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    Catch the biggest fish.

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th September 2016, 5:49 pm

    Sun feel through the Ace Of Heart’s bedroom window, drifting in and doing it’s dance that should normally wake the girl who sometimes feared utter darkness. However this morning, just like the past several, warm rays licking across her face had no effect whatsoever, in fact it seemed as if the mage did not even notice the change in light level! Why should she, it wasn’t like she absolutely needed to wake up on any given day anyways, no one really cared too much what others did so long as they stayed to themselves, she could sleep forever and no one would really know the difference. “Jiyu! Ji!” one creature made sure to shout out how much they needed her to wake up thought, this beast did it every morning, these days that voice was likely one of the only reasons the wind user bothered waking up anymore. “Hungry, Jiyu, Hungry.” the animal that roused the rising star was a kitsune, small only a foot tall at most, young clearly since she only possessed two tails. Right now? The sullen and impassive wind mage was all the infant fox had in the world, so the woman had to rise and care for the child. “Alright come on.” she did not even bother changing from the short white, black lace trimmed nighty she had fallen asleep in the night before, another example of how changed she was recently, before one certain event Jiyu used to move tons in her sleep to the point of stripping, now she was just still whenever her eyes closed.

    “Here you go.” she set down the pet food bowl and started to stroke the head of her animal companion as Maka started eating, nomming on the food as the girl pet her constantly, staring into blank space as if she was staring through it, as if she could see into whatever dimension came next. “So what to do today.” Jiyu mused as she sat down in her nightgown, running one claw over the floor tiles, sighing out as she chose that laying around in bed would arouse unrequired attentions. “I’ll go on a job.” this seemed to make Koto happy and the tiny fox darted upstairs to bring down the ace’s weapons, her bow/arrow, knife and fan. “I’m off than.” she grabbed whatever was first on the board, without even looking to make sure she could accept it in the first place! Jiyu wanted to get out of the guild today, everything was so haunting in there right now.

    Of course the haunting one standing around at the job site itself? Was the girl with ebony hair just beyond her rear, in her nightgown with ghostly pale skin from lack of sun and wearing something considered bed or intimate wear. Honestly, until you saw she was breathing, it looked like she could have been someone who drown or such. “I’m one of the mages here for this fishing competition.” the man behind the counter did not even know what to say when he was confronted with the sight of her, handing the soul-less girl her ticket, informing her she already had a partner within the area, and to find someone with a paper color that matched hers.


    Catch the biggest fish. Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM


    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Vlad 10th September 2016, 7:13 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    It seemed Vlad had finally gotten another job; it couldn't have been more than a week since he had achieved B-rank, and this break was getting to him; he hated to simply lounge around. It made him antsy; he could not wait to get back to work; perhaps it was because he merely traveled from place to place, no real home. "Well, what is the plan today?" He sighed, having heard of this job he was given almost no information. How annoying... Well, it was his own bloody fault! He had allowed himself to simply smile and accept the job, asking little to no questions! How absurd. "Never again!" He swore to himself.

    Leaning to the side, his body would simply fall; he was now hanging upside down from the branch of a tree within the forest; it seemed he had spent the night there. "Eh, where was it again?" He dropped from the tree, landing on his feet; it seemed he had forgotten what little information he was told about this job... How annoying. "Eh, OH YEAH!" He chuckled, heading out toward the local docks; as he walked he would open his pouch; the soul would escape and begin to envelop Vlad, changing his appearance into that of his legal counterpart; he was heading to one of the more informed villages; seeing as he was a Coming Storm, he did not feel as though there was any reason to risk exposure... What good would come of it?

    With each step his foot would hit the dirt, his speed slowly increasing; it seemed he was wound up. It had been too long since his last job. He could not wait to start this little mission; while it had not been an exceedingly long vacation it still bothered him; why should he have taken it? Well... He was not too sure why he had. Oh, it was coming back to him. Well, he never really forgot! Who would forget such an important part of someones life? He had to travel to Sin; that was one of the more interesting ventures he had gone on in a while too! As he continued his stride, finally reaching a pace he was comfortable with, he began to reminisce on the few days he had spent traveling to Sin; this, however, was not the important part; the most important piece of the trip was his new allegiance. He had decided to serve under Eris, or so he would call her. The name was too god damn long to say, who would blame him? It seemed that this would bring up thoughts of the so many things; none of this would ever be known to the world, and he was fine with that; he knew where he belonged.

    Well, to keep it short, he had found a new place to test the waters; perhaps this place would suit his ideals in a much more entertaining way. No, he knew that it would; he knew Eris could lead to the future he wanted; he did choose to serve under her, to devote himself to her. Well, it better work out... He sighed, the thought of failure simply pestering him. It was at this point that he would notice something; the town was quickly approaching him! Hot damn, he had lost track of time. What felt like mere seconds had been an hour, how unfortunate; he often enjoyed the view as he walked to his destination. This was the main reason he did not use his vehicle unless necessary; when a person goes too fast they miss the little things; the little things are what make life such a splendid thing. Well, one of the things...

    Vlad slapped himself once, his mind was wandering; what the fuck! Why did he allow his mind to wander to such an idle thought? He simply blamed it on his vacation, cursing the time off under his breathe. This was all he needed to simply focus once more; it seemed he had arrived in the area; well, to be more precise, he was simply in town. He still held a decent distance until he would arrive at the dock.

    He would observe the area as he walked; these details were often very useful in building profiles for the townsfolk, and even the simple structure of the place; these were the small things that gave a person the advantage if anything ever happened; if he every found himself fucked by something stupid, or some careless mistake; it was this preparation that would allow for him to escape unscathed. Having spent a few minutes simply looking around, he would head towards the dock.

    It was as he arrived at the dock that he could sense it; the competitive nature of all these people; it seemed he had agreed to join a tournament, rather than a job. "I really should screen these things a bit more thoroughly..." He sighed, putting on the best smile he could, given the situation; he was a tad disappointed that he would not be slaying any amazing type of beast, but it was fine; it could be done any day! "On the bright side... There has to be a few attractive females!" He chuckled, taking on his slow saunter he arrived at the entrance of the event. "Yes, yes... Thanks." He waved past the man, it seemed teams were arranged through assigned colors; it was a type of random system, though it was more than likely rigged, just as all of society was. Who could trust humans? They were such flawed beings.

    It was at this point that he would begin his stroll through the dock; checking out both the women, and competition, in a single motion; how great a day this would be! Being able to fish, and get paid to do so! This was a job, of sorts. His head would slouch, he knew he was kidding himself; this was no job for a real mage, but it would do.
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Last edited by Vlad on 11th September 2016, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Catch the biggest fish. Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by NPC 10th September 2016, 7:13 pm

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th September 2016, 8:24 pm

    1703 of 7500
    Memories ran behind her head as she walked around the docks, the part only accessible by those partaking in the tournament. “Daddy where are we going today?” She could remember it clearly, for it was one of the few memories that had not been tarnished.  Feet clad in tiny little low cut boots, slapped against the gravelly road as she chased behind the tall curly haired man who was her father, two poles strung over his shoulder and a box in the other hand. “You’ll see soon sweetie.” Her mother had stayed in the house for that day, for it was important for any growing girl to have as much alone time with her father as she did with her mother! At least that’s how they explained it, that she had to learn both their ways, because she was not just one of them, but an entirely new being made from both of them. “Hey this is where me and mommy went fishing!” While that had not been her first time fishing, it had been her first time using a pole to do so, when she went with her mother they caught with their hands and mouths, quiet the freeing experience, one of the skills she stilled used from time to time. Jiyu could recall how confused she’d been when her father took her to that creek instead of her gorgeous mother. Crickets chirped and the child looked quizzically at the green eyed man, head tilted to the side. “We’re going fishing as well dear, but we’re doing it differently, come on I’ll teach you.”  she didn’t argue with him and sat down beside him, hands in her lap as he fixed the small pole he’d obtained for her. Even after her mother had died, they went once or twice, and those were the few times she did not see her father with a bottle of whiskey in hand, the only times after mother died he looked at her with love, and payed any proper attention to her. The rest of the time? He eagerly shoved her off onto others, as if he didn’t know how to look at her anymore, it had been infuriating, when combined with other things, it had ended in their relationship shattered into millions of pieces as she ran away from home, from him. Could she actually fish today, when she had so memories of being on the water so to speak? The woman looked out over the waves with a distant fond smile, empty eyes softened in only the way they were held open, being allowed to nearly close. Soon enough her faded smile vanished as she vanquished the positive thoughts, remembering where thinking positive had gotten her the last time! If she allowed those joyful thought’s to invade her head, than she’d let the barriers around her heart weaken, and someone else uninvited would find their way into it, she could not allow that, never again. The only room she had left? Was for herself, the rest of the world was hers or it didn’t matter.

    Focusing her mind once more by shaking her head clear of thought’s, rendering it blank once more, she brought back the fact she had yet to find her job partner. “Brown.” she spoke the color out loud, even thought it was extremely unnecessary, her fingers rubbing the material but not really getting the sensation of it past how numb she had become. Bare feet treaded against the wooden dock, claws scraping across it, and eyes glued onto her as she walked by, perverse being’s observing her attire and the expanses of her skin left bared. Glancing down she finally noticed her plunging v-neck lace trimmed collar, the lace strap hanging off one shoulder, the fact she was still in her nightgown, one that was barely thick enough to hide the rest of her, pure snowy silk hugging her form. “Hn.” she pushed the strap back up, using the same hand that held her slip of paper, eyes trailing off to that side, catching a shade identical to the paper she held. Kazehime guessed the person carrying that paper would be her partner, she didn’t even bother looking over said existence, just started walking through the crowd, one that parted easily at the sight of the rising star in her pajamas. If Vlad had a thing for pretty women? The dark mage was in for a treat today, so long as he was also into elfin ears and animal tails. Jiyu stopped before him, looking up at him with delicate features on a sharply sculpted face, now that she was before him, the mage took the time to take him in with her two differently colored yet haunted eyes. “We have the same color slip.” she crossed her arms, one hand falling to the left side of her full hips, her other hand raised to display the slip. Once she finished point out their shared color, her claws hand trailed its way up her hourglass figure, lifting before actually reaching her full chest, moving to tuck a strand of her orange tipped bangs behind her elfin ear, the appendage twitching. “I’m Jiyu.” her voice was velvet smooth, hypnotizing, but it had no trace of life, it was lacking any real tone that told how she was feeling or what way the statement was meant to be taken. On one hand, the male mage had a very attractive woman standing in front of him, but on the other hand he also seemed to have a wisp, a husk of a woman standing before him. In the end it didn’t really matter thought, nothing he did could affect the way Jiyu behaved, so there was no reason for concern.

    “Let’s get to our boat.” she turned around sharply, the action making the ebony tail hanging limply from the base of her spine visible. She had found her partner, if he followed or not was up to him, she’d done her part, so she was going to go get to her contest, winning it and taking home the jewel. Jiyu sat down in the boat, her hand scraping the side slightly as she picked up one of the fishing poles and for the moment, setting it back down before glancing to see if her partner had come. If she found someone else in the boat with her? She would untie it and thus let the boat drift out into the fishier water away from the dock. “Time to start.” she mentioned it idly, taking her pole and checking it before casting, laying there to wait for the fish to bite. Once she did get a bite? The woman reeled it in as quickly as she could, sitting on her knees in the boat, reeling and letting go, fighting to keep the fight on the line and doing so very well, easily pulling the one she had caught onto the boat, this time.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 10th September 2016, 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Catch the biggest fish. Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM


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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by NPC 10th September 2016, 8:24 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Vlad 11th September 2016, 1:15 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    It seemed that there was not much else going on this location; the competition seemed to be the sole activity that the people of this town were doing on this day, or so it seemed from this dock; it was actually a beautiful day, what a shame; why would people not simply enjoy the day and leave their homes, or even this town? Well, it was not his life to waste; he would use this day to, while it was not his first option, catch some fish and earn some cash; this came at an awfully good time too, seeing as his coffers were running low.

    Walking around the dock, it seemed people had come prepared; they had brought their own ships and were already boarding them. It seemed that he should fine the person he was assigned with, perhaps they had their own boat? Even if they did not, these people were kind enough to allow for those without ships to simply borrow a plain one. Well, it was nothing like the giant customized ones, it would serve its purpose just as well.

    It was just as he examined his environment that he would noticed it; the boats were beginning to set off. What the hell? There had been no real indication that they would start! It was just as this though crossed his mind that he would sense someone approaching him; it seemed to hold no ill intent. Turning around, he would see the female; following the little introduction she gave, and the confirmation of their partnership, he would board the boat.

    She seemed to be a person of few words; only having heard her speak when necessary. Her name, the confirmation of their partnership and the phrase that suggested they begin this little competition; these where the only things that he was able to hear from the female, and it seemed they would be the only things she would say; her appearance was not the best he had seen, but it was not too bad. He could appreciate a females body, not matter how she spoke; it seemed he would have to put in a bit of effort to get this one to speak; it was the solemn attitude that threw him off; he had seen the face, and he realized who she was. A Rising Star.

    A Rising Star was a person who did things to benefit the country; to help those around them, whether or not they shared a common guild. People that the masses believed to be righteous, those who would fight off the wicked, the evil; they were meant to battle against people like himself. Those that society disliked, nor. Dislike was not a strong enough word to describe the feelings of the people towards those who did not accept the laws of Fiore; society despised, and perhaps feared, these people. In either case it was not of his concern; Vlad did not care for the support of the citizens, nor did he expect it. His goals were not aligned to what they would want; he wanted to correct what they could not see, he wanted to rebuild this place into a country that was something more. No, it was not simply this country, it was the world. This is what lead him so far; this is what lead to him pledging his allegiance to Eris; this is the path he has chosen to take.

    The Wizard Saints only propagated this whole mess; they too held responsibility for the path he has chosen to walk, for the death he would cause; for the destruction that would ensue. It was due to people like them, that upheld these rigged systems, that people such as himself had to exist; no, this was not true. This type of person would exist no matter the circumstance; there was always something that had to be changed for the "betterment" of society; he has come to accept this. His thoughts were interrupted by the change in scenery.

    Having finally boarded the boat, Vlad was ready to set sail; it seemed that as he stepped aboard the ship his mind was cleared of these thoughts; he now only held the thoughts of winning this damned competition. Who could stop him? He was going to win this thing; he would do as he had to, it is not as though he could not handle the sabotage of a mere ship or two.

    Grabbing his fishing pole, he would simply sit near the edge of the boat; it was a rather peaceful day. The waves hit the hull of the boat in such a way that it felt as though they glided across the sea; casting his lure, the anchor would hit the bottom of the sea; it was time to fish. For the next few moments it seemed as though nothing was going to bite, that they had chosen the worst spot to fish; maybe he was just an impatient man. It had been no more then ten minutes since they had stopped and he was already deciding on what to do. "OH! Where are my manners? The name is Cornelius, it is very nice to meet you! So, you're a rising star! How is it? Do you enjoy it?" It was as he asked these questions that he would feel the line tug; he had caught something!

    Tugging up, he would catch the little being with ease! It seemed as though he was actually able to catch two at once! How amazing! It's not something that really ever happened, but it did! Looking over to his female compatriot, he would simply scratch his head. It seemed she was not in the best of moods, however, she should be doing a bit more! She should enjoy herself. "Tell me a bit about you! I am awfully curious! What sort of life does a Rising Star live?" He questioned, awaiting her reply. Perhaps she would open up a bit more? Who knew at this point.

    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Catch the biggest fish. Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by NPC 11th September 2016, 1:15 pm

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 11th September 2016, 3:27 pm

    2788 of 7500
    Jiyu did not have any ideal what she was in for when she had taken the job she was currently embarked upon, more so when she’d sent in her agreement to enter the contest she had not read anything about it. However this was not such the horrible task for her right now, considering she never scowled at some extra money in her pocket, though she rarely purchased things. One of the few things she bought besides normal clothing when she needed it? Were the feather’s pinned behind her left ear, magical items that had numerous uses when in the hands of someone like herself, a wind mage with natural affinity for her element. The long story cut short was that Jiyu didn’t even invest in shoes, so she was clearly not someone who went on shopping sprees or such, she lived well under her means as an accomplished and recognized mage. Currently? The only thing she really had any care about these days, was her goal of becoming one of the wizard saint’s, due to the promise she’d made her mother. When she could get that high up in the world of magic, prove that she would never leave it for any reason besides her own death? Than she could read the final letter left from her mother, see those last written words! However to reach her goal, the female knew she had to work as hard as she possibly could, failing whatever she was doing never conceived itself as an option in her mind, to become one of the best the world could offer, someone couldn’t just screw up willy nilly and expect to be viewed as one of the best! Being the actual best, the undisputed best? That wasn’t her goal, she just wanted to be undisputed as one of the best, strive until she became a wizard saint and then read her mother’s letter. However the wind user had no idea what she would eventually do with her life when she finally reached her goal! What was someone suppose to do on the day everything they currently believed they wanted came to them. Once the canine had believed that her next goal would be to finally allow herself to live, comforted by whatever was in that dated envelope, but now she didn’t want to trust people, so life would be lonely and sullen at best, unless she had something else to reach for. At the moment, she doubted that something like that would come her way, she’d get what she wanted and then slowly fade away, rot into history with no significant impact, expect a quick rise to the top. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Being known as someone who finished quickly and than did nothing else, painfully honestly, but she couldn’t feel the pain at the thought, not when her body shut down like this to protect her.

    Normally she was oogled at and some people even whistled, for the last few weeks she had not heard anything like that. Jiyu did not know the reason why, but Vlad had picked up on it quickly enough. For most people, it was nearly impossible to see past the husk she had become, when she left the temperament she normally possessed, the rising star had become next to invisible. Only weeks ago, she had been the sort of girl who demanded everyone’s attention, and acted in ways unable to be ignored. Now the female did not even have any playful spring to her step, it was almost as if she was some aftershock image of someone who had died recently, just there but not an actual thing. Certainly not the in your face, fairly flirtatious, unconventional, nearly uncontrolled and unrestrained behavior that was more in sync with the woman’s name. However, considering her heart was bleeding out slowly, it was excusable that she had changed so suddenly and thoroughly.   

    Pole fishing took tons of patience, the kind she had not once had as a child. “DADDY, I’m booored!” the little girl shouted it, balling her tiny fists and snarling at her father, turning around and going to storm off. She remembered that trip too, because he’d seen the things her mother taught her, and something happened, she hadn’t known what then, but she knew now. Ebony hair flowed behind her as she dropped to all fours and darted forward, seeing the fish and not bothering to wait for a bite she swiftly ended its life by digging her teeth into it, soaked as she swam back to the surface and dragged herself out of the water, Blood dripped with it, down to the ground. Jiyu’s father simply stared, wide eyed at his little girl, her white dress tarnished “Now your a mess Jiyu, we have dinner later with-” back than he had truly been surprised only by her short temper, but the girl now interpreted it as his realizing she was a demoness just like her mother, that she would never be the human child he wanted! Kazehime allowed herself to believe that was when their relationship started to tank, that somehow that day had aided in the years of disconnect and eventual hatred she developed. However something still stopped her from truly convincing herself she despised her father, she knew how disappointed she was in him, but part of her still denied the hatred she felt, told her it was illogical.

    The female’s reflective thought and peaceful fishing were cut off by someone thinking she needed more! Why did people always think someone had to smile, be interactive? Most people only threw trust back in someone’s face in the form of a dagger to the heart, so why strive so hard to achieve that trust, why let yourself get trapped in that cycle once more. “Corn.” she didn’t even bother with his full name, leaning her fishing pole and turning her body to face him. Jiyu thought slightly on her next course of action, what it should be, how to engage him without letting him anywhere near her, because his question seemed innocent enough. “Mostly just a normal hard working wizards life, with lots more being stared at.” and you had to walk way straighter! Even if she’d yet to break any laws, the wind mage doubted any public would be happy to see her blood driven state, the violent persona that came in with it, they would hate her. Someone already hated her for the half of herself she couldn’t help.


    Catch the biggest fish. Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM


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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by NPC 11th September 2016, 3:27 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Vlad 11th September 2016, 5:07 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    Vlad was already at the point where he could not understand why the other person would be so quiet! Perhaps he should simply focus on himself? Would it be safe to remove his disguise? Maybe he could do it at some point... Well, it seemed he would have to worry about that at some point; he doubted it would hold any real point. He wouldn't reveal himself yet! There was no real reason for him to reveal who he was, it would only cause a panic and he didn't feel it was necessary. 

    The open seas often lead to a relaxing day; no one would really have much else to do with them self, except for relax. This was something he could not do! What were his goals? Well, he wished to create the perfect world; a place where corruption was nonexistent; corruption would be the way in which the rich were able to do as they pleased, not having to do anything. They were the powerhouse of the country; they supported what they wanted and destroyed what they disliked; it annoyed Vlad.

    Perhaps it was time for him to think of the future? Although he has stated his goals, many times, he should really decide how to go about the future! Well, what was he going to do now? He would continue his journey with Eris, and Marcy. He would use his own power, coupled with their own, to hopefully complete his goals; perhaps they would understand his views? Accept his ideas and his views on the world, though he doubted they would ever do so. Who held the same thoughts as himself? It was, more likely than not, no one.

    It was with this that he began to move around the boat, simply bored out of his fucking mind. What was he to do now? He had to do something that would create an effect! Perhaps he could cause her to do something a bit more fun? Oh! He did have a plan.... 

    Walking into the cabin which the captain had been staying, he would simply approach the man from behind; having his scythe appear in his hand, he would simply kill the man; it was now that he would play with the mans soul; it was easy enough. Slaying the man, he would split his soul in half; altering this new half to look as he did now, he would simply put this soul back in his pouch, his original face now taking its shape. Walking out of the cabin he would simply grab the pole, and continue to fish.

    Wait, what was he doing? He wanted to stir things up a bit, make this trip a bit more fun! Perhaps she would enjoy the little trick? He didn't have to reveal the man was dead; its not like the ship wasn't going to work; it was still being manned by Azriel; how useful! It seemed that Azriel was a very skilled man who could handle himself in such a variety of situations that it did not even surprise Vlad anymore! He simply expected the man to be able to do whatever he asks of him; sure, this was something that could get them into a messy situation, but he did not care; it had not backfired as of yet!

    Standing he was able to just look around for a little bit of time; well, that was very boring and he had decided to create waves! The female was too tired right now! She needed something to spark her interest. Well, that was the goal of all of this; he was ready to do this.

    Walking forward, the man was ready to do what he pleased; walking toward the female from behind, it seemed he still hadn't been notices. Dropping his arms around her, he would lean forward; at this point he would whisper into her ear, "What do you do when your nightmare becomes a reality? What do you do if you were to actually meet a storm? Would you be blown away? Perhaps you could handle the gust of wind that would overcome you? Well, it seems we must find out now..." He chuckled, standing, walking forward he would grab the pole and pull it up; another two fish. How simple...
    It was at this point that he would feel it; the surge of fish rushing out and around the ship! This was the place where they simply won the damned event; they would catch ALL THESE FUCKING FISH! YES! He chuckled, looking around; grabbing a net, he would toss it over the ship; he was sure this would capture all the mother fuckers, and even allow for him to continue his grand exposure! "Well, what do you think? I am much more handsome in person, no?"

    With this, a smirk would overtake his face; he seemed to know what would happen, but he did not care at all; he enjoyed what happened when people knew who he was! He was someone who should be known, after all. He had done so much to create such a reputation that these people would be able to know his face, his name. Well, it was fine! 

    Walking forward, his saunter depicted just how little he cared; he knew who she was, and he did not really care for her title. Why would he? It was just as easy to obtain her title as it was to obtain his. He would do what he had to in order to become victorious! Well, he didn't really know what he was gonna do. Eh, what to do? AH!

    Moving forward, he would simply sit on her, turning around so they were face to face. "Do tell me, how does it feel? Are you scared? Do you feel hate? What do you think of this situation? Do you think I killed them?" He smiled as he asked her these things, leaning in. "Do tell me, Jiyu. Have the lambs stopped screaming?"

    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Catch the biggest fish. Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by NPC 11th September 2016, 5:07 pm

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. Boss Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. WeakMonster Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster


    #4 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster


    #5 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. Boss


    #6 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. Boss Catch the biggest fish. WeakMonster


    #7 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. WeakMonster Catch the biggest fish. Boss


    #8 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. WeakMonster Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster


    #9 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster


    #10 'Monster Dice' :
    Catch the biggest fish. NormalMonster Catch the biggest fish. StrongMonster
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 11th September 2016, 8:34 pm

    Fishing was an activity she enjoyed immensely, one of those things she could always rely on herself to enjoy! Even if you’d never guess some part of her was happy from her face. Everything being witnessed? Was a defense mechanism Jiyu was not even aware of possessing, her body had shut down her emotions to protect the wind mage from herself. Her lack of personality was nothing sort a true absence of self, everything tucked neatly into some shell deep inside of her. Inside of that shell she was rather happy to be calmly fishing with someone, enjoying the nice breezy day. However she was also incredibly bored, her inner self denied truly dangerous adventure engaged in on impulse, since she had taken things much slower since becoming emotionally wounded. Some part of Jiyu, beyond and beneath the soul-less husk that was driving Vlad insane with silence, there was a girl laying in there lusting for anything interesting to happen. Kazehime just couldn’t be like that anymore though, she couldn’t want things to just happen or dream of hopping for more than the current events. Whatever emotion existed inside of her? Was buried deep and had no impact on her high level thinking nor her expressions and current personality.

    Jiyu used to be just like he was thought, to a degree, never understanding how people could let things be boring, playing practical little jokes on her guildmates, her friends from time to time. Than? She had realized, none of it was the thing she was looking for in life, it was all a result of her forgetting the most important lesson in life! Given the chance, no matter how close to you someone was, they would always stab you in the heart when they got the chance, simply because it was something that could happen, no enjoyment, no reason, just because they could. Kazehime would never forget that again, she tried believing in people once, and it ended with her heart bleeding out over rough stones, exposed and torn to shreds, no hope of repair and nothing she could do about the numbness that slowly overtook her body. If anyone hated the state she was currently in? Jiyu was the one who despised it the most! She was just simply incapable of overpowering the helplessness and hopelessness that had taken root in her heart, unable to dig her way out of the blackness her soul was drowning within. Even if she silently screamed for someone to help, she knew nothing that another person did could possibly make this better for her, even time may only make the wound worse, she was only biding time until this rotting of her internal being would eventually rip her life away truly. Vlad removing his disguise would have no effect, he could be the king of the world, some god sitting behind her, and the girl would remain at her level of passive until given significant incentive. Someone, a certain coming storm seemed dead set on providing that motive to the half demoness, getting some sort of expression or rise out of her no matter the cost. Wouldn’t it be grand to live one’s life that way, unable or unrequired to consider consequences. Vlad was playing a very dangerous game as he walked towards the cabin and captain, committed that heinous murder. For several years of her life? Jiyu had lived on ships and she knew many seadogs still, he could be gunning for someone who helped her out in the past! However she had no connection to this man, so he was striking at thin air, failing to get any reaction out of someone who didn’t even want to wake up in the morning. Or did she. Normally when someone was done with everything, that literally meant everything, yet Maka could make the mage rise every morning, continued to stand where she had before the incident. Kazehime was not actively considering it, but just the fact she had come out here, it was proof she really did want someone to take her hand, and forcefully yank her out of the pit of body numbing emptiness that she had fallen into! If anyone confronted the wind user on this fact, she’d deny it nonchalantly, but inside snarl at the ideal in venom. Yet, it was undeniable, the wind witch was screaming for help in such a silent way that no one could hear her. Somehow though, even if he didn’t realize it, Vlad had received the unspoken message, if only for his own selfish reasons the dark mage was trekking around, swinging his  scythe, taking a life, all to give the woman rendered a stoic, exactly what she needed! Without even realizing or maybe even accepting it, a coming storm was going on a small journey to aid one of the lands rising star’s, when he seemed to hate what they stood for to begin with. Vlad could have killed her, it would have been easy and wiser to do in her current state, cause him less trouble later. but he didn’t, instead the male chose to play, partake in a game without knowing it might also end up reviving some spark dimly lit within her.

    Dull eyes glanced over to see someone different from the man who had left several minutes ago. This new man? Was somehow familiar to an extent, her mind slowly trying to figure out why she thought she’d seen him before when she never remember meeting him. Even if she did not place much stock in any other living being these days, Jiyu still knew who she had and had not encountered! How could she just forget meeting someone? It just wasn’t possible and this time Vlad received a few glances as she tried to consider why she felt as if she should know who was standing next to her, as if it was somewhat, distantly important to remember. Small waves crashed against the side of the boat, as if they were some sign of the larger one’s to come, expect those larger waves might not be all literal waves.

    He had a window to take advantage of and fully did so, the warmth of another body nearing her’s, and she didn’t even flinch, at first. The moment everything truly started? Was when his hands came down, a motion that seemed almost played in frame by frame view in front of her. Vlad’s thick arms encased either side of her body, something that could happen from someone simply looming over her considering the woman was only slightly over five foot tall and very dainty! Compared to Jiyu, sometimes even mice looked fearsome. Anyway’s, she believed that to be the case, until she felt heat consume her upper arms as his own rested upon them, eyes widening as that heat spread to part of her lower arms, across her stomach to where his hands nearly linked up in front of her guild marked stomach, right over her thin nightie. Hot air bathed against her ear, making the elfin appendage twitch noticeably, flicking sharply at the strange and new stimuli. Shortly after his beer coated breath floated out, bathing the side of her face and invading her sensitive nose, the male's voice followed. However for the moment, her mind was too focused on the fact he had his hands on her, pressing against her nighty, making her wish she’d dressed better today! “STOP! Let go of me! Let Me Go! Stop! Stop! Stop, HELP!” it was all jumbled, everything around her shrouded in pitch blackness, foreign hands seemingly everywhere on her, pinning her into submission as she struggled vainly against them, dragging her away and down, taking her out thoroughly, stashing her away in a place she’d likely never be found. In the end, she had been found after being kidnapped, but her rescue had taken place years later! For year’s she had screamed out, until her throat went numb and her vocal cords nearly broke, until she couldn’t physically fight anymore, till death was at her door. This new man was touching her, she could feel his foreign heat sparking the old sensation within her, the memories swarming over and breaking the shell being used to protect her, shattering it into thousands of pieces. One of her only lucid thoughts was that she had to get armor, just had to get something to keep herself from being touched this way, he handled her as if they were close, as if intimate or something, but this was anything but! Kazehime sucked in a breath, her body twitching once as the feeling in her arms extended outwards from there, chasing away the numbness for a brand new wildfire of her own creation. Of course? Vlad was just as responsible for this new flame as she or the next person was.  "What do you do when your nightmare becomes a reality? What do you do if you were to actually meet a storm? Would you be blown away? Perhaps you could handle the gust of wind that would overcome you? Well, it seems we must find out now..."  There was no way he was mentioning the element she controlled on purpose, was there? The half demoness struggled to control her whirling brain, nails digging into the boat's railing as her line went tugged and unchecked, something trashing around on it. Right now she could care less about anything, especially her fishing line, for weeks she had not felt a single thing, now it all came flooding back onto her, and she felt exposed, because she was! If water splashed her? He’d be able to see the outline of her body, maybe even see right through the thin silk protecting her horribly. Even the outfit she normally wore, it would have left her so exposed here, with him so close to her bare flesh, it wasn’t okay and this was the first time since becoming a demoness that she realized, she was still not alright with any man besides HIM lying even a single claw on her body, it made her feel borderline murderous. Yes, the wind user felt bloodthirsty, not frightened, all the fear translated right into brutal violence in the mind of an animal, a demon, and that was the brain she possessed. Suddenly her brain sparked to his comments, preparing her come back as she turned on him, eyes wide and predatory. “Nightmare?” her voice came through, but this time? It sounded like she was taunting him, lifting her hand to flick her hair as her tail lashed and hips swayed, walking back towards him. Even with how much she disliked being touched? She was not about to lose to someone she couldn’t even remember. “You want to see what a wind user does in a storm boy~?” her velvet voice floated out as she chuckled, eyes narrowing slightly, determined to gain the upper hand when dealing with him, pale pink lips stretched into a smirk. Instead of fearing him or attacking blindly, she begun to play the game started, enveloping herself in it and letting that stoke the fire she felt even more. Normally, she feared any sort of flames, but these were not those kind of fires, the heat she felt right now was bringing her body back to life, even as her brain screamed out to hide her body. “We strive, we overtake the storm and use it for our own strength, it becomes my bitch.” the female rumbled it out, her next grin bearing every pointy fang, crossing her arms as she stopped right in front of him. This?! Was it, she felt every single nerve on her body, and it was glorious. Jiyu felt alive again, and the wind witch was not willing to give it up quiet yet, if he quit playing with her? She’d hunt the fucker down and play her own game.

    Their fishing equipment had gone forgotten, this was a mistake.

    Jiyu’s line snapped, yet the wire floated on the surface of the water, as if the fish who had shattered it was not diving back down to the safety of the depths. Kazehime looked up at him, listening to his words once more “your narcissistic in person~” who was he thought? She enjoyed taunting and playing with her words, but she couldn’t quite pin point him yet, her mind filled and over loaded. Slowly her mind started to clear itself up some, barely allowing her to finally make the connection between his face and his identity. This man, he was a coming storm! Well shit, she was working with a dark mage, that was a major hitch on her road to wizard saint. However, the demon in her purred at his antics, the human sentiment pounding at her chest trying to distract her. Kazehime’s human half was too weak at the moment, her demon roared further back to life, and she drew closer to him once more, sultry smirk on her face as she rumbled low in her chest, an almost constant sound. Fish fell in grand display around them, some hitting the deck, but she ignored them, everything focused on the fact she felt alive for the first time in weeks, and it was due to a near stranger. If she had known all her existence needed, was someone to touch her, rile her up? Jiyu would have tried to piss someone off at her or such, but what was happening now, it worked too, her mind plotting revenge for him daring lay his hands on her. Marschal was the only one with the right to touch her anymore, for he saved her life, and she could never revoke the rights that came with that! “You know what?” she giggled as she spoke, lifting her hand as if she was going to touch him, but not actually letting her fingers down the rest of the way, adjusting her body slightly so he had a straight view down her nightgown. “I feel alive!~” she nearly purred it out and the canine suddenly pulled back from him, nearly dancing backwards from the coming storm, twirling around once, and nearly falling against the rail as she smirked over towards him. However the game ended there, because they had forgotten their true purpose for coming on this mission, to get the biggest fish and the most jewel!

    It erupted from the depths, a thin silver line of fishing rope attached to this shimmery lure, Jiyu’s lure, snared into it’s beaked mouth. “Well than we have a kraken to fight.” The beast clearly was not happy with them waking it up and lashed out instantly, tentacles flailing around; What an interesting scene would it be if they managed to catch Jiyu in her rather intimate night gown, maybe divest her of it. Nothing like that was actually going to happen though, because this overgrown octopus creature, it wanted to drag the two mages down into the murky depths of the darkened sea, take them home for dinner in the bad sort of way, with no manners. Even if he was a liar, no good, if she should hate him? The assistance of Vlad would be better than taking on the angry sea monster all on her own. While Jiyu did not doubt herself of being capable enough to take down the beast? The wind mage always did better with allies to aid her, even if that ally this time happened to be someone she would otherwise be expected to arrest. Oh that was a bad thought, actually considering him an ally of sorts, but she could not be expected to be fully functional and in control of herself, not after having everything she’d spent weeks without, suddenly flood back to her! If she wanted to team with a dark mage this once, they were in open water, who the hell would know any better, besides she was already keeping the fact mashyu was married to a dark wizard, secret, what was one more dark mage related secret to keep! Kazehime took a step when the beast struck the boat, causing her to stumble forward, nearly falling into Vlad, hands gripping the rail to prevent this, avoid any further physical contact.  It was surprising to see how she shifted from one ideal to another, as if she actually possessed more than one of them in an honest manner. “Don’t worry about the lambs then, Vlad.” there was fish blood, considering they’d been killing fish, there was blood, just blood and she adored that scent right now, surging through her she knew a decision had to be made. If he remained an enemy who fought at her side for this? Than the fight would be shaky, it would not function smoothly and she wanted that damn fish, she wanted the prize! Want, she wanted, she desired, she lusted after that prize, after killing that kraken, everything was such a heady blur as she stood straight before him once more. “For the moment, we’re working together, now let's win the fucking contest and you better be back in disguise by the time we hit shore!” she was not going to risk them witholding her prize because the second mage involved was not a legal or even neutral one. If she was going to fight this beast? It was for her own gain and profit, he was secondary, but it would be oh so fun to do this! “I’ll take the first strike.” she was going to be a smart ass, he had taunted her as if she was nothing, tried to play games with her as if she was beneath him. Kazehime would do just enough damage to this beast so that he could not do more actual damage than her, but he still would have to finish it off! Just to prove a point, she was in control and if she wanted, he’d bend, he was not part of her pack, just a temp ally, she would not tolerate him very far.

    “Just sit back and learn~” the half demoness chuckled at her own antic there, waiting, not even making a single move until the kraken lunged once more, getting close to them, making Jiyu think it was time to begin combat! Before he could truly strike at them again the creature shrieked and retreated slightly, it’s body shaking as it stared at Jiyu, a sadistic smile coming to her mouth at it’s new found fear of her. Anyone who saw her like this? Was going to hate her for it anyways, Vlad already hated her as she was opposite to him in affiliation, so there was no reason to hold back in front of him! The opinion of this man truly did not matter to her, and she felt excited at the prospect of going further than normal in front of someone, especially since any damages could just be blamed on the dark mage later, no one would believe his word over hers! “Hehehe.” Jiyu had things she had to do before she really got to fighting through, covering her elfin ears until they popped into fluffy flat ones, lowering a hand to hover above her tail, flicking it as the wind surrounded the appendage. Lastly? She placed her hands together as if praying, her heels clicking causing from her finger/toe tips to the bends of her elbows/knees to become dog paws and legs, completing the transformation she could currently manage, making her grin happily, fangs bared and tail wagging. She laughed at the misery she’d put this beast into as she grabbed an arrow from her quiver, kissing it and watching her blood run down the blade, firing it swiftly afterwards, causing an explosion to consume the kraken. Her opponent? Roared in pain and she laughed at it straight out, the only one who could see her take pleasure in this was Vlad, and she felt ecstasy putting on such a show for someone. For the moment her arrow was out, she needed short breaks between ingraining them with her magic, so she took to using her power directly now, lifting her hand with this creepy grin covering her lips “Suffer fishy.” her tail never stopped wagging, swaying to and fro, tickling her own legs. Jiyu watched her wind blades erupt from the air, making straight for the only opponent she had on the field, unless Vlad suddenly moved to attack her or get in the way. Honestly, he might just be in shock from the fact a hard working rising star who had promise, could go and behave so crazy, with such a lust for blood. “Oh yeah, any blood it sheds is mine~” if she could get to it reasonably of course, most of this creature's life essence would be claimed by the water, but she’d be sure to get own fair share of it in as well! Considering the beast had been cut, some of it’s blood was on the deck, her hand running through the substance and bringing it up to her lips for a taste. Jiyu did not have enough care back yet to worry over what she was doing as her tongue eagerly lapped at everything taken to her hand, bringing this heated flush to her face, making her feel as if she was blushing due to the mere taste of blood. If she was? It was understandable this time, she hadn’t had any in some time, since she had been careful on what she did, to avoid anyone seeing her like this, anyone else hating her. “Tornado Ball.” her finger pointed out and she flicked it forward, sending this mini sort of folded in tornado at the kraken, watching once more until he lunged again. Actually? He didn’t lunge he spit water at them. “YOU PERVERTED FISH!” she seem enraged, as now you could clearly see the outside of her shapely form through the soaked fabric of her gown, not that it had left much to imagine to begin with, but now it was multiple times worse. Somehow she had to get back at the squid before she let Vlad have his turn, but she had to wait for her next arrow, just a little while longer. That time was confused when she started panting, gripping the side of the boat when she noticed the water actually did damage, hurt her, teeth grinding in anger. “Take this fuck head!” she drew and prepared her next arrow, firing it swiftly and watching as it struck the water, hopping it would work, and luckily it narrowly did due to a rock not far beneath the surface, tornado’s erupting, thought they turned into water sports due to being over the water. Suddenly she seemed to grow bored of the enemy or something.

    “I promised you a turn~” she had done enough damage, he couldn’t beat her number in anything but overkill, which meant nothing, she proved her point. Jiyu walked back towards him, going to stand behind him, so she’d be out of his way. Since she had expected the man to stay out of her way? She would return the same courtesy. As she waited for him to start his round of attacking, the wind user laughed happily, smirking. She had only come out to make jewel, but she felt shockingly good now, in need of new clothing and maybe some armor, but she felt alive once more, eager to retain that feeling past these moments. “Enjoy beating on the stupid thing, just make sure he’s in tact enough to be realized as the prize winner.” because something like this squid had to get the prize, didn’t it? The wind mage shrugged slightly, sitting on the deck in her soaked state, all blood cleared from the ship by the last attack. “I’m going to start hiding the other fish from the fight.” she started picking up some of the earlier catches and taking them somewhere that was not the top of the deck, so that none would be lost overboard, that they could redeem those for more money. If she had to work with this man? It was going to pay her a pretty penny!

    It had taken forever to get the boat back to shore, since it had some issue’s, including the giant squid that didn’t fit on the deck. Somehow? They made it back close enough for them to leap off. “Make sure you don’t look like dracula when you get off.” she wasn’t going to say his name anymore, they were back where the law mattered, and she had to behave. Of course? That was easier said than done when everyone stared her way once more, due to the see through nature of her soaked gown. “I’m not a circus performer, look away pervs!” the female fumed,rolling her eyes as she strolled barefoot down the dock, hips swaying, a little prance to her step, flaunting down the way as she walked right to the booth. “Brown team turning in for the day.” how could they beat the kraken? You really couldn’t, so she would not even try this time around, this day had been stressing. “Are you sure-” she cut the boy off by pressing her fingers to his lips, watching him stare wide eyed at her nearly exposed body, causing a small glare to rise from her. “We got the kraken, I’m sure we’re done.” and she was fairly sure they had won! Jiyu was not usually one to count her chicks early, but this case allowed it. “Alright.” they let her turn in the job, and that was one of the few things she needed, turning away from them. Before anything else like an awards ceremony she was suspecting might happen later? The confident wind mage chose that she had to get some change of clothing, desperately. The gown she was wearing? Would never be usable again, she felt corrupted in it, so maybe she’d go with a black wardrobe this time. She didn’t really know, but the half demoness wandered off to do her shopping.

    “The contest is now over!” the people announced it, and she was standing in this black crop top and pencil skirt set that she’d purchased in town to replace her soaked white night gown. With her tail? The skirt barely stayed down, it was a pantyshot waiting to happen, unless she had poked a hole for her tail, which she had not yet, for now she had to avoid wagging it, unless she wanted to flash the world. Since disembarking and informing the poor shocked man at the counter they had caught a kraken? She had not seen Vlad, but guessed he was likely around, after all who would turn down a reward like the one they would get for winning, right?! “Brown team captured a kraken and numerous other small fish, so they take home the jewel prize today!” and that was her team, fairly ugly color sometimes, but it made her happy to be on the team that was getting paid today. “You may now come collect your prize!” and she embarked eagerly to do so, after-all she had use of the jewel, this mission had alerted her to the fact she required armor of some sort to protect her skin. After she was handed the jewel for this? She would head back to rose garden and likely buy some armor on her way back to the silver moon.

    She left out that morning, only intending to burn more time until she rotted away. Now? She looked stern, somewhat aloof again, but she was anything from the walking corpse she had been this morning. Leaving this mission with jewel in hand, she was also a revived woman, one ready to go back to day to day living, even she would never trust anyone even the distance she could throw them, she had life in her eyes again!

    “That was a good day's haul.” stretching her arms above her head caused her chest to rise with them and she chuckled at the feeling of being ‘properly’ clothed once more. “Not revealing armor or full body?” such a choice to make, but it would hardly be hard considering the mission she’d just been on.


    Catch the biggest fish. Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM Catch the biggest fish. H6NcPbM


    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Catch the biggest fish. Empty Re: Catch the biggest fish.

    Post by Vlad 17th September 2016, 2:25 pm

    between what is good and what is evil
    I will tiptoe down that line but I will feel unstable

    It seemed this would be the perfect time for Vlad to contemplate on his past; of what took him this far in his life, and what brought him this close to his goals; while he would have loved to share this with those around him, people like Marceline, he doubted it would be worth the time. Not many shared his exact views and even those who did were often those he wished to not associate with; while they had the correct cause for arms, they were often people of a detestable demeanor; they were not the type that one could simply talk to; they were radicals that committed heinous crimes that did very little to further the cause, and often diminished the goals he had; it was with their actions that his goal would seem to be tainted, impure; something that only the most sick of people could wish for; this often saddened Vlad. Why must the incompetent interfere with his plans? Why would they not allow him to simply go about what he wanted, dealing with the problems as they came; if he could do this, then it would be the simplest of goals in the world. Alas, the goal he has is now too corrupted; the others already destroyed the reputation of the goal. Well, it was what it was. 

    What was his goal? It seemed people often overlooked the goal of those that society had deemed to be evil, nefarious, degenerated. It was such a tragedy; some goals, which held a generally good idea, was thrown asunder; the people seemed to believe the ends did not justify the means? Why was that? Would it not be okay to eliminate a city to stop a tyrannical dictator who would go on to commit genocide? Was it not okay to sacrifice the lives of the few for those of many? Who had the authority to decide one way or the other? This was something that Vlad often ignored; he could not say he had the authority; no man had the authority to decide on the lives of others, though this was the exact statement he disagreed with; it was an odd process; he found himself discovering things he simply did not agree with. Life was odd like that; he was looking for an answer that would further guide him in his struggles to gain the support of a select few for this endeavor, however, he never found the answers he sought. He was beginning to question his goal and whether it was worth all the trouble it has put him through; perhaps he should simply continue on with his life as it is, and simply accept if his goal was achieved. No, he would never do that! It was a boring way to live, it held no real reason; simply doing whatever, whenever to whoever was not his goal; he wanted to achieve something. What was it that lead him to this goal? Why would he be pushed to sustain this goal? To simply complete it? Was it due to his past? 

    His past, it was nothin extraordinary as some would assume; why did all "villains" have to have some sort of a background that led them to commit the heinous acts they did? Why did they always have some sort of archetype that revealed so much about them, without even speaking much of them; it was a rather boring design for a "villain," especially in this day and age. Originality is what allowed for people to make such a great living, though it seemed none were able to provide this valuable resource! How shitty.

    Vlad came from a middle of the road bunch, nothing too impressive; his father was a fisherman, and his mother a seamstress; this was what allowed for their comfortable lifestyle. They were people who were neither zealous, nor delinquent. They simply did what they must to survive; it was what allowed for so many families to live in those times; well, it was a rather boring story he would not enjoy diving into; it was not their actions, or beliefs, that led Vlad down this path; it was not their vision he chased, it was his own. 

    His vision, his future; these were the two things the propagated him to move forward; he would not rest until he saw his dreams realized. Well, these were not the things he wished to think on at this moment in time; it was useless to simply dream on them; dreaming got you nowhere, you had to earn it. Well, it seemed the female that he had accompanied on this job was acting all high and mighty; why did they believe themselves to be so powerful? He allowed her to simply do as she pleased, talking all the shit that she could desire; words meant little to nothing in this sort of life; who cared for what they said, if they could not back it up? She was the sort to talk? Why? She was so quiet before. 

    Bloodlust? This was a poor excuse for bloodlust, how could this be anything on the level of bloodlust? Simply because she was attempting to drink the blood of the beast? Sure, that was a type of lust, however, when one spoke of bloodlust they often brought it to mean a frenzy; simply wishing to kill all that were in its way and dominating all sorts of life; this was a bloodlust, not, it was a frenzy. He could do this, if he so pleased he could slay the girl and beast where they stood, he knew it. With her actions, all of which were very inefficient, and use of more energy than she needed, it seemed she would be easy prey; if he was a man of no honor, of no morals, he could do as he pleased; having expended all this effort, and not slaying the monster, she would have to be entering a tired state; it was not very likely that she could do much else than that.

    Why would she put in so much effort? Why was it that she chose to exert such effort? Things like this were meant to be simple, quick, no matter what sort of challenges you faced; a beast such as this? It was nothing in the face of a person who knew how to fight it; fuck, even those who did not know how to fight this beast should surely be able to slay it without much effort! He would have to depict how this was done, it seemed she was not able to handle it all on her own; sure, she would make it seem to be that she could finish it, but he doubted that. These were her actions thus far: 

    “Just sit back and learn~” the half demoness chuckled at her own antic there, waiting, not even making a single move until the kraken lunged once more, getting close to them, making Jiyu think it was time to begin combat! Before he could truly strike at them again the creature shrieked and retreated slightly, it’s body shaking as it stared at Jiyu, a sadistic smile coming to her mouth at it’s new found fear of her. Anyone who saw her like this? Was going to hate her for it anyways, Vlad already hated her as she was opposite to him in affiliation, so there was no reason to hold back in front of him! The opinion of this man truly did not matter to her, and she felt excited at the prospect of going further than normal in front of someone, especially since any damages could just be blamed on the dark mage later, no one would believe his word over hers!“Hehehe.” Jiyu had things she had to do before she really got to fighting through, covering her elfin ears until they popped into fluffy flat ones, lowering a hand to hover above her tail, flicking it as the wind surrounded the appendage. Lastly? She placed her hands together as if praying, her heels clicking causing from her finger/toe tips to the bends of her elbows/knees to become dog paws and legs, completing the transformation she could currently manage, making her grin happily, fangs bared and tail wagging. She laughed at the misery she’d put this beast into as she grabbed an arrow from her quiver, kissing it and watching her blood run down the blade, firing it swiftly afterwards, causing an explosion to consume the kraken. Her opponent? Roared in pain and she laughed at it straight out, the only one who could see her take pleasure in this was Vlad, and she felt ecstasy putting on such a show for someone. For the moment her arrow was out, she needed short breaks between ingraining them with her magic, so she took to using her power directly now, lifting her hand with this creepy grin covering her lips “Suffer fishy.” her tail never stopped wagging, swaying to and fro, tickling her own legs. Jiyu watched her wind blades erupt from the air, making straight for the only opponent she had on the field, unless Vlad suddenly moved to attack her or get in the way. Honestly, he might just be in shock from the fact a hard working rising star who had promise, could go and behave so crazy, with such a lust for blood. “Oh yeah, any blood it sheds is mine~” if she could get to it reasonably of course, most of this creature's life essence would be claimed by the water, but she’d be sure to get own fair share of it in as well! Considering the beast had been cut, some of it’s blood was on the deck, her hand running through the substance and bringing it up to her lips for a taste. Jiyu did not have enough care back yet to worry over what she was doing as her tongue eagerly lapped at everything taken to her hand, bringing this heated flush to her face, making her feel as if she was blushing due to the mere taste of blood. If she was? It was understandable this time, she hadn’t had any in some time, since she had been careful on what she did, to avoid anyone seeing her like this, anyone else hating her. “Tornado Ball.” her finger pointed out and she flicked it forward, sending this mini sort of folded in tornado at the kraken, watching once more until he lunged again. Actually? He didn’t lunge he spit water at them. “YOU PERVERTED FISH!” she seem enraged, as now you could clearly see the outside of her shapely form through the soaked fabric of her gown, not that it had left much to imagine to begin with, but now it was multiple times worse. Somehow she had to get back at the squid before she let Vlad have his turn, but she had to wait for her next arrow, just a little while longer. That time was confused when she started panting, gripping the side of the boat when she noticed the water actually did damage, hurt her, teeth grinding in anger. “Take this fuck head!” she drew and prepared her next arrow, firing it swiftly and watching as it struck the water, hopping it would work, and luckily it narrowly did due to a rock not far beneath the surface, tornado’s erupting, thought they turned into water sports due to being over the water. Suddenly she seemed to grow bored of the enemy or something. 

    These were the things he had observed thus far, it seemed she was way too inefficient, just as he had thought. Her motions seemed to be missing something, but what was it? It was something that he had often believed was even missing from this very world; it was something so simple, but yet something that could not be faked easily; elegance. Elegance was something that could only be obtained after many years of training, and not many had decided it to be something worthy of such commitment; these people were idiots, they were unable to understand its importance. This, however, does not mean she was an idiot, perhaps she had just never known this? Well, ignorance was bliss, and who did not enjoy living a simple life? Well, Vlad was one person. It seemed that leading a simple life was overly boring; nothing new would ever occur, and it would become monotonous very quickly; he would not be able to do it for the entirety of his life. Well, this is why he was not living such a life; it would have led him to suicide. 

    Alas, it seemed that this was not all that he had found incorrect with her movements; she merely went for blood, for some indication of damage; it was not always the wisest of decisions, these things could lead a beast into a fit of rage, causing shit to get out of hand very quickly. Having let out a slight sigh, it seemed he was too little to late to do anything; sure, he knew this already, but it was not something that should be ignored; when attacking such a large beast, especially a kraken, it was not the best idea to be very showy; it simply blinded the attacker in their own pride and ego. This leads to clumsy mistakes that may lead to the death of said assailant. Well, all life must end at some point!

    It was as she finished up her little show, and finally walked away, that he would finish this. It seems she took too long on this little fella, and he had not wished to have to deal with this beast for too long. It was a tad bit annoying, he simply wanted to win this damned contest. Looking up the the beast it was a very slippery being; it's skin covered in something that was, definitely, not water. It was, more then likely, something that simply allowed for the beast to move at an accelerated rate underwater. Well, it did not matter; it was nothing that could stop his wrath.
    Looking around the area, Vladimir simply smirked, this would be perfect. A place to showcase his new abilities, hell, he would enjoy this! Cracking his knuckles, he would simply look at the being, it took no more than this. Smirking a bit, Vladimir would simply begin to channel the souls of the damned, of the long departed, of those that could not find salvation; it was these wandering souls that he would use today, they would be he best catalyst for these spells, and the location they found themselves in gave no better choice. It was an amazing stroke of luck, really. "Damnation comes to all those who believe themselves better than another; I've accepted that I am damned, but have you?" He chuckled, looking over to the Rising Star; it seemed she had taken a back seat and would simply allow him to continue what it was he was doing. It was as he spoke that figures would rise from the water; all having different bodies, shapes, and faces the only similarity bewltween them all was the fact that they were semi-transparent; through these beings one could see the rides begin to grow in size; the ocean was crying out, pleading for the souls to return to where they had lay. However, it was too late. They broke free, being commanded by their truest of masters; Vladimir. It seemed he held total domain over these beings and saw no need to hold back with his onslaught; he would be sure to allow these souls to return to where they lay, after he was done with them.
    Souls were expunged from the sea, being thrown into the air; it was as they flew upward that it became apparent that they were forming a shape; something that was very vague at first. There were holes in his outline, there were not enough souls yet, though the effects could be felt. The souls were drawing energy from the beast. It was clear that the beast was experiencing this, it was something that it could not avoid! The souls took shaoe, a dome had formed around them all; it seemed that the being was more focused on the pain it was feeling, rather than the boat. Thrashing in the water, the waves became more hostile, uninviting. Crashing against the hull of the boat, it was doubtful that many would be able to stand; vlad, however, stood; he was uneffected by this showcase. It was going to die, so why give a damn about what it did? This was the beasts finale; the crashing of the waves a serenade, lulling the beast to the cold embrace of death; it seemed that this would not be all that Vladimir would have this animal accept.
    As it writhed in pain, being unable to cope with the loss of health to these souls - which would be  returned to Vlad- he decided to settle the beast; it was not as though he was unable to stop it where it was! It was a simple task, something someone of his caliber would have no problem dealing with! A more nefarious smile would envelop his face as he looked over to the Rising Star; this spell targeted all that were not Vladimir. There was no differentiating between friend and foe; she would feel the entirety of the damage the beast felt, and he was overjoyed. Perhaps this would teach her the true pains of a mage, what it meant to be unable to move on; would she feel the pains of the damned souls? Those who fought so desperately to return to the world of the living? She damned well better be; these lives were often lost to those of the "legal" mages. Simply killing as they pleased, all in the name of justice; it disgusted Vlad. Well, she would probably survive this. Hell, it was not a concern of his at the moment; right now all he cared for was this beast; towering over the boat it must have known it was doomed; it wanted to kill all those who had hurt it; to drag them to Hell along with it. As though Vlad would allow this. As the creature raised its tentacle, Vlad simple chuckled; he enjoyed the view. Watching the beast fight tonsurvive, and live what measly a life it had, was something he was enjoying. Perhaps he would be able to see a bit more of this!
    Swinging it's tentacle diwn, the beast was attempting to live. It fought for survival. It was doomed, in the end. Nonethless, it was a valiant attempt; if this was a human he would respect it; the average human merely begged for their life; having no fight in them, they would drop to their knees and grovel before him. It was pathetic and he disliked it; did they have so little self worth as to simply beg for their life? Why not fight to survive? Why were people so pathetic? Well, he was no longer grouped with those disgusting beings, so it was fine. He did not have to be lumped together with the weak. It was at the moment that the creature launched its attack that Vlad simply moved his hand; gesturing for the being to leave them be. It was with this motion that he would look over, yet again, to the rising star. "I have experienced many thinhs, but the most interesting has to be the way the soul will grip to what it believe could help it; help its own survival. I love seeing those chains rip up and bind people." He chuckled, turning his head back to the beast.
    From the water shot a chain, much like the souls; it was semi transparent, however, it was a physical object. The manifestation of the soul was a fun thing; it took a plethora of shapes that he could use. He simply had to bend it's will. This chain would wrap around the tentacle of the beast, halting it's movement; another three chains shot from the water; it completely bonded the being in place; the chains wrapped around the body of the beast, and blind the tentacles together; it seemed the being was helpess, left to the will of Vladimir. "Well, I suppose it is time to die..." He chuckled, looking over the beast.
    It was as he said this that the air around him would begin to smell of an older age; the smell of alcohol and perfume would fill the air; yes, this was what he had done. The beast, and the rising star, would both begin to be affected by this aroma; it would lure the people in, just as it had many centuries ago; luring them in, whilst killing them. It was spectacular; it was not only this! They would become more sensitive to everything, including damage. Yes, this was a beautiful three prong attack that would, surely, destroy the beast. It was over the period of a minute that one could watch as the beast attempted to escape the cold embrace of death, until it had finally decided it was not going to escape; it merely accepted it's death; with this, Vladimir would cut a piece of the krakens tentacle and begin to devour it; with this, Vladimir was able to feel the power of this beast flow through him; it was now under his control. How useful this would be!
    Watching as the beast simply floated there, within reach, he chuckled; opening his pouch he would allow the soul to run over his body; it began to alter his appearance, it allowed him to continue as he had in the beginning. Looking around, he would simply smile. "I believe we have won this little challenge." It was with this that he would simply walk over to the chair which he began in. Taking a seat he would smirk.
    "Well, it seems this was too easy a challenge for someone of my standing. Why expend a large amount of energy to slay a beast that has such a basic composure? It is ridiculous! Perhaps you need to reevaluate what you wish to do? Can you handle this life? Will you be able to deal with even greater monsters? I'm not entirely sure you can? Did you see the grace with which I handled this situation? It was how any amazing mage would handle this; I shall not falter in my approach to greatness! It seems you are already stumbling along your path. You innards do not match your external. Can you continue this farce? Will you survive? Why must you humans put up such a guise? Why do you not simply live and enjoy who you are, what you are? Do not answer me with anything that would deal with morality, loyalty, or even the law. These are merely constraints you lay upon yourself. Now, can you even answer me?" He chuckled, simply looking at the sky. It was a beautiful day after all.
    Watching the sky he would simply sit there, allowing the boat to move as it may across the sea. Perhaps they would arrive back at the dock in a matter of minutes, perhaps hours. It was not something that he could care to control, at all. Sure, a person could simply force waves to occur and allow for a faster movement, or even control the wind to do as they command, but why? Why not simply allow for it to do as it must, allow for nature to drift them to their destination; they were done with this job, after all, and it's not as though he could not relax now. He had earned this little bit of rest.
    As the boat drifted through the ocean he simply sit there, allowing his mind to wander for a while; if he were to be threatened, or attacked, in any way he would know. It's not as though he would be totally defenseless just because he was taking a break; he was always aware of his surroundings; the Rising Star was probably going to be angry by the mere fact that he had attacked in such a way as to hurt her as well. It was what it was; he couldn't change the past, nor would he even if he could. He did not regret his actions, and he enjoyed it. Sure, it was slow, but not everything in life was as fast paced as it could be.
    As the ship docked in the harbor, Vlad would exit without any hesitation. He simply approached the male, and collected his reward; while it was not very much, it did not mean that he was unappreciative. He would always accept the cash, it was something that could sway any amount of power. Money was power, it was success. It allowed for so much to occur.
    It was shortly after this that Vladimir would walk through an alleyway, his regular appearance returning; he was on the prowl for something good; it had been too long since he had last enjoyed himself. Entering into a bar, he would simply walk over and grab a shot of whiskey; the alcohol moved through his system and allowed him to feel a bit better. Leaning over, he would begin to whisper into a females ear; it mattered not what her appearance was, it simply seemed like she could offer him what he had desired.
    Escorting the female out of the bleak bar, he would allow her to grant him entrance into her apartment; this was amazing. Hunting with this gift was easy as ever. Entering behind the female, he would close the door and allow her to lead him to her chambers. As she passed through the doorway, Vladimir would simply grab the side of her head, slamming it into the wall.
    It was with this that she would enter the unxonscious, her body falling into his arms. "Naive people. The powers of an incubus are amazing. Why did I not find this earlier?" He chuckled, throwing her onto the bed. Walking through the house, he would simply grab one of the knives that she had used the night prior. It seemed sharp enough.
    Running the blade down her leg, he simply smirked, a sacrifice was amazing. Tearing off her skirt and flannel shirt he would look her over; she was nothing special. B cup at best. "Well, I do appreciate you being such a gracious sacrifice! In the name of Eris, I condemn you to the burning abyss." He chuckled, slitting her throat.

    This was the end  his objective was met and he was thrilled with what progress he had made today. The amount of knowledge he possessed was growing at such a rate that he was proud of himself. He loved it. He was amazing. His dreams were within reach.
    HP:300| MP:100|§:100 V.HP:1250
    Vlad's Defiance: +30% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +25% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    ’Til I Die: -5% MP per spell
    Affinity for Death: +25% dmg resistance
    Soul Link
    Abilities used:



    Catch the biggest fish. Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:35 pm