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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 7th July 2016, 3:58 pm


    Feitan groaned loudly as he walked through the lands known as “Fat Monsterland” what the hell kind of land that was, or the hell kind of name it was supposed to be he really didn’t understand or seem to care about, but what he did know was that if there were indeed any so called Fat Monsters he would be happy of the amusement in order to kill them rather completely. There was nothing that he wanted to do more than be back in the guild hall, but there was no helping it. He had been hired to retrieve some horses, but these were no ordinary horses they were flesh eating horses.

    Why someone would need, want, or actually go and look for flesh eating horses was something beyond him. It was beyond his comprehension and there was nothing sensible about this mission, but someone was paying him jewels to get it done, and so there was nothing that he had to say about the matter. He was not going to let anything happen to himself, and of course he had to get his job done. This was going to be a simple enough job being that all he had to do was slaughter thieves and take mares from their pens back to their actual owners.

    Nothing was just as simple as this and there was nothing that was going to stop him. He really did want to murder every single bandit he found as they were not worth his time. As he walked he could feel the strings tugging at the madness that was ever present in his mind. He trembled as he felt its influence and sure enough the voices were in his head again tormenting him, telling him he should feed all of the men he killed to the mares. Why not? They were flesh eating and they knew the risks of keeping such beasts. Not to mention the fact that he was kinda fascinated with the idea of seeing these horses eat flesh. 

    He suddenly began to laugh loudly as he walked through these monsterlands pulling his umbrella from nowhere specifically. Now he twirled it over his head as he walked looking completely mad in the eyes, but his twisted mad smile couldn’t be seen due to the fact that he wore a cloak with a strange collar that came up to cover all of his face under his nose. 

    It didn’t take him all that long before he finally came across what was once a very nice house. He assumed it was the location that he was hunting for and in all honesty he could guess it was the house that he was looking for due in large part to the fact that he could hear the sounds of horses in a stable nearby, as well as the fact that there were several guards roaming around in front of both the nearby stable and the house itself. Really they weren’t trying to be that sneaky and so he decided death would be the suitable option.

    WC: 510/4,000

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 10th August 2016, 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
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    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 18th July 2016, 10:07 am

    As he moved around the mansion he had a sudden wicked thought. He could get the mares to cooperate a lot more if they were placated and fed. There was only one food source that he knew they would eat without a shred of doubt, and that was human flesh. The trick would be getting the great muzzles on and off of them without getting bitten himself. It didn’t matter to him much, but he would prefer to get in and out of this job in one piece, and not have several large bites taken out of him. If it was unavoidable then he would indeed make it happen, and he would make sure that this job went off without a hitch. At present he moved through the forest around the house and made sure that he was able to stalk through the forest without attracting much attention. There really wasn’t all that many guards and this led Feitan to think that they thought they had gotten away without a single mark on them, and also as if they were untouchable. It was not something Feitan would’ve thought possible from people who were so smart as to steal from his very mysterious client who Feitan knew for a fact was far more powerful than he was letting on and this meant they had to be more intelligent than they were acting.

    It took him a bit of careful maneuvering in order to get to one of the side doors of the stable. The pens that the horses were kept in were connected to the stable proper, and that was something that Feitan thought he could use. He climbed over the fence into the pen. It didn’t take long before the horses were all over him, and they were all wearing those thick muzzle coverings without a sound being from them other than that soft squelching sound they made as they moved through the muck that was the pen. Feitan moved through them without fear although they had tried a few times to touch him with their mouths that were bound up tightly making them unable to bite at him. This was wonderful to him, and as he moved into the proper part of the stable he smiled nodding his head in approval. There was a gap between the wall of the pen and the stable. This gap was unbarred in most locations only having enough of a gap that would allow the horses to bend down into the trough to drink, and there was also a trough for the body parts that were their meals. He would fill these up again before the night was over he was sure of that, but what happened right now was that he climbed through the fencing into the stable’s main pathway.

    As he did so he dropped silently on the other side and licked his lips as he slowly moved through the silent walkway and moved towards the door. He could hear the sounds of people coming to check on the horses and from the state of the food trough it was clear that they were going to be fed at this time. Oh they had no idea how right they were about them feeding the horses.

    WC: 1,054


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 5th August 2016, 6:27 am

    Feitan smirked as he heard the sounds of at least three different sets of feet coming into the stable. It was perfect they were probably grooms that were here to take care of the horses and it was easy to see that he would have the advantage here. He gently tugged on the collar of his cloak making it change dramatically into a giant red scarf. The scarf at both ends began to form into two giant fists, these would be perfect. The moment he heard them closer to him than he thought possible he leapt through the hole in the stall and rushed at them with as much speed as he was able to force from his body. The sudden appearance of someone wearing a bright red scarf and the fact that said scarf was two giant hands which slammed into them knocking the grooms back against another wooden stall. All of them grunted from the force that the hands had attacked with. With this done Feitan stood above the three grooms smirking down at them “Ah, well it is good to see that there is some food on the menu. I mean to take these mares back with me, but of course they are most likely very hungry. Just look at them.” He gestured back to the mares which were at the trough clearly waiting to be fed looking very hungry and slobbering now “I think if I feed them they will be more willing to cooperate with me.”

    The first Groom suddenly groaned grabbing a pitchfork and slapping it at Feitan. The Demon soul wizard caught the improvised weapon with his great scarf fist yanking it away and throwing it away as if it was nothing. He smirked and then slammed his fists into the Grooms again pounding them over and over and over until they were all black and blue making their faces swell up so they couldn’t give out some kind of great scream that would alert the rest. Now that the grooms were severely beaten and were now subdued Feitan scooped them up in his great hands dragging them up and into the trough throwing them in without much worry. The Mares were at the trough now trying to break through their muzzles and this made Feitan smirk licking his lips slowly “Oh, don’t you worry little ponies. You shall get your meal.” He used his scarf hands to take off all of their muzzles no sooner had their muzzles been removed than they began to fall upon the humans in their trough taking huge bites out of their flesh and clothes eating it all. There were several muffled screams that Feitan took the time to relish and he laughed softly to himself his madness consuming him as he watched the mares eat their meal bite, by gore splattered bite. He nodded his head as he spoke soothingly to the mares “Oh my dears make sure you eat as much as you can. I want your bellies nice and full for our trip home.”


    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Scarf of the Overlord Duration Begin


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 25th August 2016, 10:08 am

    Feitan smiled as he watched the mares devour every last morsel of the three unfortunate grooms who had the misfortune to stumble upon him at the moment they did. When the mares finished their meal they looked to Feitan and one of them tried to put its head through the opening to snap at him. This made Feitan sigh shaking his head in pity “It seems that there really is no end to such a hunger, or perhaps they haven’t been feeding you properly. Oh well, we shall have to make amends for that.” He turned and made his way to the door opening it only a crack so he could put his head out and look around. As he did look around he spotted a few other guards. The closest guard was well within striking distance, but there was not much more he could do. There were more guards around the giant yard, the lack of bodies made Feitan think that there wasn’t a boss around. That was very sad to Feitan he wanted to kill the annoyance who made him have to drag himself out here into this terrible place.
    At present he decided that he would have to make due with feed the mares the rest of the guards. It wouldn’t be that hard to do considering the fact that he didn’t need to worry about stealth. He slowly walked out of the stable with a smirk on his face moving right up to the guard. He had only just turned around when the scarf that Feitan was wearing formed into a fist and slammed itself into the guard’s chest. The chest however was defended by a very large kite shield and in his other hand was a morning star. The guard groaned as he moved to get up onto his feet again, but Feitan was already there both of his massive red scarf hands wrapping around the guards’ legs. With the will of his mind he lifted the guard over his head and slammed him down face first on the other side of himself. He continued to ragdoll this unfortunate guard for several more moments until he felt the body go limp and unmoving in his red hand.

    He chuckled softly to himself as he lifted the corpse up and shook it making it let go of the weapons it had been holding in their cold dead hands. When the weapons were gone he moved over to the fence that held the mares. He didn’t have long to wait as he only had just arrived at the fence and the mares were already there snapping at him. He sighed shaking his head with mock annoyance “Well, well some mares are greedy I suppose. Here eat up.” He threw the corpse inside of the pen and when it hit the ground the mares all swarmed it snapping it up and ripping into it like a pack of ravenous wolves who had just brought down a bull elk. Feitan had to admit he was growing fond of these mares.


    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Scarf of the Overlord Duration 1/6


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 8th September 2016, 1:36 am

    Now that he was watching the mares nosing the shredded remnants of the clothes in order to hopefully find even more food. One of the mares was looking at Feitan as if trying to determine if he was going to be a meal, or if he was something else. Feitan simply laughed his maddened tone and shook his head “Don’t you worry little mare I’ll get you plenty to eat.” He said as he turned around seeing that a pair of guards was starting to come at him. This only made him laugh even more as he nodded his approval “Ah that’s just wonderful. I am glad to see you. These mares are hungry and I think that you are going to be very good meals for them. After all they don’t seem to have been eating all that much.”
    The guards looked at each other very nervously not wanting to get too near the mares it seemed that it was possible for them to actually attack even from inside of the pen where they were now. This gave Feitan the opportunity that he needed and he rushed forward the red scarf stretching out to form into two giant red hands which were ready to strike blows against the guards. One of them was holding an axe and a shield the other was holding a sword and shield typical combination. Feitan only laughed shaking his head as he charged forward his large red fists lashing out and slamming into the man the best he could. To the guards’ credit he was able to get his shield up and defend against the barrage of blows that was coming at him, and it was hard to hit.
    Finally, the shield gave way and was sent flying out of the guard’s hand, but the moment he lost the shield he tried to swing the axe and cut the red hand apart. Feitan was quick and while his scarf hand did indeed suffer some kind of injury, it wasn’t going to stop him. Instead he lashed out with the other hand smashing it against the guard sending him sprawling into the dirt making him land coughing and groaning. His partner took the opportunity to rush at Feitan swinging his sword at him the best he could. Feitan was waiting for this and his other hand swept the man’s legs out from under him and let him fall face first into the ground crumpling onto his shield his sword sprawling away rather uselessly. The moment he came to a stop Feitan lifted his hand up and slammed it down on the man’s back lifting it up and doing it again slamming it even harder. The man let out a great cry of pain as several things in his back snapped. This didn’t seem to satisfy Feitan as he used his hand to grab the man lift him up into the air and throw him into the pen with the mares. 

    The mares were quick to charge this man and rip into him hungrily his screams filling the night air and they would indeed bring more enemies upon Feitan, but he really didn’t care much at this point.


    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Scarf of the Overlord Duration 2/6


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 10th September 2016, 1:11 am

    Feitan only started to laugh once the screams hit a high enough octave and then he laughed whole heartedly enjoying the sound, enjoying how silly everything was, and indeed he was fit to be tied with how wonderful everything was playing out. He turned to see the look of absolute horror on the face of the other guard as he watched his friend and partner be consumed by the mares while he was still kicking, screaming, and trying to fight for his life. It was terrible to behold, but Feitan was used to such horrors and he simply walked forward towards the guard and knelt in front of his smiling his madness filled smile “Oh my good little man. I know well that you are afraid as well you should be, but there is no reason that you should be so afraid. I am not a hopeless monster. You did me no real harm, you were only following orders. So I tell you what I am going to do for you. Being the great man and Demon I am I shall give you exactly 5 minutes to leave and if you do not.” He left the sentence hanging as he gestured towards the mares who were finished with their latest meal and now stamping impatiently looking for another.

    The man’s eyes went wide as the moon and he dropped his shield and his blade and took off like a bat out of hell running as hard as his legs could possibly carry him as well as with all the speed he could get. He even discarded his armor what little he wore, and tried everything he could in order to make himself go faster. It was delightful to watch and Feitan couldn’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction at the fact that he allowed someone to escape him, and he also allowed himself to show mercy to someone who may not deserve it. All of that was no never mind to him at this moment because, he had to worry about much bigger things as he turned to the mares and moved towards them he saw that there were already more guards coming and even a few grooms who were not yet wise enough to get out while the getting was good. So he shrugged his shoulders looking around at all of them “Well, so delicious a meal as this for these beautiful mares will be quite the treat for these hungry ladies. Hopefully the three of you will be enough to actually fill their stomachs for the trip so I don’t have to worry so much about them trying to take a bite out of me.” He said as he flexed himself out looking to the grooms who were now looking very afraid, but the guard readied his shield and the spiked mace that he was holding as if he was deciding between charging or if he was trying to figure out if he was able to defend.


    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Scarf of the Overlord Duration 3/6


    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) Empty Re: Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 10th September 2016, 5:40 am

    Feitan looked at the trio with mild amusement and shook his head rolling his eyes “Well, really if you are all so foolish enough to stand before me, then I am ready to have it done.” With that the guard rushed him with his spiked mace held high. He gave a cry as he swung it down, in a vertical attack trying his best to slam the ball into the man’s head as best as he could. The ball was caught by one large red scarf made hand. True it would rip the scarf, but that made no nevermind at this point in time. With one mighty jerk of the red hand he ripped the mace from the guard’s hand and threw it as far as it could into the forest making it vanish in the foliage without any further pomp and circumstance.  Now unarmed the Guard for the first time looked very afraid of what he was facing. Feitan in his ever merciful mood didn’t leave the man waiting and simply lashed out with his left scarf hand picking the man up from the ground and tossing him into the pen with the mares. He was going to have to fight, but sadly for him he was too weak from being thrown into the pen to be able to put up a good fight or chase.

    As the man slowly tried to get to his feet he was quickly surrounded by the mares it took them absolutely no time at all in order to pin the man down and begin to eat him with a savage hunger. The grooms were starting to grow very nervous now as Feitan turned his attention towards them with a smirk on his lips and a wicked glint in his eyes. Slowly he made his way towards them almost as if he was a dog cornering a dying deer or fox. He licked his lips slowly as he nodded his head in approval “I am glad to see fear, but I gave you the chance the same time as I gave the guard the chance. You have given it away, and so now you must go the way of the guard and I do encourage you both for your bravery. Come I won’t make your deaths long ones; I won’t make them hard. It’ll be quick and as painless as I can make it.”

    He sounded so sincere, so convinced and yet despite all of this they were not to be so easily swayed. Instead they charged him calling out as loudly as possible. It was a valiant attempt to be strong, and Feitan only bowed his head once before he allowed himself to move. He rushed forward pulling himself with the use of his red hands and grabbed hold of the two men slamming them together violently, and then against before he slammed them into the ground smashing their heads open on the hard packed earth beneath them. Then for good measure he took the time to snap their necks without waiting for their bodies to bleed out. With them dead he carried them over to the pen and carefully set them inside of it, but the mares were snapping at his cloak this time, but he paid this no nevermind. The two were honorable, and he respected the bravery of others even when it was stupid, and unwarranted besides. So he set them down respectfully before he looked to the mares with a look that could frighten even them “You will eat every last bite of these two. They should be respected my dears. Do not show any disrespect to these brave men.”

    The mares took a step back in fear for the first time, and that was the first time that they had felt such a thing from a human which was mostly their food source. Still, when he stepped back and removed his scarf hands from the pen the mares went at the two hungrily. Not as hungrily as they had been going at the rest of the bodies beforehand, but that was of no matter to anyone involved. So Feitan simply watched them eat and only once they had finished and eaten every last bite did he move towards the fence of the pen and open it stepping inside. He showed no fear, and truthfully he was far too mad to have any so he strolled up to the mares with a mad smile on his lips speaking calmly “Alright my lovelies we are going to head back to your proper home tonight. In this light I expect you to come with me cooperating and without any incident. I would hate to have to wrap my scarf around your snouts to keep you complacent. So here is what we are going to do.” 

    He moved towards the stalls where he could see a good bunch of rope which he took in hand smiling widely “We are going to tie this around your necks and lead you along just as perfectly as anything else. You will all come with me quietly complacently and without bothering me in the slightest. Then we shall see you fed again.” With that he moved towards one of the mares, and to his surprise it didn’t try to bite him. He tied the rope around its neck moved to the other who followed suit and then to the last one. None of them tried to bite him and he nodded his head as he led them out of the forest he was rather shocked to see that there was a man waiting for him. It was the man who had hired him in the first place. He looked very surprised to see that not a one of the mares was muzzled.

    He took the rope smiling “You’re either very brave, or very stupid.” 

    Feitan smirked “No, I’m not either. I’m just a madman who needs money. Now if you would please.” He held out his hand and as the man looked over his mares and decided that everything was ship shape he handed a bunch of jewels to Feitan with a smile who I turn nodded “A pleasure. Goodbye my good sir. I’m heading off now.” With that he turned and left heading back to his guildhall.



    Finding Flesh Eating Mares (Awesome) TwlZpF6
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