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    Gravity Magic Signature, C, D Rank


    Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 121
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Netherice
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Gravity Magic Signature, C, D Rank Empty Gravity Magic Signature, C, D Rank

    Post by Amanaki 9th January 2017, 5:38 pm

    Phaje the Gravity Mage
    Caster or Holder: Lost Caster Magic

    Description: Gravity Magic is one that has been lost to time. Not many know about it, and its even harder to research, making it a very rare art. One must practically study at the foot of another to learn it, making it more of a passed down than written art. Gravity Magic is one of the hardest arts to master, but also one of the most intriguing.

    Phaje uses gravity magic in the manner his father taught him. “The arena is your chess board, and your enemies and allies are your pieces and your enemys' pieces. This magic is different though. YOU can also move your opponents' pieces. They will never look at you the same again.” The whole basis of the way Phaje was taught was to play a game of strategy. To predict and counter. To stay back as long as you can before laying down “the law of the king.” Phaje uses gravity as a support, offensive and defensive magic, with an emphasis of self preservation.


    -Control: This magic boasts control of the battlefield. It is best for controlling the terrain, as well as positioning

    -Defensive: this magic tends to cause the caster to keep others at a distance as needed.

    -Confusion of Enemies: While utilizing the abilities of Gravity it can often throw someone into a confused state and make them feel like they are up against something they can't counter.


    - Other Mages: Other mages of higher levels tend to feel the effects less

    - Mobility: Some spells, while powerful, require the caster to remain planted. Often they user does not move but rather moves others to or away from him, like a game of chess, making him predictable and arrogant.

    - Distractions: The magic requires near perfect concentration in order to use effectively. If the user is distracted by anything, it can cause the entirety his strategy to fall apart, forcing him to rethink on the fly.

    - Friendly Fire: Because of its large area of effect spells, Gravity Mages may sometimes have trouble fighting alongside allies if the user isn’t careful enough, as they can accidentally hit their own.

    Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Description: King Kuroryu was said to be a mage who lost his ability to use magic in return he was able to use the powers of the very powerful dragon Muko, a void dragon. Kuroryu had killed Muko, but the dragon's soul had no where to go and latched itself onto Kuroryu - leeching Kuroryu's magical abilities but converting it to something else... something far stronger. Kuroryu never had a real name instead he dubbed himself "Black Dragon." King Kuroryu sought out to establish his own kingdom and adventured to foreign lands where he lead a revolution to stop a wicked necromancer that caused destruction. Kuroryu soon became King, and 7 warriors that fought with him in the epic war that struggled for decades had become knights of Kuroryu. Each Knight was powerful and served Kuroryu, until Shinokishi killed 5 of the knights by challenging each one to a due - leaving his brother the Knight of Black Ice free alive. Kuroryu was furious that his brethren had died and an epic battle between Shinokishi and Kuroryu started. The battle lasted 7 days - but in the end neither one could win. Kuroryu used a forbidden void dragon technique sealing himself and Shinokishi into the void. Parts of the king's soul managed to escape the void and latched itself onto chosen ones that would carry out his will. Granting the chosen ones power of the one great, void dragon.
    Ability: The user is able to use the magic energy of an incoming spell to create a void on that spell itself, negating it by trapping it in the void. The spells that are trapped into the void transfer half of what the MP would have cost for this lineage’s user to cast.(So a A-rank user of this ability would receive 10% MP from an A-rank spell being absorbed seeing as it would cost them 20% to cast it)
    Usage: This ability can be used on spells equal to or lower than the user’s own rank(Max S-rank) and once per 10 posts.


    Wall Walk: By understanding gravity at an advanced level, Phaje understands that anything that has mass has gravity. Through intense training and meditation, he has learned to naturally walk on any surface, regardless of orientation. Be it the wall or ceiling, he is able to walk on surfaces upside down, sideways, or any other orientation.

    Intense Gravity Training: Through intense training with gravity, Phaje has honed his body into a weapon of its own right, Dealing 25% Spell Rank Damage to melee due to his understanding of how gravity has an impact on blows, and increasing his speed by 25% for all the training he has put in during his time as a gravity mage

    Repulsion of Harm: Phaje has learned how gravity further effects object and spells, and thus takes less damage by naturally using gravity to lessen the damage he recieves by 15%.


    Name: Gravity Well

    Rank: D
    Duration: 2 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts

    Description: Matter begins to collapse in the space around Phaje, causing an infinite amount of gravity to gather in front of Phaje. This basically produces a mini blackhole, drawing everyone in from 15 meters or closer. All of those drawn in towards the mini blackhole are unable to move their body. While drawing everyone in, Phaje must remain stationary. Everyone caught in the pull are unable to move for the first post.

    On the second post, the micro blackhole collapses and explodes, pushing all but the caster back with a shockwave dealing 75% equivalent damage to all caught in the blast in magic damage and ejects everyone 15 meters away from him. Higher level mages can resist the pull of the gravity.

    - Good for crowd control
    - Good for gathering targets into a small area for a massive attack on them.
    - Capable of causing targets to not be able to move.
    - Cannot pull in foes of 2 ranks higher than Phaje. Mages 1 rank higher are effected by the pull, but are able to perform higher level magic
    - Higher ranking mages can deal damage while pulled it towards Phaje.
    - During the first post, he is incapable of doing anything while drawing everyone in.
    - Gravity mages aren't affected by the pull or push.
    - If someone uses an AoE to the grouping of enemies while Phaje is in the center of it, he too will take damage
    -This spell will also draw allies in if they are in the radius
    -Pushback does not effect anchored individuals, damage still applies

    Name: Intensify
    Rank: D
    Type: Buff for Weapon, Debuff otherwise
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Phaje targets an weapon, person, armor, or item. The chosen doubles in weight causing the following effects:
    If a weapon, it becomes unwieldy and attacks become slower and easier to avoid, making it harder to hit their target. If they do hit, the damage is increased by 25% due to the increased momentum and weight.
    If an armor, person or animal, it doubles in weight, slowing down the wearer by 25%
    This ability also causes anyone in the air to fall, often used to cause damage in conjunction with Weightless.

    - Good for slowing down opposition
    - Capable of causing targets to not be able to move as fast
    - While heavier weapons can be slower, they can also hurt a bit more.
    - Requips could nullify
    - Doesn't affect mages that are a higher level than Phaje

    Name: Weightless
    Rank: D
    Type: Utility
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Phaje targets a person, animal or item up to the size of about a car. Gravity nullifies and they become weightless, floating uncontrollably. If the wind is strong, this can cause the target to fly away.

    - Good for slowing down opposition
    - Capable of throwing the enemy off, making them have to rethink strategy
    -if the enemy uses magic, the force of the magic will make the enemy fly away
    - Causes the target to blow around if winds are strong, making them easy to lose
    -If used as a buff, can be harmful
    - Doesnt effect anchored individuals
    - Gravity Mages can choose to be immune
    - only effects mages of higher level half as much. While they will float, using magic wont make them fly back and the wind doesn't seem to have an effect on them

    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Defensive
    Duration: instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Phaje targets someone, either pushing them away or pulling them towards him. He either pulls them in from up to 20 meters away to his location, or pushes them from an area no further than 15 meters from him an additional 20 meters away.

    - Good for slowing down opposition or bringing the opposition closer
    - Good crowd control
    -Can position the enemy at optimal position unintentionally
    - Doesn't effect anchored individuals
    - Only works half as well on Higher mages
    - Non Damaging

    Name: Fall
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Debuff
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Activating this ability will push individuals towards the ground and away from phaje. He can target 1 target per spell rank. Fall tends to make the targets crash to the ground, doing C rank spell damage if one target, D rank spell damage for 2 targets, and 75% of D rank spell damage if 3 or more damage to each. This is related to them hitting the ground with amazing force. For the round they are immobile, for the next round they move at half speed. Targets all have to be within 10 meters of each other, with the first not being further than 20 meters away
    - Good Crowd Control
    - Good multi target control
    - Deals less damage with the more targets
    - Doesn’t have effect on those who are one rank or higher than Phaje

    Name: Intensity Aura
    Rank: C
    Type: Buff
    Duration: 4
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: Phaje intensifies the gravity around him, allowing him to utilize gravity to strengthen his blows. This increases his damage from melee strikes by 25% of C Rank spell damage as magical damage.
    - Increased damage on melee strikes
    - Stacks with Increased Gravity Training
    - Effect only gives buffs for close range
    - Does not cause any damage

    Name: Gravity Blast
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Description: Phaje creates an area of pressure from his hands, then discharges it forward, effecting those in front of him. This does C rank damage and pushes the people in front of him back 25 meters. Does not push back higher ranked mages.
    - Can hit more than one target
    - Does decent damage
    - Allies can get caught up in the blast
    - Only affects mages of one rank higher by pushing them back 15 foot
    - Does not push back mages of 2 ranks higher than Phaje.

    Name: Propelled Blow
    Rank: D Rank Signature
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: None
    Description: Phaje cloaks his limbs in intense gravity, causing his blows to do D rank damage as well as normal damage on melee attacks.
    - Improved melee damage
    - Stacks with buffs for damage
    - Damage is only at close range
    - Does half spell damage to those who are of higher rank than Phaje

    Name: Prodigious PUSH
    Rank: Scaling Signature
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: None
    Description: Phaje creates a gravity pocket that pushes all people and items within a scaling radius away from him by the same radius.
    C Rank 30 meters
    B Rank 35 meters
    A Rank 45 meters
    S Rank 50 meters
    SS Rank 60 meters
    H Rank 75 meters

    - Good Crowd Control
    - No push effect on higher level casters, only damage
    - This spell will also effect allies in the area
    - Pushback does not affect other gravity mages

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:20 pm