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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 14th June 2016, 4:06 pm

    job details:


    Seated on board the colossal flying ship The Sentinel, a titanic monstrosity that knew no boundaries in terms of how far it could fly, created by combining Bosco's technology with Black Rose's, and adding in a bit of Rose Garden's magic touch was a woman who looked to be no older than twelve. Her back pressed against the communications antenna of the ship, head slumped to the side with her eyes closed, Lexa had fallen asleep in her favorite spot on the ship again. She preferred being high up, able to look over the entirety of her vessel to watch her crew as they moved cargo and made way for incoming ships... Lexa had made a pretty decent little cover for herself like this. Her ship acted as a landing pad for smaller vessels, letting the pilots take a break from flying, make repairs, refuel, and on occasion there was an emergency landing. Being able to watch all of it while feeling the wind in her hair made Lexa feel less agitated.

    It was obvious that Lexa was dreaming, the curves of her eyes twitching about could be seen, signaling that she was in the middle of her Rapid Eye Movement cycle. It was the point in sleep where you begin dreaming, and as a result, your eyes move around as though you weren't dreaming. Dreams that seem to last for years can be experienced in this cycle, and would only elapse a total time of a few hours at the most...

    In this particular one Lexa saw herself moving rather quickly in a first person perspective. Grasslands flying past, the sounds of trees, grass, animals, and other things was heard as only momentary fluffs of whizzing. Soon, she stood standing in front a set of arches that each lead to different worlds... "The Wakusei Portals?" she said to herself in the dream. A glimmer had moved into one of the portals, as though she had no free will at all, Lexa followed it in, emerging in a world where she felt magic flowing around...

    Upon being awoken by the morning sun blasting her in the face with a heavy shot of light, Lexa donned a solemn look as she recalled the dream quite vividly... She disappeared, reappearing in the middle of the helm and pressing her finger to a button. "Attention all crew, I'll be heading out for a small bit. I was SD-031AU ready for action in 20." she said with an authoritative tone before taking her finger off the button. She looked out the window to see the small drone being hauled onto the runway with the cockpit open, ready for Lexa to get going. Lexa disappeared once again, reappearing next to the six foot wide contraption and letting the crewmember know she had it from here. The man, dressed in a green jumpsuit saluted her and quickly jogged off to go do other stuff.

    Lexa got in, programming the drone to take her straight to the Wakusei Portals and then took off. Upon arriving there, she took a few moments to look around, having heard someone nearby Lexa snapped her fingers causing SD-031AU to switch to its Assault Drone form.

    SD-031AU Drone Mode:
    SD-031AU AD-Mode:
    Words: 535 Total: 535 Out of: 7,000


    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Emilia Crohil 14th June 2016, 5:18 pm

    Some days ago, Emilia had had a dream. She normally didn't have any sort of significant dreams that she remembered, and this one seemed to have a clear message and tie into actual known locations in the world. It told her to enter the world of Kyoka through the Wakusei portals. It also informed her that there would be another mage, one who looked younger than she seemed. It promised a magical item of great power should she follow its directions. That was as good a motivation as any for her. Sure, there were probably risks, but she wasn't afraid. The spirit contacting her specifically to betray her seemed illogical and unlikely, as would it selecting her if it thought she would be unable to complete the job. Someone more powerful probably wouldn't need the item, hell she probably didn't need it that much, but she could always sell it should she wish. And so, the mercenary made her way to the Wasukei portals and awaited the arrival of the other. Once at the portal to Kyoka, she dawned her armor and waited. The other one should be arriving soon. Any minute now... any minute...

    A few hours later

    Emilia sat down by the entrance of the portal to rest until the other mage arrived. She heard some aircraft pass by. By the sound of it, the technology was far more advanced than that of Fiore, probably originating in Bosco. It passed out of sight as it landed near the portal. That was probably her, though Emi still didn't move, simply sitting there in her armor, all of her features hidden by its red carapace, her scent and voice masked through its enchantments. She held Reaver in one hand, running a whetstone along it. The magical blade didn't really need this sort of maintenance, but it didn't hurt, and was satisfying. She heard the movement of more machinery nearby where the aircraft had landed, and smelled the blood of a woman. There was little doubt that this was her. Rising to her feet, and sheathing her blade, she approached. A rather noticeable indent remained in the ground where she sat.

    "So you were the other one that the spirit sent. It seems we both have some work to do." She said, speaking to the small woman. She couldn't sense any magic from her, but that wasn't surprising. Emi had worked with mages who had no aura before, and hell, perhaps this woman relied on technology over magic. "You were told to come to Kyoka, yes?"

    Post: 425
    Total: 960


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 23rd June 2016, 10:12 pm


    An armoured person had appeared, one with no scent who had seemed to be expecting Lexa. It had asked if Lexa was told to come to Kyoka, but that didn't make Lexa feel particularly comfortable. SD-31 has sensed Lexa's distrust in the woman, his right arm immediately transforming into a tri-barreled machine gun with the barrels already spinning. Lexa shot her hand up with the palm open, the back of her hand facing the trigger happy machine. "Stand down, I don't sense any danger from it." Lexa said with a commanding voice, her blue eyes shimmering like the surface of a lake that was untainted by human intervention, but looking fierce at the same time. SD-31 looked to Lexa, his head turning to a side but deciding not to question the former guild ace's judgement. "Aye sir." the mechanical voice came out, no mouth visible by which it was speaking from. His arm had turned back into a proper hand and the machine turning its head to stare at the other armoured unit. "I am S-D, unit Zero Three One, Autonomous Variant." it said, knowing that if Lexa had sensed no danger she would expect him to be on his manners. Lexa put her hand down, her eyes narrowing on the one in front her. "My name's unimportant, call me kid." she said with an icy voice.

    Lexa didn't like the name 'kid' but it was a good alias to use. There were a lot of people in this world who looked younger than they actually were, and a lot of guys called said people 'kid' all the time. Granted Lexa normally would give her name, she didn't like giving it to people who hid their faces behind a mask. This person was hiding her identity behind a suit of armour, which was almost as bad, but Lexa couldn't fully come down on her for doing it. The fact was, the two of them had been called to some random place, for some random ass reason with very little intel on the enemies inside. Lexa was able to requip her armour due to the nature of her previous magic, but not all mages were like Lexa. Not all mages were freaks of nature, not all mages were inhuman, not all mages may as well be tables... Almost all mages had a home to return to...

    "Let's just get this over with." She said before turning around and holding right hand to the side, forming as though she were holding a rifle. Several black particles with blue auras had converged in her hand as she walked, forming a black, lever action rifle that looked like it was made of black obsidian and just like the particles that made it, the weapon had a blue glow to it. Lexa spun the rifle before putting it on her back, a strap materializing and keeping the weapon in place. At the right side of her waist appeared a sword in a dark red sheathe, obviously a wakizashi, but compared to Lexa's size it may as well had been a full blown Odachi. Lexa disappeared into the portal, arriving in a world where she felt her magic circuits activate themselves. Blue, circuit markings lit up on her skin. The only place where she didn't have those markings were her neck and head, with most of the markings covered by her combat robes but those weren't thick enough to fully hide them. "Do yourself a favor, don't touch me." Lexa said calmly as a spark of blue electricity slowly arced from her head to the tips of her fingers and toes.
    Words: 607 Total: 1,142 Out of: 7,000


    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Emilia Crohil 27th June 2016, 12:01 am

    Emilia turned her head to look at the drone. There was a look of mild amusement on her face, though it was completely hidden behind her helmet. Its guns were already spinning up, though Emilia simply remained looking at it, putting the tip of her sword into the ground and leaning on it slightly, no fear was shown, nor was it felt. At the girl's order, it stood down, the gun turning back into a proper arm as it stated its designation. "You seem a good soldier, SD three one." She said, her voice still masked "I look forward to seeing what you can do.". Despite the warping effect on her voice, it seemed nearly as genuine as it was. Why wouldn't the woman want to see a giant robot destroying their mutual opponents? She turned her attention to Lexa as she spoke, telling Emi she could refer to her as 'kid'.

    "Call me Red. I like your attitude." She said, picking up her sword and resting it on her shoulder as she followed Lexa through the portal. She let out a chuckle as she felt the magical power of Kyoka flow through her body. From the eye slits of her helmet, a pale blue light shone for a brief moment. "This should be fun." She said, a grin on her hidden face. She looked over to the kid, who was now covered in blue, glowing circuit markings. That explained why Emi didn't sense any magic from her, nor did she smell any proper blood in the girl. Still, she didn't particularly care what this person was, as long as they could pull their weight on this job, and given the mech she had following her, she would probably do just fine, if only from bringing that. Still, Emi had a feeling the girl had a chip on her shoulder, and was older than she seemed. The girl told Emi not to touch her, to which she responded.

    "Didn't plan to. If we encounter enemies, I recommend you stay back and use your rifle. My spells are generally focused on fighting crowds, and don't distinguish friend from foe. With me up front and you and S-D providing fire from the behind, we shouldn't have too much issue with whatever we may face. And don't worry too much if some stray shots hit me. I'm hard to kill, to say the least." After the training she had gone through, that barely described it. The woman could easily keep going for a while after having her heart ripped out, and could recover afterwards, too, provided she had someone to heal her or enough people to sap the life from.

    Post- 447
    Total- 1589


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} FJRTsUq
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    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by NPC 27th June 2016, 12:01 am

    The member 'Emilia Crohil' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 6th July 2016, 9:55 am

    She seemed to be an upbeat sort as far as this mission went. The fact that she liked that Lexa was being a bit of a tight ass, accompanied by her willingness to just accept Lexa's presence at all was enough to set Lexa on guard with the woman. "Stargazer Armour." Lexa said calmly, materializing a set of armour around her entire body that resembled old time oriental assailants. It was a legendary armour that got stronger when Lexa had more allies around, to the point where it could cut damage in half before it even touched the armour itself.

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} C5Zi7Kt

    "Unfortunately I'm not a ranged fighter like SD over there. Don't worry about hurting me, it only makes me stronger." Lexa said, her voice sounding somewhat plagued as the words came out. The fact was, Lexa had been through an ungodly amount of turmoil in her life, most of it directly resulting from the actions of other people... the most recent source of pain was her own fault. She let out a sigh, not wanting to make this whole job turn out to be shit because she was unhappy, but she didn't want to like this person, only to forget her the next day. "Look, I ain't got no reasons to live, if ya kill me by accident then shit happens. I'm a face to face type, burst fighter forward slash support type. I got a healing spell, and a few barriers, but mostly paralytic attacks. The gun is so I can get in close. SD can take the cover fire, and you can let loose all ya want." she said with a softer, less stern voice. She then erupted into particles, vanishing entirely from sight and becoming nothing more than pure electrons in the atmosphere.

    "Lexa is strong." SD said to Red, tapping a deep, but small fist shaped mark on his left arm with his right hand's index finger. "One hit. She was going easy on me." he said and then started walking. It wasn't long before two individuals in blood red robes had spotted the Mech and armoured unit, the first one charging at them and the second one following suit. The first had rushed SD-031, the second tried flanking to go attack 'Red' as he or she liked being called... the suit didn't show much if any boobage so it was hard to tell... The one charging SD was met with a fist full of lightning to the gut when Lexa reappeared, and then disappeared. The power behind the attack was immeasurably enhanced due to Kyoka's naturally occurring effect, so much so that the man in the robes had began smoldering from the impact, and then hit the floor as a lifeless corpse after Lexa vanished.

    Words: 462 Total: 1,604 Out of: 7,000


    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Emilia Crohil 7th July 2016, 3:45 pm

    The kid said not to worry about hurting her by accident, since it apparently empowered her. This elicited a chuckle from the armored warrior. "So you fight like me, then. I have a feeling we're going to work together just fine." She said, though she wondered what sort of abilities Lexa had that caused her to become stronger as she was injured. Nothing seemed necromantic about her as Emilia was. Still, that was something that could be discussed later. She heard the girl sigh before saying she had no reason to live.

    That was rather obvious wasn't it? No one had any reason to live. Life is an accident. What you make of it is up to you. People aren't born with purpose, they determine it for themselves. Emilia had decided on her purpose, but the kid seemed to think it was up to something or someone else to give her a reason to live. "No one has a reason, they just do it." She said in response to Lexa. She didn't bother mentioning her fighting style. Lexa could learn that for herself.

    SD mentioned how strong Lexa was, even using her name. Still, despite knowing it, she would refer to the girl as "kid" just as she had asked. The machine began walking, and Lexa was currently nowhere to be found, having evaporated into nothingness through some spell. It wasn't long before Emi caught the scent of blood and readied her sword, holding it high, with the hilt near the side of her face. As if on queue, two red-robbed mages came charging at the mech and Emilia. Why they charged instead of trying to fling spells from afar at what was rather obviously two very hard targets she didn't know. Perhaps they just got cocky from the strength of Kyoka's magic within them. Lexa appeared and shocked the first one to death instantly, frying him to a crisp. The other tried, quite unsuccessfully to flank Emilia. She swung Reaver in her opponent's direction. As she did so, blue force energy formed along the edge of the blade. It flew off from the blade mid swing, forming a 5 foot arc of energy flying at the mage. With Kyoka's power far increasing the force of the projectile, it cut cleanly through Emilia's opponent, cleaving her from just below her right shoulder down to the left side of her waist, severing her right arm in the process. A shrill cry of pain erupted from the bifurcated mage. Emilia swiftly strode up and finished the woman off, stabbing Reaver through her head, killing her instantly. As she pulled the blade out, what little blood that was on it quickly disappeared as the blade thirstily consumed it.

    "That was stupid of them." She said in a rather matter-of-fact manner. It was true though, the mages could easily have not attacked her and SD on sight. Hell, they could've not attacked at all and not had to risk their lives fighting an unknown enemy. Even if they wanted to attack, the duo could have done so in a much, much more effective manner. There were too many goddamn mages that knew jack shit about fighting beyond casting spells, that knew nothing of tactics or strategy. Sure, Emilia's techniques involved a lot of brute force, but the way she applied said force in a battle was far more effective than simply hitting something as hard as she could with as many spells as she could.


    Spells used: Projection


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 9th July 2016, 7:47 am

    SD turned to face Emilia, who was yet to tell her actual name which means as far as Lexa or SD were concerned, 'Red' was her name until she told them otherwise. Lexa had appeared behind Emilia, crouched down while hovering her hand over the head of the enemy she had bifurcated. Small streams of blue electricity were moving between her hand and the dead body, a bit of sweat on Lexa's face as she was straining to weaken her magic even more than she would normally have to, to prevent the technique from making the body explode. "What do you see?" SD-031 asked Lexa. "They didn't know much... they weren't the lowest bar in the totem pole but they were pretty damn low. This one was charging a suicide spell, brain died before I could find out more." Lexa answered with a soft tone, making it obvious that she was trying to think... "Did you examine the other?" "No, I didn't know how much this place amplified our power... even if I get half benefit from it the level of enhancement is ridiculous." she said calmly.

    Lexa looked Red in the face plate. "What I just did was use the last bits of electrochemical energy in that one's brain to read his thoughts. I'll agree it was pretty damn stupid to just up and strike without learning your target but when you're mission ends with you being dead, success or failure being irrelevant, then examining the target becomes less important. It doesn't negate the importance, just reduces it.." "If we are engaged again, I will attempt to suppress the opponent." "Thanks, interrogation's a lot easier when I don't have seconds to worry about." Lexa looked around, her pupils narrowing as she looked around and staring at the electrical signals of animals and noting something in the far distance.

    Lexa pulled the rifle from her back, flipping it as it transformed into a rifle with a much larger, and much longer barrel. She got on a knee and placed the butt of the gun in her shoulder, the weapon easily twice as long as she was tall with a barrel that was blatantly for firing 30mm rounds at the minimum. A single, ungodly explosion from within the chamber had let off an immensely loud sound that caused many of the birds in the area to be scared away. A second later, the sound of something hitting the floor in the distance was heard meaning that Lexa had taken something or someone down. An explosion followed in the distance. "Evidently they're all suicidal." Lexa said with an unhappy tone. She disappeared again and SD had began walking down a rather clearly marked path.

    HP: 600/600
    CL: 132/320

    Enemies Remaining:
    Weak: 1/2
    Normal: 7/7
    Strong: 1/1
    Boss: 0
    Words: 453 Total: 2,157 Out of: 7,000



    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by NPC 9th July 2016, 7:47 am

    The member 'Lexa Grimoire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} StrongMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} WeakMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} WeakMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} NormalMonster
    Emilia Crohil
    Emilia Crohil

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 390
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Jackson Crohil
    Experience : 5512.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Force Magic
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    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Emilia Crohil 12th July 2016, 8:38 pm

    Emilia looked at Lexa for a brief moment as she did... something with the dead mage. Something involving electricity. The kid would probably explain it when she was done. Emilia looked around for others while Lexa did her thing, over hearing SD ask Lexa what she saw. She listened in as the kid explained that the mages that attacked them were, to put it in the simplest terms, mooks, pawns, cannon fodder. It was no wonder they died so easily. Well, that and this place's boost to their magical power. Still, these men were less cannon fodder, more cannon ammunition it seemed. Suicide attackers. How pathetic. Well at least they knew there was no chance of them surrendering.

    "Unfortunately, with the boost to our magical power here, I doubt I'll be able to take one alive. Most of my spells will probably turn them into red mist." Emilia said. "Still, I doubt they will be able to kill you, given your abilities. Death... is not much hindrance to me. It would seem SD is the one we need to worry about losing the most." She said, turning to look at the mech. "But you also seem capable enough, especially if Lexa and I can keep you out of their range." She watched Lexa unsling her rifle and shoot something, then heard an explosion in the distance. The girl grumbled about them being suicidal. "How fun." Emilia retorted before they started to move. Whilst walking along the path, she spoke. "Since you gave me your names, I'll share mine. The name's Emilia. Still, just use Red. It's faster to say, and I've been called that off an on since I was a kid." She chuckled. "Speaking of which, I have a feeling you're a lot older than you look." She said to the air, knowing Lexa was around somewhere. "Tell me. How far off were the ones you spotted?" She asked. They hadn't been walking very long, and there was no sign of them beyond what Lexa had shot. Based on the size and noise of the gun, it probably had a pretty damn long range, and she had no doubt that Lexa could hit a target at such range, given the abilities she had already seen, or seen evidence of, good eyesight and steady aim were probably the most basic of them.

    WC: 392
    Total: 2549


    Character| Magic| Bank| Theme
    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} FJRTsUq
    Other Siggies:
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private} Empty Re: Forging the Heavens! {Job: Lexa Grimiore/Emilia Crohil - Private}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 23rd July 2016, 3:40 pm

    Emilia... that was the name of the person inside the suit of armor. Lexa didn't give any reaction to solving the mystery of the name behind the mysterious figure, she continued scanning around, her eyes narrowing and widening periodically while doing so. "There's a lot of things in this place. I can see some wolves pretty far up ahead, a few more human looking targets a good hundred yards up. Not sure if it's more cultists or not." Lexa said calmly just before her eyes stopped shimmering. "I can see the electrical currents inside living bodies, a lot like some sharks can. The only problem is that I can't distinguish friend from foe, so for all we know the pair I saw up ahead could be some old couple going for a mid-morning stroll through the forest. The wolves are about a mile out, looked like they were just scouting for food since it was only three of them. Even further is a lot of them, I'd imagine that to be the whole pack. Other than those I saw some places that were complete voids that I advise staying away from. If there's not even a bird lingering around in a place then it can't be good, so I'd rather not find out what's there..." Lexa twirled her rifle in a hand, turning it back into a lever action. "I saw a flame waaaaaay up ahead with an electrical signal. From the looks of it, might be a native so I'd say it's worth checking out." she stated and then vanished once more.

    "She will scout the site, we should move too. Remaining here may prove dangerous." SD said before walking ahead in the direction Lexa had seen the fire. While it wasn't guarenteed that whoever was at the flame was friendly, it was the only real lead that they had to go by. "This unit wishes to express and inquiry." SD said while walking. "This unit's 'skin' is make of corrosion retardant metallic alloys. It is to my knowledge that most organic species are composed of organic components. Is this why you are wearing a metallic suit? To compensate for organic's naturally low durability?" SD wasn't normally one to have a whole lot of questions, but being around Emilia made him feel like speaking. Quite possibly it may be that Emilia resembled a machine what with her metal body and altered voice, but even SD didn't fully know the answer to that.

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