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    A Day in the Capitol { Open }


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Tess 6th September 2014, 8:15 pm

    Allison was wandering around, as usual, doing random stuff like skipping around parks, and beaming at random people. She ended up in the capitol of Fiore, Crocus, although she wasn`t sure how she traveled all the way from Eclipse Soul`s mountains and guild territory to the center of the country, where people from everywhere around the world visited. Allison knew that in such an international friendly place, there would be plenty of opportunities to pursue her favourite and well practise pasttime; the art of peoplewatching! The young dragon slayer wandered around for a little bit more before settling on watching people stroll by casually. She was looking for a certain someone, waiting for someone more interesting than the others to walk past. Perhaps it would be someone that she knew; perhaps not.

    The girl dangled her feet lightly over a small pond, sitting on the shore. She couldn`t see very many people from where she were, but yet, she could still watch those that were crossing over the bridge, the one that went directly over the small river that flowed into the pond, narrowing to a small trickle. Allison smiled as she thought of the water dragon slayer, Chloe, when her foot touched the water of the serene pond. Ripples wavered out, like sonic echoes, disturbing the once smooth surface of the miniature lake. Allison closed her eyes and smiled, picturing the little water dragon slayer, and remembering the awful babysitting job that they had both attempted to conquer together. She internally noticed that the ripples looked like what happened with her poison resonance, but then shook her head, hard, and chased the thought away. The poison dragon slayer absentmindedly wondered when she would see Chloe again, and hoped that the little girl still wasn`t suffering.



    A Day in the Capitol { Open } PXRL2Kd
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 6th September 2014, 10:04 pm

    Erol flew by Allison and landed in a near by tree. The owl's back was toward her revealing an Eclipse Soul tattoo on the center of his back. The large eagle owl stared at the girl and tilted his head. The owl then puffed his feathers out and rested there just staring at the girl. He shifted his eyes behind the mage to look out for his 'servant.'

    Kyll had taken a break from all of the paper work. Well ever since Zeno had to take care of a few things, she was next in line to be in charge of Eclipse Soul when Zeno leaves. So she replied with what she always did. Cool her head. She sighed as she was about to hit the taverns in this town for the second time. Then she looked over to see that Allison a new member she read about in the stacks of paper work was here. Her pale skin turned white as she saw her. Crap! So someone found me slacking off again... Kyll thought. She sighed and thought of how to come up with an excuse. I could say I was following her... then again... that's a bit creepy. She then snapped her fingers. I have an idea.

    Kyll wandered over to Allison and sat down next to her. "You know I've only viewed how much work you're doing. I wouldn't blame you if you needed a break," the closed eyes mage said to Allison with a smile. "I don't think I've met you, but the feedback in your jobs has been very good."



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Tess 7th September 2014, 10:11 am

    Allison`s eyes flew open and she jumped up. "Kyll-san! Erm, hello!" Allison almost blushed, even though the girl really wasn`t the kind to usually do that. "Thank you! And I`m glad... um, are you taking a break too?" Allison beamed at one of the aces of Eclipse Soul. She was so happy to finally officially meet her! Allison had seen the woman in the kitchen of the guild hall many times, humming happily and handing out death threats to any other people that dared venture into the kitchen, except Katherine-san.

    Allison was really happy that Kyll-san was actually here, in the flesh, in person! She had heard that the ace was really busy, with training and super hard, S Class jobs, and other things like that. The dragon slayer tilted her head and pondered for a little bit on what to say, then realised that she was probably embarressing herself and giggled. Allison beamed at Kyll-san. "So, do you have a job here or something? Are there like super strong dark wizards around here? Ooh!" Allison`s eyes widened as something suddenly occurred to her. "You and Katherine-san both like the same things, right? Cooking? Do you want a hug? Are you looking for kittens?" Allison wondered if Kyll-san was feeling lonely or something. But then again, she had so many people who respected her and liked her... so that wasn`t super likely.



    A Day in the Capitol { Open } PXRL2Kd
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 1840
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Memnarch
    Experience : 0

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    First Skill: Tergiversation Arts
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 7th September 2014, 1:35 pm

    Kyll looked at Allison and smiled. "To be fair, I'm not really taking a break." She looked out towards the capital taking a deep breath in through her mouth and then out through her nose. She crossed her legs and then put her hands to her side. "Master Zeno winds up leaving into the Arcane Realm to deal with a few things and then leaves me to take the reigns. So in a sense." She opened on of her eyes and winked at Allison. "Erol and I are taking a small sabbatical from being in charge. So the stick goes down to Sephiria, whom I know will be searching for me."

    Kyll smiled mischievously. "I know what my reasons are avoiding the guild at the moment." Kyll lifted a hand up and laid back on the grass. She stared at it for a bit. Every time I go back in the halls I only see ghosts... Kyll smiled and looked out at the pond. "As far as Katherine and I go, yeah we do like the same things. However cats..." She looked up at Erol. "Are a no no around me...." She paused and looked at Allison. "Don't get me wrong, I like them. It's just my pet... Hunts them." She pointed to the owl in the tree staring down at the two.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Tess 7th September 2014, 2:49 pm

    Allison tilted her head up and stared up at the owl perched on the tree above them. So Katherine-san and Kyll-san liked the same things. Allison absentmindedly wondered why Kyll-san didn`t hug everyone that she saw, but supposed that liking the same things couldn`t count for everything. Allison`s mind went back to the owl. It hunted cats, according to Kyll-san, and Allison was slightly worried for the pink kitty wandering around, the one that belonged to Allison. If Kyll-san`s pet hunted Lel... well, that would be bad for a lot of people, since Lel was important to Allison`s magic, besides being a dear friend and pet. Allison turned her head towards Kyll-san.

    "So, what`s your pet`s name?" Allison smiled at Kyll-san. Sometimes, people that were high ranked mages or really powerful mages seemed scary and deadly serious, but Kyll-san didn`t seem to be that way. She was relaxed and seemed carefree. Allison thought back to what Kyll-san had said about escaping from her duties and being in charge at the guild hall. It was kind of nice to know that she had a sense of humour. Allison recalled Kyll-san winking at her and then smiled again. Today wasn`t as busy as some of her other people watching days, but it was going pleasantly well, and was much more relaxed than the others, in the very least.



    A Day in the Capitol { Open } PXRL2Kd
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 1840
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Memnarch
    Experience : 0

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    First Skill: Tergiversation Arts
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 7th September 2014, 4:45 pm

    Kyll looked at her owl. "Erol..." Kyll said and the owl screeched and flew from his perch to beside Kyll. It screeched and hooted as if it was angry at the name. "Funny thing. Only a few people can actually understand what he says, and I still have no clue why." The owl seemed to turn his beak up at Kyll and made a Hmph! sound. Kyll giggled and put a hand on the back of his neck and then scratched him. "He seems to be uppity and snobbish, but he has shown concern for others. Erol has a talent of finding someone once he's seen them." She looked over at Allison and picked her owl up and put the large eagle owl between the two. When Kyll was sitting down, the owl came up eye to eye with her. "He's a large predatory bird and an even better navigator around Master Zeno. However Erol will call you names in his own language."

    Immediately the owl looked up at Allison. His golden eyes flashed straight into her's. It seemed like a black line went straight across the eyes revealing how he obtained Allison's signature. "See that?" Kyll pointed out and then scratched under his chin. The owl's eyes closed in satisfaction. "He can now find you if I ever need to send you a message. That's how his ability works." Kyll then took her hand off of Erol and he straightened up and looked at Allison. "Sometimes I wish I could understand him. That way I can know exactly how his powers work."



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Tess 10th September 2014, 8:30 pm

    (( OOC : Sorry for the wait, and the length of this post. >.< Alli is a derp today and completely unenergised ))

    Allison peered up curiously at the bird of the night. It was rather interesting how he would only allow some people to know his language. And it was even more interesting that the creature wouldn`t allow Kyll-san to understand him- or, more interesting if it was that Kyll-san couldn`t understand Erol. After all, she was the ace of Eclipse Soul, and probably one of the most accomplished wizards in Fiore, of the guilded ones. Allison was usually very bright and bubbly, but now that Kyll-san was around here, she was getting a bit worried and nervous, something that was definitely atypical for the girl. At the moment, however, she just hoped that Kyll-san didn`t notice her anxiety.

    Allison tilted her head up and was about to look at Erol more closely when Kyll-san picked up hte owl and set it next to Allison. Kyll-san remarked that the bird would call people names in his language, and the dragon slayer giggled; she almost felt like she couldn`t possibly have been able to reach over and pet the bird, because its world felt so far away. But that feeling vanished as the raptor stared into Allison`s eyes, a vividly dark line etching across his eyes before vanishing, leaving a sense of deja vu in Allison. She shook her head confusedly, then watched as Kyll-san scratched the owl under the chin. As the mage explained that this was the method Erol used to identify the messages` receivers, Allison continued to ponder about the owl. She too wished that she could understand Erol, to know how is powers worked. The girl was curious about this.

    "Hi Erol," said Allison brightly, beaming at the large bird of the night. She hoped that even though she didn`t think she could understand the bird, they would still be on okay terms. It sounded silly, but Allison didn`t want that kind of bird to be upset with her, especially if it was Kyll-san`s pet.



    A Day in the Capitol { Open } PXRL2Kd

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Haru-senpai 15th September 2014, 10:53 pm

    Heero walked through the streets of Crocus with a Grocery list that Ebony and Chikane had put together. Why had those two sent him----of all people! Ingredients you only could get from the capitol she said.....Heero saw Ebony's face beaming and eyes begging for him to take the grocery list; behind her in his vision, there was Chikane with glowing red eyes, her body shadowed.

    Back in real time, Heero sighed as an anime puff escaped his mouth, closing his eyes for a moment as he yawned.

    "Oi, look Heero! It's Kyll!" Heero opened his eyes as he heard Garfield; his orange Exceed, shout and point down the street. Sure enough, there she was. The orange Exceed almost took off; but Heero reached down and grabbed him by the cuff before he could scamper off toward her. Garfield flailed for a moment, but Heero nodded to the person Kyll was talking too.

    "Haven't you noticed yet?" he looked at Garfield while holding him up, and then back to the girl again. Garfield looked confused, as he looked back and forth. Eventually, Heero put the orange cat down as an 'Exceed' like noise was made the moment his paws touched the ground. Garfield studied the little girl for a moment; and as her scent got closer to him, his feline instincts looked up at Heero as his eyes widened. With a nod; Heero confirmed what he'd been thinking. "Yeah...another Dragon Slayer."

    A few people noticed Heero; and walked up to him, taking pictures as he didn't even move or budge. He turned and smiled for a few pictures though; if he hadn't been curious about the little girl, he probably would've busted into sparkles per--usual.

    After shaking a few hands; and hearing a few stories about how his actions had affected this persons life, or that; in this town, or that. He would nod and say his goodbyes; before returning his attention to Kyll and the girl who he thinks could be a Dragon Slayer.

    'I wonder if she knows anything about any other Dragons besides her own....' Heero desperately wanted to find both Zeuslogia AND Grandine. The Elder Lightning and Wind Dragons respectively. As his eyes set on Kyll he looked down at the ground a bit. In his usual blue tank top, and jeans.

    '......That Guild. I wonder if it caused my sister to run away.' he got a bit angry, and felt alone for a moment; before Garfield put a hand on his leg. Worried. But as Heero gave him a genuine smile; and felt better, Garfield nodded to him. 'Heh, I'm never alone with you around buddy.' ever since Heero had been a kid, even before he found Fairy Tail; he had found Garfield's egg. Smiling at the orange cat, he began to approach Kyll from behind.

    ".....It's been some time." Heero's signature voice pierced the air behind Kyll. Secretly a month or two ago on a Classified Mission from the Chairman of the Magic Council, Heero and Kyll had both been a part of a team of elite wizards sent out to save Fiore from ripping itself asunder with it's own magical energies as the beacons seals threatened to explode. He had literally saved Fiore alongside this girl, many campfires. They had traveled the entire country for months together after all.

    They hadn't always gotten along; but Heero and Kyll were likely closer than ever now after their experiences sealing the Beacons.

    "Ha. Zeno let you down off the mountain did he?" a bit soft for Heero addressing Kyll; but he was nicer to her now. "Kitchen's cold without you; no one cooks a stew like you." a compliment even? Hell hath surely frozen over.

    Heero would look to his right; and down at the girl. A huge beaming smile took his face over; as he would point to his chest with one thumb. "Oi, name's Heero! Fairy Tail's Gold Salamander, and Lightning Dragon Slayer! It's nice to meet ya; say you wouldn't happen to be a wizard like me and Kyll huh?" Heero interrogated her a bit; raising an eyebrow as the 21 year old scratched his blue hair. Trying to figure out the best way to get the girl to admit she was a Dragon Slayer like he was.

    "Kyll, she's clearly hiding something!" Heero barked comically bending his knees and pointing at the girl. The best plan he could possibly think of. Sad.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Sybil 17th September 2014, 4:24 pm

    (OOC: I hope you don't mind if I join in! >w<)

    Rita trotted the streets of the Capitol Crocus, her boots thumping against the brick streets. The wind was warm yet gentle, catching and messing up her long caramel hair every so often. The mages day in the capital had been eventful so far. She easily took care of a job and had an unexpected meeting with a wizard from Eclipse soul,Yukine. He was a decent guy but eventually the two parted ways. That was an hour ago--- and ever since then The mage had been looking for a station so she could make her way back to Magnolia but Rita seemed to of lost her way around the city and eventually she even lost track of what she was doing, taking time to sight see instead. Rita lost herself n admiration, amazed how clean and well kept such a massive place like the Capitol was! Everything was perfect, shimmering, and clean!- All except for one piece of litter she spotted...


    She stared dully at the parchment laying in the middle of the street. Kneeling down, she picked it up between her fingers. Before Rita could dispose of it, Rita noticed it was written on. She rose an an eyebrow and scanned it over with her signature sapphire irises. A shopping list? Maybe someone had dropped it... Something sit right with her, The Fairy could of sworn that she had seen this handwriting before. She wanted to say it looked liked Master Chikane's but that was impossible, what would she be doing all the way out in the capital shopping? "Hmm?-" The sound of clicking and flashing of cameras in the distance snagged her attention.

    List still in her grasp, She looked in the direction of the commotion and saw none other than Heero and his Exceed prancing off in the other direction. She spaced out for a minute connecting the dots... So he had dropped this?... blinking dumbly, she examined at the two woman he had approached.

    The focus zoomed back over to the H-Rank as Rita suddenly appeared and crept out from behind him in a comical fashion. Peering up at Heero, she opened her mouth to speak. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I think ya dropped this...Chikane would probably tear you to shreds or something if you didn't come back with everything she needed." She grinned, wavering the slip of paper between her index finger and her thumb. Rita was glad she could run into him outside of the guild like this. She hadn't got to know Heero or even spend time with him nearly as much as she wanted. She doubt he knew it, Rita probably didn't know it herself, but, He had quickly taken a big brother role in her eyes.



    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Age : 2023
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    Experience : 1891.75

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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Viola-chan 17th September 2014, 10:33 pm

    A young-girl pursued through the wide cobblestone path, her ebony black combat boots clicking against the surface of the earth as she continued to step onward. The Hokage was draped over her shoulders, falling just to the calves of her legs. A black, yet loose tank was paired underneath the trench-coat, a pair of navy blue pants settled just below. They were quite odd, one piece of the pants having been cut off into shorts, while the other piece clung firmly to her other leg, all the way down to her ankle.

    Despite the Hokage being purely snow white, it had not yet been damaged by the ruthless Viola. It practically glowed in the bright daylight; Viola still unaware of the demon that had been observing her for quite sometime. "I wish the sun would stay forever... but, fall is already rolling around the corner.." she would remark, pointing out the dried and crisp leaves that had tumbled off to the side and been kicked along a few times by citizens.

    "Ayee..." the tiny foxed would yawn tiredly, the attention spamming toward her. She was, as usual, hitching a ride from her friend. Not that it mattered of course, Melody barely weighed anything; most of the time... "Hey, look over there." she would say, suddenly perking up. Her white auds flickered forward, Viola halting to a stop to gawk in the direction she was referring too.

    A group of people were standing off to the side, conversing in conversation from her point of view. Though, they were hard to make out as multiple people passed along her cherry red hues. The breeze shifted in the Capital, wavering her crimson red locks back and forth as a bundle of familiar scents collided into her nose. She sneezed, and then sneezed again, overwhelmed by the abrupt scents before rubbing her nose in distress. "Do you recognize them?" Melody questioned, now looking down at her, "No.. I mean, well, yes... They do smell familiar." she noted.

    Viola was well aware that her friend wanted to go over there and see who it was, her once dull and tired expression completely replaced with curiosity and excitement as she leaned forward. A sigh escaped her lips, hand reached back to adjust the strap over her shoulder - which clasped onto her sword, behind her back - . "Well, theres no harm in seeing who it is." Viola beamed brightly, beginning to make her way over toward the group, the scent growing stronger as she elbowed her way through crowds of moving people.

    Eventually, she pulled herself from the crowd, stepping out only loose her balance and flail forward. Dang it! Dang it! Hey! oddly, Viola re-collected her balance, standing up straight once again to brush herself off and smile proudly. This was truly an accomplishment, oh right! Remembering the people who now just settled a few feet aside from her; Viola peered over, approaching them both with wide eyes.

    "Well well, who would've thought I'd run into you guys of all places.." she blinked, glancing from Kyll, to Allison, and then from Rita to Heero. Distance memories of the Fairy Tail wizards caused her to smile, her hand reaching up to scratch the nape of her neck, "Ya know, I never thanked you two for saving me back there..." she laughed, referring to the Guild Master meeting; the whole incident of her shifting into a dragon would've gone into chaos if none of these people hadn't stepped up.


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    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 18th September 2014, 10:11 am

    Kyll looked over at Heero and smiled warmly as she fell back into the grass putting her arms around the back of her head then crossing her ankles. She looked over at her owl who was getting ready to soar into the sky. "Erol," Kyll said reaching into her obi. She pulled out a piece of paper and rolled over to tie it onto his talon. "Take this to Einrich. It's important that it reaches him, so no hunting and make sure you don't run into any dark guilds. If they find you, it might wind up in the wrong hands." The owl nodded and spread his large wings. With one swoop of his wings, he left off into the air making a fierce short burst of pressure between Allison and Kyll. The owl screeched as it flew into the sky and away from all of the small animals around. She looked forward.

    Heero had mentioned how Zeno had let her out of the guild halls. "Master Zeno has gone off on a job. He never gave me the particulars, but he said that something was wrong in the Arcane Realm. Something got loose again." Kyll smiled and continued to speak. "This is Allison, a member of our guild. If she is hiding anything, it is her right to keep that hidden. It's just how our guild works, Heero. You of all people should know that. We tend to keep our business to ourselves." Kyll turned over to Rita. "It's nice to meet you again... And Viola." Kyll smiled. "I'm glad you found our way to our halls as well. It's good to see you again. You do seem a bit different than the last time I saw you. I have been keeping up with the paperwork and you have been doing a great job as well." Kyll stared up. Mentioning Zeno left an uneasiness in her throat. Something just didn't seem right about this whole set up that Zeno had left Kyll with. He had been gone for a while and it seemed like it was too long. She never received any status report from him or anything. Then again, maybe Alye felt the same way the last time Zeno left on a job. She opened an eye and the pupil moved towards Heero. "Say, Heero, can you tell me about... The Lichborne?"



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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Haru-senpai 18th September 2014, 3:39 pm

    Heero had his hands in his pocket as Garfield stood on the ground next to him; swishing his tail back and forth with his hands on his hips. They listened to Kyll's voice for awhile.

    "Aye! Zeno is way cooler than Heero!" he said raising one paw to the sky after Kyll talked about the Arcane Realm a bit. Heero got an 'anger' mark above his head and stomped on the ground; barking at Garfield before growling. "What?! Just sayin!" he got dignified and crossed his arms, tail continuing to swish as the orange Exceed closed his eyes.

    "Why you----just ignore the cat!" Heero barked once comically. He felt a piece of paper whack him on the back of the head; as he turned around he looked down a bit and saw one of his team members?! What the?! Was he out on a job?!

    As Rita berated him about just tossing the grocery list; Heero got a sweatdrop and saw an image of Chikane made of shadows with red eyes.

    "W-what...why can't you do it! Women are better at shopping anyway right?" Heero closed his eyes and refused his teammate, comically as Garfield gasped at his laziness.

    "B-but you eat all the food in the Guild!!!" Garfield pointed at him and complained as Heero just began to laugh like an idiot. People were everywhere in the packed city, as even though they were in a grassy open park now; the flower capitol did not disappoint. Heero smiled a bit; excited at the prospect of tearing this town up---making a name for himself as a legendary party machine was just as important to him as being the strongest---to not let himself down. To make others happy. As he stood there smiling to himself; Kyll sat down, but not before Heero saw a dark haired girl stumble out of the crowd into the grassy park.

    She had a small fox following her, it looked kind of like a Kyuubi. But it was adorable. With an 'exceed walking' noise, Garfield moved over to Kyll and sat in front of her as she sat down. As the dark haired girl had caught his attention, Heero noticed her coming closer, and closer. It was Viola.

    She looked older now, he guessed that happened. He smiled warmly at her; as for some reason a feeling of warmth and happiness overcame him the closer she got. As if he'd drank his favorite soda, or took a huge bite of a steak. ".............." he remembered what she truly was. He had so many questions for her. Crossing his arms in his usual wife beater, jeans and sandals as she spoke; he looked to Rita and smiled. Before looking back to Viola.

    "Well, not everyone can be as clear headed as us! The True Fairies never disappoint! Except for when Simon gets out of hand.....not to mention Lance..." Heero facepalmed just thinking about his other two teammates. "What about you!" Garfield called from sitting with Kyll. Heero sparkled and ignored him of course. For awhile, Heero just gave Viola a half charming smirk; recalling himself with short blue hair, her a bit younger; back when Fairy Tail was different. Speaking of which----

    As soon as Heero heard Kyll's question...his tone changed. The air got quiet and even Garfield looked up at Kyll vertically. Closing his eyes for five seconds before talking, Heero crossed his arms once more as the sun seemed to shine on the parks flowers surrounding the wizards. As Heero began to talk.

    "Things weren't always this way in Fiore...." he started off. "Five years ago, Savage Skull had the nation under it's heel.....there was no connection with any other Nation." he opened his eyes slightly, looking sort of sad for a moment. "Even the Magic Council's Chairman....Minato, was one of them in the end. The Lichborne was a wizard as powerful as me.....three times as smart....one thousand times more feared and respected. The only one who came close back then was Constantine Rebellion...the most famous Dark Wizard in the world then--and he was the right hand man of The Lichborne, who couldn't even be called human anymore himself." Heero looked at his own hands---worried; his latest and most powerful spell triggered golden scales on parts of his body, and caused his eyes to look like a dragon....what was happening to him? He shook off the worried look and continued.

    "It got so bad, that Minato--the Chairman at the time, even openly attacked Fairy Tail out of rage--destroying it, and then covering it up as governments go." with a sigh he continued. "I was young then....just 16. I'd joined the Rune Knights, and been taken in by Minato...with no home, and Zeuslogia gone....Alye....my sister had gone missing. Little did I know that she was up on a mountain." he smiled at Kyll briefly.

    "Long story short...I was kicked out of the Rune Knights for insubordination...and a lot of other charges. Minato was uncovered as a spy. Lucien Sparrow, the most powerful Rune Knight ever rose in power given' a bunch of money to the Legal Guilds--settin' em right. But even that wasn't enough to stop Savage Skull. They became so powerful after a few years; with the addition of a powerful dark wizard name Frederik; that they even risked open attack on Magnolia."

    Heero held out his arm; as with a loud 'hummmmmmmmm' the Fairy Glitter tattoo brightly appeared on his bare arm; a beautiful tattoo; hidden unless he channeled his magic power into it.

    "This is one of 3 spells...created by the extinct race of Fairies...my Dad used to say they were even more powerful than he and the other Elder Dragons themselves. This is Fairy Glitter." for awhile he let the tattoo hum before closing his eyes, as the glowing stopped. "That day I unleashed that magic......hundreds of airships....thousands of enemy wizards....fellow wizards.....not to mention the carnage I unleashed on the city..."

    Regret filled his eyes a bit as he balled up his fists. He'd always tried to tell himself that there was no other choice.

    "Once the odds were even...." he looked up. "Lichborne found me, deciding it was best to deal with the famous Slayer of Fairy Tail himself I reckon!" with a toothy grin briefly, he got somewhat serious again. "The battle...destroyed even more of Magnolia than Fairy Glitter itself...." he could easily recall the gigantic tornado of souls Lichborne had unleashed. "I cracked his mask right in half! Showed his face to the world for the first time! He looked like he was a young man! Made of dust! With mana lines holding him together! Was crazy shit I tell ya Kyll!" he continued with a laugh. "I pounded his ass into oblivion for the most part...until he got in my head...it was all over then." Heero nodded. "Lichborne was on his last breath, but I was about to be a vegetable forever. If Zeno and Shuhei hadn't appeared and released the spell, as long as Lichborne would've been alive, I would've been under the spell. But he didn't get to fully weave it onto me. Thanks to those two guys." with a smile he nodded.

    "They finished him off good! Shuhei was like BAM! BAM! BAAAAM! Then Zeno was all "This is the END!" and busted out some magic I've never seen before! He ripped Lichborne into a million pieces and THEN banished him!" with a smile; Heero shrugged.

    That was the whole story.

    "Lichborne was...a God to the people of Fiore. One they feared. Only Zeno compared, everyone saw me standing over him just before he got in my head...along with all the other jobs I'd done...that was probably one of my biggest moments....but I'd have been finished although the citizens only know that I won; if it hadn't been for Shuhei and Zeno."

    Technically if Heero hadn't battled Lichborne for hours solo, the entire population of Magnolia, maybe the world would've been vacuumed into his gigantic Soulnado. But that was neither here; nor there.

    "I still have Lichborne's cracked mask at my house! From my fist of course! Hahahaha!" he smirked. "After that, Count Sparrow was elected Chairman; he gave the Guilds more funding, and allowed wizards to go out on a wider range of jobs. We were everywhere at once. Savage Skull was crippled, Tartarus was only a rumour then......if only we'd known they were more than a rumour."

    With a shrug another brief open arm shrug; he nodded.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Rose


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Sybil 18th September 2014, 9:25 pm

    Rita growled at Heero's comment, scrunching her nose and narrowing her eyes. She crossed her arms stubbornly, siding with Garfield who made a valid point regarding his diet. "Y-Yeah, The cat's right!- Besides why should I have to go and do this for you?!" She stammered, her eye twitching every few seconds.

    "?" She turned as she heard a familiar voice pipe in. Rita completely forgot about Heero for a moment and her head darted in the direction of the noise, carmel strands of hair sifting with the movement. Viola looked different, Regardless, Rita immediately recognized her from the dessert table at the meeting, before she went dragon mode of course. Rita hadn't done much to save Viola's scales skin in the first place. Heero was the one who ultimately convince everyone to look the other way. He was truly the one to be thanked, Rita was just...there. Regardless, a quiet smile found it's way onto her face.

    The mage forced a quiet chuckle at Heero's next comment, fixating her hands onto her hips. She didn't agree with that statement- well the clear headed part at least.

    She blinked back over to the woman, Kyll. Only after a long look did Rita remember...She was the one who had given table 15 ghost pepper soy sauce, and of course Rita was initially the first Fairy that found out. Her mouth burned just thinking about it.

    She was about to speak but was cut off when Kyll asked Heero something. Rita rose an eyebrow 'Lichborne?' she wondered, clueless. Everything went deathly quiet afterwards. The only sound was the rustling of leaves and chirping of birds in the distance...It was the voice of the golden salamander himself that broke the silence.

    He explained it from the beginning...The shadow mage was quickly intrigued by his tale. She stared in astonishment and curiosity, hanging onto every word. She knew very little when it came to the history of Fiore. After all, She had been kept away from society until just two years ago. She took a seat in the grass with the group, cross legged, and listened like a little kid at a campfire.

    A quiet humming met her ears. Rita's eyes glazed over the glowing mark which appeared to be etched into his arm. She could of sworn she caught a glimpse of sorrow in his eyes before it was quickly blinked away and replaced with an exciting fanged grin. Something about that day must of burdened him. She tried not to think about it to much and listened through the rest of the story.

    Once his explanation was trough she opened her mouth as if to add something. Hesitating, her voice hit the air "You did all of that?" She wondered amazed with the destruction he had prevented not caused. Her mouth cut into a smirk, smile growing even more heart felt as words left her tongue.  "I knew you were strong, but it looks like your stronger than I could of ever imagined... Never would of guessed you could of done all that. But ya know what they say...." She began with a rare kind tone. "The True Fairies never disappoint, Right?" Rita grinned sweetly.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 18th September 2014, 10:11 pm

    Kyll smiled and nodded. She listened to every word Heero had to say. It was the story that she had longed to hear for a while. No one spoke of the events ever. "Well... thank you..." Kyll looked up at the sky. Her face had a melancholy look on it. "You see... During that time, I was on a mission. I don't remember which, but I feel that it may come back to haunt me, just as the wish faeries did a while back. Something happened, and it still makes no sense to me... but... I wound up in a long coma. I have no memories of what happened. I only came to. There were whispers of his name through out the guild hall. I needed answers... and back then Frederick had gone mad again, so he wasn't a great source to go to... Well... he came to me. Another story." Kyll took in a deep breath through her nostrils then let them out. "Something about that whole story makes me uneasy, Heero. I don't know why, but something seems off. Banishing means that the soul itself is intact. Not shattered to pieces. A force like that could probably come back to haunt us all. We've witnessed what the Arcane Realm is capable of with that huge chimera that Master Zeno was fighting during the Guild Leader's Meeting."

    Kyll sat up from laying down. She looked up at the group. "He left me with a journal as a clue of what he was doing. The pages in that journal described one thing." She opened her eyes. "Your story..." Kyll said with a serious glare. "This only confirms my uneasiness and will continue to worry me." Kyll went back to her closed eyes nature. Kyll didn't want to say her thoughts on how she may think The Lichborne may rise again however she stared forward. As the acting Guild Master she had been taught to keep her sights on her fellow guild members. She could not sit there and worry all day about her guild master. "I will say this though Heero... I have gone into meditation. Searched the stars for Master Zeno's constellation... Only to find no trail." She looked up at him. "I don't know what to make of this."



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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Viola-chan 18th September 2014, 10:29 pm

    An anime sweat drop appeared next to her head as Heero smirked and intensely sparkled toward Viola, clearly happy to see her once again. She studied him, noting that his hair was definitely longer, and that he seemed a bit older as-well. Well duh, Viola, everybody grows... she mentally remarked to herself.

    Melody had made her way to the top of her head, leaning back with her usual closed-eyes to study the others around her. Kyll, had questioned Heero of somebody named Lichborne, the white fox abruptly perking up while Viola just blinked in utter confusion. What the hell is a Lichborne?

    A breeze passed by, wavering her clothing and crimson locks in the wind as the sun shifted, and the rays now shined along the flowers that settled around them all. Everybody had gone so quiet, that all she could hear were the distant conversations of people, and the sounds of children laughing.

    But, as soon as the words of Heero's story rolled off his tongue, Viola brought herself back into reality, the sounds from afar fading away as he began to speak. There was a sadness in his voice, and an excitement, both diverting back and forth multiple times, over and over again, until the story, came to an end. She had no words, as soon as she had walked over here, the only thing she could think of was giving her thanks.

    Then, it was Kyll's turn to speak, Viola continuing to erect on both feet. At her last sentence, she felt a slight tense of worry hit her. Arcane Realm... Master Zeno? she was seriously befuddled, but, at the same time, concerned as to what was going on.

    "Kyll, are you saying, Master Zeno... has gone missing?" even though she had been gone for only a few weeks, she never imagined anything like this to turn up. "And... what is the Arcane Realm, anyway?" Viola would purse her lips together in a slight hint of worry, eyeing Kyll for an answer at least.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Haru-senpai 19th September 2014, 12:57 pm

    After Heero finished his tale; a silence fell over the park; aside from people in the background walking, a few laughs in the air. The group itself fell silent; until Rita's voice was heard. With a small smile he nodded, looking sideways to her.

    "Hm.....yea, I've gotten so much stronger since training with Auntie Grandine. Still...I wish I'd never had to use Fairy Glitter that day." he furrowed his brow and shook his head. Kyll began to talk as Heero looked at her with a worried expression; mouth slightly open at a loss for words as she said things he'd...never really thought of (among a long list of other things he hadn't thought of).

    ".....Ha! Let him come, I'm way stronger now!" Heero pounded a fist into a hand, as Garfield mimicked him sitting with Kyll, swishing his tail and probably tickling her face. "Aye!" he said punching his own furred fist into a hand.

    Heero looked at Viola who seemed to be looking at Kyll in a curious fashion; in a few seconds she asked a few specific questions as Heero looked to Kyll, before back to Viola.

    "Well....I was born a Celestial Spirit wizard...before my family----" he interrupted himself. "There are four major realms. The Celestial Spirit Realm...the Arcane Realm...the Underworld and Hell Realms...and the Realm of Heaven." he flexed a hand. "Certain wizards are sometimes born with a connection to one of these four realms......the Arcane Realm and the Underworld are by far the most dangerous of the four...." Heero thought for a moment about his good friends, Gemini and Virgo. Before smiling at the thought of the Zodiac Key Summons. He missed them dearly; but his connection to the Celestial Spirit Realm had been lost.

    "The Arcane realm is filled with both ones wildest dreams..and wildest nightmares...in that sense...it could be even more deadly than the Underworld itself."

    Heero let the fact set in that Zeno was there for a moment.

    "Oi, I didn't think you ever listened to anyone! Where'd you learn this?!" Heero smiled to himself, and nodded. "My sister....as much as she thought I wasn't listening..." shaking his head, he nodded one final time; but as he opened his mouth to speak; he heard a LOUD voice.

    "Oi! OOOOOOOOOOI! MR. REYOLD!!! COOOOL!" as Heero got a sweatdrop, he turned around to see a Postman headed right for him. He skidded to a halt, perhaps he was a wizard with High Speed Magic like Simon.

    Out of a HUGE bag; he pulled out three large, white posters; wrapped up. "Here you go! Special order!!!"

    All at once, he removed the wrapping from the three framed posters.

    Viola in a white bikini.

    Kyll in a black one.

    Rita's photoshoot that she tried to hide was also there.

    "Alright! Nice work if I do say so myself!!! Wait----aren't----oh my god it's YOU!" The Postman gawked at Kyll and Viola, before looking to Rita. "And you!" he looked to Heero before shoving the three posters into his arms, and getting a sweatdrop. "Y-you might be in trouble.........outta here! No need to sign for it this time!"

    The screen shook with a blur of smoke kicking up out of the park.

    Heero stood with the 3 posters in his arms with a sweatdrop over his head.....he was in trouble. What could he do? Think fast Heero-----

    He would turn around holding all three and burst into sparkles with them in his arms.

    "S-special order, you guys worked so hard on your photoshoots that I got them framed and---delivered?" Heero continued to sparkle as Garfield facepalmed with an 'exceed paw noise' from Kyll's lap.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Rose

    Aiden Ainsley
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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 19th September 2014, 6:00 pm

    Lance was resting up in a tree as he got ready for a big concert coming up. He lay there with his eyes closed until he heard a few voices that sounded like Heero, Rita, Viola and two other woman there that he couldn't make out quite yet. He open one eye and listen to there conversation about Lichborne, a dark wizard that was stopped by Heero, Shuhei and Zeno. He looked beside him to see Lea laying down beside him and looked to be in thought.

    He heard Viola question Heero about the Arcane realm which caused Heero to explain about the four major realms. He was faintly interested in the subject until he heard that Heero had gotten a delivery and then he said something about photoshoots and delivered. He sat up carefully and a comical glare shot off from him as he and Lea slowly crept down the tree without being seen.

    Lea walked over to Heero and slowly climbed up onto his back and got high enough so that she could look over his head and into his eyes "Hi Heero!" she said in a sweet and excited tone as Lance appeared beside Heero and snatched the papers "Ehem..." he cleared his throat as he took a look at the posters then blushed. He opened a small portal to the shadow realm and slid the papers through "I will 'deal' with those later..." he muttered as he looked at the group with a smile "So whats up?" he said happily.


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Aria Beleren 19th September 2014, 7:58 pm

    Kyll's worries seemed to melt away. In fact she was shocked that someone actually took a photo of her in that black string bikini with the moon and stars clasps on it. She made it a reason to hide that thing. She never even went on a photo shoot. How did someone actually take a picture of her in that bathing suit? That was something she put aside in secret. Kyll was annoyed. Very annoyed. Then another guild mage came to her. He took the posters and saw. An accomplice. Kyll stood up from her spot and held her right hand up to the sky. "Open the dimension through time and space... bring forth my tool..." Kyll said aloud. Suddenly her signature item. The same one the Sorcerer's Magazine recently photographed covering the cook behind all of the cooking articles appeared in her hand. Kyll swiftly swung the pan as hard as she could at Lance knocking him straight in the face. Normally a swing would leave a dent in the bottom, but not this pan. She immediately looked over at Heero with a simple smirk and both her eyes opened. It seemed like her aura was an angry blue fire burning. If someone was spiritually gifted, they could swear there was an oni mask behind her. Kyll's anger came down upon Heero. With a simple and light tap on the head using her frying pan. "One should not bring his personal collections to him. Along with that..." She held Heero by the collar. Her glowing green eyes thinned. She smirked. "You will take your photographing spies out of my guild hall. I do not want them to catch any of my fellow mages in an unsuitable get up again." Her tone was polite and happy. She still had a cheerful tone, but people around the bridge could feel a sensation in their spines. Something just seemed to cause fear in everyone.



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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Viola-chan 19th September 2014, 9:05 pm

    Surprisingly, Kyll wasn't the one to answer her question, Heero explaining to her quite clearly about the Arcane Realm, and many others. She blinked a few times, thinking about this for awhile.

    The Arcane Realm sounds familiar, now that I think about it... she said, resting her hand just underneath her chin, her eyes closed as she pondered over why this realm seemed to familiar to her. Memories flooded almost instantly, the vision of Sin and Priscilla coming back to her.

    She vividly remembered the time she had passed out... what had happened when she had passed out? "Hey, Heero, have you ever bee-" a loud voice silenced her, calling out toward all of them as a postman suddenly appeared by the side of Heero.

    It seemed he was dropping off a package, some sort of plastic wrapping hiding the three objects. Viola peered over, watching as Heero tugged off the wrappings, her face with-out a delay going pale. She just gawked at the poster, not even having a reaction as the postman pointed to the three girls, and then shoved the objects into the arms of Heero wishing him luck.

    Kyll reacted first, smacking Lance; who had randomly shown up- directly into the face. Somehow he had taken the three posters for himself, which didn't help Viola feel better in the slightest. As soon as Kyll had tapped her magical pan onto the head of Heero was when Viola lastly moved. "Viola... KICK!!" she hollered, smacking Heero foot first into the side of his face.

    Multiple anime anger symbols had popped up all along the sides of her head, a faint blush of embarrassment quite visible on her face.


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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Sybil 20th September 2014, 12:14 am

    Heat ascended to the mages face, going red in a matter of seconds. To make things worse Lance had showed up out of nowhere and confiscated the posters, but not before her took a look...  She glanced downward and Her bangs cast a shadow over her eyes while her mouth stretched into a thin twitching line, a menacing gloomy aura enveloping her comically. Rita hadn't wanted to pose in front of a camera in the first place!--- She just needed the extra jewels to get back up on the rent for her apartment, And the shoot helped her pay it off in the end. Regardless, no one was supposed to find out about it!... Rita thought she had done enough by scouring Magnolia of the content completely. Back at her apartment in Magnolia a massive pile of collected flyers, news papers, and magazines sat beside a paper shredder.

    Rita shot an evil glare back at them, Her eyes gleamed red from beneath her bangs. "You two...." She growled darkly. The brunette clambered to her feet and walked over to where the two idiots laid, sprawled out on the ground thanks to Kyll and Viola's assault. Rita still hadn't settled the score with them and wouldn't be satisfied until then. She snagged them both by the hair and drug them up to eye level, one head in each hand. "Tch- Morons!..." She stammered as she slammed there skulls into each others, letting out a loud and hollow 'ding'. She let go  of the two and stepped back, dusting off her hands on her maxi skirt and leaving the two to crumple back to the ground. Crossing her arms she turned away, anger mark throbbing on the back of her head. Rita kept her pose for a minute or so until she decided it was enough.

    Rita let out out a long sigh, a comical smoke puff leaving her lips. She turned back to the group, shrugging it off and restoring her composure, Her expression was no longer menacing, just dull and somewhat agitated. Something still didn't feel right--- She blinked in Kylls direction, the aura she gave off was a whole new level of scary. Rita sweat dropped and took a cautious step back. "............."



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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Auorraprevell 9th May 2015, 5:06 pm

    Auorra Le Fay was bored.A member of the the savage skull doesn't do anything without a reason.So she stepped out of the shadows and looked at the people talking.She clears her throat and said softly,"Hello how are you?"She waited for them to say anything.

    She looked at the sun and yawned.Her black hair was tied in a ponytail.Her dress was a blue T-Shirt.Her pants were black shorts.In other words she looked quite boring.One of the beautiful things about her is her mysterious dark green eyes.She looked at them impatiently as she wasn't used to being waited on.



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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } OnSli6O

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    The Star Child

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    A Day in the Capitol { Open } Empty Re: A Day in the Capitol { Open }

    Post by Sybil 14th May 2015, 6:30 pm

    (This topic has been dead for a while Auo ^^" Kyll left, Heero is inactive. Sorry)


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