Fairy Tail RP

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    Post by Guest 23rd March 2016, 12:02 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Sheesh, how hard can it be to wake someone up in their SLEEP? In their own dreams....?"

    Another pause, and the figure placed her hands on her hips and breathed out a long sigh as she gazed down at the small, silver raccoon dog, sleeping peacefully atop a small boulder in a meadow. Flicking her head once to the site to move the brown locks of curly hair from her face, the woman continued to stare down at the tanuki, first with an innocent look of confusion on her face, until her lips widened to reveal a toothy grin. She moved closer in a gentle manner, lowered herself to the canine's level on the rock, and prodded her gingerly with soft, delicate hands. "I never thought anyone could sleep as hard as you do- especially in their sleep itself~" she commented as the tanuki opened her pink eyes groggily, glancing around in confusion. "... wha..?"

    "Ahhh, yay~! So you're up! Well, kinda... you're dreaming, Izayuki! And, well, uh... I'm here in your dreams~" the woman explained, standing up fully to reveal she was wearing a light olive green shirt with lace sleeves and edges, atop an orange skirt with lighter swirled patterns. On her feet were Japanese wooden clogs, and on her face were round, clear glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, slightly below her amber-brown eyes. What was most characteristic about this woman, however, were the two, brown-furred, canine ears poking up from the top of her head, and the giant, fluffy, brown, rounded tail poking from behind her. There was no doubt about it- she was a tanuki!

    "Aa-huh? What? Wait! Who the heck are you?!" Izayuki replied, instantly jumping to her silver paws and staring up at the anthro-formed tanuki, slightly gawking.
    "Aww, I can't tell ya now! That'd ruin the surprise, my dear~!" the tanuki responded with a wink and shake of her finger before continuing. "Say, why don't ya move to your other form? Y'know what I mean- ears, tail, yet not with fur... everywhere."

    She still was baffled and stupefied, but she completely understood what the other tanuki meant. Taking a quick breath, Izayuki shapeshifted into her human form- only, she too had raccoon dog ears and a tail. The most characteristic thing about her 'in-between' form, however, or her true form at all, was that she had silver fur instead of brown or gray, like most of her species. That was a topic for a different time, however. The woman smiled as Izayuki shifted, and continued on after that.
    "So, what I'm here to tell you is that there is a unique opportunity in the world of Kyoka for, well... you'll just have to wait and see! It'll be dangerous, but you don't need to worry. I will always be with you to protect you, and with your power, you'll do fine... you've grown so much..."

    And in order to be anticlimactic, the scene ended there. Blinking pink eyes open for real, Izayuki sat up in her bed as if something had startled her. For once, it was not a nightmare or shadow that had come to haunt her from her past... but just who was that woman? That tanuki? That yokai...?

    "Oi, Iza!"
    The voice of Seika, the tiny yokai who she had taken in as her companion. "I had a weird dream... but it seemed so real. Some ball of light told me we had to go to the Wakusei Portals and then to Kyoka... stupid, right?"



    And soon they were off. Both in avian form to fly to the portals, and guided only by a mystery and cryptic lead. Just what was this? What were they to find? Who were those they had met in their sleeping hours? Maybe... hopefully... they would find out. Or was this all for naught? Unfortunately, only time would tell. Well, it could not be too bad. At the very least, the spirit had appealed to Izayuki's dear love for adventure and fun, and this was shaping up to be quite the experience!

    Location;; Heading to the Wakusei Portals
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 687
    Want to do the wordcount method, ya'll?
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:


    Post by Kite Wilhelm 15th April 2016, 4:00 pm






    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Nice%202_zpskiwaehaj

    - Kite

    It has been quite some time since Kite had last experienced a premonition style of dream and that was if you could call it that. The last dream he had never panned out, all the dream was, was a detailed reliving of his torturous first days as Asmodeous’ apprentice followed by the painful screams of a girl getting burned. However this time around it wouldn’t be that dream, this time it was completely different. Kite knew he was sleeping on his ship or that was where his body was but this sensation was like his mind had wandered off from his body fully aware of his surroundings while also aware he was asleep whereas most his dreams it was like watching from a third person perspective. He wanted to look around but all he saw was complete darkness in all directions and unlike previous dreams where he was merely a spectator in his own eyes he was in complete conscious control so he did the only thing he could think of ”Hello! Is anyone home?“ he would ask looking around but only his voice would not be respond to it. It was a void, ”I swear if this is someone’s idea of a joke it isn’t funny.“ He looked around expecting a snicker to escape from the void, ”I’m confused, I’m starting to get angry and I have fire, all a really great combination for when I find...“ but he was interrupted by the sound of a soft voice coming from behind him, “Heya! You! You’re Kite Right? Iza’s friend?” which prompted the slayer to turn to face the source of the unfamiliar voice and was shocked to see a young girl standing before him. He couldn’t help but feel a bit confused, he didn’t know who this girl was but for some strange reason he felt like he had seen her before. She had soft features with chestnut colored hair that went down past her shoulder with two animal like ears sticking up like so many of the people he knew with animal characteristics. She was dressed in green colored shirt with pink short sleeves and a brown colored dress complete with a small pair of spectacles just below her eyes. Kite had looked her over and then crossed his arms ”That’s correct..what can I help you with...who..“ he asked but was cut off. "There isn’t time you will wake up soon! You don't know me, but that's not important. You know Iza! This may seem a bit... sudden.... but I need you to travel to the Wakusei Portals and meet her there, if you don't mind..." Kite heard her request and wished to ask more but before he could speak a single word she added “ I can explain once you are all in Kyoka MMmkay?” Kite didn’t get to answer as she disappeared into thin air and in a flash he was awake in his ship sitting up in his bed, ”Who and What the hell was that?“ he asked out loud holding his head. ”The only Iza I know is Izayuki...Wakusei Portal...I had better see what is up… Iza might need help.“

    Kite would then proceed to get dressed and have his pilot prepare the ship for take off but before he would just take off into the unknown dangers that may come with that strange dream of his he decided to not go alone. He was in the cargo bay and pushed the intercom button before he exited ”Wash standby, I will be right back.“ he would say for Wash to only ask “You forget your toothpaste?” which would cause Kite to sigh ”No, I’m getting our new passenger.“ he would say exiting the ship not able to respond to Wash’s question of “what passenger?” He would then travel from where his ship was docked into the main guild hall where he was looking for that extra muscle he may need. Kite would cup his hands over his mouth and shout across the room ”Yo Minh! Feel like going on an adventure!?“ With the entirety of the guild looking over at him he would wait there for his guild mate to meet him and accompany him to the ship.

    template by Darkee

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5


    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 24th April 2016, 7:44 pm

    Cheepie flopped in his slumber on top of Minh's head, cheeping quietly while wrapped up in his little blanket. The rock man raised an arm up to pet the poofball with his hand before sitting there to meditate once more. However, Cheepie continued to have unrest as a voice starts fill his head, and he gets into a deep dream state where he finds himself looking at some strange female who also gives him a strange look as well. Then suddenly she poofs into a mirror form just like him, except visibly more feminine to his eyes of course. He flops back in surprise, only knowing one other person who could do such a thing, and the birdie can only assume that this female was much like her. Maybe she was just as nice and cuddly like the other was, and Cheepie stood there as the unknown figure approached him. The two then proceeded to converse in a very fast paced talk with a fluttering of cheeps and fluttering wings to add to the talking.

    Minh, on the other hand, was bothered by the restlessness and picked up his tiny companion, laying him onto his open palm to examine Cheepie. He poked him with one finger, then petting his head with it as he hoped the little thing was doing alright. Keeping the small avian creature wrapped up in its blanket, Minh returned Cheepie to the top of his head where he cheeps time from time softly in his sleep. The rock man made his meditation once more while trying to ignore the wiggling and bothered bird on his head. What troubles must be so dire to be bothering the little creature also bothered Minh as well, but he

    Cheepie had spoken for some time to the person who appeared before him, and he ended his talk, nuzzling with the female adorably. It seems that there was some kind of opportunity that she was presenting to him and presumably others. When he asked for their names, she revealed the names of the one he had met recently and a guildmate of Minh. He bounced about rather cheery upon hearing the names and gave another nuzzle to the female before plopping in front of her again. She gave a brief good-bye before flopping away from him to poof back to original form. Cheepie would then awaken in a flurry of wiggles only to roll off of Minh's head into his lap, cheeping the message to him. The earthen monk nodded slowly, feeling a bit suspicious of this all, and he would grab Cheepie up and give the poofball a squeeze or two as if wanting to make sure that this was real. Minh sighs and nods once more to the crazy cheeping of Cheepie, standing up to walk into the main guild hall to prepare and get the paperwork done right. As he was doing so, Kite's voice rung out loudly, and with a few bounds of his stride, Minh had made his appearance before the Slayer within record time with Cheepie on his head like usual.

    "I sense that the duty we are about to embark on is going to be very mutual if you catch my drift. Let's go on and meet up with our third and final partner."


    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d


    Post by Guest 26th April 2016, 9:16 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The tanuki from earlier... Izayuki could not get her out of her mind. She had seldom encountered her own kind, as sad at that was to think about and admit. While she had Seika, the smaller yokai, at her side a good deal of the time, the small, fluffy, mew-like creature was hardly Izayuki's own specific species. For a while, the girl had tried to figure out how to identify Seika's species of yokai... she definitely was one and said she was, but bakeneko or nekobata did not seem right, and Seika obviously was no kitsune, hebi, tanuki, inugami, oni, tengu, or anything else of the like. A hybrid yokai? An unidentified one? Or perhaps a new species altogether? She could not quite say, but had just about given up on trying to label Seika specifically.

    But the woman who had appeared in her dream definitely was no figment of her sleeping imagination. Was she just a yokai, though? Not many yokai could traverse the realm of dreams, so was there something more to add to her appearance within the dream? Really, it was quite hard to say. All that seemed right was that she was a raccoon dog too with yokai or obake powers, judging by her kemonomimi, or in-between, form. But at the same time, she seemed to know Izayuki... despite having never met her before, supposedly... or so she thought. It all made no sense.

    "We're almost there. No need to think about that woman right now," Seika said flatly, noticing her fellow yokai zoning out. Izayuki was in the form of a pink-feathered jay, while Seika preferred the travelling form of a cape glossy starling with cyan eyes. Zoning out while flying was generally a bad idea. After all, how many avians had met their end by zoning out and then hitting a large structure and getting killed? Many, and it would be a pretty pathetic end for a yokai. "Er, right. Sorry," Izayuki chirped back before focusing on the group of portals that were ahead. Seika only shook her dark-feathered head slightly and continued to fly. Finally, the two landed at the portals. As soon as her feet hit the ground, Izayuki reverted back to her pink-haired human form, while Seika returned to her true yokai state- an alabaster-furred feline-like creature with a long tail, that could levitate. Not a real master of transformation like her tanuki comrade, Seika flopped down in the girl's arms, tired from the long flight. "So... which portal takes us to Kyoka...?"

    Location;; Wakusei Portals
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 425
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:


    Post by Kite Wilhelm 5th May 2016, 2:27 pm






    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Nice%202_zpskiwaehaj

    - Kite

    Kite had called out to Minh across the room which would attract the attention of the large man to come and join him, but despite their prying eyes he didn’t move from his spot and it didn’t cause Minh to dilly dally either for he had finished his approach with the familiar little bird with him as usual. Kite thought nothing of this, in fact it was no surprise that he would waste no time, an adventure was always fun for sure but what had caught the demon slayer’s attention were the words that came from Minh’s mouth regarding a third party member. So with that Kite had already came to the conclusion that he had also had some sort of vision similar to his own. ”alright, let's get moving then time's wasting.“ he would say but a thought would pop in his mind more of a question regarding the safety of Izayuki, the person whom his vision was about, ”If Minh had managed to also receive a vision that must mean that things are a bit worse than what I had initially thought“ he would think to himself as he would lead the big guy to the same ship that they were aboard for their first mission with one another and would proceed to lead him inside but would stop short at the intercom and would push the button to speak to his pilot ”Wash we are on, lets get her in the air.“ He would release the button and walk over to join Minh as Wash would respond but not with a call back but by simply taking off in the ship and heading in the direction to where he was told to go, towards Kyoka where he would hope to find Izayuki in one piece.

    ”So Minh I am curious, how are you already aware of us having a third member joining us on this adventure, or rather I suppose that the correct thing to say would be that we would be joining them on the adventure.“ Kite only asked because he didn’t want to brief Minh on what he had witnessed quite yet. He instead wanted to know what Minh knew in regards to the reason Kite had incited him on this little quest into the unknown before he would reveal any extra details he knew or share his vision with his guildmate.

    After the trip across the sky Wash would hit the intercom “we have reached our destination Cap. landing now prepare for exit.” and within seconds the sudden upward force of the ship going down could be felt as TailSpin would land and open the ramp for them. ”Game time.“ he would say as he exited the ship ahead of Minh and began to explore the area until they would stumble upon none other than Izayuki standing before several portals asking which one would take her to Kyoka which would prompt Kite to snicker ”Good Question, which one would take US to Kyoka?“ he said emphasizing the “us” in the sentence to make it seem like she had forgotten them, which of course she had no clue of them coming and he would cross his arms over his chest and smile waiting for her to turn around ”Heya Iza!“
    template by Darkee

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5


    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 11th May 2016, 4:56 pm

    Minh enjoyed the quickness that Kite took to get the two of them off the Guild Hall, and moved alongside the Demon Slayer, towering over him as they made their way deeper into the airship's interior. Sometimes the bulk of the earthen man made it quite the endeavor to just physically move throughout the ship without making a mess by knocking over things. When they arrived in a more opened area, Kite turned around to face him with the fabled question that he knew was going to be asked given the circumstances. Minh answers back by calling Cheepie who fluttered onto a nearby table to cheep happily in a rapid manner. To Kite, it was a mess of avian gibberish, but if he was careful about listening to the tiny creature, it was clear that there were a multitude of shifts in pitches and tone as if there was a language there that probably only Minh knew. Possibly even other avian creatures would understand this speech, but more so on a lesser level as there aren't many creature as hyper intelligent as Cheepie is.

    "Cheepie was the one who got the dream and told me of you and this third person who seemed to be one who I have worked alongside with beforehand. She seemed to be a rather happy person with little trouble from what I can tell...currently. Cheepie assures me that this gathering of allies is for something of a journey and not a rather complicated trap. He keeps saying that it will be very fun, though I am sure he has a different definition of fun than what I had in mind."

    Minh finishes his explanation before heading off promptly to take his place deeper within the ship to sit about waiting for their arrival at the chosen destination alongside Cheepie who explored the ship to pass the time. He was not one with much thought on what was coming up, but he had thought of possible scenarios and possible countermeasures. Mostly, he spent his time waiting or just resting in the relative quiet of the airship and enjoyed the timely stories of Cheepie who returned time from time to tell him of what he had found around the place. For one so knowledgeable, Minh's pet still fell prey to his curious, adorable nature unknowingly making him a target of many females to cuddle and belittle. He wonders if the bird secretly enjoys the attention and the displays of distaste were just to cover it all up but stopped his thoughts when the ship had landed. Upon his exit, Minh walked out of the ship with his hand raised in a wave towards Kite and Izayuki with Cheepie on his head loudly announcing his presence to the others.


    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d


    Post by Guest 2nd June 2016, 5:32 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The portals were no doubt an interesting thing, unlike something to ever be seen. Swirling, bright, churning, fluid energy just waiting and itching to be touched and entered. That could basically describe these portals, which were so intricately framed with structures of different elements. Wood here, stone there, vines on another one. Some had ancient magic runes engraved in the frames, and the surfaces of each portal's energy varied. Some appeared to be swirling glass, foggy and misty, with the scene behind it vaguely showing through. Meanwhile, others were unable to be completely seen, proving to be a complete mystery. The only way to unravel the layer of mystique was to walk through the portal, naturally. But which one was Kyoka?

    "Which one would take US to Kyoka?"

    The familiar voice sounded from behind, but Izayuki recognized the presence, scent, and magic long before she heard him speak. Another two quickly followed, both familiar, and the loud cheeping made her instantly recognize who it was without needing to use other senses to figure it out. Whipping around with a broad smile, Izayuki attempted to leap towards Kite, but mid-leap, transformed into a small, fluffy, silver-furred tanuki that would land either on his shoulder or in his arms, if he caught her. From there, she would tenderly nuzzle her head against him, a warm, happy greeting that was a common gesture for her, but perhaps not for one who had yet to learn of what she was. He knew she could shapeshift, yes, but slowly she was becoming aware that she never really had told him that she was a Bakedanuki.

    It was only in the past few weeks that she had finally gotten comfortable enough to revert to her true form around others, and embrace her youkai nature more. Daemon, Kakuma, and Kim had showed her that there was no shame in just being herself- she did not have to be human to be accepted into society. Her fears had all been an illusion. "Hiya Kite, Minh, and Cheepie~!" she greeted in her cheerful manner. Recognizing Kite, Seika flew over towards the demon slayer and attempted to perch on his head, currently in her small, fluffy, white-furred mew-like form. She did not know the brute and the bird, but at least was familiar with one of the ones who knocked some sense into her that one day, that was now but a memory.

    Location;; Wakusei Portals
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 404
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:


    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th June 2016, 7:22 am

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite wouldn’t waste time by taking his time leading the big guy and his little birdie of a pet to the ship, he didn’t know exactly what the time tables were and how much time was working against him. Minh had kept pace with Kite even when they reached the ship and entered the expansive cargo bay but for Minh it might not have appeared as so. He was a rather titanic individual so most things and places that would be considered large to an average sized person might seem average to himself. After they were settled in the corner of the Cargo bay near some crates Kite would have his question regarding Minh’s knowledge of the situation answered and it would be given a quick and sort of a surprising one but instead of Minh explaining it he instead called over his companion, cheepie.Kite would watch as the small yellow bird would flutter it’s way up onto the crate that was being used as a makeshift table and began making cheeps and other bird like noises to communicate with the demon slayer. Unfortunately Kite didn’t understand a single thing that the bird had to say to him. Kite was going to ask Minh to translate for him but the brute of a man had already began to explain that Cheepie was the one who had received the information much like Kite through a dream. Unlike Kite’s dream which didn’t reveal Minh or Cheepie, Cheepie had seen Kite and another person, a person Minh said he had worked with in the past. Kite was able to conclude that he was most likely talking about Iza. Kite didn’t even see her in his dream but her mother was the one who recruited him, that part he was going to leave out, ”So we both had dreams about Iza needing help.“ he would say to Cheepie before taking his finger and stroking it under the bird’s neck petting him softly. ”Looks like we will be having quite the day then.“ he would say before the ship would be in the air on it’s way towards where the portal to Kyoka would be located.

    Kite saw her body’s language as he spoke up, he noticed how her ears seemed to pick up the sound of his voice. Cheepie had also began to speak to Iza who turned around to face them, She had a huge smile on her face once they were facing one another which in turn  made Kite’s own smile to form.the next thing he knew Iza had leaped towards him, his arms were open and ready to catch her but in mid air she would transform into a small fox like creature. He wasn’t surprised by her sudden change, the form was new but her ability to change was not. All the same he would catch her in his arms and snuggle the fox like Iza who nuzzled back. It was always a joy to see her and his body was filled with joy whenever he was able to cross path with Iza, but the thoughts of his dream, her mother calling upon him to help her popped up. After she would greet the two sabertooth mages he would look over at the portals, one that would lead to Kyoka in particular, ”So, you are going to Kyoka...“ he would trail off and look at her, ”What’s there?“

    tag: --- // words: 568 // theme: ---

    this is dummy text
    Made by Ravana



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5


    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 30th June 2016, 1:25 pm

    Minh did not have the most intimate or close relationship with either of these people as he was not the most sociable of individuals, but he found them to be good enough souls to stay alongside with. He didn't hold people in different levels of regard and respect, but rather he held all people on the same level until they prove worse or better. So far, Izayuki and Kite both seemed to present themselves as better, but he will always harbor a suspicion even towards the closest of friends, except for Cheepie because Cheepie was a pure ball of adorableness that could not bring about any evil. The mentioned bird was flapping over to the strange, furry creature that settled on Kite, nuzzling it with his poofy body. Minh couldn't resist the earth to scoot over two the two beings and petting them with one large hand gently while noticing the small fox creature. Seeing that he had two hands, Minh used the other one to pet Izayuki, all while keeping the most stoic face possible. The amount of control he was exerting must've been tremendous, and after a few more moments of this, he moved away with some reluctance as he wanted to enjoy the simple things of life.

    Minh looked towards the gate and walked up to it, passing the two as he observed the massive structure. He knew what it did and what it was, but he was still curious of just how this portal worked. Rather, just how sturdy was the construction of such a portal in case of anyone attempted to commit sabotage. The chance of this happening was unlikely, but the thought stayed with him nevertheless. With a bend forward, Minh poked his head through the portal to observe just what was beyond the threshold. Not taking in the details just yet, he looked around to make sure the area was clear of any visble threats. When the perimeter was cleared, the earthen warrior stood upright and waved towards the others.

    "The way is clear, there seems to be no sign of threats present in the area just through the gate...I think."

    And as if on cue, he immediately looked right through the portal again for a very brief second look to give every single piece of terrain just beyond the gate the stinkeye. There was going to be no bullshittery going on here that was going to be taking any of them by surprise. Not on his watch at the very least, or so he hopes. Then he resumed the upright position in the following moment.


    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d


    Post by Guest 30th June 2016, 9:31 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    What was there? What was in Kyoka? It was a good question, and definitely something to consider. After happily cuddling with Kite and Cheepie in her true form, Izayuki began to contemplate the mission ahead of them. It was a bit, queer, so to say, listening to the instructions one saw in their dreams. Dreams were strange things- to some, they were almost untouchable, easily dismissed and forgotten, while to others, they could be extremely realistic, so close that one could almost reach out and grab onto one if they tried. For the Bakedanuki, most of the dreams in her lifetime had been nightmares, and rather clear and vivid ones at that. Her history had a dreaded number of shadows and horrors she would rather forget, but the tricks the mind could play on a sleeping soul at night were very cruel; especially for the Glacier God Slayer.
    Her dreams were typically always filled with the terrors of the death of her human family and village, the ones who had taken her in, all killed by a giant, deadly frost. The more common of the frightening images, however, included Yukionna, the Ice Goddess. She was known by many other names, including Marzanna, Orithyia, Skadi, Ngeshtinana, and more, depending on the region and their lore and legends. To Izayuki, however, she was simply known as Yukionna.
    The deity of the cold seasons and lands had taken Iza in after she survived the intense frost that Yukionna used to kill off her village. The goddess had given her Ice Slayer powers, infused with darkness so she could take down any deity or god… however, the training had been beyond brutal, and Yukionna proved almost to be more corrupt demon than holy god in terms of who she was. Tortured and scarred, Izayuki barely understood how she had managed to escape the icy hell of Yukionna’s realm. Yet here she was, ready to venture with a few friends into an unknown and new world.

    Her tragic pondering aside, Izayuki was about to reply to Kite and Minh, when she noticed a sudden orb of light began to fantastically form right in front of the Kyoka portal. Once it was complete, the sphere, roughly the size of Minh’s fist or a few Cheepies’, most likely, began to bob up and down. Was this supposed to mean something, or to help them? Tilting her silver-furred head curiously at the bright orb of light that was strangely warm and soft, and not blinding, Izayuki gently attempted to squirm out of Kite’s arms and leap to the ground. She reared up on hind legs to have her face be at an even level with the light ball, before she attempted to sniff it curiously out of instinct. The silver-furred raccoon dog was about to touch the sphere with the end of her canine nose before it zipped away a few inches, causing the tanuki to fall over, flat on her chest and belly with a loud “oof”. She instantly rose to her paws, slightly embarrassed, growled lightly under her breath, but began to follow and move towards the ball of light, which was making its way through the Kyoka portal. “This way, I think,” Izayuki said simply, readying to hop through the portal herself, but not before her friends were prepared to do so.

    Location;; Wakusei Portals
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 558
    Wordcount method: 5,336 // 14,000
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 2nd July 2016, 3:14 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite stood in place still cradling the Izayuki who was still in her silvery fox like Tanuki form and he was awaiting an answer from her regarding what it was that was so important about Kyoka. He needed to ask her questions because how in the dark he was. Everything up until he was sort of making up as he went along. The only reason he was even here was due to that strange dream that told him to go and help Iza and aside from where she was going to be that was about it. The only thing he had to go on was his gut instinct and that was telling him that this was a bad idea and it would be dangerous. However it had seemed that he wasn't the only one with a lack of answers. Izayuki, albeit cute had to dig deep for her answer. His eyes shifted from the portal down to Iza who was now hidden by the large hand of Minh. He couldn't see it but he could tell Minh couldn't help but pet the adorably cute Iza before heading over to the portal. He would lean forward and stick his head inside the portal in order to get a good view of the terrain they would soon brave. He would announce that the coast was clear and it was safe to proceed. Kite would try not to laugh at the site of Minh having to lean so far down to be able to look through the thing ”Well let's g....“ he was caught off guard by what happened next he had to cut himself off from the spectacle. A round orb of light would appear behind Minh in front of the portal. It wasn't an orb at first it was just a flash of light that would slowly form the large sphere, it was roughly the size of one of Minh's large hands. Kite was staring at it and only broke his line of sight when he felt Iza squirming in his arms to free herself and get down. He would open his arms and let Iza drop down so she could and would go take a better look at the orb. Kite stayed back not wanting to trust an orb of light that appeared out of thin air, but despite that he didn't sense any sort of malicious intent from this thing. In fact something about the light felt vaguely familiar to him but he couldn't put his finger on where he felt this before,
    ”I wonder what this thing is..“ he would say to himself and walk over to Iza who was trying to get up on her hind legs and touch the orb but it moved out her range and she fell down on her belly. That along with the oof sound she made was undeniably adorable. He would lean down and pick her up after saying they should go that way. He would put her on on top of head and would smile before he would pat her head, ”There we go. Let's go.“ He would say entering the portal behind the light sphere.

    They would appear on the other side of the portal being greeted by a dense and luscious forest. It was full of magical energies and as a mage Kite immediately felt the sudden potency of magic in his container. Kite would wait a moment for Minh to come on through the portal, once he did Kite would look for the orb of light and would follow as it would lead them. During the moment of walking Kite would look up towards his head where Iza would be seated and would ask her something that was picking at the back of his head, ”Say Iza, does this light seem awefully familiar to you?" He would ask her wondering if she was getting the same sort of sensation he was from this light. While walking and waiting for her answer he would get a whiff of something foul. Out of no where two red spikes would shoot from in front of them, he would side step and watch as the blood spears were stuck into the tree. ”Looks like we got company." Before them was a middle age man dressed in black and red clothes. Kite's smirk would vanish... ”Do we got a problem?“ Kite would ask the man before them and he would get a response, "No no, none of you trespassers will be a problem. i'll rid of you shortly" he would love a large fire ball at them. If it were anyone else they might have been worried but not Kite, he would inhale and suck in the large fireball and swallow the flames whole. His skin would steam from his body heat mixing with the cooler air "Why do they think fire will work?“ He would in hale again and then exhale in the mage's direction, ”Flame Demon's Rage!“ and from his mouth he would release the large plume of flames catching the enemy in the blast as well as the forest surrounding the enemy mage beyond. Once the flash of fire was gone all that could be seen was about a football field length of no trees from where they were located and outwards. ”What the hell? How did I do that?“ he would ask and look around. ”Minh Iza we have company.“

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana

    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 3rd July 2016, 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Post by NPC 2nd July 2016, 3:14 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 6th July 2016, 11:13 pm

    Minh watched suddenly as a strange ball of light took shape right next to his head as he was doing his ceremonious checking of the terrain beyond the portal. He would've taken a much more aggressive stance with the sudden intruder if it were not for the circumstances of him being there in the first place. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch that whatever this foreign entity was, it was tied to the fact that all of them were dragged here to begin with. Of course, his suspicions were confirmed when Izayuki started to follow it while in her adorable animal form. He was half-tempted to pick her up again but decided it was best to let her lead them to the reason for them being here in the first place. He was not at all comfortable being this lost in the dark and watched as Kite and Izayuki march through the portal, and the earthen man followed suit with a steady step, keeping in line with them from behind as a makeshift rear guard. Cheepie flapped off ahead, flying up and down in the air as he waited for the slow landlubbers to catch up.

    After a while, Minh had noticed the growing potency of his magic as this land's energy flowed through him like a rushing surge of power. Of course, he was not exactly finding this to be a positive thing as it meant that whomever they were going to be facing on this trip might have the same amount of power from the world, and that meant much more chaos as the level of destruction would be on a whole different level than what he had seen in battles past. And if Earthland told him anything about destruction, it was that the level of escalation could go from skirmish to all-out-war in mere seconds of engagement. Of course, such thoughts formulate perfect coincidences to continue convincing Minh that the heavens were out to be a pain in his ass as he catches sight of two incoming projectiles passing by followed by Kite's impressive display of a counterattack. However, the attacker in question was not alone as a small company of cloaked mages took shape alongside another older looking man who had a grim look of murder smeared across his face. Minh wasted no time attempting to work out peace with these individuals with his hands moving to pick up a nice-sized boulder before chucking it like a stone from a sling straight at the band of hostile mages only managing to clip a few individuals and smashing into one poor sap. Cheepie, like a loyal hound on the attack, took a strafing run with its little cannons to fire three shots of small fist-sized energy bullets that were countered by the group's combined magics shielding them. However, one does manage to punch through, landing among them to waft up a nice cloud of debris and dust. Minh moved to grab another boulder to continue his mundane assault on the enemy.

    WC: 506


    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d


    Post by Guest 10th July 2016, 12:46 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    A dense forest that was thick and crude, yet covered in magical energies. It was as if the magic energy was a comfortable blanket that coated and blanketed every single thing in sight. Never before had Izayuki sensed so much magic in one place. She had been picked up and placed on Kite’s head, and flicked her tail gently as he gingerly pat her on the head… at least it was not the ears. She was able to tolerate petting in general, but touching the ears? Oh no, that was definitely a bad idea. Before Izayuki had a moment to muse further or respond, she suddenly picked up on the scents of others in the area. Leaping off of Kite’s head, she allowed him to do his usual special thing, which was absorbing the flame shot towards him. The power and range in his next flame roar, however, was beyond incredible. Did he really have that much power? It was at least ten times the strength she had sensed from him earlier.

    Minh also seemed to have found his way into a fight, alongside Cheepie. It was quite amusing, seeing the small bird able to take on the mages attacking them. At least now she was aware not to underestimate the tiny, intelligent avian. As the two Saber Tooth mages handled the oncoming evil humans, Izayuki’s keen canine senses allowed her to sniff out more lurking menaces. The scent was quite obvious… really, what job was ever without them? Wolves. Four unique and distinct scents. Keeping her senses alert, the silver tanuki angled her ears towards faint footsteps… she had slayer senses to thank, on top of her natural adeptness. Within a matter of a few heartbeats, a harsh growl could be heard as a giant wolf lunged for the tiny tanuki. It was easy for her to dodge, whip around, and land a sharp bite into the larger canine’s muzzle. Sinking her fangs in and relishing the fresh taste of blood, Izayuki managed to tear flesh from muscle as she pulled back. The wolf backed up with a loud, high pitched yelp, and pelted away, a good portion of his muzzle gone.

    Another wolf soon lunged for the small raccoon dog, aiming his own unnaturally long claws for his prey. Behind him were two other wolves, ready to back up their fellow packmate. Grinning, Izayuki inhaled the nearby magical energy and released a giant blast of darkness-infused, swirling, churning, and deadly ice and cold energy. “Glacier God Howl~!” the yokai announced, using the spell in her true form for the first time in a long while. The trio of savage wolves was frozen solid, in place, but still alive. She noticed the power of it was immense, much stronger than before. So this was Kyoka… how very fascinating. She approved.

    The last wolf was the biggest of them all, a steady, sturdy, and strong alpha female. She had russet fur, and piercing green eyes- overall, a beauty. Izayuki narrowed her pink eyes at the larger canine and asserted her own displays of dominance- ears shoved slightly forward, hackles raised, tail sticking straight out behind her, and teeth bared. She growled slightly as the alpha approached, who almost mirrored her assertive body language. However, her approach was not as threatening. Stopping a meter in front of the small, silver-furred raccoon dog, the alpha began to speak, having a low, formal, and intelligent voice. Being a yokai and fellow canine, Izayuki was able to understand and communicate. “Who are you? I’ve never seen another animal like you use magic. You’re not from here,” she stated bluntly, inquiring about the tanuki. At least, she had the sense not to keep attacking their once-targeted prey. Seeing as the she-wolf was being sensible, Izayuki decided to engage in conversation. While she generally had negative outlook on wolves due to past events, she was not one to intentionally hurt someone who was seeking to negotiate.

    “I’m Izayuki. A Tanuki Yokai. I’m not from here- but from Earthland. I was given magical power from an ice goddess,” she answered simply, keeping her guard about her. The she-wolf only nodded and continued, suspicion in her vivid, green eyes. “Why are you here?”

    The raccoon dog nodded her head in the direction of Minh and Kite, gesturing towards her comrades. “Those are my companions. We all had a strange dream… and were told to come here. There is a light orb that has been guiding us, but I have not seen it since we entered. I know this sounds craz-”

    She was interrupted as the she-wolf began speaking again, apparently comprehending quite well. “I see. You and your pack are not the first who have come through here, following a strange light. My pack defends its territory, and you were seen as prey. We will leave you all to pass, though, as we acknowledge your strength and do not wish for more trouble. I only warn you to beware the other wolves in this area, and their alpha, as well as those humans that use blood and fire magic. Along with them, there are other strange, magical beings. As for your quest, I can only wish you the best of luck, and apologize for my pack’s hunting of you.”

    Hearing this, Izayuki grinned and flicked her tail, relaxing right away. Wolves generally were honest creatures, and hopefully the wolves of this world, Kyoka, were no different. “Thank you~” she chirped, having nothing more to say. With a last dip of her head, the alpha female walked gracefully around the tanuki and gave a hard thwack to each frozen wolf with her massive paws, smashing the ice encasing them. They seemed dazed, shaken, and slightly fearful, but followed their leader without any trouble. Within a matter of seconds, the wolf pack was gone. Happy with how she had handled the situation, the silver tanuki trotted towards her companions, hoping that they had finished dealing with the mysterious blood and fire mages. “Iza… you handled that so well, my dear~!” a voice rang in her head with a familiar tone… it was that person from her dream, surely! “I’m so proud of you.”

    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 1033 // [ 7,779 / 14,000 ]
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st July 2016, 5:44 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Iza in her Tanuki jumped off his head as the blast of fire came barreling at him, a wise move for the Glacier God Slayer. For the Demon slayer it was snack time. Shortly after he ate the flames he would send back his own flame attack at the mage. Unaware of the sudden boost given to him by the world of Kyoka, his rage attack leveled out a good amount of the forest that was before him. A bead of sweat would roll down the side of his face when the smoke cleared and he saw the damage he created with his spell. ”Wow.... I hope that set of trees were important.“ he would say to himself faking his concern for the land and flora that he just obliterated with his spell. However unlike the scenery one thing before him wasn't destroyed and was in fact as foreign to this area as his team and that was a strange object spherical in shape and thanks to the white fire that he lit in the woods he could see that it was a crimson color, it was blood. The slayer was able to deduce that the made was not only a fire user but was able to use blood magic and must have put up a barrier of blood to protect himself from Kite's attack. He would only speak when he saw the blood harden and crumble to bits revealing the mage inside and only slightly singed hinting that he put up his defenses at the last possible second. Before Kite could comment on that his adversary would speak first, "What sort of devilry is this. A man who eats flames is not human." He would say firstly and follow up with "Which means I'll have to resort to just my blood magic on you." Kite would grin when the enemy mage was done speaking and his magical aura would be released surrounding Kite in white flames, causing immense heat to emit from his body to the point that the ground started to harden like glass from it. ”You aren't far off the mark by referring it to devilry considering a demon taught me this magic. That being said I am very much still human.“ his flames would concentrate around his body as he gained more control of his aura, ”but when we are done just remember. The Demon of Sabertooth was here.“ The words would ring within the enemy's head and he would summon two spheres of blood into his hands. ”Fire Rocket.“ he would utter and flames would erupt from behind him, propelling him towards the blood mage who was caught off guard by the sudden closure of distance and out of desperation would hurl both balls of blood at Kite. Thinking quick, Kite would flare some flames out from his feet to increase his altitude and rise above the attack and would continue on towards the enemy slamming a hard kick to the enemy throwing him back due to the force. ”You better get up we aren't done.“ he would say bull rushing in to attack again this time however the blood mage was ready for him with a trap and would spring it. Spikes of blood would spring up around him and enclose around him like a cage of blood. He would hit the wall of the cage and fall bag with an thud. "Like a reckless animal you charge and don't think. Now i'll put you down Demon of Sabertooth." the mage created a spear of blood. Kite would backroll and come up on his feet with his right hand already cocked back and ready to go with flames surrounding his hand. ”Flame Demon's Desolation fist!"“ he would throw his hand forward and would launch a giant fist made of fire from his punch which would smash into the cage breaking it apart and throwing up a cloud of dust and smoke. The blood mage would hold his attack and wait for the cloud to vanish before throwing his attack and that would be the opening Kite would be waiting for. Kite would launch himself from out of the cloud and would already be within striking distance of his enemy with his hand already in position. He would slam an stiff uppercut into the man's gut which in turn would force the man to drop his blood spear and held onto his stomach, it was clear that the mage wasn't use to hand to hand combat. Unfortunately Kite was well versed in it and would follow up with a stiff side kick that pushed the man back further.

    Kite would cross his arms and watch as the opposition would try to catch his breath from the two strikes that the Demon Slayer had landed. With a small chuckle Kite would speak,”What's the matter? I thought you said you were going to put down the demon. How can you expect to do that when you can't barely handle two basic attacks?“ the subtle insults would cause the dark mage to grow a bit more angry "Don't get cocky!" he would remake his spear and would hurl it at the demon slayer who would move to the side to avoid it and then continue his march towards the mage. The dark mage would cover his hands in blood creating three six inch long claws and would meet Kite face to face and would go to slash at the demon slayer. Kite would parry the first by pushing the slash to the inside of him and stepping out, the mage would reverse strike with a spin move. This would force Kite to jump back and the blade would cut through his jacket but just hit his skin enough to cause a small wound, like a razor blade being dragged across and blood would trickle slightly from it. Kite had to get serious, he would stay still as the mage closed the distance and would try to downward strike with his right hand. Kite would use his left hand to come in to his lower forearm and would push the attack out and away from him and Kite would now had the opening he was waiting for. His hand would straightened and the tips of his fingers were pressed against the man's chest with his knuckle white hot from the flames that had concentrated there. ”Flame Demon's Exorcising strike!“ he would say as his hand collapsed into a fist and with his shoulder would slam his fiery knuckles into the mage's chest unleashing an explosion on impact that would rock the mage's entire body and would send the dark mage flying as a result. Kite would wait for the mage to get up and once it was apparent that wouldn't happen Kite would turn to Iza who was just standing there. ”Everything alright iza?"

    tag: --- // words: 1145 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana



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    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 25th July 2016, 6:54 pm

    Minh continued on throwing about massive chunks of stone and earth at the enemy before watching as Kite jumps into the battle with a fury that he is not surprised to see coming from the Slayer as slayers were well known for their fierce and unnaturally capability in close-quarters combat where their fists and weapons made the most of the situation combined with their magics being attuned to focus on this very aspect as well. The earthen male stood watching and observing with an interest as well as keeping watch over his ally to make sure that he was not surprised by a sneak attack at any moment in time. While he watches on, Cheepie does stay in the air, flapping about circling everyone watching it all unfold before flapping gently along down towards Izayuki who seemed to be having a talk with a large wolf that was part of a pack that had approached them from another flank. From what the bird took from the interaction, Cheepie understood the female had made some sort of peace between them all. He would plop himself gently onto her head, announcing his arrival with a series of cheeps while looking about. Izayuki could easily feel the soft bounce of the small avian bird that landed onto the top of her head.

    As Minh takes a more passive role at this point now that Kite had done a lot of mopping up with the remainder of the enemy mages who seemed to be put down for the moment, hopefully entirely. He turns around after feeling satisfied with how this was all going and watches as a pack of wolves make their way away from the small group of mages, gathering Minh's attention as he takes note of the current predicament. Perhaps Izayuki had indeed did some work with her abilities to make terms with the animals, and the rocky man moves up to her to catch the eye of Cheepie who gives him a flurry of chirps that relieve him. At the very least, this encounter had been not too terrible.

    "I believe we are fine for the time being."


    IT'LL ONLY LAST 'TILL THE DAWN OF THE SUN ♦ job Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d

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