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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 14th October 2014, 6:42 am

    Ayeseru sighed; it would seem like she wasn't heard well enough, though that didn't stop any action taken by Katherine and Deniel.  When Katherine made the boat shake for reasons unknown to her, Ayeseru felt a strange sensation; she was quickly getting extremely sick, and she wasn't certain why.  The next thing she knew, she caught the scent of the sea, and Deniel's scent moving extremely fast, disappearing, and then reappearing once more.  At this point, Ayeseru fell off of the small railing she was sitting on, and straight onto the ground in a spooning position, grasping her stomach and was virtually paralyzed, making zombie-like moans.  W-what the?  I-I thought that this was taken care of a few years back!  Please don't tell me that this is...

    "Mmmm-mmm-ooo-tttt-iiii-oon s-siii-ckkkk-neeeeeee-sssss..."  Ayeseru's eyes turned into comical white circles, as her head seemed to transform into watermelon green.  Ayeseru, however, heard the loud noise of some form of creature, and as someone who strived to protect people, naturally, she would want to protect her comrades which accompanied her, the result was that she made an attempt to stand up on her feet; she felt the rumbling of her breakfast in her stomach, causing her to stop while she was on one knee, using one hand to stop her from falling onto the ground once more; at this point, she was completely normal, in terms of appearance.  Soon enough, however, she was able to crawl to to the stairs that led to the wheel, and grabbed a hold of the railing, pulling and forcing herself on her feet.

    She walked across the end of the boat to follow where the sound came from, at 0.0001 miles per hour, absolutely determined to get to the source of the trouble.  She collapsed once more, but was able to see that there were not one, but two of the creatures which were classified as Leviathans.  If that wasn't enough, Deniel was already dealing with one of the creatures, and while she couldn't exactly see what he did to defeat it, he returned, covered in blood, in which Ayeseru could confirm was not his, as it had an entirely different scent to Deniel.  Just as she was about to get back on her feet once more, the other remaining Leviathan decided to be the nicest guy on the planet.

    A.K.A a complete and utter jerk.

    The Leviathan slammed its tail against the ship, causing it to shake and bob uncontrollably, which, in turn, caused Ayeseru to instantly fall to the deck once more, in the spooning position with both arms covering her stomach, attempting to somehow miraculously make it feel better. In fact, it got so bad, that Ayeseru got knocked out.

    This was turning to go from a bad day to a horrible day.


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme

    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 22nd October 2014, 1:45 am

    Katherine watched as the ship barely missed the rocks by sheer inches and causing them all.... well them to die. Katherine could have just flown off if the ship started to sink. It was just Katherine had more integrity than that. She was just relieved that despite her weather manipulation getting hijacked, there was still a backup plan. Play support and keep team together. Katherine was previous the powerhouse, but something got her weaker. In fact timing was too perfect for this to... Katherine chuckled, "Aly you sneaky girl, did you have to spike all my tea with a powdered limiter lacrima? Well can't blame the girl after putting her through that exam.~" Katherine was actually proud of her, the granddaughter pulled a fast one on Katherine who had 50,000 years of experience dealing with tricksters. So to have a granddaughter smart, brave and bold to do such a thing put a smile on her face. Even when the Leviathans arrived to tear the ship apart. Lucky for her there was 2 brave warriors to help pick up the slack that her time of weakness would... Okay apparently there was only one warrior that was standing as the Wizard Saint got Seasick. This caused the angel to facepalm in embarrassment, so much for being ultimate badass demon that was supposed to be strongest of Wizards of this country. Katherine walked up to the young demon flat chested girl and patted her on back to let it all out. It was then that the first Leviathan practically exploded under Deniel's might. Katherine chuckled, "Captain Ayaseru, due to your medical condition we feel you are unfit to navigate this ship. Captain Deniel will you do honors when these brutes are finished?" Katherine was then nearly knocked off her feet when the Leviathan slammed to the ship and KO'ed the Dragon Slayer. Why did Chaos have to be a jerk today?

    Katherine sighed again, but knew what she had to do. If the Shadow Dragon Slayer got motion sickness, then it was best to remove her from source. She picked the girl up and started lightly slapping her awake. Hopefully it would be enough, because the Leviathan was going for a second run. So grabbing her like a Javelin, Katherine took a running start and simply launched the flat chested girl at the Leviathan. Effectively removing her from a motion sickness vessel and launching a deadly person to attack. Katherine then simply grabbed a towel for Deniel and tossed it to him commenting as he probably wiped blood off, "So do you feel the same way as me that they chose the wrong Wizard Saint for this job? Because his/her motion sickness is going to be a problem."


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 P5l7Dxp

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Decayuss 22nd October 2014, 4:56 pm

    Not the best idea after all. Deniel found that both of the slayers that accompanied him suffered from motion sickness, which reduced them both to worthy foes, to pathetic excuses for pawns. Deniel rolled his pure red eyes and lifted up his giant sword, ready to defeat the second one. Before he could, he heard Katherine request that he should navigate the ship due to Ayeseru's condition. It was something Deniel was going to think about, but it didn't seem like a huge possibility for him. He lowered his sword and watched Katherine pick up Ayeseru and shoot him straight at the other Leviathan. Deniel stabbed his sword in the ship's deck and watched Ayeseru. "Oh look. He can fly." As Deniel watched what was going on, something suddenly blackened his vision. His hand instictively rushed up and yanked it right off. He saw that it was just a towel, thrown by Katherine. Deniel threw the towel on the ground, as he didn't really need it to clean the blood off. Not only did he really not mind, but they were all around a source of washing something off. He walked over to the side of the ship and held up his clawed finger at her. "Hold that thought." With that, he let himself fall over the side of the ship and into the sea. He was gone for only about five seconds before he came out of the water with his wings rattling to keep himself up. His body was now completely cleaned from blood, but he was still soaking wet.

    He landed on the deck of the ship with his wings giving off a few more rattles, and then completely stopping. Even though he had just emerged from water, his spiked hair from being in his Devil form was still in that style. He approached his sword that he stabbed into the deck earlier and pulled it out from the wooden slabs. He sheathed it on his back where it usually was, and then cleared his throat. "Right...about the wizard saint. Ummmm, how do I put this? At this rate...I don't even think a wizard saint is necessary." Deniel walked right in the middle of the ship's deck, and then laid down. He folded both of his hands behind his head, and closed his red eyes. "You're the ship's captain now. If anything else, attacks, I'll kill it. Otherwise, I'm sleeping."

    Spells Used:


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Corrupted King of Knights
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    Posts : 2754
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
    Third Skill:

    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 23rd October 2014, 9:31 am

    What was life?  That was the question that surrounded Ayeseru's mind as she was knocked out; she couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and thus got images in her mind.  At some point, there was a strange feeling in her face.  What was it?  Oh, she remembered, it was pain; it was that stinging pain, too, which is the type of pain Ayeseru hated most.  She opened her eyes, and suddenly, the feeling of sickness was void of her, but what a precarious position she found herself in?  Katherine was holding her like a javelin, and was aiming her towards an enormous fish-like creature, and while most reactions would be to panic, she remained calm; she knew her dragons, because she was brought up with one, after all, and knew that the creature known as Leviathans, which is what stood in front of her now, were partially dragons, and as a dragon slayer, Ayeseru had a reputation to keep.

    Thrown, Ayeseru's previous helplessness was now in an alternate dimension, as she was being hauled towards the giant jaws of the mighty creature, a huge grin plastered on her face.  Just as it got within its grasp, Ayeseru transformed into a shadow as she got within its jaws, and as the leviathan shut them to take a good chomp of Ayeseru off, had her shadow seemingly explode, though was focusing at its bridge of where a human nose would be, reforming back to a human, sitting down with a smile on her face.  The mighty beast roared and that caused Ayeseru to stand up, waving towards it, signaling "Good bye!".  It was at that moment that Ayeseru used her heel to back heel the giant beast in the eye, and used the solid material to push herself away from it, doing a back flip in the air, stopping as she was upside down.

    The leviathan roared even louder, this time in pain, and began charging something in its mouth, and Ayeseru knew exactly what it was, and so, began the same; inhaling an inhumane amount of air, causing shadows to form around her and her mouth, causing her chest and cheeks to look like they're about to pop like a balloon that has had too much inflation, the leviathan doing the exact same, and at the same time, they both fired their beams of magic.  When they both released their highly concentrated beam from their mouths, an extremely loud roar could be heard from both adversaries; the roar of the Shadow Dragon, Sapphiron, and the roar of the water leviathan.  The two beams clashed, and appeared to be dead even; occasional sights of one gaining the upper hand temporarily arose, but nothing serious.

    After about ten seconds into it, Ayeseru's beam of shadow magic was beginning to prevail, evident from the fact that it was going straight through the leviathan's water beam, to the point where it completely overpowered it, sending the blast through its head, killing it off instantly, though also causing it to explode, sending a huge shockwave, causing the ship to float off in the distance and Ayeseru after it, somehow falling in the middle as it was still spinning around, which forced Ayeseru to resume back to her vegetable-like state before she even had a chance to whack Katherine in the head for throwing her.

    Roar - 7 post CD
    Magical Energy: 87.5% (2.5% used from shadow mode, 10% used from roar, natural regen in 5 posts)


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme

    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 23rd October 2014, 7:53 pm

    Katherine was amused with the results of her actions and that of the other slayer. Chuckling she leaned against the mast and watched the show. She wished that she had popcorn for all of this fun and games they were doing. Still she would rather be sitting back home with a cup of tea in her hands and with a pleasant book to read. However she was stuck in this job with an arsehole and a Seasick Slayer. This was not going to work out to well by end of the day. Katherine sighed as she watched the Dragon Slayer pull out a dark death laser out of her mouth and had what looked like a bad book scene cliche happen before her eyes. 2 forces were conflicting with one another... Katherine sarcastically said, "Oh noes, who do you think is going to win? It wouldn't possibly be the good guys." It was then that the devil finally won through and slayed the beast of the oceans which caused Katherine to roll her eyes. "Yay.... the good guys win again... What a cliche..." Katherine commented as she looked around and saw no more enemies. Why didn't she fight? Because it was better to stay out of the way and let others take glory than have too many people that could get hurt.

    Mary looked at Aya as she landed on the ship and was about to hurl when Katherine quick thinking insane mind flew to action. She grabbed the girl by the shoulder and said, "Into my shadow you go. Much better than being on a moving ship right? No 3D movement involved~" Katherine then literally threw the girls body straight into her shadow and hoped it worked. Otherwise she slumped an incoherent Slayer Wizard Saint straight into the deck floor. What she was hoping though is that she could pull out something like Priscilla did and meld into the shadows. It was her element right? Why wouldn't she have that ability? Katherine would sigh regardless, this whole job was a giant complication waiting to happen. Katherine moved to the wheel and noticed that it wouldn't budge. Something was jamming the ship's steering wheel. Kat paused for a few seconds before saying, "Oh bugger, Deniel ready your weapon. There is something jamming the wheel." It was then that several squidlike tentacles wrapped around the ship and attempted to squeeze the ship apart. This was no good, but there were smaller creatures that needed to be dealt with. Katherine smiled, "Think you can deal with a squid Deniel? Time to show why you don't fight Eclipse Soul... and Wizard Saint in tow.~" Katherine pulled her blade out, but no armor. It would weigh her down. She charged at the group of monsters on the deck, making wide sweeping motions so that Aya could pop out of the shadow and toss in attacks from there. This was going to be a fun fight.~

    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 23rd October 2014, 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 P5l7Dxp

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by NPC 23rd October 2014, 7:53 pm

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 WeakMonster The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Decayuss 24th October 2014, 7:26 pm

    Deniel kept his eyes closed throughout whatever happened inbetween the leviathans, and the next attack. In fact, since he was quite the sleeper, he had almost fallen asleep. He was getting very comfortable to the ship's deck despite it being made of wood, but also because he had his own coat to keep him comfortable. Just before it felt like he was going to fall asleep, Deniel suddenly heard Katherine talking about the wheel, and his weapon. Deniel kept his eyes closed and didn't see it as a bit deal. He turned on his side and grunted. Then he heard the sound of the deck cracking beneath him, and his red eyes shot open. Just in front of him was a tentacle wrapped around the ship, and breaking it. Deniel nearly jumped to his feet and grabbed the hilt of Armageddon. Now he could see what Katherine was talking about. "Take care of a squid? No problem!" Deniel gave his sword a small push, and then the blade started to move outwards. The blade also became more narrower, and longer. And then, when it reached the tip, it turned ninety degrees and became a scythe. Deniel pulled his scythe back, looking like he was going to do something special with it. Deniel then let out a loud and angry cry, and then threw his scythe. The scythe spun like a boomerang, and then cut off all of the kraken's tentacles right off, and eventually came back to Deniel. Deniel held out his clawed hand, and caught it perfectly. Despite the ship no longer being in danger from the tentacles, he still needed to kill the actual kraken.

    "I'M GOING FISHING!" Deniel sounded even more angry that before, as if his rage were driving him to do every action. He dove straight inside the water beneath the ship. And as soon as he opened his red eyes, something caught him by surprise. There wasn't one Kraken, there was two. The second one wrapped its tentacles around Deniel and squeezed him underneath the water. Deniel struggled in its grip. He was very strong, but he had a disadvantage with his strength underwater. He looked at the kraken that grabbed him, and opened his mouth. At first, air bubbles came out, and then a glowing red beam of energy shot out and came to the surface of the water. For the people on the boat, it just seemed like a beam of redness came straight from the water. Using this beam, which was his spell Shout of the Devil, Deniel freed himself and flew out of the water before anything else could happen. That's when he gave Armageddon another swing. Its blade became narrower and shorter, and turned itself back into the sword from. Deniel pointed his sword down at the water and narrowed its eyes.

    "I'M GONNA' HARPOON MYSELF A KRAKEN!" Deniel's blade suddenly shot at an extremely fast rate straight into the water. And once it was in the water, in literally an instant, it came back and then shot in the water again, and then a third time Deniel lowered his sword, and waited a few seconds. Just like his sword, blood began to become the dominant color of the water, and that's when the two corpses of the krakens appeared out of the water. Deniel hit the kraken that grabbed him twice, and the one he cut the limbs off once. Deniel swung his sword to wipe the blood off of it, and sheathed it on his back. His task was done, now he was just wondering how Katherine and Ayeseru were doing.

    Spells Used:


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Corrupted King of Knights
    Position : King Of Kings
    Posts : 2754
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
    Third Skill:

    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 15th November 2014, 2:01 pm

    Ayeseru was extremely close to throwing up for the first time whilst on the ship, however, just as sudden as the sensation came, it vanished, and it wasn't because it was out; she entered to what appeared to be a room of a world where only darkness existed, and as she would look around, confused, she popped her head to look above, and saw the cloudy sky and the ships sails in which she previously roamed. Grabbing the very top of the light, Ayeseru was able to get her torso out, only to be suddenly transported backwards as she was forced to follow the dark room. It would appear that Ayeseru was in Katherine's shadow, and she just backed off from an attack that came from a horrifyingly ugly creature that would've chomped off her torso. Quickly scanning the battlefield, Deniel had dealt with two squids, or what she presumed to be squids, and there were five of those amazingly ugly creatures; Ayeseru got the impression that whilst Katherine was hitting some slashes with her blade, she was allowing for openings for the Shadow Dragon Slayer to strike.

    They got to a stalemate, in which Ayeseru used the opportunity to jump out of Katherine's shadow, and land on her head, though she would be weightless because of the shadow transformation Ayeseru put herself through. Katherine had already managed to cut down one of the beasts after great effort as Ayeseru resided on her head, and after she did so, Ayeseru found the opportunity to attack. She leaped in a massive cloud of shadows, transforming back to a human as she pounced upon one of the fish-like creatures, though didn't force it to the ground, instead, held it by its shoulders, her feet high into the air, like a handstand position. One of the other fish like creatures had lightning fast reflexes and turned towards Ayeseru, though at that moment, she brought both of her feet down upon its shoulders, dragging the fish creature she held and ramming its head against the one she stood on, then pushing them both forwards and drop kicking them off the ship, slamming against the edge of it before dropping to the sea, using the momentum to carry herself back to Katherine's location in the form of a shadow.

    Apparently, this was enough to distract the remaining two fish creatures, which mean that they attempted to aid their companions, ignoring Katherine, which ultimately resulted in no injuries for her as Ayeseru went back to her in her shadow body. Still in this mode, she used Katherine as a launching pad, flying towards the fish creatures, though, this time, she simply passed through them, allowing herself to become a human once more as she got behind the one of the fish creatures, her weight and strength combined more than enough to shove it onto the ground as she elegantly preformed a cartwheel from its shoulders as it fell onto the other fish creature, forcing him onto the deck as well, and as soon as that happened, she curb stomped its neck, cutting off any form of air it could possibly get. The other fish creature was able to get up in this mirror of time, but Ayeseru simply allowed herself to sink onto the dying fish creatures body as a shadow, grabbing its leg and tripping it over, then resuming back to becoming a human once more and began spinning whilst holding its leg, and after some momentum was gathered, she threw the fish creature towards Katherine, hoping that she'd deliver the final blow.

    Whatever the case, Ayeseru was able to become a shadow once more, arriving towards Katherine's shadow before the flying fish creature's body could, and simply had her torso lightly lying on the top of the shadow, her arms in front of her as she would lay her head on them, as though she was about to fall asleep in class.

    Roar - 6 post CD
    Magical Energy: 85% (2.5% used from shadow mode, natural regen in 4 posts)


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme

    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 22nd November 2014, 10:09 am

    Katherine could not actually believe her idea actually worked, albeit a bit uncomfortable that there was now someone looking over her shadow. However it was someone who was a decent fighter at least, Katherine first slash nicked the monster at the chest, it laughed at first and then screamed as acid ate away at it. Melting its scales and armor as it slowly started to kill it, but it would not last too long. The second slash curved around cut the head clean off it's body. The smell of fish by now being the main smell in Katherine's nose and caused her to slightly gag. That was enough of a pause for the fish thing to attempt to lunge at the stomach of the Angel. This was an easy attack to dodge, so Katherine was going to use the magic that would counter the attack... when it just sputtered and didn't work. Katherine's eyes opened wide and the monster slashed at her stomach, causing a very grievous and normally fatal wound to anyone. Eyes opened wide at the pain that went through the physical body of Katherine, but calmed herself down moments later. This was not the time to panic over the pain or damage of such a wound. This could end in an utter clusterfrack if she went down, because it would pop Aya out and cause her to be motion sickness again. Kat just gritted her teeth and she temporarily tried another spell in her arsenal. Nothing. Sputtered again as if the gods themselves denied her magic.

    "Hard way it is then. Pain is just an ilusion after all~"

    Katherine ignored a fact that her kidney and liver was on the ground, but otherwise the body was just a meatsuit for her soul. Meaning that the body could take more of a beating than a normal human and could exert 5 minutes before needing to heal. It would be enough to defeat it as Katherine tried a weaker magic, but one she specialized in. She stepped forward in a rainbow flash of light and stabbed the creature in the face. She twisted the blade several times in the creatures skull, until it went limp and dead. It was then that Kat realized what happened, she chuckled blood out of her mouth. "Aly you lethal prankster, nice to know you can sneak a limiter in my food and drink." Katherine chuckled as she made it rain, able to cure any wounds and illness that occurred. Soon flesh healed and blood stopped flowing. It also would oddly cure the Dragon Slayer's motion sickness if she stepped out of the shadow. She would be surprised if Aya sticked to her shadow when she jumped at speed of light. However there was a saying that shadow was faster, because it was there first.

    "This is almost a game now, when is the next batch of monsters spawning?"


    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 22nd November 2014, 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by NPC 22nd November 2014, 10:09 am

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Die_04_42161_sm

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Decayuss 22nd November 2014, 12:17 pm

    Katherine and Ayeseru seemed to be doing fine on their own, and Deniel had just finished up with the krakens. This couldn't have been the end, however. There were more creatures coming. He could feel it in his blood, as it boiled with rage and fury, the lust for battle. "I can feel it....there are more foes." Deniel clenched his fist hard enough to cause a bit of blood to leak out of his hand. He couldn't wait a moment longer; there was something else out there in the sea, and it was approaching fast. And then suddenly, a tentacle flew out of the water and wrapped itself tight around Deniel. Deniel's state was still pretty enraged, and he didn't take kindly to sneak attacks. He pushed against the force of the tentacle wrapped around him, and forced it back enough to the point where he could escape. There was at least one other kraken, but he doubted that was just it. There was always more. The tentacle Deniel just escaped came in for anther attack, this time it managed to smack him hard enough to send him back. And once he gained control of his flight again, another tentacle smacked him down towards the ship. Deniel made a harsh impact, rocking the entire ship several times as he landed. Deniel pushed himself on his feet again, and he was even more furious than before. He felt like punching a hole in the ship, but there was no way he could do that without upsetting either of his partners on this mission.

    He let his anger triggered by his Devil form keep going, since he could use it to gain further strength. Even after Deniel got on to his feet, the ship was still shaking. The krakens beneath the water were making some mysterious sound, and just like the ones Deniel took out earlier, they wrapped their tentacles around the ship. There were even more of them this time, which meant more krakens. "These things will NEVER stop pissing me off!" Deniel ran to the edge of the ship, and dove into the water. Once inside, he opened his pure red eyes and saw four entire krakens. Two were around the ship, while the other two were coming from either side. Deniel needed to take care of the two that were around the ship. And he knew how. He held both of his hands close together and created a very tiny orb of his Unholy Energy. And then, he thrust both of his hands forward, and the orb in his hands shot out as a powerful beam. This beam pierced through the first kraken, and then the second. The grip on the ship weakened, and eventually was no more. The krakens weren't dead, but at least they couldn't do harm to the ship anymore. Two of them, that is. The other two were beginning to take their spot in trying to crush the ship, Deniel could only hope Katherine and Ayeseru could take them out while Deniel dealt with the other two.

    After being pierced through, the krakens Deniel hit looked at him, and were just as mad as he was. Deniel held out his hand and taunted both of them by motioning his four fingers back and fourth. He was going to say "Come on!", but all that would come out would be incoherent sounds. Deniel grabbed his sword, Armageddon from his back, and using his wings, swam to the two krakens to take them on. Up on the ship, the other two krakens were just beginning to do their job.

    Spells Used:

    Last edited by Decayuss on 22nd November 2014, 12:46 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Deacy2
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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by NPC 22nd November 2014, 12:17 pm

    The member 'Decayuss' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 24th November 2014, 4:57 pm

    Katherine had made a sudden jump towards a location; normally, Ayeseru would've gone with her, being in her shadow and all, but, since over half of her torso was outside of the shadow, she was sent out flying, slamming against the door to the captains quarters, and before she could even feel pain, she felt the rocking of the ship, which was able to outweigh the feeling of pain; immediately, Ayeseru appeared as though she had been impaled on the ground as she was clutching her chest; she swore she felt her breakfast rise to her mouth, before, once more, being relieved of the sickening sensation whilst remaining on the planks that would make up the ship. Feeling the droplets of rain pound upon her skin, Ayeseru made assumptions that the sudden relief had come through the strange liquid; the only person present with such an ability, or so Ayeseru assumed, was Katherine, resulting in Ayeseru thanking Katherine... Mentally. She was midway through a sigh before the ship rocked extremely hard, Ayeseru still on her feet; it would appear as though her motion sickness was cured, even if only temporarily.

    Deniel was dealing with two others kraken-like creatures, which meant that only two were left for both Katherine and Ayeseru; truth be told, Ayeseru could've handled all of the creatures with relative ease, however, her doing all the work would result in her partners becoming bored quickly, and no real combat experience gained. But, there was something... Strange about Ayeseru. She had suddenly becoming extremely angry; the angriest she had ever been. Could it possibly be...

    A woman's rage?!

    That was precisely what it was! Ayeseru was extremely angry at the fact that she was close to vomiting not only once, not twice, but three times! Yeah... That could make a girl angry. Ayeseru walked towards the edge of the ship, with her fists clenched tightly right beside her; she meant business. Her eyes glowed a crimson red, which represented her serious side. Yaksha still strapped to her back since the last time it was used, Ayeseru transformed into a shadow once more, and would leap to one of the krakens, immediately becoming a solid human after landing on what appeared to be its face, quickly drawing Yaksha bad began stabbing ruthlessly at its eyes. The kraken roared out in agony; it was now blind, and it attempted to swipe Ayeseru off of its face, but as the tentacle drew near, Ayeseru slashed it with Yaksha, cutting it off cleanly; the talon of a dragon sure was a powerful weapon indeed.

    The kraken roared out in agony once more, and made another attempt, only to have that tentacle cut off as well. " Enough. Time to end this." Ayeseru jumped into the air as a shadow, so the kraken would be unable to grab her, and allowed herself to motion towards its forehead, or where she presumed it to be. Before actually colliding with it, she transformed back to being a human, Yaksha pointed towards it as she spun like a drill, going through the kraken's head like a drill, and appearing over the other side, easily destroying the brain, causing it to collapse in water and Ayeseru to fall into the ocean. She quickly resumed her shadow transformation and went back to the ship, walking past Katherine with Yaksha still strapped to her back. There was still one more kraken left, but, Ayeseru felt as though her womanly anger was calming down.

    "All yours.", Ayeseru muttered as she passed Katherine.

    Roar - 5 post CD
    Magical Energy: 82.5% (2.5% used from shadow mode, natural regen in 3 posts)


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme

    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 10th December 2014, 2:22 am

    Katherine was glad that the rain water helped the Wizard Saint to recover from motion sickness, it was the little bit she could do. Being limited in power was not an enjoyable feeling to be had. So she watched the 2 start kicking some Kraken butt, wishing that she had some tea with her for the show. Katherine had her sword waiting, waiting for the opening needed to dive in and attack. She needed to be careful as she struck, but there was a simple tune as Aya started her attack and it was a sea shanty so it fit situation! Her voice was like an echo, a symphony for those to hear. However Katherine's melodic was like having a choir behind her. It was beautiful, but one could sense the chaos behind it.

    "Come all you young sailor men, listen to me,
    I'l sing you a song of the fish in the sea;

    And it's—
    Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys.
    When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
    Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow,
    Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes."

    Soon there was an opening and Katherine flashed in a series of rainbow colors towards the Kraken and dived on the beast. The tentacles were excellent footholds to run up the squid, Maelstromic Retribution slicing up the tentacle as she ran up the tentacle. Blood squirted out as she got to the head, there was no growling... No anger... but simply a smile on her face. She was enjoying the chaos that was presented to her. The chaos was great and she enjoyed every second of it! She continued singing as she slammed the blade into the skull of the beast. It would not kill it immediately, but take a while. The creature thrashed in pain while as she continued singing.

    "Up jumps the eel with his slippery tail,
    Climbs up aloft and reefs the topsail.
    And it's—
    Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys.
    When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
    Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow,
    Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes."

    She rode the creature around a bit, blade in the skull as she twisted the blade and let the acid drip in the brain. She was laughing as the Kraken struggled a good 5 seconds before it went limp over the ship, enough time for Katherine to jump off and slid on to her knees as she gave the finale of her song in a sign of showmanship. If you were going to do a job, you may enjoy doing it! Song was not over, but it was the end to a creature!

    "And then up jumps the shark with his nine rows of teeth,
    Saying, "You eat the dough boys, and I'll eat the beef!”
    Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys.
    When the wind blows, we're all together, boys;
    Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow,
    Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes."

    God she loved this life!


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 P5l7Dxp

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Decayuss 10th December 2014, 5:29 pm

    Facing two Krakens didn't sound easy in the mind of a normal person. But for Deniel, it was almost a cakewalk. Deniel felt a tentacle wrap around himself, and his first form of action was to cut it in half. Two more came at the same time, but he cut both of them in half as well. The krakens finally learned their lesson: their most powerful weapon was useless against Deniel. That wasn't the only weapon that they had against him, though. Deniel flew in the water towards them, with his sword ready to give one a devistating wound, or just slice it in half entirely. What happened instead was, as Deniel got close, a Kraken opened its gaping and many-teethed mouth, and let out a whirl-pool like torrent of water. Deniel's red eyes widened, but then closed himself as he was hit with a rushing force of water. He felt the pressure crush down on his skin, which made it most deadly of all. He could feel his body being crushed, as if walls were caving in on him. Deniel felt his blood boil, but worst of all, he felt his scaley skin crawl. In response to the pressure, Deniel flexed his muscles against the force, and slowly started to push back against it. It was like trying to fight against the current of a river, but Deniel made it through. And with his mind and body filled with rage, he converted that rage to strength, and raised his blade. Giving as hard of a swing as he could, Deniel cut the Kraken one way, and then cut another in an X shape. And the result was the Kraken getting cut into four pieces. If Deniel were on the surface, he would have let out a very angry noise to it, but since he was underwater, his expression was the only thing he could show.

    His expression was more than enough, though. His pure red eyes were already filled with rage, as they glowed even in the darkness of the water. In addition to that, the shape of his eyes were when a person was frowning, since a person couldn't tell from his eyebrows because he had none. And finally, he was clenching his fangs, showing off further signs of anger. And with this anger, he charged straight into the other Kraken, bringing it down further into the sea.

    Deniel had been down beneath the waters for quite a while. After the krakens let go of it, nothing could really be heard or seen. And then, four pieces of a body floated up to the surface, making part of the sea turn into whatever color blood these creatures had. And after about another two minutes, Deniel burst straight from up the water with an inhuman shout. He was in a spinning motion with his sword pointed up, and if it werent for the water, it would have been drenched in blood. Deniel stopped his spinning and looked down at the ship. His bug-like wings rattled as they kept him airborne. He slowly descended down on to the deck of the ship. The scowl on his face and glow in his eyes were gone. In fact, he almost looked happy. "Whew! That was wild! Can we do that again!?"

    Spells Used:


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 10th January 2015, 8:44 am

    Ayeseru sighed, though unlike her other sighs, it was a sigh of content; her woman's rage was depleted, and she was quite calm at this point.  Ayeseru clapped on Katherine as she finished off her own kraken, and smiled towards Deniel as he was finishing up his own pair; Ayeseru had actually giggled lightly when he had finished, mostly because Ayeseru hadn't expected Deniel to even smile, not to mention actually sound excited about something.  Once the battle had officially ended for the time being, the fog lift up, even if ever so slightly; instead of only being able to see from five meters in front of her, Ayeseru could see twenty five meters in front of her, which wasn't an enormous difference, though, regardless, was more than enough to make a difference.  Still, it was the fact that the fog was lifted, even if slightly, that irked her; had they defeated a main source of power for the fog?  Was defeating more of the monsters and beasts the key to getting rid of it?  Did they do something specific that allowed for it to lighten up slightly?  Or was it...  The demon creature that they're supposed to defeat purposely lifting the fog..?  Either way, it made her uneasy.

    At any rate, the only thing she could do was to simply shrug it off, and thus, she did so.  A few, mere seconds had passed as she thought through all of this, though she did seem as though she wandered off in her own mind, and upon the realization, she shook her head, and smiled once more at the pair, now responding to Deniel, "Haha, well, don't you worry, I'm fairly certain that there are more to come; I'd be shocked if we don't get even more powerful opponents, in fact."  Ayeseru immediately skipped over to the wheel; seems like some womanly habits she would of had if she started off as a female were already beginning to show; when she got behind the wheel, she made sure that the boat began sailing once more.  For the next five minutes or so, it was pleasantly peaceful.  Relatively quiet, and whilst you couldn't see too far ahead, the view that was up ahead was quite nice.  It would've been such a nice sail on the boat, through the sea, if they hadn't been required to do what they had to do; Ayeseru actually forgot what they were doing very quickly, though quickly realized where she was once loud explosions came from the water.

    The ugly land fish had come back; six new ones were now on the ship. Not only that, but six more krakens had burst out of the sea and roared at the exact same time; it almost burst Ayeseru's eardrums. Heavy waves began forming once more, causing Ayeseru to sigh, and look up with a mischievous smile. "Quote on quote, 'transportation', will no longer affect me... Well, at least for now... So, let us have fun, shall we not?"

    And it was beginning.

    Roar - 4 post CD
    Magical Energy: 82.5% (natural regen in 2 posts)

    Last edited by Chaotic Rumble on 11th January 2015, 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by NPC 10th January 2015, 8:44 am

    The member 'Chaotic Rumble' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 NormalMonster The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 WeakMonster
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

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    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 17th January 2015, 10:18 am

    (Sorry my magic just got approved recently)

    Katherine was done with her merry little tune as she decided to clean her blade with a piece of ragged cloth. This was fun in a way, killing all these water creatures with song and sword. The weather however needed a bit clearing so Katherine strolled around to the side of the ship and simply inhaled. At firt nothing happened and then she inhaled harder than before sucking in the entire fog like if she was some kind of vacuum cleaner. For a while she stood there and continued sucking, but it was resisting bad. This creature did not want the fog to disappear, which made Kat want the fog to go even more now!

    Eventually the creature lost control and the fog flowed into Katherine's mouth like a Vortex. Consuming the fog like if it was some kind of soup and absorbing it into her body like some sort of tug of war with another entity. It was almost like 2 dogs fighting over a bone and the resisting was getting harder until Katherine let go.

    "Okay you can have it."

    The fog rolled back like if it was a slingshot, the other entity pulled too hard and to suddenly have the fog go the other way caught it off guard. Soon the skies were clear and visibility was normal, well except for the healing rain that was still going on. That seemed to hamper most peoples visibility. However even that was soon ending as the magic of the spell to run out. When the final drizzles ended Katherine took off her kimono and left it hanging on a mast to let it dry. Nothing worse than fighting in a sopping wet kimono. She then hung back and let the sun to dry her skin and the bikini underneath. She grabbed her sword and grabbed a wet rag to clean her blade. All the while humming a very merry little tune in her throat.

    Katherine then looked up at the explosion in the water and the army of Krakens that appeared. This caused Katherine to chuckle, this boat was not going to last much longer from these creatures onslaught. Luckily for Katherine she could fly and proceeded to put back on the partly dried kimono. Tying it up she walked over to the Wizrd Saint and asked, "Well what is the plan of attack? Shall I provide support or shall we all go in and fight like the heroes that we are."

    HP: 100%
    MP:90% (Consumed some fog and 2 turns before regen)


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 P5l7Dxp

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss)

    Post by Decayuss 17th January 2015, 12:00 pm

    (OOC: My magic has been updated as well.)

    Deniel sheathed his sword and took a deep breath. He let his emotions calm down, and give himself a break. He had to admit, female Ayeseru was probably right that there would be more enemies. But for now, Deniel could take a breather and relax just like he was before. He sat down just beneath the mast of the ship, and closed both of his eyes. His resting period might not last too long, but at least he got one. The break had lasted surprisingly longer than Deniel had intended. It was about five minutes before explosions started to ring in his ears. As soon as they did, Deniel nearly jumped up from where he was sitting down, and looked around. There were even more krakens and hideous creatures, and to be hoenst with himself, he was completely disappointed. If all he had to do for this mission was kill a bunch of fish over and over again, then Deniel wasn't going to be challenged at all. The most these krakens could do was hit him a couple of times, but Deniel never really saw much of a challenge in them. The six krakens began to roar, much to Deniel's annoyance. He rolled his eyes, and grabbed his sword from his back. Just before he sheathed it, though, he felt a strange rush of new magical energy flow into him. He also felt something on his head...so he stared down at his shadow. When he looked down, he didn't see the spiked hair in his shadow. Instead, he saw...horns. Deniel put the hand that wasn't holding his sword on top of his head.

    He didn't feel hair, but instead, he felt scales. Scales very similar to the ones on his body. Suddenly Deniel dropped his sword and put both hands on his head. He felt scales all over, and then he felt the horns sticking out of his head. "What the Hell!?" While Ayeseru and Katherine were more than likely killing a bunch of krakens and other things, Deniel was struggling with a slight alteration of his looks. He ran over to the edge of the ship, and looked at his reflection in the water. He saw what looked almost like a crown on top of his head. It had a jewel right in the center of his forehead, and two horns sticking out. Deniel had seen this before, but never in a Full Body Take Over. Deniel tilted his head to the side at his reflection, and saw it move back with him. This was new...and probably had something to do with the rush of magic he felt. Something suddenly hit Deniel in the face, as a kraken pretty much slapped him with one of its tentacles. Deniel was knocked back on to the ship, and he shook his head, ignoring the pain. He saw his sword right by his side, and he finally remembered what was happening. "Oh...right. Krakens...oops."

    Spells Used:


    The Sea of Lost Souls P1 (Katherine, Decayuss) - Page 2 Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:39 pm