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    Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Janneline Ariel 6th September 2014, 5:07 am

    Janna watched the girl, surprise written on her face as Black lightnings fell, right towards Janna and Sinali. Lightnings tainted in black. Unholy magic. Janna had seen this before not once, but several times, and had seen people like her in Savage Skull. God Slayers. People who were trained by Gods to slay Holy Creatures. She was in a bad, bad, bad, very bad position. If this girl attacked her, she would have no defense against her, and would deal her much more pain than a normal attack. Because she, despite the fact that her soul was tainted by the numerous crimes she had done in the past, was still, in any ways, someone taught to become a Divine Creature, hence the name of her ReEquip. The Divine Apprentice. And that girl, was trained to slay Holy Creatures. The irony in the situation was incredible. It was an Angel with magic that can Slay Holy Creatures Fighting a Criminal with a magic that makes her a Holy Creature. Janna had to look back at the Werewolves, whom Sinali was fighting. She had to help the girl out and fight against Katherine. In all senses, they were screwed. Because right now, it was 4 against 2.

    Quickly jumping away, avoiding the lightning by little, a Golden Magic seal appeared under her feet, covering the ReEquipper in a Golden Light, that could blind people that were looking at her. With a metal Clang, the Glow dissapeared, leaving Janna's new attire to the sight: The Savage Skull Pillar was no longer wearing the Robe Of Yuen, but she was now wearing the armor known as Hemera's Apprentice. The one that allowed her to manipulate light at will. But what she did not expect, was a blow coming from the girl. She tried to slice her across the chest, something that for Janna would have been an almost fatal, if not completely fatal blow. Janna began swinging her swords randomly, as she could not follow the Angel girl with her eyes. Most possibly, she was moving at the speed of light, but Janna managed to block the blow halfway, and reduce the damage she would have taken, so that the blow didn't land on her chest, but on her stomach, cutting her slightly. Wincing in pain, Janna jumped backwards, looking at the werewolves, deciding to divide her attention in two: Telepathically, she'd fight the werewolves, but manually, she'd deal with Angel. This would not be the first time Janna did this. In manny occassions, the ReEquipper had to divide her attention in two, something that was always hard for her, but that always allowed her to attack more than one enemies at once. Swinging 5 of the swords at one of the Werewolves, Janna tried to land a strike on it, before turning her entire attention back to Angel. It appeared the God Slayer was singing something, a song Janna could not understand, but that gave her chills. This fight would not end well. She had that feeling.






    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Bass 6th September 2014, 9:38 am

    Sinali was hit by the lightning bolt as were the three wolves. All four of them were hit heavily. Yet because they were linked by the tongues the bolts were conducted once more through all of them. They were burnt to a crisp. Well, the wolves were. Sinali was just hit very heavily by the bolts. The tongues were destroyed by the blow. They had received too much damage. Her normal tongue regrew instantly, but she was, for the time being, slightly paralysed. Whilst broken bones would not stop her, nor having her limbs chopped off, an electrical surge like that was enough to disrupt the neural pathways of her body. As such she wasn't paralysed. Not really. She just had very little control of how her limbs were going and so they were spasming quite a bit.

    Perry flew down and curled around her body preparing to act as a defense to anything that came near. Despite the fact the wolves were pretty much burnt to a crisp, one started crawling towards her. It was that one that was sliced apart by the five blades of her partner for this job. It was now two against one. Or three against one if you included the dazed Sinali. Still, it seemed that the angel/priest/strange lady was targeting only Janna. This for some reason annoyed her. It was as if she wasn't worthy of attention.

    A sense came to her head as if there was a chance she could of been hit by more lightning. As could Janna, but it seemed that neither of them were. Perhaps it was because one of the rather charred wolves had been hit by a second bolt. Or perhaps it was something else. This new power she had instead of her normal bloodline. If she'd had her normal one she wouldn't be half as dazed as she was now. It was quite irksome really.

    It looked like Janna needed help of some kind, and Sinali had perhaps only one way she could help. Her body began to ripple and then from it emerged bugs. They were 1ft in size and were like bees. What's more there were a full 20 of them. The swarm of bugs all flew at the angel aiming to stab into her and distract her. It wasn't much and it wasn't her strongest, but it was the most she could do without possibly hurting Janna. She felt she'd need Janna to survive this ordeal and even more so to fight against the werewolves. Yes, for once Sinali would protect a life, as strange as that seemed.

    Sting buggy:
    (You forgot to roll for extra bolt Janna. So i've rolled for you.

    First dice: Sinali
    Second dice: Janna)

    Last edited by Sinali on 6th September 2014, 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total


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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by NPC 6th September 2014, 9:38 am

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Die_05_42162_sm  Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Die_03_42160_sm
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
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    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Felicity Vrago 7th September 2014, 2:08 am

    Katherine was temporarily blinded by the light that was flashed on her, the brilliance making it hard to see the enemy. She did however feel the blade cutting through armor like if it was a hot butter through a knife. The white light was blinding though and thus could not see the damage though. This would not happen if she was in her angelic body, but being trapped in a mortals body it made her eyes water a bit. She rubbed her eyes slightly as she stood back and  cleared the eyes a bit. The damage may have been minimal on the target, but  the armor was wrecked by the force place behind it. It was barely holding on by the straps that were on it. This was more than satisfying in damage, because she was dependant on weapons. Katherine however wasn't dependant in the slightest. Still she sang...

    "I hear hurricanes ablowin'
    I feel the end's comin' soon
    I hear river overflowin'
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.~"

    Katherine stepped forward again, but stopped when the sound of buzzing approached. Clever zombie girl!~ She needed to react fast and thus exhaled deeply as a massive dusk colored snowstorm formed with Katherine in the center. Due to everyone being wet, there was a probable high chance that they were going to be frozen in place from the spell. They could free themselves with appropriate heat based spell or massive strength. Regardless Katherine turned her back to Janna, but not before giving the look to Janna. It was the look of you are so pathetic that the child is a bigger threat than you. She turned and trudged through the snow that was forming and was whipping everyone equally with its chill while lightning was still striking in the distance. This was not a natural weather, it was the thing of nightmares. It was something that only a sociopath could think of, but in this case it was an angel doing this. Each step she approached Sinali to engage into combat, because she was a bigger threat. She was resistant to her God Slaying magic, but not her holy blade. Katherine was not amused by that in the slightest, but still kept the smile and the song.

    "Don't go around tonight.
    Well, it's bound to take your life.
    There's a bad moon on the rise."

    Katherines blade was ready to stab the Zombie childs body, but thats what all Holy Blades craved for: Purify Unholy beings from their taint. This made Katherine eager to defeat the one that claimed to be a worthy challenge by her actions. Jannaline Ariel would not escape, because she was prideful and not leave a team mate behind. It would look badly upon her guild that she was willing to leave an essential (probably) member behind. She could be proven wrong, maybe the lady would prove to be a coward.

    In end it mattered little to Katherine...


    HP: 100%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown: Rainbow Step 2

    Duration: Lightning Strikes twice 4, Storm Goddess White Walk 5

    Continual B-rank damage that converts to A ranks for Holy beings and C-rank damage Unholy beings. Status effects apply to same rules when it comes to ranking.~

    Reason I said your amor is broken like that Janna is that last post it took 2 A-ranks of damage (1 from sword and another from rainbow step giving it another rank in damage). That things toast and you allowed my blade to hit you in the post you made.~


     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 P5l7Dxp
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Janneline Ariel 10th September 2014, 7:13 am

    Janna watched terrified, amazed, as her armor, one of her strongest armors, one of her little defenses, broke into pieces. Janna was a very fearless girl, terribly bold, and even sometimes, when pissed, stupidly bold, but now, one could see the fear in her eyes, crystal clear. Fear of getting her armor broken. She was really attached to it, and highly disliked people nearing it, which is why nobody ever really entered in her room in Savage Skull without her permission. Her eyes landing on the Angel girl, she saw that she was looking at her with a face that clearly said she was Pathetic. This was something Janna could not forgive her. Despite often being seen as a very levelheaded and sane, silent, calm person, Janna was getting very, very pissed, and this was something not all too enjoyable to see. Quickly taking all her blades back to her, she began walking towards the Angel girl, her red eyes shining perillously, and a black aura arising around her.

    '' You should begin praying to the God you serve.'' Janna remarked, her voice calm, although anger could be still noticed in it. ''Because I swear to Nyx, I will destroy you. I will cut you into million pieces and throw you back to your Guildhall, or to the Council's Door, Or even to the Gods themselves, in pieces. You dared to near my armor and break it, and you dared to near Sinali, a guildmate of mine. This is not something I can let by. I will never forgive you, and I won't back away until your body is at my knees.'' Janna said, as the snowstorm that had just been gathered blew, freezing the ReEquipper instantly. This was the drop that made Janna;s blood boil. She never allowed anyone, ANYONE to do this to her. To treat her this poorly and then freeze her as if she was some lowly mage that could be held by this spell.

    Janna wanted to exquip Hephaestus' armor. With it, she would be able to break the ice at ease and manage to attack the Annoying angel girl, but she still had a bad, bad, bad feeling. There was something, something that was not right. She simply felt as something was about to go terribly wrong, and well, it seemed that her intuition and her feels wouldn't fail her tonight. And the thing with Hephaestus would fail. Why? Because she needed to move to exquip the sword at least and cast Fire slash. That's why now she was trapped in this trap, cursing in her mind with such words, that if someone heard her curse would make her clean her mouth not with so much soap that she'd spend a fortune in just soap. Surprisingly, for a 16 years old, Janna knew some very creative and very interesting curses that would make everyone's jaw drop if they had heard them, which was the main reason why Janna didn't curse a lot outside her mind. But she would find a way out. She didn't give a walking damn how or when, but she would.






    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Bass 15th September 2014, 1:15 pm

    Struck by lightning. Frozen. Her bugs destroyed. Now this woman was coming at her with a sword that radiated holiness. Sinali was not happy in the slightest. With a telekinetic command to her pet the insectoid crawled down onto her back and latched its mandibles into her neck. Its legs pierced into her very spin and as it did her eyes went insectoid and an armored exoskeleton formed on her. She now truly looked like the insect queen. She swung her arms as if to block the blade with her arm, but as she did so her bracelet glowed and formed into a sword. It was likely not as strong as her opponent's weapon, but with her strength, and the fact she swung two handed, it should be enough to stop or parry the blow. Normally, the weight difference between them would of forced her back or put her at a disadvantage, but the parasitic armour had countered that little weakness.

    That was all the opening SInali needed. Her eye upon which the guild tatoo was imprinted expanded and then from it fired a beam of light in the shape of the guild emblem. It went straight towards the chest of her opponent. If the attack had been parried or stopped successfully then this would likely hit. It was quite a powerful technique. If it failed, it failed, but if her opponent dodged it then the beam would go straight towards Janna. The way Sinali had aimed it was so it would hit the ice, but not hit Janna even if it went straight through the ice. Sinali didn't like to save lives, but she was no fool and knew that Janna would be necessary for her to survive this confrontation. There was no guarantee of course that the beam would get to her. It might hit Katherine. It was all up to chance.

    It was that point that chance decided to take a turn for the worst, or the better depending on your point of view. A bolt of lightning struck down and hit Sinali. THis also meant it had a chance of hitting her opponent as well simply because it would be conducted through Sinali's sword and thus through her opponent's sword. Unless of course her opponent through herself out of the way. It was however quite painful. It also weakened the armor by a B rank. It wouldn't take another bolt.

    It seemed that Katherine was not the only threat though because at that moment six more of the werewolves, like those from earlier, decided to come and see what all the fuss was about. They saw the burnt bodies of their comrades and let out a howl before charging at the two unfrozen mages. Their furs were lined with frost because they were being effected by the ice. It was not enough to stop them though.

    What was particularly annoying about these turning up was that this goddess/angel/priest woman had killed the previous three and in this game they weren't meant to kill people. Hopefully, it wouldn't go against them negatively. Sure Sinali had almost killed them, but they would of lived. Probably.

    Skull Signal:
    Parasitic Enhancement:

    First dice: Janna
    Second dice: Sinali
    (I swapped them to spice things up a bit this time)

    Last edited by Sinali on 15th September 2014, 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by NPC 15th September 2014, 1:15 pm

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Normal Dice' :
     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Die_02_42159_sm  Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Die_01_42158_sm


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 WeakMonster  Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 WeakMonster
    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Felicity Vrago 19th September 2014, 9:18 pm

    Katherine approached slowsly as she trudged through the snowstorm as she finally approached Sinali with sword at hand. There was a first beam that simply was dodged to the side out of pure instinstual reaction, the following one was immediately reflected upwards to the sky and to nothingness above. There was no chance that the girl could hit her with those beams, but it provided enough time for the little June bug to attack the Angel with a sword that barely niched into her skin. It was cut, but of real no significant consequence aside from a gash. The girl did not have much more weight to go through an armor and into the skin of her body.

    It was almost as if the demons were smiling on these sinners today as the giant bolt of Black Lightning struck Sinali' but passed the current into Katherine. After a couple thousand volts of electricity coursed through her body, through the blade and into Katherine... The Angels human body seized up and jittered a bit around the same time as the Undead one, causing both of them to fall in the snow. The first thing on Katherine's mind was the following: Darn this girl ruined the rhythm of my song, and I was feeling a good rhythm coming along...

    So she laid there, the spells still going off as the snowstorm and random lightning continued. The situation was quite awkward to be honest. All 3 of the fighters were out of commision... Thats when she heard the ice crack and realized the Zombie childs eye laser blasts broke Janna's ice and thus freeing her. Well this situation got very precarious! There was a demigod that could now approach and end the fight with a good ole' fashion decapitation. Funny how the situation played out, but it couldn't possibly get worse!

    That was when she heard a growl at her face and 2 bites of werewolves one in the right shoulder, another in the right thigh. This was bad, this meant that she had to bring the big guns in this fight. She couldn't move, but channeled the transformation of her body as the 3 werewolf drooled on her face. This was disgusting, but typical in the battlefield. She could feel the pain in her back as the snow was soaking in the red blood of Katherine, only to be promptly buried under the snow before it could be grabbed or used against her. The angel had to move fast, because if Janna could get past the wolves fast enough, she could end this fight.

    OOGC: Spell rolls to see who the wolves go after. FIRE means they go after me, WATER they go after Janna and EARTH they go after Sinali.

    Snowstorm is still going on dealing continual B-rank damage to everyone.

    Wolves taken B-rank damage regardless who they attacked.

    How much % HP loss would you say 2 wolf bites are Zack?

    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 20th September 2014, 12:23 am; edited 2 times in total


     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 P5l7Dxp

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by NPC 19th September 2014, 9:18 pm

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Fire-Water-Earth' :
     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 2lqebn  Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Wtzv3n
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Janneline Ariel 27th September 2014, 10:58 am

    Janna was trying to concentrate, summon a blade, summon a fire blade, anything, just to free herself from this ice prison. She despised this place, she despised being captured, and most of all, she despised the Angel girl. Janna was cursing this whole situation aloud, not using the most educated words, even using some words that might make an adult wonder how the heck a 16 years old knew them. But then, something caught her attention. It looked quite like a beam, a beam in the form of the Savage Skull guild symbol. The beam hit the ice and began piercing it, breaking it, until finally, Janna was free. She fell to the ground, on her knees, quite cold, but she was definetly not defeated. There was still so much to go, and it appeared now that Katherine was captured, open for an attack, if we ignore the creepy lycans around her.

    With a reassuring smile on her face, Janna got on her knees, the rests of Hemera's armor still covering her body slightly. A blinding light surrounded her, her golden magic seal appearing right below her as she exquipped not an armor, but a robe. Seconds after that, Janna appeared out of the light, wearing a short white dress, her hair pulled in a ponytail, a large, silver blade in her left hand. She noticed wolves approaching her, ready to attack her, but in all honesty, she did not care. Because now she was prepared, and she could attack them in peace, stun them before heading towards the Angel girl and finishing her off. 3 Werewolves for her and 3 Werewolves for Janna. Simple, yet screwed up, as the werewolves weren't all that, hm, easy to kill. But Janna was confident, now that Ares' blade was in her hand, radiating a faint, red aura, as it always did in a middle of a combat.

    Without hesitating, she threw herself at the first werewolf and landed right in front of the massive creature, a snarl coming from it as it threw itself at Janna, who was more than concentrated on her task. Closing her eyes for a second, she rose the blade and cut her palm with it, scarlet blood coming out of it and running down on the surfice of the blade. A blood sacrifice in order to summon power. Without wasting any time, the faint red glow around the blade became stronger and stronger, until finally, it looked as if it was not glow around the blade, but blood. Without a minor doubt even, Janna threw herself at the confused werewolf, managing to make a deep cut in his shoulder, but was immediately thrown away by another werewolf soon after that, she landing on the snow and the lycan landing on top of her, its claws directed towards her cheek as it tried to slice her, and achieved it. Janna managed to find an opening and stab the Lycan in the side, making him howl in pain, allowing her to escape. By now, the snow white dress was all dirty, but Janna could not care less; it was the first thing she thought about, so it was nothing important. She lifted a hand towards her cheek and passed it through it, noticing the deep wound she had just recieved. Damn, this was stupid. But she didn't care, as she ran towards the Angel girl, the three lycans from before following her, and tried to reach the Angel girl, determination and uncontrolled anger in her eyes. This girl was going to pay, and nothing could stop her.






    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Bass 27th September 2014, 11:58 am

    The lightning had not done as much damage to sinali due to the parasitic enhancement she had used before being by it. As such she wasn't quite paralysed, but her movements were slowed. The cold was also a bit less effective, but it was weakening her armor further. It really wouldn't last much longer. Unfortunately, she couldn't use it to its full advantage because the bugs were not strong enough to survive this snow.

    Furthermore, the wolves were ignoring her which was equally annoying it not more so. She hated being ignored. Yet, she didn't feel that attacking was the right move. Somehow she felt instinctively that they needed to be prepared for...something. "Be careful." she shouted. She would be forced to use her new tool. Her arm began to glow brightly and then suddenly from her arm bone began to flow over her body forming a skeletal armour. This armour was a powerful armour enhanced by magic. It was the power of her boneheart lacrima. The armour covered every inch of her body, even her eyes and mouth. The eyes however were covered by translucent bone. She still couldn't move much though.

    Whatever her lineage had changed to told her that the threat right now was not to her, but to Janna. Still, she couldn't let this angel get away with such a thing. Her hand transformed into the head of harland with a cannon protruding from the mouth. "Boom." the cannon said in a perfect replica of him as it fired towards the angel. The cannonball would do B rank damage by itself on a hit, but would do an extra C rank explosive damage with a radius of 25ft. IT wasn't much and it was only one shot for now, but it would do.

    Sinali wasn't expecting it to hit, but she was hoping it would cause enough of a distraction to stop the infernal weather. Heck, if it did hit her it might end the battle altogether. That lightning probably had done some decent damage at least. Plus it might scare the werewolves or get them onto her so that Janna could do something. She had broken free of the ice now thanks to Sinali so she was likely the best one to deal with this situation. She considered things carefully and then fired a second shot aiming for the wolves near Janna. Hopefully, that would distract them long enough. She only had one shot left now, but that was the best one.

    "Pretty lady, remember not to kill the wolfy people."

    Bone Armour:
    Harhand cannon:


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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 8Xdz1Cq

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    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
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    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
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    Post by Felicity Vrago 3rd October 2014, 1:46 am

    Katherine was hurt, aching and with werewolves still trying to claw and hurt her. She could feel weakened by the blood loss, but that was a good thing. The pain in her back was an even better thing in fact as Katherine had 2 wings of pure black lightning explode from her back and expanded on the ground. She was much faster now as she grabbed the first werewolf she saw and held it in fron of her so that it would catch Sinali's cannon shot for her. The werewolf coughed blood as it yiped in pain and the thrown to Sinali. Katherine lost her sword, but she did not need it. It was time to end her target. So Katherine casted a barrier on herself called Skin of the Storm Goddess and Rainbow stepped at Janna after Sinali's second shot hit the werewolves. It was just the opening she needed, traveling at 1/2 the speed of light Katherine ran to her target. It mattered little to Katherine whether she lived or died, but the task needed to be done. She was here to take out Janna from the Gods plans. No longer would they stand for her disgracing the Divine weapons with blood of the innocents. No longer would they stand to watch a Demigod dishonor them. No longer would the show any mercy to her.

    It was time for judgment.

    Katherine was focused on 1 thing, grabbing Janna by the neck. It mattered not if Janna attacked her with her god weapons. All she cared about was grabbing Janna by the neck and overpowering her. Of course doing so would allow Janna to attack with her free hand of weapons over and over again. Katherine would make not attempt to block it. She was confident about the barriers that she placed on her. It also served one other tactical thing to Katherine. Regardless of grab or not, Katherine would say the following: "You are going to pay for every sin you have committed. Every pain you ever inflicted. Every lives you have taken. Every family you have torn apart." It ditched the 3 werewolves that Katherine had and left it with Sinali to deal with. And they were going to be mad at her for firing on the pack. Katherine's 3 werewolves would soon be on top of Sinali, but what was damning to all of them though was the noise the cannon produced. And that meant one thing as howls sorrounded all of them on this battlefield...



    HP: 52% (Good job you 2, regen 2% HP)

    OOGC: Sorry about that been busy...

    Wolf reinforcements attracted by Sinali's cannon fire.

    Storm Angel Apatheosis and Skin of the Storm Goddess activated.

    Roll 6 sided dice for element of skin of the Storm Goddess. I choose Wind as my element.

    Will add MP, CD's and Durations momentarily

    Last edited by Katherine Wickfield on 3rd October 2014, 1:54 am; edited 2 times in total


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    Post by NPC 3rd October 2014, 1:46 am

    The member 'Katherine Wickfield' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
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    #2 'Normal Dice' :
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    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Janneline Ariel 12th October 2014, 4:19 am

    With the swift wind dashing through the plain, small field where the two mages and the Angel stood, a lot more wolf howls could be heard. Janna blinked a few times as suddenly, all battle stopped for mere seconds, making the residents feel slightly safer, for an unknown reason, which was ridiculous; While surrounded by 3 wolves and an Angel, one should never feel safe, as this feeling often proved to be the reason of the downfall of many great mages.

    Naturally, Janna managed to prove mere seconds after that that there was no actual reason to feel safe; for the Angel girl charged at her, sweeping off the werewolves off from her path, and reached the ReEquipper, attempting to take her by the neck, moving at an immense speed. But Oh no, You Bitch, I'm not even Going to allow you to near me this time.Janna wasn't going to let her do this so easily. Just before the angel girl was able to even touch her neck, Janna dodged her hand by falling to the ground on purpose, then quickly rolled away and got up from behind Katherine, and tried to stab her, while she listened to the angel girl's speech. Janna certainly despised this girl, and would make sure to be she who ends her life once and for all. Janna disliked killing people; but when someone annoyed her to this point, she would do it with pleasure.

    Listen to me, and Listen to me closely, because I don't like repeating myself. I will give you one chance to retreat, to take your ass away from here. If you walk away and leave this place, everything will be settled; however, if you decide to stay, I assure you one thing; you will die by my hand, and I shall feed you to the Werewolfs. The decision is all yours, girl. Janna said, her red eyes glowing perillously, a dark aura surrounding the girl completely. Her red eyes stared into the Angel girl, anger clearly seen in them. Janna could see an incredible mass of werewolves approaching them, but tried to ignore them and concentrate entirely on the Angel girl. Her biggest priority now was to end the life of the Angel girl once and for all.

    Without hesitating, she tried to land yet another hit on the Angel girl with Ares' blade. She was not going to stop attacking her. One hit after another one she attempted to land, the hits becoming three, four, until on the fifth one, she stopped and passed a hand through her blonde locks, messy as hell now. At least one hit must have been landed. Out of five hits, at least one must have been successful.





    Last edited by Janneline Ariel on 23rd October 2014, 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

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    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

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    Post by Bass 13th October 2014, 12:28 am

    It seemed that a HELL of a lot more wolves had been nearby. More than she had expected. It was like the whole village was just waiting for a loud sound to investigate and now she could hear howls of at least twenty wolves. However, one of them actually managed to send shivers down the spine of the undead queen. It literally radiated with power. Whatever that was she had a feeling it would not be an easy fight. They had to take down this angel now otherwise they would be royally screwed. With this angel here she couldn't use her best spells and without those spells she doubted she could handle these wolves. With them she could probably handle most of them. Though that big one raised a few doubts.

    She let out a wince as she felt a tearing at her back and from the bone armour emerged Perry. The armour reformed because this was not actual damage, but just the ending of another spell. Still, it was painful for the undead child. She didn't have time to wait or think. No, she had to attack hard and fast. She still had a shot left in her canon, but she doubted that would be enough even if the angel was distracted. Besides, with the way Janna was attacking it was quite likely Sinali might her her and whether she liked it or not for the undead girl to survive this day/night she would need Janna alive.

    There was only one option. She would have to show this woman the deadliness of hugs. But first she needed to deal with the wolves. She turned and aimed off into the distance and fired off her final precious shot of the harhand cannon. This time the head itself flew off rather than firing a cannonball and the entire time it shouted out 'Gonna getcha' in Harland's voice. She'd aimed it in such a way that it would go the full 150ft range before exploding. Hopefully that would distract the wolves as they'd be attracted to the new loud sound. She then dodged behind a tree and activated a B rank spell known as 'One plus one'. This created a clone of Sinali whom Sinali gave the blade known as Mr. Snakey. She didn't need it for this combination. The real Sinali instantly began to compress her magic power as much as possible so that she was harder to detect magically and then activated Invisible Girl. This was a D rank spell that made her near invisible. The issue with it being the reason she had supressed her magic power. The invisibility did not hide her aura that well. It was a flaw she was working on, but it was difficult. She had ideas and as usual for Sinali when making improvements: they involved Lacrima.

    The clone ran directly for Katherine going to stab her whilst Sinali snuck round. The clone didn't have the armor that Sinali had created which was a shame, but her opponent did not know how strong that armour was so it was likely it could of stopped by now. The fake Sinali launched a flurry of attacks much like Janna, but they were done slightly differently. Katherine would likely try to dodge or block the attacks from Janna. The clone would try to guess those dodges and attack in such  a way that Katherine dodged Janna's attacks into Sinali's. It wasn't perfect, but it was ok. If the woman tried to fly upwards the clone would leap with all its strength and swing its blade, extending it into whip form, to try to slice the flying target.

    The real Sinali got as close as possible waiting in the cold nearby, looking for an opening. She wouldn't attack...yet. She might not need to. However, if she did she would make this woman fear her hugs. Yes, the deadliness of the 'loving' hug would be shown today. Either on this angel or on a werewolf. As she got close she sensed herself being watched for the briefest of seconds before it faded. It was almost a question in that brief second. It seemed that they had one other option in this battle.

    Perry had flown up high surveying the battle from above. She knew what Sinali was up to and guessed what the clone would do. She kept up high and waited. If Katherine flew up high it would not only be a blade she needed to fear


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    Post by Felicity Vrago 26th October 2014, 4:18 am

    Katherine was amused by the girls desperate cries mixed with anger. Only desperate people would give a threat mixed with a way out. Katherine smiled as she stopped just in time to not trip over the girls body. The girl was skilled in combat, but not in strategy. As the snowstorm finally ended, there was just a smile from then Angel. Not one of anger or anything, but one that screamed that something was going to go wrong really quick. If Plan A failed then go straight to plan B which was actually more humiliating than the original plan. Katherine said, "Oh you know that I would simply go to another body and hunt you down for the rest of your days. There will be no escape from your fate, for I have all eternity to hunt you down at my leisure." Katherine even let her hit the Angel twice to show her the futility of her ways. It was then she felt a clink at her back as Sinali, no a clone of Sinali tried to hit her. The Skin of The Storm Goddess holding strong, but was beginning to weaken. She smiled though, it was time to end this fight.

    Katherine whistled a simple song and it started to rain, but it was no ordinary rain. It was one made out of sins committed upon the environment itself by humanity polluting. It reached the heavens to concentrate itself and become like acid to Katherine, essentially rusting and destroying any weapons and armor that Janna might have and what she could summon. It was going to be over for the girl for if the gods gave her power, then the gods could take it away. It was in Katherine's right to do so. As the rain poured from the heavens in an attempt to deny the 2 weapons, which would only really be Janna. Then ran away from the 2 people that surrounded her, she was going to need to be strategic and towards her sword that she was surprised nobody picked up. She got the blade back in her hands and smiled again. She was fast as lightning and only had one threat now...

    Katherine didn't even have to use her senses, the rain fixed that problem by giving Sinali an outline of her figure. Katherine at first claimed, "So ready to fight again Jannaline..." She took 3 steps towards Janna, before flipping around on her heal and charged at Sinali's invisible form at 228,000 mph. She was being fast, hopefully fast enough that the zombie did not have time to react. She would stop at her right side and make a sword swing with attempt to slice her in half with the Holy Blade. This was the endgame, the fight between Sinali and Kat would determine the fate of the invasion. However Katherine had courtesy to say, "Hello dear, nice game of Hide and Seek you have. Care to play another game? I always liked to horseplay a bit." It was obvious that inside she was trying to make it fun for the child, even if it was a zombie. Sad they when children fell into evil...


    HP: 54% (HP regen of 2%)
    MP: 55% MP (After reviewing again, I realized that gave wrong MP value to a spell and thus corrected it here)

    Durations: Storm Angel Apatheosis 6 posts (-2 due to 2 lower rank spells used to boost up), Skin of Storm Goddess 4.
    Cooldown: Lightning Strikes Twice 5 posts, Storm Goddess White Walk 8 posts.

    Acid Rain is boosted and deals continous B-rank damage per turn on any weapons or armor, unless its made of metal where it takes 2 B-ranks of damage. Does C-rank damage to the person itself, but remember that this is Godslayer magic so adjust as needed.

    Skin of the Storm Goddess requires 1 more B-rank damage to destroy.

    Spells in effect:


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    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Janneline Ariel 5th November 2014, 11:34 am

    Acid Rain. This was Hell on Earth.

    Janna felt pathetic. She felt lost, useless. A simple angel had defeated her in no time. Her hands wer shaking, her eyes were fixated on the floor beneath her as she watched her weapon, her precious weapon get destroyed. She couldn't believe all this was happening. With a quick glimpse at the sky, she wondered if the Olympians were the ones who had made this happen. The ones who have organized it for this Angel girl to come and hunt her down. In a sudden fit of anger, Janna rose to her feet, staring at the girl, furious. Not only she dared to hunt her, she destroyed one of her armors, but ALSO one of her weapons. Janna would make her pay. Even if the angel girl always found a new body after Janna killed her, Janna would just keep and keep killing her, until the rest of the days. She wouldn't let some stupid God Slayer destroy her. If she lost to this girl, she'd never approach the Savage Skull guildhall. She simply couldn't; she wouldn't be able to look at her guildmates' eyes from shame, and her guildmaster... she couldn't fail Harrigan. She just couldn't.

    Listen to me, you horrenduous bastards; once I'm done with this girl, I'll hunt you down and kill you all, I swear. Including you, dear Mother. She thought, her eyes remaining on the clear night sky above her. She was tired from all the crap the gods have been giving her. Ever since she Got involved with them, against her will, in fact, she had been having to deal with things like this Angel girl every day. Boy, she was better off not knowing that her mother was Nyx. Now her mind was not only occupied with trying to discover who her father was, where was she from, but as well, who was her sister. The last time, and the first time, in fact, Janna had met Nyx, her mother had been rather nice enough to mention that Janna had an older sister. From the same father as Janna. It was rather interesting; Gods rarely had children with mortals, and not from the same man/woman in most cases. Janna had to find that girl right away, because, if this Angel girl was going after Janna, and Janna's sister was not exactly pure either, there was a high chance for the Angel girl to go after her too. Janna couldn't permit her to suffer the same fate she was suffering now.

    Suffering the burns from the poisonous/acid rain, Janna quickly got on her feet, and ran away from the range of the rain, running past a few werewolfs, earning a scratch on her abdomen, after being unable to dodge the claws of one of the werewolves, ripping the robe of Yuen slightly. Quickly, she climbed into the caravan/carriage that took them there, breathing hard, and remained watching the girl for a second. She had to shoot her with an arrow. She had to find a way to make one of Artemis' arrows go through the rain. She had to...

    She had to summon the Garm. The idea suddenly hit her, and Janna was incredibly thankful she thought of it. The Garm. But of course. How come had she not thought of them? Harrigan had gave the Savage Skull members the ability to summon twisted, evil, unead hound abominations, and one of his pillars had completely forgotten they existed? Wow, that was stupid of her.

    A sudden, blood-chilling howl ripped through the night, stopping everything. Every lycan stopped in his tracks, every mage stopped to listen. It wasn't any ordinary howl of a wolf or a lycan; it was the howl of the undead hounds that served Savage Skull, that came to aid their master, one of the people they served in the guild; Janneline Ariel, pillar of Dancing Blades. The fifteen Enormous hounds made their way to the battlefield, growling at the enemy; Katherine and the Werewolves.

    Meanwhile, Janna put her hand on the wall of the Carriage and took out a ruby bow and a quiver full of arrows. The only ranged weapon she had. This could not fail.






    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

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    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Bass 5th November 2014, 3:02 pm

    Rain. It had ruined everything. Her plans had not gone as successfully as she had hoped. Her clone had been unable to pierce her target's hide. If she'd had her true strength then perhaps she would of been able to, but no. It was not so. The acid had ruined her invisibility and weakened her armor further. It would not take much now to break. However, she wasn't given time to think of another plan as suddenly the accursed angel was next to her swinging a sword of holy fury.

    Sinali knew she couldn't stop the blade nor dodge the blade.  She knew it would hurt and the damage would likely be near fatal. However, she wasn't going down with a fight. She would use what little durability her armor had to take most of the blow using her arm and her side. It would still be damaging, but it wouldn't as damaging. She moved her arm in front of the blade. The blow hit slicing off part of her arm and digging into her side as well as shattering the bone armor she had been wearing. She yelled out in pain, but didn't let it stop her. She focused and used two spells at once.

    The first formed a second pair of arms. One which formed from the shoulder and went straight for a punch at Katherine's face. The other was to remotely control her cut off arm to try and punch this woman in the gut and wind her. She prepared her other two arms for an attack. "Tag your it."

    Her clone charged over and dove at Katherine going for a tackling hug, but with a bladed point. IT likely wouldn't be enough but it would be a good final use of it. Sinali would bring this angel down by any means necessary if she could. She was running low on magic power which wasnt good, but she still had a few tricks left. If only they could stop the infernal weather she could end this. Well, she would of been able to. Her magic power was a bit low now. Still, she would give it her all.  

    Perry on the other hand was not helping Sinali. She had flown off above the acid and blizzards to recover for a while. However, even she froze at the sound of the garm's approach. Sinali however did not 'freeze' out of terror, but out of joy. She loved the Garm. She often went down and 'played' with them in the catacombs. She had however forgotten about them in the heat of the moment and was glad Janna had cleared her mind enough to remember, even if she had seemingly buggered off and left Sinali by herself to fight an enemy with a weapon that had the potential to kill her properly.  "Uh oh. Looks like somebody's in trouble now." Sinali said enjoying the sound of the howls as the garm emerged from the trees. They had been undetectable and now they were here and very detectable. The garm always howled as they emerged. A warning. A threat. A power that weakened those not blessed with the emblem of savage skull.



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    Post by Felicity Vrago 14th November 2014, 7:47 pm

    Katherine smiled widely, this fight was going her way so easily. Sinali herself got up close look at Katherine's eyes as the Zombie flesh sliced open like a hot knife through butter. Even she was helpless now as the holiness of her sword burned her. She was confident in her task. So sure that she would claim victory for not only her guild, but her Goddess Eos. This would be a close fight though, their last struggle was putting up much more of a fight that she originally thought. They were starting to get clever as she was going to land another attack on Sinali... But then she heard them...

    It was if the howl reached deep into her very soul, as if it turned her spirit itself into ice. Katherine turned around to face such chilling howl to face a 4 meter tall creatures that looked like demonic wolves were emerging from the treeline. From the shadows, in fact from everywhere just out of the corner of her had one of these wolves. It was a Garm, it had to be one.  No other creature could have the putrid stink of death, fear and viciousness as a Garm. So was this Janna's pet or her guilds? Katherine's eyes widened at the small amount of fear she was receiving. It was just what the Garm needed to sap her magic power, but she managed to just barely compose herself enough to keep hold of the magic already cast. Normally a mortal would flee in terror, but Katherine had her duty. She would accomplish her job, but it was enough of a distraction for Sinali to land 2 punches. One was against her armor that deflected  most of the blows, but the other was at her face that while did little damage knocked her in place. The blade hit her finally finishing off the Barrier as it shattered, this was a set up for something much worse.

    A Garm got too close to Katherine while she was unbalanced and went straight to bite Katherine's head clean off her body. Katherine had no time to dodge or get out of the way, but she could mitigate the damage that Sinali set up. Katherine pushed her arm out to attempt pushing herself away from Garm, it succeeded. However her off-hand was bitten off by the attack as she fell, rolled over and ran back for a moment. She needed to count and slowed herself to manageable speed. She counted 10 of the Garm, but they were always lurking. Always everywhere, but there was one mistake the Savage Skull members did. Well two of them actually, one was tactical error and other was error of fear. Katherine looked at the Garm and simply laughed, it seemed like she finally went insane. And in fact it finally snapped. Her mind falling into the deep end of chaos and she enjoyed it, the pain, fear, anger and blood mixed into a milkshake of Chaos.

    Katherine laughed, but exhaled an Arctic Wind that blanketed the area with a chill of Ice and would freeze everyone except Janna (because she was semi protected by the carriage if she closes door.) and Katherine (source of the magic). Everything and everyone else would most likely be frozen again by the acidic rain and Artic Wind combination of spells. It would wrap around trees, terrain and natural barriers. Everything that got wet was frozen and everything not wet would suffer arctic conditions. Katherine gripped her sword tightly as she Rainbow Stepped in a flash of brilliant colors to Sinali. Reaching the speed of rainbows, Katherine ran up to Sinali and decelerated just before Sinali. She sand, "Baby it's cold outside!" Katherine could have killed the zombie girl with a blade through her neck. A piece of Katherine took pity of Sinali, they were kindred spirits that took different paths. So instead her blade was lower, much lower in fact as Maelstromic Retribution would attempt to slice her lower torso from her body. Hopefully it would work, but it should.

    HP: 18% (regen cancelled by equal blood loss), loss of left hand which is her offhand.
    MP: 45%

    Durations: Storm Angel Apotheosis 3 posts, Artic Winds 4
    Cooldown: Lightning Strikes Twice 4 posts, Storm Goddess White Walk 7 posts, Rainbow Step 2 posts.

    Everything hit by Arctic Winds are Frozen due to being soaked in Acid Rain and Arctic winds. Even the Garm.

    Garm most likely damage by 1 C rank damage (Acid Rain) and 1 B-rank (Arctic Winds). One C-rank HP would remain. Reason why below.

    According to Fred, magic used before the Garm Chilling Howl is not affected and only damage is ever effected. No mention of status effects, if so then you are frozen for 2 posts. However since I believe that 50% less magical damage to an A-rank spell (Due to being buffed by Storm Angel Apotheosis) is in fact a B-rank spell then I believe it cancels out and simply freezes for 1 post.



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    Janneline Ariel

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    Post by Janneline Ariel 26th November 2014, 9:14 am

    The Garm were amazing. Simply an atonishing performance, they had managed to bite her arm off, although they could've cut her head off, if she had not moved. Only if she had remained still, this would've all ended. She would have died. She would have dissapeared. But she had moved. Regardless, there was an opening. A chance for the Savage Skull pillars to win this battle. To kill her, to destroy her. Taking an arrow out of the quiver, Janna stared at its, at first sight fragile built, and then at the outside. Acid Rain. Acid affected many metals and dissolved/corroded them. But her arrows were made out of ruby. It wouldn't get corroded, right? No, effectively, it wouldn't.

    However, as Janna readied to shoot the cursed arrow, suddenly a chill of Ice began freezing everything. Quickly reactiong, Janna closed the door, protecting herself from getting frozen. Breathing hard, she looked at the icy heaven outsied and gulped. If she went out now, she'd get frozen. If she summoned Hephaestus' armor and burned things, she would get it destroyed by the acid rain. Her possibilities weren't exactly good, and she had to make a plan that allowed her to shoot an arrow without having it melted... Then it hit her. But of course. She had heard of an ancient art, something called ''Spell Fusion''. She could fuse Artemis and Hephaestus, and create something insanely powerful, at least for a moment. And damn good she could do it.

    Taking a deep breath, she hoped that this would work, because, in contrary case, she would have failed... in many aspects, the worst of which would be that she had failed her guild, something she would like to avoid at all cost, as, if that happened, she wouldn't be able to look at her guildmate's, or her guilmdaster's eyes anymore, and would be forced to leave the guild due to the shame. She wouldn't be able to survive that, and literally. Harrigan would kill her before he allowed her to leave. And that was only one of the bad aspects of even attempting to leave Savage Skull.

    Suddenly, a golden magic seal appeared below Janna's feet, covering her in flames. Her body, got quickly covered in a red and black armor, which reminded of a dragon, and then, something weird and unusual happened. As she held tight the quiver and bow in her hands, the flame that covered her suddenly turned golden, and covered everything in light, blinding anything that could've been even remotely close. The bow an arrows began shaking, getting covered in the golden flames, until, finally, the flames dissapeared, leaving Janna very, very surprised.

    She look at her armor, to begin with. It was completely made out of ruby, its previous metal composition mysteriously dissapeared, and was glowing with a faint, red glow. The bow was shaking, covered in flames, something pretty damn unusual, but that indicated that it had worked. Quickly opening the door, Janna took a flame-covered arrow and aimed, concentration and red glow emanating from her like heat from fire. I've got you now, bitch...

    Without hesitation, she released the arrow, closing her eyes, hoping it would hit Katherine no less, but in the place where she was aiming at; Her head.

    Okay, I used the Character Perk called ''Spell Fusion'', which basically allows to fuse two spells in order to create a new one. The cost of this spell is equal to the cost of a B Rank spell plus the cost of a C Ranked spell plus 1.5B, thus, B+C+1.5B= 35



    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

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     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline

    Post by Bass 27th November 2014, 1:55 pm

    Frozen solid again. Little magic power remaining. Her clone destroyed. The garm, her final hope of survival, were also frozen. Perry had dissapeared and it was unknown where exactly she had gone. It was then that suddenly the woman known as Katherine formed next to her in a glow of rainbow light once more blade at the ready. The blow she was going for would not be fatal, but would be incredibly difficult and painful to heal from. The strange thing was though that the ice that kept her trapped would actually be the source of her salvation. The blow would be momentarily slowed giving her that little bit of time to react. Her arm, which had been cut off, was also frozen, but it was still able to be moved. Another useful feature. The frozen arm raised up and swung itself at the blade to try and parry it. It was barely enough to knock the blade a small amount so it sliced Sinali's leg off rather than slicing her in two. The frozen Sinali tumbled over to the side unable to support herself on one leg, particularly when frozen. As the ice hit the ground it shattered freeing Sinali. However, she was unable to move much. THe blade that Katherine had used was filled with holy energy and as such the wound it caused was the same as if she was a normal human being cut by a sword. Her leg was bleeding and she was in agony. She could die from this wound.

    It was then she noticed the huge flare of power coming from the direction of Janna. It seemed that the 'pretty lady' had some tricks up her sleeve still. Sinali rolled trying to move into a better position so she could get a clear shot at Katherine. There had to be something she could do still.

    The problem was though, even if they defeated Katherine. Even if whatever the hell Janna was planning worked against this angel. It would all be for nothing. They still had an army of werewolves to deal with and neither her nor Janna were in a fit state to fight much. Could the two of them...two pillars of Savage Skull...have failed? Was their no hope for them?

    "No, it won't end like this." Sinali whispered through gritted teeth trying to ignore the pain caused by the cut to her leg and the acid rain falling. "Savage Skull won't fail." It was then she heard a voice in her head. A familiar voice and one that gave her some hop back. Perhaps everything wasn't over yet. Above the howl of the storm that this angelic mage had formed there was a faint buzzing. A faint buzzing caused by a large butterfly worm descending from the sky. Unfrozen and undamaged by most of the acid rain. Why? Because she had flown up above its range. Now she was back and seeing and sensing SInali's hurt pissed the insect queen off to no end. The angel would pay, if Janna's arrow didn't finish her off first.



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    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

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    Post by Felicity Vrago 19th December 2014, 10:52 am

    Katherine was no longer smiling anymore, the pain was finally hitting her and the blood pouring out of her missing hand. Cuts, bruises and pain wracked her entire body. However there was nothing more to do that push on with her task at hand. To ignore self preservation for the will of the Gods despite how cruel and savage her orders were. It was there that Katherine was going to finish off Sinali, but a bit of her held back and poked Sinali in head, "Tag your it. Now stay down and you may go home remotely ali-" It was then Katherine was interrupted by the sound of cracking ice as Janna opened the door. Katherine barely had enough time to turn her head around to see a flaming arrow headed her way. No time to dodge as it was flying for right between her eyes. She did have time to mitigate the damage by putting the bloody stump of her mutilated hand in the way. It stabbed, it burned. However it was not fatal. If it weren't for the rain, it might have even finished Kat off regardless. However the structure was already partly compromised and hit her skin in a way that shattered splinters flew into her body. It was enough to put Kat in a hunched over position as the Garm melted to death from the remnants of the acid rain.

    Katherine had to finish though, there was nothing else in her mind as she stepped closer to Jannaline. There was rage and duty in Kat's eyes. No longer was there any jokes or anymore taunts as she took step after step. However there was a smile in Kats face now. She took out the threats now and could move on to her real task at hand. The Acid rain would put Sinali into a KO status and need that insect to save her master. Jannaline however was going to be dealt with now.

    She lifted her ring in her hand and activated it to control fate and chaos. Soon it would seem as any and all forms of magic was gone. Kats Storm Magic, Sinali's Body Magic and Requip were all gone. All that would remain is Katherine's sword and a figure walking to Jannaline's door. Slamming it open Katherine said, "You realize that this could all have been easier if you just gave yourself up to fate. You who are so filled with pride that you forget what being a demigod means have no right to use the weapons that were made for true champions of them. Jannaline Ariel needs to die..." Katherine would attempt to stab between her heart and lung to finish Jannaline off. There was no defenses anymore, just a simple blade in Jannalines body that would remove her connection to Hephaestus weapons. They would return to the master now, but Katherine would whisper in Janna's ear. "However I am taking away all your darkness in your soul to reveal your true power. In essence I am killing old Janna off to bring out your heritage which you know was the opposite. Be thankful that I am merciful dear, because your lose should have cost your life. If you survive this then I hope we meet again.~"

    Katherine would then walk away from the grisly scene of carnage. A;; the werewolves were taken care off due to the spells Katherine let off, all the Garm littered battlefield and the 2 Savage Skull members basically left for others of their members to find. She stumbled back to Eclipse Soul bleeding all over the entrance carpet and through the front steps before Fate whiplash hit her and she coughed blood. Passing out at the front of the guildhall while chuckling, "Heh got the Savage Skull bastards before they got me..."


     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 P5l7Dxp
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Janneline Ariel 20th December 2014, 7:55 am

    The arrow hit her. It hit her. It had worked, the armor was no less than a real feat, it was amazing. A smile spread on Janna's face, her face achieving a momentary expression of satisfaction and triumph, something that appeared very often even on the face of cold ice-blocks like herself. However, her smile dissapeared as she saw the Garm melting to death. She didn't care about the creatures; Her master, Harrigan, could always create more, but they had helped her and Sinali a lot, and, in a sense, had saved their ass in a desperate situation. Poor creatures. However, there was more to worry about than only the Garm. The Angel girl, the name of whom Janna did not know, and did not need to know, got up and approached her, her eyes radiating something Janna's own had radiated earlier. Anger and duty. For a second, Janna saw how the two of them were too similar, but then she shook her head, concentrating on the woman entirely.

    Something weird happened, and, as if per art of magic, Janna's weaponry and armory dissapeared, leaving her, a fragile girl in a ripped white dress, bleeding. Suddenly feeling the pain much clearer than before, the ReQuipper took her hand to her waist, trying to stop the blood. Staring at the Angel girl with wide eyes, red orbs expressing curiosity and fear, she wondered how the hell did the angel girl move. She was so badly wounded that she wasn't supposed to move. And for some reason she was not able to move. Staring at the silhouette of the woman, she tried to yell for her to go away before she killed her, and even attempted to summon a sword, but nothing came out, nor from her mouth or in her hand. One thing was left for her to do; Recieve the blow the angel girl would assess her with pride. She was no coward; she wouldn't run away. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being filled with Pride. It kept me alive for so many years. She stated, her voice cocky and arrogant. At least she would face death with a smile on her face. A cocky one at that. Come on, Kill me. I'll make sure to tell everyone in hell that I was the bitch who got your arm, Angel. She grinned. Y'know, I gotta build a reputation there. It's the place I'm gonna spend the eternity at, so why not enjoy it, at least?

    Taking the blow, she felt incredible pain in the place where the sword had pierced her. So that's what felt all her enemies whenever she did that to them, huh? It was not a pleasant feeling to say. Falling on her knees, she quickly put a hand on the cut, coughing. Her mind was a tornado of thoughts, although one image just kept appearing in her mind. It was not her master's. It was not Sinali's. It was not Aedre's. It wasn't even Nyx's. It was Elijah's. A small tear rolled on her cheek, making it the first time Janna cried in years. She never got to tell him that she wasn't just interested in him, but that she loved him. It was ridiculous. She had fallen so hard for him, that she couldn't help but think of him now.

    After that, she fell unconscious, with a simple phrase on her lips. A phrase so simple, yet with a meaning so powerful and beautiful. She was right when she thought that Loving is to Destroy, and that to be Loved is to be Destroyed. Right then, she was destroyed by thoughts of sadness. Of thoughts that she would never see him again. How would he react when he found out she was dead.

    I love you...

    However, she was not dead, although even She herself did not know it. As the Angel girl dissapeared, a figure appeared. It was a woman of exceptional beauty, that seemed to emanate light from her sole body. Her white locks fell on her shoulders like a waterfall of light, and, if one stared at them long enough, they looked like that. Her revealing tunic let everyone see her beautifully shaped body, flawless, with milky soft skin. Walking towards the blonde girl, she crouched, staring at her, her eyes filled with sadness. I have arrived on time, Gladly. My dear, she is about to die. I cannot permit that, not her. Getting up, the woman walked towards Sinali, taking her body too, and walking towards the Savage Skull guildhall. She was so elegant, so graceful, it was as if she was perfect. She illuminated the whole scene with her sole presence, letting the horrid sight visible. Gladly, the Savage Skull guildhall wasn't far, and, as much as the mysterious woman disliked visiting such a dark place, she was forced to, if she wanted the blonde girl, Janna, and her companion to remain alive. She didn't really care about the child, but in the same time, she didn't want her to die; she had the appearance of a child, after all. And Janna... she was too valious to the woman to die.

    As she arrived at the gates, a yellow cat greeted her. A golden glow appearing around its small, simple structure, the cat quickly turned into a big, nemean lion, staring at the white haired woman with respect. Are they alive? He asked in a language so ancient it sounded surreal. The white haired woman nodded, placing the two bodies on top of the nemean lion. I will take care of them from now on, Miss Hemera.

    Hemera nodded, a smille on her lips as she tucked a lock of blonde hair behind Janna's ear, although, for some reason, the girl's hair was getting quickly darker and longer. Thank you. I cannot afford losing my apprentice yet, not so soon, at least. With that, and with a blinding shine of light, Hemera dissapeared, and Isao ran inside the guild, taking the two pillars to the healer, or to Harrigan; both would do.

    OC; Ignore the post count in my posts; It's screwed up.

    MP: 30%
    HP: 10% <- The HP is so low mainly due to plot reasons.


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

     Shine Like the Moon! | Job | Sinali & Janneline - Page 2 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

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