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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 9th September 2014, 1:08 am

    Job Details:

    Kiba had purpose on this day he had found a job that seemed like it would be a good challenge, but there was no way he could do it by himself. that was what caused him to prepare Tea, he wished to talk with Kathrine to see if she would come along for the fun. He prepared the water still wondering what he would do if she said no? He carried the tray out to where she was sitting. setting the tray down he takes a seat motioning to the set as he prepares a cup for himself. after pouring the water he puts on of the bags in to steep. "so i was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a job?" he says after a few minutes. Kiba pulls the tea bag from the cup and sets about to adding sweetener. taking a sip after he stirs in some honey. Smiling slightly, he loved tea, the tea with all it flavors was still of slightly off but it matter little. "the jobs going to go help those lycans with something. Here." Kiba pulls the info from his pocket and setting it on the table. "the rewards worth it." he turns back to his tea. He sits in silence for a while then decides to go do some research. " hey ill be in the library if you need me." he stand up, finishing his tea as he does, and heads to the library. He looked for book related to what was happening in the haunted village, He found a few books. after reading a few of them he found that most of them told him nothing that he did not already know. he continues looking thought the books for something he missed, but after a while he gives up. "what a pain." he grumbles to himself, mostly as he had found a whole lot of nothing. he gathers all the books he pull from the shelves and set about to putting them back. It took longer than it had to pull them, mainly because he was slightly discouraged. Finishing Kiba sit down behind the main desk sorting though some of the paperwork he need to do. "really should make some new gauntlets." he summons his gauntlets and removes them and begins disassembling them. He had a idea of what he wanted to do, and had already acquired the Parts he need to make his new weapon, but hardly had any time to make it.


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 11th September 2014, 9:11 am

    Katherine was feeling tired after a long day of cooking, cleaning, polishing and dusting. The part of the day was over and she was reading another one of the romantic novels in her collection. The book was getting to the part that would not be appropriate to say out loud when Kiba requested to be taken to a job. Katherine took a cup of tea from Kiba and sipped the drink, savoring the flavor of his tea. Really she couldn't sit down and enjoy any of Einrichs books anymore. Katherine swore that compared to Sprinting Fox that Eclipse soul had her going around everywhere to keep the place spotless. Katherine read the flyer and was amused because it was the same one as the stake out she recently did. So there were werewolves that were rampaging this time of month and could potentially slaughter innocent civilians? This was not a job that could wait so she bookmarked the page and set it down before starting to polish her weapons and armor to prepare them for combat... She did not think that she could use her blade as much in this combat as she was accustomed to, but one could never be too sure when there was Dark Guilds that could ambush them. So she took her time sipping tea and polishing the items without a word being said, but her body language said a thousand words. She was going to be in this job with Kiba.

    When their sheen was complete, she  returned  the armor to the chaos portal and started to walk to the library. She was not going into this fight stupidly after all, because that would get this body killed. So she started to grab books one by one about lycanthropy and gave herself a refresher course. They of course got their power from under the moon and were allergic to silver which was purified. She also studied on what their anatomy looked like so that she knew which disabling pressure points she could attempt to use. The fight would have her at a complete disadvantage because they would be fighting in full force and the 2 would have to hold back their punches. This would also mean she needed to be careful with her weather controlling spells because they didn't quite have safety control switch on them. So the girl continued to study any and all books and took care of them to best of her abilities. This was a bit of Katherine's calmer side that people did not regularly see...


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 15th September 2014, 9:31 am

    Kiba had just finished reading one of the book when Katherine walked up and took one of the books from the table then walked off. Kiba looks up, watching her walk off, odd that she didn't say anything to him. Frowning to himself, Kiba stands up closing the book as he does. He pushes the chair in and make his way after Katherine. he watched her for a while, till he shrugs and walks off. he found a small pile of books that had been turned. Sighing to himself he picks them and moves them to there proper shelves, it took about a hour. Finishing his work he stretches then heads off to the kitchen to get something to eat. when he arrives he has to wait a while for someone else to finish what, then he moves into the kitchen and prepares some tea and some sandwich's, for both him and Katherine, then moves back to the library. He heads back to where Katherine was sitting. Setting the tray down he looks at Katherine. "Uh, hey." he said, she said nothing. He shrugs a little and sits down pulling a sandwich and a cup of tea of the tray. he sat quietly eating for a while, eating another sandwich in the time he does. finishing his cup of tea he looks at Katherine, who has yet to note his presences or perhaps she was ignoring him. "hey." Kiba says. "Are you mad at me for something." she says nothing, Kiba reaches over and grabs the book. "What you reading." he pulls the book from her grasp and take a look at the book it was a book about Lycans. he realized that it was the book she took earlier. she had found something he had missed, with out paying attention he started to wander off, reading the book as he did. It was something about there movements and other things. He kept reading wandering back to the his desk, setting the book down. Then Kiba sits down and starts reading the book, clearly forgetting that he had taken the book from Katherine. He reads about there sometimes how they have speed way beyond human levels, he knew that it was true but this was a documented case. he pulled out one of his notebooks and started to write down so notes. After reading the chapter he shuts the books and starts thumbing the other books again looking for things he had missed,


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 16th September 2014, 6:16 am

    Katherine sat down and kept reading, oblivious to everything that was around her. She did not notice Kiba in the other room, nor did she react to the words Kiba said. Instead she continued her research for the last hour, taking books to read and commiting the knowledge to memory. She was clearly distracted and deep in thought, but the end being that this was as quiet as Katherine was going to get. She just seemed to be less... chaotic today. Not a single joke was given today, but at same time it made Katherine eerily creepy. Now there was something deep in Katherine's mind that was bugging her, that one piece of emotion and memory that she lost. Why was it taken away from her? She just recently discovered that she had a grandaughter that grew up to be an angel. The odd part is that she was getting back her memories and emotions, but not her conscience. She was beggining to think she was designed for this, and it was not accidental. She needed to get her Angels grace fixed as soon as possible... Because maybe then will she finally get answers to her past life on Earthland.

    Katherine sighed, again not noticing that Kiba was behind her and ignoring everything he said. It was like if she was in her own little world, but its was soon to get messy. For chaos did not like Katherine being so orderly and non-fun. So he punished Katherine for her actions by unscrewing the bolts that secured one of the bookshelves and toppled it on Katherine. This caught Katherine completely by surprise as she was now drowned by a flood of books. She was not trapped, just stunned for 2 seconds as she tried to process what happened. It was just so sudden that as she pulled herself out, she tried to blame the first person that she saw: And that person was Kiba. So she pushed the bookshelf back in place and lifted herself from the sea of books. Standing up, she walked over to the man, wherever he was, and attempted to punch Kiba square across the face with her left fist. Katherine growled, "Why did you do that to me? What have I ever done to you to deserve that?!" Katherine was angry, furious even. she did not understand the emotions that she was feeling, but went with it anyways. For some reason fighting felt good right about now...


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 16th September 2014, 12:24 pm

    The blow came as a surprise, he had heard the person coming but had not expected a attack. He rolled out of the chair with the blow, coming up in a fighting stance, spinning on his heel as he comes up. Kiba is taken aback by the culprit, before he can speak the shelf next to him gives out and the bookshelf tips. Kiba rolls out of the way stop next to another shelf which also groans suddenly, Kiba frowns and drives his foot into the middle of it causing it to tip in the other direction. *What the Hell!* Kiba thinks to himself as he rights himself turning to face Katherine.

    This was orders domain, and she would not let it be disrupted with out a fight. She steadied the unsure shelves and turn to find the caretaker. He had done a great job, tending to the books, keeping the library clean and mitigating the flurry's of chaos the people brought with them. but standing opposite of him was perhaps someone based almost completely in chaos. she watched from afar, words resonate thought the air directed at the caretaker. "Sometimes order requires chaos."

    "what the hell was that for Katherine?" Kiba said as he stood up, brushing himself off as he does.  before he could ask another question or Katherine could responds every shelf in the library groaned like it was under to much weight, like the had aged many years suddenly. Kiba glances around in mild confusion. Kiba gained his composure very quickly and closed his eyes, focusing on balancing himself. For some reason the urge to do something about what was happening had struck him, and for some reason he felt it had everything to do with Katherine. "Order sometimes requires Chaos..." he mutter without thinking about it. when he realized what he had said blinked. Then it clicked in his head, it was not him that was off today it was Katherine. "I see so your having rough day..." Kiba smiles slightly and falls into a fighting stance. "well then lets shake it up a little." he had taken a random shot in the dark, he felt that he had to get her back to her crazy self. He was kinda dreading the clean up after this fight, he still remembered when Kath and Sephi had come though fighting, but in the long run it mattered little. "you been a stick in the mud today now let GO!" Kiba sprints at Katherine, sliding to a halt in front of her. *If she wont act normally, then i wont as well* Smiling Kiba throws two punches and then spins and ducks down, sweeping his leg out in a attempt to trip her. *i hope she does not use her magic i would hate to have to fix books all week* the thought was out of place so he pushed it away, he was suppose to be chaos today so he was going to embrace it.


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 18th September 2014, 2:02 am

    Katherine was angry, mad, furious and any other ways to describe the emotion of wanting to rip a persons head off to send him straight to hell. Katherine was angered, but not chaotic enough for the entities taste. So thats when several more bookcases unhinged themselves to fall on Katherine yet again. Chaos in all seriousness wanting to punish the angel for not doing her job so much that it was taking matters in its own hands. The true fight did not even start and already Kat was hit 3 times by bookshelves. This was a total embarrassment for the Angel of Chaos. The weight in her soul was as heavy as the one in her heart.

    She barely pushed off the new pile of books that landed on top of her than when Kiba landed 2 punches straight in the stomach and landing one flat on her leg, unable to dodge because of the concussion the mortal body received. She was not only unable to dodge the mans punches, which her mortal body was hard enough to break your fist on if you were a mortal, but also in shock about the treatment she was getting. This was beyond degrading and humiliating, it was downright depressing for her as she laid on her back and looked like she was about to cry.

    Katherine muttered, "So many questions have hit me lately. Are the gods really knowing of what is right for this world? Why can't I feel my emotions? Why am I the one in charge to determine if the world..." She did not answer the final question, because that was her top classified mission from the gods. It was not for human eyes to see, but for her to execute if the final solution was needed. For others to hear it would have been the ultimate betrayal to the ones she served.

    Katherine however flipped back on her feet and grabbed one of the now empty bookcases and threw it straight at Kiba. If it hit, then it would be painful. If it didn't then it would hit the bookshelf behind Kiba and destabilize it enough to cause it to collapse backwards or forwards depending on where it hit the furniture. Either way the library was going to be a complete mess when they were through with it. Hopefully none of the books would be damaged in the process of this fight. Some of the books here were quite ancient.


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 22nd September 2014, 11:15 am

    Kiba heard Katherine asking question, not completely sure who she was talking to but he would give his own answers to the question, but before he could start she threw a bookshelf. *Damn it!* he though looking at the way the shelf had been thrown, would be impossible to dodge, taking a step back Kiba spins on his rear foot and brings his foot up high and then down on the top the the shelf. Redirecting the force into the flood, Cracking the Tile as he did, although it didn't work like planned as it bounced back up clipping Kiba as it passed. Kiba grunted as it clipped him, it probably hurt less than it would have if he had taken it directly, but now he was earnestly getting angry. As the shelf completed its bounce over him, Slamming into the roof then falling on the other bookshelf both of which collapse, Kiba charged under it. "The gods Can go to hell for all i care, They let my family die to you mages." he yells as he moves. "you think your the only one in this world struggling with questions like that!? I wake up every day and ask myself *WHY* why was i spared?" Kiba at this point had stopped caring about damaging the Library. used on of the fallen shelves that was at a slight incline to gain a little air as he jumped attempting to bring his hands down in a overhand blow on Katherine, when he lands he Immediately throws two kicks then a punch followed by a twist kick aimed at her temple. Jumping back at the end of his attack Kiba speaks again. "I lost everything 6 years ago, my family, my love and my home. Force to come out into a world that used magic, forced into the world of the people who took them from me." Kiba was feeling sorry for himself but didnt care anymore, Why should he feel sorry for her if she was just going to brood about it.

    Kiba mind slipped back to the attack on his home, the fire, the screams and the blood. Kiba anger started brewing throwing him into a anger. One thing she was right are the god correct in there path for the world. Kiba takes a deep breath keeping himself from slipping into the past. Opening his eyes he looks at Katherine. "If you don't have emotion make them."


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 23rd September 2014, 8:06 pm

    Katherine was impressed with Kiba's coolness under pressure. He deflected a whole bookcase by simply using gravity against her. The Bookcase flying up on the ceiling and bouncing behind him was ingenious, but at the cost of more shelves falling down. This fight was going to collapse most of the library when the 2 were done. The fight was still raging along with the flurry of emotions Katherine was experiencing. It was so hard when at first it was easy to shut them off and bury them. Now that it was partially healed, she had doubts. However as she took the 2 hits to her abdomen that caused little damage to her, but caught the kick to her temple. Katherine simply answered, "I know that, but try sorting out Millenia of baggage and reflecting on actions that. In the end it all comes down to this. A wise god once said, 'S### happens.' The world is a chaotic place to live, but somehow mortals have to create order from it."Katherine glared at Kiba and was about to twist his leg and send him flying, but Chaos had other things in mind.

    A great explosion occurred in the library, knocking the 2 back to opposite end of the walls as even more books were knocked down. The chaos flux of energy was blinding and threatened to engulf them both, but would immediately wane into a small wisp that floated in the middle of the library. The single flux of Chaos standing there just helpless before eventually disappearing in thin air. Katherine stood up and for the first time in a long time, she felt that the world had become larger than normal. It was as if the world decided to have a growth spurt... or she shrunk.

    Katherine started to walk through the utter wreck of the library, jumping over collapsed bookshelves and tumble of books as she was making sure Kiba was okay. Katherine did not like this, Chaos lately was getting awfully frisky with its chaos rifts. Last week Ayaseru was permanently turned into a girl and now it shrunk Katherine. What could it have done to Kiba? Only one way to find out was to jump over and see for herself. What came next was not hardly surprising, because Chaos loved gender bending people as a grand joke. So what exactly did Chaos do to Katherine? It was quite simple, she was in the body of the 9 year old version of herself.

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] 36-oerba-dia-vanille-anime


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 23rd September 2014, 9:47 pm

    Katherine took his first to blows then caught his kick, holding it as she responded to his words. Glaring at him as she spoke. Kiba watched her as she tensed up to attack back but she is ripped from his vision as he is thrown back by a explosion of some sort. *SHE CAN CAUSE EXPLOSIONS NOW! GREAT...* he thought to himself in mid-flight. all thoughts are driven from Kibas mind as he hits one of the few stand bookshelf's still standing, knocking it over in the process. Kiba laid on the bookshelf for a few seconds after the blast until he hear movement. Kiba pushes himself up to see a small girl walking towards him. "What? Hey little on..." he stops as the dust settles and he realizes that its Katherine... or a child Version of hers. "what the hell happ..." the next thing to stop him is his voice or really the lady's voice he heard when he spoke. Kiba frowns and stands up and starts to dust himself, stopping as he looks down. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" The now female Kiba yells cupping her new breast in shock. Kiba then spends the next few seconds checking herself. Wider hips, smaller figure, bigger butt and  lastly the crotch at which Kiba pales. Kiba walks over to the last standing bookshelf clearly shocked by what she was finding. Kiba Kicks the bookshelf with all her might, knocking it over in the process, and spins on her heel. "FIX IT! NOW!" Kiba Demands as she does her pants fall as they are a few sizes to small now, showing of some now quite nice pair of legs. "DAMN IT!" Kiba reaches down and pulls the pants back up and tightening the belt. Kiba takes a deep breath then speaks. "ok..." Taking another deep breath before continuing. "Please explain what just happened." Grimacing slightly as the two top most buttons on her shirt breaks, free showing off a little of the new cleavage as the shirt splits. Kiba pays little attention and shifts a little causing another button to break free. *This better not be permanent* Kiba thinks as she jumps up a propped shelf to reach the little girl that is now Katherine, as shes climbing the shirt catches on of the shelves and rips the remaining buttons off leaving the shirt to show off Kiba newly gained assets. Kiba reaches the to and looks at the shirt. "great now i have to not only clean the library but i have to get a new shirt..." Kiba frown, taking the shirt off as she speaks leaving her breasts bare. Turning back to the kiddy Katherine. "is this permanent? Cause if it is..." Kiba left the threat open, dropping the shirt on the shelf they were standing on, putting her hands on her hips as she speaks.

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] 46427310


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 27th September 2014, 8:48 pm

    Katherine looked at the person in front of her with wide amazement at what had happened to Kiba. He- er she or whatever gender she considered to be now was angry, which was fair to be honest. Nobody liked to have their entire world upside down, but then again why was she short suddenly. It was obvious that she shrunk, but then again Chaos never played simple games. Instead there was always a twist or a vibe to them, so what was his game this time Katherine sighed and jumped back before the bookshelf landed on top of Katherine. She had enough of books for one day, but was now looking at the mess around her. She was going to have to clean this place isn't she? The angel sighed and turned around just in time to see a mirror cast a reflection on herself.

    She paused as she saw her 9 year old self in the reflection, it was odd to see herself like that. She waved her hand in fron of the mirror to confirm it, but was met with exact copy of movement. It was her and this was the newest game Chaos gave to the 2 of them. Why would such a thing be done though except for... Chaos imbalance. This caused Katherine to shiver a bit because she had not been punished like this since 10,000 years ago. That had her as an old grandfather, not even the dignity of keeping gender straight! Well now Kiba was genderbent which was probably feeling it worse.

    Katherine watched as Kiba comically stripped herself bottomless and followed by it topless. Katherine answered the one question Kiba had though, "Nonono, Chaos likes to play its funny little games and then release us after midnight. This isn't the first time it played tricks on people. So how about I get you some clothes that will fit you and we can sit down to plan for job." Katherine simply waved her hand dismissively to Kiba, as if there was nothing to worry about. She motioned Kiba... No she needed another name in this form. Katherine smiled as she pointed a finger to the girls chest, "Your name is now Kiki! And do not worry! It will all be fixed by the end of today... Except if you are an avatar of order and then we would have something to worry about."


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 30th September 2014, 8:45 am

    Kiba watched as Katherine walked about figuring out what had happened to her, giggling a little, "your a cute child you know that?" Kiba says with out hesitation. "would not mind having a cute child like you." Kiba moves up behinds her. Then Katherine called her Kiki, which hit a nerve. "I already have a name!" she snaps this entire situation was a pain in the but. Why did this have to happen, and why today of all days. "now lets go!" Kiba grabs Katherine by the hand and drags her to her room. Upon entering Kiba speaks, "um find something for me to wear... you probably should do the same." Kiba looks at Katherine, her cloths far to big for her now. "how did you not notice that." Kiba chuckles as she starts to undressing, stopping once she was completely naked to look at herself in the mirror. *I hope this is a bad dream* Kiba runs her hands up her body, stopping at Kiba new breasts. *i really do hope this is not permanent* Kiba blushed slightly at the fact the she was feeling up her new body. "Sorry... are you sure this will wear of with time." she says turning to Katherine. *Kiki huh? i suppose that's not a bad name if im stuck like this* Kiba had no idea if what Katherine had said was true. Kiba yawns she was tired from the fight, walking to the window she pulls the blinds, its still light out. Turning around she jumps into Katherine's bed. *wonder if Katherine will be stuck like that...* she looks at the little girl. *would be a pity* she frowned. *why had she never asked Katherine out?" Kiba starts to think about it as she slowly drifts off to sleep, she though about all the things she had seen and done. *Wonder if i can still have children* Kiba think to herself. *not exactly the way i wanted but.... What am i thinking?* Kiba shakes her head, "hey lets take a nap till it almost night time. our little fight took it out of me." Kiba chuckles a little. *not usually this forward* she shrugs and closes her eye to take a nap, listening to all the sounds that go on in the guild. It did not take more then a couple of minutes for her to fall asleep, pulling the covers over her as she did.


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
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    Age : 37
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    Experience : 56875

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    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 1st October 2014, 10:20 am

    Katherine blushed as she was told how cute the little girl the Angel was. She was not called that for the longest time, in fact since she was a little girl 16 years ago. It actually had no meaning back then when her emotion was near non-existant. Now however it felt nice to be like this and had a second chance at childhood, even if it was temporary. This eventually caused katherine to say to Kiki, "Thanks, you make for a pretty woman as well. It actually suits you Kiki!" Katherine was in a happy and cheerful, humming music with a slight skip to her step. This was so great to be this light again and feeling 65 pounds lighter again. This made her feel hyperactive and jumpy, but maybe because Katherine had tea and cookies before being shrunk as kid. So she had a skip to her step as she nearly ran circles around Kiki as they walked to her room, she was giggling the whole way to her room. It was fun to be this young and free again, if only briefest of seconds. Anyways they were soon in her room and thus it was time for a make over for Kiki! Or it would be if Kiki would stay awake long enough!

    Katherine pouted slightly as she reminiscened through all her childhood stuff, Kyll was her only friend and thus ha a lot of memories. How eventually with time Katherine became the tomboy. How Katherine was pulled into Kylls wild adventures that got them in trouble. How they baked things together. It brought a rare true smile to Katherines lips as she set down a picture of the 2 of them and wore her old clothes and piercings. She then turned around to give Kiki her clothing next to her sleeping body and suddenly she herself felt tired. She slowly crawled on her bed and behind Kiki, hugging her in the process before finally dozing off. This was most likely a sugar and caffeine crash, but it felt comfortable. Katherine's 'mother' in this lifetime was never this close, so there was no love and comfort. In fact there was estranged feeling between her and the family she had. They were never the same level, always because katherine changed the girls personality. In the end though, she was happy for her decision. When she returned to heaven, she would thank the true Katherine properly for the rare opportunity that was given. Eclipse Soul was more of a family than the actual foster parents she was given... Kyll was her one true sister in the end... She pondered all of this until she pleasantly snoozed away...

    And Kiki smelled like tea. The famous Orange and Spice tea.~


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 1st October 2014, 1:38 pm

    Kiba was the first to awake with her arms wrapped around the sleeping form of katherine, still in her child form. Kiba move carefully so not to wake her and stand up. At the end of the bed are some cloths, which she picks up the clothing. *What if I'm stuck like this... Kiba wont fit anymore...* She looks at Katherine. *Well she seems to like the name... what the harm.* Sighing to herself Kiba... No Kiki looks at the clothing she was left a pink pair of panties, A plain white shirt and a long skirt. *She expects me to wear this stuff?* Sighing Kiki trys to put the panties on, finding them to big in the end but only just. She throws them in a hamper in the corner and pulls the skirt on, its White with red stitching. Kiki's mind drifts to Katherine in a dress. *I wonder why she never wears them* Shaking her head she puts the shirt on, it has a floral pattern on it. After she done Kiki moves to a mirror that is in the room. *A pretty woman...* she remembers the word Katherine had said on their way here, the though feels like dead weight on her mind. *But im not a woman...* Sighing Kiki turns to the sleeping form of Katherine. Smiling as the gril sleep peacefully, *Shes was really a cute child.* Kiki move over and picks Katherine up, Careful not to wake her, and leaves the room.

    Kiki goes back the library, still a disaster, and picks up the pack she had prepared as Kiba and  leaves the guild hall. Kiki moves to the gates keeping far from busy streets, to let her precious cargo remain asleep. Kiki stops and sets Katherine down and buts a little food from a small store and stores in in her pack. Turning back to the sleeping child she smiles. *I still do want kids... even if i have to bear them.* Katherine's child form Kiki care less about what had happened. *I wonder what she is dreaming about.* Kiki pushes a few errant hair out of her face and kisses her on the forehead then picks her up again.
    Kiki moves to the gates and out to the main road to head towards the job site, which is at the base of the mountains. After about a hour the sun starts to set and Kiki gives Katherine a gentle shake. "Hey Sweetheart time to wake up we are almost there." She smiles gently *Is this what being a mothers is like?*


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
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    Age : 37
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    Experience : 56875

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    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 1st October 2014, 3:07 pm

    Katherine was in the world of Lala-land, the wonderful place of where dreams became memories. The swirl of memories filled in her small little head. There was so much to proccess, 50,000 years of memories to proccess. The first thing that went to her mind was her birth or rebirth so to say. She was a girl of a young age that always suffered misfortune whatever she went, cast out of her tribe for her natural control of the weather and beaten nearly to death in the process. She was burned near to death for witchcraft, and struggled her near dead body to a cave. Alone and scared, she died alone curled up in a ball with no friends or loved ones in the world. So when the Angel of death came for her, she accepted the task of being the God's Dark Angel with glee. Fo there was much anger she had to vent. It mattered little if they were Gods or Angels...

    Her mind flashed forward to the time where she killed her first Gods when she was under Ishrowan's command. Her blade filled with blood as Katherine sanked it into the into Asura, the God of Fate, as he tried to defend his family from the Angel. Only to be electrocuted, burned, frozen and decapitated. She remembered as the Angel plunged her fist through Ehima, the Goddess of Deaths heart, as she held her daughter in her arms to shield the Angels wrath. How she had to kill the parents and kidnapped the youngest daughter of the Lamira sisters. She had broken a family and an empire for a Dark god, but it left a disgusting taste in her mouth. She quit right there and then, never looking back. However the god took his toll for Katherine's betrayal in the form of breaking her emotions.

    She was nothing but a robot for the couple of centuries, performing tasks for the gods unquestionably. There was no remorse, no anger and not even pity for those that she killed. There was nothing that she wouldn't do, until a man warmed up to her... And she had a child with him. The chore of raising and attempting to raise a child slowly started to put some emotion in the mother, or at least faking it. It was all for her and even died for her when soldiers tried to kidnap her for her Angelic Blood. She died the last time, with a smile on her face. As she started to wake up the last memory she remembered was a child Kyll offering Kat a cookie, "Hello I am Kyll, do you want a cookie?"

    Katherine groggily murmured, "Kiki, your breasts are just perfect if a tad small,~"


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 1st October 2014, 6:46 pm

    The first response Kiki got form Katherine was her calling her tit's small, which Kiki let Katherine fall from her arms. "Shows what i get for being nice to you." Kiki Snaps. "this is your fault to begin with." Kiki walks off in a huff, *Why does she have to be such a brat all the time.* Honestly it kinda stung a bit she was making light of the situation. Sighing Kiki moves to the entrance of the village, which is empty. "Hurry up brat looks like we slept to long." Kiki's voice had a hint of anger in it. She walked further into the village, passing many strewn about things. She walks to the Village elder lives, a Note stuck to his door,

    Running About! Come Back Later!

    The note shows that this has happened more that once. Frowning Kiki turns to face Katherine. "Come one they are already out and about." She turns and walk out of the village and into the forest. she walks for a while not even caring if Katherine is behind her or not. Kiki walks for a while till forest grows quite still and dark, she looks around narrowing her eyes. The air smelled of earth and moisture... and Wet dog? A twig snaps to her left, Kiki looks that direction but expects a attack from the other side... it never comes. Frowning Kiki starts walking again moving farther into the forest, eventually it get so dark that the moon can no longer be seen. She can feel something stalking her, smiling she sits down on a large flat rock. Yawning  she lays back on the rock and closes her eyes, its still and quiet no sounds at all just a eerie silence. Kiki waited for a few minutes listening to what ever was watching her, it moves to the north of her the slight rustle of leaves and other leafy greens giving it away . then circles around to the south, *Its not stupid... It knows I'm aware of its presences* Kiki sits up and take a deep breath. "Come on now we cant do this all night... Ill win." She smiles as a figure moves into the area, she still can quite make it out what it is, Not human or at least not in human form. *werewolves right* Kiki stands and takes a fighting stance, she would enjoy the fight.  

    Kiki's Hp: 115%/115%
    Chi remaining 115%/115%

    (OCC: Rolling multiple dice they will come one at a time we are both forgetful so this is what we decided to do)


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by NPC 1st October 2014, 6:46 pm

    The member 'Kiba Yukiko' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] NormalMonster Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] WeakMonster Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] WeakMonster
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 1st October 2014, 9:18 pm

    Katherine was dreaming still, but had a rude awakening when she was utterly dropped unceremoniously into the ground. She did not understand what was happening and where she was. Hitting her head on a rock on the way down caused Katherine to suffer a minor concussion as her head bled. Not knowing where she was, the girl was abandoned alone in the forest.  She couldn't tell the diference where she was and stumbled into the forest in a daze of confusion. There was blood also coming out of her nose, hinting at a broken nose. Katherine did not feel so good afterwards and fell to the ground, the world circling around her. Her consciousness beggining to fade...

    ... but it was not to last.

    Right when Katherine's world was about to fade to black, there was a high pitch howl that echoed through not only the forest, but the village as well. In the dazed state she could not tell where the wolves were coming from, it seemed everywhere and yet nowhere. It was freaking Katherine out, she felt small, alone and scared. Why was she feeling this? She was an Angel for crying out loud! Creatures of Darkness feared her for crying out loud! Yet, it was at same time scary. Why was she alone? Where was Kiki? Why did she abandon her? Katherine kneeled to the ground and started to cry her little heart out, it was so much. Why was she alone again? It was the same as the day that she died... at the age of 9. Thats right, she was young when her mortal coil ended. The trauma of dying beggining to reflect upon her, aggravated by the concussion that she had. It hurt so much, the burning sensation upon her skin and the meat falling clean from her bones. It pained her so much.

    Katherine cried, "W-why have you forsaken me? I blessed you all with perfect weather for your crops... It made you happy, I didn't mean to have the lightning hit the village elder. Why are you all doing this to me?" She was trapped in her own little world with pain and misery sorrounding her. Katherine couldn't even see the werewolves seeing what could possibly be one of the easiest prey they could hunt. She was broken, alone and scared. Why? Why was she alone again? Why was she hurt by those that she cared? Why was it so dark now?

    Death always ended in darkness.

    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 1st October 2014, 9:58 pm; edited 3 times in total


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by NPC 1st October 2014, 9:18 pm

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Lineage Dice' :
    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] 2evt7p4
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 1st October 2014, 11:05 pm

    Kiki watched as the large werewolf step from the shadows, Growling as it eyes her with it piercing yellow eyes. "Come on puppy." Kiki taunts it. "Got a can of kick you ass right here come get it." The wolf bears it large fangs and charges forward, Kiki sidesteps the wolf, hitting it in the gut as it passes. It barely notices as it spins and swipes, Kiki dodges it easily. *Huh hes slower than i figured he would be* Kiki fails to realize that she is the one who is faster. It swipes with another claw, Kiki steps into the swing ark trying to block it, but she fails getting knocked to the side. *WHAT!* then it clicks she was faster but in return she had lost some of the strength her male form had. *Damn it!* rolling to with the blow, bringing herself to her feet just as the wolf launched another attack, Kiki ducks under it claws, and Brings her palm under its jaw snapping is head back. it recovers quickly only to catch another blow to the side of the head followed a kick the the upper chest. The Werewolf falls down to one knee, Kiki lifts her foot high and brings it down on the werewolf shoulder. The wolf yelps and scrambles back, Kiki right behind it. "COME HERE YOU!" Kiki screams as it retreats. The wolf scrambles to its feet as a howl sounds through the forest. Kiki stops, its coming from the village, did Katherine not move? she was a big girl she could take care off herself... then again the change to her body could have changed more with her *Damn it* Kiki sets out at the fast speed she can manage, her mind on the little girl. *shes not a little girl, Kiki!* Kiki hears the wolf she left behind pursuing her. letting off grunts as it runs. *DAMN IT!* she had been to worried about Katherine to remember to finish the damn  thing. *Stupid Stupid stupid.* Kiki starts weaving though trees trying to slow it down. I kinda works. The village comes into sight, Kiki jumps up onto a tree branch, swinging her body up and landing on another and branch, Jumping from branch to branch she get close enough to jump over the wall. Kiki see's two werewolves closing in on Katherine, who is one her knees crying from the looks of it. *Katherine!* she jumps the wall, as she does the werewolf behind her jumps at her closing faster than she is moving. Kiki sees the wolf out of the corner of her eye, as well as on of the wolves lifting its claw to end Katherine. "KATHERINE!!!!" Kiki uses Illusion break bringing herself right in the way of it claws. Kiki lets out a pained cry, Wrapping her arms around Katherine as she does. "BACK OFF! I WONT LET YOU HURT HER!" Kiki raises her Foot and drives it into the ground causing earthen spike explode from the ground. "I got you and i wont let you go again." Kiki says holding Katherine in her arms, her back bleeding from the werewolf's claws.

    Kiki's Hp: 110%/115%
    Chi Remaining  105%/115%

    Spells used
    Spells used:


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
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    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 1st October 2014, 11:46 pm

    Katherine was lost dead and alone, always alone. There was nobody was around to help her, except the Angel of Death. She was a very kinda and gentle lady older than Earthlands creation itself. Katherine felt comfort in her death, it ended her pain and suffering. There was just darkness and sleep, even if it was only temporarily. Sleep that was the last bit of peace she had, what followed later was blood. It always ended in blood, no matter what the creature was. Sweet pulsating blood that spread on the battlefield. Dark angels were not trained to be holy beings of kindness and mercy. They were trained in 1 thing: Killing. It mattered little what it was, fallen angels, demons, demigods, and mortals if they proved dangerous. Ishrowan wanted competition gone, so Katherine performed her duty. She had no say in her tasks or duties, there was only the orders of her god. To deny a god would deny an angel of the light that they needed for sustenance. Especially Dark Angels that couldn't produce any for themselves, making them pathetic wretched creatures. That was why so many of them were fallen, they were scapegoats and tossed aside like trash when it inconvenienced them. She couldn't disobey orders after all.

    Katherine has killed so many angels that served the Lamira family. A union of 2 gods that proved a threat to Ishrowan. It was deadly, Katherine fought with sword, storms and Chaos. She slaughtered them all, nobody could witstand her might in the sea of blood that she produced. Katherie muttered, "You have 2 choices those that serve Lamira family. Surrender and live or fight and die!" It fist started to rain, reflecting from her fantasy with reality. There was no difference between the 2, they advanced to attack Katherine. Katherine answered with a yell that summoned black lightning from the heavens. The pain of a thousand screaming angels filled the air. In retrospect the lightning fell into the real world as well, lightning striking from the heavens and zapped everyone equally. Nothing escaped the devastation, as the wolves were fried, jittering and falling over. Katherine eyes went beserk as she pulled out her sword in her hand, the small figure diving straight to a werewolf and stabbing it in the shoulder.  There was no remorse, no fear and no pity.

    Only war in all it's glory... and it's horrors.


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Age : 42
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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 2nd October 2014, 12:58 am

    Kiki saw the lightning coming, letting Katherine go she raises her hands in the diamond pattern to absorb the spells. Taking the elemental lightning for herself, she felt the lightning surge though her body causing her chi to accelerate. *lightning... good* She Ran over to Katherine and pushes her back as the werewolf that had chased her caught up. the wolf rushes in swiping at Kiki and Katherine, Kiki side steps and and kicks out with her foot catching it under it chin again. The wolf yelps again and charges Kiki, who pushes Katherine at the other shocked wolf. "Finish that please." Kiki says as she ducks another attack. stepping into the attack again striking its head twice then stepping back. She grabs Katherine and swings her out. "KICK!" she shouts, it did not matter really as the way Kiki swung her it would hurt. she spins Katherine around as she lashes out with her foot. The creature yelps and turns to run, but Kiki heads it off. "were you going?" she punches it in the gut then ducks its claws again. she charges into the creatures midsection pushing it past Katherine, Kiki grabs the blade from her as she passes, using it to cut the creature hamstrings. the creatures falls back as suddenly one of its legs is useless. the creature falls back and Kiki falls on it elbow first, knocking it out. She stands  "Damn it." she had take another hit while pushing the thing. "ow ow ow." she reaches back, feeling the warm wetness of fresh blood. "damn it..." she looks at Katherine still zoning out. She walks over, "Hey i need you help your going to get me killed if you don't snap out of it." Another howl sounds, causing Kiki to turn to the direction its coming from. she glances back at Katherine. Kiki would not last long it this kept up. she needed Katherine back. Sighing Kiki starts to walk to the Forest, "I never though you would freak out. I guess you weaker than i thought." Kiki barley meant what she said she was simply pissed by the fact she had to guard someone she regarded as one of the most powerful mages she knew. "Guess everyone has a weakness." She takes a step only to have her leg give out. "Fuck!" Katherine blade falling from her hand. Reaching back she realizes the the wound is much bigger that she though it was.

    Kiki's Hp: 87%/115%
    Chi Remaining  95%/115%

    Spells used
    Spell used:


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
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    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Felicity Vrago 2nd October 2014, 1:06 am

    Katherine had her sword taken from her so she used the weapon that she was gifted with: Her body. Popping her neck as she was pushed into the direction of the wolf, its eyes simply begging for mercy to a girl that was giving none. She walked up to the werewolf and then looked up into the sky as if to check something. Katherine smiled evily as she simply walked away, to pick up her sword Maelstromic Retribution. The Dark Angel picked it up from the ground and folded it away as ightning struck every wolf in the vicinity along with Kiki. Luckily for everyone, electricity was hardly fatl to a human being. Much less to giant hulking werewolves with history of strength and durability. They would just be knocked for the count temporarily. Katherine was done with the battlefield and moved on. She walked up to Kiki's jitttering body and looked with a dull impression in her eyes. They were the eyes of someone jaded after a lifetime of killing. So one would expect no mercy from this angel.

    You'd guess wrong.

    Katherine head was cloudy still, but looked at Kiki in her eyes and immediately picked her up by her shirt. Looking straight into her eyes she saw the chaos within, but not only that. She saw the sins of Kiba butchering those that killed his family. There was anger, pain and retribution. He also felt remorse for what he did and Katherine did her Angelic duty. She touched Kiki in the forehead and said, "I absolve you of all of your sins. Go with the gods and live in peace." She then made it rain the cleansing waters of her rain. Healing not only her body, but her soul of any of the damages done. She then took a few steps forward before the healing waters afected her as well. She looked around as if out of dazed and confusion of where she was. She was sorrounded by the unconcious body of werewolves and could not figure out anything. Out loud she asked, "What in the Gods happened? Where am I?" She looked a few more times and noticed once again her hands was stained in blood. Would it always be this vicious cycle over and over again? Katherine remembered what came after that battle. ods like to think of them superior to humans, but there were times that Katherine thought that if it weren't fo their powers...

    ...The gods under the almighty were not much better than humans.

    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 2nd October 2014, 1:41 am; edited 2 times in total


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] P5l7Dxp

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by NPC 2nd October 2014, 1:06 am

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 2nd October 2014, 12:43 pm

    Kiki felt the lightning bolt hit her *Damn...* she feels heavy and here eyes cloud, she fells to the now muddy grounds causing a small muddy splash. *Stupid... Cant believe it" She close her eyes. *Odd, the mud kinda feels good.* the feeling is short lived as Kiki feels something tug on her shirt, she sees a blurry figure. She smiles in drunken pain. "Finish it." she expects a blow to land but instead the figure says something, the words followed by a cooling sensation. Kiki eyes start to clear, the figure is Katherine, she looking around in confusion. Kiki brushes Katherine hand away and stands. Kiki brushes off some the clumps of mud from the clothing she had borrowed. Sighing she turns "You done freaking out?" as she move one of the wounds twinges. "Damn it!" She exclaims. after a second she recovers. taking a deep breath a pushing all pain out of her mind. "You need to get yourself strait." Kiki starts to move out of the village, *I wonder if she remembers anything that happened* Kiki shake the though from her head. "Hurry up Katherine Im not leaving you behind." She turns around and waiting for the girl. "Come here." Kiki smiles looking at the girl, covered in both the werewolf and Kiki's blood, She walks up not really sure of the feeling she having. she picks up Katherine and hugs her. "Are you ok?" She was unsure of this feeling, a warm feeling and a need to protect Katherine. Kiki stand there holding Katherine for a while before setting her down. "Hey we need to get this job done can you do it?" she smiles wiping some of the blood on Katherine face away. "If you can't you should go back to the guild hall." Kiki kisses Katherine on the forehead. "im not sure if what just happened is a side effect of what happened to us but if you cant fight i cant protect you and myself at the same time." Kiki let the element she had taken. Kiki turns and starts walking out of the village, but stops she could here them, they were coming. "They are coming." Kiki smiles she was done playing nice katherine had snapped to and was either gonna run or fight.(she hoped). "COME ON BRING IT!" she yells at the top of the lungs. As the first one comes over the wall she charges it ready to attack as soon as it hits the ground

    Kiki's Hp: 87%/115%
    Chi Remaining 95%/115%


    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] QGrxNTU

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    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions]

    Post by NPC 2nd October 2014, 12:43 pm

    The member 'Kiba Yukiko' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Shine Like the Moon(Kathrein Wickfield & Kiba Yukiko) [No Interuptions] NormalMonster

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