Fairy Tail RP

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    She's about to Blow! | Job | Cleona Collins


    She's about to Blow! | Job | Cleona Collins Empty She's about to Blow! | Job | Cleona Collins

    Post by Guest 22nd April 2015, 6:05 pm

    Job Details:
    The little wings of the pixie – Cleona Collins – fluttered lazily toward the Capital Crocus Train Station. She had spent the whole day in the city looking for something interesting. Secretly, she had hoped she could pull off some kind of crime, maybe spread her infamy among the denizens of Fiore, but there were way too many Rune Knights running around. One couldn’t turn a street corner without seeing those awful-colored uniforms and cliché armor sets. It made sense though, given that Capital Crocus sat as the seat of power for the King of Fiore. Still, the sight of all the knights made her somewhat sick to the stomach – she abhorred civil authorities, the Rune Knights included. She would have performed a few nasty tricks on them by now were the chances of getting caught that day not so grand. It was a shame too, since the long train ride to the city had proved to be for nothing.

    As the sightings of Rune Knights became more and more frequent, Cleona started to wonder if something interesting was going on after all. Her wings kicked into high gear and she followed the a small group of knights marching with zeal down the street, pushing any in there way as if Marshall law had been put in place. She followed them along several streets, listening to the beat of their metallic shoes clacking against the road as they stood only slightly behind their officer. As they traveled closer to the edge of town, more tiny garrisons of Rune Knights started to line up beside the original group’s marching. Clearly, they were headed in the same direction, though it didn’t do much good in helping their momentum. Cleona had not noticed at first, but it began to seem they were all heading toward the pixies original destination – the train station.

    When she reached the train station, Cleona awed at the sight of all the Rune Knights. They ran frantically around, trying to keep civilians out of the way whilst a knight with a bull horn shouted at the office area of the train station. Judging from the conversation, Cleona guessed that some maniac had just been fired from his job and was threatening to blow apart the entire station along with its inhabitants. Yup, just another day at the Crocus Capital Train Station. As much as she wanted to watch a huge explosion, the tired pixie did not feel like walking – or flying – all the way back to the Basilisk Fang guild hall. Thus, she felt it necessary that she do the contrary of what the Rune Knights suggested and involve herself in the situation, less she ware out her already-spent wings and boots.

    By bribing an idiotic knight with pixie dust, Cleona secured herself the obnoxious bull horn and took over the hostage negotiation. In all honesty though, she worried more about the train than she did the hostages in the train station. The crowd watched on the tips of their toes as the pixie began talking with the stressed man, who identified himself as Jackson. Jackson displayed an obvious panic in his voice and expressed how upset he was over losing his job. He went on to explain how sorry he was that his mother would inevitably see this and why he wished he had not stolen from the company. Then came the waterworks, the awful waterworks in which Jackson sobbed like a little boy who could not handle the consequences he had chosen. The sound of a grown man crying his eyes out was somewhat hilarious to Cleona; she even had to take a minute to enjoy the noise.

    After listening to the crescendo of whining, Cleona took the tough love approach with Jackson by telling him his mother would be ashamed of him if he blew up the train station’s office with the people in it. She went on to inform him that the Rose Garden Train Station needed some more employees and that he could easily get a job there; although, she decided not to mention the probability that he’d be arrested as soon as he stepped out of the train station. After a little more whining, Jackson finally submitted and walked out, believing in Cleona’s words. Bam! The Rune Knights were right on him. With that, the station was saved and Cleona could go home. The people being in the train station’s office even hailed the pixie as a hero and gave her their salary. Needless to say, she was a tad upset to be depicted as a hero rather than a villain, though she couldn’t complain about the jewels.

    Cleona Collins
    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    WC: 773/750
    PC: 1/1

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:27 pm