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    A Night to Remember

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 2:51 pm


    Lineage: Azurius gains +5,000 Jewel
    Obviously, we're using WC method... since the job doesn't offer any other way

    inally, they had their passports and Azurius was able to continue his business that he'd told Elaine about. It had been five long tasks, four of them were with Elaine at his side, and he had been awaiting this one for quite some time. The two of them, Elaine and himself, had been through a great deal in the past month and a half. Elaine had cried many times, Azurius had shown her the softer parts of his heart, and she the same. They learned quite a bit of each other, and many times Azurius had attempted a confession, only to be interrupted by something more urgent at the time. While walking with Elaine, he had took her hand gently and pulled her in the direction of an enormous vessel. "This task we're going on is a formal ball I was invited to by an old acquaintance in Minstrel." he said calmly. "According to the letter, he's supplied us with a ton of clothes to choose from if we don't have anything fancy, and his ship... this one here, will take us all the way to Minstrel. I... I wanted you to come with me." he said, the last bit he was slightly red, as though he already considered it a date.

    Elaine: 0/750
    WC: 213

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    <div align="center"><div style="width:400px;"><table><tbody><tr><td><div style="width:400px;float:left;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Q80uwJA.jpg?1"style="max-width:100%;"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style="background-color:#000000;padding:10px;font:11px georgia;color:#ffffff;text-align:justify;"><div style="height:20px;width:20px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:10px 5px 0px 5px;margin:0px 6px 3px 0px;float:left;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;">[size=18]?[/size]</div>[size=13]

    [/size]<div style="padding:15px;"><div style="width:80px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:30px;float:left;">[size=13]WORDS[/size]</div><div style="width:180px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;float:left;">[size=13]TAG[/size]</div>
    </div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="width:400px;text-align:center;font:10px georgia;">credit to <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">nat</a> of adoxography and <a href="http://gangnam-style.proboards.com/user/4292">gangnam style</a>.</div></div></div>

    Last edited by Azurius Tade on 29th March 2016, 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 3:09 pm

    She smiled and nodded vigorously, it had been a while since she had gone to a ball. She went to plenty in her youth, but none she had honestly enjoyed. The dresses had been to tight, the men had been to grabby and the party had always been boring. She had always ended sneaking away off the balcony, climbing down the ivy vines, ripping her dress and scuffing her shoes in the process and running away to the beach; where the guards would always find her.

    She took Azurius' hand as he took her to the large ship. Minstrel, she had never been there but had been told it was quite a lovely spot. She was also quite relieved they were supplying clothing, she had very little formal wear; at least, that that would suit a ball. She smiled and followed him to the ship, where a few maids and butlers were waiting.

    "Thank you for this Azure! I'm sure it will be just amazing!"


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 3:23 pm

    here was a sense of joy Azurius felt as Elaine agreed to go. He was worried for a moment that she would refuse, and he would be stuck either dancing with someone he didn't know, or not dancing at all and seeming out of place. The butler and maids had all looked at Azurius for harsher than Elaine. While Elaine was looking semi formal, Azurius looked more like street trash to them, making them question how their master knew him at all. Had they known Azure was the reason their master had this kind of money at all, they would easily have seen him in a better light. "Excuse me sir, please, follow these two ladies to your fitting room. They'll assist in... freshening you up." he said in a rather thick accent. He then turned to Elaine, whose passport he already knew of. "Lady West, an honor to see you. Please, these two will show you to your quarters. Lunch will be in two hours, and we should arrive just before the ball begins." the man said in Elaine's native tongue. Azurius hadn't argued with the orders and followed to two ladies to his room, thinking that once there they'd pass him his clothes and leave him be.

    Elaine: 166/750
    WC: 423

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 3:29 pm

    Before Azurius had left she grabbed his sleeve, tugging him down to whisper something "Please do not feel offended by the way they speak to you. It happens, they are loyal to those with money, and those who don't, well, they do not treat kindly. Please forgive them because they do not know you well...." She whispered, before giving him a quick peck on the cheek then leaving him to the hands of the maid. She turned back to the man.

    "Thank you, I am honoured to be at your master's ball tonight, this interaction between my island and his home town will by much needed in Alyssum." She said easily, as she had said to so many people before. She then followed the man to a large room; many maids were lined up, there was a bath tub, rows of gowns, a vanity with all sorts of makeup. She sighed. She supposed Azurius wasn't to use to this treatment either, not as much as she was. The maids were quick to help her out of her dress and into the bath, where all the prepping began.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 3:50 pm

    laine's words were right, and Azurius truly didn't take any offense to it, considering as the butler and his maids would be swallowing their words once Azure and his friend met up. Inside the room, Azurius got a rude awakening when the women began undressing him. He argued that he could do it themselves, but the two maids were young, strong, beautiful, strong, and tenacious in their actions. Skipping the details of the two hours it took for Azurius to be done, or rather them be done with him, Azurius sat at the table looking rather distraught. Assuming Elaine asked about his well being, he would speak with a heavily shaken voice "I... have been violated..." the two maids giggling in the corner, their cheeks red with a hand over their mouths. "P- please... n- never... never leave me... alone." he would request. If Elaine said nothing of his condition, he would continue to look distraught throughout the meal.

    Elaine: 354/750
    WC: 583

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 4:06 pm

    Elaine exited the room fully dressed in the gown that was supplied for her; she never was a fan of red; but the dress was scarlet and extremely well fitted; hair done up with a few roses braided in her and there. She walked highly, picking up her dress to be sure she did not trip over it. The butler pulled out the chair, she sat down, "Ça va être tout, merci, vien nous cherchions quand nous somme au Minstrel." She spoke rapidly as the butler bowed and walked out, leaving them with their food. As soon as Azurius said what he did she began to laugh. "I take it then you got the treatment as well, Hm? Well, to force maids not to do their job is disrespectful; you just let them do as they please. It is less work for you in the long run." She chuckled and picked up a spoon to eat her soup.

    "The first time is always quite unnerving, but the good thing is they do not care what you look like. And yes; they do tend to pack quite a bit of strength. It comes with the job, especially when they deal with people like you. Who tend to want to do things on their own." She smirked and and let out a sigh, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

    (Gown-> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/ce/f2/c6cef2281d046382086ee178d424b199.jpg )


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 4:37 pm

    zurius continued eating his meal, keeping his eyes on the rather grab happy pair of young maids smiling at him. He didn't like the whole fancy lifestyle, the fact that there were people who did everything for you made him feel like he wasn't even a human. He let out a deep breath after a while, just as Suriel had materialized in the room and sat across from them. Suriel was wearing a pure white gown instead of her usual attire, which in turn was enough to keep her from having to get changed. "So... did you think about my question?" she asked calmly, staring Azurius down with impatient eyes. "You and that damned question, you're a gener- FWAH!" Azurius was interrupted by the feeling of the Holy Archive slamming into his face, sending him flying back in his chair and hitting the wall. "I'M ALSO A GIRL YOU ASSHOLE NOW ANSWER THE DAMNED QUESTION!" she demanded, screaming so loud the maids both hid behind the food cart. Azurius threw the archive aside, allowing it to turn into golden particles. "DAMN YOUR QUESTION TO HELL AND BACK, IF I KNEW THE ANSWER I'D GIVE YOU IT!" he replied, slamming his fists on the table. He quickly turned around and stormed out the room, the black marking on his back extending to his neck. "Elaine, wait. I want to ask you the same question I asked Azure... If the holy army came to Azure's door... how far would you go to save him? If you were given the choice to kill Azurius, and gain every last thing you'd ever lost back... what would you do?" she asked, her eyes burning with intent to get an answer.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 4:45 pm

    She was startled with the screaming, she started to get up and give the two some privacy when Suriel called to her. She asked her a question that made her heart heavy, save Azurius? Or kill him and get it all back. Her family, her friends, the village, no mark, no worries. All she had to do was kill him. All she had to do would be to kill him. She looked over to Suriel, she had a napkin in her hand, twisting it slightly. "I......I would do everything in power to save him. The holy army itself would have to get through me to get to him. I'd give it all up, every ounce of magic I have in my body if that assured his safety. I would never let him die, not even if it meant everything would be back to the way it was. I regret the things I've done, I've killed and stolen, I've been banished and pushed aside. But if that hadn't happened, I never would have learnt all this magic, I never would have found my resolve. I never would have met Azurius or gone on all those amazing adventures. Azurius is the reason I am who I am today; the reason I was able to forgive myself, to save myself." She said, looking over to the door he had just stormed out of, she was concerned about the mark as well.

    "I would do anything and everything it took to save him. Even if that meant.....even if it meant losing myself in the process!" She said firmly.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 5:58 pm

    uriel had smiled while Elaine was giving her reply, while she would never tell Azurius what was said, she would keep it in mind that this human claimed to be willing to give everything and more for a man who was already, literally dead.

    Elaine had caught up to Azurius as he was standing on the balcony of his room, looking over the waters with a solemn expression. A small shudder went through him as he felt his hand being touched, but he didn't try and pull away. He looked at her, seeing her smile at him hurt him more than it helped. He placed his free hand on Elaine's cheek, gently sliding it to the back of her head and pulling her into his chest. His other hand loosed itself from her grasp and wrapped around her. The mark on Azurius's back had stopped moving, receding only slightly as it fed of his buried emotions. "I'm so sorry..." he said with pain in his voice. "I'm... I- I'm so confused... I wish to tell you something, but I fear the repercussions." he said.

    Azurius let off a breath of air asking "Tell me... did Suriel as you a question?" He knew the answer already, but he would explain even if Elaine had said no. He would take Elaine's hand and have her sit on his bed with him and say "In heaven, angels of the holy army aren't allowed to fall in love. To do so would cause us to have to make a choice... either forfeit our wings, or forfeit our love. Suriel, when I first joined the army, had fallen in love with a human. She was given the choice, and she forfeited her wings. However, the human was offered wealth beyond his wildest dreams and the power to control an entire nation... he betrayed Suriel's love. As a result, Suriel became cold and hateful of humans, viewing them all as greedy and dirty creatures. She addresses me as master because she's afraid to call me her friend, which is the only reason I allow it... that question she asked you wasn't for my own protection, I promise you that..." he said in a rather sullen voice, the story behind Suriel had always been a sad experience for him.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 6:11 pm

    She smiled into his chest, she knew there must have been a reason Suriel was like this. She assumed it was something grave but never asked, as an invasion of privacy. Now she knew, the real reason, and all her attacks, her threats, they were all warranted. Suriel was only looking out for Azurius, not wanting to go through the same pain she did. She pulled away, one hand on the side of his face, smiling up at him. "She asked me, if I would rather fight for your life, or kill you and regain everything I had ever lost. And I will tell you the same answer I told her. I would fight for you. I would fight all of heaven and hell if I had to." She rocked slightly on the bed, pushing her hair from her face, "But, and bear with me. I would rather you, forget about me; then lose your wings. Please don't fight me on this, humans are fragile Az, we break, and we cry. We lie and steal and cheat. We are nothing compared to angels. And Az, we die so easily, and once we do, that's it for us; there is no coming back from it. It's done." She said, while saying this small speech, she had said it to carefully portray the fact that she knew his feelings toward her. "It would hurt, I won't lie. I don't know what would happen if you forfeit love; if you were to, forfeit me I suppose. But I want nothing more than for you to be safe Azurius, and I don't want to get in the way of your safety." She murmured, dropping her hand from his face, she took his hand in her's. She leaned in close, a few inches apart. "So forget about me." She whispered softly, before dropping his hand and moving away from him.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 6:28 pm

    tear fell from his eyes as a pain formed in Azurius's chest, the sound of the door closing behind Elaine was heard. The fact of the matter was that her words were by far the deepest wounds inflicted on Azurius. It was sudden... the mark beginning to shrink as Azurius's heart ached more and more. The simple order to forget her, not to love her... not to give it all... or rather, was it that he felt she had rejected him before he had a chance to admit to her his feelings. Azurius tried standing up, his legs were weak, and suddenly... a thud was heard as he fell to his knees. The sound of breaking glass as he knocked over a nearby tray table with a pitcher of water, trying to get back up. Another thud as he hit the floor, pure white feathers lay strewn about, the last remnants of Azurius's wings and his golden eyes had dulled out to a dark brown, signifying the worst for Azurius... his heart, his human heart had finally grown tired of being strong, and given up on trying to continue.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 6:39 pm

    She was on the other side of the door, hands covering her mouth, holding back the sobs that clawed their way up her throat. Tears were streaming down her face as she heard the sound of broken glass and she wanted nothing more than to run into the room and tell him how much she loved him. Yet the minute that the words would leave her mouth; she knew that whoever Azurius was loyal to would come for him and make him forfeit his wings. Who knows what would happen then? She took off sprinting down the hall, back into the dining area where Suriel was.

    "I am sorry Suriel, I broke the promise I made to you, I broke his heart.....I have to keep him safe....I didn't have a choice....."She sobbed to the angel, she had no idea what Suriel would do next, she swallowed her tears and looked up at her, "I love him Suriel...." She admitted, her makeup streaking her face, "But if he knew.....what would they do to him?? What would happen??" She sobbed harder.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 7:09 pm

    uriel was about to lash out and officially end Elaine's life when the sound of screaming stopped her. It was male, the sound of true and utter pain.. "MASTER!" Suriel shouted, jumping over the table and running past Elaine, placing a hand on her shoulder and forcing her a side. Suriel stopped in the hallway, frozen in fear as a man wearing Azurius's clothing stood on the other end. His clothes soaked, dripping with blood and his flesh completely covered in a dark marking. Her breathing halted at the sight... a holy being completely taken over by darkness. Suriel crumbled to her knees, tears streaming down her face and mouth wide open as she slowly turned to look at Elaine. Suddenly, a pain in her chest was felt as Azurius buried his hand deep in her, lifting her off the ground and throwing her into the wall. He stood, pulses of dark energy moving through his body as he breathed heavily. Suriel slowly moved, but had no will to fight Azurius who had been the only true friend she'd ever known.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 28th March 2016, 7:21 pm

    Elaine panicked. She ran down the same hallways as Suriel, only to see him. It was all her fault. The mark did something that she thought would not had been possible, it had taken over an angel. The mark was almost covering his whole body and the minute it did she would lose him forever. She watched as he threw her against the wall, she didn't dare get up. Elaine didn't blame her, this was all her fault, even worse, the mark was being pulled to its other half. Elaine took a deep breath. "Azurius, look at me." That caught his attention. She knew she should be the last person to speak to him, but she could make it better; she had to try. "Listen to me, you have to fight it. This is what it wants Azure, this is what it wants from you. I know this is my fault, I know that this is all my doing. But Azurius; I've known for a while; I've known how you feel about me. Suriel told me what would happen if you ever said it to aloud. You'd get your wings taken away. And maybe you do, maybe you decide to tell me and they try to take you away but I swear, I swear I'd never let them. I would fight. And you have to fight too." She took a step forward, with every step the mark burnt her body even more.

    "Az....I know you want to give up. I know how it feels to want to give in. But I am here, I am here and I won't let you give in. Because....I love you too, Azurius." She smiled as the mark climbed up her shoulders, "we're partners right? And if you die, then who would I protect, right?" She prayed that some of the words, any of the words she spoke got to him. If they didn't she would have to draw her sword in attempt to bring him back in a rather harsh way.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 28th March 2016, 7:29 pm

    he maids had already cleared out of the area and gotten to safety by the time Elaine began trying to talk to Azurius, however, her words fell on deaf ears. Azurius turned to her, shooting forwards at blinding speed with his hand filled with dark energy, claws forming at the fingertips. Suriel shot out, tackling Azurius to the floor and wrapping her arms around him. "RUN ELAINE! HIDE SOMEWHERE, ANYWH-" suddenly, dark energy shot out like a blade and severed both of Suriel's arms at once. Azurius, or what seemed to be him, tossed her in the air, grabbing the hole in her chest and throwing her through the table and into the wall. He turned instantly and continued charging at Elaine, manifesting a spear in his hand. However, this spear wasn't gold and white as they normally were... it was pure blade and crimson.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 29th March 2016, 3:27 am

    "SURIEL!!" Elaine screamed, running over to her, narrowly avoiding Azurius' attack. "I-I can bring him back.....it won't be easy, but I can do it." She said as she stood up, "I'm sorry love, it's for your own good." She whispered, she smiled up at him as a blinding white light filled the hall. When it dimmed down, Elaine was covered in swirling marks like Azurius; but also armor.The type that she had spoken about when she was able to use the mark, Heavens' Armor. She knew she could only hold this form for so long; before the mark ether consumed her or she passes out from magic loss. In her hand she held the broad sword Azurius had given her on one of their first missions.

    "I really am sorry about this...." She whispered before shooting forward, sword pointing straight for his stomach

    (New Armor -> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/62/56/f3/6256f3b24e68ff72a69dcc77d5895b18.jpg )


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th March 2016, 6:39 am

    he sword she used, the holy broad sword Azurius had crafted specifically for her had been enough for Azurius, who was trapped watching the scene, to remember it all. He remembered their meeting, their time at the beach, the first job they went on together and every job from then on. He remembered his feelings for her, the fact that he took the mark on so she didn't have to shoulder all of it... the claw would have hit Elaine had Azurius not forced himself to stop, over riding the control the mark had on his body and letting Elaine pierce his abdomen. The blade glowed, rejecting the dark magic and forcing it to subside, returning it to a small dot on Azure's back. He collapsed to the floor, bleeding through the wound. Suriel had no arms to help with, so she remained seated against the wall. "You're a dense bitch... remember... he's every bit as fragile as you are... the heart is the strongest muscle, but it's still easy to destroy no matter what species you are." she said before closing her eyes and disappearing back to a world between worlds... Azure had been out cold, only would he wake up when the ship arrived at its destination in Minstrel, allowing no time for words.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 29th March 2016, 9:27 am

    She smiled as the sword pierced his stomach, it had worked, her plan had worked. she looked over at Suriel before she dissapeared, "I know dear, but this was the only way." A magic circle appeared where the wound was, she shook her head and laughed, "I knew this would be to much for you, so I am taking it back." She said, if her plan was right, if this would work; he'd be free from the mark and she still wouldn't have to take on the burden. The mark, following the path of the magic circle, slowly moved away from his body, before it could creep up the sword and on to her body; she released it; trapping it within the sword. She pulled it from his body and dropped it on the ground, the sword was completely black now.

    She called to the butlers to help get him back to his room, where she cleaned him up, stitched the wound, and left him to sleep; sitting on a chair beside his bed.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th March 2016, 11:10 am

    zurius had woken just shortly after reaching Minstrel, the maids had done a good job to have him presentable while he was asleep and unable to fight them, thought, they were constantly checking to make sure he hadn't moved. His wounds had healed flawlessly, and he didn't feel the mark on him at all, but he did feel that one of the holy weapons was completely tainted which let him know exactly what happened. He opened his mouth to ask Elaine what happened, but it was too late as his friend had walked right through the door to his room. "Azzy! It's been too long old friend!" he hollered with his hands in the air. Azurius let out a sigh, it seemed that something was always there to interrupt him when he wanted to say something of substance to her. "Joque, true it's been hella too long. See you're still a pretty little faggot!" "HA! I see you're still uglier than the inside of a rhino-duck's ass! Get over here you fucker!" the two of them joked. "Elaine, that guy over there's Joque, pretty high ranking guy in Minstrel and the oldest human friend I've got. Joque, this is Elaine West, one of my best friends and by far my favorite Lamia Scale wizard to hang with." Azurius said, introducing the two. Joque said some greeting to Elaine in Elaine's native tongue before telling the two to come into his summer cottage, which was actually an entire castle that rivaled Azurius's home in heaven in terms of how opulent it was.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 29th March 2016, 11:26 am

    She smiled when he woke up, glad he remembered nothing, no doubt later on either her of Suriel would tell him what happened. But not tonight, maybe leave it for another day, he would never have to worry about the mark ever again either. Which was nice, her's was still a bit agitated, it took a lot of strength the subdue it and she was exhausted. Yet she still smiled, nodding happily and greeting Azure's old friend. He was quite happy she was a West, telling her he was honoured. She followed the two men inside, still in awe of the giant castle. They were joined by many more people inside; Elaine was thankful she had time to clean up, even though there was still some of Suriel's blood on her arms, staining it slightly.

    "It's beautiful.She smiled up at Azure


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th March 2016, 12:54 pm

    he two of them were lead by Joque to a massive ballroom with a grand stage, and taken up to the stage with him. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for visiting me at my summer cottage! While not so extravagant as my actual abode, I couldn't possibly thank you all enough for putting up with the.... lesser decorum! I'd like to introduce my two guests of honor! Sir Azurius Tade, a man for whom without I would never be where I am today! As well as the ever beautiful Lady Elaine West who has kindly accompanied Sir Tade as his escort! Without further ado... Eat! Drink! Make Merry! Enjoy yourselves! Let the night begin!"

    Azurius took a bow when he was introduced, knowing that it was only courteous to do so when introducing oneself or being introduced. After Joque's small speech, music began to play and Azurius took Elaine's hand to pull her to the dance floor. He would continue trying, but if she refused him three times he would release her and go to the floor alone. If Elaine would come down with him, she would be swarmed by men who claimed to be interested in her, but only wanted her title as a West. Regardless of if Elaine came or not, Azurius would be swarmed by many women and a couple men who wanted him to give them more wealth in exchange for many things, special services, positions of nobility, their daughter's hand and/or virginity. One of the women had pulled Azurius from the crowd and began dancing with him, the song wasn't new, it was slow and rather normal for ball rooms and fancy events like this one so Azure didn't have to 'bust a move' like he would have back in Fiore.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 29th March 2016, 3:10 pm

    Elaine herself was pulled out on to the dance floor, by a random man. She had to admit that he was pretty handsome; he was kind and forgave Elaine for the fact that she hadn't danced like this in a long time.
    "Your name is well known Ms. West. You are particularly known for your fall from grace ever so recently, not to mention....your other; incident." The man smirked, pulling her close to him so she couldn't move.
    "How do you-?" She mumbled, trying to pull away slightly.
    "Interesting company by the way; didn't take a Lady to be a fan of angels. Especially one like him." He smiled, chuckling in her ear. She pulled away abruptly; giving a sheepish look.
    "I....need air." She grinned to the crowd, before making her way out to the balcony. These events were always filled with weirdos. Creepy people who knew more about her than she knew about herself.

    Outside she gripped the railing tightly, shaking her head; this was one of the many reasons sh didn't like galas. Everyone knew her, everyone held her so high and it made feel uncomfortable.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th March 2016, 4:16 pm

    zure kept a constant eye on the general direction Elaine was in, and after quite some time he saw her exiting the crowd hastily. He pulled himself from the woman saying "Sorry sugar, I got other priorities, that guy over there seems to have a sizable wallet for you to empty." before walking off to the balcony. Upon arriving there, Azurius gently placed his hand on Elaine's shoulder to get her attention before wrapping his arms around her. "It's only me..." he said calmly, knowing she must be frustrated from the swarm of vultures inside. The sun had long since set when the ball started, the stars above were bright and glimmering. Azurius slid his hands to Elaine's as a slow song was being played. "If it's not a bad time... I'd like to dance with the most beautiful woman this world has to offer." his voice was soft, caring, and not tainted like the other men in this damned castle. If Elaine would agree to it, Azure would place his hands at her waist and hold her closely while dancing a simple dance. "It's been a really strange time being with you... It seems I've found myself doing things I'd normally never do. Then, whenever I try to tell you something of any importance I get interrupted." he began saying. One of the women from earlier had spotted them dancing and began approaching them to steal Azure away, however, she was thwarted by Suriel who had fully regenerated her severed arms and took the woman away. She saw Elaine and shot a wink to her, letting the girl know that she had some support for this one. "I know you took the mark from me... you absorbed it into one of the weapons from my Holy Armoury without letting it transfer to yourself. I don't remember when it happened... but I'm glad that half of that damned seal is gone. I promise you I'll find a way to get rid of it entirely." he continued. Azurius stopped moving suddenly. "Elaine... I- no... please, close your eyes, if I speak I know I'll be interrupted again." Azure said calmly. He would wait for her to do so, and once she did he would bend over, pausing right before his lips would make contact with hers only to find himself sure of what he was doing. He would then touch their lips just enough for them to be connected, not knowing if Elaine was going to hurt him for it or not, though he was hoping she wouldn't reject him.

    However, if Elaine had decided to not dance with him, Azurius would simply sit on the floor, leaning against the wall on the balcony to keep Elaine company. If Elaine wouldn't close her eyes, Azurius would try for the kiss with her seeing it. If Elaine would reject his kiss, an endless barrage of apologies would be sent her way with Azurius on his hands and knees, and nose touching the ground.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Elaine West 29th March 2016, 5:06 pm

    Elaine smiled when he asked for a dance, thankfully she had escaped the clutter of the ballroom, and the open fresh space of the balcony was quite secluded. They began to dance and Azurius' began to thank her, making some sort of lead away to what she knew would come next. "I didn't have much of a choice....the thought of losing you, it was to much." She said softly. She looked over when a slightly drunk enough woman made her way towards them, her heart dropped slightly; upset that the moment would soon be ruined, when Suriel appeared from no where, picking the woman up and leaving, giving Elaine a fleeting wink, she smiled greatly in return. Maybe Suriel wasn't so bad after all....

    She was quite confused when he stopped dancing and asked her to close her eyes. She complied, there was a brief few seconds where she could hear her heart pounding in her ears. Then, he was kissing her. Her eyes opened slightly and her first reaction; for a split second was to move away, just as she had done with Suriel. Instead, she moved forward; wrapping her arms around his neck and standing up on her toes. When they broke apart she laughed lightly, "I've definitively, been waiting for that." She smiled widely, dropping back down on to her feet, her arms loose to her sides. "But won't you get in trouble....? For loving a human? You could lose everything." She whispered, leaning up against him slightly. She feared that he would get revoked of his status, or like her, get thrown aside due to something she had no control over.


    A Night to Remember 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    A Night to Remember Empty Re: A Night to Remember

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th March 2016, 5:19 pm

    zurius figured that she would ask that, and his reply was to wrap his arms around her. "In heaven, I'm regarded as one of the best. I get all I want and more, with endless supplies of every luxury a person could ask for... but you make me feel happier, and more at peace than all of heaven ever did." it was then that Suriel had walked through the entry to the balcony. "Dumped the bimbo off with some old fart, you gonna an-" "If the armies of heaven march on her doorstep, if I'm stripped of my wings and title, if the chains of hell await my soul when my second life comes to an end... I will protect and love Elaine." he interrupted, causing Suriel to give a strange sort of smile. It was the kind of smile that said "you're gonna be a pain in my ass the rest of my life..." without actually needing words, but it also stated she was accepting of it. "What about me?" she asked calmly. "You can stay at my side or aban-" "Oh thank the gods, my source of entertainment isn't throwing me out!" "You'd miss me and you know it." Azurius replied with a mischeivious smirk. "Maybe just a little..." Suriel replied.

    Azurius turned back to Elaine. "You know... Destiny's gonna start calling you mom if she finds out, and I don't keep secrets from her." "More like she finds out without your knowing." Suriel chimed in.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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