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    Kyo's Magic {WIP}


    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 12
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Kyo's Magic {WIP} Empty Kyo's Magic {WIP}

    Post by Kyofu 9th March 2015, 8:03 pm


    Primary Magic: Gravity
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    With the use of Gravity Magic, Kyofu can manipulate and control gravity via various gestures and movements. Using the movements of his hands, fingers, head etc. These gestures and movements are common with caster type magic but gravity magic can also be utilized without any movements at all. Kyofu is able to freely increase or decrease the amount of gravity in the area around him with devastating effects. By applying this gravitational power to incoming enemy attacks, Kyofu is capable of rendering them harmless by dragging them down to the ground. Gravity can be used to lift objects, even gigantic ones, and people alike and to move them around in the air; in addition, when concentrated around a single opponent, it can cause the latter great pain.

    Gravity Magic has a large range of offensive and defensive properties. It is strong enough to easily crush solid earth, and can even be used to destroy other Magics. This Magic is also capable of suspending people or objects in midair,or to divert the course of natural phenomena around the user, such as rain, snow etc.


    :: Versatile: Can be used for offensive, defensive and support.

    :: Large Range: Extremely long range that the magic can effect

    :: Physical Prowess: Gravity magic when used in tandem with hand to hand combat makes the user become a deadly weapon, increasing their physical strength and combative abilities, thus making them stronger than the norm at there rank.


    :: Unable to effect non-physical objects such as fire and lightning

    :: User will be unable to fully control the magic until they become more experienced

    :: Non-selective: The user is the only person immune to the effects, anyone or anything within the area of effect will be effected.

    :: Unable to use elemental based magic.

    Beast Pride:
    Description: In human evolution there were genetic mutations that eventually lead to the creation of new species. All other human species, apart from the modern human, were thought to have all been eradicated. However, back in the days when humans still lived very close to nature, a genetic mutation took place that would stay unnoticed for millennia. Humans with these genes could understand animals and communicate on a more sophisticated level than speech. When these humans mastered magic, their unique genes allowed them to take on specific traits of animals with which they had bonded. As these humans continued to mix with those who did not posses these genes the gifts that came along with them grew weaker. Only those in which the genes are present and strong enough can still use these abilities.
    Ability: The user can communicate with animals telepathically. When they share a bond with a creature ( must be a pet ) they can use a weaker version of their pet's abilities once.
    Usage: Depends on the pet's abilities. The rank is automatically 1 rank lower than the rank of the pet's ability. The cooldown is increased by 1 and the duration can be anywhere from instant to 2 posts maximum. Passive Abilities can be used 3 times per thread and only last 3 posts, Active Abilities can be used 2 times per thread.

    Unique Abilities:

    :: Flight: Thanks to his ability to control the gravity around him, Kyofu is able to take flight  in the form of levitation.

    :: Wallcrawling: redirect one's personal gravity, allowing movement on walls and/or ceilings.

    :: Increased Strength: surrounding one's body in a gravitational field to amplify physical strength. 20% strength increase over the average his rank.


    Name: Gravy Push
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell.  You must have at least three strengths. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: Drop Dead
    Rank: D
    Type: offensive
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell.  You must have at least three strengths. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: Zero Gravity
    Rank: D
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell.  You must have at least three strengths. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    Name: Reis
    Rank: D
    Type: . Offensive
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed, Range, Area of Effect, and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier). All of these are as appropriate. Some spells wont have a speed, some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. You must have at least three strengths. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 2:28 am