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    Post by Guest 9th May 2016, 12:42 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "You really have nothing better to do, do you?" Seika asked as she crossed her arms and stared at the tanuki girl with disapproval. The hybrid yokai was in human form, for once, with cyan hair and eyes, and a rather modern and tomboyish outfit including jeans with a few tears, a black shirt, and a green, fashionable cargo jacket. To top it off, she wore a gray scarf with a single, thin, black stripe running through the middle from end to end. She preferred her smaller, true form which was like a small, fluffy, white-furred 'mew' that could levitate. For once, however, she was okay with hanging about with her tanuki yokai friend in her human shape.

    Not only that, but Izayuki appeared to be a pure human for once, instead of showing off her silver ears and tail in her human body. The pink-haired girl was at the checkout of a bakery, with red velvet cookies with white chocolate chips on the counter and ready to be purchased, and after that, quickly eaten and enjoyed. Her means of payment, however, was with basic leaves she had picked up from who knows where. The cashier would fail to recognize this, however, as she skillfully disguised the leaves as paper jewels- just enough to pay for the cookies, and get some change too! Win-win!

    The act was juvenile, but for a tanuki, it was a no-brainer, being both a prank and just a casual act to make things easier on her, and slow down the idea of spending to the point of being broke. These were red velvet cookies, after all- the baker could always make more. Losing out on a bit of a sale would not do too much harm, hopefully. Seika gave a sigh of further disapprobation, knowing exactly what her partner was doing. Turning to the cyan-haired girl, Izayuki put her finger to her lips, which were curved in a sly grin. The cashier noticed, gazed suspiciously at the jewels for a few seconds, before shrugging and finally accepting the bakedanuki's illusion as reality. Taking her bag of cookies, Izayuki gleefully strolled out of the bakery and out into the streets of Lavantir Port City, the local town that Black Rose seemed to govern. Honestly, she knew little about the territory and politics of her guild, but whatever. Kakuma and the other aces could deal with that stuff. Just because she was the Ace of Stigma did not mean she had to really focus and pay that much attention to details, right?

    Walking with Seika to an open dock, the two yokai sat on the edge, legs hanging off to feel the sea spray, as Izayuki opened the brown paper lunch sack to reach her cookies. She shared a few with her comrade, who she refused to see as a 'pet', and wolfed down most of them herself. Her former teammate, Jin Okura, had introduced her to the heaven that was red velvet cake, and now that she learned that the delicacy could be in cookie form too... damn, this really was heaven on earth! "You really know how to set a good example," Seika said sarcastically, with little emotion on her face. Izayuki only shrugged nonchalantly as she continued downing the vermillion-colored snack. She seemed as if she were about to reply, but for once being unable to come up with a good answer to justify herself, kept silent for a few moments before chiming back with her own sarcasm. "I do, don't I?"

    Seika honestly had trouble knowing if she should be amused with the tanuki, or ashamed of her partner. Izayuki was supposed to be a rolemodel of how a yokai could fit into human society, but honestly, the quality of her teaching only fair... just barely; not good or great. "We ought to be getting back, y'know? You did promise you'd finish up that paperwork before the evening," the cyan-haired, slightly younger teen said, attempting to be the more responsible one of the nonhuman duo. Izayuki only flopped her upper body down onto the brown, wooden planks of the dock. "Ugh... I don't wanna!"

    Izayuki gave a sigh and closed her eyes briefly as Seika began to stand up and eventually loomed over the pink-haired girl, cyan eyes glaring. She obviously did not want to watch her partner get another scolding from Elyx, Irina, or someone else... it was beyond embarrassing, especially with Izayuki as the one responsible for the hybrid yokai. "Fine, fine, I'm coming. Chill~" the tanuki girl said, hauling herself up to a sitting position again before using her hands to help her spring to her feet. "Let's go~!"

    As the two began walking, however, the atmosphere of the scene would begin to shift... since when had a heavy fog settled in over Lavantir? The skies and space were fresh and clear just seconds before...
    Both yokai stopped in their tracks, glaring around warily and keeping their senses sharp. What kind of joke was this? Or was it a joke? They were unable to sense anything in the thick mist, yet one thing was for certain once they regained their bearings; the feeling of gravity, the aura, magic presence, and literally everything screamed it out... they were not in Earthland anymore.

    Location;; Lavantir Port City, then Nazo.
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 882
    Postcount or Wordcount methods?
    882/16400 or 2/40

    Job Info:
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th May 2016, 5:00 pm

    sharp, commanding voice called "Again!" from the top of a ruined, deteriorating castle hidden well in the mountains between Hargeon and Rose Garden. "Damn it, we've been doing this all morning-" "And you'll continue rerunning it until you get it right. Now, run it again." Niyol replied as the teen's whining continued. "Common han, if you can't get the basics down then you'll never master the song. If we don't get it down after the next three tries then how's 'bout we take a break? I brought some snacks from Hargeon, well... the part that wasn't destroyed." Kateri said while holding a katana made of pure black ice. Kateri's voice was calm, and caring which was unfitting for the type of magic she used. Those who used Kateri's magic were normally very cold, uncaring people who preferred being isolated, or had rather harsh outlooks on life.

    Hana stood there, having left her cloak with Niyol, panting from the hours of training she had already endured. Kateri was an ice mage, Hana was a fire mage but she couldn't understand why her sword, Hi no Uta, or 'Song of Fire' didn't even begin melting the ice weapon she was using. Hana got her stance ready, it was a purely offensive stance that reflected her firey personality. Kateri took a defensive stance, placing the sword diagonally across her being and bracing her legs so she won't be knocked back easily. Hana's sword had a flame covering it entirely, burning with the young girl's natural passion. It wasn't a passion only for fighting, but it was passion for learning, a passion for making friends, and keeping people alive. This fire... this desire that burned brightly in Hana's eyes and sword was something that contrasted Niyol's.

    Niyol's eyes were dull, and completely devoid of life. They lacked ambition, they lacked purpose, and anything that resembled love was absent in his gaze. This reflected to his weapon, Tamashi Reitoko or 'Soul Freezer' which had been combined with the Thorn of Betrayal. Tamashi Reitoko, a blade made by a woman from Niyol's tribe, and a man from the Tribe of Frosts... it was initially rejected as one of the weapons of creation, only accepted after it was used to completely obliterate a god where over five hundred of the Tribe of Creation's best were killed in a single instance. It reflected the harshness of ice, being able to freeze entire beings over in seconds just by touching them. The weapon was respected for being the most powerful, and the guardian of it feared for being the one who controlled its terrible power...

    Then there was Kateri... A girl who looked to be Hana's age, though, she was actually half her age. Her eyes were glacier like, a very bright Cyan that seemed to be filled with life. When she looked at others, there was almost always a smile on her face so long as it was her friend, or someone she didn't know at all. She was so warm hearted, and loving that Hana couldn't understand why she'd chosen Ice as her medium. Ice as an element was... brutal to say the least... Kateri's spells were renown in her guild for dealing the most damage, her reputation as an ice user was further enhanced after the destruction of her town. The monster that attacked it had taken monstrous damage from wizards far stronger than Kateri, but none of them were able to land a decisive attack. Kateri had used her magic and blown a hole straight through the monster's heart, killing it in less time than it would have taken had she not been present. Hana found it amazing that someone that powerful wasn't nearly as heartless as Niyol was... especially since that person was his daughter.

    Hana let out a breath of air slowly, focusing her mind on Kateri and drowning the outside world out. She began charging, letting out a loud battle cry and swinging the flaming sword. Kateri had blocked it, moving her weapon forward before spinning on a heel and ending up behind Hana. Her eyes flew wide open as the block had quickly transitioned into having Kateri's weapon poking her in the spine. It was the fiftieth time in a row that she had been beaten by her... Hana's wrist went limp, letting the blade of her weapon tap the floor as burn away some of the grass. "That's enough, I'll take it from here." "B- but dad, she's not ready to fight you!" Kateri protested, knowing Niyol's method of teaching is to never hold back, and always push harder. "That's fine, her life belongs to me regardless." he said before sliding off the edge of the rubble and reaching his hand out. Tamashi Reitoko, reacting to its master, flew from the corner Niyol leaned it against and landed in his hand, leaving its sheathe behind.

    Kateri stepped aside, a concerned expression about her face. Niyol stood five meters, give or take a few inches, away from Hana with no combat position at all. "Take your stance." Hana nervously moved at the order, placing her blade in the air and pointing the tip at Niyol, but unable to control her hand shaking. "Straighten your blade." Hana looked at Niyol with surprise. His voice was emotionless as always, but through it she could tell that his intentions weren't humiliating her by kicking her ass, but rather truly teaching her. The blade slowly ceased its shaking, Hana doing her best to obey the command but finding it hard to do under Niyol's spiritual pressure.

    Suddenly, the world began changing around them in the midst of Niyol's swordsmanship lesson causing the shirtless mage's temple vein to bulge from annoyance. He stretched his other hand out, the scabbard flying over along with Hana's cloak before the castle was consumed by the fog. Niyol handed her the cloak, Kateri stepping closer to Niyol just to make sure the group didn't get separated from it. "We're in Nazo." Niyol said calmly, his ability to step between worlds made it so he knew each of them by heart since he'd taken time to learn them.
    WC: 1,029
    Out of 8,100

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    <div align="center"><div style="width:400px;"><table><tbody><tr><td><div style="width:400px;float:left;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/IDlcE4n.png"style="max-width:100%;"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style="background-color:#000000;padding:10px;font:11px georgia;color:#ffffff;text-align:justify;"><div style="height:20px;width:20px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:10px 5px 0px 5px;margin:0px 6px 3px 0px;float:left;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;">[size=18]?[/size]</div>[size=13]

    [/size]<div style="padding:15px;"><div style="width:80px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:30px;float:left;">[size=13]WC: [/size]</div><div style="width:180px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;float:left;">[size=13]Out of 8,100[/size]</div>
    </div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="width:400px;text-align:center;font:10px georgia;">credit to <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">nat</a> of adoxography and <a href="http://gangnam-style.proboards.com/user/4292">gangnam style</a>.</div></div></div>

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 11th May 2016, 12:50 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Swearing under her breath, Seika was the first to recognize the change in atmosphere. They were no longer on the docks, and the sound of the ocean had ceased, the air now being filled with the sound of a strange, eerie quiet... until a certain voice fractured the silence with three simple words. These words fed the mind and answered the main question that was buzzing around inside of all of their brains. They were in Nazo.
    Nazo...? But where, or what, was Nazo? Quite obviously, it was a different world altogether, or some strange plain that proved to be quite the mystery to the two young yokai. The fog began to clear slightly enough for faces to be seen through the white haze, yet the ground and majority of the scene remained in the mists. The face of a rather serious and slightly-scary man could be seen, along with a stranger girl with red-tinted hair. As the fog continued to reveal who else was among them, a familiar presence soon came into view- Kateri! The blue-hued hair, long pigtails, and cyan eyes proved that it really was the gun-user and ice mage that she had met once before, a long while ago.

    Instantly perking up, Izayuki moved quickly towards the unique trio, her pink eyes fixed on Niyol's daughter, and a broad smile on her face. "Kateri~!" she greeted in her usual chipper and perky manner, despite being in a rather grim and unknown setting. Seika, standing many meters behind, facepalmed slightly as the tanuki went over to greet her old acquaintance. "Iza... don't we have other things to worry about? And who the hell are these people?"

    Izayuki failed to respond right away, but turned her head back towards the cyan-haired yokai for a few second with a grin to reply, before moving her attention back to the others. "Just someone I met on a job," she briefly explained before turning her attention back to the trio. She had not officially met the man before, has she? She could not recall... as for the other girl, she was a total stranger to the tanuki. Well, better late than never to get acquainted with someone. "Hiya~! My nam-"

    Her voice trailed off as the fog suddenly cleared in the blink of an eye, revealing bright gray skies above, with further mists beyond the direct vicinity... yet all around them there were spider webs. The webs were made of a silvery-colored silk, and while the ground upon which they stood did not seem sticky... she had her suspicions. Finally, as if on cue, six spiders appeared. These were not the adorable tiny garden spiders one would expect to find in a backyard... three of them were about the size of a large wolf, while the other three were roughly as tall as a full grown human male. All eight eyes of these beasts stared at the five they were about to ensnare... five more spirited away, five more to be their prey.

    Location;; Nazo- Spider Webs.
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 505 // 1,387/8,100
    Apologies for cutting it off so quickly.

    Monster Dice Rolls:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 15th May 2016, 4:35 pm

    iyol had remembered this one, he had seen her soul from atop the mountain quite some time ago. Kateri had remembered her as well from the same time, ran over and slammed herself into Izayuki's chest in a full on hug, whether or not the other ice mage wanted one. "Iza!" she shouted joyously, truly glad to see her instead of someone else. Niyol had remained on the sidelines as the group got rather chummy, going so far as to almost get an introduction properly started when some spiders decided it was a good time to drop in.

    The metallic sound of Niyol's dual colored blade being drawn slowly from its sheathe, covering itself in an glow of black and white opposite the side of the blade that was colored in the same place... The black end had a white aura, the white end had a black aura, but regardless of which end had what aura, the whole thing radiated a generous amount of power. His eyes narrowed on the larger of the set, three of them equal in height to him, none of which showed any caring for the fact that Niyol was holding a weapon that emitted power, but his magical presence was on par with your run of the mill human. Had they paid it any attention, the three larger ones would stop themselves to think of the possibility that Niyol was a mage like the other four present.

    One of the spiders began charging at Niyol, the largest of the three larger ones, baring its fangs and preparing to jump. The other two followed suit, targeting Kateri and Hana Lich. Kateri's expression went blank as she saw it happening, not out of fear, but out of already knowing how this would pan out. Just as she'd expected, her father had slashed the first one's leg and threw the sword at the one targetting her. The lag of the first spider turned to ice that began spreading at a rapid pace, after once two seconds, the spider like being had completely frozen over. The second spider was hit in the bottom of its abdomen and had frozen mid air, shattering to bits the second it hit the floor.

    The third spider had the misfortune of being hit by Hana's Hi No Uta, the Song of Fire, and was immediately converted to flames, and quickly reduced to a pile of ashes. The other three spiders had backed away from the group, turning to watch as Niyol began walking away from Izayuki, extending his hand and catching the grip of his sword after it flew over from the icy remains of the dead spider. Kateri gave Izayuki another quick squeeze before trotting off behind her father, Hana quickly moving to keep up with him as well. "Finish up with those three and catch up!" Kateri shouted to Izayuki joyously, knowing her father was about to tear whoever took them hear a new asshole for interrupting his training session.

    WC: 1,530
    Out of 8,100

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 8th June 2016, 9:07 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Izayuki gladly accepted the hug, returning it eagerly and truly happy to see the other ice mage again. It was weird- despite their element, naturally stereotyped and seen as cold, reserved people, both Kateri and Izayuki threw away that box magic-minded society put them into. They were warm, cheerful, and bubbly individuals, and not cold at heart, despite their magic reflecting the chills of winter. Their reunion was quickly interrupted, however, as six spiders decided to materialize.

    The spider web that they appeared to be standing on was visible as the smoke cleared. Surely the web would not go on for much longer, and they could escape. The two yokai had questions, after all, and wanted answers. There was no more time for talk, however, as the three spiders rushed for Kateri and her two other companions. The other three spiders were smaller, but attacked the cyan-haired yokai and the pink-haired bakedanuki who were standing fairly close to one another. The first one was at least four feet in height, and had very long legs, naturally.

    "Tsuchigumo," Seika murmured, narrowing her cyan eyes at the two slightly smaller spiders that were targeting her. "It's a type of spider that is also a Youkai," she continued. Her specialty was mimicry- she could use the element of any nearby magic-user at will. She could identify and sense that one of the stranger trio used ice, like Iza, while another used fire. As for the man, she failed to really identify his primary element. It was all a blur to her senses, but naturally, curiosity killed the cat, and Seika was part Bakeneko. It made sense. She formed cold energy while mimicking Izayuki's element around her hands, but quickly put her palms in front of her and attempted to switch the element and materialize whatever the strange man's magic element was in the form of a fairly basic action.

    Boom! Whatever manifested before her was the last thing she had expected. She felt a surge of a rather dark energy and aura, and an exhilarating power, yet as she continued to try to replicate it... that would be her undoing. Her attempt at materializing the element ended in an explosion that blew her many meters backward with a loud cry. Izayuki gave a surprised yelp and teleported away using her Cheshire Cat spell, more by instinct and just in the nick of time. After all, the spirits of Wonderland could not afford that she die, thus the use of their power could sometimes be unconscious and automatic.

    The explosion was a huge blast of aura that Izayuki could only identify as some form of soul magic or other. Very complex, and obviously at least one of Kateri's companions or the spiders had to be the original user, or else Seika could not have done such a feat- exploding the vicinity and taking the remaining spiders with it. "Seika!" the pink-haired girl shouted, rushing over towards the fallen hybrid yokai, who had reverted back to her small, fluffy, white-furred, mew-like form from the damage. Crouching down, Izayuki gave a sigh of relief as Seika opened a cyan eye and groaned. "Remind me not to do that again," she mumbled sarcastically, heaving herself up to her paws and gingerly climbing into Izayuki's arms to be carried. "Right. Remind me not to forget," the Bakedanuki jokingly replied, beginning to move towards the others, them obviously having witnessed the chaos, most likely.

    Location;; Nazo
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 576 || 1963/8100
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 13th June 2016, 4:46 pm

    n explosion went off in the background as Niyol, Hana, and Kateri were walking away. Out of reaction, and just how loud it was, the three of them flinched before all turning around in the exact same position, like a group of people turning to look at some super sexy woman that passed them, needing a second take just to comprehend what just walked past them. However in this case, there was no sexy woman, and only one man who had no desire to see a sexy woman... or any woman in all reality... or even another person... Niyol liked being alone, his daughter and apprentice were alright to be present, but not many others were.

    Looking back, the three of them, Hana, Kateri, and Niyol that is, saw Izayuki walking up with some strange creature in her arms. "The explosion back there was magical in nature." Hana said calmly while the group waited for Izayuki to close the gap between them. It only took a few minutes, but when they arrived Niyol glared at Seika as a set of small blue orbs appeared floating around the creature. "Never in your life attempt to work with the deceased. Not unless you wish to join them." he said with more ice in his voice than even Kateri could conjure up. He didn't know that Seika was trying to use his magic specifically, but he did know that she was trying to use a type of soul magic that was ancient and difficult to control. "Dad that's a bi-" "If you want to justify nearly letting your soul be torn out then let me hear it." he said with an even harsher tone. Kateri remained silent, knowing that Niyol's particular magic was capable to doing such things...

    Niyol lifted his hand and placed it over Seika "Move and I might accidentally kill you." he said coldly, as though doing that wasn't much of a consequence. The orbs would lift off Seika's form, hovering at level with Niyol's hand. "These are fragments of you soul, that you just knocked loose. I'm going to put them back." he said calmly while making the orbs begin swirling, turning into a whirlpool that ended at Seika and disappeared inside her. The orbs would vanish into the creature and Niyol would remove his hand.

    Niyol would continue glaring at the creature. He knew it suffered physical damage, but honestly didn't feel like wasting time having Kateri heal it... but also didn't feel like having it be useless. He let out an unhappy grunt at it. Instead of some elaborate movement that required immeasurably skill to perform, Niyol snapped his fingers on his left hand and a purple magic circle engulfed Izayuki, rising from the soles of her feet to her head. The result would be the reversal of the damage from the explosion, as well as the wounds that resulted from it. Niyol turned around and continued walking in the direction of a large collection of souls he'd been sensing.

    "What my did just did was a time reversal spell... he knows a lot more than just soul magic, but I still think your friend should avoid using it... The same with Hana since her magic is explosions... lots and lots of them." Kateri said with a soft, friendly voice. She would gesture for Izayuki to come along, saying "My dad didn't mean to come off as being so mad... he was only concerned is all." she explained, giving a weak smile to Izayuki.
    WC: 588
    2,118 Out of 8,100
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 21st July 2016, 12:12 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The explosion had shaken the small yokai up quite a bit. She had managed to do away with the Tsuchigumo, but at the cost of injuring herself and possibly those around her, her comrades. Having reverted back to her true yokai form, a small, alabaster-furred, fluffy creature of ambiguous species, the mew-like Seika curled up in Izayuki’s arms. Why was she so dizzy? Something simply felt terribly off, and she could not quite place her paw on the subject at all.

    “Seika… what at these orbs floating around you?”

    Orbs? What orbs? The small mammal was unable to see anything out of the ordinary, besides the misty world of Nazo and the surrounding vicinity of the spider web. Seconds later, she noticed the strange man with the mysterious, deadly magic, and Izayuki’s friend, Kateri, were moving towards them again. Niyol was explaining to her not to work with the deceased, unless she wished to join them… his icy voice put her on edge, more than usual. What ever did he mean? She was not working with the dead, only trying to manifest his magic, which she would not be trying again anytime soon. When Kateri spoke up, however, Seika’s cyan eyes widened. Her soul torn out? Or some of it, at least… did that explain the ‘off’ feeling she had?

    Niyol suddenly put his hand up near her, which caused her to shrink back a bit out of instinct, further into Izayuki’s arms. She hated being in such a weak and pathetic state, especially in front of others. The strange man’s next words startled Seika, however, and caused her to freeze. Those orbs floating near his hand… were those what Izayuki was talking about? Why could the Bakedanuki see them, but she was unable to? Curious.

    Despite the temptation to move, Seika held still while the orbs were directed back into the small yokai through a unique whirlwind of sorts. She was unable to feel anything except… ah, that was it. She felt ‘whole’ again. As if something before that instant had been missing, and a final piece of the puzzle of her existence had just been placed again. The purple circle and light to envelop the two yokai triggered a light gasp from Izayuki, who was taken by surprise. She barely understood what had happened, but at least comprehended her fluffy companion’s fixed soul and the fact that the purple light had somehow healed them. Pink eyes locking on Kateri as she spoke, the Bakedanuki listened intently and nodded as the blue-haired mage finished. “I see,” Izayuki replied with a small, light, awkward laugh and grin.

    It was a good idea to move on, but before they knew it, the scenery had changed once again- what kind of illusion were the five of them trapped inside? Whose illusion was it, was another question. Feeling a canine-like growl rising from the back of her throat, Izayuki gazed around warily, holding Seika close, as they appeared to no longer be in a world of spiderwebs, but a giant, crisp, pale forest. There was a light mist floating about, and the main color palette of the vicinity was obviously white. Was this the real ‘world’ of Nazo, or just another illusion? Really, it was hard to tell. Sniffing the air and keeping her silver-furred ears alert, Izayuki scanned the surrounding. She could not sense anything just yet, until she managed to detect a rather obvious scent- it was canine in nature like hers, but did not belong to a raccoon dog. A fox, perhaps? It was hard to tell.

    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 597
    I rolled twice, but failed to gain the muse to write them out. ;-; Deepest apologies. Perhaps you could help, if you want, that is?
    Neyvahn Keyvolo
    Neyvahn Keyvolo

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Izayuki Hyoujin
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Neyvahn Keyvolo 19th September 2016, 8:29 pm

    Neyvahn reached another hand up, grasping the smooth mahogany windowsill and pulling himself a little higher. By now, he had to be about nine stories off the ground. The roof was just three more windowsills away, but he didn't feel any real fatigue. His last leap wasn't nearly as successful, but he felt confident about this one. After all, another week of physical training and conditioning had to have some sort of positive effect on Ney. After a few more seconds, the silver-haired bakeneko finally made it to the top. He firmly planted his hand on the clay shingle, using a little matter reformation to gain a little grip on the relatively slippery piece. Once the young man pulled himself up, he walked to the peak of the roof and bounced a few times to test his balance on the center pieces. No slipping and no loss of balance. Good.

    After a few more checks, Neyvahn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He inhaled through his mouth, filling his lungs with clean air, then exhaled out through his nostrils, opening his eyes. His eyes stared down the straight line of the roof, another building barely in sight at the very end. There were about fifteen meters between Ney and the end of the roof then passed that, there was another building 10 meters away. The building at the end was about 20 feet shorter, but the distance still made up for it. Neyvahn reared back and shook his hands a little bit. He had to have tried this about ten times before, but each time was unsuccessful. He was getting closer though. Last time he tried, Neyvahn was almost over the edge. He missed the last two feet of space and ended up slamming his stomach against the ledge though. That wasn't comfortable to say the least.

    "Okay, now remember what I told you," Kei advised. "If you-"

    "Coil up just slightly and use more than just my legs to force myself further, I know." Neyvahn interrupted, hitting a fist against his chest to psyche himself up. This time, he was gonna get it. He was getting faster and stronger every day, and he was almost sure to make it this time. He'd finally meet his short term goal in an attempt to make himself more physically efficient.

    Kei mumbled something under his breath before Neyvahn leaned forward and placed one foot after another in front of each other. He built his speed up and leaned forward, pumping his arms back and forth as he got closer to the edge. 5 meters away, Neyvahn tilted his body further down. 2 meters away, Neyvahn prepared himself for the leap extension. 0 meters. Neyvahn planted his foot against the ledge and pushed with as much force as he could. His body flew off of the ledge, already seeming to launch enough to make the next building roof... or at least that's what he could think if he could see the roof.

    However, he saw no roof. Fog and mist covered Neyvahn's vision, everything but the fog leaving his vision. He didn't feel the wind rushing passed him or anything, Neyvahn just felt like he was floating. Had it not been so unexpected, Ney would have considered it serene.

    The feeling did not last though. Gravity suddenly returned and the air rushed by Neyvahn as he fell through the fog. "What the-!?" The last remnants of fog flushed passed Neyvahn and green came into view below his falling being.


    Neyvahn cursed to himself as he quickly reached his hand over his shoulder, grasping the soft leather handle of his sword. With barely any time to spare, he unsheathed it and swung in front of him, clearing a few of the branches from possibly impaling him. However, the tree was thicker than he thought, and a few horizontal branches still blocked him from the ground. Neyvahn let go of his sword and let it stab into the ground. However, the silver haired yokai himself slammed into a branch, snapping it from the rest of the tree and knocking it to the ground. The breath left Neyvahn's lungs and he slammed into another branch falling down until his leg stopped him.

    Upside down, in pain, and disoriented, Neyvahn groaned. "What... was... that?" Kei mumbled, absolutely baffled.

    "Uuuuuugh," the man huffed. "I... really don't..." Suddenly, his eyes rested on a familiar head of long pink hair accompanied by two large ruby eyes. "Actually... I think I have an idea now."

    After a few dizzying moments, Neyvahn finally regained his stability and swung out of the tree. He grabbed his sword and yanked it out of the ground, then rubbed the dirt off before placing it back in its sheath. "Why am I not surprised?" he said sarcastically and irritated, facing the bakedanuki in front of him.

    Word Count: 813


    l "Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you." l
    Character l Neyvahn Keyvolo l Character
    Primary Magic l First Generation White DS Magic l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Vault l Bank

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 20th September 2016, 9:22 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The misty forest was already putting Izayuki on edge. The scene had changed from the spider web of the tsuchigumo to the surreal trees and atmosphere all around them. One thing remained constant however, and that would be the white fog filling the space. Even the sky appeared to be white or gray, and covered by either unseen canopies of alien leafs, or simply gloomy weather. There were other presences around. The keen yokai could feel them, but tried not to let the unfamiliarity of the world spook her too much.

    Niyol was nearby... right? Izayuki paused in her tracks, gently coaxing Seika to sit on her shoulder instead of in her arms. Hopefully the tiny mew-like yokai was stable enough to do that now. She breathed in the air, smelling it with her enhanced slayer and canine senses, but could no longer find the familiar scents of Niyol, Hana, and Kateri. Where had the trio gone? They had been right with her and Seika not seconds ago...

    Had they been able to somehow teleport back home? Having seen Niyol's power, she would not doubt it at all. He seemed perfectly capable of handling things on his own, but surely Kateri would not allow him to leave the Black Rose duo behind? Even that seemed a bit cold for the death god. Was this something to do with the mysterious world of Nazo? And why had she seen yokai like Tsuchigumo here? Seika had been able to identify them, but even despite Izayuki's love of geography books and maps, Nazo was a complete mystery. Was there even a definite way to make their way home? Did anyone else inhabit this place?

    Suddenly feeling alone, Izayuki tried to thwart her overwhelming feelings on the fact of what was going on. It was not natural, but she had dealt with worse, surely, and they could make it out of this? Thankfully, she was not entirely alone, with Seika right by her. Hopefully, the smaller yokai would not decide to wander off on her own... or worse, mysteriously vanish just like the other trio. "I can smell your anxiety. What's up?" the small, alabaster-furred yokai on her shoulder asked. Most animals were capable of 'smelling' or noticing fear, worry, sadness, and any other negative vibes or emotions. Seika was extremely keen, and the Bakedanuki had let her guard down.

    Instantly pulling the guard and mask back up, the tanuki girl tried to force a small smile. "Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking~" she said in her typical nonchalant and perky manner. Seika only gave a sigh, lashing her long and slender tail as she realized she was most likely not going to get through to Izayuki. At least not now. "That's dangerous," she commented on the fact of the Bakedanuki's 'thinking'. A blunt joke, but hopefully at least a little something to lighten the mood.

    Izayuki was about to reply, but was suddenly distracted as she heard a huge thud in the trees from above. What was it this time? More spiders, or something else? A scent suddenly washed its way to them, and the tanuki and smalll hybrid could suddenly smell the familiar scent of feline. Was it a Bakeneko or Nekomata, perhaps? Seika narrowed her cyan eyes up at the tree, and was almost startled as a sword suddenly was stuck inside the ground. What was the big idea here?

    "Neyvahn?" Izayuki said in surprise, glancing at the Bakeneko as he leaped from the tree. Now it made sense why the scent and aura had been so familiar. Still, what was he doing here? He asked why he was not surprised, and faced her in irritation. Wait, did he think she had dragged him here? It was definitely overestimation, though not shocking considering everything else she had somehow accidentally done to him. "So you were whisked here too, hm?" the Bakedanuki asked, crossing her arms and not showing much expression on her face. "In case you're wondering, no, I did not drag you here. This place is the world of Nazo... and I have no clue why we are here, or how we got here."

    Location;; Nazo
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 694
    Neyvahn Keyvolo
    Neyvahn Keyvolo

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Izayuki Hyoujin
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kamille's Shift
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Neyvahn Keyvolo 20th September 2016, 6:39 pm

    Neyvahn brushed off the bits and pieces of tree bark still sticking to his rugged leather armor. The poor set was falling apart, but he'd have to worry about that later. At the moment, the silver haired bakeneko was still ridiculously confused as to where he was. The name Nazo didn't ring any bells, but Iza made it apparent that it was an entirely new world apart from Earthland. If she didn't tell him, it would only take a few more seconds to figure it out. The atmosphere was entirely different from the usual, and Neyvahn's senses were going crazy compared to before.

    Confused and irritated, Neyvahn sighed with folded arms. "Why does everything always lead back to you?" The sarcasm in his tone dripped from his mouth as he stared at the trees around him.

    Kei being the usual tease he is, he chuckled a little and spoke up. "Oh come on, you know you enjoy-"

    "Not in the mood," Kei's agitated brother interrupted. In Neyvahn's mind, now was not the time for jokes. Not only was he supposedly stuck on some unknown world, he was stuck with possibly the single most aggravating person he has met. Out of all the stupid things he's had the luck of encountering, this had to be one of the worst. He had two known choices at this point: He could stick close to Iza and hope that her snarky comments didn't kill them on their own, or he could branch off on his own and take his chances with an entirely new and unknown environment... He was gearing towards going on his own. There was no telling what being around Iza would do to him this time.

    After a few wary looks around, Neyvahn finally rested his eyes back on Iza. It was then that he realized she was not the only one in front of him. On the shoulder of the pink-haired bakedanuki, a small little creature was perched upon it. The little thing was small, cyan in color, and had a very non-threatening appearance. If he had to compare it to a kitten, he would say the little blue thing was far cuter.

    Neyvahn was going to ask a few questions, but his senses went off again. Two new figures, about 20 meters out. They didn't seem familiar to him either. "Someone's there," he said in a low voice, facing towards the source. What was it this time?

    The trio soon found out as two figures stepped out from the sea of trees. What Neyvahn saw however, was a little unsettling for him. More yokai, by the looks of it. "Jeez, what is it with all these things? I can barely handle one."

    Kei laughed a little bit.

    Neyvahn's eyes went back and forth from the two figures in front of him. Based on their ears and their tails, he would guess they were of canine origins, probably fox. The silver haired cat yokai didn't know much about foxes, but he'd guess they were sneakier than he'd like them to be. They didn't seem to show hostility, but they took powerful stances. Neyvahn couldn't read their intents, so he prepared for the worst, keeping his hand ready to reach for his sword. However, he left room for any other possibilities, throwing a glance towards Iza.

    Word Count: 555


    l "Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you." l
    Character l Neyvahn Keyvolo l Character
    Primary Magic l First Generation White DS Magic l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Vault l Bank

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 25th September 2016, 12:45 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    Izayuki only replied to Neyvahn with a small huff at his sarcasm. Her mind was not focused on countering with her own wit and satirical comments. Instead, she moved her concern to the world around them. Naturally, she was somewhat anxious, but she would never show that in front of the others; especially not in front of the Bakeneko in front of her.
    Seika, however, chuckled lightly and leaped from Izayuki's shoulder over to Neyvahn's. She had never met the young feline yokai before, but had seen him around, at least. He seemed to be some kind of favorite of Iza's, seeing as she did enjoy spending time with him, even if it meant there was plenty of teasing and taunting. But then again, what could she expect from the Bakedanuki? She fed on reactions and resistance, and found the entire thing to be a game of great fun. It was not quite the white-furred mononoke's cup of tea, but it was still amusing to think about.

    It had been almost a year since the Bakedanuki and that one flame demon slayer had discovered her haunting the Beanstalk Village. She had been one odd malevolent yokai, but had found that her power and abilities were pretty much useless against the ice god slayer and fire demon slayer. Not only that, but the tanuki yokai had been able to understand her, and coax her out of her strange yokai instinctual rage. She had felt threatened, but the Black Rose Ace of Stigma somehow saved her from the angry villagers and herself. While she had been indignant at first, the hybrid yokai had gotten to know the Bakedanuki, and though Izayuki could be an idiot at times, Seika had grown to tolerate it. In fact, she likely knew more about Black Rose's guildmaster than anyone, including Iza's own fiance, Elyx. After all, who had it been to keep the angry wind god slayer from killing the tanuki when she was going berserk both from her yokai bloodline and madness-based soul magic?

    The hybrid yokai was about to introduce herself to Neyvahn, but stopped as she managed to notice the nearby presences. Her alabaster-colored fur began spiking and bristling as she scented the two foxes approach. Even the tanuki and the cat seemed to have noticed them as well, and all three sets of eyes were narrowed and focused on the two canine figures not sixty feet or less away. Seika remained sitting on the silver-haired Bakeneko's shoulder, her cyan eyes narrowed at the two foxes.

    In the meantime, Izayuki stepped forward slightly, with assertiveness, but with no threat in her strides or demeanor. She lifted up a hand in a wave and attempted to speak with her fellow canine yokai. "Hello there~" the Black Rose Guild Master attempted to say with a slight formal bow. She was no good at formalities, but seeing as they were in a strange land and world, it would be a bad idea to remain too casual. "My friends and I seem to be lost. Might you two have any idea where we are in Nazo, and how we could get back to Earthland?"

    She could only hope that the kitsune had enough intelligence to know about other worlds, like Earthland, and would actually assist them. For all she knew, they could be hostile creatures, but usually a fox would know better than to attack something that did not look like prey. The only one of them who might relatively appear to be prey would be Seika, but the hybrid was far too fierce to ever stand for that notion. Thus, Izayuki awaited their responses, and truly wished that they could get some answers from the other canines.

    Location;; Nazo
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 622 /// 7,350/16,000
    Neyvahn Keyvolo
    Neyvahn Keyvolo

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Izayuki Hyoujin
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kamille's Shift
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Neyvahn Keyvolo 25th September 2016, 7:07 pm

    Two more yokai stood in front of the trio, causing Neyvahn to curse to himself. One of them seemed like a normal teenage girl with red hair, her gaze slightly playful yet dangerous. The other yokai however, had the glare of an overworked warehouse employee. He did not seem very happy to see Ney or Iza. The yokai obviously did not hold friendly intentions towards the trio, his body language doing all the talking.

    The troubled mage studied the furred ears on their heads and the tails behind their fronts. As Neyvahn had thought before, they were based off of foxes, the girl's mischievous grin causing a little bit of discomfort to the silver haired bakeneko. "Are all yokai this troublesome?"

    "Well," Kei started. "There is you, but you're a different kind of tro-"

    Neyvahn just growled to himself in response. "That was a rhetorical question, asshat." With an even more sour mood than before the two fox yokai showed up, Neyvahn faced them and watched at Iza talked to them. Surely a few yokai would see eye to eye. Not only that, but both Iza and these foxes were of canine origins. That had to do something... right?

    Neyvahn was almost immediately proven wrong as one of the foxes turned its attention to him. It was the girl. She flashed a smile at him, but it did nothing to comfort the situation as Neyvahn took a step back. Without warning, everything around him began to shift and shimmer. Even the white creature on his shoulder disappeared from his sight. He could feel the weight of it disappear as its appearance did. Before he could register what was going on, Neyvahn was hovering in nothingness. Everything was white for a few seconds before the colors began to fade back in. The trees, the grass, the sky, all the color was coming back.

    However, there were no other figures. No fox yokai, no creature on his shoulder, and no Iza. Neyvahn looked around, utterly confused. Where'd they go? The positioning of the trees were the same, even the broken branch on the ground was there in the same place. Everything was the same... except for the people.

    "Kei, this is getting weird..."


    "Kei? Kei!"


    "Dammit," the lone mage cursed. Neyvahn was about to call out to see if anyone was there, but then he spotted something in his peripheral vision. With a sense of relief, Neyvahn sighed, turning to face what he believed to be the group of yokai they were talking to before.

    It was not.

    Instead, the psychopath assassin stood right in the center of the bakeneko's vision. Lucius glared at Neyvahn, a sinister and devious smile painted across his face. "Care for a rematch, kitty?" the killer hissed.

    Neyvahn didn't spare a moment unsheathing his sword and launching forward. Without any real pattern or tactic, the infuriated mage swung and swung at Lucius. Even as the assassin's hair flashed a familiar pink for a fraction of a second, Neyvahn's rage clouded his judgement. Even Kei's voice was not their to help him. After at least five swings, Neyvahn stabbed his sword in the ground and growled at Lucius. "You son of a bitch, I'm gonna fucking KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!!"

    Word Count: 547


    l "Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you." l
    Character l Neyvahn Keyvolo l Character
    Primary Magic l First Generation White DS Magic l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Vault l Bank

    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Guest 27th September 2016, 6:30 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The sudden notion of Neyvahn attacking her was the last thing the Bakedanuki expected. She noticed the female kitsune move forward while wearing a rather dangerous smirk on her lips, while the male stood safely behind with a dangerous glare. Her focus was fixed on the two foxes until the sound of the Bakeneko's sword unsheathing hooked onto her attention. She managed to dodge his unpatterned swings, leaping away as fast as she could. Even Seika had leaped off of his shoulder and was levitated above the aggressive feline by a few meters, watching curiously, but for some reason not too surprised.

    "Neyvahn! Stop, it's me!" Izayuki called in futilely, despite somehow knowing that suck words meant nothing in situations like the one they were in. Nevertheless, she would waste her breath anyways. The tanuki girl and the alabaster-furred mew-like hybrid would glance over at the kitsunes, but could not see them any longer. Where had they gone? Turning her pink-haired head and gaze back towards Neyvahn, Izayuki blinked in shock as she no longer saw the silver-haired Bakeneko, but a strikingly and hauntingly familiar form instead. Longer, silkier silver hair, and two yellow cat-like eyes. Nevertheless, it was obviously no longer Neyvahn as the one attacking. Seika was gone as well. "Jin...?" the Bakedanuki asked in a hopefully voice, taking a step forward, before realizing that his face appeared to be twisted in anger as he raced to attack her with an unsheathed sword. "How dare you forget about me...."

    His voice trailed off, laced with venom. The last she recalled of her first friend in Black Rose was that he went missing, and returned shortly after with the announcement that his wife, a dryad named Fira, had been killed. Even Kaya, his tiny white saber tooth tiger companion, had seemed shaken up. Shortly after that encounter, though, the former Black Rose Ace of Morning Dew had vanished once again, and nobody had seen him or Kaya since. Naturally, she worried, but her efforts at searching had been in vain. It pained her to even consider the options that he had been captured or killed... but she had not forgotten... had she?

    Izayuki quickly summoned Kuraokami, her unique katana of pale ice, into her hands to block and deflect his blade. "I haven't forgotten! I... I..." the Bakedanuki stumbled, trying to think of any reasoning or excuse. But what if it was true? Had she really forgotten about her dear friend and first teammate? Had he really been here on Nazo this entire time, trapped, and nobody had known? Did he know he had been 'forgotten'? What a painful fate that must have been... or still is.

    The Bakedanuki suddenly fell backwards from becoming lost in her thoughts. Jin had never attacked her before, so she had no way of estimating or remembering his power from back then. His blade attack was not stronger, but as she thought more about her friend, the more into a rare despair she had fallen. How could she have forgotten of the one who had helped save her from her endless wandering long ago?

    "Are you really that daft?" the familiar voice asked, idly watching from within her mind. Izayuki would have recognized the voice anywhere, and quickly tried to use her Swiftstep to teleport away from any harm that 'Jin' could have caused. Why was Alice speaking now? The Daemonic spirit who now had claim to her soul rarely spoke, but somehow her thoughts had managed to penetrate through the fog of unknown illusion, despite nothing else managing. "Need I say anymore? Look again, and tell me that's your friend."

    Izayuki blinked. Her pink eyes focused on Jin Okura, but as she thought about it, regaining her footing and backing away from any attacks, the less he appeared to be so. Jin never wore such an angry scowl on his face. He was always a calm and pleasant individual who had a relaxed and easygoing nature about him. Jin was the sort who could make anyone feel comfortable, and would invite them to sit and talk while offering them a big slice of red velvet cake.... the cake. It was no wonder that the Bakedanuki loved the rich dessert so much. Only Jin could have managed to do that, serving fresh cake with white chocolate or cream cheese icing that only he and Magna could have cooked up together. If she ran into her former Kvasir teammate again, he would not be attacking her- he would be holding both his arms open, ready for a hug, with Kaya sitting atop his head or shoulder with bright chibi eyes, chanting their lost friend's name in an adorable manner. He would not be attacking the yokai he had saved.

    Just that knowledge alone was making Jin's shape begin to break and fizz out. The form was no longer an angry Jin Okura, but a raging Neyvahn Keyvolo. Now everything made sense; just as something was trying to trick her, it was also trying to fool him. But amidst such thick of a rage, how was she supposed to expect him to stop? Exerting her Freezing Aura to its finest capacity, she would attempt to freeze her guildmate in place, seeing as he was in range. The last thing she wanted to do was to hurt him. Even Seika was gone, obviously trapped in some illusion or carried off. The white-furred yokai was not one run away to find her own safety while leaving her companions. "Listen, you foxes," the Bakedanuki began, attempting to keep her own anger out of her voice. She aimed the tip of her pale white katana of ice, Kuroakami, towards them in a threatening manner. How dare they use Jin's appearance on her guildmate to deceive her...
    "Break your spell over my comrades right now, or else I'll show you no mercy. This is your only warning," she said in a solemn and deadly tone, her pink eyes narrowed and glaring at the two kitsunes, her characteristic smile replaced with straight, pursed lips.

    Location;; Nazo
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 1,015  8,912/16,000
    OOC;; More than halfway done!

    Magic Used:
    Neyvahn Keyvolo
    Neyvahn Keyvolo

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Izayuki Hyoujin
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kamille's Shift
    Second Skill:
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    Private Re: MAYBE NOTHING ELSE IS REAL ♦ job

    Post by Neyvahn Keyvolo 20th November 2016, 10:32 am

    Nothing could help calm Neyvahn's rage. This was Lucius he saw, who arguably crumbled his entire life down. Were he given the choice, Neyvahn wouldn't even risk making his death painful. Neyvahn's want for Lucius' death was so intense that he didn't even want to risk the killer getting away. However, Neyvahn didn't get the chance to perform such an action as his body was frozen in place. What the!? Did Lucius have tricks up his sleeve that Neyvahn didn't know about? He tried to move his body, but nothing budged at all. Neyvahn wanted to grit his teeth, growl, and yell out some more.

    However, he was stopped short by a small echo in his head. The echo grew louder and became clearer, until a familiar voice rang out in Neyvahn's head. "Brother! Can you hear me?"

    Neyvahn took a deep breath. "Yes. What happened to you, Kei?"

    "I should be asking you the same thing," the voice replied. "I was here the entire time, trying to get your attention, but before I knew it you were attacking Iza and calling her Lucius..."

    "Wha... Wait, what are you talking about?"

    "... I think I get it. Look a little closer. Doesn't "Lucius'" body language and movement seem a bit feminine? A bit too much like a certain tanuki we know?" In response to Kei's observation, Neyvahn looked at Lucius... or at least what he thought was Lucius. Just as Kei had said, the body language of the supposed killer psychopath was way too different from his earlier encounters. The pale green hair even glimpsed a familiar pink.

    "... What the?"


    The male kitsune was the first to speak. However, he dug into Iza's mind very briefly before speaking. He saw the tension between the two of them, the true conflict that has taken place. Earlier, he had dug into the bakeneko's mind to find that another mage had ruined his life... but he had been looking at the wrong mage. He had been looking at the chemical reaction, not the catalyst.

    The kitsune grinned a little bit. "What reason do we have to submit to you? Your mind is susceptible, your "comrade" even further more. If he turns against you, what must you do to break the illusion clouding his mind? Must you harm him once again?... That does seem to be a pattern, doesn't it?"

    Neyvahn had believed he broke out of the illusion, that he had finally found out that "Lucius" didn't exist, that it was all a trick being played on his mind. However, before he knew it, Kei had disappeared again and Neyvahn was thrown back into the reality where Lucius was grinning sinisterly in front of him. At this point, Neyvahn didn't care that he was frozen in place. His rage overpowered his reason and he was thrown back into the blood-lust.

    If the kitsune were given the opportunity, they would disappear once more, leaving Iza to once again deal with an enraged Neyvahn.


    l "Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you." l
    Character l Neyvahn Keyvolo l Character
    Primary Magic l First Generation White DS Magic l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Vault l Bank

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:17 pm