man can be seen uprooting the homes of those that live there.  "She will come!  Stupid Robo-Broad will come!" shouted a very angry man with a very thick russian accent.  

    The locals spoke in their native language, all huddled around one another.  Thankfully, the large man didn't attack the villagers yet.  Anastasia flew up to the villager's island and landed on the island.  The sound of the mech landing caught the large bruiser's attention and the bruiser slowly turned to look towards the mech.  "Robo-Broad is here!" the man said with a heartily laugh.  Anastasia cocked a brow upon seeing the newly metallic human being.  "Smirnoff?" she asked in disbelief.  

    The metal man turned towards Anastasia's mech and laughed.  "Yes, it is Smirnoff!  Smirnoff become robot to beat Robo-Bitch!" he said as he pointed directly at Anastasia.  Smirnoff smacked himself on the chest with his palms, making a clanging noise every time he did it.  Anastasia grumbled and turned her attention to the people down below.  "Everyone, get to safety off of this island.  This guy is unstable," Anastasia shouted out her warning to them.  

    "Unstable, you say?  I'll show you unstable!" the man said before changing his size to be the same size as Anastasia.  A 40 foot tall metal Smirnoff is now actually a threat.  The question is, did he already have this ability or did he acquire this skill recently?  Regardless of the answer, Ana now knew she had to stop him once and for-all.  Smirnoff turned to look towards the villagers and raised one of his feet up into the air as if to squash the entire village, huddled up into a small group.

    "Damnit," Anastasia said as she pressed the pedal down and ignited her engine.  With a quick boost of speed, Anastasia tackled Smirnoff and wrapped her mech's arms around him, throwing the two of them off of the island.  Using this as a chance to get away, the terrified huddle of people ran to safety.  The language barrier made it very difficult to communicate to them to run; though, that should have been basic human nature.  

    Speeding off of the island, she let Smirnoff go, only for him to float in the air.  The strange physics of this planet made it so that someone as heavy as the metallic Smirnoff could float with ease.  "Physics in world strange, but Smirnoff like!  Smirnoff smash Robo-Bitch instead of villagers!"  

    "Bring it on, asshole!" Anastasia shouted in a challenge.

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th October 2016, 9:06 pm

    Words:  4630 / 6250
    There is nothing funny
    About a 40 foot tall
    Metallic Idiot

    There really was nothing funny about a 40 foot tall metallic idiot like Smirnoff.  Especially one clouded with revenge.  Anastasia continued to float in the air in front of Smirnoff.  Smirnoff was within range of the dragon fangs, but she didn't want to risk the dragon fangs being destroyed.  She would need to analyze his movements before making an attack.  But that was assuming he would be an offensive type fighter.  Normally, she dealt with him and dealt with him swiftly and effectively.  Never before had she had to deal with him in a threatening manner.  

    "Why are you still here, Smirnoff?  And why were you destroying the village?"  Anastasia asked.  She genuinely was curious of Smirnoff's actions and she wasn't very happy with Smirnoff's rash acts either.

    "Simple, Robo-Bitch!  I wanted to hurt the villagers so I can get to you!  Righteous broad comes running when people being hurt," he said in his still thick russian accent.  The gruff in his voice ever-present, even while metallic.  

    "You stayed here and hurt them for the sake of revenge?  You're sick, Smirnoff!"  Anastasia said, actually getting angry at Smirnoff.  How could someone hate another so much that they are willing to hurt others just to get to them?  His entire rationale is disgusting to Ana.  

    "Of course!  Revenge for destroying business in Hargeon!  Revenge for doing again!  Revenge for everything Robo-Bitch done to me!" he said in his broken english.  The more and more he called Ana Robo-Bitch, the more annoyed Ana is getting.  It's a shame that she's actually letting Smirnoff get into her head like that.  

    "Stop calling me that!" Anastasia shouted.

    "What?  Robo-Bitch?  ROBO-BITCH!!!" he said as he continued to chant the words that Anastasia didn't like and started to make mocking gestures such as dancing in mid-air, putting his hands by his ears and sticking out his tongue.  "Robo-Bitch very strong.  But Robo-Bitch get very very angry at being called Robo-Bitch!" he said, simply to get under her skin.

    Anastasia took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.  ~Don't let your emotions get to you Ana.  Don't let him get under your skin.~ she said to herself to try to keep her calm.  Smirnoff's mocking came to an end and he looked in awe at something behind Anastasia.  A shadow began to be cast over them only for Anastasia to turn and look behind her.  As she did this, she got clocked in the back of the head.  

    "Robo-bitch let her guard down!" he said as his punch lurched Anastasia forward.  With a quick blink, Anastasia appeared directly behind him and started to wail on him with her dragon fangs.  

    "Ha ha!  Strong weapon not hurt Smirnoff!" he said as he shrugged off the attacks and delivered a lariat in her direction, throwing her back into the landmass of one of the floating islands.  Clearing her throat and pulling herself out of the earth, she started to think of strategy.  Red lights began to blink and her heads up display began to shout out about the damage received.  Throwing a sucker punch was a very cheap move, but it was something she expected from Smirnoff.

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th October 2016, 9:40 pm

    Words:  5187 / 6250
    Your body might be made of steel
    But there is one part of you that isn't

    Smirnoff laughed out loud at Anastasia's inability to hurt him.  With a little groan, Anastasia whirled around him again before he lashed out with a flurry of fist strikes.  Anastasia released a shield around her entire body, letting it take the blows before his punches started to break through the barrier.  The barrier gave her enough time to back up and away from the punches and return fire with a rapid assault from her dragon fangs, using her Viper Strikes Technique.  Again, her attacks easily bounced off of Smirnoff's metallic body, causing her to reposture.  Smirnoff laughed out loud once more before taking off to the sky.

    It seemed that he noticed where the villagers were going and decided that, in order to exact revenge on Anastasia, who loved people was to take their lives and become an actual monster.  "Since Robo-Bitch like people, Smirnoff smash the people.  Would break Robo-Bitch on the inside!" he said as he started to float upwards towards the line of people floating from their main island to a secondary island where they can take refuge.  Smirnoff continued towards there with the villagers terrified of his appearance in close proximity, but they continue their advance in hopes something will come and save them.  

    Smirnoff is stopped as he felt something around his waist.  It was Anastasia's dragon claw.  "Stupid!" he shouted out, turning away from the villagers as they started to flee to their secondary island.  Smirnoff turned before the Dragon Fang began to return to Anastasia dragging Smirnoff with it.  While Smirnoff was being brought back to Anastasia, the people successfully fled to the next island.  "Let Smirnoff go!" he said before clasping both of his hands together and smashing the Dragon Fang with both of his hands releasing the grip upon him.  

    In order to buy the villagers more time, she shot out her other Dragon Fangs only for Smirnoff to turn around to smash that one as well.  A bright white light glowed, leaving Anastasia weapon-less against this metal brute.  Smirnoff growled and ran up to Anastasia and wrapped her mech in his arms.  "I hug you, Robo-Bitch!  Now I take you on trip!" he said as he jumped upwards, high above the secondary island before coming to the apex of the rise.  He repositioned himself to perform a massive piledriver to Anastasia.  However, this piledriver spun as the two fell towards the island that the villagers fled to.  

    With an earth shattering crash, a crater was made on the much bigger island, causing the Fafnir Armor to instantly shatter, leaving Anastasia laying in the crater with blood pouring from her forehead.  Murmurs and cries for help could be heard from the villagers.  

    After smashing Anastasia's mech into the ground, Smirnoff gave a victory stance.  "I smash Robo-Bitch into pieces!  Makes Smirnoff stronger than Robo-Bitch!  Now, for Smirnoff to smash people to destroy Robo-Bitch heart!" he said as he looked over towards the villagers with hungry eyes.  Screams of fear were heard before their screams turned to gasps.  The villagers pointed and looked towards the crater where blue fire appeared to be coming out of it.  From out of the rubble, Anastasia stood up.  Her hair was a deep blue color and she brandished a massive spiraling spear.

    "Smirnoff.  Do not take another step if you value your life."

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 14th November 2016, 11:39 pm

    Words:  5842 / 6250
    A Will of Iron
    A Resolve of Steel

    Smirnoff let out a roar of a laugh.  "You think small girl with big spear scares the MIGHTY SMIRNOFF!?" he said before taking a single step.  In response, Anastasia pulled her arm back and then stepped forward, thrusting the spiraled spear directly into Smirnoff's leg, shattering the metal armor of the man, throwing him backwards.  He reverted to his normal size, laying on his back.  Clearing her throat, Anastasia walked over to Smirnoff as if to make the final blow.  However, she paused for a moment, looking towards the remaining men, women, and children that she protected from the massive Smirnoff.  Certainly, he killed so many of their people, but why do they feel pity for him?

    Turning to look back towards the men, women, and children, she could see the adults covering the children's eyes.  Ana cleared her throat and turned to look back towards Smirnoff.  "Consider yourself lucky, Smirnoff.  You owe your life to these people," she said before adjusting her grip on her lance to one similar to a golf-club.  She pulled her arm back and swung, sending him flying into space with a mighty swing.  

    Anastasia took a sigh outwards before the blue fire evaporated, returning her back to her normal appearance.  She looked back to the villagers and smiled at them.  "He shouldn't bother you any more," before crumbling into a heap, falling unconscious.  The people of the village started to gather around her.

    Anastasia awakened in the middle of a field.  Physics seemed to have returned to normal.  However, the field looked strange.  There were lights coming from the field of grass up towards the sky.  Standing up, she looked around to see that the field extends to as far as the eye can see.  "Where am I now?" she asked, her voice echoing as she spoke.  Something about this place didn't seem familiar at all, a place she had never seen before.  "So, this is your realm, huh?" Anastasia asked, feeling a presence directly behind her.

    "No.  You are in the Field of Elysium.  A place connected to the flow of time, space, and other worlds.  This is where the worlds are connected and separated at the same time.  A place where time is traveling at every speed imaginable; correlating with each person's perception of time.  This is also where a person's fate is determined," the large lion-like creature she encountered upon the other planet said directly into her mind.  Anastasia turned towards the creature, noticing it's massive stature when compared to her.  At first, she was curious, and then she was terrified of this creature.  However, she felt something strange about this creature as if she knew this creature for her entire life.

    Anastasia looked around as a cool breeze blew over the tall, flowing, golden grass.  Her eyes moved in the direction of the wind before her attention was caught by a single golden orb flowing upwards towards the heavens.  She reached up to grab one of the balls of light, holding it in her hand.  She opened her hand only to see the light extinguish the very moment her palm opened up all the way.

    "Life is ephemeral, like those lights," spoke the massive creature.  "If even one person were to grab a hold of that light, it would vanish into the wind.  What you have shown to the people of that planet was what I was looking for.  Not only your bravery to protect people you have never met, but to spare the life of someone you deem an enemy," the creature said as it turned his head skyward to look at the collection of light.  

    "Do you think you left a strong impression on the people?  The indomitable human spirit?  One that is as ferocious as it is gentle?" the creature stated before looking to Anastasia.  She looked to the creature with firm resolve in her eyes and gave him a nod.  

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
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    Immaculate Summon Thread Empty Re: Immaculate Summon Thread

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 14th November 2016, 11:51 pm

    Words:  6253 / 6250
    I need to stop
    Making these contracts

    With a mighty roar, the lion-like creature reared it's head before everything came to a stop.  "Very well, I will lend you my strength.  Be strong and have a resolve of steel," the creature said before letting out yet another roar, causing the sky to shatter like glass.  Everything became hazy before fading to black.  

    Moments later..
    Anastasia woke up in her bed upon the Myrmidon, feeling a strange itch upon her right hand.  She turned her hand over to see a strange golden marking, similar to the Hymn imprinted into her arm.  Her communicator rang only for her to grab it and answer the call.  She stood up as she heard a familiar voice.

    "Anastasia!  Finally!" her father shouted into the phone, forcing Ana to hold it away from her ear.

    "Where have you been?"  

    "It's a long story, dad.  I'll explain when I get home," she responded.

    "Alright then.  The Hymn just re-appeared all of a sudden.  What did you do?  Oh, right, you'll explain to me when you get home.  Anyway, get home quick, I wanna hear about it," the man said before hanging up.   Anastasia sighed outward and pushed the blanket off of her body.  "What a long day, I need a shower," she said before grabbing a towel from her room and walking into the bathroom.

    She disrobed and looked down at her breasts.  "You gotta be kidding me!!!!" she said as she noticed her breasts growing even more.  She stepped into the shower and turned the water on, letting the water hit her on the face and over her body.  "Of course, why not.  All of these creatures are just perverted," she said with a grumble.

    Suddenly, she felt something grabbing a hold of her breasts only to look down, noticing a familiar pair of hands.  The hands grabbed them tighter before a familar voice rang out.  "Hey there, Captain!  Nice new boobies you got here!" Taliya said with a laugh.  Anastasia closed her eyes as the vein in her forehead began to pulsate.  She grumbled and shouted out loud.  "Hands off, PERVERT!  Touch your own TITS!"  The shout echoed throughout the ship causing alarms to ring similar to when Taliya sneezes.  

    The Artificial Intelligence within the ship shut off the alarm, knowing the circumstances of the pressure change.  The screen simply wrote:

    Those unforgettable days, for them I live

    Anastasia began to chase Taliya out of the shower with Taliya running away in laughter.

    God damnit, Solos are boring AF
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