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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 28th November 2014, 4:18 pm

    Abaddon lay there, an annoyed look upon her face as she listened to her heir apparent partner explain the current situation. She didn't all that much care, but knew her vessel cared, so would at least feign interest. "Good. I expect "he" will be happy everything went well." She said giving such a well faked smile, that most even those trained to spot such things would be left clueless. The whole time this had been going on her eyes had stayed trained upon the youth's left arm. The more she looked at it, the more a feeling of unease hit her and she wasn't happy to not know why it bothered her.

    "Scarlet? Oh. You mean the little bitch I wish I could take home with me. She would make such a nice toy for me to play with...." she said in a tone that left no doubts that her words were sexual in intention. "She didn't do anything. If I did take over my vessel when Cain was done... "he" would have most likely died. The boy still isn't strong enough to use our powers properly." She said all this, from the view point of a distant observer, as if everything that had happened today had nothing to do with her.

    Abaddon, without a moments notice, bolted to her feet, the constant swaying motion of the boat, knocking her back onto her ass. "Hey brat, those Knight's you talked about.... do they look anything like that?" she asked curiously, her left arm raised, index finger directed toward the railing a few feet away. Upon the railing now stood three figues wearing the usual garbs givn to Rune Knight's, but they were different, almost s if their garbs had a different purpose than clothing them.

    The two male Knight's stood on the left and right side's of the female respectively. "Commander, shall we secure the prisoners while you verify "it"?" The man to the female's right hand side questioned sternly, as he stepped off the railing and onto the deck. The male to the female's left following suit. "Do as you please. I only came here to verify "it" anyways." The female said in a clearly dismissive tone as she step off the railing and onto the deck.

    While the two males secured Scarlet and Carver, the female had approached Abaddon. The knight reaching into her cloak would remove an incredibly old looking book and hold it out in front of Abaddon. Abaddon, upon seeing the book, tried her best to move away from it. "G-Get that fucking thing away from me. I'm not going back in there. You can't make me." The demoness's words were filled with fear. The mark upon her right forearm lighting up and burning a sanguine hue, from under her skin a strange pattern burned through from her bones and she began to thrash about in agony. The book in the Knight's hand also releasing the same glow.

    The female knight grinning as she watched the female thrash about and scream like a wounded animal. "Zev, give me your spare pair of cuffs. The one's meant to seal one's ethernano. We are taking her with us." This being said the female knight finally acknowledged the other legal mage. "Boy. Do you have any idea what kind of "monster" you've been allowing to roam free? You're lucky "it" didn't kill you." She said as she caught the cuffs thrown to her by one of her underlings. She then stashed the book and kicked Abaddon in the gut with enough force to knock her out. She then put the cuffs on her and the male now known as Zev lifted her from rhe deck and onto his shoulder. The female now addressing the legal mage once more. "Return to your guild, boy. We will send you your reward along with a message for your Master."

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 28th November 2014, 10:31 pm

    There were only a few things that REALLY made Marcus mad. And, unfortunately, this Rune Knight was hitting every. Single. One of them. First, calling Marcus "Boy". He never really responded well to that, as it typically came from the type of self-involved overbearing people that he tended to punch right in the face. Second, calling his friends names, like "it", and "monster". Krow was NOT a monster. He was a Dragon Slayer! Third, HURTING his friends, which that book CLEARLY did somehow. And then she expects him to just... WALK AWAY? AND LEAVE HIS FRIEND BEHIND IN HER HANDS?

    "LIKE HELL!" Marcus yelled, before pivoting, his fist lashing out with such speed that Zev felt it colliding with his jaw before Marcus' movement completely registered, the battered young mage letting out a vicious battle cry as he sent the Knight tumbling, catching Abaddon over his shoulder with his free hand, glaring at the woman leading the trio.

    "I don't know who you are, and I don't much care! But the second someone comes along calling my friend a monster? That's when I start letting my Knuckle do the thinking for me." He muttered, eyes narrowed at the woman as his armored hand, still free, as he held Abaddon over his right shoulder, flexing into a fist as he glared, as if daring her to take him on with that stupid book of hers.

    "You've already gone and pissed me off, so go ahead and GIVE ME A REASON! C'MON!"


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 28th November 2014, 11:53 pm

    Shi, the female rune knight and leader of the three, watched as the brown-haired youth lashed out. Her eyes widening in surprise as Zev was easily sent backwards with a single punch. She sighed some as she watched Zev finally come to a halt and pull himself up off the ground. "Little shit. That freaking hurt." Zev grumbled as he rubbed his jaw a pissed off look upon his face. "Commander, should I teach this brat to show due respect?" Zev asked angrily, clearly in no mood to be denied the right to punch this kid in the face a few hundred times.

    Shi rolled her eyes, peering over her shoulder she shot a glare in Zev's direction that made the man freeze in place. The look on his mug now being one of fear. "Just shut up and stay where you are. I swear, you brother's are worthless." She said as she removed her cloak and dropped it onto the deck of the ship. She grinned, licking her lips when she saw the expression upon the mages face. "We are with the Rune Knight's. You don't seem to understand the situation, boy. That "creature" over your shoulder... is nothing more than one of Zeref's "abominations". Now hand "it" over before I decide to take you in for obstructing our mission." She said all of this, in a cold lifeless tone. The look in her eyes made it clear she truly believed every insult she had just slung out to be the absolute truth. All the while she had steadily been closing the gap between herself and the legal mage getting in their way.

    "She shrugged before reaching back and taking hold of the book. She did this under the assumption that the boy might be much more involved than they originally thought. She had originally thought this male to simply be an unwitting accomplice, but the way he was react caught her interest. She was now standing a mere foot away from the mage, the book being held up, she watched it waiting for it to react to the demon before her, but the reaction was different then what she had expected.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 29th November 2014, 12:09 am

    Marcus would have trouble describing what happened next. For a moment, it felt like his blood was boiling right out of his skin, his eyes narrowing in a grimace as the book glowed, but... the glow became a richer, pulsating scarlet as Marcus tensed, and the book?

    The book exploded.

    Not literally, but, it did create a powerful blast wave that shoved Marcus and his cargo back across the deck, sending him tumbling, but not before he moved to make sure he handled the rolling rather than Abaddon, before he set the woman down, turning to glare at the Rune Knights.

    "Guess you weren't listening before. I don't care WHO you're with, KROW is my friend, my teammate, and if you try to take him away again..." He hunkered down, readying his Knuckle as his fingers flexed. It was clear he wasn't a demon, but he obviously wasn't something normal either, and now, he couldn't STOP that boiling blood sensation, which made him fidget, like he just NEEDED to move, to fight!

    "I. Will. BREAK. You." He muttered, glancing towards Abaddon, then back at Shi. "If there's something wrong with Krow, then FAIRY TAIL'll handle it, not you! He's one of us! And I'll keep fighting till that gets through your thick, twisted head!" Shi wasn't the only one that could toss insults around, and Marcus was angry enough to start letting 'em fly in Shi's direction. "So why don't you just GET LOST, and let us go home! We did your job already!"


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 29th November 2014, 12:47 am

    Shi's facial expression registered both shock and curiosity all at once, as the Book of Zeref marked by the word Sacrifar, began to glow a bright scarlet. She could tell something was wrong, but was too slow in reacting. A powerful blast of energy rippled off the book and blasted her backwards. She was caught by the apparent brother of Zev, who now stood shocked at what he was witnessing. He now understood why that punch had carried so much weight despite the size of the one dishing it out. The mage before them wasn't short by normal standards, but Zev and his brother were built like giants.

    "Commander, are you alright?" asked Zed with what seemed like concern as he let her go from his clutches. "I'm fine you fool." She said with a somewhat shaken tone. She had expected a reaction, but the reaction she just witnessed and felt first hand, it could only be one thing. Shi sighed, rubbing her temples before gazing over at the gauntlet wielding mage. "I think I get it now."

    "Zev, Zed, gather up our original targets. We are leaving." She barked at them before going to retrieve her cloak. She smirked while pulling the cloth over her shoulders. She now walked towards the mage and gave him an oddly cheerful smile given the circumstances. "Boy, I've decided to let the both of you go. You've shown me something interesting. I never would have imagined that one of "those" people still existed." She said with a much more civil tone than she had used up till now. She then tossed a key to the mage.

    In the background, one could hear Zev complaining about being disappointed with the results of their mission. "What does it matter if that brat was chosen. If he can't even kill or recognize that abomination for what it is, what good is he?" Zed simply nodded at his brother's annoyed remarks before turning towards their superior. "Commander, we're ready to depart whenever you are ready." Shi simply raising her right arm and motioning for them to head out ahead of her. The female rune knight smiled as she tossed the boy the key to the shackles on his ally and simply left. Despite having it in here to kill the abomination, she just couldn't bring herself to tell the mage the real reason why they were standing down. She felt telling him that kind of information was just too cruel. She almost felt bad for the two, she doubted either of them what kind of fate awaited them.

    Lineage : Crimson Emperor
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Caliber Knuckle
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    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by DreadAwk 29th November 2014, 1:33 am

    Well, now Marcus was just confused,almost fumbling the key as he frowned at the Rune Knight. "On of 'those' people? Cut the cryptic crap and start telling me what's going on!" One minute they were about to drag Krow off, and now they're just LEAVING? He glanced down at the key, then at Abaddon, kneeling down to unfasten the cuffs as his eyes flicked up to keep track of the Rune Knight trio. Well, now he was just plain confused as hell.

    "What are those three even on?" He muttered, sighing as he took a seat on the deck next to the now freed mage, though not before hurling the cuffs at the retreating Knights' backs. "Assholes!" He called, before leaning back on his arms, glancing at Krow. Once he... she? Was up and at 'em again, they could take off, and head back towards Fairy Tail. He might ask Night about what was going on but... then again, he might not. He had bigger things to worry about. Like waking Krow UP.

    "Oi! Krow!" He muttered, nudging Abaddon with his Knuckle. "Oooooi." He could be pretty annoying when he wanted to be, and when in doubt when trying to wake someone up? Be a pest! "Krow. Krooow." He muttered, prodding at the unconscious mage, though he was careful about WHERE he was poking, avoiding gunshot wounds and well... more... 'sensitive' areas. Man, it was kinda weird having his teammate be a girl.

    "Oi, Krow, you're about to miss all the food."

    Hey, it was worth a shot.


    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 TS8sazk
    Caliber Knuckle, Lock and Load! :/: Marcus' Bank
    Missions Completed:

    Marcus' Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters) - Page 2 Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (Team Dragon Busters)

    Post by Krow 29th November 2014, 2:03 am

    Abaddon lay there, motionless as ever, within the confines of the mages mind a debate of sorts was being conducted. "What the hell do you mean I don't want it back yet?" Krow snapped at Abaddon's portion of their tri-fold conscious. "I kind of let my guard down and got shot.... a lot." The demoness retorted just as angrily. "I don't give a shit about that. Just give me my damn body back." Krow shot back. Both didn't find it odd Cain wasn't joining in. Cain only took part in these discussions when killing or bringing harm to others was involved. "Fine. You can have it back. Just be careful. Looks like your idiot father blew our cover." Krow cringed when Abaddon referred to Cain as his rightful father. "My only father is Aestuologia stupid." Krow snapped back before severing the connection between their joined conscious'.

    Meanwhile, Abaddon's form was gradually shifting once more. What was once the body of a drop dead gorgeous demoness, returning to that of a rather unusual looking demonic proxy. Krow's eyes ripped open when the voice of his partner saying, "Oi, Krow, you're about to miss all the food.", registered in his hazy mind. He bolted up into a sitting position only to greeted by a tremendous surge of pain shooting through his right shoulder. He doubled over, from the pain, his head lifting from the ground only to slam back down on it. His left arm shifting in and up he would grab hold of his right shoulder and roll over onto his back, having doubled over onto his knees to try and physically beat the pain out through his head.

    A few seconds more passing before he finally adjusted to the pain. "She wasn't joking around, was she?" He muttered more to himself than to his partner. His crimson optics now landing upon his teammate. He was now confused as could be. He had never seen his partner look worried like this. "The hell's eating you?" He asked as he pulled himself from the deck. The constant rocking motion hitting him now that he was fully adjusted. This left his staggering from side to side. His left clutched over his gullet as he stagger towards the edge of the ship. He would rather risk drowning then spend another second on this damned ship.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:38 pm