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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)


    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 26th October 2014, 5:07 am

    Mission Briefing:
    To say Marcus was angry was an understatement. Livid was more accurate, or perhaps furious, as he approached the docks of Hargeon Town, reading over the job posting he'd ripped from the job board back in Fairy Tail's guildhouse.

    "Slavers, with a higher bounty if they're brought back alive. Can't stand slavers... but might be worth making sure they live just to make sure they pay for everyone whose lives they've ruined." He muttered, glancing next to him at Krow, having officially teamed up with him after a rather... eventful take down of a small army of bandits. Team Dragon Busters was the moniker they'd picked, and it was the name he'd listed as accepting the job. This seemed pretty cut and dry, after all.

    The slaves needed to come out of this unharmed, which wouldn't be hard if they played things right. "Thinking we beat up slavers till their bosses show up." He muttered, crumpling the job posting up, and cramming it back into his pocket, before he started forming shells in one hand, loading them into his Caliber Knuckle. Knuckle Bomb. Knuckle Bomb, Knuckle Bomb... all six his trademark explosive spell. Looked like he was planning to really cause some damage.

    "Think if we yell loud enough, they'll come and try to get us?" He smirked a little, pivoting his left shoulder to stretch it a little as he came to a stop in the part of the docks that supposedly belonged to Captain Scarlet and her crew. "Let's find out!" He then took a deeeeeep breath.



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 29th October 2014, 4:06 pm

    Krow much like his partner, was pretty pissed off, not just at the kind of people who they were facing off against, but also at the fact the Rune Knight's wanted the mastermind's to be brought in alive. "Stupid ass Rune-ya!! What's the point of keeping pieces' of crap like this alive!?" He snapped angrily almost in perfect sync to his partner saying, "Slavers, with a higher bounty if they're brought back alive. Can't stand slavers... but might be worth making sure they live just to make sure they pay for everyone whose lives they've ruined." Their similar personalities and apparent beliefs being a part of why the two were able to form a team.

    "Sounds good to me." Krow said while cracking his knuckles as they kept on walk through Hargeon Town. The fire dragon slayer, unlike his partner didn't need to do any sort of prep work. He instead found himself more engrossed in trying to scare off nearby civilians. Some of which he could hear muttering as he passed by them. Some saying this or that about the large scar on his right forearm. All scars were meant to be a reddish hue, but this wasn't a normal scar. While his flesh, at the moment, looked normal, the scar was a pale lifeless white. Krow glaring at those who commented upon it. The pissed off look on his mug doing the trick. As the civilians backed off and did everything in their power to distance themselves from the mages. The demonic dragon doing this with the unconscious desire to get them out of harms way. He wasn't worried about the slavers harming them, he was worried about what might happen if he were to lose control again. He still hadn't found it, the one weapon that could potentially help him lessen the overwhelming influence of Cain.

    The two eventually arriving at the docks that were part of Captain Scarlet and her crews territory. "If they have a ship..." Krow due to his own absentminded mention of transportation slumping forward. The look on his mug now being that of someone trying desperately to hold down their breakfast. "... break it..." He managed to mutter the last bit as he steadily regained his composure. A few second later his partner yelled,


    Last edited by Krow on 9th November 2014, 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by NPC 29th October 2014, 4:06 pm

    The member 'Krow' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 29th October 2014, 5:42 pm

    The response was rapid, over thirty slavers, most of them seeming to be nervous, newbie types, practically pouring out of the woodwork around the group, though most seemed to come from a ship with bright red sails. Scarlet, you might say. Marcus' eyes flicked around him to get a feel for just what he and Krow were up against. And his appraisal of the small horde that they were pitted against?

    "This all you got?" He muttered, eyes narrowing dangerously, the young mage cracking his knuckles, before readying his knuckle. He was actually glad there was a small army between him, Krow, and this bunch of thugs' bosses. Because there was NO way he was going to be satisfied beating up only a couple guards. As he hunkered down, ready to start the upcoming brawl, he glanced at Krow. "We wanna give these guys a minute to go get some friends? This almost doesn't seem fair."

    He was smirking, but it didn't reach his eyes, making him look almost predatory as he turned his attention back to the assorted Slavers. "Well? C'MON!" Spurred on by his words, and the more experienced slavers behind them, several groups of the more inexperienced slavers rushed forward, about 10 of them total, rushed towards the two mages, five towards Krow, as the other five came at Marcus, as gun-wielding slavers began taking aim.

    "Make sure they don't get away t'get help!" One of the veteran slavers yelled, as Marcus just grinned. "Who's running? This party just got started."



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 31st October 2014, 6:44 pm

    Krow watched as a large group of twenty-five newbie slavers, six slightly more experienced slavers, and two who definitely knew what they were doing, flooded off of the boat and positioned themselves to assault Marcus and himself. Krow's eyes were stuck upon the boat they had come off of. "Son... Of... A... Bitch...", he muttered as he fell forward onto his hand and knees shuttering. "...You Bastards That's Playing Dirty...Transportation Kills...", Krow continued as he steadily regained his composure. He panted heavily, his breathing becoming ragged as he said, "I'm Gonna Kill All Of Ya Bastards!!" He snapped at the horde of slavers as he cracked his knuckles, now grinning confidently.

    "Screw That Noise! I'ma Kill The Bastards!" Krow snapped angrily at Marcus as he slammed his right hands, fist clenched into the open palm of his left hand flames surging from between these points of impact. Krow would swing his right arm off to its respective side as his right forearm was engulfed by an abysmal black miasma, a holy white miasma flowing from the large scar on his right forearm. Krow watched as five of the in-experienced slavers rushed him.

    He would swing his right arm forward as he shouted, "No One Could Buy Or Sell Unless He Had The Mark, Which Is The Name Of The Beast Or The Number Of His Name! Here Is Wisdom! Let He Who Has Understanding Calculate The Number Of The Beast, For It Is The Number Of A Man: His Number Is VI VI VI!!" As Krow's arm was thrown forth the black and white miasma's bursting forth from his entire body, his right forearm, with the exception of the white scar had turned an abysmal black. His arm shrouded by a black, white, and sanguine red miasma. Krow's overall power seeming to sky rocket as he let loose a long demonically depraved fit of laughter.

    Krow stepped forth, his body moving across the wooden planks of the docks at such an incredible speed that he was nothing move than a black and white blur of after-images as he swiftly dispatched of the five newbie slavers. Krow, albeit in a slightly more demonic state of being would appear for an instant behind the first slaver. He tapped the slaver on the shoulder with his right index finger before drawing said arm backwards. "Where Are You Looking Vermin!?" Krow questioned in a clearly demonic tone.

    The slaver swinging around just as flames spiraled down along his right arm only to engulf it as the white and black ethernano burst forth from his tightly clenched fist and mixed with his fire dragon slayer magic. Krow, as he threw his arm forward slamming his incredibly enhanced punch into the slaver's face launching him backwards would say, "Chaos Flame Dragon's Iron Fist!". Due to the augmentative properties of the applied chaos magic the slaver was sent slamming through the wooden planks of the docks ripping them apart as he was carried of by the explosion's sheer concussive force. The explosion blowing back the other four slaver's.

    "Pathetic. I Hope This Captain Of Your's Is Stronger!" Krow taunted as body became a scattered blur of white and black after images once more. The four slaver's that had been carried off by the shock wave released by the explosion, being knocked about in the air four hits each before they even hit it once. All four slaver's being punched in the gut full force as their finishers. Their crippled bodies slamming into right through the wooden planks of the docks. The explosion's released by these punches like the first, being  flurry of dragonic fire and chaos magic.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 9th November 2014, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 31st October 2014, 7:18 pm

    That was... different. But Marcus wasn't going to complain as Krow wiped out the set of newbies rushing him, as Marcus followed suit, rushing the first set of slavers, and driving his fist into the lead attacker's chest. "KNUCKLE BOMB!" The resulting gunshot drowned out the startled cries of the slavers as his unfortunate target was stunned. The rest? Blown clear off the dock. Fighting in a space confined only by a lack of terrain? Not the best idea when facing someone who specialized in -smacking people around-. Unfortunately, he then simply punched the stunned slaver in the face, turning to face another five that were coming at him, the rest of the newbies rushing Krow, as the more experienced slavers started taking shots at the two heroes.

    Marcus' response? Dive into the crowd of newbies and use them as cover, cracking them over the head as the gunfire made the thugs worry more about getting shot that taking him out. Unfortunately one of them was going to wind up not getting a choice, as Marcus grabbed him, using him as a human shield. Of course, that still meant he was getting shot at, almost growling a moment as he charged towards one of the gun-weilders, who was actually the only one shooting at him. The other five were more concerned with Krow.

    And once he was in range, he slammed the newbie, headfirst, into the more experienced slaver, staggering him, as Marcus let go of his unfortunate temporary weapon, forced to block the cutlass with his Knuckle.



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 1st November 2014, 11:22 am

    Krow rushed towards the slaver's that had taken aim at him with their pistols. Five of the slaver's shooting off their pistols in unison causing the mage to halt his advance. The iron projectiles would soon be reduced to puddles. Krow swinging his arms out in front of himself as if he were going to catch the bullets in the palm of his hands. The fire dragon slayer swinging his arms in a large circular motion as flames trailed after these motions in bulk. The produced flames spiraling inwards only to form a large vortex of flames. "Fire Dragon's Backlash" The bullets upon hitting the vortex being melted with astounding ease. Krow keeping this defense up until the five seemed to have run out of bullets.

    Krow grinned his body seemed to blur and he covered the distance between himself and the slaver's in an instant. He would punch each slaver full force in their faces throwing them back with an astounding amount of brute force. Krow indeed was already physically stronger than most mages his own rank, but his current brute strength seemed well beyond normal, even for him. Krow watched as the slaver's were thrown across the wooden docks destroying the docks further.

    The remaining six having moved onto the rooftop behind Krow. Two of them throwing their bodies forward off of the rooftop. They were preparing to stab Krow in the back with their daggers. Krow however was lucky enough to hear the noise they had been making up on the rooftop. The fire mage swinging around use his new found speed to launch himself high up into the air. He had however underestimated his jumping power and flew past the slaver's without them noticing. "Shit. I went too high." He said his body swung about in the air. He descended upon the falling slaver's as flames ripped forth from his right leg. His body still twisting as the black and white energies of the chaos magic spiraled around his leg. Krow threw his right leg downward swinging it in an arcing motion that allowed him to slam his chaos and dragon fire covered leg into the slaver's cranium as th words, "Chaos Flame Dragon's Claw" slamming him into his comrade so that they stabbed each other. Krow snickering as he hit the ground. "Dumbasses. I'm not that easy to kill, ya'know?"

    Krow spotting the four remaining slaver's would rush towards them. This time just like with his jump earlier, he kicked off the ground with a bit too much force sending him flying past the slaver's. He was however quick to stop and launch himself back at them. At the last moment he would drop down onto the ground and swipe his left leg which was now set ablaze with a flurry of flames and chaos magic. He knocked the four foes off their feet. He would swing his body in a manner that let him launch them all high up into the air. He once more used his augmented strength and speed to cover the large distance into the air. Krow arriving in the air behind the first slaver would place his hand upon the slaver's back. He would apply just enough pressure to swing him within the air so they were face to face before Krow headbutted him full force. Krow apply dragon fire to his feet to hold more hang time. He would swiftly land powerful magic-less kicks to the three remaining slavers slamming them through the docks and into the sea.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 9th November 2014, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
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    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by NPC 1st November 2014, 11:22 am

    The member 'Krow' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Boss Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 1st November 2014, 12:03 pm

    Marcus, and the slavers, were dumbfounded as Krow effectively dismantled the first wave, the young mage dropping to the dock just in time to avoid being swept away with the rest of them. He wasn't sure what'd come over Krow but... with the way he was taking these guys apart, he certainly wasn't gonna complain! It was making their job a lot easier. Of course, even as he thought it, he realized that he might have just jinxed them, as a man, clad in an almost stereotypically pirate garb, came into view on the deck of Scarlet's ship, a pair of cutlasses strapped to his hips.

    And he looked pissed.

    "THE REST OF YEH GET OUT THERE AND KILL THOSE TWO! WHAT'RE WE PAYIN YA FOR!?" The man, clearly the First Mate, Carver, bellowed, as slavers just poured out of the ship, rushing the two mages, as Marcus grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Now we're talkin." He muttered, getting ready, before meeting the oncoming charge with a Knuckle Bomb, blowing back several of the slavers en masse, rendering them unconscious as he grinned. NOW things were getting fun.

    Up on the deck, though, Carver watched, eyes narrowed as he, for now, simply observed the two mages. A skilled swordsman didn't just rush into a fight, after all. But with the way these two were going, he might just have to call the Captain, soon. He really hoped he didn't have to call the Captain.

    The Captain was scary. And this was coming from a pirate.



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 2nd November 2014, 11:28 am

    Krow snickered in that strange demonic tone, his right eye having seemed to change a bit over the past few minutes in which he had been fighting. His eyes were normally right eye black, left eye red, but they were now both red and his right sclera had turned an abysmal black. His right pupil was also altered having gone from a simple dot to a slit that covered the length of his reddened right iris.

    Krow & Cain:

    Krow's eyes flipped open as he watched even more of the underlings flood out of the massive boat as a man, most likely the first mate yelled, "THE REST OF YEH GET OUT THERE AND KILL THOSE TWO! WHAT'RE WE PAYIN YA FOR!?" Krow's sclera were now both an abysmal black, his pupils both altered into slits. The possessed fire dragon slayer snickered as he walked towards the rapidly approaching horde of enemies.

    The first one being a dagger wielding newbie who lunged at Cain attempting a downward thrust frontal assault. Cain simply snatching the crook by his cranium while igniting his forearm and hand with dragon fire tainted by Chaos Magic staining the flames a mixture of white and black. Krow using them flames to slam this first newbie into one of his comrades before rushing past them. The two slavers being blasted back behind Cain a good twenty five feet as he said, "Chaos Flame Dragon's Wing Attack". The docks along their journey back behind Cain ripping up the docks even more. Thus hindering any future hopes of running away. Except by taking off in their ship.

    Cain's feet skidding upon the docks ripping them up as he swung his body so his right elbow was thrust towards the nearest veteran slaver who was a large man wielding a ridiculously over-sized six-shooter. The man shooting as Cain who used his insane speed to dodge all six shots and slam his elbow into the base of the slavers chin. As he struck this slaver he would produce a mixture of black white chaos magic tainted dragon fire and said, "Chaos Flame Dragon's Burst Elbow". The resulting explosion demolishing the docks and wiping out four more newbie slavers.

    Cain busting into a horrendous hysterical fit of laughter throwing his demonic tones to the azure skies above as he yelled, "FINALLY! I'M FREE FROM THAT DAMNED PRISON! I'M GOING TO ENJOY FEASTING ON YOUR DEPRAVED SOULS!!" Cain expelling a massive shroud of sanguine smoke which was quite literally living. The sanguine smoke blanketing the sky above this massive brawl, drowning out the bright sun looming just above them. The smoke coming to life as it engulfed ten of the newbie slavers and entering their bodies via their mouth and nose. The smoke acting upon Cain's rage-filled will would cause the possessed to rip each other apart limb by limb and eat each others flesh. Once all seven teen of the slavers had killed each other the smoke would return to Cain's Vessel, Krow effectively replenishing his ethernano reserves.

    Cain, now feeling somewhat nauseous, would sway from side to side a bit off guard. Despite this, he still managed to knock out the remaining seven newbie slavers. The first one receiving a solid right hook to the face. The fire dragon slayer would swing out of this punch and backhand the second newbie slaver full force in the face. He held onto the slaver and swung him around, using the poor crook as a make-shift weapon with which he beat the crap out of the remaining five slavers. He would finish off by throwing the second one, the one he had just weaponized full force sending him flying well beyond the ship before he hit the water and sank like a bag of bricks.

    Battle Stats:

    Skill Log:

    Enemy Log:

    Last edited by Krow on 16th November 2014, 2:40 pm; edited 6 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 2nd November 2014, 2:03 pm

    Marcus paused, seeing as it seemed like Krow... lost his mind, about to debate trying to stop him, before his attention turned to the slavers closing in around him. With a smirk, as they all started to pile in on him, there was a gleam of light from his Knuckle, before he drove it into the dock below him. The resulting blast -disintegrated- the deck from under him, and his attackers, dumping them into the ocean. However, Marcus himself never hit the water, using his Knuckle to launch himself back onto the deck, to rush one of the Slavers, ducking his first shot, and uppercutting him before he got off a second, ducking behind him to cause him to get shot in the back by another gunman. Then, using another shell to propel himself, he shoved both slavers off this portion of the docks' remains.

    Of course, that still left a great number of newbie slavers to rush him, as Marcus started letting blows fly, engulfed in the middle of a brawl that... he was winning, blows missing him, even hitting one another as he dove into the chaotic melee. Glimpses of him smashing his armored gauntlet into someone's face, an elbow into the nose, a body blow... he was weaving back and forth, avoiding the worst of the damage, until finally, he stood, surrounded by unconscious slavers, eyes narrowed as he looked up at the cutlass-wielding First Mate.

    "Well... guess s'you and me, 'ey, boyo?" Carver smirked, drawing his dual cutlasses. "Fat chance. GET 'IM!"

    "Wha?" Marcus blinked, looking back as more of the slavers grouped up behind him. And worryingly, a lot of them had guns. "... uh oh."



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 9th November 2014, 11:21 am

    The sanguine smoke swirled through the sky above, on the ground one group of newbie slavers was stomping on an immobilized Krow. While his partner Marcus fought off the other slavers. The sanguine smoke coiling around the slavers surrounding Krow, not only engulfing them, but also entering their very beings and draining a portion of their souls. All ten of the newbie slavers falling forward incapacitated from the possession. The smoke then entering Krow's body via his mouth and nose reviving his vessel. Krow stumbling around would keel over the side of what little was left of the docks and began vomiting. As he did this some more of the newbie slavers gathered behind him. Krow standing up would turn around to find himself surrounded by a rather large crowd of slaver's. He lost count of them after counting off ten of them but just shrugged it off and said, "Bring it on ya dumbasses."

    Krow watched as a group of newbie slavers charged him. He waited till the first two had closed in on him and simply jumped into the air, his body lifting up higher than planned. He let his body flip within the air, as he was coming down he grab the slaver's by the back of their heads and made them headbutt each other. As he let go of them he would shove them over the edge of the destroyed docks. The momentum from shoving off the guard sending him backwards. He would now land with his feet slammed into the faces of two other newbie slavers. This being used to kick them backwards and slam them face first into remaining wooden planks. The sheer force however, had other plans, as they were sent through the docks and into the water.

    Krow turning his attention towards Marcus as he dodged a downward thrust dagger slash from one of the slavers. "Mar-ya, stop messing with this small fry. I'll handle them. You just kick his ass, but the Captain's mine, GOT IT!?" He yelled towards his partner as he swung around and delivered a heavy right hook to the slaver who had just tried to slice him open. While doing this his guard was down for a moment, a few bullets whizzed passed him. He was still dazed from earlier, so he hadn't noticed one of them had actually ripped through his right side. No internal injuries were cause, a clean through and through. The pain hitting him a few seconds later his right hands came over the wound. "Fuck. This isn't working." Krow said as flames burst forth from his right hand and flooded the path the bullet had taken through him. He gave an oddly agonized scream for being who he was. Just as he managed to seal this wound one of the veteran slavers would have kicked him in the gut sending him flying. The fire mage slamming into the ground pretty hard.

    "Ugh. You asshole that hurt!" He snapped at the slaver angrily. The group of slaver's busting into a fit of laughter. "What are you some kind of idiot? We aren't going to just hurt you. We are going to kill you punk." Krow listened to this as he pulled himself from the ground. As he head was lifted, it would be shown the upper half of his face was hidden within an abysmal shadow, his eyes glowing a fierce red. "You're gonna do what?" He ask as he took a few steps forwad, his last step slamming his right foot into the wooden docks shattering them. The force of this launching him forward at a speed that let him rip through the slavers. Their bodies piling up behind and over his being as he began to lose his speed. He would thrust upward sending the pile of beaten slavers flying into the air. He had made sure to miss the one's who had spoke of killing him. He had a much worse fate planned for them.

    Battle Status:

    Last edited by Krow on 11th November 2014, 5:41 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 9th November 2014, 12:00 pm

    Marcus nodded to himself as he heard Krow, leaping onto crates of supplies the slavers had been loading up, making his way up towards the deck of the ship, taking some gunfire as he clambered onto the deck, rolling to a stop, and gripping his right shoulder with his gauntlet. But, he stood up, ejecting a single Shell from his gauntlet, panting a little before he took a deep breath, staring down the first mate as he started loading shells into his gauntlet.

    "That's a wicked look y'got there, boyo. Y'think y'can handle me by yerself? Cuz yer lookin a lil winded there." Carver smirked, twirling his cutlasses as magic glowed around his boots. Marcus' eyes narrowed as he saw his opponent was another evil mage, but however, he didn't rise to the taunt... at least, not how Carver expected him to, the mage smirking a little as he continued calmly loading new shells into the Caliber Knuckle.

    "Trust me. I've had worse." He called back across the deck, remembering his face off with another evil mage. "In fact, if ya want, you can go get some friends if you're scared of facing me alone!" Carver's eyes narrowed at that, and he got ready to dash towards the Fairy Tail mage. "Y'asked fer it, ya little brat. HERE I COME!" Then, with a flicker, he was gone, closing into attack range, and unleashing a flurry of strikes.

    The first, Marcus dodged on reflex, eyes wide as he realized how outmatched he was in terms of speed. The second nicked off some of his hair, the third cut across his middle, a shallow, but painful cut, causing him to stagger a moment... before Carver kicked him to the deck, rolling farther onto the ship, where Krow couldn't help him, towards the mast.

    "Yer gonna just be another notch on me belt, boy! No one can keep up with me!"



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
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    Age : 31

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 11th November 2014, 12:04 am

    Krow had managed, within the actions he took to defeat some of the remaining henchmen to observe the current state of affairs between Marcus and Carver. This distraction leading to his being caught off guard by a blow to the back of his head from one of the veteran slavers. This seeming to have ripped control of their body away from Krow and thrust it back into the sick and twisted control of Cain. The Knight of Hell letting loose a blood curdling fit of laughter as he reached out, clutching the leg of the veteran slaver he jerked him down to the ground, while Cain himself seemed to lift himself up off the ground.

    "Krow you worthless piece of shit. Trying to fight me for dominance is going to kill you... if I don't do it first." Cain muttered to himself as he began swinging the veteran slaver around like a flail of sorts. Soon the slaver was released and sent slamming into the remaining newbie slavers. Cain let them all regain their composure, watching through a narrowed gaze as the slaver's gathered around him. "You mortals never learn...." Cain said with much more than a hint of disdain. The sanguine smoke from earlier bursting forth in a massive torrent from the Knight of Hell's vessel. The now knocked out meat suit falling forward to met the remnants of the docks with a loud thud. The sanguine smoke in an instant flooding the bodies of the slaver's. Most of them easily being robbed of their free will. Those which hadn't been possessed had run off in fear of what was to come next.

    One by one the bodies would fall. The slaver's this time instead of killing off one another had turned their weapons upon themselves. Those who had guns making swiss cheese out of themselves. Those who had daggers seeming to slice themselves up like fish. While those without actual weapons, threw themselves into the paths of their allies weapons. When all was said and done, there was only eight slaver's left standing. Those who had already fallen prey to Cain's sadistic demands having sanguine smoke pouring from their every orifice and wound. All of this smoke flooding into the surviving eight slaver's we were still in range.

    Cain's Interrogation (Only One Slaver Being Interrogated):

    Krow's eyes opening to a scene of pure carnage. The fire mage vomiting as the nausea from having Cain return to his body hit him. He could handle the carnage and the mutilated bodies. Those were a gift Cain had been leaving for him for years now, he still felt remorse nonetheless. "Fuck.... I couldn't stop him. Its just like THAT night all over again." Krow stammered before vomiting once more. He just barely managed to drag himself off of the ground and beat the shit out of the remaining slaver's. His body eventually dropped back and what could only be taken as snoring left him as he hit the ground.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 16th November 2014, 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 11th November 2014, 12:56 am

    Perhaps fortunately, Marcus couldn't yet truly see the carnage that had been unleashed by Cain, the mage picking himself up as he glared at Carver. "So... issat all you got?" He muttered, smirking a little as the pirate glared. "I mean, I've felt worse from my grandma." His smirk became a cocky grin. "And she's dead!"

    "Ya little shit! When I'm through with ya yer gonna-" Carver began, blurring towards Marcus... as the young man took a knee, his fist slamming into the deck under him. "Wha-"

    "GOO KNUCKLE!" The oncoming wave of sticky slime washed over Carver, entangling him to the deck and slowing him to a crawl, as Marcus smirked. "Gotcha~" He muttered, before he charged, circling around the Goo, to aim a punch at Carver's face... and cracking him firmly across the jaw, sending the pirate staggering, before he counterattacked with an entangled swing of his own, the young mage ducking, then driving his armored fist up under his jaw. "Someone like you-" Marcus yelled, before he pivoted, driving his fist into the pirate's gut. "-Is never-" then he wound up his neck blow. "-gonna be the one to kill m-" Then, he was interrupted, quite violently, as Carver's blades flashed around him, destroying the Goo, before he lashed out at Marcus again, the mage stumbling back, towards the edge of the deck, and the railing.

    "WHAT WERE YA SAYIN, LAD? THAT AHM NOT GONNA BE TH'ONE T'KILL YA? WE'LL JUST HAVE TO SEE ABOUT THAT, WON'T WE?" Carver laughed maniacally, blades nicking at Marcus as the mage did his best to keep from getting, well, carved up!



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
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    Age : 31

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 11th November 2014, 2:03 am

    Meanwhile, Captain Scarlet had made her way up onto the deck and then out onto what remained of the docks. As she looked around at the scene of utter carnage, a mixture of feigned sorrow, disgust, and most unusual of all pleasure made their way across her visage. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen something so gruesome that she hadn't caused with her own two hands. "I'm going to enjoy killing whoever did this." She said as she looked back upon her First Mate fighting a mage up on the deck of their ship. She soon picked up on the sound of someone snoozing. Which she found rather unusual given how thoroughly demolished the area was. She shrugged dismissing it as she continued to search the area only to find the sound growing more prominent. Soon enough she had found the cause of the noise and was rather surprised.

    Before the infamous Captain Scarlet, passed among the mutilated corpses oh her underlings. Was a very buxom female with long fiery red hair and darkened skin. The females clothes, or at least what was left of them clung to her body a bit too tightly. Which was yet another thing she found to be most unusual. The Captain couldn't seem to help herself, she figured her First Mate would kill off the mage on their ship, so she sized up the female by hand. "Well I'll be damned. If we sold this bimbo off to the highest bidder we'd be set for..." She was interrupted when the female had woken up and headbutted her before dropping to all-fours and gagging as she needed to throw up but nothing came of it. That was until Captain Scarlet regain her composure and kicked the female in the side as hard as she could. The bullet wound that Krow had received earlier having shifted positions. The kick opening the wound back up and to the Captain's delight made the female vomit blood of all things.

    "There's no way a tramp like you killed all my men." The Captain snapped angrily as drew one of her two six-shooters and shut the female twice where evidence of the rest of a burnt shut bullet wound was exposed. The bullet flying through the pre-established wound tract with startling ease. The female who lay upon the ground screaming as she was shot. She now lay on the ground in a mild state of shock as she muttered. "I...I finally get to us our vessel and they leave me in this pitiful state." as the last word left her seemed to change completely. The fear from being shot had vanished and the words to leave her next were drenched in venom, "Since I can't punish them..." she said licking her lips clean of the blood she had spewed, "... I'll settle for punishing you, little girl." she said her gaze shifted upwards upon the Captain.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 16th November 2014, 2:54 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 11th November 2014, 8:43 am

    The slashes just kept coming, Marcus stumbling back until his back was pressed against the railing, and Carver sneered, his blades ready to finish off the young mage. Marcus saw the blades ready. He saw the pirate ready to finish him off, and he was completely ready to fight to his last breath, his eyes defiantly fixed on Carver's. No matter what happened, he wasn't going to give the foul example of a human being the satisfaction of seeing him scared.

    And then he heard a woman scream.

    His eyes flicked to the side, followed by his head as he turned towards the sound, narrowly avoiding a finishing blow from Carver, whose sword embedded in the wood of the railing for a moment. "'EY! Whaddya think yer doin, you little-" Marcus... completely ignored Carver, staring at the scene on the docks between the woman he assumed was the Captain, and... well, those were definitely Krow's clothes, but... was that Krow IN them?

    "Krow..?" He murmured, in shock before he took in the carnage on the docks. He knew Krow was brutal but... not like this. This was definitely NOT the handiwork of his teammate, now that he had a chance to see it. Which meant something was wrong, and Krow needed help. As he stared, Carver managed to pull his sword free, snarling as he swung at Marcus' neck. "STOP IGNORIN ME YOU LITTLE SHI-Guh!?" The sword... stopped cold, as Marcus caught the pirate's hilt gripping hand in his unarmored hand, eyes flicking to the First Mate, who felt a momentary shiver run down his spine as he met the young wizard's gaze.

    Suggested Listening:

    "I don't have time for you." Marcus muttered. "My friend is in trouble, and right now, you're just IN THE WAY!" Marcus' voice raised to a battle cry, the Caliber Knuckle slamming into Carver's chest, the air "cracking" around him, and shattering away from the mage's Dispel Knuckle, a fact unnoticed by the pirate, before he swung for the Fairy Tail mage again... and compared to before, he was painfully slow, a fact he noticed a moment too late as Marcus ducked under the swing, and slid inside the pirate's reach in true boxing-esque style, slamming his armored gauntlet into his opponent's gut, accompanied by the sound not unlike a gunshot ringing out, and a shockwave blasting out behind the vicious swordsman, rippling over the deck as he let out a choked gasp, trying to catch his breath from a Knuckle Bomb to his center of mass.

    And Marcus' assault continued, a rapid chain of armored left hooks, then matching left backhands, sending Carver stumbling back a little with each blow as the young wizard turned the battle around, pummeling the stunned pirate relentlessly. "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, WHEN YOU START KEEPING ME FROM HELPING MY FRIENDS..." He reared back, and drove his fist into the pirate's nose, driving him back against the mast of the ship.




    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
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    Age : 31

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 11th November 2014, 5:33 pm

    Captain Scarlet watched as the scantily glad female lifted herself from the ground. She was mildly surprised to see someone lift themselves up after being shot not once, but twice. "Hm... You've made a mess of my adorable little vessel." Abaddon said in an oddly bland tone as she poked and prodded the wound on her right side. Her gaze, the whole time she did this, was still locked upon the scarlet-haired Captain. "WHAT ARE YOU!? SOME KIND OF NUTJOB!?" The female captain questioned as she drew her other six shooter and aimed both at the female who stood before. Abaddon simply giggling at the question. "Not at all. I'm quite sane." The demoness said as she watched the female cock her pistols and prepare to fire. What happen next was near impossible to follow with one's eyes alone.

    The captain took aim and fired off shots rapidly. She watched in shock as the female slipped through the onslaught of bullets like it was child's play. The first bullet was side-stepped off to the right. The second was side-stepped off to the left. The third bullet was ducked under. The fourth bullet was simply spun around as if it were coming at her in slow motion. When she came full circle from swinging her body out of the way of the last bullet she would slam the back of her left hand. The force of the blow leaving the captain spiraling through the air before slamming into some crates.

    Abaddon using a precise manipulation of her speed to catch up to the Captain within seconds of her body meeting the crates. Abaddon gave the female captain no time to regain her composure, as she quickly set her hands ablaze and swung them in polar opposite arcs of one another while saying, "With a flame on the right claw... And a flame on the left claw... When you merge the flames together... Fire Dragon's Overdrive Flame!" Abaddon slamming her flame covered hands together, the merger causing a chain reaction to gave birth to a much larger and unique flame that burst outwards. The massive forty foot spherical explosion engulfing the captain damaging her heavily.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 16th November 2014, 2:56 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 11th November 2014, 8:52 pm

    Carver had just realized that... he may have miscalculated, forced to lean against the mast for support before Marcus slammed his armored fist into the pirate's stomach, doubling him over. The Fairy Tail mage was now enraged, and he was going to take out every last bit of his fury on the unfortunate swordsman, just hammering an armored fist into Carver's center of mass over and over, the younger man seeing red as he almost snarled, finally letting up. A reprieve? Like hell. Instead, he grabbed Carver by the head, slamming the stunned man's head back against the mast of the ship, before hurling him across the deck, stalking towards him.

    Carver, desperate, fought his way to his feet, trying to bring his cutlasses, which against all reason, he'd managed to keep in his hands, up to ward off the approaching mage. "Y-ya back off you... you psycho!" This, from the man known as Carver for his preference for how to handle his victims. Marcus would have snorted, but instead... he rushed forward, cracking his armored fist across the man's jaw, followed by a headbutt to the face, and a knee driven into his gut, before he drove a fist into Carver's face again, bearing him down to the deck with a wood-rattling impact. Marcus' eyes were cold as he regarded the man under his fist, before he drew his hand back, and started just POUNDING on him with that armor-clad limb, Carver bringing his arms up to ward off the blows of the maddened wizard.



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
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    Posts : 452
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    Age : 31

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 12th November 2014, 12:43 pm

    Meanwhile, back on what remained on the docks, Abaddon watched with a sick fascination as the flames from her assault burst outwards in all directions engulfing Scarlet. When the explosion finally dissipated the area was blanketed by a mixture of smoke and steam. The wooden docks steadily burning away. Abaddon stood on one side of rather large gap the explosion had put between her and her prey. Captain Scarlet was on the opposite side of the gap stumbling to her feet. Her clothes now ragged and falling off. Something which seemed to please the demoness staring her down, but she seemed much more pleased to see that she could further the suffering of her prey. After all, she thought of her vessel's original occupant as being the child she betrayed ages ago. While she was disgusted by her vessel, she still felt enraged at seeing it had been damaged.

    Captain Scarlet was quick in raising her guns and firing off shot after shot. Abaddon had more than enough time to react, yet she gave little effort in doing so. This allowed some of the bullets to hit their mark, but only within the capacity of simple grazing. These wounds would heal in due time. The demoness as she made slight movement to evade yet still took a few hits would be pushed back a bit. This actually working in her favor as once the onslaught ended she took off running an easily propelled herself across the gap. Her landing being anything but elegant. She had slammed into Captain Scarlet in such a way that when they hit the ground she was straddling the other female. Captain Scarlet reacting much too slowly to wriggle herself free. Abaddon wasting no time in pinning the female slaver's arms down upon the wooden boards. She leaned forward and whispered something into the woman's ear. Whatever she had said making Captain Scarlet fight with a renewed vigor to regain what she saw as the upper hand.

    Abaddon grinning as she watched her prey thrash about. She soon grew tired of this showing of fear and headbutted her full force. Not how she liked the handle things, but it would do, for now. She let go of Scarlet as she watched in a dazed state trying to regain her composure. Before Captain Scarlet could fully recover Abaddon had begun stomping her foot down upon her over and over again. As she did this an oddly lewd expression played upon her visage. She eventually stopped this merciless beating. Which would result in her being shot several times in her right shoulder. The limb going limp almost instantly, crimson blood now rushing down her appendage as she clenched it with her left arm trying to stem the bleeding. She was stumbling now, her guard let down which earned her a knee to the gut. Which also made the wound on her  right side bleed much more profusely. The two women now being on almost even grounds. Abaddon now bloody and with only one arm to use. While Captain Scarlet was still in pain from her burns and blood she was losing from the other hits she had taken, on top of which she only had two bullets left.

    Battle Stats:

    Last edited by Krow on 16th November 2014, 3:22 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 13th November 2014, 1:11 pm

    Marcus' assault on Carver continued, the young man hammering at him, before the pirate, as he caught his breath, kicked Marcus away, panting as he stared at the wizard, still looking -really- unsteady. "Ah... am gonna rip you... t'lil bits you little-" His words were then cut off as a final, solid punch slammed into his face.

    "Shut. Up." Marcus growled, eyes narrowed at the pirate who, for several moments, just stood there, before his eyes rolled back, before he toppled to the deck, out -cold-.  The young man smirked, cracking his knuckles, before looking down towards the deck, eyes wide as he saw the condition of both combatants. He had a tough call to make. Help Krow, or start getting people out of here before the collateral damage got even worse aaaaaand he just answered his own question.

    "Krow!" Marcus yelled down. "Carver's out, I'm gonna get people out of here!" And who knows, maybe that would distract the captain long enough to let Krow get in a couple good, solid hits. Regardless, he then bolted down belowdecks, following the cries of panicked women, until he reached where the women were all chained to the floor and walls of the ship. They started to panic as a new, unknown face arrived, before Marcus held his hands up. "Easy! I'm with Fairy Tail, I'm gonna get you out of here!" The women started talking amongst themselves, even as Marcus started working on getting the chains loose.

    "Fairy Tail?"
    "The Guild in Magnolia?"
    "Are you alright?"
    "Thank you so much!"
    "Was that you making those explosions outside?"

    All things Marcus could respond to later, but at the moment, he had bigger concerns.



    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
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    Posts : 452
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    Age : 31

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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 16th November 2014, 3:26 pm

    Both women stood there, panting heavily neither had a whole lot of energy left to spare. Captain Scarlet already sensing her defeat was nearing desperate actions. Abaddon on the other, was beginning to be effected by losing so much blood. Her vision was blurred, her breathing had become irregular, and she was having trouble standing. Despite such circumstances, both women lunged forth. Scarlet raising one of her pistol, just as she was about to shot Abaddon in the head, the fiery red head had leapt into the air and kicked the gun to the side wasting the bullet in the process. Scarlet cluthed her hand briefly before throwing the gun to the ground. She rushed forth and punched Abaddon in the face just as her feet met the ground once more.

    Abaddon felt her feet touch the ground and then "THWACK" she had been punched pretty hard in the face sending her stumbling backward. The demoness scowling at her adversary for moment. Both women now rushing as fast as their wounded bodies could carry them. Abaddon landing a left hook on Scarlet, while Scarlet landed a right hook on Abaddon. The women kept fighting like this till their bodies had little if any energy left. Both of them no barely being able to lift their own limbs. Yet they just kept going at it for what seemed like ages.

    Finally, Captain Scarlet felt pressured enough that she needed to threaten with killing herself. The pistol raised and cocked, all she had left was to pull the trigger. She didn't get the chance as Abaddon lunged forth and headbutted her repeatedly while prying the pistol from her grips and throwing it aside. Both women now exhausted beyond belief finally gave into their wounds and fell to the ground. Neither of them able to move, even if they tried to force it, it just wasn't in the cards for them at the moment. Abaddon grinning at Scarlet, who simply scowled back. "I'll never forgive you... you brought my dear vessel who is like a child to me to this pitiful state. If not for his desires, I'd have killed you instantly." To which Scarlet retorting, "Go to hell you crazy bitch." This exchange of words handled, both women finally passed out from the pain. Scarlet would survive without a doubt. Abaddon however, was now lingering a bit too close to death's doors.

    Battle Stats:


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 17th November 2014, 1:18 pm

    Meanwhile, below decks, Marcus frowned, finally snapping the chains holding the captured women, who rushed abovedecks, with the Fairy Tail mage close behind, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked over the destruction. The women were, understandably, horrified, as Marcus ushered them past the worst of the devastation. "C'mon, keep moving. I need to make sure my teammate's okay, but once you're out of here, the Rune Knights can help you out." He smiled, trying to be comforting, as the women hurried away.

    Once they were gone, the smile faded, and Marcus turned, making his way across the docks, hopping over gaps, and narrowly avoiding getting dumped into the ocean once or twice by crumbling wood, until finally he came to rest next to Abaddon. "Krow? Hey, Krow, say somethin, we gotta get out of here before these docks crumble out from under us..." He murmured, glancing over at Scarlet, before he looked up towards the only safe surface in the area. Then, he nodded to himself, and got to work, scooping Abaddon up first, and with a bit of acrobatics, hopped up onto the deck, laying the injured, unconscious woman on the deck next to Carver, kicking the man's swords over the railing into the ocean, before hopping back down to the deck.

    "You're lucky we need you alive." He muttered to the captain, picking her up, and laying her on the other side of Carver, sighing as he then took a seat, leaning against the railing as he waited for Krow to come to. He'd just have to apologize for putting him on a boat later.


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 22nd November 2014, 2:40 am

    Abaddon lay upon the deck, shot full of holes, blood forming oddly small pools of the crimson elixir than one would expect given the severity of the wounds. They actually seemed to be slowly healing on their own as she lay there. The bleeding had stopped as a sanguine miasma escaped from the wounds. Marcus had been busy escorting the freed slaves to safety. Soon the demoness's heir apparent comrade would drag Captain Scarlet and herself through hell and placed the Dragoness upon her nemesis, Transportation. The only battle the knocked out legal mage couldn't win to save her life.

    Meanwhile, the freed slaves had met up with and been taken into the custody of the Rune Knight's. They had also had an unnamed operative watching the two legal mages and how they handled this task. Both mages seemed to have quite the temper, and were formidable fighters, but one of them, his powers were strange to say the least.

    Temporary Rune Knight HQ:

    Back on the ship, of the three combatants that were out cold, Abaddon was the first two stir, yawning loudly she would stretch her left arm. "That was a good nap." She said right before the constant wave of motion hit her. This caused her to keel over to the side and vomit on top of Carver. She then fall backwards hitting the ground groaning. "I'm going to kill you. You little brat." The demoness spat at Marcus when she caught sight of the gauntlet on his left arm. She felt like she recognized it from somewhere.


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 22nd November 2014, 3:16 am

    Marcus blinked at Abaddon, then frowned, crossing his arms, doing poorly at stifling a "blech" as the woman lost her lunch. "Gee, no 'thanks for not letting me fall into the ocean to be fish food?" He muttered, not seeming to notice his left hand flexing impulsively as he shook his head. "The captured people are getting escorted out, so it's just a matter of waiting for the Knights to pick THESE two up." Marcus motioned towards the two fallen pirates.

    "And... maybe figure out what the heck is going on with you. Did Scarlet do something to ya?" His eyes narrowed at the unconscious woman, his armored index finger tapping at his bicep. The young, gauntlet-wearing mage was definitely agitated. He had a weird... fiery blooded feeling, like if he wasn't doing SOMETHING his blood was going to rush right out of him to do things itself and let him catch up. An unpleasant image, to be sure.

    But that was besides the point. "I mean, seriously, Krow, what's with you? You're acting weird, too. And more weird than just 'Oh Spirits I'm on a boat' weird." Not that THAT made any more sense than what was going on right now, but at least that he'd seen on the way to and from missions before. This was a whole new level of weird. "So just... sit tight and calm down, and we'll sort this out. Okay?" His voice, despite it usual boldness, had a clear tinge of worry underlying it as he watched over her and the pirates.


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

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