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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction!


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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! Empty Demon's Souls; An Introduction!

    Post by Cr1tikal 30th September 2016, 12:09 am


    Fat Monsterland...what a name for a place on the planet of Earthland. Though it definitely had earned the name it was given. It was the land of all sorts of over-sized monsters! Some were tall, some exceedingly fat, some having toes longer than their feet, if it was exaggerated it was probably here! Though these monsters were not whey Aiyana was here, she had something more pressing to attend to than sight see monsters. Something was coordinating the attacks of monsters on the area, and people were claiming that they were stealing souls and making themselves stronger with them. Mages from across the land had been asked to go in search of whatever is causing the issue, and Aiyana Shuer had decided to make herself one such mage. The celestial nine tailed fox was already in the lands that the mission was taking place in, though she had yet to do so much as begin to wander in. No, she was not afraid to go in. Why would someone that knew they could not actually die be afraid to? The Pharaoh's Call guild master was simply waiting to see if any others would come along at the same time as herself.

    It had been maybe a half hour since she had arrived and not a single other soul had been seen just yet. If things did not change she would assume no one was coming and do this on her own, though that would make it immensely boring to have no one but her pets and summons to chat with; unless another mage or being decided to show up and chat with her while she worked.



    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! MQNhOUw


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    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! Empty Re: Demon's Souls; An Introduction!

    Post by Rohma 6th October 2016, 1:42 am

    Did they call it “Fat Monsterland” because it was ripe with odd creatures commoners might refer to as “monsters” or purely because of some of the larger specimens? Watching them mill about, fight each other for reasons their own, and others skedaddle away from a ruckus well outside their capability the smiling man continued to lean his chin on his palm. ”How many do you suppose hold any real intelligence?” he pondered aloud, not entirely sure his companion would offer an opinion on the matter or ignore him.

    Orange locks wavered in a passing breeze, the sensation rather pleasant if he did say so himself. Despite being here on business he couldn’t help taking the more lackadaisical approach, uncaring that this little mishap lead to a lost venture. That was a problem for Faeral’s father, the silly human pumped to the brim with greed and personal gain. However the man wanted answers on what even lead this trade group astray and set back business by a week or more. After all if the problem persisted they’d require a longer run around route to avoid problem…and many other things Remiel really couldn’t be bothered about.

    ”You know this isn’t a bad place for a picnic. I mean there seem to be shows here and there, sometimes a spot of company shows up…all sorts of cute playmates! Why, we could have a fun little day out here!” the cheery voice declared. Mismatched eyes roved about again, taking note how the creatures seemed to retreat more and more as if someone dinged a bell and called for a timeout. Did monsters take lunch breaks? What if somewhere sat a little timeclock for them to punch in and out for the day?

    Musing as he was the man’s eyes eventually hit on a strange creature not privy to the faux work-life he’d mentally imposed upon the residents of this land. In his eyes she didn’t visually stick out, sporting quite a bushel of tails and he only belatedly realized if not for the large horned beetle creature and rotund Minotaur that’d been battling until a moment ago he might not have noticed them. Those things locking horns and making odd grunting, growly noises proved entertaining – more so when he imagined all the ways to interrupt the fight and what way might be the most fun of them all. Mismatched eyes lit up as recognition struck him, ’Wonder if we should go say hi? Can only imagine what a guild master’s doing out here, alone in the woods. If only she sported a red hood this might be even more fantastical!’ Briefly he pondered about returning to his form for this realm considering the excuse that other self-held to be here…and then promptly dismissed it. ’No need for her to know that dapper fellow, no reason for him to really be here.’

    ”What do you say madam? Shall we introduce ourselves? Always good to have a playmate at the ready.” Finally standing the man turned to his companion, jovial smile unfalteringly in place as he jammed a hand into the long jacket’s pockets. Another breeze drifted by, causing the lining and scarf to waver in the winds, the man’s free hand blocking his free locks.



    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! Empty Re: Demon's Souls; An Introduction!

    Post by Special Snowflake 6th October 2016, 7:56 pm

    "None of them possess any form of intelligence, otherwise they would have moved on from such a place with high competition."

    The long blue haired maiden stated with a stern tone, as her attitude had been anything but generous recently. it wasn't as if she didn't enjoy the other forms she frequented, it was just that the magic that had struck her before was limiting her to just her birth appearance, well for this body. She had debated swapping but she didn't wish to jeopardize her abilities if this turned out to be something far more serious. For now she was stuck like this, thankfully Rem was being accommodating and assuming another look as well, but this meant that she couldn't just get away with anything she wanted so she had to play it a bit kinder with people since she didn't want who really was to get into the newspapers at all.

    This is why coming here to the monster land was perfect, she didn't have to worry about any of the people really caring about the monsters, instead she just had to dispose of them however she saw fit, not like many people would really care at the end of the day if some random menace was disposed of. This was the hypocrisy of the human species, they only cared when one of their own died, or half of them cared and the other didn't, everyone was "different", well being different meant you had a weakness, something that this land seemed to exploit in great detail. The weak monsters made room for the strong, and now it was a giant feeding ground of the proven. This isn't why she was interested in this place right now, no the real reason was because the monsters don't possess the ability to become coordinated, yet they were attacking in patterns, patterns which seemed all too familiar to her for some reason.

    You could say Omega had become troubled by it, but for the exact reason she didn't know, for some reason she couldn't spy into the future to see what was the cause of all of this, her mind was being clouded, ironic for one who normally clouds others minds, this lead her to believe something very close to her might have been the cause of it, if not in relation, in spirit.

    "A picnic is a primitive way of enjoying a meal, would you not rather have one of the useless kin of this world prepare you something, or are you scheming another plan entirely?"

    It was probably the latter, he had gotten awfully mysterious all of a sudden with his little secret shown, or maybe Omega was being far too suspicious of him, either would work. Still for her to be using a real appearance and name, maybe that is what was driving her suspicion at this moment. The fact that there was another didn't really help. Omega had been trying to keep her powers on the down low in order to avoid wearing herself out in this more frail form, so this strangely unexpected.

    "A playmate? Don't assume they are on the same level, regardless of who they are. A playmate implies we will enjoy ourselves equally, I believe they will be a buffoon, so plaything is the correct term."

    Omega stated, whipping her hair to the side like a fashion catalogue gone arrogant. Truly right now, she was wishing that she could look her Nightshade form, at least then she could make up excuses and possibly get away with more a renegade attitude, right now she would just look like an angry little kid, damn her for being born petite, since she can't be the master of evil if she is so tiny. She can't farm Q like this.

    "Regardless, we can go and meet with them, who knows they might prove amusing to watch."

    Motioning for Rem to follow her, Omega made her way through some of the brush, her simple outfit lending to more of an innocent or possibly foolish appearance, as it didn't look like the type of gear one would wear to such a place. This meant that first impressions might be terrible, though Omega did find it amusing that this lady was in fact, a guild master, one who seemed to rule over a country. A country that was filled with nothing Omega cared about, it was far too away from her plans to wish to infiltrate it, and their animosity towards the magic council at this point made them an inopportune target for her, for the meantime, who knew about the future.

    "Excuse me, miss? Are you here to fight against the monsters as was advertised, if not then kindly vacate the area, we don't need distractions bogging us down."

    WC: 799



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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! Empty Re: Demon's Souls; An Introduction!

    Post by Cr1tikal 13th October 2016, 1:05 am

    It would not be that long of a wait for Aiyana before others showed up. Both of the people were one's she had not met before, but it was obvious both were mages of some sort. After all, who else would go to Fat Monsterland with everything that was currently going on in these lands; and the powerful monsters that were free to roam around. If not for the current job she had taken up she would never dream of coming here. She did not have the time to clear out every monster in the area, or any way of knowing which things here were not dangerous or hostile, and had other places to be than here for the next twenty years.

    The one that had not spoken was a man, taller than Aiyana, that had a reddish orange hair. He was a jacket that one would see a brigand wearing, something pirate-like while also remaining fashionable. The other, the girl that had spoken to her, seemed like she was a young child in all aspects. Her clothing was that of a innocence, or foolishness is one thought too deeply on the subject. They had come together, which meant they were obviously in relation to each other somehow. With that in mind, Aiyana would actually respond to them.

    ”Ah, more people! Yeah, I am here for the job to help solve the monster problem going on! Glad to see more people! I was starting to think that I would have to go at this on my own and deal with silence the whole time!” With that said she would walk closer to the couple of mages that had revealed their presence to her, so she would not have to talk any louder than needed for the time being. ”I'm Aiyana Shuer, it's a pleasure to meet the two of you.” The nine-tailed fox would not be hurt if either refused to use a name. These days so many people used disguises to go about that even she had started to do it in some of the major towns, just to keep from getting swarmed.

    ”Also,” the vixen would look to the man of the two before her, ”She is such a cute little kid. I bet you are proud of your child for becoming such a strong and brave, mage.”



    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! MQNhOUw


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
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    Demon's Souls; An Introduction! Empty Re: Demon's Souls; An Introduction!

    Post by Rohma 13th October 2016, 3:48 am

    ’My, my…someone’s rather high strung…’ Not that Remiel could blame his companion. She appeared to be suffering lingering effects from the plaything of his sibling. Despite the despicable creature’s weakness he always held a trick or few one had to watch out for and she’d unfortunately befallen one of them. Then again he had yet to take her on one of the more luxurious style picnics so perhaps she could only imagine a commoner’s version? ’Well if she preferred I made her portion I would,’ the smiling man mentally admitted as he’d never claimed originally he’d make the picnic himself. Though…with Rohma’s powers now…such wasn’t inconceivable. He almost outright laughed, forgetting for a moment a few potential “cultural” differences that might crop up, though the red head so enjoyed hearing the petite woman’s perspective on things. Noting the personal definition he merely nodded, accepting her perspective on the matter.

    Hands stuffed into his pockets Rem dutifully followed the aquatic haired girl as she decided to make “contact” with this lost vixen. That adorable little voice piped up, starting off rather innocent and then the commanding undertone left him chuckling internally, the pleasant smile not so much as stretching a step further. Well…he couldn’t really expect her to spontaneously change internally like she might externally.

    This other woman sounded thankful for their presence, the man tempted to joke about leaving her alone if she preferred had it not been the comment shortly after her introduction.

    Blinking the man processed the comment before bending over a bit, lost in his fit of chuckles, ”I’m sorry but the pregnancy test came up negative this morning! Thank you for your well wishes though! The name’s Remiel, though feel free to call me Rem! Alas father was a bit of a louse and left me a bastard! We won’t go into me mum, so stick with one of those two.” The laughter died down, the man calming as he introduced himself in a jovial tone – apparently not insulted in the slightest. Erika however…well that might be another story.

    Her name clinched it however: the Pharaoh’s Call guild master herself. He hadn’t heard much about the place beyond their “cute” ideals of no killing. ’Well these are monsters and humans don’t typically care about them…especially when they come on the menu. Otherwise this woman might be in for a rude awakening. Otherwise I suppose anything I kill I’ll have to store away for “food later” or something. Surely she’s not some sort of super vegan.’ Gods help this woman if she turned out to be a tofu devouring creature despite being part fox: he’d consider locking her up and stuffing grade A steaks down her gullet daily. At least until she learned to appreciate them. Unless she knew something about a great bovine uprising he didn't...



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